Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
KCTS-TV, Seattle, Wash.
Grant to, proposal for (Rogers) 5688
See: Kelowna Economic Recovery and Employment Development Association
K Mart Canada Ltd.
Mentioned: (Cashore) 6996, 7025, 7026 (Guno) 7024 (Ree) 6997 (Sihota) 7005, 7021
Kal West Contractors Ltd.
Mentioned: (Read) 7423
Kalfane, Malik
Mentioned: (Brummet) 6836
Kamloops, B.C.
Agricultural land reserve land, problem re (Smith, S.D.) 7886
Amalgamation (Smith, S.D.) 7886-7
Development region funds for (Clark) 7918
Development region task forces, representation on (Clark) 7920
Economic development, comparison with Kelowna (Williams) 7893-4, 7906
Economic development, funding for (Clark) 7920
Multiplex, funding for (Clark) Q. 8358 (Darks) A. 8358
PCB-waste oil tank. See entries under Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd.
Salmon Arm, highway to (Williams) 7894
Unemployment (Clark) 7917-8, 7918 (Gabelmann) 5871 (Harcourt) 8659, 8662 (Loenen) 8705 (Williams) 7883, 7906, 7919
Kamloops Carpet Warehouse Ltd.
Mentioned: (Read) 7423
Kamloops Indian band
Harper Ranch, land claim (Smith, S.D.) 6359
Kamloops News, Kamloops, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7424
Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre, Kamloops, B.C.
Construction of (Smith, B.R) 7053
Indian liaison workers (Ree) 7057-8
Opening of (Ree) 5663, 6988, 6989
Kaon project (Hagen, S.) 6613, 8335 (Jones) 6613-4 (Peterson) 6612-3, 6613-4
Kaon project, cost of (Peterson) 6612
Kaon project, employment generated (Hagen, S.) 6249 (Peterson) 6612-3
Kaon project, federal funds for (Hagen, S.) A. 6249 (Loenen) Q. 6249
Kaon project, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8384 (Harcourt) 8386 (Jones) 6614 (Peterson) 6612, 6614
Kaon project mentioned (Miller) 7687
Kaon project, NDP support for (Jones) 8388
Kaon project, revenue (Peterson) 6613
Kaon project, study (Brummet) 5794, 5795 (Jones) 5794 (Throne speech) 5590
Kaon project, study, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8320
Kap Resources Ltd.
Share trading, halt on (Clark) 7622, 7623
Shares, price increase (Clark) 7621-2
Mentioned: (Clark) 7621, 7623, 7626
Kapchinsky, Gerard
Land, removal of from ALR, case cited (Barlee) 7168
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7222
Karpoff, Jim
Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 6168
Katz, Joseph
Death of (Barnes) 5702
Kavic, Lorne
The 1,200 Days: A Shattered Dream quoted (Rabbitt) 5901, 5902-3
Keefer, Bowie
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 6194, 6195, 6219 (McCarthy) 6211 (Perry) 6187
Keegstra, James
Mentioned: (Barnes) 7588
Keenleyside Dam
Kelly, Allan
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 6212, 6213
Kelly, Colin
Quoted (Rose) 6583
Kelly, Isabel
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8370
Kelly Douglas and Co. Ltd.
PCB, storage of in Cranbrook. See entries under Polychlorinated biphenyl
Kelowna, B.C.
Amalgamation (Serwa) 7190
DREE funds for (Serwa) 7919
Economic development (Serwa) 7918
Economic development, comparison with Kamloops (Williams) 7893-4, 7906
Rutland, amalgamation with (Chalmers) 5860
Sewage treatment plant (Serwa) 5733
Kelowna Chamber of Commerce
Mentioned: (Jones) 5670
Kelowna Economic Recovery and Employment Development Association
Work of (Serwa) 5733
Kelowna General Hospital, Kelowna, B.C.
Cardiac surgery unit (Dueck) 5879, 6073, A. 6081 (Perry) 6089 (Serwa) 5937, Q. 6081
Expansion of (Chalmers) 5859
Sun-Rype Products Ltd. products, use of (Barlee) 7188 (Michael) 7193
Mentioned: (Marzari) 6423 (Serwa) 6306
Kemano 2
See entries under Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd.
