Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
See: Old age supplement under Old age pensions
See: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OSR Systems Ltd.
OSCAR technology (Cashore) 5856-7, 8154
Oscars, purchase of (Long) Q. 5846 (Strachan) A. 5846
Oak Bay Marina, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Michael) 6232
Oak Street Bridge
See entries under Vancouver, B.C.
Oakalla Prison
See: Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, Burnaby, B.C.
Oberle, Frank
Mentioned: (Kempf) 5882 (Miller) 5833, 5834, 7687 (Parker) 6581, 6676, 6983 (Vander Zalm) 6369 (Weisgerber) 8041
Occupational accidents
See: Industrial accidents
Occupational training
Assistant deputy minister for (Hagen, S.) 8321
Employer-based training, cost-sharing of (Throne speech) 5587
Free trade agreement and job training (McCarthy) 5812-3
Import of skilled labour (Jones) 8322
Industry, training and retraining of employees (Miller) 8390-1
Labour market adjustment, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8379
Okanagan, trade school, establishment of (Messmer) 5682
Older workers adjustment program (Hagen, A.) 8339-40, 8339, 8340 (Hagen, S.) 8339, 8340
Private colleges. See Trade schools
Task force on employment and training (Hagen, S.) 8321 (Vander Zalm) 5760
Training and enterprise centre network (Hagen, S.) 8321
Training, funding for elsewhere (Miller) 8391
Training investment program (Hagen, S.) 8321
Training opportunities program (Hagen, S.) 8321
Training programs (D’Arcy) 5816 (De Jong) 5600 (Hagen, S.) 8391 (Loenen) 5931 (Messmer) 5682 (Miller) 8390-1, 8391 (Throne speech) 5587
Vocational services, eligibility for (Hagen, S.) A. 7608 (Jones) Q. 7608
Occupiers Liability Act
Amendment to (Gabelmann) 8698 (Smith, S.D.) 8582
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8632
Ocean Cement and Supplies Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams) 6657
Ocean Dumping Control Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Strachan) 7280, 8156, 8158, 8160
Ocean Falls, B.C.
Ferry to (Long) 7182 (Pullinger) 7181
Ocelot Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Davis) 8435
O'Connell, Dorothy
“Poverty: The Feminine Complaint” mentioned (Pullinger) 7012
O'Connor, Mike
Mentioned: (Lovick) 8453 (Strachan) 8453, 8454
Odam, Jes
Quoted (Miller) 5832
Off-road vehicles
See: All-terrain vehicles
Offence Act
Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 7113
Mentioned: (Brummet) 8199, 8303 (Cashore) 8085 (Chairman) 8171 (Hanson, L.) 8463 (Lovick) 8456, 8457 (Ree) 8176 (Sihota) 7212 (Strachan) 8456
Offence Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 63) (Attorney-General) 1R, 8079-80; 2R, 8631-2; C, 8697-8; 3R, 8698; RA, 8841
Speakers: Gabelmann 8697; Sihota 8631-2; Smith, S.D. 8079-80, 8631, 8697, 8697-8
Criminal investigation, costs, recovery of (Sihota) 8631 (Smith, S.D.) 8080, 8631
Environmental protection cases, prosecution costs, recovery of (Sihota) 8631
Environmental protection standards, enforcement of (Sihota) 8631-2
Search warrants, telewarrant system for (Gabelmann) 8697 (Sihota) 8631 (Smith, S.D.) 8079-80, 8631, 8697, 8697-8
Offshore oil industry
Drilling, moratorium on (Cashore) Q. 5740, 5945-6, 5947 (Harcourt) 5601 (Strachan) A. 5740-1 (Vander Zalm) A. 5740
Exploration, moratorium on (Cashore) 5945-6
Royal British Columbia Museum, statement re drilling in Hecate Strait (Cashore) Q. 6720 (Strachan) A. 6806-7
Seismic activity, ban on (Cashore) 5946, 5947
Offshore Systems Ltd.
Electronic navigation aids (Cashore) 5857
Offtrack betting
See: Horse-race betting
Mentioned: (Barlee) 5934-5
O'Grady, Nora
Mentioned: (Perry) 6187
Ohiaht Indian band
Land claims, settlement of (Weisgerber) 7967, 8031
Oil refineries
See: Petroleum refineries
Oil spills
Alaska spill (Cashore) 5945 (Clark) 7975 (Guno) 5956 (McCarthy) 5812
Alaska spill mentioned (Ree) 6998, 7039 (Sihota) 7001, 7021
Alaska spill, use of cleanup technology (Cashore) 5857
Alaska spill, William N. Vander Zalm's visit to site (Clark) 5778 (Loenen) 8095 (Reid) 5840-1 (Sihota) 5841 (Vander Zalm) 5761-2, 5946
B.C.-Washington memorandum of agreement on response to (Cashore) 7027, 8153-4 (Ree) 7029, 7038 (Sihota) 7047
Bilge oil, dumping of (Cashore) 8152 (Strachan) 8152
Canada-U.S. committee on (Cashore) 8133 (Harcourt) Q. 5798 (Strachan) A. 5798
Canada-U.S. committee on, public access to meetings (Cashore) 5856, 8153 (Harcourt) Q. 5798, Q. 5875 (Strachan) A. 5798, A. 5875, 8152, 8153
Canada-U.S. coordinated plan for (Ree) 7003, 7007 (Sihota) 7003
Cleanup of (Smith, B.R.) 5708
Cleanup of, equipment for (Cashore) 7026 (Janssen, G.) 7039 (Sihota) 5639
Cleanup of, research into (McCarthy) 5812
Cleanup of, technology for (Cashore) 5856-7, 6995, 7026-7, 8154 (Fraser, R.) 7039-40, 8156-7 (Strachan) 8154-5, 8155
Compensation for, court orders, enforcement of in Washington (Strachan) 8145
Fitz Hugh Sound spill, cleanup of (Cashore) 8151-2 (Strachan) 8152
Fitz Hugh Sound spill, damage to clam beach (Cashore) 8151-2, 8152
Georgia Strait spills (Cashore) 7076
Hopper dredge vessel in B.C., funding for refit of (Fraser, R) 7039-40
