Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
See: International Business Machines Corp.
ICG Utilities (British Columbia) Ltd.
Salmon Arm accident, Crown's liability, Supreme Court decision on (Sihota) 8137-8 (Smith, S.D.) 8137
See: Investment Dealers' Association of Canada
See: Industrial development assistance program
See: Industrial Relations Council
See: International Woodworkers of America
Icicle Seafoods Inc.
Mentioned: (Savage) 7251
Ikea Ltd.
Furniture production for (Parker) 5656
Ilich, Milan
Quoted (Perry) 8256
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7171, 7222 (Clark) 7216
Ilich, Olga
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7171
Illich, Ivan
Celebration of Awareness quoted, referred to (Williams) 8284
Deschooling Society mentioned (Williams) 8284
See: Literacy
Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
See: Emigration and immigration
In vitro fertilization, Human
See: Fertilization in vitro, Human
Incest and Sexual Abuse Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513
Use of, phasing out of (Cashore) 6804
Labour's income (Rose) 6134, 6135
Prince George, per capita income (Strachan) 5609
See also: Farm Income; Wages
Income tax
Corporation income tax, provincial system for (Clark) 7298, 7299-7300 (Couvelier) 7298
Federal rate, increase in (Couvelier) A. 6210 (Harcourt) 5963, Q. 6210
Foreign earnings, taxation of (Clark) 8466
Health care, funding for, proposal re (Hagen, A.) 6093
High-income group, tax exemption for (Sihota) 5850
Income Tax Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act
Income Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1989. See name of act
Increase in (Clark) 5779 (Couvelier) A. 5963 (Harcourt) Q. 5963 (Loenen) 5932
Municipal income tax, proposal re (Johnston) 6180 (Perry) 6167 (Smith, S.D.) 6167
Personal income tax, percentage of revenue (Clark) 5779
Provincial income tax system, study on, tabling of report (Clark) 7297, 7298 (Couvelier) 7297, 7298
Quebec system (Couvelier) 7297
Rate in B.C. (Couvelier) 5963, 6210 (De Jong) 5818 (Vander Zalm) 5960
Renters, tax reduction for low-income renters (Blencoe) 5904, 5906, 8799 (Clark) 5783, 7140 (Couvelier) 5773, 6860 (Crandall) 5908 (Hagen, A.) 6862 (Jones) 6861 (Mowat) 5870 (Pullinger) 5888 (Richmond) 5898, 6615 (Smallwood) 6615
Renters, tax reduction for low-income renters, advertising of program (Clark) 7140, 7141 (Couvelier) 7141
Renters, tax reduction for low-income renters, cases cited (Clark) 7140-1
Renters, tax reduction for low-income renters, eligibility for benefit (Clark) 7140-1, 7141 (Couvelier) 7141
Renters, tax reduction for low-income renters, number benefitting from (Barnes) 6869, 6870 (Blencoe) 5904, Q. 6009, 6866, 6867 (Clark) 7141, 7142 (Couvelier) 7141, 7142 (Hagen, A.) 6861 (Pullinger) 6866 (Richmond) A. 6009 (Sihota) 6867-8
Renters, tax reduction for low-income renters, phasing out of program (Blencoe) 5904 (Clark) 7141 (Couvelier) 6860, 6870, 7142 (Hagen, A.) 6862 (Jones) 6861 (Pullinger) 6866
Renters, universal tax credit for, proposal re (Blencoe) 6867 (Jones) 6861
Revenue, personal income tax as source of (Loenen) 5932
Surtax on high incomes, abolition of (Clark) 5779
Surtax on high incomes, restoration of (Sihota) 5850
Income Tax Act
Amendment to (Couvelier) 7581
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6910
Income Tax Act (Canada)
Changes to (Couvelier) 8417
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7581, 8314 (Gabelmann) 5875, 6001 (Michael) 7699 (Richmond) 8743 (Smith, B.R) 5953 (Smith, S.D.) 6549
Income Tax Amendment Act, 1989
(Bill 7) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 5775; 2R, 6860-2, 6865-71; C, 7140-2; 3R, 7143; RA, 7161
Amdts: Sec. 1 (Couvelier) 7140, approved 7140
Speakers: Barnes 6869-70; Blencoe 6866-7; Couvelier 5775, 6860, 6870-1; Hagen, A. 6861-2; Jones 6860-1; Pullinger 6865-6; Sihota 6867-9
B.C. Housing Management Commission, waitinglist for accommodation (Barnes) 6869
GAIN program, shelter allowance (Couvelier) 6871
GAIN recipients, expenditures on rent (Hagen, A.) 7142
Home-ownership (Barnes) 6869
Homeowner grant, increase in (Barnes) 6869 (Blencoe) 6866, 6867 (Sihota) 6868
Housing crisis, Vancouver (Clark) 7142
Land, price of (Barnes) 6869
Poverty level (Couvelier) 6871
Public housing, discharged Riverview Hospital patients (Barnes) 6869
Public housing, provision of (Barnes) 6869
Rent control (Couvelier) 6870
Rent, increases in (Blencoe) 6867 (Hagen, A.) 6861 (Jones) 6860 (Pullinger) 6866 (Sihota) 6868
Rent, increases in, letter quoted (Jones) 6860
Rent review process (Barnes) 6870 (Jones) 6861 (Pullinger) 6866 (Sihota) 6868
Rental housing, construction of (Couvelier) 6871
Rentalsman, need for (Jones) 6861
Rentalsman, office of, reinstitution of (Sihota) 6868
Renters, assistance to low-income renters (Clark) 7142
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters (Clark) 7140 (Hagen, A.) 6862 (Jones) 6861
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, advertising of program (Clark) 7140, 7141 (Couvelier) 7141
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, cases cited (Clark) 7140-1
