Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990


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See: Hospital Employees' Union

Habitat (Ecology)

Fish and wildlife habitat, enhancement of (Couvelier) 5771

Wildlife habitat, protection of (Edwards) 8627

Habitat conservation fund

Funds for (Strachan) 8627

Use of (Serwa) 5734

Hagen, Anita (New Westminster)

AIDS prevention, condom-vending machines in schools 7528, 7532

Address in Reply 5755-9

Adult education, role of local schools in 7536, 8008

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 8338, 8338-9, 8339-40, 8339, 8340, 8374

Alcoholism, education programs in school system 6952

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, interministerial cooperation on 6952

Alcoholism, treatment facilities 6952

Alcoholism, young people, programs for 6953

Bilingualism 7517

Bingo, electronic bingo, pilot project 7090

Bingo, jurisdiction over 7091

B.C. Teachers' Federation employees, pension plan membership, consultation re 7745

B.C. Transit, employees and contractors, conflict-of-interest policy 6597, 6666, 6667

Brummet, Hon. Anthony J., education, advocate for 7365

Brummet, Hon. Anthony J., trip to Japan, purpose of, Q. 7201

Budget debate 5866-9

Cassiar, schoolchildren's admittance to school building, issue of 7542

Century House, lottery grant to 7677

Child sexual abuse victims, services for 7502

Children, special needs children in school system, costs of 5868

Civil service pensions, claims by former spouses 7745

Colleges, endowment funds 8340

Computer for school assessment and monitoring process 7515

Continuing Care Act 6553-4, 7114, 7114-5, 7115-6, 7115, 7116, 7117-8, 7117, 7118-9, 7118, 7119, 7119-20, 7120, 7121-2, 7121, 7122-3, 7123-4

Continuing Care Act, auditor-general's recommendation re 7115

Continuing Care Act, “client", use of term 6553

Continuing Care Act, consultation with Health ministry re 6553

Continuing Care Act, mandate statement in act 6553, 7115, 7115-6

Continuing Care Act, need for 6553

Continuing Care Act, standards under act 7116

“Continuing care”, definition of 7114

Curriculum committee, need for 8011

Curriculum committee, proposal for 8009

Curriculum, locally developed courses, role of Education minister in 8287

Curriculum, provincial curriculum committee 8246, 8305

Development regions and social development 7677, 7679

Dropouts, information re 7510

Dropouts, number of 7533

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, interministerial cooperation on 6953

Drug abuse, young people, programs for 6953

Education Advisory Council, appointments to 8009, 8305

Education Advisory Council, curriculum committee 8009, 8011

Education Advisory Council, establishment of 8009, 8305

Education Advisory Council, work of 7367

Education, cost of 7369

Education, expenditures on, accountability for 5867

Education, funding for, operating funds 5867

Education, funding for, provincial funds 7543

Education, funding for, review of 7366

Education, funding for, source of 5757, 7368

Education, funding formula 5757

Education, funding formula, change in, requirement for legislation 7371, 7372

Education, funding formula, new formula 7371

Education, funding system 5868-9, 7366

Education, funding system, legislation on, inclusion of in School Act 8007

Education, funding system, recommendations re 7367-8, 7368, 7369

Education, funding system, time-frame for change to 7367

Education, importance of 5755-6

Education minister's orders, information to public re 8189

Education minister's powers under School Act to make orders 8302

Education ministry, estimates 7365-6, 7366, 7367, 7367-8, 7368, 7369-70, 7371, 7372, 7373, 7472-3, 7472, 7473, 7473-4, 7476, 7477, 7502, 7502-3, 7503-4, 7504, 7505, 7509, 7510, 7511, 7511-2, 7512, 7513, 7514, 7515, 7516, 7517-8, 7519, 7520, 7521, 7528, 7532-3, 7534, 7535-6, 7535, 7538, 7539, 7539-40, 7540, 7542, 7542-3, 7543-4

Education ministry, role of 8301

Education ministry, women, appointment of to senior positions in ministry 7538

Education, parents' advisory council, establishment of 8191, 8192

Education policy advisory committee 5756, 5868

Education, policy on 5755-6

Education, primary education, upgrading of 5756

Education programs, planning of, participation of students in 8008

Education, secondary education system 5758

Education services, accountability for purchased services 8282

Education services, purchase of by school boards 8282

Education services, standards for purchased services 8282

Education, special education, policies for 8280

Education, special needs children, access to education 8278-9, 8280

Education system, choice in and private schools 8121

Education system, goal of 7512, 8007, 8121

Education system, mandate for 8007

Education system, privatization of, potential for 8010

Education system, role of parents in 8008

Educational program, access to 8179

“Educational program”, definition of under Independent School Act 8308

Educational program, definition of under School Act 8177

Educational programs, school boards' obligations re 8180

Elderly, care of, quick response teams, funding for 6143

Elderly, counsellors for, work of 5948, 5949

Elderly, federal services for, reduction in, Q. 6411

Elderly, health care user fees 6873

Elderly, housing for 5758, 5948

Elderly, office for seniors 6093

Elderly, organizations funded by Social Services and Housing ministry 8779

Elderly, organizations, guidelines for funding of 8780

Elderly, organizations representing views of 7826, 7827, 7828

Elderly, programs for, information re 7849-50, 7851

Elderly, programs for, support systems 7850

Elderly, psycho-geriatric patients, care of 7116

Elderly, rent increases 5758

Elderly, task force on 6093, 7829

Elderly, task force on, appointment of 6093-4

Elderly, task force on, mandate of 6093

Elderly, task force on, report of 7851

Elderly, transportation for in rural areas 5948

Elderly, user fees 5758

English-as-a-second-language program 5758, 7728

English-as-a-second-language program, funding for 5868, 7520, 7521, 7729

English-as-a-second-language students, class size 7519, 7520

English-as-a-second-language students, federal responsibility 7518

English-as-a-second-language students, length of time for status as 7521

English-as-a-second-language students, number of 7517

English-as-a-second-language students, reception centre for 7520

English-as-a-second-language students, requests for assistance for 7519

English-as-a-second-language students, teachers' aides for 7519

English-as-a-second-language students, transportation allowance for 7519

Euclid Mathematics Contest, placement of B.C. students 6836

Extended care 6096

Extended care, applicants for, appeal of assessments 7119

Extended care, funding for 6095, 6554

Extended care, inspector, role of 7120

Extended care program, legislation on 5758

Extended care, quality assurance program 7121

Extended care, standards for 6554, 7116, 7117

Extended-care facilities, activity staff 7117

Extended-care facilities, administrator, appointment of 7123

Extended-care facilities, deficits 7122-3

Extended-care facilities, management salaries and benefits 6141

Extended-care facilities, multi-level care 5949

Extended-care facilities staff, benefits 6140, 6141

Extended-care facilities staff, wages, funding for 6098, 6140, 6142

Extended-care facilities, staffing levels 7121, 7122, 7123

Extended-care facilities, standards for professionals with access to 7121

Extended-care, nurse-assessors, caseloads 6143

Extended-care nurses, workloads 7119

Extended-care patients, assessment of 7118-9

Extended-care patients, charges to, additional charges 7120

Extended-care patients, incontinence supplies, charge for 6096

Extended-care patients, protection of, guidelines for 7117-8, 7118

Extended-care patients, staffing for in intermediate care facilities 6139, 6140

Extended-care rates, income test for 6092, 6093, 6554, 7119

Extended-care service, operator, definition of 7114, 7115

Family life education, role of schools in 7528

Fish-processing industry, impact of free trade agreement on 8374

Fish-processing industry, women workers, impact of GATT ruling on 8374

GAIN recipients, expenditures on rent 7142

Gambling, charities, source of funding for 7090

Gambling, gaming licences, jurisdiction over 7091

Gambling, increase in 7092

Garment industry workers, impact of free trade agreement on 8374

Geriatric social workers, shortage of 7116

Government Management Services ministry, estimates 6241, 6288

Grades 1 to 3, ungraded grades, funding for implementation of 7473-4

Grades 1 to 3, ungraded grades, implementation of recommendation re 7532

Grades 1 to 3, ungraded grades, proposal re 5867

HandyDART service, expansion of 6598

HandyDART service, New Westminster 6597

HandyDART vans, purchase of 6597

Health care, funding for, proposal re source of 6093

Health care user fees 6092, 6093

Health ministry, estimates 6092, 6093-4, 6094-6, 6097-8, 6098-9, 6139, 6139-40, 6140, 6141-2, 6141, 6142, 6143

Home care services, funding for 6096

Home care services, handyman service 6099

Home care services, income test for 6092, 6093

Home care services, shortage of 5948

Home care workers, wages 6097-8, 6141

Home care workers, wages, funding for 6098, 6141, 6142

Home economics, course in schools, proposal re 7540

Home Owner Grant Increase Act (1989) 7139

Home schooling 8008, 8178, 8193, 8310

“Home schooling”, definition of 8178

Home schooling, Education minister's powers re 8010

Home support organizations, administrator, appointment of 7123

Homeowner grant, increase in 5868, 7139

Homeowner grant, use of 5868

Immigrant women and children, integration of 7729

Immigrant women, services for 7729, 7730

Immigrants, services for, expenditures on 7518

Income Tax Amendment Act (1989) 6861-2

Independent School Act 8120-3, 8308-9, 8308, 8309, 8310, 8311

Independent School Act, debate on Bill 8120

Independent School Act, introduction of act 7365

“Indian”, definition of under School Act 8179

“Indian”, use of term in School Act 8179

Indians, education 7544

International Business and Immigration ministry, estimates 7728, 7729-30, 7729, 7730

Interwest Property Services Ltd., SkyTrain right-of-way, acquisition of 6665

Japan, schools in B.C., establishment of, Q. 7202

Kindergarten, compulsory attendance 8183

Kindergarten, entry to, dual entry 5756, 5867, 8183, 8183-4

Kindergarten, entry to, dual entry and French immersion 8183-4, 8184

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, estimates 6952, 6952-3, 6953

Land Tax Deferment Amendment Act (1989) 6872-3

Macdonald, Bruce J., employment of prior to March 1989 6665

Macdonald, Bruce J., Interwest Property Services Ltd., employment with 6665

Mainland-Southwest development region, transportation planning committee 7678, 7680

Medical Services Plan of B.C., user fee for 6092

Motor Vehicle Amendments Act (1989) 8172-3, 8172

Multicultural service worker, New Westminster, request for 7677-8

Multiculturalism, Royal Commission on Education recommendations re 7518

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6594-5, 6595, 6597, 6597-8, 6598, 6665-6, 6667

National Advisory Council on Aging, mandate 7829

National Advisory Council on Aging, “Toward a Community Support Policy for Canadians” 6095, 7829

New Democratic Party letter to student council presidents 7586

New Westminster, Clarkson Street corridor 6665

New Westminster, cost-sharing, health and police costs 6872-3

New Westminster, development area property, acquisition and disposal of 7764

New Westminster economic development association 7678

New Westminster Redevelopment Act (1989) 7764

New Westminster, waterfront, reclamation of 6241

New Westminster, Woodward's site, reworking of 7677

Older workers adjustment program 8339-40, 8339, 8340

Pacifica Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centre, contract 6952

Pavlakovic, Mario, employment of by B.C. Transit 6665

Pavlakovic, Mario, SkyTrain property acquisition, role of as appraiser 6665

Peak House Youth and Family Centre, continued operation of 6952

Pension (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (1989) 7745

Pharmacare program, dispensing fee 6092

Physicians, user fee for services of 6092

Poverty, families in poverty 6095

Poverty, individuals below the poverty line 6095

Prescription fee, Sweden 6094

Private colleges, regulation of 8338, 8338-9

Private colleges, regulation of, staff for 8297

Private schools, access to 8122

Private schools, certified schools 8311

Private schools, conduct of 8121

Private schools, curriculum 8122

Private schools, enrolment, Increase in 7544

Private schools, entrance to on basis of race, Q. 6299, Q. 6342

Private schools, funding for 5868, 7544, 8121, 8311

Private schools, funding for, fees charged as basis of 8122, 8311

Private schools, inspection of 8308-9

Private schools, Inspector of, resources available to 8308

Private schools, registration of, requirement for 8121, 8310

Private schools, reports and statements, requirement for 8310

Private schools, standards for 8122, 8123

Private schools, teachers, certification requirements 8309, 8310

Privilege-School district referendums, legislation on 8845

Pro-Western Management Ltd., New Westminster properties, acquisition of 6665-6

Property tax deferment program for elderly 6872-3

Property tax deferment program for elderly, interest rate on deferred taxes 6873

Property tax deferment program for elderly, Social Credit Party position on 6872

Property tax deferment program for elderly, use of 6872, 6873

Property tax, increase in 5757, 6872

Property tax, non-residential property 7543

Regional Development ministry, estimates 7676-8, 7679-80

Rent, increases in 5758, 6861

Rent, increases in, New Westminster constituency 6861

Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters 6862

Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, number benefitting from 686

Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, phasing out of program 6862

Royal Commission on Education 7365

Royal Commission on Education, assessment and accountability, recommendations re 7474

Royal Commission on Education, financing of education, recommendations re 7368

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations 7366

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations, implementation of 5756-8, 8009

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations, implementation of, funding for 5866-7, 7472-3, 7543, 8300

Royal Commission on Education, report commended 5756

Royal Commission on Education, report, content 5756

School Act 3260-1, 8006-12, 8021-3, 8177, 8177-8, 8178, 8179, 8180, 8183, 8183-4, 8184, 8187, 8189, 8190, 8191, 8192-3, 8192, 8193, 8194-5, 8195, 8196, 8198, 8198-9, 8199, 8200, 8200-1, 8201, 8202, 8204-7, 8264, 8265, 8266-7, 8266, 8267, 8267-8, 8268-9, 8268, 8271-2, 8273, 8277, 8278-9, 8278, 8279-80, 8280, 8281-2, 8282, 8286, 8287, 8287-8, 8296-7, 8298, 8299, 8300, 8300-1, 8302, 8305, 8306

School Act, consultation re 8006

School Act, development of 8006

School Act, funding for education and act 8299

School Act, minister's powers under act 8009-10, 8011

School Act, new act 5756, 5757-8, 7365

School Act, new act, mandate statement 5758

School Act, second reading, amendment to 8021-3

School Act, section 26, clause 2 (c) , proposal for deletion of 8266

School boards, employees, suspension or dismissal of, powers re 8198-9, 8198, 8199

School boards, new school districts, boards for 8268

School counsellors, elementary schools 7502-3, 7503

School District 39 (Vancouver) , school tax 5868

School District 40 (New Westminster) , adult education, provision for 8008

School District 48 (Howe Sound) , trustees 8268

School District 68 (Nanaimo) , board members in possible conflict-of-interest situation 8271

School District 69 (Qualicum) , condom-vending machines, proposal re 7528, 7532

School districts, annual reports 7515

School districts, comparisons between schools 7515

School districts, disputes, provision for in School Act 8009

School districts, district advisory council, establishment of 8278

School districts, managerial services, powers to contract out 8010, 8011, 8296

School districts, proclamation of Ombudsman Act relating to 8009

School districts, salary costs 7369

School districts, services, powers to contract out 8296

School districts, women, appointment of to senior positions 7538, 7539-40, 7539, 7540

School system, multicultural materials and programs 7521

School tax, basing of on ability to pay 7373

School tax on non-residential property 5867-8, 7371, 7543

School tax on residential property 5757, 5867, 7371, 7543

School tax system, change in 7543

School trustees, conflict of interest 7278, 8268-9, 8271-2, 8273, 8277

School trustees, disqualification of 8266-7

School trustees, new districts 8268

School trustees, voting for by Indians living on reserves 8267, 8267-8

School year, days of school operation 8286

Schoolchildren, school buildings, admittance to in cold weather 7542

Schools, construction of, funding for 7504

Schools, construction of, land costs 7504

Schools, “provincial school”, definition of under School Act 8179

Science, careers for women 7540

Secondary education systems 7533

Secondary school education, private training schools, accountability of 7535-6

Secondary school education, private training schools, use of 7535-6, 7535, 8010, 8011, 8338

Secondary school education, responsibility for 7535

Secondary school students and career preparation 7534

Seniors Advisory Council Act 7692-3, 7826-7, 7827, 7828, 7828-9, 7829, 7830, 7832, 7832-3, 7835

Seniors' Advisory Council, appointments to 6094, 7692-3, 7826, 7827, 7828

Seniors' Advisory Council, autonomy of 7830

Seniors' Advisory Council, budget 7829, 7830

Seniors' Advisory Council, establishment of 7692

Seniors' Advisory Council, mandate 7693, 7828-9, 7833

Seniors' Advisory Council, meetings, frequency 7832

Seniors' Advisory Council, members, remuneration for 7693

Seniors' Advisory Council, members, representatives of advocacy groups 7827, 7828

