Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation


See: Federation of Canadian Municipalities

FMC of Canada Ltd.

Prince George hydrogen peroxide plant (Boone) 7667 (Strachan) 5609, 8083, 8160 (Veitch) 5644, 7639, 7648, 7668, 7669


See: Forest resource development agreement

Factory Act

Mentioned: (Mercier) 7853

Fair Harbour, B.C.

Dock, garbage in area of (Gabelmann) 7929

Fairbairn, Bruce

Mentioned: (Williams) 7470

Fairfield Health Centre, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6317

Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C.

Airport, improvements to (Crandall) 5700

Fallow deer

Game-farming of (Edwards) 7689, 7690 (Savage) 7691

False Creek lands

See entries under British Columbia Place, Vancouver, B.C.


Family in present day (Richmond) 8807

Importance of (Jacobsen) 5747

Support programs for (Gran) 5636 (Richmond) 8807, 8810 (Smallwood) 8808 (Throne speech) 5589

Welfare services, access to (Smallwood) 8808

See also: Initiatives for Strengthening the Family program

Family and Child Service Act

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6462

Family and Child Service Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 76) (Minister of Social Services and Housing) 1R, 8313-4, 8343

Speakers: Richmond 8313-4, 8343

Children, apprehension of, provision of information to parents (Richmond) 8313

Family Compensation Act

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8057

Family court counsellors

See entries under Courts

Family law

See: Domestic relations

Family life education

Program in schools (Brummet) 7528

Role of schools in (Hagen, A.) 7528

Family Maintenance Enforcement Act

Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8774

Mentioned: (Marzari) 6464, 6508, 8734, 8735 (Sihota) 6463 (Smith, S.D.) 6329, 6674, 7112

Family maintenance support program

See entries under Support (Domestic relations)

Family planning

See: Birth control

Family Relations Act

Amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 7112

Mentioned: (Clark) 7155 (Couvelier) 6876 (Smith, S.D.) 6674, 7112

Family Support Institute, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 6719, 8810, 8811

Family violence

Education program, proposal re (Marzari) 6509-10

Family violence (Marzari) 6509

Increase in (Richmond) 8747

Men and family violence (Gran) 8747

Prosecution in cases of, resources for (Smith, S.D.) 6511

Violence against women and children (Harcourt) 8678

See also: Child abuse; Wife abuse

Fantasy Garden World, Richmond, B.C.

Highway directional sign for (Boone) 6813

Mentioned: (Jones) 8275 (Loenen) 6727

Farley, Vick

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 8665

Farm income

Farm cash receipts (Barlee) 5936 (Savage) 7166

Net farm income (Savage) 7166

Farm income insurance program

Program (Rose) 7173 (Savage, ) 7167

Farm produce

Agrifood industry development programs, funding for (Couvelier) 5770

B.C. Ferry Corporation, use of B.C. products (Michael) 7193

Best Buy B.C. program (Savage) 7189

“Buy B.C.” campaign (Barlee) 7188 (Michael) 7193

Commodity councils, canvassing re desire for (Rose) 7987 (Savage) 7987

Commodity councils, funds, use of (Rose) 7989 (Savage) 7989

Commodity councils, levies (Rose) 7987-8

Commodity councils, levies, collection of (Clark) 7894-5 (Lovick) 7894 (Savage) 7688, 7894

Commodity councils, levies, refund of (Rose) 7990 (Savage) 7988-9

Commodity councils, opting out of (Rose) 7988

Commodity councils, promotion of products produced elsewhere (Miller) 7990 (Savage) 7990

Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act. See name of act

Labelling of by country of origin (Barlee) 6834 (Savage) 6834

“The Great Taste of B.C.” program (Savage) 7189


Annual payments to, proposal re (Barlee) 5936

Assistance to (Barlee) 5935

Borrowing by, loan guarantee, proposal re (De Jong) 7218

Interest rate, high rate (De Jong) 7218

Interest rebate program (De Jong) 5817

Right-to-farm legislation, need for (Barlee) 5935

Trespassers, liability in trepass cases (Gabelmann) 8698 (Rose) 8699 (Smith, S.D.) 8698-9, 8699

Farmers' Institute

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 7897

Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act

(Bill 44) (Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries) 1R, 7688; 2R, 7894-5; C, 7987-91; 3R, 7991; RA, 8010

Speakers: Clark 7894-5; Lovick 7894; Miller 7990; Rose 7987, 7987-8, 7988, 7989, 7990; Savage 7688, 7894, 7895, 7987, 7988, 7988-9, 7989, 7990

Annual report, tabling of (Savage) 7990

B.C. Racing Commission, annual report (Rose) 7990

Canadian Cattlemen's Association, checkoff, use of (Rose) 7989

“Commodity group”, definition of (Rose) 7987 (Savage) 7987

Farm produce, commodity councils, canvassing re desire for (Rose) 7987 (Savage) 7987

Farm produce, commodity councils, funds, use of (Rose) 7989 (Savage) 7989

Farm produce, commodity councils, levies (Rose) 7987-8

Farm produce, commodity councils, levies, collection of (Clark) 7894-5 (Lovick) 7894 (Savage) 7688, 7894

Farm produce, commodity councils, levies, refund of (Rose) 7990 (Savage) 7988-9

Farm produce, commodity councils, opting out of (Rose) 7988

Farm produce, commodity councils, promotion of products produced elsewhere (Miller) 7990 (Savage) 7990

Fisheries, commodity councils, canvassing re desire for (Rose) 7987 (Savage) 7987

Fisheries, commodity councils, funds, use of (Rose) 7989 (Savage) 7989

Fisheries, commodity councils, levies (Rose) 7987-8

Fisheries, commodity councils, levies, collection of (Savage) 7688, 7894

Fisheries, commodity councils, levies, refund of (Rose) 7990 (Savage) 7988-9

Fisheries, commodity councils, opting out of (Rose) 7988

Fisheries, commodity councils, promotion of products produced elsewhere (Miller) 7990 (Savage) 7990

Legislation, request for (Rose) 7988 (Savage) 7988

Legislature, annual reports, tabling of (Rose) 7990

Penalty under act (Rose) 7990 (Savage) 7990

Raisin industry, California (Clark) 7895


Delta constituency (Savage) 7165

Family farm, definition of under Property Purchase Tax Act (Marzari) 6876-7

Management practices, guidelines for (Janssen, G.) 7897 (Savage) 7897

Operations, court actions re (Barlee) 7688 (Clark) 7896 (Savage) 7896

Operations, municipal bylaws (Clark) 7895 (Savage) 7895

Operations, prevention of use of injunctions against (Barlee) 7688 (Savage) 7178, 7688

Operations, threatened actions re, cooling-off period (Janssen, G.) 7897 (Loenen) 7898 (Lovick) 7896 (Savage) 7896, 7898-9

Richmond, conflict re farm operations (Loenen) 7898

Urban area farms, sale of (Couvelier) 8562

See also: Dairy farms


See: Agricultural workers

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms

Assistance to in future (Sihota) 7237, 7239

Assistance to in past (Sihota) 7238

Bird quota, meeting of and commitment re (Savage) 7236 (Sihota) 7236

Lilydale Co-operative Ltd., purchase of birds from (Savage) 7236 (Sihota) 7236

Loan guarantee and commitment re processing of birds (Savage) A. 7034, A. 7035, 7236, 7237 (Sihota)Q. 7034-5, Q. 7034, 7236, 7237, 7238, 7239, Q. 7868

Loan guarantee, approval of (Sihota) Q. 7868

Loan guarantee, decision on (Savage) 7237, 7238 (Sihota) 7237, 7238

Loan guarantee, responsibility for (Savage) 7237 (Sihota) 7237

Loan guarantee, safeguarding of (Sihota) 7239-40

Loan guarantee, security for (Savage) 7240 (Sihota) 7239

Faulkner, Hugh

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6260

Fearing, Stephen

Mentioned: (Williams) 7470

Federal Business Development Bank

Services of (Miller) 6776

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8376 (Veitch) 7648 (Williams) 7874

Federal-provincial fiscal relations

Federal budget, government support for (Miller) Q. 6983, 7687 (Parker) A. 6983

Health care costs, federal share of (Dueck) 6149-50

Programs dependent on federal funds (D’Arcy) 5815

Public housing construction, cost-sharing (Couvelier) 5773

Transfer payments (Couvelier) 5767

Transfer payments, reduction in, cost of to B.C. (Bruce) Q. 6461 (Couvelier) A. 6461, 7310-1

Transfer payments, reduction in, effects of (Perry) 6396

Western diversification fund (Davis) 8489 (Edwards) 8489-90 (Miller) 7687

See also: Economic and regional development agreement

Federal-provincial relations

Agreements with federal government (Throne speech) 5590

Immigration agreement with federal government (Jansen, J.) 7701, 7721-2 (Vander Zalm) 8672

Lobbying in Ottawa (Michael) 5976-7

Federal Reserve Bank

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 5814

Federation of British Columbia Naturalists

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 5762

Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6622

Federation of Mountain Clubs of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Perry) 6188

Feed grain

See: Grain as feed

Fees, Professional

Proposal re (Smith, S.D.) 7113, 7210

See also: Costs (Law) ; also subdivision Fees under names of professional groups, e.g. Lawyers — Fees

Fernie, B.C.

Sewer extension, funding for (Edwards) 6600

Waste disposal facility (Edwards) 6599 (Johnston) 6600

Fernie Snow Valley Ski Ltd.

Success of (Edwards) 7412


See names of ferry systems, e.g. British Columbia Ferry Corporation

Ferrochromium plant, Nanaimo, B.C.

See entries under Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp..

Ferry Corporation Act

Mentioned: (Clark) 6778 (Vant) 6839

Fertilization in vitro, Human

Funding for (Dueck) 6299

Procedure mentioned (Marzari) 6299

Festival of the Arts

See: British Columbia Festival of the Arts

Feyer, Gordon

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780

Fibreco Export Inc.

Taylor mill, process used (Brummet) 5627-8

Mentioned: (Williams) 7583

Field, B.C.

Alberta energy grid, connection to (Crandall) 5701

Fields, Andrea

Case referred to (Sihota) 6968, 6970 54-40 (Rock group)

Mentioned: Williams 7470

Film Development Society of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6565

Film industry

See: Moving-picture Industry

Filmon, Gary

Mentioned: (Jones) 6476

Finance and Corporate Relations, Ministry of

Estimates 7275-7, 7281-7324, 7327-55, 7545-52, 7593-7604, 7621-36, 7656-66

Speakers: Blencoe 7331; Clark 7285, 7286, 7287, 7288, 7288-9, 7289, 7289-90, 7290, 7291, 7291-2, 7292, 7293, 7297, 7298, 7299-7300, 7300, 7301, 7301-2, 7302, 7303, 7304, 7304-5, 7306, 7307, 7308, 7309, 7309-10, 7311-2, 7312-3, 7313, 7314-5, 7315, 7315-6, 7316, 7317-8, 7318-9, 7319, 7320, 7321-2, 7322, 7328, 7329, 7330, 7331, 7332, 7339, 7343, 7344, 7345, 7345-6, 7347, 7347-8, 7349, 7351, 7351-2, 7352, 7352-3, 7353, 7353-4, 7354, 7354-5, 7546, 7547, 7548, 7549, 7549-50, 7550, 7551, 7551-2, 7552, 7593-6, 7598-9, 7600, 7601-3, 7604, 7621-2, 7622-3, 7626-7, 7627-8, 7628, 7628-9, 7629, 7656, 7656-7, 7657-8, 7662, 7664, 7664-5; Couvelier 7282-3, 7283, 7284, 7285, 7286, 7287, 7288, 7289, 7290, 7290-1, 7291, 7292, 7293, 7294, 7295, 7296, 7297, 7298, 7300, 7300-1, 7301, 7302, 7302-3, 7303, 7303-4, 7304, 7306-7, 7307, 7308, 7309, 7310-1, 7312, 7313, 7314, 7315, 7316, 7316-7, 7318, 7319, 7320, 7321, 7322, 7323, 7328, 7328-9, 7329-30, 7330, 7331, 7333, 7333-4, 7334, 7335, 7336, 7338, 7338-9, 7340-1, 7341, 7342, 7344-5, 7345, 7346-7, 7347, 7348, 7349, 7350, 7350-1, 7351, 7352, 7353, 7354, 7355, 7545, 7545-6, 7546, 7546-7, 7547, 7547-8, 7548, 7549, 7550, 7550-1, 7551, 7552, 7596-8, 7599-7600, 7600, 7600-1, 7601, 7603, 7604, 7622, 7624-5, 7626, 7627, 7628, 7629, 7635-6, 7656, 7657, 7658, 7658-9, 7659, . 7659-60, 7660, 7661, 7662, 7663, 7664, 7665-6; Davidson 7623-4, 7625-6, 7630-5, 7663; Harcourt 7343, 7343-4; Marzari 7348-9, 7349, 7349-50, 7350, 7351; Miller 7281-2, 7282, 7283, 7283-4, 7284-5, 7293-4, 7294, 7294-5, 7295, 7295-6, 7296-7, 7297; Rabbitt 7305-6; Richmond 7299; Rogers 7546; Rose 7545; Sihota 7322, 7322-3, 7323, 7330, 7330-1, 7331, 7332-3, 7333, 7334, 7334-5, 7335, 7335-6, 7336, 7336-7, 7337-8, 7338, 7339, 7340, 7341, 7341-2, 7342, 7342-3, 7658, 7659, 7660, 7660-1, 7661, 7662, 7663; Williams 7285