Kemp, Jim
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6547, 6548 (Smith, S.D.) 6547, 6548
Kempf, Brian
Forest Service, allegation re source of information (Kempf) 8578
Harassment of, allegation re (Kempf) 8578
Kempf, Jack J. (Omineca)
Address in Reply 5728-31
Advanced Education and job Training ministry, estimates 8344
Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd., electric power production, future production 8437
Board of Internal Economy, access to, independent MLAs 8790
Board of Internal Economy, work of commended 8790
Bond Brothers Sawmill Ltd., closing of 7645, 7647, 8068, 8069
Bond Brothers Sawmill Ltd., timber, shortage of 7646
B.C. Place, Expo land sale, judicial inquiry into, proposal for 8674, 8675, 8678-9
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, report and financial statements, tabling of in Legislature 6780
Buck Creek, acid contamination 8244, 8246, 8439, 8440
Budget, balanced budget 5880
Budget debate 5880-2
Budget stabilization fund, funds, source of 5881
Budget stabilization fund, use of 5881
Burns Lake Native Development Corporation, funding for 8036
Canada, secession from 5728-9
Cariboo College, degree-granting status 5882
Cariboo constituency, by-election 7676
Carter, Barrie, possible conflict of interest 8069-70, 8072
Chent Gold Mines Inc., loan agreement 8436, 8438, 8443
Cheni Gold Mines Inc., mining road, problem re 8436, 8438
Coquihalla Highway, Okanagan connector, cost of 6714, 6721
Coquihalla Highway, Okanagan connector, funding for 6692
Crown land, agricultural land, lease and sale of 7953
Crown land, agricultural use of, inquiry into 7889, 7890, 7951, 7952-3
Crown land, appraisers, government appraisers 7889, 7891, 7955
Crown land, appraisers, government contract with 7885
Crown land, forest inventory, addition of Crown land to 7952, 7953
Crown land, Forests ministry, return of land to 7890
Crown land, grazing fees 7951
Crown land, lakeshore lots, price for, Q. 6938, 7885-6, 7889, 7890, 7891
Crown land, price of 7884-6, 7892
Crown land, responsibility for, proposal re 7886
Crown Lands ministry, estimates 7884-6, 7888-90, 7890-1, 7891, 7892, 7936, 7937, 7950-1, 7952-3, 7953-4, 7954, 7954-5, 7955
Debt 5881
Development regions, abolition of 8041
Development regions and increase in bureaucracy 7676
Development regions, committees, number of 7676
Development regions, meetings, attendance of MLAs 7780-1, 7782
Development regions, regionalization of province 5729, 7675-6, 8674
Development regions, transportation committees 6689-90, 6691, 7646, 7647, 7673-4
Development regions, transportation plan, development of 7673
Doman Industries Ltd., forest licence 6109
Doman Industries Ltd., pulp mill, commitment re, Q. 5917
Economic development liaison officer, cost of office of 6715
Economic development liaison officers, qualifications 7673
Economy of interior of B.C. 5728
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 8704
Endako Mines Ltd., effluent flowing into Francois Lake 8244, 8246
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 8436, 8437-8, 8438-9, 8440, 8443
Environment ministry, estimates 8229-30, 8242-4, 8246
Equity Silver Mines Ltd., acid generation 8243-4, 8246, 8439, 8440
Equity Silver Mines Ltd., bonding of 8244, 8246, 8439, 8440
First Citizens' Fund, funding for 8036
Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., employees, layoff of 8574
Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., forest companies, merger of 8588
Forest Amendment Act (1989) 8688, 8689-90, 8690
Forest contractors, subcontractors' contracts 8690
Forest industry, annual allowable cut 8599-8600
Forest industry, annual allowable cut, designation of for small operators 8520
Forest industry, annual allowable cut, overcutting 8509
Forest industry, Canadian Federation of Independent Business recommendations re industry 8575
Forest industry, corporate concentration in 8575
Forest industry, employment in 8508, 8512
Forest industry, free enterprise in 5801
Forest industry, inquiry into, Q. 6039
Forest industry, integrated companies 8508
Forest Industry, Prince George timber supply area, annual allowable cut 8596
Forest industry, Prince George timber supply area, inventory of 8597
