Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Tributyltin


See: 2- (thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole


See: Travel industry development subsidiary agreement


See: Tri-University Meson Facility

Tachiex Road

Paving, cancellation of (Kempf) 8068

Tackama Forest Products Ltd.

Loan to (Clark) 8415 (Couvelier) 8412, 8413, 8415 (Williams) 8413

Mentioned: (Williams) 7583

Tahltan Development Corp.

Funding for (Weisgerber) 8031

Tahltan Indian band

Golden Bear mine, employment in (Weisgerber) 5673, 5675

Land-use agreement with (Guno) 6358 (Smith, S.D.) 6298, 6360, 6524

Road building projects (Weisgerber) 8067

Mentioned: (Guno) 8707 (Smith, S.D.) 6380

Tahsis, B.C.

Woss, road to (Gabelmann) 6743

Zeballos, road link to (Gabelmann) 6743


B.C. Trade Development Corporation office (Gabelmann) 7730, 7730-1 (Jansen, J.) 7730, 7731

Drift-net fishing. See entries under Fishing

Steel mill. See entries under Steel industry and trade

Takeshita, Noboru

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 5585

Takla Lake, B.C.

School, construction of (Vant) 5622

Talstra, Jack

Letter quoted (Kempf) 7443

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780

Tangent Oil and Gas Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) 6804


Oil tankers (Edwards) 8738 (Smith, S.D.) 5923 (Strachan) 8155 (Vander Zalm) 5946

Task Force on Employment and Job Training

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8373

Task Force on Public Legal Services

Recommendations (Sihota) 6347, 6354, 6372, 6375 (Smith, S.D.) 6331, 6350

Task Force on the Environment and the Economy

Appointments to (Strachan) 8074-5

Establishment of (Couvelier) 5770 (Loenen) 5615 (Serwa) 5733 (Strachan) 5609, 8073, 8074 (Vander Zalm) 5761

Recommendations (Kempf) 7655 (Strachan) 8075 (Vander Zalm) 8657

Report (Kempf) 7654 (Strachan) 8075

Round table, recommendation re. See entries under Environmental protection

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7183 (Messmer) 5682 (Weisgerber) 5676


Concessions to corporations (Marzari) 7348, 7349-50, 7349, 7350

Fairness of (Clark) 5778-9 (Sihota) 5848-9, 5850 (Smith, S.D.) 5921

Increase in (Barlee) 6877 (Blencoe) 6879 (Boone) 5895 (Clark) 5774, 5778 (Jansen, G.) 7013 (Kempf) 5880 (Pullinger) 5889 (Smallwood) 5938

Industry, tax incentives to (Harcourt) 5608

Level of in B.C. (Couvelier) 7014

Level of in B.C. and federal budget (Couvelier) A. 6210 (Harcourt) Q. 6210

Reduction in (Smith, S.D.) 5920

Tax burden (Clark) 5779, 6168 (Sihota) 5849

Tax expenditures, concerns re (Clark) 7565

Tax freedom day (Mercier) 5597-8

See also names of taxes, e.g. Income tax

Taxation (Rural Area) Act

Amendment to (Couvelier) 7581

Statement under section 23 tabled (Couvelier) 5653

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6910


Access for handicapped (Lovick) 7082 (Ree) 7082

Smoking in taxis, ban on (Rogers) 5695

Taylor, E.P.

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 7017

Taylor, Marie

Pension (Rose) 6046, 6050

Taylor family

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612

Teacher education

See: Teachers, Training of

Teacher-pupil ratio

See: Class size

Teacher: Newsmagazine of the B.C. Teachers' Federation

Quoted (Hagen, A.) 8287


Assistants to (Brummet) 8116, 8186, 8210-1, 8213, 8214-5, 8262 (Cashore) 8213-4 (Clark) 8209-10 (Hagen, A.) 8011, 8205-7, 8260-1 (Marzari) 8215, 8261-2 (Sihota) 8109, 8207-9 (Smallwood) 8212-3, 8213 (Smith, S.D.) 8214

Assistants to, accountability of (Sihota) 8109

Assistants to, employment of and collective agreements (Brummet) 8265, 8266 (Hagen, A.) 8265, 8266 (Marzari) 8265, 8266

Assistants to, employment of, provision for in School Act (Brummet) 8210, 8261 (Clark) 8210 (Hagen, A.) 8261 (Sihota) 8209, 8210

Assistants to, employment of, source of request for provision for (Smallwood) 8212

Assistants to, instructors in native languages (Brummet) 8210

Assistants to, purpose of (Rose) 8115

Assistants to, role of (Marzari) 8185

Assistants to, role of in strike situation (Rose) 8114

Assistants to, supervision of (Hagen, A.) 8206

Assistants to, use of (Brummet) 8211

Collective agreements (Brummet) 8264 (Hagen, A.) 8264 (Marzari) 8266

Collective bargaining process, exclusions from (Brummet) 8118 (Sihota) 8110

Duties of, Education minister's powers re (Brummet) 8200, 8201 (Hagen, A.) 8200, 8200-1, 8201

Extracurricular activities (Brummet) 8201 (Hagen, A.) 8201

General interest courses, teaching of (Brummet) 8263 (Edwards) 8263

Government's attitude to (Brummet) 8117 (Rose) 8114

Hiring of, affirmative action programs (Sihota) 8110

Labour dispute mentioned (Sihota) 6972

Morale (Rose) 8115

Northern schools, teachers for (Guno) 7491

Preparation time, collective bargaining negotiations re (Sihota) 8110-1

Principals and vice-principals, teaching by and union agreement (Brummet) 8266

Private school teachers, requirement for certification (Brummet) 8309, 8310 (Hagen, A.) 8309, 8310

Professional development days, use of (Brummet) 7486 (Edwards) 7485-6, 7485

Professional standards and School Act (Sihota) 8109-10

Professionalization of profession (Williams) 8284

Responsibilities of, Education minister's powers re (Rose) 8114-5

Retirement of, early retirement program (Brummet) 8116

Shortage of (Brummet) 8116, 8261 (Hagen, A.) 8206 (Rose) 5626, 8115, 8336

Suspension or dismissal, board's powers re (Brummet) 8198, 8199 (Hagen, A.) 8198-9, 8198, 8199

Teachers (Brummet) 8005

Tribute to (Fraser, R.) 7373

Women teachers (Marzari) 8281

Teachers — Salaries, pensions, etc.

