Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
A&A Anderson Chemical Waste Disposal Ltd.
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8101
See: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIDS Vancouver
Mentioned: (Perry) 8289
AIDS Vancouver Island
Mentioned: (Perry) 8289-90
See: Agricultural land reserve
See: SkyTrain transit system
A. Maxwell Evans Clinic
See: Cancer Control Agency of B.C.
AMS Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Michael) 5980
See: Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies
See: Agrifood regional development subsidiary agreement
ARMX '89
B.C. delegation (Clark) 7720 (Gabelmann) 7710-1, 7717, 7721 (Jansen, J.) 7711
B.C. delegation, funding for (Jansen, J.) 7715, 7716 (Perry) Q. 7035, 7715
B.C. delegation, list of and list of products (Perry) 7719
International arms dealers, participation of (Gabelmann) 7717
Participants (Jansen, J.) 7719
See: Assisted rental program
See: Air transport assistance program
See: All-terrain vehicles
See: Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities
See entries under Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Abbotsford Air Show, Abbotsford, B.C.
Mentioned: (Clark) 7720 (Dueck) 5878 (Jansen, J.) 7702
Abbotsford International Band Festival
Mentioned: (Dueck)
Abbotsford-Matsqui Community Services
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Aberdeen Holdings Ltd.
Land, removal of from ALR, case cited (Barlee) 7168
Aboriginal People's Business Association
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Abortion (Marzari) 5647 (Perry) 6308-9, 6309-10, 6545
Abortion, current practice (Marzari) 7359-60
Access to (Dueck) 6309 (Harcourt) 8678 (Perry) 6309 (Smallwood) 6527
Access to and Charter of Rights (Sihota) 6529 (Smith, S.D.) 6529
Access to, Attorney-General's position on issue (Sihota) 6516 (Smallwood) 6514, 6531
Access to, government's position on issue (Boone) 6541 (Clark) 6538, 6539, 6539-40, 6541 (Harcourt) 6520 (Rose) 6530, 6531 (Sihota) 6516 (Smith, S.D.) 6516-7, 6530, 6531, 6532
Access to, NDP position on issue (Harcourt) 6521
Criminal Code, reinstatement in, opposition to (Marzari) 7359, 7360
Criminal Code, removal from, Attorney-General's position on issue (Sihota) 6512 (Smallwood) 6530
Criminal Code' removal from, government's position on issue (Boone) 6541 (Clark) 6539 (Perry) 6546 (Sihota) 6513-4 (Smallwood) 6531 (Smith, S.D.) 6514
Criminal Code, section on abortion (Perry) 6545 (Smallwood) 6515, 6527 (Smith, S.D.) 6515, 6518
Debate on during Attorney-General ministry estimates (Marzari) 7358
Ethics advisory committee report on (Marzari) 7359
Ethics advisory committee report on, cost of (Dueck) 6306 (Perry) 6306
Funding for (Harcourt) 6520
Hospital boards and abortion issue (Miller) 6517, 6518, 6519 (Smallwood) 6514-5 (Smith, S.D.) 6515, 6516, 6518, 6519
Hospitals, abortion committees (Smallwood) 6527
Jurisdiction over, federal jurisdiction (Dueck) 6309 (Richmond) 7359
Legislation on (Smith, S.D.) 6514
Legislation on and Americanization of law (Perry) 6545
Lower mainland hospitals, performance of abortions (Perry) 6308
Number of in B.C. (Dueck) 6309
Number of late terminations in B.C. (Marzari) 7359
Supreme Court of Canada decision on (Harcourt) 6520 (Marzari) 7359 (Perry) 6308, 6545 (Sihota) 6516, 6528, 6529, 6532 (Smallwood) 6526, 6527 (Smith, S.D.) 6518, 6519, 6527-8, 6529-30, 6530
Vancouver General Hospital, performance of abortions (Perry) 6308
Vernon Jubilee Hospital, decision on provision of abortions (Sihota) 6528 (Smith, S.D.) 6518
Abraham, Rosario
Operations of (Clark) 7630, 7631, 7632
Abuse of children
See: Child abuse
Abuse of wives
See: Wife abuse
Access Awareness Week in B.C.
Mentioned: (Reid) 7381
"Access to Justice: Report of the Justice Reform Commission, 1988"
See entries under justice Reform Commission
Hypothetical cases cited (Sihota) 7004
Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee. See name of committee
See also: Disasters
Accidents, Industrial
See: Industrial accidents
Accidents, Marine
See: Marine accidents
Accidents, Mine
See: Mine accidents
Accidents, Occupational
See: Industrial accidents
Accidents, Traffic
See: Traffic accidents
Achievement tests
B.C. students, comparisons with students elsewhere (Brummet) 5629, 7362, 7532 (Fraser, R.) 7530 (Hagen, S.) 8334 (Jones) 5672, 8304, 8351 (Long) 5715 (Richmond) 5897 (Savage) 5853 (Smith, S.D.) 5921
Ackerman, Wendy
Case cited (Smallwood) 6544-5, 7092
Son, provision for (Ree) 7092-3, 7092, 7093 (Smallwood) 7092, 7093, 8743, 8751
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6545
Ackermann, Baldwin
Mentioned: (Reid) 7455
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
“AIDS in the Workplace” publication, circulation of (Dueck) 8291
AIDS prevention video, committee to view (Dueck)A. 8315 (Perry) Q. 8315
AIDS prevention video, decision on (Perry) Q. 8080 (Vander Zalm) A. 8081
AIDS prevention video mentioned (Perry) 8819
AIDS prevention video, rejection of (Dueck) A. 7866-7, A. 7867 (Harcourt) Q. 7866, Q. 7867
AIDS prevention video, release of (Dueck) A. 8315 (Harcourt) 8668, 8668-9 (Perry) Q. 8315
AIDS prevention video, release of for viewing by
MLAs (Dueck) A. 8081 (Perry) Q. 8081
AIDS prevention video, showing of (Perry) 8290, 8820
AIDS prevention video, showing of at Montreal conference (Dueck) A. 8232 (Perry) Q. 8232
AIDS prevention video, showing of to community leaders (Vander Zalm) 8669
AIDS, private member's statement on, David Parker's comment re (Perry) 8291
AZT, cost of, Pharmacare coverage for (Harcourt) 8668, 8669 (Perry) 8290, 8291
AZT, provision of to patients (Boone) 5634
Advisory Committee on AIDS (Boone) 5634 (Perry) 7450
Advisory Committee on AIDS, recommendations (Dueck) A. 7450 (Perry) Q. 7450, 8290
Associations, community-based, funding for (Perry) 8290, 8291
Associations, community-based, number of (Perry) 8289-90
Australia, conference mentioned (Perry) 7086
B.C. AIDS hotline, establishment of (Dueck) 7867
Cases, number of in B.C. (Perry) 8289
Cases, number of worldwide (Perry) 8289, 8290
Condom-vending machines in high schools (Brummet) 7528, 7529, 7531 (Dueck) A. 7034, 7868 (Hagen, A.) 7528, 7532 (Janssen, G.) 7528-9, 7528, 7529 (Perry) Q. 7034, 7530, 8290, 8291
Condom-vending machines in high schools, remarks re (Dueck) A. 7034 (Perry) Q. 7034
Dental clinic (Dueck) 7867
Government actions re (De Jong) 5817
HIV tests, number of positive tests (Perry) 8289
Hospice for AIDS patients (Dueck) 7867
Hospice, Vancouver, closing of (Boone) 5634
Indians, AIDS program for (Dueck) 7868
Needle exchange program, funding for (Dueck) A. 7450 (Perry) Q. 7450
Needle exchange program, participation in (Dueck) A. 8142, A. 8420, A. 8421 (Marzari) Q. 8142 (Perry)Q. 8420-1, Q. 8420
Pamphlet series on (Dueck) 7867
Patients, cost of care of (Perry) 7087, 8289
Prevention of (Brummet) 7528, 7531 (Dueck) 7866-7, 7867, 7868, 8290 (Perry) 7530, 8290, 8291
Prevention of, education re (Brummet) 7528, 7531 (Perry) 8291
Prisoners, condoms for (Dueck) A. 6719, A. 6762 (Guno) Q. 6581, Q. 6719, 7084-5 (Perry) Q. 6762, 7085-7, 7087 (Ree) A. 6581, 7085, 7087, 7087-8
Prisoners, condoms for, consultation with Health ministry re (Guno) Q. 6581 (Ree) Q. 6581
Prisoners, education programs for (Ree) 7087
Prisoners, prevalence of AIDS infection (Perry) 7086, 7087 (Ree) 7087
Prisoners, use of contaminated needles (Perry) 7086
Research on, funding for (Perry) 8291
School programs (Dueck) 7867
Teenagers' knowledge of (Dueck) 7866, 8290
“The New Epidemic” video (Dueck) 7867
Virus antibody testing (Dueck) 7866
Mentioned: (Brummet) 8116 (Perry) 8113, 8119
Act to Prevent the Unnecessary Eviction of Renters etc.