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, eligibility for benefit (Clark) 7140-1, 7141 (Couvelier) 7141
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, number benefitting (Clark) 7141, 7142 (Couvelier) 7141, 7142
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, number benefitting from (Barnes) 6869, 6870 (Blencoe) 6866, 6867 (Hagen, A.) 6861 (Pullinger) 6866 (Sihota) 6867-8
Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, phasing out of program (Clark) 7141 (Couvelier) 7142 (Hagen, A.) 6862 (Jones) 6861 (Pullinger) 6866
Renters, universal tax credit for, proposal re (Blencoe) 6861 (Jones) 6861
Residential Tenancy Act, fee under act (Pullinger) 6866
Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, changes to (Couvelier) 6871
Tenants, discrimination against, legislation on (Sihota) 6868
Income Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1989
(Bill 79) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 8314; 2R, 8417; C, 8466-7; 3R, 8467; RA, 8586
Speakers: Clark 8417, 8466; Couvelier 8314, 8417, 8466, 8466-7
Income Tax Act (Canada) , changes to (Couvelier) 8417
Income tax, foreign earnings, taxation of (Clark) 8466
Increase Pollution Penalties and Create an Environment Protection Fund, An Act to
(Bill M210) (Harcourt) 1R, 6459
Environmental protection fund, proposal for (Harcourt) 6459
Pollution, compensation to persons injured, provision for (Harcourt) 6459
Pollution, fines for polluters (Harcourt) 6459
Waste Management Act, fines under act (Harcourt) 6459
Independent Petroleum Association of Canada
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8737
Independent School Act
(Bill 68) (Minister of Education) 1R, 7866; 2R, 8119-27; C, 8308-11; 3R, 8311; RA, 8586
Speakers: Brummet 7866, 8119, 8119-20, 8125-7, 8308, 8309, 8310, 8310-1, 8311; Hagen, A. 8120-3, 8308, 8308-9, 8309, 8310, 8311; Jones 8123-5Act, Introduction of (Hagen, A.) 7365
Australia, private schools (Jones) 8124
Bill, debate on (Hagen, A.) 8120
Certified schools (Brummet) 8311 (Hagen, A.) 8311
Conduct of (Hagen, A.) 8121
Curriculum (Hagen, A.) 8122
Educated students, participation in a democratic society (Hagen, A.) 8121
Education, private school system (Jones) 8124
Education system, choice in and private schools (Hagen, A.) 8121
Education system, goal of (Hagen, A.) 8121
“Educational program”, definition of under act (Hagen, A.) 8308
Funding for (Brummet) 8119 (Hagen, A.) 8121 (Jones) 8124
Funding for, basis of (Brummet) 8120, 8311 (Hagen, A.) 8121, 8122, 8311
Funding for, source of funds (Brummet) 8126
Home schooling (Hagen, A.) 8310
Inspection of schools (Brummet) 8119, 8308, 8309 (Hagen, A.) 8308-9
Inspector, resources available to (Brummet) 8308 (Hagen, A.) 8308
Legislation on private schools, separate act (Brummet) 8119
New Democratic Party, student council presidents, letter to (Brummet) 8126-7
Private school system (Jones) 8124
Private schools, access to (Hagen, A.) 8122
Private schools, accountability of (Brummet) 8125 (Jones) 8124, 8125
Private schools, standards for (Hagen, A.) 8122, 8123
Public school system (Jones) 8123
Public school system, impact on (Jones) 8124
Registration of, requirement for (Brummet) 7866, 8119-20, 8310-1 (Hagen, A.) 8121, 8310 (Jones) 8125
Religious practices, provision for (Brummet) 8126
Reports and statements, requirement for (Brummet) 8310 (Hagen, A.) 8310
Royal Commission on Education, recommendations, implementation of (Brummet) 7866
Teachers, certification requirements (Brummet) 8125, 8126, 8309, 8310 (Hagen, A.) 8309, 8310 (Jones) 8124, 8124-5
Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 8193 (Marzari) 8184, 8185
Independent schools
See: Private schools
Indian Act (Canada)
Mentioned: (Brummet) 8179 (Hanson, G.) 7488, 8539 (Harcourt) 8677 (Weisgerber) 5676, 8314, 8447, 8539
Indian Act (Designated Lands) , An Act to Amend (Canada)
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6361
Indian and Eskimo Association of Canada
Moccasin Miles Walk mentioned (Perry) 8770
Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act
(Bill 77) (Minister of Native Affairs) 1R, 8314; 2R, 8447-8; C, 8538-41; 3R, 8541; RA, 8586
Speakers: Blencoe 8540; Guno 8540, 8541; Hanson, G. 8538, 8539, 8541; Weisgerber 8314, 8447-8, 8538, 8539, 8539-40, 8540, 8540-1, 8541; Williams 8448
Burns Lake, municipal tax revenue from reserve land (Weisgerber) 8540
Municipalities, revenue-sharing grants, basis for, Indian reserve population (Blencoe) 8540
Reserve land, assessment of, arrangements with Assessment Authority of B.C. (Guno) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8447, 8541
Reserve land, property tax collection, possible fee for (Hanson, G.) 8539 (Weisgerber) 8539
Reserve land, property tax collection, use of provincial and municipal services (Guno) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8447, 8539
Reserve land, property tax, loss to municipalities (Blencoe) 8540 (Hanson, G.) 8539 (Weisgerber) 8539, 8540, 8540-1
Reserve land, property tax delinquency rate (Weisgerber) 8539
Reserve land, property tax level and services to (Weisgerber) 8448
