Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
W.A.C. Bennett Dam
Mentioned: (Perry) 8428 (Weisgerber) 7967
WSCA Newsletter
Quoted (Miller) 8595
Wadsworth, Louis
Mentioned: (Clark) 6414
Level of (Mercier) 5595 (Michael) 6006
Level of and poverty line (Smallwood) 8727
Overtime, regulations re (Hanson, L.) 6936 (Sihota) 6935-6
Payment of, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6929, 6931 (Sihota) 6929, 6930, 6930-1, 6931, 6932, 6933, 6934
Payment of, delay in, ombudsman's statement re (Hanson, L.) 6931 (Sihota) 6931, 6931-2
Prince George wage rates, men's and women's wages (Smallwood) 6954
Unpaid wages recovered (Hanson, L.) 6893
Wage policies (Williams) 8729
Wages — Dismissal wage
Nemetz inquiry into severance pay and pensions. See entries under Nemetz, Nathaniel T.
Poole, David, severance pay. See entries under his name
Severance pay policies (Vander Zalm) 5693
Wages — Minimum wage
Farmworkers, minimum wage for (Hanson, L.) A. 8232 (Sihota) Q. 8232
Increase in (Couvelier) 7015 (Hanson, L.) 6963, 6964 (Janssen, G.) 7014 (Pullinger) 7417 (Sihota) 6963, 6964 (Williams) 8729, 8730
Level of (Pullinger) 5888
Level of elsewhere in Canada (Hanson, L.) 6963
Minimum daily pay (Sihota) 6935
Minimum wage (Hanson, L.) 6958 (Marzari) 8731 (Pullinger) 7418, 7855 (Smallwood) 6958
Poverty line and minimum wage (Clark) 5783 (Sihota) 6963
Wages — Women
Average wage (Rose) 6014
Prince George, wage rates (Smallwood) 6954
Wage rates (Marzari) 5646, 5654 (Pullinger) 7012, 7013 (Smallwood) 6954-5, 6955, 8378, 8379-80
See also entries under Equal pay for equal work
Wagner, Hans
Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780
Wagner, Norman
Mentioned: (Miller) 8390
Walch, Jim
Mentioned: (Darks) 7922
Waldichuk, Mike
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7076
Waldron, Tom
Mentioned: (Long) 7851
Walker, Jim
Quoted (Cashore) 5659
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5661
Walker, Michael
Mentioned: (Lovick) 7821
Wall Street (Moving-picture)
Mentioned: (Guno) 5665
Wallace, Barbara
Mentioned: (Pullinger) 5886
Wallace, G. Scott
Mentioned: (Jones) 6476 (Rogers) 6171
Wallace, Lawrie
Mentioned: (Mowat) 5870
Wallace, Wilfred John (Bae)
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6327, 6329
Wallace farm
Purchase of (Darks) 7593
Walnut Grove, B.C.
Senior secondary school, construction of (Gran) 5636 (Peterson) 5805
Ward, Barbara
Quoted (Perry) 8257
Ward, David Howard
Mentioned: (Clark) 7622 (Sihota) 6805
Ward, John
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8451, 8454
Ward, Tom
Mentioned: (Clark) 6830
See: Special warrants
Warrants (Law)
Search warrants, telewarrant system for (Sihota) 8631 (Smith, S.D.) 8079-80, 8631
Search warrants, telewarrants, use of (Gabelmann) 8697 (Smith, S.D.) 8697-8, 8697
Warren, Derril
Electoral redistribution commission (Hanson, G.) 7381
Wartsila Marine Inc.
Company (Clark) 6829
Ferry, design contract for (Clark) Q. 6676 (Vant) A. 6676
Vancouver office (Vant) 6856
Washington (State)
Court orders, reciprocal agreement on enforcement of (Smith, S.D.) 8140 (Strachan) 8145
Economic partnership agreement with (Couvelier) 5765 (Jansen, J.) 7701 (Throne speech) 5586
Sewage disposal, laws re (Hanson, G.) 6639, 6640
Washington Post, Washington, D.C.
Washington Public Power Supply System
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8318
Washington Water Power Co.
Mentioned: (Edwards) 6113
Waste management
See: Refuse and refuse disposal
Waste Management Act
Amendments to (Strachan) 5610, 7731
Amendments to, NDP vote on (Strachan) 5821-2
Enforcement of (Lovick) 8456
Fines under act (Cashore) 6279, 6336, 7970-1, 8085, 8106 (Harcourt) 6459
Littering, proclamation of sections on (Lovick) 8449
Prince George pulp mill fine. See entries under Pulp mills
Prosecutions under act (Strachan) 8102, 8103
Section 8, amendment to (Cashore) 5914
Mentioned: (Cashore) 6580, 7694, 8084, 8219 (Edwards) 8091 (Lovick) 7063 (Savage) 7899 (Sihota) 8102, 8631 (Smith, B.R.) 5707 (Smith, S.D.) 8080, 8697 (Strachan) 5611, 6130, 7249, 7695, 8091, 8095
Waste Management Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 58) (Minister of Environment) 1R, 7866; 2R, 7969-85; C, 8451-60; 3R, 8460; RA, 8586
Speakers: Blencoe 7983-5; Boone 7972; Cashore 7969-72, 7971; Clark 7974-6; Janssen, G. 7981-3; Lovick 8451, 8452, 8453, 8454, 8455, 8456, 8457, 8458, 8458-9, 8459, 8459-60, 8460; Miller 7976-9; Perry 8455; Rose 7973-4; Serwa 7976; Sihota 7979-81; Strachan 7866, 7969, 7985, 8451, 8452, 8452-3, 8453, 8453-4, 8454, 8454-5, 8455, 8455-6, 8456, 8457, 8457-8, 8458, 8459, 8460; Williams 7972-3
Air pollution (Strachan) 7969
Air pollution standards, Greater Vancouver area, enforcement of (Rose) 7973
Biomedical waste (Strachan) 7969
Biomedical waste, BFI system for (Strachan) 8454-5
Biomedical waste, definition of (Lovick) 8451
Biomedical waste, disposal of (Lovick) 8453, 8454 (Perry) 8455 (Strachan) 7866, 8454, 8455
Biomedical waste, task force on (Lovick) 8451 (Strachan) 8451, 8454
Canfor Ltd., Prince George pulp mill, fine for pollution (Boone) 7972 (Cashore) 7971 (Williams) 7973
Conservation officers, powers of (Lovick) 8457 (Strachan) 8457
Crematoriums, Waste Management Act regulations, exemption from (Lovick) 8452 (Strachan) 8452
Enforcement of act (Lovick) 8456
Environmental Laboratory, sale of (Cashore) 7969, 7971
Environmental protection, courts, role of (Williams) 7973
Environmental protection, issue of, public concern re (Clark) 7974 (Rose) 7974 (Sihota) 7980
Environmental protection measures during NDP administration (Miller) 7977
Environmental protection, public participation in (Williams) 7972
Environmental protection, responsibility for as individuals (Serwa) 7976
Environmental protection, standards elsewhere (Strachan) 7985
Environmental protection, standards, employees reporting violations, protection of (Boone) 7972
Environmental protection, standards, enforcement of (Boone) 7972 (Cashore) 7970 (Clark) 7975 (Janssen, G.) 7983 (Serwa) 7976
Environmental protection, standards, monitoring of (Williams) 7973
Ewert, Peter, employment of (Sihota) 7979
Fishing, drift-net fishing, Taiwan participation in (Clark) 7974
Government, public confidence In (Miller) 7978
Hazardous wastes, regulations, enforcement of (Lovick) 8456 (Strachan) 8456
Koster, landfill permit, cancellation of (Strachan) 8457-8, 8458
Litter Act, fines under act, total collected (Cashore) 7986
Loopholes under act (Cashore) 7971 (Strachan) 7985
Millstream Creek, oil spill, charges, laying of (Sihota) 7979-80
Municipalities, waste management plans (Janssen, G.) 7983 (Lovick) 8455, 8456 (Miller) 7978 (Strachan) 8455-6, 8455, 8456
Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Coquitlam watershed area (Rose) 7974
Oil spills, Alaska spill (Clark) 7975
Oil spills, Millstream Creek spill, charges, laying of (Sihota) 7979-80
Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill (Clark) 7975
Okanagan Basin water study, implementation of (Serwa) 7976
Okanagan South constituency, subdivision approvals during NDP administration (Serwa) 7976
Polluters, fines for (Blencoe) 7984, 7985 (Clark) 7975 (Lovick) 8459, 8459-60, 8460 (Sihota) 7981 (Strachan) 7866, 7969, 8459, 8460
Polluters, fines for profiting from environmental damage (Lovick) 8459 (Strachan) 7969, 8459
Polluters, fines for, provision for under act (Lovick) 8458-9 (Strachan) 8459
Polluters, fines for, total collected (Williams) 7973
Pollution by industry, self-regulation (Cashore) 7971
Pollution, definition of under act (Cashore) 7971
Pollution, Greater Vancouver Regional District pollution source (Serwa) 7976
Pollution permits, Issuing of, process for (Lovick) 8452, 8453 (Strachan) 8452-3
Pollution permits, public disclosure of (Cashore) 7971
Pollution permits, public participation in approval of (Blencoe) 7984
Pollution permits, variances to (Cashore) 7971 (Clark) 7975 (Williams) 7972-3
Pollution permits, variances to, public disclosure of (Cashore) 7971
Pollution permits, waste managers' powers to amend (Lovick) 8453 (Strachan) 8453
Pollution regulations, non-compliance with, time allowed for (Lovick) 8452 (Strachan) 8452
Pollution, spills, reporting of (Cashore) 7971
Pollution, study of, provision for (Janssen, G.) 7982
Pollution, testing for, monitoring of (Cashore) 7969
Pollution victims, compensation for (Janssen, G.) 7983 (Williams) 7973
Polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated oil, case cited (Strachan) 8459
Prince Rupert, golf course, problem with ravens (Miller) 7977
Prince Rupert, landfill (Miller) 7977
Pulp mill, Squamish area, spill reported (Cashore) 7970
Pulp mills, pollution (Miller) 7977, 7978