Tenants, protection of (Blencoe) 5649-50
Acton, Laura
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6950
Adair, J. Allen (Boomer)
Mentioned: (Vant) 6844
Adams Lake Park
Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798 (Huberts) 7804
Addison, Frank
Mentioned: (Reid) 7402
Addison, Ray
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8164
Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne (Moved) Mercier 5593-8; (seconded) De Jong 5599-5601. Approved 5762-3. Amdt. (Boone) 5636, negatived 5716
Speakers: Barlee 5754-5; Barnes 5702-3; Blencoe 5676-80; Boone 5631, 5633-6, Bruce 5751-4, Brummet 5627-31; Cashore 5658-62; Clark 5616-20; Crandall 5699-5702; De Jong 5599-5601; Dirks 5667-9; Edwards 5748-51; Gran 5636-7; Guno 5665-7; Hagen, A. 5755-9; Hanson, G. 5725-8; Harcourt 5601-2, 5605-8; Jacobsen 5745-8; Janssen, G. 5611-4, Jones 5669-73; Kempf 5728-31; Loenen 5614-6; Long 5712-5; Lovick 5695-9; Marzari 5646-7, 5653-4; Mercier 5593-8; Messmer 5680-3; Miller 5683-7, Parker 5654-8; Ree 5662-4; Rogers 5687-90, 5695; Rose 5622-7; Serwa 5731-5; Sihota 5637-41; Smallwood 5709-12; Smith, B.R. 5705-9; Strachan 5608-11; Vander Zalm 5759-62, Vant 5620-2; Veitch 5641-6, Weisgerber 5673-6; Williams 5742-5
Information re adopted children, provision of (Sihota) 8817, 8818 (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8817, 8818
Special needs children, financial assistance for adoption of (Sihota) 8818 (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8773, 8818
Adoption Act
Amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8773
Adult education
Lifelong learning (Brummet) 7536
Role of local schools in (Brummet) 7536 (Hagen, A.) 7536, 8008
Adults, Education of
See: Adult education
Advanced Education and Job Training, Ministry of
Speakers: Barnes 8392, 8393; Clark 8375, 8375-6, 8377, 8377-8; Fraser, R. 8328, 8328-9, 8329, 8345-6; Hagen, A. 8338, 8338-9, 8339, 8339-40, 8340, 8374; Hagen, S. 8319, 8319-21, 8324-6, 8325, 8326, 8327, 8327-8, 8328, 8331, 8333, 8334, 8335, 8337, 8338, 8339, 8340, 8340-1, 8343-4, 8344, 8344-5, 8345, 8346, 8347-8, 8348, 8348-9, 8349, 8349-50, 8350, 8350-1, 8351, 8352, 8353, 8353-4, 8354, 8355, 8360, 8361, 8362, 8362-3, 8363, 8364, 8364-5, 8365, 8365-6, 8366, 8368, 8369, 8370, 8371, 8371-2, 8372, 8373, 8374-5, 8375, 8376-7, 8378-9, 8380, 8381, 8382, 8382-3, 8384, 8384-5, 8386-7, 8387, 8389, 8391-2, 8393; Harcourt 8384, 8385, 8385-6, 8386, 8387; Jones 8321-4, 8322, 8323, 8324, 8326, 8326-7, 8327, 8328, 8337-8, 8338, 8341-2, 8344, 8345, 8346, 8346-7, 8348, 8349, 8350, 8351, 8351-2, 8352, 8352-3, 8353, 8354, 8354-5, 8355, 8355-6, 8359-60, 8360, 8363-4, 8364, 8365, 8366, 8366-8, 8368, 8369, 8370, 8371, 8380, 8381, 8381-2, 8382, 8383-4, 8387-9, 8388, 8388-9, 8389-90, Kempf 8344; Lovick 8360, 8360-1, 8361, 8361-2, 8362, 8363; Michael 8346; Miller 8390-1, 8392; Perry 8329-31, 8331-3, 8333, 8333-4, 8334-5; Rose 8335-7, 8336, 8337; Serwa 8363; Smallwood 8372, 8372-3, 8373, 8375, 8378, 8379, 8379-80
Advertising, expenditures on (Hagen, S.) 8365 (Jones) 8365
Annual reports tabled (Hagen, S.) 6038
Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Couvelier) 5768 (Crandall) 5908 (Mercier) 5958
Budget, information re (Hagen, S.) 8326, 8343 (Jones) 8324, 8341, 8346
Centralization of power in (Jones) 8324
Committees (Jones) 8325
Private training institutions branch, privatization of (Jones) 8389
Women's programs, responsibility for (Jones) 5830
Women's secretariat (Hagen, S.) 8355 (Jones) 8355
Advertising, Government
See: Government advertising
Advisory Committee on AIDS
See entries under Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage
Committee (Loenen) 5615 (Reid) 7463 (Serwa) 5732
Establishment of (Reid) 7381, 7429-30
Goals of (Barnes) 7436 (Reid) 7464
Kornagata Maru incident, recommendation re (Reid) 7455
Mandate (Barnes) 5705 (Reid) 7464
Meetings (Barnes) 7429, 7457 (Reid) 7430
Members (Barnes) 5703, 7428 (Reid) 7430, 7455
Multiculturalism, policy on, recommendations re (Barnes) 7457
Statement quoted (Reid) 7464
Work of (Reid) 7433
Mentioned: (Reid) 7437 (Vander Zalm) 8671
Advisory Council for Sports and Recreation
Banned substances in sport, inquiry into (Johnston) 6565
Mentioned: (Johnston) 6647
Advisory Council on Adjustment
Members (Hagen, S.) 8391 (Miller) 8390
Adwood Manufacturing Ltd.