Seniors' Advisory Council, need for 7826

Seniors' Advisory Council, ombudsperson for seniors, role as 7830

Seniors' Advisory Council, reporting by 7693

Seniors' Advisory Council, reports, tabling of 7833, 7835

Seniors' Advisory Council, staff 7829, 7830

Sex instruction, role of schools in 7528

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, advertisements re program, Q. 6080

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, application form 8778-9

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, benefits, calculation of 8778

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, changes in 5758

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, changes in, implementation of, Q. 7202

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, eligibility for, Q. 6080, 8775, 8776

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, GAIN recipients, ineligibility of 8776, 8777

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, Information to public re, Q. 6080, Q. 7202, 7849, 7851, 8775, 8776

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, information to public re, ethnic community 8776

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, information to public re, use of federal GIS cheques, Q. 6080, 8775

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, recipients, incomes and rent levels 8777

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, recipients, number of 8775

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, rent ceiling, increase in 8775

SkyTrain transit system, Coquitlam, extension to, route of 6594, 6595

SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster right-of-way, acquisition of 6665-6, 6667

SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster right-of-way, C-4 area, property acquisition 6665-6

SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster right-of-way, property owners, impact on 6665-6

SkyTrain transit system, noise problems, ombudsman's recommendations re 6597

SkyTrain transit system, right-of-way, acquisition of 6597

Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 8774-5, 8775, 8776, 8777, 8778-9, 8778, 8779, 8779-80

Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7090-1, 7092

Special warrants, warrant 6, use of funds 5788, 5788-9, 5789

Student counsellors, elementary schools, funding for 5868, 7544

Students, assessment and accountability, funding for 7473

Students, assessment of performance of 7516, 8010, 8287-8

Students, assessment of performance of, basis for 7474

Students, assessment of performance of, centralization of system for 7474

Students, assessment of performance of, funding for 7543

Students, assessment of performance of, ID numbers for students 7509

Students, assessment of performance of, information for Education ministry annual report 7513

Students, assessment of performance of, Information re 7510, 7511

Students, assessment of performance of, information re, access to 7476

Students, assessment of performance of, Information re, form of in Education ministry 7477

Students, assessment of performance of, information re, purpose of 7476

Students, assessment of performance of, information to parents re 7514

Students, assessment of performance of, recordkeeping by ministry 7509

Students, assessment of performance of, self-assessment 7511

Students, decision-making in school system, participation in 8187

Students, education for participation in a democratic society 8007, 8177

Students, health and social services for 8298, 8299

Students, information to parents re 8189, 8190

Students, records, access to 8192, 8286

Students, social and human development, assessment of 7512

Supply Act (No. 1) (1989) 5788-9, 5788, 5789

Teachers, assistants to 8011, 8205-7, 8260-1

Teachers, assistants to, employment of and collective agreements 8265, 8266

Teachers, assistants to, employment of, provision for in School Act 8261

Teachers, assistants to, supervision of 8206

Teachers, duties of, Education minister's powers re 8200-1, 8200, 8201

Teachers, employment of and collective agreements 8264

Teachers, extracurricular activities 8201

Teachers, salary costs 7369

Teachers, shortage of, future shortage 8206

Teachers, suspension or dismissal, board's powers re 8198, 8198-9, 8199

Textbooks, gender stereotyping, removal of 7540

“Toward a Better Age: Strategies for Improving the Lives of Senior British Columbians” 6093

Traffic violations, fines for, revenue to New Westminster, proposal re 8173

Traffic violations, fines for, revenue, use of 8172

Transit, planning for and public housing 6594

Victoria Health Project 6143, 7851

Westminster Quay, B.C. Development Corporation expenditures on 6241

Westminster Quay land, First Capital City Development Co. Ltd. expenditures on 6241

Women farmworkers, impact of free trade agreement on 8374

Women, impact of free trade agreement on 8374

Women, non-traditional employment and education system 7540

Woodlands, land, development of and SkyTrain 6594

Hagen, Hon. Stanley B. (Comox) Minister of Advanced Education and Job Training

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, advertising, expenditures on 8365

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, annual reports tabled 6038

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, budget, information re 8326, 8343

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 8319-21, 8324-6, 8327-8, 8328, 8331, 8333, 8334, 8335, 8337, 8338, 8339, 8340-1, 8340, 8343-4, 8344-5, 8344, 8345, 8346, 8347-8, 8348-9, 8348, 8349, 8349-50, 8350-1, 8350, 8351, 8352, 8353, 8353-4, 8354, 8355, 8360, 8361, 8362-3, 8362, 8363, 8364-5, 8364, 8365-6, 8365, 8368, 8369, 8370, 8371, 8371-2, 8372, 8373, 8374-5, 8375, 8376-7, 8378-9, 8380, 8381, 8382-3, 8382, 8384, 8384-5, 8386-7, 8389, 8391-2, 8393

Advisory Council on Adjustment, members 8391

Apprentices, number of 8321, 8391

Apprenticeship program 6750

Apprenticeship program, funding for 8391

B.C. Institute of Technology, administration of, political interference in, allegation re, A. 8656, A. 8802

B.C. Institute of Technology, equipment, funding for 8350

B.C. Institute of Technology, labour dispute 8371

B.C. Institute of Technology, Murray, Roy, presidency of institute 8368, 8369, 8370, A. 8656

B.C. Institute of Technology, president, appointment of, role in, A. 6248

B.C. Institute of Technology, president, choice of, A. 6248

B.C. Institute of Technology, Roy Murray's letter to board, NDP action on 8656

B.C. Institute of Technology, vice-president, position of 8370

B.C. Institute of Technology, Watson, John, appointment of 8370, 8371

Canadian Forest Products Ltd., research centre 8384, 8386

Canfor Ltd., research 8701

Cannery workers, women workers 8375

Cariboo College, addition to 8352

Cariboo College, degree-granting status 8344

Cariboo College, student residence 8355

Challenge '89 program 6750

China, student protest, support of Chinese students in Canada for, A. 7035

Civil service, women employees, information re 8378

College boards, appointment of 8327, 8389

College in Kootenays, degree-granting status for 8349-50

Colleges and institutes, funding for 8320

Colleges, degree granting, associate degrees 8366

Colleges, degree-granting status 8327, 8349, 8360

Colleges, degree-granting status and funding for libraries 8361, 8362

Colleges, degree-granting status, basis for degrees 8344

Colleges, endowment funds 8340, 8343

Colleges, faculty, advertising for 8349

Colleges, pension benefits for part-time employees 6619, 8838

Colleges, private colleges, accreditation process, A. 6883

Colleges, spaces, increase in number of 8319

Colleges, sports and cultural programs 8365-6

Computer programs, software companies in Pacific Northwest 8335

Dahllof, Urban, report 8345

Douglas College, apprenticeship program for grades 11 and 12 8338

Employment, task force on employment and training 8321

Forest research, forest companies 8384, 8386-7, 8387, 8701

Forest research, funding for 8386-7

Fraser Valley, post-secondary education and population growth 8320, 8325

Free trade agreement, impact of on economy of B.C. 8373

“Free Trade and Women in B.C.: Potential Impact and Policy Directions for the Future” tabled 8080

Indians, native education advisory committee 8325, 8354

Indians, post-secondary education, federal funds for 8354

Interior University Society, report 8344

Job training, assistant deputy minister for 8321

Job training, funding for labour market adjustment 8379

Job training programs 8391

Kaon project 6613, 8335

Kaon project, employment generated 6249

Kaon project, federal funds for 6249

Kaon project, funding for 8384

Kaon project, study, funding for 8320

Kwantlen College, campus for 8352

Kwantlen College, management training program for women 8355

Literacy, adult basic education and literacy training 8320, 8353-4, 8363, 8365

Literacy, committee on literacy 8325, 8362

Literacy, illiteracy rate in B.C. 8362

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., research centre 8384, 8386, 8701

Malaspina College, degree-granting status 8344, 8348, 8349

Malaspina College, degree-granting status, partnership with University of Victoria 8362

Malaspina College, degree-granting status, problems re faculty positions 8360, 8361

Military research contracts, B.C. universities, A. 8656-7

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) (1989) 8838

Murray, Roy, letter to chairman of BCIT board, contents, A. 8802

Murray, Roy, letter to chairman of BCIT board, NDP action on 8656

Okanagan College, degree-granting status 8344

Older workers adjustment program 8339, 8340

Open Learning Agency, role of 8364

Perry, Thomas, relationship of to University of B.C. 8333

Post-secondary education, access committee, meetings and submissions to 8325

Post-secondary education, “Access for All” report 8319, 8325

Post-secondary education, access program 8353

Post-secondary education, participation rate 8325

Prisoners, educational and job training programs for 8354

Private colleges, accreditation of 7482

Private colleges, complaints against, investigation of 7483

Private colleges, registration of, staff for 7483

Private colleges, regulation of 8339

Private colleges, surety bonds, posting of 7482

Provincial Report, “Access for All” report, article on 8347

Research, Evergreen Triangle, use of term for B.C. 8335

Research, funding for 8331, 8335, 8384-5, 8386-7, 8701

Research, funding for elsewhere 8384

Research in Canada 8768

Research, universities, federal funds for 8326, 8701

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations, implementation of 6619

Salmon Arm, college facility 8352

Science and technology development fund 8384

Science Council Act (Bill 72) 1R, 8080, 8699, 8701, 8767, 8768, 8769, 8770

Science Council of B.C., administration 8699

Science Council of B.C., appointments to 8699, 8767

Science Council of B.C., federal patent agreement funds 8770

Science Council of B.C., funding of 8699

Science Council of B.C., inventions, rights to 8769

Science Council of B.C., officers, directors, employees, liability of 8769

Science Council of B.C., revenue 8770

Science, funding for 8320

Science and technology policy 8335

Simon Fraser University, bio-science building 8352

Simon Fraser University, classroom retrofit project 8352

Street kids, Project Reconnect 6750

Student aid, appropriation for 1988-89, underspending of 6131, 8382

Student aid, committee on 8325, 8383

Student aid, eligibility for, criteria for 8382, 8383

Student aid program, funding for 8320

Student aid program, use of 8383

Students, B.C. students, comparisons with students elsewhere 8334

Students, costs for, students from north and interior 8337

Students, day care for children of 8355, 8379

Students, post-secondary students, transit costs, A. 6131, 8336

Students, special needs students, counselling for 8365

Students, university students, housing for 8355

Task force on employment and training 8321

Training and enterprise centre network 8321

Training investment program 8321

Training opportunities program 8321

Tribute to (Jones) 8321

Trinity Western University Foundation Act (Bill 89) 1R, 8679; 8770, 8771

Trinity Western University, foundation, establishment of 8679, 8770

Trinity Western University, foundation, role of 8770

Tri-University Meson Facility 6613

Tsolum Timber Sales Ltd., log exports, role in (Miller) 8511, 8514 (Parker) 8511, 8514

Unemployment, rate 8373, 8374

Universities and colleges, “Access for All” report 8319, 8325, 8343-4

Universities and colleges, budgets, long-term planning for 8353

Universities and colleges, cooperation between 8325

Universities and colleges, equipment, funding for 8350

Universities and colleges, funding for 8319, 8325

Universities and colleges, funding for, matching capital program 8352

Universities and colleges, spaces, new spaces 8351, 8352, 8353

Universities, centres of excellence 8325

Universities Council, abolition of 8327

Universities, donations to, matching funds for 8320

Universities, funding for 8320

Universities, graduate spaces, allocation of 8328

Universities, research, federal funds for 8326

Universities, research, role of private sector in 8326

Universities, spaces, increase in number of 6619, 8319

University Advisory Council, members 8337

University Advisory Council, purpose of 8343

University in Prince George, implementation planning group for 8344, 8345, 8346, 8360

University of B.C., chem-physics building 8352

University of B.C., contributions to 8352

University of B.C., medical school, research, funding for 8331

University of Victoria, forest research facility 8387

University of Victoria, history department, research work for Canadian military 8657

University of Victoria, principals' institute, funding for 8355

Vocational services, eligibility for, A. 7608

Western Media Institute, court action against owner 7483

Western Media Institute, problems re, A. 7482-3

Western Media Institute, report on, A. 7483

Wife's university degree 8364

Women farmworkers, impact of free trade agreement on 8374

Women, Impact of free trade agreement 8372, 8373

Women, pay equity, A. 7943, 8379

Women, programs for 8376-7

Women's secretariat 8355

Women, Scientists in the Schools program 8355

Women students 8355

Young people, programs for 6749-50

Youth Advisory Council, members 6749

Youth Advisory Council, substance abuse, study on 6749

Youth Advisory Council, “The Next Step” publication 6750

Youth Advisory Council, youth grants program 6750

Hagensborg Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Pullinger) 7788, 7789, 7796

Haida nation

South Moresby National Park and Haida nation (Kempf) 8066

Mentioned: (Brummet) 7495 (Hanson, G.) 7060 (Harcourt) 8061, 8062

Haig, Alexander

Quoted (Sihota) 7343

Haig-Brown, Roderick

Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798 (Parker) 8641

Haley, Bill

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7470 (Williams) 7470


Fishery (Miller) 7261

Halkett, Philip

Mentioned: (Clark) 7286

Halkett Bay Marine Park

Mentioned: {Fraser, R.) 7798 (Huberts) 7804

Hall, Ken

Mentioned:. (Ferry) 5885

Hall, Myrna

Mentioned: (Weisgerber) 7967

Halladay, Ray

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8684

Hallbauer, Robert

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759

Halleran, Michael

Quoted (Dirks) 7184


Mentioned: (Ferry) 6396

Halvorson, H.N.

Mentioned: (Williams) 8477

Hamann, Ian

Mentioned: (Williams) 5862

Hamilton, Gordon

Mentioned: (Richmond) 8717

Hamilton, Rendina

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8337

Hammons, Jim

Appointment of to B.C. Institute of 'Technology (Jones) 8368

Handelskred t Bank International Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) '7634, 7635


Access to society for (Mowat) 7357, 7358

Building access, enforcement of Building Code (Blencoe) 6628

Canadian summer games mentioned (Loenen) 6812

Canadian summer games, Richmond site for (Loenen) 5930

Care of, funding for (Couvelier) 5769

Deinstitutionalization of (Smallwood) 6278

GAIN, disincentive to go off GAIN (Mowat) 7357

GAIN payment, increase in (Couvelier) 5769 (Janssen, G.) 5910 (Mowat) 7357 (Richmond) 5897, 8709

HandyDART drivers, training of (Johnston) 6655 (Lovick) 6655

HandyDART service, expansion of (Hagen, A.) 6598 (Johnston) 6598

HandyDART service, funding for (Reid) 5840 (Smallwood) 8814

HandyDART service mentioned (Ree) 7082

HandyDART service, New Westminster (Hagen, A.) 6597

HandyDART service, Richmond (Loenen) 6586-7

HandyDART service, use of, personal experience referred to (Edwards) 6598

HandyDART vans, Nanaimo (Huberts) 7793 (Lovick) 6655, 7793-4

HandyDART vans, purchase of (Hagen, A.) 6597 (Johnston) 6566, 6655 (Lovick) 6655

HandyDART vans, transport of scooters (Blencoe) 6608 (Johnston) 6608-9, 6653-4 (Lovick) 6653, 6654

Independence of (Smallwood) 7358

Meetings with (Crandall) 5701

Parks, facilities for handicapped (Cashore) 7734 (Huberts) 7733

Premier's awards for accessible designs (Mowat) 7357

Programs for (Mowat) 7357

Property tax deferment program (Couvelier) 5772

Services for (Throne speech) 5589

Services for, funding for community agencies (Mowat) 7358

Taxicabs, access to (Lovick) 7082 (Ree) 7082

Transit buses, equipping of with wheelchair lifts (Johnston) 6654, 6654-5, 6655 (Lovick) 6654, 6655 (Mowat) 7358

Vancouver Regional Transit Commission task force on needs of (Johnston) 6598

Wages, level of (Sihota) 6935

Handicapped children

Associate family program (Dueck) 6075, 6139, 6278, 6319 (Perry) 6318 (Smith, B.R.) 6138, 6277, 6278

Deinstitutionalization of (Richmond) 6719

HandyDART services for preschool-age children (Johnston) 6566

Hospital care for (Dueck) 6278

Institutionalization of (Smith, B.R.) 6138

Outreach program (Dueck) 6319 (Perry) 6319

School Act, provision for in act (Brummet) 8117 (Perry) 8111

School system, children in (Brummet) 5630 (Jacobsen) 5747

Services for (Perry) 6319

Severely disabled child, case cited (Smith, B.R) 6138, 6278

Severely disabled children, home care of (Gran) 7013

Severely disabled children, home care of, funding for (Dueck) 6139, 6278, 6319 (Mowat) 8759 (Perry) 6319 (Richmond) A. 6719, 8812-3 (Smallwood) 6278, Q. 6719, 8810-1, 8813 (Smith, B.R.) 6137-8, 6277, 6278

Severely disabled children, home care of, funding for, BCTV coverage of announcement (Richmond) 8812

Severely disabled children, home care of, provision for under GAIN Act (Richmond) 8813

Severely disabled children, home care of, respite for families (Richmond) 6719

Severely disabled teenager, case cited (Smith, B.R) 6277

Victoria area parents, meetings (Perry) 6319

Handicapped Recreation Society, Victoria, B.C.