Pulp mills, pollution control equipment, expenditures on (Strachan) 7985
Pulp mills, pollution control Inspections, advance notice of (Boone) 7972
Pulp mills, pollution control standards, enforcement of (Boone) 7972 (Cashore) 7969-70
Pulp mills, Powell River mill, air pollution (Rose) 7973-4
Rankin, Murray, study (Cashore) 7970, 7971 (Strachan) 7969
Recycling (Janssen, G.) 7983
Recycling, Hornby Island (Williams) 7973
Relchhold Chemicals Inc., emissions, Port Moody area (Rose) 7973
Sewage disposal, funding formula during NDP administration (Miller) 7977-8
Steel mill for B.C. and environment (Clark) 7974
Waste disposal regulations, enforcement of (Lovick) 8456, 8457 (Strachan) 8456, 8457
Waste Management Act, fines under act, total collected (Cashore) 7970-1
Waste Management Amendment Act provisions, application of to Greater Vancouver Regional District (Strachan) 7985
Western Pulp (Ltd.) Partnership, Woodfibre mill, charge against (Cashore) 7969-70
Wood-pulp industry, productivity, investment in Increase in (Miller) 7978
Waste management branch
Waste management enforcement staff, advertisements for (Cashore) 8218
Waste management enforcement staff, increase in (Cashore) 8129-30, 8217, 8218 (Strachan) 8089, 8217, 8218
Waste management enforcement staff, lower mainland area (Cashore) 8130, 8132 (Strachan) 8132-3
Waste management enforcement staff, new staff, information re (Cashore) 8105-6, 8128, 8130 (Strachan) 8106, 8127, 8128
Waste management enforcement staff, training (Cashore) 8127 (Strachan) 8127-8
Bottlers and distillers, exemption from Water Utility Act (Cashore) 7756 (Strachan) 7694, 7756
Export of (Cashore) 7694
Management of, funding for (Loenen) 8096 (Strachan) 8073, 8097
Regional water managers, powers of (Cashore) 7749 (Edwards) 7751 (Janssen, G.) 7752 (Smallwood) 7750 (Strachan) 7749, 7750, 7751
Tanker trucks, exemption from Water Utility Act (Cashore) 7756 (Strachan) 7756
Water comptroller, employees of, right to enter land (Cashore) 7755 (Strachan) 7755
Water licence applications, regional managers' powers re (Cashore) 7749 (Strachan) 7749, 7750, 7751, 7752
Water licence fee (D’Arcy) 5814, 8395, 8396
Water licence fee, level of (D’Arcy) 8497 (Davis) 8497
Water licence fee, revenue to province (Davis) 8397, 8497
Water licences (Parker) 8641
Water licences, regional water managers' powers re (Cashore) 7753 (Edwards) 7754-5 (Smallwood) 7754 (Strachan) 7753, 7754, 7755
Water licences, issuing of (Cashore) 7752 (Strachan) 7752
Water Act
Engineer under act (Strachan) 7755, 7756
Environmental Appeal Board, appellants to under act (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 7746, 7747
Regulations under act, compliance with (Edwards) 7749, 7750 (Strachan) 7749, 7750
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7694, 7749 (Strachan) 7433, 7694
Water milfoil
See: Eurasian water milfoil
Water pipes
Lead solder, ban on use of (Cashore) 6803-4, 6884 (Johnston) 6883
Water supply, Rural
Funding for (D’Arcy) 5815
Water systems, Municipal
See: Municipal water supply
Water Utility Act
Bottlers and distillers, exemption from act (Cashore) 7756 (Strachan) 7694, 7756
Water tanker trucks, exemption from act (Strachan) 7756
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7694 (Strachan) 7433
Habitat, Boundary Bay area, protection of (Jones) 7226 (Savage) 7226, 7233
Waterland, Thomas Manville
Quoted (Williams) 5743
Waters, Donovan
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6782 (Smith, S.D.) 6781
Ladysmith watersheds, logging of (Miller) 8566
Logging of (Edwards) 8640 (Lovick) 8241, 8242 (Miller) 8566 (Parker) 8567 (Strachan) 8242, 8245
Protection of (Lovick) 8241, 8242 (Strachan) 8242
Watson, John
B.C. Institute of Technology, appointment to (Hagen, S.) 8370 (Jones) 8370
Watson, Patrick
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8014 (Janssen, G.) 8025
Watt, Clifford
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6353
Watts, Robert
Mentioned: (Smith, B.R) 6457
Distribution of (Couvelier) 7014 (Gabelmann) 5871 (Janssen, G.) 7013 (Pullinger) 7855
Generation of (Janssen, G.) 7013-4
See: Arms and armour
Webster, Jack
Appointment of as lay bencher (Smith, B.R) 6455
Mentioned: (Veitch) 6215
Webster, Peter
Mentioned: (Johnston) 6646, 6647
Wedeene River Contracting Co. Ltd.
Assistance to (Miller) 8518 (Parker) 8518
Logs, capability for handling oversize logs (Miller)Q. 7035, Q. 7036 (Parker) A. 7036
Logs, export of oversize logs (Miller) Q. 6982, 8517, 8518 (Parker) A. 6982-3, 8517, 8518
Logs, export of oversize logs, use of revenue (Miller) Q. 7715, 8517 (Parker) A. 7715, 8518
Prince Rupert sawmill (Miller) 8517 (Parker) 6983, 8518
Mentioned: (Parker) 8575
Weieber, Peter
Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780
Weigh stations (Motor vehicles)
See: Motor vehicle scales
Weiler, Paul
Paper on employee rights mentioned (Sihota) 6895
Weinberg, Hal
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Weiner, Gerry
Mentioned: (Read) 7434
Weir, Doug
Mentioned: (Darks) 7921
Weisgerber, Hon. Jack (South Peace River) Minister Responsible for Native Affairs
Address in Reply 5673-6
Air service in north 5674
Air service, schedules 5674
B.C. Hydro, Site C dam 5674
Bond Brs. Sawmill Ltd., problems 8071
Burns Lake, municipal tax revenue from reserve land 8540
Burns Lake Native Development Corporation, funding for 8031
Cabinet Committee on Native Affairs, work of 5591
Cassiar Mining Corp., Cassiar mine, new jobs 5673
Development regions 8041
Development regions, regionalization of province 7965
Electric power, northeastern B.C. 5674
Ethane plant, Taylor 7965
First Citizens' Fund Advisory Committee, work of 5676
First Citizens' Fund, funding for 8031
Fish, compensation to Indians for contaminated fish, A. 6939
Fish, consumption of contaminated fish by Indians, A. 6939
Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program 5673
Fort Nelson Indian band, Treaty 8 land claim, settlement of 8058
Golden Bear mine, new jobs 5673, 5675
Government, decentralization 7965, 7966
Government, decision-making at local level 7966
Greenville, diking project 5675, 8040
Health care problems in north 5673
Indian Affairs department 8037, 8041
Indian bands, Assessment Authority of B.C. agreements with 8447
Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act (Bill 77) 1R, 8314; 8447-8, 8538, 8539-40, 8539, 8540-1, 8540, 8541
Indian students, federal aid to 6081, A. 6211
Indian students, intervention on behalf of 6081, A. 6211
Indians, aboriginal claims, compensation for 6260
Indians, aboriginal title, government's position on 5674, 6202
Indians, aboriginal title trials, expenditures on 7968
Indians, advisory committees on, appointment of 5674
Indians, alcohol and drug programs 5675-6, 8031
Indians, Crown corporations, representation on boards of 5591, 5676
Indians, culture, language and heritage centres 5676
Indians, cut-off land claims 5675, 7966-7, 7968, 8045
Indians, forest tenures and licences 5675, 8002, 8045
Indians, justice system and Indians 5591, 8067
Indians, Kamloops golf course, claim to 6260
Indians, Kincolith cut-off land, return of 5675
Indians, land claims 5674-5, 7968, 8065
Indians, land claims, federal responsibility
Indians, land claims, government policy on 7966, 8032
Indians, land claims, NDP policy on 8032
Indians, land claims, negotiation of 8032
Indians, land claims, settlement of 8060
Indians, land claims, settlement of, cost of 5675
Indians, master tuition agreement, replacement for 5676
Indians, “native”, use of term 8037
Indians, post-secondary education, advisory committee on 5676
Indians, projects for 8067
Indians, reserve land, assessment of 8447, 8541
Indians, reserve land, property tax collection 8447, 8539
Indians, reserve land, property tax delinquency rate 8539
Indians, reserve land, property tax, level of and services to 8448
Indians, reserve land, property tax, powers re 8314
Indians, reserve land, property tax revenue, loss of 8539, 8540-1, 8540
Indians, reserve land, property tax sharing 8539
Indians, reserve land, taxation appeals process 8541
Indians, residential schools 8034
Indians, select standing committee on aboriginal affairs 5591
Indians, services for 8031, 8034
Indians, Treaty 8, history of 8058
Indians, Treaty 8, rights under treaty 8002
Industry, new industries in north 5673
Ingenika Indian band, assistance to 8064
Ingenika Indian band, land for 8035, 8064
Ingenika Indian band, problems 7967, 8035
Justice Reform Committee, report 8067
Lakalzap Indian band, diking project 8067
Lytton Indian band, letter to, A. 8232
McLeod Lake Indian band, Treaty 8 land dispute 8034, 8058, 8059
McLeod Lake Indian band, Treaty 8, rights under treaty 8002
Ministers of state, role of 7965