Juan de Fuca Strait spills (Cashore) 7076
Millstream Creek spill (Sihota) 5841-2 (Strachan) 8155, 8217
Millstream Creek spill, charges, laying of (Sihota) 5851, 6502, 6547, 6548, 7979-80, Q. 8142, Q. 8143, 8146, 8147, 8148, 8149, 8155 (Smith, S.D.) A. 8142, A. 8143 (Strachan) 8146, 8149
Millstream Creek spill, cleanup of (Strachan) 8155
Millstream Creek spill, investigation into (Sihota) 8147 (Smith, S.D.) 6548
Oil spills (Fraser, R.) 7002
OSCAR technology (Cashore) 5856-7, 8154 (Strachan) 8154-5, 8155
Oscars, purchase of (Long) Q. 5846 (Strachan) A. 5846
Prevention of (Strachan) 8155-6
Response to (Cashore) 8146 (Fraser, R.) 8149 (Hanson, G.) 7244, 7266, 7267 (Ree) 6995 (Savage) 7266, 7267 (Sihota) 8136
Response to, consultation re (Janssen, G.) 7031, 7039, 7040 (Ree) 7023, 7040
Response to, coordinator for (Sihota) 7047
Response to, field offices for (McCarthy) Q. 7787 (Strachan) A.7787
Response to, information re response teams (Strachan) 8143-4, 8146
Response to, information re to other countries (Strachan) 8136, 8146 (Williams) 8136
Response to, manual for (Ree) 7046 (Sihota) 7046, 7047
Response to, procedure (Cashore) 7076-7 (Ree) 7077
Response to, role of Coast Guard in (Cashore) 8146
Response to, training for (Ree) 7050, 7051 (Sihota) 7050, 7051
Sea Rover tracking device (Cashore) 5857, 6995, 7027, 8154
Task force on (Couvelier) 5770
Vancouver Island, west coast spill (Cashore) 6998, 8133 (Clark) 7975 (Couvelier) 5770 (Harcourt) 5914 (Janssen, G.) 5613 (McCarthy) 5812 (Pullinger) 5889 (Ree) 6998 (Sihota) 5638-9 (Strachan) 5611 (Throne speech) 5588
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, Bruce Strachan's visit to (Cashore) 8134
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, Cape Scott area (Cashore) 5857
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cleanup of (Janssen, G.) 5613 (Ree) 6995 (Sihota) 5639
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cleanup of, equipment for (Cashore) 6996, 6997, 7025-6 (Janssen, G.) 6999, 8150 (Ree) 6997 (Sihota) 7001 (Strachan) 8150
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cleanup of, role of David LeBlanc (Cashore) 6996 (Janssen, G.) 6998-9, 7030-1
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cleanup workers, housing for (Cashore) 6997
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, compensation for (Janssen, G.) 5613, 6999-7000, 8151 (Ree) 7000 (Sihota) 5842, 6448, 8141, 8148 (Smith, S.D.) 6448 (Strachan) 8148-9
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, compensation for, claims for (Janssen, G.) 7000 (Ree) 7000-1 (Sihota) 7001
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cost of (Janssen, G.) 8150 (Sihota) 8148, 8149 (Strachan) 6448, 8150
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, environmental impact (Hanson, G.) 7244 (Janssen, G.) 8150 (Strachan) 8150-1
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, legal action re (Sihota) 6448, 6503 (Smith, S.D.) 6448, 6449
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, motels' claims for damages (Cashore) 6997 (Ree) 6997-8
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, National Defence department personnel, use of (Ree) 7003 (Sihota) 7001
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, native people, loss to (Hanson, G.) 7266 (Janssen, G.) 6999 (Sihota) 7021-2
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, native people, work of (Janssen, G.) 6999 (Ree) 6993
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, negotiations re (Sihota) 6448 (Smith, S.D.) 6448, 6449
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, provincial emergency program personnel (Janssen, G.) 6999 (Ree) 6999
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, response of media to (Cashore) 8087 (Janssen, G.) 8134 (Strachan) 8087-8, 8133, 8134
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, response to (Cashore) 8084 (Guno) 6992 (Hanson, G.) 7244, 7250 (Janssen, G.) 6998 (Ree) 6992-3, 6997, 7046 (Sihota) 7046-7, 8136
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, Solicitor-General's trip to (Cashore) 6995 (Janssen, G.) 6998 (Ree) 6999
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, volunteers (Cashore) 5857, 6995-7, 7025, 7026, 8133 (Ree) 6993, 6998, 6999, 7029 (Strachan) 8134-5
Vancouver Island, west coast spill, Washington State, action against (Sihota) 7001, 8148
Oil tankers
See: Tankers
Oils, Lubricating
See: Lubricating oils
Oji Paper Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Long) 5713
Okanagan Basin Water Board
Funding for (Barlee) 8106 (Strachan) 8107
Okanagan College
Advisory committee, appointment to (Jones) 8388
Degree-granting status (Cashore) 5858 (Crandall) 5908 (Hagen, S.) 8344 (Jones) 8344 (Kempf) 5882 (Loenen) 5933 (Messmer) 5682 (Serwa) 8363 (Vander Zalm) 5761, 8658
Degree-granting status, funding for (Couvelier) 5768
Establishment of (Serwa) 8363
Funding for (Chalmers) 5858
University courses, expansion of (Darks) 5668
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8337, 8343, 8361 (Michael) 7194 (Smith, S.D.) 7923
Okanagan connector
See entries under Coquihalla Highway
Okanagan Lake, B.C.