Pension plans, funding for (Couvelier) 5767 (Reid) 5840

Salaries, bargaining for (Smith, B.R.) 5707

Salaries, funding for (Brummet) 5928

Salary costs (Hagen, A.) 7369

School District 36, salary increases (Smallwood) 5712

Settlements, level of (Couvelier) 5766

Teachers' Pension Fund, contribution to (Brummet) 7364

Teachers, Training of

Alaska Highway teacher-training program (Brummet) 8116-7, 8261

Faculty for (Rose) 8336

In-service training, funding for (Brummet) 5929

Indian teachers, education program at University of B.C. (Hanson, G.) 7492

Programs, funding for (Brummet) 7363 (Fraser, R.) 7530

Training in north, proposal re (Brummet) 7492 (Guno) 7491

Teaching Profession Act

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 8206, 8264 (Marzari) 8261 (Rose) 8113 (Sihota) 6894

Teamsters' Union

See: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America

Technical assistance

Aid to developing countries (Gabelmann) 7731


Arms industry and technology (Gabelmann) 7721

Science and technology policy (Hagen, S.) 8335 (Perry) 8334

Technologists and technicians, definition of (Rabbitt) 7229

Technologists and technicians, scope of practice (Rabbitt) 7229

Teck Corp.

Mentioned: (Davis) 8478 (Veitch) 7408

Tegenfeldt, John

Mentioned: (Clark) 6414, 6417

Teknos Career Institute, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377

Tektronix Canada Inc.

Mentioned: (Clark) 6413

Telegraph Creek, B.C.

School tax burden (Guno) 7490

Telephone in counselling

See: Hotlines (Counselling)

Television, Cable

See: Cable television

Temporary Use Validation Act

(Bill 82) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 8579; 2R, 8635; C, 8691; 3R, 8692; RA, 8841

Speakers: Couvelier 8579, 8635; Rose 8635

Air lines, planes operated in B.C., sales tax on for period 1960 to 1983 (Couvelier) 8579, 8635

Retroactivity of act (Rose) 8635


See: Landlord and tenant

Teresa (Mother)

Quoted (Jacobsen) 5748

Terkelsen, E.B.M.

Letter quoted (Miller) 6910, 6911

Terra Nova land, Richmond, B.C.

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from (Barlee) 7169, 7170, 7171 (Harcourt) 8659 (Loenen) 7170-1, 7171 (Perry) 8257

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from, appeal to the Environment and Land Use Committee (Barlee) 7171

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from, inquiry into (Harcourt) 8659

Use of (Loenen) 7171

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8662 (Perry) 8256

Terra Nova landfill site, Coquitlam, B.C.

Mentioned: (Perry) 6190

Terrace, B.C.

Legal aid office (Sihota) 6372-3, 6374 (Smith, S.D.) 6332, 6372

Terrace Standard, Terrace, B.C.

Quoted (Guno) 5666

Test tube babies

See: Fertilization in vitro, Human


See: Furans

Texada Island, B.C.

Cement plant (Davis) 8495


Gender stereotyping, removal of (Brummet) 7539, 7540 (Hagen, A.) 7540

Thatcher, Colin

Case mentioned (Smith, S.D.) 6371

Thatcher, Margaret

Mentioned: (Guno) 5665 (Perry) 8257 (Sihota) 6895

Thatcher, Ross

Mentioned: (Perry) 6151


See: Larceny

Third World

See: Developing countries

Thomas, Hilda

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187

Thomas, Peter

B.C. Housing Management Commission, chairmanship of (Richmond) 8796, 8800

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 5679, 5905 (Mowat) 5870 (Richmond) 5899, 7019, 8797, 8814

Thomas, Rai W.

Quoted (Williams) 5744

Mentioned: (Williams) 5861

Thompson, Nancy

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8063 (Marzari) 8583

Thompson River, B.C.

Kamloops, PCB-waste oil tank. See entries under Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd.

Whitewater rafting (Rabbitt) 8292

Thompson Valley Savings Credit Union

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 7697

Thompson-Nicola Manufacturers' Association

Purchasing Commission, work with (Smith, S.D.) 5977

Thompson-Okanagan development region

Estimates 7869, 7870, 7883-4, 7886-8, 7893-4, 7907-9, 7917-22, 7923-4, 7932-7, 7951, 7953-4

Appropriation (Clark) 7918 (Darks) 7934

Appropriation, use of (Darks) 7936-7 (Kempf) 7936

Area included in region (Williams) 7883

Benefits of to Boundary-Similkameen constituency (Messmer) 5680

Economic development (D’Arcy) 7914

Kamloops, funds for (Clark) 7918

Minister of state, appropriation for (Darks) 7869

Minister of state, office of, staff (Darks) 7893 (Williams) 7893

Problems (Smith, S.D.) 7886

Regional development officer, employment of (Darks) 7954 (Kempf) 7954

Regional development officer, salary, expenses (Darks) 7951, 7954 (Kempf) 7937

Regional development officer, status of as civil servant (Kempf) 7954

Regional development officer, vehicle for (Darks) 7951, 7954 (Kempf) 7937

Staff, information re (Clark) 7920 (Darks) 7937 (Kempf) 7937

Task force on mining, members (Clark) 7921 (Darks) 7921

Task force on mining, role of (Darks) 7921

Task force on mining, technical adviser to (Darks) 7921

Task force on transportation, members (Darks) 7921-2 (Williams) 7921

Task forces (Darks) 7869, 7893 (Williams) 7883, 7893

Task forces, representatives from Kamloops (Clark) 7920

Transportation network (Smith, S.D.) 7905, 7907 (Williams) 7906

Transportation plan (Messmer) 5681

Thompson, George M.

Report on social services referred to (Richmond) 8816

Thorne Creek, B.C.

Watershed, logging of (Edwards) 8640

Thorne Ernst and Whinney

Mentioned: (Read) 7421


Dyeing and spinning plant (Jansen, J.) 7701

Three Buoys Houseboat Builders Ltd.

Creditors, assistance to (Janssen, G.) 7685

Failure of (Veitch) 7683

Government share purchase (Marzari) 7350

Liabilities (Janssen, G.) 7683

Loan to (Barlee) 7685 (Janssen, G.) 7683, 7684 (Veitch) 7683, 7684

Property, security for loan (Veitch) 7684


Stomach bitters plant, Oliver (Messmer) 5680-1 (Vander Zalm) 5760

Throne speech

See: Speech from the Throne

Thurow, Lester

Mentioned: (Clark) 6168

Tian Jiyun

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 5585

Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China

Student protest. See entries under China Tidal waves

See: Tsunamis

Timber Export Advisory Committee

Mentioned: (Miller) 8517 (Parker) 8517, 8518

Timber supply areas

See entries under Forest industries

Times-Colonist, Victoria, B.C.

Quoted (Gabelmann) 5872 (Harcourt) 5605 (Jones) 8341-2, 8365 (McCarthy) 6452 (Michael) 5968 (Miller) 8590

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6650 (Cashore) 5659 (Clark) 8405 (Gran) 6761 (Guno) 8031 (Jones) 8347 (Michael) 6237 (Reid) 5838 (Sihota) 6913, 6930 (Smith, B.R.) 7072 (Smith, S.D.) 7617 (Strachan) 5609, 8134

Titanic (Vessel)

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6565 (Rose) 6567

Tlingit people

Mentioned: (Guno) 8707 (Hanson, G.) 7060


Advertisements (Dueck) 8564

Industry (Perry) 8563

Labels on tobacco products (Dueck) 8564

Pipe tobacco, tax on (Smith, B.R.) 5952

Price of (Dueck) 6087

Products, restrictions on (Perry) 8565

Tax rate (Clark) 7161 (Couvelier) 7110-1, 7161 (Perry) 8563

Tax, remitting of (Couvelier) 7111

Tax-paid marking system for tobacco products, authority for (Clark) 7111 (Couvelier) 7111

Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act

See also: Smoking

Tobacco Product Act.