Monkman Park, access to 5674
Mount Currie Indian band, letter to, A. 8232
Native Affairs ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 8037
Native Affairs ministry, estimates 7965-7, 7968, 8030-1, 8032, 8034-5, 8036-7, 8039-40, 8041, 8045, 8058, 8059, 8060, 8064-5, 8065, 8067, 8071-2
Native Affairs ministry, grants and contributions, appropriation for 8031
Native Affairs ministry, mandate 7968
Native Affairs ministry, role of 7966, 8031
Nechako and Northeast development region 7965
Nechako and Northeast development region, advisory board 7966
Nechako and Northeast development region, committees 7966
Nechako and Northeast development region, economic development 8071
Nechako and Northeast development region meeting, letter re quoted, referred to (Kempf) 7781, 7781-2, 8070, 8674
Nechako and Northeast development region, minister of state, role of 7965
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, employment of 8071
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, salary 8071
Nechako and Northeast development region, regional development officer, transportation arrangements 8069
Nechako and Northeast development region, transportation committee 7966
Nisga'a Tribal Council, economic development task force 8040
Nisga'a Tribal Council, self-government, negotiations re 8041
Nisga'a Tribal Council, visit to 8037, 8039
Ohiaht Indian band, land claims, settlement of 7967, 8031
Omineca constituency, constituency office 8072
Pouce Coupe extended-care facility 8584
Prairie farm rehabilitation agreement, Peace River area 5673
Premier's Council on Native Affairs 5674, 5591
Prince George Regional Correctional Centre, Indian prisoners, trapline for 8040
Pulp mills, Vanderhoof mill, construction of 8071
Quatsino Indian band, cut-off land claim, settlement of 7967
Reindeer, farming of 5673
Sechelt Indian band, self-government 8041
Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations, membership, change in 6563
Stein Valley, logging of, A. 8141, A. 8232
Tahltan Development Corp., funding for 8031
Tahltan Indian band, Golden Bear mine, employment in 5673, 5675
Tahltan Indian band, road building projects 8067
Transportation plan, development of 5673-4
Tree-farm licences, increase in 8060
University Endowment Land Park Act 6202, 6260-1
University Endowment Land Park Act, bill, second reading six months hence 6202
University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to 6260
University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to, amendment proposed 6202
University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to and transfer of land 6202
University Endowment Lands, park, establishment of 6202
University in Prince George 5674
Urban Systems Ltd., employment of 8071
Vancouver Indian Education Centre, funding for 5676
Vanderhoof pulp mill, role in (Kempf) 8069
Ynka-Dene Language Institute, funding for 5676
Wellcome Foundation
Mentioned: (Perry) 8335
Weller, David
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759
See: Health
Wells Gray Inn, Clearwater, B.C.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6391
Wells Gray Park
Fiftieth anniversary (Huberts) 7733 (Smith, S.D.) 5922
Road to Helmcken Falls, paving of (Huberts) 7733 (Smith, S.D.) 6723
Wheelchair-accessible trail (Huberts) 7733
Werden, Len
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759
Wesbild Enterprises Ltd.
Westwood land, sales contract, tabling of in House (Dirks) A. 7099 (Rose) Q. 7099
Mentioned: (Dirks) 7524
West, Paul R.
Mentioned: (Veitch) 8000
West Coast Environmental Law Association
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5855, 6883, 8107, 8222, 8225 (Johnston) 6883 (Lovick) 8459 (Strachan) 8108
West Coast General Hospital, Port Alberni, B.C.
Expansion, funding for (Janssen, G.) 6429
West Coast Trail
Mentioned: (Cashore) 8152
West Fraser Mills Ltd.
Mill, closure of (Miller) 8520
West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 8395, 8396
Westside Road
Upgrading of (Chalmers) 5860
West Vancouver, B.C.
Park Royal, property tax revenue source (Blencoe) 6656
Westar Coal Ltd.
Westar Timber Ltd.
Hazelton logging contractors, payments to (Kempf) 8525
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7914 (Huberts) 7780 (Smith, S.D.) 6359
Westcoast Savings Credit Union
Mentioned: (Long) 7852
Westcoast Transmission Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Davis) 8621, 8760, 8761
Western Canada Steel Ltd.
Concessions to company (Hanson, L.) 6922 (Loenen) 6921, 6922
Labour dispute, settlement of (Hanson, L.) 6922 (Loenen) 6921-2
Sale of to Ipsco and closure (Hanson, L.) 6922 (Loenen) 6921-2
Western Communities
Bus lanes (Johnston) 6573 (Sihota) 6572
Transit service (Sihota) 6572
Transit, use of Esquimalt and Nanaimo railway right-of-way (Sihota) 6572, 6572-3
Western Forest Products Ltd.
Research personnel (Miller) 8649
Road, trade for Highway 19, proposal re (Gabelmann) 6743
Western Jewish News
Mentioned: (Barnes) 7588
Western Media Institute, Victoria, B.C.
Court action against owner (Hagen, S.) 7483
Problems re (Hagen, S.) A. 7482-3 (Jones) Q. 7326
Report on (Hagen, S.) A. 7483 (Jones) Q. 7326 (Savage) A. 7326
Tuition fees, reclaiming of (Jones) 6882-3
Mentioned: (Jones) 8389
Western Pulp Ltd. Partnership
Dioxin surveys, warning of (Cashore) Q. 5650 (Strachan) A. 5694
Letter, tabling of (Strachan) 6280
Mill and Doman Industries Ltd. (Williams) Q. 6179
Woodfibre mill, charge against (Cashore) 5661, 7969-70
Woodfibre mill, charge against, prosecution (Cashore) 6498, 6500 (Sihota) 6449 (Smith, S.D.) 6499
Woodfibre mill, fine for (Lovick) 8460
Woodfibre mill, toxic effluents dumped in Howe
Sound (Cashore) Q. 6506
Mentioned: (Strachan) 5822, 7480
Western Rehabilitation Society
Mentioned: (Rose) 7044
Western Report
Quoted (Bruce) 5890 (Kempf) 5729 (Weisgerber) 5673
Mentioned: (Jones) 7234
Western Scientific Services Ltd.
Children's Hospital credit account (Clark) 6412, 6413, 6415, 6417
Children's Hospital's purchases from (Clark) 6415
Western Star Trucks Inc.
Mentioned: (Serwa) 7919
Western Transportation Advisory Council
Annual general meeting (Vant) 5620, 5621
Westmin Resources Ltd.
Strathcona Park mine noise, baffles for (Gabelmann) 7810 (Huberts) 7810
Strathcona Park operation, permit fee (Huberts) 7809
Strathcona Park trespass, payment for (Gabelmann) 7809, 7810 (Huberts) 7809
Westminster Legal Services Society
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6464
Westminster Pier Development Corp.
Westminster Quay land, resale to company (Clark) 6243 (Michael) 6286, 6292 (Smith, S.D.) 6294 (Williams) 6236, 6238, 6239
Westminster Quay, New Westminster, B.C.
See entries under New Westminster, B.C.
Westminster Rubber Stamp Co. Ltd.
Property, sale of (Williams) 6666
Westwater Group
Mentioned: (Williams) 7904
Westwater Industries Ltd.
Westminster Quay hotel site, negotiations re (Clark) 7944-5, 7948 (Williams) 7945-6
Mentioned: (Clark) 7944 (Williams) 7958
Westwood Plateau Development Corp.
Westwood land, offer for (Darks) A. 7149 (Williams)Q. 7149
Westwood Plateau land, Coquitlam, B.C.
See entries under Coquitlam, B.C.
Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8214
Whalley, Bill
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8163
Whidden, Darrell E.
Quoted (Williams) 5862
Whiski Jack Resorts
Mentioned: (Williams) 7873
The Whistle Blower's Protection Act
(Bill M208) (Cashore) 1R, 6177-8
Pollution, employees' rights re work obligations (Cashore) 6177-8
Pollution standards, violations, reporting of (Cashore) 6177-8
Whistler, B.C.
B.C. Enterprise Corporation land (Michael) 6243, 7943
B.C. Enterprise Corporation land proposal, purchase of by NDP caucus (Michael) 6266
B.C. Enterprise Corporation land, sale of (Darks) A. 8422 (Michael) 5968 (Williams) 6262, 6268, Q. 8422
B.C. Enterprise Corporation land, sale of, negotiators for (Clark) 6291
B.C. Enterprise Corporation land, sale of to CP Hotels (Barlee) 6267 (Williams) 6262
Conference Centre, bookings for (Michael) 6052
Conference Centre, tax exempt status for (Blencoe) 8772
Conference Centre, transfer of to municipality (Johnston) 8579, 8771 (Williams) 8788
Economic activity (Michael) 6265
Golf course (Michael) 6052
Golf course, tax exempt status for (Blencoe) 8772
Golf course, transfer of to municipality (Johnston) 8579, 8771 (Williams) 8788
NDP government, actions of re Whistler (Michael) 6264
Ski resort (Darks) 7877 (Michael) 6266 (Williams) 7871-2
Whistler Land Co.
Takeover of by province (Williams) 7871
Whistler Resort Association
Mentioned: (Johnston) 8579, 8771
Whitbury Holdings Inc.
Knight Street Pub, land for (Sihota) 6976
White, Bob
Mentioned: (Rose) 6427 (Strachan) 8128
White Pine Beach, B.C.
