Third Session, 42nd Parliament – 2022
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock)
- As subject
- Ali, Tahmeena
- Ambulance service
- Andrews, Beryl
- Arts and culture
- Blume, Uli
- B.C. by region
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. Psychological Association
- Budget debate 155B:1645-1710
- Budgets
- Buena Vista Lodge
- future of facility's mental health care beds 244B:1055
- Carbon tax
- Carrier-Sekani Family Services
- Chen, Katrina
- Chief coroner
- Child care
- Children and youth
- children with support needs
- children with support needs, service model change
- Consumers
- COVID-19 impact
- Crime and criminals
- Dhalla, Saleema
- comments on violent incidents in long-term-care facilities 242B:1025
- Directions Youth Services
- Disabled persons
- community living services
- Discrimination and racism
- Dix, Adrian
- response to issues in health system and call for resignation 236B:1405-1410
- Economy
- Education
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness and response
- Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- Fathers, Helen, service as councillor 150B:1350
- Film industry
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Food Delivery Service Fee Act (Bill 33)
- Foundry
- Fraser Health Authority
- Freedom of information
- Fuel
- Guru Nanak Institute of Global Studies
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- Health Committee
- Health Ministry
- minister, response to issues in health system and call for resignation 236B:1405-1410
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Highway 99
- Housing
- affordable housing
- supportive housing
- Introductions by members 143B:1340, 197B:1340, 204B:1340, 208B:1330-1335, 212B:1015, 214B:1000, 216B:1010, 223B:1005, 229B:1350, 246B:1340, 253B:1340
- Joe, Jamie
- Justice system
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- government announcement on new approach 195B:1050
- Klassen, Ernie
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Lutke, Angela
- child care operations and application for fee reduction initiative 176B:1520
- McKenzie, Karin
- comments on community living services 219B:1120
- Maternity and pregnancy
- Members of Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
- Mental health
- Mental Health Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- estimates debate 170A:1120-1145, 171A:1455-1650, 173A:1445, 173A:1540-1755, 174A:1105-1145, 175A:1420-1500
- budget 155B:1655-1700
- budget and funding 155B:1430
- budget and service plan 156B:1100, 174A:1120-1130, 175A:1455
- communications 155B:1655, 171A:1630-1650
- mandate 173A:1655, 173A:1710-1715, 175A:1425
- responsibility for substance use recovery facilities 173A:1710-1715
- Mental Health Week
- Motions
- Nanaimo
- National Addictions Awareness Week
- Nurses
- training for prescription of addiction treatment medication 171A:1535-1555
- Oral questions
- Access to family physicians 174B:1030-1035
- Access to family physicians and primary health care services 187B:1425-1430
- Access to information and minister's advisory council on children with support needs 150B:1415
- Action on gas prices 166B:1405, 202B:1025
- Affordability issues and transit fares 173B:1410-1415
- Ambulance response times and service management 236B:1405-1410
- Child care fees and subsidies for child care providers 176B:1520-1525
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 184B:1040-1045, 195B:1050
- Death of community living client and prior access to supports 219B:1120-1125
- Funding for Directions Youth Detox services 180B:1355
- Government response to overdose deaths 143B:1420-1425
- Health Committee terms of reference and timeline 170B:1100-1105
- New Foundry centres and integrated child and youth teams 156B:1100-1105
- Overdose deaths and funding for mental health and addiction services 155B:1430
- Rebate for renters 239B:1515
- Residential mental health care beds in White Rock 244B:1055
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 169B:1415, 197B:1430, 226B:1055
- Seismic upgrades for schools and government funding priorities 212B:1115-1120
- Service model change for children with support needs and consultation process 191B:1040
- Service model change for children with support needs and funding for autism services 246B:1425
- Supply chain issues and access to baby formula 205B:1040
- Passenger Transportation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022 (Bill 40)
- Peace Arch Hospital
- Physicians
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Privilege
- reserving right to raise matter of privilege 211B:1435
- Property Law Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 12)
- Provincial Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 42)
- Psychotherapists and counsellors
- Rental housing
- Restaurant and food services industry
