Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 16, 1989 to April 5, 1990
See: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Grants (Gran) 5636 (Rabbitt) 6667 (Reid) 7381
Grants for multicultural facilities (Reid) 7434
Grants for sports and recreation projects (Hanson, G.) 6648 (Johnston) 6647
“Growth and Opportunities” program (Mowat) 7358
Nelson streetcar, grant for (D’Arcy) 7427
Program (Johnston) 6630 (Michael) 5864
Mentioned: (Clark) 8358 (Huberts) 7732, 7737, 7793 (Long) 5713 (Marzari) 7801, 7935 (Strachan) 8455
Gabelmann, Colin S. (North Island)
ARMX '89, B.C. delegation 7710-1, 7717, 7721
ARMX '89, international arms dealers, participation of 7717
Aid to developing countries 7731
Aquaculture activities, Evergreen Islands 5872-3
Arms industry and technology 7721
Arms Industry, Sweden 7721
Arms production in B.C. 7710-1, 7711
Asia, trade with 7709
Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act (1989) 8698
B.C. Ferry Corporation, board, representation on 6770
B.C. Ferry Corporation, route 10, daily sailings in summer, proposal for 6744
B.C. Ferry Corporation, route 23, second ferry for 6744
B.C. Government Employees' Union, grievance 6005
B.C. Government Professional Employees' Association, grievance 6005
B.C. Hydro, board, representation on 6770
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, accountability of 6556, 6771, 6778
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, applications to, political screening of 6777
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, board, appointments to 6767, 6768, 6770
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, board, conflict-of-interest guidelines for 6764
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, board, members 6556, 6763, 6768, 6769-70
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, board, powers of 6557
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, board, role of 6763
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, borrowing powers 6778
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, chairman of corporation 6770
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, companies assisted, equity position in 6777
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, establishment of 6557
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, establishment of, NDP proposal for 6556
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, Export Development Corporation, relationship to 6556-7
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, loans and loan guarantees 6763
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, president of corporation 6767, 6768
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, report and financial statements, tabling of in Legislature 6779, 6780-1, 6789, 6789-90
B.C. Trade Development Corporation, small- and medium-sized businesses, assistance to 6557
British Columbia Coastal Zone Commission Act, proposed act 7931
Brooks Peninsula-Estevan Point area, designation of park sites 7416, 7808, 7809
Budget debate 5871-3
Bunsby Islands, park status for 7808, 7809
Calcium, prescriptions, Pharmacare coverage for 6150
Campbell River, airport, road to 6744
Campbell River, sewage treatment, agreement with Elk Falls mill 8104
China, trade office in China, establishment of 7731
Chinese language, teachers of Mandarin in B.C. 7731
Civil service, federal pay deductions, Q. 5875-6
Clams, diggers, environmental damage 5872, 7929
Coastal zone management, Environment and Land Use Committee, subcommittee recommendations 7931
Coastal zone management, issue of 7928
Coastal zone management, legislation and regulation elsewhere 7931
Coastal zone management, need for 7929-32
Coastal zone management, ombudsman's recommendations 7931
Cominco Ltd., government equity in 6777
Cortes Island, aquaculture activities 5872-3
Cortes Island, highway, paving of 6744
Cortes Island, shoreline zoning program 7931
Crown Lands ministry, estimates 7880, 7928-32
Desolation Sound, aquaculture 7929
Development regions, transportation committees, hearings 6742
Economy of B.C., diversification of 6037
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 8703-4, 8708
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act commended 8703