Annual report, 1987-88, tabled (Couvelier) 5653

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Couvelier) 7275

B.C. Steamship Company (1975) Ltd., responsibility for (Clark) 7291

Expenditures, increase in (Couvelier) 7275

Loans administration branch. See name of branch

Press release quoted (Couvelier) 7339

Privatized operations, responsibility for (Clark) 7286

Provincial home acquisition account, administration of (Couvelier) 7275

Revenue division, appropriation for (Couvelier) 7275

Staff, investment expertise (Couvelier) 8472 (Williams) 8471

Staff, investment staff, salary levels (Williams) 8469

Finance and Corporate Relations Statutes Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 29) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 6910; 2R, 7581-2; C, 7857-8; 3R, 7858; RA, 8010

Speakers: Clark 7581-2, 7857, 7858; Couvelier 6910, 7581, 7857, 7859

Budget Stabilization Fund Act, amendment to (Clark) 7582 (Couvelier) 7581

Budget stabilization fund, funds (Clark) 7582, 7857 (Couvelier) 7581, 7857

Company Act, amendments to (Clark) 7857 (Couvelier) 7581, 7857

Company directors, information re (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7858

Education (Interim) Finance Act, amendment to (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7581

Income Tax Act, amendment to (Couvelier) 7581

International Financial Business (Tax Refund) Act, amendments to (Couvelier) 7581

International Financial Business (Tax Refund) Act, declaration of claim under act (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7858

Logging Tax Act, amendments to (Couvelier) 7581

Mining Tax Act, amendments to (Couvelier) 7581

Property Purchase Tax Act, amendment to (Couvelier) 7581

Property tax notices, form of (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7858

Property tax notices, issuing of (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7581, 7858

School districts, budgets, deadline for setting of (Couvelier) 7581

School tax on non-residential property, deadline for setting of (Couvelier) 7581

School tax rate, deadline for setting of (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7581, 7858

Taxation (Rural Area) Act, amendment to (Couvelier) 7581

Finance, Public

Finances, management of (Mercier) 5597

See also: Government spending policy

Financial Administration Act

Coquihalla Highway contracts, breaches of act (Clark) 6550, 6551 (Sihota) 6546-7, 6549, 6550 (Smith, S.D.) 6550, 6551

Quoted (Sihota) 6550

Section 56, annual report tabled (Couvelier) 7865

Sections 41, 43 and 45, statement tabled (Couvelier) 6462

Mentioned: (Clark) 6739, 7787 (Couvelier) 5653, 6805, 7156, 7338, 7547 (Gabelmann) 6780 (Jansen, J.) 6778, 6779 (Lovick) 7697, 7698, 8770 (Rose) 6136 (Smith, S.D.) 6333, 6334 (Vant) 6738

Financial Administration Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 37) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 7587; 2R, 8398-8411; C, 8467-73; 3R, 8473; RA, 8586

Amdts: Sec. 6 (Clark) 8468, negatived 8470; sec. 6 (Clark) 8470, negatived 8472; sec. 6 (Clark) 8472, out of order 8472

Divisions: C, 8473

Speakers: Clark 8403, 8403-8, 8467, 8467-8, 8468, 8468-9, 8470, 8472, 8473; Couvelier 7587, 8398-9, 8408-11, 8467, 8468, 8469, 8469-70, 8470, 8471-2, 8472-3, 8473; Edwards 8472, 8473; Rose 8399-8400, 8399-8403, 8400, 8401; Williams 8469, 8470, 8471

Auditor-general, deficit, report on (Clark) 8403 (Couvelier) 8409

B.C. Government Employees' Union, pension investments, diversification of, agreement to (Couvelier) 8399

B.C. Hydro, borrowing in U.S. funds (Williams) 8469

B.C. Hydro, debt, reduction in (Couvelier) 8469

B.C. Place, Expo land sale (Clark) 8405 (Couvelier) 8410

Borrowing in basket currency, provision for (Couvelier) 8398

Brokers, brokerage firms in Vancouver (Clark) 8406

Deficit, auditor-general report on (Clark) 8403

Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, staff, in vestment expertise (Couvelier) 8472 (Williams) 8471

Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, staff, investment staff, salary levels (Williams) 8469

Financial futures, government investment in (Clark) 8468 (Couvelier) 8469

Government land sales (Couvelier) 8410

Insurance, self-insurance programs, special account for (Couvelier) 8398, 8468

Pension benefits standards act (Clark) 8403 (Rose) 8399-8400, 8400, 8401

Pension coverage and poverty (Rose) 8403

Pension plan from University of B.C. (Rose) 8402

Pensions, boards, representation on (Rose) 8401

Pensions, funds, investment of (Clark) 8403-8 (Couvelier) 8398-9 (Rose) 8399-8403

Pensions, funds, investment of, advisory committee, proposal for (Clark) 8472 (Edwards) 8472, 8473

Pensions, funds, investment of, blue-chip stocks (Clark) 8472 (Couvelier) 8471

Pensions, funds, investment of by economic development officers (Clark) 8405

Pensions, funds, investment of, compliance with federal standards (Clark) 8403 (Couvelier) 8399

Pensions, funds, investment of, contributors' control over (Clark) 8403 (Rose) 8401-2, 8402

Pensions, funds, investment of, control over (Clark) 8403, 8405

Pensions, funds, investment of, diversification of (Clark) 8403 (Couvelier) 8399, 8408-9, 8470 (Rose) 8400, 8401-2, 8402

Pensions, funds, investment of, ethical investments (Williams) 8471

Pensions, funds, investment of, foreign stocks (Clark) 8407 (Couvelier) 8411

Pensions, funds, investment of, high-risk ventures (Clark) 8405, 8406

Pensions, funds, investment of, investment specialists for (Couvelier) 8399

Pensions, funds, investment of, Louisiana-Pacific Corp. stocks (Clark) 8407

Pensions, funds, investment of on Toronto Stock Exchange (Couvelier) 8408, 8471, 8472

Pensions, funds, investment of on Vancouver Stock

Exchange (Clark) 8406, 8472 (Couvelier) 8408, 8471, 8472 (Rose) 8400, 8402 (Williams) 8471

Pensions, funds, investment of, real estate investments (Clark) 8405, 8470 (Williams) 8470

Pensions, funds, investment of, restrictions on and basket clause (Clark) 8405, 8406

Pensions, funds, investment of, South African Investments (Clark) 8407

Pensions, funds, investment of, Taiwanese investments (Clark) 8407

Pensions, funds, losses, source of funds for (Clark) 8407

Pensions, funds, ownership of (Rose) 8402

Pensions, funds, protection for (Clark) 8405

Pensions, funds, use of for Site C dam (Clark) 8407

Revenue in excess of forecast, use of (Clark) 8467-8, 8467 (Couvelier) 8467, 8468

Risk management, special account for (Couvelier) 8398, 8468

Special funds, advances to general fund of province, provision for (Couvelier) 8398

Vancouver Stock Exchange, financial situation, allegation re (Williams) 8471

Vancouver Stock Exchange, listings, blue-chip stocks (Clark) 8406 (Couvelier) 8408

Financial and Economic Review

Accuracy of, problem re (Rose) 5971-2

Financial futures

Government investment in (Clark) 8468 (Couvelier) 8469

Financial Information Act

Quoted (Jansen, J.) 6780

Mentioned: (Jansen, J.) 6561 (Smith, S.D.) 6476

Financial institutions

Amalgamation of (Clark) 7997 (Couvelier) 7997

Audit of, role of external auditor (Couvelier) 7900

Business authorization, requirement re (Clark) 7993, 8049 (Couvelier) 7900, 7993, 8049

Capital requirements (Clark) 7902, 8049 (Couvelier) 7900, 8049

Confidentiality rules (Clark) 8050 (Couvelier) 8050

“Deposit” and “guarantee”, legislation on use of words (Couvelier) 7338 (Sihota) 7338

Deregulation of (Clark) 7901

Directors, number of (Clark) 7994 (Couvelier) 7994

Directors, payment to (Clark) 7993 (Couvelier) 7993

Directors, requirements to be met (Couvelier) 7900

Directors, “significant borrowers” (Clark) 7991 (Couvelier) 7991

Directors, “unaffiliated directors” (Clark) 7992 (Couvelier) 7992-3, 7992

Federal deregulation of (Clark) 7901

Fiduciary, self-dealing when acting as fiduciary (Clark) 8052 (Couvelier) 8052

Financial Institutions Act. See name of act

Incorporation, minister's reversal of decision to consent to (Clark) 7997 (Couvelier) 7997

Information re, countrywide committee on (Couvelier) 7338

Information re, sharing of among western provinces (Couvelier) 7338

Legislation on (Clark) 7345, 7346 (Couvelier) 5772, 7340, 7345 (Throne speech) 5586

Monitoring of in B.C. (Clark) 5618

Ownership of (Clark) 7902 (Couvelier) 7900, 7903

Regulation of (Clark) 7901-2 (Couvelier) 7605 (Sihota) 7335, 7336

Regulation of, cost recovery for (Couvelier) 7903

Regulation of elsewhere (Couvelier) 7899

Regulation of, Ontario regulations (Couvelier) 8054

Regulation of, out-of-province regulation (Clark) 5901, 5902-3, 8054 (Couvelier) 7901, 7903, 8054

Regulation of, self-regulation (Clark) 8050

Shareholders, voting for directors, procedures (Clark) 7994, '7995 (Couvelier) 7994-5

Transactions, high-risk transactions (Couvelier) 7900

Transactions, related-party transactions (Clark) 7902, 8051, 8052-3, 8053 (Couvelier) 7903, 8051, 8053

Transactions, related-party transactions elsewhere (Couvelier) 7902

Financial Institutions Act

(Bill 51) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 7605; 2R, 7899-7903; C, 7991-8, 8046-56, 3R, 8056; RA, 8586

Amdts: Sec. 81 (Couvelier) 8049, approved 8049; sec. 140 (Couvelier) 8050, approved 8051; sec. 145 (Couvelier) 8052, approved 8052; sec. 146 (Couvelier) 8052, approved 8052; sec. 147 (Couvelier 8053, approved 8053; sec. 236 (Couvelier ) 8055, approved 8055; sec. 237 (Couvelier) 8055, approved 8055; sec. 241 (Couvelier) 8055, approved 8055; sec. 251 (Couvelier) 8055, approved 8055; sec. 273 (Couvelier) 8055, approved 8055; sec. 334 (Couvelier) 8056, approved 8056; sec. 372 (Couvelier) 8056, approved 8056; sec. 397 (Couvelier) 8056, approved 8056