Sewage an lake (Serwa) 5733
Okanagan Mainline Municipalities Association
Meeting, Municipal Affairs minister's attendance at (Blencoe) 6603-4
Okanagan South constituency
Economy (Cashore) 5858, 5859 (Serwa) 5731
Environmental concerns (Chalmers) 5858
Industry (Chalmers) 5859
Subdivision approvals during NDP administration (Serwa) 7976
Okanagan Valley, B.C.
Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from (Serwa) 7191
Beauty of (Serwa) 8293
Okanagan Basin water study, implementation of (Serwa) 7976
Pollution of lakes and rivers (Messmer) 5682
Unemployment (Barlee) 7187 (Clark) 5780 (Messmer) 5682
Okanagan-Similkameen Community Development Association
Mentioned: (Darks) 7921
Okanagan-Similkameen Tourist Association
Funds for (Read) 7394
Mentioned: (Pullinger) 7405
Old age pensions
Increase in and SAFER program (Marzari) 5819
Old age supplement (Rose) 6133, 6134
Old Bailey, London, England
Criminal trials, conduct of (Smith, B.R) 6468-9
Older workers, Training of
See entries under Occupational training
Oleman, Mab
Mentioned: (Marzari) 8583
Oliver, B.C.
Apple brandy plant (Messmer) 5681
Downtown revitalization program (Messmer) 5681, 5682
Industrial site, opening of, press coverage (Messmer) 5681
Industries (Messmer) 5680-1 (Vander Zalm) 5760
Schnapps factory (Veitch) 5644
Olljum, Irene
Mentioned: (Read) 7455
Olsen, Sten
Mentioned: (Read) 7446
Olson, Brian
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 6212
Olympic Games
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7426 (Read) 7427
Olympic Games, 1988, Calgary, Alta.
Canadian team, B.C. members (Johnston) 6565
Olympic Games, 1988, Seoul, Korea
Canadian team, B.C. members (Johnston) 6565
Olympics of the Mind
Mentioned: (Brummet) 7532
Estimates 8791
“Aquaculture and the Administration of Coastal Resources In British Columbia” referred to, quoted (Gabelmann) 7930, 7931
B.C. Parole Board, recommendations re (Guno) 8554-5, 8622, 8624 (Ree) 8554, 8624
Civil service wages, payment of, statement re (Hanson, L.) 6931 (Sihota) 6931, 6931-2
Ethics advisory committee, resignation from (Dueck) 6307 (Perry) 6307
Funding for, source of (Marzari) 8791
Jurisdiction, extension of (Jones) 6477 (Smith, S.D.) 6477
Knight Street Pub, report on (Hanson, L.) 6975, 6977, 6978, 6985, 6987, 7147, 7148, 7248, 7327, 7610, 7611, 7612, 7786 (Sihota) 6987, 7070 (Vander Zalm) 7070, 7071, 7099, 7481
Knight Street Pub, report on quoted (Sihota) 6984, 7613
Labour ombudsman (Hanson, L.) 6920
Pesticides, recommendations re (Cashore) 8085
Principal group of companies, report on (Couvelier) 7334, 7341 (Sihota) 7332
Principal group of companies, report on, government action on (Clark) 7346 (Sihota) 7335
Role of (Smith, S.D.) 6477
School districts, proclamation of sections of act relating to (Hagen, A.) 8009
SkyTrain, noise problems, recommendations re (Hagen, A.) 6597 (Johnston) 6591, 6597 (Williams) 6590
Social Services and Housing ministry, complaints re (Clark) 5618
Sumac Ventures Inc., emergency response plan, report on (Cashore) 7480
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6345
Ombudsman Act
Proclamation of unproclaimed sections (Hagen, A.) 8009
Sections 3 to 11, proclamation of (Jones) 6477 (Smith, S.D.) 6477
Mentioned: (Smallwood) 8725
Ominayak, Bernard
Mentioned: (Miller) 5684
Omineca constituency
Constituency office (Kempf) 8072 (Weisgerber) 8072
Roads, percentage paved (Vant) 6714
Omineca Princess (Vessel)
Emergency operation of (Kempf) 6740-1 (Vant) 6741
Standby crew (Kempf) 6741-2, 6741, 6786 (Vant) 6787-8
Mentioned: (Kempf) 6690, 6691 (Vant) 6691
149925 Canada Ltd.
Westminster Quay land, purchase of (Dirks) 7948 (Williams) 7946
100 Mile House, B.C.
Activities centre for former mental patients (Dueck) 6404
Council, meeting with (Harcourt) 8665
100 Mile House Free Press, 100 Mile House, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lovick) 6755
105 Mile House, B.C.
Elementary school, addition to (Vant) 5622
O'Neil, Peter
Quoted (Miller) 5833
O'Neill, Frank
Mentioned: (Reid) 7402
Onex Packaging Inc.
Loan to (Clark) 8415 (Couvelier) 8412, 8413, 8415
Toronto area, inflation rate (Veitch) 5643
Ontario — Economic conditions
Economy of province (Veitch) 5643
Ontario. Environment, Ministry of
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8655
Ontario. Legislative Assembly
Hansard referred to, quoted (Perry) 8780
Ontario. Securities Commission
Mentioned: (Clark) 7662
Ontario Hydro
Mentioned: (Clark) 8476 (Edwards) 8446
Ontario Multimaterial Recycling Inc.
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8167
Onyx Contractors Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7583
Oona River, B.C.
Education of children, provision for (Miller) 8180, 8181
Ootsa Lake, B.C.