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act, implementation of 8703
Electoral Boundaries Commission, appointment of judge to 8708
Electoral Boundaries Commission, membership 8708
Electoral boundaries, determination of 8703, 8708
Electoral districts, redistribution 8703
English-as-a-second-language program, cost of 7728
English-as-a-second-language program, upgrading of 7728
Entrepreneurism, collective entrepreneurism 7724-5
Environment ministry, estimates 8103, 8104
Environmental protection, community groups, agreements with companies 8103
Environmentalists' conflict with forest Industry, role of government in 7185-6
Estimates, questions on future policy 8082
Evergreen Islands, logging of 5873
Evergreen Islands, shoreline zoning program 7931-2
Evergreen Islands, tree-farm licence system 5873
Export sales, Asia, exports to 7709
Export sales, international competitiveness, advisory committee on 7731
Fair Harbour, dock, garbage In area of 7929
Farmers, trespassers, liability in trepass cases 8698
Fish-farms and loss of anchorage 7929
Fish-farms, feed bags, biodegradable bags 8104
Fish-farms, upland owners 7929
Fish-processing, GATT negotiations 7702
Fish-processing, negotiations with federal government, Q. 6370
Fish-processing, negotiations with U.S. 6370
Fish-processing, regulations, change in and B.C. industry, Q. 6370
Foreign trade promotion and labour relations in B.C. 7710
Foreign trade promotion, expenditures on 7709
Fraser, Alexander Vaughan, tribute to 6702
Free trade agreement, impact of, monitoring of 7710
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Uruguay round, access to natural resources as subject of 7707, 7708
God's Pocket, anchorage 7929
Government Management Services ministry 6011-2, 6013
Government Management Services ministry, estimates 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004, 6005
Government Management Services ministry, responsibilities 6004
Gravel, removal of, government's powers re 7759
Health ministry, estimates 6150
Highway 19, alternative route, completion of 5872, 6742, 6743
Highway 19, alternative route, funding for 5872
Highway 19, Keogh bridge 6744
Highway 19, Port McNeill-Port Hardy section, trade for forest company road, proposal re 6743
Highway 28, use of logging road as alternative to 6743
Highway signs, blue signs 6744
Highways, cat's eyes 6744
Highways, condition of, litigation over 6743
Hoskyn Channel, aquaculture activities 5873
Immigrant children, integration of and future problems 7728
Immigrants, basis for immigration to B.C. 7722-3
Immigrants, bias in favour of European immigrants, allegation re 7.724
Immigrants, entrepreneurial class 7724-5
Immigrants, federal responsibility for 7727
Immigrants, government expenditures on 7727
Immigrants, investor immigrants 7724, 7725
Immigrants, number of 7722
Immigrants, places of settlement in B.C. 7723
Immigrants, skill requirements 7722, 7723
Immigrants, W.N. Vander Zalm's statement re 7724
Immigration, benefit of to economy 7722
Immigration, provincial powers re 7721
Implementation of act 8703
International Business and Immigration ministry, estimates 7702, 7703, 7707, 7708, 7709, 7710, 7710-1, 7711, 7717, 7718, 7721, 7722-3, 7722, 7723, 7724-5, 7724, 7727, 7727-8, 7730, 7730-1, 7731-2, 7731
International Woodworkers of America, history of 7185
Japanese language, teachers, number of in B.C. 7731
Law, Americanization of 6743
Lawyers, law firms, merger of 8698
Legislative Library, staff, exemption from Public Service Labour Relations Act 8829, 8831, 8832
Log exports, export tax on and possible GATT challenge 7703
Magnuson Act, application of and fish-processing industry 7702, 7703
Magnuson Act, application of and GATT 7702, 7703
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) (1989) 8827-8, 8828-9, 8831, 8831-2, 8832, 8832-3
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) , 1989, section 28, standing down of, proposal for 8832
Municipal Amendment Act (No. 2) (1989) 7759
New Zealand, free trade arrangement with Canada, proposal for 7708, 7709
North Island constituency, coastline, beauty of 7928
Northern B.C., representation for in Legislature 8703
Occupiers Liability Act, amendment to 8698
Offence Amendment Act (1989) 8697
Parks ministry, estimates 7808, 7808-9, 7809-10, 7809, 7810