Speakers: Clark 7901-3, 7991, 7991-2, 7992, 7993, 7993-4, 7994, 7995, 7996, 7996-7, 7997, 7997-8, 8046, 8047, 8047-8, 8048, 8049, 8049-50, 8050, 8051, 8051-2, 8052, 8052-3, 8053, 8054, 8055, 8056, Couvelier 7605, 7899-7901, 7901, 7991, 7992, 7992-3, 7993, 7994, 7994-5, 7995, 7995-6, 7996, 7997, 8046-7, 8047, 8048, 8049, 8050, 8051, 8052, 8053, 8054, 8055, 8055-6, 8056

Amalgamation of financial institutions (Clark) 7997 (Couvelier) 7997

Credit Union Act, replacement of provisions in (Couvelier) 7900

Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation, functions of (Couvelier) 7900

Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation, status of (Clark) 8055

Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation, superintendent of financial institutions' office, merger (Couvelier) 7605

Credit union stabilization authority (Clark) 8055 (Couvelier) 7901, 8055, 8055-6

Credit unions, deposit insurance (Couvelier) 7901

Credit unions, equity shares in, definition of (Clark) 7991 (Couvelier) 7991

Credit unions, equity shares in, valuation of (Clark) 7992

Directors, number of (Clark) 7994

Directors, payment to (Clark) 7993 (Couvelier) 7993

Directors, “unaffiliated directors” (Clark) 7992-3, 7992 (Couvelier) 7992

Financial institutions, audit of, role of external auditor (Couvelier) 7900

Financial institutions, business authorization, requirement re (Clark) 7993, 8049 (Couvelier) 7900, 7993, 8049

Financial institutions, capital requirements (Clark) 7902, 8049 (Couvelier) 7900, 8049

Financial Institutions Commission, establishment of (Clark) 8055 (Couvelier) 7605, 7900

Financial Institutions Commission, responsibilities (Couvelier) 7605

Financial institutions, confidentiality rules (Clark) 8050 (Couvelier) 8050

Financial institutions, deregulation of (Clark) 7901

Financial institutions, directors, requirements to be met (Couvelier) 7900

Financial institutions, federal deregulation of (Clark) 7901

Financial institutions, ownership of (Clark) 7902 (Couvelier) 7900, 7903

Financial institutions, regulation of (Clark) 7901-2 (Couvelier) 7605, 7903

Financial institutions, regulation of elsewhere (Couvelier) 7899

Financial institutions, regulation of, Ontario regulations (Couvelier) 8054

Financial institutions, regulation of, out-of-province regulation (Clark) 5901, 5902-3, 8054 (Couvelier) 7901, 7903, 8054

Financial institutions, regulation of, self-regulation (Clark) 8050

Financial institutions, self-dealing when acting as fiduciary (Clark) 8052 (Couvelier) 8052

Financial institutions, shareholders, voting for directors, procedures (Clark) 7994, 7995 (Couvelier) 7994-5

Financial institutions, transactions, high-risk transactions (Couvelier) 7900

Financial institutions, transactions, related-party transactions (Clark) 7902, 8051, 8052-3, 8053 (Couvelier) 7903, 8051, 8053

Financial institutions, transactions, related-party transactions elsewhere (Couvelier) 7902

Financial planners, disclosure requirements (Clark) 8049

Incorporation, minister's consent to (Clark) 7997 (Couvelier) 7997

Insurance Act, replacement of provisions in (Couvelier) 7900

Insurance companies, Company Act, application of (Clark) 7993 (Couvelier) 7993

Insurance companies, incorporation of under Financial Institutions Act (Clark) 7995, 7996 (Couvelier) 7995, 7996

Insurance companies, incorporation provisions (Clark) 7995 (Couvelier) 7900, 7995

Insurance companies, interest in, sale of, minister's powers re (Clark) 8048

Insurance companies, ownership of (Clark) 8046, 8047, 8047-8 (Couvelier) 7900, 8046-7, 8047, 8048

Insurance companies, premiums, tax rate on (Clark) 8056 (Couvelier) 8056

Labour relations in B.C. (Clark) 7996 (Couvelier) 7996

Legislation, development of (Couvelier) 7899

Penalties under act (Couvelier) 7901

Shareholders, voting for directors, procedures (Clark) 7994, 7995 (Couvelier) 7994-5

“Significant borrower”, definition of under act (Clark) 7991 (Couvelier) 7991

“Special resolution”, definition of under act (Clark) 7992 (Couvelier) 7992

Superintendent of financial institutions, functions of (Couvelier) 7900

Trust companies, Company Act, application of (Clark) 7993 (Couvelier) 7993

Trust companies, incorporation provisions (Clark) 7995 (Couvelier) 7900, 7995

Trust companies, interest in, sale of, minister's powers re (Clark) 8048

Trust companies, interest in, time-limit on purchases of (Clark) 8048 (Couvelier) 8048

Trust companies, ownership of (Clark) 8046, 8047, 8047-8 (Couvelier) 7900, 8046-7, 8047, 8048

Trust Company Act, replacement of (Couvelier) 7899-7900

Mentioned: (Clark) 7601, 7843 (Couvelier) 5772, 7605, 7843

Financial Institutions Commission

Credit union incorporations, approval of (Couvelier) 7843

Establishment of (Clark) 8055 (Couvelier) 7348, 7605, 7900

Responsibilities (Couvelier) 7605

Staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act (Clark) 8824-5

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8056

Financial planners

See: Investment advisers

Financial Post

Quoted (Miller) 8646

Financial Times

Mentioned: (Michael) 6237

Finch, L.S.G.

Comments in Everywoman's Health Centre case (Marzari) 6509 (Sihota) 6497 (Smith, S.D.) 6495, 6497, 6511

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6497

Fines (Penalties)

Motor Vehicle Amendments Act, 1989. See name of act

Non-payment of, jailing for (Sihota) 7213 (Smith, S.D.) 7213

Payment of (Smith, S.D.) 7113

Surcharge, levying of (Sihota) 7212, 7213 (Smith, S.D.) 7212, 7213-4, 7213

Surcharge, use of for victims' fund (Sihota) 7213 (Smith, S.D.) 7213-4


Fingerprint legislation and Charter of Rights (Sihota) 6387

Finishing Touch Doors and Moulding Ltd.

Value-added product (Parker) 5656


Pulp Industry (Parker) 8643

Shipbuilding Industry (Clark) 6829

Finlayson, Ann

Whose Money Is It Anyway? mentioned (Rose) 8400

Finning Ltd.

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7408

Fir Park Village, Alberni, B.C.

Financing of (Janssen, G.) 5613

Fire departments

Liability of (Blencoe) 7861 (Johnston) 7860-1, 7861

Rescue work, reimbursement for (Blencoe) 7860

Volunteer departments, lottery grants for (Ree) 7041

Fire prevention

Multiple-unit dwellings, fire safety requirements (Johnston) 7765

Fire prevention — Inspection

Public buildings, inspection of and local government's liability (Johnston) 7764

Public buildings, inspection of, requirement for (Blencoe) 7196-7, 7763-4 (Johnston) 7764

Fire Services Act

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 7196

Firearm Act

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8627, 8686

First Capital City Development Co. Ltd.

Land holdings (Williams) 6234

Land sales, negotiators for (Clark) 6290

Westminster Quay land, expenditures on (Hagen, A.) 6241 (Williams) 6234

Mentioned: (Clark) 7944 (Darks) 7911, 7958 (Hagen, A.) 7764 (Smith, S.D.) 6293 (Williams) 6021, 6235, 6536, 7582, 7871, 7903, 7910, 7947, 7958

First Christian Reformed Church, Langley, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 8714

First Citizens' Fund

First Citizens' Fund Advisory Committee, work of (Weisgerber) 5676

Funding for (Kempf) 8036 (Weisgerber) 8031

First Generation Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) 7594, 7726

First Investors Corp. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) 8052

First Memorial Funeral Services Ltd.

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7742, 7842

First Nations of South Island Tribal Council

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 7062

First Pacific Savings Credit Union

Mentioned: (Long) 7852

First Vancouver Securities Inc.

Application for registration as broker (Clark) 7602

Assets, freezing of (Clark) 7602, 7604, 7628-9 (Couvelier) 7603, 7604, 7629

Assets, sale of (Couvelier) 7603

Funds, source of (Clark) Q. 6460

Operations of (Clark) 7626-7

Ownership of (Clark) 7601, 7602

Suspension of (Clark) 7629 (Couvelier) 7603, 7628

Vancouver Stock Exchange seat, purchase of (Clark)Q. 6460, 6475, 6804, 7601, 7628 (Couvelier) A. 6460

Mentioned: (Clark) 7631


See: Fishes

Fish culture

Antibiotics, use of (Boone) 6929 (Hanson, G.) 7263 (Savage) 6344, 7263

Consumers' Association of Canada recommendations (Hanson, G.) 6344-5 (Savage) 6344

Disease (Hanson, G.) 6344 (Savage) 7267

Fish-farms and loss of anchorage (Gabelmann) 7929

Fish-farms, complaints re operations (Jansen, G.) 7899 (Savage) 7899

Fish-farms, density (Hanson, G.) 7264 (Savage) 7264

Fish-farms, feed bags, biodegradable bags (Gabelmann) $104 (Strachan) 8104

Fish-farms, leases, cancellation of (Darks) 7922, 7957 (Rose) 7957 (Williams) 7922

Fish-farms, leases, cost of (Rose) 7956-7 (Savage) 7898

Fish-farms, leases, information re (Williams) 7922

Fish-farms, leases, lapsed leases (Rose) 7957

Fish-farms, leases, requirements for action on (Darks) 7922 (Williams) 7922

Fish-farms, leases, review of (Darks) 7958 (Williams) 7958

Fish-farms, leases, sale of, provision for (Darks) 7957 (Rose) 7957

Fish-farms, leases, size of (Darks) 7957 (Rose) 7956-7

Fish-farms, leases, trading of (Darks) 7957 (Williams) 7957

Fish-farms, leases, value of in reassignments (Williams) 7957

Fish-farms, leases, west coast of Vancouver Island (Darks) 7922 (Williams) 7922, 7923

Fish-farms, licences, cancellation of (Darks) 7922

Fish-farms, licences, moratorium on (Hanson, G.) 7264, 7267

Fish-farms, licensing of (Savage) 6344

Fish-farms, location and rotation of (Hanson, G.) 7263 (Savage) 7263-4

Fish-farms, problems (Lovick) 7898

Fish-farms, upland owners (Gabelmann) 7929 (Hanson, G.) 7264 (Savage) 7264 (Williams) 7923

Morts, disposal of (Hanson, G.) 7263 (Savage) 7263

Norway, fish-farms, problems re (Hanson, G.) 6344

Ombudsman's report on (Gabelmann) 7930

Products, labelling of (Boone) 6929 (Hanson, G.) 6344, 7264

Products, value of (Savage) 7166

Salmon eggs, testing of (Hanson, G.) 7264 (Savage) 7264

Salmon stock, standards for (Hanson, G.) 7264

Wild stock, protection of (Hanson, G.) 6344, 7263 (Savage) 7263

Fish habitat improvement

Kelowna and Central Okanagan Regional District (Serwa) 5734

Fish hatcheries

Duncan hatchery (Strachan) 8073, 8132

Fish trade

Transport of, catchment tanks on trucks (Janssen, G.) 7064, 7065 (Ree) 7065


See: Fish culture


East coast industry, GATT challenge (Savage) 7251

Fish-buying stations (Hanson, G.) 8835 (Smith, S.D.) 8835

Fish-buying stations, licensing of (Hanson, G.) 8835 (Smith, S.D.) 8835

Fish-landing requirement (Jansen, J.) 7702, 7705 (Savage) 7260

Fish-landing requirement and GATT ruling (Savage) 7251, 7260

Floating processors (Guno) 7266 (Hanson, G.) 7262, 7263 (Miller) 7261 (Savage) 7261, 7262, 7263, 7266