Mentioned: (Parker) 5656
Aerospace industries
Development of (Jansen, J.) 7720
Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies
Cultures West quoted (Hagen, A.) 7517
Work of (Reid) 7433
Mentioned: (Barnes) 5702, 7434
Agassiz-Harrison School District
See: School District 76 (Agassiz-Harrison)
Age of retirement
See: Retirement age
Care of, quick response team for Nanaimo (Dueck) 6421 (Lovick) 6421
Care of, quick response teams (Dueck) 6420 (Lovick) 6420
Care of, quick response teams, funding for (Dueck) 6143 (Hagen, A.) 6143
Choosing Wellness program (Dueck) 6424
Counsellors for, work of (Hagen, A.) 5948, 5949 (Loenen) 5947
Drug action program (Dueck) 6424
Federal services for, reduction in (Hagen, A.) Q. 6411 (Vander Zalm) A. 6411
Health care (Throne speech) 5589
Health care costs (Dueck) 7850
Health care user fees (Hagen, A.) 6873
Health promotion projects (Dueck) 6074
Home care of (Boone) 5719 (Couvelier) 5768 (Crandall) 5719 (Dueck) 6421
Hospital admissions and quick-response programs (Dueck) 6072
Kamloops seminar for (Richmond) 5898
Land Tax Deferment Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act
Mental health outreach, Okanagan-Kootenays area team (Dueck) 6400, 6404
Minister Responsible for Seniors, mandate of (Dueck) 6071
Multicultural community, problems of elderly (Boone) 7464-5
Number of (Dueck) 7850
Office for seniors, establishment of (Dueck) 6072, 7692 (Hagen, A.) 6093
Organizations funded by Social Services and Housing ministry, list of (Hagen, A.) 8779 (Richmond) 8780
Organizations, guidelines for funding of (Hagen, A.) 8780
Organizations representing views of (Hagen, A.) 7826, 7827, 7828
Poverty, elderly living in poverty (Rose) 6133, 6134
Poverty, elderly women In poverty (Hanson, L.) 6955 (Rose) 6134 (Smallwood) 6955
Programs for (Dueck) 6072, 7850 (Loenen) 5615 (Richmond) 5897 (Smith, S.D.) 5921
Programs for, funding for (Couvelier) 5768 (Dueck) 6072 (Reid) 5839-40, 5840
Programs for, information re (Dueck) 7851 (Hagen, A.) 7849, 7851
Programs for, support systems (Hagen, A.) 7850
Property tax deferment program (Barnes) 6255 (Clark) 6169, 6871-2 (Couvelier) 5772, 6871, 6873-4 (Hagen, A.) 6872-3 (Johnston) 6161 (Lovick) 6873 (Marzari) 5819, 6876 (Miller) 6886 (Perry) 6166
Property tax deferment program, cost of (Clark) 7143, 7144 (Couvelier) 7144
Property tax deferment program, interest rate on deferred taxes (Couvelier) 6874 (Hagen, A.) 6873
Property tax deferment program legislation, Social Credit Party position on (Clark) 6871-2, 7143 (Couvelier) 6874 (Hagen, A.) 6872 (Lovick) 6873
Property tax deferment program, number eligible (Clark) 7143 (Couvelier) 7143
Property tax deferment program, use of (Clark) 7143, 7143-4 (Couvelier) 7143, 7144 (Hagen, A.) 6872, 6873
Psycho-geriatric patients, care of (Hagen, A.) 7116
Seniors' advisory council (Dueck) 6072, 6084, 7378 (Throne speech) 5589
Seniors' advisory council, appointment of (Dueck) 6094
Seniors' advisory council, representations to re problems of multicultural community (Boone) 7464-5
“Services Supporting the Independence of Seniors” mentioned (Dueck) 7851
Sleeping pills, tranquillizers, use of (Dueck) 6424-5 (Marzari) 6424, 6425
Task force on (Couvelier) 5768 (Dirks) 5668 (Dueck) 6072, 6084, 6137, 7692 (Hagen, A.) 6093, 7829 (Loenen) 5947 (Messmer) 5683 (Michael) 5864 (Throne speech) 5589
Task force on, appointment of (Dueck) 6094 (Hagen, A.) 6093-4
Task force on, mandate of (Dueck) 6094 (Hagen, A.) 6093
Task force on, report of (Hagen, A.) 7851
“Toward a Better Age: Strategies for Improving the Lives of Senior British Columbians” (Couvelier) 5768 (Dueck) 6072, 6084, 6094, 6137, 7692, 7850 (Hagen, A.) 6093, 7851 (Rose) 6426 (Throne speech) 5589
Transportation for in rural areas (Hagen, A.) 5948
Transportation for, provision of (Boone) 7672
User fees (Hagen, A.) 5758
Aged — Housing
Boundary-Similkameen constituency, housing for elderly (Messmer) 5683
Construction of (Blencoe) 5679
Group homes, construction date and property tax exemption for (Blencoe) 7757
Housing (D’Arcy) 5816 (Hagen, A.) 5758, 5948 (Richmond) 8798, 8800 (Serwa) 5733
Rent increase, Surrey complex (Smallwood) 5940
Rent increases (Blencoe) 5679 (Hagen, A.) 5758 (Marzari) 5819
Rental housing construction, start-up grants for societies (Couvelier) 5772
Tenants, evicted tenants, assistance to (Hanson, L.) 6915 (Vander Zalm) 6914-5
Tenants, eviction of, Vancouver (Hanson, L.) 6924 (Harcourt) 8662 (Marzari) 5818 (Perry) 5884
Agricultural labourers
Minimum pay standards (Hanson, L.) A. 8232 (Sihota) 6389, Q. 8232
Pesticides, protection from (Sihota) 6963
Pesticides, regulations for use of (Sihota) 6444
Safety regulations for, implementation of (Sihota) 6444
Women workers, impact of free trade agreement on (Hagen, A.) 8374 (Hagen, S.) 8374 (Smallwood) 8372
Workers' Compensation Board coverage for (Hanson, L.) A. 5876, 6444, 6962 (Sihota) Q. 5876, 6444, 6896, 6962
Agricultural Land Commission
Annual report tabled (Savage) 6580
Decisions, appeals (Barlee) 7222 (Rose) 7216
Decisions, appeals to Environment and Land Use Committee (Barlee) 7168, 7214 (De Jong) 7217 (Rose) 7172 (Savage) 7172, 7215
Decisions, overruling of by Environment and Land Use Committee (Barlee) 7169, 7170, 7214, 7215 (Loenen) 7170 (Rose) 7215-6 (Savage) 7169, 7215
Decisions, right of appeal (Gran) 7173 (Rose) 7172
Duncan hearings (Barlee) 7222
Mandate, expansion of (Barlee) 8560
Regionalization of (Rose) 7216
Terra Nova land, recommendation re quoted (Perry) 8257
Mentioned: (Jones) 7235 (Perry) 7776, 7777, 8256 (Rabbitt) 7242 (Sihota) 6388
Agricultural land reserve
Additions to (Rose) 7172 (Savage) 7169 (Strachan) 8087
Agricultural land reserve (Barlee) 7167 (Jones) 7224, 7225, 7231 (Savage) 7225
Armstrong sawmill, exclusion of land for (Savage)A. 6939 (Williams) Q. 6938-9
Establishment of, compensation to farmers, ranchers (Rabbitt) 7242
Establishment of, reason for (De Jong) 7217
Exclusions from (Barlee) 7168, 7222, 8560 (Cashore) 8084 (Clark) 5619 (Rose) 7172 (Savage) 7169, 7225
Exclusions from, cabinet's powers re (Harcourt) 8659, 8660
Exclusions from, cases cited (Barlee) 7168-9
Exclusions from, taxing of profit on, proposal re (Clark) 7216 (Rabbitt) 7242 (Savage) 7217
Golf courses, land for (Jones) 7225, 7226-7, 7226, 7235 (Savage) 7226, 7234
Government's position on (Barlee) 7168, 7189-90, 7190
Kamloops land, exclusion from reserve (Peterson) 7223
Land parcels, reduction in size of (Michael) 7193 (Savage) 7194
Land values and reserve (Gran) 5918
Langley land in reserve (Peterson) 5805
Okanagan Valley, exclusions from reserve (Barlee) 5935 (Serwa) 7191
Premier's land, exclusion from reserve (Clark) 5619
Preservation of (Barlee) 7192
Spetifore property, exclusion from reserve (Davidson) 7778-9 (Harcourt) Q. 8357, Q. 8358 (Perry) 7778 (Savage) 7778 (Vander Zalm) A. 8357, A. 8358
Terra Nova land. See entries under name of property
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7188 (Harcourt) 5608
Agricultural produce
See: Farm produce