- Robinson, Selina
- comments on salary holdbacks for cabinet ministers 155B:1645
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Safety
- public safety
- community safety issues and government response 195B:1050
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- School district 42 (Maple Ridge–Pitt Meadows)
- School districts
- Schools
- Sikh community
- SkyTrain
- Sources Foundation
- transition house for victims of violence 221B:1150
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- Broadway subway line to Arbutus
- marketing strategy and partnership with Rogers Arena and Vancouver Canucks 192A:1305-1315
- Mayors Council, consideration of mobility pricing 192A:1340
- Sports and recreation
- Statements by members
- Sturko, Elenore
- Substance use and addiction
- awareness and action on issues 250B:1400
- awareness and stigma, Stop the Stigma campaign 171A:1630-1650
- facilities
- opioid replacement therapies
- opioid use
- overdoses
- death review panel report recommendations and implementation 169B:1415, 170A:1120-1145, 170B:1100-1105, 171A:1455-1505, 173A:1700-1710, 197B:1430, 226B:1055
- deaths 171A:1645, 173A:1650, 173A:1715, 175A:1435, 175A:1450
- deaths and government response 143B:1420-1425, 197B:1430, 226B:1055
- government response 169B:1415
- government response and communications 155B:1430
- safe supply
- treatment and recovery services
- youth substance use and addiction
- Surrey
- health care facilities and services
- case re access to emergency services 240B:1125
- Surrey-White Rock constituency and area
- Surrey–White Rock constituency and area
- Todd, Glenn
- legacy in softball and horse racing communities 176B:1515
- Transit services
- Ukraine
- invasion and B.C. support for citizens, fundraising events 207B:1125
- invasion, impact on commodity prices 202B:1025
- Uli's Restaurant
- Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
- mental health and addiction services for youth 180B:1355
- Violence
- gender-based violence, response and prevention 221B:1150
- violence against women
- White Rock
- White Rock Pride Society
- Workers Compensation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022 (Bill 41)
Heyman, Hon. George (Vancouver-Fairview)
- As subject
- Air
- Automobiles
- zero-emission and clean vehicles
- British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
- British Columbia Wildfire Service
- Cannabis
- Carbon tax
- Carbon taxes
- Cheakamus community forest
- CleanBC plan
- accountability report and targets 192A:1415-1420, 196A:1350, 196A:1450-1500
- industry fund and incentive program 192A:1535-1710, 194A:1450-1515, 196A:1535-1545
- natural gas component 194A:1450, 194A:1630
- plan 191A:1145, 192A:1420-1435, 192A:1520, 229B:1420
- plan and update 184B:1050, 192A:1410-1530, 192A:1550, 192A:1615, 192A:1625, 192A:1705, 194A:1450-1515, 194A:1540-1610, 194A:1625-1630, 194A:1645, 194A:1710-1725, 195A:1100, 196A:1340-1400, 196A:1425, 196A:1450-1520
- plastics action plan component 191A:1145
- Climate change
- Climate Change Accountability Act
- Climate Solutions Council
- Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
- pipeline project
- environmental compliance and enforcement 225B:1430
- Communities
- transit-oriented development
- Consumers
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- action plan for implementation
- implementation, action plan and consultation process 191A:1145, 194A:1810
- Documents tabled
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- 2021-22 report on environmental emergency program 253B:1440
- 2022 report on climate change accountability 253B:1440
- Economy
- sustainable development and transition to low-carbon economy 232B:1430
- Elko dam
- Energy
- clean energy
- power supply
- Environment
- biodiversity
- conservation officers 196A:1425-1435
- environmental assessment process
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- Environmental Assessment Act, 2018
- Environmental Management Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Finance Ministry
- Fires and firefighters
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Food security
- Forests and forest industry
- community forests
- old-growth forests
- pest control and management
- Fuel
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- emissions from sectors
- emissions inventory 192A:1450-1455, 192A:1600, 192A:1620, 194A:1615-1620, 194A:1640-1645, 196A:1500
- reduction 194A:1500-1515
- reduction targets 184B:1050, 192A:1410-1525, 194A:1500-1505, 194A:1635, 196A:1450-1455, 196A:1520
- Heatwaves
- Introductions by members 183B:1335, 187B:1335, 216B:1010, 217B:1455, 218B:1340-1345, 219B:1015, 226B:1005
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Land, Water and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Low Carbon Fuels Act (Bill 15)
- Lytton, B.C.
