Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

SAFER program

See: Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program


See: Sexual Assault Recovery Anonymous, Vancouver, B.C.

SHM Marine International Inc.

Mentioned: (Vant) 6856


See: Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia


See: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


See: Society Promoting Environmental Conservation

SUCCESS program

See entries under United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society

Saanich News, Victoria, B.C.

Quoted (Gabelmann) 7724

Saanichton Marina, Saanichton, B.C.

Claxton, Louis, case, appeal to Supreme Court of Canada (Hanson, G.) Q. 5845, Q. 6009 (Smith, S.D.)A. 6010

Claxton, Louis, case mentioned (Smith, S.D.) 6393

Sadler, Murray

Tribute to (Strachan) 5824

Work of (Strachan) 5824

Safety, Industrial

See: Industrial safety

Safety of workers

See: Industrial safety

Safeway Stores Inc.

Mentioned: (Loenen) 7174

Sage Creek, B.C.

Mine proposal, International Joint Commission report on (Edwards) 5750

Sailview Ventures Ltd.

Mentioned: (Darks) 7948 (Williams) 7949

St. Ann's Academy, Victoria, B.C.

Funding for (Blencoe) 6652

Lease, information to public re (Blencoe) Q. 8421 (Johnston) A. 8422

Proposal for, decision on (Blencoe) 6649, 6650, 6652 (Johnston) 6650-1

Tourist attraction (Read) 5839

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6253 (Sihota) 6608 (Williams) 6253

St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, England

Mentioned: (Perry) 6085

St. George's School, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Marzari) 5820 (Smith, S.D.) 6513

St. Germain, Gerry

Mentioned: (Rose) 6299, 6567

St. John Ambulance

Mentioned: (Barnes) 8501 (Ree) 7038

St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6651

St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

AIDS patients, hospice for (Dueck) 7867

AIDS program (Perry) 8290

Obstetrics caseload, funding for increase in (Dueck) 6156

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6157 (Marzari) 6423 (Michael) 5980 (Perry) 6154, 6155, 8291

Sakalauskas, Al

Mentioned: (Sihota) 7237

Sale of Goods on Condition Act

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7124

Sales tax

Aircraft operated in B.C., tax on for period 1960 to 1983 (Couvelier) 8579, 8635

Alcoholic beverages served on planes, tax on (Smith, S.D.) 6577-8

Alcoholic beverages sold under special occasion licence, tax on (Couvelier) 7109

Coho, tax exemption for sales on board vessel (Couvelier) 7160

Equipment brought into B.C. for temporary use, tax on (Couvelier) 8579, 8633

Equipment, used equipment, tax on (Couvelier) 7109

Explosives used in mining industry, exemption for (Clark) 7110 (Couvelier) 7109

Federal goods and services tax (Guno) 5957

Federal goods and services tax and hotel room tax (Pullinger) 7405 (Read) 7406

Federal goods and services tax, constitutionality of (Mercier) 5959

Federal goods and services tax, double taxation (Clark) 7309

Federal goods and services tax, encroachment on provincial tax field (Clark) 7310 (Couvelier) 7310, 7312

Federal goods and services tax, government's position on (Clark) Q. 6965, 7313, 7314 (Couvelier) A. 6209, A. 6965, 7310, 7312 (Harcourt) Q. 5915, Q. 6209, Q. 6341, Q. 6342 (Vander Zalm) A. 5915, A. 5916, A. 6341-2, A. 6342

Federal goods and services tax, impact of (Clark) 7314 (Couvelier) 6209

Federal goods and services tax, impact of on B.C. export industry (Clark) 7313 (Couvelier) 7312

Federal goods and services tax, impact of on economy (Clark) 7311 (Couvelier) 7312

Federal goods and services tax, impact of on provincial revenue (Clark) 7310, 7311 (Couvelier) 7310, 7312

Federal goods and services tax, impact of on ski industry (Edwards) 7412

Federal goods and services tax, impact of on tourist industry (Edwards) 7412, 7413 (Read) 7413

Federal goods and services tax, increase in (Clark) 7309, 7311

Federal goods and services tax, legal authority for (Clark) 7312-3 (Couvelier) 7312

Federal goods and services tax on food (Clark) 7309-10 (Couvelier) 7310

Federal goods and services tax on health care services (Dueck) A. 6299 (Fraser, R.) 6156, Q. 6299

Federal goods and services tax on restaurant meals (Couvelier) 7310

Federal goods and services tax, opposition to (Clark) 7311 (Mercier) 5598, 5959

Federal goods and services tax proposals, government's preferences re (Clark) 7314, 7315 (Couvelier) 7315

Federal goods and services tax, rate (Couvelier) 7310

Federal goods and services tax, revenue generated (Clark) 7309

Federal-provincial retail sales tax, proposal re (Clark) 7313

Increase in (Couvelier) A. 5964 (Harcourt) Q. 5964

International carriers, requirement for payment of back taxes by (Couvelier) 8633 (Rose) 8634

International carriers, tax on conveyances, court cases in future (Clark) 8691 (Couvelier) 8691

International carriers, tax on conveyances, level of (Clark) 8691 (Couvelier) 8691

International carriers, tax on conveyances, loss of (Clark) 8690, 8691 (Couvelier) 8691

International carriers, tax on conveyances, other property in B.C. (Couvelier) 8579, 8633

“Lease”, definition of and sales tax (Clark) 7156 (Couvelier) 7109, 7156-7

Level of (Boone) 5893 (Crandall) 5909 (Vander Zalm) 5960

Machinery and equipment, tax on (Couvelier) 7138

Magnetite, exemption for (Clark) 7110 (Couvelier) 7109

Manufacturers' tax, restructuring of (Guno) 5957 (Mercier) 5959

Movie admissions, tax on (Clark) 7109, 7110, 7157 (Couvelier) 7109, 7157

Princess Marguerite, tax exemption for sales on board vessel (Clark) 7160, 7161 (Couvelier) 7160, 7161

Reduction in (Clark) 5779 (Crandall) 5909 (De Jong) 5817

Ships, sales on board, exemption for (Clark) 7160 (Couvelier) 7109, 7160

Ships, sales on board, Washington State policy on (Clark) 7161 (Couvelier) 7161

Social Service Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1989. See name of act

Social Service Tax Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act

Temporary Use Tax Validation Act. See name of act

Unpaid tax, interest charges on (Couvelier) 7126

Salish Indian people

Goldstream chum salmon, proposal re (Hanson, G.) 7253-4, 7254

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6186, 7059, 7060, 7488


Diseases, source of (Savage) 7267

Eggs, testing of (Hanson, G.) 7264 (Savage) 7264

Export of unprocessed salmon, debate on issue (Harcourt) 6371 (Speaker) 6394

Farm salmon, inspection of (Savage) 6344

Farm salmon, labelling of product (Hanson, G.) 7264 (Savage) 7264

Farm salmon, taste test results (Savage) 7166

Farm salmon, testing of (Savage) 6344

Farm salmon, value of product (Michael) 7193 (Savage) 7166

Goldstream chum salmon, proposal re (Hanson, G.) 7253-4, 7254

Indians, salmon consumption and toxins (Guno) 7265

Japan, requirements for shipments to (Hanson, G.) 7250

Landing requirement (Vander Zalm) 6369

Nass River, court case, intervention in (Guno) 7252, 8031

Nass River, Nisga'as' rights re (Guno) 7252, 8031

Processing of in B.C. (Hanson, G.) Q. 8801, Q. 8802, 8835

Processing of in B.C. and GATT challenge (Jansen, J.) 7702

Stock, standards for (Hanson, G.) 7264

Taiwan, Singapore product, routing through Canada (Hanson, G.) 7250

United States, treaty with re salmon catch (Miller) 7706

Salmon Arm, B.C.

Airport (Michael) 6269, 6270, 6272 (Williams) 6269

College facility (Hagen, S.) 8352 (Michael) 8346

Hudson Avenue project (Michael) 5864

Sicamous-Salmon Arm road (Smith, S.D.) 7904, 7907

Saltari, B.C.

Water supply, problems re (Parker) 8567

Saltspring Island, B.C.

Assessment of treed land (Miller) 6600

Ferry terminal. See entries under British Columbia Ferry Corporation

The Salvation Army

Mentioned: (Barnes) 8536 (Hanson, L.) 8537 (Marzari) 8720 (Smallwood) 8714

Samuel Brighouse Elementary School, Richmond, B.C.

Handicapped children, mainstreaming of (Loenen) 6405

Sandberg, Douglas

Candidature in election (Cashore) 5990 (Michael) 5989

Career with Environmental Laboratory (Cashore) 5990

Resignation of (Cashore) 5988

Mentioned: (Cashore) 5659, 5855

Sandborn, Calvin

Quoted (Cashore) 8225

Sandwell Park

Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798 (Huberts) 7804

Sanford, Karen

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6032


Deficit (Crandall) 5907

Health care user fee (Perry) 6151

Indian prisoners, number of (Guno) 7055 (Ree) 7057

Sauve, Jeanne

Mentioned: (Rose) 6014

Savage, Hon. John (Delta) Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries

Agricultural Land Commission, annual report tabled 6580

Agricultural Land Commission, decisions, appeals to Environment and Land Use Committee 7169, 7172, 7215

Agricultural land reserve 7225

Agricultural land reserve, additions to 7169

Agricultural land reserve, Armstrong sawmill, exclusion from ALR for, A. 6939

Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from 7169, 7225

Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from, taxing of profit on, proposal re 7217

Agricultural land reserve, land parcels, reduction in size of 7194

Agriculture and economy of B.C. 7178

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, annual report tabled 6180

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 7175, 7224

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7164-7, 7169, 7171-2, 7175-6, 7175, 7187, 7188, 7189, 7190, 7192, 7194, 7215, 7216, 7217-8, 7217, 7218, 7219, 7220, 7221, 7222, 7223, 7223-4, 7224, 7224-5, 7225, 7226, 7227, 7228, 7229, 7231-2, 7232, 7233, 7234, 7235, 7235-6, 7236, 7237, 7238, 7239, 7240-1, 7240, 7241-2, 7241, 7242, 7243, 7250-1, 7252, 7253, 7254, 7257, 7258, 7259, 7260, 7261, 7262-3, 7262, 7263-4, 7263, 7264, 7265, 7266, 7267, 7268, 7269-70, 7269, 7270, 7270-1, 7271, 7272, 7272-3, 7273, 7274

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, regional development extension program, funding for 7167

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, regional development extension program, staff 7167

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, special warrants, need for 7224

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, staff, number of 7190

Agriculture and regional development 7165

Agriculture, Delta constituency 5853, 7165

Agriculture industry, government's position on 7190

Agriculture industry in B.C. 7164-5

Agriculture, investment in 7178

Agriculture Protection Act (Bill 30) 1R, 7177-8; 7895, 7895-6, 7897, 7898, 7898-9, 7899

Agrifood and regional development subsidiary agreement, funding for 7167

Agrifood and regional development subsidiary agreement, projects 5851-2, 7167

Agrifood industry and environment 5852

Alar, ban on import of alar-treated fruit, A. 6834

Alcoholism, treatment program 5853

Alfalfa, winter kill 7218

Alfalfa, winter kill, assistance in replanting, A. 6834-5

Apples, export of 7232

Apples, national supply management system, negotiations re 7222

Apples, production costs 7192

Apples, Red Delicious, growers' problems 7192

Aquaculture and protection of environment 6344

Aquaculture and water quality 5852

Aquaculture industry, value of 7166

Aquaculture, licensing scheme 7167

Aquaculture products, handling of prior to processing 6344

Aquaculture, research and development 7263

Aquaculture, research, funding for 7167

Bison, game-farming of 7691

Boundary Bay, land ownership in area 7227, 7228

Boundary Bay, wildlife habitat, protection of 7226, 7233

B.C. Federation of Agriculture, disaster relief fund, negotiations re 7223

B.C. Finfish Aquaculture Inquiry, recommendations 7264

B.C. Marketing Board, supervisory and appeal body for B.C. Milk Marketing Board 8702

B.C. Milk Board, annual report tabled 6836

B.C. Milk Marketing Board, appointments to 8765

B.C. Milk Marketing Board, establishment of 8702, 8765

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, establishment of 5852

Budget, balanced budget 5851, 7164

Budget debate 5851-3

Caribou, game-farming of in Peace River area 7691

Cherries, U.S. cherries, import of and Okanagan growers, A. 8082

Chicken processing industry, trade war 7240

Chicken producers, increase in number of 7236

Chickens, national supply management system 7219

Chickens, promotion of consumption 7219

Closkey, Dan, “Review of Ranching/Wildlife Conflicts in the East Kootenay Region of B.C.”, recommendations 7241, 7242, 7243

Coast, plans for at local level 7265

Codling moth control, sterile insect release program 7222, A. 8142

“Commodity group”, definition of 7987

Crop insurance 7218

Crop loss, grain farming 7231

Crop loss, migratory birds 7229, 7231

Crop loss, wildlife damage, insurance against 7231-2

Crops, frost damage 7218

Cucumbers, export of 7232

Dairy products, value of 7166

Delta constituency, economy 5853

Delta constituency, food production industry 5853

Delta constituency, industrial operations 5853

Delta roads, upgrading of, benefits of to farmers 7227, 7235

Dioxins in seafood 5852

Dolly Varden, safety of for consumption, A. 6939

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment program 5853

Eggs, national supply management system 7219

Elk, game-farming of 7691

Elk, number of 7242

Exports, non-tariff barriers 7232

Fallow deer, game-farming of 7691

Farm cash receipts 7166

Farm income insurance program 7167

Farm income, net farm income 7166

Farm produce, Best Buy B.C. program 7189

Farm produce, commodity councils, canvassing re desire for 7987

Farm produce, commodity councils, funds, use of 7989

Farm produce, commodity councils, levies 7688-9, 7894

Farm produce, commodity councils, promotion of products produced elsewhere 7990

Farm produce, “The Great Taste of B.C.” program 7189

Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act (Bill 44) 1R, 7688, 7894, 7895, 7987, 7988, 7988-9, 7989, 7990

Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act, penalty under act 7990

Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act, request for 7988

Farmland, Delta, options on 7233

Farmland, Surrey, options on 7233

Farms, Delta constituency 7165

Farms, management practices, guidelines for 7897

Farms, operations, court actions re 7896

Farms, operations, municipal bylaws 7895

Farms, operations, prevention of use of injunctions against 7178, 7688

Farms, operations, threatened actions re 7896, 7898-9

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, bird quota 7236

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, Lilydale Co-operative Ltd., purchase of birds from 7236

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, loan guarantee, A. 7034, A. 7035, 7236, 7237, 7238, 7240

Feed grain development program, funding for 7167

Fish caught in area of pulp mills, consumption of 7265

Fish culture, antibiotics, use of 7263

Fish culture, disease 7267

Fish culture, morts, disposal of 7263

Fish culture, products, value of 7166

Fish culture, wild stock, protection of 7263

Fish-farming, antibiotics, use of 6344

Fish-farming, Consumers' Association of Canada recommendations 6344

Fish-farms, B.C. Finfish Aquaculture Inquiry, recommendations 7898

Fish-farms, complaints re operations 7899

Fish-farms, density 7264

Fish-farms, licensing of 6344

Fish-farms, location and rotation of 7263-4

Fish-farms, rights of upland owners 7264

Fish-processing, east coast industry, GATT challenge 7251

Fish-processing, fish-landing requirement 7260

Fish-processing, fish-landing requirement and GATT ruling 7251, 7260

Fish-processing, floating processors '7261, 7262, 7263, 7266

Fish-processing, GATT ruling, penalty for contravention of 7261

Fish-processing industry dispute and free trade agreement 7261

Fish-processing industry dispute: and GATT 7260

Fish-processing industry, preservation of 7260

Fish-processing jobs in B.C., protection of, A. 6370

Fish-processing, negotiations with U.S. 6370

Fish-processing, transportation of fish to U.S. for processing, A. 6370

Fisheries, aboriginal rights 7251

Fisheries, commodity councils, canvassing re desire for 7987

Fisheries, commodity councils, funds, use of 7989

Fisheries, commodity councils, levies 7688-9, 7894

Fisheries, commodity councils, promotion of products produced elsewhere 7990

Fisheries, decisions on B.C. fishery, role of government in, A. 6674-5

Fisheries products 5852

Fisheries products, export of 7232

Fisheries resource, management of 7252, 7253, 7258

Fisheries resource, management of, Indians' involvement in 7251, 7252, 7253

Fishing, drift-net fishing 7251, 7254, 7258

Fishing, drift-net fishing, conference on 7250-1, 7262, 8502

Fishing, drift-net fishing, government action on 7250-1, 7255

Fishing, nets at mouth of rivers 7258

Fishing, policy on, discussions re 7262

Flamingo Foods Ltd., status of as licensed plant 7220

Flowers, sale of edible flowers 7166

Food Choice and Disclosure Act (Bill 85) 1R, 8702-3, 8702, 8766, 8767

Food Choice and Disclosure Act, consultation re 8766, 8767

Food Choice and Disclosure Act, penalties under act 8767

Food, choice in selection of 8702

Food, consumer demand for wholesome food 7165

Food, export of, non-tariff barriers 7232

Food, export of, promotion of 7232

Food, export of to Japan 7232

Food industry 7165, 7166

Food industry and economy 5851

Food industry, Delta constituency 7165

Food industry, promotion of B.C. products 7189, 7232

Food, labelling of by country of origin 6834

Food, organic food, establishment of authenticity for 8702-3

Food, organic food, inspection of 8766

Food production, use of chemicals in 5852

Food production, use of synthetic materials in 8702

Free trade agreement and agriculture 7189, 7217-8, 7236, A. 8422

Free trade agreement and agriculture, monitoring of, A. 8422

Fruit, labelling of by country of origin, A. 6834

Fruit, soft-fruit industry 7175

Fruit, tourist trade and Okanagan-Similkameen fruit industry 7188

Fruit, tree-fruit industry, assistance to 7215

Fruit, tree-fruit industry, meetings re 7188

Fruit, tree-fruit industry, value of to economy 7188

Game Farm Act (Bill 31) 1R, 7178, 7689, 7691

Game farm products, inspection of 7691

Game farmers, licensing of 7178, 7689

Game farms, size of 7691

Game species, restriction on farming of 7178, 7691

Game-farming and environment 7689

Game-farming and protection of wild stock 7178, 7689

Game-farming, escapes 7691

Game-farming, interministerial cooperation 7178

Game-farming, species farmed, restriction on 7178

Golf courses, Delta, new courses 7226, 7227, 7235

Golf courses, Delta, options on farmland 7233

Golf courses, land for, agricultural land reserve land 7226, 7234

Golf courses, land for, retention of in agricultural land reserve 7234

Golf courses, land for, return from use of land for 7234

Grain, world grain supply 7224

Grape and wine adjustment assistance program 7167, 7175

Grape-growing industry and GATT 7176, 7187

Grapes, growers and free trade agreement 5851, 7167

Grapes, growers, compensation to 7187

Grapes, growers, replanting program 7175

Grapes, type of grapes to be grown, research into, A. 8501-2

Grapes, vinifera type, cultivation of 7175, 7187

Greenhouses, products, export of 7166

Health ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 5853

Homeowner grant, increase in 5853

Horticultural industry and free trade agreement 7189

Housing, Delta 5853

Housing programs 5853

Land use and environmentalists 7229, 7233

Lilydale Co-operative Ltd., assistance to 7238, 7239

Livestock, sales, value of 7166

Milk, analysis of, fee for 7221

Milk Board, jurisdiction, legislation on protection of, A. 7325

Milk Board, restructuring of 8702

Milk, cottage industries 7268, 7269, 7270

Milk, cottage industry quotas, allocation of 7270

Milk, cottage industry quotas, size of 7271

Milk, dissident producers, government's loan offer to 7273, 7274

Milk, dissident producers' quotas, purchase of 7272

Milk, fluid milk production in B.C. 7268

Milk, fluid milk quotas 7270, 7271, 7272

Milk, fluid milk quotas, applicants for 7270-1

Milk, fluid milk quotas, holdback for new producers 7269

Milk, industrial milk, agreement on 7218

Milk, industrial milk, producers' quotas 7269

Milk, industrial milk production, Milk Board's powers re, A. 7325

Milk, industrial milk quota 7219, 7223-4, 7268

Milk Industry Act, section 45 (b) and new act 8765

Milk Industry Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 45) 1R, 8701-2, 8702, 8765

Milk industry, consultation with 8702

Milk, National Milk Marketing Plan, continued membership in, A. 8358

Milk, National Milk Marketing Plan, opting out of 7219, 7268, A. 8082, A. 8233

Milk pricing system, examination of, A. 7786

Milk production, quota regions 7220

Milk, raw milk, sale of 7222

Milk, task force on marketing, chairman, impartiality of, A. 7785

Milk, task force on marketing, consumer representative on, A. 7785

Milk, task force on marketing, meetings of, A. 8358-9

Mud Bay, wildlife habitat, protection of 7226, 7233

Nass River, salmon resource, Nisga'as' rights re 7257

Oil spills, response to 7266, 7267

Parks ministry, estimates 7777-8

Pesticides, applicators, certification of 7167

Pesticides, use of, reduction in 7166-7

Pests, biological control of 7166-7

Pit bull terrier involved in attack on girl, destroying of, A. 7149

Post-secondary education, access to 5853

Racetrack, Delta site and possible conflict of interest (Jones) 7227, 7234

Range management, Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, role of 7240, 7241

Range management, Agriculture and Fisheries ministry staff work on 7241-2

Range management, plan for 7241

Range management, review process 7241

Rangelands, use of 7242, 7243

Rangelands, wildlife, number of and cattle 7242

Raptors, Boundary Bay area, habitat protection 7226, 7233

Raspberries, winter freeze, effects of 7218

Royal Commission on Education recommendations, implementation of 5852

Royal Commission on Education, report 5852

Salmon eggs, testing of 7264

Salmon, farm salmon, inspection of 6344

Salmon, farm salmon, taste test results 7166

Salmon, farm salmon, testing of 6344

Salmon, farm salmon, value of product 7166

Shellfish fisheries, value of 7166

Spetifore property, agricultural land reserve, exclusion from 7778

Spetifore property, use of 7777

Squid fisheries, drift-net fishery 8502

Strawberries, winter freeze, effects of 7218

Students, achievement tests, comparisons with students elsewhere 5853

Subsidies, agricultural subsidies and GATT 7217-8

Subsidies, agricultural subsidies, subsidy war 7167

Tomatoes, export of 7232

Tuna fisheries, drift-net fishery 8502

Turf farming 7225

Turkey industry, assistance to 7238

Turkeys, national supply management system 7219

Vegetable-growing industry and free trade agreement 7175

Voles, habitat for 7226

Waterfowl habitat, Boundary Bay area, protection of 7226, 7233

Western Media Institute, report on, A. 7326

Wildlife damage, compensation fund, recommendation re 7243

Wildlife management areas, establishment of 7243

Wine industry, free trade agreement and industry 5851

Wine Industry, GATT ruling and industry 8295

Wine industry, premium wine industry 7167, 7175, 7189, 8295, 8422

Save-on-Foods and Drugs

Burnaby store, roof collapse, report of inquiry tabled (Reid) 5966

Mentioned: (Perry) 6026

Save Our Parkland Association

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 6211 (Perry) 6188

Savoie, Donald

Quoted (Veitch) 7638


Armstrong, exclusion of land from ALR for (Savage)A. 6939 (Williams) Q. 6938-9

Equipment, sale of to Czechoslovakia (Jansen, J.) 7701

Operation of, NDP proposal for (Brummet) 5630

Prince Rupert sawmill (Miller) 5686

Property taxes (Couvelier) 7283 (Miller) 7283

Sale of (Parker) 8570

Tahsis sawmill (Janssen, G.) 5723 (Parker) 5722

Sayward, B.C.

Sachts bridge (Gabelmann) 6744

Saywell, William

Mentioned: (Peterson) 5805


Forest policy (Miller) 5687

Scarrow, R.C. (Rich)

Quoted (Williams) 5743, 5744

Schaefer, Jacee

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 5984

Schellenberg, Ted

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 6429

Schidlowski, Juan Carlos

Operations of and Vancouver Stock Exchange (Clark) 7594-6, 7598, 7599, 7600

Zurfund International Ltd., involvement in (Clark) 7621

Mentioned: (Clark) 7598, 7601, 7622, 7630, 8406

Schmidt, Steve

Quoted (Williams) 6179

Mentioned: (Parker) 6179

Schmitt, Bert

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 7211

Scholastic achievement tests

See: Achievement tests

School achievement tests

See: Achievement tests

School Act

(Bill 67) (Minister of Education) 1R, 7865-6; 2R, 8003-29, 8109-19; C, 8177-8215, 8260-88, 8296-8308; 3R, 8308; RA, 8586

Amdts: 2R (Harcourt) 8015, negatived 8029; sec. 15 (Brummet) 8198, approved 8198; sec. 16 (Brummet) 8199-8200, approved 8200; sec. 26 (Hagen, A.) 8266, negatived 8266, sec. 36 (Brummet) 8266, approved 8266; sec. 37 (Brummet) 8266, approved 8266; sec. 75 (Hagen, A.) 8268, negatived 8271; sec. 79 (Hagen, A.) 8277, negatived 8278, sec. 102 (Brummet) 8286, approved 8286; sec. 104 (Hagen, A.) 8296, negatived 8297; sec. 143 (Brummet) 8300, approved 8300; sec. 185 (Hagen, A.) 8305, negatived 8306; preamble (Barnes) 8307, out of order 8307

Divisions: 2R, 8029; C, 8262-3

Speakers: Barnes 8182, 8186, 8306-8; Bruce 8028; Brummet 7865-6, 8003-6, 8019-21, 8177, 8178, 8179, 8179-80, 8180, 8180-1, 8181, 8181-2, 8182, 8182-3, 8183, 8184, 8185-6, 8186, 8187, 8188, 8188-9, 8189, 8189-90, 8190, 8191, 8192, 8193, 8195, 8196, 8197, 8198, 8199, 8199-8200, 8200, 8201, 8201-2, 8207, 8210, 8210-1, 8213, 8214-5, 8261, 8262, 8263, 8263-4, 8264-5, 8265, 8266, 8267, 8268, 8269, 8270, 8272, 8273, 8275, 8277, 8278, 8279, 8280, 8281, 8282, 8282-3, 8283, 8285-6, 8286, 8287, 8297, 8298, 8298-9, 8299, 8299-8300, 8300, 8301, 8302, 8302-3, 8304-5, 8306; Cashore 8213-4, 8302; Clark 8209-10, 8210; Edwards 8263; Hagen, A. 3260-1, 8006-12, 8007, 8009, 8009-10, 8011, 8021-3, 8177, 8177-8, 8178, 8179, 8180, 8183, 8183-4, 8184, 8187, 8189, 8190, 8191, 8192, 8192-3, 8193, 8194-5, 8195, 8196, 8198, 8198-9, 8199, 8200, 8200-1, 8201, 8202, 8204-7, 8264, 8265, 8266, 8266-7, 8267, 8267-8, 8268, 8268-9, 8271-2, 8273, 8277, 8278, 8278-9, 8279-80, 8280, 8281-2, 8282, 8286, 8287, 8287-8, 8296-7, 8298, 8299, 8300, 8300-1, 8302, 8305, 8306; Harcourt 8012-5; Jacobsen 8029; Janssen, G. 8024-5; Johnston 8276-7; Jones 8016-9, 8272-3, 8273-5, 8303-4, 8306; Lovick 8188, 8203, 8267, 8270, 8271, 8272, 8275; Marzari 8181, 8184-5, 8186, 8191-2, 8196-7, 8215, 8261-2, 8265-6, 8280-1, 8283, 8297-8, 8298; Miller 8181, 8195, 8195-6, 8196, 8197, 8198; Rabbitt 8023-4; Rose 8027, 8113, 8114, 8114-5; Sihota 8109-10, 8111, 8207-9, 8209, 8210; Smallwood 8028-9, 8212-3; Smith, B.R. 8028; Smith, S.D. 8025-7, 8214, Williams 8187, 8193-4, 8283-5, 8284-5

Adult education, role of local schools in (Hagen, A.) 8008

Bill, consultation re (Brummet) 8004, 8297 (Hagen, A.) 8006 (Harcourt) 8012

Bill, development of (Hagen, A.) 8006 (Harcourt) 8012 (Jones) 8016

Bill, drafting of, use of gender-neutral terms (Brummet) 8281

Bill, second reading, amendment to (Bruce) 8028 (Brummet) 8019-21 (Hagen, A.) 8021-3 (Harcourt) 8015 (Jacobsen) 8029 (Janssen, G.) 8024-5 (Jones) 8016-9 (Rabbitt) 8023-4 (Rose) 8027 (Smallwood) 8028-9 (Smith, B.R.) 8028 (Smith, S.D.) 8025-7 (Vant) 8025

Bill, second reading, use of amendment to (Brummet) 8115 (Rose) 8113

Blind, provision for (Perry) 8112

California, proposition 13 and teacher morale (Rose) 8115

Citizenship, development of in public school system (Brummet) 8185 (Marzari) 8184-5

Computers, use of (Brummet) 8304-5 (Jones) 8304

Correspondence branch, moving of to regions (Brummet) 8180

Curriculum (Brummet) 8005

Curriculum committee (Hagen, A.) 8011, 8246

Curriculum committee, Education Advisory Council (Brummet) 8119, 8306

Curriculum, development of primary curriculum (Brummet) 8119

Curriculum, Education minister's powers re (Rose) 8114 (Sihota) 8111

Curriculum, general interest courses (Brummet) 8263 (Edwards) 8263

Curriculum, general interest courses, teachers of (Brummet) 8263 (Edwards) 8263

Curriculum, locally developed courses, role of Education minister in (Brummet) 8287 (Hagen, A.) 8287

Curriculum, provincial curriculum committee, proposal for (Brummet) 8118 (Hagen, A.) 8009, 8305 (Rose) 8114

Democracy (Janssen, G.) 8024-5 (Jones) 8018

Democracy, history of (Harcourt) 8014

District advisory council, establishment of (Brummet) 8278 (Hagen, A.) 8278

Dropouts (Brummet) 8004, 8186 (Williams) 8285

Education Advisory Council, appointments to (Brummet) 8306 (Hagen, A.) 8009, 8305

Education Advisory Council, establishment of (Brummet) 8006 (Hagen, A.) 8009, 8305

Education, educated citizen, description of (Brummet) 8004

Education, education system, consultation re (Brummet) 8004

Education for children in isolated areas, provision of (Brummet) 8180-1, 8181 (Miller) 8180, 8181

Education, funding system, legislation on, inclusion of in School Act (Hagen, A.) 8007

Education, funding system, review of (Brummet) 7865

Education ministry, role of (Brummet) 8301 (Hagen, A.) 8301

Education ministry's powers under act (Rose) 8114

Education programs, planning of, participation of students in (Hagen, A.) 8008

Education services, accountability for purchased services (Brummet) 8282 (Hagen, A.) 8282

Education services, evaluation of purchased services (Rose) 8114

Education services, monitoring of purchased services (Rose) 8114

Education services, purchase of (Brummet) 8116, 8185, 8282 (Hagen, A.) 8282 (Marzari) 8185, 8186, 8283 (Sihota) 8110

Education services, standards for purchased services (Hagen, A.) 8282 (Rose) 8114

Education system (Brummet) 8003, 8004, 8285-6 (Williams) 8284-5

Education system and act (Williams) 8284-5

Education system, consultation re (Brummet) 8004

Education system, goal of (Brummet) 8004 (Hagen, A.) 8007 (Harcourt) 8012-3 (Jones) 8017 (Rose) 8113

Education system, mandate for (Brummet) 8004-5, 8019, 8021 (Hagen, A.) 8007

Education system, mandate statement, addition to (Harcourt) 8013-5

Education system, NDP proposal for (Brummet) 8019

Education system, privatization of, potential for (Hagen, A.) 8010

Education system, role of parents in (Hagen, A.) 8008

Educational program, access to (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179

Educational program, definition of under act (Brummet) 8279 (Hagen, A.) 8177, 8278

Educational programs, school boards' obligations re (Brummet) 8180 (Hagen, A.) 8180