B.C. Federation of Agriculture disaster relief fund, proposal re (Barlee) 7193
Delta constituency (Savage) 5853, 7165
Economy of B.C. and agriculture (Barlee) 5936 (Savage) 7178
Extension services to industry (Vander Zalm) 7256
Free trade agreement and agriculture (Barlee) 5935, 7189 (De Jong) 7217 (Savage) 7189, 7217-8, 7236
Free trade agreement and agriculture, monitoring of (Barlee) Q. 8422 (Savage) A. 8422
Funding for (Chalmers) 5859
Industry, future of (De Jong) 7217
Industry, government's position on (Barlee) 7169, 7224 (De Jong) 7217 (Jones) 7224 (Savage) 7190
Industry in B.C. (Barlee) 7188 (Savage) 7164-5 (Vander Zalm) 7256
Industry, support for (Barlee) 5935-6
Intensive farming, practice of (Loenen) 7174
Interest rebate program (De Jong) 5817
Investment in (Savage) 7178
Langley constituency (Peterson) 5805
Peace River area (Weisgerber) 5673
Regional development and agriculture (Savage) 7165
Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of
Estimates 7164-76, 7186-94, 7214-29, 7231-45, 7250-75
Speakers: Barlee 7167-9, 7169-70, 7171, 7174-5, 7175, 7186-7, 7187-8, 7188, 7188-9, 7189-90, 7192-3, 7214-5, 7215, 7222, 7223, 7224; Clark 7216, 7267-8, 7268, 7269, 7270, 7271, 7272, 7273, 7274, 7274-5; De Jong 7217, 7218, 7218-9, 7219, 7219-20, 7220, 7221, 7222; Edwards 7240, 7241, 7242, 7242-3, 7243; Gran 7172-3; Guno 7251-2, 7252, 7253, 7257-8, 7265, 7265-6, 7266; Hanson, G. 7243-5, 7250, 7252-3, 7253-4, 7254, 7262, 7263, 7264, 7264-5, 7265, 7266, 7267, Jones 7224, 7225, 7225-6, 7226-7, 7227, 7227-8, 7228, 7228-9, 7229, 7231, 7232, 7232-3, 7233, 7233-4, 7234, 7234-5, 7235; Loenen 7170-1, 7173-4; Michael 7193-4; Miller 7254, 7256-7, 7257, 7258, 7258-9, 7259, 7259-60, 7260-1, 7261, 7261-2, 7262; Peterson 7223; Rabbitt 7242; Rose 7172, 7173, 7215-6, 7216, 7271, 7272, 7273; Savage 7164-7, 7169, 7171-2, 7175, 7175-6, 7187, 7188, 7189, 7190, 7192, 7194, 7215, 7216, 7217, 7217-8, 7218, 7219, 7220, 7221, 7222, 7223, 7223-4, 7224, 7224-5, 7225, 7226, 7227, 7228, 7229, 7231-2, 7232, 7233, 7234, 7235, 7235-6, 7236, 7237, 7238, 7239, 7240, 7240-1, 7241, 7241-2, 7242, 7243, 7250-1, 7252, 7253, 7254, 7257, 7258, 7259, 7260, 7261, 7262, 7262-3, 7263, 7263-4, 7264, 7265, 7266, 7267, 7268, 7269, 7269-70, 7270, 7270-1, 7271, 7272, 7272-3, 7273, 7274; Serwa 7190-2; Sihota 7236, 7236-7, 7237, 7238-9, 7239-40, 7240; Vander Zalm 7255-6; Williams 7271, 7272, 7275
Annual report tabled (Savage) 6180
Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Barlee) 5935, 7175, 7224 (Savage) 7175, 7224
Appropriation, percentage of total budget (Barlee) 7189
Regional development extension program, funding for (Savage) 7167
Regional development extension program, staff (Savage) 7167
Special warrants, need for (Savage) 7224
Staff, number of (Barlee) 7190 (Savage) 7190
Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6964
Agriculture Protection Act
(Bill 30) (Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries) 1R, 7177-8; 2R, 7688-9; C, 7895-9; 3R, 7899; RA, 8010
Speakers: Clark 7895, 7896, 7899; Janssen, G. 7897, 7899; Loenen 7898; Lovick 7896, 7897, 7898; Savage 7177-8, 7895, 7895-6, 7897, 7898, 7898-9, 7899
Agriculture and economy of B.C. (Savage) 7178
Agriculture, investment in (Savage) 7178
Aquaculture, Agriculture Protection Act coverage for (Lovick) 7897
Farms, management practices, guidelines for (Janssen, G.) 7897 (Savage) 7897
Farms, operations, court actions re (Barlee) 7688 (Clark) 7896 (Savage) 7896
Farms, operations, municipal bylaws (Clark) 7895 (Savage) 7895
Farms, operations, prevention of use of injunctions against (Barlee) 7688 (Savage) 7178, 7688
Farms, operations, prevention of use of injunctions against, appeal process (Barlee) 7688
Farms, operations, threatened actions re, cooling-off period (Janssen, G.) 7897 (Loenen) 7898 (Lovick) 7896 (Savage) 7896, 7898-9
Farms, Richmond, conflict re farm operations (Loenen) 7898
Fish-farms, B.C. Finfish Aquaculture Inquiry, recommendations (Savage) 7898
Fish-farms, complaints re operations (Janssen, G.) 7899 (Savage) 7899
Fish-farms, problems (Lovick) 7898
Agrifood regional development subsidiary agreement
Funding for (Savage) 7167
Projects (Savage) 5851-2, 7167
Aho, Michael
Mentioned: (Vant) 5620
Ahousaht Indian band
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612, 6999
Aid to developing countries
See: Economic assistance; Technical assistance
Air — Pollution
Air pollution (Strachan) 7969
Automobiles and air pollution (Loenen) 6586 (Perry) 6085-6 (Strachan) 8228
Cleanup of, use of gasoline tax revenue for (Strachan) 8228
Fraser Valley, air pollution (Perry) 5884, 6085
Greater Vancouver area, pollution control enforcement (Rose) 7973
Greater Vancouver area, pollution control mechanisms (Jones) Q. 7249 (Strachan) A. 7249
Greater Vancouver area, sulphur dioxide emissions (Dueck) A. 7482
Incinerators, phasing out use of (Cashore) 6804
North Burnaby constituency, air quality (Jones) 8227
Port Moody, air pollution (Rose) 8098
Pulp mill emissions. See entries under Pulp mills
Respiratory diseases and air pollution (Perry) 6085
Slocan Valley, air pollution (Perry) 6085
Testing for (Cashore) 5659
Vancouver, air pollution (Long) 5715
Air ambulances
See: Airplane ambulances
Air Canada
Alcoholic beverages served on planes, tax on (Smith, S.D.) 6577-8
Fuel purchased in B.C., tax on (Smith, S.D.) 6577
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8633, 8635 (Smallwood) 8811
Air pilots
Government pilots, training for (Michael) 6014
Air service
Air service in north (Weisgerber) 5674
Air service, schedules (Weisgerber) 5674
Air traffic control
System, federal purchase (Jansen, J.) 7701
Air transport assistance program
Helipads, assistance for (Vant) 6851
Helipads study, funding for (Miller) 6850
Aircraft, Government
See: Government aircraft
Planes operated in B.C., sales tax on for period 1960 to 1983 (Couvelier) 8579, 8635
Planes, other property in B.C., sales tax on (Clark) 8690, 8691 (Couvelier) 8579, 8690-1, 8691
Planes, sales tax on (Smith, S.D.) 6577
Social Service Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1989. See name of act
Temporary Use Tax Validation Act. See name of act
Airplane ambulances
Challenger jet, use of as ambulance (Clark) 6272 (Michael) 6272
Patients transported (Michael) 5967
Prince Rupert helicopter (Miller) 6100
Airplanes, Government
See: Government aircraft
Challenger jet, airports capable of accommodating plane (Michael) 6272
Funding for (Loenen) 5932
Yale-Lillooet constituency airports, funding for (Rabbitt) 5903
See also: Air transport assistance program
Airshow Canada, Abbotsford, B.C.
Military buyers at show (Clark) 7720 (Jansen, J.) 7720-1
Trade show (Jansen, J.) 7720
Mentioned: (Dueck) 5878 (Jansen, J.) 7702
Aiyansh, B.C.
Bridge, construction of (Vant) 6729
Ban on import of alar-treated fruit (Barlee) Q. 6834 (Savage) A. 6834
Use of (Savage) 6834
Oil, pipeline for, proposal re (Smith, S.D.) 5923
Alaska Coastal Management Act (Alaska)
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7931
Alaska Highway
See: Highway 97
Alberni Canal, B.C.
