Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
E&N Railway
See: Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway
See: Economic Development Council
See: European Economic Community
See: Environment and Land Use Committee
See: Education Policy Advisory Committee
See: Economic and regional development agreement
ESL students
See: English language — Study and teaching — Foreign speakers
Eagle Ridge Hospital and Health Care Centre, Port Moody, B.C.
Mentioned: (Dueck) 6317 (Smallwood) 6117, 6122
Nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Eakins, Doug
Quoted (Veitch) 7640
Education of public re (Guno) 7038 (Ree) 7038
Planning officer, responsibilities of (Ree) 7037, 7038
Preparedness for (Guno) 6992, 7020 (Perry) 6027 (Ree) A. 6082, 6993, 7007-8 (Sihota) Q. 6082, 7004
Preparedness for, funding for (Guno) 7037 (Ree) 7037
Preparedness for, report on (Guno) 7037
Preparedness for, research on (Guno) 7037
Provincial emergency program plan for (Ree) 7007
Response plan (Guno) 7037 (Ree) 6994, 6995, 7037, 7050
Response to, training of personnel for (Guno) 7038 (Ree) 7038
East Kootenay Community College
Edwards, Anne, leave of absence for (Jones) 8388
Upgrading of (Dirks) 5668
East Kootenay Hunters' Association
Mentioned: (Edwards) 7183
Eastern Washington University
Mentioned: (Jones) 5671
Eating disorders
See: Appetite disorders
Ebco Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Jansen, J.) 7721 (Michael) 6270
Eccles, John
Mentioned: (Clark) 6415
Eckardt, Lawrence S.
Royal Commission on Electoral Reform, 1978. See name of commission
Ecological Reserve Act
Amendment to (Cashore) 7745, 7746, 7747 (Strachan) 7746
Quoted (Strachan) 7746
Mentioned: (Brummet) 6221 (Cashore) 7694, 7746 (Darks) 6185 (Strachan) 7433, 7694
Ecological reserves
Additions to (Williams) 7804
New reserves, funding for (Huberts) 7733
Rights-of-way over reserves (Cashore) 7746 (Smallwood) 7746 (Strachan) 7746
Economic and regional development agreement
Agreement (Veitch) 7680
Forest resource development agreement. See name of agreement
Funding for (Boone) 7680 (Veitch) 7680
Industrial development subsidiary agreement. See name of agreement
Loans, approval process for (Boone) 7681 (Veitch) 7681
Loans, summary of (Boone) 7681 (Veitch) 7682
Mineral development agreement. See name of agreement
New agreement, negotiations re (Miller) 7686 (Veitch) 7687
Mentioned: (Boone) 7666 (Sihota) 6516 (Veitch) 7666
Economic assistance
Aid to developing countries (Gabelmann) 7731
Economic Development Council
Mentioned: (Jansen, J.) 7731
Economic Development ministry
Annual report, 1987-88 fiscal year tabled (Veitch) 8653
Economical litigation
See entries under Debtor and creditor; also Small claims court
Economy of British Columbia
See: British Columbia-Economic conditions
Edelman, Sandra
Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 6454 (Smith, S.D.) 6458
Edgell, Frank
Mentioned: (Darks) 7870
Edmonton, Alta.
School district, Indian studies (Hanson, G.) 7494
Access to (Loenen) 5614
Brummet, A.J., advocacy of education (Hagen, A.) 7365
Children in isolated areas, provision for education of (Brummet) 8180-1, 8181 (Miller) 8180, 8181
Citizenship, development of in public school system (Brummet) 8185 (Marzari) 8184-5
Educated citizen, description of (Brummet) 8004
Educated students, participation in a democratic society (Brummet) 8177 (Hagen, A.) 8007, 8121, 8177 (Harcourt) 8012-3, 8014-5 (Janssen, G.) 8024 (Jones) 8017-9
Education Advisory Council. See name of council
Education system (Brummet) 5927, 7362, 7363, 8003, 8004, 8285-6 (Fraser, R.) 7373, 7531, 8329 (Mercier) 5598, 5959 (Serwa) 5937 (Throne speech) 5587 (Vander Zalm) 5761, 8658 (Williams) 8284-5
Education system, choice in (Hagen, A.) 8121
Education system, consultation re (Brummet) 8004
Education system, goal of (Brummet) 7512-3, 8004 (Hagen, A.) 7512, 8007, 8121 (Harcourt) 8012-3 (Jones) 8017 (Rose) 8113
Education system, mandate for (Brummet) 8004-5, 8019, 8021 (Hagen, A.) 8007
Education system, mandate statement, addition to (Harcourt) 8013-5
Education system, NDP proposal for (Brummet) 8019
Education system, privatization of, potential for (Hagen, A.) 8010
Educational program, access to (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179
Educational program, definition of in Independent School Act (Hagen, A.) 8308
Educational program, definition of under School Act (Brummet) 8279 (Hagen, A.) 8177, 8278
Educational programs, school boards' obligations re (Brummet) 8180 (Hagen, A.) 8180
Enrolment patterns (Marzari) 8280-1
Future needs (McCarthy) 5811-2
General interest courses (Brummet) 8263 (Edwards) 8263
Importance of (Hagen, A.) 5755-6
Indians, inclusion of knowledge of in educational program (Rogers) 5688
“Let's Talk About Schools” (Brummet) 7371-2
Multiculturalism, provision for in School Act (Barnes) 8182 (Brummet) 8182
Northern B.C., education in (Guno) 5667
Parents' advisory council, establishment of (Brummet) , 8006, 8190, 8191, 8192 (Hagen, A.) 8191, 8192 (Marzari) 8191-2
Parents' advisory council mentioned (Hagen, A.) 8190
Parents, role of in education system (Hagen, A.) 8008
Parks, role of in education system (Cashore) 7735
Policy on (Hagen, A.) 5755-6 (Parker) 5654
Private school system (Jones) 8124
Public school system (Jones) 8123
Public school system, impact of private schools on (Jones) 8124
Restraint program, impact of on education (Jones) 5669
School Act and education system (Williams) 8284-5
School Act. See name of act
Special education, policies for (Brummet) 8280 (Hagen, A.) 8280
Special needs children, access to education (Brummet) 8280 (Hagen, A.) 8278-9, 8280
Special needs children, provision for in School Act (Brummet) 8117 (Perry) 8111
Students, education programs, planning of (Hagen, A.) 8008
Women, appointment of to administrative positions (Brummet) 8281 (Marzari) 8281
Women in school system, affirmative action for (Marzari) 8281
See also: Royal Commission on Education (1987)
Education — Curricula
Curriculum (Brummet) 8005
Curriculum change, funding for (Brummet) 5929
Curriculum, minister's powers re (Rose) 8114 (Sihota) 8111
Education Advisory Council, curriculum committee (Brummet) 8119, 8306
General interest courses, teachers of (Brummet) 8263 (Edwards) 8263
Grades 4 to 10, curriculum change for (Brummet) 7363
Locally developed courses, role of Education minister in (Brummet) 8287 (Hagen, A.) 8287
Primary curriculum, development of (Brummet) 8119
Provincial curriculum committee, need for (Hagen, A.) 8011, 8296
Provincial curriculum committee, proposal for (Brummet) 8118 (Hagen, A.) 8009, 8305 (Rose) 8114
Education — Finance
Basic education program, cost-sharing of (Brummet) 7363
Capital programs, funding for (Brummet) 7504 (Hagen, A.) 7503, 7504
Cost of education (Brummet) 7370 (Hagen, A.) 7369
Cost per pupil in B.C. (Brummet) 5928
Education Advisory Council, work of (Brummet) 7366, 7367 (Hagen, A.) 7367
Expenditures, accountability for (Brummet) 5929 (Hagen, A.) 5867
Fiscal framework advisory committee, recommendations (Brummet) 7362
Funding (Brummet) 5627, 5629, 5630, 5927-9, 7362, 7363 (Clark) 5617, 5774, 5781-2 (Couvelier) 5767, 5768, 6858 (Hagen, A.) 5867 (Loenen) 5933 (Michael) 5863-4, 5865 (Reid) 5839, 5840 (Richmond) 5897 (Rose) 5626 (Smith, S.D.) 5921 (Throne speech) 5587 (Vander Zalm) 5761, 5960
Funding and enrolment, 1981-85 (Brummet) 5927-8
Funding formula (Brummet) A. 5651, 7374 (Hagen, A.) 5757 (Loenen) Q. 5651
Funding formula, change in, requirement for legislation on (Brummet) 7366, 7372, 7373 (Hagen, A.) 7371, 7372
Funding formula, new formula (Hagen, A.) 7371
Funding, future funding, commitments re (Smith, B.R.) 5707
Funding, northern B.C. (Guno) 5667
Funding, provincial funds (Brummet) 7363, 7369 (Hagen, A.) 7543
Funding, review of (Brummet) 7865 (Hagen, A.) 7366
Funding, source of (Hagen, A.) 5757, 7368
Funding system (Brummet) 7366, 7367, 7368, 7369 (Hagen, A.) 7366, 7369
Funding system, change in (Brummet) 7367 (Hagen, A.) 5868-9, 7367
Funding system, legislation on, inclusion of in School Act (Hagen, A.) 8007
Funding system, local accountability (Brummet) 7370
Income tax as source of funding (Brummet) 7373
Provincial Education Policy Advisory Committee, recommendations on funding system (Hagen, A.) 7367-8, 7368
Royal Commission on Education recommendations on funding system (Brummet) 7368 (Hagen, A.) 7368
School Act, funding for education and act (Brummet) 8299 (Hagen, A.) 8299
School construction, funding for. See entries under Schools
School tax (Fraser, R.) 7530 (Rose) 5626-7 (Vander Zalm) 6163
School tax and homeowner grant (Brummet) 7506 (Couvelier) 6859 (Rose) 6859
School tax as source of funding, percentage of education costs (Couvelier) 7137
School tax, basing of on ability to pay (Hagen, A.) 7373
School tax, Greater Vancouver Regional District (Harcourt) 6163
School tax, Greater Victoria (Sihota) 7505
School tax, level of (Reid) 5840
School tax, minimum tax (Brummet) A. 5650-1 (Loenen) Q. 5650
School tax on bare farmland (Michael) 5863
School tax on non-residential property (Brummet) 7374, 7492, 7545, 8300 (Fraser, R.) 7530 (Hagen, A.) 5867-8, 7543 (Sihota) 5849 (Smallwood) 5939
School tax on non-residential property, setting of (Couvelier) 7581
School tax on non-residential property, revenue (Brummet) 7363, 7371, 7372, 7374, 7532, 7543 (Hagen, A.) 7371, 7543
School tax on residential property (Blencoe) 6858 (Boone) 5893 (Brummet) 7371-2, 7506 (Clark) 5779, 6170 (Hagen, A.) 5757, 5867, 7371 (Rose) 6859 (Sihota) 5849, 7505 (Smallwood) 5939
School tax, one-industry communities (Janssen, G.) 7374
School tax rate, setting of (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7581, 7858
School tax, review of (Brummet) 7865 (Sihota) 7506
School tax, school boards' powers re (Fraser, R.) 7530
School tax system, change in (Hagen, A.) 7543
School tax system, meetings re (Brummet) 7366-7
Special education, funding for (Brummet) 5928
Teachers, salary costs (Hagen, A.) 7369
Education Advisory Council
Appointments to (Brummet) 8306 (Hagen, A.) 8009, 8305
Curriculum committee (Brummet) 8119, 8306
Curriculum committee, need for (Hagen, A.) 8011
Curriculum committee, proposal for (Hagen, A.) 8009
Establishment of (Brummet) 7363, 8006 (Hagen, A.) 8009, 8305
Representation on (Brummet) 8306
Work of (Hagen, A.) 7367
Mentioned: (Brummet) 8304
Education (Interim) Finance Act
Amendment to (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7581
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6910
Education, Ministry of
Estimates 7362-75, 7472-7, 7483-7507, 7509-22, 7527-45