Reserve land, property tax, powers re (Weisgerber) 8314
Reserve land, property tax revenue, provision for (Guno) 8540 (Hanson, G.) 8540 (Weisgerber) 8540
Reserve land, property tax sharing, agreements on (Weisgerber) 8539
Reserve land, taxation appeals process (Hanson, G.) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8541
AIDS program for (Dueck) 7868
Aboriginal claims, compensation for (Weisgerber) 6260
Aboriginal rights (Guno) 5666 (Harcourt) 6259 (Perry) 6188
Aboriginal title (Brummet) 6222-3, 6223, 6224 (Guno) 8038 (Harcourt) 8064, 8663 (Miller) 6200, 8058 (Sihota) 6197-9, 6348 (Smith, S.D.) 6298
Aboriginal title, debate on (Perry) 6187
Aboriginal title, determination of (Smith, S.D.) 6359
Aboriginal title, government's position on (Darks) 6259 (Guno) 6260 (Hanson, G.) 5726 (Miller) 8043 (Sihota) 5786 (Smith, S.D.) 6522 (Weisgerber) 5674, 6202
Aboriginal title, negotiations re (Harcourt) 8062 (Sihota) 6348
Aboriginal title, Supreme Court of Canada decision (Hanson, G.) 6186 (Sihota) 6197
Aboriginal title trials, expenditures on (Guno) 6359, 7967 (Sihota) 6298 (Smith, S.D.) 6359 (Weisgerber) 7968
Aboriginal title trials, funds for (Couvelier) 5785, 5786 (Guno) 5786 (Sihota) 5784, 5785, 5786, 5841
Advisory committees on (Throne speech) 5590 (Weisgerber) 5674
Alcohol and drug problems (Kempf) 8036
Alcohol and drug programs (Weisgerber) 5675-6, 8031
Alienation and dispossession of (Guno) 7056
Bands in B.C., number of (Hanson, G.) 5591
Bear Lake case in Ontario (Smith, S.D.) 6359
Canadian Bar Association recommendation re negotiations with (Guno) 6358 (Sihota) Q. 6298, 6348 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6298, 6360
Cariboo area band, land claims and logging (Boone) 7669
Chilcotin area problems (Guno) 6356, 7056, 8039 (Smith, S.D.) 6356, 6525
Children, adoption of, disclosure of information re adoptees (Smith, S.D.) 8817
Constituency for, proposal for separate constituency (Guno) 8706 (Loenen) 8705
Contracts with, signing of (Kempf) 8067
Correctional institutions, employment in (Guno) 7061, 7063 (Ree) 7061
Correctional institutions, liaison workers (Ree) 7057-8
Correctional processes, proposal for control over (Guno) 7057
Corrections branch programs for, funding for (Guno) 7058 (Ree) 7057, 7058
Councils of elders, proposal for use of (Hanson, G.) 7061
Courtworkers (Guno) 6357 (Ree) 7060 (Smith, B.R.) 6457 (Smith, S.D.) 6333, 6357, 6525
Crown corporations, representation on boards of (Weisgerber) 5591, 5676
Cultural diversity (Guno) 7060 (Hanson, G.) 7059, 7060
Culture, language and heritage centres (Weisgerber) 5676
Cut-off land claims (Guno) 7967-8 (Weisgerber) 7968, 8045
Cut-off land claims, negotiations re (Guno) 6358 (Miller) 5684 (Smith, S.D.) 6298, 6360, 6523
Cut-off land claims, settlement of (Weisgerber) 5675, 7966-7
Diversion program (Smith, S.D.) 6357, 6525
Douglas treaties mentioned (Hanson, G.) 5845, 7253 (Smith, S.D.) 6010
Edmonton school district, Indian studies (Hanson, G.) 7494
Educational system, native culture as part of (Rogers) 5688
Federal Indian taxation task force (Johnston) 6656
Federal programs for, reduction in personnel for (Hanson, G.) Q. 6411 (Vander Zalm) A. 6411
Fish, compensation for contaminated fish (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939 (Weisgerber) A. 6939
Fish, consumption of contaminated fish (Guno) 7265 (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939
Fish, consumption of fish caught in area of pulp mills (Hanson, G.) Q. 6939, 7265, 7266 (Savage) 7265 (Weisgerber) A. 6939
Fisheries resource, management of, involvement in (Guno) 7251-2, 7253 (Hanson, G.) 7250, 7252-3, 7253 (Savage) 7251, 7252, 7253
Fisheries, rights re (Hanson, G.) 7252-3 (Savage) 7251
Fisheries, rights re, John Savage's remarks (Guno) 7251 (Hanson, G.) 7250, 7252-3 (Miller) 7257, 7258
Fishing, nets at mouth of rivers (Guno) 7257 (Miller) 7256 (Savage) 7258 (Vander Zalm) 7255
Forest firefighting teams, membership in (Parker) 7379
Forest land, control of (Kempf) 8070, 8073
Forest tenures and licences (Weisgerber) 5675, 8002, 8045
Fort Nelson area issues (Brummet) 6222 (Smith, S.D.) 6523-4
Government, participation in (Loenen) 8705
Government policy on (Miller) 5684-5
Government's work on behalf of (Brummet) 8043-4
Grassy Narrows Indians (Guno) 7266
History and culture, instruction of non-natives in (Brummet) 7495 (Hanson, G.) 7493
Hunting, aboriginal and treaty rights (Guno) 8628
Image of in media (Rogers) 5688
“Indian”, definition of under School Act (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179
Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act. See name of act
“Indian”, use of term in School Act (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179
An Institute of Aboriginal Languages for British Columbia, An Act to Establish. See name of act
Job preparation training, funding for (Couvelier) 5768
Justice system and Indians (Guno) 6356, 6357, 7058 (Hanson, G.) 7061 (Ree) 7057, 7058, 7061, 7062-3 (Smith, B.R.) 6457 (Smith, S.D.) 6357 (Weisgerber) 5591, 8067
Kamloops golf course, claim to (Weisgerber) 6260
Kincolith cut-off land, return of (Weisgerber) 5675