Forest industry, Prince George timber supply area, overcutting 8509, 8596, 8597
Forest Industry, Prince George timber supply area, Takla-Sustut area timber 8602, 8603
Forest industry, Prince George timber supply area, timber, rotation time for 8597
Forest industry, Prince George timber supply area, timber supply 8597-8
Forest industry, profits 6109
Forest industry, Quebec, employment in industry 8645
Forest industry, revenue to province, Q. 6039
Forest industry, section 88 credits, replacement for 8520
Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program 5730
Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program, bidding on timber, sealed bid system for 8521-2
Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program, bidding on timber, surrogate bidding 8513, 8606
Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program, price of timber 8606
Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program, timber for 5730
Forest industry, small operators 8575
Forest industry, small operators, price of timber to 8522, 8606
Forest industry, small operators, timber for 8513
Forest industry, value-added products 8524
Forest land, control of 8070, 8073
Forest management policies 8508
Forest management, public information sessions on 8509
Forest practices, weed control, use of herbicides 8242-3, 8246
Forest renewal and roadbuilding credits to forest companies 8520
Forest research 8603
Forest research laboratory, location of 5882, 8603
Forest resource development agreement, funds, source of 8512
Forest Resources Commission, establishment of 8508
Forest Resources Commission, independence of 8508
Forest Resources Commission, tree-farm licence policy, directions to commission re 8513
Forest Service, relative employed in 8511
Forest Service staff, supervision of management and working plans, Q. 5877
Forests ministry, estimates 8508-9, 8512-3, 8520, 8521-3, 8521, 8524-5, 8574-5, 8588, 8589, 8596, 8597, 8597-8, 8599-8600, 8599, 8602, 8603, 8605-6, 8644-5, 8650-1
Fort St. James, North Road, use of 6787
Francois Lake, contamination of 8244, 8246
Francois Lake Road; paving ^f 5730-1, 6721, 6722, 6786
Francois Lake Road, Stellaquo Indian band, negotiations with 6786
Fraser, Alexander Vaughan, tribute to 6701
Goosly Lake, contamination and cleanup of 8244, 8439, 8440
Herbicides, ingredients 8243
Herbicides, use of 8230, 8242-3
Highway 16, Engen overpass, construction work on 6714, 6715, 6720
Highway 16, federal funds for 6692, 6714
Highway 16, Hagman Hill, construction work on 6714
Highway 16, Meanwhile Corner, reconstruction of 6714, 6715
Highway 16, Prince George-Prince Rupert section, funding for 6692, 6713-4, 6715, 6721
Highway 16, Prince George-Prince Rupert section, rehabilitation of 6690, 6692
Highway 16, resurfacing of 5730
Highway 16, Stellako River bridge, replacement of 6737
Highway 16, Suicide Corner, number of fatalities 6715
Highway 16, Suicide Corner, reconstruction of 6714, 6715
Highway 19, alternative route, funding for 6692
Highway 37, Cassiar Highway, completion of 6690
Highway 99, funding for 6692
Houston, rental accommodation, occupancy rate 7645, 7647
Indian Affairs department, abolition of, proposal for 8035, 8071
Indians, alcohol and drug problems 8036
Indians, contracts with, signing of 8067
Indians, land claims 5729-30, 8033, 8066, 8071, 8674-5, 8679
Indians, land claims and development plans 8040
Indians, land claims and tree-farm licences 8070
Indians, “native”, use of term 8035
Ingenika Indian band, fire crews, performance as 8036
Ingenika Indian band, Pearl Boone's visit to 8033
Kemano 2 power, sale of to B.C. Hydro 7650, 7651, 8436, 8437-8
Kemano 2 power, price of to consumers 8439
Kemano 2 power, use of 7649, 7673, 8436
Kemano 2 project 7673
Kemano 2 project, impact of on environment 7651-2, 8437
Kempf, Brian, Forest Service, allegation re source of information 8578
Kempf, Brian, harassment of, allegation re 8578
Kootenay development region, regional development officer, employment of 7954
Kootenay development region, regional development officer, vehicle for 7937
Kootenay development region, regional development officer, salary, expenses 7937
Kootenay development region, regional development officer, status of as civil servant 7953-4