Funding for (Richmond) 8815 (Smallwood) 8814


See entries under Handicapped

Hanen, Dave

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6986

Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Hanford, Wash.

Safety of, concerns re (Darks) 6284

Hangman's Tree park

Funding for (Rabbitt) 5903

Hankin, Rick

Mentioned: (Perry) 6188

Hanley, Philip

Quoted (Johnston) 6651


Blues, correction to (Perry) 7715

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates (Williams) 6676-7, 6677-8, 6677, 6678

Quoted (Cashore) 5857, 8086, 8087, 8156, 8222 (Clark) 6231 (De Jong) 7217 (Darks) 7592, 7593 (Guno) 8030 (Janssen, G.) 8134 (Kempf) 7673 (Loenen) 5931 (Michael) 6218, 6285, 6289 (Miller) 5833, 7128, 8232, 8587 (Perry) 5885, 6154, 6188, 6190, 6545, 6877, 7715 (Read) 7460 (Rose) 5951, 8789, 8790 (Sihota) 6374

Mentioned: (Barnes) 7475 (Blencoe) 6604 (Brummet) 5927, 7541 (Cashore) 7970, 8225 (Chairman) 6049, 6143, 6974, 7059, 7087, 7257, 7259, 7304, 7337, 7416, 7464, 7561, 8175, 8210, 8253 (Clark) 6288, 6539, 7299, 8405 (Couvelier) 6881, 6882, 7334, 7338, 7342, 7355, 8409, 8410, 8466, 8471 (Davidson) 7589 (Darks) 7891, 7920, 7935 (Fraser, R) 7798 (Gabelmann) 5738, 6781 (Guno) 8625 (Hanen, A.) 7473, 7693, 8260, 8271, 8300 (Hanson, G.) 6254 (Hanson, L.) 7147, 7713, 7842, 8001 (Harcourt) 6520, 7100, 8014 (Huberts) 7795, 7812 (Janssen, G.) 7444 (Johnston) 6642, 6678 (Jones) 8347 (Kempf) 5882, 7780, 7891, 7892, 8068 (Lovick) 6687, 6705, 6708, 6794, 7079, 7299, 8170 (Marzari) 6018 (Michael) 6233, 6290 (Miller) 5684, 5834, 6694, 6712, 7129, 7259, 7260, 7295, 8647 (Mowat) 8759 (Parker) 8514, 8596 (Perry) 6030, 6041, 6187, 7086, 7717 (Pullinger) 7402 (Ree) 5785, 7021, 8172 (Read) 5737, 6116, 7416 (Richmond) 7466, 8746 (Rose) 5625, 6045, 6049, 6135, 6386, 6569, 7916 (Sihota) 5739, 5850, 6372, 6435, 6935, 7021, 7022, 7028, 7070, 7108, 7451, 7454, 7459, 7713, 8001, 8102, 8207 (Smallwood) 5938, 6278, 6542, 8373, 8745 (Smith, S.D.) 6337, 6349, 6392, 6514 (Speaker) 7111, 7981, 8397, 8585 (Strachan) 5875, 7695, 8146, 8222, 8247 (Vander Zalm) 6163, 8801 (Vant) 6728 (Weisgerber) 8064 (Williams) 6677, 7421, 7589, 8411

Hansard (House of Commons Debates — Official Record)

Mentioned: (Michael) 7193

Hansen, Rick

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6646 (Mowat) 7357 (Read) 7381 (Rose) 7043

Hanson, Gordon (Victoria)

Address in Reply 5725-8

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7243-5, 7250, 7252-3, 7253-4, 7254, 7262, 7263, 7264, 7264-5, 7265, 7266, 7267

Aquaculture and protection of environment 6344

Aquaculture, research and development 7263

Art, acquisition of works of art 6645

Arts, Alberta, funding for arts 6645

Arts, employment in 6645

Arts, funding for 6644, 6645, 6645-6

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6391-2

Bikeway, Highway 17 6817, 6818

Bikeway, Tsawwassen to Vancouver 6817

Bikeways, need for 6817-8, 6818

Bikeways, provision of 6647, 6818-9

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Victoria regional production facility, Q. 6583

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Victoria station, representations re, Q. 6583

Cariboo constituency, by-election and redrawing of boundaries 7384, 7385, 7388

Claxton, Louis, v Saanichton Marina, Supreme Court of Canada, appeal to, Q. 5845, Q. 6009

Coaches, development of 6646

Coastal zone management plan 7264-5

Commonwealth Games, 1994, participants 5727

Commonwealth of Nations, peoples and their cultures 5727

Culture, funding for 6644-5, 6645-6

Cycling, tourism, development of 6647

Cyclists, fatalities 6817, 6818

Dolly Varden trout, safety of for consumption, Q. 6939

Education ministry, estimates 7488-9, 7492-4, 7495

Electoral districts, boundaries, legislation on 5728

Electoral districts, boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. decision on deadline for legislation 7385

Electoral districts, boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. judgment on 7381, 7382, 7388

Electoral districts, dual-member ridings 7381-2

Electoral reform, W.N. Vander Zalm's commitment re 7384, Q. 7525

Federal fisheries research personnel, reduction in, Q. 6410

Fish caught in area of pulp mills, consumption of by Indians 7265, 7266

Fish, compensation to Indians for contaminated fish, Q. 6939

Fish, consumption of contaminated fish by Indians, Q. 6939

Fish culture, salmon eggs, testing of 7264

Fish culture, salmon stock, standards for 7264

Fish-buying stations 8835

Fish-farm licences, moratorium on 7264, 7267

Fish-farm products, labelling of 6344, 7264

Fish-farming, Consumers' Association of Canada recommendations 6344-5

Fish-farming, protection of wild stock 6344, 7263

Fish-farms; density 7264

Fish-farms, disease 6344

Fish-farms, disposal of morts 7263

Fish-farms, location and rotation of 7263

Fish-farms, Norway, problems re 6344

Fish-farms, rights of upland owners 7264

Fish-farms, use of antibiotics 7263

Fish-processing, floating processors 7262, 7263

Fish-processing, GATT ruling and industry 8835

Fish-processing industry and Magnuson Act 8835, 8836

Fish-processing, Industry in B.C. 6344-5, 7250, 7267, 8835, 8836-7

Fish-processing, Industry in B.C., Premier's guarantee re, Q. 8801, Q. 8802

Fish-processing, jobs in B.C., protection of, Q. 6370, 7250, 7267

Fish-processing, transportation of fish to U.S. for processing, Q. 6370

Fisheries, aboriginal rights 7252-3

Fisheries, aboriginal rights, John Savage's remarks re 7250, 7252-3

Fisheries resource, management of, Indians' involvement in 7250, 7252-3, 7253

Fisheries resource, protection of 7263

Fishing, drift-net fishing 7243-4, 7250, 7267

Fishing, drift-net fishing, ban on 7244

Fishing, drift-net fishing, condemnation of 6208, 7243-4

Fishing, drift-net fishing, lost nets 6208

Fishing, drift-net fishing, New Zealand concern re 8502

Fishing, Japan, extension of fishing area rights 7244

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., employees, layoff of 5725-6

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., employees, layoff of, case cited 5725-6

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., Victoria sawmill, closing of and log exports, Q. 5652

Herring, processing of in B.C., Q. 8801, Q. 8802, 8835

Indian bands in B.C., number of 5591

Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act 8538, 8539, 8541

Indian students, federal aid to, limit on, Q. 6081, Q. 6211

Indian students, intervention on behalf of, Q. 6081, Q. 6211

Indian teachers, education program at University of B.C. 7492

Indian teachers, need for 7492

Indian teachers, number of 7488

Indians, aboriginal title, government's position on 5726

Indians, aboriginal title, Supreme Court of Canada decision 6186

Indians, band schools, funding of 7493

Indians, councils of elders, proposal for use of 7061

Indians, cultural diversity 7059, 7060

Indians, curriculum, concerns re 6211

Indians, curriculum development, participation in 7488

Indians, Edmonton school district, Indian studies 7494

Indians, federal programs for, reduction in personnel for, Q. 6411

Indians, history and culture, instruction of non-natives in 7493

Indians, justice system and Indians 7061

Indians, language and culture institute, establishment of 7493

Indians, languages, instruction in 7493, 8653-4

Indians, languages, instruction of preschoolers in 7495

Indians, languages, legislation on 7493

Indians, languages, preservation of 7493, 8653

Indians, languages, problem re in justice system 7060

Indians, Manitoba, aboriginal justice inquiry 6392

Indians, master tuition agreement funding, basis for 7489

Indians, master tuition agreement funds, participation in spending of 7492

Indians, master tuition agreement negotiations, participation in 7489

Indians, mature students 7492

Indians, prisoners, jailing of for non-payment of fines 7059

Indians, prisoners, number of Indian prisoners 7058, 7062

Indians, prisoners, spiritual practices, problems re 7059

Indians, prisoners, treatment of as homogenous group 7059, 7060

Indians, pupil costs and funding for education 7489

Indians, recreational facilities for 6646

Indians, reserve land, property tax collection, fee for 8539

Indians, reserve land, property tax, compensation for loss 8539

Indians, reserve land, property tax revenue, provisions for 8540

Indians, reserve land, taxation appeals process 8541

Indians, school dropouts 7488

Indians, sports council for 6646

Indians, sports facilities 6115-6

Indians, sports training, coaches 6115-6, 6646-7

Indians, teachers' aides for classrooms with Indian students 7493

Indians, treaties 5726

Indians, Treaty 8 lands dispute 6392

Indians, tribal organizations 7488

Ingenika Indian band, meeting re future of, participation in, Q. 6910

Ingenika Indian band, problems 6392

An Institute of Aboriginal Languages for British Columbia, An Act to Establish (Bill M228) 1R, 8653-4

Logs, export tax on, Q. 5652, 5726

Marine environment, pollution of 7244

McLeod Lake Indian band, court case, judgment 6392

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) (1989) 8830-1, 8830

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) , 1989, section 28, standing down of, proposal for 8830

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) (1989) 8834-5, 8835, 8836-7, 8837

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6639-40, 6642, 6643, 6644-5, 6645, 6645-6, 6646-7, 6647, 6647-8

Museums, funding for 6645

Native Education Centre, work of commended 7492

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, work of commended 7492

Oil spills, response to 7244, 7266, 7267

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, environmental impact 7244

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, loss to native people 7266

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, response to 7244, 7250

Physical education in high school 6115

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from for certain employees 8830, 8830-1

Pulp mills, emissions 7244-5

Recreation facilities, smaller communities 6646

Royal British Columbia Museum, admission to, free admission 6642

Royal British Columbia Museum, donations to as source of revenue 6642

Royal British Columbia Museum, visitors to, number of 6643

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, appointment of 7382, 7384-5

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, cost of 5725

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, hearings, cost of 5742

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, interim report 7382, 7385

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, report 7382, 7385

Saanichton Marina, Louis Claxton case, appeal to Supreme Court of Canada, Q. 5845, Q. 6009

Salmon, Goldstream chum salmon, proposal re 7253-4, 7254

Salmon, Japan, requirements for shipments to 7250

Salmon, processing of in B.C., Q. 8801, Q. 8802, 8835

School District 36 (Surrey) , costs per pupil 7489

School District 87 (Stikine) , pupil costs 7489

School District 92 (Nisga'a) , establishment of 7488

Sewage disposal, screens, use of 6639

Sewage disposal, Washington State laws re 6639, 6640

SkyTrain transit system, ridership and travel by freeway 6818

Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7058-60, 7061, 7062

Sports and recreation, Action Challenge committee review of 6646

Sports and recreation projects, Go B.C. funds for 6648

Sports, integrated sports system 6115

Sports program, proposal re 6646

Supreme Court of B.C., government's failures in appeals to 5726

Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7381-2, 7383, 7384-5, 7384, 7386, 7388, 7462

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6817-8, 6818-9

Tree-farm licence No. 46, audit of 5652, 5726

Trout, dioxin and furan content, testing for, Q. 6939

Tsawout Indian band, compensation for court costs, Q.5845

University Endowment Land Park Act 6185-7, 6258, 6260

University Endowment Land Park Act, bill, second reading six months hence 6187

University Endowment Lands, aboriginal title, determination of 6186-7

University Endowment Lands, archaeological sites 6187

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to 6186-7, 6258, 6260

Vancouver Canucks, Calgary Flames, defeat of 6115

Vancouver Opera Association, funding for 6644

Vancouver, sewage disposal, secondary treatment 6639

Victoria, sewage disposal 5727-8, 6639-40

Victoria, sewage disposal, federal funds for 5728, 6639

Victoria, sewage disposal, funding for 5728, 6640

Victoria, Shelbourne Street, traffic load 6818-9

Voters, election day registrations 7382

Waste disposal, task force hearings, NDP representation at 5725

Hanson, Hon. Lyall (Okanagan North) Minister of Labour and Consumer Services

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Alcohol and drug abuse, advisory committee on programs 6944-5, 6950

Alcohol and drug abuse, special resources division library 6947

Alcohol and drug abuse, special resources division, work of, reassignment of 6945, 6947

Alcohol and drug program 6891-2

Alcoholic beverages, bootlegging, fines for 8463, 8534

Alcoholic beverages, retail liquor stores, decisions on licences, A. 8655-6, A. 8656

Alcoholism, advisory committees on at regional level 6944

Alcoholism, community action program 6947

Alcoholism, community action program, expenditures by region 6952

Alcoholism, community action program, grants 6944, 6950, 6951

Alcoholism, counsellors, number of, A. 7608

Alcoholism, counsellors, training of 6944

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, contracting out of 6944

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, funding for 6891-2, 6945

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, interministerial cooperation on 6952

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, planning for 6944

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, regionalization of programs 6944, 6945, 6947

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment services 6949

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, staffing for at regional level 6946, 6948

Alcoholism, treatment, assessment standard 6945

Alcoholism, treatment facilities 6891

Alcoholism, treatment, funding for residential facilities, A. 6178

Alcoholism, treatment, post-treatment care 6953

Alcoholism, treatment, varieties of 6945

Alcoholism, TRY program 6891, 6944

Alcoholism, TRY program, expenditures on 6952

Alcoholism, TRY program mentioned 6945, 6953, 7608

Alcoholism, women and youth consultants, positions of 6945

Alcoholism, young people, programs for 6953, 6954

Ambulance service staff, negotiations and Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1989, A. 7452

Batteries, packaging of 6928

Beer, brew pubs, sale of beer by 8463

B.C. Council of Human Rights, complaints to, number of 8463

B.C. Council of Human Rights, complaints to, settlement through mediation 8463

B.C. Council of Human Rights, curriculum unit for use in schools 6969

B.C. Council of Human Rights, educational programs 6894

B.C. Council of Human Rights, hearing of cases, delays in 6969

B.C. Council of Human Rights, role of 6894

B.C. Council of Human Rights, tribute to 6969

B.C. Council of Human Rights, work of 6893-4

B.C. Government Employees' Union, negotiations, handling of 6971

Cable TV companies, use of negative option sales technique 6940

Cemetery and Funeral Services Act (Bill 42) 1R, 7479; 7741, 3, 7744, 7836, 7837, 7838, 7839, 7840, 7.8412, '7$41, , '7842

Cemeteries and funeral services, task !force on, members 7742

Centeterles branch, work of 6893

Cemeteries, columbarium 7838, 7839

Cemeteries, maintenance of, funds for 7742, 7838, 7839

Cemeteries, plots, phone and door-to-door solicitations for sales of, ban on 7479, 7742