Enrolment patterns (Marzari) 8280-1

Funding for education and act (Brummet) 8299 (Hagen, A.) 8299

Grades 11 and 12 programs (Brummet) 8283

Handicapped, provision for (Brummet) 8117 (Perry) 8111

Health education in school system (Perry) 8112-3

Home schooling (Brummet) 8005-6, 8178, 8195, 8196, 8197 (Hagen, A.) 8008, 8178, 8193 (Marzari) 8194-5, 8196-7 (Miller) 8195, 8195-6, 8196, 8197 (Williams) 8193-4

Home schooling, case cited (Williams) 8285

“Home schooling”, definition of (Brummet) 8178 (Hagen, A.) 8178

Home schooling, Education minister's powers re (Hagen, A.) 8010

“Indian”, definition of under act (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179

Indian languages, instruction in (Brummet) 8210

“Indian”, use of term in act (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179

Indians, provision for (Brummet) 8118 (Rose) 8113-4

Indians, school dropouts (Rose) 8114

Kindergarten, compulsory attendance (Hagen, A.) 8183

Kindergarten, entry to, dual entry (Brummet) 8183, 8184 (Hagen, A.) 8183-4, 8183

Kindergarten, entry to, dual entry and French Immersion (Brummet) 8184 (Hagen, A.) 8183-4, 8184

Labour movement in B.C., teaching of history of (Williams) 8284-5

Minister's orders, information to public re (Brummet) 8189-90, 8189 (Hagen, A.) 8189

Minister's orders, use of (Brummet) 8281 (Marzari) 8280

Minister's powers under act (Brummet) 8302 (Hagen, A.) 8009-10, 8011, 8302 (Rose) 8114-5, 8114 (Sihota) 8111

Multiculturalism and education system (Barnes) 8306-8

Multiculturalism, provision for in act (Brummet) 8182

New act (Darks) 5668 (Hagen, A.) 5756, 5757-8

New act, introduction of (Brummet) 7366 (Hagen, A.) 7365

New act, mandate statement (Hagen, A.) 5758

New act, request for (Rose) 8113

New act, staff work on commended (Brummet) 7366

New Democratic Party, student council presidents, letter to (Brummet) 8020

Ombudsman, proclamation of sections of act relating to school districts (Hagen, A.) 8009

Oona River, education of children, provision for (Miller) 8180, 8181

Parents' advisory council, establishment of (Brummet) 8006, 8119, 8190, 8191, 8192 (Hagen, A.) 8191, 8192 (Marzari) 8191-2

Primary education, ungraded primary grades (Marzari) 8185

Principals and vice-principals, teaching by and collective agreements (Brummet) 8266

Private colleges, regulation of, staff for (Hagen, A.) 8297

Provincial Education Policy Advisory Committee (Harcourt) 8012

Provincial Education Policy Advisory Committee, curriculum, subcommittee on (Brummet) 8306

“Provincial school”, definition of under act (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179

Regulations under act (Brummet) 8200, 8201, 8297

Royal Commission on Education, establishment of (Brummet) 8003, 8006

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations (Brummet) 8003

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations, implementation of (Brummet) 7865, 8004 (Hagen, A.) 8009

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations, implementation of, funding for (Brummet) 8299-8300 (Hagen, A.) 8300

School boards, employees, suspension or dismissal of, powers re (Brummet) 8198, 8199 (Hagen, A.) 8198-9, 8198, 8199

School District 24 (Kamloops) , veterinary sciences program (Smith, S.D.) 8214

School District 26 (North Thompson) , logging and forestry program (Smith, S.D.) 8214

School District 26 (North Thompson) , veterinary sciences program (Smith, S.D.) 8214

School District 36 (Surrey) , board chairmanship held by Delta teacher (Johnston) 8276

School District 37 (Delta) , board chairmanship held by Surrey teacher (Johnston) 8276

School District 39 (Vancouver) , English-as-a-second-language students, number of (Marzari) 8181

School District 39 (Vancouver) , English-as-a-second-language students, reception centre for (Marzari) 8181

School District 40 (New Westminster) , adult education, provision for (Hagen, A.) 8008

School District 43 (Coquitlam) , teachers, retirement of (Rose) 8115

School District 48 (Howe Sound) , trustees (Brummet) 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8268

School District 68 (Nanaimo) , board members in possible conflict-of-interest situation (Brummet) 8272, 8273 (Hagen, A.) 8271 (Lovick) 8270, 8272

School districts, disputes, provision for in School Act (Hagen, A.) 8009

School districts, disputes, provision for settlement of (Perry) 8111-2

School districts, managerial services, powers to contract out (Hagen, A.) 8010, 8011, 8296 (Marzari) 8186 (Sihota) 8110

School districts, services, powers to contract out (Brummet) 8297 (Hagen, A.) 8296

School districts, women, appointment of to senior positions (Brummet) 8281

School system, affirmative action for women in (Marzari) 8281

School system, appointment of women to administrative positions (Marzari) 8281

School tax on non-residential property (Brummet) 8300

School tax, review of (Brummet) 7866

School trustees, conflict of interest (Brummet) 8269, 8270, 8272, 8273, 8276, 8278 (Hagen, A.) 7278, 8268-9, 8271-2, 8273, 8277 (Johnston) 8276-7 (Jones) 8272-3, 8273-5 (Lovick) 8270, 8271

School trustees, disqualification of (Brummet) 8267 (Hagen, A.) 8266-7 (Lovick) 8267

School trustees married to teachers, possible conflict of interest (Brummet) 8272, 8273 (Hagen, A.) 8269, 8271-2, 8273 (Johnston) 8276-7 (Jones) 8272-3, 8273-4 (Lovick) 8270, 8272

School trustees, new districts (Brummet) 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8268

School trustees, voting for by Indians living on reserves (Brummet) 8267, 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8267, 8267-8

School year, days of school operation (Brummet) 8286 (Hagen, A.) 8286

Schools, provision for child care (Brummet) 8298 (Marzari) 8298

Secondary school education, private training schools, use of (Hagen, A.) 8010, 8011

Section 26, clause 2 (c) , deletion of, proposal for (Hagen, A.) 8266

Special education, policies for (Brummet) 8280 (Hagen, A.) 8280

Special needs children, access to education (Brummet) 8280 (Hagen, A.) 8278-9, 8280

Special needs children, provision for (Brummet) 8117 (Perry) 8111

Students, achievement tests, comparisons with students elsewhere (Jones) 8304

Students, assessment of performance of (Hagen, A.) 8010, 8287-8 (Jones) 8303-4

Students, assessment of performance of, computer capacity for (Brummet) 8304

Students, assessment of performance of, cost of system for (Cashore) 8302 (Jones) 8304

Students, assessment of performance of, information re, use of information (Jones) 8304

Students, assessment of performance of, records, confidentiality of (Brummet) 8302-3 (Jones) 8303

Students, conduct of and act (Brummet) 8187, 8188-9, 8188 (Lovick) 8188 (Williams) 8187

Students, decision-making in school system, participation in (Hagen, A.) 8187

Students, education for participation in a democratic society (Brummet) 8177 (Hagen, A.) 8007, 8177 (Harcourt) 8012-3, 8014-5 (Janssen, G.) 8024 (Jones) 8017-9

Students, health and social services for, provision of (Brummet) 8298, 8299 (Hagen, A.) 8298, 8299

Students, information to parents re (Brummet) 8189, 8190 (Hagen, A.) 8189, 8190

Students, records, access to (Brummet) 8192, 8286 (Hagen, A.) 8192, 8286

Sullivan, Barry, appointment of (Brummet) 8117-8

Sullivan, Barry, tribute to (Harcourt) 8012

Teacher-training, Alaska Highway program (Brummet) 8116-7, 8261

Teachers (Brummet) 8005

Teachers, assistants to (Brummet) 8116, 8186, 8210-1, 8213, 8214-5, 8262 (Cashore) 8213-4 (Clark) 8209-10 (Hagen, A.) 8011, 8205-7, 8260-1 (Marzari) 8215, 8261-2 (Sihota) 8109, 8207-9 (Smallwood) 8212-3, 8213 (Smith, S.D.) 8214

Teachers, assistants to, accountability of (Sihota) 8109

Teachers, assistants to, employment of and collective agreements (Brummet) 8265, 8266 (Hagen, A.) 8265, 8266 (Marzari) 8265, 8266

Teachers, assistants to, employment of, provision for (Brummet) 8210, 8261 (Clark) 8210 (Hagen, A.) 8261 (Sihota) 8209, 8210

Teachers, assistants to, employment of, source of request for provision for (Smallwood) 8212

Teachers, assistants to, instructors in native languages (Brummet) 8210

Teachers, assistants to, role of (Marzari) 8185 (Rose) 8114

Teachers, assistants to, supervision of (Hagen, A.) 8206

Teachers, assistants to, use of (Brummet) 8211 (Rose) 8115

Teachers, collective agreements, negotiation of (Marzari) 8266

Teachers, collective bargaining process, exclusions from (Brummet) 8118 (Sihota) 8110

Teachers, duties of, Education minister's powers re (Brummet) 8200, 8201 (Hagen, A.) 8200-1, 8200, 8201

Teachers, employment of and collective agreements (Brummet) 8264 (Hagen, A.) 8264

Teachers, extracurricular activities (Brummet) 8201 (Hagen, A.) 8201

Teachers, government's attitude to (Brummet) 8117 (Rose) 8114

Teachers, hiring of, affirmative action programs (Sihota) 8110

Teachers, morale (Rose) 8115

Teachers, preparation time, collective bargaining negotiations re (Sihota) 8110-1

Teachers, professional standards (Sihota) 8109-10

Teachers, professionalization of profession (Williams) 8284

Teachers, responsibilities of, Education minister's powers re (Rose) 8114-5

Teachers, retirement of, early retirement program (Brummet) 8116

Teachers, shortage of (Brummet) 8116, 8261 (Hagen, A.) 8206 (Rose) 8115

Teachers, suspension or dismissal, board's powers re (Brummet) 8198, 8199 (Hagen, A.) 8198, 8198-9, 8199

Teachers, women teachers (Brummet) 8281 (Marzari) 8281

Mentioned: (Edwards) 7486 (Hagen, A.) 7372, 7516, 7536, 7539, 7544, 8310

School boards

Employees, suspension or dismissal of, powers re (Brummet) 8198, 8199 (Hagen, A.) 8198-9, 8198, 8199

New school districts, boards for (Brummet) 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8268

Taxation powers (Fraser, R.) 7530

Trustees, conflict of interest (Brummet) 8269, 8270, 8272, 8273, 8276, 8278 (Hagen, A.) 8268-9, 8271-2, 8273, 8277, 8278 (Johnston) 8276-7 (Jones) 8272-3, 8273-5 (Lovick) 8270, 8271

Trustees, disqualification of (Brummet) 8267 (Hagen, A.) 8266-7 (Lovick) 8267

Trustees married to teachers, possible conflict of interest (Brummet) 8272, 8273 (Hagen, A.) 8269, 8271-2, 8273 (Johnston) 8276-7 (Jones) 8272-3, 8273-4 (Lovick) 8272, 82780

Trustees, voting for by Indians living on reserves (Brummet) 8267, 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8267, 8267-8

School buses

Accidents, determination of liability in (Edwards) 6802, 6807 (Lovick) 6797, 6800-1, 6800, 6801 (Vant) 6800, 6801, 6802, 6807

School census

Enrolment, Increase in (Brummet) 5629

Funding and enrolment, 1981-85 (Brummet) 5927-8

School children

See: Schoolchildren

School counsellors

See: Student counsellors

School District 3 (Kimberley)

School tax (Loenen) 5650

School District 7 (Nelson)

School bus accident (Edwards) 6801-2 (Lovick) 6796 (Vant) 6797, 6802

School District 16 (Keremeos)

School tax (Rose) 5627

School District 17 (Princeton)

School tax (Rose) 5627

School District 21 (Armstrong-Spallumcheen)

School tax (Rose) 5627

School District 24 (Kamloops)

Veterinary sciences program (Smith, S.D.) 8214

School District 26 (North Thompson)

Logging and forestry program (Smith, S.D.) 8214

Veterinary sciences program (Smith, S.D.) 8214

School District 31 (Merritt)

School tax (Rose) 5627

School tax and homeowner grant (Rose) 6859

School District 36 (Surrey)

Board chairmanship held by Delta teacher (Johnston) 8276

Children, number of (Smallwood) 5710, 7496

Classrooms, cost of equipment for (Smallwood) 5712

Classrooms, portable (Brummet) 7497 (Smallwood) 5712, 5938, 7496, 7498

Costs, increase in (Smallwood) 5938-9, 7496, 7498

Costs per pupil (Hanson, G.) 7489 (Smallwood) 5939

Funding for (Johnston) 6629 (Smallwood) 5712

Growth of (Brummet) 7496, 7497

Kindergarten, dual entry to (Brummet) 7499 (Smallwood) 5712, 7499

School tax (Brummet) 7497, 7498 (Smallwood) 5712

Schools, new schools (Brummet) 7496 (Smallwood) 7496

Teachers, salary increases (Smallwood) 5712

School District 37 (Delta)

Board chairmanship held by Surrey teacher (Johnston) 8276

School District 38 (Richmond)

School tax (Loenen) 5650 (Rose) 5627

School tax and homeowner grant (Loenen) 7139 (Rose) 6859

Schools (Vander Zalm) 5759

Mentioned: (Loenen) 6405

School District 39 (Vancouver)

Board mentioned (Brummet) 7518 (Jones) 8274 (Richmond) 8710

Budget (Brummet) 5928

English-as-a-second-language students, number of (Marzari) 8181

English-as-a-second-language students, reception centre for (Hagen, A.) 7520 (Marzari) 8181

English-as-a-second-language students, requests for assistance for (Brummet) 7520 (Hagen, A.) 7519

School tax (Clark) 5779 (Hagen, A.) 5868 (Marzari) 5819 (Rose) 5627

School tax and homeowner grant (Rose) 6859

School District 40 (New Westminster)

Adult education, provision for (Hagen, A.) 8008

School tax (Rose) 5627

School tax and homeowner grant (Rose) 6859

School District 41 (Burnaby)

Board mentioned (Jones) 8123, 8274

School tax (Brummet) 7498

School District 43 (Coquitlam)

Condom-vending machines (Perry) 8290

School tax (Rose) 5627 (Smith, B.R.) 5707

School tax and homeowner grant (Rose) 6859

Teachers, retirement of (Rose) 8115

School District 44 (North Vancouver)

School tax (Rose) 5627

School District 48 (Howe Sound)

Trustees (Brummet) 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8268

School District 50 (Queen Charlotte)

Mentioned: (Miller) 6693

School District 61 (Greater Victoria)

Mentioned: (Sihota) 8110

School District 62 (Sooke)

Provincial contribution to (Brummet) 7506, 7507 (Sihota) 7506

School tax (Brummet) 7506, 7507 (Sihota) 7505, 7506-7

Mentioned: (Sihota) 8110

School District 68 (Nanaimo)

Board members in possible conflict-of-interest situation (Brummet) 8272, 8273 (Hagen, A.) 8271 (Lovick) 8270, 8272

McGirr Road school, funding for (Brummet) 7526, 7527 (Lovick) 7527

School construction, funding for (Brummet) 7526 (Lovick) 7526

Schools, need for (Pullinger) 5889

Schools, site acquisition, funding for (Brummet) 7526

School District 69 (Qualicum)

Board mentioned (Janssen, G.) 7528

Condom-vending machines, proposal re (Brummet) 7528, 7529, 7531 (Hagen, A.) 7528, 7532 (Janssen, G.) 7528-9, 7528, 7529 (Perry) Q. 7034, 7530, 8290

School District 70 (Alberni)

Capital construction, funds for (Brummet) 7537 (Janssen, G.) 7536-7

School tax revenue, problems re (Janssen, G.) 7374

School District 76 (Agassiz-Harrison)

School tax (Rose) 5627

School District 81 (Fort Nelson)

Non-residential property, tax on (Brummet) 7492

School District 87 (Stikine)

Pupil costs (Hanson, G.) 7489

School tax (Brummet) 7491

School tax, Telegraph Creek (Guno) 7490

Mentioned: (Brummet) 7492

School District 92 (Nisga'a)

Education system (Harcourt) 8064 (Smith, B.R.) 8063

Establishment of (Guno) 6358-9 (Hanson, G.) 7488 (Harcourt) 8064

Name of district (Guno) 7491

Nisga'a language, teaching of (Brummet) 7492

Problems (Guno) 7491

School tax (Brummet) 7491

Strike (Guno) 7491

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6298, 6361

School District Housing Act

Mentioned: (Brummet) 7538

School districts

Annual reports (Brummet) 7515 (Hagen, A.) 7515

Budgets, deadline for setting of (Couvelier) 7581

Budgets, operating budgets, provincial contribution to (Couvelier) 5767

Capital programs, funding for (Brummet) 7363

Condom-vending machines, decisions on (Dueck)A. 7034 (Perry) Q. 7034

Dispersed schools, funding for (Brummet) 7491

Disputes, provision for in School Act (Hagen, A.) 8009 (Perry) 8111-2

District advisory council, establishment of (Brummet) 8278 (Hagen, A.) 8278

Education services, purchase of. See entries under Education, Secondary

Educational materials, spending on (Brummet) 7363

Expenditures, local accountability for (Brummet) 7370

Funding for, provincial funds (Brummet) 7363, 7369

Managerial services, powers to contract out (Hagen, A.) 8010, 8011, 8296 (Marzari) 8186 (Sihota) 8110

New districts, trustees (Brummet) 8268 (Hagen, A.) 8268

Ombudsman Act, proclamation of sections relating to school districts (Hagen, A.) 8009

Salary costs (Hagen, A.) 7369

School bus accidents, determination of liability in (Edwards) 6802, 6807 (Lovick) 6797, 6800, 6800-1, 6801 (Vant) 6800, 6801, 6802, 6807

Schools, comparisons between schools (Brummet) 7515 (Hagen, A.) 7515

Services, powers to contract out (Brummet) 8297 (Hagen, A.) 8296

Women, appointment of to senior positions (Brummet) 7538, 7539, 7540 (Fraser, R.) 7539, 7540 (Hagen, A.) 7538, 7539, 7539-40, 7540

School dropouts

See: Dropouts

School principals

Teaching by principals, vice-principals and collective agreements (Brummet) 8266


See entries under Education — Finance

School trustees

See: School boards

School year

Days of school operation (Brummet) 8286 (Hagen, A.) 8286


Assessment of performance of. See entries under Students

School buildings, admittance to in cold weather (Brummet) 7542 (Hagen, A.) 7542

See also: Students

Schoolchildren — Food

Children's lunches (Vander Zalm) 7856

Hungry children (Clark) 5780

School lunch program, funding for (Clark) 5617


Child care, provision for (Brummet) 8298 (Marzari) 8298

Computers, space requirements for (Brummet) 7537

Construction of, funding for (Brummet) 7363, 7504 (Clark) 5781 (Couvelier) 5768 (Hagen, A.) 7504 (Lovick) 7526 (Vant) 5622

Construction of, land costs (Hagen, A.) 7504

“Provincial school”, definition of under School Act (Brummet) 8179 (Hagen, A.) 8179

Sites, acquisition of (Johnston) 6653 (Smallwood) 6653

Schroeder, Harvey

Mentioned: (Speaker) 6394


Careers for women (Brummet) 7541 (Hagen, A.) 7540

Funding for (Hagen, S.) 8320 (Perry) 8335

Science and technology policy (Hagen, S.) 8335 (Perry) 8334 (Throne speech) 5588

Science and technology development fund

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8384

Science Council Act

(Bill 72) (Minister of Advanced Education and Job Training) 1R, 8080; 2R, 8699-8701; C, 8767-70; 3R, 8770; RA, 8841

Speakers: Clark 8768, 8769; Hagen, S. 8080, 8699, 8701, 8767, 8768, 8769, 8770; Harcourt 8700-1; Lovick 8767, 8768, 8769, 8769-70, 8770; Miller 8699-8700

Administration, streamlining of (Hagen, S.) 8699

Appointments to (Hagen, S.) 8699, 8767 (Lovick) 8767

Canfor Ltd., research (Hagen, S.) 8701

Copper, research on (Harcourt) 8701

Federal patent agreement funds (Hagen, S.) 8770

Forest research and development, forest companies (Hagen, S.) 8701 (Harcourt) 8701 (Miller) 8699-8700

Forest research and development, funding for (Harcourt) 8701 (Miller) 8700

Funding of (Hagen, S.) 8699

Grants, procedure for (Clark) 8768, 8769

Inventions, rights to (Hagen, S.) 8769 (Lovick) 8769

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., research centre (Hagen, S.) 8701

Officers, directors, employees, liability of (Hagen, S.) 8769 (Lovick) 8769

Public relations work for (Clark) 8769

Research, applied research (Lovick) 8768

Research by industry (Miller) 8699-8700

Research, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8701 (Harcourt) 8700-1

Research in Canada (Hagen, S.) 8768

Research, universities, federal funds for (Hagen, S.) 8701

Revenue (Hagen, S.) 8770 (Lovick) 8770

Science Council of British Columbia

Administration, streamlining of (Hagen, S.) 8699

Appointments to (Hagen, S.) 8699, 8767 (Lovick) 8767

“The Case of the Forest Products Industry” quoted (Miller) 8700

Establishment of (McCarthy) 5811

Federal patent agreement funds (Hagen, S.) 8770

“Forestry in British Columbia: A Vision for the Future” quoted (Harcourt) 8385

Funding of (Hagen, S.) 8699

Grants, procedure for (Clark) 8768, 8769

Inventions, rights to (Hagen, S.) 8769 (Lovick) 8769

Officers, directors, employees, liability of (Hagen, S.) 8769 (Lovick) 8769

Public relations work for (Clark) 8769

Research, applied research (Lovick) 8768

Revenue (Hagen, S.) 8770 (Lovick) 8770

“Science and Technology: Its Impact on the B.C. Economy” mentioned (Harcourt) 8385

Science Council Act. See name of act

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8385

Scott Poultry Cooperative Association

Mentioned: (Savage) 7238 (Sihota) 7238

Scramblers (Rock group)

Mentioned: (Williams) 7470

Scriver, Charles

Mentioned: (Perry) 8335

SeaBus ferry system

Construction of third ferry for (Sihota) Q. 6633 (Vander Zalm) A. 6633

Mentioned: (Mowat) 7357 (Rose) 6569


Dioxins in (Savage) 5852

Seal Inlet, B.C.

Sports fishing lodge, application for lease (Miller) 7961

Search warrants

See: Warrants (Law)

Sears Canada Inc.

Mentioned: (Rose) 6046, 6050


Coastal zone management plan (Hanson, G.) 7264-5

Foreshore, Crown access to (Smith, S.D.) 8818

Plans for at local level (Savage) 7265

Statutory rights-of-way, registration of (Smith, S.D.) 8696

Sechelt, B.C.

Economic development officer quoted (Veitch) 5644

Extended-care hospital (Long) 5713

Hillside industrial park (Veitch) 5644

Sechelt Indian band

Economic development (Smith, B.R.) 8063

Gravel project (Long) 5713

Self-government (Long) 5713 (Smith, S.D.) 6298, 6360, 6524 (Weisgerber) 8041

Secondary education

See: Education, Secondary


Industry, compensation to fraud victims (Mercier) 5958

Industry, regulation of, privatization of (Mercier) 5957-8

Industry, self-regulation by (Mercier) 5957-8

Insider trading (Clark) 8692, 8694 (Rose) 8637

Legislation on, uniformity in (Couvelier) 8636 (Rose) 8637

Securities Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act

Takeover and issuer bid rules (Couvelier) 8560, 8636, 8694

See also: Mortgages; Stocks

Securities Act

Amendments to (Throne speech) 5586

Enforcement powers under act (Couvelier) 8560

Quoted (Couvelier) 7659

Mentioned: (Clark) 8049 (Harcourt) 8833 (Sihota) 6494

Securities Act (Ontario)

Reverse-onus clause (Clark) 7664 (Couvelier) 7664

Securities Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 83) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 8560; 2R, 8635-8; C, 8692-6; 3R, 8696; RA, 8841

Amdts: Sec. 4 (Couvelier) 8693, approved 8693; sec. 14 (Couvelier) 8693, approved 8693; sec. 23 (Couvelier) 8694, approved 8694; sec. 32 (Couvelier) 8694, approved 8694; sec. 38 (Couvelier) 8695, approved 8695; sec. 39 (Couvelier) 8696, approved 8696

Speakers: Clark 8692, 8692-3, 8693, 8694, 8695; Couvelier 8560, 8635-7, 8636, 8637-8, 8692, 8693, 8693-4, 8694, 8695, 8696; Rose 8637

Enforcement powers under act (Couvelier) 8560

Insider trading (Clark) 8692, 8694 (Couvelier) 8560, 8636, 8692 (Rose) 8637

Insider trading, regulations re and Ontario legislation (Clark) 8694

Limitation period under act, change in (Couvelier) 8636

Ontario act, uniformity with (Couvelier) 8636

Penalties under act (Clark) 8695 (Couvelier) 8636

Regulations, enforcement of (Clark) 8695 (Couvelier) 8695

Securities Commission, powers (Couvelier) 8636

Securities, legislation on, uniformity in (Couvelier) 8636 (Rose) 8637

Securities, takeover and issuer bid rules (Couvelier) 8560

Short selling, regulations re (Clark) 8693 (Couvelier) 8693-4

“Special relationship”, definition of under act (Clark) 8692 (Couvelier) 8692

Superintendent of brokers, appointment of (Clark) 8693 (Couvelier) 8693

Superintendent of brokers, powers to obtain information (Couvelier) 8636

Takeover and issuer bid rules (Couvelier) 8636, 8694

Vancouver Stock Exchange Act, amendment to (Couvelier) 8636

Vancouver Stock Exchange, board of governors, appointment of additional governors (Couvelier) 8636-7 (Rose) 8637

Vancouver Stock Exchange, board of governors, number of governors (Clark) 8692 (Couvelier) 8692

Vancouver Stock Exchange, criticisms of (Couvelier) 8637-8 (Rose) 8637

Vancouver Stock Exchange, Forbes 1974 article on (Couvelier) 8638

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7345

Securities Commission

Establishment of (Couvelier) 7595, 7600

Fees and licences, increase in (Couvelier) 7275

Hearing (Couvelier) 7603

Mining evaluation committee (Couvelier) 7625 (Davidson) 7624

Powers, strengthening of (Couvelier) 8636

Regulations, enforcement of (Clark) 7601, 8695 (Couvelier) 8695

Regulatory actions of (Couvelier) 6805, 7597, 7598, 7600-1, 7600, 7625, 7627

Sonny O'Sullivan case, knowledge of (Clark) 7656, 7658

Staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act (Clark) 8824-5, 8826 (Couvelier) 8825-6 (Harcourt) 8833

Mentioned: (Clark) 6460, 7602, 7604, 7627, 7635, 7657, 7658, 7665 (Couvelier) 6460, 6804, 6805, 7622, 7626, 7627, 7657, 7666, 8560 (Harcourt) 6881 (Smith, S.D.) 6475, 6499 (Veitch) 7545

Security deposits

See entries under Landlord and tenant

Security systems

Security companies, employees, overtime work (Sihota) 6935

Segarty, Terry

Mentioned: (Jones) 8388


Seismic activity in Georgia Strait (Cashore) 5946, 5947 (Dirks) 5947

Sekani people

Mentioned: (Brummet) 7495

Sekora, Louis

Quoted (Long) 6616

Mentioned: (Long) 6446 (Rose) 5626 (Vant) 6846

Selkirk College

Mentioned: (Darks) 5668, 7909


Negative option sales technique, ban on use of (Hanson, L.) 6940, 6941 (Lovick) 6940, 6941

Seminary of Christ the King

Bachelor of arts degree, requirements for (Jacobsen) 7114

Seminary of Christ the King Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act

Seminary of Christ the King Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill PR401) (Jacobsen) 1R, 6674; report 6718; 2R, 7114; C, 7700; 3R, 7700; RA, 8010

Speakers: Jacobsen 6674, 7114, 7700; Lovick 7700

Bachelor of arts degree, requirements for (Jacobsen) 7114, 7700

Senior citizens

See: Aged

Seniors' Advisory Council

Appointments to (Couvelier) 5768-9 (Dueck) 6094, 7692, 7827-8, 7827 (Hagen, A.) 6094, 7692-3, 7826, 7827, 7828

Autonomy of (Blencoe) 7830 (Hagen, A.) 7830

Budget (Dueck) 7829 (Hagen, A.) 7829, 7830

Council (Dueck) 6072, 6084 (Hagen, A.) 6093

Establishment of (Dueck) 7378, 7692 (Hagen, A.) 7692

Mandate (Blencoe) 7830, 7832 (Clark) 7832 (Dueck) 7829, 7831 (Hagen, A.) 7693, 7828-9, 7833

Meetings, frequency (Clark) 7828 (Dueck) 7828, 7832 (Hagen, A.) 7832

Members, expenses for (Clark) 7828 (Dueck) 7828

Members, remuneration for (Clark) 7828 (Dueck) 7828 (Hagen, A.) 7693

Members, representatives of advocacy groups (Dueck) 7827 (Hagen, A.) 7827, 7828

Need for (Dueck) 7827 (Hagen, A.) 7826

Ombudsperson for seniors, role as (Hagen, A.) 7830

Reporting by (Hagen, A.) 7693

Reports, tabling of (Blencoe) 7834 (Clark) 7833-4 (Couvelier) 7834-5 (Dueck) 7833 (Hagen, A.) 7833, 7835 (Strachan) 7834, 7835 (Williams) 7835

Role of (Blencoe) 7831 (Clark) 7832 (Dueck) 7692

Staff (Dueck) 7829 (Hagen, A.) 7829, 7830

Seniors Advisory Council Act, 1989

(Bill 41) (Minister of Health) 1R, 7378; 2R, 7692-3; C, 7826-36; 3R, 7836; RA, 8010

Amdts: Sec. 4 (Hagen, A.) 7833, negatived 7836

Divisions: C, 7836

Speakers: Blencoe 7830-1, 7831, 7834; Clark 7828, 7832, 7833-4; Couvelier 7834-5; Dueck 7378, 7692, 7827, 7827-8, 7828, 7829, 7830, 7831, 7831-2, 7832, 7833; Hagen, A. 7692-3, 7826-7, 7827, 7828, 7828-9, 7829, 7830, 7832, 7832-3, 7835; Strachan 7834, 7835-6; Williams 7835

Elderly, office for seniors, establishment of (Dueck) 7692

Elderly, organizations representing views of (Hagen, A.) 7826, 7827, 7828

Elderly, task force on (Dueck) 7692 (Hagen, A.) 7829

National Advisory Council on Aging, mandate (Hagen, A.) 7829

Seniors' Advisory Council, appointments to (Dueck) 7692, 7827, 7827-8 (Hagen, A.) 7692-3, 7826, 7827, 7828

Seniors' Advisory Council, autonomy of (Blencoe) 7830 (Hagen, A.) 7830

Seniors' Advisory Council, budget (Dueck) 7829 (Hagen, A.) 7829, 7830

Seniors' Advisory Council, establishment of (Dueck) 7378, 7692 (Hagen, A.) 7692

Seniors' Advisory Council, mandate (Blencoe) 7830, 7832 (Clark) 7832 (Dueck) 7829, 7831 (Hagen, A.) 7693, 7828-9, 7833

Seniors' Advisory Council, meetings, frequency (Clark) 7828 (Dueck) 7828, 7832 (Hagen, A.) 7832

Seniors' Advisory Council, members, expenses for (Clark) 7828 (Dueck) 7828

Seniors' Advisory Council, members, remuneration for (Clark) 7828 (Dueck) 7828 (Hagen, A.) 7693

Seniors' Advisory Council, members, representatives of advocacy groups (Dueck) 7827 (Hagen, A.) 7827, 7828