Kootenay development region, staff, information re 7937
Legislation, estimates 8790
Letter quoted (Parker) 6110 (Sihota) 6131
Log market, Vancouver, investigation into, Q. 6633
Logging, independent loggers 8068
Logs, transport of by road 5729
MLAs, increase in number of 8704
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., tree-farm licence No. 39, fine for forest practices 8574
Malaspina College, degree-granting status 5882
Meat-packing plant, Vanderhoof 8675-6
Ministers of state, appropriation for 6692, 7936
Ministers of state, contracts, signing of 7936, 7937
Native Affairs ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 8036, 8067
Native Affairs ministry, establishment of 8066
Native Affairs ministry, estimates 8035-6, 8040-1, 8065-7, 8067-71, 8072-3
Native Affairs ministry, role of 8035, 8070
Nechako and Northeast development region, advisory board meeting, attendance at 7781-2, 7781
Nechako and Northeast development region, advisory board meeting, Jack Weisgerber's letter re quoted 7781, 7781-2
Nechako and Northeast development region, advisory board meetings 8070
Nechako and Northeast development region, committees, recommendations 8068
Nechako and Northeast development region, committees, reports 8068
Nechako and Northeast development region, economic development committee, work of 5729, 8072
Nechako and Northeast development region, forestry committee meetings 7644-5, 8068
Nechako and Northeast development region, meetings, participation in 8674, 8679
Nechako and Northeast development region, office, cost of 7645
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, credentials 8069
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, employment of 8069
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, possible conflict of interest 8069-70, 8072
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, salary 8069, 8072
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, transportation arrangements 8072
Nechako and Northeast development region, transportation committee, membership in 7646, 7647
Nechako River, Kemano 2 project, impact of on river 7651, 8243, 8246, 8437, 8438
North-By-Northwest Tourism Association of B.C., boundaries, realignment of 7390, 7390-1, 7400, 7401-2, 7403
North-By-Northwest Tourism Association of B.C., election of board 7469
Northern B.C., exploitation of 7676
Northern B.C., representation for in Legislature 8704
Northern Development Council 8675
Nunweiler, Alf, office in Prince George 7645
Okanagan College, degree-granting status 5882
Omineca constituency, constituency office 8072
Omineca Princess, emergency operation of 6740-1
Omineca Princess, standby crew 6741, 6786
Ootsa Lake, Kemano 2 project, impact of on lake 7651, 8437
Parks ministry, estimates 7779-80, 7780, 7781, 7781-2
Politicians, powers, delegation of to judges 8704
Powder Mountain Resorts Ltd., ski facility development 7884, 8676, 8679
Premier's office, estimates 8673-5, 8675-6, 8678-9
Privilege — David Parker's remarks about his source of information 8559, 8578 (Speaker) 8585
Property tax system 7892
Provincial Tourist Advisory Council, members 7402, 7443
Provincial Tourist Advisory Council, members, Maxine Douglas 7402-3
Provincial Tourist Advisory Council, members, North-By-Northwest Tourism Association representative 7402, 7403, 7441
Pulp material, revenue to province 8525
Pulp mills, pollution control standards, enforcement of 8229
Pulp mills, Vanderhoof mill, construction of 7649, 7673, 7675, 8069, 8436, 8437, 8438
Pulp mills, Vanderhoof mill, environmental studies 7675
Pulp mills, Vanderhoof mill, role of Jack Weisgerber 8069
Ray, Wayne, Crown land lot, price for 7886, 7889, 7890
Reforestation, NSR land, responsibility for cost of 8512-3
Reforestation, seedling survival 5730
Reforestation, seedlings to be planted 5881
Regional Development ministry, estimates 7644-7, 7649, 7650-1, 7651-2, 7672-4, 7675-6
Royal commission on forestry, establishment of, Q. 6039
Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, activating of, Q. 6633
Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, investigation into forest industry proposal re 5801
Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, recommendations 6676