Bus 147 extension to (Rose) 6583-4
Mentioned: (Rose) 7045
White-collar crimes
White-collar crime (Clark) 6474 (Smith, S.D.) 6475
See also: Commercial crimes
Whittaker, Dorothy
Mentioned: (Darks) 7921
Whittaker, Susan (Mrs. Jack)
Okanagan College advisory committee, appointment to (Jones) 8388
Whonnock Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Williams) 5744
Wicken, Bill
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8160
Widman Management Ltd.
Mentioned: (Miller) 8644
Wife abuse
Court cases re (Marzari) 6509
Education program, proposal re (Marzari) 6509-10
Housing for battered wives, second-stage homes (Gran) 8746-7 (Richmond) 8748
Safe homes (Richmond) 8747
Transition house for native women (Marzari) 8733 (Richmond) 8734
Transition house, Langley (Gran) 8746
Transition houses (Marzari) 8733 (Richmond) 8747
Transition houses, funding for (Richmond) 8710, 8733
Transition houses, new spaces (Marzari) 8733
Victims, assistance to (Smith, S.D.) 6511
Wigen, Syd
Mentioned: (Vant) 6841
Wilderness Advisory Committee
“The Wilderness Mosaic” quoted (Gabelmann) 7930
Mentioned: (Cashore) 8141 (Perry) 5885 (Strachan) 8074 (Weisgerber) 8141
Wilderness areas
Tourism, capability map for (Edwards) 7417 (Reid) 7417
See: Animals
Wildlife Act
Amendments to (Throne speech) 5588
Environmental Appeal Board, appellants to under act (Cashore) 7747 (Strachan) 7747
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7694, 8258 (Gabelmann) 8697 (Savage) 7178, 7689, 7691 (Smith, S.D.) 8080
Wildlife Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 70) (Minister of Environment) 1R, 8313; 2R, 8626-8; C, 8679-86; 3R, 8686, RA, 8841
Amdts: Sec. 53 (Strachan) 8686, approved 8686
Speakers: Edwards 8627, 8627-8, 8680, 8680-1, 8681, 8681-2, 8682, 8682-3, 8683, 8684, 8685, 8686; Guno 8628; Strachan 8313, 8626-7, 8628, 8680, 8681, 8682, 8683, 8684, 8684-5, 8685, 8686
Anglers, export of fish by (Edwards) 8680 (Strachan) 8680
Angling guide industry, regulation of (Edwards) 8627 (Strachan) 8626
Angling guide plans (Edwards) 8682 (Strachan) 8682
Angling licences, inspection of (Edwards) 8686
Animals, wildlife kills, reporting of accidental kills (Edwards) 8685 (Strachan) 8685
Birds, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Burrowing owl, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Cats, control of, provision for (Edwards) 8627-8, 8685 (Strachan) 8628, 8685
Conservation officers, deputy officers, appointment of (Edwards) 8686 (Strachan) 8686
Conservation officers, shooting from aircraft, helicopters (Edwards) 8685 (Strachan) 8686
Conservation officers, shooting from motor vehicles (Strachan) 8627
Eagles, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Game meat business, record-keeping (Edwards) 8680, 8681 (Strachan) 8681
Game meat, regulation re (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8681
Guiding areas, designation of unassigned areas (Edwards) 8683, 8684 (Strachan) 8683, 8684
Guiding licence, term of (Edwards) 8682 (Strachan) 8682
Gyrfalcon, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8681
Habitat conservation fund, funds for (Strachan) 8627
Herons, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Hunters, shooting across highways, ban on (Edwards) 8680 (Strachan) 8680
Hunting, aboriginal and treaty rights (Guno) 8628
Hunting animals for body parts (Edwards) 8627
Hunting, limited-entry hunting, control over (Edwards) 8681-2 (Strachan) 8681, 8682
Hunting safety course requirement for licence (Edwards) 8680 (Strachan) 8680
Ospreys, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Penalties under act, enforcement of (Edwards) 8685 (Strachan) 8685
Peregrine falcon, nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8626, 8681
Regulations under act (Edwards) 8627
Traplines, policing of (Edwards) 8682 (Strachan) 8682
Traplines, registration of by groups (Edwards) 8627 (Strachan) 8626-7, 8682
Trapping, native trappers (Guno) 8628
Wildlife Act, penalties under act, enforcement of (Edwards) 8685 (Strachan) 8685
Wildlife habitat, protection of (Edwards) 8627
Wolves, control of, use of strychnine (Guno) 8628 (Strachan) 8628
Wildlife as food
Game meat business, record-keeping (Edwards) 8680, 8681 (Strachan) 8681
Game meat, regulation re (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8681
Wildlife conservation
Cats, provision for control of (Edwards) 8627-8, 8685 (Strachan) 8628, 8685
Educational programs (Serwa) 8131-2 (Strachan) 8132
Game species in B.C. (Serwa) 8132
Wildlife protection laws, enforcement of (Edwards) 8627
Wildlife habitat
See: Habitat (Ecology)
Wildlife management
Game management areas and rangeland use (Edwards) 8165 (Strachan) 8165
Game management areas, establishment of (Edwards) 7243 (Savage) 7243
Wildwood Lodge, Whistler, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7873
Wilkinson, Sharon
Mentioned: (Sihota) 7506
Wilkinson Road jail
See: Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, Victoria, B.C.
Williams, Bob
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8143
Williams, Bryan
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6360
Williams, Isabelle
Quoted (Edwards) 6127
Williams, Judy
Mentioned: (Perry) 6187
Williams, L. Allan
Mentioned: (Barnes) 5703, 6365 (Guno) 6358 (Jones) 6476, 6478 (McCarthy) 6212 (Miller) 6200
Williams, Robert A. (Vancouver East)
Address in Reply 5742-5
Agricultural land reserve, Armstrong sawmill, exclusion from ALR for Q. 6938-9
Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7271, 7272, 7275
Assessment Amendment Act, 1989, purpose of 7845
Assessment system 6172
Assessments, capping of, basis for 6256
Assessments, capping of, impact of on Vancouver east side 6171
Blackcomb Mountain, logging of 7871
Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd., agreement with 7870, 7872, 7877
Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd., agreement with, public information re
Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd. land, profit on resale of 7872-3, 7873-4, 7874, 7875, 7880
Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd., land sales to 7870, 7872, 7876, 7880
Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd., land sales to, price of land 7872
Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd. land, servicing of 7874
B.C. Club, lease, terms of, Q. 6507
B.C. Development Corporation lands, sale of, competitive sales 7593
B.C. Development Corporation, loan portfolio, sale of 6240
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, lands, appraisals of lands sold 6019, 6233
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, lands, sale of 5993, 6558, 6262, 7881, 7948, 7959-60
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, lands, sale of, basis for 6019, 6020, 6233
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, lands, sale of, committee on 6267
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, lands, sale of, examination of by auditor-general 7591
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, lands, sale of to numbered companies 6020, 6236
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, loan portfolio, sale of 7583
British Columbia Enterprise Corporation Loan Privatization Act 7582-3, 8411, 8412, 8412-3, 8413
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, loans, bad loans 7582
B.C. Enterprise Corporation, transfer of lands to 7591
B.C. Forest Products Ltd., annual allowable cut, penalty for undercutting, Q. 5965
B.C. Hydro, borrowing in U.S. funds 8469
B.C. Hydro, dividend as source of revenue 8544
B.C. Hydro, power projects, cost of 8545
B.C. Hydro, Rail division, right-of-way 8493-4
B.C. Hydro, Vancouver land holdings, write-down of downtown land 8493
B.C. Hydro, water licence fee, use of to raise revenue 8544
B.C. Lottery Corporation, audit of by auditor-general 7421, 7424, 8785
B.C. Lottery Corporation, head office building, expenditures on 7423, 7424
B.C. Lottery Corporation, head office building, lease arrangements 7422, 7424
B.C. Lottery Corporation, head office building, ownership of 7423
B.C. Lottery Corporation, head office building, rental costs 7423
B.C. Place, Expo land, advertising of 6238
B.C. Place, Expo land, British Columbia Club's lease, Q. 6507
B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, cost of 5995, 6000
B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, management fee for 5993, 5995
B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, responsibility for, Q. 5799, Q. 5800, 5993, 5995
B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, standards for 5997, 6000
B.C. Place, Expo land, debt on, cancellation of 5993, 5995
B.C. Place, Expo land, division of into smaller parcels 6000
B.C. Place, Expo land, lease of, proposal for 5996
B.C. Place, Expo land, lease to Peter Toigo's company, Q. 6507
B.C. Place, Expo land, public housing for 5994, 5995
B.C. Place, Expo land, resale of land 5994, 6172
B.C. Place, Expo land sale agreement 5993
B.C. Place, Expo land sale agreement, Premier's knowledge of, Q. 5799
B.C. Place, Expo land sale agreement, tabling of in House, Q. 5800
B.C. Place, Expo land sale, economic benefits 5997
B.C. Place, Expo land sale, interest-free mortgage 5993, 5995
B.C. Place, Expo land sale, payment for, Q. 5798-9, 5993, 5994
B.C. Place, Expo land sale, price, Q. 5799, 5995-6
B.C. Place, Expo land, sale process, Q. 5799
B.C. Place, Expo land, trade union offer for 5997
B.C. Place, Expo land, underwater land 5997
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, accountability of 6559