Kemano 2 project, impact of on lake (Kempf) 7651, 8437
Open Learning Agency
Cost-benefit analysis of (Jones) 8364
Distance education (Fraser, R.) 8329
Role of (Hagen, S.) 8364
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8328, 8337, 8343 (Jones) 8364 (Weisgerber) 5591, 5676
Open Learning Institute
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8373
Opetchesaht Indian band
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612
Oppal, Wallace
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6441
Optometrists Act
Mentioned: (Dueck) 7618
Accreditation of private colleges (Hagen, S.) A. 6883, A. 7326, A. 7482 (Jones) Q. 6882, Q. 7326
Appointment of president of B.C. Institute of Technology (Hagen, S.) A. 6248 (Jones) Q. 6248
BCIT operations (Hagen, S.) A. 8802 (Jones) Q. 8802
Federal support of kaon factory (Hagen, S.) A. 6249 (Loenen) Q. 6249
Former BCIT president (Hagen, S.) A. 8656 (Jones)Q. 8656
Military research in universities (Hagen, S.) A. 8656 (Perry) Q.7035
Pay equity for women (S. Hagen) A. 7943 (Smallwood) Q. 7943
Student support for China's students (Fraser, R.) Q. 7035 (Hagen, S.) A. 7035
Transit fares for post-secondary students (Hagen, S.) A. 6131 (Rose) Q. 6131
Vocational services for TRY clients (Hagen, S.) A. 7608 (Jones) Q. 7608
Western Media Institute (Hagen, S.) A. 7326 (Jones)Q. 7326
American fruit imports (Barlee) Q. 8082 (Savage) A. 8082
Banning of Alar-treated fruit (Barlee) Q. 6834 (Savage) A. 6834
Crop losses due to severe winter conditions (Rabbitt) Q. 6834 (Savage) A. 6834
Drift-net fishing (Harcourt) Q. 6674 (Savage) A. 6674
Fatt's Island Poultry Farms (Savage) A. 7034, A. 7868 (Sihota) Q. 7034, Q. 7868
Fish-processing regulations (Hanson, G.) Q. 6370 (Savage) A. 6370
Fish-testing policy (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939 (Savage) A. 6939
Free trade agreement (Barlee) Q. 8422 (Savage) A. 8422
Labelling of produce by country of origin (Barlee)Q. 6834 (Savage) A. 6834
Milk Board jurisdiction (Barlee) Q. 7325 (Savage) A. 7325
Milk Industry Task Force (Barlee) Q. 7785 (Rose) Q. 8358 (Savage) A. 7785, A. 8358
National Milk Marketing Plan (Barlee) Q. 8082 (Rose) Q. 8233 (Savage) A. 8082, A. 8233
Okanagan grape growers (Barlee) Q. 8501 (Savage)A. 8501
Pit bull attack (Davidson) Q. 7149 (Savage) A. 7149
Sash sawmill at Armstrong (Savage) A. 6939 (Williams) Q. 6938
Sterile insect release program (Barlee) Q. 8142 (Savage) A. 8142
Claxton v Saanichton Marina (Hanson, G.) Q. 6009 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6010
Doman case (Sihota) Q. 6761 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6761
Federal pay deductions against B.C. government workers (Gabelmann) Q. 5875
Funding for Gitksan land claim (Sihota) Q. 6297 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6297
Knight Street Pub investigation (Sihota) Q. 8803 (Smith, S.D.) A. 8803
Legal action against IWA officials (Sihota) Q. 6761 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6761
Prosecution of Petro-Canada for Millstream Creek oil spill (Sihota) Q. 8142 (Smith, S.D.) A. 8142
Special credit card rates for NDP and federal Liberals (Rabbitt) Q. 7654 (Smith, S.D.) 7654
Sunday shopping (Loenen) Q. 6538 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6538
Use of French an court system (Davidson) Q. 6911 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6911
Young Offenders Act initiatives (Grin) Q. 7451 (Smith, S.D.) A. 7451
Dumping of Expo site toxic soils (Harcourt) Q. 7280
Dumping of dredged material on Westwood Plateau land (Cashore) Q. 7100 (Darks) A. 7100, A. 7149
Dumping of Expo site toxic soils (Cashore) Q. 7326 (Darks) A. 7326
Sale of BCEC land at Whistler (Darks) A. 8422 (Williams) Q. 8422
Sale of lakeshore lots (Dicks) A. 6938 (Kempf) Q. 6938
Sale of mapping branch (Lovick) Q. 6938
Sale of Westwood land (Darks) A. 6537, A. 6983, A. 7033, A. 7099, A. 7149, A. 7200, A. 7201, A. 7523, A. 7524 (Harcourt) Q. 7201 (Rose) Q. 7099 (Williams)Q. 6537, Q. 6983, Q. 7033, Q. 7149, Q. 7200, Q. 7523, Q. 7524
Discriminatory entrance limits in independent schools (Brummet) A. 6299, A. 6342 (Hagen, A.) Q. 6299, Q. 6342
Japanese trip of Education minister (Brummet) A. 7201 (Hagen, A.) Q. 7201
Property tax assessments (Brummet) A. 5650 (Loenen) Q. 5650
Cominco pollution fines (Cashore) Q. 6506 (Strachan) A. 6506