Ferry service, subsidy for (Janssen, G.) 6697 (Vant) 6697
Tidal wave (Janssen, G.) 7040, 7041 (Ree) 7040-1, 7041
Alberni constituency
By-election campaign, NDP signs (Janssen, G.) 7445 (Reid) 7445
By-election, date for (Janssen, G.) 7444-5 (Reid) 7445
Ethnic groups (Janssen, G.) 5612
Health study (Dueck) 6430 (Janssen, G.) 5910, 6429-30, 6430
Health study, funding for (Janssen, G.) 6429
History of (Janssen, G.) 5611-2
Industries (Janssen, G.) 5612
MLAs representing constituency (Janssen, G.) 5612
Pollution problems (Janssen, G.) 6429
Population loss (Janssen, G.) 6429
Property tax (Janssen, G.) 5613
Residents (Janssen, G.) 5612
Alberni District Secondary School, Port Alberni, B.C.
Problems (Janssen, G.) 7536-7
Reconstruction (Brummet) 7537 (Janssen, G.) 7537
Alberni School District
See: School District 70 (Alberni)
Alberni Valley Times, Port Alberni, B.C.
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 6480
Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District
Population, decline in (Janssen, G.) 5613
Budget (Couvelier) 7355
Election, 1989, Social Credit Party candidates (Lovick) 5698
Task force on environment and the economy (Strachan) 8074
Waste disposal facilities, funding for (Edwards) 6599
Alberta Energy Co. Ltd.
Alberta Gas Trunk Line Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Miller) 8390
Alberta Wheat Pool
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7076
Albion-Fort Langley ferry
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 5815
Alcoholic beverages
Bootlegging, fines for (Boone) 8464 (Hanson, L.) 8463, 8534 (Smallwood) 8534
Chinese medicinal wine, access to (Gran) Q. 6761 (Hanson, L.) A. 6761
Liquor Distribution Board listings, appeals re (Hanson, L.) 8463
Price of and alcoholism (Perry) 6152
Retail liquor stores, decisions on licences, overruling of (Boone) Q. 8655, Q. 8656 (Hanson, L.) A. 8655-6, A. 8656
Special occasion licences, competition with regular liquor outlets (D’Arcy) 7160
Special occasion licences, number of issued (Couvelier) 7159
Special occasion licences, prepaid sales tax on liquor (Clark) 7158, 7159 (Couvelier) 7109, 7158 (D’Arcy) 7159
Special occasion licences, problems re issuing of (Clark) 7158
Alcoholics Anonymous
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6945, 6953
Advisory committee on programs (Hanson, L.) 6944-5, 6950
Advisory committees on at regional level (Hanson, L.) 6944
Community action program (Dirks) 6949 (Hanson, U6947
Community action program, expenditures by region (Boone) 6951-2 (Hanson, L.) 6952
Community action program, grants (Boone) 6950 (Hanson, L.) 6944, 6950, 6951 (Loenen) 6951
Counsellors, number of (Hanson, L.) A. 7608 (Jones)Q. 7608
Counsellors, training of (Hanson, L.) 6944
CounterAttack program. See name of program
Education programs in school system (Boone) 6153 (Hagen, A.) 6952
Prevention and treatment, community involvement in (Vander Zalm) 6942
Prevention and treatment, contracting out of (Boone) 6941-2, 6941, 6950 (Hanson, L.) 6944 (Vander Zalm) 6942, 6949
Prevention and treatment, funding for (Boone) 6942, 6945 (Hanson, L.) 6891-2, 6945 (Vander Zalm) 6942
Prevention and treatment, interministerial cooperation on (Hagen, A.) 6952 (Hanson, L.) 6952
Prevention and treatment, planning for (Boone) 6942 (Hanson, L.) 6944
Prevention and treatment, regionalization of programs (Hanson, L.) 6944, 6945, 6947
Prevention and treatment services (Hanson, L.) 6949 (Sihota) 6949
Prevention and treatment, staffing for at regional level (Boone) 6945, 6947 (Hanson, L.) 6946, 6948 (Sihota) 6948 (Vander Zalm) 6948
Price of alcohol and alcoholism (Perry) 6152, 6154
Problem in north (Guno) 5956-7
Special resources division library (Boone) 6947 (Hanson, L.) 6947
Special resources division staff, reassignment of (Boone) 6942, 6944
Special resources division, work of, reassignment of (Boone) 6942, 6945, 6947 (Hanson, L.) 6945, 6947 (Sihota) 6948
TRY program (Hanson, L.) 6891, 6944 (Perry) 6152 (Reid) 6948
TRY program, development of (Boone) 6950
TRY program, expenditures on (Boone) 6952 (Hanson, L.) 6952
TRY program mentioned (Boone) 6941 (Hanson, L.) 6945, 6953, 7608 (Jones) 7608 (Sihota) 6970
Treatment, assessment standard (Hanson, L.) 6945
Treatment facilities (Hagen, A.) 6952 (Hanson, L.) 6891
Treatment, funding for residential facilities (Boone)Q. 6178 (Hanson, L.) A. 6178
Treatment, post-treatment care (Hanson, L.) 6953
Treatment program (Gran) 7013 (Long) 5831 (Savage) 5853 (Smith, S.D.) 5921 (Throne speech) 5589
Treatment program, federal funds for (Jones) 5829
Treatment program, funding for (Couvelier) 5768 (Peterson) 5803-4
Treatment, varieties of (Hanson, L.) 6945
Women and youth consultants, positions of (Boone) 6941, 6942, 6944 (Hanson, L.) 6945
Young people, programs for (Hagen, A.) 6953 (Hanson, L.) 6953, 6954
Young people, theatre production mentioned (Hanson, L.) 6953
See: City councilmen
Alex Fraser Bridge
Expansion of to six lanes (Loenen) 6811-2 (Rose) 6816 (Vant) 6728, 6813, 6816
Interchange, north end of bridge (Loenen) 6811-2 (Vant) 6812, 6813
Landscaping, north end of bridge (Loenen) 6726 (Vant) 6728
Telephone, north end of bridge (Loenen) 6726
Mentioned: (Davidson) 6731 (Fraser, R.) 6707 (Hagen, A.) 8173 (Harcourt) 6592 (Long) 6447, 6617 (Vander Zalm) 5604, 5762, 6164 (Vant) 6682, 6706, 7944
Alexander Consulting Group Ltd.
Mentioned: (Veitch) 7574
Alexander Mackenzie Heritage Trail
Mentioned: (Brummet) 5628
Winter kill (Savage) 7218
Winter kill, assistance in replanting (Rabbitt) Q. 6834 (Savage) A. 6834-5
All-terrain vehicles
Deaths, injuries (Serwa) 8079
Environment, damage to (Serwa) 8079
Helmets, use of by operators (Ree) 7044 (Rose) 7043
Licensing requirements (Ree) 7044
Operation of, requirements to be met (Rose) 7043
Regulation of (Serwa) 8079
Three-wheeled vehicles, banning of (Ree) 7044 (Rose) 7043-4, 7044
Allan, Douglas
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7842
Allert, Neil
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7742, 7842
Allied health personnel
Paramedics, use of (Fraser, R) 6118
See also: Audiologists; Speech therapists
Almas, Denis
Mentioned: Williams) 6235
Alpha College, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Jones) 8389
Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd.