Mentioned: (Perry) 8565

Tobacco Products Control Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Dueck) 8564 (Perry) 8565

Tobacco Restraint Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Perry) 8564

Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 13) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 5775; 2R, 7110-1; C, 7161; 3R, 7161; RA, 7161

Speakers: Clark 7110, 7161; Couvelier 5775, 7110-1, 7161

Tobacco products, tax-paid marking system, authority for (Clark) 7111 (Couvelier) 7111

Tobacco, tax rate (Clark) 7161 (Couvelier) 7110-1, 7161

Tobacco tax, remitting of (Couvelier) 7111

Todd, Eric

Payment to (Sihota) 6353

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6355

Tofino, B.C.

Road to. See: Highway 4

Toigo, Peter

Knight Street Pub, role of in development of (Sihota) 6975

Knight Street Pub, role of in licence application (Hanson, L.) 6976 (Sihota) 6976, 6977

Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong meeting with (Davidson) 8667

McRobbie, Valerie, corporate relationship to (Sihota) Q. 8803

McRobbie, Valerie, financial arrangements with (Sihota) 7613

McRobbie, Valerie, meeting with, investigation into (Sihota) Q. 8803

Vander Zalm, V1! N., discussions with re Delta Media Services Ltd. (Sihota) Q. 7100 (Vander Zalm) A. 7100

Mentioned: (Clark) 8405 (Davidson) 8666 (Harcourt) 8661, 8662 (Sihota) 8725 (Williams) 6183, 7947


Tolerance in Canada (Lovick) 6442-3

Tolko Industries Ltd.

Mentioned: (Parker) 5657


Export of (Savage) 7232

Tonkin, Roger

Mentioned: (Marzari) 6423

Tonn, James

Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778

Topley Landing, B.C.

Crown land, lake lots, Assessment Authority assessed value (Darks) 7955 (Kempf) 7955

Crown land, lake lots, price of (Darks) 7888, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7955 (Kempf) 7885-6, 7889, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7954-5, 7955

Smoking education program in school (Perry) 6088

Topping Eyton and Partners

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 8748

Toronto-Dominion Bank

Mentioned: (Peterson) 5803 (Rose) 6134 (Williams) 6662, 6663

Toronto Festival of Festivals

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6565

Toronto Stock Exchange

Allegation of jealousy (Couvelier) 7625

Employee share ownership, study on (Clark) 7409-10 (Veitch) 7407

Listings originating in Vancouver (Couvelier) 7624

Pension funds, investment of on Toronto Stock Exchange (Couvelier) 8408, 8471

Mentioned: (Clark) 7626, 7665 (Couvelier) 7596, 7597 (Rose) 6136

Tortorella, Albert

Employment of (Harcourt) 5914

Mentioned: (Reid) 7426

Touche Ross and Co.

Mentioned: (Clark) 6231

Tourism and Provincial Secretary, Ministry of

Estimates 7380-7406, 7412-30, 7433-47, 7452-72

Speakers: Barnes 7428-9, 7434-6, 7438, 7456-7, 7466, Blencoe 7446, 7446-7, 7447; Boone 7403, 7403-4, 7464-5; Chalmers 7387-8; Clark 7421, 7461, 7471; D'Arcy 7419-20, 7420-1, 7424, 7424-5, 7425, 7425-6, 7426-7, 7427-8, 7428; Edwards 7400, 7401, 7412, 7413, 7417; Gabelmann 7416; Hanson, G. 7381-2, 7383, 7384, 7384-5, 7386, 7388, 7462; Harcourt 7462; Janssen, G. 7444-5, 7445; Kempf 7390, 7390-1, 7399-7400, 7401-2, 7402-3, 7404, 7441, 7442, 7443, 7466-7, 7468-9; Marzari 7471; Pullinger 7391-2, 7393, 7394, 7395, 7396, 7397, 7398, 7402, 7405, 7405-6, 7413, 7413-4, 7414, 7415, 7416, 7417, 7418, 7419; Reid 7380-1, 7382-3, 7383, 7384, 7385, 7386, 7387, 7389, 7390, 7392-3, 7393, 7393-4, 7394, 7394-5, 7395, 7395-6, 7396, 7396-7, 7397-8, 7398-9, 7401, 7402, 7403, 7404-5, 7405, 7406, 7412-3, 7413, 7414, 7414-5, 7415, 7415-6, 7416-7, 7417, 7418, 7419, 7420, 7421, 7422, 7423, 7423-4, 7424, 7425, 7426, 7427, 7428, 7429-30, 7433-4, 7436-8, 7438, 7439, 7439-40, 7440, 7441, 7441-2, 7442-3, 7443-4, 7445, 7446, 7447, 7452-3, 7453, 7455, 7457-9, 7459-60, 7460, 7461-2, 7463, 7464, 7465, 7467-8, 7469, 7471, 7471-2; Richmond 7465, 7465-6; Rose 7386, 7387, 7389; Sihota 7383, 7383-4, 7384, 7385, 7385-6, 7386, 7388-9, 7389, 7438, 7438-9, 7439, 7440, 7440-1, 7452, 7453, 7453-5, 7461, 7463-4; Vander Zalm 7455-6, 7457, 7459, 7460; Williams 7421, 7422, 7422-3, 7423, 7424, 7465, 7469, 7469-71

Advertising expenditures in U.S. (Pullinger) 7394 (Reid) 7394-5

Advertising expenditures, information re (Pullinger) 7393, 7394 (Reid) 7393-4, 7393

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Mowat) 5870 (Reid) 5836

Grants, information re (Pullinger) 7393 (Reid) 7393

Land use decisions, role of ministry in (Pullinger) 7416

Land use planner, employment of (Reid) 7416

Offices in London and U.S., personnel for marketing tourism (Pullinger) 7392 (Reid) 7392

Offices in London and U.S., sharing of (Pullinger) 7392 (Reid) 7392

Offices, joint offices (Reid) 7392

Professional services contracted for (Pullinger) 7393 (Reid) 7393

Publications (Reid) 7393-4

Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6964

Tourism marketing branch, asset acquisitions (Pullinger) 7393 (Reid) 7393

Tourism marketing branch, operating costs (Pullinger) 7393 (Reid) 7393

Tourism marketing, funds for, use of (Pullinger) 7395

Tourist facilities, role in development of (Pullinger) 7392 (Reid) 7393

Tourism Association of Vancouver Island

Funds for (Reid) 7394

Tourism incentive program

Funding for and loans made (Veitch) 7680

Tourism Industry Association of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Reid) 7395