Development in Boundary Bay (Cashore) Q. 6459, Q. 6505 (Strachan) A. 6459, A. 6505
Dioxin testing at Woodfibre mill (Cashore) Q. 5650 (Strachan) A. 5694
Doman Industries Ltd. (Cashore) Q. 6132
Dumping of Expo site toxic soils (Cashore) Q. 7280, Q. 7326 (Strachan) A. 7280, A. 7326
Dust control chemical used on Cortes and Quadra Islands (Lovick) Q. 8655 (Strachan) A. 8655
Effectiveness of Oscars an oil spills (Long) Q. 5846 (Strachan) A. 5846
Gas pipeline to Vancouver Island (Harcourt) Q. 6129, Q. 6247 (Rose) Q. 5846, Q. 6505 (Strachan) A. 5846, A. 6130, A. 6248, A. 6506
Hazardous waste storage an Cranbrook (Edwards)Q. 7607
Moratorium on offshore drilling (Cashore) Q. 5740 (Strachan) A. 5740
Motor vehicle testing and exhaust emissions (Cashore) Q. 6536 (Strachan) A. 6536
Naming of polluters (Cashore) Q. 6507 (Strachan) A. 6507
Offshore oil drilling (Cashore) Q. 6720 (Strachan) A. 6720, A. 6806
PCB storage sites (Harcourt) Q. 8654 (Perry) Q. 8583 (Strachan) A. 8583, A. 8655
Petroleum industry oil-spill response organization (McCarthy) Q. 7787 (Strachan) A. 7787
Pollution control objectives for petrochemical industry (Jones) Q. 7249 (Strachan) A. 7249
Sale of Expo lands (Strachan) A. 5799 (Williams) Q. 5799
Sulphur dioxide emissions (Jones) Q. 7249 (Strachan) A.7249
Sumac Ventures environmental emergency (Cashore) Q. 7479 (Strachan) A. 7479
Task force on oil spills (Harcourt) Q. 5798, Q. 5875 (Strachan) A. 5798, A. 5875
Toxic effluents at Woodfibre mill (Cashore) Q. 6506 (Strachan) Q.6506
Toxic fuel imports (Cashore) Q. 6760 (Strachan) A. 6760
Vancouver Island gas pipeline (Harcourt) Q. 6631 (Long) Q. 6582 (Strachan) A. 6582, A. 6631
Water pollution by pulp mills (Cashore) Q. 7942, Q. 8000 (Strachan) A. 7942, A. 8000
Appointment of Dale Parker (Clark) Q. 7452 (Couvelier) A. 7452
Budget review committee (Clark) Q. 5740 (Couvelier) A. 5740
Cuts in federal transfer payments (Bruce) Q. 6461 (Clark) Q. 6461 (Couvelier) A. 6461
Dawson Creek contractors' dispute with Louisiana Pacific Corp. (Miller) Q. 8232
Federal budget and B.C. forest industry (Couvelier)A. 6462 (Miller) Q. 6462
Federal tax increases (Couvelier) A. 5963 (Harcourt)Q. 5963
First Vancouver Securities Inc. (Clark) Q. 6460 (Couvelier) A. 6460
Future of Princess Marguerite (Couvelier) A. 7072 (Smith, B.R.) Q. 7072
Housing program advertising costs (Blencoe) Q. 5965 (Couvelier) A. 5965
Investment of B.C. Hydro pension plan funds (Clark) Q. 7787 (Couvelier) A. 7787
National sales tax (Couvelier) A. 6209 (Harcourt) Q. 6209
Principal Trust inquiry (Clark) Q. 8726 (Couvelier)A. 8726
Property purchase tax (Blencoe) Q. 5739 (Couvelier)A. 5739
Resignation of David Poole (Couvelier) A. 5694 (Williams) Q. 5694
Rural property assessments and timber values (Couvelier) A. 6132 (Long) Q. 6132
Unemployment insurance (Clark) Q. 6211 (Couvelier) A. 6008, A. 6211 (Harcourt) Q. 6008
Vancouver property taxes (Couvelier) A. 8002, A. 8082, A. 8143 (McCarthy) Q. 8002, Q. 8082, Q. 8143
Vancouver Stock Exchange (Clark) Q. 6804 (Couvelier) A. 6804, A. 6835, A. 6881 (Harcourt) Q. 6881 (Sihota) Q. 6805, Q. 6835
Dawson Creek contractors' dispute with Louisiana Pacific Corp. (Miller) Q. 8001, Q. 8232 (Parker) A. 8001, A. 8232
Deficiencies in log scaling (Miller) Q. 6038 (Parker)A. 6038
Doman Industries Ltd. (Kempf) Q. 5917 (Parker) A. 5916, A. 5961, A. 6179 (Williams) Q. 5916, Q. 5964, Q. 6179
Elk Valley forestry policy (Edwards) Q. 8315 (Parker) A. 8315
Export of raw logs (Bruce) Q. 5605 (Miller) Q. 5604, Q. 7715 (Parker) A. 5604, A. 5605, A. 7715
Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. (Hanson, G.) Q. 5652 (Parker) A. 5652
Forest fire fighters (Edwards) Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7655
Forest industry inquiry (Kempf) Q. 6039 (Parker) A. 6039
Forest resource development agreement (Kempf) Q. 6581 (Miller) Q. 6580, Q. 6676, Q. 8420 (Parker) A. 6580, A. 6581, A. 6676, A. 8421
Forest Service personnel (Kempf) Q. 5877 (Parker)A. 5877
Logging practices on Vancouver Island's west coast (Gabelmann) Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7655
Lorax Forestry Ltd. (Clark) Q. 8314 (Parker) A. 8314
Pricing of pulp logs (Miller) Q. 8316 (Parker) A. 8316
Stumpage payment loophole (Miller) Q. 6910, Q. 6937 (Parker) A. 6911, A. 6937 (Williams) Q. 6937
Sustainable development (Kempf) Q. 7654 (Parker)A. 7654