Land claims (Boone) 5635 (Guno) 7967-8 (Hanson, G.) 5726 (Harcourt) 8064 (Kempf) 5729-30, 8066 (Smallwood) 6196 (Smith, B.R.) 8062-3 (Vander Zalm) 6225-6, 8665, 8665-6 (Weisgerber) 5674-5, 7968, 8065
Land claims and development plans (Boone) 7669, 7670, 8033 (Kempf) 8040
Land claims and tree-farm licences (Boone) 7669 (Kempf) 8070 (Miller) 8043, 8044, 8058, 8059-60
Land claims, Arrow Lakes (Janssen, G.) 6204
Land claims, compensation for (Brummet) 6223
Land claims, federal responsibility (Weisgerber)
Land claims, government policy on (Miller) 8042 (Smallwood) 6196 (Weisgerber) 7966, 8032
Land claims, NDP policy on (Weisgerber) 8032
Land claims, negotiation of (Guno) 6358, 8031-2 (Kempf) 8071 (Perry) 5883 (Sihota) Q. 6298, 6348 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6298, 6359-60, 6523-4 (Weisgerber) 8032
Land claims, settlement of (Boone) 7670, 8033 (Harcourt) 8060, 8677 (Kempf) 8033, 8674-5, 8679 (Miller) 8060 (Vander Zalm) 8677 (Weisgerber) 5675, 8060
Languages, problem re In justice system (Ree) 7060
Legal aid for (Smith, S.D.) 6332
Legal services for (Smith, S.D.) 6332-3
Litigation before provincial courts (Smallwood) 6196
Litigation before provincial courts, expenditures on (Harcourt) 8062
Living conditions, enhancement of (Bruce) 5754
Manitoba, aboriginal justice inquiry (Hanson, G.) 6392 (Smith, S.D.) 6393
Mineral agreements with (Smith, S.D.) 6360
“Native”, use of term (Guno) 8037 (Kempf) 8035 (Weisgerber) 8037
Negotiations with (Guno) 6358-9, 6361 (Smith, S.D.) 6359-60, 6360-1, 6392, 6523-4
Police, arrest of Indians (Guno) 7056
Police, Indian members of (Ree) 7060
Prison sentences, severity of (Guno) 7056
Prisoners, alcohol factor in jailings (Guno) 7056
Prisoners, economic factor in jailings (Guno) 7056
Prisoners, jailing of for non-payment of fines (Guno) 7060-1 (Hanson, G.) 7059 (Ree) 7060
Prisoners, number of (Boone) 8034 (Guno) 6990, 7055, 8039 (Hanson, G.) 7058, 7062 (Ree) 6989
Prisoners, number of in community programs (Ree) 7057, 7062
Prisoners, number of in Saskatchewan (Guno) 7055 (Ree) 7057
Prisoners, participation in educational programs (Guno) 7056-7
Prisoners, spiritual practices, problems re (Hanson, G.) 7059 (Ree) 7060
Prisoners, treatment of as homogenous group (Hanson, G.) 7059, 7060
Problems (Boone) 8033-4 (Weisgerber) 5675, 8034
Project Reconnect program for Vancouver youth (Richmond) 8710
Quebec land claims, settlement of (Harcourt) 8061
Recreational facilities for (Hanson, G.) 6646
Reserve land, assessment of (Guno) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8447, 8541
Reserve land, expropriation of under NDP (Rabbitt) 6225
Reserve land, property tax collection, fee for B.C. (Hanson, G.) 8539 (Weisgerber) 8539
Reserve land, property tax collection, use of provincial and municipal services (Guno) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8447, 8539
Reserve land, property tax delinquency rate (Weisgerber) 8539
Reserve land, property tax, level of and services to (Weisgerber) 8448
Reserve land, property tax, municipalities affected by loss of (Blencoe) 8540 (Weisgerber) 8540, 8540-1
Reserve land, property tax revenue (Guno) 8540 (Hanson, G.) 8540 (Weisgerber) 8540
Reserve land, property tax sharing, agreements on (Weisgerber) 8539
Reserve land, taxation appeals process (Hanson, G.) 8541 (Weisgerber) 8541
Reserve land, taxation of non-native occupants (Blencoe) 6655-6, 6656 (Johnston) 6656
Saanichton Bay marina case. See entries under Claxton, Louis, v Saanichton Marina
School trustees, voting for (Brummet) 8267 (Hagen, A.) 8267, 8267-8, 8268
Select standing committee on aboriginal affairs (Hanson, G.) 5591 (Weisgerber) 5591
Services for (Weisgerber) 8031, 8034, 8067
Services to during NDP administration (Miller) 8042
Socioeconomic aspects of Indian population, statistics on (Guno) 8037-8
Sports council for (Hanson, G.) 6646
Sports facilities (Hanson, G.) 6115-6
Sports training, coaches (Hanson, G.) 6115-6, 6646-7
Stories, collection, printing and distribution of (Brummet) 7495
Suicide rate, young people (Guno) 7056
Sunshine Coast area, native centre (Long) 5713
Timber agreements with (Guno) 6358 (Smith, S.D.) 6298, 6360, 6524
Tin-Wis conference (Smallwood) 6195-6
Transition house for native women (Marzari) 8733 (Richmond) 8734
Treaties (Hanson, G.) 5726
Treaty 8, history of (Weisgerber) 8058
Treaty 8 lands dispute (Hanson, G.) 6392 (Smith, S.D.) 6392-3, 6393
Treaty 8, rights under treaty (Miller) 8058 (Weisgerber) 8002
Tribal organizations (Hanson, G.) 7488
Vant, Hon. Neil, remarks re Indian reserves (Guno) 5720
Water rights issues, negotiations re (Smith, S.D.) 6524
Women, problems (Boone) 8034
Work on behalf of (Brummet) 8044
See also: Premier's Council on Native Affairs
Indians — Education
Band schools, funding of (Brummet) 7495 (Hanson, G.) 7493
Curriculum, concerns re (Hanson, G.) 6211
Curriculum development, funding for (Guno) 7491
Curriculum development, participation in (Hanson, G.) 7488
Education (Hagen, A.) 7544 (Rogers) 5688 (Weisgerber) 5676, 8034
Language and culture programs (Brummet) 7363