Personal service contracts, employees, circumstances of employment 6013
Personal service contracts, expenditures on 6001, 6011
Personal service contracts, Forests ministry 6002
Personal service contracts, guidelines for 6005
Personal service contracts, number of 5871-2, 5875, 6001, 6002, 6011, 6013
Personal service contracts, provisions of 6003
Personal service contracts, purpose of 6001, 6005
Personal service contracts, sessional employees 6013
Personal service contracts, use of 6005
Pesticides, application of, agreements between community groups and companies 8103
Port Alice, Marble River bridge 6744
Port Alice, road to, upgrading of 6743
Poverty, institutionalization of 5871
Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from, 1975 exemptions 8827, 8828
Public Service Labour Relations Act, exemption from for certain employees 8827-8, 8828-9, 8831-2, 8831, 8832-3, 8832
Quadra Island, aquaculture activities 5872-3
Quadra Island, road system, upgrading of 6744
Quartz Bay, anchorage 7929
Quatsino Sound, environmental damage 7929
Read Island, aquaculture activities 5872-3
Royston marina 7929
Rugged Point, park status for 7808, 7809
Sayward, Sachts bridge 6744
Search warrants, telewarrants, use of 8697
Select Standing Committee on Forestry and Fisheries, work of 7931
Shore protection and logging practices 7928-9
Shore protection, coastline, beauty of 7928
Shore protection, issue of 7928
Silviculture, employment in, personal service contracts 6013
Sonora Island, aquaculture activities 5872-3
Steel mill and diversification of economy 6037
Steel mill, environmental survey report 8000
Steel mill, feasibility study for 6036-7
Strathcona Park, B.C. Hydro trespass, payment for 7810
Strathcona Park, protesters 7811
Strathcona Park, Westmin Resources Ltd. mine noise, baffles for 7810
Strathcona Park, Westmin Resources Ltd. trespass, payment for 7809, 7810
Stuart Island, anchorage 7929
Tahsis, road link to Zeballos 6743
Tahsis, road to Woss 6743
Taiwan, B.C. Trade Development Corporation office 7730, 7730-1
Tourism and Provincial Secretary ministry, estimates 7416
Trade Development Corporation Act 6556-7, 6763, 6764, 6767-8, 6767, 6768, 6769-70, 6770, 6771, 6776, 6777, 6778, 6779, 6780-1, 6789, 6789-90
Trade missions, participation in 7709
Trade unions, membership, exclusions from in private sector 8828
Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6742-4
Tsolum Timber Sales Ltd., jobs, non-union jobs 7185
Unemployment, Kamloops 5871
Unemployment rate 5871
University Endowment Land Park Act 6220-1, 6258
University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to 6221, 6258
University Endowment Lands, park, establishment of 6221
Utah Mines Ltd., environmental damage 7929
Vancouver Island, forest industry, logging plans, approval of, Q. 7655
Vancouver Island, forest industry operations 7416, Q. 7655
Viking Highway, proposed project 6743-4
Wealth, distribution of 5871
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (1989) 7163-4
Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, appointment of 7163
Workers' Compensation Board, board of governors, public interest governors 7163
Workers' Compensation Board, ombudsman's report on 7164
Workers' Compensation Board, regulations, order-in-council process for 7163-4
Workers' Compensation Review Board, decisions, appeal of to medical review panel 7164
The Gables, Whistler, B.C.
Mentioned (Williams) 7872, 7873, 7880
Gabriola Island, B.C.
Berry Point Road, upgrading of (Lovick) 6828 (Vant) 6828
Bridge (Fraser, R.) 6798 (Lovick) 6827 (Vant) 6800, 6827, 6828
Bridge, public opinion poll on (Lovick) 6828 (Vant) 6829
Ferry terminal (Fraser, R.) 6798 (Vant) 6800, 6827, 6828
Health nurse (Pullinger) 6324
Gage, Walter
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 6213
Gaglardi, PA. (Phil)
Mentioned: (Williams) 6269
Gairns, Harry
Quoted (Kempf) 8574
Galiano Island, B.C.
Coon Bay resort development (Blencoe) 6627
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. development (Blencoe) 8611
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. land holdings (Blencoe) 6628
Gallagher, George (Bud)
Resignation of (Hanson, L.) 6971 (Sihota) 6971
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6972
Gallagher, Paul