Free trade agreement and fish-processing dispute (Miller) 7260 (Savage) 7261

Free trade agreement, impact of (Miller) 7704

Free trade agreement, panel on landing requirement (Jansen, J.) 7705 (Miller) 7705

GATT negotiations (Gabelmann) 7702 (Jansen, J.) 7702

GATT ruling and industry (Hanson, G.) 8835 (Jansen, J.) 6561, 7705 (Smith, S.D.) 8835

GATT ruling, penalty for contravention of (Miller) 6559-60, 7261 (Savage) 7261

Herring, Prince Rupert fishermen's Alaska purchase (Miller) 7259

Industry in B.C. (Hanson, G.) 6344-5, 7250, 7267, 8835, 8836-7 (Miller) 6559, 7259 (Savage) 7260 (Smith, S.D.) $837 (Vander Zalm) 6675

Industry in B.C., Premier's guarantee re (Hanson, G.) Q. 8801, Q. 8802 (Vander Zalm) A. 8801, A. 8802

Jobs in B.C. (Jansen, J.) 7706 (Miller) 6559

Jobs in B.C., protection of (Hanson, G.) Q. 6370, 7250, 7267 (Harcourt) Q. 6369, Q. 6370 (Savage) A. 6370 (Vander Zalm) A. 6369, A. 6370

Magnuson Act, application of in U.S. (Gabelmann) 7702, 7703 (Hanson, G.) 8835 (Jansen, J.) 7703 (Miller) 7703

Magnuson Act, development of similar act for Canada (Miller) 7705

Negotiations with federal government (Gabelmann)Q. 6370 (Jansen, J.) A. 6370

Negotiations with U.S. (Gabelmann) 6370 (Harcourt) 6369 (Savage) 6370

Regulations, change in and B.C. Industry (Gabelmann) Q. 6370 (Harcourt) Q. 6368 (Jansen, J.) A. 6370 (Vander Zalm) A. 6369

Transportation of fish to U.S. for processing (Hanson, G.) Q. 6370 (Savage) A. 6370

Women workers in industry (Clark) 8375 (Hagen, A.) 8374 (Miller) 8390-1

Fisher, Hugh

Mentioned: (Guno) 5955

Fisher, Thomas K.

Sihota, Moe, allegations of (Fraser, R.) 6383-4

Thanked (Chalmers) 8559 (Reid) 8707

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 6194 (Sihota) 7386

See also: Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries (1987)


Aboriginal rights (Hanson, G.) 7252-3 (Savage) 7251

Aboriginal rights, John Savage's remarks re (Guno) 7251 (Hanson, G.) 7250, 7252-3 (Miller) 7257, 7258

Commodity councils, canvassing re desire for (Rose) 7987 (Savage) 7987

Commodity councils, funds, use of (Rose) 7989 (Savage) 7989

Commodity councils, levies (Rose) 7987-8

Commodity councils, levies, collection of (Savage) 7688, 7894

Commodity councils, levies, refund of (Rose) 7990 (Savage) 7988-9

Commodity councils, opting out of (Rose) 7988

Commodity councils, promotion of products produced elsewhere (Miller) 7990 (Savage) 7990

Export of fishery products (Savage) 7232

Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act. See name of act

Fish farms and protection of wild stock (Hanson, G.) 6344, 7263 (Savage) 7263

Industry in B.C. (Guno) 7251 (Miller) 7704-5

Products (Savage) 5852

Resource, decisions on, role of government in (Harcourt) Q. 6674, Q. 6675 (Savage) A. 6674-5 (Vander Zalm) A. 6675

Resource, management of (Savage) 7252, 7253, 7258 (Vander Zalm) 7255

Resource, management of, federal task force on (Savage) 7253

Resource, management of, Indians' involvement in (Guno) 7251-2, 7253 (Hanson, G.) 7250, 7252-3, 7253 (Savage) 7251, 7252, 7253

Resource, protection of (Guno) 7251 (Hanson, G.) 7263 (Miller) 7260

See also: Shellfish fisheries

Fisheries Act

Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8774

Mentioned: (Savage) 7898

Fisheries Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Cashore) 5661, 6498

Fisheries Council of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Savage) 6370


Anglers, export of fish by (Edwards) 8680 (Strachan) 8680

Indians, compensation to for contaminated fish (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939 (Weisgerber) A. 6939

Indians, consumption of contaminated fish (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939 (Weisgerber) A. 6939

See also names of fishes, e.g. Dolly Varden (Trout)


Angling licences, inspection of (Edwards) 8686

Drift-net fishing (Guno) 7257 (Hanson, G.) 7243-4, 7250, 7267 (Miller) 7256, 7258 (Savage) 7258 (Vander Zalm) 7255

Drift-net fishing, agreement with U.S. and Japan on (Harcourt) Q. 6674 (Vander Zalm) A. 6674

Drift-net fishing, ban on (Hanson, G.) 7244 (Savage) 7251, 7254

Drift-net fishing, condemnation of (Hanson, G.) 6208, 7243-4 (Vander Zalm) 6208

Drift-net fishing, conference on (Savage) 7250-1, 7262, 8502

Drift-net fishing, government action on (Miller) 7254, 7262 (Savage) 7250-1, 7255

Drift-net fishing, lost nets (Hanson, G.) 6208 (Vander Zalm) 6208

Drift-net fishing, New Zealand concern re (Hanson, G.) 8502

Drift-net fishing, Taiwan participation in (Clark) 7974, 8407 (Miller) 7254

Japan, extension of fishing area rights (Hanson, G.) 7244

Mackenzie constituency, sports fishing (Long) 7180

Policy on, discussions re (Savage) 7262

Rivers, nets at mouth of (Guno) 7257 (Miller) 7256 (Savage) 7258 (Vander Zalm) 7255

Sport fishing catch, allocation of (Dirks) 7961

Sport fishing, commercial operations (Miller) 7261

Sport fishing, Graham Island lodges (Miller) 7262

Sport fishing, Langara Island lodges (Dirks) 7961, 7963 (Miller) 7960, 7961, 7963

Sport fishing lodges, moratorium on leases (Dirks) 7961, 7963 (Miller) 7961, 7963, 7964

Sport fishing season and catch limits (Miller) 7261-2

Sport fishing, transient vessels (Miller) 7692

Sports fishery (Miller) 7261

Fishing guides and guiding

See: Guides for hunters, fishermen, etc.

Fitz Hugh Sound, B.C.

Oil spill, cleanup of (Cashore) 8151-2 (Strachan) 8152

Oil spill, damage to clean beach (Cashore) 8151-2, 8152


Flags and pins, supply of (D’Arcy) 7426-7 (Read) 7427

Flamingo Foods Ltd.

Status of as licensed plant (De Jong) 7220 (Savage) 7220

Flanigan, George G.

Employment of (Darks) 7881 (Williams) 7881

Work as private consultant (Williams) `7881

Flathead River, B.C.

River basin, use of (Edwards) 5750

Fleming, J.R. (Jack)

Mentioned: (Brummet) 7365

Fleming, W. Stewart

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6328

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd.

Discussions with prior to takeover of B.C. forest companies (Parker) 8577

Elk Falls mill mentioned (Gabelmann) 8104

Employees, job maintenance, commitment re (Miller) 8568, 8571, 8577 (Parker) 8570, 8571

Employees, layoff of (Hanson, G.) 5725-6 (Kempf) 8574 (Miller) 5687, 6745, 8573 (Parker) 8570, 8587 (Sihota) 5639

Employees, layoff of, case cited (Hanson, G.) 5725-6

Employees, layoff of, provision for laid-off employees (Miller) 8577 (Parker) 8573, 8575, 8587, 8589

Forest companies, amalgamated companies (Parker) 8586, 8587, 8588

Forest companies, analysis of (Miller) 8587

Forest companies, merger of, commitment re (Kempf) 8588

Forest land, application for (Miller) 8043

Ingenika Indian band, formation of company with (Boone) 8033

Investment In B.C. (Miller) 8572, 8577, 8586 (Parker) 8587

Log exports and employee layoffs (Miller) Q. 5605 (Parker) A. 5605

Mackenzie timber supply area, application for (Miller) 6201

Newsline quoted (Miller) 8590

Pesticide containers at Port Renfrew, cleanup of site (Strachan) 8101

Pesticide containers at Port Renfrew, liability for (Sihota) 8101, 8102 (Strachan) 8101

Pesticide containers at Port Renfrew, prosecution in case (Sihota) 8095, 8101, 8102 (Strachan) 8095, 8101-2, 8102

Private land holdings, forestry practices on (Miller) 8568 (Parker) 8568

Tree-farm licence No. 46 (Kempf) 5877, 8574

Tree-farm licence No. 46, annual cut, reduction in (Miller) 6745, 8567

Tree-farm licence No. 46, audit of (Miller) 8589, 8591 (Parker) 5877, 8568, 8591

Tree-farm licence No. 46, management of (Miller) 8567

Tree-farm licence No. 46, overcutting (Miller) 8567

Value-added products (Parker) 5656

Victoria sawmill, closing of (Parker) 8568

Victoria sawmill, closing of and log exports (Hanson, G.) Q. 5652 (Parker) A. 5652

Victoria sawmill, closing of, David Parker's knowledge of (Miller) 8587-8, 8589

Victoria sawmill, timber supply for (Parker) 8589

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 5607, 8062 (Kempf) 5730, 6109, 7714, 8606 (Miller) 5835, 7738, 8044, 8232, 8510, 8647, 8649 (Parker) 5657 (Pullinger) 5888

Flight :simulators

Donation to Fraser Valley College (Michael) 5968 (Rose) 5972

Flights over B.C.

See entries under United States. Air Force

Flitton, Robert D. (Bob)

Deputy Minister of Forests, appointment as (Williams) 5744

Quoted (Williams) 5744

Mentioned: (Lovick) 6755 (Williams) 5916, 7872


Equipment for flood control work (De Jong) 7028

Volunteers, work of (De Jong) 7028


Industry, value of (Michael) 7194-5

Sale of edible flowers (Savage) 7166

Flyer Industries Ltd.

Mentioned: (Rose) 6641


Consumer demand for wholesome food (Savage) 7165

Consumers, choice in foods (Savage) 8702

Export of, non-tariff barriers (Savage) 7232

Export of, promotion of (Jones) 7232 (Savage) 7232

Export of to Japan (Jones) 7232 (Savage) 7232

Federal sales tax on (Clark) 7309-10 (Couvelier) 7310

“Food Safe” service (Dueck) 6154

Labelling of by country of origin (Savage) 6834

Organic food, inspection of (Barlee) 8766, 8767 (De Jong) 8766 (Savage) 8766

Organic food, problems re establishing authenticity for (Barlee) 8702 (Savage) 8702-3

Production, use of chemicals In (Darks) 5669 (Perry) 5940 (Savage) 5852 (Throne speech) 5588

Products, labelling of, country-of-origin information (Barlee) 6834 (Boone) Q. 6581 (Hanson, L.) A. 6581-2

Products, labelling of, foreign producers (Barlee) 8702

Food, Irradiated

Labelling of (Dueck) 5940 (Perry) 5940-1

Food and Drugs Act (Canada)

Repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Food banks

See: Food relief

Food Choice and Disclosure Act

(Bill 85) (Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries) 1R, 8579; 2R, 8702-3; C, 8765-7; 3R, 8767; RA, 8841

Speakers: Barlee 8702, 8765-6, 8766, 8767; De Jong 8766, 8767; Richmond 8579; Savage 8702, 8702-3, 8766, 8767

Consultation re act (Barlee) 8765-6, 8767 (De Jong) 8767 (Savage) 8766

Food, choice in selection of (Savage) 8702

Food standards, alternative standards (Richmond) 8579

Food, synthetic materials, use of (Richmond) 8579 (Savage) 8702

Inspections, cost of (De Jong) 8766 (Savage) 8766

Inspections, problems re (Barlee) 8766, 8767 (De Jong) 8766 (Savage) 8766

Organic food, problems re establishing authenticity for (Barlee) 8702 (Savage) 8702-3

Penalties under act (Barlee) 8767 (Savage) 8767

Policing of act (Barlee) 8766

Regulations under act, consultation re (Savage) 8766, 8767

Food industry and trade

Agrifood industry development programs, funding for (Couvelier) 5770

B.C. products, promotion of (Barlee) 7188 (Jones) 7232 (Savage) 7189, 7232

Delta constituency, food industry (Savage) 5853, 7165

Economy and food production industry (Savage) 5851

Environment and agrifood industry (Savage) 5852

Food industry development program, cancellation of (Barlee) 5935

Food Industry in B.C. (Savage) 7165, 7166

Standards, alternative standards (Richmond) 8579

Synthetic materials, use of (Richmond) 8579 (Savage) 8702

Food Pacific

Trade show (Michael) 5969

Food relief

Food banks (Smallwood) 8728, 8805

Forbes, Malcolm

Mentioned: (Richmond) 6748


Quoted (Clark) 7594

Vancouver Stock Exchange, 1974 article on (Clark) 7598 (Couvelier) 7595, 8638

Mentioned: (Clark) 7598 (Couvelier) 7597 (Davidson) 7623

Fording Coal Ltd.