Languages, instruction in (Brummet) 7490, 8044, 8210 (Hanson, G.) 8654
Master tuition agreement, funding, basis for (Brummet) 7489 (Hanson, G.) 7489
Master tuition agreement funds, Indian participation in spending of (Brummet) 7495 (Hanson, G.) 7492
Master tuition agreement, negotiations, participation in (Brummet) 7489 (Hanson, G.) 7489
Master tuition agreement, replacement for (Weisgerber) 5676
Mature students (Hanson, G.) 7492
Native education advisory committee (Brummet) 7490 (Hagen, S.) 8325, 8354 (Jones) 8354 (Weisgerber) 5676
Post-secondary education, federal funds for (Hagen, S.) 8354 (Jones) 8354
Pupil costs and funding for education (Hanson, G.) 7489
Residential schools (Boone) 8033 (Weisgerber) 8034
School Act, provision for education of Indians (Brummet) 8118 (Rose) 8113-4
School districts, agreement with (Brummet) 7489
School districts, Indian school districts, proposal re (Brummet) 7490
School dropouts (Hanson, G.) 7488 (Rose) 8114
Students, federal aid to (Hanson, G.) Q. 6081, Q. 6211 (Weisgerber) A. 6081, A. 6211
Students, intervention on behalf of (Hanson, G.) Q. 6081, Q. 6211 (Weisgerber) A. 6081, A. 6211
Teachers' aides for classrooms with Indian students (Hanson, G.) 7493
Teachers, Indian assistants to (Brummet) 7490
Teachers, Indian teachers, need for (Hanson, G.) 7492
Teachers, Indian teachers, number of (Hanson, G.) 7488
Teachers, Indian teachers, training of (Brummet) 7490 (Hanson, G.) 7492
Indians — Languages
Children, instruction of preschoolers in Indian languages (Hanson, G.) 7495
An Institute of Aboriginal Languages for British Columbia, An Act to Establish. See name of act
Instruction in (Hanson, G.) 7493, 8654
Justice system, problem re languages in (Hanson, G.) 7060
Language and cultural institute, establishment of (Hanson, G.) 7493
Legislation on (Hanson, G.) 7493
Preservation of (Brummet) 7494, 7495 (Hanson, G.) 7493, 8653
English and French, use of both languages (Davidson) Q. 6911-2, Q. 6911 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6911, A. 6912
Individual rights
See: Civil rights
Industrial accidents
Costs of (Sihota) 6443
Fatalities, Increase in (Hanson, L.) 6444 (Sihota) 6443, 6445
Injuries, Increase in (Sihota) 6443
Mourning day for workers killed and injured (Hanson, L.) 6440 (Sihota) 6443
Mushroom farm accident, case cited (Sihota) 6445
Non-union work sites (Sihota) 6443
Penalties for employees disobeying rules (Sihota) 6444
Industrial development assistance program
Funding for (Veitch) 7682
Goals (Marzari) 7348
Industrial Development Incentive Act
Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8774
Loans under act, review of (Janssen, G.) 8837
Mentioned: (Veitch) 7680, 8419
Industrial development subsidiary agreement
Agreement (Reid) 7393
Funding for and loans made (Veitch) 7681
Industrial Electricity Rate Discount Act
“Customer”, definition of under act (Davis) 8545 (Edwards) 8545
Free trade agreement and act (Clark) 8490-1 (Davis) 8491
Mentioned: (Chairman) 8545
Industrial relations
Economy, state of and labour relations (Hanson, L.) 6971
Foreign trade promotion and labour relations (Gabelmann) 7710
Labour relations in B.C. (Clark) 7996 (Couvelier) 7996 (De Jong) 5817 (Michael) 5866 (Peterson) 7360, 7361-2 (Serwa) 5937 (Sihota) 7360-1 (Smith, S.D.) 5920
Labour relations tribunals, participation of lawyers (Clark) 6921
Industrial Relations Act
Administration of (Sihota) 6971
Amendments to (Sihota) 6972
Changes to, proposal re (Sihota) 6970
Day of protest against act (Harcourt) 8673 (Vander Zalm) 8672
Drafting of act (Sihota) 7361
Foreign trade promotion and act (Gabelmann) 7710
Forest industry dispute, negotiations and act (Sihota) 6972
New Democratic Party's alternative bill to (Hanson, L.) 6920 (Sihota) 7361 (Smith, S.D.) 6920 (Vander Zalm) 6943, 6944
Problems re (Sihota) 6894-5
Reaction to, canvassing of (Sihota) 6894
Section 37 mentioned (Sihota) 6972
Section 48, work on (Hanson, L.) 6970 (Sihota) 6972
Section 53 mentioned (Sihota) 6972
Seniority rights under act (Clark) 6921
Success of (Loenen) 6921 (Peterson) 7361 (Reid) 6948 (Vander Zalm) 6943
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6783, 7126 (De Jong) 5817 (Gabelmann) 7163, 8828 (Gran) 5637 (Hanson, L.) 6971, 7818 (Harcourt) 8673 (Lovick) 8826 (Pullinger) 5889 (Rose) 8113 (Sihota) 5638, 6894, 6948, 6970, 7383, 8110 (Smith, S.D.) 5920
Industrial Relations Council
Annual report tabled (Hanson, L.) 5592
Applications dealt with (Hanson, L.) 6893
Boycott of (Hanson, L.) 6970, 6971 (Sihota) 6970, 6971, 6971-2
Boycott of, exemptions from (Hanson, L.) 6970 (Sihota) 6971
Disputes resolutions, makeup of panel for (Smith, S.D.) 6919-20
Hospitals, manning requirements for essential services, designation of (Hanson, L.) 7818
Preventive mediation division, work of (Hanson, L.) 6893
Problems (Sihota) 6970
Trade union certification, applications for (Hanson, L.) 6970
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8829, 8831 (Hanson, L.) 6954 (Sihota) 6670, 6894, 6895 (Smith, S.D.) 6919, 6920
Industrial safety
Inspections (Hanson, L.) 6444 (Sihota) 6444
Promotion of (Hanson, L.) 6440
Regulations. See entries under Workers' Compensation Board
