Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Yale-Lillooet constituency

Grants (Rabbitt) 5903

Indian reserve land, expropriation of under NDP (Rabbitt) 6225

Tourist attractions (Rabbitt) 8292, 8293

Yellowhead Highway

See: Highway 16

Yellowhead Interprovincial Highway Association

Mentioned: (Boone) 7403 (Miller) 6711

Yellowhead Road and Bridge (Robson) Ltd.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8241-2

Yinka-Dene Language Institute, Vanderhoof, B.C.

Funding for (Weisgerber) 5676

Yoho National Park

Tourist facilities (Crandall) 5701

Young, Henry Esson

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187

Young, I.E.

Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778

Young, Ira

Mentioned: (Williams) 7149

Young Men's Christian Association

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377 (Hanson, L.) 8537

Young Men's-Young Women's Christian Association, Kamloops, B.C.

Women's hostel, funding for (Richmond) 8733

Young Offenders Act (Canada)

Cases under act, funding for (Couvelier) 5786 (Sihota) 5786

Changes to (Gran) Q. 7451 (Smith, S.D.) A. 7451

Fines under act (Sihota) 7212 (Smith, S.D.) 7212

Gangs, recruitment for and act (Smith, S.D.) 6540

Problems re (Smith, B.R.) 7052

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6331

Young Women's Christian Association

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377


Alcohol and drug problems, residential treatment for (Boone) Q. 6179 (Hanson, L.) A. 6179

Crime prevention (Clark) 6366

Decision-making process, role in (Barnes) 6749, 6750, 7589

Gangs. See entries under Gangs

Northern British Columbia (Guno) 5955

Prince George teen crisis line (Boone) 6398 (Dueck) 6399, 6404

Residential care for, task force on standards (Richmond) 8710

Services for (Hagen, S.) 6749-50

Services for, royal commission on, proposal for (Smallwood) 8815, 8816

Troubled teenagers, provision for (Richmond) 8744, 8752 (Smallwood) 8751, 8805

See also: Dropouts

Youth — Employment

Environmental youth services program (Clark) 5781 (Couvelier) 5771 (Loenen) 5933, 8096 (Mercier) 5598 (Strachan) 5611, 5823-4 (Throne speech) 5588

Unemployment (Barnes) 6750 (Throne speech) 5587

Youth Advisory Council

See: British Columbia Youth Advisory Council

Youth detention centres

See: Juvenile corrections

Yue, K.T.

Mentioned: (Reid) 7455

Yuen, Alan

Mentioned: (Reid) 7455

Yule v City of Saskatoon

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 7112, 7113