Cemeteries, trustees commended 7742

Cemeteries, unused lots, reclamation of 7742

Cemeteries, unused lots, reclamation of and resale 7837, 7838

Cemetery and Funeral Services Advisory Council, establishment of 7743

Cemetery and Funeral Services Advisory Council, membership 7842

Cemetery plots, phone solicitation for sales of, ban on 7479

Chinese medicinal wine, access to, A. 6761

Civil service, wages, payment of, delay in 6929, 6931

Civil service, wages, payment of, ombudsman's statement re 6931

Consumer Assistance Directory mentioned 6892

Consumer protection laws, contravention of, investigation into 6892-3

CounterAttack program, education program 6892

CounterAttack program, funding for 6892

Cremations, number of 7742

Crematoriums, location of 7742

Debt Collection Act, amendments to 8295, 8463

Debt collection director, decisions, jurisdiction over appeals 8463

Debt collectors, complaints against 6893

Debt, homeowner debt 6893

Debtor assistance branch, work of 6893

Delta Media Services Ltd., inclusion of in list of referendum companies 7611

Delta Media Services Ltd., Knight Street Pub referendum, conduct of 6978, 6979, 6985, 7611

Domestics, employment standards director, report 6902, 6903

Domestics, employment standards legislation, enforcement of 6902

Domestics, wages, room and board as part of 6902

Doney, Lee, resignation, offer re 7612

Drug abuse, advisory committee on at regional level 6944

Drug abuse, community action program 6947

Drug abuse, community action program, grants 6944, 6950, 6951

Drug abuse, counsellors, number of, A. 7608

Drug abuse, counsellors, training of 6944

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, assessment standard 6945

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, contracting out of 6944

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, funding for 6891-2, 6945

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, funding for residential facilities, A. 6178

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, interministerial cooperation on 6952

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, planning for 6944

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, post-treatment care 6953

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, regionalization of programs 6944, 6945, 6947

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment services 6949

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, staffing for at regional level 6946, 6948

Drug abuse, special resources division library 6947

Drug abuse, special resources division, work of, reassignment of 6945, 6947

Drug abuse, women and youth consultants, positions of 6945

Drug abuse, young people, programs for 6953, 6954

Drunk driving, penalty for 6892

Elderly women in poverty 6955

Embalmers, apprenticeship of 7743

Employment standards legislation, review of, proposal re 6936

Farmworkers, minimum wage increase for, A. 8232

Farmworkers, Workers' Compensation Board coverage for, A. 5876, 6444, 6962

Food products, labelling of, country-of-origin information, A. 6581-2

Forest industry, employees, Injuries and fatalities 6444

Forests ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Funeral services companies, takeover of 7743

Funeral services, door-to-door solicitation by 7479, 7836, 7837

Funeral services, phone solicitation by 7479, 7742, 7743, 7840

Funeral services, phone solicitation by, out-of-province calls 7840

Funeral services, prearranged plans, cancellation of 7840

Funeral services, prepaid, refunds 7743, 7841-2

Funeral services, purchase of, time period for reconsideration 7836

Funeral services, solicitation by mail 7837

Funerals, cryonics and irradiation, restriction on 7742

Funerals, rights re disposition of a person's body 7742, 7840, 7841

Gallagher, George (Bud) , resignation of 6971

Garbage disposal problem 6928

Hazardous materials information system 6440

Health ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Hick, Bert, terms of departure from Labour and Consumer Services ministry staff, A. 7249

Hotel tenants, long-term tenants, maid service for 8539

Hotel tenants, long-term tenants, protection of 6927, 7637, 8464

Hotel tenants, long-term tenants, rent increases for 8464, 8535

Hotel tenants, long-term tenants, rents, level of 8536

Hotel tenants, long-term tenants, visitors to, overnight visitors 8537

Housing, speculation, tax on, proposal re 6918

Human Rights Act, amendments to 8295, 8463

Industrial Relations Act, New Democratic Party's alternative bill to 6920

Industrial Relations Act, section 48, work on 6970

Industrial Relations Board, dispute resolution division, work of 6893

Industrial Relations Council, annual report tabled 5592

Industrial Relations Council, applications dealt with 6893

Industrial Relations Council, boycott of 6970, 6971

Industrial Relations Council, preventive mediation division, work of 6893

Industrial Relations Council, trade union certification, applications for 6970

Industrial safety, inspections 6444

Industrial safety, promotion of 6440

Insurance Corporation of B.C., annual report tabled 5592

Insurance Corporation of B.C., claims centres, new centres opened 6892

Insurance Corporation of B.C., claims division, staff 6892

Insurance Corporation of B.C., claims filed 6892

Insurance Corporation of B.C., investment income 6892

Insurance Corporation of B.C., surplus, operating surplus 6892

Knight Street Pub affair, condoning of actions of Bert Hick 7100, A. 7147, A. 7148 (Harcourt) Q. 7099, 7101, Q. 7147, Q. 7148 (Rose) 7101 (Vander Zalm) A. 7099

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Bert Hick's press conference statement re 6984, 7610

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, conversation with Attorney-General re 7611-2, A. 7713

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Labour and Consumer Services ministry investigation into 6976, 6977, 6978, 6984, 7611, 7612

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Lee Doney's report on, A. 7281, 7611

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence, cancellation of 6987

Knight Street Pub, ombudsman's report on 6975, 6977, 6978, 6985, 6987

Knight Street Pub, referendum ballots, problems re 6979

Knight Street Pub, referendum, conduct of by Delta Media Services Ltd. 6978, 6979, 6985, 7611

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, annual report, 1987-88 fiscal year, tabled 8000

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, estimates 6891-4, 6896, 6897, 6897-8, 6898, 6898-9, 6899, 6900, 6902, 6903, 6904, 6905, 6906, 6907, 6912, 6913, 6913-4, 6915-6, 6915, 6917-8, 6920, 6922-3, 6922, 6924, 6925, 6926-7, 6927, 6928, 6929, 6930, 6931, 6932, 6933, 6934, 6936, 6940, 6941, 6944-5, 6945, 6947, 6948, 6950, 6950-1, 6951, 6952, 6953-4, 6953, 6954, 6955, 6956, 6957, 6958, 6959, 6960, 6961, 6962, 6963, 6964, 6970, 6971, 6973, 6974-5, 6975, 6976, 6977, 6978-9, 6978, 6979, 6979-80, 6984-5, 6984, 6985, 6986, 6987

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, responsibilities 6954

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Labour and Consumer Services Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 46) 1R, 8295, 8463

Labour ombudsman 6920

Labour relations and state of economy 6971

Liquor Control and Licensing Act, amendments to 8295-6, 8463

Liquor control and licensing branch, work of 6892

Liquor Distribution Act, amendments to 8296, 8463

Liquor Distribution Board, listings, appeals re 8463

Liquor distribution branch, annual report tabled 5802

Liquor laws, enforcement of 6892

Liquor licences, licensees' training program 6892

Liquor licences, servers' training program 6892

Liquor licensing policies, commission on 7612

Liquor Policy Review Committee, recommendations 8463

Liquor stores, decisions on licences, overruling of, A. 8655-6, A. 8656

Lodging-houses, tenants, protection for 6927

Mackenzie, rental accommodation, quality of 6927

Mackenzie, rents, increase in 6926-7, 6927, 6928

McRobbie, Valerie, Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application for 6976

Mobile home owners, problems of, meeting re 6974-5

Mobile home owners, protection for, legislation on 6974

Mobile homes, moving costs 6974

Mobile homes, pads, shortage of 6974

Mortgages, real estate agents' recommendations re, A. 6912, 6912, 6913

Motor dealers, standards for 6892

Neighbourhood pub licences, commissioner, appointment of, A. 7280

Neighbourhood pub licences, granting of, procedure for, A. 7279-80, A. 7280

Neighbourhood pub licences, municipal powers re 7280

Neighbourhood pub referenda, guidelines for 6892

Neighbourhood pub referenda, municipal powers re, A. 7279

Nielsen, James Arthur, resignation of 6906

Nielsen, James Arthur, salary 6907

Nielsen, James Arthur, Workers' Compensation Board, severance arrangements 6906

Nurses' strike, 1989, hospitals, manning levels for essential services 7818

Pacifica Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centre, contract 6952

Packaging and generation of garbage 6928

Packaging, problems re 6928

Packaging, regulation of, responsibility for 6928

Peak House Youth and Family Centre, continued operation of, A. 6178

Peak House Youth and Family Centre, funding for, A. 6178, A. 6179

Petrini, Harold, Workers' Compensation Board award to 6973

Poole, David, conversations with Bert Hick, information re 6977, 6984, 6984-5, 7610

Poole, David, Knight Street Pub, role of in investigation into 6977

Privilege — Moe Sihota's allegations 7612

Racism, hate literature 6969

Real estate agents, purchase of own listing 6915

Rent control 6924

Rent control, NDP stand on 6917

Rent, increases in 6917, 6923, 6925, 6926-7, 8535

Rent review process 6916, 6924

Rental housing, condominiums, conversion to, fee proposal 6917

Rental Housing Council of B.C. 6893

Rental Housing Council of B.C., evicted tenants, assistance to 6915

Rental Housing Council of B.C., rent increases, review of 6917, 6924

Rental housing, demolition of, fee for, proposal re 6917

Rental housing, shortage of 6918

Residential Tenancy Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 47) 1R, 7637; 8464-5, 8535, 8536, 8537, 8538

Residential tenancy branch, mandate 6927

Residential tenancy branch, work of 6893

Resignation of for role in Knight Street Pub affair (Harcourt) Q. 7070, Q. 7100, Q. 7101, 8660, 8661 (Sihota) Q. 7071, Q. 7327-8, 7614, 8661 (Vander Zalm) A. 7071

Selling, negative option sales technique, proposal re 6940, 6941

Single parents, female-headed families in poverty 6955

Snug Cove Marina, federal funds for 6987

Snug Cove Marina pub, liquor licence application for 6987

Social Services and Housing ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6929, 6931, 6964

Solicitor-General ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Strikes and lockouts, days lost 6971

Tenancy agreements 8537

Tenants, evicted tenants, assistance to 6915

Tenants, eviction notices to, notice period 6917-8

Tenants, eviction of 6924

Tenants, eviction of, Vancouver 6924

Tenants, landlords, monetary claims, settlement of 8464-5

Tenants, security deposits, jurisdiction over disputes re 7637, 8464

Tenants, security deposits, settlement of disputes re 8464

Toigo, Peter, Knight Street Pub, role of in licence application 6976

Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Transportation and Highways ministry, staff, wage payments to, delay in 6964

Travel assurance fund, claims paid 6893

Truck drivers, overtime, regulation re 6936

Wages, minimum wage 6958, 6963, 6964

Wages, minimum wage, level of elsewhere in Canada 6963

Wages, overtime, regulations re 6936

Wages, unpaid wages recovered 6893

Western Canada Steel Ltd., concessions to company 6922

Western Canada Steel Ltd., labour dispute, settlement of 6922

Western Canada Steel Ltd., sale of to Ipsco and closure 6922

Women in poverty 6955

Women, minister of state responsible for women's issues 6955, 6957

Women, pay equity 6956

Women, pay equity, government's position on 6959

Women, pay equity, legislation on 6955, 6958, 6959

Women, pay equity, Ontario legislation on 6956

Women, pay equity, provision for in Human Rights Act 6959

Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 27) 1R, 6759; 7162-3, 7164, 7553, 7554, 7555, 7556, 7557, 7557-8

Workers' Compensation Board, Advisory Committee on the Structures of the Workers' Compensation System 6759, 6893, 6904, 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, annual report, commissioners' signatures 6905

Workers' Compensation Board, annual report tabled 6535

Workers' Compensation Board, appeal division 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, appeal system 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, appeals, time limit on 7162, 7554, 7555, 7556

Workers' Compensation Board, assessment income, 1988, and 1987 credit 6897

Workers' Compensation Board, assessments, appeals of 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, assessments, increases in 6898, 6899

Workers' Compensation Board, assessments, setting of 6897

Workers' Compensation Board, benefits, payment of during appeal period 7163, 7557

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors 6759, 7164, 7553

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, bylaws 7553

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, chairman, appointment of 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, establishment of 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, inquiry and investigative powers 7553

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, public interest governors 7162, 7164

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, quorum requirement 7553

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, role of 6904, 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, vacancies on board 7553

Workers' Compensation Board, chief appeal commissioner, responsibilities of 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, claims, increase in cost of and assessments 6899, 6900

Workers' Compensation Board, companies, title change and loss of experience rating 6947

Workers' Compensation Board, Deloitte Haskins Sells and Associates report on 6962

Workers' Compensation Board, income, investment income 6899

Workers' Compensation Board, penalties assessed against employers 6903, 7162

Workers' Compensation Board, policies, setting of 6897, 7162, 7164

Workers' Compensation Board, president, powers of re review board decisions 7163

Workers' Compensation Board, regulations, order-in-council process for 7164

Workers' Compensation Board reimbursement to Medical Services Plan 6899

Workers' Compensation Board, research grants 6905

Workers' Compensation Board, restructuring of 6893

Workers' Compensation Board, safety regulations, development of 6904

Workers' Compensation Board, staff, resignation of, severance policy 6906, 6907

Workers' Compensation Board, surplus, 1987 surplus accredited to employers 6896

Workers' Compensation Board, surplus, 1988 unappropriated surplus 6897, 6900

Workers' Compensation Board, surplus accredited to employers 6898

Workers' Compensation Board, surplus, future surpluses, policy on 6896

Workers' Compensation Board, surplus, use of 6898

Workers' Compensation Board, workers' advisory office 6893

Workers' Compensation Review Board decisions, appeals of 6893, 7162

Workers' Compensation Review Board decisions, appeals of, backlog 6893

Workers' Compensation Review Board decisions, reviews of 7162-3

Workers, fatalities, increase in 6444

Workers killed and injured, mourning day for 6440

Happy Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) 7634

Harassment, Sexual

See: Sexual harassment

Harcourt, Michael (Vancouver Centre)

AIDS, AZT for, Pharmacare coverage for cost of 8668, 8669

AIDS prevention video, basis for rejection of, Q. 7867

AIDS prevention video, rejection of, Q. 7866

AIDS prevention video, release of 8668-9, 8668

Abortion, access to 8678

Abortion, access to, government's position on issue 6520

Abortion, access to, NDP position on issue 6521

Abortion, funding for 6520

Abortion, Supreme Court , of 'Canada decision on 6520

Address in Reply 5601-2, 5605-8

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 8384, 8385-6, 8357

Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from, cabinet's powers re 8659, 8660

Assessment Authority of B.C., establishment of 6163

Assessments, capping of 6162

Assessments, capping of, impact of on Vancouver east side 6163

Assessments, capping of, time limit on 6162

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6519-20, 6521, 6522, 6523

Banky, Jake, Canada-U.S. committee on oil spills, attendance at meetings of, Q. 5875

B.C. Enterprise Corporation employees, severance pay for 8670

B.C. Enterprise Corporation loans, write-down of 8670

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, cost of 5998

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, responsibility for 5998

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping sites, Q. 7280

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil removal contractors, Q. 7280

B.C. Place, Expo land, environmental studies, tabling of 5999

B.C. Place, Expo land, public housing for 5998, 8664

B.C. Place, Expo land sale agreement 5998-9

B.C. Place, Expo land sale, judicial inquiry into, proposal for 8668, 8669-70, 8669, 8670

B.C. Place, government offices, vacating of 8670

The British Columbia Recycling Act (Bill M212) 1R, 6759-60

Calder decision mentioned 8064

Canfor Ltd., research 8387

China, student protest 7199-7200

China, student protest, support of Chinese students In Canada for 8670, 8671

Chlorofluorocarbons, use of, restrictions on 5601

Civil service, federal, proposal for reduction in, Q. 6410

Conflict of interest, legislation on 8661

Copper, research on 8701

Cull, Elizabeth, presented to House 8844

Day care facilities 8678

Democracy, history of 8014

Dioxins, emission of 5601

The Dumping of Toxic Materials in British Columbia and Its Coastal Waters, An Act to Prohibit (Bill M222) 1R, 8420

Economy of B.C., diversification of 5607

Education system, goal of 8012-3

Education system, mandate statement, addition to 8013-5

Environment and sustainable development 5606-7

Environmental protection 5601

Environmental protection fund, proposal for 6459

Environmental protection legislation, NDP proposals for 5606-7

Environmentally Sensitive Spending by Government, An Act to Ensure (Bill M204) 1R, 5915