Sewage disposal, funding for 8229
Small business, northern B.C. 7391
South Moresby National Park, establishment of 8065-6
South Moresby National Park, Haida nation, impact of park on 8066
Special warrants, warrant 11, use of funds 5795, 5796
Stella Road connection, completion of, decision on 6721, 6722, 6732-3, 6732, 6733, 6737
Stumpage rate 8520, 8606, 8645
Stumpage rate for pulp industry 8645
Stumpage revenue to province 8524, 8645
Stumpage system, credits for forest renewal 8520, 8521
Supply Act (No. 1) (1989) 5795, 5796
Tachiex Road, paving, cancellation of 8068
Task Force on the Environment and the Economy, recommendations 7655
Taxation, increase in 5880
Thompson-Okanagan development region, appropriation, use of 7936
Thompson-Okanagan development region, regional development officer, employment of 7954
Thompson-Okanagan development region, regional development officer, vehicle for 7937
Thompson-Okanagan development region, regional development officer, salary, expenses 7937
Thompson-Okanagan development region, regional development officer, status of as civil servant 7954
Thompson-Okanagan development region, staff, information re 7937
Timber sales, closed bid system for 8521-2, 8524
Timber supply areas, inventories 8599-8600, 8599
Topley Landing, Crown land, lake lots, assessed value 7955
Topley Landing, Crown land, lake lots, price of 7885-6, 7889, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7954-5, 7955
Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7390, 7390-1, 7399-7400, 7401-2, 7402-3, 7404, 7441, 7442, 7443, 7466-7, 7468-9
Tourism regions, boards, election of 7469
Tourism regions, boundaries, realignment of 7390, 7391, 7399, 7400, 7401-2, 7403, 7441, 7443, 7447, 7466-7, 7469
Tourism regions, DPA Consulting Ltd. recommendation re 7467
Trade Development Corporation Act 6780
Transportation and Highways ministry, decisionmaking process 6691
Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6689-90, 6690-1, 6691, 6692, 6698, 6713-4, 6715, 6720, 6721, 6721-2, 6722, 6729-30, 6732-3, 6732, 6733, 6737, 6740-1, 6741-2, 6741, 6786-7
Travel industry development subsidiary agreement 7468, 7469
Tree-farm licence No. 1, report on 8574
Tree-farm licence No. 39, audit of 8574
Tree-farm licence No. 39, forest practices 8574
Tree-farm licence No. 46 5877, 8574
Tree-farm licence No. 46, audit of 8574
Tree-farm licences 8070
Tree-farm licences, management and working plans 8574
Tree-farm licences, management plans, public input, Q. 7654, Q. 7655
Tree-farm licences, policy on 8513
Tree-farm licences, renewal of, public hearings on, Q. 7714
Truck loggers, legislation on, Q. 6676
University in Prince George 5730, 5795, 5796, 5881-2, 8344
User charges, increase in 5880
Vancouver, Cassiar connector, funding for 6692
Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, advisory council 7779, 7780
Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, committees 7779, 7780, 7781
Vancouver Island-Coast and North Coast development region, committees, participation of MLAs in 7780, 7781
Vanderhoof, Nechako River bridge, replacement of 6698, 6715, 6721
Vant, Hon. Neil, appointment with, requests for 6690, 6691
Victoria, sewage disposal 8229-30
Washington State timber, fish and wildlife agreement 8509
Westar Timber Ltd., Hazelton logging contractors, payments to 8525
Wood-pulp industry, profits 8229
Wood-pulp industry, pulp logs, revenue to province 8525
Wood-pulp industry, raw materials for, cost of 8645
Wood-pulp industry, sawlogs, use of 8644, 8645
Woodlots, annual allowable cut for 8522-3
Kempling, James
Mentioned: (Ree) 6989
Kendall, Tom
Mentioned: (Darks) 7921
Kennedy, John R
Mentioned: (Guno) 5665
Kennedy, Mike
Mentioned: (Read) 7455
Kennedy, Paul
Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780
Kennedy, Warnett
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Kentucky-Alleyne recreation area
Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798
Keogh bridge
See entries under Highway 19
Keremeos School District
See: School District 16 (Keremeos)
Kerkhoff, Dirk
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6668 (Williams) 7592
Kerkhoff, Willem
Mentioned: (Williams) 7592
Kerkhoff Construction Ltd.