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, board, conflict-of-interest guidelines for 6765
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, borrowing powers 6558, 6559, 6766, 6780
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, business plan 6766
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, loans and loan guarantees 6765, 6766
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, loans, size of 6765
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, losses anticipated 6766
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, powers of 6558
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, president of corporation 6559
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, profits 6765
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, recipients of assistance 6558
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, report and financial statements, tabling of in Legislature 6780
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, role of and private sector financing 6765
B.C. Transit, Dunsmuir and Richards site, sale of 6657
B.C. Transit, employees and contractors, conflict-of-interest policy 6597, 6657, 6659-60, 6659, 6662, 6663-4, 6668, 6676-7
B.C. Transit, False Creek site, sale of 6657
B.C. Transit, Ocean Cement site, zoning of 6657
Budget debate 5860-3
Burnaby Purpose Youth Society building, burning of 6663
Burnaby Purpose Youth Society building, lease of 6663
Cameron, Rod, B.C. Enterprise Corporation, employment by, Q. 6507
Canadian Pacific Hotels, Chateau Whistler mentioned 7873, 7880
Cemeteries, maintenance of, funds for 7838
Cemetery and Funeral Services Act 7836, 7838, 7842
Cemetery and Funeral Services Advisory Council, membership 7842
Chilcotin, park for south Chilcotin area 7804, 7805, 8582
Civil service employees, number of, reduction in 5792
Coal, northeast coal 6558, 6559, 8477
Coal, price of, Japanese dealings re 8477
Conair Aviation Ltd., loan to 8412
Coquihalla Highway, impact of 7893
Coquihalla Highway, name for, suggestion re 7893
Coquihalla Highway, route of, proposal re 7894
Crown corporations, audit of by auditor-general 7424
Crown corporations, committee of Legislature on 6559
Crown land, sale of, information to public re 7881, 7881-2, 7882
Crown land, sale of, revenue 7870
Crown Lands ministry, estimates 7870-1, 7870, 7871-2, 7872-3, 7873-4, 7874, 7875-6, 7876, 7877, 7880-1, 7881, 7881-2, 7882, 7882-4, 7887, 7893-4, 7893, 7903-4, 7903, 7906, 7907-8, 7909, 7910, 7910-1, 7911, 7919-20, 7921, 7922, 7923, 7924, 7945-6, 7946, 7947-8, 7947, 7949, 7949-50, 7950, 7957, 7958-9, 7958, 7959, 7959-60
David Thompson University Centre 7908, 7909
Development regions, regionalization of province 7884, 7907, 7908
Doman Industries Ltd., cutting rights, allegations re 5743-5, 5860, 5862
Doman Industries Ltd., cutting rights, meeting re, Q. 6179
Doman Industries Ltd., cutting rights, reduction in 5744, 5745
Doman Industries Ltd., cutting rights, setting of, Q. 5916
Doman Industries Ltd., cutting rights, undercutting 5743
Doman Industries Ltd., Duke Point mill 5744, 6179
Doman Industries Ltd., forest licence, Q. 5916
Doman Industries Ltd., forest surveys 5744-5, 5861, 5861-2
Doman Industries Ltd., high-grading, penalty for, Q. 6179
Doman Industries Ltd., Kimsquit area cutting rights 5743, 5861
Doman Industries Ltd., Kimsquit area, habitat protection 5861
Doman Industries Ltd., Kimsquit area, trees felled and left 5744
Doman Industries Ltd., letter to, authorship of, Q. 5916
Doman Industries Ltd., logging plan and environmental damage 5862
Doman Industries Ltd., meeting with, Q. 5964
Doman Industries Ltd., pulp mill, commitment re 5743, 5861, 5862, Q. 5916, Q. 5917, Q. 5965, Q. 6179
Doman Industries Ltd., pulp mill, cost of 5744
Doman Industries Ltd., pulp mill purchase, Q. 5964
Doman Industries Ltd., reforestation 5744-5, 5860-1
Doman Industries Ltd., silvicultural obligations 5860
Doman Industries Ltd., special treatment, allegations re 5742-5, 5860-3
Dropouts 8285
Ecological reserves, additions to 7804
Education system 8284-5
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 8493-4, 8493, 8494
Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Statutes Amendment Act (1989) 8544, 8545
An Environment and Land Use Secretariat, An Act to Establish (Bill M215) 1R, 6833
Environment and land use secretariat, establishment of 6833
Environmental protection, courts, role of 7973
Environmental protection, public participation in 7972
Environmental protection, standards, monitoring of 7973
Estimates, auditor-general's recommendations re 8786
Expenditures, overrun on, use of term 5792
Exports, marketing techniques 6558
Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, estimates 7285
Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, staff, investment expertise 8471
Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, staff, investment staff, salary levels 8469
Financial Administration Amendment Act (1989) 8469, 8470, 8471
First Capital City Development Co. Ltd., land holdings 6234
Fish-farms, leases 7922, 7957, 7958
Fish-farms, leases, west coast of Vancouver Island 7922, 7923
Fish-farms, upland owners, rights of 7923
Flanigan, George G., employment of 7881
Flitton, Robert D., Deputy Minister of Forests, appointment as 5744
Forest industry, annual allowable cut, cutting obligations 5744
Foursquare Gospel Church, Westwood land, purchase of 6020
Funeral services, monopoly industry 7836
GAIN program, funding for 5790, 5792
Government aircraft, Challenger jet, cost of 6269
Government aircraft, Challenger jet, flight logs, tabling of 6269
Government aircraft, Challenger jet, offset agreement, purchases under agreement 6269
Government, decentralization, Slocan Valley proposal 7883, 7884
Government lending, accountability process in 7583
Government lending, bad loans 7583
Government lending, loans included under British Columbia Enterprise Corporation Loan Privatization 8411
Government lending, loans, information re 8411, 8412-3, 8412
Government lending, loans reviewed by Public Accounts Committee 8411
Government Management Services ministry, estimates 5993-4, 5995-6, 5996-7, 6000, 6019, 6020, 6020-1, 6021, 6233, 6234, 6234-5, 6235-7, 6238-9, 6239-40, 6262-3, 6263-4, 6265, 6267, 6268, 6268-9
Grant, Danny R., business interests, reporting of to B.C. Transit 6677
Grant, Danny R, employment of by B.C. Transit 6659
Grant, Danny R., New Westminster properties, acquisition of 6661-2
Hansard, Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6676-7, 6677, 6677-8, 6678
Highway 1, Kamloops-Sicamous section 7893
Highway signs, funding for new signs 6823
Highway signs, Langford sign shop, sale of 6823
Highway to interior, proposal re route of 7984
Highways maintenance, Cariboo Observer poll on 6821
Housing, Vancouver, housing units for sale 6171-2
Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act 8448
Interwest Property Services Ltd., SkyTrain right-of-way, acquisition of 6659-60, 6661
Intrawest Properties Ltd., Blackcomb land, sale of 7872-3, 7873-4
Japan, Ministry of International Trade and Investment 6558
Japan, trading corporations 6558
Kamloops, economic development, comparison with Kelowna 7893-4, 7906
Kamloops-Salmon Arm highway, proposal re 7894
Kelowna, economic development 7893-4, 7906
Koblunaq Construction Ltd., directors 7592
Kootenay development region, minister of state, office staff 7893
Kootenay development region, task forces 7893
Kootenays, West Kootenays, economic development 7908
Kwok, Stanley, severance pay, Q. 6507
Labour movement in B.C., teaching of history of 8284-5
Land use conflicts, analysis of 6833
Logs, export of 5742-3
Louisiana-Pacific Corp., loan to 6557, 8412-3
Lower mainland, economic growth 7919
Lower mainland regional planning board 6172, 6596
Lunney, Dennis, severance pay 5741, 5742
Macdonald, Bruce J., business interests, reporting of to B.C. Transit 6677
Macdonald, Bruce J., employment of by B.C. Transit 6663
Macdonald, Bruce J., employment of prior to March 1989 6659
Macdonald, Bruce J., transit rights-of-way, role of in acquisition of 6596, 6661-2
Milk, cottage industry quotas, access to 7271, 7272
Milk, dissident producers, government's loan offer to 7275
Mineral Tax Act 8477-8
Mitchell, Keith, Expo land sale, possible conflict of interest, Q. 6507
Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6588, 6590, 6591, 6593, 6594, 6596, 6597, 6657, 6659, 6659-60, 6660-2, 6660, 6662-3, 6663-4, 6664-5, 6666, 6668
Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3) (1989) 8787-8
Murphy, Kevin, severance pay 5995
Musical groups, funding for 7469-71, 7469
Nelson, development of 7908
Nelson, university for 7908
New Westminster, Begbie Square 6234
New Westminster, C-4 area, zoning 6661
New Westminster, Clarkson Street corridor 6660, 6661, 6677, 6678
New Westminster, courthouse 7592, 7876
New Westminster, downtown area, rebuilding of 6660
New Westminster, McInnes Street overpass 6234
New Westminster, waterfront, rebuilding of 6021
Nimpkish Island, sale of, details re 7804
Nixon's Books, relocation of 6666
Oil spills, response to, information re to other countries 8136
Panorama Resort, land sales to 7881
Parks, acreage, increase in 8582
Parks and Wilderness Areas, An Act to Protect (Bill M226) 1R, 8582
Parks ministry, estimates 7775, 7775-6, 7777, 7778, 7779, 7804, 7804-5, 7805
Pavlakovic, Mario, business Interests, reporting of to B.C. Transit 6677