Electric power production, future production (Kempf) 8437
Electric power production, licences for (Davis) 8441
Electric power, supply of to industry (Davis) 8440
Job creation factor in bargaining with, proposal re (Clark) 8441, 8442
Kemano 2 power, arrangement with B.C. Hydro re (Davis) 8436-7, 8437, 8440, 8442, 8443 (Edwards) 8442 (Kempf) 8436
Kemano 2 power, possible sale of (Kempf) 7650, 7651, 7675, 8069
Kemano 2 power, price of to consumers (Davis) 8439-40 (Kempf) 8439
Kemano 2 power, use of (Davis) 8436-7, 8436, 8440 (Kempf) 7649, 7673, 8436 (Veitch) 7649, 7651, 7674
Kemano 2 project (Kempf) 7673
Kemano 2 project, benefits of (Davis) 8441
Kemano 2 project, impact of (Davis) 8440 (Kempf) 7651-2
Kemano 2 project, impact of on Nechako River (Kempf) 8243, 8246, 8437 (Strachan) 8245
Kemano 2 project, impact of on Ootsa Lake (Kempf) 8437
Kemano 2 project mentioned (Davis) 8423
Manufacturing facilities in B.C., closing of (Clark) 8441
Profits (Clark) 8441
Vanderhoof pulp mill. See entries under Pulp mills
Mentioned: (Clark) 7317 (Davis) 8394, 8428, 8497, 8545 (Harcourt) 8062 (Strachan) 8074
Alzheimer Society of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Perry) 6407
Ambulance service
Advanced life support team (Dueck) 6074
Ambulances, purchase of (Dueck) 6074
Fee, Increase in (Dueck) A. 5798 (Perry) Q. 5798, Q. 5876
Funding for (Dueck) 6074
Name of service (Dueck) 8461
Staff (Dueck) 6074
Staff, grades of employees (Dueck) 8533
Staff, negotiations and Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Hanson, L.) A. 7452 (Sihota) Q. 7452
Staff, transfer of from Health ministry (Boone) 6316 (Dueck) 6315, 6316
American Journal of Psychiatry
Mentioned: (Marzari) 6423
American Polygraph Association
Mentioned: (Clark) 8289
American Society of Municipal Engineers
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8092
Canadian society, Americanization of (Smith, S.D.) 6379
Americanization of law
See entries under Law
Ames v the City of New York
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6743
Amoco Oil Co.
Mentioned: (Davis) 8618
Amos, Gerry
Mentioned: (Guno) 5720
Anahim Lake, B.C.
Highway contractor, employees (Vant) 6811
Anatomy Act
Amendment to (Dueck) 8461 (Jones) 8530
Mentioned: (Dueck) 7377
Andersen, Don
Representations to re Knight Street Pub (Hanson, L.) 6975 (Sihota) 6975
Anderson, David
Appointment of (Barnes) 8157 (Strachan) 8157-8
Tribute to (Barnes) 8157 (Strachan) 8157-8
Mentioned: (Cashore) 8153 (Loenen) 8095 (Strachan) 7787, 8155, 8228
Anderson, Jean
Letter quoted (Reid) 7468
Mentioned: (Reid) 7402
Anderson, John J.
Quoted (Perry) 6189
Ando, Mark
Mentioned: (Reid) 7455
Andre, Harvie
Mentioned: (Miller) 6581
Andrew, Robert
Mentioned: (Vant) 6841
Andrews, Bill
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8108, 8222
Andrews v the Law Society of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6350
Anglemont, B.C.
Seniors' facilities (Michael) 6270
See: Fishing
Animal culture
Crown land, possible use of for game farms (Edwards) 7691
Game farm products, grading and processing facilities (Edwards) 7691
Game farm products, inspection of (Savage) 7691
Game farm products, marketing of (Edwards) 7690
Game farmers, licensing of (Savage) 7178, 7689
Game farms, size of (Savage) 7691
Game farms, species farmed (Edwards) 7689 (Savage) 7178, 7691
Game, protection of and game farming (Edwards) 7691
Game-farming and environment (Savage) 7178, 7689
Game-farming and protection of wild stock (Savage) 7178, 7689
Game-farming, disease problem (Edwards) 7690
Game-farming, escapes (Edwards) 7690 (Savage) 7691
Game-farming, imported stock for (Edwards) 7690
Game-farming industry, promotion of (Edwards) 7689
Game-farming, interministerial cooperation on (Savage) 7178
Game-farming, use of antibiotics in (Edwards) 7690
Legislation on (Crandall) 5701 (Edwards) 5750 (Throne speech) 5588
Poaching, problem of and game-farming (Edwards) 7690
Reindeer farming (Weisgerber) 5673
Rangeland, cattle and number of wildlife (Edwards) 7242 (Savage) 7242
Wildlife biologists, role of and wildlife (Edwards) 7182
Wildlife, crop loss due to grazing, compensation for (Barlee) 7223
Wildlife damage, compensation fund, recommendation re (Edwards) 7243 (Savage) 7243
Wildlife, inventory of (Edwards) 7183
Wildlife, kills, reporting of accidental kills (Edwards) 8685 (Strachan) 8685
Anorexia nervosa
Incidence of (Marzari) 6423
Mortality rate (Marzari) 6423
Treatment for (Dueck) 6423-4 (Marzari) 6423
Anthony, Earle
Mentioned: (Cashore) 8235-6
Apartment houses
Fire safety requirements (Johnston) 7765
Incinerators, phasing out use of (Cashore) 6804
Appetite disorders
Teen-age eating disorders (Dueck) 6423-4 (Marzari) 6423
See also names of disorders, e.g. Bulimarexia
Dwarf trees (Serwa) 7192
Export of (Savage) 7232
Golden Delicious apples, growers (Barlee) 7174
Growers, problems (Barlee) 7174
National supply management system, negotiations re (Barlee) 7222 (Savage) 7222
Production costs (Savage) 7192 (Serwa) 7191
Production costs and agricultural land reserve (Serwa) 7191
Red Delicious, export of (Messmer) 5683
Red Delicious, growers' problems (Savage) 7192
Applied science
See: Technology
Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill PR404) (Rabbitt) 1R, 7229; report 8420
Speakers: Rabbitt 7229
Technologists and technicians, definition of (Rabbitt) 7229
Technologists and technicians, scope of practice (Rabbitt) 7229
Appraisers, Real estate
See: Real estate appraisers
Apprenticeship program (De Jong) 5600 (Hagen, S.) 6750 (Throne speech) 5587
Apprenticeship program, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8391
Construction industry, apprentices (Messmer) 5682
Number of (Hagen, S.) 8321, 8391 (Miller) 8390
Price Waterhouse and Co. report on (Miller) 8390, 8391
Apprenticeship Act
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 7482
Apsey, T. Michael
Mentioned: (Williams) 5743
Agriculture Protection Act coverage for (Lovick) 7897
Employee venture capital corporations, investments in aquaculture (Clark) 7569, 7570, 7573 (Miller) 7571 (Veitch) 7569-70, 7572
Environment, protection of and aquaculture (Hanson, G.) 6344 (Savage) 6344
Evergreen Islands, aquaculture activities (Gabelmann) 5872-3
Foreign ownership of industry (Clark) 7573, 7574
Industry, capitalization (Miller) 7572 (Veitch) 7572
Industry, value of (Savage) 7166
Licensing scheme (Savage) 7167
Norway, aquaculture industry (Miller) 7572
Okanagan College course (Michael) 7194
Ombudsman's report on (Lovick) 7897
Products, handling of prior to processing (Savage) 6344
Research and development (Hanson, G.) 7263 (Savage) 7263
Research, funding for (Savage) 7167
Trade show (Michael) 5969
Water quality and aquaculture (Savage) 5852
See also: Fish-culture
Arbanas, Katrina
Out-of-province treatment for (Dueck) 6430, 6431 (Janssen, G.) 6430, 6431
Arbutus Society for Children
Mentioned: (Perry) 6318 (Richmond) 8812
Archer Communications Inc.
Insider trading, late filing of (Clark) 7635
Shares, increase in price of (Clark) 7634
Shares, stop-trading order (Couvelier) 7636
Upticking, allegation re (Clark) 7635
Mentioned: (Clark) 8693
Arland, Josephine
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7742, 7842
Arms and armour
Arms dealers (Gabelmann) 7717, 7718
Arms industry and technology (Gabelmann) 7721
Arms production in B.C. (Clark) 7720 (Gabelmann) 7710-1, 7711 (Perry) 7719
Arms production in B.C., public funding for (Perry) 7716, 7717
Arms technology industry, government support for (Jansen, J.) A. 7035 (Perry) Q. 7035
B.C. delegation to ARMX '89 (Gabelmann) 7710-1 (Jansen, J.) 7711
B.C. delegation to ARMX '89, funding for (Perry) Q. 7035
Sweden, arms industry (Gabelmann) 7721 (Jansen, J.) 7718-9 (Perry) 7719 (Smith, S.D.) 7718
Arms, Coats of
See: Heraldry
Arms industry
See entries under Arms and armour
Armstrong, B.C.