Thermal generating plant (Edwards) 5750

Mentioned: (Davis) 8478


Legal aid in cases of (Sihota) 6374

Foreign Investment Review Agency

Mentioned: (Miller) 6561

Foreign investments

See: Investments, Foreign

Foreign trade promotion

Expenditures on (Gabelmann) 7709 (Jansen, J.) 7709

Irvine, Calif., office (Jansen, J.) 7701

Labour relations in B.C. and trade promotion (Gabelmann) 7710

Marketing techniques, development of (Williams) 6558

Offices, enhancement of out-of-province offices (Jansen, J.) 7702

Singapore office (Jansen, J.) 7701

Trade centres (Smith, B.R) 5705

Trade Development Corporation Act. See name of act

Forensic Psychiatric Institute, Coquitlam, B.C.

Funding for (Dueck) 6075

Resident's presence at public swimming pool (Dueck) A. 7380 (Rose) Q. 7200


See: Seashore

Forest Act

Amendment to (Bruce) 5801 (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8774

Section 136, exemptions, inquiry into (Parker) 6762-3

Section 137, inquiry into (Parker) 6762-3

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 5652 (Kempf) 8574 (Miller) 6833, 7740, 8510, 8514, 8515, 8519, 8568, 8572, 8573, 8586, 8654 (Parker) 5593, 6581, 8572, 8588, 8650 (Sihota) 5639 (Smith, S.D.) 6392 (Strachan) 7746 (Williams) 5743

Forest Amendment Act, 1988

Mentioned: (Miller) 8506

Forest Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 86) (Minister of Forests) 1R, 8499; 2R, 8607-9; C, 8687-90; 3R, 8690; RA, 8841

Speakers: Bruce 8690; Kempf 8688, 8689-90, 8690; Miller 8608-9, 8687, 8688, 8689, 8690; Parker 8499, 8607-8, 8609, 8687, 8688, 8688-9, 8689, 8690; Strachan 8688

Auditor-general, forest revenue collection, recommendations re (Parker) 8607

Auditor-general, forest revenue collection, report on (Miller) 8608

Forest contractors, arbitration of disputes (Miller) 8608 (Parker) 8607

Forest contractors, contracts (Parker) 8607

Forest contractors, contracts, dispute resolution mechanism (Miller) 8690 (Parker) 8690 (Strachan) 8688

Forest contractors, subcontractors' contracts (Kempf) 8690 (Miller) 8608, 8688 (Parker) 8688

Forest management, public information sessions on (Miller) 8608-9

Forest Resources Commission, appointment of (Miller) 8609

Licences, boundary lines, alterations to (Miller) 8608

Revenue collection, computerization of (Miller) 8608

Revenue, loss of through failures in scaling (Miller) 8608

Section 88 credits, transfer of (Miller) 8687 (Parker) 8607, 8687

Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, inquiry into contracts, terms of reference for (Miller) 8689 (Parker) 8689

Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, recommendations (Parker) 8607

Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, use of to deal with forest issues (Miller) 8688

Stumpage, transfer of liability for (Miller) 8608 (Parker) 8607, 8688

Timber, sale of, surrogate bidding (Miller) 8608

Timber scaling, scale sheets, requirement re submission of (Miller) 8687 (Parker) 8687

Timber scaling, unscaled timber, seizure of (Miller) 8688 (Parker) 8688

Timber scaling, use of check-scale figures (Parker) 8687

Tree-farm licence, Mackenzie, public hearing on (Miller) 8608

Tree-farm licences, holdings, policy on increase in (Miller) 8608

Tree-farm licences, investigation into (Parker) 8607

Tree-farm licences, renewal of for interim period (Parker) 8607

Tree-farm licences, renewal of, moratorium on (Miller) 8609

Truck loggers, Dawson Creek, problems (Miller) 8689 (Parker) 8689

Truck loggers, Prince George, problems (Parker) 8689

Forest and range resource program

Report tabled (Parker) 5991

Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada

Research (Parker) 8650

Mentioned: (Miller) 8594

Forest fire fighters

California fire fighters, use of (Edwards) Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7655-6

Fire fighters, unit crews, training of (Edwards) Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7655

Firefighting teams (Parker) 7379

Golden fire, fire fighters for (Parker) 7655-6

Indians, membership in firefighting teams (Parker) 7379

Unemployment insurance coverage for (Edwards)Q. 7379 (Parker) A. 7379

Forest fires

Lightning strikes, detection of (Parker) 5657

Rapattack fire suppression system (Parker) 5657

Forest industries

Annual allowable cut (Clark) 5780 (Kempf) 8599-8600 (Parker) 8521, 8523, 8593, 8594, 8595

Annual allowable cut and forest resource development agreement (Parker) 8594

Annual allowable cut, coast region (Miller) 5687 (Parker) 8591

Annual allowable cut, cutting obligations, violation of (Williams) 5744

Annual allowable cut, cutting plans, public access to (Parker) 5655

Annual allowable cut, designation of for small operators (Kempf) 8520

Annual allowable cut, increase in (Parker) 8503, 8596, 8601-2

Annual allowable cut, maintenance of (Parker) 8596

Annual allowable cut, overcutting (Kempf) 8509 (Miller) 8506 (Parker) 8503, 8507-8, 8590, 8591, 8592

Annual allowable cut, setting of (Parker) 8591

Arrow timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Arrowsmith timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8599, 8600

Boundary timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Boundary timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Bulkley Valley timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Canadian Federation of Independent Business recommendations re industry (Kempf) 8575

Cariboo mills, timber for (Harcourt) 8662

Cassiar timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Contractors, contracts (Parker) 8607

Contractors, contracts, arbitration of disputes (Bruce) 5801 (Miller) 5802, 8608 (Parker) 8607

Contractors, contracts, dispute resolution mechanism (Miller) 8690 (Parker) 8690 (Strachan) 8688

Contractors, contracts with licensees (Bruce) 5801 (Miller) 5802

Contractors, subcontractors (Bruce) 5801

Contractors, subcontractors' contracts (Bruce) 8690 (Kempf) 8690 (Miller) 8608, 8688 (Parker) 8688

Cranbrook timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Cut, private forest land on coast (Miller) 8591

Dawson Creek timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Economy and forest industry (Parker) 8503

Electric power generation from wood waste. See entries under Electric power

Employees, injuries and fatalities (Hanson, L.) 6444 (Sihota) 6443

Employment in industry (Janssen, G.) 5722 (Kempf) 8508, 8512 (Miller) 6745 (Parker) 8511, 8572

Employment in small companies (Janssen, G.) 5722

Environment and industry (Miller) 5832

Environmentalists' conflict with industry, role of government in (Gabelmann) 7185-6

Esquimalt-Port Renfrew forest industry (Sihota) 5639

Evergreen Islands, logging of (Gabelmann) 5873

Evergreen Islands, tree-farm licence system (Gabelmann) 5873

Export tax on lumber. See entries under Lumber trade

Exports, promotion of (Jansen, J.) 6774, 6775 (Miller) 6774, 6775

Forest licences, map of (Miller) 8510

Forest tenure, Nelson hearings on (Edwards) 5749

Fort Nelson timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Golden timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Government policy on (Sihota) 5639-40

History of (Parker) 6109-10

Indians, land claims and tree-farm licences (Boone) 7669

Industry (Bruce) 5753 (Miller) 6745

Industry, corporate concentration in (Clark) 5780 (Kempf) 8575 (Miller) 6774, 8647, 8648 (Parker) 8648

Industry, free enterprise in (Kempf) 5801

Industry, independent operators, takeover of by major companies (Miller) 8647

Industry, integrated companies (Kempf) 8508

Industry, investment in (Parker) 8573

Industry, problems of (Pullinger) 5888

Industry, profits (Kempf) 6109

Inquiry into (Kempf) Q. 6039

Invermere timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Invermere timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Kalum timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Kalum timber supply area, licensees' forest renewal obligations (Parker) 8519

Kalum timber supply area, log exports (Miller) 8519 (Parker) 8519-20, 8519

Kalum timber supply area, standing-green permits (Parker) 8519

Kalum timber supply area, timber types (Parker) 8519

Kamloops timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Kamloops timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Kootenay Lake timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Kootenay Lake timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Kootenays, industry (D’Arcy) 7914 (Darks) 7915

Kootenays, value-added industry (D’Arcy) 7913

Lakes timber supply area, annual allowable cut, designation of (Parker) 8523

Lakes timber supply area, management and working plan for (Miller) 8599

Licences, boundary lines, alterations to (Miller) 8608

Lillooet timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Lillooet timber supply area, management and working plan for (Miller) 8599 (Parker) 8605

Logging industry vehicles, motor fuel tax break for (Clark) 7145

Logs, shortage of in lower mainland (Jacobsen) 5746

Mackenzie timber supply area (Kempf) 8589

Mackenzie timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8599, 8600

Mackenzie timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Merritt timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Merritt timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

North Coast timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8599

Okanagan timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Okanagan timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605 100

Mile timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600 100

Mile timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Parks, increase in and timber supply (Parker) 8593

Port Alberni, value-added industry (Parker) 6982

Prince George timber supply area (Parker) 8601

Prince George timber supply area, annual allowable cut (Kempf) 8596 (Miller) 8601 (Parker) 8596-7

Prince George timber supply area, inventory of (Kempf) 8597 (Parker) 8597

Prince George timber supply area, management and working plan for (Miller) 8599

Prince George timber supply area, overcutting (Kempf) 8509, 8596, 8597 (Parker) 8511

Prince George timber supply area, salvage program (Parker) 8596

Prince George timber supply area, Takla-Sustut area, rail access to (Miller) 8601, 8602, 8603, 8603-4 (Parker) 8601, 8602, 8603, 8604

Prince George timber supply area, Takla-Sustut area timber, processing of (Kempf) 8602, 8603 (Parker) 8602

Prince George timber supply area, timber, rotation time for (Kempf) 8597

Prince George timber supply area, timber supply, future supply (Kempf) 8597-8 (Miller) 8601

Prince George timber supply area, timber types (Parker) 8597

Prince George timber supply area, Willow River and Bowron blocks (Parker) 8511

Prince George, value-added industry (Strachan) 5609

Production (Parker) 8503-4

Products, medium-density fibreboard (Parker) 8572-3

Products, value-added products (Crandall) 5700 (Harcourt) 5607, 8724 (Jansen, J.) 6561, 6774 (Kempf) 8524 (McCarthy) 5811 (Miller) 5835, 6561, 6774, 7572, 8648-9 (Mowat) 5870-1 (Parker) 5655-6, 8505, 8524, 8572, 8646 (Rose) 5623

Products, value-added products, export of (Harcourt) 5607

Products, value-added products, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Public meetings on (Miller) 5686