Speakers: Barnes 7544; Brummet 7362-5, 7366, 7366-7, 7367, 7368, 7368-9, 7370-1, 7371-2, 7372, 7373, 7374-5, 7472, 7473, 7475, 7476-7, 7477, 7484-5, 7485, 7486, 7486-7, 7487, 7487-8, 7489-90, 7491-2, 7494-5, 7496-7, 7498, 7499, 7500, 7500-1, 7501-2, 7502, 7503, 7504, 7504-5, 7505, 7506, 7507, 7509-10, 7510, 7511, 7512, 7512-3, 7513, 7514, 7514-5, 7515, 7516-7, 7518, 7519, 7520, 7520-1, 7521, 7521-2, 7527, 7528, 7529, 7531, 2, 7533-4, 7534-5, 7535, 7536, 7537, 7538, 7538-9, '7539, 7540, 7540-1, 7542, 7543, 7544-5; Cashore 7541, 7541-2; Edwards 7483, 7485, 7485-6, 7486, 7487, Fraser, R. 7372-3, 7530-1, 7540; Guno 7490-1; Hagen, A. 7365-6, 7366, 7367, 7367-8, 7368, 7369-70, 7371, 7372, 7373, 7472, 7472-3, 7473, 7473-4, 7476, 7477, 7502, 7502-3, 7503-4, 7504, 7505, 7509, 7510, 7511, 7511-2, 7512, 7513, 7514, 7515, 7516, 7517-8, 7519, 7520, 7521, 7528, 7532-3, 7534, 7535, 7535-6, 7538, 7539, 7539-40, 7540, 7542, 7542-3, 7543-4; Hanson, G. 7488-9, 7492-4, 7495; Janssen, G. 7374, 7528, 7528-9, 7529, 7536-7, 7537-8; Lovick 7527, 7527-8; Perry 7529-30; Sihota 7505-6, 7506-7; Smallwood 7495-6, 7497-8, 7498-9, 7500, 7501
Annual report, 1987-88, tabled (Brummet) 5592
Annual report, information re goals of education (Hagen, A.) 7512
Appropriation, 1988-;89 fiscal year (Couvelier) 5768
Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Brummet) 7362 (Crandall) 5908 (Mercier) 5958-9
Global Education project (Brummet) 7230
Minister's orders, information to public re (Brummet) 8189-90, 8189 (Hagen, A.) 8189
Minister's orders, use of (Brummet) 8281 (Marzari) 8280
Minister's powers under School Act to make orders (Brummet) 8302 (Hagen, A.) 8302
Role of (Brummet) 8301 (Hagen, A.) 8301
Staff thanked (Brummet) 7364
Women, appointment of to senior positions in ministry (Brummet) 7538-9 (Hagen, A.) 7538
Education, Post-secondary
See entries under Universities and colleges
Education, Primary
Curriculum, development of (Brummet) 8119
New Beginnings conference, cost of (Brummet) 7484
New Beginnings conference, teachers' attendance, expenses for (Brummet) 7483 (Edwards) 7483
Ungraded grades 1 to 3 (Fraser, R) 7531 (Marzari) 8185
Ungraded grades 1 to 3, funding for implementation of (Brummet) 7484, 7485 (Edwards) 7483, 7485 (Hagen, A.) 7473-4
Ungraded grades 1 to 3, implementation of recommendation re (Hagen, A.) 7532
Ungraded grades 1 to 3, implementation process (Brummet) 7485
Ungraded grades 1 to 3, proposal re (Brummet) 7484 (Edwards) 7483 (Hagen, A.) 5867 (Loenen) 5933
Ungraded grades 1 to 3, teachers for, training of (Brummet) 7484, 7485, 7486 (Edwards) 7483, 7485, 7486
Ungraded grades 1 to 3, proposal re (Marzari) 5819
Upgrading of (Hagen, A.) 5756
Education, Secondary
Career preparation and secondary school students (Brummet) 7535 (Hagen, A.) 7534
Education services, accountability for purchased services (Brummet) 8282 (Hagen, A.) 8282
Education services, evaluation of purchased services (Rose) 8114
Education services, monitoring of purchased services (Rose) 8114
Education services, purchase of by school boards (Brummet) 8116, 8185, 8282 (Hagen, A.) 8282 (Marzari) 8185, 8186, 8283 (Sihota) 8110
Education services, standards for purchased services (Hagen, A.) 8282 (Rose) 8114
Grade 10 students leaving school (Marzari) 5819
Grade 11 and 12 programs (Brummet) 7363, 8283
Private training schools, accountability of (Brummet) 7536 (Hagen, A.) 7535-6
Private training schools, use of for grades 11 and 12 (Hagen, A.) 8338
Private training schools, use of in career preparation (Brummet) 7535, 7536 (Hagen, A.) 7535-6, 7535, 8010, 8011
Responsibility for (Brummet) 7535 (Hagen, A.) 7535
Secondary education system (Brummet) 7533-4 (Hagen, A.) 5758, 7533
Education Policy Advisory Committee
Committee (Hagen, A.) 5868
Curriculum, subcommittee on (Brummet) 8306
Establishment of (Hagen, A.) 5756
Funding system, recommendations on (Hagen, A.) 7367-8
Indian representatives on (Brummet) 7490
Work of commended (Brummet) 7364
Mentioned: (Brummet) 7364, 7476, 7487, 7510, 7533, 7534, 7866, 8003, 8005, 8006, 8200, 8201, 8297, 8304 (Hagen, A.) 7367, 7368, 7512, 7518, 7539, 7543, 8009, 8279 (Harcourt) 8012 (Jones) 8304
Eduljee, Ed
Mentioned: (Reid) 7455
Edward Milne Community School, Sooke, B.C.
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Edwards, Anne (Kootenay)
Address in Reply 5748-51
Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7240, 7241, 7242-3, 7242, 7243
Anglers, export of fish by 8680
Angling guide industry, regulation of 8627
Angling guide plans 8682
Angling licences, inspection of 8686
Birds, nests, protection of 8681
Bison, game-farming of 7690
Breweries, continued operation of small breweries, Q. 7101
B.C. Hydro, B.C. Gas Inc., services performed for 8495
B.C. Hydro, Bonneville Power Administration, coordination agreement with 8443, 8443-4
B.C. Hydro, conservation programs, power audits, funding for 8433
B.C. Hydro, dividend, level of, criteria for setting level of 8544
B.C. Hydro, dividend, level of, province's powers re 8544
B.C. Hydro, Electric Plus program 8433
B.C. Hydro, Power Smart program 8424, 8425, 8432
B.C. Hydro, rates, setting of, B.C. Utilities Commission powers re 8542
B.C. Hydro, reservoirs, recreational use of 8445
B.C. Hydro, resource plan 8424
B.C. Hydro, Resource Smart program 8425
B.C. Hydro, Site C dam, public hearings on 8427
B.C. Hydro, Transalta Utilities Corp., coordination agreement with 8443, 8443-4
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, administrative function, role of 8480
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, marketing function 8481
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, marketing function, privatization of 8479, 8484
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, marketing function, retention of 8552
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, marketing function, sale of to producers' group and possible monopoly 8617
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, natural gas, sale of, role in 8615
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, privatization of 8479, 8482, 8551, 8552
B.C. Petroleum Corporation, Westcoast Transmission Co. Ltd., possible purchase of corporation 8483
Budget debate 5923-6
Caribou, game-farming of in Peace River area 7690
Castlegar-Robson ferry 6843
Cats, control of, provision for 8627-8, 8685
Class size, information re, collection of by Education ministry 7487
Closkey, Dan, “Review of Ranching/Wildlife Conflicts in the East Kootenay Region of B.C.”, Environment ministry's contribution to 8163
Closkey, Dan, “Review of Ranching/Wildlife Conflicts in the East Kootenay Region of B.C.”, recommendations 7241, 7242, 7243
Coal, electric power generation from 8426
Coal, electric power generation from, environmental impact 5750
Coal, mining companies, geological information, confidentiality of 8541-2
Coal, tax, reduction in 8475
Columbia River Treaty, downstream benefits, decision on 8427, 8432
Columbia River Treaty, downstream benefits, sale of 6112, 6112-3, 6114
Comox Valley, power transmission line, health hazard, Q. 8141, 8446
Computer in schools for assessment and monitoring 7486
Computers in school system, funding for 7486
Conservation officers, deputy officers, appointment of 8686
Conservation officers, number of 7690
Conservation officers, shooting from aircraft, helicopters 8685
Conservation officers, shortage of 5750
Conservation officers, training of 8128
Consumers Glass Co. Ltd., Lavington plant, continued operation of, Q. 7101
Copper mining industry, subsidy to and free trade agreement 8490
Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., Elk Valley, logging of, Q. 8315
Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., resin soap, burning of, Q. 6533
Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., Skookumchuck mill, air emissions 8223
Curriculum, general interest courses 8263
Development regions, transportation committees, role of in decision-making 6844
Diabetes, blood-glucose-monitoring machine, Medical Services Plan coverage for 6127
Diabetes, blood-glucose-monitoring pilot project 6127
Diabetes, blood-glucose-monitoring strips and Pharmacare deductible 6127
Diabetes, blood-glucose-monitoring strips, problems re, case cited 6127
Disasters, emergency plan, preparation of 7006-7
East Kootenay Community College, leave of absence from (Jones) 8388
Education ministry, estimates 7483, 7485-6, 7485, 7486, 7487
Electric power, conservation of, policy on 8432
Electric power, export of 6112, 6114
Electric power generating plants, proposals for 8424, 8425
Electric power generation from waste 8434
Electric power generation, environmental damage factor in costing of 8426
Electric power generation, wood waste, Williams
Electric power, thermal power, generation of 5750, 6114, 8426
Electric power, thermal power, generation of, Elk Valley 8490
Electric power, thermal power, generation of, Kootenays 8426
Electromagnetic fields, health hazard 8446, 8446-7
Elk, game-farming of 7689
Elk, number of 7242-3
Elk Valley, logging, moratorium on, petition re 8582
Elk Valley, logging of Q. 8315, 8639, 8640
Elk Valley, recycling facility for 6599
Elk Valley, tourist industry 8640
Elk Valley, waste disposal facilities, funding for 6599
Elk Valley, waste disposal problem 6598-9
Energy industries, deregulation of 8423
Energy industry and environment 8423-4
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 8423-4, 8424-5, .8425, 8426, 8427, 8432, 8433, 8433-4, 8434, 8435, 8435-6, 8442, 8443-4, 8443, 8444-5, 8445, 8446-7, 8446, 8447, 8479, 8480-1, 8480, 8481, 8481-2, 8482, 8483, 8483-4, 8484, 8485, 8486, 8486-7, 8487, 8488, 8489, 8489-90, 8490, 8495
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Statutes Amendment Act (1989) 8541-2, 8542, 8543, 8544, 8545
Environment and Land Use Committee, Tourism minister's membership in 7417
Environment ministry, estimates 8089-90, 8090-1, 8090, 8091, 8091-2, 8092, 8093, 8094, 8128, 8163-4, 8163, 8164, 8165, 8222-3, 8223-4, 8223, 8224, 8224-5, 8318
Environment Statutes Amendment Act (1989) 7748, 7749, 7750, 7751, 7753, 7754-5
Environmental Appeal Board appeals, intervenors, status of 7748
Fallow deer, game-farming of 7689, 7690
Fernie, sewer extension, funding for 6600
Fernie Snow Valley Ski Ltd., success of 7412
Financial Administration Amendment Act (1989) 8472, 8473
Flathead River basin, use of 5750
Fording Coal Ltd., thermal generating plant 5750
Forest fire fighters, California, use of, Q. 7655
Forest fire fighters, unemployment insurance coverage for, Q. 7379
Forest fire fighters, unit crews, training of, Q. 7655
Forest tenure, Nelson hearings on 5749
Forests, management of 5749
Forests ministry, estimates 8639, 8640, 8641
Game Farm Act 7689-91
Game farm products, grading and processing facilities 7691
Game farm products, marketing of 7690
Game farms, possible use of Crown land for 7691
Game meat business, record-keeping 8680, 8681
Game, protection of and game farming 7691
Game species in B.C., farming of 7689
Game-farming and problem of poaching 7690
Game-farming, disease problem 7690
Game-farming, escapes 7690
Game-farming, imported stock for 7690
Game-farming industry, promotion of 7689
Game-farming, legislation on 5750
Game-farming, use of antibiotics in 7690
Grades 1 to 3, ungraded, funding for implementation of 7483, 7485
Grades 1 to 3, ungraded, proposal re 7483
Grades 1 to 3, ungraded, training of teachers for 7483, 7485, 7486
Grave Lake, park for area 7791
Gravel, removal of, government's powers re 7761
Gravel, removal of, government's powers re and regional districts 7761