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8320, 8353, 8354, 8362
Gallinger, Claude
Mentioned: (Reid) 7402
Galloping Goose Regional Park Corridor
Transportation development, land for (Sihota) 6573
Charities, source of funding for (Hagen, A.) 7090
Destination resorts, policy on (Michael) 5983
Gaming licences, jurisdiction over (Hagen, A.) 7091
Increase in (Hagen, A.) 7092 (Sihota) 7090
Industry in B.C. (Ree) 7090
Ministerial responsibility for (Smith, B.R.) 7051
Regulation of (Smith, B.R.) 7052
See also: Bingo; Casinos; Horse-race betting; Lotteries
Game and game-birds
Game species in B.C. (Serwa) 8132
Game Farm Act
(Bill 31) (Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries) 1R, 7178; 2R, 7689-91
Speakers: Edwards 7689-91; Savage 7178, 7689, 7691
Bison, game-farming of (Edwards) 7690 (Savage) 7691
Caribou, game-farming of in Peace River area (Edwards) 7690 (Savage) 7691
Conservation officers, number of (Edwards) 7690
Elk, game-farming of (Edwards) 7689 (Savage) 7691
Fallow deer, game-farming of (Edwards) 7689, 7690 (Savage) 7691
Game farm products, grading and processing facilities (Edwards) 7691
Game farm products, inspection of (Savage) 7691
Game farm products, marketing of (Edwards) 7690
Game farmers, licensing of (Savage) 7178, 7689
Game farms, possible use of Crown land for (Edwards) 7691
Game farms, size of (Savage) 7691
Game, protection of and game farming (Edwards) 7691
Game species in B.C., farming of (Edwards) 7689 (Savage) 7691
Game-farming and problem of poaching (Edwards) 7690
Game-farming and protection of wild stock (Savage) 7178, 7689
Game-farming, disease problem (Edwards) 7690
Game-farming, environmental impact (Savage) 7178, 7689
Game-farming, escapes (Edwards) 7690 (Savage) 7691
Game-farming, imported stock for (Edwards) 7690
Game-farming industry, promotion of (Edwards) 7689
Game-farming, interministerial cooperation (Savage) 7178
Game-farming, species farmed, restriction on (Savage) 7178
Game-farming, use of antibiotics in (Edwards) 7690
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8680
Game Farming Advisory Council
Mentioned: (Savage) 7691
Game management
See: Wildlife management
Game meat
See: Wildlife as food
Game protection
Game farming and game protection (Edwards) 7691
Game wardens
See: Conservation officers
See: Animal culture
See: Gambling
Gaming Commission
Staff, Increase in (Ree) 7090
Mentioned: (Barnes) 6363 (Clark) 7286 (D’Arcy) 7419, 7421 (Williams) 6663
Asian gangs (Barnes) 5703-4
Gang squad, establishment of (Ree) 6988
Gangs (Barnes) 6364 (Smith, B.R.) 6457 (Smith, S.D.) 6330, 6458
International conference on (Ree) 6988 (Smith, S.D.) 6330
Law-camp process (Smith, S.D.) 6331, 6334
Los Diablos gang (Smith, S.D.) 6330
McBride prosecution team (Smith, B.R.) 6457
Recruitment to (Smith, S.D.) 6331
Recruitment to, case cited (Smith, B.R.) 6457
Viet Ching gang (Smith, S.D.) 6330-1
Youth gang public education initiative (Smith, S.D.) 6330-1, 6334
Youth gangs (Barnes) 6362 (Clark) 6365-6 (Sihota) 6347
Garbarino, Maureen
Pension benefits (Jones) 8838, 8838-9
Gardiner, Brian L.
Mentioned: (Miller) 5834
Gardner, Booth
Meeting with (Vander Zalm) 5740
Gardom, Garde Basil
Mentioned: (Chairman) 8175 (Jones) 6476 (Smith, S.D.) 6353
Garment industry
See: Clothing trade
Garrod, Douglas
Mentioned: (Clark) 7602, 7603 (Couvelier) 7603
Gas, Natural
B.C. Gas purchases, price of gas (Davis) 8553
Boundary Lake area field (Brummet) 5628
Discoveries, new fields (Brummet) 5628
Electric power generation from (Davis) 8427
Energy source (Davis) 8432
Industry, deregulation of (Clark) 8552 (Edwards) 8551
Ontario, gas purchases (Davis) 8484
Ownership of, Crown ownership (Davis) 8551, 8614 (Edwards) 8552, 8614
Pipeline companies, role of (Davis) 8479
Pipelines, deregulation of (Davis) 8423
Pipelines, federal funds for elsewhere (Davis) 8621
Price, determination of (Davis) 7771, 8170, 8551, 8616, 8618 (Edwards) 8616, 8618
Price, determination of, minister's powers re (Davis) 8615, 8618 (Edwards) 8615, 8618-9
Price, export price (Clark) 8552, 8553 (Davis) 8553-4
Price, future price (Clark) 8553
Price of (Davis) 8182 (Edwards) 8481-2
Price of and cost of other energy sources (Davis) 8554
Price to domestic consumers (Clark) 8552-3, 8552 (Davis) 8482 (Edwards) 8482, 8551-2