Seniors' Advisory Council, need for (Dueck) 7827 (Hagen, A.) 7826

Seniors' Advisory Council, ombudsperson for seniors, role as (Hagen, A.) 7830

Seniors' Advisory Council, reporting by (Hagen, A.) 7693

Seniors' Advisory Council, reports, tabling of (Blencoe) 7834 (Clark) 7833-4 (Couvelier) 7834-5 (Dueck) 7833 (Hagen, A.) 7833, 7835 (Strachan) 7834, 7835 (Williams) 7835

Seniors' Advisory Council, role of (Blencoe) 7831 (Clark) 7832 (Dueck) 7692

Seniors' Advisory Council, staff (Dueck) 7829 (Hagen, A.) 7829, 7830

“Toward a Better Age: Strategies for Improving the Lives of Senior British Columbians” (Dueck) 7692

Seniors' Bureau, New Westminster, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 8778

Sentences (Criminal procedure)

Appeals re (Smith, S.D.) 6453, 6478

Child abuse cases, sentences in (McCarthy) 6452-3 (Smith, S.D.) 6453

Convictions, percentage failed (Sihota) 6450

Manuals on, preparation of (Smith, S.D.) 6450

Non-interference in by Attorney-General (Smith, S.D.) 6450

Sentences, information re (Sihota) 6450, 6451

Sentencing database (Smith, S.D.) 6450, 6451

Sexual assault cases, sentences in (Gran) 6478 (McCarthy) 6452-3 (Sihota) 6470 (Smith, S.D.) 6453, 6478

Variation in (Sihota) 6449-50


See: Domestics

Service clubs

See: Charities

Service Corp. International

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 7744 (Hanson, L.) 7743

Service industries

Free trade agreement, impact of (Clark) 8375

Women employees (Smallwood) 8379-80

Serwa, Clifford (Okanagan South)

Address in Reply 5731-5

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 8363

Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage, committee 5732

Agricultural land reserve, Okanagan Valley, exclusions from 7191

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7190-2

All-terrain vehicles, deaths, injuries 8079

All-terrain vehicles, environment, damage to 8079

All-terrain vehicles, regulation of 8079

Apples, dwarf trees 7192

Apples, production costs 7191

Austria, land, value of 7191

Bennett, William Andrew Cecil, tribute to 5731

Budget, balanced budget 5936, 5938

Budget review committee 5936

Budget debate 5936-8

Cancer Control Agency of B.C., third clinic, date for establishment of 6306

Cancer Control Agency of B.C., third clinic, site of 6306

Conservation officer, Kelowna 8130

Conservation officers, number of, increase in 8130-1

Conservation officers, proposal re auxiliaries 8131

Conservation officers, work, use of time 8131

Consumer spending 5733

Coquihalla Highway, benefits of 5937-8

Coquihalla Highway, impact of on environment 5733

Crown Lands ministry, estimates 7918-9

Debt, interest on 5938

Debt, reduction in 5936, 5938

Decor Doors (Mfg.) Ltd. 7919

Deficit, reduction in 5936

Economy of B.C. 5732, 5937

Education system 5937

Elderly, housing developments for 5733

Employment, increase in 5732, 5733

Environment ministry, estimates 8130-1, 8131-2, 8132

Environmental protection, responsibility for as Individuals 7976

Environmental protection standards, enforcement of 7976

Eurasian water milfoil, control 5734

European Economic Community, agriculture, subsidization of 7190-1

Fish habitat improvement, Kelowna and Central Okanagan Regional District 5734

Fraser, Alexander Vaughan, tribute to 6702

Game species in B.C. 8132

Grapes, growers, compensation to 7192

Habitat conservation fund, use of 5734

Health care, cost of 5937, 6090

Health care, preventive, expenditures on 6090

Health ministry, estimates 6090, 6306

Horticultural industry, problems 7190, 7191

Housing programs 5937

Housing starts 5733, 5937

Immigration to B.C. 5733

Industry in B.C. 5732, 5733

Inflation rate 5733

Investment, foreign investment in B.C. 5732

Job creation 5733, 5937

Kelowna, amalgamation 7190

Kelowna, DREE funds for 7919

Kelowna, economic development 7918

Kelowna Economic Recovery and Employment Development Association, work of 5733

Kelowna General Hospital, cardiac surgery unit 5937

Kelowna General Hospital, cardiac surgery unit, staffing of, Q. 6081

Kelowna, sewage treatment plant 5733

Labour relations 5937

Legislature, interns 8067

Mill Creek, cleanup of 5734

Mines, access roads, loan program for 5937

Mission Creek, cleanup of 5734

Mortgages, second mortgage program 5937

Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act, 1989 (Bill M219) 1R, 8079

Multiculturalism 5732

New Democratic Party, document referred to, quoted 5734

Nuclear arms race, ending of 6284

Nuclear power plants, Chernobyl accident 6284

Nuclear radiation 6284

Nuclear weapons, number of 6284

Okanagan Basin water study, implementation of 7976

Okanagan College, degree-granting status 8363

Okanagan College, establishment of 8363

Okanagan Lake, sewage In lake 5733

Okanagan South constituency, economy 5731

Okanagan South constituency, subdivision approvals during NDP administration 7976

Okanagan Valley, beauty of 8293

Pacific Rim initiatives program 5937

Poaching, problem 8131

Pollution, Greater Vancouver Regional District pollution source 7976

Preventive health services, funding for 5937

Pulp mills, dioxins, emission of 5734

Real estate sales tax, exemption from, lower-priced houses 5937

Royal Columbian Hospital, cardiac surgery unit, staffing of, Q. 6081

Royal Commission on Education recommendations, implementation of 5937

Social Services and Housing ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 5937

Subsidies, agricultural subsidies 7190-1

Task Force on the Environment and the Economy, establishment of 5733

Transportation and Highways ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 5937

Unemployment 5732

Vernon, sewage disposal 5733

Waste disposal, task force hearings 5734

Waste Management Amendment Act (1989) 7976

Western Star Trucks Inc. 7919

Wildlife conservation, educational programs 8131-2

Wine commission, proposal for 8294, 8295

Wine commission, sale of proposed commission 8294

Wine industry, free trade agreement and industry 8293, 8295

Wine industry, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ruling and industry 8293

Wine industry, premium wine industry, development of 8293-4, 8295

Wine industry, premium wine industry, market promotion 8294

Wine industry standards, appellation and quality standards 8295

Setton, Victor

Mentioned: (Williams) 7958

Seven Mile Corner, B.C.

Nelway road (D’Arcy) 5815

Severance pay

See: Wages — Dismissal wage


See also entries under names of cities

Sewage disposal

Funding for (Cashore) 8226 (Couvelier) 5771, 5772 (Johnston) 6564, 6572 (Kempf) 8229 (Strachan) 8226

Funding for, provincial funds (Clark) 5781

Funding formula (Bruce) 6570

Funding formula during NDP administration (Miller) 7977-8

Funding formula, environmental concerns as factor in (Johnston) 6572, 6607, 6607-8 (Sihota) 6607

Harmful wastes in sewers (Loenen) 8096

Infrastructure for (Johnston) 6564

Screens, use of (Hanson, G.) 6639

Sewage disposal (Miller) 6600

Sewage treatment (Cashore) 5660

Washington State laws re (Hanson, G.) 6639, 6640

Sewell Inlet, B.C.

Loggers in area, compensation for. See entries under South Moresby National Park

Sex crimes

Sentences in sexual assault cases (Gran) 6478 (McCarthy) 6452-3 (Sihota) 6470 (Smith, S.D.) 6453, 6478

Sexual abuse programs, funding for (Boone) 6398 (Marzari) 8733

Sexual assault centres, areas without services of (Rose) 6473-4, 6473 (Sihota) 6471, 6472, 6484, 6512 (Smith, S.D.) 6472, 6473

Sexual assault centres, calls to (Sihota) 6471

Sexual assault centres, funding for (Rose) 6472, 6473, 6474 (Sihota) 6471-2, 6472, 6512 (Smith, S.D.) 6472, 6473, 6474, 6513

Sexual assault centres, staff (Sihota) 6471

Sexual assault victims, services for (Rose) 6472, 6473, 6474 (Sihota) 6470-2, 6472 (Smith, S.D.) 6472, 6473, 6474, 6513, 6526

Sexual assault victims, treatment for, Medical Services Plan coverage (Dueck) 6425 (Marzari) 6425

Women, sexual abuse of, incidence of (Dueck) 6425 (Marzari) 6425

Sex instruction

Prurient attitudes (Perry) 6308

Role of schools in (Hagen, A.) 7528

Sex offenders

Dangerous sexual offenders, applications re (Smith, S.D.) 6453, 6478

Sexual abuse

See: Sex crimes

Sexual abuse of children

See: Child molesting

Sexual Assault Counselling Centre, Kamloops, B.C.

Funding for (Sihota) 6471

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513

Sexual Assault Centre, Terrace, B.C.

Funding for (Sihota) 6472

Staff and number of cases (Sihota) 6513

Sexual Assault Recovery Anonymous, Vancouver, B.C.

Support for (Gran) 7013

Sexual harassment

Harassment (Sihota) 6967

Sexual orientation

See: Homosexuality

Shannon Falls, B.C.

Logging of private land in area (Miller) 8566

Sharp, Garry

Quoted (Pullinger) 7405

Sharpe, Douglas

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7742, 7842

Shato Holdings Ltd.

Mentioned: (Sihota) 8803

Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

University Hospital, amalgamation with (Mowat) 5869

Ward, proposal for use of for obstetric cases (Perry) 6155, 6158

Mentioned: (Clark) 6415, 6417 (Dueck) 6317, 6320 (Marzari) 6423

Sheep Mountain, B.C.

Game management area (Edwards) 8165

Shelford, Cyril

Milk producers, report on mentioned (Barlee) 7786

Quoted (Barlee) 7214, 7215

Shell Canada Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Parker) 8639, 8640

Shell Oil Co.

Burrard Inlet refinery (Cashore) 8226

Mentioned: (Sihota) 5849

Shellfish fisheries

Value of (Michael) 7193 (Savage) 7166

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters Act

Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8773

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program

Advertisements re program (Hagen, A.) Q. 6080 (Richmond) A. 6080, 8775

Application form (Hagen, A.) 8778-9 (Richmond) 8779

Auditor-general's recommendations re (Richmond) 8779

Benefits, formula for calculation of (Hagen, A.) 8778 (Richmond) 8778

Changes in (Couvelier) 6871 (Hagen, A.) 5758, Q. 7202 (Richmond) A. 7202 (Throne speech) 5589

Changes in, information re (Hagen, A.) Q. 7202 (Richmond) A. 7202

Eligibility for (Hagen, A.) 8775, 8776 (Richmond) 5898, 8775, 8775-6, 8794 (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8773

Eligibility for, information to public re (Hagen, A.)Q. 6080 (Richmond) A. 6080

Funding for (Richmond) 5898, 8776

GAIN recipients, ineligibility of (Hagen, A.) 8776, 8777 (Richmond) 8776, 8777

Information to public re, ethnic community (Hagen, A.) 8776 (Richmond) 8777

Information to public re, use of B.C. Hydro bills (Richmond) 8775

Information to public re, use of federal GIS cheques (Hagen, A.) Q. 6080, 8775 (Richmond) A. 6080

Recipients aged 60 to 64 (Richmond) 8777

Recipients, incomes and rent levels, examples in press release (Hagen, A.) 8777

Recipients, number of (Hagen, A.) 8775 (Richmond) 5898, 8775

Rent ceiling, increase in (Clark) 5783 (Couvelier) 5773 (Hagen, A.) 8775 (Marzari) 5819 (Mowat) 5870 (Richmond) 8794 (Smith, B.R.) 5953

Rent ceiling, increase in, cost of (Couvelier) 5773

Social Services and Housing ministry staff, training in program (Richmond) 8779

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 6860 (Hagen, A.) 6861, 8774 (Hon. Member) 6133 (Pullinger) 6866 (Read) 5840 (Richmond) 8711 (Rose) 6133 (Sihota) 6868 (Smith, B.R.) 5952

Shergar Enterprises Inc.

Mentioned: (Savage) 7236

Sheridan, Tony

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6336

Sheriff Act

Amendment to (Lovick) 8774, 8839 (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8774

Sheriff services

Mentioned: (Miller) 6100

Sheringham Estates, Sooke, B.C.

Land clearing, impact of (Sihota) 6601, 6602

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp.

Ferrochromium plant (Lovick) 8248, 8248-9 (Pullinger) 8246-7, 8247, 8249-50 (Strachan) 8247, 8248, 8249, 8250 (Veitch) 5644, 7639

Ferrochromium plant, air-cooling process, use of (Lovick) 8249 (Strachan) 8247

Ferrochromium plant, approval in principle for (Huberts) 7797 (Pullinger) 7796, 7797

Ferrochromium plant, chromium compounds, stability of (Pullinger) 8249 (Strachan) 8250

Ferrochromium plant, consultation re effects of (Pullinger) 7788

Ferrochromium plant, economic viability of (Huberts) 7797 (Pullinger) 7796, 7797, 7798

Ferrochromium plant, environmental impact, consultation re (Lovick) 5698, 7789 (Pullinger) 7789, 7796, 8246, 8248 (Strachan) 8248

Ferrochromium plant, funding for (Lovick) 5698, 8249

Ferrochromium plant, greenbelt land for use of (Darks) 7926, 7927, 7928 (Lovick) 7925-6, 7928 (Pullinger) 7926, 7927, 7927-8, 7928

Ferrochromium plant, greenbelt land in area, access to (Darks) 7927 (Pullinger) 7927

Ferrochromium plant, industries in area, consultation with (Lovick) 7789 (Pullinger) 7788, 7789

Ferrochromium plant, problems (Pullinger) 8249-50

Ferrochromium plant, public's information meeting re (Pullinger) 8248 (Strachan) 8248, 8250

Ferrochromium plant, Rescan study (Pullinger) 8246, 8248

Ferrochromium plant, role of minister of state in (Huberts) 7769, 7788 (Lovick) 7769 (Pullinger) 7787-8, 7788, 7789, 7796

Ferrochromium plant, slag, disposal of (Pullinger) 8250

Ferrochromium plant, water-cooling process, use of (Lovick) 8248-9 (Strachan) 8247, 8248

Loan to, repayment of (Pullinger) 7796, 7798

Mineral wool, market for (Pullinger) 7797, 7798, 8250

Permit, application for (Strachan) 8247

Sheshaht Indian band

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612

Shewaga, Stan

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759

Shieldings Inc.

Mentioned: (Vant) 6856

Shields, John

Mentioned: (Michael) 6002, 6005

Shields, Ken

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6646 (Johnston) 6647

Shipbuilding industry

Finland, industry (Clark) 6829

Industry in B.C. (Clark) 6830-1

Inside Passage cruise ship, duty remission on and industry (Clark) 7294 (Couvelier) 7294

Relocation of to North Vancouver (Rabbitt) 6667


Consumer spending (Serwa) 5733

Shore protection

Coastline, beauty of (Gabelmann) 7928

Issue of (Gabelmann) 7928

Logging practices and shore protection (Gabelmann) 7928-9

Shoreline Management Act, 1971 (Washington)

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7931

Short selling

Regulations re (Clark) 8693 (Couvelier) 8693-4

Shrum Liddle and Hebenton

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6548

Shushartie Log Sales Ltd.

Mentioned: (Miller) 8515

Shuswap Lake, B.C.

Cleanup of (Michael) 5864

Shuswap-Revelstoke constituency

Knowledge Network coverage (Michael) 8346

Sicamous, B.C.

Salmon Arm-Sicamous road (Smith, S.D.) 7904, 7907

Sicamous (Vessel)

Development of as tourist attraction (Barlee) 5934

Siddon, Thomas

Quoted (Miller) 7704

Mentioned: (Edwards) 5925 (Hanson, G.) 8801 (Jansen, J.) 7702 (Savage) 6344, 7262 (Sihota) 6987 (Vander Zalm) 5914

Sidney, B.C.

Transit, development of transit route to (Sihota) 6573

Sierra Club of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 7795 (Perry) 6188 (Vant) 6841

Signs and signboards

Gas stations, signs for (Lovick) 6824 (Vant) 6824-5

Highway 1, Fraser Canyon section, pilot project (Vant) 6822

Highway 3, Hope-Princeton Highway signs (Barlee) 6823 (Vant) 6824

Highway 3, sign to indicate entrance to B.C. (Edwards) 6825

Highway 17 signs (Guno) 5720 (Vant) 5721

Highway 19, Arbutus Ridge, sign for (Lovick) 6826

Highway 19 signs, Duncan area (Lovick) 6824

Highway 19 signs, gas station signs (Lovick) 6824

Highway 19 signs, pilot project (Lovick) 6822 (Vant) 6822

Highway 93, sign to indicate entrance to B.C. (Edwards) 6825

Highway signs, blue signs (Gabelmann) 6744

Highway signs, funding for new signs (Vant) 6823 (Williams) 6823

Highway signs, policy on (Edwards) 6825 (Guno) 5721 (Lovick) 6821-2, 6822, 6825-6 (Vant) 5720-1, 6678, 6728, 6822, 6823, 6826

Highway signs, policy on and sale of sign shop (Lovick) 6824

Highway signs, unauthorized signs (Lovick) 6826 (Vant) 6826

Langford sign shop, sale of (Williams) 6823

“Welcome to British Columbia” signs (Edwards) 6825 (Vant) 6825

Sihota, Moe (Esquimalt-Port Renfrew)

Abortion, access to and Charter of Rights 6529

Abortion, access to, Attorney-General's position on issue 6516

Abortion, access to, government's position on issue 6516

Abortion, Criminal Code, removal from, Attorney General's position on issue 6512

Abortion, Criminal Code, removal from, government's position on issue 6513-4

Abortion, Supreme Court of Canada decision on 6516, 6528, 6529, 6532

Abortion, Vernon Jubilee Hospital, provision of abortions 6528

Address in Reply 5637-41

Adoption, information re adopted children, provision of 8817, 8818

Adoption of special needs children, financial assistance 8818

Advisory Committee on the Structures of the Workers' Compensation System, recommendations 6894, 7552, 7554, 7555, 7556

Advisory Committee on the Structures of the Workers' Compensation System, report 6904

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7236, 7236-7, 7237, 7238-9, 7239-40, 7240

Alcohol and drug abuse, special resources division, work of, reassignment of 6948

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment services 6949

Alcoholism, prevention and treatment, staffing for at regional level 6948

Ambulance service staff, negotiations and Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1989Q. 7452

Assessment of residential property, increase in 7505

Attorney General Amendment Act (1989) 8632

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6338-9, 6345-8, 6350-1, 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354, 6355, 6372-3, 6372, 6373, 6373-4, 6374-5, 6376-7, 6378, 6379, 6380-2, 6387-9, 6435, 6436-8, 6436, 6447-8, 6448, 6449-50, 6449, 6450-1, 6451, 6462-5, 6465, 6466, 6467, 6470-2, 6470, 6472, 6473, 6484, 6485, 6485-6, 6486, 6486-7, 6487, 6489-90, 6489, 6490, 6491, 6492, 6493, 6494, 6495, 6496, 6496-7, 6497, 6503, 6512, 6513-4, 6515-6, 6526, 6528, 6529-30, 6529, 6531-2, 6531, 6532, 6546, 6546-7, 6547, 6548, 6549, 6550, 6552

Axiom International Development Corp., Securities Commission actions re Q. 6805

Baisakhi festival, celebration of 6440

Bennett, W.R., calling of as witness in Doman Industries Ltd. stock court case, Q. 6761

Bennett, W.R., Doman Industries Ltd. stocks, acquisition of, laying of charges re 7662, 7663

Bennett, WR., Doman Industries Ltd. stocks, sale of, discussions with Ontario Securities Commission 7661

Bennett, WR., Doman Industries Ltd. stocks, sale of, investigation into 7658, 7659, 7662

Bennett, W.R., Doman Industries Ltd. stocks, sale of, laying of charges in case 7661, 7662

Bennett, WR., Doman Industries Ltd. stocks, sale of, litigation currently underway 7660

Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd., agreement with 7979-80

Blackcomb Ski Enterprises Ltd., investments by, return on 7879

B.C. Council of Human Rights, awards, ceiling on 6967-8, 6970

B.C. Council of Human Rights, educational programs 6969

B.C. Council of Human Rights, hearing of cases, delays in 6967

B.C. Council of Human Rights, human rights, promotion of 6969

The British Columbia County Court and the British Columbia Supreme Court, An Act to Merge (Bill M206) 1R, 6037-8

B.C. Enterprise Centre, furniture, expenditure on 7323

B.C. Ferry Corporation vessels, construction of, Q. 6632, 6855, 6856

B.C. Ferry Corporation vessels, purchase of 6855, 6856

B.C. Ferry Corporation vessels, replacement of 6855

B.C. Ferry Corporation vessels, smaller vessels, proposal re 6855, 6856

B.C. Gaming Commission, staff and resources 7090

B.C. Government Employees' Union, negotiations, handling of 6971, 6972

B.C. Parole Board, appointments to 8623

B.C. Railway employees, overtime pay, exemptions re 6935

B.C. Utilities Commission hearings, intervenors, costs of 6436

Budget, balanced budget 5848

Budget debate 5841-2, 5848-51

By-elections 5637

Carmanah Valley, cabinet, submission to re area 7815

Carmanah Valley, logging of 7795

Carmanah Valley, park status for area 7813

Carmanah Valley, position of Terry Huberts on use of 7794, 7796, 7813

Carmanah Valley, preservation of old-growth forest 5639, 7794

Carmanah Valley, representations re area 7794

Carmanah Valley, role of Terry Huberts 7794

Carmanah Valley, studies of area 7814, 7816

Charter of Rights and fingerprint legislation 6387

Charter of Rights and power of courts 6387

Charter of Rights and property rights 6381, 6388, 6887

Charter of Rights and Sunday shopping law 6378, 6379, 6380-1, 6388

Charter of Rights, Attorney-General's position on 6512

Charter of Rights, challenges under Charter, funding for 6378, 6382, 6389, 6437, 6548, 7105

Charter of Rights, challenges under Charter, Ontario funding for 6378

Charter of Rights, challenges under section 15, analysis of 6378, 6382, 7105

Charter of Rights, challenges under section 15, costs 6435

Charter of Rights, challenges under section 15, funding for 6435

Charter of Rights, challenges under section 15, restrictions on 6379

Charter of Rights, interpretation of 6338

Charter of Rights, notwithstanding clause 6387-8

Charter of Rights, physicians' billing numbers, challenge re restriction on 6381

Charter of Rights, section 15, use of by corporate interests 6378

China Beach Park, staff and services 7805, 7806

Chinese Canadians, head tax 7458, 7462

Civil service, early retirement program, cost of 7322

Claims, economical litigation program 7106, 7107, 7207

Colwood, Corners area, sewage disposal problems 6607

Colwood, sewage disposal 6606, 6607

Commissioner Inquiry into the Coquihalla and Related Highway Projects, recommendations 6546-7

Comptroller-general, office break-in, material stolen 7331, 7339

Comptroller-general, office break-in, report on 7330

Construction industry employees, injuries and fatalities 6443

Construction industry, labour relations 6972

Cooper, Norton, allegation re 6806

Coquihalla Highway, contracts, contravention of Criminal Code, investigation into 6546-7, 6550, 6552

Coquihalla Highway, contracts in breach of Financial Administration Act 6546-7, 6549, 6550

Coquihalla Highway, cost of, overrun 5638, 5841, 7322

Coquihalla Highway, cost of, overrun, role of S.D. Smith in 6725

Coquihalla Highway, expenditures on and funds for highway construction elsewhere 6725

Coquihalla Highway, Great Bear Snowshed contract, investigation into 6546-7

Corporations, taxation 5849, 5850

Court Rules Act 7106-7, 7206-7, 7207

Courts, case management, powers re 6339, 6549

Courts, family court counsellors, appointment of, Q. 7608

Courts, orders, enforcement of, out-of-province enforcement 8140

Courts, rules, powers re 7106

Courts, staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act 8823, 8824

Couvelier, Hon. Melville B., Quarterly Review of Doublespeak award 5844

Crime, proceeds of, access to and use of 7214, 8632

Crime victims, assistance program 6346

Crown Lands ministry, estimates 7879-80

Curriculum, Education minister's powers re 8111

Custody of children, access, problems re 6463

Custody of children, custody orders 6462

Daffodil pickers, Saanich Peninsula 5841

Debt 5841, 7323

Delta Media Services Ltd., Knight Street Pub referendum, conduct of 6977, 6978, 6979, 6985, 6986, Q. 8001

Delta Media Services Ltd., pub referendums, conduct of, Q. 7100, Q. 7786

Dick, Sandra, acquittal of 6484, 6485

Dick, Sandra, direct indictment, use of in case 6484, 6485-6, 6489, 6491

Dick, Sandra, polygraph test, offer re 6486, 6490, 6491, 6492

Dick, Sandra, treatment team 6489, 6489-90

Disasters, cabinet committee for emergency preparedness, proposal re 7022

Disasters, deputy ministers' committee for emergency preparedness, proposal re 7022

Disasters, emergency plan, consultation re 7023

Disasters, preparedness for 7004

Disasters, response to, proposals re 7022, 7023

Discrimination based on sexual orientation 6967, 6970

Discrimination in housing based on age 6967, 6970

Discrimination in housing based on family status 6967, 6970

Dixon, John, v the Attorney-General of B.C., judgment 6381

Doney, Lee, calling of to bar of Legislature, Q. 7327

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment services 6949

Drug abuse, prevention and treatment, staffing for at regional level 6948

Earthquakes, preparedness for, Q. 6082, 7004

Education ministry, estimates 7505-6, 7506-7

Education services, purchase of by school boards 8110

Electoral boundaries, examination of by Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations 7385-6, 7386

Electoral boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. judgment on 6205-6, 6338, 7386

Electoral districts, redistribution 6388, 7383, 7384, 7389

Electoral districts, size of, variance in 6381-2

Employee rights, legislation on 6895

Employment standards 6895

Employment Standards Act, variances under act 6935

Employment standards legislation, review of, proposal re 6934-6

Environment ministry, estimates 8094-5, 8095, 8101, 8102-3, 8102, 8134, 8135, 8136, 8137, 8146-7, 8146, 8147, 8147-8, 8148, 8149, 8155

Environment ministry, status of 8088

Environmental protection cases, prosecution costs, recovery of 8631

Environmental protection, issue of, public concern re 7980

Environmental protection issues, funding for intervenors 6437

Environmental protection, standards, enforcement of 8147, 8148, 8631-2

Esquimalt, storm sewers, replacement of 6606

Estate Administration Amendment Act (1989) 7615-7

Everywoman's Health Centre, charges, laying of, policy on 6497

Everywoman's Health Centre, contempt order, enforcement of 6494, 6495, 6496

Everywoman's Health Centre, injunctions, use of 6492

Everywoman's Health Centre, protesters and role of Attorney-General 6437

Ewert, Peter, employment of 7979

Expropriation Compensation Board, board members, payments to 6353

Expropriation Compensation Board, cases heard in 1987-88 6351

Expropriation Compensation Board, cases heard in 1988-89 6348, 6350-1, 6351, 6352, 6354

Expropriation Compensation Board, cases scheduled for 1989-90 6352

Expropriation Compensation Board, fees and allowances 6353

Expropriation Compensation Board, operating costs 6353

Expropriation Compensation Board, salaries 6348

Family counselling, ad hoc advocates 6548

Family court counsellors, appointment of, Q. 7608

Family court counsellors, privatization of, Q. 7608

Family court counsellors, reports, giving of to court 7209

Family law cases, time requirements for 6462, 6549

Family law, jurisdiction over 6462

Farmworkers, minimum pay standards 6389

Farmworkers, minimum wage increase for, Q. 8232

Farmworkers, pesticide use, protection in 6445, 6963

Farmworkers, safety regulations for, implementation of 6444

Farmworkers, Workers' Compensation Board coverage for, Q. 5876, 6444, 6896, 6962

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, assistance to 7237, 7238, 7239

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, Lilydale Co-operative Ltd., purchase of birds from 7236

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, loan guarantee 7237, 7238, 7239-40, Q. 7868

Fatt's Island Poultry Farms, loan guarantee and commitment re processing of birds, Q. 7034-5, Q. 7034, 7236, 7237, 7238, 7239, Q. 7868

Fields, Andrea, case referred to 6968, 6970

Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, estimates 7322-3, 7322, 7323, 7330-1, 7330, 7331, 7332-3, 7333, 7334-5, 7334, 7335, 7335-6, 7336, 7336-7, 7337-8, 7338, 7339, 7340, 7341-2, 7341, 7342-3, 7342, 7658, 7659, 7660-1, 7660, 7661, 7662, 7663

Financial institutions, “deposit” and “guarantee, legislation on use of words 7338

Financial institutions, regulation of 7335, 7336

Finch, L.S.G., comments in Everywoman's Health Centre case 6497

Fines, non-payment of, jailing for 7213

Fines, surcharge, levying of 7212, 7213

Fines, surcharge, use of for victims' fund 7213

Fines under Young Offenders Act 7212

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., employees, layoff of 5639

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., pesticide containers at Port Renfrew 8095, 8101, 8102

Forest industry, employees, injuries and fatalities 6443

Forest industry, Esquimalt-Port Renfrew forest industry 5639

Forest industry, government policy on 5639-40

Forests ministry staff, wage payments to, delay in 6932, 6933

French Beach Park, campsites, upkeep of 7825

French Beach Park, fire protection, training of contractors in 7824, 7824-5

French Beach Park, maintenance of, cost of 7805

French Beach Park, purchase of property 7824

French Beach Park, services, level of 7806

French Beach Park, staff, number of 7805, 7806

Gallagher, George (Bud) , resignation of 6971

Galloping Goose Regional Park Corridor, transportation development, land for 6573

Gambling, increase in 7090

Gangs, youth gangs 6347

Giordano, Charles, W.N. Vander Zalm's discussions with, Q. 7100

Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Tribal Council, aboriginal title claim, funding for, Q. 6297

Goldstream Provincial Park services, contract for, employee group's bid 7807

Handicapped, wages, level of 6935

Hanson, Hon. Lyall, resignation of for role in Knight Street Pub affair, Q. 7071, Q. 7327-8, 7614, 8661

Health clinic, Esquimalt, funding for 6431

Health ministry, estimates 6431-2, 6432-4, 6434-5, 6434

Health ministry, information, use of privileged information, apology re 6431

Health ministry staff, wage payments to, delay in 6932

Heart patients, parents' transportation and accommodation costs 6434

Heinrich, John Herbert, payment to, basis for, proposal re 6353

Heinrich, John Herbert, Prince George law practice 6353

Heinrich, John Herbert, salary 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354

Hick, Bert, terms of departure from Labour and Consumer Services ministry staff, Q. 7249

Highway 1, Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency area, four-laning 6572

Highway 1, Helmcken Road exchange, improvements to 6572

Highway 1, Thetis Lake exchange, improvements to 6572

Highways, maintenance of, contractors' liability 8138

Hip surgery, waiting-period for 6431-2

Homeowner grant, increase in, universality of benefit 6868

Horticulturalists, overtime pay, regulation re 6935

Hughes, E.N. (Ted) , thanked 6552

Human rights 6895

Human rights legislation, review of 6967

ICG Utilities (British Columbia) Ltd., Salmon Arm accident, Supreme Court decision on 8137-8

Income Tax Amendment Act (1989) 6867-9

Income tax, high-income group, tax exemption for 5850

Income tax, surtax on high incomes, restoration of 5850

Indians, aboriginal title 6197-9, 6348

Indians, aboriginal title, government's position on 5786

Indians, aboriginal title, negotiations re 6348

Indians, aboriginal title, Supreme Court of Canada decision 6197

Indians, aboriginal title trials, expenditures on 6298

Indians, aboriginal title trials, funds for 5784, 5785, 5786, 5841

Indians, land claims, negotiation of, Q. 6298, 6348

Industrial accidents, costs of 6443

Industrial accidents, non-union work sites 6443

Industrial accidents, penalties for employees disobeying rules 6444

Industrial Relations Act, administration of 6971

Industrial Relations Act, amendments to 6972

Industrial Relations Act and forest industry dispute negotiations 6972

Industrial Relations Act, changes to, proposal re 6970

Industrial Relations Act, drafting of act 7361

Industrial Relations Act, New Democratic Party's alternative bill to 7361

Industrial Relations Act, problems re 6894-5

Industrial Relations Act, reaction to, canvassing of 6894

Industrial Relations Act, section 48, work on 6972

Industrial Relations Council, boycott of 6970, 6971, 6971-2

Industrial Relations Council, problems 6970

Industrial safety, inspections 6444

Industrial safety, training in 6444

Injunctions, civil injunctions 6447

Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee, recommendations 7005, 7021, 7022, 7024, 7046, 8135

Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee, report quoted 7004-5

International Trusts Act 6782

International Woodworkers of America, officials, criminal charges against, Q. 6761

International Woodworkers of America, officials held in detention, Q. 6762

Investments, government investment in common stocks 5851

Japanese Canadians, internment of 7457, 7462

Judges, pretrial case management 6339

Judges, Supreme Court judges 6037-8

Judiciary, independence of 6451

Justice Reform Committee, family law, recommendations re 6462

Justice Reform Committee, recommendations 5850, 6339, 6345, 7105, 7106, 7109

Justice Reform Committee, Supreme Court, recommendation re 6038

Justice Reform Statutes Amendment Act (1989) 7113-4, 7209-10, 7209, 7210-1, 7211, 7212, 7213, 7214

Justices of the peace, bylaw cases, proposal re 7211

Kerkhoff-Hyundai, contract for construction of SkyTrain extension 6668, 6669, 6670, 6671

Kerkhoven, B.E., hip replacement surgery, case cited 6431-2, 6432, 6433

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence 5638

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence and moratorium on licences 8725

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, alleged political interference in, Q. 7070, Q. 7071, Q. 7379

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, alleged political interference in, call to Attorney General re, Q. 7480, Q. 7523

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, alleged political interference in, discussions with Lee Doney re, Q. 7450, Q. 7480

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Bert Hick's press conference statement re 6984, Q. 7070

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, conversation with Attorney-General re, Q. 7713-4, Q. 7713, Q. 7714

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, David

Poole's role in 6977, 6984, Q. 7099, Q. 7248, Q. 7327, Q. 7450, Q. 7451, 7613

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Don Lee's letter re Q. 8803

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Labour and Consumer Services ministry investigation into 6976, 6977, 6984. Q. 7786

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Lee Doney's report on Q. 7327, Q. 7451, Q. 7523, 7613

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Peter Toigo's lobbying re 7613

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application, Premier's office, actions by, Q. 8725

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence, memo re to Lee Doney, Q. 8726

Knight Street Pub, liquor licence, memo re to Premier's office Q. 8726

Knight Street Pub, ombudsman's report on 6987, 7070

Knight Street Pub, referendum, conduct of by Delta Media Services Ltd. 6977, 6978, 6979, 6985, 6986, 7713, Q. 7786, Q. 8001

Knight Street Pub, Whitbury Holdings Inc. land for 6976

Komagata Maru Foundation of Canada, video, funding for 7454

Komagata Maru incident 7454, 7461, 7462

Komagata Maru incident, commemoration of, Q. 6912, 7453, 7454-5, 7458, 7459

Komagata Maru incident, commemoration of, petition re 8803

Konopasek, Rick, wage payments delay to, case cited 6929, 6930, 6931, 6934, 6936

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, estimates 6894-6, 6896, 6897, 6898, 6903-4, 6903, 6904, 6904-5, 6905, 6906-7, 6906, 6907, 6912-3, 6912, 6918-9, 6929-30, 6929, 6930-1, 6931, 6931-2, 6932-3, 6933-4, 6934-6, 6936, 6948, 6949, 6956-7, 6956, 6957, 6958, 6959, 6959-60, 6960-1, 6961-2, 6963, 6964, 6967-70, 6971, 6971-3, 6973, 6975-6, 6975, 6976, 6977-8, 6977, 6978, 6979, 6984, 6985, 6986-7, 6987

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, industrial relations officers, hiring of 6936

Labour legislation review committee, work of 7361

Labour relations in B.C. 7360-1

Lake Cowichan, road to Port Alberni 5640

Lampson Street Elementary School, upgrading of, heritage funds for 6608

Land Title Amendment Act (1989) 8630-1

Land titles, lis pendens, provisions re 8631

Law, Americanization of 6205, 6338-9

Law Society of B.C., recommendation re corporate disclosure 6463

Lawyers, fees, contingency fees 6547, 6552, 7113-4, 7210-1

Lawyers, fees, setting of 7210

Lawyers, fees, waiving of 6547

Lawyers, free legal services provided by 5851

Lawyers, interprovincial law firms 6548

LeBlanc, David, reference to as alarmist 8134

Legal aid and access to courts 7105

Legal aid, coverage 6372, 6374-5, 6376-7

Legal aid, coverage, criminal charges 6377

Legal aid, coverage, foreclosures 6374, 6377

Legal aid, coverage, illegal eviction cases 6375

Legal aid, coverage, landlord-tenant disputes 6375

Legal aid, coverage, omissions from 6347, 6437

Legal aid, coverage, Workers' Compensation Board cases 6347, 6374, 6377

Legal aid, duty counsel 6354, 6355

Legal aid, eligibility for 6346, 6373, 6377

Legal aid, family law cases 6355, 6372, 6465

Legal aid, funding for 5850-1, 6347, 6354, 6372, 6374-5

Legal aid, funding for, increase in and benefits to lawyers, allegations re 6374, 6376

Legal aid, offices at local level 6372, 6373-4

Legal aid, offices in Cranbrook, Maple Ridge and Terrace 6372-3, 6373-4

Legal aid, private bar, provision of legal services 6373

Legal aid, tariff, level of 6348

Legal costs, economical litigation program 6377

Legislative Library staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act 8823

Legislature, debate 6199

Lilydale Co-operative Ltd., assistance to 7238

Lilydale Co-operative Ltd., possible closing of 5640

Logging of private land 6601, 6603

Logging of private land, municipalities' powers re 6602, 6603

Lotto 6-49 tickets, sale of 7090

Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, replacement for 5793

Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, site, use of 5642

McLachlin, Beverley M., Supreme Court of Canada, appointment to 6338

McLachlin, Beverley M., tribute to 6338

McRobbie, Valerie, Knight Street Pub, liquor licence application for 6976

McRobbie, Valerie, meeting with Peter Toigo, investigation into, Q. 8803

Macrotrends International Ventures Inc., allegation re 6806

Maintenance arrears, cancellation or reduction of 7210

Maintenance enforcement 6345

Maintenance enforcement, funding for 6372

Maintenance enforcement, legal aid for 6345, 6465

Maintenance enforcement, number of cases 6346

Maintenance enforcement orders, reciprocal agreements on 8140

Maintenance enforcement, problems re 6345, 6346, 6464

Maintenance enforcement program, access to 6463

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases 6463-4, 6466, 6470

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases, GAIN recipients 6470

Maintenance enforcement program, community-based offices 6467

Maintenance enforcement program forms, completion of, problems re 6465

Maintenance enforcement program, GAIN recipients 6464

Maintenance enforcement program, letters re quoted 6463-4

Maintenance enforcement program, money recovered to date 6470

Maintenance enforcement program offices, telephone inquiries to 6346

Maintenance enforcement program, waivers for protection of wife 6465, 6466

Meghji-Ahamed, Zaher, contract 7438, 7439, 7440, 7452, 7453

Meghji-Ahamed, Zaher, payment to 7440, 7452

Meghji-Ahamed, Zaher, report 7439, 7440

Meghji-Ahamed, Zaher, role of 7438-9

Millstream Creek oil spill 5841-2, 5851

Millstream Creek oil spill, charges, laying of 5851, 6502, 6547, 6548, 7979-80, Q. 8142, Q. 8143, 8146, 8147, 8148, 8149, 8155

Millstream Creek oil spill, investigation into 8147

Millstream Timber Ltd., Sulphur Passage dispute, laying of charges 6547

Minister's powers under act 8111

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) (1989) 8773, 8817, 8818, 8819, 8820, 8822, 8823, 8823-4, 8824

Mitchell, Pam, grandson's spinal surgery, case cited 6432, 6433

Mortgages, documents, standardized form for 8630

Mortgages, real estate agents' recommendations, disclosure of reason for 6912, 6912-3

Multicultural issues 7462

Multiculturalism and patriotism 6895

Multiculturalism, policy on 7463

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6572-3, 6601-2, 6603, 6606-7, 6607, 6608, 6668-9, 6670, 6671

Mushroom industry, Fraser Valley accident, case cited 6445

Nemetz, Nathaniel T., inquiry into severance pay and pensions, recommendations 6906

Nielsen, James Arthur, payments to, 1988 fiscal year 6907

Nielsen, James Arthur, salary 6907

Nielsen, James Arthur, Workers' Compensation Board, severance arrangements 6906

Nurses and hospital administrations, communication problems 6433

Nurses, emigration of 6433

Nurses, shortage of 6433

Nurses' strike, 1989, hospitals, manning levels for essential services 7818

Nurses' strike, 1989, negotiations, resumption of 7818

Nurses, working conditions 6433

Offence Amendment Act (1989) 8631-2

Oil spills, Alaska spill, William N. Vander Zalm's visit to site 5841

Oil spills, B.C.-Washington memorandum of agreement on response to 7047

Oil spills, Canada-U.S. coordinated plan for 7003

Oil spills, cleanup of, purchase of vehicles for 5639

Oil spills, response to 7046, 7047, 7050, 7051, 8136

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill 5638-9

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cleanup of 5639, 7001

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, compensation for 5842, 6448, 7001, 8141, 8148

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cost of 8148, 8149

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, effects of 7021

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, legal action re 6448, 6503, 7001, 8148

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, National Defence department personnel, use of 7001

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, native people, loss to 7021-2

Parks, contractors, training of 7824, 7824-5

Parks ministry, estimates 7794, 7794-5, 7795-6, 7795, 7796, 7805, 7805-6, 7806, 7807, 7812-3, 7813, 7814, 7814-5, 7816, 7824-5, 7824, 7825-6, 7825, 7826

Parks, Saanich and the Islands constituency, employee groups' contracts 7807

Parks, security problems 7825-6

Parks, services, contracting of 7806

Parks, services, privatization of, employee groups 7807

Parks, services, southern Vancouver Island, information re 7806, 7807

Parole Act 8623, 8625, 8626

Parole, public's attitude to 8623

Pesticide Control Act, amendments to 8102

Pesticide Control Act, prosecutions under act 8095, 8102-3

Pesticides, use of, regulations for 6444

Petrini, Harold, Workers' Compensation Board award to 6972-3

Polar 8 project, contract for B.C. shipyard, Q. 6632-3, Q. 6632

Polar 8 project, Frank Rhodes' trip to Ottawa re, Q. 6675

Polar 8 project, future of project, Q. 6675

Polluters, fines for 7981

Polluters, prosecution of 5639

Poole, David, severance pay and pension, Q. 5739, 7323

Port Renfrew, economy 5640

Port Renfrew, road to 5640

Port Renfrew, road to Lake Cowichan 5640

Port Renfrew, visitors, toilet facilities for 5640

Port Renfrew, wharf 5640

Post-secondary education, access to 5640-1

Powder Mountain Resorts Ltd., ski facility development, proposal for, Q. 6131

Premier's office, estimates 8661

Prepaid legal services, proposal re 6377

Principal group of companies, accounting costs, provision for compensation for 7333, 7335, 7337

Principal group of companies, Code inquiry, B.C. representatives 7341

Principal group of companies, Coopers and Lybrand fees, payment of 7333, 7337

Principal group of companies, government action on, ministerial responsibility for 7336

Principal group of companies, investors 7332, 7335-6, 7337

Principal group of companies, investors, legal advice to 7337

Principal group of companies, investors, Premier's remarks re 7332

Principal group of companies, licensing of 7337, 7340, 7341

Principal group of companies, ombudsman's report on, recommendations 7332, 7335

Principal group of companies, Robinson inquiry, appointment of 7334, 7337, 7338

Prison guards, federal penitentiary guards, number of, Q. 6411

Privatization benefits fund, earnings, use of 8822

Privatization, government policy on 7615-6

Property, protection of, legislation on 6388

Prosecutions, direct indictments, use of 6485, 6486, 6487

Prosecutions, private prosecutions, policy on 6449

Provincial Court judges, appointment of as master of Supreme Court of B.C. 6462

Provincial emergency program, funding for 5638, Q. 6082, 7004, 7022-3, 7023

Provincial emergency program, report on referred to, quoted 7004, 7005

Provincial emergency program, supplies, sale of 5638

Provincial emergency program, transfer of to Environment ministry 8135

Public law matters, intervenors in, funding for 6436

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemptions from 8773, 8822, 8823, 8823-4

Public Trustee Amendment Act (1989) 7110

Public trustee, office of, privatization of 7616

Race discrimination, Okanagan area employers, allegations re 6968

Race relations, education program 6970, 7463

Race relations, racial tension 6347, 6895, 6967

Real estate sales tax, evasion of, use of share transfers 6887-8

Real estate sales tax, exemption from, first-home buyers 6887, 6888

Real estate sales tax, exemption from, lower-priced houses 6888

Real estate sales tax, exemption from, purchasers with 25 percent or less down payment 6887

Rent, increases in 5641, 6868

Rent review process 5641, 6868

Rentalsman, office of, reinstitution of 5641, 6868

Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters, number benefitting from 6867-8

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, cost of 7383, 7384

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, recommendations 6381, 7389

School Act 8207-9, 8210

School Act, Education minister's powers under act 8111

School District 62 (Sooke) , provincial contribution to 7506

School District 62 (Sooke) , school tax 7505, 7506-7

School districts, managerial services, powers to contract out 8110

School tax, greater Victoria 7505

School tax on non-residential property 5849

School tax on residential property 5849, 7505

School tax system, review of 7506

SeaBus ferry system, construction of third ferry for, Q. 6633

Search warrants, telewarrant system for 8631

Security companies, employees, overtime work 6935

Security deposits, disputes re, jurisdiction over 7108

Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations, meeting of, Q. 6248

Sentences, convictions, percentage jailed 6450

Sentences in sexual assault cases 6470

Sentences, information re 6450, 6451

Sentences, variations in 6449-50

Sewage disposal, funding formula 6607

Sexual Assault Centre, Terrace, staff and number of cases 6513

Sexual assault centres, areas without services of 6471, 6472, 6484, 6512

Sexual assault centres, calls to 6471, 6513

Sexual assault centres, funding for 6471-2, 6472, 6512

Sexual assault centres, staff 6471

Sexual assault victims, assistance to 6347, 6470-2, 6472

Sexual harassment 6967

Sheringham Estates, land clearing, impact of 6601, 6602

Sikh, appointment of to Supreme Court of B.C. 6441

Sikh community, discrimination against in past 6198, 6388

Sikh community in Canada, history of 6440

Sikh symbols 6441

Sikh temples in B.C. 6440

SkyTrain transit system, Scott Road extension, construction contract 6668, 6669, 6670, 6671

SkyTrain transit system, Scott Road extension, construction of 6668-9, 6670

Small business, taxation of 5849

Small Claims Act 7108-9

Small claims court, access to, fee increase 7108

Small claims court, jurisdiction of 7108

Snug Cove Marina, federal funds for 6987

Snug Cove Marina pub, liquor licence application for 6986-7

Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 8759-60

Social Services and Housing ministry expenditures, overrun on 5841

Social Services and Housing ministry expenditures, special warrant 7322

Social Services and Housing ministry staff, wage payments to, delay in 6929, 6930-1, 6930, 6931, 6932, 6934

Solicitor-General ministry, capital planning projects 5793

Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7001, 7003-6, 7003, 7020-1, 7021-2, 7022, 7022-3, 7023-4, 7046-7, 7046, 7047, 7050, 7051, 7089, 7090

Sooke, Goudie Road area, land clearing, impact of 6601, 6602

Sooke, Kemp Lake area, land clearing, impact of 6601, 6602

Sooke Potholes Park, maintenance of, cost of 7805

Sooke Potholes Park, services 7806

Sooke Potholes Park, staff, number of 7805, 7806

Sooke, Tugwell Road area, land clearing, impact of 6601, 6602

Sooke, water system 6606

Special warrants, warrant 2, use of funds 5784, 5785, 5786

Special warrants, warrant 9, use of funds 5793

Special warrants, warrant 10, use of funds 5793, 5794

Statutes Repeal Act (1989) 6182

Statutes, repeal of redundant statutes 6182

Stena Line, slot-machine operations and provisions of Criminal Code 7089

Stena Line, slot-machine operations, regulation of 7089

Student aid program 5641

Sunday shopping law 6350, 6379, 6380-1, 6388

Sunday shopping, legislation on 6435

Supply Act (No. 1) (1989) 5784, 5785, 5786, 5793, 5794

Supreme Court Act 7105, 7203, 7204, 7205

Supreme Court Act, definition section, omissions from 7203

Supreme Court of B.C., access to 6038, 7105

Supreme Court of B.C., chief justice, appointment of 7553

Supreme Court of B.C., County Court merger with 6037-8

Supreme Court of B.C., County Court of B.C., merger with 6037-8, 6339

Supreme Court of B.C., “master”, use of term 7203

Supreme Court of B.C., vexatious actions, powers re 7205

Surgery, elective surgery, waiting-period for 6432

Task force on logging on private land 6605

Task Force on Public Legal Services, recommendations 6347, 6354, 6372, 6375

Tax burden on individuals 5849

Taxation, fairness of 5848-9, 5850

Teachers, assistants to 8109, 8207-9

Teachers, assistants to, employment of, provision for in School Act 8209, 8210

Teachers, collective bargaining process, exclusions from 8110

Teachers, hiring of, affirmative action programs 8110

Teachers, preparation time, collective bargaining negotiations re 8110-1

Teachers, professional standards and School Act 8109-10

Tenants, damage deposits, recovery of 6376

Tenants, discrimination against, legislation on 6868

Timber supply, falldown on coast 5639

Toigo, Peter, Knight Street Pub, role of in development of 6975, 6976, 6977

Toigo, Peter, Valerie McRobbie, financial arrangements with 7613, Q. 8803

Toigo, Peter, Valerie McRobbie, meeting with, investigation into, Q. 8803

Toigo, Peter, W.N. Vander Zalm's discussions with re Delta Media Services Ltd., Q. 7100

Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7383, 7383-4, 7384, 7385, 7385-6, 7386, 7388-9, 7389, 7438, 7438-9, 7439, 7440, 7440-1, 7452, 7453-5, 7453, 7461, 7463-4

Transit route to Sidney, development of 6573

Transit system for southern Vancouver Island 6572, 6572-3

Transit, use of Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway right-of-way 6572, 6572-3

Transit, Western Communities 6572

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6724, 6725, 6854-5, 6856-7

Transportation and Highways ministry, highways projects, decisions on 6725

Transportation and Highways ministry staff, wage payments to, delay in 6933

Trials, pretrial procedures 7106-7

Truck drivers, overtime, regulation re 6935

Trusts, civil-law jurisdictions, protection of B.C. interests in 6782

Universities, tuition fees 5640

University Endowment Land Park Act 6196-6200

University Endowment Land Park Act, bill, second reading six months hence 6196-6200

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to and transfer of land 6198-9

University Endowment Lands, park, establishment of 6199-6200

University of Victoria, tuition fees 5640-1

Used car dealers, employment standards legislation 6935

Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, escape, apology for mistaken allegation 8760

Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, escape, ombudsman's report on quoted 8759

Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, escape, public advisement of, Q. 5692

Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, escape, security measures, Q. 5692

Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre staff, increase in Q. 5692

Vancouver Stock Exchange, Carter-Ward companies, action re, Q. 6805

Vancouver Stock Exchange, cleanup of, Q. 6835

Vancouver Stock Exchange, operators, reference to as “scumbags” 6835

Victoria, sewage disposal, funding for 6607

Video stores, showing of adult movies in booths 8820

Videos, authority to seize adult film and videos 8819, 8820

Wages, minimum daily pay 6935

Wages, minimum wage and poverty line 6963

Wages, minimum wage, increase in 6963, 6964

Wages, overtime, regulations re 6935-6

Wages, payment of, delay in 6929, 6930-1, 6930, 6931, 6931-2, 6932, 6933, 6934

Waste Management Amendment Act (1989) 7979-81

Western Pulp (Ltd.) Partnership, Woodfibre mill, charge against 6449

Williamson, Irene, homemaker services for, case cited 6433-4

Willingdon Youth Detention Centre, replacement of 5793, 5794

Women, discrimination against, Supreme Court of Canada decisions on 6611, 6612

Women in poverty 6956

Women, minister of state responsible for women's issues 6957

Women, pay equity 6956, 6958, 6960

Women, pay equity, government's position on 6957, 6959

Women, pay equity, inquiry into by select standing committee, proposal re 6960

Women, pay equity, intervention of courts in issue 6389

Women, pay equity, investigation into 6959

Women, pay equity, legislation on 6956, 6958, 6959

Women, pay equity, Ontario legislation on 6956, 6961

Women, pay equity, provision for in Human Rights Act 6959

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (1989) 7552, 7553, 7553-4, 7554, 7555, 7555-6, 7556, 7557

Workers' Compensation Board, annual report, commissioners' signatures 6905, 6906

Workers' Compensation Board, appeal commissioners 7554

Workers' Compensation Board, appeals, time limit on 7554, 7555-6, 7555

Workers' Compensation Board, assessment income, 1988, and 1987 credit 6897

Workers' Compensation Board, assessment income and claims 6897

Workers' Compensation Board, benefits, payment of during appeal period 7557

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, appointment of 6904, 7553

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, powers 7552

Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, vice-chair 7554

Workers' Compensation Board, chief appeal commissioner, powers 7554

Workers' Compensation Board, penalties assessed against employers 6903

Workers' Compensation Board, research grants 6905

Workers' Compensation Board, safety regulations 6903-4, 6904, 6919

Workers' Compensation Board, services, reduction in 6445

Workers' Compensation Board, staff resignations, severance policy 6906, 6906-7

Workers' Compensation Board surplus 6896, 6898

Workers' Compensation Board, surplus accredited to employers 6445, 6896

Workers' compensation, hearings on by select standing committee of Legislature 6962

Workers' Compensation Review. Board, appeals, backlog 6896

Workers' compensation, royal commissions on 6962

Workers, fatalities, increase in 6443, 6445

Workers, injuries, increase in 6443

Workers killed and injured, mourning day for 6443

Writ filed by Attorney-General in 1987 7361

Young Offenders Act, cases under act, funding for 5786

Young Offenders Act, fines under act 7212


Baisakhl festival (Sihota) 6440

Sikh community, discrimination against in past (Sihota) 6198, 6388

Sikh community in Canada, history of (Sihota) 6440

Symbols (Sihota) 6441

Temples established in B.C. (Sihota) 6440

Vancouver South constituency (Fraser, R.) 6441

Silver Cloud Holdings Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams) 6235

Silver Star recreation area

Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798

Silvia, Queen of Sweden

Visit to B.C. (Throne speech) 5585


See entries under Forests and forestry

Similco Mines Ltd.

Princeton mine, continued operation of (Messmer) 5680 (Rabbitt) 5901

Simmons, Don

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7780 (Veitch) 7674

Simon Fraser University

Bio-science building (Hagen, S.) 8352

Centre for System Science, funding for (Brummet) 5794

Classroom retrofit project (Hagen, S.) 8352

Faculty, women in top salary group (Jones) 8355

Langley as site for campus (Peterson) 5805

Mentioned: (De Jong) 5600 (Guno) 7056 (Hagen, S.) 8320, 8325, 8328, 8337, 8345, 8364, 8377 (Jones) 5827, 5830, 6845 (Loenen) 5932 (McCarthy) 5810 (Parker) 5657 (Ree) 5663 (Rose) 6816, 8335, 8336 (Smith, S.D.) 7923 (Williams) 6596

Simpson, David

Mentioned: (Darks) 7921

Sinclar Enterprises Ltd.

Mentioned: (Veitch) 7674


Trade development office (Couvelier) 5766 (Jansen, J.) 7701

Singh, Gohund

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6440

Single parents

Assistance to (Gran) 7012

Educational opportunities for single mothers (Gran) 7012

Female-headed families in poverty (Hanson, L.) 6955 (Smallwood) 6955

Single-parent families (Mercier) 5594

Two-parent families as support groups for (Gran) 7012

Sisters of St. Ann

Mentioned: (Johnston) 6651

Site C dam

See entries under British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority

Sitter, Bob

Mentioned: (Miller) 8590

Sivertson, Lorne

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8443

Skagit Valley, B.C.

Commission mentioned (Huberts) 7773

Employment in (Perry) 7771

Flooding of (Perry) 7772, 8428

Forest road (Perry) 7783

Master plan for (Huberts) 7783

Park status for (Perry) 7782

Preservation of, parks branch position on (Perry) 7772

Rhododendron macrophylum, occurrence of (Perry) 7783

Sign erected on Silver Skagit Road (Perry) 7772

Use of, multiple use (Perry) 7782-3

Mentioned: (Edwards) 5750 (Perry) 8431 (Smith, S.D.) 5922

Skalbania, Nelson

Mentioned: (Clark) 7594 (Williams) 7149

Skalbania, N.M., Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7149

Skeena Cellulose Inc.

Prince Rupert mill, history of (Williams) 7285

Property tax assessment (Miller) 7276, 7283

Property tax assessment, appeal of (Couvelier) 7282 (Miller) 7276

Property tax increase, limit on (Miller) 7276, 7277, 7282 (Williams) 7285

Mentioned: (Miller) 8520

Skeena Social Credit Constituency Association

Mentioned: (Kempf) 7644, 7647, 8069

Skeena Tunnel, Vancouver, B.C. See entries under Vancouver, B.C.

Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District

Regional development committee (Miller) 7573

Skelly, Robert Evans

Alberni constituency during term as MLA (Janssen, G.) 5612

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 6430, 6431, 7767 (Weisgerber) 5675

Ski resorts

Federal sales tax and ski industry (Edwards) 7412

Skidegate Band Council

Mentioned: (Miller) 6695

Skillings, Roger

Mentioned: (Dirks) 5669

Skis and skiing

Heliskiing venture, approval of bylaw re (Blencoe)Q. 7786, Q. 8585 (Johnston) A. 7786, A. 8585

Skyhigh Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) 6804

Skyline Explorations Ltd.

Mentioned: (Vant) 6729

Skyline mine

Employees, work schedule (Clark) 8492

SkyTrain transit system

Broadway station, land in area (Williams) 6594

Bus route changes and SkyTrain (Rose) 6568

Construction of (Mercier) 5594

Construction of and need for freeways (Johnston) 6590

Coquitlam, extension to (Johnston) 6577, 6585, 6587 (Rose) 5626, 6569, 6577

Coquitlam, extension to, route of (Hagen, A.) 6594, 6595 (Johnston) 6595

Cost of (Harcourt) 6592

Extensions, construction of (Mercier) 5598

Extensions, funding for (Harcourt) 6592-3 (Johnston) 6587, 6593 (Smallwood) 6587, 6588-9 (Williams) 6588, 6593

Extensions, spinoff benefits (Johnston) 6588, 6589 (Smallwood) 6588

New Westminster extension, Columbia Street station (Johnston) 6670

New Westminster extension, route of (Williams) 6677-8

New Westminster right-of-way, acquisition of (Hagen, A.) 6665-6, 6667 (Johnston) 6662, 6663 (Williams) 6659-60

New Westminster right-of-way, acquisition of, role of Mario Pavlakovic (Hagen, A.) 6665

New Westminster right-of-way, C-4 area (Hagen, A.) 6665-6 (Williams) 6660

New Westminster right-of-way, property owners, impact on (Hagen, A.) 6665-6 (Williams) 6662, 6666

New Westminster stations, impact of (Williams) 6661

Noise mitigation, funding for (Johnston) 6590-1 (Williams) 6590

Noise problems (Harcourt) 6592 (Williams) 6590

Noise problems, ombudsman's recommendations re (Hagen, A.) 6597 (Johnston) 6591, 6597 (Williams) 6590

Richmond, extension to (Clark) 6589 (Johnston) 6572, 6585, 6587 (Loenen) 6585-6 (Williams) 6588

Ridership (Johnston) 6572 (Rose) 5625, 6573

Ridership and cost of system (Clark) 6590

Ridership and travel by freeway (Hanson, G.) 6818 (Vant) 6817

Ridership, percentage of transit passengers (Rose) 6568

Right-of-way, acquisition of (Hagen, A.) 6597 (Johnston) 6596, 6597 (Williams) 6596, 6597

Route of, decisions on (Johnston) 6595

Safety program (Johnston) 6591 (Williams) 6591

Scott Road extension, construction of, bids on (Sihota) 6668, 6670

Scott Road extension, construction of, contract for (Johnston) 6669, 6670 (Sihota) 6668-9, 6670, 6671

Scott Road extension, construction of, Kerkhoff-Hyundai contract (Johnston) 6668, 6669-70, 6670-1 (Sihota) 6668, 6669, 6670, 6671

Scott Road station, opening of (Johnston) 6566, 6571, 6590

Speed of and buses 151 and 152 (Johnston) 6574

Speed of and buses 154 and 155 (Rose) 6574

Stations, land in vicinity of, taxation of as source of funds (Johnston) 6593 (Williams) 6593, 6594, 6664

Stations, land in vicinity of, value of (Williams) 6593, 6594, 6664

Surrey, extension to (Johnston) 6566 (Rogers) 5689 (Rose) 6569 (Williams) 6587

Surrey information office (Johnston) 6666

Transit appropriation, percentage of (Rose) 6568

Whalley, extension to (Clark) 6589 (Harcourt) 6592, 6593 (Johnston) 6566, 6572, 6585, 6587, 6589, 6593, 6595 (Reid) 6589 (Rose) 6569 (Smallwood) 6587 (Williams) 6172, 6566, 6587, 6588

Woodlands School land, development of and transit (Hagen, A.) 6594

Mentioned: (Clark) 6606 (Crandall) 5907 (Davis) 8494 (Harcourt) 8664 (Johnston) 6571, 6621 (Long) 6447, 6617 (McCarthy) 5811 (Michael) 5865, 6237, 6240, 6241 (Mowat) 5870, 7357 (Reid) 6291 (Richmond) 6235 (Rose) 5624, 5625, 5626, 6567, 6576, 6752, 6815 (Smith, S.D.) 6521, 7905 (Vander Zalm) 5604, 5762, 6164 (Veitch) 7679 (Williams) 6234, 6235, 7592, 7910, 7950, 8494

Slichter, Bobby (The Slick)

Mentioned: (Clark) 7594, 7622, 7634 (Sihota) 6835

Sloan, Gordon M.

Mentioned: (Miller) 5686

See also: Commission of Inquiry Relating to the Workmen's Compensation Board, 1942; Forest Inquiry (1943) ; Forest Inquiry (1955) ; Workmen's Compensation Board Inquiry (1949)

Slocan Forest Products Ltd.

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8214

Slocan Valley, B.C.