Tourism, Recreation and Culture, Ministry of

Annual reports tabled (Reid) 6462

Tourist trade

Accommodation, inspection of (Boone) 7642

Boundary-Similkameen constituency, tourist attractions (Barlee) 5934-5

“A Career in Tourism: It's a Natural” program, information re (Pullinger) 7419 (Reid) 7419

Careers in tourism (Reid) 7418

Central coast region, development of (Pullinger) 7181

Columbia River constituency (Crandall) 5701

Decisions re, decision-making powers (Edwards) 7401

Economy of B.C. and tourist industry (Pullinger) 7181

Employees, wage rates (Janssen, G.) 7444 (Pullinger) 7417, 7418 (Reid) 7417-8

Environment and tourist industry (Crandall) 5701 (Pullinger) 8292

Facilities, role of Tourism ministry in development of (Pullinger) 7392 (Reid) 7393

Federal sales tax, discussions re (Edwards) 7413 (Reid) 7413

Federal sales tax, exemptions from (Edwards) 7413 (Reid) 7412, 7413

Federal sales tax, impact of in tourist industry (Edwards) 7412, 7413 (Reid) 7413

“High Country”, advertising of (Pullinger) 7397 (Reid) 7397

InfoNetwork program (Reid) 7392

Job creation (Reid) 7417

Mackenzie constituency (Long) 7180-1, 7182 (Pullinger) 7181-2

Marketing (Reid) 7392

Okanagan-Similkameen region, fruit industry and tourist trade (Barlee) 7188 (Savage) 7188

Partners in Tourism program (Edwards) 7412 (Pullinger) 7394 (Reid) 5837, 7380, 7392, 7393, 7394

Port Alberni-Tofino area tourist trade (Reid) 5838

Revenue (Reid) 5836, 5838, 7380

SuperHost program mentioned (Reid) 7392

Tourism ministry publications (Reid) 7393-4

Tourism regions, boards, election of (Kempf) 7469

Tourism regions, boundaries, realignment of (Boone) 7403 (Edwards) 7400 (Kempf) 7390, 7391, 7399, 7400, 7401-2, 7403, 7441, 7443, 7447, 7466-7, 7469 (Pullinger) 7398, 7402, 7405 (Reid) 7390, 7397, 7398, 7404-5, 7442, 7442-3, 7444

Tourism regions, DPA Consulting Ltd. recommendation re (Kempf) 7467

Tourism regions, funding for (Pullinger) 7395 (Reid) 7395

Tourism regions, number of (Reid) 7404, 7442-3

Tourist industry (D’Arcy) 5813 (Michael) 6266 (Pullinger) 7391-2, 8292-3 (Rabbitt) 8291-2

Tourist information centre, Douglas border crossing (Pullinger) Q. 5877, 7415 (Reid) A. 5877, 7393, 7415

Tourist information centres, contracting out of services (Reid) 7415

Tourist season, change in (Reid) 7418

Transportation corridors and tourism (Reid) 7396

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, calls to (Reid) 7381

Visitors, number of (Mowat) 5870

Visitors, overseas visitors (Reid) 5838, 7380

Wilderness tourism (Pullinger) 7181

Town and Country Inn, Delta, B.C.

Mentioned: (Sihota) 8803

Town planning

See: City planning

Toxic wastes

See: Hazardous wastes


Institute at University of B.C. (Perry) 7719-20, 8335

Tozer, Ross

Report on log scaling (Miller) 6038, 6039

Trade centres

See entries under Foreign trade promotion

Trade Development Corporation Act

(Bill 3) (Minister of International Business and Immigration) 1R, 5738; 2R, 6554-62, C, 6763-81, 6789-90; 3R, 6790; RA, 7161

Amdts: Sec. 2 (Gabelmann) 6768, negatived 6770, sec. 2 (Gabelmann) 6770, negatived 6770; sec. 9 (Gabelmann) 6779, negatived 6789; sec. 9 (Jansen, J.) 6789, approved 6790

Speakers: Clark 6766-7, 6767, 6768-9, 6771, 6772, 6773, 6778-9, 6779, 6781; Gabelmann 6556-7, 6763, 6764, 6767, 6767-8, 6768, 6769-70, 6770, 6771, 6776, 6777, 6778, 6779, 6780-1, 6789, 6789-90; Jansen, J. 6554-6, 6561-2, 6763, 6764, 6764-5, 6765, 6766, 6767, 6768, 6770, 6771, 6772, 6772-3, 6773, 6774, 6775, 6776, 6777, 6778, 6779, 6780, 6781, 6789, 6790; Kempf 6780; Miller 6559-61, 6773, 6773-4, 6774-5, 6775, 6776, 6776-7, 6777-8; Strachan 6781; Vander Zalm 6769, 6772; Williams 6557-9, 6765, 6765-6, 6766, 6780

B.C. Ferry Corporation, board, representation on (Gabelmann) 6770

B.C. Hydro board, representation on (Gabelmann) 6770

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, accountability of (Gabelmann) 6556, 6771, 6778 (Jansen, J.) 5738, 6561, 6771, 6778 (Miller) 6777 (Williams) 6559

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, accountability of, auditor-general's review (Jansen, J.) 6771

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, accountability of, auditors (Jansen, J.) 6767, 6771

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, applications to and regional development programs (Jansen, J.) 6776 (Miller) 6776

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, applications to, political screening of (Gabelmann) 6777 (Miller) 6777

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, applications to, process for dealing with (Jansen, J.) 6775, 6776 (Miller) 6775, 6776

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, appointments to (Clark) 6767 (Gabelmann) 6767, 6768, 6770 (Jansen, J.) 6767, 6768, 6770 (Vander Zalm) 6769

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, committees (Clark) 6767 (Jansen, J.) 6767

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, conflict-of-interest guidelines for (Gabelmann) 6764 (Jansen, J.) 6561, 6764 (Williams) 6765

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, conflict-of-interest problems (Gabelmann) 6764 (Jansen, J.) 6764

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, credit committee (Clark) 6767 (Jansen, J.) 6766, 6767

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, executive committee (Jansen, J.) 6767

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, members (Clark) 6766-7, 6768-9 (Gabelmann) 6556, 6763, 6768, 6769-70 (Jansen, J.) 6555, 6763 (Vander Zalm) 6769

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, members, remuneration for (Clark) 6767 (Jansen, J.) 6767

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, powers of (Gabelmann) 6557

B.C. Trade Development Corporation board, role of (Gabelmann) 6763 (Jansen, J.) 6763

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, borrowing powers (Gabelmann) 6778 (Jansen, J.) 6766, 6778 (Williams) 6558, 6559, 6766, 6780

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, chairman of corporation (Gabelmann) 6770 (Jansen, J.) 6561, 6770

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, companies assisted, equity position in (Clark) 6773 (Gabelmann) 6777 (Jansen, J.) 6773, 6777

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, costs, recovery of (Jansen, J.) 6556, 6765

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, establishment of (Gabelmann) 6557 (Jansen, J.) 5738, 6554

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, establishment of, NDP proposal for (Gabelmann) 6556