Sustainable log harvest (Jacobsen) Q. 6983 (Miller)Q. 6981, Q. 7035 (Parker) A. 6981, A. 7036
Treaty 8 tree-farm licence application (Miller) Q. 8001 (Parker) A. 8002 (Weisgerber) A. 8002
UIC benefits for forest fire fighters (Edwards) Q. 7379 (Parker) A. 7379
Auditor-General's report on privatization process (Bruce) Q. 6040 (Michael) A. 6040
David Poole's pension (Harcourt) Q. 5603, Q. 8500 (Michael) A. 8500, A. 8657
Dumping of Expo site toxic soils (Cashore) Q. 7326 (Michael) A. 7326
Lorax Forestry Ltd. (Clark) Q. 8315 (Michael) A. 8315, A. 8359
Government workforce totals and costs (Gabelmann) Q. 5875
Pensions and the Nemetz report (Michael) A. 6536 (Rose) Q. 6536
Resignation of David Poole (Michael) A. 5651, A. 5694 (Williams) Q. 5651, Q. 5693
Salary levels for women in B.C. government (Michael) A. 7943 (Smallwood) Q. 7942
Sale of Expo lands (Michael) A. 5847, A. 6507, A. 6538 (Williams) Q. 5798, Q. 6507
Sale of Jericho land (Marzari) Q. 6461, Q. 8233 (Michael) A. 6461, A. 8233
Sale of New Westminster property (Michael) A. 6342, A. 6536, A. 7943, A. 8081, A. 8143 (Williams)Q. 6342, Q. 6536, Q. 7943, Q. 8081
Sale of Westwood land (Michael) A. 6040, A. 6343 (Rose) Q. 6039 (Williams) Q. 6343
AIDS needle-exchange program (Dueck) A. 7450, A. 8142, A. 8420 (Marzari) Q. 8142 (Perry) Q. 7450, Q. 8420
AIDS prevention video (Dueck) A. 7866, A. 8081, A. 8232, A. 8315 (Harcourt) Q. 7866 (Perry) Q. 8081, Q. 8232, Q. 8315 (Rose) Q. 7867
Child development centre funding (Boone) Q. 8501 (Dueck) A. 8501
Community mental health services (Dueck) A. 6718, A. 7654 (Perry) Q. 6718, Q. 7654
Comox Valley transmission line (Dueck) A. 8141, A. 8359 (Edwards) Q. 8141
Condom-vending machines (Dueck) A. 7034 (Perry)Q. 7034
Condoms for prisoners (Dueck) A. 6719, A. 6762 (Guno) Q. 6719 (Perry) Q. 6762
Federal tax on professional health services (Dueck)A. 6299 (Fraser, R.) Q. 6299
Health fees not noted in budget (Dueck) A. 5798 (Perry) Q. 5798
New Westminster pool incident (Dueck) A. 7200, A. 7380 (Rose) Q. 7200
Royal commission on reproductive technology (Dueck) A. 6299 (Marzari) Q. 6299
Staffing of cardiac surgery wards (Dueck) A. 6081 (Serwa) Q. 6081
Sulphur dioxide emissions (Dueck) A. 7482 (Jones)Q. 7249
Unused hospital imaging equipment (Blencoe) Q. 8358 (Dueck) A. 8358
Fish-processing regulations (Gabelmann) Q. 6370 (Jansen, J.) A. 6370
International arms export mart (Jansen, J.) A. 7035 (Perry) Q. 7035
Children's car seats (Barnes) Q. 8501 (Hanson, L.) A. 8501
Chinese medicinal wines (Gran) Q. 6761 (Hanson, L.) A. 6761
Effect of introduction of Bill 39 on ambulance employees' negotiations (Hanson, L.) A. 7452 (Sihota)Q. 7452
Funding for alcohol and drug treatment centres (Boone) Q. 6178 (Hanson, L.) A. 6178
Inclusion of farmworkers under WCB (Hanson, L.)A. 5876 (Sihota) Q. 5876
Knight Street Pub investigation (Hanson, L.) A. 7147, A. 7248, A. 7249, A. 7281, A. 7327, A. 7451, A. 7480, A. 7523, A. 7713, A. 7786, A. 8001, A. 8803 (Harcourt) Q. 7147 (Richmond) A. 7327 (Sihota) Q. 7248, Q. 7249, Q. 7281, Q. 7327, Q. 7450, Q. 7480, Q. 7523, Q. 7713, Q. 7786, Q. 8001, Q. 8803
Labour minister's involvement in alleged political interference (Hanson, L.) A. 7099 (Sihota) Q. 7099
Liquor licence appeal process (Boone) Q. 8655 (Hanson, L.) A. 8655
Minimum wage for farmworkers (Hanson, L.) A. 8232 (Sihota) Q. 8232
Pesticide labelling (Boone) Q. 6581 (Hanson, L.) A. 6581
Price-fixing by drug company (Boone) Q. 5917 (Hanson, L.) A. 5917
Pub licensing (Boone) Q. 7279 (Hanson, L.) A. 7279
Realtors' mortgage company referral fees (Boone)Q. 6912 (Hanson, L.) A. 6912
TRY campaign (Hanson, L.) A. 7608 (Jones) Q. 7608
Gas pipeline to Vancouver Island (Rose) Q. 6506 (Veitch) A. 6506
Pouce Coupe long-term-care facility (Boone) Q. 8583 (Rose) Q. 8584 (Weisgerber) A. 8583
Elk Valley forestry policy (Darks) A. 8315 (Edwards)Q. 8315
Factory closures in Kootenay and Thompson-Okanagan regions (Darks) A. 7101 (Edwards) Q. 7101
Funding for Kamloops multiplex (Clark) Q. 8358 (Darks) A. 8358
Hazardous waste storage in Kootenay (Edwards) Q. 7607
Comox Valley transmission line (Edwards) Q. 8141 (Huberts) A. 8141
E&N Railway (Bruce) Q. 7248 (Huberts) A. 7248
Relocation of Saltspring ferry terminal (Huberts) A. 5846 (Lovick) Q. 5846
Victoria CBC station (Hanson, G.) Q. 6583 (Huberts)A. 6583
Capping of assessments in Vancouver (Blencoe) Q. 5847 (Johnston) A. 5800, A. 5847 (Mowat) Q. 5800