Greater Vancouver Regional District, water supply 5926
Guiding areas, designation of unassigned areas 8683, 8684
Guiding licence, term of 8682
HandyDART service, use of, personal experience referred to 6598
Hazardous wastes, disposal of 5750
Health ministry, estimates 6116, 6122-3, 6124, 6127
Highway 3, expenditures on, decisions re 6843
Highway 3, Kootenay constituency, upgrading of 6844
Highway 3, sign to indicate entrance to B.C. 6825
Highway 43, proposal re 6844
Highway 93, sign to indicate entrance to B.C. 6825
Highway signs, policy on 6825
Highways, condition of and liability in accidents 6802, 6807
Highways, condition of, information re 6807
Highways, condition of, responsibility for 6807
Hosmer Creek watershed, logging of 8640
Hunters, shooting across highways, ban on 8680
Hunting animals for body parts 8627
Hunting, limited-entry hunting, control over 8681-2
Hunting safety course requirement for licence 8680
Hydrogen sulphide, air pollution, effects of 8223, 8224-5
Hydrogen sulphide, committee on 8224
Hydrogen sulphide, emission of 8224
Hydrogen sulphide, Pincher Creek study 8224
Industrial Electricity Rate Discount Act, “customer”, definition of under act 8545
Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee, recommendations, implementation of 7006-7
Justice system, county system in 7696
Kemano 2 power, arrangement with B.C. Hydro re 8442
Kindergarten, entry to, dual entry 7487
Kindergarten, pupils, assessment of 7487
Koocanusa Lake, recreational use of 7789-90, 7790, 7791
Koocanusa Lake, water level 5750, 7790
Kootenay River, diversion of 8432
Land use and role of Forests ministry 7182-3
Land use planning, need for 7182, 7184
Lead mining industry, subsidy to and free trade agreement 8490
Logging, private land, logging on 8639, 8640
Mine accidents, heavy rescue, capability for in B.C. 7007, 7008
Mine accidents, response to 7007
Mine reclamation cost account 8549, 8551
Mine safety 7861
Mineral development agreement, geological survey work, funding for 8489
Mineral development agreement, second agreement 8489
Mineral Tax Act 8475
Mineral Tax Act, impact of on revenue 8546
Mineral tax, calculation of 8547
Mineral tax commissioner's powers re out-of-province sales transactions 8550
Mineral tax rate 8546
Mineral tax return 8550
Mines Act 7861
Mines Act, amendments to 5750
Mines, Iskut River area resource road 8489
Mining companies, bonds, posting of 8549
Mining Right of Way Act 7862
Mining roads, loan program for access roads 8488
Mining roads, third-party use of 7862
Mountain pine beetle, control of 8582, 8639, 8640
Municipal Act, section 755, amendment to 6599-6600
Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6598-9, 6599, 6600, 6599, 6600
Municipal Amendment Act (No. 2) (1989) 7758, 7761-2, 7761
Municipalities, suits against 6599-6600
Murphy Creek, electric power project 6113
Natural gas industry, deregulation of 8551
Natural gas, ownership of at wellhead, establishment of 8614
Natural gas, ownership of, Crown ownership 8552
Natural gas price 8481-2
Natural Gas Price Act 8551-2, 8614, 8615-6, 8615, 8616, 8616-7, 8617, 8618-9, 8618, 8619, 8620, 8621
Natural Gas Price Act, penalties under act, distribution of moneys 8619, 8620
Natural Gas Price Act, regulations under act, administration of 8621
Natural gas price, determination of 8615, 8616, 8618, 8618-9
Natural gas price, price to domestic consumers 8482, 8551-2
Natural gas, royalty on 8480
Natural gas, sale of, B.C. Petroleum Corporation's role in 8615
Natural gas, sour gas in B.C. 8224
Natural gas, sour gas well in Sparwood 8446
Natural gas, sour gas wells, applications for drilling of 8447
Natural gas, sulphur component, royalty on 8614
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings on 5750-1, 5923-6, 8736-7
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, timetable for 8486
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, conversion costs 8763
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Coquitlam watershed area 5925, 5926, 6250, 8736
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of and cost of pipe 8737
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of and funds for overrun on 8737
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of, information re 8761
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, customers for gas 5926
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact 5751, 5925, 8487, 8736
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact, fisheries 8736
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact, recreational resources 8736
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, federal funds for 5923-4, 6037
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, franchise fee for gas 5926
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, funding for 8761
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, NDP support for 8735
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Pacific Coast Energy Corp.'s investment, return on 8764
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, price of gas 5926
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, price of gas to pulp mills 8484
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, pulp mill conversions and waste wood 8485
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, pulp mill conversions, subsidization of 8484, 8485
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, rate stabilization 8737, 8762
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, rate stabilization fund 8485, 8486, 8736-8, 8762, 8763
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline route, change in and added cost 8737
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline route, use of B.C. Hydro right-of-way 8736
Natural gas, Vancouver Island, possible source of gas 8739
Natural gas, vehicle conversion to use of 8487, 8488
Natural gas, water-heating, incentive program for conversions 8433
Natural resources, inventory of 7183, 7184
New Beginnings conference, expenses 7483
Newgate, park, operation of by B.C. Hydro 7791
Newgate, tourist facilities, work on 7790
North-By-Northwest Tourism Association of B.C., boundaries, realignment of 7400
Official administrator, access to services of deputies 7696
Oil tankers, safety of 8738
Pacific Coast Energy Corp., Vancouver Island gas pipeline, role in 5924
Parks ministry, estimates 7789-90, 7790, 7791
Pension funds, investment of, advisory committee, proposal for 8472, 8473
Physiotherapists, Alberta, fee paid per patient visit 6123
Physiotherapists, fee for treatment, charge to out-of-province patients 6124
Physiotherapists, fee for treatment, private clinics 6116, 6122, 6123
Physiotherapists, fee for treatment, private clinics, case cited 6122
Physiotherapists, hospital treatment, cost of per visit 6116, 6122
Physiotherapists, Medical Services Plan fee for 6116, 6122
Physiotherapists, shortage of 6124
Pickering Hills, wildlife management area 7243
Point V Bar B Ranch, use of for rangelands research 7242
Polychlorinated biphenyl, disposal of 8094
Polychlorinated biphenyl, regional district's storage site 8090
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of 8092, 8093, 8094
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of in Cranbrook warehouse 8089-90, 8091, 8091-2
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of in Cranbrook warehouse, Environmental Appeal Board hearing on 7607, 8092, 8093, 8094
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of, liability in cases of seepage 8092, 8093
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of, municipal bylaw re 8090
Post-secondary, education, access to in Kootenays 5748-9
Post-secondary education, participation rate 5749
Public trustee, fee to 7698
Pulp mills, air emissions, standards for 8222-3, 8223
Purcell Wilderness Conservancy, management plan, review of 7791
Range management 5749
Range management, Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, role of 7240, 7241
Range management, plan for 7241, 8165, 8641
Range management, review of policies and procedures, Environment ministry's contribution to 8163
Rangelands, forest industry use of 8164
Rangelands, game management areas 8165
Rangelands, use of, policy on 7240, 7243, 8164
Rangelands, use of, research on 7242
Rangelands, wildlife, number of and cattle 7242
Recycling, funding for 5750
Resin soap, burning of, permits for, Q. 6533
Resin soap, burning of, study of health hazards, Q. 6533
Resin soap, disposal of through landfill methods, Q. 6533
Sage Creek, mine proposal, International Joint Commission report on 5750
School Act 8263
School bus accident, Slocan Park area 6801-2
School buses, accidents, determination of liability in 6802, 6807
Sheep Mountain, game management area 8165
Ski industry and federal tax on goods and services 7412
Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7006-7, 7007, 7008
Teachers, professional development days, use of 7485, 7485-6
Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7400, 7401, 7412, 7413, 7417
Tourism regions, boundaries, realignment of 7400
Tourist industry, federal tax on goods and services, discussions re 7413
Tourist industry, federal tax on goods and services, exemption from 7413
Tourist industry, federal tax on goods and services, impact of 7412, 7413
Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6801-2, 6802, 6807, 6825, 6843, 6844
Traplines, policing of 8682
Traplines, registration of by groups 8627
Tree-farm licences 5749
Valhalla Wilderness Society, map 7184
Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Act 8735-38, 8760-1, 8760, 8761, 8762, 8763, 8764
Waste disposal, cost of for small communities 6599
Waste disposal facilities, Alberta, funding for 6599
Waste disposal, funding for 5750
Water Act, regulations under act, compliance with 7749, 7750
Water licences, apportionment of 7754-5
Water, regional water managers, powers of 7751
Watersheds, logging of 8640
Western diversification fund 8489-90
Wilderness tourism, capability map for 7417
Wildlife Act, penalties under act, enforcement of 8685
Wildlife Amendment Act (1989) 8627-8, 8680-1, 8680, 8681, 8681-2, 8682, 8682-3, 8683, 8684, 8685, 8686
Wildlife Amendment Act, 1989, regulations under act 8627
Wildlife biologists, role of and wildlife 7182
Wildlife damage, compensation fund, recommendation re 7243
Wildlife habitat, protection of 8627
Wildlife, inventory of 7183
Wildlife kills, reporting of accidental kills 8685
Wildlife management areas, establishment of 7243
Wildlife protection laws, enforcement of 8627
Women, minister of state responsible for women's issues 5751
Edwards, Robert
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6335-6
Effective Monitoring of Pollution and Toxic Spills, An Act Providing for
(Bill M211) (Cashore) 1R, 6580
National supply management system (Savage) 7219
Ehattesaht Indian band
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612
Einstein, Albert
Mentioned: (Perry) 6283
Eisenhower, Dwight David
Quoted (Gabelmann) 7718
Elders Grain Co. Ltd.