Exxon Valdez, safe transit of 5914

Family court counsellors, privatization of, Q. 7609

Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, estimates 7343-4, '7343

Fish-processing, jobs in B.C., protection of, Q. 6369, Q. 6370

Fish-processing, negotiations with U.S. 6369

Fish-processing, regulations, change in and B.C. industry, Q. 6368

Fisheries, decisions on B.C. fishery, role of government in, Q. 6674, Q. 6675

Fishing, drift-net fishing, agreement on, Q. 6674

Forest industry products, value-added products 5607, 8724

Forest industry products, value-added products, export of 5607

Forest industry products, value-added products, research and development of 8724

Forest management practices 8665

Forest research and development agency, proposal for 8724

Forest research and development, forest companies 8385, 8387, 8701

Forest research and development, funding for 8385, 8386, 8701

Forest research and development program 5607

Forestry Research and Development Act (Bill M233) 1R, 8724-5

Forestry Value Added Act (Bill M232) 1R, 8724

Fraser, Alexander Vaughan, tribute to 6701

Free trade agreement, government support for, Q. 6369

Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Indian band, land claims case 6523, 8063

Government, ethics in government 8660

Government Management Services ministry, estimates 5998-9, 5998, 5999

Government purchasing, public spending advisory group, proposal for 5915

Greater Vancouver Regional District, planning powers 8660

Hanson, Hon. Lyall, resignation of for role in Knight Street Pub affair, Q. 7070, Q. 7100, Q. 7101, 8660, 8661

Herring, export of unprocessed herring 6371

Homeowner grant, increase in 6163

Housing, shortage of 5608

Immigrants, reception services, funding for 8670

Immigrants, wealthy immigrants, policy on admission of 8671-2, 8673

Income tax, federal rate, increase in and B.C. rate, Q. 6210

Income tax, increase in, Q. 5963

Increase Pollution Penalties and Create an Environmental Protection Fund, An Act to (Bill M210) 1R, 6459

Indians, aboriginal rights 6259

Indians, aboriginal title 8062, 8064, 8663

Indians, land claims, fearmongering re 8064

Indians, land claims, settlement of 8060, 8677

Indians, litigation before provincial courts, expenditures on 8062

Indians, Quebec land claims, settlement of 8061

Industrial Relations Act, day of protest against act 8673

Industry, new industry 5607

Industry, tax incentives to 5608

Industry, value-added industry 5607

Ingenika Indian band, problems 8061

Ingenika Indian band, visit to 8060

Kaon project, funding for 8386

Knight Street Pub affair, Lyall Hanson's condoning of actions of Bert Hick, Q. 7099, 7101, Q. 7147, Q. 7148

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application 8660, 8661

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Bert Hick's press conference statement re 7099, 7101, Q. 7147, Q. 7148

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, David Poole's call re, Q. 7148

Knight Street Pub liquor licence application, W.N. Vander Zalm's questions re, Q. 7148

Komagata Maru incident 7462

Labour code, new code 8672

Land use, conflicts re 8663

Legislation, NDP proposals for 5606-7

Legislative Library staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act 8834

Legislature, interns 8063

Letter quoted (Rose) 6046

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., research centre 8387

Manitoba, unemployment rate 8659

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) (1989) 8833-4

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) , 1989, section 28, standing down of, proposal for 8834

The Moratorium on Offshore Oil Drilling and Exploration, An Act to Continue (Bill M221) 1R, 8420

Mulroney, Brian, letter to quoted 6259

Multicultural issues 7462

Multiculturalism, programs, funding for 8670

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6591-3

Native Affairs ministry, estimates 8060-2, 8063-4, 8065

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, Q. 6130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Coquitlam watershed area, Q. 6129-30, 6247

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, energy project certificate, Q. 6631

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact, Q. 6247

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Indian Arm route, Q. 6130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, project monitoring committee, Q. 6130, Q. 6248

Nemetz, Nathaniel T., inquiry into severance pay and pensions, terms of reference, Q. 5603

Offshore oil drilling, moratorium on 5601

Oil spills, Canada-U.S. committee on, meetings, Q. 5798, Q. 5875

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill 5914 100

Mile House council, meeting with 8665

Packaging, environmentally sound packaging, research on 6760

Paper industry, development of in B.C. 5607

Paper products, government purchases, restriction on kinds of paper 5915

Paper products, recycled paper, purchase of by government 5915

Pattullo Bridge, three lanes for 6592

Perry, Thomas L., presented to House 5797

Pollution, compensation to persons injured, provision for 6459

Pollution, fines for polluters 5601, 6459

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of in schools, Q. 8654-5

Poole, David, departure from government service, Q. 5603, 8660

Poole, David, pension funds, government contribution to, Q. 8500

Poole, David, severance pay and pension, Q. 5603, 8660, 8661

Poole, David, severance pay, auditor-general's report on 8670

Poole, David, severance pay, payments in 1989, Q. 8500

Population growth, lower mainland area 6163, 8662

Population growth, provincial population 8662

Premier's office, estimates 8659, 8660, 8661, 8661-3, 8664-5, 8668-9, 8669-70, 8669, 8670-1, 8671-2, 8672-3, 8673, 8675, 8677-8

Principal group of companies, government action on 7343

Principal group of companies, investors 7343

Principal secretary's lawsuit (Vander Zalm) 5693, 8665

Provincial Education Policy Advisory Committee 8012

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from for certain employees 8833-4

Pullinger, Jan, presented to House 5797

Quesnel council, meeting with 8665

Real estate sales tax exemption, first-home buyers 5608

Real estate speculation, tax on 5601, 5608, 6163

Recycling, provincewide program 6760

Recycling, research on 6760

Rental housing, Vancouver, Kerrisdale area demolitions 8662

Rentalsman, office of, reinstitution of 8664

Research, funding for 8384, 8385-6, 8387, 8700-1

Research, funding for elsewhere 8385, 8386, 8700

Residential Property Tax Increase Limitation Act (1989) 6162-3

Residential Property Tax Increase Limitation Act, 1989, Vancouver city council request for act 6163

Royal commission on forestry, establishment of 5601, Q. 5604

Sales tax, federal goods and services tax, government's position on, Q. 5915, Q. 6209, Q. 6341, Q. 6342

Sales tax, increase in, Q. 5964

Salmon, export of unprocessed salmon, debate on issue 6371

School Act 8012-5

School Act, consultation re 8012

School Act, development of 8012

School Act, second reading, amendment to 8015

School District 92 (Nisga'a) , education system 8064

School District 92 (Nisga'a) , establishment of 8064

School tax, Greater Vancouver Regional District 6163

Science Council Act 8700-1

Securities Commission staff, exemption from Public

Service Labour Relations Act 8833

SkyTrain transit system, cost of 6592

SkyTrain transit system, extensions, financing formula 6592-3

SkyTrain transit system, extensions, funding for 6592-3

SkyTrain transit system, noise problems 6592

SkyTrain transit system, Whalley, extension to 6592, 6593

Sopow, Eli, Canada-U.S. committee on oil spills, attendance at meetings of, Q. 5875

Spetifore property, agricultural land reserve, exclusion from, Q. 8357, Q. 8500, 8659

Spetifore property, Delta residents' vote on, Q. 8500

Students, education for participation in a democratic society 8012-3, 8014-5

Sullivan, Barry, tribute to 8012

Taxation, level of in B.C. and federal budget, Q. 6210

Tenants, eviction of, Kerrisdale area 8662

Tenants, protection of 5608, 8664

Terra Nova land, agricultural land reserve, exclusion from 8659

Timber licences, awarding of, requirement to be met 8724

Timber supply, Cariboo mills 8662

Tortorella, Albert, employment of 5914

Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7462

Transit, cost of and cost of freeways 6592

Transit system, Richmond 6592

Transit, Vancouver, history of LRT system 6592

Tree-farm licensees, value-added production requirement 8724

Unemployment insurance regulations, change in and welfare rolls, Q. 6008

Unemployment insurance regulations, change in, impact of on B.C., Q. 6008

Unemployment, Kamloops 8659, 8662

University Endowment Land Park Act 6194-5, 6218-9, 6257, 6258-9

University Endowment Land Park Act, bill, second reading six months hence 6194-5

University Endowment Lands, housing proposal during NDP administration 6218-9

University Endowment Lands, land cleared during Social Credit Party administration 6218

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to 6257, 6258-9, 6258, 6521, 6522

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to, amendment proposed 6195, 6219, 6257

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to and transfer of land 6194

Vancouver International Airport, public transit to 6592

Vancouver Stock Exchange, inquiry into by committee of Legislature, proposal for, Q. 6881, Q. 6882

Vancouver Stock Exchange, operators, reference to as “scumbags”, Q. 6881

Vancouver-Point Grey constituency, by-election 6194-5

Vander Zalm, Hon. William N., Kingcome Inlet, visit to 8061

Violence against women and children 8678

Waste Management Act, fines under act 6459

Waste, nonbiodegradable, reduction in amount of 6760

Westwood land, offers for, tabling of, Q. 7201

Williams Lake, council, meeting with 8665

Withdrawal from the chamber 7102

Women, housing for 8678

Women, income security for 8678

Women, minister of state responsible for women's issues 8678

Women, pay equity 8678

Zirnhelt, David, presented to House 8843

Hard Rock Miners (Rock group)

Mentioned: (Williams) 7470

Harding, T.W.

“AIDS in Prison” quoted (Perry) 7086

Hardwick, David

Mentioned: (Clark) 6414, 6415, 6416, 6417

Hardwick, Gordon

Consulting fees, Children's Hospital (Clark) 6416

Mentioned: (Clark) 6415, 6416

Hardwick, Walter

Mentioned: (Clark) 6416

Hardy, Ineke E.

Mentioned: (Cashore) 7773

Harper Ranch

Indian land claim (Smith, S.D.) 6359

Harris, Sue

Mentioned: (Barnes) 8157

Harrison, William

Sentence for assault, case cited (McCarthy) 6452

Hart, D.

Mentioned: (Long) 7851

Hart, R.

Mentioned: (Long) 7851

Hart Highway

See entries under Highway 97

Hartwick, Diane

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8676

Hartwick, Nan

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8676

Harvard Business Review

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7407

Harvard University

Mentioned: (Cashore) 7541

Harvey, Wendy

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6485

Hastings Park

See entries under Vancouver, B.C.

Hat Creek Ranch

Tourist attraction (Rabbitt) 8292

Hate literature

See entries under Racism

Hatlen, Elizabeth C. (Marg)

Retirement of (Gabelmann) 5738 (Reid) 5737-8

Haden, Olaf

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 5914

Hawley Housekeepers

Employees, wage rate (Rose) 6314, 6315

Hawthorn, Harry B.

“Indians of Canada” mentioned (Hanson, G.) 7494

Hayward, John

Mentioned: (Miller) 5686

Hazardous Substance Response Revenue Act (United States)

SuperFund mentioned (Cashore) 6044

Hazardous substances

Georgia Strait, regulation of shipments in (Cashore) 7078 (Ree) 7078

Georgia Strait spills, reports re (Cashore) 7077 (Ree) 7077

Hazardous materials information system (Hanson, L.) 6440

Storage of in province, report on (Janssen, G.) 7041

Transport of (Lovick) 7063

Transport of, advisory council on (Lovick) 7064 (Ree) 7064

Transport of by road, routes for (Vant) 6827

Transport of, inspectors hired (Ree) 7063-4

Transport of, task force recommendations re (Lovick) 7063, 7064 (Ree) 7063

Transport of, personnel to deal with spills (Lovick) 7064 (Ree) 7064

Transport of, weighmasters trained (Ree) 7064

Hazardous wastes

Disposal of (Couvelier) 5771 (Edwards) 5750

Generation of (Strachan) 8094

Monitoring of, staff for (Cashore) 8217 (Strachan) 8217, 8218

Regulations, enforcement of (Cashore) 8217 (Lovick) 8456 (Strachan) 8217, 8456

“Special waste”, use of term (Cashore) 8084

Storage and disposal of (Strachan) 5823

Storage facilities (Couvelier) 5771

Storage sites, permits for (Cashore) 8217 (Strachan) 8217

Heal, Douglas

Mentioned: (Sihota) 5638


Advisory committee on wellness (Dueck) 6087

Social factors in (Perry) 6085

Health — Environmental aspects

See: Environmental health

Health, Ministry of

Estimates 6071-7, 6083-6107, 6116-28, 6133-58, 6302-4, 6395-6408, 6412-35

Speakers: Blencoe 6125-6; Boone 6153, 6306-7, 6313, 6315, 6316-7, 6318, 6397-8, 6400, 6401; Bruce 6422-3; Cashore 6401-3; Clark 6395, 6412-7, 6418-9; Dueck 6071-7, 6083-4, 6086-7, 6089-90, 6091, 6092-3, 6094, 6096-7, 6098, 6099-6100, 6100-1, 6102, 6103-4, 6105, 6106, 6116, 6117, 6119, 6120, 6120-1, 6122, 6123-4, 6124, 6124-5, 6128, 6137, 6139, 6140, 6141, 6142, 6142-3, 6143, 6145-6, 6147, 6148-9, 6149-50, 6150, 6150-1, 6153, 6153-4, 6156, 6157-8, 6158, 6302-3, 6303, 6303-4, 6305, 6305-6, 6306, 6307, 6307-8, 6309, 6311-2, 6312, 6313, 6314, 6315, 6317-8, 6318, 6319, 6320-1, 6321, 6322, 6323-4, 6324, 6399-6400, 6400-1, 6403-5, 6407-8, 6417-8, 6419, 6420, 6420-1, 6421, 6421-2, 6423, 6423-4, 6424-5, 6425, 6426-7, 6427, 6428, 6429, 6430, 6431, 6432, 6434; Edwards 6116, 6122-3, 6124, 6127, Fraser, R. 6099, 6118-9, 6147-8, 6156-7, 6317, Gabelmann 6150; Gran 6106-7; Hagen, A. 6092, 6093-4, 6094-6, 6097-8, 6098-9, 6139, 6139-40, 6140, 6141, 6141-2, 6142, 6143; Janssen, G. 6429-30, 6430, 6431; Jones 6143-5, 6146-7, 6149, 6150; Loenen 6405-6; Lovick 6419-20, 6420, 6421; Marzari 6423, 6424, 6425; Messmer 6318; Miller 6100, 6101-2, 6102-3, 6104, Perry 6084-6, 6087-9, 6091-2, 6126-7, 6149, 6151-3, 6154-5, 6157, 6158, 6302, 6303, 6304-5, 6305, 6306, 6307, 6308-9, 6309-10, 6312, 6313, 6318-9, 6319, 6319-20, 6395-7, 6406-7, Peterson 6315-6; Pullinger 6321, 6322, 6322-3, 6324; Richmond 6107; Rose 6133-7, 6313-4, 6314-5, 6315, 6425-6, 6427; Serwa 6090, 6306; Sihota 6431-2, 6432-4, 6434, 6434-5; Smallwood 6104-5, 6105-6, 6106, 6116, 6117-8, 6119, 6120, 6121-2, 6427, 6427-8, 6428; Smith, B.R. 6137-9; Smith, S.D. 6310-1

Annual report, 1987-88 fiscal year tabled (Dueck) 8804

Appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year (Crandall) 5908

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Bruce) 5892 (Chalmers) 5859 (Couvelier) 5768 (Dueck) 5879, 6071 (Mercier) 5958 (Peterson) 5803 (Richmond) 5897 (Savage) 5853 (Smith, S.D.) 5921 (Vander Zalm) 5960

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year and inflation (Peterson) 5803

Consultation by (Dueck) 6089 (Perry) 6088

Continuing Care Act, consultation re (Hagen, A.) 6553

Employees, number of, reduction in (Boone) 6315, 6316 (Dueck) 6315, 6316

Information, use of privileged information, apology re (Sihota) 6431

Offices, smoke-free environment (Dueck) 6074

Operations of on regional basis (Boone) 6400 (Dueck) 6400

Overruns, payment for by special warrant (Dueck) 8838

Publications (Dueck) 6153

Services, contracting-out of (Boone) 6315 (Dueck) 6315

Services, food services (Dueck) 6154

Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6964 (Sihota) 6932

Health Act

Injunctions under act (Dueck) 8461

Inspections under act (Dueck) 8461

Mentioned: (Dueck) 7377 (Smith, S.D.) 6527

Health Act (Canada)