Air pollution (Perry) 6085

Economic development (Darks) 7908-9 (Williams) 7883-4, 7908

Residents (Williams) 7883, 7908

Resources, management of (Williams) 7883-4, 7908

Smale, Glen

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759

Small business

Assistance to (Janssen, G.) 7682 (Marzari) 7932 (Throne speech) 5586 (Veitch) 5642

B.C. Trade Corporation assistance to (Gabelmann) 6557

Break-ins, safety measures against (Janssen, G.) 6482

Business information centres, role of (Veitch) 7638

Employment in (Janssen, G.) 5613, 7013 (Mercier) 5595

Funding, access to (Janssen, G.) 7682 (Veitch) 7682

Loan-loss insurance, proposal re (Janssen, G.) 7015

Needs of (Chalmers) 5859

Northern B.C., small business (Kempf) 7391

Promotion of (Parker) 5655

Purchasing Commission assistance to (Smith, S.D.) 5977-8

Seed capital program. See entries under Development regions

Small business venture capital program, success of (Veitch) 7638

Taxation of (Boone) 5895 (Clark) 5783 (Mercier) 5595 (Perry) 6166 (Sihota) 5849

Women in small business (Janssen, G.) 7014

Women owners, assistance to (Janssen, G.) 7014

Small Business Development Act

Loans under act (Couvelier) 8411

Small business incentive program

Funding for (Veitch) 7680-1, 7682

Program (Veitch) 7638, 7682

Program, loans (Veitch) 7640, 7680-1

Small Claims Act

(Bill 25) (Attorney-General) 1R, 6673-4, 2R, 7107-9; C, 7208; 3R, 7208; RA, 8010

Amdts: Sec. 17 (Smith, S.D.) 7208, approved 7208; sec. 19 (Smith, S.D.) 7208, approved 7208

Speakers: Sihota 7108-9; Smith, B.R. 7208; Smith, S.D. 6673-4, 7107-8, 7109, 7208

Debtors, judgment summons provisions (Smith, S.D.) 7108

Justice Reform Committee, recommendations (Sihota) 7109 (Smith, S.D.) 7108

New act (Smith, B.R.) 5953

Provincial Court of B.C., sitting hours (Smith, S.D.) 7109

Security deposits, disputes re, jurisdiction over (Sihota) 7108

Small claims court, access to (Sihota) 7108 (Smith, S.D.) 7108

Small claims court, court counsellors, proposal re (Smith, B.R.) 7208

Small claims court, jurisdiction of (Sihota) 7108 (Smith, B.R.) 7208 (Smith, S.D.) 6674, 7107-8, 7109

Small claims court, rules (Smith, B.R.) 7208

Tenants, damage deposits, jurisdiction over disputes re (Smith, S.D.) 7108

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 6468, 7206

Small claims court

Access to (Sihota) 7108 (Smith, S.D.) 7108

Court counsellors, proposal re (Smith, B.R.) 7208

Jurisdiction of (Sihota) 7108 (Smith, B.R.) 5953, 6467-8, 7206, 7208 (Smith, S.D.) 6674, 7106, 7107-8, 7109, 7206

Legislation on (Smith, S.D.) 6482

Rules (Smith, B.R.) 7208

Small business, problems re debt collection (Janssen, G.) 6482

Smallwood, Joan (Surrey-Guildford-Whalley)

Abortion, access to 6527

Abortion, access to, Attorney-General's position on issue 6514, 6531

Abortion, Criminal Code, removal from, Attorney General's position on issue 6530

Abortion, Criminal Code, removal from, government's position on issue 6531

Abortion, Criminal Code, section on abortion 6515, 6527

Abortion, hospital boards and abortion issue 6514-5

Abortion, hospitals, abortion committees 6527

Abortion, Supreme Court of Canada decision on 6526, 6527

Ackerman, Wendy, son, provision for 6544-5, 7092, 7093, 8743, 8751

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 8372-3, 8372, 8373, 8375, 8378, 8379-80, 8379

Alcoholic beverages, bootlegging, fines for 8534

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6514, 6514-5, 6515, 6526, 6527, 6542-3, 6544, 6544-5

B.C. Summer Games, 1989, Surrey 6629

Bone marrow matches 6428

Bone marrow registry, funding for 6427, 6428, 6429

Bonson, Ryan, care of, provision for 6104-5, 6278, 8813

Bonson, Ryan, press conference on 6106

Bonson, Ryan, visit to Legislature 6105

Borglund family, death of, investigation into case 8753, 8754

Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society, bone marrow registry 6427

Budget debate 5938-40

Cannery workers, women workers 8375

Child abuse complaints, investigation of 8808

Child abuse complaints, number of 8808

Child molesting, softball coach guilty of sexual assault, case cited 8809

Child sexual abuse victims, services for 7501

Child welfare, expenditure on 8805-6

Child welfare, expenditure on, Ontario 8805

Child welfare services, access to 8808

Children in care, cost of 8806

Children in care, number of 8806

Children in care, Ontario 8805

Children in care, rights of 8725

Children in care, United Kingdom 8806, 8808

Children's Hospital, visit to 6104-5

Children, sexual abuse of 8809, 8810

Churches, property tax exemption, land in vicinity of exempted building 7758

Civil service, women employees, salary levels, Q. 7942-3

Dropouts, problem of 7499

Ecological reserves, rights-of-way over reserves 7746

Education ministry, estimates 7495-6, 7497-8, 7498-9, 7500, 7501

Elderly, rent increase, Surrey complex 5940

Elderly women in poverty 6955

Employment Plus program 8716

Employment programs, basis for 8713

Environment Statutes Amendment Act (1989) 7746, 7748, 7750-1, 7750, 7751, 7754

Family, support programs for 8808

Family, welfare services, access to 8808

Food banks 8728, 8805

Foster home care, contract foster care 8742-3, 8745

Foster home care, costs of to foster parents 8744

Foster home care for teenagers 8805

Foster home care, homes closed, allegation re 8745

Foster home care, rates for and income tax 8744, 8745, 8748-9, 8749

Foster parents, concerns of and allegation re intimidation 8754

Foster parents, income tax on fee to 8742-3, 8744-5, 8748-9, 8749

Foster parents, income tax on fee to, back taxes 8742, 8743, 8744, 8748, 8749

Foster parents, Income tax on fee to, employment of tax expert for 8748

Friends of Fred, bone marrow transplant program 6427, 6428

GAIN program, employment programs for recipients 5791, 8713

GAIN program, funding for 5790, 5793

GAIN program, shelter allowance 6615, 8728

GAIN program, Surrey, number of children 5938

GAIN program, Surrey, number of families 6614

GAIN rates, cases cited 8716-7

GAIN rates, single parents 5791, 5792

GAIN recipients, earnings exemption 8815

GAIN recipients, number of 5790

Government, role of 5709-10

Green Timbers Nursery, arboretum, preservation of 6652

Green Timbers Nursery, heritage society, goals of 6652

Guilford Garden Apartments Ltd., tenants, eviction of 6614

Handicapped, deinstitutionalization of 6278

Handicapped, home care of severely disabled children, funding for 6278, Q. 6719, 8810-1, 8813

Handicapped, independence of 7358

HandyDART service, funding for 8814

Health ministry, estimates 6104-5, 6105-6, 6106, 6116, 6117-8, 6119, 6120, 6121-2, 6427, 6427-8, 6428

Housing, cost of, lower mainland area 8728

Housing programs 5940

Income assistance, royal commission on, proposal for 8815, 8816

Indians, land claims 6196

Indians, litigation before provincial courts 6196

Juvenile delinquents, arson charges against teenagers, case cited 8752, 8753, 8755

Kwantlen College, campus for 5939

Kwantlen College, funding for 5939

Kwantlen College, students, average age 5939

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, estimates 6954, 6954-5, 6955, 6957, 6957-8, 6958, 6960

Labour market strategy 6954

Langley Family Services, funding for 6111-2

Law, Victoria, maintenance enforcement case cited 6542-3, 6544

Learning disabilities, problem of 7500

Maintenance enforcement, history of in B.C. 6542, 6544

Maintenance enforcement program 6542-3, 6544

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases 6544

Maintenance enforcement program, funding for 6544

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6587, 6588-9, 6589, 6590, 6629-30, 6629, 6652

Municipalities, property acquisition, powers re 6653

National Access Awareness Week, celebration of 7357-8

Peace walk, support of House for 6285

Pesticides, ombudsman's report on, recommendations 7748

Poverty, children in poverty 8712-3, 8713

Poverty, families in poverty 8712-3

Poverty, families in poverty and references to poverty in Africa 8713

Problem children, identification of problems at school, proposal re 8806

Problem children, needs of, interministerial cooperation on 7500

Problem children, teenagers, provision for 7093

Public housing, need for 6616

Recycling, funding for 5724

Red Cross Society, bone marrow transplant program 6427

Red Cross Society, funding for 6429

Rent mediator, need for 6616

Rental housing, Guilford complex, eviction of tenants 5940

Rental housing, Surrey, rent increases 6614-5

Rental housing, Surrey, shortage 5940, 6614

Renters, income tax reduction for low-income renters 6615

Respirators, provision of 8813

Richardson, Blair, report 6278

Rights of Children in Care Act 1989 (Bill M235) 1R, 8725

Robinson, Garry, case cited 8751

Royal Commission on Education, recommendations 5712

School Act 8028-9, 8212-3

School Act, second reading, amendment to 8028-9

School counsellors, elementary schools 7501

School District 36 (Surrey) , children, number of 5710, 7496

School District 36 (Surrey) , classrooms, cost of equipment for 5712

School District 36 (Surrey) , classrooms, portable, cost of 5712, 5938, 7496, 7498

School District 36 (Surrey) , costs 5938-9, 7496, 7498

School District 36 (Surrey) , funding for 5712

School District 36 (Surrey) , kindergarten, dual entry to 5712, 7499

School District 36 (Surrey) , school tax 5712

School District 36 (Surrey) , schools, new schools 7496

School District 36 (Surrey) , teachers, salary increases 5712

School tax on non-residential property 5939

School tax on residential property 5939

Schools, sites, acquisition of 6653

Service industries, women employees 8379-80

Sex abuser, teenager, problem re provision for 6544-5

Single parents, female-headed families in poverty 6955

SkyTrain transit system extensions, funding for 6587, 6588-9

SkyTrain transit system extensions, spinoff benefits 6588

SkyTrain transit system, Whalley, extension to 6587

Social programs, cancellation of due to restraint 8805, 8806

Social Services and Housing ministry, appropriation, use of funds 8711

Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 8711-5, 8716-7, 8722, 8727-8, 8742-3, 8744-5, 8748-9, 8749, 8751-2, 8752, 8753, 8753-4, 8755, 8805-6, 8805, 8808-9, 8809-10, 8810-1, 8813-4, 8813, 8814-5, 8815-6

Social Services and Housing ministry, field offices, clerical support for 8815

Social Services and Housing ministry, programs eliminated 8711-2

Social Services and Housing ministry services, access to 8712

Social services, role of government in 5709

Social welfare, church as source of social services 8722

Social welfare programs and individual responsibility 8722

Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7092, 7093-4, 7093

Special warrants, warrant 8, use of funds 5790, 5791, 5791-2, 5793

Students, Surrey, educational facilities for 5939

Supply Act (No. 1) (1989) 5790, 5791-2, 5791, 5793

Surrey, children, number of 5710, 7496

Surrey Memorial Hospital, bed ratio to population 5711

Surrey Memorial Hospital, beds, additional beds, funding for 6118, 6119, 6122

Surrey Memorial Hospital, board, elected board 6122

Surrey Memorial Hospital, deficit 5938, 6118, 6120

Surrey Memorial Hospital, emergency facilities 5710-1, 6120

Surrey Memorial Hospital, extended-care patients 5711

Surrey Memorial Hospital, funding for 6118, 6121-2

Surrey, population growth 5710, 6629

Surrey, recreational facilities, shortage of 6616, 6629

Surrey Village, rent increases 6614

Taxation, increase in, cost per family 5938

Teachers, assistants to 8212-3, 8213

Teachers, assistants to, employment of, source of request for 8212

Tin-Wis conference 6195-6

Transit, B.C. Hydro levy for 6589

Transit, bus route 321, cancellation of 6590

Transit, bus route 321, route of 6590

Transit, bus route 333, petition re 6590

Transit, Surrey bus service, cutbacks in 6589

Unemployment insurance regulations, change in and seasonal workers 8728

University Endowment Land Park Act 6195-6

University Endowment Land Park Act, bill, second reading six months hence 6195-6

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to, amendment proposed 6195

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to and transfer of land 6196

User charges, increase in, cost per family 5938

Van Egdom, Heather, care of 6104, 6106, 8813

Van Egdom, Heather, press conference on 6106

Vancouver Regional Transit Commission, funding for 6589

Victoria Handicapped Recreation Society, funding for 8814

The Village Green, tenants, eviction of 6614

Wage levels and poverty line 8727

Wages, minimum wage 6958

Wages, Prince George, men's and women's wages 6954

Waste disposal, task force on, recommendations 5724

Waste management permits, auditor-general's report on 7751

Water, regional water managers, powers of 7750, 7754

Women farmworkers, impact of free trade agreement on 8372

Women, impact of free trade agreement on 8372-3, 8378

Women in poverty 6955, 6957-8

Women, minister of state responsible for women's issues 8372

Women, pay equity 6954, 6955, 6960, Q. 7943, 8378, 8379

Women, pay equity, government's position on 6960

Women, retraining of workers dislocated by free trade agreement 8372

Women, wage rates 6954-5, 6955, 8378, 8379-80

Young people, provision for troubled teenagers 8751, 8805

Young people, services for, royal commission on, proposal for 8815, 8816

Smart, Bill

Mentioned: (Marzari) 5646

Smith, Adam

Mentioned: (Lovick) 6065

Smith, Bob

Mentioned: (Rose) 8098

Smith, Brian R.D. (Oak Bay-Gordon Head)

Assessments, capping of 6174-5

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6454-8, 6467-70

Attorney-General ministry staff, tribute to 6454

Automobile insurance, no-fault insurance, proposal re 6468

B.C. Ferry Corporation employees, tribute to 5955

B.C. Ferry Corporation, ferry system 5955, 6742

B.C. Gaming Commission, independence of 7052

B.C. Law Reform Commission, recommendations 6455, 6456

B.C. Parole Board, appointments to 8555

B.C. Parole Board, chairman, tenure 8555

B.C. Parole Board, independence of 8555

Bingo, charity bingo 7052-3

Bingo, electronic bingo 7052

Bourne, Robin, career 7051-2

Bourne, Robin, tribute to 7051

Budget, balanced budget 5951

Budget debate 5951-5

Budget stabilization fund, funds, transfer of to general revenue 5951

Burr, Raymond, victims services, work in support of 7052

Campbell, Kim, tribute to 5951

Charter of Rights court cases, number of 5954

Civil litigation, streamlining of 6469

Claims, economical litigation program 7206

Constitution, Charlottetown meeting on 5709

County Court of B.C., County Court judge in Peace River area 6457

Court Rules Act 7206

Court Rules Act, section 2, proclamation of 7206

Courts, access to 5953

Courts, decentralization of court services 6457-8

Courts, municipal council chambers, use of as courtroom 6467

Courts, Tumbler Ridge court 6457

Crime victims, assistance to 5954, 7052

Crime victims, compensation to 5954

Criminal law, recommendations re 6468-9

Criminal trials, conduct of 6468

Criminal trials, matters of evidence, proposal re 6468

Criminal trials, Old Bailey 6468-9

Crown counsel offices, funding for 5954

Crown counsel offices, resources for 6456

Crown counsel, prosecutions, ad hoc system for 6456-7, 6469

Custody of children, problems re access 6455

Divorce settlements, distribution of assets 6454

Economy and environmental protection 5706

Economy of B.C. 5706

Education funding, future funding 5707

Environmental protection 5707-8

Evidence acts, new acts 6469

Expenditures, policy on 5707

Expropriation Compensation Board chairman, term appointment for 6456

Expropriation Compensation Board, establishment of 6456

Free trade agreement, implementation of 5706

GAIN shelter allowance, increase in 5953

Gambling, ministerial responsibility for 7051

Gambling, regulation of 7052

Gangs 6457

Gangs, McBride prosecution team 6457

Gangs, recruitment to, case cited 6457

Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Indian band, land claims case 8062

Gulf Islands, ferry system 6742

Gulf Islands, fixed links to mainland, opposition to 6742

Handicapped children, associate family program 6138, 6277, 6278

Handicapped children, institutionalization of 6138

Handicapped, home care of severely disabled children, funding for 6137-8, 6277, 6278

Handicapped, severely disabled children, cases cited 6138, 6277, 6278

Health ministry, estimates 6137-9

Heinrich, John Herbert, tribute to 6456

Highway 19, alternative route, funding for 5955

Highway 19, Nanaimo bypass 5955

Highway 19, Qualicum-Campbell River section 5955

Highways, construction of, funding for 5707

Home-ownership, incentives for 5953

Homeowner grant, increase in 5953

Horse racetrack, Colony Farm site for 7015, 7016, 7017

Horse racetrack, Exhibition Park site for 7015, 7016

Horse racetrack, funding for 7016

Horse racetrack, Hastings Park site for 7015, 7016

Horse racetrack, need for 7016, 7017

Horse racetrack, operation of 7016

Horse-racing industry 7053

Horse-racing, task force on, report 7015, 7016

House buying, rent-to-purchase proposal 5708

Housing programs 5952-3

Indians, courtworkers 6457

Indians, justice system and Indians 6457

Indians, land claims 8062-3

Industry, development of 5952

Insurance Corporation of B.C., claims, mediation of 6468

Investment in B.C. 5952

Judges, conferences, reimbursement for expenses 7204

Justice circuit in northern B.C. 6457

Justice Reform Committee, establishment of 5953

Justice Reform Committee, members 6470

Justice Reform Committee, recommendations 5708, 6467-9

Justice Reform Committee, report commended 6470

Justice system, access to 5953

Justice system, reform of 5953

Justices of the peace, bylaw cases, proposal re 6467

Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre, construction of 7053

Lakeside Correctional Centre for Women, closing of 5955

Lakeside Correctional Centre for Women, construction of 7053

Law reform, importance of 6455

Law Society of B.C., disciplinary hearings 6456

Law Society of B.C., lay benchers, appointment of 6455

Lawyers, contingency fees 6469

Lawyers, legal aid work 5954

Legal aid, civil legal aid, funding for 6454

Legal aid, family law cases 6454

Legal aid, funding for 5953-4, 6454

Legal aid system 5954

Legal aid, tariff, level of 6454

Legal practice in Great Britain, proposals re 6469

Legal Profession Act 6455

Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, closing of 7053

Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, escape, inquiry into mentioned 7053

Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, phasing out of 5955

Maintenance enforcement 5954, 6454

McLachlin, Beverley M., tribute to 6454

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) (1989) 8829

Mortgages, mortgagee's personal liability, limit on 6455

Native Affairs ministry, estimates 8062-3

New Democratic Party, policies 5706-7

Oil spills, cleanup of 5708

Pacific National Exhibition, relocation of 7017

Parole Act 8555

Parole, legislation, need for 7053

Police, powers of to lay charges 6456

Police, Vancouver, recruitment of Asians 6457

Police, work of 7052

Post-secondary education, spaces, additional spaces 5707

Prince George Regional Correctional Centre, construction of 7053

Princess Marguerite, future of, Q. 7072

Property tax deferment program for elderly 5953

Prosecutions, decisions on 6456

Public housing programs 5708

Public housing, zoning for 5708

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from for certain employees 8829

Pulp mills, natural gas, conversion to 5708

Rental housing, construction of 5952

Rental housing, depreciation allowance on for income tax purposes 5952-3

Rental housing, purchase of by tenants, incentives for 5953

Residential Property Tax Increase Limitation Act (1989) 6174-5

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, security force 7051-2

Royal Commission on Education recommendations, implementation of 5707

Royal commission on forestry, opposition to 5708

School Act 8028

School Act, second reading, amendment to 8028

School District 43 (Coquitlam) , school tax 5707

School District 92 (Nisga'a) , education system 8063

Sechelt Indian band, economic development 8063

Senate, election of 5709

Senate, reform of 5709

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, rent ceiling, increase in 5953

Small Claims Act 7208

Small Claims Act, new act 5953

Small claims court, court counsellors, proposal re 7208

Small claims court, jurisdiction of 5953, 6467-8, 7206, 7208

Small claims court, rules 7208

Social programs, funding for 5951-2

Social programs under Social Credit Party administration 5952

Solicitor-General ministry, establishment of 7051

Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 7051-3

Solicitor-General ministry staff, tribute to 7051

South Moresby National Park, establishment of 5708, 8063

Stupich, David Daniel, tribute to 5951

Sullivan, Barry, tribute to 5707

Supreme Court Act 7203-4, 7204

Supreme Court of B.C., County Court of B.C., merger with 5954-5, 6468

Supreme Court of B.C., economic litigation, proposal re 6467

Supreme Court of B.C., “master”, use of term 7203-4

Supreme Court of B.C., retention of name for court 7203-4

Supreme Court of Canada, judges, workload 6454

Teachers, salaries, bargaining for 5707

Tobacco, pipe tobacco, tax on 5952

Trade centres 5705

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6742

Vander Zalm, Hon. William N., Switzerland, trip to 5705

Victoria, economy 5706

Webster, Jack, appointment of as lay bencher 6455

World Economic Forum, forum in Switzerland 5705

Young Offenders Act, problems re 7052

Smith, D. Ed

Quoted (Clark) 6872

Mentioned: (Clark) 7143

Smith, Ian

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6335

Smith, John

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6950

Smith, Marcus

Quoted (Gabelmann) 7928

Smith, Melvin H.

Letters quoted (Clerk of the House) 8843, 8843-4 (Deputy Clerk) 5797

Letter to quoted (Deputy Clerk) 5797

Smith, Mike

Mentioned: (Reid) 7402

Smith, Hon. S.D. (Bud) (Kamloops) Attorney-General

Abortion, access to and Charter of Rights 6529

Abortion, access to, government's position on issue 6516-7, 6530, 6531, 6532

Abortion, Criminal Code, removal from, government's position on issue 6514

Abortion, Criminal Code, section on abortion 6515, 6518

Abortion, hospital boards and abortion issue 6515, 6516, 6518, 6519

Abortion, legislation on 6514

Abortion, Supreme Court of Canada decision on 6518, 6519, 6527-8, 6529-30, 6530

Abortion, Vernon Jubilee Hospital, provision of abortions 6518

Adoption Act, amendments to 8696, 8773

Adoption, information re adopted children, provision of 8696, 8817, 8818

Adoption of special needs children, financial assistance 8696, 8773, 8818

Air Canada, alcoholic beverages served on planes, tax on 6577-8

Air Canada, fuel purchased in B.C., tax on 6577

Airline fuel taxing, Supreme Court of Canada decision on 6577

Airlines, planes, sales tax on 6577

Alaska oil, pipeline for, proposal re 5923

Alaska-California transportation route 7905

Alcoholism, treatment program 5921

Americanization of Canadian society 6379

Arms industry, Sweden 7718

Atlin constituency, size of and population 6380

Atlin constituency, size of and Supreme Court of B.C. judgment 6380

Attorney General Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 64) 1R, 8080, 8632

Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 71) 1R, 8581-2, 8632-3, 8698, 8698-9, 8699

Attorney-General ministry, annual report, 1987-88 fiscal year tabled 8783

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6327-36, 6337-8, 6349-50, 6351, 6352-3, 6352, 6353, 6354-5, 6355-6, 6356, 6356-7, 6357-8, 6357, 6359-61, 6363-4, 6366, 6371-2, 6372, 6373, 6374, 6375-6, 6377-8, 6379-80, 6379, 6382, 6384-6, 6386-7, 6389-90, 6391, 6392-3, 6435, 6436, 6438, 6448, 6449, 6450, 6451, 6453-4, 6458, 6465, 6466, 6466-7, 6467, 6470, 6472, 6473, 6474, 6474-5, 6475-6, 6476-7, 6477, 6478, 6479, 6480, 6481, 6482, 6483-4, 6484-5, 6484, 6485, 6486, 6487, 6489, 6490, 6491-2, 6491, 6492-3, 6494-5, 6494, 6495, 6496, 6497, 6497-8, 6499-6501, 6501-2, 6501, 6502-3, 6502, 6510-2, 6510, 6512-3, 6514, 6515, 6516-7, 6518-9, 6519, 6521-2, 6522-3, 6523-6, 6526, 6527-8, 6527, 6528, 6529, 6530, 6531, 6532, 6538, 6539, 6540-1, 6540, 6541, 6541-2, 6543-4, 6544, 6545-6, 6545, 6546, 6547, 6547-8, 6548-9, 6549, 6550-1, 6550, 6551, 6552

Attorney-General ministry, responsibilities of 6328

Attorney-General ministry, restructuring of 6328

Attorney-General ministry staff, tribute to 6328

Auditor-general, role of 6477

Balco Industries Ltd., employees' grievance 6919, 6920

Bennett, W.R., calling of as witness in Doman Industries Ltd. stock court case, A. 6761

Bennett, WR., Doman Industries Ltd. stocks, sale of, laying of charges in case 6494

Bill of Rights 6384

Bingo, electronic bingo 6363

Bingo, revenue 6363

Board of Internal Economy, accountability of 6476, 8788

Board of Internal Economy, professional services, expenditure on 8788

Board of Internal Economy, terms of reference for 8788

B.C. Utilities Commission hearings, intervenors, costs of 6436

Brown v the Board of Education, decision in case 6385, 6390

Budget, balanced budget 5920

Budget debate 5920-3

Builders Lien Act, select standing committee inquiry into 6083

Bylaw cases, use of justices of the peace to deal with 7113, 7211-3

Bylaws, enforcement of 7113

Bylaws, ticket system, provision for 7113

Canadian Pacific Airlines, fuel purchased in B.C., tax on 6577

Cariboo College, degree-granting status 5921

Charter of Rights and power of courts 6384, 6386-7

Charter of Rights and powers of Legislature 6205

Charter of Rights and property rights 6385, 6386

Charter of Rights and Sunday shopping law 6379-80, 6390

Charter of Rights, challenges under Charter, funding for 6382, 6389, 6548

Charter of Rights, interpretation of 6328

Charter of Rights, notwithstanding clause 6390, 6391

Charter of Rights, physicians' billing numbers, challenge re restriction on 6380, 6384

Charter of Rights, position on 6512-3

Charter of Rights, section 7, use of 6380

Charter of Rights, section 15 and workers' compensation suits 6379

Charter of Rights, section 15 and workers' right to sue 6350

Charter of Rights, section 15, challenges under section 6379, 6435

Charter of Rights, section 15, use of 6389

Charter of Rights, section 15 and workers' compensation suits 6389-90

Charter of Rights, use of 6384

Chilcotin, problems in area 6335

Children, apprehension of 7112

Civil disobedience, response to 6479

Civil disobedience, role of Attorney-General in 6479

Claims, economical litigation program 6376, 6674, 7106, 7107, 7206

Clayoquot Sound, logging dispute 6480

Clearwater, economy of area 5922

Clearwater, tourism facilities 6723

Colleges, degree-granting status 7923

Cominco Ltd., Trail smelter pollution, American action against 6448

Commercial crimes, Crown counsel personnel for 6475

Commercial crimes, federal proceeds-of-crime act 6475

Commissioner Inquiry into the Coquihalla and Related Highway Projects, recommendations 6547, 6551

Contempt, codification of criminal contempt 6438, 6495, 6511-2

Contempt, conversion of civil contempt to criminal contempt 6495

Contempt, role of Crown in criminal contempt 6495, 6496, 6500

Conveyancing documents, standardization of 8629

Conveyancing process, speeding up of 6335

Coquihalla Highway, contracts, contravention of Criminal Code, investigation into 6547, 6550-1, 6550, 6551, 6552

Coquihalla Highway, contracts in breach of Financial Administration Act 6550, 6551

Coquihalla Highway, Great Bear Snowshed contract, investigation into 6547

Coquihalla Highway, name for, suggestion re 7907

Coquihalla Highway, overrun on cost of, role in (Sihota) 6725

Corporations, revenue to province 5921

Court bailiffs, appointment of 8697

Court bailiffs, privatization of 8774, 8839

Court of Appeal Act, amendments to 7113

Court of Appeal of B.C., appointment to 6540

Court of Appeal of B.C., decisions, authority to stay effect of 7209

Court of Appeal registries, merging of 7115

Court Order Enforcement Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Court Rules Act (Bill 24) 1R, 6673-4, 7106, 7107, 7206, 7207

Courts, access to 7104

Courts, facilities, upgrading and replacement of 6334

Courts, orders, enforcement of, reciprocal agreements on 8140

Courts, rules, powers re, consolidation of 6674, 7106

Courts, staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act 8822, 8823, 8824

Crime, proceeds of, use of 7214, 8080, 8632

Crime victims, assistance program 6330, 6334, 6526

Crime victims, assistance to, case cited 6334

Crime victims, toll-free phone number for 6330

Criminal Code of Canada, section 195 (5) , annual report tabled 5966

Criminal investigation, costs, recovery of 8080, 8631

Crown counsel, conference 6371-2

Crown counsel, environmental cases, investigators in 6337-8

Crown counsel, prosecutions, ad hoc system for 6458

Crown counsel, prosecutions, decisions on 6337

Crown counsel, role of 6371

Crown counsel, special prosecutions, staff for 6335

Crown counsel, staff, increase in 6335

Crown land, lease of 6031

Crown Lands ministry, estimates 7886-7, 7904-6, 7907, 7923-4

Custody of children, legal aid in custody cases 6332, 6355-6

Debtors, judgment summons provisions 7108

Deeds, form for, standardization of 8629

Delgam Uukw et al. v the Queen, trial, expenditure on 6359

Dent, Stephen, death of, investigation into 6458

Dick, Sandra, direct indictment, use of in case 6485, 6486, 6489, 6491, 6493

Dick, Sandra, investigation 6489, 6493

Dick, Sandra, recommendations of police in case 6486, 6489

Dick, Sandra, treatment team 6489, 6490

Disputes, settlement of out of court 6335

Dixon, John, v. the Attorney-General of B.C., judgment 6205

Doman Industries Ltd., pulp mill, Cowichan estuary 5922, 6503

Education, funding for 5921

Elderly, services for 5921

Electoral boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. judgment on 6205

Electoral boundaries, Supreme Court of B.C. judgment on deadline for legislation on 7194-5

Environmental prosecutions, Crown counsel for 6337, 6338

Environmental protection, court orders, reciprocal agreements on enforcement of 8140

Environmental protection, programs 5922

Environmental protection, standards, enforcement of, funding for 6502

Estate Administration Act, amendment to 8581

Estate Administration Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 33) 1R, 7527, 7614, 7617-8

Estates, assets payable to minors 8581

Estates, official administrator, purpose of 7614

Estates, reporting on finances of 7614

Everywoman's Health Centre, charges, laying of 6497

Everywoman's Health Centre, contempt order, enforcement of 6494-5, 6496

Everywoman's Health Centre, protesters and role of Attorney-General 6438

Evidence Act, amendments to 7113

Evidence, role of administrative tribunals 7113

Ewert, Peter, work of 6525

Expenditures, restraint program 5920

Expropriation Act, amendment to 8581

Expropriation Compensation Board, cases heard in 1987-88 6351

Expropriation Compensation Board, cases heard in 1988-89 6350, 6351, 6353

Expropriation Compensation Board, cases scheduled for 1989-90 6350, 6352

Expropriation Compensation Board, chairmanship of 6355, 6390

Expropriation Compensation Board, fees and allowances, funding for, use of 6353

Expropriation Compensation Board, workload 6355

Extended-care facility, Clearwater 6310

Family counselling, ad hoc advocates 6548

Family court, Vancouver, site for 6363

Family law, Green Paper on 6549

Family Maintenance Enforcement Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Family Relations Act, amendments to 7112

Family violence, prosecution in cases of, resources for 6511

Farmers, trespassers, liability in trepass cases 8698-9, 8699

Finch, L.S.G., comments in Everywoman's Health Centre case 6495, 6497, 6511

Fines, non-payment of, jailing for 7213

Fines, payment of 7113

Fines, surcharge, levying of 7212, 7213-4, 7213

Fines, surcharge, use of for victims' fund 7213-4

Fines under Young Offenders Act 7212

Fish-buying stations 8835

Fish-processing industry and GATT ruling 8835

Fish-processing industry and Magnuson Act 8837

Fish-processing Industry in B.C. 8837

Fisheries Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Forest Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Forest industry, small business forest enterprise program 5922

Forfeited crime proceeds fund 8080, 8632

Freedom of information, legislation on 6477

Fur farms, licence fee for, setting of by regulation 8818

Gangs 6330-1, 6458

Gangs, international conference on 6330

Gangs, law-camp process 6331, 6334

Gangs, recruitment to 6331

Gangs, Viet Ching gang 6330-1

Gangs, youth gang public education initiative 6330-1, 6334

Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Indian band, land claims case, A. 6297, 6349, 6359, 6392, 6480, 6522-3, 6523

Government Management Services ministry, estimates 5977-8, 6031-3, 6033, 6067, 6293-5

Government purchasing, federal purchasing in B.C. 5978

Government purchasing, purchases at local level 6067-8

Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act, discrimination against women in act 6510