Grain elevator, proposal re (Clark) 6605
Election Act
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 7381, 7384 (Reid) 7385 (Sihota) 6182, 7445
By-elections (Bruce) 5752 (Lovick) 5697 (Miller) 5684 (Sihota) 5637
By-elections, election campaign (Lovick) 5697
Electoral Boundaries Commission
Establishment of (Reid) 8580
Judge, appointment of to commission (Gabelmann) 8708
Membership (Gabelmann) 8708
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act
(Bill 87) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 8580; 2R, 8638, 8703-8; C, 8708, 3R, 8708; RA, 8841
Divisions; 2R, 8708
Speakers: Gabelmann 8703, 8703-4, 8708; Guno 8706-7, Kempf 8704; Loenen 8704-6; Reid 8580, 8638, 8707
Atlin constituency, beauty of (Guno) 8707
Atlin constituency, history of (Guno) 8706
Calder, Frank, election of (Guno) 8707
Electoral Boundaries Commission, appointment of judge to (Gabelmann) 8708
Electoral Boundaries Commission, establishment of (Reid) 8580
Electoral Boundaries Commission, membership (Gabelmann) 8708
Electoral boundaries, determination of (Gabelmann) 8708
Electoral boundaries, recommendations of Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations (Reid) 8580
Electoral boundaries, review of on regular basis (Reid) 8580
Electoral boundaries, revision of, provision for (Gabelmann) 8703 (Reid) 8703
Federal government, representation for B.C. (Loenen) 8705
Implementation of act (Gabelmann) 8703
Indians, constituency for, proposal for separate constituency (Guno) 8706 (Loenen) 8705
Indians, participation in government (Loenen) 8705
Kamloops, unemployment (Loenen) 8705
Kootenays, economy of area (Loenen) 8705
Legislation commended (Gabelmann) 8703
MLAs, increase in number of (Kempf) 8704 (Reid) 8707
New Zealand, Maoris, vote at large (Loenen) 8706
Northern B.C., representation for in Legislature (Gabelmann) 8703 (Guno) 8706-7 (Kempf) 8704 (Loenen) 8705
Politicians, powers, delegation of to judges (Kempf) 8704
Redistribution (Gabelmann) 8703
Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, hearings (Reid) 8707
Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, recommendations, implementation of (Reid) 8580
Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, report (Gabelmann) 8703 (Kempf) 8704 (Loenen) 8705 (Reid) 8707
Electoral branch
Funding for, basis of (Reid) 7384, 7385
Electoral districts
Boundaries, determination of (D’Arcy) 7420 (Gabelmann) 8708 (Reid) 7420
Boundaries, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations (Chalmers) 7387-8 (Reid) 7383, 7385, 7386, 7387, 7389 (Richmond) 8559 (Rose) 7387, 7389 (Sihota) 7385-6, 7386 (Vander Zalm) 7525
Boundaries, legislation on (Hanson, G.) 5728
Boundaries, review of on regular basis (Reid) 8580
Boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. decision on deadline for legislation (Hanson, G.) 7385 (Reid) 7386 (Rose) 7195, 7387 (Smith, S.D.) 7194-5
Boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. judgment on (Hanson, G.) 7381, 7382, 7388 (Rose) 7387 (Sihota) 6205-6, 6338, 7386 (Smith, S.D.) 6205
Dual-member ridings (Fraser, R.) 6383 (Hanson, G.) 7381-2 (Rose) 6383
Electoral reform (Rabbitt) 5741-2
Electoral reform, W.N. Vander Zalm's commitment re (Hanson, G.) 7384, Q. 7525 (Vander Zalm) A. 7525
Redistribution (D’Arcy) 7420 (Gabelmann) 8703 (Reid) 7383, 8703 (Sihota) 6388, 7383, 7384, 7389
Size of, variance in (Rose) 6383 (Sihota) 6381-2
See also: Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries (1987)
Electric batteries
Packaging of (Boone) 6928 (Hanson, L.) 6928
Electric industries
Safety standards (Johnston) 8080
Electric lines
Comox Valley line, health hazard (Dueck) A. 8359 (Edwards) Q. 8141, 8446 (Huberts) A. 8141
Deregulation of (Davis) 8423
Electromagnetic fields. See entries under Electromagnetic fields
Electric power
Coal, power generation from (Davis) 8426 (Edwards) 5750, 8426
Cogeneration of (Crandall) 5701 (Throne speech) 5587
Cogeneration of, purchase of by B.C. Hydro (Davis) 8435, 8436
Columbia River dam, proposal for (D’Arcy) 5816
Conservation of, policy on (Davis) 8432 (Edwards) 8432
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Statutes Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act
Export of (Davis) 6113 (Edwards) 6112, 6114
Export of, projects developed for (D’Arcy) 5816
Export power, price of (D’Arcy) 5816
Federal funds for power audits (Davis) 8433 (Edwards) 8433
Generating plants, proposals for (Davis) 8424 (Edwards) 8424, 8425
Generation of, environmental damage factor in costing of (Edwards) 8426
McNaughton plan for (Davis) 8429-30
Murphy Creek project (Edwards) 6113
Natural gas, power generation from (Davis) 8427
Northeastern B.C., electric power (Weisgerber) 5674
Production, plan for (Throne speech) 5587
Purchase and resale of by B.C. Hydro (Davis) 8394
Rates, setting of (Davis) 8170
Thermal power, generation of (Davis) 6113 (Edwards) 5750, 6114, 8426
Thermal power, generation of, Elk Valley (Edwards) 8490
Thermal power, generation of, Kootenays (Davis) 8426-7, 8426 (Edwards) 8426
Waste, power generation from (Cashore) 5854 (Couvelier) 5771 (Davis) 8434 (Edwards) 8434
Wood waste, power generation from (Crandall) 5701 (Davis) 8426 (Strachan) 8160
Wood waste, power generation from, Williams Lake project (Davis) 8434, 8435 (Edwards) 8318, 8435 (Strachan) 8318, 8319 (Vander Zalm) 8663 (Vant) 8319
See also names of power companies, e.g. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Electrical Safety Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 65) (Minister of Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture) 1R, 8080
Electric industries, safety standards (Johnston) 8080
Electromagnetic fields
Health hazard (Davis) 8446, 8447 (Edwards) 8446-7, 8446
Electronic monitoring of prisoners
See entries under Prisoners
Elementary schools
Counsellors. See entries under Student counsellors
Ungraded grades 1 to 3. See entries under Education, Primary
Elizabeth Fry Society
Mentioned: (Smallwood) 8810 (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Game-farming of (Edwards) 7689 (Savage) 7691
Number of (Edwards) 7242-3 (Savage) 7242
Elk Valley, B.C.
Communities, unconditional grants to (Johnston) 6600
Logging, moratorium on, petition re (Edwards) 8582
Logging of (Edwards) Q. 8315, 8639, 8640 (Parker)A. 8315, 8639-40
Recycling facility for (Edwards) 6599
Tourist industry (Edwards) 8640
Waste disposal facilities, funding for (Edwards) 6599 (Johnston) 6600
Waste disposal problem (Edwards) 6598-9
Elk Valley Conservation Society
Petition re Elk Valley (Edwards) 8582
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8639
Elkford, B.C.
Waste disposal facility (Edwards) 6599 (Johnston) 6600
Elkington, Eric N.
Mentioned: (Darks) 7922
Elkington, E.N., Ltd.
Mentioned: (Darks) 7922
Elkwood Specialties Ltd.
Mentioned: (Parker) 5656
Ellis, John
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8345
Elmac Elevator Service and Installation Ltd.
Mentioned: (Reid) 7423
Embalmers, apprenticeship of (Hanson, L.) 7743
Emblems, Provincial
Provincial bird (Reid) 6183
Provincial flower (Reid) 6182-3
Provincial mineral emblem (Reid) 6183
Provincial tartan (Reid) 6182
Provincial tree (Reid) 6183
Emerald Lake, B.C.
Tourist facility (Crandall) 5701
See: Accidents
Emergency Health Services Commission
Ambulances. See entries under Ambulance service
Mentioned: (Dueck) 8461
Emergency housing
Vancouver, emergency shelter, information re (Barnes) Q. 6159 (Richmond) A. 6159
Emergency medical personnel
Ambulance personnel, grades of (Dueck) 8533
Classes of emergency medical assistants (Dueck) 8533 (Marzari) 8533
Training and licensing of (Dueck) 8461, 8533 (Marzari) 8533
Emergency program
See entries under Disasters
Emergency Program Act
Mentioned: (Sihota) 7047
Emerson, David L.