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, fiscal agent (Jansen, J.) 6561

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, grants and loans and GATT provisions (Clark) 6771, 6772 (Jansen, J.) 6771, 6772 (Vander Zalm) 6772

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, loans and loan guarantees (Clark) 6772 (Gabelmann) 6763 (Jansen, J.) 6763, 6765, 6773 (Williams) 6765, 6766

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, loans and loan guarantees, Treasury Board approval for (Gabelmann) 6763 (Jansen, J.) 6763

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, loans, size of (Williams) 6765

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, losses anticipated (Jansen, J.) 6766 (Williams) 6766

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, president of corporation (Gabelmann) 6767, 6768 (Jansen, J.) 6561, 6767, 6768 (Williams) 6559

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, profits (Williams) 6765

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, report and financial statements, tabling of in Legislature (Clark) 6778-9, 6779, 6781 (Gabelmann) 6779, 6780-1, 6789-90, 6789 (Jansen, J.) 6779, 6789, 6790 (Kempf) 6780 (Strachan) 6781 (Williams) 6780

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, role of (Jansen, J.) 6555, 6765, 6766, 6773, 6775 (Miller) 6773 (Williams) 6765

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, small- and medium-sized businesses, assistance to (Gabelmann) 6557

Canadian International Development Agency, role of (Jansen, J.) 6561

Coal, northeast coal (Williams) 6558, 6559

Cominco Ltd., government equity in (Gabelmann) 6777 (Jansen, J.) 6777

Company Act, conflict-of-interest, provisions re (Jansen, J.) 6764-5

Crown corporations, annual reports, tabling of in House (Clark) 6778-9, 6779

Crown corporations, committee of Legislature on (Williams) 6559

Economy of B.C., diversification of (Jansen, J.) 6555

Export Development Corporation, B.C. Trade Development Corporation, relationship to (Gabelmann) 6556-7

Export Development Corporation, role of (Jansen, J.) 6561

Exports, marketing techniques, development of (Williams) 6558

Federal Business Development Bank, services of (Miller) 6776

Fish-processing, GATT ruling and industry (Jansen, J.) 6561

Fish-processing, GATT ruling, penalty for contravention of (Miller) 6559-60

Fish-processing industry In B.C. (Miller) 6559

Fish-processing, jobs in B.C. (Miller) 6559

Forest Industry, corporate concentration (Miller) 6774

Forest industry, exports, promotion of (Jansen, J.) 6774, 6775 (Miller) 6774, 6775

Forest industry, research and development in industry (Miller) 6775

Forest Industry, value-added products (Jansen, J.) 6561, 6774 (Miller) 6561, 6774

Forest industry, value-added products, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Free trade agreement (Jansen, J.) 6555 (Miller) 6560-1

International Business and Immigration ministry, mandate of (Jansen, J.) 6554-5

Japan, Ministry of International Trade and Investment (Williams) 6558

Japan, trading corporations (Williams) 6558

Louisiana-Pacific Corp., loan to (Williams) 6557

Manitoba furniture industry, Impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6561

Paper industry equipment, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Paper products, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Pulp industry equipment, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Trade missions

Participation in (Gabelmann) 7709 (Jansen, J.) 7709-10

Trade Practice Act

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6940 (Sihota) 7337

Trade schools

Accreditation of (Hagen, S.) A. 6883, 7482 (Jones) Q. 6883, Q. 7326, 8389 (Savage) A. 7326

Complaints against, investigation of (Hagen, S.) 7483

Okanagan trade school, establishment of (Messmer) 5682

Registration of, staff for (Hagen, S.) 7483

Regulation of (Hagen, A.) 8297, 8338, 8338-9 (Hagen, S.) 8339

Surety bonds, posting of (Hagen, S.) 7482

Trade unions

Environmental protection and trade unions (Cashore) 8084 (Strachan) 8084, 8087

Labour movement In B.C., teaching of history of (Williams) 8284-5

Membership, exclusions from In private sector (Gabelmann) 8828

Traffic accidents

Coquihalla Highway, number of lives saved (Miller) 6713 (Vant) 6709

Injuries, fatalities, cost of (Ree) 7771, 7862

Injuries, fatalities, number of (Ree) 6989, 7771, 7862, 8172

Traffic safety

Traffic safety (Ree) 5662, 6989 (Throne speech) 5589

Traffic violations

Driving while under suspension (Davidson) 8171, 8172

Driving without a valid driver's licence (Davidson) 8171, 8172

Fines for (Guno) 7863 (Lovick) 8174-5 (Ree) 5662, 6989, 7771, 7862, 7863, 8172, 8174

Fines for, cost of collection of (Ree) 8173

Fines for, disputed tickets (Ree) 8173

Fines for, disputed tickets, hearing of by justices of the peace (Lovick) 8175 (Ree) 8171, 8175

Fines for, legislation on (Throne speech) 5589

Fines for, out-of-province drivers (Ree) 8176

Fines for, payment of (Ree) 8171, 8175

Fines for, revenue generated (Lovick) 8171 (Ree) 8171

Fines for, revenue to New Westminster, proposal re (Hagen, A.) 8173

Fines for, revenue, use of (Hagen, A.) 8172 (Lovick) 8171, 8174 (Ree) 8171, 8173-4

Fines for, schedule of (Lovick) 8176 (Ree) 8176

Motor Vehicle Amendments Act, 1989. See name of act

Prosecution of, costs to municipalities (Ree) 7862, 8171, 8173

Report procedure, repeal of (Ree) 8171, 8176

Tickets, cost of issuing of (Janssen, G.) 8173

Trail, Robert (Bob)

Mentioned: (Reid) 7402

Trail, B.C.

West Trail approach, completion of (D’Arcy) 5815, 6852

West Trail approach, funding for (Vant) 6854

Trail Municipal Airport

Runway extension (D’Arcy) 6852 (Vant) 6853-4


Historic trails (Barlee) 5934

Training and enterprise centres

Expansion of (Throne speech) 5587

Training, Occupational

See: Occupational training

Tran Sign Corp. Ltd.

Sign policy, change in and business for company (Lovick) 6824 (Vant) 6824

Staff (Michael) 5969

Success of (Michael) 6823 (Vant) 6823

Work of (Michael) 5969, 5989

Mentioned: (Lovick) 6230 (Michael) 6232, 6241

Tranquille, Tranquille, B.C.

Closing of (Mowat) 8758-9

Tranquille Farm, Tranquille, B.C.

Mentioned: (Cashore) 8105

Trans Mountain Pipe Line Co. Ltd.

Tank farm, expansion of (Jones) 8227

Trans-Canada Highway

See: Highway 1

Transalta Utilities Corp.

B.C. Hydro, coordination agreement with (Davis) 8443 (Edwards) 8443, 8443-4

Electric power, use of in B.C. (Davis) 8491

Mentioned: (Davis) 8394, 8428

TransCanada Pipelines Ltd.