User fees .and act (Dueck) 6149 (Jones) 6149 (Perry) 6151

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6093, 6123

Health behaviour

Advisory committee on wellness and health promotion (Dueck) 6154

Individual's responsibility for health (Dueck) 6154

Health care

See: Medical care

Health care auxiliaries

See: Allied health personnel

Health care personnel

See: Medical personnel

Health Care Research Foundation

Mentioned: (Reid) 7381

Health Disciplines Act

(Bill 91) (Minister of Health) 1R, 8653

Health disciplines, designation of (Dueck) 8653

Health education

Health education in B.C. (Perry) 5885, 6086

Health ministry publications (Dueck) 6153

Interministerial cooperation on (Boone) 6153

Public, education of and health care costs (Dueck) 6150

School system, health education in (Perry) 8112-3

Health Emergency Act

Amendments to (Dueck) 8461

Mentioned: (Dueck) 7377

Health Labour Relations Association

Nurses' strike. See entries under Nurses' strike, 1989

Health professions

See: Medical personnel

Health Professions Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 40) (Minister of Health) 1R, 7377-8; 2R, 7618-9; C, 7693-4; 3R, 7694; RA, 8010

Speakers: Clark 7621; Dueck 7377-8, 7693-4; Lovick 7693, 7694

B.C. College of Chiropractors, establishment of (Dueck) 7378, 7618

B.C. College of Chiropractors, role of (Dueck) 7618

Chiropractors, school of chiropractic, establishment of in B.C. (Dueck) 7618-9, 7693

College of Psychologists of B.C., discipline, provisions re (Dueck) 7619, 7694

College of Psychologists of B.C., establishment of (Dueck) 7378, 7619

College of Psychologists of B.C., powers of re witnesses (Perry) 7619

Health professions, corporations, regulation of (Dueck) 7377-8

Health professions, representations from for changes (Dueck) 7693 (Lovick) 7693

Physiotherapists, remedial gymnasts, registration of (Dueck) 7619, 7694

Psychologists, definition of psychologist (Perry) 7619

Health Science Centre (UBC) Act

Repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 39) (Minister of Health) 1R, 7377; 2R, 8461-2; C, 8530-4; 3R, 8534, RA, 8586

Amdts: Sec. 3 (Dueck) 8531, approved 8531; sec. 7 (Dueck) 8532, approved 8532; sec. 16 (Dueck) 8533, approved 8533; sec. 17 (Dueck) 8533, approved 8533; sec. 27 (Dueck) 8533, approved 8534

Speakers: Dueck 7377, 8461-2, 8530, 8531, 8532, 8533; Jones 8530, 8531; Marzari 8531, 8531-2, 8532, 8532-3, 8533; Perry 8462

Ambulance service employees, grades of employees (Dueck) 8533

Ambulance service employees, negotiations and act (Hanson, L.) A. 7452 (Sihota) Q. 7452

Ambulance service, name of service (Dueck) 8461

Anatomy Act, amendment to (Dueck) 8461 (Jones) 8530

Chiropractors Act, amendments to (Dueck) 8461

Chiropractors, school of chiropractic, decision on (Dueck) 8530, 8531 (Jones) 8530, 8531

Chiropractors, school of chiropractic, use of unclaimed bodies (Dueck) 8461

Community Care Facility Act, amendment to (Dueck) 8461

Community Care Facility Act, “personal care”, repeal of definition (Dueck) 8531 (Marzari) 8531

Emergency medical personnel, classes of emergency medical assistants (Dueck) 8533 (Marzari) 8533

Emergency medical personnel, training and licensing of (Dueck) 8461, 8533 (Marzari) 8533

Group homes, location of, problems re (Dueck) 8532 (Marzari) 8531-2

Group homes, residential facilities (Dueck) 8532 (Marzari) 8532

Group homes, zoning requirements, exemption from (Dueck) 8461

Health Act, injunctions under act (Dueck) 8461

Health Act, inspections under act (Dueck) 8461

Health care statutes, amendments to (Dueck) 7377

Health Emergency Act, amendments to (Dueck) 8461

Hospital Act, amendment to (Dueck) 8461

Hospital District Act, amendment to (Dueck) 8461

Hospitals, boards, appointments to (Dueck) 8461

Hospitals, regional hospital districts, borrowing by, approval process for (Dueck) 8461

Mental Health Act, amendments to (Dueck) 8461-2

Preschool supervisor's certificate, conditions attached to (Dueck) 8531 (Marzari) 8531

Public health inspectors, powers of (Dueck) 8532 (Marzari) 8532

Hearing aids

GAIN recipients, funding for hearing aids (Richmond) 8709

Heart — Diseases

Prevention of (Dueck) 6073-4

Heart — Surgery

Open-heart surgery, funding for (Dueck) 6073

Open-heart surgery, number of operations (Dueck) 6090

Open-heart surgery, statement re (Dueck) 6089

Heart- Transplantation

Heart transplants (Dueck) 6073

Heart House, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6102, 6434

Heart patients

See: Cardiacs

Heating from central stations

Community heating from wood waste (Rose) 8318 (Strachan) 8319

Heed, Kelly

Mentioned: (Michael) 5999

Hegyi, Frank

Mentioned: (Parker) 8508

Height of the Rockies wilderness area

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 5922

Heinrich, John Herbert

Payment to, basis for, proposal re (Sihota) 6353 (Smith, S.D.) 6353

Prince George law practice (Sihota) 6353 (Smith, S.D.) 6353

Salary (Sihota) 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354 (Smith, S.D.) 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354, 6390

Tribute to (Smith, B.R.) 6456 (Smith, S.D.) 6390

Mentioned: (Rose) 8113 (Smith, S.D.) 6355, 6513

Helenius, George

Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778


Helipads, assistance for (Vant) 6851

Helipads, construction of in North Coast region (Huberts) 7732

Helipads, study of (Miller) 6850

Hells Gate, B.C.

Air tram (Rabbitt) 8292

Helmcken Falls, B.C.

Road to, paving of (Smith, S.D.) 5922

Hemani, Medatali

Mentioned: (Savage) 7236

Hemlo gold strike

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7625

Hemming, Janice

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 8665


Surrey dialysis unit (Dueck) 5879


Provincial coat of arms (Reid) 6182 (Rose) 6183

See also: Emblems, Provincial


Ingredients (Kempf) 8243

Use of (Kempf) 8242-3 (Strachan) 8235, 8245

Use of by agriculture industry (Strachan) 8234-5, 8245

Use of in forestry (Kempf) 8242-3, 8246 (Strachan) 8243

Use of, moratorium on, proposal for (Kempf) 8230

Heritage Canada

Mentioned: (Bruce) 6569

Heritage Conservation Act

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6566

Heritage Language Association of British Columbia

Funding for (Reid) 7434, 7437

Heroin Treatment Act

Repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182


Great blue heron colony (Bruce) 5754

Nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681


Export of unprocessed herring, debate on issue (Harcourt) 6371 (Speaker) 6394

Prince Rupert fishermen's Alaska purchase (Jansen, J.) 7705 (Miller) 7259

Processing of in B.C. (Hanson, G.) Q. 8801, Q. 8802, 8835

Processing of in B.C. and GATT challenge (Jansen, J.) 7702

Roe, processing of (Vander Zalm) 6369

Hersog, Henry

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187 (Veitch) 6215

Heshalaht Indian band

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612

Hesquiaht Indian band

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612

Hetherington, Tom

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187

Hewitt, Ken

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187

Hewett Group

Training program, expenditure on (Marzari) 8721

Hewitt, James J.

Quoted (Blencoe) 8795

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8465 (Jones) 8274 (Richmond) 8796

Hextall, Ron

Mentioned: (Sihota) 7613

Heywood, Claude

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759, 6894, 6950

Hick, Bert

Knight Street Pub affair, Lyall Hanson's condoning of actions in (Harcourt) Q. 7099, 7101, Q. 7147, Q. 7148 (Vander Zalm) A. 7099

Knight Street Pub liquor licence application, press conference statement re (Hanson, L.) 7610 (Harcourt) 7099, 7101, Q. 7147, Q. 7148 (Rose) 7101 (Sihota) Q. 7070 (Vander Zalm) A. 7070

Poole, David, call from, date of information to minister re (Sihota) Q. 7451

Poole, David, call from, Lee Doney's knowledge of (Hanson, L.) 7610 (Harcourt) Q. 7148 (Sihota) Q. 7099, Q. 7248, Q. 7281, Q. 7327, Q. 7450, 7613

Poole, David, conversations with, information re (Hanson, L.) 6984-5, 6984 (Sihota) 6977, 6984

Terms of departure from Labour and Consumer Services ministry staff (Hanson, L.) A. 7249 (Sihota)Q. 7249

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8660, 8661 (Sihota) 7070, 7071

Higenbottam, John

Mentioned: (Cashore) 6403 (Dueck) 6407

Higgins, Benjamin

Quoted (Veitch) 7638

Higgins, R.D. (Dick)

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8828 (Smith, S.D.) 8828

High Country Tourist Association

Funds for (Reid) 7394

High Ross Dam

Mentioned: (Perry) 7772

See also: Skagit Valley, B.C.

Highland Valley Copper mine

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 5765

Highway 1

Barnet Vale area, four-laning (Smith, S.D.) 6723

Burnaby freeway, work on (Vant) 6682

Cassiar connector-Port Mann Bridge section, additional lanes (Jones) 6848 (Vant) 6848

Cassiar connector. See entries under Vancouver, B.C.

Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency area, fourlaning (Sihota) 6572

Fraser Canyon section, resurfacing of (Rabbitt) 6795

Fraser Canyon section, signs, pilot project (Vant) 6822

Helmcken Road exchange, improvements to (Sihota) 6572

Hope, work on Fraser Bridge (Rabbitt) 6794-5 (Vant) 6791

Hope-Cache Creek section, sign policy (Vant) 5721

Kamloops area, four-laning (Smith, S.D.) 7904

Kamloops-Sicamous section (Williams) 7893

Lonsdale intersection, overpass (Ree) 5663

Lower mainland area, work on (Vant) 6682

Port Mann interchange (Rose) 5626, 6815-6 (Vant) 6817

Richmond, directional sign for (Loenen) 6727-8, 6812 (Vant) 6728

Rogers Pass, construction of (Fraser, R) 6797 (Vant) 6799

Salmon Arm, interconnection with Highway 97 (Smith, S.D.) 7904, 7907

Shuswap-Revelstoke constituency section, fourlaning (Michael) 5864

Thetis Lake exchange, improvements to (Sihota) 6572

Vancouver-Langley area, funding for (Peterson) 5804

Westview intersection, overpass (Ree) 5664

Mentioned: (Crandall) 5701, 5965 (Peterson) 5805 (Vant) 6801, 6812, 6851

Highway 3

Champion Lakes, road to (D’Arcy) 5815

Expenditures on, decisions re (Edwards) 6843 (Vant) 6843

Grand Forks area, work on fee-for-service basis (Lovick) 6809 (Vant) 6809

Hope-Princeton Highway, Bluffs section (Barlee) 6854

Hope-Princeton Highway, condition of (Barlee) 5755, 6824, 6854

Hope-Princeton Highway, Copper Creek section (Barlee) 6824, 6854

Hope-Princeton Highway, importance of (Barlee) 5755

Hope-Princeton Highway mentioned (Williams) 7883

Hope-Princeton Highway, Newmont mine area (D’Arcy) 6854

Hope-Princeton Highway, obstacles (Barlee) 5755

Hope-Princeton Highway, signs (Barlee) 6823 (Vant) 6824

Hope-Princeton Highway, Sunday Summit, work on (Rabbitt) 6795

Hope-Princeton Highway, traffic (Barlee) 6824 (Vant) 6824

Hope-Princeton Highway, upgrading of (Barlee) 5755 (D’Arcy) 6853, 6854 (Rabbitt) 6795 (Vant) 6795, 6854

Hope-Princeton Highway, Whipsaw Creek area, work on (Barlee) 6824 (Rabbitt) 6795 (Vant) 6795, 6824, 6854

Hope-Princeton Highway, Whipsaw Creek-Sirnilkameen Falls section (Barlee) 6854 (D’Arcy) 6854

Kootenay constituency, upgrading of (Edwards) 6844

Logo for (Vant) 6824

Sign to indicate entrance to B.C. (Edwards) 6825

Work on (D’Arcy) 6853 (Vant) 6844, 6854

Mentioned: (Edwards) 8582 (Lovick) 6689 (Messmer) 5682

Highway 4

Canoe Creek bridge, replacement of (Janssen, G.) 6850

Hump area, three-laning of (Janssen, G.) 6850 (Vant) 6850

Pacific Rim National Park, road to (Janssen, G.) 7444 (Reid) 7415

Tofino, road to, bridge replacement (Janssen, G.) 7767

Tofino, road to mentioned (Rose) 6814

Tofino, road to, traffic (Janssen, G.) 7767

Highway 5

Rayleigh-Heffley Creek section, four-laning of (Smith, S.D.) 6723

Highway 5A

Lumber, transport of on highway (Rabbitt) 6794

Highway 6

Fauquier area, Castlegar connection to (D’Arcy) 6853

Slocan Park area, school bus accident (Edwards) 6801-2 (Lovick) 6796 (Vant) 6797, 6802

Highway 7

Cycling path, Vancouver to Hope (Vant) 6819

Mission area (Jacobsen) 5746

Riverview-Coquitlam Centre section, dividers for highway (Rose) 6815

Traffic (Jacobsen) 5747

Mentioned: (Rose) 6815, 6816 (Vant) 7378

Highway 7A

Completion of, Port Moody westward area (Jones) 6847

Improvements to (Johnston) 6572

Johnson-Mariner connection to Dewdney Trunk Road (Vant) 6846

Three-laning of (Rose) 6568, 6569, 6815 (Vant) 6817

Traffic (Rose) 5622-3

Upgrading of (Rose) 6815

Widening of (Rose) 5624-5, 5626 (Vant) 6816

Highway 10

George Massey Tunnel traffic diversion sign (Vant) 6812

Mentioned: (Jones) 7227 (Peterson) 5805 (Savage) 7235 (Vant) 7944

Highway 16

Accident statistics (Vant) 6720

Construction project, abandonment of (Miller) 6710

Construction work, 1988 work (Miller) 6710

Engen overpass, construction work on (Kempf) 6714, 6715, 6720 (Vant) 6714, 6720, 6721, 6722

Federal funds for (Kempf) 6692, 6714 (Miller) 6710-1 (Vant) 6691

Hagman Hill, construction work on (Kempf) 6714 (Vant) 6714, 6720

Ice fall accident (Miller) 6713, 6851 (Vant) 6714, 6851

Kamloops north section, improvements to (Vant) 6706

Meanwhile Corner, reconstruction of (Kempf) 6714, 6715 (Vant) 6714, 6720

Northern Trans-Canada Highway, designation as part of (Brummet) 6711 (Miller) 6710-1, 6712 (Vant) 6691

Prince George-Prince Rupert section, condition of (Miller) 6712-3, 6713

Prince George-Prince Rupert section, funding for (Kempf) 6692, 6713-4, 6715, 6721 (Vant) 6711, 6713, 6721

Prince George-Prince Rupert section, work on (Kempf) 6690, 6692 (Miller) 6713

Prince Rupert area bluff, removal of (Miller) 6851 (Vant) 6851

Resurfacing of (Kempf) 5730

Skeena River area, improvements to (Vant) 6711

Skeena River, trucker's accident referred to (Miller) 6713

Stellako River bridge, replacement of (Kempf) 6737 (Vant) 6722

Suicide Corner, number of fatalities (Kempf) 6715

Suicide Corner, reconstruction of (Kempf) 6714, 6715 (Vant) 6714, 6720

Work on (Vant) 6691

Yellowhead Highway mentioned (Miller) 6851

Yellowhead Highway, symbol for (Vant) 6824

Mentioned: (Brummet) 6710 (Kempf) 7404, 7443 (Reid) 7396 (Smith, S.D.) 6723

Highway 17

Bikeway for (Hanson, G.) 6817, 6818

Signs (Guno) 5720 (Vant) 5721

Mentioned: (Messmer) 5682

Highway 17A

Cyclists, use of as route to ferry terminal (Vant) 6818

Highway 19

Alternative route (Rabbitt) 5903-4

Alternative route, completion of (Gabelmann) 5872, 6742, 6743 (Pullinger) Q. 5798 (Vant) A. 5798

Alternative route, construction costs per kilometre (Lovick) 6704

Alternative route, construction of (Pullinger) 5887

Alternative route, construction of, benefits of (Bruce) 5892-3

Alternative route, construction schedule (Lovick) 6704-5, 6842 (Vant) 6842

Alternative route, construction work in 1989 (Lovick) 6730 (Vant) 6730

Alternative route, contracts (Vant) 6683, 6706

Alternative route, design of (Vant) 6683

Alternative route, design work (Lovick) 6704, 6705, 6708

Alternative route, funding for (Bruce) 5892 (Gabelmann) 5872 (Janssen, G.) 5910 (Kempf) 6692 (Lovick) 5809, 6704 (Pullinger) Q. 5798, 5887 (Smith, B.R.) 5955 (Vant) A. 5798, 6706, 6849

Alternative route, land acquisition (Lovick) 6704, 6708

Arbutus Ridge, sign for (Lovick) 6826

Four-laning of (Janssen, G.) 6849 (Vant) 6849

Keogh bridge (Gabelmann) 6744 (Huberts) 7802

Ladysmith area, construction work (Lovick) 6708, 6842, Q. 7378 (Vant) A. 7378

Mill Bay-Bamberton section, construction work (Lovick) 6708

Nanaimo bypass (Smith, B.R) 5955

Nanaimo Lakes Road extension, construction work (Lovick) 6704, 6708

Nanaimo, Nicol Street, improvements to (Vant) 6709

Nanaimo-Goldstream region, construction work (Lovick) 6708

Parksville-Courtenay section, four-laning of (Janssen, G.) 6849

Parksville-Qualicum area, bypass (Fraser, R.) 6798 (Lovick) 6841-2 (Vant) 6842

Port Alice, road to, upgrading of (Gabelmann) 6743

Port McNeill-Port Hardy section, trade for forest company road, proposal re (Gabelmann) 6743

Qualicum-Campbell River section (Smith, B.R) 5955

Sign policy (Vant) 5721

Signs, Duncan area (Lovick) 6824

Signs, gas station signs (Lovick) 6824

Signs, number of (Loenen) 6727

Signs, pilot project (Lovick) 6822 (Vant) 6822

Tourist industry and highway (Pullinger) 7414

Tourists, use of alternative roads (Reid) 7415

Mentioned: (Brummet) 6704, 6709 (Kempf) 6690 (Lovick) 6704, 6738 (Parker) 8503 (Rose) 6814

Highway 22

West Trail approach. See entries under Trail, B.C.