Mentioned: (Clark) 8414
Emigration and immigration
“After the Door Has Been Opened”, report mentioned (Gabelmann) 7727
English-as-a-second-language program. See entries under English language — Study and teaching Foreign speakers
European immigrants, bias in favour of, allegation re (Gabelmann) 7724
Immigrant children, integration of (Gabelmann) 7728 (Hagen, A.) 7729
Immigrant women, integration of (Hagen, A.) 7729
Immigrant women, services for (Hagen, A.) 7729, 7730
Immigrants (Barnes) 5703
Immigrants, basis for immigration to B.C. (Gabelmann) 7722-3
Immigrants, entrepreneurial class (Gabelmann) 7724-5 (Jansen, J.) 7725
Immigrants, government expenditures on (Gabelmann) 7727
Immigrants, hearings, legal aid (Barnes) 6362 (Smith, S.D.) 6364, 6375
Immigrants, investor immigrant funds in B.C. (Clark) 7727 (Jansen, J.) 7727
Immigrants, investor immigrants (Gabelmann) 7724, 7725 (Jansen, J.) 7725
Immigrants, investor immigrants, approvals for (Clark) 7725 (Jansen, J.) 7725
Immigrants, investor immigrants, investments by (Jansen, J.) 7725
Immigrants, investor immigrants, management of funds (Clark) 7726 (Jansen, J.) 7726
Immigrants, investor immigrants, requirements to be met (Clark) 7725, 7726 (Jansen, J.) 7725-6, 7726
Immigrants, number of (Gabelmann) 7722 (Jansen, J.) 7722
Immigrants, places of settlement in B.C. (Gabelmann) 7723 (Jansen, J.) 7723, 7724
Immigrants, problems re (Mercier) 5595
Immigrants, services for, funding of (Hagen, A.) 7518 (Harcourt) 8670 (Reid) 7437
Immigrants, skill requirements (Gabelmann) 7722, 7723 (Jansen, J.) 7722, 7723
Immigrants, W.N. Vander Zalm's statement re (Gabelmann) 7724
Immigrants, wealthy immigrants, policy on admission of (Harcourt) 8671-2, 8673
Immigration agreement with federal government (Jansen, J.) 7701, 7721-2 (Vander Zalm) 8672
Immigration, benefit of to economy (Gabelmann) 7722
Immigration, control over and Meech Lake accord (Smith, S.D.) 6364
Immigration, federal jurisdiction over (Gabelmann) 7727 (Vander Zalm) 8673
Immigration, provincial powers re (Gabelmann) 7721
Emily Carr College of Art and Design
Mentioned: (Rose) 8336
Eminent domain
Expropriation cases heard (Sihota) 6351, 6354
See also: Expropriation Compensation Board
Emmott, Alan
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Employee Investment Act
(Bill 32) (Minister of Regional Development) 1R, 7200; 2R, 7406-12; C, 7558-78; 3R, 7578; RA, 8010
Speakers: Boone 7409, 7558, 7559, 7560, 7561, 7563, 7570, 7571, 7577, 7578; Clark 7409-10, 7558, 7559, 7559-60, 7560, 7561, 7562, 7562-3, 7563, 7564, 7565, 7565-6, 7566, 7566-7, 7567, 7568, 7568-9, 7569, 7570, 7573, 7574, 7575, 7576, 7577; Loenen 7410-1; Miller 7571, 7571-2, 7572, 7573; Veitch 7200, 7406-9, 7411-2, 7558, 7559, 7560, 7560-1, 7561, 7562, 7563, 7563-4, 7564, 7565, 7566, 7567, 7568, 7569, 7569-70, 7570, 7570-1, 7571, 7572, 7572-3, 7573, 7573-4, 7574, 7575, 7575-6, 7576, 7577, 7577-8, 7578
Administrator, decisions of, appeal of (Boone) 7577 (Clark) 7575, 7576 (Veitch) 7575-6
Administrator, powers of (Boone) 7568, 7570, 7571, 7577 (Clark) 7575, 7576
Administrator, powers of re changes to plans (Boone) 7561 (Veitch) 7561
Administrator, powers of re employee venture capital corporations' investments (Boone) 7568, 7570, 7571 (Veitch) 7568, 7570-1, 7570, 7571
Administrator, powers of re non-compliance with regulations of act (Boone) 7578 (Veitch) 7578
Administrator, powers of to appoint trustees (Clark) 7568 (Veitch) 7568
Administrator, status of as government employee (Boone) 7558 (Veitch) 7558
Aquaculture, foreign ownership of industry (Clark) 7573, 7574
Aquaculture industry, capitalization (Miller) 7572 (Veitch) 7572
Aquaculture Industry, Norway (Miller) 7572
Bill, discussion of by regional development committees (Miller) 7573
Companies, ownership of, government policy on (Miller) 7571
Employee organizations (Clark) 7558, 7559 (Veitch) 7559
Employee participation in management (Clark) 7410 (Veitch) 7407
Employee share ownership program participants, number of (Clark) 7565 (Veitch) 7565
Employee share ownership program tax credit, repayment of (Clark) 7562 (Veitch) 7562
Employee share ownership, Toronto Stock Exchange study (Clark) 7409-10 (Veitch) 7407
Employee stock ownership program (Loenen) 7410-1 (Veitch) 7200, 7406-7
Employee stock ownership program, annual meetings, requirements re (Clark) 7561 (Veitch) 7561
Employee stock ownership program, costs of studies for start-ups (Veitch) 7409
Employee stock ownership program, educational program (Clark) 7409 (Veitch) 7408
Employee stock ownership program, federal tax concessions for investors (Boone) 7409 (Clark) 7558, 7565-6 (Loenen) 7411 (Veitch) 7412, 7559, 7566
Employee stock ownership program, investors leaving B.C. (Boone) 7558 (Veitch) 7558
Employee stock ownership program investors, protection of (Veitch) 7409
Employee stock ownership program investors, provincial income tax credit (Veitch) 7407
Employee stock ownership program investors, residency requirement (Boone) 7560, 7561 (Veitch) 7560, 7561
Employee stock ownership program, limit on size of companies (Boone) 7559 (Clark) 7559-60, 7560 (Veitch) 7559, 7560
Employee stock ownership program participants, number of (Clark) 7410 (Veitch) 7409
Employee stock ownership program, revenue loss on (Clark) 7410, 7564 (Veitch) 7409, 7564
Employee stock ownership program shares, redemption of (Clark) 7562-3, 7563 (Veitch) 7563
Employee stock ownership program shares, sale of (Clark) 7561, 7562 (Veitch) 7561, 7562
Employee stock ownership program shares, value of (Clark) 7562 (Veitch) 7562
Employee stock ownership program shares, voting rights (Clark) 7561 (Veitch) 7561
Employee stock ownership program, tax credits, limit on (Veitch) 7408-9
Employee venture capital corporations (Veitch) 7200, 7407
Employee venture capital corporations, companies invested in, restriction on (Clark) 7410
Employee venture capital corporations, federal tax concessions for (Clark) 7566
Employee venture capital corporations, investments, Canadian ownership (Miller) 7571 (Veitch) 7571
Employee venture capital corporations, investments, culpability for losses (Clark) 7575 (Veitch) 7575
Employee venture capital corporations, investments, eligibility of (Clark) 7568-9, 7569, 7575, 7576 (Veitch) 7569, 7575, 7576
Employee venture capital corporations, investments in aquaculture (Clark) 7569, 7570, 7573 (Miller) 7571 (Veitch) 7569-70, 7572
Employee venture capital corporations, Investments, requirements re (Clark) 7568 (Veitch) 7408, 7568
Employee venture capital corporations, investments, restrictions on (Clark) 7574 (Veitch) 7408, 7567, 7574
Employee venture capital corporations, investors, number of (Clark) 7567 (Veitch) 7567
Employee venture capital corporations, investors, provincial income tax credit (Veitch) 7408
Employee venture capital corporations, job creation (Clark) 7410 (Veitch) 7407, 7412
Employee venture capital corporations, registration of plans (Boone) 7577 (Veitch) 7577
Employee venture capital corporations, registrations, administrator's powers re (Clark) 7575 (Veitch) 7575
Employee venture capital corporations, revenue loss on (Clark) 7567
Employee venture capital corporations, share ownership, requirements re (Clark) 7567, 7577 (Veitch) 7408, 7567
Employee venture capital corporations, shares, depreciation of and payback requirement (Miller) 7577 (Veitch) 7577
Employee venture capital corporations, shares, listing of on stock exchange (Clark) 7566, 7567 (Veitch) 7566, 7567
Employee venture capital corporations, shares, sale of and requirement for repayment (Veitch) 7577
Employee venture capital corporations, shares, tax credits for (Clark) 7566 (Veitch) 7566
Employee venture capital corporations, size of (Veitch) 7408
Employee venture capital corporations, start-up costs (Clark) 7566 (Veitch) 7566
Employee venture capital corporations, trustees, appointment of (Clark) 7568 (Veitch) 7568
Federal government, negotiations with (Clark) 7565 (Veitch) 7559
Forest industry, research and development in industry (Miller) 7572
Forest industry, value-added products, investment in (Miller) 7572
Legislation, submissions re (Veitch) 7408
Privatized companies, eligibility of for employee stock ownership program (Boone) 7563, 7564 (Clark) 7564 (Veitch) 7563, 7564
Quebec Solidarity Fund (Boone) 7409 (Clark) 7409, 7410 (Loenen) 7411 (Veitch) 7407
Regional development (Miller) 7572 (Veitch) 7572
Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District, regional development committee (Miller) 7573
Tax expenditures, concerns re (Clark) 7565
Employee participation in management
See: Management — Employee participation
Employee rights
Legislation on (Sihota) 6895
Employee: stock options
Employee Investment Act. See name of act
Employee :organizations (Clark) 7558, 7559 (Veitch) 7559
Stock ownership program (Darks) 5669 (Loenen) 5616, 7410-1 (Throne speech) 5586 (Veitch) 7200, 7406-7
Stock ownership program, administrator, powers of (Boone) 7561 (Veitch) 7561
Stock ownership program, administrator, status of as government employee (Boone) 7558 (Veitch) 7558
Stock ownership program, annual meetings, requirements re (Clark) 7561 (Veitch) 7561
Stock ownership program, cost of studies for startups (Veitch) 7409
Stock ownership program, educational program (Clark) 7409 (Veitch) 7408
Stock ownership program, eligibility of privatized companies (Boone) 7563, 7564 (Clark) 7564 (Veitch) 7563, 7564
Stock ownership program, federal government, negotiations with (Clark) 7565 (Veitch) 7559
Stock ownership program, federal tax concessions for investors (Boone) 7409 (Clark) 7558, 7565-6 (Loenen) 7411 (Veitch) 7412, 7559, 7566
Stock ownership program, funding for (Couvelier) 5770 (Veitch) 7640
Stock ownership program, investors leaving B.C. (Boone) 7558 (Veitch) 7558
Stock ownership program, investors, protection of (Veitch) 7409
Stock ownership program, investors, provincial income tax credit (Veitch) 7407
Stock ownership program, investors, residency requirement (Boone) 7560, 7561 (Veitch) 7560, 7561
Stock ownership program, limit on size of companies invested in (Boone) 7559 (Clark) 7559-60, 7560 (Veitch) 7559, 7560
Stock ownership program participants, number of (Clark) 7410, 7565 (Veitch) 7409, 7565
Stock ownership program, revenue loss on (Clark) 7410, 7564 (Veitch) 7409, 7564
Stock ownership program, shares, redemption of (Clark) 7562-3, 7563 (Veitch) 7563
Stock ownership program, shares, sale of (Clark) 7561, 7562 (Veitch) 7561, 7562
Stock ownership program, shares, value of (Clark) 7562 (Veitch) 7562
Stock ownership program, shares, voting rights (Clark) 7561 (Veitch) 7561
Stock ownership program, tax credit, repayment of (Clark) 7562 (Veitch) 7562
Stock ownership program, tax credits, limit on (Veitch) 7408-9
Employment Plus program (Richmond) 5791, 8721, 8722 (Smallwood) 5791, 8716
Employment Plus program, employers participating in (Richmond) 8715
Employment Plus program, federal funding for (Richmond) 8709
Employment Plus program, funding for (Richmond) 8709
Employment programs, basis of (Smallwood) 8713
GAIN recipients, employment programs for (Marzari) 8720-1 (Richmond) 8709, 8716, 8717, 8721-2 (Smallwood) 8713
GAIN recipients, re-entry into workforce (Richmond) 5896
Increase in (Couvelier) 5766 (Serwa) 5732, 5733 (Vander Zalm) 5760 (Veitch) 7639
Increase in by age group and sex (Janssen, G.) 5911
Job creation (Serwa) 5733, 5937 (Throne speech) 5587
Job creation, investment in (Janssen, G.) 7015
Job creation outside lower mainland (Clark) 7917-8
Job creation, socialist program for (Bruce) 5892
Job training systems (Throne speech) 5587
Jobs in B.C., new jobs (Clark) 5779-80 (Couvelier) 5765 (Crandall) 5907 (De Jong) 5600 (Loenen) 5931 (Reid) 5836 (Vander Zalm) 8657
Jobs, provision of (Bruce) 5891
JobTrac program mentioned (Clark) 5781 (Jones) 5829 (Miller) 5787 (Strachan) 5611, 5823, 5824
Labour force, size of (De Jong) 5600
Labour market adjustment, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8379
Small business, job creation (Janssen, G.) 5613, 7013
Task force on employment and training (Hagen, S.) 8321 (Vander Zalm) 5760
Employment Plus program
See entries under Employment
Employment standards
See: Labour laws and legislation
Employment Standards Act
Domestics, coverage for (Marzari) 6901
Quoted (Sihota) 6930
Variances under act (Sihota) 6935
Mentioned: (Cashore) 6402 (Clark) 8491 (Rose) 6244 (Sihota) 6929, 6932, 6933, 6934, 6964
Employment standards branch
Unpaid wages recovered (Hanson, L.) 6893
Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C.
Wheelchair access ramps (Mowat) 7357
Mentioned: (Williams) 6264
Endako Mines Ltd.