Mentioned: (Davis) 8617

Transit systems

See: Local transit

Transition houses

See entries under Wife abuse

Transmission lines

Electromagnetic fields. See entries under Electromagnetic fields

Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.

Heart-lung transplant operation (Ree) 6368

Transplant operations (Dueck) 6073, 6090, 6300 (Perry) 6091

Transport of Dangerous Goods Act

Mentioned: (Lovick) 7063


Alaska-California transportation route (Smith, S.D.) 7905

Consultation re (Vant) 5622

Delcan Corp. study (Edwards) 5747 (Jacobsen) 5747 (Lovick) 5696 (Veitch) 5646

Delcan Corp. study, content (Lovick) 6684, 6689, 6708 (Vant) 6684, 6685, 6686

Delcan Corp. study, cost of (Lovick) 6684, 6708 (Vant) 6684

Delcan Corp. study mentioned (Barlee) 6824, 6854 (Jones) 6845 (Miller) 6694 (Vant) 6706, 6709, 6817, 6824, 6846 (Veitch) 7678

Delcan Corp. study, recommendations (Barlee) 5754-5

Delcan Corp. study, Transportation and Highways ministry staff contribution to (Lovick) 6685, 6686 (Vant) 6685

Delcan Corp. video (Lovick) 6684, 6685 (Vant) 6684, 6706

Delcan Corp. video, cost of (Lovick) 6684

Delcan Corp. video, use of (Lovick) 6685-6 (Vant) 6685, 6686

Development regions, transportation committees (Kempf) 6691 (Lovick) 5809 (Miller) 6852 (Vant) 6682, 6852

Development regions, transportation committees, appointments to (Kempf) 6689-90 (Vant) 6688, 6690, 6692

Development regions, transportation committees, hearings (Gabelmann) 6742

Development regions, transportation committees, role of (Edwards) 6844 (Vant) 6732, 6844

Development regions, transportation planning (Couvelier) 5771

Economy and highways system (Bruce) 6733-4

Economy and transportation (De Jong) 5600

Fraser Valley, north shore communities, transportation problems (Jacobsen) Q. 5876

Highway to interior, proposal re route of (Williams) 7894

Land use and transportation (Jacobsen) 5746

Lower mainland, transportation problems (Rogers) 5689

Northern B.C., highway needs (Guno) 6728

Plan, development of (Guno) 5666 (Messmer) 5681 (Vant) 6682, 7186 (Veitch) 5646 (Weisgerber) 5673-4

Secretariat for (Lovick) 6687, 6688 (Vant) 6687-8, 6688

Social services and transportation (Smith, S.D.) 6722

See also: Coastwise shipping; Express service

Transportation and Highways, Ministry of

Estimates 6678-99, 6703-15, 6720-44, 6753-8, 6783-8, 6790-6802, 6807-31, 6837-57

Speakers: Barlee 6823, 6824, 6854; Blencoe 6857; Boone 6813, 6813-4; Bruce 6733-6, Brummet 6708-9, 6711; Clark 6731-2, 6736, 6738, 6739, 6739-40, 6740, 6829, 6830, 6830-1; D'Arcy 6852-3, 6854; Davidson 6730-1; Edwards 6801-2, 6802, 6807, 6825, 6843, 6844; Fraser, R 6707-8, 6797-9; Gabelmann 6742-4; Gran 6801; Guno 6728-9, 6730; Hanson, G. 6817-8, 6818-9; Janssen, G. 6697, 6697-8, 6698, 6848-9, 6849, 6849-50, 6850; Jones 6845-6, 6846, 6847, 6847-8, 6848; Kempf 6689-90, 6690-1, 6691, 6692, 6698, 6713-4, 6715, 6720, 6721, 6721-2, 6722, 6729-30, 6732, 6732-3, 6733, 6737, 6740-1, 6741, 6741-2, 6786-7; Loenen 6725-8, 6811-2, 6812; Long 6696-7, Lovick 6683-4, 6684, 6684-5, 6685, 6685-6, 6686, 6687, 6688, 6689, 6703-5, 6730, 6738, 6740, 6753, 6754, 6754-5, 6755, 6756, 6756-7, 6757, 6758, 6785, 6786, 6790, 6791, 6791-2, 6792-3, 6793, 6793-4, 6794, 6796-7, 6800-1, 6807-8, 6808, 6809, 6810, 6810-1, 6819, 6820, 6820-1, 6821, 6821-2, 6824, 6825-6, 6826, 6827, 6828, 6828-9, 6837, 6837-8, 6838, 6838-9, 6840, 6841, 6841-2, 6842, 6843; Miller 6692, 6692-3, 6694, 6694-5, 6695, 6696, 6709-11, 6712-3, 6850-1, 6851-2; Mowat 6855-6; Rabbitt 6794-5; Rose 6814, 6814-6, 6817; Sihota 6724, 6725, 6854-5, 6856-7; Smith, B.R. 6742; Smith, S.D. 6722-4; Vant 6678-83, 6684, 6685, 6686, 6686-7, 6687, 6687-8, 6688, 6688-9, 6690, 6691, 6691-2, 6692, 6693-4, 6694, 6695, 6696, 6697, 6698, 6698-9, 6705-7, 6709, 6711-2, 6714-5, 6720, 6721, 6722, 6724, 6728, 6730, 6731, 6732, 6733, 6736, 6737, 6738, 6738-9, 6739, 6740, 6741, 6753, 6753-4, 6754, 6755, 6756, 6757, 6758, 6783-4, 6785, 6785-6, 6786, 6787-8, 6790, 6790-1, 6791, 6792, 6793, 6794, 6795-6, 6797, 6799-6800, 6801, 6802, 6807, 6808, 6808-9, 6809, 6810, 6811, 6812, 6813, 6814, 6816-7, 6817, 6818, 6819, 6819-20, 6820, 6821, 6822-3, 6823, 6823-4, 6824, 6824-5, 6825, 6826, 6827, 6827-8, 6828, 6829, 6829-30, 6830, 6831, 6837, 6838, 6839-40, 6840, 6840-1, 6842, 6843, 6844, 6844-5, 6846, 6847, 6848, 6849, 6850, 6851, 6852, 6853-4, 6854, 6856, 6857, Williams 6823

Accounting procedures, auditor-general's report on referred to, quoted (Lovick) 6738 (Vant) 6683, 6728, 6736

Accounting procedures, changes in (Vant) 6683

Annual report, 1986-87 fiscal year, tabled (Vant) 5592

Annual report, 1987-88 fiscal year, tabled (Vant) 8057

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Boone) 5893 (Bruce) 5892 (Chalmers) 5860 (Couvelier) 5771 (Loenen) 5932 (Peterson) 5804 (Serwa) 5937 (Smith, S.D.) 5921-2, 6722 (Vander Zalm) 5960 (Vant) 6678, 6720

Contracts, signing of by ministers of state (Marzari) 7934

Coopers and Lybrand Ltd., payment to (Lovick) 6753 (Vant) 6754

Decision-making process (Kempf) 6691 (Lovick) 6688 (Vant) 6688-9, 6688, 6691, 6733

