Third Session, 42nd Parliament – 2022
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Lee, Michael (Vancouver-Langara)
- Advanced Education and Skills Training Ministry
- Anti-Racism Data Act (Bill 24)
- Attorney General Ministry and Minister Responsible for Housing
- Black, Jaime
- REDress project for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls 198B:1025
- B.C. Hydro
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- B.C. NDP government
- B.C. Transportation Financing Authority
- B.C. Utilities Commission
- Cannabis Control and Licensing Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 30)
- Chief Delgamuukw (Earl Muldon)
- Indigenous advocacy, leadership and legacy 143B:1405
- Communities
- Consumers
- Crime and criminals
- crime in communities
- crime in communities, handling of cases by justice system 176B:1540-1545
- de Jong, Michael
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- Dickinson, John
- Discrimination and racism
- anti-Semitic hatred and violence 191B:1015
- definition 250A:1520-1555
- discrimination and violence against transgender persons 172B:1025-1030
- racism against Indigenous persons 223B:1110
- racism against Indigenous persons in health care system
- Eby, David
- meeting request from First Nations re Olympic bid proposal 243B:1415-1420
- Energy
- clean energy
- independent power projects, First Nations communities 189A:1655-1800
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Ministry
- Energy Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 37)
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- First Nations Summit
- First Peoples Cultural Council
- Fuel
- Gambling
- Gaming Control Act (Bill 32)
- George Pearson Centre
- Haber, Serge, experience as Holocaust survivor and community advocacy work 253B:1400
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- issues of inclusion and systemic discrimination and racism
- patient care complaint process
- protections and supports for patients 237B:1105
- services for Indigenous persons and communities
- Health Ministry
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- debate 236B:1810-1820, 237B:1100-1115, 243A:1725-1815, 244A:1125-1145, 245A:1340-1400, 245A:1520-1530, 245A:1720-1800, 246A:1510-1535, 250A:1515-1610, 250A:1730-1735, 250A:1805-1810, 250A:1825-1830, 250A:1840, 250A:2000-2005, 250A:2015, 250A:2025-2040, 253C:1850
- consultation with Indigenous peoples 236B:1810, 237B:1100-1105, 243A:1725-1805, 245A:1340-1400
- debate on bill 250A:1515
- definitions
- provisions on Indigenous cultural safety and anti-discrimination 243A:1755-1805
- provisions on Indigenous issues and consultation 237B:1105-1110, 246A:1510-1535
- provisions on Indigenous issues and implementation of DRIPA action plan 244A:1130-1145
- regulations and regulation-making powers 236B:1820
- Health regulatory colleges
- accountability, conduct requirements re discriminatory conduct 250A:1605-1610
- complaint process
- quality assurance process and assessments 250A:2000-2015
- Holocaust remembrance 191B:1015
- Housing
- affordable housing
- supportive housing
- Human rights code
- Income assistance
- employment programs, single-parent employment initiative 218A:1720
- Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ministry
- Indigenous Self-Government in Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 38)
- debate 248B:1340-1545, 252A:1605-1710, 252A:1755-1800, 252A:1810-1850, 252A:1905-2025, 253A:1515-1555, 253A:1605, 253A:1645-1650, 253A:1705-1730, 253A:1745-1750-1910, 253A:1925, 253A:1940-1955, 253A:2005-2020, 253A:2030-2140, 254A:1110-1145, 255A:1330-1435
- International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, definition of anti-Semitism 191B:1015
- Introductions by members 208B:1350, 213B:1445, 222B:1335, 225B:1350, 229B:1345, 231B:1445, 250B:1340
- Investment
- environmental, social and governmental considerations 201C:1600
- Jewish persons
- community organizations and leadership 253B:1400
- Jewish Seniors Alliance of Greater Vancouver
- Judicial Review Procedure Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Justice system
- bail system and release from custody 228B:1130
- Crown counsel
- handling of cases involving repeat offenders
- Labour
- community benefits agreement
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Lacerte, Sage and Raven
- role in Indigenous anti-violence campaign 204B:1350
- Land use
- Land, Water and Resource Stewardship Ministry
- Langara College
- Lee, Pauline
- Legislation
- development, role of Indigenous persons and consultation process 243A:1725-1805
- Long-term and residential care
- Low Carbon Fuels Act (Bill 15)
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- Métis
- wildlife management and traditional hunting rights 201C:1450
- Métis Nation British Columbia
- Mineral Tenure Act
- Mines and mining industry
- Ministerial statements (response)
- Action plan for Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act 176B:1355-1400
- Chief Delgamuukw 143B:1405
- National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People 223B:1110-1115