Effluent flowing into Francois Lake (Kempf) 8244, 8246 (Strachan) 8246
Endowment Lands
See: University Endowment Lands
See: Power resources
Energy Act
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 5816
Energy conservation
B.C. Buildings Corporation, savings by (Michael) 5968
Energy industries
Deregulation of (Edwards) 8423
Environmental protection and energy industry (Edwards) 8423-4
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of
Speakers: Clark 8434-5, 8435, 8441, 8490-1, 8491, 8491-2, 8492-3, 8494-5, 8495; D'Arcy 8495, 8496-7, 8497-8; Davis 8423, 8424, 8425, 8426, 8426-7, 8427, 8427-8, 8429-30, 8430-1, 8431-2, 8432, 8433, 8434, 8435, 8436, 8436-7, 8438, 8439-40, 8440-1, 8441, 8442, 8442-3, 8443, 8444, 8445, 8446, 8447, 8479-80, 8480, 8481, 8482, 8483, 8484, 8484-5, 8485, 8485-6, 8487, 8487-8, 8488, 8488-9, 8489, 8490, 8491, 8492, 8493, 8494, 8495, 8495-6, 8497, Edwards 8423-4, 8424-5, 8425, 8426, 8427, 8432, 8433, 8433-4, 8434, 8435, 8435-6, 8442, 8443, 8443-4, 8444-5, 8445, 8446, 8446-7, 8447, 8479, 8480, 8480-1, 8481, 8481-2, 8482, 8483, 8483-4, 8484, 8485, 8486, 8486-7, 8487, 8488, 8489, 8489-90, 8490, 8495; Kempf 8436, 8437-8, 8438-9, 8440, 8443; Perry 8428-9, 8430, 8431; Williams 8493, 8493-4, 8494
Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Davis) 8423
Geological survey staff (Davis) 8423
Geological survey work (Davis) 8489
Gravel, removal of, jurisdiction over (Edwards) 7761, 7761-2 (Johnston) 7761, 7762
Staff, number of (Davis) 8423
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Statutes Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 59) (Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources) 1R, 8170; 2R, 8394-8; C, 8541-6, 3R, 8546; RA, 8586
Divisions: 2R, 8397-8
Speakers: Clark 8394-5; D'Arcy 8395-6; Davis 8170, 8394, 8396-7, 8542, 8542-3, 8543, 8543-4, 8544, 8544-5, 8545, 8545-6; Edwards 8541-2, 8542, 8543, 8544, 8545; Williams 8544, 8545
B.C. Hydro, corporation tax, payment of (D’Arcy) 8396, 8397
B.C. Hydro, debt, reduction in (Davis) 8397, 8543-4
B.C. Hydro, dividend (Clark) 8394-5, 8394, 8395 (D’Arcy) 8395, 8396 (Davis) 8170, 8394, 8396-7, 8543
B.C. Hydro, dividend as source of revenue (D’Arcy) 8396 (Williams) 8544
B.C. Hydro, dividend, cost of as factor in application for rate increase (Davis) 8542, 8543 (Edwards) 8543
B.C. Hydro, dividend, level of, setting of (Davis) 8544 (Edwards) 8544
B.C. Hydro, dividend, source of funds for (Clark) 8394
B.C. Hydro, electric power for new development (Davis) 8545
B.C. Hydro, electric power, purchase and resale of (Davis) 8394, 8545
B.C. Hydro, power projects, cost of, provision for (Davis) 8545 (Williams) 8545
B.C. Hydro, Power Smart program (Davis) 8397
B.C. Hydro, property, assessment and taxation of (D’Arcy) 8395, 8396
B.C. Hydro, rates, level of (Davis) 8397
B.C. Hydro, rates, setting of, basis for (Davis) 8394, 8397
B.C. Hydro, rates, setting of, B.C. Utilities Commission powers re (Davis) 8170, 8394 (Edwards) 8542
B.C. Hydro, rates, setting of for new industries (Davis) 8170, 8545
B.C. Hydro, rates, setting of, government's powers re (Clark) 8394-5
B.C. Hydro, water licence fee (D’Arcy) 8395, 8396
B.C. Hydro, water licence fee, revenue from (Davis) 8397
B.C. Hydro, water licence fee, use of to raise revenue (Davis) 8544 (Williams) 8544
B.C. Utilities Commission, rates, setting of, powers re (Davis) 8170, 8394
Coal Act, amendment to (Davis) 8394
Coal-mining companies, geological information, confidentiality of (Davis) 8542 (Edwards) 8541-2
Coal-mining companies, geological information, provision of to province (Davis) 8170, 8394
Natural gas price, setting of (Davis) 8170
Water licence fee as a form of sales tax (D’Arcy) 8395, 8396
Energy policy
Energy policy (De Jong) 5600 (Dirks) 5669 (Throne speech) 5587
Number of (Dueck) 6101
English language — Study and teaching — Foreign speakers
Adults, English-as-a-second-language program for (Clark) Q. 6882 (Reid) A. 6882
Bilingualism (Hagen, A.) 7517
English-as-a-second-language program (Hagen, A.) 5758, 7728 (Jansen, J.) 7728-9, 7730
English-as-a-second-language program, cost of (Gabelmann) 7728
English-as-a-second-language program, federal funding for (Jansen, J.) 7729
English-as-a-second-language program, federal responsibility (Hagen, A.) 7518
English-as-a-second-language program, funding for (Brummet) 7518, 7520, 7521 (Couvelier) 5768 (Hagen, A.) 5868, 7520, 7521, 7729 (Jansen, J.) 7727 (Reid) 7437
English-as-a-second-language students, assistance for (Brummet) 7520 (Hagen, A.) 7519
English-as-a-second-language students, class size (Brummet) 7518, 7520 (Hagen, A.) 7519, 7520
English-as-a-second-language students, length of time for status as (Brummet) 7521 (Hagen, A.) 7521
English-as-a-second-language students, number of (Hagen, A.) 7517 (Marzari) 8181
English-as-a-second-language students, reception centre for (Brummet) 7520 (Hagen, A.) 7520 (Marzari) 8181
English-as-a-second-language students, teachers' aides for (Brummet) 7519 (Hagen, A.) 7519
English-as-a-second-language students, transportation allowance for (Brummet) 7519 (Hagen, A.) 7519
English-as-a-second-language students
See: English language-Study and teaching — Foreign speakers
Enrolment, School
See: School census
Collective entrepreneurism (Gabelmann) 7724-5
Enumeration of voters
See: Voters, Registration of
Environment and Land Use Committee
Agricultural Land Commission decisions, appeals of (Barlee) 7168, 7214 (De Jong) 7217 (Rose) 7172 (Savage) 7172, 7215
Agricultural Land Commission decisions, power to overrule (Barlee) 7169, 7170, 7214, 7215 (Loenen) 7170 (Rose) 7215-6 (Savage) 7169, 7215
Coastal zone resource subcommittee, recommendations (Gabelmann) 7931
Coastal zone resource subcommittee report quoted (Gabelmann) 7931
Establishment of (Strachan) 5609, 5821
Spetifore property, hearing on (Perry) Q. 8584 (Vander Zalm) A. 8584
Tourism minister's membership in (Edwards) 7417 (Reid) 7401
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7223 (Cashore) 8084 (Davidson) 7779 (Gabelmann) 5872 (Miller) 7738 (Perry) 8256 (Rose) 8790 (Strachan) 6054, 8253 (Williams) 7871
An Environment and Land Use Secretariat, An Act to Establish
(Bill M215) (Williams) 1R, 6833
Speakers: Williams 6833
Environment and land use secretariat, establishment of (Williams) 6833
Land use conflicts, analysis of (Williams) 6833
Environment and Parks, Ministry of
Annual report mentioned (Cashore) 7970
Environment Management Act
Amendments to (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 5610
Fines under act (Cashore) 8106
Mentioned: (Cashore) 6459, 6505, 7694, 7970, 8258, 8259 (Strachan) 5611, 7433, 7694, 7695, 7748, 8458
Environment Management Amendment Act, 1988
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7747 (Gabelmann) 8104 (Strachan) 8104
Environment, Ministry of
Estimates 8073-7, 8083-8108, 8127-37, 8143-70, 8217-30, 8234-60, 8317-9
Speakers: Barlee 8106, 8107; Barnes 8157, 8158, Blencoe 8254, 8254-5, 8255-6; Cashore 8084-7, 8104-5, 8105, 8105-6, 8106, 8108, 8127, 8128, 8128-9, 8129, 8129-30, 8130, 8132, 8133, 8145, 8145-6, 8151-2, 8152, 8152-3, 8153-4, 8156, 8158, 8158-9, 8159, 8159-60, 8165, 8166, 8167, 8168, 8169, 8217, 8218, 8218-9, 8219, 8220, 8221, 8221-2, 8222, 8225-6, 8226, 8235-6, 8237, 8237-8, 8238, 8239, 8258-9, 8259, 8260; Clark 8250-1; Edwards 8089-90, 8090, 8090-1, 8091, 8091-2, 8092, 8093, 8094, 8128, 8163, 8163-4, 8164, 8165, 8222-3, 8223, 8223-4, 8224, 8224-5, 8318; Fraser, R 8149-50, 8156-7, 8239-40; Gabelmann 8103, 8104; Janssen, G. 8133-4, 8134, 8150, 8151; Jones 8227-8, 8229; Kempf 8229-30, 8242-4, 8246; Loenen 8095-7, 8097; Lovick 8237, 8240-1, 8242, 8248, 8248-9; Marzari 8160, 8160-1, 8161-2, 8162; Miller 8251-2, 8253; Perry 8256-7; Pullinger 8246-7, 8247, 8247-8, 8248, 8249-50; Rose 8098-9, 8100, 8318; Serwa 8130-1, 8131-2, 8132; Sihota 8094-5, 8095, 8101, 8102, 8102-3, 8134, 8135, 8136, 8137, 8146, 8146-7, 8147, 8147-8, 8148, 8149, 8155; Strachan 6169-70, 8073-7, 8083-4, 8087-9, 8090, 8091, 8092, 8092-3, 8093, 8093-4, 8094, 8095, 8097, 8097-8, 8099-8100, 8100-1, 8101, 8101-2, 8102, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8106, 8107, 8107-8, 8108, 8127, 8127-8, 8128, 8129, 8130, 8131, 8132, 8132-3, 8133, 8134, 8134-5, 8135, 8135-6, 8136, 8136-7, 8137, 8143-5, 8145, 8146, 8147, 8148, 8148-9, 8150, 8150-1, 8151, 8152, 8153, 8154-5, 8155, 8155-6, 8156, 8157-8, 8158, 8159, 8160, 8161, 8162, 8162-3, 8163, 8164, 8165, 8166, 8166-7, 8167, 8168-9, 8217, 8218, 8219, 8220, 8221, 8222, 8223, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8226-7, 8228-9, 8229, 8234-5, 8236-7, 8237, 8238, 8239, 8240, 8241-2, 8242, 8244-6, 8246, 8247, 8248, 8249, 8250, 8251, 8252-3, 8253, 8254, 8255, 8257, 8259, 8259-60, 8317-8, 8318, 8319; Vant 8319
Appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year, underspending of (Clark) 5781
Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Loenen) 8095 (Peterson) 5803 (Strachan) 5823, 8073, 8083
Data-standards group, facilities for (Cashore) 8237 (Strachan) 8238
Establishment of (Richmond) 5898
Issues for discussion in ministry (Cashore) 5660-1
JobTrac program (Strachan) 5823
Lottery funds, use of (Strachan) 5823
Minister, membership in Cabinet Committee on Economic Development (Strachan) 8088
Reorganization of (Strachan) 8089
Role of (Cashore) 5659, 5660-1, 5661-2
Staff, morale (Strachan) 8089
Staff, reduction in (Clark) 5774, 5781 (Lovick) 5807
Status of (Cashore) 5661, 8086-7 (Sihota) 8088 (Strachan) 5610, 8088 (Veitch) 5642
Status of in cabinet (Cashore) 5857
Environment News
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5989