Price to industry (Clark) 8552, 8553
Pulp mills, use of natural gas and job creation (D’Arcy) 8495 (Davis) 8495
Revenue to province (Clark) 8553
Royalty (Davis) 8480, 8551 (Edwards) 8480
Royalty payments, auditing of (Clark) 5617
Sikanni field (Brummet) 5628
Sour gas in B.C. (Edwards) 8224 (Strachan) 8224
Sour gas well in Sparwood (Edwards) 8446
Sour gas wells, applications for drilling of (Davis) 8447 (Edwards) 8447
Sulphur, royalty on (Davis) 8614 (Edwards) 8614
Supply of (Davis) 8423
Use of, environmental benefits (Davis) 8622 (Long) 6445
Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Act. See name of act
Vancouver Island, natural gas source on island, possibility of (Clark) 8740 (Edwards) 8739
Vancouver Island pipeline (Perry) 8257
Vancouver Island pipeline, agreement on (Throne speech) 5590
Vancouver Island pipeline and transportation of oil (Long) Q. 6582 (Miller) 6692 (Strachan) A. 6582
Vancouver Island pipeline, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings (Davis) 6617 (Edwards) 5750-1, 5923-6 (Rose) Q. 5846 (Strachan) A. 5846
Vancouver Island pipeline, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings on economic impact (Edwards) 8736-7
Vancouver Island pipeline, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings, report (Davis) 6037 (Rose) 5949
Vancouver Island pipeline, B.C. Utilities Commission report on quoted (Clark) 8739 (Harcourt) 6247
Vancouver Island pipeline, benefits of (Couvelier) 5770 (Davis) 6250, 8742 (Loenen) 8095-6 (Long) 6616-7 (Smith, S.D.) 5923 (Strachan) 5847, 8258 (Vander Zalm) 5761
Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of (Bruce)Q. 7071 (Davis) 5950-1 (Long) 7181 (Rose) 5949-50, 5951 (Throne speech) 5588 (Vander Zalm) A. 7071
Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, employment in (Couvelier) 5770 (Davis) 8496
Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, expenditures on, information re (Davis) 8761-2 (Edwards) 8761
Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, fasttracking of (Cashore) 5659 (Harcourt) Q. 6130 (Strachan) A. 6130
Vancouver Island pipeline, construction of, timetable for (Davis) 8486 (Edwards) 8486
Vancouver Island pipeline, conversion costs (Clark) 8739 (Davis) 8763-4 (Edwards) 8763
Vancouver Island pipeline, conversion costs, pulp mills (Davis) 8485, 8763-4 (Edwards) 8484, 8485, 8763
Vancouver Island pipeline, Coquitlam watershed area (Barnes) 6173 (Cashore) 6617 (Davis) 5950-1, 6037, 6250, 6447, 8741 (Edwards) 5925, 5926, 6250, 8736 (Harcourt) Q. 6129-30, 6247 (Long) 6445-6, 6616 (Rose) Q. 5847, 5949, 5950, 6447, 6567, 7974 (Strachan) A. 5847, A. 6130
Vancouver Island pipeline, Coquitlam watershed area, petition re (Cashore) 6508 (Rose) 6508
Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of (Clark) 8739 (Davis) 8621, 8741 (Edwards) 8738
Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of and cost of pipe (Edwards) 8737
Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of, overrun on, funds for (Edwards) 8737
Vancouver Island pipeline, court challenge re (Rose) 6446-7
Vancouver Island pipeline, customers for gas (Edwards) 5926
Vancouver Island pipeline, energy project certificate, issuing of (Harcourt) Q. 6631 (Strachan) A. 6631
Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact (Davis) 8487, 8740-1 (Edwards) 5751, 5925, 8487, 8736 (Harcourt) Q. 6247 (Strachan) A. 6248, 6506
Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact, fisheries (Edwards) 8736
Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact, recreational resources (Edwards) 8736
Vancouver Island pipeline, environmental impact studies (Cashore) 5659 (Edwards) 8736
Vancouver Island pipeline, federal environmental assessment review (Davis) 6250
Vancouver Island pipeline, federal funds for (Davis) 8495, 8621, 8741 (Edwards) 5923-4, 6037
Vancouver Island pipeline, federal government, agreement with (Davis) 7771
Vancouver Island pipeline, franchise fee for gas (Edwards) 5926
Vancouver Island pipeline, funding for (Cashore) 6617 (Davis) 6037, 8621-2, 8741 (Edwards) 8761 (Long) 6447 (Rose) 6446
Vancouver Island pipeline, gas distribution function (Davis) 8760
Vancouver Island pipeline gas, royalty on gas (Davis) 8742
Vancouver Island pipeline, gas supply for (Davis) 6037, 8741, 8764