Decision-making, role of transportation committees in (Edwards) 6844 (Vant) 6732, 6844

Equipment, lease of (Vant) 6680

Equipment, sale of (Boone) 6813, 6814 (Vant) 6680, 6813

Equipment, valuation of (Vant) 6813, 6814

Estimates, debate on, proposal re (Davidson) 7589 (Rose) 7590

Expenditures, 1987-88, summary tabled (Vant) 8057

Flagpersons, wages and cost of contracts (Rose) 6315

Grand Forks area, road clearing (Barlee) Q. 6343 (Vant) A. 6343

Gravel crusher, privatization of, case cited (Michael) 5985, 6069

Highway signs, policy on (Edwards) 6825 (Guno) 5721 (Lovick) 6821-2 (Vant) 5720-1, 6678, 6728, 6822, 6823

Highway signs, policy on and sale of sign shop (Lovick) 6824

Highway signs, policy on, guidelines for (Lovick) 6825-6 (Vant) 6826

Highway signs, policy on, implementation of (Vant) 6823

Highways, condition of and liability in accidents (Edwards) 6802, 6807 (Lovick) 6797, 6800, 6800-1 (Vant) 6800, 6801, 6802, 6807

Highways, condition of, contractors' performance bonds (Vant) 6807

Highways, condition of, information re (Edwards) 6807 (Vant) 6807

Highways, condition of, responsibility for (Edwards) 6807 (Vant) 6807

Highways, contract area 1, auditor-general's report on (Vant) 6681, 6753, 6786

Highways, contract area 1, employees, placement of (Lovick) 6819

Highways, contract area 1, materials used, quantities (Lovick) 6808 (Vant) 6808

Highways, contract area 1, subcontracts (Lovick) 6790

Highways, contract area 2, machine shop, use of (Lovick) 6819

Highways, contract area 2, privatized employees (Lovick) 6810

Highways, contract area 6, expenditures, 1989-90 fiscal year (Rose) 6815

Highways, contract area 9, work on fee-for-service basis (Lovick) 6809 (Vant) 6809

Highways, contract area 14, cost of in past (Lovick) 6792

Highways, contract area 22, maintenance contract (Lovick) 6293

Highways, contract area 22, subcontracts (Lovick) 6790, 6791 (Vant) 6790-1, 6790, 6791

Highways, contract areas, cost over contract period (Lovick) 6753, 6754-5 (Vant) 6680, 6753, 6755

Highways, contract areas, number of (Lovick) 6820 (Vant) 6820

Highways contracts, monitoring of (Rose) 6245 (Vant) 6681

Highways contracts, negotiations re (Lovick) 6293

Highways, contract areas, subcontracting (Vant) 6790

Highways costs, Coopers and Lybrand Ltd. audit report on (Vant) 6680

Highways, employees, placement of non-privatized employees (Lovick) 6819 (Vant) 6819

Highways, maintenance of, contractors, employee groups (Vant) 6800

Highways, maintenance of, contractors' liability insurance requirement (Edwards) 6802 (Vant) 6797, 6800

Highways, maintenance of, contractors, union contractors (Fraser, R.) 6798 (Vant) 6799, 6800

Highways, maintenance of, contracts for (Boone) 6813, 6814 (Lovick) 6790 (Vant) 6681, 6755, 6813

Highways, maintenance of, cost of monitoring contractors' work (Lovick) 6793-4, 6793 (Vant) 6793, 6794

Highways, maintenance of, cost of under privatization (Lovick) 6756, 6757 (Vant) 6784

Highways, maintenance of, costs in past (Lovick) 6785, 6786, 6792 (Vant) 6783-4, 6785-6, 6786, 6792

Highways, maintenance of, costs in past, employee benefits (Lovick) 6793

Highways, maintenance of, day-labour program (Rabbitt) 6794 (Vant) 6795

Highways, maintenance of, materials used, quantities (Lovick) 6807 (Vant) 6808

Highways, maintenance of, privatization of (Fraser, R.) 6797-8

Highways, maintenance of, privatization of, impact on local communities (Lovick) 6811 (Vant) 6811

Highways, maintenance of, privatization of, Quesnel opinion poll on (Lovick) 6820, 6821 (Vant) 6821 (Williams) 6821

Highways, maintenance of, privatization of, savings on (Vant) 6757, 6784

Highways, maintenance of, standards for (Lovick) 6756, 6794, 6796 (Vant) 6755, 6756, 6796

Highways, privatized employees, Castlegar area (Lovick) 6810

Highways, privatized employees, employment status of (Lovick) 6810 (Vant) 6810

Highways projects, decisions on (Sihota) 6725

Highways, shop facilities, use of (Lovick) 6819 (Vant) 6819-20

Langford sign shop, sale of (Williams) 6823

Meziadin Lake camp, trailer court development (Guno) Q. 6343 (Vant) A. 6343

Planning department (Lovick) 6686 (Vant) 6687

Planning function (Lovick) 5809-10, 6687 (Vant) 6687

School bus accidents, liability and conditions of road (Edwards) 6802 (Lovick) 6797, 6800-1, 6800 (Vant) 6800, 6801, 6802

Staff expertise (Vant) 6686, 6687

Staff, supervisory personnel (Lovick) 5809

Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6964 (Sihota) 6933

Votes, reduction in number of (Vant) 6736

Votes, transfer of money between subvotes (Clark) 6731-2, 6736, 6739, 6740 (Lovick) 6738 (Vant) 6732, 6736, 6738, 6740

Transportation and Highways, Ministry of, Act

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6633


Native trappers (Guno) 8628

Traplines, policing of (Edwards) 8682 (Strachan) 8682

Traplines, registration of by groups of trappers (Edwards) 8627 (Strachan) 8626-7, 8682

Travel assurance fund

Claims paid (Hanson, L.) 6893

Travel industry development subsidiary agreement

Mentioned: (Kempf) 7468, 7469

Travers, Sam

Mentioned: (Richmond) 8709

Treasury Board

Government loans, role of in approval of (Couvelier) 7350-1 (Marzari) 7351

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 5904, 6009, 6649, 6834, 6858, 6866 (Boone) 7681 (Brummet) 7487 (Clark) 6736, 6739, 6740, 7301, 7302, 7303, 7318, 7319, 7320, 7321, 7828, 8467 (Couvelier) 5785, 5786, 7319, 7349, 8398, 8467 (Edwards) 7690 (Gabelmann) 6005, 6763, 6778 (Hagen, A.) 6597 (Hagen, S.) 8352 (Huberts) 7799 (Jansen, J.) 6763, 6766, 6778 (Johnston) 6621 (Jones) 6147 (Kempf) 6737 (Lovick) 5809 (Marzari) 7349, 8791 (Michael) 6003, 6052 (Perry) 8335 (Peterson) 8792 (Ree) 8171 (Reid) 5836, 7394, 7412 (Richmond) 5790, 5792, 5793 (Savage) 7035, 7237, 7238 (Sihota) 6436, 6549, 7023, 7237, 7868 (Smallwood) 5793 (Smith, S.D.) 6333 (Strachan) 8076, 8162, 8218 (Vant) 6683, 6732, 6736, 6757, 6784 (Veitch) 7681

Tree Farm Licence Moratorium Act

(Bill M205) (Miller) 1R, 5918

Forest industry, tree-farm licences, issuing of, moratorium on (Miller) 5918

Tree-farm licences

See entries under Forest industries

Tree-fruit industry

See entries under Fruit

Trelco Enterprises Ltd.