Sawmill, land for, exclusion of from agricultural land reserve (Savage) A. 6939 (Williams) Q. 6938-9
Sewage system (Michael) 5864
Armstrong-Spallumcheen School District
See: School District 21 (Armstrong-Spallumcheen)
Army and Navy Department Store Ltd.
Mentioned: (Johnston) 6664 (Williams) 6661, 6662-3, 6662
Arrow Lakes, B.C.
Indian land claims (Janssen, G.) 6204
Works of art, acquisition of (Hanson, G.) 6645
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 5772
Aid to individual artists (Johnston) 6565
Alberta, funding for arts (Hanson, G.) 6645
Employment in (Hanson, G.) 6645
Funding for (Hanson, G.) 6644, 6645, 6645-6 (Johnston) 6565
Funding for, lottery funds (Hanson, G.) 6646 (Johnston) 6645
Arts Club Theatre, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Rose) 6567
Arvay, Joseph J.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6577
Aryan Nations
Mentioned: (Barnes) 6365 (Sihota) 7463
Aryan Resistance Movement
Flier quoted (Barnes) 7588
Literature, contravention of law (Barnes) 7588
Literature, RCMP investigation into (Reid) 7588
Prosecution of (Barnes) 7588
Government buildings, asbestos in (Michael) 5968
Ash, Arthur James Richard
Death of (Throne speech) 5585
Ashcroft, B.C.
Bridge problem (Rabbitt) 6794 (Vant) 6795
Ashcroft and District Curling Club
Funding for (Rabbitt) 5903
Ashcroft Rod and Gun Club
Funding for (Rabbitt) 5903
Ashmore, Peter
Mentioned: (Marzari) 8583
Economy of Asian countries (Couvelier) 7311
Trade with (Gabelmann) 7709 (Jansen, J.) 7709
Asia Pacific Report
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7731
Asian Canadians
Asian influence (Loenen) 5615
Asian Wall Street Journal
Mentioned: (Michael) 6237
Harvesting of (Parker) 6982
Aspinall, Craig
Mentioned: (Williams) 5994, 5995
Assault, Sexual
See: Rape
Asselin, Pierre
Mentioned: (Savage) 6675
Assembly of First Nations
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 7489
Assessment Act
Orders-in-council and regulations, validation of (Couvelier) 7620
Revision of (Clark) 7621 (Couvelier) 7620
“Tree-farm”, change of term to “managed forest land” (Johnston) 7763 (Miller) 7763
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 5653 (De Jong) 6257 (Miller) 7763
Assessment Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 48) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 7509; 2R, 7619-21; C, 7845-8; 3R, 7848; RA, 8010
Speakers: Clark 7845, 7846, 7847, 7848; Couvelier 7509, 7619-21, 7845, 7846, 7847, 7848; D'Arcy 7845, 7845-6; Williams 7846
Assessment Act, revision of (Clark) 7621 (Couvelier) 7620
Assessment Appeal Board, appeals, powers re (Couvelier) 7619
Assessment Appeal Board, appeals to based on setting of rates (Couvelier) 7620
Assessment of pipeline property, appeals (Couvelier) 7620
Assessment of utility properties (Clark) 7846 (Couvelier) 7509, 7619-20, 7620, 7846
Assessments, appeal procedures (Couvelier) 7509
B.C. Hydro property, assessment and taxation of (Couvelier) 7620 (D’Arcy) 7845-6, 7845
Church property, classification of for taxation purposes (Clark) 7847, 7848 (Couvelier) 7620, 7847, 7848
Churches, Surrey church land, taxation of (Clark) 7847, 7848 (Couvelier) 7847, 7848
Courts of revision, appointments to (Clark) 7846, 7847 (Couvelier) 7620, 7847
Mobile homes, property tax, provision for loss of mobile homes (Couvelier) 7620
Orders-in-council and regulations, validation of (Couvelier) 7620
Purpose of act (Couvelier) 7845 (Williams) 7846
Assessment Appeal Board
Annual report tabled (Couvelier) 5653
Appeals, powers re (Couvelier) 7619
Appeals to based on setting of rates (Couvelier) 7620
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7276, 7282 (Harcourt) 8833 (Smith, B.R.) 8829
Assessment Authority Act
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 8541
Assessment Authority of British Columbia
Annual report tabled (Couvelier) 6462
Appraisers, use of (D’Arcy) 7912, 7914
Establishment of (Blencoe) 6162 (Harcourt) 6163 (Miller) 7297
Indians, reserve land, arrangements for assessment of (Guno) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8447, 8541
Indians, reserve land, taxation appeals process (Hanson, G.) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8541
Lasqueti meeting (Couvelier) 6132
Topley Landing lake lots, assessed value of (Darks) 7955 (Kempf) 7955
Westminster Quay land, valuation of (Michael) 6342 (Williams) 6342
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6252 (Chairman) 7505 (Clark) 7151 (Couvelier) 7277, 7294, 7295, 7619 (D’Arcy) 7912, 8395 (Darks) 6938 (Johnston) 6251, 6256 (Kempf) 6938, 7892 (McCarthy) 5812 (Michael) 6537 (Miller) 7277, 7295, 7296 (Perry) 6166 (Rogers) 6170 (Smith, S.D.) 8818 (Williams) 6172
Assessment of land for taxation purposes
See entries under Real property tax
Assisted rental program
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8797
Associated Investors of Canada Ltd.
Mentioned: (Clark) 8052
Association for Visually Impaired Students of British Columbia
Brief quoted (Perry) 8112
Mentioned: (Perry) 8113
Association of British Columbia Professional Foresters
Publication quoted (Miller) 5833, 5834
Association of Kootenay and Boundary Municipalities
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8640
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Mentioned: (Jones) 8345
Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5613, 5723 (Lovick) 6065
Astrographic Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Michael) 5980
Atco Lumber Ltd.