SkyTrain, Scott Road extension, contract for construction of (Johnston) 6668, 6669-70, 6670-1 (Sihota) 6668, 6669, 6670, 6671
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6547 (Williams) 7592
Kerkhoven, B.E.
Hip replacement surgery, wait for, case cited (Dueck) 6432 (Sihota) 6431-2, 6432, 6433
Letter quoted (Sihota) 6431-2
Ketchum, Jess
Mentioned: (Vant) 6729
Kettle River, B.C.
Damage to (Perry) 7784
Kettle Valley Railway
Development of as tourist attraction (Rabbitt) 8293
Rail line, closing of (Rabbitt) 6794 (Vant) 6796
Right-of-way, preservation of (Barlee) 5934-5
Khalsa Diwan Society of Victoria
Mentioned: (Sihota) 7453
Khan, Riasat
Mentioned: (Read) 7455
Khashoggi, Adnan
Alleged money-laundering, actions re (Clark) Q. 6804
Mentioned: (Clark) 7604, 7631, 8406
Khosla, Kewal
Mentioned: (Read) 7455
Kidney dialysis
See: Hemodialysis
Kidneys — Transplantation
Kidney transplant patients, cyclosporin for (Perry) 6091-2
Kidney transplants (Dueck) 6073 (Perry) 6091
Kidney transplants, waiting-list for (Dueck) 6300 (Perry) 6300
Kierans, Eric
The Wrong End of the Rainbow: The Collapse of Free Enterprise in Canada quoted (Guno) 5666, 5667
Kiernan, W. Kenneth
Mentioned: (De Jong) 7221 (Perry) 7771-2
Kikomun Creek Park
Mentioned: (Edwards) 7790
Kildonan, B.C.
Logs burned (Janssen, G.) 5721-2
Kimberley, B.C.
Extended-care facility (Crandall) 5719
Road to Gray Creek (Crandall) 5699
Kimberley School District
See: School District 3 (Kimberley)
Kincolith, B.C.
Cut-off land, return of (Weisgerber) 5675
Greenville, road to, funding for (Guno) 6729 (Vant) 6729
Compulsory attendance (Hagen, A.) 8183
Entry to, dual entry (Brummet) 7363, 7487, 8183, 8184 (Edwards) 7487 (Hagen, A.) 5756, 5867, 8183-4, 8183 (Loenen) 5933
Entry to, dual entry and French immersion (Brummet) 8184 (Hagen, A.) 8183-4, 8184
Entry to, dual entry, funding for implementation of (Brummet) 5929, 7488
Entry to, dual entry, implementation of (Brummet) 5930, 7488
Pupils, assessment of (Brummet) 7487 (Edwards) 7487
King, Martin Luther
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8673
King, William S.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 6944
King, S., Holdings Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7583
King Neptune Seafoods Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams) 6235
Kingcome Inlet, B.C.
Premier's visit to (Harcourt) 8061
Kinsella, Patrick
Mentioned: (Clark) 6292
Kinsley, Colin
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8163 (Veitch) 7674
Kinsmen Club
Mentioned: (Smallwood) 8813 (Vander Zalm) 6942
Kinzie, John
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7818 (Sihota) 7818
Kirby, W.J.C.
Privatization, role in (Clark) 6289
Kirk, Bernice
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759
Kirkpatrick, George
Mentioned: (Rabbitt) 5724
Kirkwood, R.A.
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Kirstein, Tom
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Knight Street Pub, Vancouver, B.C.