Harper Ranch, Indian land claim 6359

Health ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 5921

Health ministry, estimates 6310-1

Heinrich, John Herbert, Prince George law practice 6353

Heinrich, John Herbert, salary 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354, 6390

Heinrich, John Herbert, tribute to 6390

Helmcken Falls, road to, paving of 5922

Highway 1, Barnet Vale area, four-laning 6723

Highway 1, Kamloops area, four-laning 7904

Highway 1, Salmon Arm, interconnection with Highway 97 7904, 7907

Highway 5, Rayleigh-Heffley Creek section, fourlaning of 6723

Highways, concrete guardrails, use of 8137

Hospital boards, powers of 6519

ICG Utilities (British Columbia) Ltd., Salmon Arm accident, Supreme Court decision on 8137

Immigrants, hearings, legal aid 6364

Immigrants, house purchases by 6168

Income tax, municipal income tax, proposal re 6167

Indians, aboriginal title 6298, 6359

Indians, aboriginal title, government's position on 6522

Indians, aboriginal title trials, expenditures on 6359

Indians, Bear Lake case in Ontario 6359

Indians, Canadian Bar Association recommendation re negotiations with, A. 6298, 6360

Indians, Chilcotin area problems 6356, 6525

Indians, children, adoption of, disclosure of information re adoptees 8817

Indians, courtworkers 6333, 6357, 6525

Indians, cut-off land claims, negotiations re 6298, 6360, 6523

Indians, diversion program 6357, 6525

Indians, Fort Nelson area issues 6523-4

Indians, justice system and Indians 6357

Indians, land claims, negotiation of, A. 6298, 6359-60, 6523-4

Indians, legal aid for 6332

Indians, legal services for 6332-3

Indians, Manitoba, aboriginal justice inquiry 6393

Indians, mineral agreements with 6360

Indians, negotiations with 6359-60, 6360-1, 6392, 6523-4

Indians, taxation, powers re 6361

Indians, timber agreements with 6298, 6360, 6524

Indians, Treaty 8 lands dispute 6392-3, 6393

Indians, water rights issues, negotiations re 6524

Indictments, English and French languages, use of, A. 6911, A. 6912

Industrial Development Incentive Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Industrial Relations Act, New Democratic Party's alternative bill to 6920

Industrial Relations Council, disputes resolution 6919-20

Industry, sustainable development and environment 5922-3

Infants Act, amendment to 8581

Ingenika Indian band, problems 6361, 6392, 6524

Insurance Act, amendment to 8581

Insurance proceeds payable to infants 8581

International Business and Immigration ministry, estimates 7718

International Trusts Act (Bill 18) I R, 6324-5, 6781

International Woodworkers of America, officials, criminal charges against, A. 6761-2

International Woodworkers of America, officials held in detention, A. 6762

Investment in B.C. 5920

Judges, conferences, reimbursement for expenses 7204

Judges, salaries, inquiry into by Select Standing Committee on Labour, Justice and Intergovernmental Relations 6301

Judiciary, independence of 6450, 6453

Jurors, compensation for 7206

Justice Reform Committee, members 6328

Justice Reform Committee, recommendations 6329, 6378, 6674, 7104, 7108, 7113

Justice Reform Committee, report 6328, 6332, 6335, 6482

Justice Reform Committee, report tabled 6327

Justice Reform Committee, work of 6328

Justice Reform Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 26) 1R, 6673-4, 7112-3, 7114, 7209, 7210, 7211-2, 7211, 7212, 7213, 7213-4

Justice system, access to 6333

Justice system, county system in 7696

Justice system, use of 6328

Justices of the peace, bylaw cases, possible challenge under Charter of Rights 7212

Kamloops, agricultural land reserve land, problem re 7886

Kamloops, amalgamation 7886-7

Labour and Consumer Services ministry, estimates 6919-20

Labour relations in B.C. 5920

Land, ownership of 6032, 6167

Land Title Act, amendment to 8696, 8773

Land Title Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 61) 1R, 8109, 8629-30

Land titles, documents, standardization of forms 8109

Land titles, lis pendens and Torrens system 8109

Land titles, lis pendens, provisions re 8629-30

Land titles, registry, computerization of 8109, 8629, 8630

Land titles, registry, on-line access to 6330, 6335

Land use, conflicts re 6501-2

Law, Americanization of 6205, 6349, 6379

Law and Equity Act, amendments to 8581

Law, federal legislation, enforcement of, costs 6540

Law Foundation of B.C., legal aid, donation to 6332

Lawyers, fees, contingency fees 6547, 7112-3, 7114, 7211

Lawyers, fees, review procedure for 7210

Lawyers, fees, waiving of 6548

Lawyers, interprovincial law firms 6548

Lawyers, out-of-province law firms, powers to regulate 8698

Lawyers, pro bono work 6375

Legal aid, access to, criteria for 6332, 6465

Legal aid, coverage 6378

Legal aid, coverage, criminal charges 6377

Legal aid, coverage, maintenance enforcement 6378

Legal aid, duty counsel, fee to 6355

Legal aid, duty counsel, New Aiyansh 6356

Legal aid, duty counsel, provision of 6355

Legal aid, eligibility for 6373, 6377-8

Legal aid, family law cases 6355-6, 6525

Legal aid, family law tariffs, increase in 6331

Legal aid, funding for 6331, 6349, 6373, 6374, 6375, 6376, 6511

Legal aid, funding for elsewhere 6331

Legal aid, funding for, increase in and benefits to lawyers, allegations re 6375

Legal aid, immigrants, hearings 6375

Legal aid, justice Reform Committee's recommendations re 6350

Legal aid, notaries public, donation of 6332

Legal aid, offices in Cranbrook, Maple Ridge and Terrace 6332, 6372

Legal aid, private bar, provision of legal services 6374

Legal aid, programs 6333

Legal aid, special projects, funding for 6332

Legal aid, tariff, level of 6331-2, 6375, 6525

Legal costs, economical litigation program 6376

Legal Profession Act, amendments to 7112, 8581, 8582

Legal services, proposal re prepaid services 6376

Legal services, provision of by paralegals 6548

Legal Services Society, annual report tabled 5877

Legal Services Society, funding for 6331

Legislation, Charter of Rights, conformity with 6510, 6510-1

Legislation, estimates 8788, 8789, 8790

Legislative Library staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act 8822, 8823, 8825, 8831, 8832

Lewis, Douglas, meeting with 6514, 6540-1

Liquor Control and Licensing Act, amendments to 8696, 8774

MLAs, compensation, setting of prior to election 8788

MLAs, travel allowances 8789

McLachlin, Beverley M., Supreme Court of Canada, appointment to 6327-8

McLachlin, Beverley M., Supreme Court of Canada, swearing-in ceremony 6327

McLachlin, Beverley M., tribute to 6328

McLeod Lake Indian band, court case, judgment 6392

Maintenance arrears, cancellation or reduction of 7112

Maintenance enforcement 6329, 6525

Maintenance enforcement, backlogs elsewhere 6483

Maintenance enforcement, corporate disclosure, problems re 6549

Maintenance enforcement, funding for 6332

Maintenance enforcement, history of in B.C. 6544

Maintenance enforcement, notice of attachment on wages 6330

Maintenance enforcement offices, opening of 6329

Maintenance enforcement offices, telephone inquiries to 6329, 6349, 6544

Maintenance enforcement offices, work of 6329

Maintenance enforcement orders not honoured 6329-30

Maintenance enforcement orders, reciprocal agreements on 8140

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases 6466, 6470, 6481, 6483-4, 6543, 6544

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases, funding for 6466

Maintenance enforcement program, community-based offices 6467

Maintenance enforcement program, management of 6483

Maintenance enforcement program, money recovered to date 6470

Maintenance enforcement program, number of cases dealt with 6329

Maintenance enforcement program, Port Alberni 6481

Maintenance enforcement program, staff turnover 6483

Maintenance enforcement program, waivers for protection of wife 6465, 6483

Maintenance orders not honoured 6329-30

Mammography screening, mobile unit for 6311

Mammography screening program 6310-1

Marshall, Donald, inquiry referred to 6356

Meares Island, litigation re 6359

Meares Island, logging of 6480

Medical Service Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Medical Services Commission, payments, basis for 8697

Meech Lake accord and immigration agreements 6364

Millstream Creek oil spill, charges, laying of A. 8142, A. 8143

Millstream Creek oil spill, investigation into 6548

Mineral Tenure Act, amendments to 8818

Minerals, industrial minerals, inclusion of under Mineral Tenure Act 8818, 8819

Mines, access roads, loan program for 5922

Mining industry during NDP administration 7923-4

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) , 1989 (Bill 90) 1R, 8690, 8773, 8817, 8818, 8818-9, 8819, 8820-1, 8821, 8822-3, 8823, 8824, 8825, 8826, 8827, 8828, 8830, 8831, 8832, 8833

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1989 (Bill 92) 1R, 8696-7, 8774, 8835, 8835-6, 8837, 8839

Mortgage terms, enactment of by regulation 8629

Mortgages, documents, standardized form for 6335, 8629

Motion Picture Act, amendments to 8696, 8773

Municipal Act, amendments to 7113

Musqueam Indian band, meetings with 6191, 6525

Native Courtworker and Counselling Association, funding for 6333

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, benefits of 5923

New Aiyansh, court hearings, duty counsel 6356

New Democratic Party, credit cards, proposal re, A. 7654

Notaries Act, amendment to 8581, 8582

Occupiers Liability Act, amendment to 8582

Offence Act, amendment to 7113

Offence Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 63) 1R, 8079-80; 8631, 8697, 8697-8

Official administrator, access to services of deputies 7696

Official administrator, annual report tabled 6109

Official administrator, appointment of deputies 7614, 7617, 7618

Official administrator, deposit requirement 7697

Official administrator, location of deputies 7695

Official administrator, monitoring work of deputies 7695

Official administrator, remuneration for deputies 7614

Official administrator, responsibilities, delegation of 7696, 7697

Oil spill, west coast of Vancouver Island, compensation for 6448

Oil spill, west coast of Vancouver Island, legal action re 6448, 6449

Oil spill, west coast of Vancouver Island, negotiations re 6448, 6449

Ombudsman Act, sections 3 to 11, proclamation of 6477

Ombudsman, jurisdiction, extension of 6477

Ombudsman, role of 6477

Pacific Western Airlines, fuel purchased in B.C., tax on 6577

Parks, funding for 5922

Plywood industry, Savona plant 8835

Police, attitude of youth to 6366

Pollution, court cases, costs 6337

Pollution, fines for polluters 6337, 6499, 6501, 6502

Privacy, right of 6476-7

Privatization Benefits Fund Act, amendment to 8696

Privatization benefits fund, earnings, payment of into consolidated revenue 8696, 8820-1

Professional fees, proposal re 7113, 7210

Prosecutions, costs, recovery of 6499-6500

Prosecutions, Crown's role as prosecutor 6499

Prosecutions, decisions on 6337

Prosecutions, direct indictments, use of 6485, 6486

Prosecutions, private prosecutions, policy on 6449

Provincial Court Act, amendments to 7113

Provincial Court Act, compensation advisory committee report tabled 5592

Provincial Court judges, designation of as masters of Supreme Court of B.C. 7112

Provincial Court of B.C., sitting hours, increase in 7109

Provincial Court of B.C., women, appointment of to court 6526

Public Service Labour Relations Act, amendment to 8696

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from, 1975 exemptions 8826, 8827, 8828

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from for certain employees 8696, 8773, 8822-3, 8823, 8824, 8825, 8826, 8827, 8828, 8830, 8831, 8832, 8833

Public trustee, appointment as official administrator 7614

Public trustee, fees 7698, 7699

Public trustee, funds paid into office of, use of 7618, 7696, 7698

Public trustee, office of 6333-4, 7527, 7614

Public trustee, office of, independence of 6334

Public trustee, powers re money in trust 8581

Public trustee, staff, increase in 6333, 7614, 7617

Purchasing Commission, small business, assistance to 5977-8, 6067-8

Purchasing Commission, SupplyNet 5977, 5978, 6067-8

Purchasing Commission, work of 5978

Queen's Counsel, nominations for designation as 6335, 6349

Real estate speculation, tax on 6168

Regina v Dupont, case cited 6384

Rental housing, granny flats 8814

Residential Property Tax Increase Limitation Act (1989) 6167-8

Rights of individuals 6386

Roads, surveying for, block-outline surveys 8630

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, commercial crime squad, tribute to 6475

Royal Commission on Electoral Boundaries, report, referral of to committee of the House 6205

Royal Inland Hospital, pay-parking facility 6310

Royal Inland Hospital, surgery, laser surgery 6310

SUCCESS program, funding for 6363-4

Saanichton Marina, Louis Claxton case, appeal to Supreme Court of Canada, A. 6010, 6393

Salmon Arm-Sicamous Highway 7904, 7907

School Act 8025-7, 8214

School Act, second reading, amendment to 8025-7

School District 24 (Kamloops) , veterinary sciences program 8214

School District 26 (North Thompson) , logging and forestry program 8214

School District 26 (North Thompson) , veterinary sciences program 8214

School District 92 6298

Search warrants, telewarrants, use of 8079-80, 8631, 8697, 8697-8

Seashore, foreshore, Crown access to 8818

Seashore, statutory rights-of-way, registration of 8696

Sechelt Indian band, self-government 6298, 6360, 6524

Sentences, appeals re 6453, 6478

Sentences in child abuse cases 6453

Sentences in child molesting cases 6478

Sentences in sexual assault cases 6453, 6478

Sentences, manuals on, preparation of 6450

Sentences, non-interference in by Attorney-General 6450

Sentences, sentencing database 6450, 6451

Sex offenders, dangerous sexual offenders, applications re 6453, 6478

Sexual assault cases, children as witnesses 6371

Sexual assault centres, areas without services of 6472, 6473

Sexual assault centres, funding for 6472, 6473, 6474, 6513

Sexual assault victims, services for 6472, 6473, 6474

Sexual assault victims, services for, list of agencies 6513, 6526

Sexual assault victims, services for, staff training 6513

Sexual assault victims, services for, work of volunteers 6513

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters Act, amendment to 8696, 8773

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, eligibility for 8696, 8773

Sheriff Act, amendment to 8696, 8774

Small Claims Act (Bill 25) 1R, 6673-4, 7107-8, 7109, 7208

Small claims court, access to 7108

Small claims court, jurisdiction of 6674, 7106, 7107-8, 7206

Small claims court, jurisdiction of, increase in 7107, 7109

Small claims court, legislation on 6482

Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 8814

Social Workers Act, amendment to 8696, 8773

Social workers, criteria for membership in profession 8696

Solicitor-General ministry, responsibilities 6328

Statutes Repeal Act, 1989 (Bill 2) 1R, 5738; 6181-2

Statutes, repeal of redundant statutes 6182

Strathcona Park, protesters, charges against 6497-8, 6500, 6501

Students, achievement tests, comparisons with students elsewhere 5921

Sunday shopping law 6379-80, 6379, 6390 6436

Sunday shopping, Supreme Court of B.C. ruling on, A. 6538

Superintendent of family and child service wards, legal representation for 6331

The Supremacy of Parliament, An Act to Ensure (Bill 1) 1R, 5590

Supreme Court Act (Bill 23) 1R, 6673-4; 7104-5, 7105-6, 7203, 7204, 7205

Supreme Court Act, amendments to 7105

Supreme Court Act, definition section, omissions from 7203

Supreme Court of B.C., access to 7104

Supreme Court of B.C., County Court of B.C., merger with 6674, 7104, 7105, 7696

Supreme Court of B.C., decentralization of, recommendation re 7104

Supreme Court of B.C., Green Paper on 7112

Supreme Court of B.C., judges, location of throughout B.C. 7104

Supreme Court of B.C., jurisdiction of and Provincial Court of B.C. 7112

Supreme Court of B.C., “master”, use of term 7203

Supreme Court of B.C., vexatious actions, powers re 7205

Supreme Court of Canada, appointment to, discussion re 6540

Supreme Court of Canada, transfer of power to 6385

Tahltan Indian band, land-use agreement with 6298, 6360, 6524

Tanker traffic on coast 5923

Task Force on Public Legal Services, recommendations 6331, 6350

Taxation, fairness of 5921

Taxation, reduction in 5920

Teachers, assistants to 8214

Tenants, damage deposits, jurisdiction over disputes re 7108

Tenants, damage deposits, recovery of 6376, 6378

Theft-to-order rings 6482

Thompson-Nicola Manufacturers' Association, Purchasing Commission, work with 5977

Thompson-Okanagan development region, problems 7886

Thompson-Okanagan development region, transportation network 7905, 7907

Tour of province 6329

Transportation and Highways ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 5921-2, 6722

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6722-4

Transportation and social services 6722

Tree-farm licence No. 24, annual allowable cut, reduction in 8697

Trusts, civil-law jurisdictions, protection of B.C. interests in 6781

Trusts, Hague convention mentioned 6324, 6781

Universities, funding for 5921

University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to 6523

Vancouver, Robson Square media centre, revenue 6363

Vancouver, Robson Square media centre, use of 6363

Victims' Rights and Services Act, proclamation of 6334

Wells Gray Park, fiftieth anniversary 5922

Wells Gray Park, road to Helmcken Falls, paving of 6723

Western Pulp (Ltd.) Partnership, Woodfibre mill, charge against 6449

Westminster Quay land, evaluation of, allegations re 6294

Westminster Quay land, resale to Westminster Pier Development Corp. 6294

Westminster Quay land, statement of claim re land 6294

Westminster Quay land, value of 6294

White-collar crime 6475

Wife abuse victims, assistance to 6511

Women and legal system 6510-1

Women and pension law 6511

Workers' Compensation Board, workers' advisers 6376

Young Offenders Act, changes to, A. 7451

Young Offenders Act, gang recruitment and act 6540

Smith, Sydney

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6723

Smithers Indian Friendship Centre, Smithers, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513


Addiction to (Perry) 8563

Addictiveness of (Miller) 6100

Advertisements (Dueck) 8564

Dangers of (Dueck) 5880, 8564 (Perry) 5885, 8563

Decisions program (Dueck) 6087

Health care costs (Perry) 8563

Health education programs (Boone) 6153 (Dueck) 6087 (Perry) 6086, 8564, 8565

Health ministry offices, smoke-free (Dueck) 8564

Increase in (Perry) 6088

Medical profession, smokers in (Dueck) 8564

Municipal bylaws on (Dueck) 6087

Passive smoking, dangers of (Perry) 6088

Public buildings, smoke-free (Dueck) 8564

Rate in B.C. (Dueck) 8564

Restriction on smoking areas (Miller) 6100

Smoking (Dueck) 6087 (Perry) 6086

Smoking-related Illness (Dueck) 6074

Stop-smoking assistance to smokers (Miller) 6100

Taxis, smoke-free (Rogers) 5695

Topley Landing education program (Perry) 6088

Workplace, smoke-free (Dueck) 8564 (Perry) 8563

See also: Cigarettes

Smoking in the Parliament Buildings, An Act to Regulate

(Bill M207) (Fraser, R.) 1R, 6080

Parliament buildings, smoking in, ban on (Fraser, R.) 6080

Smyth, Ian R.

Mentioned: (Strachan) 7787

Snow Engineering Inc.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7871

Snowberry condominium development, Whistler, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7873

Snowcrest condominium development, Whistler, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7873

Snowdon, Bill

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6950


Operation of, requirements to be met (Ree) 7044 (Rose) 7043-4

Snowy Creek condominium development, Whistler, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7873

Snug Cove Marina, Bowen Island, B.C.

Federal funds for (Hanson, L.) 6987 (Sihota) 6987

Pub, liquor licence application (Hanson, L.) 6987 (Sihota) 6986-7

Social Credit Party

Alberta election, 1989, candidates in (Lovick) 5698

Kamloops executives (Richmond) 7465, 7466 (Williams) 7465

Leadership convention (Miller) 5685

Social Credit Party (Miller) 5685

Social environment

See: Life style

Social housing

See: Public housing

Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia

Poverty line (Marzari) 8719, 8731 (Richmond) 8722

Quoted (Clark) 5780

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 6095 (Marzari) 5654 (Smallwood) 6615, 8727

Social Service Tax Act

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6577

Social Service Tax Amendment Act, 1989

(Bill 12) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 5775; 2R, 7109-10; C, 7156-61; 3R, 7161; RA, 7161

Divisions: C, 7158, 7160

Speakers: Clark 7109-10, 7156, 7157, 7158, 7158-9, 7159, 7160; Couvelier 5775, 7109, 7110, 7156-7, 7157, 7157-8, 7158, 7159, 7160, 7160-1, 7161; D'Arcy 7159, 7159-60, 7160, 7161

Alcoholic beverages sold under special licence, prepaid sales tax on (Clark) 7158, 7159 (Couvelier) 7109, 7158 (D’Arcy) 7159

Alcoholic beverages, special occasion licences, competition with regular liquor outlets (D’Arcy) 7160

Alcoholic beverages, special occasion licences, number of issued (Couvelier) 7159

Alcoholic beverages, special occasion licences, problems re issuing of (Clark) 7158

Coal processing, grinding balls and rods, tax exemption for (Couvelier) 7160

Coho, sales on board, tax exemption for (Couvelier) 7160

“Lease”, definition of and sales tax (Clark) 7156 (Couvelier) 7109, 7156-7

Leases, tax on, revenue generated (Clark) 7157 (Couvelier) 7157

Magnetite, sales tax, exemption from (Clark) 7110, 7160 (Couvelier) 7109

Mining industry, explosives, sales tax exemption for (Clark) 7110 (Couvelier) 7109

Movie admissions, tax on (Clark) 7109, 7110, 7157 (Couvelier) 7109, 7157

Princess Marguerite, sales on board, tax exemption for (Clark) 7160, 7161 (Couvelier) 7160, 7161

Ships, sales on board, exemption for (Clark) 7160 (Couvelier) 7109, 7160

Used equipment, sales tax on (Couvelier) 7109

Washington sales tax on sales on board ships, policy on (Clark) 7161

Social Service Tax Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1989

(Bill 81) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 8579; 2R, 8633-4; C, 8690-1; 3R, 8691; RA, 8841

Speakers: Clark 8690; Couvelier 8579, 8633-4, 8634, 8690; Rose 8634

Air lines, planes, other property in B.C., sales tax on (Clark) 8690, 8691 (Couvelier) 8579, 8690-1, 8691

Contractors, equipment brought into B.C. for temporary use, sales tax on (Couvelier) 8579

Retroactivity of act (Rose) 8634

Sales tax, international carriers, requirement for payment of back taxes by (Couvelier) 8633 (Rose) 8634

Sales tax, international carriers, tax on conveyances (Clark) 8691 (Couvelier) 8691

Sales tax, international carriers, tax on conveyances, loss of (Clark) 8690, 8691 (Couvelier) 8691

Supreme Court of Canada, sales tax application to aircraft, decision on (Couvelier) 8633

Social Services and Housing, Ministry of

Estimates 8709-22, 8727-35, 8742-60, 8774-82

Speakers: Barnes 8816-7, 8817; Blencoe 8792-4, 8794 6, 8797-8, 8798-8800; Gran 8718-9, 8746-7; Hagen, A. 8774-5, 8775, 8776, 8777, 8778, 8778-9, 8779, 8779-80, Marzari 8719-21, 8731-2, 8732-3, 8734, 8734-5, 8749-50, 8750-1, 8755, 8756, 8757-8; Mowat 8758-9; Perry 8780, 8780-1, 8781-2; Richmond 8709-11, 8715-6, 8717-8, 8721-2, 8722, 8728, 8730-1, 8732, 8733-4, 8734, 8735, 8743-4, 8745-6, 8747-8, 8749, 8750, 8751, 8752, 8753, 8754-5, 8756, 8756-7, 8758, 8760, 8775, 8775-6, 8776-7, 8777-8, 8778, 8779, 8780, 8781, 8782, 8794, 8796-7, 8798, 8800, 8805, 8806-8, 8809, 8810, 8811-3, 8813, 8814, 8815, 8816, 8817; Sihota 8759-60; Smallwood 8711-5, 8716-7, 8722, 8727-8, 8742-3, 8744-5, 8748-9, 8749, 8751-2, 8752, 8753, 8753-4, 8755, 8805, 8805-6, 8808-9, 8809-10, 8810-1, 8813, 8813-4, 8814-5, 8815-6; Smith, S.D. 8814; Williams 8728-30

Annual report tabled (Richmond) 6837

Appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year (Crandall) 5908

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Mercier) 5959 (Reid) 5839 (Richmond) 8709, 8718 (Serwa) 5937 (Vander Zalm) 5960

Appropriation, use of funds (Smallwood) 8711

Contracts with service providers (Richmond) 8710

Employee's treatment of client, case cited (Barnes) 8816-7 (Richmond) 8817

Expenditures, overrun on (Blencoe) 5904 (Sihota) 5841

Expenditures, special warrant (Sihota) 7322

Field offices, clerical support for (Richmond) 8815 (Smallwood) 8815

Housing, separate ministry for, proposal re (Blencoe) 8792 (Richmond) 8794

Inspections and standards unit, reports by (Richmond) 8754

Minister's position, status of (Richmond) 8730 (Williams) 8729

Ombudsman, complaints to re ministry (Clark) 5618

Programs eliminated during restraint period (Smallwood) 8711-2

Services, access to outside lower mainland (Smallwood) 8712

Staff, decentralization of (Richmond) 8809

Staff, Jan Pullinger's allegation of child abuse by (Gran) 8719

Staff, shortage of (Clark) 5617-8

Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6929, 6931, 6964 (Sihota) 6929, 6930-1, 6930, 6931, 6932, 6934

Staff, wage payments to, ombudsman's statement re (Hanson, L.) 6931 (Sihota) 6931-2, 6931

Social values

Individual freedom and social standards (Jacobsen) 5748

Social welfare

See: Public welfare

Social workers

Criteria for membership in profession (Smith, S.D.) 8696

Decentralization of Social Services and Housing ministry staff (Richmond) 8809

Geriatric social workers, shortage of (Hagen, A.) 7116

Task force on standards of social work practice (Richmond) 8710

Social Workers Act

Amendment to (Smith, S.D.) 8696, 8773

Society Act

Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7743

Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 7540 (Hagen, S.) 8377

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Mentioned: (Savage) 7149 (Strachan) 8134, 8144

Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 8582

Society Promoting Environmental Conservation

Mentioned: (Miller) 7976

Sodium lignosulphonate as dust control agent

See entries under Dust control

Soft drinks

See: Carbonated beverages

Soft-fruit industry

See entries under Fruit

Software, Computer

See: Computer programs

Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Compensation Act

Repeal of (Couvelier) 6783

Soil, Feed and Tissue Laboratory, Kelowna, B.C.

Computer (Michael) 5989

Mentioned: (Lovick) 6230 (Michael) 6232


Contaminated soils, federal funding for cleanup of (Strachan) 8097-8

Paint factory contamination, case cited (Strachan) 8093

Removal of, transfer of power re (Blencoe) 7196

Soils — Testing

Standards for (Cashore) 8165, 8166 (Strachan) 8159, 8166

Solder and soldering

Lead solder, use of, ban on (Cashore) 6803-4, 6884 (Johnston) 6883

Solicitor-General, Ministry of

Estimates 6987-7009, 7019-31, 7036-53, 7055-67, 7072-97

Speakers: Cashore 6994, 6994-5, 6995-7, 6998, 7025-8, 7075-6, 7076, 7076-7, 7077, 7078, 7078-9, 7080; Crandall 7008; Davidson 7074-5, 7075; De Jong 7028; Edwards 7006-7, 7007, 7008; Fraser, R. 7002, 7039-40; Guno 6990, 6991-2, 6992, 6993, 7019-20, 7020, 7024, 7025, 7030, 7036, 7036-7, 7037, 7038, 7039, 7055-7, 7058, 7063, 7070-1, 7084-5, 7096, Hagen, A. 7090-1, 7092, Hanson, G. 7058-60, 7061, 7062; Janssen, G. 6998-9, 6999, 6999-7000, 7000, 7029, 7030-1, 7040, 7041, 7041-2, 7042, 7043, 7064, 7065, 7065-6, 7066; Jones 7094, 7094-5, 7095, 7095-6, 7096; Loenen 7088, 7089; Lovick 7063, 7064, 7066-7, 7072, 7073, 7079, 7080, 7081, 7082; Miller 7073, 7073-4, 7074, 7082-3, 7083, 7083-4, 7084; Perry 7085, 7085-7, 7087, Peterson 7047-8, 7049, 7050; Ree 6987-90, 6990, 6990-1, 6992, 6992-3, 6993-4, 6994, 6995, 6997-8, 6998, 6999, 7000, 7000-1, 7002-3, 7003, 7006, 7007, 7007-8, 7008, 7009, 7020, 7021, 7022, 7023, 7024, 7024-5, 7025, 7028-9, 7029-30, 7030, 7036, 7037, 7037-8, 7038, 7038-9, 7040, 7040-1, 7041, 7042, 7042-3, 7043, 7044, 7045, 7046, 7047, 7048-9, 7049, 7049-50, 7050, 7051, 7053, 7055, 7057-8, 7058, 7060, 7061, 7061-2, 7062-3, 7063, 7063-4, 7064, 7064-5, 7065, 7066, 7067, 7072-3, 7073, 7074, 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7079, 7079-80, 7080, 7080-1, 7081, 7081-2, 7082, 7083, 7084, 7085, 7087, 7087-8, 7088-9, 7089, 7090, 7091-2, 7092, 7092-3, 7093, 7094, 7095, 7096, Rose 7043-4, 7044-5, 7045; Sihota 7001, 7003, 7003-6, 7020-1, 7021-2, 7022, 7022-3, 7023-4, 7046, 7046-7, 7047, 7050, 7051, 7089, 7090; Smallwood 7092, 7093, 7093-4; Smith, B.R. 7051-3

Appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year (Ree) 6989

Capital planning projects (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793

Capital planning studies (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793

Computer software, lease payments for (Ree) 5793

Mandate (Ree) 5662

Ministry, establishment of (Smith, B.R.) 7051

Responsibilities (Ree) 6987-8, 7064 (Smith, S.D.) 6328

Staff, tribute to (Ree) 6988 (Smith, B.R.) 7051

Staff, wage payments to, delay in (Hanson, L.) 6964

Solid waste management

See: Refuse and refuse disposal

Solomon, A.O.

Mentioned: (Rose) 7216

Somass River, B.C.

Exit roads for area (Janssen, G.) 7040

Somerville, Margo

“Human Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Testing in Canada” quoted (Perry) 7085

Songhees land

See entries under Victoria, B.C.

Sonora Island, B.C.

Aquaculture activities (Gabelmann) 5872-3

Sooke, B.C.

Evergreen Plaza mentioned (Sihota) 5849

Goudie Road area, land clearing, impact of (Sihota) 6601, 6602

Kemp Lake area, land clearing, impact of (Sihota) 6601, 6602

Tugwell Road area, land clearing, impact of (Sihota) 6601, 6602

Water system (Sihota) 6606

Sooke Elementary School, Sooke, B.C.

Mentioned: (Sihota) 5638

Sooke Potholes Park

Maintenance of, cost of (Sihota) 7805

Security problems (Sihota) 7825-6

Services, level of (Sihota) 7806

Staff, number of (Sihota) 7805, 7806

Mentioned: (Sihota) 7824

Sopow, Eli

Canada-U.S. committee on oil spills, attendance at meetings of (Harcourt) Q. 5875

Mentioned: (Kempf) 6110 (Reid) 6116

Sorenson, Robert

Mentioned: (Reid) 7381

Sorrento District Chamber of Commerce

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7921

Sour gas

See: Gas, Natural

South Africa

Pension funds, investment of in South Africa (Rose) 6137

South Moresby Island, B.C.