Vancouver Island pipeline, Indian Arm route (Cashore) 6617 (Harcourt) Q. 6130 (Long) 6618 (Rose) Q. 6505-6 (Strachan) A. 6130, A. 6506, 6631
Vancouver Island pipeline, job creation in industry (D’Arcy) 8496
Vancouver Island pipeline mentioned (Boone) 7641 (Pullinger) 7181
Vancouver Island pipeline, NDP support for (Edwards) 8735
Vancouver Island pipeline, Pacific Coast Energy Corp., agreement with (Davis) 8761
Vancouver Island pipeline, Pacific Coast Energy Corp., investment by in project (Clark) 8739 (Davis) 8742, 8764 (Edwards) 8764
Vancouver Island pipeline, price of gas (Clark) 8740 (Davis) 8622 (Edwards) 5926
Vancouver Island pipeline, price of gas to producers (Davis) 6037
Vancouver Island pipeline, price of gas to pulp mills (Davis) 8484-5, 8485 (Edwards) 8484
Vancouver Island pipeline, project monitoring committee (Harcourt) Q. 6130, Q. 6248 (Strachan) A. 6130, A. 6248
Vancouver Island pipeline, pulp mill conversions and waste wood (Davis) 8485 (Edwards) 8485
Vancouver Island pipeline, rate stabilization and future oil prices (Davis) 8740, 8741 (Edwards) 8737
Vancouver Island pipeline, rate stabilization and gas prices (Davis) 8740 (Edwards) 8737
Vancouver Island pipeline, rate stabilization fund (Clark) 8739 (Davis) 8740, 8762-3, 8763 (Edwards) 8736-8, 8762, 8763
Vancouver Island pipeline, rate stabilization fund, cost of to province (Clark) 8739 (Davis) 8485-6, 8486 (Edwards) 8485, 8486
Vancouver Island pipeline, return to province from (Davis) 8622
Vancouver Island pipeline, route (Rose) 5949
Vancouver Island pipeline, route, change in and added cost (Edwards) 8737
Vancouver Island pipeline route, MacKay inquiry (Davis) 8486
Vancouver Island pipeline route, MacKay report on (Davis) 8741
Vancouver Island pipeline route, use of B.C. Hydro right-of-way (Edwards) 8736
Vancouver Island pipeline, subsidies to be paid (D’Arcy) 8495 (Davis) 8495, 8622
Vancouver Island pipeline, subsidies to users (Cashore) 6617
Vancouver Island pipeline, Sunshine Coast area (Long) 5714, 5832, 6445 (Rose) 6446
Vehicles, conversion of to natural gas use (Davis) 8487, 8487-8, 8488 (Edwards) 8487, 8488
Water-heating, incentive program for conversions (Davis) 8433 (Edwards) 8433
Gas Utility Act
Mentioned: (Edwards) 8738
Toxic substances in gasoline imports (Cashore) Q. 6760, Q. 6761 (Strachan) A. 6760, A., 6761
Gasoline — Taxation
Air pollution, use of tax revenue for cleanup of (Strachan) 8228
Transit tax on (Couvelier) 6782
Gasoline Tax Act
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6577
Gaunt, Eamon
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8063
Gehringer Bros. Estate Winery
Awards (Messmer) 5683
Gela, Bob
Mentioned: (Long) 7851
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Agricultural subsidies and GATT (Savage) 7217-8
B.C. Trade Development Corporation loans and grants and GATT (Clark) 771, 6772 (Jansen, J.) 6771, 6772 (Vander Zalm) 6772
Fish-processing industry and GATT. See entries under Fish-processing
Fisheries Act, amendments to and GATT ruling (Smith, S.D.) 8696
Log exports, ban on and GATT (Parker) 5604
Log exports, export tax on and possible GATT challenge (Gabelmann) 7703 (Jansen, J.) 7703
Magnuson Act, application of in U.S. (Gabelmann) 7702, 7703 (Hanson, G.) 8835 (Jansen, J.) 7703 (Miller) 7703
Negotiations (Throne speech) 5586
Negotiations, western provinces, submissions to federal negotiators (Jansen, J.) 7702
Rulings, compliance with (Couvelier) 5769
Soft-fruit industry and GATT (Savage) 7175
Subsidies, rules re under GATT (Clark) 8490 (Davis) 8490
Uruguay round, access to natural resources as subject of (Gabelmann) 7707, 7708 (Jansen, J.) 7705-6, 7706, 7707, 7707-8, 7708 (Miller) 7706, 7707
Uruguay round, B.C.'s role in (Jansen, J.) 7707
Wine industry and GATT. See entries under Wine industry
Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 8374 (Harcourt) 6675 (Jansen, J.) 6555, 6775 (Miller) 7262, 8518 (Savage) 7236 (Vander Zalm) 6369
Geological Survey of Canada
Seismic activity in Georgia Strait (Cashore) 5946, 5947 (Dirks) 5947
George, Brooke
Mentioned: (Huberts) 7766 (Janssen, G.) 6697, 7766
George Massey Tunnel
See entries under Highway 99
Georgetti, Ken
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6759
Georgia Avenue Elementary School, Nanaimo, B.C.