Pavlakovic, Mario, employment of by B.C. Transit 6659
Pavlakovic, Mario, New Westminster properties, acquisition of 6661-2, 6666
Pension funds, investment of, ethical investments 8471
Pension funds, investment of on Vancouver Stock Exchange 8471
Pension funds, investment of, real estate investments 8470
Plaza Grill, lease, terms of, Q. 6507
Point Roberts, Wash., water sale to, role of John Savage in 7775
Polluters, fines for, total collected 7973
Pollution permits, variances to 7972-3
Pollution victims, compensation for 7973
Poole, David, resignation of, Q. 5650, Q. 5651, Q. 5693
Poole, David, severance pay and pension, Q. 5651, Q. 5652, Q. 5693, Q. 5694
Poor, Chicago, projects for poor neighbourhoods 8729
Prince Rupert pulp mill, property tax increase 7285
Privatization committee, disbanding of 6240
Pro-Western Management Ltd., Burnaby property, acquisition of 6662
Pro-Western Management Ltd., lease to bingo group 6663
Pro-Western Management Ltd., New Westminster properties, acquisition of 6661-2, 6662-3, 6663, 6664, 6666, 6677, 6678
Property tax increase for industry 7285
Property tax on machinery and equipment 7285
Provincial Symbols and Honours Act 6183
Public housing, land for, lower mainland area, Q. 7035
Pulp mill, Prince George, fine for pollution 7973
Quayside Marina Inc. 7958
Raine, Al, employment of 7871
Raine, Al, tribute to 7871
Recycling, Hornby Island 7973
Residential Property Tax Increase Limitation Act (1989) 6171-2, 6256
Reyklin Office Equipment, relocation of 6666
Rock groups, funding for 7469-71, 7469
Salmon Arm, airport 6269
School Act 8187, 8193-4, 8283-5
School Act and education system 8284-5
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, attendance of B.C. Hydro chief executive officer 8785
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, report 8785-6, 8785
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, role of 8785
Seniors Advisory Council Act 7835
Seniors' Advisory Council, reports, tabling of 7835
Skeena Cellulose Inc., Prince Rupert mill, history of 7285
SkyTrain transit system, Broadway station, land in area 6594
SkyTrain transit system, extensions, funding for 6588, 6593
SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster extension, route of 6677-8
SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster right-of-way, acquisition of 6659-60
SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster right-of-way, C-4 area 6660
SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster right-of-way, property owners 6662, 6666
SkyTrain transit system, New Westminster stations, impact of 6661
SkyTrain transit system, noise mitigation, funding for 6590
SkyTrain transit system, noise problems, ombudsman's recommendations re 6590
SkyTrain transit system, Richmond, extension to 6588
SkyTrain transit system, right-of-way, acquisition of 6596, 6597
SkyTrain transit system, safety program 6591
SkyTrain transit system, stations, land in vicinity of, taxation of as source of funds 6593, 6594, 6664
SkyTrain transit system, stations, land in vicinity of, value of 6593, 6594, 6664
SkyTrain transit system, Surrey, extension to 6587
SkyTrain transit system, Whalley, extension to 6172, 6566, 6587, 6588
Slocan Valley, economic development 7883-4, 7908
Slocan Valley, residents 7883, 7908
Slocan Valley, resources, management of 7883-4, 7908
Social Credit Party, Kamloops executives 7465
Social Services and Housing minister's position, status of 8729
Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 8728-30
Songhees condominiums, price of 6263
Songhees land, cost of per condominium unit 6263
Songhees land, lot 7, price for 6264
Songhees land, lot 7, sale of 6020-1
Songhees land, Standard Trust Co. profit on 6264
Special warrants, warrant 8, use of funds 5790, 5792
Spetifore property, hearings on 7775
Spetifore property, Terry Huberts' letters re property quoted, referred to 7777
Spetifore property, Terry Huberts, representations to re use of 7775
Stikine River, Grand Canyon area, status of 7805
Stikine River, Telegraph Creek-Glenora area, protection of 7805
Students, conduct of and School Act 8187
Supply Act (No. 1) (1989) 5790, 5792
Sweeney, Ed, appointment of 6666
Tackama Forest Products Ltd., loan to 8413
Teachers, professionalization of profession 8284
Thompson-Okanagan development region, area included in region 7883
Thompson-Okanagan development region, minister of state for, office staff 7893
Thompson-Okanagan development region, task force on transportation 7921
Thompson-Okanagan development region, task forces 7883, 7893
Thompson-Okanagan development region, transportation network 7906
Timber scaling and revenue collection procedures, review of, Q. 6937
Timber scaling, monitoring of by industry, Q. 6938
Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7421, 7422, 7422-3, 7423, 7424, 7465, 7469, 7469-71
Trade Development Corporation Act 6557-9, 6765, 6765-6, 6766, 6780
Transit barns, 16th and Cambie, sale of 6596, 6657
Transit buses, radiocommunication systems for 6591
Transit, Richmond, use of interurban right-of-way 6588
Transit, rights-of-way, acquisition of 6596
Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6823
Trapp building, New Westminster, rental income 6664-5
Trump Holdings Ltd., directors of company 6663
Unemployment, Kamloops 7883, 7906, 7919
Unemployment, Kootenays 7883
University Endowment Lands, park, establishment of 6209
Vancouver City Savings Credit Union, employee, severance pay 5741, 5742
Vancouver land, value of 5996
Vancouver Stock Exchange, financial situation, allegation re 8471
Wage policies 8729
Wages, minimum wage, increase in 8729, 8730
Waste Management Amendment Act (1989) 7972-3
Westminster Quay area housing, price of 6234, 6235-6
Westminster Quay, First Capital City Development Co. Ltd. expenditures on 6234
Westminster Quay land, advertisements for 6235, 6238, Q. 6343
Westminster Quay land, cost of per condominium unit 6235, 6238
Westminster Quay land, development costs 6235, 6238
Westminster Quay land, evaluation of 6234, Q. 6342, Q. 6342-3, 7591
Westminster Quay land, evaluation of, Assessment Authority of B.C. valuation 6342
Westminster Quay, land in area of public market, sale of 7910
Westminster Quay land, mortgage on 6236, 6239, Q. 6537
Westminster Quay land, price for 6021, 6235, 6239
Westminster Quay land, resale of, Q. 6536, Q. 6537, 6238, 6239
Westminster Quay land, sale of 6021, Q. 6536, 7876, 7910-1
Westminster Quay land, sale of, 1986 sale 6236
Westminster Quay land, sale of remaining lands 7903-4, 7904, 7909, 7948
Westminster Quay land, sale of to Bosa Construction Ltd. 6236
Westminster Quay land, sale of to numbered company 6236
Westminster Quay land, sale to United Properties Ltd. 6236
Westminster Quay land, social housing, proposal re 6235
Westminster Quay land, zoning of 6235
Westminster Quay, lots B and C, option on 7950
Westminster Quay, lots B and C, price for 7948, 7949, 7950
Westminster Quay, lots B and C, waterfrontage 7949
Westminster Quay, marina lease, length of 7911, 7946
Westminster Quay, marina lease, lots 1 and 2, price for 7958, 7959
Westminster Quay, marina lease, payment for 7946, 7947, 7958
Westminster Quay, marina, price for 7911
Westminster Quay, parking area, sale of 7911
Westminster Quay, parking area, transfer of, Q. 8082
Westminster Quay, parking area, use of 7904, 7910
Westminster Quay, profit per condominium unit 6263
Westminster Quay, public market, price for 7910, 7911
Westminster Quay, public market, sale of, Q. 7944, Q. 8081
Westminster Quay, railway overpass 6238
Westminster Quay, site in vicinity of public market, sale of, Q. 7943
Westminster Quay, Westwater hotel site, negotiations re 7945-6
Westminster Rubber Stamp, property, sale of 6666
Westwood land, bidders' letter of credit, Q. 7034
Westwood land, development of and public transit, Q. 7033
Westwood land, infrastructure, expenditures on 6537-8
Westwood land, lot 1, sale of 6020
Westwood land, negotiations with single developer, Q. 7033
Westwood land, offers for, Q. 7200, Q. 7201
Westwood land, offers for, profit-sharing offers, Q. 7247
Westwood land, offers for, tabling of, Q. 7201, Q. 7248, Q. 7524
Westwood land, price for, Q. 6537
Westwood land, sale of, Q. 6343, Q. 6983
Westwood land, sale of, confidentiality agreement, Q. 7248, Q. 7524
Westwood land, sale of, deadline for decision on, Q. 7034
Westwood land, sale of, restriction of to cash offers, Q. 7523, Q. 7524
Westwood land, sale of, tendering on 6020
Westwood land, sale process, Q. 7247
Westwood land, social housing for, Q. 6343, Q. 6537, Q. 6538, Q. 7033, Q. 7035
Westwood land, Westwood Plateau Development Corp. offer for, Q. 7149
Whistler, B.C. Enterprise Corporation land, sale of 6262, 6268, Q. 8422
Whistler, B.C. Enterprise Corporation land, sale of to CP Hotels 6262
Whistler, Conference Centre, transfer of to municipality 8788
Whistler, golf course, transfer of to municipality 8788
Whistler Land Co., takeover of by province 7871
Whistler, ski resort 7871-2
Women in poverty, working poor 8728-9
Williams, Stephen
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8063
Williams, Willie
Mentioned: (Barlee) 5754-5
Williams Lake, B.C.
Air study (Strachan) 8160
Council, meeting with (Harcourt) 8665
Drop-in centre for former mental patients (Dueck) 6404
Williams family
Mentioned: (Parker) 8518
Williamsburg Conference
Saanich site for (Couvelier) 5766
Williamson, Irene
Homemaker services for, case cited (Sihota) 6433-4
Willingdon Youth Detention Centre, Burnaby, B.C.