- Malahat Investment Corp.
- Bamberton quarry expansion proposal and environmental assessment 244B:1035-1040
- Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Development Corporation (MST-DC)
- consultation on extension of Broadway subway to UBC 192A:1335
- Oil and gas
- lobbyists for industry, relationship with government 232B:1430
- Oral questions (response)
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project environmental compliance and enforcement 225B:1430
- Environmental assessment for Bamberton quarry expansion proposal 244B:1040
- Government action on climate change and policies on LNG development 160B:1045-1050, 184B:1050
- Government action on climate change and relationship with oil and gas industry lobbyists 232B:1430
- Government action on climate change and transition to clean economy 229B:1420
- Parks
- Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Shawnigan Lake
- contaminated soil disposal site closure plan 194A:1800
- SkyTrain
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- Transit services
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- role and responsibilities
- transit infrastructure and services 192A:1325
- Waste management
- environmental cleanup and reclamation 192A:1710
- hazardous wastes
- sewage systems and raw sewage disposal 195A:1105-1110
- Water
- Watersheds
- Weaver, Andrew
- comments on CleanBC plan and update 184B:1050
- Wood waste
Horgan, Hon. John (Langford–Juan de Fuca)
- As subject
- cancer experience (Leonard) 169B:1820-1825 (Starchuk) 179B:1005
- comments on carbon tax as opposition MLA in 2008 (Milobar) 170B:1040
- comments on issues
- message of thanks and appreciation for Tony's emails re cancer treatment 142B:1500
- role as Chair of Council of the Federation 194B:1405
- Abbott, George
- book on Liberal government policies 187B:1405
- Address by Indigenous leaders 239B:1415-1425
- Alcohol
- suspension of sale of Russian liquor 159B:1350
- Ambulance service
- Arts and culture
- Automobile insurance
- Bond, Shirley
- B.C. Investment Management Corporation
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- Carbon tax
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change
- Consumers
- Council of the Federation
- COVID-19 economic recovery
- COVID-19 impact
- Crime and criminals
- drug dealers, operations 143B:1415
- illegal drug trade, prevention and enforcement 169B:1410
- de Jong, Michael
- Dix, Adrian
- Energy
- international energy supply
- Evraz PLC
- Russian ownership and operations in Canada 162B:1410
- Falcon, Kevin
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Freedom of information
- Fuel
- Government
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care funding
- Health care system
- government action on issues 211B:1430
- government action on issues, collaboration 222B:1430
- government action on issues, federal role 222B:1430
- government investment and initiatives 211B:1415
- impact of demographic trends 194B:1405-1410
- primary health care
- Health Committee
- Immigration
- immigrants to B.C., need for government services 194B:1405-1410
- refugees
- Ukrainian refugees settling in Canada 159B:1350
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- Inflation
- Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- Introductions by members 143B:1335-1340, 169B:1330-1335, 187B:1355-1400, 208B:1335, 211B:1340, 222B:1335, 233B:1000-1005, 236B:1335
- Justice system
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- Legislature
- committee system
- language used in House
- opposition
- question period
- Liquefied natural gas development
- LNG Canada facility project
- Local government elections
- Lytton
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Motions
- Museums
- Oil and gas
- Oral questions (response)
- Personal statements
- Apology for comments made in the House 187B:1650
- Physicians
- collective agreement and bargaining 211B:1430
- family physicians
- Premier's Office
- Rental housing
- Royal B.C. Museum
- Russia
- business investments, cancellation and divestment 162B:1405-1410
- energy supply
- St. Paul's Hospital
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- portable use and new school facilities 211B:1430
- Schools
- Statements
- Substance use and addiction
- overdoses
- safe supply
- treatment and recovery services
- Taxation
- Tegart, Jackie
- access to information on rebuilding of Lytton and non-disclosure agreement 150B:1415
- Transit services
- Ukraine
- Union of B.C. Municipalities
- discussion on collaboration between political parties 222B:1430
- Wages and salaries
- Western Premiers Conference