Complaints re (Fraser, R.) 6975
Liquor licence (Clark) 5619 (Sihota) 5638
Liquor licence and moratorium on licences (Sihota) 8725
Liquor licence application (Harcourt) 8660, 8661
Liquor licence application, alleged political interference in (Sihota) Q. 7070, Q. 7071, Q. 7379 (Vander Zalm) A. 7070, A. 7071, A. 7379
Liquor licence application, alleged political Interference in, call to Attorney-General re (Sihota) Q. 7480, Q. 7523
Liquor licence application, alleged political Interference in, information from Lee Doney re (Sihota) Q. 7450, Q. 7480 (Vander Zalm) A. 7481
Liquor licence application, Bert Hick's actions, condoning of, allegation re (Hanson, L.) 7100, A. 7147, A. 7148
Liquor licence application, Bert Hick's press conference statement re (Hanson, L.) 6984, 7610 (Harcourt) 7099, 7101, Q. 7147, Q. 7148 (Rose) 7101 (Sihota) 6984, Q. 7070 (Vander Zalm) A. 7070
Liquor licence application, conversation with Attorney-General re (Hanson, L.) 7611-2, A. 7713 (Sihota) Q. 7713-4, Q. 7713, Q. 7714 (Vander Zalm)A. 7714
Liquor licence application, David Poole's call re (Hanson, L.) 7610 (Harcourt) Q. 7148 (Sihota) Q. 7099, Q. 7248, Q. 7327, Q. 7450, Q. 7451, 7613
Liquor licence application, David Poole's role in (Rose) 6045, (Sihota) 6977
Liquor licence application, Don Lee's letter re (Sihota) Q. 8803
Liquor licence application, investigations into (Vander Zalm) 8661
Liquor licence application, Labour and Consumer Services ministry investigation into (Hanson, L.) 6976, 6977, 6978, 6984, 7611, 7612 (Sihota) 6976, 6977, 6984, Q. 7786
Liquor licence application, Lee Doney's report on (Hanson, L.) A. 7281, 7611 (Sihota) Q. 7281, Q. 7327, Q. 7451, Q. 7523, 7613
Liquor licence application, Peter Toigo's lobbying re (Sihota) 7613
Liquor licence application, Premier's office, actions by (Sihota) Q. 8725 (Vander Zalm) A. 8725
Liquor licence application, Premier's questions re (Harcourt) Q. 7148
Liquor licence, cancellation of (Hanson, L.) 6987
Liquor licence, memo re to Lee Doney (Sihota) Q. 8726
Liquor licence, memo re to Premier's office (Sihota)Q. 8726
Location of (Perry) 6152
Ombudsman's report on (Hanson, L.) 6975, 6977, 6978, 6985, 6987, 7147, 7148, 7248, 7327, 7610, 7611, 7612, 7786 (Sihota) 6987, 7070 (Vander Zalm) 7070, 7071, 7099, 7481
Ombudsman's report on quoted (Sihota) 6984, 7613
Referendum, conduct of by Delta Media Services Ltd. (Hanson, L.) 6978, 6979, 6985, 7611 (Sihota) 6977, 6978, 6979, 6985, 6986, 7713, Q. 7786, Q. 8001
Tolgo, Peter, role of in development of pub (Sihota) 6975
Whitbury Holdings Inc. land for (Sihota) 6976
Mentioned: (Sihota) 5739
Knights of Columbus
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7159
Knowledge Network of the West
Children's Hospital, link with (Clark) 6413, 6416, 6419
Independence of (Rogers) 5688
Knowledge West mentioned (Clark) 6416
Shuswap-Revelstoke constituency, coverage of (Michael) 8346
Mentioned: (Dueck) 6419 (Hagen, S.) 8364
Koblunaq Construction Ltd.
Directors (Williams) 7592
Kobylnyk, Ron
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8103
Kodak Canada Inc.