Inmates, victimization of (Jones) 7096 (Ree) 7096
Ombudsman's report on (Jones) 7094, 7095-6 (Ree) 7096
Replacement facility, educational facilities (Jones) 7095 (Ree) 7095
Replacement facility, planning for (Jones) 7094-5 (Ree) 7094, 7095
Replacement facility, segregation of inmates (Jones) 7095 (Ree) 7095
Replacement facility, site for (Ree) 7094, 7095
Replacement facility, size of (Jones) 7095 (Ree) 7095
Replacement of (Jones) 7095 (Ree) 5663, 5793, 6989, 7094 (Sihota) 5793, 5794
Staff (Ree) 7094
Mentioned: (Ree) 5794 (Sihota) 5794
Williston, Raymond G.
Letter quoted (Cashore) 6498
Mentioned: (Perry) 8428
Wilson, Bertha
Quoted (Marzari) 7360
Wilson, Gordon
Mentioned: (Strachan) 7280
Wilson, Jim
Mentioned: (Williams) 6596
Wilson, Michael
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 5815, 8395 (Harcourt) 6209, 6341 (Miller) 5833, 6746 (Rose) 6446 (Veitch) 7559
Wilson, Rick
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8229
Winchell, David
Windermere Building, Victoria, B.C.
Great Canadian Casino Supply Co., lease to (Blencoe) 5980-1, 5982, 5983, 5984 (Michael) 5981-2, 5983, 5984-5
Rent for (Michael) 5981, 5983, 5984
Restaurant tenancy (Blencoe) 5982 (Michael) 5981, 5983
Mentioned: (Rose) 6014
Wine, Medicinal
See entries under Alcoholic beverages
Wine industry
Estate wine industry (Clark) 8294
Free trade agreement and industry (Clark) 8294 (Messmer) 5683 (Savage) 5851 (Serwa) 8293, 8295
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ruling and industry (Clark) 8294 (Messmer) 5683, 6281, 6282 (Savage) 8295 (Serwa) 8293
Grape and wine adjustment assistance program (Barlee) 5935 (Couvelier) 5769 (Messmer) 5683 (Savage) 7167, 7175
Industry in B.C., future of (Messmer) 5683, 6281
Premium wine industry, development of (Clark) 8294-5 (Savage) 8295 (Serwa) 8293-4, 8295
Premium wine industry, market promotion (Serwa) 8294
Premium wines, production of (Messmer) 6281 (Savage) 7167, 7175, 7189, 8422
Products, sale of at farm gate (Messmer) 6281
Red wine commended (D’Arcy) 6282 (Messmer) 6282
Standards, appellation and quality standards (Couvelier) 5769 (Serwa) 8295
Wine commission, proposal for (Clark) 8294 (Serwa) 8294, 8295
Wine commission, role of proposed commission (Serwa) 8294
Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.
Mentioned: (Miller) 6561
Winter driving
See: Automobile driving in winter
Winter kill
See entries under Cold waves (Meteorology)
Wintergreen condominium development, Whistler, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7873
Witt, John
Mentioned: (Clark) 8769 (Hagen, S.) 8769
Wolfe, Patrick
Memorandum quoted (Guno) 7020
Control of, use of strychnine (Guno) 8628 (Strachan) 8628
Charter of Rights, challenges (Marzari) 6510
Colleges, women's offices (Marzari) 5653
Discrimination against, Supreme Court of Canada decisions on (Sihota) 6611, 6612
“Free Trade and Women in B.C.: Potential Impact and Policy Directions for the Future” tabled (Hagen, S.) 8080
Gender equity, problem of (Brummet) 8281
Health issues, committee on (Dueck) 6425
Housewives, incomes, pensions (Pullinger) 7012
Housing for (Harcourt) 8678 (Marzari) 5654
Income security for (Harcourt) 8678
Legal system and women (Marzari) 5646, 6508-10 (Smith, S.D.) 6510-1
Meech Lake accord and women's rights (Marzari) 5646
Minister of state responsible for women's issues (Boone) 5635 (Clark) 5618, 5620, 5783 (De Jong) 5601 (Edwards) 5751 (Gran) 5636-7 (Hanson, L.) 6955, 6957 (Harcourt) 8678 (Jacobsen) 5745 (Janssen, G.) 7014 (Jones) 5830 (Marzari) 5646, 6017, Q. 6178, 7359 (Pullinger) 5888, 7012 (Rose) 6014 (Sihota) 6957 (Smallwood) 8372 (Throne speech) 5589 (Vander Zalm) A. 6178 (Veitch) 5642
Pay equity. See entries under Equal pay for equal work
Pensions (Pullinger) 7012 (Rose) 6014
Poverty, women in (Gran) 7012 (Hanson, L.) 6955 (Marzari) 5647 (Pullinger) 7012 (Rose) 6134 (Sihota) 6956 (Smallwood) 6955, 6957-8
Poverty, working poor (Williams) 8728-9
Programs for (Clark) 5783 (Hagen, S.) 8320-1, 8376-7 (Jones) 5830 (Pullinger) 5888
Role of in technological society (Jones) 5830-1
School system, affirmative action program for (Marzari) 8281
Scientists in the Schools program (Hagen, S.) 8355
Sexual abuse of women, incidence of (Marzari) 6425
Status-of-women commission (Marzari) 5646
Students, women students (Hagen, S.) 8355 (Jones) 8355
Task force on, proposal re (Marzari) 6510
Violence against women (Pullinger) 7013
Women's issues, government action on (Clark) 8376
Women's secretariat (Hagen, S.) 8355 (Jones) 8355
Women — Employment
Free trade adjustment programs, funding for (Clark) 8376
Free trade agreement, impact of (Clark) 8375-6 (Hagen, A.) 8374 (Hagen, S.) 8372, 8373 (Miller) 8390-1 (Smallwood) 8372-3, 8378
Free trade agreement, retraining of dislocated workers (Smallwood) 8372
Non-traditional employment and education system (Brummet) 7539 (Hagen, A.) 7540
Science, careers in (Brummet) 7541 (Hagen, A.) 7540
Small business owners, assistance to (Janssen, G.) 7014
Small business, women in (Janssen, G.) 7014
See also entries under Equal pay for equal work
Women — Wages
See: Wages — Women
Women Against Violence Against Women, Duncan, B.C.
Funding for (Sihota) 6471
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Women Against Violence Against Women, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Women in Need Society, Trail, B.C.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Women's Centre, Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Women's Institute
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Women's Resource Centre, Fort Nelson, B.C.
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Women's Sexual Assault Centre, Victoria, B.C.
Calls to (Sihota) 6471
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Women's Skill Development Society
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Wong, Erick
Mentioned: (Brummet) 6836
Wood chips
Rossland-Trail constituency, export of chips (D’Arcy) 5814
Wood Gundy Ltd.
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8495
Wood preservatives
Monitoring use of (Cashore) 8220, 8221 (Strachan) 8220
Standards for use of (Cashore) 8084, 8219, 8221 (Strachan) 8220, 8221
Use of (Cashore) 8219 (Strachan) 8219
See also chemicals by name, e.g. 2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazolo
Wood-pulp industry
Equipment, impact of free trade agreement on industry (Miller) 6560
Finland industry (Parker) 8643
Future of (Miller) 8649
Integrated companies (Miller) 8643
Price increase (Miller) 8642-3
Product, delivery costs (Miller) 8644 (Parker) 8643, 8644
Productivity, investment in increase in (Miller) 7978
Profits (Clark) 7317 (Kempf) 8229 (Strachan) 8234
Pulp logs for (Parker) 8649
Pulp logs, price of (Kempf) 8645 (Miller) Q. 8316, 8643, 8646 (Parker) A. 8316, 8643
Pulp logs, revenue to province (Kempf) 8525 (Parker) 8525
Rossland-Trail constituency (D’Arcy) 5814
Sawlogs, use of (Kempf) 8644, 8645 (Miller) 8643, 8644
Scandinavian Industry (Miller) 8571
Stumpage rate for industry (Kempf) 8645
Taxation of (Parker) 8646
See also: Pulp mills
Wood waste
Community heating (Rose) 8318 (Strachan) 8319
Electric power generation (Crandall) 5701 (Davis) 8426 (Strachan) 8160
Electric power generation, Williams Lake project (Davis) 8434, 8435 (Edwards) 8318, 8435 (Strachan) 8318, 8319 (Vander Zalm) 8663 (Vant) 8319
Woodbine Race Track, Toronto, Ont.
Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 7017
Woodbridge Reed and Associates Ltd.
Mentioned: (Kempf) 8645
Woodfibre, B.C.
Pulp mill. See entries under Western Pulp (Ltd.) Partnership
Wooding, Jay
Ferrochromium plant. See entries under Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp.
Mentioned: (Darks) 7927 (Pullinger) 7927, 8246, 8247 (Strachan) 8247
Woodland Windows Ltd.
Loan to (Marzari) 7350
Project (Veitch) 7648
Value-added products (Parker) 5656
Woodlands, New Westminster, B.C.