Highway 28

Logging road, use of as alternative to (Gabelmann) 6743

Highway 33

Upgrading of (Chalmers) 5860

Highway 37

Blue River bridge, construction of (Vant) 6730

Bridges, construction of (Vant) 6730

Cassiar Highway, completion of (Kempf) 6690

Economic diversity and highway (Guno) 6729

French Creek Bridge, construction of (Vant) 6730

Meziadin junction north section, work on (Vant) 6730

Ningunsaw Pass area avalanche (Vant) 6730, 6808

Paving of (Guno) 5956 (Vant) 6729

Upgrading of (Guno) 5956

Work on (Vant) 6730

Mentioned: (Guno) 6728 (Kempf) 7443 (Vant) 6343

Highway 37A

Avalanche control (Lovick) 6808, 6809 (Vant) 6808, 6809

Bear Pass, avalanches (Lovick) 6809 (Vant) 6809

Meziadin junction-Stewart section, avalanches (Vant) 6730, 6808

Paving of (Vant) 6729

Mentioned: (Vant) 6343

Highway 43

Proposal re (Edwards) 6844 (Vant) 6844

Highway 91

Completion of (Loenen) 6725-6 (Vant) 6682, 6728

Landscaping of (Loenen) 726

Right-of-way, use of for park (Loenen) 6726

Mentioned: Want) 6812

Highway 93

Sign to indicate entrance to B.C. (Edwards) 6825

Highway 97

Alaska Highway mentioned (Brummet) 5628, 8116-7 (Guno) 6728 (Vant) 6791

Begbie summit, work on (Vant) 6706

Boundary-Similkameen constituency (Messmer) 5682

Designation of as northern corridor highway (Brummet) 6711

Glenrosa intersection, underpass (Chalmers) 5860

John Hart Highway, Prince George North constituency section (Boone) “5893

Okanagan Valley section, widening of (Chalmers) 5860

Osoyoos-Okanagan Falls section, repairing of (Messmer) 5682

Peachland-to-border section, four-laning of (Barlee) 5755

Peachland-to-border section, obstacles (Barlee) 5755

Penticton-Vernon section, four-laning of (Vant) 6682

Pine Pass area (Brummet) 6709

Summerland area, four-laning of (Messmer) 5681

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 7904, 7907

Highway 99

Bikeway, Tsawwassen to Vancouver (Hanson, G.) 6817

Brohm Ridge area, work on (Vant) 6683

Funding for (Kempf) 6692

George Massey Tunnel (Vander Zalm) 5759

George Massey Tunnel, impact of Spetifore property development on (Blencoe) Q. 7944 (Vant) A. 7944

George Massey Tunnel mentioned (Lovick) 8176 (Vant) 6728

George Massey Tunnel, three-laning, northbound traffic (Davidson) 6730-1 (Vant) 6812

George Massey Tunnel, three-laning, safety problem (Loenen) 6811

George Massey Tunnel, three-laning, southbound traffic (Davidson) 6730 (Loenen) 6811 (Vant) 6731

George Massey Tunnel, traffic control system (Vant) 6812

George Massey Tunnel, traffic diversion, sign for (Vant) 6812

George Massey Tunnel, traffic tie-ups (Davidson) 6731

Richmond area, widening of (Vander Zalm) 5759

Signs (Guno) 6728

Vancouver-Whistler sea-to-sky project, work on (Vant) 6682-3

Mentioned: (Kempf) 6690

Highway 101

Pender Harbour area, upgrading of (Long) 5713

Highway Act

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6817, 6818 (Vant) 6753

Highway signs

See: Signs and signboards


See: Roads

Highways maintenance

Privatization of. See entries under Roads

Hill, Donald

Death of (Perry) 8329

Mentioned: (Perry) 6320, 8330

Hill, Ken

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6650

Hill family

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612

Hill-Tout, Charles

The Salish People referred to, quoted (Perry) 6188, 6389

Hillier, Frank

Quoted (Gabelmann) 8103

Hills, Carla

Mentioned: (Miller) 7705, 8642

Hindle, Neil

Mentioned: (Vant) 6831

Hingston, Charles

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 5868

Hinkson, Ernest E.

Quoted (Smith, S.D.) 6010

Hip joint — Surgery

Waiting-period for (Dueck) 6432 (Sihota) 6431-2

Hirt, Al

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8317

Hobson, Leo

Mentioned: (Long) 7851

Hockin, Tom

Mentioned: (Reid) 7412

Hodgins, George

Mentioned: (Jones) 7228

Hodgson, Stuart

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6677 (Rose) 6641 (Williams) 6677, 6678

Hogg, Gordon S.

Mentioned: (Vant) 6705

Holberg, B.C.

Viking Highway project (Gabelmann) 6743-4

Holcomb, Ron

Mentioned: (Cashore) 8153

Holding Lumber Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7583

Hollett, Steve

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7640

Holly Elementary School, Guildford, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 5710

Holst, Cliff

Mentioned: (Miller) 8593

Home buying

See: House buying

Home care services

Clients, number of (Dueck) 6097, 6101

Elderly, home care of (Couvelier) 5768

Funding for (Boone) 5719 (Dueck) 5879, 6097 (Hagen, A.) 6096

Handyman service (Dueck) 6101 (Hagen, A.) 6099

Home care (Boone) 5634, 5719 (Crandall) 5719

Home care workers, wages, funding for (Dueck) 6072, 6097, 6098, 6141, 6142 (Hagen, A.) 6098, 6141, 6142

Home care workers, wages, level of (Dueck) 6097, 6141 (Hagen, A.) 6097-8, 6141

Home support organizations, administrator, appointment of (Hagen, A.) 7123

Homemaker services (Marzari) 5647

Income test for (Dueck) 6092, 6094 (Hagen, A.) 6092, 6093

Proposals re (Marzari) 5654

Shortage of (Hagen, A.) 5948

Home economics

Course in schools, proposal re (Brummet) 7541 (Hagen, A.) 7540

Home mortgage assistance program

Applicants, vetting of (Clark) 7131 (Couvelier) 7131

Application process (Couvelier) 7103, 7131

Financing permitted under program (Couvelier) 7102

Foreclosures, province's losses in (Clark) 7134-5, 7134 (Couvelier) 7134, 7135

Home Mortgage Assistance Program Act. See name of act

House prices, maximum price eligible (Clark) 7103, 7133 (Couvelier) 6831, 7102, 7133

Lenders, private sector financial institutions (Clark) 7131 (Couvelier) 7103, 7131, 7132

Loan guarantees (Couvelier) 6831

Loan guarantees, Crown's interest, protection of (Clark) 7131, 7132

Loans, defaulted loans (Couvelier) 7134

Mortgage assistance, increase in level of (Couvelier) 7102

Mortgage insurance costs, reduction in (Couvelier) 7103

Program (Couvelier) 6831

Second mortgages, loan guarantee for (Couvelier) 6831, 7102, 7103

Home Mortgage Assistance Program Act

(Bill 22) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 6831; 2R, 7102-4; C, 7131-6; 3R, 7136; RA, 7161

Speakers: Clark 7103, 7103-4, 7131, 7132, 7133, 7134, 7134-5, 7135, 7135-6, Couvelier 6831, 7102-3, 7104, 7131, 7132, 7133, 7133-4, 7134, 7135, 7136

Applicants, vetting of (Clark) 7131 (Couvelier) 7131, 7132

Application process (Couvelier) 7103, 7131

Financing permitted under program (Couvelier) 7102

Foreclosures, province's losses on (Clark) 7134-5, 7134 (Couvelier) 7134, 7135

Government loan portfolios, sale of (Clark) 7103-4

Home mortgage assistance program (Couvelier) 6381

House prices, maximum price eligible (Clark) 7133 (Couvelier) 6831, 7102, 7133

House prices, Vancouver (Clark) 7103

Housing crisis, lower mainland (Clark) 7103, 7104

Lenders, private sector financial institutions (Clark) 7131 (Couvelier) 7103, 7131, 7132

Loan guarantees, Crown's interest, protection of (Clark) 7131, 7132

Mortgage assistance, increase in level of (Couvelier) 7102

Mortgage insurance costs, reduction in (Couvelier) 7103

Real estate sales tax, exemption from, houses under home mortgage assistance program (Couvelier) 7103

Regulations under act (Clark) 7103, 7133

Second mortgage loan portfolio, defaulted loans (Clark) 7133 (Couvelier) 7133-4

Second mortgage loan portfolio, sale of (Clark) 7103-4, 7133 (Couvelier) 6831, 7103, 7133

Second mortgage program, default rate (Clark) 7132

Second mortgage program, staff (Clark) 7135-6 (Couvelier) 7136

Second mortgages, loan guarantee for (Couvelier) 6831, 7102, 7103

Home Owner Grant Increase Act, 1989

(Bill 6) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 5775; 2R, 6857-60; C, 7136-9; 3R, 7140; RA, 7161

Speakers: Blencoe 6858-9; Clark 7136, 7137, Couvelier 5775, 6857-8, 6859-60, 7136, 7137, 7138, 7138-9, 7139; Gran 7138; Hagen, A. 7139; Loenen 7139; Rose 6859, 7137-8

Education, funding for (Couvelier) 6858

Homeowner grant and increase in education costs (Couvelier) 7138

Homeowner grant and school tax (Couvelier) 6859 (Loenen) 7139 (Rose) 6859

Homeowner grant, funding of education, lower mainland school districts (Rose) 7137-8

Homeowner grant, increase in (Blencoe) 6858-9 (Clark) 7136 (Couvelier) 6857, 6858, 6859, 7136, 7138 (Loenen) 7139 (Rose) 6859

Homeowner grant, increase in and inflation (Clark) 7136

Homeowner grant, increase in, duration of (Couvelier) 7139 (Hagen, A.) 7139

Homeowner grant, indexing of (Blencoe) 6858 (Rose) 6859

Housing programs, number benefitting from (Blencoe) 6858

Municipalities, revenue-sharing grants (Couvelier) 6857

Property tax, level of (Couvelier) 6857

Property tax, machinery and equipment (Couvelier) 7138 (Rose) 7138

Property tax, non-residential tax base, government takeover of (Clark) 7137 (Rose) 7138

School District 38, school tax increase and homeowner grant (Loenen) 7139

School tax as source of funding (Couvelier) 7137

School tax on residential property (Blencoe) 6858 (Rose) 6859

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6867

Home schooling

See: Domestic education

Home Support Association of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6553 (Hagen, A.) 6096

Home support services

See: Home care services


Home-ownership (Barnes) 6869 (Blencoe) 6879 (Loenen) 5931 (Perry) 6877-8

Immigrants, house purchasing by (Smith, S.D.) 6168

Incentives for (Smith, B.R.) 5953

Homemaker services

See: Home care services


See: Housewives

Homeowner grant

See entries under Real property tax

Homestead, Vancouver, B.C.

Funding for (Richmond) 8733


Discrimination based on sexual orientation (Sihota) 6967, 6970

Hong Kong

Stock exchange, trading linkages with (Couvelier) 5766


See: Decorations of honour

Hooper, David

Children's Hospital credit accounts, report on (Clark) 6412, 6417

Children's Hospital credit accounts, report on quoted (Clark) 6413, 6417

Mentioned: (Clark) 6419 (Dueck) 6418

Hope, Neville

Mentioned: (Vant) 6849

Hope, B.C.

Coquihalla Highway, impact of (Barlee) 5755

Fraser Bridge, work on (Rabbitt) 6794-5 (Vant) 6795

Rainbow community arts society, funding for (Rabbitt) 5903

Hope-Princeton Highway

See: Highway 3

Horizon College, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377

Horn, Charles

Tribute to (Harcourt) 8063 (Weisgerber) 8064

Horse, Adam

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612

Horse, Ian

Letters to quoted (Clerk of the House) 8843, 8843-4 (Deputy Clerk) 5797

Horse breeders

Losses (Gran) 6751

Horse Racing Industry Task Force

Recommendations (Peterson) 5805

Report (Guno) 6990, 6991 (Ree) 6991, 7017 (Smith, B.R.) 7015, 7016

Report quoted (Gran) 6751

Horse-race betting

Offtrack betting (Ree) 6752, 7049-50

Teletheatre betting (Peterson) 7049


Horse industry in Langley (Gran) 5637, 6751, 6752 (Peterson) 7048

Industry (Gran) 6751 (Ree) 6752 (Smith, B.R.) 7053

Industry, assistance to (Guno) 7017

Industry, future of (Gran) 6751 (Peterson) 5805-6, 7048

Race track. See Racetracks (Horse-racing)

Task force on, report (Ree) 6991, 7017 (Smith, B.R.) 7015, 7016

Horsey, Michael

Mentioned: (Rose) 5972

Horswill, D.H.

Mentioned: (Edwards) 8423


Overtime pay, regulation re (Sihota) 6935


Free trade agreement and horticulture industry (Savage) 7189

Industry, problems (Serwa) 7190, 7191

Horvat, Lee

Letter quoted (Perry) 6395

Hosek, Chaviva

Mentioned: (Perry) 8780

Hoskyn Channel

Aquaculture activities (Gabelmann) 5873

Hosmer Creek, B.C.

Watershed, logging of (Edwards) 8640

Hospices (Terminal care)

Nanaimo facility, need for (Pullinger) 6324

Hospital Act

Amendment to (Dueck) 8461

Mentioned: (Dueck) 7377

Hospital Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 69) (Minister of Health) 1R, 8231; 2R, 8462-3; C, 8534; 3R, 8534; RA, 8586

Speakers: Dueck 8231, 8462

Hospitals Foundation of B.C., donations to, income tax on (Dueck) 8231

Hospitals Foundation of B.C., donations to, terms attached to (Dueck) 8462

Hospitals Foundation of B.C., establishment of (Dueck) 8231, 8462

Hospital District Act

Amendment to (Dueck) 8461

Mentioned: (Dueck) 7377

Hospital Employees' Union

Practical nurses, licensing of, discussions re (Dueck) 6089 (Perry) 6088

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont.