Children's Hospital credit account (Clark) 6412, 6415
Kokanee Glacier Park
Class A park status for (Huberts) 7732
Mentioned: (Darks) 7183
Kolida, Steve
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8163
Komagata Maru (Vessel)
Incident (Barnes) 7456 (Clark) 7461 (Harcourt) 7462 (Read) 7460 (Sihota) 7454, 7461, 7462 (Vander Zalm) 7455-6, 7455
Incident, Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage recommendation re (Read) 7455
Incident, commemoration of (Barnes) 7457 (Read) A. 6912, 7434 (Sihota) Q. 6912, 7453, 7454-5, 7458, 7459
Incident, commemoration of, petition re (Sihota) 8803 (Vander Zalm) 8803
Mentioned: (Barnes) 7434, 7435 (Sihota) 6198, 6440 (Vander Zalm) 8671
Komagata Maru Foundation of Canada
Video, funding for (Read) 7434 (Sihota) 7454
Mentioned: (Read) 7460
Konopasek, Rick
Payment of wages to, delay in, case cited (Sihota) 6929, 6930, 6931, 6934, 6936
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6964
Koocanusa Lake, B.C.
Recreational use of (Edwards) 7789-90, 7790, 7791
Water level (Edwards) 5750, 7790
Kootenay Country Tourist Association
Funds for (Read) 7394
Kootenay development region
Estimates 7869, 7883-4, 7893-4, 7904-7, 7914-6, 7932-7, 7951, 7953-4
Appropriation (Clark) 7918 (Darks) 7934, 7936 (Marzari) 7934
Economic development (D’Arcy) 7914, 7915 (Dicks) 7915-6, 7915
Minister of state, appropriation for (Darks) 7869
Minister of state, contracts signed (Darks) 7951
Minister of state, office of, information re staff (Darks) 7893 (Williams) 7893
Regional development officer, employment of (Darks) 7954 (Kempf) 7954
Regional development officer, vehicle for (Darks) 7951, 7954 (Kempf) 7937
Regional development officer, salary, expenses (Darks) 7951, 7954 (Kempf) 7937
Regional development officer, status of as civil servant (Kempf) 7953-4
Staff, information re (Darks) 7937 (Kempf) 7937
Task forces (Dicks) 7869, 7893 (Williams) 7893
Tourism task force (Darks) 7936 (Marzari) 7936
Workforce task force (Darks) 5667-8
Kootenay Forest Products Ltd.
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7914 (Rabbitt) 5901
Kootenay Indian band
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 7060
Kootenay Lake recreation area
Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798
Kootenay Livestock Association
Mentioned: (Savage) 7241
Kootenay River, B.C.
Diversion of (Davis) 8431 (Edwards) 8432 (Perry) 8430, 8431
Economy of area (Loenen) 8705
Forest Industry (D’Arcy) 7914
Industry, value-added industry (D’Arcy) 7913
Lifestyle In Kootenays (Darks) 7915
Post-secondary education, access to (Edwards) 5748-9
Sexual assault centres (Rose) 6473 (Sihota) 6471, 6472, 6473, 6484, 6512
Unemployment (Williams) 7883
West Kootenays, economic development (Dicks) 7908 (Williams) 7908
Kordyban, William
Quoted (Kempf) 8651
Mentioned: (Vant) 5621
Koster, B.C.
Landfill permit, cancellation of (Strachan) 8457-8, 8458
Krajina, Vladimir J.
Mentioned: (Darks) 6185
Kratzmann, Arthur
Mentioned: (Brummet) 5691
K'San House Society, Terrace, B.C.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Ku Klux Klan
Mentioned: (Barnes) 6365, 7588
Kwakiutl Indian band
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 7059, 7060, 7488
Kwalikum Secondary School, Qualicum Beach, B.C.
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 7528
Kwantlen College
Campus for (Hagen, S.) 8352 (Smallwood) 5939
Funding for (Smallwood) 5939
Langley campus (Peterson) 5805
Management training program for women (Hagen, S.) 8355
Mentally ill, program for (Loenen) 6406
Spaces, increase an (Loenen) 5933
Students, average age (Smallwood) 5939
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8320, 8325, 8377 (Rose) 8336
Kwok, Stanley
Employment (Michael) A. 6507 (Williams) Q. 6507
Severance pay (Michael) A. 6507 (Williams) Q. 6507
Tribute to (Clark) 6292
Kyuquot, B.C.
Logging of area (Miller) 7738
Kyuquot Indian band
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612