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7914
Funding for interprovincial travel (D’Arcy) 7426 (Read) 7427
Athletic fields
Surrey, need for recreational fields (Smallwood) 6629
Resources in north (Guno) 5955
Atlin constituency
Beauty of (Guno) 8707
History of (Guno) 8706
Size of and population (Fraser, R.) 6384 (Smith, S.D.) 6380
Size of and Supreme Court of B.C. judgment (Smith, S.D.) 6380
Attorney General Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 64) (Attorney-General) 1R, 8080; 2R, 8632; C, 8698; 3R, 8698; RA, 8841
Speakers: Sihota 8632; Smith, S.D. 8080, 8632
Crime, proceeds of, use of (Sihota) 8632 (Smith, S.D.) 8080, 8632
Forfeited crime proceeds fund (Smith, S.D.) 8080, 8632
Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 71) (Attorney-General) 1R, 8581-2; 2R, 8632-3; C, 8698-9; 3R, 8699; RA, 8841
Speakers: Gabelmann 8698; Rose 8699; Smith, S.D. 8581-2, 8632-3, 8698, 8698-9, 8699
Estate Administration Act, amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Estates, assets payable to minors (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Expropriation Act, amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Farmers, trespassers, liability in trepans cases (Gabelmann) 8698 (Rose) 8699 (Smith, S.D.) 8698-9, 8699
Infants Act, amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Insurance Act, amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Insurance proceeds payable to infants (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Law and Equity Act, amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Lawyers, law firms, merger of (Gabelmann) 8698
Lawyers, out-of-province law firms, powers to regulate (Smith, S.D.) 8698
Legal Profession Act, amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 8581, 8582
Notaries Act, amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581, 8582
Occupiers Liability Act, amendment to (Gabelmann) 8698 (Smith, S.D.) 8582
Public trustee, powers re money in trust (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Attorney-General, Ministry of
Estimates 6327-39, 6345-66, 6371-93, 6435-8, 6447-58, 6462-87, 6489-6503, 6508-33, 6538-52
Speakers: Barnes 6361-3, 6364-5; Boone 6541; Cashore 6336, 6498-9, 6501, 6502; Clark 6365-6, 6538, 6538-9, 6539, 6539-40, 6540, 6541, 6551; Fraser, R. 6383-4; Guno 6356, 6357, 6358-9, 6361; Hanson, G. 6391-2; Harcourt 6519-20, 6521, 6522, 6523; Marzari 6449, 6508-10, 6510; McCarthy 6451-3; Miller 6517, 6518, 6519; Perry 6545, 6546, Rose 6382-3, 6386, 6390-1, 6391, 6523, 6530, 6531, 6532-3, 6550; Sihota 6338-9, 6345-8, 6350-1, 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354, 6355, 6372, 6372-3, 6373, 6373-4, 6374-5, 6376-7, 6378, 6379, 6380-2, 6387-9, 6447-8, 6448, 6449, 6449-50, 6450-1, 6451, 6489, 6489-90, 6490, 6491, 6492, 6493, 6494, 6495, 6496, 6496-7, 6497, 6503, 6512, 6513-4, 6515-6, 6526, 6528, 6529, 6529-30, 6531, 6531-2, 6532, 6546, 6546-7, 6547, 6548, 6549, 6550, 6552; Smallwood 6514, 6514-5, 6515, 6526, 6527, 6542-3, 6544, 6544-5; Smith, B.R. 6454-8; Smith, S.D. 6327-36, 6337-8, 6349-50, 6351; 6352, 6352-3, 6353, 6354-5, 6355-6, 6356, 6356-7, 6357, 6357-8, 6359-61, 6363-4, 6366, 6371-2, 6372, 6373, 6374, 6375-6, 6377-8, 6379, 6379-80, 6382, 6384-6, 6386-7, 6389-90, 6391, 6392-3, 6448, 6449, 6450, 6451, 6453-4, 6458, 6489, 6490, 6491, 6491-2, 6492-3, 6494, 6494-5, 6495, 6496, 6497, 6497-8, 6499-6501, 6501, 6501-2, 6502, 6502-3, 6510, 6510-2, 6512-3, 6514, 6515, 6516-7, 6518-9, 6519, 6521-2, 6522-3, 6523-6, 6526, 6527, 6527-8, 6528, 6529, 6530, 6531, 6532, 6538, 6539, 6540, 6540-1, 6541, 6541-2, 6543-4, 6544, 6545, 6545-6, 6546, 6547, 6547-8, 6548-9, 6549, 6550, 6550-1, 6551, 6552; Strachan 6448
Annual report 1987-88 fiscal year tabled (Smith, S.D.) 8783
Crown counsel, expenditures on (Michael) 6012
Legal services, expenditures on (Michael) 6012
Responsibilities of (Smith, S.D.) 6328
Restructuring of (Smith, S.D.) 6328
Staff, personal service contracts (Michael) 6012
Staff, tribute to (Smith, B.R.) 6454 (Smith, S.D.) 6328
Shortage of (Dueck) 6101
Audiology services, privatization of (Lovick) 6070, 6227 (Michael) 6070
Auditor General Act
Mentioned: (Speaker) 8317
Estimates 8791-2
Speakers: Marzari 8791; Perry 8792; Peterson 8792; Reid 8791, 8792
Appropriation, Increase in (Reid) 8791
B.C. Enterprise Corporation land sales, examination of (Williams) 7591
B.C. Lottery Corporation, audit of (Williams) 7421, 7424, 8785
Board of Internal Economy accounts and financial procedures, examination of (Reid) 8790
Consolidated revenue fund, statement re (Clark) 7353, 7354-5
Continuing Care Act, recommendations re (Hagen, A.) 7115
Crown corporations, audit of (Williams) 7424
Deficit, report on (Clark) 8403 (Couvelier) 8409
Estimates, recommendations re (Williams) 8786
Forest revenue collection, recommendations re (Parker) 8607
Forest revenue collection, report on (Miller) 8608
Funding for, source of (Marzari) 8791 (Peterson) 8792
Highways contract area 1, audit of quoted (Vent) 6753
Hospitals, report on quoted (Dueck) 6121 jurisdiction of (Jones) 6478
Poole, David, letter re severance pay quoted (Speaker) 8317
Poole, David, severance pay and pension, report on (Harcourt) 8670 (Vander Zalm) 8670
Privatization, report on (Bruce) 6040
Quoted (Hagen, A.) 6552
Report referred to, quoted (Clark) 7317-8, 7320, 7354-5, 7547 (Couvelier) 7355 (Marzari) 8755
Reporting to House (Marzari) 8784, 8791 (Reid) 8791, 8792
Role of (Mercier) 8785 (Smith, S.D.) 6477
Tribute to (Mercier) 8784
Waste management permits, report on (Smallwood) 7751
Mentioned: (Clark) 7126 (Dueck) 6552
Aboriginals in prison, number of (Guno) 7055
AIDS conference mentioned (Perry) 7086
Armament industry (Michael) 6271
Court orders, reciprocal agreement on enforcement of (Smith, S.D.) 8140
Law Reform Commission report mentioned (Guno) 7055
Private schools (Jones) 8124
Land, value of (Serwa) 7191
Auto Marine Electric
Mentioned: (Michael) 5980
Automobile driver education
Driver training (Miller) 7083, 7084 (Ree) 7084
Schools, driver training in (Miller) 7084
Automobile drivers' licences
Age of eligibility for (Miller) 7083, 7084 (Ree) 7084
Japan, training requirement (Ree) 7042-3
Replacement of, provision for (Ree) 6368
Automobile drivers' tests
Computerized system of testing (Ree) 6989, 7084, 7088
Automobile driving in winter
Safety education program (Vant) 6681
Automobile racing
Indy 500 in Vancouver (Perry) 6154
Indy 500 in Vancouver, promotional work for (Clark) 6291-2
Indy 500 in Vancouver, sponsorship of and government policy (Clark) 6291
Air pollution and automobiles (Loenen) 6586 (Perry) 6085-6
Exhaust emission controls (Cashore) Q. 6536 (Ree)A. 6536, 6991, 7079
Exhaust emission task force (Cashore) 6536, 7078 (Lovick) 7079
Muffler replacements, problems re (Ree) 7079
Number of (Vant) 5621
Automobiles — Child restraint systems
Car seats, installation of (Barnes) Q. 8501
Automobiles — Inspection
Commercial vehicles, inspection of. See entries under Commercial vehicles
Exhaust emission inspections (Cashore) Q. 6536, 7078 (Lovick) 7079 (Ree) 7078, 7079 (Strachan) A. 6536
Safety inspection (Janssen, G.) 6850
Safety inspection, establishment of (Cashore) Q. 6536 (Guno) 6990 (Ree) A. 6536, 6990-1, 7078
Safety inspection, roadside inspections (Cashore) 7078-9, 7078 (Ree) 7078
Automobiles — Windows and windshields
Tinted glass, standards for (Davidson) 7075 (Ree) 7075
Tinted glass, use of (Davidson) 7074-5 (Ree) 7075
Automobiles, Government
Number of, reduction in (Michael) 5967 (Rose) 5972
Vehicle modification shop, cost of privatization initiative (Lovick) 6229 (Michael) 6229
Vehicle modification shop, evaluation of privatization of (Lovick) 6229, 6242 (Michael) 6229, 6242-3
Chilliwack area, plan for response to (Ree) 6994
Control of and highways maintenance contracts (Lovick) 6808, 6809 (Vant) 6808-9, 6809
Avalon Dairy Ltd.
Mentioned: (Clark) 7268
Awards of honour
See: Decorations of honour
Axiom International Development Corp.
Securities Commission actions re (Sihota) Q. 6805
Azad, Aristotle
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6310
See entries under Acquired immune deficiency syndrome