Hiring of women by B.C. Transit (Johnston) A. 7943, A. 8003 (Marzari) Q. 7943
Public transportation to Fraser River North Shore communities (Jacobsen) Q. 5876 (Johnston) A. 5876
Purcell heliskiing venture (Blencoe) Q. 7786, Q. 8585 (Johnston) A. 7786, A. 8585
St. Ann's Academy (Blencoe) Q. 8421 (Johnston) A. 8422
Transit fares for post-secondary students (Johnston)A. 6131 (Rose) Q. 6131
Trial commuter-rail service to Port Coquitlam (Johnston) A. 6298, A. 7379 (Rose) Q. 6298, Q. 7379
Health risk to natives from contaminated fish (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939 (Weisgerber) A. 6939
Logging in Stein Valley (Cashore) Q. 8141 (Miller)Q. 8232 (Weisgerber) A. 8141, A. 8232
Native education (Hanson, G.) Q. 6081, Q. 6211 (Weisgerber) A. 6081, A. 6211
Saanichton marina Indian land claim case (Hanson, G.) Q. 5845 (Weisgerber) A. 5845
Treaty 8 tree-farm licence application (Miller) Q. 8001 (Weisgerber) A. 8002
Carmanah Valley park study (Janssen, G.) Q. 8131 (Huberts) A. 8141
Compensation for laid-off loggers (Huberts) A. 5741 (Miller) Q. 5741
Privatization of campgrounds (Huberts) A. 6582 (Pullinger) Q. 6582
AIDS prevention video (Perry) Q. 8080 (Vander Zalm) A. 8081
Activation of Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands (Kempf) Q. 6633 (Vander Zalm) A. 6633
B.C. fishing industry (Hanson, G.) Q. 8801 (Vander Zalm) A. 8801
Community mental health services (Perry) Q. 6718 (Vander Zalm) A. 6718
David Poole's pension (Harcourt) Q. 5603 (Vander Zalm) A. 5603
Dioxin testing at Woodfibre mill (Cashore) Q. 5650 (Vander Zalm) A. 5650
Downsizing of federal civil service (Hagen, A) Q. 6411 (Hanson, G.) 6410 (Harcourt) Q. 6410 (Sihota)Q. 6411 (Vander Zalm) A. 6410
Drift-net fishing (Harcourt) Q. 6674 (Vander Zalm)A. 6674
Electoral boundaries (Hanson, G.) Q. 7525 (Vander Zalm) A. 7525
Everywoman's Health Centre funding (Boone) Q. 5604 (Dueck) A. 5604 (Vander Zalm) A. 5604
Exclusion of Spetifore lands from agricultural land reserve (Harcourt) Q. 8357, Q. 8500 (Perry) Q. 8584 (Vander Zalm) A. 8357, A. 8500, A. 8584
False credentials (Rogers) Q. 7481 (Vander Zalm) A. 7481
Fish-processing regulations (Harcourt) Q. 6368 (Vander Zalm) A. 6369, A. 6370
Forest industry inquiry (Kempf) Q. 6039 (Vander Zalm) A. 6039
Health fees not noted in budget (Perry) Q. 5876 (Vander Zalm) A. 5877
Ingenika representation at federal-provincial meeting (Hanson, G.) Q. 6910 (Vander Zalm) A. 6910
Joe Borowski's incitement to blockade abortion clinic (Marzari) Q. 6760 (Vander Zalm) A. 6760
Knight Street Pub investigation (Sihota) Q. 7379, Q. 7480, Q. 7713, Q. 8725 (Vander Zalm) A. 7380, A. 7481, A. 7713, A. 8725
Labour minister's involvement in alleged political interference (Harcourt) Q. 7070, Q. 7099, Q. 7101 (Sihota) Q. 7070, Q. 7071, Q. 7100 (Vander Zalm) A. 7070, A. 7071, A. 7099, A. 7100
Low-level military flights (Guno) Q. 7481 (Perry) Q. 6249 (Rose) Q. 7481 (Vander Zalm) A. 6249, A. 6345, A. 7481, A. 7525
Moratorium on offshore drilling (Cashore) Q. 5740 (Vander Zalm) A. 5740
Motor vehicle testing and exhaust emissions (Cashore) Q. 6582 (Vander Zalm) A. 6582
National sales tax (Harcourt) Q. 5915, Q. 6341 (Vander Zalm) A. 5915, A. 6341
Open government (Perry) Q. 7450 (Vander Zalm) A. 7450
Polar 8 (Bruce) Q. 7071 (Sihota) Q. 6632, Q. 6675 (Vander Zalm) A. 6632, A. 6675, A. 7071
Powder Mountain Resorts Ltd. (Sihota) Q. 6131, (Vander Zalm) A. 6131
Proposed minister of state for women (Marzari) Q. 6178 (Vander Zalm) A. 6178
Recommendations of Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands (Kempf) Q. 6676 (Vander Zalm)A. 6676
Resignation of David Poole (Sihota) Q. 5739 (Vander Zalm) A. 5650, A. 5651, A. 5693, A. 5739 (Williams)Q. 5650, Q. 5651, Q 5693
Royal commission on forestry (Harcourt) Q. 5604 (Vander Zalm) A. 5604
Sale of Expo lands (Vander Zalm) A. 5799 (Williams)Q. 5799
Sale of Westwood land (Vander Zalm) A. 6538, A. 7247, A. 7523 (Williams) Q. 6537, Q. 7247, Q. 7523
Sustainable development (Kempf) Q. 7714 (Vander Zalm) A. 7714
Television broadcasting of debates (Rose) Q. 6178 (Vander Zalm) A. 6178
Vancouver Stock Exchange (Clark) Q. 6835 (Vander Zalm) A. 6835
Labour and justice committee meeting on electoral boundaries (Chalmers) A. 6248 (Sihota) Q. 6248
At-home care for handicapped children (Richmond)A. 6719 (Smallwood) Q. 6718