Training in (Sihota) 6444
Sustainable development. See entries under Environmental protection
See also: British Columbia-Industries
Industry and Small Business Development, Ministry of, Act
Mentioned: (Veitch) 8419
Infant development program
See entries under Infants
Infant development program, funding for (Richmond) 8710
Infants Act
Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8632
Inflation (Finance)
Economy and inflation (Couvelier) 5766-7
Inflation rate (Serwa) 5733
Toronto area, inflation rate (Veitch) 5643
Information, Freedom of
See: Freedom of Information
Information, Government
See: Government Information
Ingenika Indian band
Assistance to (Weisgerber) 8064
Fire crews, performance as (Kempf) 8036
Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., formation of company with (Boone) 8033
Land for (Weisgerber) 8035, 8064
Living conditions (Guno) 7967-8
Meeting re future of, participation in (Hanson, G.)Q. 6910 (Vander Zalm) A. 6910
Problems (Guno) 7968 (Hanson, G.) 6392 (Harcourt) 8061 (Smith, S.D.) 6361, 6392, 6524 (Weisgerber) 7967, 8035
Visit to (Boone) 8033 (Harcourt) 8060 (Kempf) 8040
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8061, 8062 (Miller) 8042 (Weisgerber) 8045, 8065
Initiatives for Strengthening the Family program
Funding for (Dueck) 6075
Programs (Dueck) 6075 (Richmond) 8710
Mentioned: (Smallwood) 6719, 8813
Civil injunctions (Sihota) 6447
Everywoman's Health Centre, demonstrators (Sihota) 6437 (Smith, S.D.) 6438
Writ filed by Attorney-General in 1987 (Sihota) 7361
Inland Glass and Aluminum Ltd.
Mentioned: (Reid) 7423
Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 8396 (Davis) 8479, 8481 (Michael) 5986
Innu Indian nation
Inquiry Act
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 5725, 5742 (Parker) 8503, 8512
Inside Passage
Cruise ship. See entries under Cruise ships
Insider trading in securities
Insider trading (Couvelier) 8560, 8636, 8692
Legislation on, reverse-onus clause (Clark) 7664 (Couvelier) 7664
Regulations, changes to (Couvelier) 7665
An Institute of Aboriginal Languages for British Columbia, An Act to Establish
(Bill M228) (Hanson, G.) 1R, 8653-4
Speakers: Hanson, G. 8653-4
Indian languages, instruction in (Hanson, G.) 8653-4
Indian languages, preservation of (Hanson, G.) 8653
Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8637
Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5946
Insurance, Agricultural — Crops
Crop insurance (Savage) 7218
Wildlife damage, insurance against (Savage) 7231-2
Insurance, Automobile
No-fault insurance, proposal re (Smith, B.R.) 6468
See also: Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Insurance, Legal Services
See: Prepaid legal services
Insurance, Liability
Self-insurance programs, special account for (Couvelier) 8398, 8468
Insurance, Life
Proceeds payable to infants (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Insurance, No-fault automobile
Problems re (Ree) 7044
Insurance, Unemployment
See also: Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Insurance (Captive Company) Act
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7345
Insurance Act
Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8581
Replacement of provisions in (Couvelier) 7900
Mentioned: (Clark) 8056 (Couvelier) 7605 (Smith, S.D.) 8632
Insurance Amendment Act
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7345
Insurance companies
Company Act, application of (Clark) 7993 (Couvelier) 7993
Incorporation of under Financial Institutions Act (Clark) 7995, 7996 (Couvelier) 7995, 7996
Incorporation provisions (Clark) 7995 (Couvelier) 7900, 7995
Incorporation, transfer of to B.C. (Clark) 7996 (Couvelier) 7996
Interest in, sale of, minister's powers re (Clark) 8048
Ownership of (Clark) 8046, 8047-8, 8047 (Couvelier) 7900, 8046-7, 8047, 8048
Ownership of, minister's powers re (Clark) 8046, 8047-8, 8047 (Couvelier) 8046-7, 8047, 8048
Premiums, tax rate on (Clark) 8056 (Couvelier) 8056
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Annual report tabled (Hanson, L.) 5592
Claims centres, new centres opened (Hanson, L.) 6892
Claims division, staff (Hanson, L.) 6892
Claims filed (Hanson, L.) 6892
Claims, mediation of (Smith, B.R.) 6468
Cyclists, fatalities (Hanson, G.) 6817
Investment income (Hanson, L.) 6892
Lie detectors, ban on use of (Clark) 8289
North Road accidents, insurance coverage for (Kempf) 6787
Surplus, operating surplus (Hanson, L.) 6892
Mentioned: (Barnes) 8501 (Fraser, R.) 6946 (Hanson, L.) 6950 (Janssen, G.) 7042, 7043 (Marzari) 8720 (Miller) 7284 (Ree) 7044, 7862, 8171, 8173, 8175 (Reid) 6948 (Smallwood) 6278, 8813 (Smith, S.D.) 8137
Insurance Premium Tax Act
Mentioned: (Clark) 8056 (Couvelier) 8056
The Integrity of the Agricultural Land Commission, An Act to Restore
(Bill M224) (Barlee) 1R, 8560
Agricultural Land Commission mandate, expansion of (Barlee) 8560
Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from (Barlee) 8560
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria
Work of (Reid) 7433
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
Interaction Resources Ltd.