Indian land claims (Bruce) 6219 (Brummet) 6223-4

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 6196

South Moresby National Park

Agreement on (Throne speech) 5590

Compensation for (Miller) 6201, 8059

Compensation for, forestry compensation committee (Huberts) 7739, 7740

Compensation for, Sewell Inlet loggers (Huberts) A. 5741, 7739, 7740 (Miller) Q. 5741, 7739-40, 7739, 7740

Establishment of (Kempf) 8065-6 (Miller) 7739 (Smith, B.R.) 5708, 8063

Haida nation, impact of park on (Kempf) 8066

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7183 (Edwards) 8761 (Jacobsen) 6983 (Miller) 8251

South Peace Community Resources Society

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6404 (Smith, S.D.) 6513

South Surrey-White Rock Women's Place Association

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6513

Southlands Elementary School, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Marzari) 6192

Southlands property, Delta, B.C.

Hearings on (Jones) 7228

Southwestern B.C. Tourist Association

Funds for (Reid) 7394

Sparks, Joe

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7922

Sparrow, Ronald Edward, v the Queen

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6186 (Smith, S.D.) 6359

Sparwood, B.C.

Waste disposal facility (Edwards) 6599 (Johnston) 6600


Herring, export of unprocessed herring, debate on issue 6394

Legislature, sound system, report on 5923

Poole, David, severance pay, letter from auditor general quoted 8317

Privilege — Moe Sihota's allegations 7636

Rogers, C. Stephen, elected as Speaker of the House (Richmond) 8843 (Rose) 8843

Salmon, export of unprocessed salmon, debate on issue 6394

Speaker and Deputy Speaker, Rulings and statements

Adjournment motion to discuss urgent public matter
Matter must not be offered when facts are in dispute 6394
Opportunity for debate not lacking 6394

Debate on amending legislation restricted to subject of amendment 6886
Second reading, keeping to amendment 6192
Second reading, keeping to principle of Bill 6887, 7979, 7980, 7981, 7983
Second reading, members may not discuss subjects outside the scope of the Bill 6182

House business
Unanimous consent, only the government House Leader may ask for unanimous consent 6285

Moderate language, use of 5713
Parliamentary language 7617, 8404
"artificially manipulates” 8404
"condone” 7102
"cover-up” 7327, 7480
"sleazy Moe” 8804
"snide” 5673

Accusation of acting in dishonourable fashion 7636
Comments about presence or absence of other members not in order 6200
Imputation of improper motives 8404
May not display exhibits in the House 7183
References to members by name 6183, 7614
Should address remarks through Chair 5710, 6181, 6187, 6279

Ministerial statements
Replies to 7612
Content not a debate or political argument 7610

Not obligated to respond to questions 5916

Moving a motion without notice 5847

Oral questions
On matters before the House not in order 7525
Points of order during question period 5651
Questions which repeat questions already answered or to which an answer has been refused not in order 7148
Must be concise and stated without argument or opinion 7451

Copy of motion the member intends to move must by tabled at time matter is raised 7636
Matters of privilege must be raised at earliest opportunity 7636
Personal complaint about a member's remarks not a matter of privilege 8585

Speare, William

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6702

Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 7126 (Miller) 5787

Special funds

Advances to general fund of province, provision for (Couvelier) 8398

Special investment interest subsidy program

Program (Marzari) 7799

Special needs children

See entries under Children

Special warrants

Warrant 2, use of funds (Couvelier) 5785, 5786 (Guno) 5786 (Sihota) 5784, 5785, 5786

Warrant 4, use of funds (Couvelier) 5787, 5788 (Miller) 5787-8, 5787, 5788

Warrant 6, use of funds (Dueck) 5788, 5789 (Hagen, A.) 5788-9, 5788, 5789

Warrant 7, use of funds (Reid) 5789 (Rose) 5789

Warrant 8, use of funds (Richmond) 5790, 5791, 5792, 5793 (Rose) 5793 (Smallwood) 5790, 5791, 5791-2, 5793 (Williams) 5790, 5792

Warrant 9, use of funds (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793

Warrant 10, use of funds (Ree) 5793, 5794 (Sihota) 5793, 5794

Warrant 11, use of funds (Brummet) 5794, 5794-5, 5796 (Couvelier) 5795 (Jones) 5794, 5795 (Kempf) 5795, 5796

Speech from the Throne


Address in reply. See Address in Reply to the

Content (Jacobsen) 5745 (Loenen) 5614 (Rogers) 5687

Speech therapists

Shortage of (Dueck) 6101

Speed limits

Increase in (Crandall) Q. 5965, Q. 5966, Q. 6343 (Vant) A. 5965-6, A. 6343

Sicamous area (Vant) 6343

Spence, Rudy

Mentioned: (Reid) 7455

Spetifore, George

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6624

Spetifore property, Delta, B.C.

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from (Davidson) 7778-9 (Harcourt) Q. 8357, Q. 8500, 8659 (Perry) 7778 (Savage) 7778 (Vander Zalm) A. 8500, 8659-60

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from, decision on (Perry) Q. 8584 (Vander Zalm) A. 8357, A. 8584-5

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from, hearing on (Perry) Q. 8584 (Vander Zalm) A. 8584

Agricultural land reserve, exclusion from, inquiry into (Harcourt) 8659

Delta residents' vote on (Harcourt) Q. 8500 (Vander Zalm) A. 8501

Development of and impact on George Massey Tunnel (Blencoe) Q. 7944 (Vant) A. 7944

Greater Vancouver Regional District decision on (Davidson) 7778-9

Hearings on (Perry) 7776 (Williams) 7775

Huberts, Terry, letters re property quoted, referred to (Barlee) 7774, 7775 (Cashore) 7773-4, 7778 (Huberts) 7775 (Williams) 7777

Huberts, Terry, representations to re use of (Cashore) 7776 (Williams) 7775

Preservation of as park (Cashore) 7773-4, 7777 (Davidson) 7774

Protection of (Perry) 7776

Use of (Barlee) 7779 (Perry) 7777 (Savage) 7777

Mentioned: (Barlee) 8560 (Blencoe) 7816 (Harcourt) 8662 (Jones) 7228

Spirit of the West (Rock group)

Mentioned: (Williams) 7470

Sport B.C.

Program commended (Rose) 6567


Action Challenge committee review of (Hanson, G.) 6646 (Johnston) 6646, 6647

Administration centre (Loenen) 6116

Amateur sports (Loenen) 6114

Athletics, resources for in north (Guno) 5955

Doping in sports, Advisory Council for Sport and Recreation inquiry into (Johnston) 6565

Funding for interprovincial travel (D’Arcy) 7426 (Reid) 7427

Program, proposal re (Hanson, G.) 6646

Projects, Go B.C. funds for (Hanson, G.) 6648 (Johnston) 6647

Richmond, sports events (Loenen) 6114, 6115

Sporting events, sponsorship of by breweries (Perry) 6154

System, integrated sports system (Hanson, G.) 6115

See also: Doping in sports

Spruce City Wildlife Association

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8132

Squamish Highway

See: Highway 99


Crown land, squatters (D’Arcy) 7913 (Dirks) 7913-4

Squid fisheries

Drift-net fishery (Savage) 8502

Squilax Bridge

Project, funding for (Michael) 5864

Replacement of (Vant) 6685

Squire, John

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612, 7767

Squitty Bay Marine Park

Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798 (Huberts) 7804 (Williams) 7805

Stackhouse, Stephen

Mentioned: (Huberts) 7733

Standard Trust Co.

Songhees land, profit on (Barlee) 6266 (Williams) 6264

Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Quoted (Chairman) 6478 (Clark) 6288 (Davidson) 8202 (Richmond) 6083, 6836, 8726 (Rose) 6903 (Speaker) 5877

Standing order 26 mentioned (Marzari) 8844

Standing order 35, referral of to Select Standing

Committee on Standing Orders, Private Bills and Members' Privileges (Rose) 6394

Standing order 61 (2) , change in (Chairman) 5791

Mentioned: (Chairman) 6152 (Rose) 7590

Stanford University

Mentioned: (Cashore) 7541

Stanley-Jones, Chris

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8161, 8162

Stanyer, Roger

Mentioned: (Parker) 6179 (Strachan) 8074

Starfire Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Clark) 7656

Starline Cedar Mills Ltd.

Loan to (Marzari) 7349

Mentioned: (Williams) 7583

Stashuk, John

Mentioned: (Reid) 7455

Status of Women Action Group, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8377

Statute of Frauds

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 6455


Justice Reform Statutes Amendment Act, 1989. See name of act

Repeal of redundant statutes (Ree) 5738 (Sihota) 6182 (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Statutes Repeal Act, 1989

(Bill 2) (Attorney-General) 1R, 5738; 2R, 6181-2; C, 6782; 3R, 6782; RA, 7161

Speakers: Ree 5738; Sihota 6182; Smith, S.D. 6181-2

British Columbia Transit Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Food and Drugs Act (Canada) , repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Health Science Centre (UBC) Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Heroin Treatment Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Hospital Insurance Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Margarine Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Milk Industry Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Multilevel Marketing Regulation Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Pyramid Distribution Act, repeal of (Sihota) 6182 (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Statutes, repeal of redundant statutes (Ree) 5738 (Sihota) 6182 (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Tuberculosis Institution Act, repeal of (Smith, S.D.) 6182

Steel industry and trade

Steel mill and diversification of economy (Gabelmann) 6037

Steel mill and environment (Clark) 7974

Steel mill, coal supply for (Veitch) 6035-6

Steel mill, environmental standards for (Veitch) 6035, 6036

Steel mill, environmental survey report (Gabelmann) 8000 (Veitch) 8000

Steel mill, feasibility study for (Gabelmann) 6036-7 (Veitch) 6035-6

Steel mill, funding for (Veitch) 6036

Steel mill, job creation (Veitch) 6035

Stein River, B.C.

Mentioned: (Perry) 5885

Stein Valley, B.C.

Logging of (Cashore) Q. 8141, Q. 8142 (Miller) Q. 8232 (Weisgerber) A. 8141, A. 8232

Mentioned: (Williams) 6833

Stella Road

Connection, completion of (Kempf) 6721, 6722, 6732, 6732-3, 6733, 6737 (Vant) 6722, 6733, 6737

Stellaquo Indian band

Francois Lake Road, negotiations re (Kempf) 6786 (Vant) 6788

Steller's Jay

Steller's Jay (Miller) 5683-4 (Reid) 6183

Stena Line

Contract with (Clark) 7292, 7293 (Couvelier) 7292

Inside Passage cruise ship, duty remission for (Clark) 7293

Princess Marguerite. See entries under name of vessel

Responsibility for (Clark) 7286 (Couvelier) 7286

Slot-machine operations and provisions of Criminal

Code (Clark) 7288, 7288-9, 7289-90, 7289, 7290, 7292 (Couvelier) 7288, 7289, 7290 (Sihota) 7089

Slot-machine operations, audit of (Clark) 7288 (Couvelier) 7288

Slot-machine operations, consultation with federal authorities re (Clark) 7290 (Couvelier) 7290

Slot-machine operations, legal opinion on (Clark) 7289-90, 7290 (Couvelier) 7289, 7290, 7292

Slot-machine operations, regulation of (Clark) 7287 (Couvelier) 7287 (Sihota) 7089

Slot-machine operations, responsibility for (Clark) 7286, 7289, 7291 (Couvelier) 7286

Slot-machines, number of (Clark) 7286, 7287 (Couvelier) 7286, 7287

Slot-machines on additional ships (Clark) 7287 (Couvelier) 7287

Slot-machines, pay-out rate (Clark) 7288 (Couvelier) 7288

Slot-machines, proceeds, procedure for dealing with (Clark) 7288 (Couvelier) 7288

Slot-machines, profit on (Clark) 7287, 7288, 7290 (Couvelier) 7287, 7288

Victoria-Vancouver service, contract for (Clark) 7293 (Couvelier) 7292

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 7446, 7447, 7803 (Huberts) 7803 (Read) 7446, 7447 (Smith, B.R.) 7072

Stepaniuk, John

Mentioned: (Vant) 6841

Stephenson, W.A., Construction (Western) Ltd.

Mentioned: (Sihota) 6668

Sterling Wood Group Inc.

Mentioned: (Miller) 5787

Stern, Richard

Mentioned: (Clark) 7594

Stevenson, Leigh Forbes

Death of (Throne speech) 5585

Stevenson, Lynn

Mentioned: (Ree) 8623

Stevenson Kellogg Ernst and Whinney

Mentioned: (Clark) 6231

Steves, Harold

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7931

Steveston, B.C.

Intermediate-care facility (Loenen) 5948

Stewart, Walter

The Wrong End of the Rainbow: The Collapse of Free Enterprise in Canada quoted (Guno) 5666

Stewart, William F (Bill)

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6336, 6371

Stewart, Murray

Mentioned: (Guno) 7020

Stewart, Richard

Mentioned: (Barlee) 7168, 7222

Stewart, B.C.

Health care, provision for (Guno) 5956

Stikine River, B.C.

Grand Canyon area, status of (Huberts) 7805 (Williams) 7805

Telegraph Creek-Glenora area, protection of (Williams) 7805

Mentioned: (Perry) 7784

Stock exchanges

Curb exchange, proposal re (Couvelier) 7626 (Davidson) 7623, 7625-6

Self-regulation (Couvelier) 7598

See also names of stock exchanges, e.g. Vancouver

Stock Exchange

Stockholm, Sweden

Vancouver, comparisons with (Bruce) 5891-2 (Janssen, G.) 5909

Stocking Lake, B.C.

BCTV program on (Parker) 8567

Water quality (Parker) 8567

Mentioned: (Parker) 8641

Stockmier, Jo

Mentioned: (Clark) 7630, 7632


Government investment in (Janssen, G.) 5910 (McCarthy) 5813 (Rabbitt) 5902 (Sihota) 5851

Investment in (Mercier) 5957

Mining evaluation committee (Couvelier) 7625 (Davidson) 7624

Private placements, proposed ban on purchase of (Clark) 7622

Private placements, requirement for (Clark) 7622 (Couvelier) 7622

Upticking of (Clark) 7633, 7635 (Couvelier) 7636

Warrants, Issuing of (Clark) 7595 (Couvelier) 7597


Mentioned: (Clark) 7621, 7633

Stone, Roger

Quoted (Miller) 8589

Stone Ridge condominium development, Whistler, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 7873

Stones Bay Road

Improvements to (Vant) 6722

Stout, Gloria

Mentioned: (Darks) 7922

Strachan, Robert

Mentioned: (Rose) 8113

Strachan, Hon. W. Bruce (Prince George South) Minister Responsible for Environment

Address in Reply 5608-11

Agricultural land reserve, additions to 8087

Air pollution 7969

Air pollution, automobile as source 8228

Air pollution, cleanup of, use of gasoline tax revenue for 8228

Air pollution control mechanisms, Greater Vancouver area, A. 7249

Alberta, task force on environment and the economy 8074

Anderson, David, appointment of 8157-8

Anderson, David, tribute to 8157-8

Anglers, export of fish by 8680

Angling guide industry, regulation of 8626

Angling guide plans 8682

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6448

Automobiles, exhaust emission inspections, A. 6536

B.C. Guide-Outfitters' Association, meeting of 5822

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, cost of 6001

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, responsibility for, A. 5800

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping, A. 7326

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping at Crab Beach 8158

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping in ocean 8156, 8158, 8160

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping in Penzance Drive area, A. 7280

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping in Westwood area A. 7280, 8156, 8159, 8160

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping sites, A. 7281

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, soil dumping sites, tests, A. 7327, 8159

B.C. Place, Expo land, cleanup of, standards for 6001

B.C. Research Corp. tests, performance of 8236-7, 8237

B.C. Research Corp. tests, reliability of 8236

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, report and financial statements, tabling of in Legislature 6781

Biomedical waste 7969

Biomedical waste, BFI system for 8454-5

Biomedical waste, disposal of 7866, 8454, 8455

Biomedical waste, task force on 8451, 8454

Birds, nests, protection of 8626, 8681

Boundary Bay, field crops in area, wildlife damage to 8259

Boundary Bay, golf course development, environmental impact assessment, A. 6459, A. 6505

Boundary Bay, housing development, environmental impact assessment, A. 6459

Boundary Bay, Ramsar site, designation of area as 8259

Boundary Bay, wildlife habitat, protection of 8259

Budget, balanced budget 5821

Budget debate 5821-5

Burrard Inlet, cleanup of 8226, 8228

Burrard Inlet, pollution of 8228

Cabinet Committee on Economic Development, Environment minister's membership in 8088

Cabinet committees, travel expenses 6054

Campbell River, sewage treatment, agreement with Elk Falls mill 8104

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, standards under act 5611

Canadian Forest Products Ltd., pollution control equipment 7942, 8076

Cariboo development region, board of directors 5824, 8077, 8161, 8163

Cariboo development region, contracts, minister of state's signing authority for 8162

Cariboo development region, economic development commission 8083

Cariboo development region, investors and social infrastructure 8317-8

Cariboo development region, minister of state's decision-making role 8162

Cariboo development region, programs for business and industry 8160, 8161

Cariboo development region, residents, quality of life for 8077, 8083, 8161, 8317

Cariboo development region, staff 8161

Cariboo development region, university for 8317-8

Carmanah Valley, preservation of old-growth forest 8253

Cats, control of, provision for 8628, 8685

Cement industries, sulphur dioxide emissions, A. 7249

Chevron Canada Ltd., Burrard Inlet refinery 8234

Chopstick factory, status of 8319

Closkey, Dan, 'Review of Ranching/Wildlife Conflicts in the East Kootenay Region of B.C., ' Environmental ministry's contribution to 8164

Coast Guard employees 8145

Cominco Ltd., Columbia River sludge spill, fine for, A. 6506

Conservation officer, Atlin 8128

Conservation officers, auxiliaries, proposal re 8131

Conservation officers, Dease Lake area 8128

Conservation officers, deputy officers, appointment of 8686

Conservation officers, funding for 5823

Conservation officers, number of, increase in 8106, 8127, 8129

Conservation officers, powers of 8457

Conservation officers, shooting from aircraft, helicopters 8686

Conservation officers, shooting from motor vehicles 8627

Conservation officers, training of 5823, 8127, 8128

Conservation officers, tribute to 5823

Conservation officers, work, use of time 8129

Consumers Glass Co. Ltd., Lavington plant, continued operation of 8169

Copper-8, use of 8219, 8220

Crab Beach, dumping of Expo land at site 8158

Crematoriums, Waste Management Act regulations, exemption from 8452

Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., resin soap, burning of, A. 6534

Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., Skookumchuck mill, air emissions 8223

Creston, sewage disposal, funding for 8226, 8255

Dahllof, Urban, work of 5824, 5825

Deposit-refund system, beer bottles 8168

Deposit-refund system, glass, recycling of 8169

Deposit-refund system, pop bottles 8168

Deposit-refund system, returns, percentage returned 8167

Deposit-refund system, Saskatchewan system 8170

Deposit-refund system, unredeemed deposits 8168

Development regions, regionalization of province 5825, 6626

Diesel fuels, toxic substances in diesel fuel imports, A. 6760, A. 6761

Dioxins, emission of 8076

Dioxins, Howe Sound area 8076

Dioxins in fish tissue 5610

Dioxins, Prince George, air emissions, testing for 8076

Dioxins, Prince Rupert area 8076

Doman Industries Ltd., dredgeate, burning of 8222, 8229

Doman Industries Ltd., pulp mill, Cowichan estuary 6280

Dust control, sodium lignosulphonate, safety of, A. 8655

Ecological Reserve Act, amendment to 7746

Ecological reserves, rights-of-way over reserves 7746

Endako Mines Ltd., effluent flowing into Francois Lake 8246

Environment and Land Use Committee, establishment of 5609, 5821

Environment and sustainable development 5609

Environment Canada, national monitoring program, data-quality review 8236, 8238

Environment Management Act, amendments to 5610

Environment minister, membership in Cabinet Committee on Economic Development 8088

Environment ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 5823, 8073, 8083

Environment ministry, data-standards group, facilities for 8238

Environment ministry, estimates 6169-70, 8073-7, 8083-4, 8087-9, 8090, 8091, 8092, 8092-3, 8093, 8093-4, 8094, 8095, 8097, 8097-8, 8099-8100, 8100-1, 8101, 8101-2, 8102, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8106, 8107, 8107-8, 8108, 8127-8, 8127, 8128, 8129, 8130, 8131, 8132, 8132-3, 8133, 8134-5, 8134, 8135-6, 8135, 8136-7, 8136, 8137, 8143-5, 8145, 8146, 8147, 8148-9, 8148, 8150, 8150-1, 8151, 8152, 8153, 8154-5, 8155-6, 8155, 8156, 8157-8, 8158, 8159, 8160, 8161, 8162, 8162-3, 8163, 8164, 8165, 8166-7, 8166, 8167, 8168-9, 8217, 8218, 8219, 8220, 8221, 8222, 8223, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8226-7, 8228-9, 8229, 8234-5, 8236-7, 8237, 8238, 8239, 8240, 8241-2, 8242, 8244-6, 8246, 8247, 8248, 8249, 8250, 8251, 8252-3, 8253, 8254, 8255, 8257, 8259, 8259-60, 8317-8, 8318, 8319

Environment ministry, JobTrac program 5823

Environment ministry, lottery funds, use of 5823

Environment ministry, reorganization of 8089

Environment ministry, staff, morale 8089

Environment ministry, status of 5610, 8088

Environment Statutes Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 34) 1R, 7433, 7694, 7746, 7747-8, 7747, 7748, 7749, 7750, 7751, 7752, 7753-4, 7753, 7754, 7755, 7756

Environmental Appeal Board, appeal procedures 7694

Environmental Appeal Board, appeals, intervenors, status of 7748

Environmental Appeal Board, appellants under various acts, status of 7747, 7756

Environmental Laboratory, sale of 5987, 8240

Environmental Laboratory, staff, present employment of 8237, 8239, 8240, 8241

Environmental protection, advisory committee on, recommendation re 8075

Environmental protection and trade unions 8084, 8087

Environmental protection, community groups, agreements with companies 8104

Environmental protection, court orders, enforcement of 8144

Environmental protection, issue of 8088

Environmental protection, round table 8088

Environmental protection, standards elsewhere 7985

Environmental protection, standards, enforcement of 5822, A. 8001

Environmental protection, standards, enforcement of, funding for 6280, 7942

Environmental youth services program 5611, 5823-4

Environmentally Sound Packaging Coalition, funding for 8170

Equity Silver Mines Ltd., acid generation 8245-6

Eurasian water milfoil, control 8107

FMC of Canada, Prince George hydrogen peroxide plant 5609, 8083, 8160

Fish hatcheries, Duncan hatchery 8073, 8132

Fish-farms, feed bags, biodegradable bags 8104

Fitz Hugh Sound, oil spill, cleanup of 8152

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., pesticide containers at Port Renfrew 8101

Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., pesticide containers at Port Renfrew, prosecution in case 8095, 8101-2, 8102

Forest Amendment Act (1989) 8688

Forest contractors, contracts, dispute resolution mechanism 8688

Forest industry, Prince George, value-added industry 5609

Forest practices, weed control, grazing sheep 8234

Forest practices, weed control, use of herbicides 8234

Forests, old-growth forests, preservation of in B.C. 8252-3, 8253

Fraser River, cleanup of 8097

Fraser River, runoff in river 8097

Game meat business, record-keeping 8681

Game meat, regulation re 8681

Gasoline, toxic substances in gasoline imports, A. 6760, A. 6761

Goldschmidt, Neil, Vander Zalm, Hon. William N., meeting with 5741

Government Management Services ministry, estimates 5987, 5999, 6001, 6054

Greater Vancouver Regional District, liquid waste disposal 8097

Guiding areas, designation of unassigned areas 8683, 8684

Guiding licence, term of 8682

Habitat conservation fund, funds for 8627

Hazardous wastes, generation of 8094

Hazardous wastes, monitoring of, staff for 8217, 8218

Hazardous wastes, regulations, enforcement of 8217, 8456

Hazardous wastes, storage and disposal of 5823

Hazardous wastes, storage sites, permits for 8217

Herbicides, use of 8235, 8245

Herbicides, use of by agriculture industry 8234-5, 8245

Highways maintenance, privatization of 8241-2

Homeowner grant, increase in 5821

House leader, position of 8089

Hunters, shooting across highways, ban on 8680

Hunting, limited-entry hunting, control over 8681, 8682

Hunting safety course requirement for licence 8680

Hydrogen sulphide, air pollution, effects of 8223

Hydrogen sulphide, committee on 8224, 8225

Hydrogen sulphide, Pincher Creek study 8225

Interior University Society, petition 8317

Interior University Society, work of 5824

Koster, landfill permit, cancellation of 8457-8, 8458

Ladysmith, watersheds in area, logging of 8245

Land use 8253

Litter Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 60) 1R, 7866; 7985, 7986, 8448, 8448-9, 8449-50, 8449, 8450, 8450-1

Littering, Canada Shipping Act, order-in-council under act 8450

Littering, enforcement of anti-litter law 8448, 8450

Littering, fines for 7866, 7985, 8448, 8450

Littering in marine environment 8449

Littering in marine environment and federal jurisdiction 8449-50

Littering in marine environment, fines for 7866, 7985

Littering, laying of information re 8448, 8449

Logging, forestry/fishery guidelines for logging of streambanks 8252

Logging of private land 8244-5

Meat-packing plant in Vanderhoof, status of 8319

Millstream Creek, oil spill 8155, 8217

Millstream Creek, oil spill, charges, laying of 8146, 8149

Millstream Creek, oil spill, cleanup of 8155

Mine development review process 8245

Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd., PCB-waste oil tank, Kamloops, number of tanks 8105

Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd., PCB-waste oil tank, Kamloops, safety of 8105

Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 6626

Municipalities, waste management plans 8455-6, 8455, 8456

NP1, testing of 8219

National Task Force on Environment and Economy 8074

Natural gas, sour gas in B.C. 8224

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline and environment 5847

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline and oil spills in future, A. 6582

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, benefits of 8258

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, fast-tracking of, A. 6130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Coquitlam watershed area, A. 5847, A. 6130

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, decision on and hearings, A. 5846

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, energy project certificate, A. 6631

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact, A. 6248, 6506

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, Indian Arm route, A. 6130, A. 6506, 6631

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, project monitoring committee, A. 6130, A. 6248

Natural resources, regional network for management of resources 8075

Nechako River, Kemano 2 project, impact of on river 8245

Offshore oil drilling, moratorium on, A. 5740-1

Offshore oil industry, Royal British Columbia Museum, statement re drilling in Hecate Strait, A. 6806-7

Oil spills, bilge oil, dumping of 8152

Oil spills, Canada-U.S. committee on, information to public, A. 5798

Oil spills, Canada-U.S. committee on, meetings, A. 5798, A. 5875, 8152, 8153

Oil spills, cleanup of, technology for 8154-5, 8155

Oil spills, compensation for, court orders, enforcement of in Washington 8145

Oil spills, OSCAR technology 5846, 8154-5, 8155

Oil spills, prevention of 8155-6

Oil spills, response to, field offices for, A. 7787

Oil spills, response to, information re 8136, 8143-4, 8146

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill 5611

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cleanup of 8150

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, compensation for 8148-9

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, cost of 6448, 8150

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, environmental damage 8150-1

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, response of media to 8087-8, 8133, 8134

Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, volunteers 8134-5

Oil tankers 8155

Okanagan Basin Water Board, funding for 8107

Parks ministry, estimates 7789

Pentachlorophenol, use of, ban on 8219

Pesticide Control Act, prosecutions under act 8102

Pesticides, application of, agreements between community groups and companies 8104

Pesticides, use of by agriculture industry 8234-5

Petroleum refineries, pollution control standards for 8226, 8228, 8229

Petroleum refineries, sulphur dioxide emissions, A. 7249

Pincher Creek, Alta., hydrogen sulphide study 8225

Polluters and pollution, release of information re 8107-8, 8108, 8153

Polluters, conviction of, prediction re 8089

Polluters, fines for 5822, 7866, 7969, 8459, 8460

Polluters, fines for profiting from environmental damage 7969, 8459

Polluters, fines for, provision for in Waste Management Act 8459

Polluters, fines for, total collected 6280

Polluters, prosecution of 5610

Pollution, emission standards, United States 8100

Pollution, liability, issue of 8103

Pollution, permits, issuing of, process for 8452-3

Pollution, permits, non-compliance with, names of polluters, A. 6507, 8222

Pollution, permits, waste managers' powers to amend 8453

Pollution, regulations, non-compliance with 8452

Polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated oil, case cited 8459

Polychlorinated biphenyl, disposal of 8094

Polychlorinated biphenyl, disposal of, consultant on 8094

Polychlorinated biphenyl, regional district's storage site 8090, 8091

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of 8090, 8094

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of, funding for 5823

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of in Cranbrook warehouse 8090, 8091, 8092, 8094

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of in schools, removal of, A. 8655

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of, liability in cases of seepage 8092, 8093

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of, municipal bylaw re 8091

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage of, permit irregularities 8583

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage sites, release of list to public, A. 8583

Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage sites, safety of, A. 8583

Polychlorinated biphenyl, use of 5823

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, standards for 8226

Prince George, income per capita 5609, 8083

Prince George, morbidity in area, study of 8224

Prince George, sewage disposal 8255

Pulp mills, air emissions, standards for 8223

Pulp mills, chlorine-bleaching process, use of 5610

Pulp mills, dioxins, emission of 7942, 8076, 8108, 8234

Pulp mills, emissions 8100

Pulp mills, pollution control equipment, expenditures on 7985, 8076, 8149, 8234

Pulp mills, pollution control permits, compliance with, A. 8000

Pulp mills, Prince George mill, fine for pollution 5822, 7942

Quesnel, sewage disposal, agreement with Daishowa Canada Co. Ltd. 8104

Range management, plan for, Environment ministry's contribution to 8165

Range management, review of policies and procedures, Environment ministry's contribution to 8163

Rangelands, use of 8164, 8165

Rankin, Murray, study 5822, 6280, 7969, 8088-9

Real estate sales tax, exemption from, lower-priced houses 5821

Recycled products, market for 8167

Recycling 8075-6, 8169

Reichhold Chemicals Inc., emissions, Port Moody area 8099-8101, 8318

Reichhold Chemicals Inc., emissions, study of, proposal re 8100-1

Resin soap, burning of, permits for, A. 6534

Resin soap, burning of, study of health hazards, A. 6534

Resin soap, disposal of through landfill methods, A. 6534

Sadler, Murray, work of 5824

Select Standing Committee on Forests and Lands, meeting of 6763

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, meeting of 6763

Seniors Advisory Council Act 7834, 7835-6

Seniors' Advisory Council, reports, tabling of 7834, 7835

Sewage disposal, funding for 8226

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., ferrochromium plant 8247, 8248, 8249, 8250

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., ferrochromium plant, air-cooling process 8247

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., ferrochromium plant, chromium compounds 8250

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., ferrochromium plant, environmental studies 8248

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., ferrochromium plant, public's information meeting 8248, 8250

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., ferrochromium plant, water-cooling process 8247, 8248

Sherwood Metallurgical British Columbia Corp., permit, application for 8247

Social programs, funding for 5821

Soil-testing, standards for 8159, 8166

Soils, contaminated soils, federal funding for cleanup of 8097-8

Soils, paint factory contamination, case cited 8093

Strangway, David, tribute to 8074

Sudbury, Ont., trip to 8083

Sumac Ventures Inc., emergency response plan, confidentiality of, A. 7480

Sumac Ventures Inc., warnings re spills, A. 7479-80

Swan Hills, Alta., waste disposal site 8091

Task Force on the Environment and the Economy, appointments to 8074-5

Task Force on the Environment and the Economy, establishment of 5609, 8073, 8074

Task Force on the Environment and the Economy, recommendations 8075

Task Force on the Environment and the Economy, report 8075

Trade Development Corporation Act 6781

Traplines, policing of 8682

Traplines, registration of by groups 8626-7, 8682

Tributyltin, use of 8251

Tsolum River water, pH of 8245 2- (thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole, use of 8219, 8220

University in north, task force on 5824, 8162, 8163

University in Prince George 8083

Vaseux Lake, Eurasian water milfoil problem 8106

Victoria, sewage disposal, planning grant for 8254

Waste disposal, task force on, recommendations, implementation of 8166-7

Waste Management Act, amendments to 5610, 7731

Waste Management Act, amendments to, NDP vote on 5821-2

Waste Management Act, prosecutions under act 8102, 8103

Waste Management Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 58) 1R, 7866, 7969, 7985, 8451, 8452-3, 8452, 8453, 8453-4, 8454, 8454-5, 8455-6, 8455, 8456, 8457, 8457-8, 8458, 8459, 8460