Day care funding (Marzari) Q. 6411, Q. 6460 (Perry)Q. 7378 (Richmond) A. 6411, A. 6460, A. 7378
Demolition of rental housing (Perry) Q. 6080 (Richmond) A. 6080
Government housing program (Blencoe) Q. 6009 (Richmond) A. 6009
Rental housing shortage (Blencoe) Q. 6833 (Richmond) A. 6833
SAFER program advertising (Hagen, A.) Q. 6080 (Richmond) A. 6080
SAFER program changes (Hagen, A.) Q. 7202 (Richmond) A. 7202
SUCCESS program (Barnes) Q. 6210 (Richmond) A. 6210
Unemployment insurance (Clark) Q. 6210 (Richmond) A. 6211
Westwood land for social housing (Richmond) A. 7035 (Williams) Q. 7035
Casino licensing (McCarthy) Q. 6582
Condoms for prisoners (Guno) Q. 6581 (Ree) A. 6581
Motor vehicle testing and exhaust emissions (Cashore) Q. 6536 (Ree) A. 6536
Privatization of family court counsellors (Harcourt)Q. 7609 (Ree) A. 7608, A. 7609 (Sihota) Q. 7608
Provincial emergency program (Ree) A. 6082 (Sihota) Q. 6082
Public advisement of prison escapes (Ree) A. 5692 (Sihota) Q. 5692
Security at Wilkinson Road ) ail (Ree) A. 5692 (Sihota) Q.5692
Hiring of persons over 65 years of age (Pullinger) Q. 6938 (Reid) A. 6938
Komagata Maru incident (Reid) A. 6912 (Sihota) Q. 6912
Race relations (Clark) Q. 6882 (Reid) A. 6882
Reopening of border tourism information centre (Pullinger) Q. 5877 (Reid) A. 5877
Social insurance numbers on enumeration forms (Fraser, R.) Q. 6938 (Reid) A. 6938
Bob Quinn camp closure (Guno) Q. 5692 (Vant) A. 5692
Dust control chemical used on Cortes and Quadra Islands (Lovick) Q. 8655 (Vant) A. 8655
E&N Railway (Lovick) Q. 7609 (Vant) A. 7609
Ferry design and construction (Clark) Q. 6675, Q. 6719 (Vant) A. 6676, A. 6720
Highways maintenance (Barlee) Q. 6343 (Lovick) Q. 5918 (Vant) A. 5918, A. 6343
Island Highway completion date (Pullinger) Q. 5798 (Vant) A. 5798
Island Highway construction schedule (Lovick) Q. 7378 (Vant) A. 7378
Lease of former highways camp (Guno) Q. 6343 (Vant) A. 6343
Passenger rail service (Lovick) Q. 8315 (Vant) A. 8315
Purchase of property along Cassiar connector route (Clark) Q. 8421 (Vant) A. 8421
Relocation of Saltspring ferry terminal (Lovick) Q. 5845 (Vant) A. 5845
Sale of Westwood lands (Williams) Q. 7033
Speed limit on highways (Crandall) Q. 5965, Q. 6343 (Vant) A. 5965, A. 6343
Spetifore development and traffic congestion (Blencoe) Q. 7944 (Vant) A. 7944
Order-in-council 824
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8488
Order-in-council 1141
Mentioned: (Jones) 7225
Order-in-council 1781
Mentioned: (Rose) 6049
Order-in-council 87-690
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 7384
Order-in-Council Patients' Review Board
Mentioned: (Ree) 6988
Orders of the Day of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Dueck) 6122 (Hanson, L.) 7281 (Harcourt) 5606, 8015 (Michael) 6242
Oreck, Norman
Mentioned: (Perry) 7179
Organ donation
See: Donation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8385, 8386 (Harcourt) 8384, 8386, 8700
Organs, Transplantation of
See: Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
Oriental languages
Instruction in school system (Couvelier) 5766
O'Riordan, Jon
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8162
Orwell, George 1984 mentioned (Miller) 7074, 7084 (Ree) 7074
See entries under OSR Systems Ltd.
O'Shaughnessy, Roy
Quoted (Clark) 7630
Osoyoos, B.C.
Effluent storage lagoon (Messmer) 5683
Nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Ostler, Bob
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6744
O'Sullivan, Sonny (Suitcase Sully)
Case referred to (Clark) 7656, 7658
Case, Securities Commission's knowledge of (Clark) 7656, 7658
Vancouver Stock Exchange, operations in (Clark) 7657
Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
Environment youth services program, contractor for (Strachan) 5611
Article on Vancouver Island referred to (Pullinger) 7415
The Outside Chance of Maximilian Glick (Moving picture) Awards (Johnston) 6565
Overlander Extended Care Hospital, Kamloops, B.C.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6310
Overmyer, Dan
Mentioned: (Perry) 6187
Overprescribing of drugs
See entries under Drugs
Overwaitea Foods
Mentioned: (Cashore) 6996, 7025, 7026 (Ree) 6997 (Sihota) 6445 (Smith, S.D.) 6380
Owen, Stephen
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6979
See also: Ombudsman
Ozone layer, protection of (Cashore) 5915