Quebec, employment in industry, comparisons with B.C. (Kempf) 8645 (Miller) 8646 (Parker) 8645, 8647

Quesnel timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Quesnel timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Research and development in industry (Miller) 6775, 7572

Revelstoke timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

Revenue collection, auditor-general's report on (Miller) 8608

Revenue to province (Clark) 5780 (Kempf) 8524 (Miller) 5834-5, 5835 (Parker) 8503, 8504, 8521

Revenue to province, collection of (Kempf) Q. 6039 (Miller) 8608 (Vander Zalm) A. 6039

Revenue to province, loss of (Miller) Q. 6038, 8608 (Parker) A. 6038

Robson Valley timber supply area, management and working, plan !for (Parker) 8605

Rossland-Trall; constituency (D’Arcy) 5814

Scallng, monitoring of by industry (Parker, ) A. 6938 (Williams) Q. 6938

Section 88 credits, replacement for (Kempf, ) 18520

Section 88 credits, transfer of (Miller) 8687 (Parker) 8607, 8687

Small business forest enterprise program (De Jong) 5599 (Kempf) 5730 (Messmer) 5681 (Parker) 8505, 8508, 8523, 8572 (Smith, S.D.) 5922 (Throne speech) 5586 (Weisgerber) 5673

Small business forest enterprise program, bidding on timber, sealed bid system for (Kempf) 8521-2 (Parker) 8523, 8606

Small business forest enterprise program, bidding on timber, surrogate bidding (Kempf) 8513, 8606 (Miller) 8608 (Parker) 8513-4

Small business forest enterprise program, forest renewal costs, (Parker) 8606

Small business forest enterprise program, funding for (Parker) 8505

Small business forest enterprise program, performance deposit (Janssen, G.) 5722 (Parker) 5722

Small business forest enterprise program, price of timber (Kempf) 8606

Small business forest enterprise program, timber for (Couvelier) 5770 (Kempf) 5730 (Parker) 5655, 5722, 8513, 8523

Small business, value-added products (Parker) 8513, 8648

Small operators (Kempf) 8575 (Parker) 8570, 8575-6, 8606

Small operators, price of timber to (Kempf) 8522, 8606

Small operators, timber for (Kempf) 8513 (Parker) 8513, 8648

Strathcona timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8599

Stumpage, comparative value pricing system (Parker) 8520-1, 8642

Stumpage, nonpayment of, consultation with auditor-general re (Miller) Q. 6937 (Parker) A. 6937

Stumpage, nonpayment of, penalty for (Parker) 6911

Stumpage, nonpayment of, prevention of (Miller) Q. 6911 (Parker) A. 6911

Stumpage, nonpayment of, prosecutions (Miller) Q. 6937 (Parker) A. 6937

Stumpage, nonpayment of, revenue lost (Kempf) 8645 (Miller) Q. 6910, Q. 6911, Q. 6937 (Parker) A. 6937

Stumpage rate (Kempf) 8645 (Miller) 7127 (Parker) 8644

Stumpage rate, basis for (Parker) 8642

Stumpage rate for pulp industry (Kempf) 8645

Stumpage rate for small operators (Kempf) 8520, 8606 (Miller) 8607

Stumpage rate, increase in, impact of (Miller) 5835, 8641-2

Stumpage rate, setting of (Miller) 5835

Stumpage rate, setting of, role of U.S. In (Miller) 5687

Stumpage rate, tree-farm licences, forest licences (Miller) 8607

Stumpage system (Parker) 8523

Stumpage system, credits for forest renewal (Kempf) 8520, 8521 (Parker) 8523

Stumpage, transfer of liability for (Miller) 8608 (Parker) 8607, 8688

Technology, development of (Parker) 8595

Timber licences, awarding of, requirement to be met (Harcourt) 8724

Timber, pricing system for (Parker) 8572

Timber sales, closed bid system for (Kempf) 8521-2, 8524 (Parker) 8524

Timber sales, overbidding for cutting rights (Miller) 8516, 8516-7 (Parker) 8516

Timber, shortage of (Miller) 6747

Timber supply (Miller) 6745-6

Timber supply and mill capacity (Parker) 8595

Timber supply areas, analysis reports for (Miller) 8599, 8600

Timber supply areas, annual allowable cut by area (Miller) 8599

Timber supply areas, inventories for (Kempf) 8599, 8599-8600

Timber supply areas, management and working plans for (Miller) 8598-9, 8600 (Parker) 8599, 8600

Timber supply areas, options reports for (Parker) 8600

Timber supply areas, reforestation obligations (Parker) 8513

Timber supply, decline in (Miller) 8591, 8592, 8595, 8596, 8600-1

Timber supply, old growth timber (Miller) 8648 (Parker) 8649

Timber supply on coast and sustained yield (Miller)Q. 6981, Q. 6982 (Parker) A. 6981, A. 6982

Timber supply on coast, decline in (Jacobsen) 6983 (Sihota) 5639

Timber supply, sustainable cut and usage forecast (Miller) Q. 6981 (Parker) A. 6981

Tree-farm licence applications, mapping of (Miller) 8059

Tree-farm licence, forest licence rollover to (Miller) 5684, 6201

Tree-farm licence, Mackenzie, public hearing on (Miller) 8608

Tree-farm licence No. 1, report on (Kempf) 8574

Tree-farm licence No. 2 (Parker) 8594

Tree-farm licence No. 23, transfer of (Parker) 8512

Tree-farm licence No. 24, annual allowable cut, reduction in (Smith, S.D.) 8697

Tree-farm licence No. 25 mentioned (Kempf) 7714

Tree-farm licence No. 39, audit of (Kempf) 8574 (Parker) 8575

Tree-farm licence No. 39, forest practices (Kempf) 8574 (Parker) 8575

Tree-farm licence No. 39 mentioned (Kempf) 7714

Tree-farm licence No. 44 mentioned (Kempf) 7714

Tree-farm licence No. 46 (Kempf) 8574

Tree-farm licence No. 46, annual allowable cut, reduction in (Miller) 5835, 8567

Tree-farm licence No. 46, audit of (Hanson, G.) 5652, 5726 (Kempf) 8574 (Miller) 8568, 8571 (Parker) 8568, 8571, 8575

Tree-farm licence No. 46, management of (Miller) 8567 (Parker) 8567, 8571

Tree-farm licence No. 46 mentioned (Kempf) 7714

Tree-farm licence No. 46, overcutting (Kempf) 5877 (Miller) 5687, 8567

Tree-farm licence system (Miller) 8592

Tree-farm licences (Edwards) 5749 (Kempf) 8070

Tree-farm licences and Indian land claims (Miller) 8043, 8044, 8058, 8059-60

Tree-farm licences, audits (Miller) 8605 (Parker) 8605

Tree-farm licences, compensation for removal of land from (Miller) 8043, 8059-60

Tree-farm licences, increase in (Miller) 8059-60 (Weisgerber) 8060

Tree-farm licences, issuing of, moratorium on (Miller) 5918

Tree-farm licences, long-range sustained yield reports for (Miller) 8604, 8605 (Parker) 8604, 8605

Tree-farm licences, management and working plans (Kempf) 8574 (Parker) 8575

Tree-farm licences, management plans, public input (Kempf) Q. 7654, Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7654, A. 7655

Tree-farm licences, number of (Janssen, G.) 5723

Tree-farm licences, policy on (Kempf) 8513 (Miller) 8506, 8510, 8608 (Parker) 8503

Tree-farm licences, policy on and federal funds for forestry (Miller) 5834

Tree-farm licences, renewal of for interim period (Parker) 8607

Tree-farm licences, renewal of, moratorium on (Miller) 8609

Tree-farm licences, renewal of, public hearings on (Kempf) Q. 7714 (Parker) A. 7714

Tree-farm licences, rollovers and replacements, public input (Parker) 8650

Tree-farm licences, silvicultural practices (Miller) 8595

Tree-farm licensees, value-added production requirement (Harcourt) 8724

Truck loggers, Dawson Creek, problems (Miller) 8689 (Parker) 8689

Truck loggers, legislation on (Kempf) Q. 6676 (Parker) A. 6676

Truck loggers, Prince George, problems (Parker) 8689

Vancouver Island, forest industry operations (Gabelmann) 7416, Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7655 (Pullinger) 7415 (Reid) 7416

Vancouver Island, forest industry operations, consultation with Tourism ministry re (Pullinger) 7415

Vancouver Island, logging plans, approval of (Gabelmann) Q. 7655 (Parker) A. 7655

Waste, issue of (Miller) 8507

Waste, wood-use policy (Parker) 8503

Williams Lake chipboard plant (Vander Zalm) 8663

Williams Lake timber supply area, analysis report for (Miller) 8600

Williams Lake timber supply area, management and working plan for (Parker) 8605

See also: Royal commission on forestry (Proposed)

Forest industry strike

See: Strikes and lockouts-Forest industry

Forest Inquiry (1943)

Mentioned: (Miller) 6746, 8595

Forest Inquiry (1955)

Quoted (Kempf) 8597

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8574

Forest Inventory Update Act

(Bill M229) (Miller) 1R, 8654

Inventory work, completion of (Miller) 8654

Forest Lawn-Ocean View Memorial Parks

Mentioned: (Williams) 7838

Forest licences

Tree-farm licence, rollover to. See entries under Forest Industries

Forest Memo: To B.C. MLAs

Quoted (Miller) 5833, 5834

Forest nurseries

Privatization of (Michael) 5969 (Rose) 5973

Forest Practices Act

(Bill M231) (Miller) 1R, 8654

Forest practice guidelines, establishment of (Miller) 8654

Logging of private land, harvesting plans for (Miller) 8654

Forest research

See entries under Forests and forestry

Forest resource development agreement

Annual allowable cut and agreement (Parker) 8594

Benefits of (Vant) 5621

Employees, personal service contracts (Michael) 6012

Funds, federal funds (Miller) 5833-4

Funds, source of (Kempf) 8512

Importance of (Miller) 7687

Reforestation, NSR areas (Parker) 8513

Second agreement (Miller) 5833-4, Q. 6580, 6983 (Parker) A. 6580-1, 8504 (Vant) 5621 (Veitch) 7686, 7687

Second agreement, funds for (Couvelier) A. 6462 (Miller) Q. 6462, Q. 6676, 6746, 6747, 7686, 7687, Q. 8420 (Parker) A. 6676, 6983, A. 8420 (Veitch) 7686

Tree-farm licences, . policy on and agreement (Miller) 5834

Western diversification fund, claims on (Miller) 7687

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8679

Forest Resources Commission

Appointment of (Miller) 8609

Establishment of (Kempf) 8508 (Miller) 8506 (Parker) 8503, 8507 (Vander Zalm) 8658, 8666

Independence of (Kempf) 8508 (Parker) 8511

Role of (Parker) 8503, 8512

Tree-farm licence policy, directions to commission re (Kempf) 8513

Tree-farm licence policy, views of members on (Miller) 8510

Tree-farm licences, investigation into (Parker) 8607

Forest Service

Kempf, Jack, relative of employed in Forest Service (Kempf) 8511 (Parker) 8511

Staff, supervision of management and working plans (Kempf) Q. 5877 (Parker) A. 5877

Mentioned: (Miller) 8506

Forest stand management fund

Funds, source of (Miller) 5787

Forest Trail condominium development, Whistler, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7873

Forest Waste Reduction Act

(Bill M230) (Miller) 1R, 8654

Timber scaling procedures, changes to (Miller) 8654

Forestry Research and Development Act

(Bill M233) (Harcourt) 1R, 8724-5

Forest industry products, value-added products, research and development of (Harcourt) 8724