Waste Management Amendment Act, 1989, alleged loopholes under act 7985

Waste Management Amendment Act provisions, application of to Greater Vancouver Regional District 7985

Waste management enforcement, funding for 5822

Waste management enforcement staff, increase in 8089, 8106, 8127, 8128, 8217, 8218

Waste management enforcement staff, lower mainland area 8132-3

Waste management enforcement staff, training 8127-8

Waste management, funding for 8073

Waste management legislation 5610

Waste management regulations, enforcement of 5610, 5611

Waste management, task force on, recommendations 8075-6

Water Act, engineer under act 7755, 7756

Water Act, regulations under act, compliance with 7749, 7750

Water, bottlers and distillers, exemption from Water Utility Act 7694, 7756

Water comptroller, employees of, right to enter land 7755

Water licence applications, regional managers' powers re 7749, 7750, 7751, 7752

Water licences, regional water managers' powers re 7753, 7754, 7755

Water licences, issuing of 7752

Water, management of, funding for 8073, 8097

Water, regional water managers, powers of 7749, 7750, 7751

Water, tanker trucks, exemption from Water Utility Act 7756

Watersheds, logging of 8242, 8245

Watersheds, protection of 8242

Western Pulp (Ltd.) Partnership, dioxin surveys, warning of, A. 5694

Western Pulp (Ltd.) Partnership, letter, tabling of 6280

Wildlife Act, penalties under act, enforcement of 8685

Wildlife Amendment Act, 1989 (Bill 70) 1R, 8313, 8626-7, 8628, 8680, 8681, 8682, 8683, 8684-5, 8684, 8685, 8686

Wildlife conservation, educational programs 8132

Wildlife kills, reporting of accidental kills 8685

Williams Lake, air study 8160

Wolves, control of, use of strychnine 8628

Wood preservatives, use of 8219, 8220, 8221

Wood waste, community heating 8319

Wood waste, electric power generation 8160

Wood waste, electric power generation, Williams Lake project 8318, 8319

Wood-pulp industry, profits 8234

World Commission on Environment and Development, background to 8073

World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future 8073, 8074

World Commission on Environment and Development, work of 8073-4

Zenon Environmental Inc., Environmental Laboratory, purchase of 5987, 8240, 8242

Zenon Environmental Inc., tests, preformance of 8237

Zenon Environmental Inc., work of 8237, 8238

Strangway, David

Quoted (Vander Zalm) 5761

Tribute to (Strachan) 8074

Mentioned: (Davis) 8440 (Darks) 7183 (Hagen, S.) 8335, 8352 (Jones) 8327, 8342 (Kempf) 7654, 7655 (Serwa) 5733 (Strachan) 8074 (Veitch) 7674

See also: Task Force on the Environment and the Economy

Strategic Infrastructure Development Fund Act

(Bill 74) (Minister of Regional Development) 1R, 8139-40

Industrial development, infrastructure for, funding for (Veitch) 8139-40

Strathcona Elementary School, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7728

Strathcona Hotel, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Michael) 5981, 5983

Strathcona Park

Acreage, loss of (Janssen, G.) 7811, 7812

B.C. Hydro trespass, payment for (Gabelmann) 7810

Boundaries (Cashore) 7733

Deleted areas, restoration of to park (Janssen, G.) 7811-2

Demonstrators (Janssen, G.) 6480

History of (Janssen, G.) 7811

Mineral exploration, discontinuance of and charges against protesters (Cashore) 6500

Mining companies, illegal activities (Cashore) 6498-9

Protest re (Huberts) 7739

Protesters (Cashore) 7733-4 (Gabelmann) 7811

Protesters, charges against (Cashore) 6498, 6498-9, 6500 (Smith, S.D.) 6497-8, 6500, 6501

Protesters, imprisonment of (Guno) 7096 (Ree) 7096

Protesters, transportation of (Guno) 7096 (Ree) 7096

Public review committee report (Cashore) 7733 (Huberts) 7810

Public review committee report quoted (Janssen, G.) 7811

Westmin Resources Ltd. mine noise, baffles for (Gabelmann) 7810 (Huberts) 7810

Westmin Resources Ltd., permit fee (Huberts) 7809

Westmin Resources Ltd. trespass, payment for (Gabelmann) 7809, 7810 (Huberts) 7809, 7810

Mentioned: (Cashore) 7736 (Miller) 8252 (Smith, S.D.) 6546


Growers, problems (Barlee) 7187 (Loenen) 7174

Winter freeze, effects of (De Jong) 7218 (Savage) 7218

Strawczynski, Krysia

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6335

Street children

See entries under Problem children

Strikes and lockouts

Days lost (Hanson, L.) 6971 (Loenen) 6921 (Vander Zalm) 6943

Days lost, 1986 to present (Peterson) 7360, 7361

Strikes and lockouts — Forest industry

Negotiations and Industrial Relations Act (Sihota) 6972

Strikes and lockouts — Nursing

B.C. Nurses' Union strike. See Nurses' strike, 1989

Strimbold, Lia

Mentioned: (Kempf) 6715

Strong, G.F, Rehabilitation Centre, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Rose) 7044

Structured Compensation Act

(Bill 66) (Attorney-General) 1R, 8057

Compensation, periodic payments of damages (Smith, S.D.) 8057

Stuart Island, B.C.

Anchorage (Gabelmann) 7929

Student aid

Alberta, student aid and tuition fees (Jones) 5828

Appropriation for 1988-89, underspending of (Hagen, S.) 6131, 8382 (Jones) 5828, 8381, 8382 (Rose) 6131

Committee on (Hagen, S.) 8325, 8383 (Jones) 5828, 8326

Day care subsidies and student loans (Jones) 5829

Eligibility for, criteria for (Hagen, S.) 8382, 8383 (Jones) 8382, 8383

Employment incentives, appropriation for, 1987-88, underspending of (Jones) 5828

Level of and tuition fees (Jones) 5828

Level of, comparisons to student aid elsewhere (Jones) 5827, 5828, 8381, 8383

Level of, students from low-income families (Jones) 5829, 8383

Loan remission criteria, application of (Jones) 5829

Loan remission, recommendation re (Jones) 8383

Loans, limit on total loans (Marzari) 5819

Loans program, funding for (Hagen, S.) 8320

Passport to Education program (Brummet) 7364, 7534

Quebec, student aid and tuition fees (Jones) 5828

Student aid program (Couvelier) 5768 (Jones) 5827-9, 8381 (Sihota) 5641

Student aid program, advertising of (Jones) 8383-4

Student aid program, funding for (Brummet) 5927 (Clark) 5782 (Fraser, R.) 8328-9 (Hagen, S.) 8320 (Jones) 5827 (Michael) 5864 (Perry) 5886 (Vander Zalm) 5960

Student aid program, use of (Hagen, S.) 8383 (Jones) 8382

Student counsellors

Counselling services (Jones) 8365

Elementary schools, counsellors (Brummet) 7502, 7503 (Hagen, A.) 5868, 7502-3, 7503, 7544 (Smallwood) 7501

Student enrolment

See: School census


Assessment and accountability, funding for (Brummet) 7475 (Hagen, A.) 7473

Assessment of performance of (Brummet) 7475 (Hagen, A.) 7474, 7516, 8010, 8287-8 (Jones) 8303-4

Assessment of performance of, computer capacity for (Brummet) 8304

Assessment of performance of, cost of system for (Cashore) 8302 (jones) 8304

Assessment of performance of, funding for (Hagen, A.) 7543

Assessment of performance of, ID numbers for students (Brummet) 7509 (Hagen, A.) 7509

Assessment of performance of, information for Education ministry annual report (Brummet) 7513 (Hagen, A.) 7513

Assessment of performance of, information re (Brummet) 7510, 7511 (Hagen, A.) 7510, 7511

Assessment of performance of, information re, access to (Hagen, A.) 7476

Assessment of performance of, information re, form of in Education ministry (Brummet) 7477 (Hagen, A.) 7477

Assessment of performance of, information re, purpose of (Brummet) 7477, 7514 (Hagen, A.) 7476

Assessment of performance of, information re, use of (Brummet) 7477 (Jones) 8304

Assessment of performance of, information to parents re (Hagen, A.) 7514

Assessment of performance of, record-keeping by ministry (Hagen, A.) 7509

Assessment of performance of, records, confidentiality of (Brummet) 8302-3 (Jones) 8303

Assessment of performance of, records, students' access to (Brummet) 7511

Assessment of performance of, self-assessment (Hagen, A.) 7511

Chinese students in Canada, support for student protest in China (Fraser, R.) Q. 7035 (Hagen, S.) A. 7035

Conduct of and School Act (Brummet) 8187, 8188-9, 8188 (Lovick) 8188 (Williams) 8187

Costs for, students from north and interior (Hagen, S.) 8337

Day care for children of (Hagen, S.) 8355, 8379 (Jones) 8384 (Marzari) 8756, 8758 (Richmond) 8756, 8757, 8758

Debt load at graduation (Jones) 5829

Decision-making in school system, participation in (Hagen, A.) 8187

Educated students, participation in a democratic society (Brummet) 8177 (Hagen, A.) 8007, 8177 (Harcourt) 8012-3, 8014-5 (Janssen, G.) 8024 (Jones) 8017-9

Education programs, planning of (Hagen, A.) 8008

Health and social services for (Brummet) 8298, 8299 (Hagen, A.) 8298, 8299

Learning and home problems (Jacobsen) 5747-8

Parents, information to re students (Brummet) 8189, 8190 (Hagen, A.) 8189, 8190

Post-secondary education, access to. See entries under Universities and colleges

Post-secondary education, participation rate. See entries under Universities and colleges

Post-secondary students, transit costs, subsidization of (Hagen, S.) A. 6131 (Rose) Q. 6131

Post-secondary students, transit fares, concessions on (Johnston) A. 6131, 6576-7 (Rose) Q. 6131, 6576

Post-secondary students, transit fares, one-zone transit pass (Rose) 8336

Post-secondary students, transportation, cost of (Hagen, S.) 8336 (Jones) 8337-8 (Rose) 8336-7, 8337

Social and human development, assessment of (Hagen, A.) 7512

Special needs students, counselling for (Hagen, S.) 8365

University students, housing for (Hagen, S.) 8355 (Jones) 8355 (Perry) 8332-3, 8333-4

Women students (Hagen, S.) 8355 (Jones) 5830, 8355

See also entries under Achievement tests; also Dropouts

Students, Rating of

See: Achievement tests


See entries under Forest industries

Stupich, David Daniel

Quoted (Lovick) 5807

Tribute to (Clark) 5777-8 (Pullinger) 5886-7 (Smith, B.R.) 5951

Mentioned: (Barlee) 7223 (Deputy Clerk) 5797 (Lovick) 5806 (Peterson) 7223 (Pullinger) 7788 (Strachan) 5821 (Veitch) 6215

Subdivision of land

See: Land subdivision


Agricultural subsidies (Serwa) 7190-1

Agricultural subsidies and GATT (Savage) 7217-8

Agricultural subsidies, subsidy war (Savage) 7167

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade rules re (Clark) 8490 (Davis) 8490

Success Unlimited

Mentioned: (Jones) 8389

Sudbury, Ont.

Trip to (Strachan) 8083


Indians, suicide of young people (Guno) 7056

Sullivan, Barry

Appointment of (Brummet) 8117-8

Death of (Brummet) 5691 (Jones) 5691

Memorial bursary fund (Brummet) 5691

Tribute to (Brummet) 5691, 7364 (Harcourt) 8012 (Jones) 5691 (McCarthy) 5811 (Smith, B.R.) 5707 (Vander Zalm) 5761

Mentioned: (Brummet) 7512, 7535, 8003, 8005, 8285, 8301 (Fraser, R.) 7373 (Hagen, A.) 5756, 5868, 7365, 7369, 7372, 7515, 7533, 7534, 7536, 7538, 8007, 8121, 8279, 8300 (Jones) 8019 (McCarthy) 5812 (Savage) 5852 (Smith, S.D.) 8026 (Williams) 8285

See also: Royal Commission on Education (1987)

Sullivan family

Mentioned: (Brummet) 5691

Sullivan mine

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 5814, 8497


Natural gas, royalty on sulphur (Davis) 8614 (Edwards) 8614

Sulphur dioxide

Emissions, lower mainland area, study of (Dueck)A. 7482 (Jones) Q. 7249

Emissions, reduction in (Jones) 8229

Sulphur Passage, B.C.

Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 7792 (Sihota) 6547

Sumac Ventures Inc.

Cyanide leaching, warnings re (Cashore) Q. 7480

Emergency response plan, confidentiality of (Cashore) Q. 7480 (Strachan) A. 7480

Emergency response plan, ombudsman's report on (Cashore) Q. 7480

Grand Forks operation, warnings re spills (Cashore)Q. 7479 (Strachan) A. 7479-80

Summerland, B.C.

Waste management plan (Messmer) 5683

Sun-Rype Products Ltd.

Containers, problems re (Michael) 7193

Products, use of by B.C. hospitals (Michael) 7193

Products, use of by Kelowna General Hospital (Barlee) 7188

Sun Yat-sen

Mentioned: (Perry) 7178

Sunday legislation

Sunday shopping law (Fraser, R.) 6383 (Rose) 6382-3 (Sihota) 6350, 6379, 6380-1, 6388, 6435 (Smith, S.D.) 6379-80, 6379, 6390, 6436

Sunday shopping law decision, appeal of (Sihota) 6381

Sunday shopping, Supreme Court of B.C. ruling on, impact of (Loenen) Q. 6538 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6538

Sung, Lambert Miles

Mentioned: (Mercier) 7853

Sung, Oliver

Mentioned: (Mercier) 7853, 7854

Sung family

Mentioned: (Mercier) 7853

Sunny Hill Hospital for Children, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6423 (Marzari) 6423 (Smallwood) 6105 (Smith, B.R.) 6137, 6277

Sunnybrae recreation area

Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798

Sunnyside Villa, Surrey, B.C.

Mentioned: (Richmond) 6615

Sunshine Coast Regional District

Sewers, information to public re harmful wastes in (Loenen) 8096

Superannuation Commission

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 6619 (Michael) 6268, 7745


See entries under Hazardous Substance Response Revenue Act (United States)

Superintendent of brokers

Appointment of (Clark) 8693 (Couvelier) 8693

Powers to obtain information (Couvelier) 8636

Principal Savings and Trust Co., licensing of (Sihota) 7337

Superintendent of family and child service

Apprehension of children, provision of information to parents (Richmond) 8313

Wards, legal representation for (Smith, S.D.) 6331

Superintendent of financial institutions

Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation, merger with (Couvelier) 7347, 7605

Functions of (Couvelier) 7900

Superintendent of insurance

Annual report tabled (Couvelier) 5653

Supply Act (No.1) , 1989

(Bill 14) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 5784; 2R, 5784; C, 5784-96; 3R, 5796, RA, 5796

Speakers: Brummet 5794, 5794-5, 5795, 5796; Couvelier 5785, 5785-6, 5786, 5787, 5788, 5795; Dueck 5788, 5789; Guno 5786; Hagen, A. 5788, 5788-9, 5789; Jones 5794, 5795; Kempf 5795, 5796; Marzari 5788; Miller 5787, 5787-8, 5788; Ree 5793, 5794; Reid 5789; Richmond 5790, 5791, 5792, 5793; Rose 5784, 5789, 5793; Sihota 5784, 5785, 5786, 5793, 5794; Smallwood 5790, 5791, 5791-2, 5793; Williams 5790, 5792

B.C. Institute of Technology, funding for (Brummet) 5794

Civil service, employees, number of, reduction in (Williams) 5792

Delgam Uukw et al. v the Queen, trial, funding for (Couvelier) 5785

Employment, JobTrac program mentioned (Miller) 5787

Employment-Plus program (Richmond) 5791 (Smallwood) 5791

Expenditures, overrun on, use of term (Williams) 5792

Forest stand management fund, funds, source of (Miller) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, employees (Miller) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, funding for (Couvelier) 5787 (Miller) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, title of program (Couvelier) 5787

Forestry enhancement program, work of (Couvelier) 5788 (Miller) 5787-8

GAIN program, financial assistance workers, recruitment of (Richmond) 5790

GAIN program, funding for (Richmond) 5793 (Smallwood) 5793

GAIN program, funding for, additional funds (Richmond) 5790, 5791, 5792 (Smallwood) 5790 (Williams) 5790

GAIN program, funding for, overrun, use of term (Richmond) 5792 (Williams) 5792

GAIN program rates, single parents (Richmond) 5791, 5792 (Smallwood) 5791, 5792

GAIN program recipients, number of (Richmond) 5790 (Smallwood) 5790

Indians, aboriginal title, government's position on (Sihota) 5786

Indians, aboriginal title trials, funds for (Couvelier) 5785, 5786 (Guno) 5786 (Sihota) 5784, 5785, 5786

Justice Institute of B.C., building feasibility study (Ree) 5793

Kaon project, study (Brummet) 5794, 5795 (Jones) 5794

Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, replacement for (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793

Pasco, Robert, v Canadian National Railway and others, trial, funding for (Couvelier) 5785

Silviculture, JobTrac funds for (Miller) 5787

Simon Fraser University, Centre for System Science, funding for (Brummet) 5794

Solicitor-General ministry, capital planning projects (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793

Solicitor-General ministry, computer software, lease payments for (Ree) 5793

Special warrant 2, use of funds (Couvelier) 5785, 5786 (Guno) 5786 (Sihota) 5784, 5785, 5786

Special warrant 4, use of funds (Couvelier) 5787, 5788 (Miller) 5787-8, 5787, 5788

Special warrant 6, use of funds (Dueck) 5788, 5789 (Hagen, A.) 5788-9, 5788, 5789

Special warrant 7, use of funds (Reid) 5789 (Rose) 5789

Special warrant 8, use of funds (Richmond) 5790, 5791, 5792, 5793 (Rose) 5793 (Smallwood) 5790, 5791, 5791-2, 5793 (Williams) 5790, 5792

Special warrant 9, use of funds (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793

Special warrant 10, use of funds (Ree) 5793, 5794 (Sihota) 5793, 5794

Special warrant 11, use of funds (Brummet) 5794-5, 5794, 5796 (Couvelier) 5795 (Jones) 5794, 5795 (Kempf) 5795, 5796

Universities and colleges, enrolment, increase in (Jones) 5795

Universities and colleges, equipment, renewal of (Brummet) 5794, 5795 (Jones) 5794, 5795

Universities and colleges, funding for, special warrant (Brummet) 5794 (Jones) 5794

Universities and colleges, students turned away (Jones) 5794

University in Prince George, feasibility study for (Kempf) 5795, 5796

University of Victoria, mechanical engineering school, funding for (Brummet) 5794

Vancouver Island, forest renewal proposal, funding for (Miller) 5787

Willingdon Youth Detention Centre, replacement of (Ree) 5793 (Sihota) 5793, 5794

Young Offenders Act, cases under act, funding for (Couvelier) 5786 (Sihota) 5786

Supply Act (No. 2) , 1989

(Bill 62) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 7925; 2R, 7925; C, 7925; 3R, 7925; RA, 8010

Speakers: Clark 7925; Couvelier 7925

Supply Act (No. 3) , 1989

(Bill 88) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 8840; 2R, 8840; C, 8840; 3R, 8840; RA, 8841

Speakers: Couvelier 8840


See entries under Purchasing Commission

Support (Domestic relations)

Distribution of assets as alternative to maintenance (Smith, B.R.) 6454

Maintenance arrears, cancellation of (Sihota) 7210 (Smith, S.D.) 7112

Maintenance arrears, reduction in (Sihota) 7210

Maintenance enforcement (Sihota) 6345 (Smith, B.R.) 5954, 6454 (Smith, S.D.) 6329

Maintenance enforcement and problem of assistance to debtors (Sihota) 6464

Maintenance enforcement, backlogs elsewhere (Smith, S.D.) 6483

Maintenance enforcement, corporate disclosure, problem re (Smith, S.D.) 6549

Maintenance enforcement, history of in B.C. (Smallwood) 6542, 6544 (Smith, S.D.) 6544

Maintenance enforcement, legal aid for (Sihota) 6345, 6465 (Smith, S.D.) 6378

Maintenance enforcement offices, community-based offices (Sihota) 6467 (Smith, S.D.) 6467

Maintenance enforcement offices, opening of (Smith, S.D.) 6329

Maintenance enforcement offices, telephone inquiries to (Sihota) 6346 (Smith, S.D.) 6329, 6349, 6544

Maintenance enforcement offices, work of (Smith, S.D.) 6329

Maintenance enforcement orders, reciprocal agreements on (Sihota) 8140 (Smith, S.D.) 8140

Maintenance enforcement, problems re (Sihota) 6345, 6346

Maintenance enforcement program (Richmond) 8717-8, 8734 (Smallwood) 6542-3, 6544 (Smith, S.D.) 6525

Maintenance enforcement program, access to (Marzari) 8734 (Sihota) 6463

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases (Janssen, G.) 6481 (Marzari) 8735 (Richmond) 8735 (Sihota) 6463-4, 6466, 6470 (Smallwood) 6544 (Smith, S.D.) 6466, 6470, 6481, 6483-4, 6543, 6544

Maintenance enforcement program, backlog of cases, funding for (Sihota) 6466 (Smith, S.D.) 6466

Maintenance enforcement program, case cited (Sihota) 6463

Maintenance enforcement program forms, completion of, problems re (Sihota) 6465

Maintenance enforcement program, funding for (Couvelier) 5769 (Janssen, G.) 5911 (Sihota) 6372 (Smallwood) 6544 (Smith, S.D.) 6332

Maintenance enforcement program, GAIN recipients (Marzari) 8735 (Richmond) 8734, 8735 (Sihota) 6464, 6470

Maintenance enforcement program, letters re quoted (Sihota) 6463-4

Maintenance enforcement program, management of (Marzari) 6483 (Smith, S.D.) 6483

Maintenance enforcement program, money recovered to date (Sihota) 6470 (Smith, S.D.) 6470

Maintenance enforcement program, number of cases dealt with (Sihota) 6346 (Smith, S.D.) 6329

Maintenance enforcement program, Port Alberni (Janssen, G.) 6481 (Smith, S.D.) 6481

Maintenance enforcement program, procedures (Marzari) 6482-3

Maintenance enforcement program, staff (Marzari) 6483 (Smith, S.D.) 6483

Maintenance enforcement program, waivers for protection of wife (Marzari) 6483 (Sihota) 6465, 6466 (Smith, S.D.) 6465, 6483

Maintenance orders not honoured (Smith, S.D.) 6329-30

Wages, notice of attachment on (Smith, S.D.) 6330

The Supremacy of Parliament, An Act to Ensure

(Bill 1) (Attorney-General) 1R, 5590

Supreme Court Act

(Bill 23) (Attorney-General) 1R, 6673-4; 2R, 7104-6; C, 7203-5; 3R, 7205; RA, 8010

Amdts: Sec. 2 (Smith, S.D.) 7203, approved 7204; sec. 3 (Smith, S.D.) 7204, approved 7204; sec. 4 (Smith, S.D.) 7204, approved 7204, sec. 6 (Smith, S.D.) 7204, approved 7204; sec. 7 (Smith, S.D.) 7204, approved 7204; sec. 12 (Smith, S.D.) 7205, approved 7205; sec. 49 (Smith, S.D.) 7205, approved 7205; sec. 194.1 (Smith, S.D.) 7205, approved 7205

Speakers: Sihota 7105, 7203, 7204, 7205; Smith, B.R. 7203-4, 7204; Smith, S.D. 6673-4, 7104-5, 7105-6, 7203, 7204, 7205

Amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 7105

Charter of Rights, challenges under Charter, funding for (Sihota) 7105

Charter of Rights, challenges under section 15, analysis of (Sihota) 7105

Courts, access to (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Definition section, omissions from (Sihota) 7203 (Smith, S.D.) 7203

Judges, conferences, reimbursement for expenses (Smith, B.R.) 7204 (Smith, S.D.) 7204

Justice Reform Committee, recommendations (Sihota) 7105 (Smith, S.D.) 6674, 7104

Legal aid and access to courts (Sihota) 7105

“Master”, use of term (Sihota) 7203 (Smith, S.D.) 7203

Supreme Court Act, amendments to (Smith, S.D.) 7105

Supreme Court of B.C., access to (Sihota) 7105 (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Supreme Court of B.C., County Court of B.C., merger with (Smith, S.D.) 6674, 7104, 7105

Supreme Court of B.C., decentralization of, recommendation re (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Supreme Court of B.C., judges, location of (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Supreme Court of B.C., retention of name for court (Smith, B.R.) 7203-4

Vexatious actions, powers re (Sihota) 7205 (Smith, S.D.) 7205

Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6376

Supreme Court of British Columbia

Access to (Sihota) 6038, 7105 (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Agricultural Land Commission decisions, appeals (Barlee) 8560

Appointment of Sikh to (Sihota) 6441

Chief justice, appointment of (Sihota) 7553

College faculties, pension rights of part-time employees, decision (Jones) 6618-9

County Court of B.C., merger with (Sihota) 6037-8, 6339 (Smith, B.R.) 5954-5, 6468 (Smith, S.D.) 6674, 7104, 7105, 7696

Decentralization of, recommendation re (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Economic litigation, proposal re (Smith, B.R.) 6467

Electoral boundaries, judgment on constitutionality of (Hanson, G.) 7381, 7382, 7388 (Rose) 7387 (Sihota) 6205-6, 6338, 7386 (Smith, S.D.) 6205

Electoral boundaries, legislation on, decision on deadline for (Hanson, G.) 7385 (Reid) 7386 (Rose) 7195, 7387 (Smith, S.D.) 7194-5

Family law matters, jurisdiction over (Sihota) 6462

Government's failures in appeals to (Hanson, G.) 5726

Green Paper on (Smith, S.D.) 7112

Judges, location of (Smith, S.D.) 7104

Jurisdiction of and Provincial Court of B.C. (Smith, S.D.) 7112

“Master”, use of term (Sihota) 7203 (Smith, B.R.) 7203-4 (Smith, S.D.) 7203

Name for court, retention of (Smith, B.R.) 7203-4

Sunday shopping, ruling on (Loenen) Q. 6538 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6538

Supreme Court Act. See name of act

Vexatious actions, powers re (Sihota) 7205 (Smith, S.D.) 7205

Mentioned: (Clark) 7848, 7997 (Couvelier) 7620, 7847, 7848, 8636 (Dueck) 7619, 8461, 8462 (Gabelmann) 8708 (Hanson, G.) 5845, 6009 (Jones) 8838, 8839 (Lovick) 8458 (Michael) 6292, 6536 (Richmond) 8752 (Sihota) 6463 (Smith, B.R.) 5954, 6454 (Smith, S.D.) 6293, 6438, 8057, 8137, 8832 (Throne speech) 5585

Supreme Court of Canada

Abortion, decision on (Harcourt) 6520 (Marzari) 7359 (Perry) 6308, 6545 (Sihota) 6516, 6528, 6529-30, 6532 (Smallwood) 6526, 6527 (Smith, S.D.) 6518, 6519, 6527-8, 6529, 6530

Airline fuel taxing, decision on (Smith, S.D.) 6577

Appointment to, discussion re (Smith, S.D.) 6540

Brooks decision (Marzari) 7359

Calder case mentioned (Guno) 8038

Court, transfer of power to (Smith, S.D.) 6385

Judges, workload (Smith, B.R.) 6454

Sales tax application to aircraft, decision on (Couvelier) 8633

Women, discrimination against, decisions on (Sihota) 6611, 6612

Workers' compensation and workers' right to sue, decision on (Smith, S.D.) 6350

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8579 (Hagen, S.) 8334 (Hanson, G.) 6186, 6258, 6260, 6392 (Harcourt) 8063 (Marzari) 8758 (Perry) 8334 (Ree) 8625 (Savage) 7325 (Sihota) 6197, 6338, 6378, 6437 (Smith, S.D.) 6298, 6327, 6328, 6359, 6379, 6384, 6392, 7209 (Vander Zalm) 5777


Elective surgery, cancellation of (Perry) 6091

Elective surgery, waiting-period for (Clark) 5782 (Dueck) 6089-90, 6432 (Sihota) 6432

United States, decisions on surgery (Dueck) 6090

See also subdivision Surgery under individual parts of the body, e.g. Heart-Surgery

Surrey, B.C.

Bear Creek Park track, improvements to (Johnston) 6629

Bus route 321, cancellation of (Smallwood) 6590

Bus route 321, route of (Smallwood) 6590

Bus route 333 and SkyTrain (Johnston) 6590

Bus route 333, cancellation of (Johnston) 6571-2 (Rose) 6568, 6574

Bus route 333, petition re (Smallwood) 6590

Bus service, cutbacks in (Smallwood) 6589

Children, number of (Smallwood) 5710, 7496

Children, number of on welfare (Smallwood) 5938

Council's decisions (Johnston) 6630

Families, number of on welfare (Smallwood) 6614

Farmland, options on (Jones) 7233 (Savage) 7233

Golf course, greenbelt land for (Jones) 7227

Golf courses, new courses (Jones) 7225, 7226, 7227

Grants to, unconditional grants (Johnston) 6629

Guildford Park mentioned (Smallwood) 6629

Population growth (Smallwood) 5710

Population growth, costs of (Johnston) 6629, 6630 (Smallwood) 6629

Recreational facilities (Smallwood) 6616, 6629

Rental housing, rent increases (Smallwood) 6614-5

Rental housing, vacancy rate (Smallwood) 5940, 6614

Students, education facilities for (Smallwood) 5939

Surrey Community Services Society, Surrey, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dueck) 6423

Surrey Leader, Surrey, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 6587

Surrey Memorial Hospital, Surrey, B.C.

Acute-care beds, new beds (Dueck) 6117

Ambulatory care centre (Dueck) 6117

Bed ratio to population (Smallwood) 5711

Beds, additional beds, funding for (Dueck) 6122 (Smallwood) 6118, 6119, 6122

Board, chairman's letter quoted (Dueck) 6117

Board, elected board (Dueck) 6122 (Smallwood) 6122

Budget review (Dueck) 6117

Deficit (Smallwood) 5938, 6118, 6120

Emergency facilities (Dueck) 6121 (Smallwood) 5710-1, 6120

Extended-care patients (Smallwood) 5711

Funding for (Dueck) 6117, 6121 (Johnston) 6629 (Smallwood) 6118, 6121-2

Psychiatric beds, new beds (Dueck) 6117

Report on tabled (Dueck) 6122

Mentioned: (Perry) 6309 (Smallwood) 6116, 6590, 6629

Surrey-North Delta Now, Surrey, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 6614

Surrey Pretrial Services Centre, Surrey, B.C.

Construction of (Ree) 5663, 6989, 6991

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 5955

Surrey Village, Surrey, B.C.

Rent increases (Smallwood) 6614

Surrey Voters' Association

Mentioned: (Clark) 7944

Surveys and resource mapping branch

Sale of (Lovick) Q. 6938

Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Prince George, B.C.

Service, funding for (Boone) 6398

Sutherland, Gordon

Quoted (Lovick) 6797

Swan Hills, Alta.

Waste disposal site (Strachan) 8091

Swan Valley Foods Ltd.

Mentioned: (Savage) 7238

Swanson, Milton

Quoted (Edwards) 8488


Arms industry (Gabelmann) 7721 (Jansen, J.) 7718-9 (Perry) 7719 (Smith, S.D.) 7718

Beer, price of (Perry) 6154

Medical care, user fee for (Perry) 6151

Prescriptions, fee for (Dueck) 6094 (Hagen, A.) 6094 (Perry) 6151

Sweeney, Ed

Appointment of (Williams) 6666

Tribute to (Johnston) 6666

Sweeney, John

Mentioned: (Richmond) 8807

Switzer, Jim

Mentioned: (Dirks) 7870


Economic forum. See entries under Economic policy

Szauer, John

Mentioned: (Strachan) 8160