Funding for (Brummet) 7526, 7527 (Lovick) 7527
Georgia Pacific Securities Corp.
Mentioned: (Clark) 6475, 7604 (Couvelier) 7603
Georgia, Strait of
Oil spills (Cashore) 7076, 7077
Pollution of (Cashore) 7075-6
Seismic activity (Cashore) 5946, 5947 (Dirks) 5947
Toxic substances, regulation of shipment of (Cashore) 7078 (Ree) 7078
Toxic substances, spills, reports re to Environment ministry (Cashore) 7077 (Ree) 7077
Gerard, Bernice
Mentioned: (Davidson) 7778
Gerwal, Basta
Accident, case cited (Sihota) 6445
Mentioned: (Sihota) 5876
Getty, Donald
Mentioned: (Jones) 5671 (Smith, B.R) 5707 (Strachan) 8074
Ghandi, Mahatma
Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8673
Gibraltar Mines Ltd.
Collective agreement (Vant) 5622
Gibson, Bill
Mentioned: (Miller) 5686
Gibson, Gordon R
Mentioned: (Jones) 6476
Gibson, Gordon L.
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6294
Gibsons, B.C.
Bypass for ferry traffic (Long) 5713, 5832
Presentation items for use of MLAs (Reid) 7427
Gilbert, David
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6950
Gilbert, Nick
Letter quoted (Lovick) 6841
Gillespie, David
B.C. Finfish Aquaculture Inquiry. See entries under name of inquiry
Crown land, inquiry into agricultural use of (Darks) 7951-2 (Kempf) 7889, 7890, 7951, 7952-3
Crown land, inquiry into agricultural use of, hearings (Darks) 7951-2, 7953 (Kempf) 7951
Crown land, inquiry into agricultural use of, terms of reference (Kempf) 7950
Gillingham, John G.
Mentioned: (Sihota) 8760
Gilmore, Norbert
“Human Immuno-deficiency Virus Antibody Testing in Canada” quoted (Perry) 7085
Mentioned: (Perry) 7085
Gilmore family
Mentioned: (Rose) 7172
Giordano, Charles
McRobbie, Valerie, meeting with, investigation into (Sihota) Q. 8803 (Smith, S.D.) A. 8803
Vander Zalm, WN., discussions with (Sihota) Q. 7100 (Vander Zalm) A. 7100
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6979 (Rose) 6045 (Sihota) 6986, 7713, 8001, 8725 (Williams) 6183
See also: Delta Media Services Ltd.
Girvin, Jim
Mentioned: (Veitch) 7674
Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Indian band
Land claims case (Harcourt) 6523, 8063 (Smith, B.R) 8062 (Smith, S.D.) 6349, 6359, 6392, 6480, 6522-3, 6523
Mentioned: (Guno) 8039 (Hanson, G.) 7060
Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Tribal Council
Aboriginal title claim, funding for (Sihota) Q. 6297 (Smith, S.D.) A. 6297
“Unlocking Aboriginal Justice” report (Guno) 7057
Mentioned: (Strachan) 8074
Glacier Lodge condominium development, Whistler, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7873
Recycling of (Strachan) 8169
Glendale Lodge, Victoria, B.C.
Funding for (Dueck) 6075
Polychlorinated biphenyls, storage in area (Michael) 5968
Glenoak Ford Sales (1983) Ltd.
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 6657
Globe and Mail, Toronto, Ont.
Quoted (Barlee) 7224 (Clark) 8406 (Couvelier) 6806 (Hanson, G.) 5725 (Hanson, L.) 6956 (Perry) 6283 (Vander Zalm) 7856
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 8410 (Michael) 5996, 6237, 6238 (Miller) 8700 (Rose) 7545 (Sihota) 6956 (Vant) 7609
Gloucester Properties Ltd.
Industrial park (Gran) 7172-3
Go Dee, Dewey
Residence of in Vancouver (Clark) 6475
Go Vacations Inc.
Mentioned: (Veitch) 7684
God's Pocket, B.C.
Anchorage (Gabelmann) 7929
Godfrey, Keith
Gold Rush Trail
Route, promotion of (Vant) 6824
Gold Torch Resources Ltd.