Environment Statutes Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 34) (Minister of Environment) 1R, 7433; 2R, 7694-5; C, 7745-56; 3R, 7756;, RA, 8010
Speakers: Cashore 7694, 7745, 7746, 7746-7, 7749, 7750, 7751, 7752, 7752-3, 7753, 7755, 7756; Edwards 7748, 7749, 7750, 7751, 7753, 7754-5; Janssen, G. 7752; Rose 7756; Smallwood 7746, 7748, 7750, 7750-1, 7751, 7754; Strachan 7433, 7694, 7746, 7747, 7747-8, 7748, 7749, 7750, 7751, 7752, 7753, 7753-4, 7754, 7755, 7756
Ecological Reserve Act, amendment to (Cashore) 7745, 7746, 7747 (Strachan) 7746
Ecological reserves, rights-of-way over reserves (Cashore) 7746 (Smallwood) 7746 (Strachan) 7746
Environment Management Act, amendments to (Cashore) 7747
Environmental Appeal Board, appeal procedures (Strachan) 7694
Environmental Appeal Board, appeals, intervenors, status of (Edwards) 7748 (Strachan) 7748
Environmental impact assessments (Cashore) 7694
Mining Right of Way Act, restrictions on right-of-way under act (Cashore) 7694
Pesticide Control Act, Environmental Appeal Board, appellants to under act (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 7747
Pesticides, ombudsman's report on, recommendations (Cashore) 7747 (Smallwood) 7748
Waste Management Act, amendments to (Strachan) 7731
Waste management permits, auditor-general's report on (Smallwood) 7751
Water Act, engineer under act (Strachan) 7755, 7756
Water Act, Environmental Appeal Board, appellants to under act (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 7746, 7747
Water Act, regulations under act, compliance with (Edwards) 7749, 7750 (Strachan) 7749, 7750
Water comptroller, employees of, right to enter land (Cashore) 7755 (Strachan) 7755
Water, export of (Cashore) 7694
Water licence applications, procedure re (Cashore) 7749 (Strachan) 7749, 7750, 7751, 7752
Water licences, apportionment of (Cashore) 7753 (Edwards) 7754-5 (Smallwood) 7754 (Strachan) 7753, 7754, 7755
Water licences, issuing of (Cashore) 7752 (Strachan) 7752
Water Utility Act, bottlers and distillers, exemption from act (Cashore) 7756 (Strachan) 7694, 7756
Water Utility Act, water tanker trucks, exemption from act (Strachan) 7756
Wildlife Act, Environmental Appeal Board, appellants to under act (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 7747
Environmental Appeal Board
Appeal procedures (Strachan) 7694
Appeals, intervenors, status of (Edwards) 7748 (Strachan) 7748
Appellants under various acts, status of (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 7747, 7756
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of in Cranbrook, hearing on (Edwards) Q. 7607, 8092, 8093, 8094 (Strachan) 8090, 8092, 8094
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7480 (Gabelmann) 8103 (Strachan) 7755, 8453, 8684
Environmental education
Sustainable development and education (Brummet) 7542 (Cashore) 7542
Environmental engineering
Funding for (Couvelier) 5771
Environmental health
Alberni health study (Janssen, G.) 6429, 6430
Environmental programs, funding for (Dueck) 5879
Environmental Laboratory
Assets, platinum crucibles (Cashore) 5988
Assets, spectrophotometer (Cashore) 5988
Assets, value of (Cashore) 5988, 5989
Price Waterhouse and Co. evaluation of (Cashore) 5988, 5989, 8238
Sale of (Cashore) 5659, 5855, 5986, 5987, 5990, 7969, 7971, 8235 (Pullinger) 5889 (Strachan) 5987, 8240
Sale of and loss of employees' expertise (Cashore) 8085
Sale of, net benefit to province (Lovick) 8241
Sale of, price (Cashore) 5855, 5988, 5989, 8238 (Clark) 5781
Sale of, savings (Cashore) 5988, 5989 (Michael) 5990
Staff, present employment of (Cashore) 8238, 8239 (Fraser, R.) 8240 (Lovick) 8241 (Strachan) 8237, 8239, 8240, 8241
Tests and audits, performance of, allegations re (Cashore) 5988
Environmental protection
Advisory committee on, recommendation re (Strachan) 8075
Aquaculture and protection of environment (Hanson, G.) 6344 (Savage) 6344
Community groups, agreements with companies (Gabelmann) 8103 (Strachan) 8104
Court orders, reciprocal agreements on enforcement of (Smith, S.D.) 8140 (Strachan) 8144
Courts, role of (Williams) 7973
Disasters, cleanup technology (Cashore) 5856-7
Economy and environment (Smith, B.R.) 5706 (Throne speech) 5588
Energy industry and environment (Edwards) 8423-4
Environmental impact assessments (Cashore) 7694
Environmental issues, funding for intervenors (Sihota) 6437
Environmental prosecutor, proposal for (Cashore) 6336, 6337 (Smith, S.D.) 6337
Environmental protection (Barnes) 5705 (Bruce) 5753-4 (Cashore) 5658-62, 5854 (Couvelier) 5770 (Dirks) 5668 (Guno) 5665, 5956 (Harcourt) 5601 (Mercier) 5598 (Smith, B.R.) 5707-8 (Throne speech) 5588-9
Environmental protection measures during NDP administration (Miller) 7977
Environmental protection requirements for developments, payment for (Cashore) 6207
Environmental review process for major projects (Cashore) 6207
Environmental youth services program (Clark) 5781 (Couvelier) 5771 (Loenen) 5933, 8096 (Mercier) 5598 (Strachan) 5611, 5823-4 (Throne speech) 5588
Environmentalists' conflict with forest industry, role of government in (Gabelmann) 7185-6
Fund, proposal for (Harcourt) 6459
Funding for (Cashore) 5854 (Pullinger) 5889
Industry, new industry and environment (Bruce) 5754
Industry, sustainable development and environment (Bruce) 5752 (Cashore) 5662, 5854 (Guno) 5665 (Harcourt) 5606-7 (McCarthy) 5810 (Smith, S.D.) 5922-3 (Strachan) 5609 (Vander Zalm) 8666 (Veitch) 7637
Interministry Committee on Emergency Preparedness. See name of committee
Issue of (Cashore) 5660-1, 8086-7 (Strachan) 8088
Issue of, public concern re (Cashore) 5658 (Clark) 7974 (Rose) 7974 (Sihota) 7980
Legislation (Vander Zalm) 5761
Legislation and Canadian Environmental Protection Act standards (Strachan) 5611
Legislation, NDP proposals for (Harcourt) 5606-7
Legislation, review of (Throne speech) 5588
Mine inspections and environment (Couvelier) 5770
Politicians and environment (Rogers) 5687-8
Programs (Smith, S.D.) 5922
Programs, designation of as environmental programs (Clark) 5781
Programs, funding for (Clark) 5781 (Couvelier) 5770 (Loenen) 5933 (Peterson) 5803, 5804 (Throne speech) 5588
Prosecutions in environmental matters, costs, recovery of (Sihota) 8631
Public participation in (Cashore) 5856 (Williams) 7972
Regional landscapes, protection of (Huberts) 7736
Regional network on resources and environment (Strachan) 8075
Research on, funding for (Couvelier) 5771 (Throne speech) 5588
Responsibility for as individuals (Serwa) 7976
Round table (Cashore) 8086 (Strachan) 8088
Round table, appointments to (Cashore) 8086
Round table, establishment of (Vander Zalm) 8657
Round table, federal round table (Cashore) 8086 (Strachan) 8088
Standards (Mercier) 5959 (Strachan) 7985
Standards, employees reporting violations, protection of (Boone) 7972
Standards, enforcement of (Boone) 5894, 7972 (Cashore) 5661, 5855, 6279, 6336-7, 6502, 7970, Q. 8001, 8084 (Clark) 5617, 5781, 7975 (Janssen, G.) 7983 (Peterson) 5804 (Pullinger) 5889 (Serwa) 7976 (Sihota) 8147, 8148, 8631-2 (Strachan) 5822, A. 8001 (Vander Zalm) 8657
Standards, enforcement of, funding for (Janssen, G.) 5910 (Smith, S.D.) 6502 (Strachan) 6280, 7942
Standards, enforcement of, staff increase for (Cashore) 8105-6
Standards, monitoring of (Clark) 5781 (Williams) 7973
Steel mill for B.C. and environment (Clark) 7974
Technology for cleanup of environment, development of (Boone) 7641
Tests, monitoring of by federal Environment department (Cashore) 8085
Tourist industry and environment (Crandall) 5701
Trade unions and environmental protection (Cashore) 8084 (Strachan) 8084, 8087
United States, emission standards (Strachan) 8100
Waste Management Act, 1989. See name of act
Environmental Protection Act
(Bill M209) (Cashore) 1R, 6207-8
Developments, environmental assessment of, participation in (Cashore) 6208
Developments, environmental protection requirements, payment for (Cashore) 6207
Environmental review process for major projects (Cashore) 6207
Environmentally Sensitive Spending by Government, An Act to Ensure
(Bill M204) (Harcourt) 1R, 5915
Government purchasing, public spending advisory group, proposal for (Harcourt) 5915
Paper products, government purchases, restriction on (Harcourt) 5915
Paper products, recycled paper, purchase of by government (Harcourt) 5915
Environmentally Sound Packaging Coalition
Funding for (Cashore) 8169 (Strachan) 8170
Epp, Jake
Mentioned: (Davis) 8486 (Dueck) 6149, 8564 (Richmond) 8756
Epstein, William
Quoted (Perry) 6283
Equal pay for equal work
Pay equity for women (Hagen, S.) A. 7943, 8379 (Hanson, L.) 6956 (Harcourt) 8678 (Marzari) 8731 (Sihota) 6956, 6958, 6960 (Smallwood) 6954, 6955, Q. 7943, 8378, 8379
Pay equity for women, government's position on (Hanson, L.) 6959 (Sihota) 6957, 6959 (Smallwood) 6960
Pay equity for women, inquiry into by Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations (Sihota) 6960
Pay equity for women, intervention of courts in issue (Sihota) 6389
Pay equity for women, investigation into (Sihota) 6959
Pay equity for women, legislation on (Hanson, L.) 6955, 6958, 6959 (Sihota) 6956, 6958, 6959 (Smallwood) 6960
Pay equity for women, Ontario legislation on (Hanson, L.) 6956 (Sihota) 6956, 6961
Pay equity for women, provision for in Human Rights Act (Hanson, L.) 6959 (Sihota) 6959
Quoted (Jones) 7234
Mentioned: (Jones) 7231
Equity Silver Mines Ltd.
Acid generation (Kempf) 8243-4, 8246, 8439, 8440 (Strachan) 8245-6
Bonding of (Davis) 8439, 8440 (Kempf) 8244, 8246, 8439, 8440
Goosly Lake, cleanup of (Kempf) 8244
Eric Martin Pavilion, Victoria, B.C.
Esquimalt, B.C.