Forest research and development agency, proposal for (Harcourt) 8724

Forestry Value Added Act

(Bill M232) (Harcourt) 1R, 8724

Forest industry products, value-added products (Harcourt) 8724

Timber licences, awarding of, requirement to be met (Harcourt) 8724

Tree-farm licensees, value-added production requirement (Harcourt) 8724

Forests, Ministry of

Estimates 8502-25, 8565-78, 8586-8607, 8639-51

Speakers: Brummet 8569-70; Edwards 8639, 8640, 8641; Fraser, R. 8593; Kempf 8508-9, 8512-3, 8520, 8521, 8521-3, 8524-5, 8574-5, 8588, 8589, 8596, 8597, 8597-8, 8599, 8599-8600, 8602, 8603, 8605-6, 8644-5, 8650-1; Miller 8505-7, 8510-1, 8514, 8515, 8516, 8516-7, 8517, 8518, 8518-9, 8519, 8520, 8565-6, 8566, 8567, 8568, 8568-9, 8571, 8572, 8576, 8576-7, 8586, 8586-7, 8587, 8587-8, 8589-90, 8591, 8592, 8592-3, 8593-4, 8594, 8594-5, 8595, 8596, 8598-9, 8599, 8600, 8600-1, 8602, 8603, 8603-4, 8604, 8605, 8607, 8641-2, 8642, 8642-3, 8643-4, 8646-7, 8648-9; Parker 8502-5, 8507-8, 8511-2, 8513-4, 8515, 8516, 8517, 8518, 8519, 8519-20, 8520-1, 8521, 8523-4, 8525, 8566, 8566-7, 8567-8, 8571-2, 8572-3, 8575-6, 8576, 8577, 8577-8, 8586, 8587, 8588, 8588-9, 8590-1, 8591, 8591-2, 8592, 8593, 8594, 8595, 8596, 8596-7, 8597, 8599, 8600, 8601, 8601-2, 8602, 8603, 8604, 8604-5, 8605, 8606-7, 8639-40, 8640-1, 8642, 8643, 8644, 8645-6, 8647-8, 8649-50

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Clark) 5781

Land use, role in (Edwards) 7182-3

Public, consultation with (Parker) 5655

Recreation program, funding for (Parker) 8504

Scaling and revenue collection procedures, review of (Parker) A. 6938 (Williams) Q. 6937

Staff, increase in (Miller) Q. 6039 (Parker) A. 6039, 8503

Staff, personal service contracts (Gabelmann) 6002 (Michael) 6012, 6016, 6016-7, 6056

Staff, reduction in (Clark) 5781

Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6964 (Sihota) 6932, 6933

Forests, Ministry of, Act

Mentioned: (Miller) 8654 (Parker) 5991, 8507, 8566

Forests and forestry

Annual allowable cut. See entries under Forest Industries

Clearcut areas, natural regeneration (Parker) 8641

Community forestry program (Parker) 8504

Crown land, addition to forest inventory (Kempf) 7952, 7953

Forest land, classification of as managed land (Miller) 7296

Forest land, control of (Kempf) 8070, 8073

Forest land, NSR land (Miller) 6747

Forest land, sale of public forest land to industry (Brummet) 8570 (Parker) 8570

Forest land use, professional foresters' proposal re (Miller) 7741

Forest management, information on (Parker) 8507

Forest management policies (Kempf) 8508 (Parker) 8503, 8507

Forest management practices (Harcourt) 8665 (Miller) 8654

Forest management, public information sessions on (Kempf) 8509 (Miller) 8510, 8608-9 (Parker) 8503, 8512, 8650

Forest renewal and roadbuilding credits to forest companies (Kempf) 8520

Forest renewal, funding for in future (Miller) Q. 6580, Q. 6581 (Parker) A. 6580-1, A. 6581

Forest renewal, requirements to be met by industry (Parker) 8504

Forest resource development agreement. See name of agreement

Forestry enhancement program, employees (Miller) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, funding for (Couvelier) 5787 (Miller) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, title of program (Couvelier) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, work of (Couvelier) 5788 (Miller) 5787-8

Government policy on (Sihota) 5639-40

Inventory of (Miller) 8654

Inventory program, funding for (Parker) 8504

Management of (Edwards) 5749

Mayors' silviculture program (Huberts) 7732

Old growth forest, definition of (Parker) 8507

Old-growth forests, preservation of in B.C. (Miller) 8251-2, 8253 (Strachan) 8252-3, 8253

Property tax on forested land, proposal re (Miller) 7296

Public awareness of forestry, increase in (Parker) 8505

Research (Kempf) 8603 (Parker) 8603, 8650

Research and development (Harcourt) 5607 (Miller) 5835-6

Research and development agency, proposal for (Harcourt) 8724

Research and development, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8386-7 (Harcourt) 8385, 8386, 8701 (Miller) 8506, 8700 (Parker) 8508

Research and development, industry's involvement in (Hagen, S.) ) 8384, 8386-7, 8387, 8701 (Harcourt) 8385, 8387, 8701 (Miller) 8649, 8699-8700 (Parker) 8650

Research, biotechnological research group (Parker) 8508

Research, genetic improvement (Parker) 5657

Research laboratory, location of in Prince George (Kempf) 8603

Research laboratory, University of Victoria (Kempf) 5882

Scandinavia, forest policy (Miller) 5687

Silvicultural Industry (Parker) 5655

Silvicultural land reserve, proposal for (Parker) 8594

Silvicultural practices, tree-farm licences (Miller) 8596

Silviculture (Jansen, J.) 6746 (Miller) 8506 (Parker) 5655

Silviculture, employment in, personal service contracts (Gabelmann) 6013 (Michael) 6012, 6016, 6016-7, 6056

Silviculture, funding for (Clark) 5781, 5783 (Couvelier) 5771 (Parker) 8504

Silviculture, JobTrac funds for (Miller) 5787

Sustained yield (Jansen, J.) 6746 (Miller) 8567

Technology transfer, remote sensing (Parker) 8508

Tofino area, clearcutting (Parker) 8503

Vancouver Island, forest renewal proposal, funding for (Miller) 5787

Washington, timber, fish and wildlife agreement (Kempf) 8509 (Parker) 8511

Weed control, grazing sheep (Strachan) 8234

Weed control, use of herbicides (Kempf) 8242-3, 8246 (Strachan) 8234

See also: Royal commission on forestry (Proposed) ; Woodlots

Forests and forestry -Mensuration

Scalers, powers of (Miller) Q. 6039 (Parker) A. 6039

Scaling, Campbell River and Sunshine Coast area (Miller) Q. 6038 (Parker) A. 6038

Scaling data, transfer of (Parker) 6038

Scaling procedures, changes to (Miller) 8654

Scaling, scale sheets, requirement re submission of (Miller) 8687 (Parker) 8687

Scaling teams, recommendation re (Miller) Q. 6038 (Parker) A. 6038

Scaling, time requirement for (Miller) Q. 6039 (Parker) A. 6039

Scaling, unscaled timber, seizure of (Miller) 8688 (Parker) 8688

Scaling, use of check-scale figures (Parker) 8687

Forintek Canada Corporation

Funding for (Parker) 8505, 8508

Research (Parker) 8650

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8387 (Harcourt) 8385 (Miller) 8649 (Parker) 8602 (Strachan) 8088

Fort Alcohol and Drug Society

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6404

Fort Langley Junior Secondary School, Fort Langley, Conversion to fine arts school (Peterson) 5805

Fort Nelson, B.C.

Physician, lack of (Perry) 6126

Subdivision development on leased land (Brummet) 6223

Fort Nelson Indian band

Treaty 8 land claim, settlement of (Weisgerber) 8058

Fort Nelson-Liard Native Women's Group

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377

Fort Nelson Women's Resource Society

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377

Fort St. James, B.C.

North Road accidents, insurance coverage for (Kempf) 6787 (Vant) 6788

North Road, status of as public road (Kempf) 6787 (Vant) 6788

North Road, use of (Kempf) 6787

Fort Ware Indian band

Mentioned: (Boone) 8033 (Kempf) 8036

Forum Fisheries Agency

Mentioned: (Savage) 8502

Foster, Les

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8345

Foster home care

Children in care (Richmond) 8744

Contract foster care (Marzari) 8750 (Richmond) 8743, 8744 (Smallwood) 8742-3, 8745

Costs of to foster parents (Smallwood) 8744

Funding for (Richmond) 8710

Homes closed, allegation re (Smallwood) 8745

Rates (Couvelier) 5769 (Richmond) 8710, 8746, 8749 (Smallwood) 8745, 8749

Rates for and income tax (Richmond) 8749 (Smallwood) 8744, 8748-9, 8749

Teenagers, foster care for (Smallwood) 8805

Foster parents

Concerns of and allegation re intimidation (Richmond) 8754 (Smallwood) 8754

Income tax on fee to (Marzari) 8749-50, 8750-1 (Richmond) 8743-4, 8745-6, 8749, 8750 (Smallwood) 8742-3, 8744-5, 8748-9, 8749

Income tax on fee to, back taxes (Marzari) 8750 (Richmond) 8743-4, 8749, 8750 (Smallwood) 8742, 8743, 8744, 8748, 8749

Income tax on fee to, employment of tax expert for (Marzari) 8750 (Richmond) 8743, 8746, 8750 (Smallwood) 8748

Income tax on fee to, problems re (Smallwood) 8745

Recruitment of (Mowat) 8759

Foster's Lager

Mentioned: (Clark) 6605

Fothergill, Colin

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7921

Fotheringham, Allan

Mentioned: (Richmond) 5899

Fountain, Pete

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8317

The 411 Seniors' Centre Society, Vancouver, B.C.

Funding for (Richmond) 8779

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 8778

Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada

Westwood land, purchase of (Michael) 6034, 6233 (Williams) 6020

Fox, Irving

Quoted (Miller) 5686

Fox, Leonard

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7674

Foxglove Condominiums, Whistler, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7873

Francois Lake, B.C.

Contamination of (Kempf) 8244, 8246

Omineca Princess, emergency operation of (Kempf) 6740-1, 6741 (Vant) 6741

Omineca Princess mentioned (Kempf) 6690

Omineca Princess, standby crew (Kempf) 6741-2, 6741, 6786 (Vant) 6787-8

Francois Lake Road

Paving of (Kempf) 5730-1, 6721, 6722, 6786

Stellaquo Indian band, negotiations with (Kempf) 6786 (Vant) 6788

Frank Beban Logging Ltd.

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 6196

Franklin, R.W.G.

Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778

Franklin River, B.C.

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7795 (Janssen, G.) 7795

Fraser, Alexander Vaughan

CBC interview referred to (Guno) 6728

Legislature, absence from opening of (Rose) 5590-1 (Vander Zalm) 5590

Message to members quoted (Vander Zalm) 5590

Tribute to (Fraser, R) 6701 (Gabelmann) 6702 (Harcourt) 6701 (Kempf) 6701 (Rogers) 6701 (Serwa) 6702 (Vander Zalm) 6701 (Vant) 5620, 6701-2

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6744 (Strachan) 8317 (Vant) 6729

Fraser, James Alexander

Mentioned: (Mercier) 7853

Fraser, John A.