Land, development of and SkyTrain (Hagen, A.) 6594
Social workers (Richmond) 8809
Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 7120 (Mowat) 8759
Annual allowable cut for, source of (Kempf) 8522-3 (Parker) 8523
Woodlot program (Parker) 8505
Woodrow, Elaine
Mentioned: (Serwa) 8067
Woods, John
Mentioned: (Clark) 7633
Woods, Ray
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8163
Woodward, Chris
Mentioned: (Johnston) 8473
Word processors
Government equipment, responsibility for (Michael) 6052
Work stoppages
See: Strikes and lockouts
Workers' compensation
Charter of Rights, section 15 and workers' right to sue (Smith, S.D.) 6350, 6379, 6389-90
Hearings on by select standing committee of Legislature (Sihota) 6962
Royal commissions on (Sihota) 6962
See also: Workers' Compensation Board
Workers Compensation Act
Amendments to (Crandall) 5701 (Throne speech) 5589
Section 67 mentioned (Sihota) 6896
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6897, 6970 (Sihota) 6444, 6962
Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 27) (Minister of Labour and Consumer Services) 1R, 6759; 2R, 7162-4; C, 7552-8; 3R, 7587; RA, 8010
Amdts: Sec. 9 (Hanson, L.) 7557-8, approved 7558
Speakers: Gabelmann 7163-4; Hanson, L. 6759, 7162-3, 7164, 7553, 7554, 7555, 7556, 7557, 7557-8; Lovick 7556, 7556-7, Sihota 7552, 7553, 7553-4, 7554, 7555, 7555-6, 7556, 7557
Advisory Committee on the Structures of the Workers' Compensation System, members (Hanson, L.) 6759
Advisory Committee on the Structures of the Workers' Compensation System, recommendations (Hanson, L.) 6759, 7162 (Sihota) 7552, 7554, 7555, 7556
Appeal commissioners (Sihota) 7554
Appeal division (Hanson, L.) 7162
Appeal system (Hanson, L.) 7162
Appeals, time limit on (Hanson, L.) 7162, 7554, 7555, 7556, 7557 (Lovick) 7556 (Sihota) 7554, 7555-6, 7555
Assessments, appeals of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Benefits, payment of during appeal period (Hanson, L.) 7163, 7557 (Sihota) 7557
Board of governors (Gabelmann) 7163 (Hanson, L.) 6159, 6759, 7162, 7164, 7553 (Sihota) 7553
Board of governors, bylaws (Hanson, L.) 7553
Board of governors, chairman (Hanson, L.) 7162
Board of governors, inquiry and investigative powers (Hanson, L.) 7553 (Sihota) 7552
Board of governors, public interest governors (Gabelmann) 7163 (Hanson, L.) 7162, 7164
Board of governors, quorum requirement (Hanson, L.) 7553
Board of governors, responsibilities (Hanson, L.) 7162
Board of governors, vacancies on board (Hanson, L.) 7553 (Sihota) 7553
Board of governors, vice-chair (Sihota) 7554
Chief appeal commissioner, powers (Sihota) 7554
Chief appeal commissioner, responsibilities of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Ombudsman's report on board (Gabelmann) 7164
Policies, setting of (Hanson, L.) 7162
President, powers of re review board decisions (Hanson, L.) 7163
Regulations, order-in-council process for (Gabelmann) 7163-4 (Hanson, L.) 7164
Safety penalty levies, appeals of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Supreme Court of B.C., chief justice, appointment of (Sihota) 7553
Workers' Compensation Review Board, decisions, appeals of (Gabelmann) 7164 (Hanson, L.) 7162
Workers' Compensation Review Board, decisions, reviews of (Hanson, L.) 7162-3
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6904
Workers' Compensation Board
Advisory Committee on the Structures of the Workers' Compensation System, report (Hanson, L.) 6440, 6759, 6893, 6904, 7162 (Sihota) 6894, 6904, 7552, 7554, 7555, 7556
Annual report, commissioners' signatures (Hanson, L.) 6905 (Sihota) 6905, 6906
Annual report tabled (Hanson, L.) 6535
Appeal commissioners, selection of (Sihota) 7554
Appeal division (Hanson, L.) 7162
Appeal system (Hanson, L.) 7162
Appeals (Fraser, R.) 6946
Appeals, time limit on (Hanson, L.) 7162, 7554, 7555, 7556 (Lovick) 7556 (Sihota) 7554, 7555, 7555-6
Assessment income, 1988, and 1987 credit (Hanson, L.) 6897 (Sihota) 6897
Assessment income and claims (Sihota) 6897
Assessments, appeals of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Assessments, increases in for classifications of employers (Clark) 6898, 6899 (Hanson, L.) 6898, 6899
Assessments, setting of (Hanson, L.) 6897
Benefits, payment of during appeal period (Hanson, L.) 7163, 7557 (Sihota) 7557
Board of governors, appointment of (Gabelmann) 7163 (Hanson, L.) 6759, 7164, 7553 (Sihota) 6904, 7553
Board of governors, bylaws (Hanson, L.) 7553
Board of governors, chairman, appointment of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Board of governors, establishment of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Board of governors, independence of (Fraser, R.) 6946
Board of governors, inquiry and investigative powers (Hanson, L.) 7553 (Sihota) 7552
Board of governors, public interest governors (Gabelmann) 7163 (Hanson, L.) 7162, 7164
Board of governors, quorum requirement (Hanson, L.) 7553
Board of governors, responsibilities (Hanson, L.) 7162
Board of governors, role of (Hanson, L.) 6904
Board of governors, vacancies on board (Hanson, L.) 7553 (Sihota) 7553
Board of governors, vice-chair (Sihota) 7554
Chief appeal commissioner, powers (Sihota) 7554
Chief appeal commissioner, responsibilities of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Claims, increase in cost of and assessments (Clark) 6899, 6900 (Hanson, L.) 6899, 6900
Companies, title change and loss of experience rating (Fraser, R.) 6946-7 (Hanson, L.) 6947
Deloitte Haskins Sells and Associates report on (Hanson, L.) 6962 (Sihota) 6962
Farmworkers, coverage for (Hanson, L.) A. 5876, 6444, 6962 (Sihota) Q. 5876, 6444, 6896, 6962
Income, investment income (Clark) 6899 (Hanson, L.) 6899
Investments, allegation re (Couvelier) 6805
Legal aid in compensation cases (Sihota) 6347, 6374, 6377
Legislation on (Peterson) 7361
Medical Services Plan, reimbursement to (Boone) 6899 (Hanson, L.) 6899
Nielsen, J.A., payments to, 1988 fiscal year (Sihota) 6907
Nielsen, J.A., resignation of (Hanson, L.) 6906
Nielsen, J.A., salary (Hanson, L.) 6907 (Sihota) 6907
Nielsen, J.A., severance arrangements (Hanson, L.) 6906 (Sihota) 6906
Ombudsman's report on (Gabelmann) 7164
Penalties assessed against employers (Hanson, L.) 6903 (Sihota) 6903
Petrini, Harold, case mentioned (Sihota) 6972-3
Policies, setting of (Hanson, L.) 6897, 7162, 7164
President, powers of re review board decisions (Hanson, L.) 7163
Regulations, order-in-council process for (Gabelmann) 7163-4 (Hanson, L.) 7164
Research grants (Hanson, L.) 6905 (Sihota) 6905
Restructuring of (Hanson, L.) 6893
Safety penalty levies, appeals of (Hanson, L.) 7162
Safety regulations, development of (Hanson, L.) 6904 (Sihota) 6903-4, 6904, 6919
Services, reduction in (Sihota) 6445
Staff, resignation of, severance policy (Hanson, L.) 6906, 6907 (Sihota) 6906-7, 6906
Surplus, 1987 surplus (Hanson, L.) 6896 (Sihota) 6896
Surplus, 1988 surplus (Clark) 6900 (Hanson, L.) 6897, 6900 (Sihota) 6896, 6898
Surplus accredited to employers (Clark) 6898, 6900 (Hanson, L.) 6896, 6898 (Sihota) 6445, 6896
Surplus, future surpluses, policy on (Hanson, L.) 6896 (Sihota) 6896
Surplus, use of (Clark) 6900 (Hanson, L.) 6898 (Sihota) 6896, 6898
Workers' advisers (Darks) 6950 (Smith, S.D.) 6376
Workers' advisory office (Hanson, L.) 6893
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8399, 8470 (Fraser, R.) 6946 (Hanson, L.) 6440, 6922, 6950 (Loenen) 5615, 6921 (Sihota) 5850, 7105 (Smith, S.D.) 6349 (Strachan) 8134
Workers' Compensation Review Board
Appeals, backlog (Sihota) 6896
Decisions, appeal of to medical review panel (Gabelmann) 7164
Decisions, appeals of (Hanson, L.) 6893, 7162
Decisions, reviews of (Hanson, L.) 7162-3
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6971
Workers, Safety of
See: Industrial safety
Workplace accidents
See: Industrial accidents
World Commission on Environment and Development
Background to (Strachan) 8073
Our Common Future (Cashore) 5658, 5659 (Perry) 8257 (Strachan) 8073, 8074
Our Common Future quoted (Clark) 5780
Work of (Cashore) 8086 (Strachan) 8073-4
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5661, 5662, 5856, 5858, 5987, 7734, 7735, 7747, 8084, 8087, 8258 (Smallwood) 8715 (Strachan) 8088
World Economic Forum, 1989, Davos, Switzerland
Forum in Switzerland (Jansen, J.) 7720 (Messmer) 5680 (Perry) 7719-20 (Rogers) 5689 (Smith, B.R.) 5705 (Throne speech) 5585
Forum in Switzerland, delegation to (Jansen, J.) 7700
Forum in Switzerland, participation in (Couvelier) 5766
World Health Organization
“Consultation on Prevention and Control of AIDS in Prisons” quoted (Perry) 7086
World Police and Fire Games, 1989, Vancouver, B.C.
Games (Ree) 5663
Woss, B.C.
Tahsis, road to (Gabelmann) 6743
Wozney, Richard
Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780
Wrangell, Alaska
Iskut, road to (Guno) 6730 (Vant) 6730
Wright, Paul
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7742, 7842
Wright, Sam
Quoted (Peterson) 7360
See: Injunctions
Wyegard, Earl
Sentence for assault, case cited (McCarthy) 6452
Wynn, Sheila
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8345