Upticking, allegation re (Clark) 7633
Interest rates
Economy of B.C. and interest rate (Clark) 5718 (Couvelier) 5717, 5766-7
Houses, price of and interest rate (Clark) 5718
Increase in (Clark) 5718 (Couvelier) 5717-8 (Crandall) 5718 (D’Arcy) 5814 (Janssen, G.) 5613 (Loenen) 5931 (Vander Zalm) 5761 (Vetch) 5643
Mortgages, interest rates on (McCarthy) 5812
Project, expenditure on (Perry) 8335
See: International Forest Products Ltd.
Interior News, Smithers, B.C.
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7168
Interior University Society
Petition (Strachan) 8317
Report (Hagen, S.) 8344
Work of (Strachan) 5824
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8345, 8349, 8360 (Jones) 5670, 5672, 8344, 8347, 8355
Intermediate care
See: Long-term care of the sick
Interministerial Children's Committee
Mentioned: (Richmond) 8807
Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee
Letter to chairman quoted (Guno) 7020
Meeting, February 9, 1989, attendance at of Angus Ree (Guno) 7037 (Ree) 7037
Meeting, February 9, 1989, minutes of referred to, quoted (Guno) 7037 (Sihota) 7046-7
Recommendations (Sihota) 7046
Recommendations, implementation of (Edwards) 7006-7 (Guno) 7020, 7037, 7038 (Ree) 7021, 7022, 7037 (Sihota) 7005, 7021, 7022, 8135
Recommendations, implementation of, progress reports on (Ree) 7024 (Sihota) 7024
Report (Cashore) 7026, 7027 (Ree) 7006, 7024
Report quoted (Sihota) 7004-5
Seismic safety subcommittee report (Guno) 7037
Mentioned: (Ree) 7076
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America
Mentioned: (Dirks) 6184
International Business and Immigration, Ministry of
Speakers: Clark 7716-7, 7720, 7725, 7726, 7726-7, 7727, Gabelmann 7702, 7703, 7707, 7708, 7709, 7710, 7710-1, 7711, 7717, 7718, 7721, 7722, 7722-3, 7723, 7724, 7724-5, 7727, 7727-8, 7730, 7730-1, 7731, 7731-2; Hagen, A. 7728, 7729, 7729-30, 7730; Jansen, J. 7700-2, 7702, 7703, 7705, 7705-6, 7706, 7707, 7707-8, 7708, 7709, 7709-10, 7710, 7711, 7715, 7718-9, 7720, 7720-1, 7721, 7721-2, 7722, 7723, 7723-4, 7724, 7725, 7725-6, 7726, 7727, 7728, 7728-9, 7729, 7730, 7731; Miller 7703, 7703-5, 7705, 7706; Perry 7715, 7715-6, 7716, 7717, 7719-20; Richmond 7717; Smith, S.D. 7718
Mandate of (Jansen, J.) 6554-5, 7700
International Business Machines Corp.
Employee training programs (Miller) 8390
International Commercial Arbitration Centre
Services to business (Throne speech) 5586
International finance
Banking centre in Vancouver (Couvelier) 5766
International Financial Business (Tax Refund) Act
Amendments to (Couvelier) 7581
Declaration of claim under act, requirement re (Clark) 7858 (Couvelier) 7858
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6910, 7345
International Financial Business Act
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7345
International Forest Products Ltd.
Mentioned: (Miller) 8590
International Joint Commission
Sage Creek mine proposal, report on (Edwards) 5750
Mentioned: (Perry) 7772
International Literacy Year
Designation of (Throne speech) 5588
Mentioned: (Lovick) 8363
International Monetary Fund
Mentioned: (Mercier) 5597
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
Mentioned: (Savage) 8502
International Potter Distilling Corp.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7583
International Ridge recreation area
Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798
International Submarine Engineering Ltd.
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 5812
International Trusts Act
(Bill 18) (Attorney-General) 1R, 6324-5; 2R, 6781-2; C, 7104; 3R, 7104; RA, 7161
Speakers: Sihota 6782; Smith, S.D. 6781
Trusts and trustees, Hague convention mentioned (Smith, S.D.) 6324, 6781
Trusts, civil-law jurisdictions, B.C. interests in (Sihota) 6782 (Smith, S.D.) 6781
International Women's Day
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377
International Woodworkers of America
History of (Bruce) 7184-5, 7186 (Gabelmann) 7185
Officials, criminal charges against (Sihota) Q. 6761 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6761-2
Officials held in detention, length of time (Sihota)Q. 6762 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6762
Strikes (Bruce) 7184-5
Mentioned: (Brummet) 8570 (Cashore) 8084 (Hanson, G.) 5725 (Jacobsen) 6983 (Michael) 6047 (Miller) 7260, 7738, 8510, 8589 (Parker) 6179, 6982, 8571 (Strachan) 8074 (Vander Zalm) 6633
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7629
Intervenor Funding Project Act, 1988 (Ontario)
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6436
Interwest Property Services Ltd.
Macdonald, Bruce J., employment of (Hagen, A.) 6665 (Johnston) 6659 (Williams) 6659
SkyTrain right-of-way, acquisition of (Hagen, A.) 6665 (Williams) 6659-60, 6661
See: Toleration
Intrawest Properties Ltd.
Blackcomb land, profits on sale of (Williams) 7872-3, 7873-4
Invasion of privacy
See: Privacy, Right of
Invermere, B.C.