Mentioned: (Perry) 6091

Hospital Insurance Act

Repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Mentioned: (Dueck) 7119


Abortion committees (Smallwood) 6527

Abortion, issue of and hospital boards (Miller) 6517, 6518, 6519 (Smallwood) 6514-5 (Smith, S.D.) 6515, 6516, 6518, 6519

Accounts, auditing of (Dueck) 6418

Auditor-general's report quoted (Dueck) 6121

Boards, appointments to (Dueck) 8461

Boards, candidates for (Perry) 6308

Boards, election of (Boone) 6318 (Dueck) 6309

Boards, powers of (Miller) 6519 (Smith, S.D.) 6519

Boards, voting for (Boone) 6317 (Dueck) 6317, 6318 (Fraser, R.) 6317

Budgets, capping of (Dueck) 6121

Construction projects (Dueck) 6073

Cost efficiency (Dueck) 6076

Credit accounts, possible use of (Clark) 6417 (Dueck) 6418

CT scans, waiting-lists for (Dueck) 6156

Deficits (Dueck) 6120, 6421-2, 6422

Emergency facilities, use of (Dueck) 6121

Equipment (Dueck) 6146 (Fraser, R.) 6147 (Jones) 6145, 6146

Extended-care patients in acute-care beds (Boone) 5719

Funding for (Boone) 5893 (Couvelier) 5768 (Dueck) 5879, 6073

Funding for, capital funding for new beds (Couvelier) 5768

Hospital innovation incentive program (Dueck) 6074

Hospital innovation incentive program, funding for (Couvelier) 5768 (Peterson) 5803

Nurses, manning levels for essential services (Hanson, L.) 7818 (Sihota) 7818

Operating expenditures per patient-day (Clark) 5782

Problems (Boone) 5634

Regional hospital districts, borrowing by, approval process for (Dueck) 8461

Regional hospital systems, proposal re (Dueck) 6317 (Fraser, R.) 6317

Review of (Dueck) 6418, 6422

Review of, peer review teams (Dueck) 6422

Societies, membership in (Dueck) 6318

User fees for (Dueck) 6149

Yale-Lillooet constituency hospitals (Rabbitt) 5903

See also hospitals by name, e.g. Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Hospitals Foundation of British Columbia

Donations to, income tax on (Dueck) 8231

Donations to, terms attached to (Dueck) 8462

Establishment of (Dueck) 8231, 8462

Hospital Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act

Hotel Keepers Act

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 8464

Hotel Room Tax Act

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6783

Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7674

Hotels, taverns, etc.

Brew pubs, sale of beer by (Hanson, L.) 8463

Hotel industry (Reid) 5836

Hotel room tax, basis for (Pullinger) 7406

Hotel room tax, federal sales tax (Pullinger) 7405, 7406 (Reid) 7406

Hotel room tax, interest on unpaid tax (Couvelier) 6783

Hotel room tax, rate (Pullinger) 7405-6 (Reid) 7406

Hotel room tax, revenue, use of (Reid) 7406

Hotel room tax, surtax (Pullinger) 7413 (Reid) 7413, 7406

Hotels, occupancy rate (Reid) 7380, 7406

Licensed establishments, training program for servers (Hanson, L.) 6892

Neighbourhood pub licences, commissioner, appointment of (Boone) Q. 7280 (Hanson, L.) A. 7280

Neighbourhood pub licences, municipal powers re (Hanson, L.) 7280

Neighbourhood pub licences, procedure for granting of (Boone) Q. 7279, Q. 7280 (Hanson, L.) A. 7279-80, A. 7280

Neighbourhood pub referenda, guidelines for (Hanson, L.) 6892

Neighbourhood pub referenda, municipal powers re (Boone) Q. 7279 (Hanson, L.) A. 7279

Tenants, long-term tenants, eviction of during Expo 86 (Blencoe) 8465

Tenants, long-term tenants, maid service for (Barnes) 8537-8, 8539 (Hanson, L.) 8539

Tenants, long-term tenants, protection of (Barnes) 6926 (Hanson, L.) 7637, 8464 (Richmond) 5898

Tenants, long-term tenants, rent disputes, arbitration of (Barnes) 8535

Tenants, long-term tenants, rent increases (Barnes) 8535 (Hanson, L.) 8464, 8535

Tenants, long-term tenants, rents, level of (Barnes) 8535-6 (Hanson, L.) 8536

Tenants, long-term tenants, tenancy agreements (Barnes) 8537

Tenants, long-term tenants, visitors to, overnight visitors (Barnes) 8537 (Hanson, L.) 8537

See also names of pubs, e.g. Knight Street Pub, Vancouver, B.C.

Hotlines (Counselling)

Crisis line, funding for (Dueck) 6399

Prince George teen crisis line (Boone) 6398 (Dueck) 6399, 6404

House buying

Home Mortgage Assistance Program Act. See name of act

Interest rate and house prices (Clark) 5718

Prices, Increase in (Blencoe) 7017

Rent-to-purchase proposal (Loenen) 5615 (Rose) 5624 (Smith, B.R.) 5708

See also: Home mortgage assistance program; Home-ownership

House of Concord, Langley, B.C.

Mentioned: (Ree) 7092 (Smallwood) 6545, 7092, 7093, 8743, 8751


Income, pensions, lack of (Pullinger) 7012


Condominiums, construction of 1985-88 (Blencoe) 796

Construction of (De Jong) 5601

Coquitlam-Moody constituency, house prices (Rose) 5624

Cost of, lower mainland area (Smallwood) 8728

Crown land, use of for housing. See entries under Crown land

Delta, housing (Savage) 5853

Demolition of, permit for, proposal re (Rogers) 5689

Demolition of, prevention of (Marzari) 5818 (Perry) Q. 6080, 6166 (Richmond) A. 6080

Discrimination in based on age (Sihota) 6967, 6970

Discrimination in based on family status (Sihota) 6967, 6970

Federal funding for (Marzari) 6637

Foreign Investment in (Loenen) 5615-6

Foreign ownership, restrictions on, proposal re (Loenen) 5616

Housing (Blencoe) 5677-80, 8792 (Clark) 5774 (Mercier) 5594 (Vander Zalm) 5760

Housing starts (De Jong) 5599 (Reid) 5837 (Serwa) 5733, 5937 (Vant) 5620

Housing starts, forecast re (Blencoe) 6009, 8800 (Richmond) 8800

Interior of B.C., housing supply (Chalmers) 5858

Land, price of (Barnes) 6869 (Marzari) 5819 (Rogers) 5688-9

Langley, housing starts (Peterson) 5805

Lower mainland, housing crisis (Clark) 7103, 7104

Neighbourhood renewal program, role of province in (Marzari) 6638

Prices, increase in (Blencoe) 5678

Program, mixed-income occupants (Blencoe) 5679

Program, role of government (Blencoe) 5677

Programs (Blencoe) 5904-6 (Chalmers) 5859 (Johnston) 6637, 6638 (Richmond) 5898-9, 6615 (Savage) 5853 (Serwa) 5937 (Smallwood) 5940 (Smith, B.R) 5952-3 (Throne speech) 5589

Programs, advertisements re, cost of (Blencoe) Q. 5965 (Couvelier) A. 5965

Programs, funding for (Blencoe) 5904, 8799 (Clark) 5782 (Couvelier) 5772-3 (Gran) 5918 (Richmond) 8800

Programs, number benefitting from (Blencoe) Q. 5965, Q. 6009, 6858, 8799-8800 (Richmond) A. 6009

Richmond, house prices (Loenen) 5615

Shortage of (Harcourt) 5608

Speculation, tax on, proposal re (Hanson, L.) 6918 (Marzari) 5818 (Vander Zalm) 6915, 6916, 6917

Surrey, vacancy rate (Smallwood) 6614

Task force on (Mowat) 5870

Toronto house prices, effect of (Clark) 8561

Vancouver city council symposium on (Marzari) 6637

Vancouver, house prices (Barnes) 6173 (Blencoe) 7017 (Clark) 5782, 7103 (Loenen) 5615 (Marzari) 5818 (Perry) 6166 (Rogers) 5688-9

Vancouver, housing crisis (Blencoe) 6633-4 (Clark) 7142, 8561 (Perry) 5884, 6166, 6636

Vancouver, housing units for sale (Williams) 6171-2

Vancouver, investigation into housing problems (Johnston) 6635

Vancouver, legislation, proposals for (Johnston) 6637

‘Vancouver, public housing, land for (Marzari) 6638

Vancouver, real estate speculation (Barnes) 6174 (Rogers) 6170, 6171

Vancouver task force on (Marzari) 6637

Victoria, house prices (Blencoe) 7017

Women, housing for (Harcourt) 8678 (Marzari) 5654

Zoning for, incentives to municipalities (Richmond) 6615

See also: Emergency housing; Home-ownership; Public housing; Rental housing

Housing, Cooperative

Cooperative housing (Blencoe) 5677, 5679

Cooperative housing, federal funds for (Blencoe) 5679

Housing, Ministry of (Proposed)

Ministry for housing, proposal re (Blencoe) 8792 (Richmond) 8794

Houston, B.C.

Mental health counselling staff (Dueck) 6404

Rental accommodation, occupancy rate (Kempf) 7645, 7647

Houston Health Care Services Society

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6404

Howard, T.E. (Terry)

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8236, 8237

Howe, Clarence Decatur

Mentioned: (Davis) 8429

Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Ltd.

Formation of (Long) 5713

Hubbard, Garry

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780

Hubbard, Lanny

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8143

Huberts, Hon. Terry (Saanich and the Islands) Minister Responsible for Parks

Bamfield, west side, road for 7767

Blackcomb Mountain, hearings on 7739

Brackman Island, ecological reserve 7733, 7804

Buttle Lake, cleanup of 7810

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Victoria regional production facility, A. 6583

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Victoria station, representations re, A. 6583

Carmanah Valley, cabinet, submission to re area 7814

Carmanah Valley, decision on, A. 8141

Carmanah Valley, environmental assessment of, information re, A. 8141

Carmanah Valley, preservation of old-growth forest 7794

Carmanah Valley, role of in decision on 7793, 7794

Carmanah Valley, studies of area 7814

Chilcotin, south Chilcotin, park for area 7804

Comox Valley, power transmission line, health hazard, A. 8141

Cribco, development, role in 7793

Ecological reserves, new reserves, funding for 7733

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, dayliner service, maintenance of, A. 7249, 7803

French Beach Park, fire protection 7824

HandyDART vans, Nanaimo 7793

Helipads, construction of in North Coast region 7732

Highway 19, Keogh bridge 7802

Kokanee Glacier Park, class A park status for 7732

Lady Rose, subsidy for 7766

Newgate, park for area 7790

Newgate, park, operation of by B.C. Hydro 7791

Newgate, tourist facilities, work on 7790

Parks, access to and private contractors 7819

Parks, campsites, fee increase 7820

Parks, campsites, fee increase, disposition of revenue 7820

Parks, campsites, privatization of A. 6582

Parks, campsites, upgrading of, source of funds for A. 6582

Parks, class A parks, acreage, increase in 7736

Parks, contractors, training costs for 7825

Parks, contractors, training of in first aid 7825

Parks, facilities, repairs to by contractors 7820

Parks, fire prevention, training of contractors in 7824, 7825

Parks, handicapped, facilities for 7733

Parks, master plans for 7739

Parks, mineral exploration and extraction in class A parks, ban on 7732

Parks ministry, estimates 7732-3, 7736, 7737, 7739, 7740, 7766, 7767, 7768, 7769, 7773, 7775, 7776-7, 7776, 7777, 7780-1, 7780, 7781, 7783, 7784, 7788, 7788-9, 7789, 7790-1, 7790, 7791, 7792, 7793, 7794, 7795, 7796, 7797, 7798, 7799-7800, 7799, 7800, 7802, 7802-3, 7803, 7804, 7805, 7806, 7807, 7808, 7809, 7810-1, 7810, 7811, 7812, 7813, 7814, 7815, 7816, 7817, 7819, 7820, 7821, 7822, 7823, 7824, 7825, 7826

Parks ministry, role of 7773

Parks, new parks, funding for 7733

Parks, Open Doors to Adventure campaign 7733

Parks, rangers, increase in number of 7733, 7823

Parks, recreation areas upgraded to class A park status 7732

Parks, regional landscapes, protection of 7736

Parks, regulations, enforcement of 7823

Parks, revenue to province 7820

Parks, security problems 7826

Parks, services, contracting of 7733, 7821

Parks, services, contracts, standards for 7821

Parks, services, enhancement of 7820

Parks, services, privatization of 7817

Parks, services, privatization of elsewhere 7819

Parks, services, privatization of, employee groups 7807

Parks, services, privatization of, survey results, release of 7817, 7819

Parks, services, privatized services, monitoring of 7821, 7822

Parks, staff, zone manager vacancies, filling of 7823

Parks, supervision of 7817

Port Hardy mine, continued operation of, role in 7793

Port Hardy swimming-pool, funding for 7732

Purcell Wilderness Conservancy, management plan, review of 7791

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp. ferrochromium plant, approval for 7797

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp. ferrochromium plant, economic viability of 7797

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp. ferrochromium plant, role of minister of state in 7769, 7788

Silviculture, mayors' silviculture program 7732

Skagit Valley, master plan for 7783

South Moresby National Park, compensation for, forestry compensation committee 7739, 7740

South Moresby National Park, compensation for, Sewell Inlet loggers A. 5741, 7739, 7740

Spetifore property, letters re quoted, referred to 7775 (Barlee) 7774, 7775 (Cashore) 7773-4, 7778 (Williams) 7777

Stikine River, Grand Canyon area, status of 7805

Strathcona Park, protest re 7739

Strathcona Park, Westmin Resources Ltd. mine noise, baffles for 7810

Strathcona Park, Westmin Resources Ltd., permit fee 7809

Strathcona Park, Westmin Resources Ltd. trespass, payment for 7809, 7810

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, advisory council 7780

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, committees, information re 7780

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, committees, minutes of meetings 7781

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, committees, participation of MLAs in 7780

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, contracts, minister of state's signing authority 7800

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, economic development 7768

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, minister of state for, mandate of 7732

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, programs 7799, 7800

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, symposium on value-added products 7802

Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, task forces 7732, 7768, 7780

Wells Gray Park, fiftieth anniversary 7733

Wells Gray Park, road to Helmcken Falls, paving of 7733

Wells Gray Park, wheelchair-accessible trail 7733

Huddlestan, Alan

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7732

Hudson Hope, B.C.

Project '92 (Brummet) 5628

Tourist industry (Brummet) 5628

Hughes, E.N. (Ted)

Thanked (Sihota) 6552

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6038, 6339, 6547, 6549, 6550, 7105, 7210 (Smith, B.R.) 7204 (Smith, S.D.) 6328, 6335

See also: Justice Reform Committee

Hulchanski, J. David

Mentioned: (Perry) 6636, 6637

Hull, Raymond

Vancouver's Past mentioned (Perry) 6189

Human biology

Education in (Perry) 6308

Human fertilization in vitro

See: Fertilization in vitro, Human

Human reproduction

Federal royal commission on (Dueck) A. 6299 (Marzari) Q. 6299, 7359

Human Resources, Ministry of, Act

Ministry, name change, amendment re (Couvelier) 6783

Human rights

See: Civil rights

Human Rights Act

Amendments to (Hanson, L.) 8295, 8463

Pay equity, provision for under act (Hanson, L.) 6959 (Sihota) 6959

Mentioned: (Brummet) 5691, 8267 (Hagen, S.) 7943 (Smith, S.D.) 6390

Human Rights Code

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6967 (Smallwood) 8379

Human Rights Commission

Mentioned: (Marzari) 6901 (Sihota) 5876, 6959, 6963

Hume, Andrew

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6086

Hume, Jim

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8254

Humphreys, Derrick

Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778

Hunter, M.R.

Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778


Shooting across highways, ban on (Edwards) 8680 (Strachan) 8680


Aboriginal and treaty rights (Guno) 8628

Body parts, hunting animals for (Edwards) 8627

Hunting safety course requirement for licence (Edwards) 8680 (Strachan) 8680

Limited-entry hunting, control over (Edwards) 8681-2 (Strachan) 8681, 8682

Hurren, Joy

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187

Husband, Doug

Quoted (Harcourt) 8357

Mentioned: (Cashore) 7773

Husky Oil Marketing Co. Ltd.

Burrard Inlet refinery (Cashore) 8226

Hutcheon, Henry E.

Judgment quoted (Perry) 6189

Hutchings, C.S. (Steve)

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 5977

Hyack Air (1981) Ltd.

Mentioned: (Rose) 6568

Hydro and Power Authority Act

Mentioned: (Clark) 8394


Mentioned: (Davis) 8397 (Edwards) 8446


Buses, hydrogen-fuelled bus project (Davis) 8434

Production of (Clark) 8434 (Davis) 8435

Hydrogen sulphide

Air pollution, effects of (Edwards) 8223, 8224-5 (Strachan) 8223

Committee on (Edwards) 8224 (Strachan) 8224, 8225

Emission of (Edwards) 8224

Pincher Creek study (Edwards) 8224 (Strachan) 8225

Hyndman, Douglas

Mentioned: (Clark) 7594, 7595, 7598, 7602, 7621, 7635 (Couvelier) 7601, 7627

Hyndman, Peter

Mentioned: (Williams) 7889

Hyundai Corp.

SkyTrain, Scott Road extension, Kerkhoff-Hyundai contract for (Johnston) 6668, 6669-70, 6670-1 (Sihota) 6668, 6669, 6670, 6671