- Red Dress Day and remembrance of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people 198B:1025
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit persons
- Motions
- Municipal Affairs Ministry
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 4) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 2)
- National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People
- National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Women and Girls
- National inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls 198B:1025
- New Leaf project, poverty reduction initiative 218A:1720
- Olympic Games
- 2030 Winter Games and Paralympic Games
- Oral questions
- 2030 Winter Olympics bid proposal and role of First Nations 243B:1415-1420
- Action on gas prices 167B:1050
- Community safety in Vancouver and supports for persons with complex care needs 176B:1540-1545
- Community safety in Vancouver's Chinatown 204B:1425-1430
- Crime in communities and handling of cases by justice system 181B:1025, 188B:1035-1040
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 229B:1410-1415
- Review panel report on drug toxicity deaths and implementation of recommendations 180B:1410
- Supportive housing and services for persons with complex care needs 184B:1050
- Pivot Legal Society
- comments at Vancouver city council meeting 204B:1430
- Post-secondary education
- Poverty
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Real estate industry
- Rental housing
- Resources and resource industries
- land and resource management
- Royal B.C. Museum
- relationship with Indigenous communities and handling of Indigenous artifacts 214B:1115
- replacement project 214B:1110-1115
- Safety
- Sayers, Judith
- comments on implementation of drug toxicity death review panel recommendations 180B:1410
- Schools
- Sexual violence
- sexual violence against Indigenous persons 235B:1045
- Skilled Trades BC Act (Bill 4)
- Social Development and Poverty Reduction Ministry
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- Broadway subway line to Arbutus
- Canada Line, additional stations 192A:1340-1350
- Mayors Council, Broadway subway extension to UBC 192A:1330
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- Broadway subway line to Arbutus
- Statements
- Birthday greetings for Mike de Jong 229B:1345
- Statements by members
- Indigenous history and reconciliation 218B:1415
- Moose Hide anti-violence campaign 204B:1350
- Serge Haber and Jewish Seniors Alliance 253B:1400
- Yom HaShoah and Holocaust remembrance 191B:1015
- Steering Committee on the Modernization of Health Professional Regulations
- Substance use and addiction
- overdoses
- death review panel report recommendations and implementation 180B:1410
- Sunset Community Centre
- Sunset Community Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
- T'eVine
- Transit services
- Transportation Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 16)
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- role and responsibilities
- transit infrastructure and services 192A:1325
- Tributes
- Tsilhqot'in Nation
- response to museum replacement project 214B:1115
- Vancouver
- Chinatown
- city government
- crime and community safety issues 176B:1540
- housing developments by First Nations 196B:1535
- Vancouver, B.C.
- community safety issues and violent attacks 228B:1155
- Vancouver-Langara constituency and area
- Violence
- violence against Indigenous women and children
- violence against Indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse persons
- violence against Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit persons
- von Holtum, Dave, experience with long-term care and access to home care program 208C:1750
- Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs and Office of the Wet'suwet'en
- Wet'suwet'en Nation
- Wildlife Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 14)
- Women
- Woodwards Community Housing
Leonard, Ronna-Rae (Courtenay-Comox)
- As subject
- appointment as Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole (Farnworth) 142B:1455
- family occupations and skills training 169B:1835
- Agriculture
- farmers
- farmland
- financial assistance and insurance programs, disaster recovery programs 214B:1040
- Automobiles
- taxation
- tax on sale of electric and zero-emission vehicles 169B:1835
- tax on sale of used vehicles 169B:1840
- Black Canadians
- Black History Month 159B:1335
- B.C. NDP government
- Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2022 (Bill 6)
- Budgets
- Child care
- Children and youth
- CleanBC plan
- Comox Bay
- Kus-kus-sum project and restoration of ecosystem 230B:1025
- Comox Valley
- women's shelters and transition housing and services 198B:1015
- youth climate action groups 193B:1125
- Comox Valley Community Justice Centre
- Comox Valley Transition Society
- Corrections system
- COVID-19 impact and government response
- Crystal, Rio
- Discrimination and racism
- Economy
- Edwards, James (Stocky)
- Food and food industry
- government initiatives and funding 214B:1045
- locally grown and produced food, government support and initiatives 214B:1045
- Food security
- Forest Enhancement Society of B.C.