Communities Against Sexual Abuse (Smith, S.D.) 6473
Extended-care facility (Crandall) 5719
Hospital, construction of (Crandall) 5699, 5908
Mentally handicapped, residence for (Crandall) 5699-5700
Investment advisers
Disclosure requirements (Clark) 8049
Financial planners, regulation of (Couvelier) 7345
Financial planning and advisory industry, inquiry into (Couvelier) 6063
Investment Canada
Mentioned: (Miller) 8589
Investment Contract Act
Mentioned: (Clark) 7345 (Sihota) 7332, 7334, 7339
Investment Dealers' Association of Canada
Annual report quoted (Serwa) 5732
Quoted (Couvelier) 5766 (Vander Zalm) 5761
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7623, 7624 (De Jong) 5599
Investment of public funds
Common stocks, investment in (Janssen, G.) 5910 (McCarthy) 5813 (Rabbitt) 5902 (Sihota) 5851
Financial futures, government investment in (Clark) 8468
Vancouver Stock Exchange, government investments in (Clark) Q. 6835 (Vander Zalm) A. 6835
Investment in B.C. (Clark) 5778 (Mercier) 5597 (Smith, B.R.) 5952 (Smith, S.D.) 5920 (Vander Zalm) 8657
See also: Venture capital
Investments, Foreign
Foreign investment in B.C. (Serwa) 5732
Investments, Public
See: Investment of public funds
Western Canada Steel Ltd., purchase and closure of (Hanson, L.) 6922 (Loenen) 6921-2
Irish Rover's Unicorn Pub, Vancouver, B.C.
Lease, terms of (Michael) 6538
Irradiated foods
See: Food, Irradiated
Irvine, Susan
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8337
Irvine, Calif.
Trade promotion office (Jansen, J.) 7701 (Throne speech) 5586
Irwin, Pat
Mentioned: (Barlee) 5755
Iskut, B.C.
Wrangell, Alaska, road to (Guno) 6730 (Vant) 6730
Iskut River, B.C.
Mining road in area (Edwards) 8489
Resource road in area (Davis) 8489
Island Catholic News
Quoted (Johnston) 6651
Island Watch
Mentioned: (Vant) 6841
Islands Trust
Borrowing by, powers for (Blencoe) 8610 (Johnston) 8610
Buildings, variance for, appeal process (Johnston) 6640 (Rogers) 6634
Community plans, Municipal Affairs minister's approval for (Blencoe) 8612 (Johnston) 8612
Establishment of, 1974 legislation (Blencoe) 8528
Forest and land use council (Blencoe) 6627, 6628
Future of (Blencoe) 6628 (Johnston) 6628
Government ministries and agencies, cooperation with (Blencoe) 8609 (Johnston) 8609
Local community commissions, establishment of (Blencoe) 8529, 8610 (Johnston) 8610
Municipalities, community plans, approval of (Johnston) 8610
Municipalities, incorporation of, provision for (Blencoe) 8529
Municipalities, land use conflicts with trust (Blencoe) 8609 (Johnston) 8609-10
Operating grants to (Blencoe) 8611 (Johnston) 8611
Piers Island, provision for as trust area (Blencoe) 8612
Property tax, assessment and collection costs (Blencoe) 8613 (Johnston) 8614
Quoted (Sihota) 6986
Select Standing Committee on Economic Development, Transportation and Municipal Affairs inquiry (Blencoe) 6628
Subdivision approval function (Johnston) 8528
Trust fund board, appointments to (Blencoe) 8529, 8612
Trust fund board, establishment of (Johnston) 8528
Trust fund, funding for (Blencoe) 8529, 8613 (Johnston) 8613
Trust policy statement, adoption of (Blencoe) 8611 (Johnston) 8528
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6604, 6605, 6627 (Hanson, L.) 6987 (Johnston) 6605 (Lovick) 6828, 6841 (Pullinger) 5889 (Sihota) 6987 (Vant) 5845, 6828, 6841
Islands Trust Act
(Bill 78) (Minister of Municipal Alffairs, Recreation and Culture) 1R, 8419; 2R, 8528-9; C, 8609-14; 3R, 8614; RA, 8841
Speakers: Blencoe 8528-9, 8609, 8610, 8610-1, 8611, 8612, 8612-3, 8613, 8614; Johnston 8419, 8528, 8609, 8609-10, 8610, 8611, 8611-2, 8612, 8613, 8614
Borrowing by trust, powers for (Blencoe) 8610 (Johnston) 8610
Community plans, Municipal Affairs minister's approval for (Blencoe) 8612 (Johnston) 8612
Galiano Island, MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. development (Blencoe) 8611
Government ministries and agencies, cooperation with (Blencoe) 8609 (Johnston) 8609
Islands Trust, establishment of, 1974 legislation (Blencoe) 8528
Land use conflicts (Blencoe) 8609 (Johnston) 8609-10
Local community commissions, establishment of (Blencoe) 8529, 8610 (Johnston) 8610
Municipal Affairs minister's powers under act (Blencoe) 8610 (Johnston) 8611-2
Municipalities, community plans, approval of (Johnston) 8610
Municipalities, incorporation of, provision for (Blencoe) 8529
Operating grants to trust (Blencoe) 8611 (Johnston) 8611
Piers Island, provision for as trust area (Blencoe) 8612
Property tax, assessment and collection costs (Blencoe) 8613 (Johnston) 8614
Subdivision approval function (Johnston) 8528
Trust fund board, appointments to (Blencoe) 8529, 8612
Trust fund board, establishment of (Johnston) 8528
Trust fund, funding for (Blencoe) 8529, 8613 (Johnston) 8613
Trust policy statement (Blencoe) 8611 (Johnston) 8528
Izony, Ray
Mentioned: (Weisgerber) 7968, 8035, 8064