Storm sewers, replacement of (Sihota) 6606
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway
Budd cars, repair of (Vant) 7609
Dayliner service, elimination of, impact of (Lovick)Q. 8315, Q. 8316 (Vant) A. 8315-6, A. 8316
Dayliner service, maintenance of (Bruce) Q. 7248-9 (Huberts) A. 7249, 7803 (Lovick) Q. 7609 (Pullinger) 7414 (Reid) 7414-5 (Vant) A. 7609
Dayliner service, traffic (Vant) 8316
National Transportation Agency, representations to (Lovick) Q. 7609 (Vant) A. 7609
Passenger service (Lovick) 6820
Right-of-way, use of (Vant) 8316
Right-of-way, use of for transit (Bruce) 6570 (Johnston) 6572, 6573 (Sihota) 6572, 6572-3
Tourist trade and passenger service (Pullinger) 7414 (Reid) 7414
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 6205 (Sihota) 7004
Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency
Forest industry (Sihota) 5639
Esso Petroleum Canada
Burrard Inlet refinery (Cashore) 8226
Estate Administration Act
Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Section 41, deletion of (Lovick) 7615
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6109, 8632
Estate Administration Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 33) (Attorney-General) 1R, 7527; 2R, 7614-8; C, 7695-9; RA, 8010
Speakers: Clark 7614-5; Lovick 7615; Sihota 7615-7; Smith, S.D. 7527, 7614, 7617-8
Estate Administration Act, section 41, deletion of (Lovick) 7615
Estates, official administrator, purpose of (Smith, S.D.) 7614
Estates, reporting on finances of (Smith, S.D.) 7614
Health professions, corporations, regulation of (Dueck) 7618
Justice system, county system in (Edwards) 7696 (Smith, S.D.) 7696
Official administrator, access to services of deputies (Edwards) 7696 (Smith, S.D.) 7696
Official administrator, appointment of deputies (Smith, S.D.) 7614, 7617, 7618
Official administrator, contracts for deputies (Lovick) 7695
Official administrator, deposit requirement (Lovick) 7697 (Smith, S.D.) 7697
Official administrator, location of deputies (Smith, S.D.) 7695
Official administrator, monitoring work of deputies (Lovick) 7695 (Smith, S.D.) 7695
Official administrator, privatization of function of (Lovick) 7615
Official administrator, remuneration for deputies (Smith, S.D.) 7614
Official administrator, responsibilities, delegation of (Lovick) 7696, 7697 (Smith, S.D.) 7696, 7697
Official administrator, status of as public service employee (Lovick) 7615
Privatization, government policy on (Sihota) 7615-6
Public trustee, appointment as official administrator (Smith, S.D.) 7614
Public trustee, fees (Edwards) 7698 (Lovick) 7698-9 (Smith, S.D.) 7698, 7699
Public trustee, funds paid into office of, use of (Smith, S.D.) 7618, 7696, 7698
Public trustee, office of, change to (Smith, S.D.) 7527, 7614
Public trustee, office of, expansion of (Sihota) 7616
Public trustee, office of, privatization of (Sihota) 7616
Public trustee, staff, increase in number of (Smith, S.D.) 7614, 7617
Supreme Court of B.C., County Court of B.C., merger with (Smith, S.D.) 7696
Estates (Law)
Assets payable to minors (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Estates of deceased persons, Administration of
See: Executors and administrators
Estimates of expenditures
See entries under Expenditures, Public; for estimates of individual ministries see ministries by name
Taylor area plant (Brummet) 5628 (Weisgerber) 7965
Ethics, Medical
See: Medical ethics
Ethnic groups
Ethnic festivals (Reid) 7437
Euclid Mathematics Contest
Mentioned: (Jones) 8351
Eurasian water milfoil
Control (Serwa) 5734 (Strachan) 8107
Harvesting machine, funding for additional machine (Barlee) 8107
Vaseux Lake milfoil problem (Barlee) 8106, 8107 (Strachan) 8106
Eurocan Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd.
Kitimat mill (Clark) 8436 (Davis) 8436
European Economic Community
Agriculture, subsidization of (Serwa) 7190-1
Financial institutions (Mercier) 5597
Mentioned: (Savage) 7167 (Throne speech) 5586
Evanishen, Danny
Mentioned: (Vant) 6841
Evans, Conrad (Corky)
Mentioned: (Williams) 7883
Evergreen Islands, B.C.
Shoreline zoning program (Gabelmann) 7931-2
Evers, Muni
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Everywoman's Health Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
Blockade of, actions of Joe Borowski (Marzari) Q. 6760 (Vander Zalm) A. 6760
Charges, laying of, policy on (Sihota) 6497 (Smith, S.D.) 6497
Contempt order, enforcement of (Perry) 6546 (Sihota) 6494, 6495, 6496 (Smith, S.D.) 6494-5, 6496
Demonstrations and role of Attorney-General (Sihota) 6437 (Smith, S.D.) 6438
Demonstrators (Perry) 6308
Demonstrators, police action re (Marzari) 6509
Funding for (Boone) Q. 5604 (Dueck) A. 5604 (Marzari) 5647, 5653 (Vander Zalm) A. 5604
Injunctions, use of (Sihota) 6492
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 6520 (Sihota) 6496, 6512
Illegal eviction cases, legal aid (Sihota) 6375
Evidence (Law)
Administrative tribunals, role of re evidence (Smith, S.D.) 7113
Criminal trials, matters of evidence, proposal re (Smith, B.R.) 6468
Evidence acts, new acts (Smith, B.R) 6469
Evidence Act
Amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 7113
Ewachniuk, Ted
Quoted (Jones) 7234
Ewert, Peter
Employment of (Sihota) 7979
Work of (Smith, S.D.) 6525
Mentioned: (Sihota) 8148 (Smith, S.D.) 6338, 6502 (Strachan) 5822, 7942, 7985, 8089
Ewing, W.D. (Bill)
Mentioned: (Kempf) 8509, 8596, 8597
Excellence in Education Fund
Expenditure of (Jones) 5829
Mentioned: (Jones) 8342
Executors and administrators
Deputy official administrators, access to services of (Edwards) 7696 (Smith, S.D.) 7696
Deputy official administrators, contracts (Lovick) 7695
Deputy official administrators, location of (Smith, S.D.) 7695
Deputy official administrators, monitoring work of (Lovick) 7695 (Smith, S.D.) 7695
Estate Administration Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act
Official administrator, deposit requirement (Lovick) 7697 (Smith, S.D.) 7697
Official administrator, powers of to delegate (Lovick) 7696, 7697 (Smith, S.D.) 7696, 7697
Official administrator, privatization of function of (Lovick) 7615
Official administrator, purpose of (Smith, S.D.) 7614
Official administrator, status of as public service employee (Lovick) 7615
Public trustee, appointment of as official administrator (Smith, S.D.) 7614
Exell, Oksana
Role of (Jansen, J.) 7710
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759
Exhibition Park
See entries under Vancouver, B.C.
Expenditures, Public
Accountability for (Jones) 6477
Approval of, role of Premier's office in (Marzari) 7351
Auditor-general's report referred to, quoted (Clark) 7317-8, 7320
Estimate of, overestimation (Lovick) 5807
Estimates, auditor-general's recommendations re (Williams) 8786
Estimates, debate on, timing of (Mercier) 5957
Expenditures, 1989-90 fiscal year (Couvelier) 5767
Expenditures in excess of revenue (Clark) 5778
Expenditures, policy on (Smith, B.R.) 5707
Increase in (D’Arcy) 5813
Overrun on, use of term (Williams) 5792
Overruns (Blencoe) 5904
Restraint program (Smith, S.D.) 5920
Restraint program, social welfare programs cancelled (Smallwood) 8805, 8806
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes (Clark) 7317-8
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, 1988-89 fiscal year (Clark) 7318-9
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, approval for (Clark) 7320, 7321 (Couvelier) 7320
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, examination of by Public Accounts committee (Clark) 7318, 7321 (Couvelier) 7318, 7319, 7320
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, guidelines for (Clark) 7319, 7320 (Couvelier) 7320
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, information re (Clark) 7318
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, policy on (Clark) 7319
Subvotes, transfer of funds between subvotes, procedure followed (Clark) 7319 (Couvelier) 7319
Suppliers, payments to (Couvelier) 7546 (Rogers) 7546
Expo 86 Construction of (Clark) 6921
Cost of, payment for (McCarthy) 6028-9
Hotel tenants, eviction of long-term tenants (Blencoe) 8465
Lands. See entries under British Columbia Place, Vancouver, B.C.
Success of and tourist industry (Pullinger) 8292 (Rabbitt) 8292
Mentioned: (Barnes) 5704 (Brummet) 6223 (Crandall) 5907 (Harcourt) 8664 (Johnston) 6643 (Loenen) 6115 (Long) 6617 (McCarthy) 5811 (Michael) 5865, 6218, 6266, 6538 (Mowat) 5870 (Pullinger) 8293 (Rabbitt) 5903 (Reid) 6291, 7380 (Rogers) 5689 (Rose) 6574 (Sihota) 5739 (Smith, S.D.) 6521 (Strachan) 8166, 8226 (Throne speech) 5585 (Vander Zalm) 5762 (Williams) 6234
Expo lands
See entries under British Columbia Place, Vancouver, B.C.
Export Development Corporation
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, relationship to (Gabelmann) 6556-7
Role of (Jansen, J.) 6561
Mentioned: (Jansen, J.) 6765, 6774, 6776
Export power
See entries under Electric power
Export sales
Asia, exports to (Gabelmann) 7709 (Jansen, J.) 7709 (Vander Zalm) 8657
California trade development office (Couvelier) 5766
Federal sales tax, impact of on B.C. exports (Clark) 7313 (Couvelier) 7312
Food, export of (Jones) 7232 (Savage) 7232
International competitiveness, advisory committee on (Gabelmann) 7731 (Jansen, J.) 7731
Japan, exports to (Couvelier) 7311
Marketing programs (Throne speech) 5586
Marketing techniques, development of (Williams) 6558
Non-tariff barriers (Savage) 7232
Okanagan South constituency products, export of (Chalmers) 5859
Pacific Rim countries, exports to (Couvelier) 5766, 7311 (Jansen, J.) 6555
Singapore trade development office (Couvelier) 5766
Trade Development Corporation Act. See name of act
Trade development offices (Couvelier) 5769
Trade-related expenditures, information re (Gabelmann) 7709 (Jansen, J.) 7709
Trading patterns, change in (Jansen, J.) 7708
United States, exports to (Vander Zalm) 8657, 8658
Value of (Jansen, J.) 7700
Export tax on lumber
See entries under Lumber trade
Export trade promotion
See: Foreign trade promotion
Express service
Vans, overloading of (Jansen, G.) 7065-6 (Ree) 7066
See: Eminent domain
Expropriation Act
Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6388 (Smith, S.D.) 6351, 6390, 8630, 8632
Expropriation Compensation Board
Board members, payments to (Sihota) 6353
Cases heard in 1987-88 (Sihota) 6351 (Smith, S.D.) 6351
Cases heard in 1988-89 (Sihota) 6348, 6350-1, 6351, 6352, 6354 (Smith, S.D.) 6350, 6351, 6353
Cases scheduled for 1989-90 (Sihota) 6352 (Smith, S.D.) 6350, 6352
Chairman, term appointment for (Smith, B.R.) 6456
Chairmanship of (Smith, S.D.) 6355, 6390
Establishment of (Smith, B.R.) 6456
Fees and allowances, funding for, use of (Sihota) 6353 (Smith, S.D.) 6353
Operating costs (Sihota) 6353
Salaries (Sihota) 6348
Workload, Increase in (Smith, S.D.) 6355
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6349
Extended care
See: Long-term care of the sick
Exxon Corp.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 5914
Exxon Valdez (Vessel)
Repairs to (Vander Zalm) 5914
Safe transit of (Harcourt) 5914 (Vander Zalm) 5914
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5856, 5857 (Strachan) 7787