- Forests and forest industry
- First Nations involvement in industry 249B:1030
- industry
- pulp and paper sector
- timber pricing 249B:1030
- Fuel
- Government
- Health care system
- travel assistance program, expansion, petition tabled 251B:1105
- Heidrick, Bill
- Horgan, John
- Housing
- supportive housing
- temporary housing and shelters 198B:1015
- Introductions by members 176B:1450, 177B:1020, 180B:1335, 188B:1005, 230B:1005, 230B:1025, 250B:1345
- Jamieson, Jay
- K'ómoks First Nation
- involvement in ecosystem restoration project 230B:1025
- Kruger Inc.
- Kuo, Jaylene
- video on inclusivity in Comox Valley schools 193B:1125
- Leonard, Cory
- LGBTQ2S community
- transgender, gender-diverse and two-spirit community
- Lung health
- Motions
- Petitions
- health care travel assistance program, expansion 251B:1105
- Post-secondary education
- government investment and initiatives 193B:1125
- Post-secondary institutions
- Prince, Fran
- Private members' statements (response)
- School district 71 (Comox Valley)
- Skills training
- government investment and initiatives 193B:1125
- trades training
- Speculation and vacancy tax
- exemptions, flood- or landslide-damaged properties 169B:1840
- Statements by members
- Bill Heidrick 173B:1355
- Black History Month and prevention of racism 159B:1335
- Comox Valley Community Justice Centre and restorative justice 239B:1440
- Comox Valley Transition Society 198B:1015
- Kus-kus-sum project and restoration of Comox Bay ecosystem 230B:1025
- Lung transplant program and experience of MLA's brother 215B:1350-1355
- Transgender Day of Remembrance event at Weird Church in Cumberland 250B:1355-1400
- Transgender Day of Remembrance
- Tributes
- Vancouver General Hospital
- Weird Church
Letnick, Norm (Kelowna–Lake Country)
- As subject
- collaborative approach to work as cabinet minister 236B:1610
- experience as municipal councillor and MLA 157B:1300-1305, 157B:1320
- participation in health professional regulation steering committee and consultation process 236B:1735
- role as designated speaker on health professional legislation 236B:1605
- Automobiles
- Baker, James
- Bremner, Marion
- B.C. by region
- Budget debate 157B:1300-1330
- Budgets
- Campbell, Gordon, introduction of HST to caucus 157B:1320
- Central Okanagan Region Nutritional Society
- Consumers
- COVID-19 impact
- Discrimination and racism
- discrimination against LGBTQ2S persons 209B:1010
- racism against Indigenous persons in health care system
- Education and Child Care Ministry
- Emergencies
- emergency preparedness and response
- Environment
- Families
- Fuel
- gasoline
- price increase and government action 232B:1455
- Government
- Harmonized sales tax
- introduction after 2009 election and government handling 157B:1320
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care professionals and workers
- communications, information on health services and products 248A:1555-1605
- governance and oversight
- office of the superintendent
- Health care system
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Health regulatory colleges
- Heatwaves
- Highway 97
- Highways and roads
- Income Tax Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 35)
- Inflation
- Interest rates
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- Introductions by members 208B:1335, 212B:1005, 230B:1010, 250B:1345
- Kelowna
- Kelowna–Lake Country constituency and area
- constituent concerns re affordability and housing 157B:1330
- highways and roads, improvements 157B:1325-1330
- rental housing, affordability and availability 157B:1325
- Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
- Legislature
- LGBTQ2S community
- Morrison, Janice
- comments on role and scope of pharmacists 242B:1055
- Mort, Michael
- comments on experience living without a family doctor 242B:1055
- Okanagan area
- Pharmacists
- Police and policing
- Prayers and reflections 150B:1330, 174B:1000, 218B:1330, 233B:1000, 244B:1000
- Prescription drugs
- prescription process and role of pharmacists 242B:1050
- Private members' statements (response)
- Property Law Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 12)
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Real estate industry
- housing market
- interest rates and affordability 157B:1310
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- School district 23 (Central Okanagan)
- Schools
- Statements by members