Principals in company (Reid) 7424

Mentioned: (Reid) 7423 (Richmond) 7465

Trendline Industries Ltd.

Employees' contract (Vant) 6680


Farmer's liability and trespassers (Gabelmann) 8698 (Rose) 8699 (Smith, S.D.) 8698, 8699

Trespass Act

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8698

Tri-University Meson Facility

Kaon project. See entries under Kaons

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 6613, 8384 (Peterson) 6612

Trial practice

Pretrial procedures, problems re (Sihota) 7106-7


Banning of elsewhere (Clark) 8250

Hazards of (Clark) 8250

Use of (Clark) 8250-1 (Strachan) 8251

Trinity Western University

Foundation as agent of Crown (Hagen, S.) 8770

Foundation, establishment of (Hagen, S.) 8679, 8770

Foundation, role of (Hagen, S.) 8770

Funding of, source of funds (Peterson) 8771

Trinity Western University Foundation Act. See name of act

Visit to (Perry) 8770

Mentioned: (Peterson) 5805

Trinity Western University Foundation Act

(Bill 89) (Minister of Advanced Education and Job Training) 1R, 8679; 2R, 8770-1; C, 8771; 3R, 8771; RA, 8841

Speakers: Hagen, S. 8679, 8770, 8771; Lovick 8771; Perry 8770-1; Peterson 8771

Foundation as agent of Crown (Hagen, S.) 8770

Foundation, establishment of (Hagen, S.) 8679, 8770

Foundation, role of (Hagen, S.) 8770

Funding for university, source of funds (Peterson) 8771

Visit to university (Perry) 8770

Triple Five Development Corp.

Westwood land, offer for (Michael) A. 6040 (Rose)Q. 6040

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7524


Dioxin and furan content, testing for (Hanson, G.)Q. 6939

See also names of trout, e.g. Dolly Varden (Trout)

Truck drivers

Hours of driving, standard for (Ree) 6991

Overtime, regulation re (Hanson, L.) 6936 (Sihota) 6935


Industry, deregulation of (Janssen, G.) 7066 (Miller) 7073 (Ree) 7073

Queen Charlotte Islands industry, regulation of (Miller) 7073-4, 7073, 7074, 7082-3, 7083 (Ree) 7073, 7074, 7083


Extended-length trucks, pavement damage (Lovick) 6826 (Vant) 6827

Extended-length trucks, wide-turn requirements (Lovick) 6827

Industrial routes for (Vant) 6827

Insurance coverage, problem re (Lovick) 6838

Load limits, enforcement of (Janssen, G.) 7066

Municipalities, compensation for truck traffic costs (Lovick) 6827 (Vant) 6827

Pilot cars for wide loads, requirements for (Lovick) 7081, 7082 (Ree) 7081-2

Safety standards for (Guno) 6990 (Ree) 6991

Transport by truck and damage to roads (D’Arcy) 6853 (Vant) 6854

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott

Quoted (Hanson, G.) 6260

Mentioned: (Barnes) 6362 (Jones) 8019 (Miller) 8042 (Perry) 7784 (Smith, S.D.) 6522

Trump Holdings Ltd.

Directors of company (Williams) 6663

Mentioned: (Williams) 6662, 6664

Trumper, Gillian

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 6429, 7813 (Vant) 5845, 6697, 6850

Truss, Dennis

Mentioned: (Rose) 6314

Trust companies

Company Act, application of (Clark) 7993 (Couvelier) 7993

Incorporation provisions (Clark) 7995 (Couvelier) 7900, 7995

Interest in, sale of, minister's powers re (Clark) 8048

Interest in, time-limit on purchases of (Clark) 8048 (Couvelier) 8048

Ownership of (Clark) 8046, 8047-8, 8047 (Couvelier) 7900, 8046-7, 8047, 8048

Ownership of, minister's powers re (Clark) 8046, 8047-8, 8047 (Couvelier) 8046-7, 8047, 8048

Trust Company Act

Replacement of (Couvelier) 7899-7900

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7605

Trustee Act

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8052 (Rose) 6136

Trustee, Public

See: Public trustee

Trustees, School

See: School boards

Trusts and trustees

Civil-law jurisdictions, trusts, protection of B.C. interests in (Sihota) 6782 (Smith, S.D.) 6781

Hague convention mentioned (Smith, S.D.) 6324, 6781

Tsawout Indian band

Compensation for court costs (Hanson, G.) Q. 5845

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6010, 6524

Tsawwassen Nature Park Society

Mentioned: (Cashore) 7773 (Huberts) 7775

Tsolum River, B.C.

Water, pH of (Strachan) 8245

Tsolum Timber Sales Ltd.

Jobs, non-union jobs (Gabelmann) 7185

Log exports (Miller) 8510-1, 8514, 8515 (Parker) 8511, 8514, 8515

Log exports, company's financial problems as factor in (Miller) 8510-1, 8514, 8515 (Parker) 8511, 8514, 8515

Log exports, role of Stanley Hagen in (Miller) 8511, 8514 (Parker) 8511, 8514

Principals in company, information re other holdings (Miller) 8515

Stumpage payments, information re (Miller) 8515

Mentioned: (Miller) 8565


Alberni Canal tidal wave (Janssen, G.) 7040 (Ree) 7040-1

Tuberculosis Institution Act

Repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Tuition fees

See entries under Universities and colleges

Tulameen, B.C.

Princeton, road to, resurfacing of (Rabbitt) 6795

Mentioned: (Perry) 8293-2

Tumbler Ridge, B.C.

Family mental health counsellor (Dueck) 6404

Loan to (Couvelier) 7276

Tuna fisheries

Drift-net fishery (Savage) 8502


Turf farming (Jones) 7225 (Savage) 7225


Industry, assistance to (Savage) 7238

National supply management system (Savage) 7219

Turnbull, Frank

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 6211

Turner, Brian

Mentioned: (Cashore) 5660

Twain, Mark

Quoted (Clark) 8560

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8561

2828 Investments Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams) 6662, 6663

2- (thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole

Use of (Cashore) 8219, 8220, 8221 (Strachan) 8219, 8220

Tyax Mountain Lake Resort Ltd.

Mentioned: (Rabbitt) 8292

Tyee Timber Products Ltd.

Value-added products (Parker) 5656

Tysoe, Charles W.

See also: Commission of Inquiry: Workmen's Compensation Act (1962)

Tytherleigh, Mike

Quoted (Vander Zalm) 5762