Mentioned: (Vant) 5620, 6702

Fraser, Russell G. (Vancouver South)

Achievement tests, B.C. students, comparisons with students elsewhere 7530

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 8328-9, 8345-6

Alex Fraser Bridge 6707

Atlin constituency, size of and population 6384

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6383-4

B.C. Educational Technology Centre 7530

B.C. Ferry Corporation, ferry system 6707

B.C. Ferry Corporation vessel, purchase of during NDP administration 6799

B.C. Ferry Corporation vessels, design of 6798-9

B.C. Medical Association, master agreement 6119, 6147, 6148

Baisakhi festival, celebration of 6441

Charter of Rights and Sunday shopping law 6383

China, student protest, support of Chinese students in Canada for Q. 7035, 7179-80

College boards, appointment of 8328

Coquihalla Highway, construction of commended 6707

Criminals, protection of out-of-country criminals in Canada 6383

Distance education in B.C. 8329

Drug abuse, problem 6946

Education ministry, estimates 7372-3, 7530-1, 7540

Education system 7373, 7531, 8329

Electoral districts, dual-member ridings 6383

Environment ministry, estimates 8149-50, 8156-7, 8239-40

Environmental Laboratory, staff, present employment of 8240

Fisher, Thomas K., Moe Sihota's allegations re 6383-4

Forests ministry, estimates 8593

Fraser, Alexander Vaughan, tribute to 6701

Gabriola Island, bridge 6798

Gabriola Island, ferry terminal 6798

Grace Hospital, deliveries at hospital 6156

Grades 1 to 3, ungraded grades 7531

Gypsy moth control, Vancouver 6798

Health care services, federal sales tax on 6156

Health care system 6147

Health ministry, estimates 6099, 6118-9, 6147-8, 6156-7, 6317

Highway 1, Rogers Pass, construction of 6797

Highway 19, Parksville-Qualicum area, bypass 6798

Highways, construction of, cost of per kilometre 6707

Highways, maintenance of, contractors, union contractors 6798

Highways, maintenance of, privatization of 6797-8

Hospitals, boards, voting for 6317

Hospitals, equipment 6147

Hospitals, regional hospital systems, proposal re 6317

Knight Street Pub, complaints re 6975

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, estimates 6946-7, 6975

MLAs, number of 6384

Medical procedures, waiting-lists for 6148

Medical Services Plan of B.C., fees to physicians 6147

Nurses, wage increases, source of funds for 6148

Oil spills 7002

Oil spills, cleanup of, technology for 7039-40, 8156-7

Oil spills, hopper dredge vessel in B.C., funding for refit of 7039-40

Oil spills, response to 8149

Paramedicals, use of 6119

Parks, acreage 7797

Parks ministry, estimates 7797-8

Parks, recreation areas 7798

Parliament buildings, smoking in, ban on 6080

Perry, Thomas L., choice of as critic for Health ministry 6148

Perry, Thomas L., membership in B.C. Medical Association and possible conflict of interest 6148

Pharmacists, dispensing fee 6118

Physicians, fee for service, fixed fee 6119

Physicians, immigrant physicians, case cited 6148

Physicians, incomes 6118, 6147-8

Physicians, services, overutilization of 6099

Physicians, services, performance of by nurses 6099

Prisoners, electronic monitoring of 7002

Royal Commission on Education 7373

Sales tax, federal sales tax on professional medical services, Q. 6299

School districts, women, appointment of to senior positions 7539, 7540

School tax 7530

School tax on non-residential property 7530

School tax, school boards' powers re 7530

Sikhs, Vancouver South constituency 6441

Smoking in the Parliament Buildings, An Act to Regulate (Bill M207) 1R, 6080

Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7002, 7039-40

Stanley Park causeway 6799

Student aid program, funding for 8328-9

Sunday shopping law 6383

Teacher training, funding for 7530

Teachers, tribute to 7373

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6707-8, 6797-9

Universities, centres of excellence 8329

University Endowment Land Park Act 6195

University Endowment Land Park Act, bill, second reading six months hence 6195

University Endowment Lands, housing proposal during NDP administration 6195

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to, amendment proposed 6195

University Endowment Lands, park, establishment of 6195, 7797-8

University in north 8345-6

Vancouver, Cassiar connector, work on 6799

Voter enumeration forms, inclusion of social insurance numbers, Q. 6938

Workers' Compensation Board, appeals 6946

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, independence of 6946

Workers' Compensation Board, companies, title change and loss of experience rating 6946-7

Fraser, Simon

Journal quoted (Perry) 5883, 6188

Fraser Canyon Hospital, Hope, B.C.

Radiology unit, funding for (Rabbitt) 5903

Fraser Institute

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6923, 8795, 8796 (Lovick) 7821 (Williams) 8729

Fraser Regional Correctional Centre, Maple Ridge, B.C.

Construction of (Ree) 6989, 6991

Mentioned: (Ree) 5663

Fraser River, B.C.

Cleanup of (Strachan) 8097

Diked areas, committees for response to flooding (De Jong) 7028

Flood control, equipment for (De Jong) 7028

Flood control, work of volunteers (De Jong) 7028

Liquid waste in river (Loenen) 8096

Paddle-wheel, re-establishment of (Rabbitt) 8293

Richmond, middle arm crossing (Loenen) 6726 (Vant) 6728

Richmond, north arm crossing, No. 8

Road and Kerr (Loenen) 6726

Runoff in river (Loenen) 8096 (Strachan) 8097

Water quality, Richmond area (Loenen) 8096

Fraser River Coalition

Mentioned: (Perry) 5884

Fraser Valley, B.C.

Air pollution (Perry) 5884, 6085

Post-secondary education and population growth (Hagen, S.) 8320, 8325

Fraser Valley, B.C. — Transit system

Canadian Pacific Railway line, use of (Johnston) 5876 (Rose) 5625

Commuter-rail system (Johnston) A. 6299, 6585 (Jones) 6845 (Rose) Q. 6298, 6569, 6585

Commuter-rail system, contracts for (Johnston) A. 6299 (Rose) Q. 6299

Commuter-rail system, federal funds for (Johnston) 6585, A. 7379 (Rose) Q. 7379

Commuter-rail system, Mission starting-point for (Rose) 6585

Commuter-rail system, status of (Johnston) A. 7379 (Rose) Q. 7379

Commuter-rail system, studies on (Rose) 6585

North shore communities, transportation problems (Jacobsen) Q. 5876 (Johnston) A. 5876

See also entries under Vancouver, B.C.-Transit system

Fraser Valley College

Mentioned: (De Jong) 5600 (Hagen, S.) 8320, 8325 (Michael) 5968 (Peterson) 5805

Free enterprise

See: Laissez faire

Free trade and protection

Agriculture and free trade agreement (Barlee) 5935, 7189 (Savage) 7189, 7236

Agriculture and free trade agreement, monitoring of (Barlee) Q. 8422 (Savage) A. 8422

Cominco Ltd., water rental fee, reduction in and free trade agreement (D’Arcy) 8496

Copper mining industry, subsidy to and free trade agreement (Davis) 8490 (Edwards) 8490

Electricity rates, special discounts and free trade agreement (Clark) 8490-1 (Davis) 8491

Fish-processing industry dispute and free trade agreement (Miller) 7260 (Savage) 7261

Fish-processing industry, impact of free trade agreement on (Hagen, S.) 8374 (Miller) 7261, 7704 (Savage) 7261

Fish-processing, panel on landing requirement (Jansen, J.) 7705, 7706 (Miller) 7705

Forest products, value-added products, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Free trade agreement (Couvelier) 5765, 5769 (Jansen, J.) 6555, 7700 (Jones) 7231 (McCarthy) 5812 (Messmer) 5680 (Throne speech) 5586

Free trade agreement, government support for (Harcourt) Q. 6369

Free trade agreement, impact of (Hagen, S.) 8373 (Miller) 6560-1

Free trade agreement, impact of, monitoring of (Gabelmann) 7710 (Jansen, J.) 7710

Free trade agreement, implementation of (Smith, B.R.) 5706

Free trade agreement mentioned (Harcourt) 6675 (Jansen, J.) 6561

Free trade agreement, seminars and workshops on (Jansen, J.) 7701

“Free Trade and Women in British Columbia: Potential Impact and Policy Directions for the Future” tabled (Hagen, S.) 8080

Garment industry workers, impact of free trade agreement on (Hagen, A.) 8374

Grape growers and free trade agreement (Messmer) 6281 (Savage) 5851

Horticultural industry and free trade agreement (Savage) 7189

Jobs, loss of and free trade agreement (Jansen, G.) 5910-1

Lead mining industry, subsidy to and free trade agreement (Davis) 8490 (Edwards) 8490

Log exports and free trade agreement (Miller) Q. 5604, 8518-9, 8519 (Parker) A. 5604

Manitoba furniture industry, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6561

Natural resources, trade in under free trade agreement (Jansen, J.) 7706 (Miller) 7706

New Zealand, free trade arrangement with Canada, proposal for (Gabelmann) 7708, 7709 (Jansen, J.) 7708, 7709

Paper industry, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560-1

Prime Minister's free trade advisory council, recommendations (McCarthy) 5812

Pulp and paper equipment industry, impact of free trade agreement on (Miller) 6560

Service industries, impact of free trade agreement on (Clark) 8375

Tree-fruit growers, impact of free trade agreement on (Barlee) Q. 8082

Vegetable-growing industry and free trade agreement (Savage) 7175

Wine industry and free trade agreement (Clark) 8294 (Messmer) 5683 (Savage) 5851 (Serwa) 8293, 8295

Women farmworkers, impact of free trade agreement on (Hagen, A.) 8374 (Hagen, S.) 8374 (Smallwood) 8372

Women, impact of free trade agreement on (Clark) 8375-6 (Hagen, A.) 8374 (Hagen, S.) 8373 (Miller) 8390-1 (Smallwood) 8372-3, 8378

Women, impact of free trade agreement on, report on (Clark) 8376 (Hagen, S.) 8373 (Miller) 8390 (Smallwood) 8372, 8373

Workforce, training of and free trade agreement (McCarthy) 5812-3

Freedom of information

Legislation on (Cashore) 5855 (Jones) 6476, 6477, 6478 (Smith, S.D.) 6477

Manitoba legislation (Jones) 6476

See also: Government information

Freedom of Information Act

(Bill M223) (Jones) 1R, 8499

Canadian Security Intelligence Service, ministries, access to, information re (Jones) 8499

Government information, access to (Jones) 8499

Polluters and pollution, access to information on (Jones) 8499

French Beach Park

Campsites, upkeep of (Sihota) 7825

Fire protection equipment, supply of (Huberts) 7824

Fire protection, training of contractors in (Huberts) 7824 (Sihota) 7824-5, 7824

Maintenance of, cost of (Sihota) 7805

Purchase of property (Sihota) 7824

Security problems (Sihota) 7825

Services, level of (Sihota) 7806

Staff, number of (Sihota) 7805, 7806

Mentioned: (Sihota) 7825

French language — Study and teaching

Kindergarten, dual entry to and French immersion students (Hagen, A.) 8183-4, 8184

Friedman, Milton

Mentioned: (Clark) 8739

Friends of Fred

Bone marrow transplant program (Dueck) 6428 (Smallwood) 6427, 6428

Friends of Kaon

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 6249

Friends of Okanagan College

Mentioned: (Serwa) 8363

Friends of Schizophrenics Society

Mentioned: (Perry) 6395, 6407

Friends of the Environment

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8230

Friends of the Royal British Columbia Museum

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6648

Fritz, Daniel

Mentioned: (Clark) 7944 (Williams) 7958

Fritz, Herb

Mentioned: (Clark) 7944

Fromowitz, Sam

Mentioned: (Reid) 7415


Alar-treated fruit, ban on import of (Barlee) 6834

Fruit industry (Chalmers) 5859

Labelling of by country of origin (Barlee) Q. 6834 (Savage) A. 6834

Soft-fruit industry (Barlee) 7174 (Rose) 7173 (Savage) 7175

Tourist trade and Okanagan-Similkameen fruit industry (Barlee) 7188 (Savage) 7188

Tree-fruit industry (Barlee) 7174, 7188 (Rose) 7173

Tree-fruit industry, assistance to (Barlee) 7174-5, 7215 (Savage) 7215

Tree-fruit industry, employment in (Barlee) 7188

Tree-fruit industry, impact of free trade agreement on (Barlee) Q. 8082

Tree-fruit industry, meetings re (Savage) 7188

Tree-fruit industry, value of to economy (Barlee) 7188 (Savage) 7188

Frumento, J.R.

Mentioned: (Parker) 6110

Fryer, John

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8828


High-sulphur-content fuel, ban on (Couvelier) 5770

Fuelcorp International Ltd.

Mentioned: (Edwards) 8488

Funeral Plan Act

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7742

Funeral services

See: Undertakers and undertaking

Funk, Steven

Lawsuit against (Clark) 7595

Mentioned: (Clark) 7594, 7595, 7598

Fur Brigade Trail

Mentioned: (Barlee) 5934


Licence fee for fur farms, setting of by regulation (Clark) 8818 (Smith, S.D.) 8818


Emission of (Cashore) 5914-5

Trout, testing of for furan content (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939

Furstenwald, Maria

Mentioned: (Perry) 6187