- Steering Committee on the Modernization of Health Professional Regulations
- Taxation
- Trade
- Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry
- Ukraine
- Vancouver-Quilchena constituency and area
Lore, Grace (Victoria–Beacon Hill)
- As subject
- appreciation for family, constituency staff and community 161B:1430
- family connection to Ukraine 161B:1410
- role as Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity 161B:1420-1430
- vote in division on Nov. 3 motion without notice (Speaker) 248B:1715
- Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness
- Abortion
- Anti-Racism Data Act (Bill 24)
- Arts and culture
- B.C. Arts Council
- resilience funding and arts impact grants 183B:1355
- B.C. Liberal Party
- performance as government
- Budget debate 161B:1410-1435
- Budgets
- Child care
- Climate change
- Coldest Night of the Year
- COVID-19 impact
- Cuba, Alex
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
- action plan for implementation
- Discrimination and racism
- awareness and prevention
- discrimination against LGBTQ2S persons 221B:1125-1130
- discriminatory language 193B:1030
- homophobia, transphobia and biphobia 207B:1030
- racism against Indigenous persons in health care system, report and response 235B:1035
- sexism and discrimination against women 221B:1125-1130
- systemic discrimination
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy Ministry
- relationship with First Nations communities 235B:1035
- Equal Pay Reporting Act (Bill M202)
- Ferraby, Al
- fundraising for CFAX Santas Anonymous 215B:1340
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- First speeches by members 161B:1410-1435
- Forests and forest industry
- old-growth forests
- tenure reallocation
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care professionals and workers
- Health care system
- issues of inclusion and systemic racism, cultural safety 236B:1800
- services for Indigenous persons and communities, access to Indigenous health practices and medicines 236B:1805
- Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36)
- Health regulatory colleges
- Homelessness
- Housing
- accessible housing for disabled persons 161B:1410
- affordable housing
- complex-care housing 161B:1415
- culturally supportive housing 193B:1035
- HousingHub initiative
- supportive housing
- temporary housing and shelters 221B:1125
- Howe Sound Women's Centre Society
- Information and communications technology
- high-speed Internet service
- service expansion for rural and remote communities 161B:1430
- International Transgender Day of Visibility
- International Women's Day
- Introductions by members 166B:1340, 177B:1005, 196B:1405, 208B:1340-1345, 218B:1715, 219B:1015, 230B:1010, 232B:1340, 242B:1100, 250B:1345, 251B:1015, 253B:1340-1345
- Justice system
- Ksan Society
- support services for survivors of sexualized violence 221B:1125
- LGBTQ2S community
- Members of the Legislative Assembly
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- services for First Nations and Indigenous communities 193B:1035
- Mortgage Services Act (Bill 29)
- Motions
- Native Courtworker and Counselling Association
- Oak Bay Half Marathon
- race event and fundraising by participant 215B:1340
- Orca Book Publishers
- Order of B.C.
- Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equality
- Peers Victoria Resources Society
- Politics and politicians
- Post-secondary institutions
- Prayers and reflections 155B:1330, 225B:1330
- Prince George
- housing, affordable and safe housing 221B:1130
- Private members' statements
- Private members' statements (response)
- Public service
- Women in government
- pay equity, gender and diversity-based analysis 165B:1105
- Rental housing
- government initiatives 161B:1410
- protections and support for tenants
- purpose-built rental housing
- Reproduction
- women's right to make reproductive choices 195B:1015
- Royal B.C. Museum
- School districts
- sexual orientation and gender policies 207B:1030
- Sexual violence
- Sports and recreation
- hockey, sexual violence response and prevention 237B:1025
- Statements by members
- Theatre SKAM
- Tourism
- Industry, government funding and support 161B:1425
- Tributes
- U.S. Supreme Court
- draft opinion on Roe v. Wade abortion rights ruling 195B:1015
- Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees
- Victoria
- Victoria–Beacon Hill constituency and area
- Violence
- Wages and salaries
- Women