Mentioned: (Clark) 7632
Goldberg, Harry
Letters quoted (Clerk of the House) 8843, 8844 (Deputy Clerk) 5797
Mentioned: (Deputy Clerk) 5797 (Rose) 7386, 7387
Golden, B.C.
Airport improvement grant (Crandall) 5700
Arena, funding for (Crandall) 5907
Bylaw on heliskiing venture (Blencoe) Q. 7786, Q. 8585 (Johnston) A. 7786, A. 8585
Extended-care facility (Crandall) 5719
Forest fire, fire fighters for (Parker) 7655-6
High school, construction of (Crandall) 5699
Golden Bear mine
Employees, work schedule (Clark) 8492
New jobs (Weisgerber) 5673, 5675
Mentioned: (Weisgerber) 8031
Golden Properties Ltd.
Mentioned: (Clark) 7595
Goldschmidt, Neil
Vander Zalm, Hon. William N., meeting with (Strachan) 5741 (Vander Zalm) 5740
Goldstream Provincial Park
Services, contract for, employee group's bid (Sihota) 7807
Goldstream River, B.C.
Salmon, proposal re (Hanson, G.) 7253-4, 7254
Golf courses
Delta, new courses (Jones) 7225, 7226 (Savage) 7226, 7227, 7235
Delta, options on farmland (Savage) 7233
Land for, agricultural land reserve land (Jones) 7225, 7226-7, 7226, 7235 (Savage) 7226, 7234
Land for, return from use of land for (Jones) 7234 (Savage) 7234
Surrey, greenbelt land for course (Jones) 7227
Surrey, new courses (Jones) 7225, 7226, 7227
Gonzaga University
Mentioned: (Jones) 5671
Goosly Lake, B.C.
Acid in, effects of (Kempf) 8439
Cleanup of (Davis) 8440 (Kempf) 8440
Contamination and cleanup of (Kempf) 8244
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 7481
Goresky, Walter
Mentioned: (Dueck) 6324
Gorst, James
Quoted (Gabelmann) 7930-1
Gossage, John
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6489 (Smith, S.D.) 6490
Gosse, Richard
Report on cemeteries mentioned (Hanson, L.) 7742, 7744
Agencies, relocation of outside lower mainland, proposal re (Rabbitt) 6667
Centralization of power (Blencoe) 7762
Constitutional government (Mercier) 5595-6
Consultation by (De Jong) 5599 (Loenen) 5615
Corruption of, allegation re (Brummet) 6222 (Perry) 6041
Decentralization (Boone) 7641 (Guno) 5666 (Weisgerber) 7965, 7966
Decentralization, Slocan Valley proposal (Williams) 7883, 7884
Ethics in government (Harcourt) 8660
Open government (Perry) Q. 7450 (Vander Zalm) A. 7450
Parliamentary government (Guno) 5667 (Mercier) 5596
Private sector, role of (De Jong) 5599
Privatization and government's ability to manage (Clark) 7291, 7321
Programs, Social Credit Party administration (McCarthy) 5810-1
Public confidence in (Miller) 7978
Reorganization of (Lovick) 6055
Role of (Smallwood) 5709-10
Services, contracting out of (Boone) 5895
Services, cost-effectiveness of (Michael) 5987
Size of, reduction in (Vander Zalm) 6949
Suppliers, payments to (Couvelier) 7546 (Rogers) 7546
Task forces, work of (Peterson) 5804
Government, Resistance to
Attorney-General, role of (Janssen, G.) 6479 (Smith, S.D.) 6479
Civil disobedience, increase in (Janssen, G.) 6479
Civil disobedience, response to (Smith, S.D.) 6479
Government advertising
Advertising agencies, contracts with (D’Arcy) 7425 (Reid) 7425
Commercial television, advertising material for (D’Arcy) 7425 (Reid) 7425
Expenditures on (Jones) 8365 (Perry) 8332
Informational advertising (Reid) 7425
Government agents
Funding for (Boone) 7642 (Veitch) 7642, 7643
Motor vehicle branch services, provision of (Loenen) 7089 (Ree) 6988, 7088 (Veitch) 7638
New Westminster agent (Veitch) 7679
Services, expansion of (Boone) 7642 (Veitch) 7638, 7642, 7679
Staff, increase in (Boone) 7642 (Veitch) 7642, 7643, 7667
Tourist accommodations, inspection of (Boone) 7642
Use of (Mercier) 5958
Vital statistics, responsibility for (Veitch) 7638
Government aircraft
Air service, role of (Rogers) 5975-6
Beechcraft, disposal of (Michael) 6272
Challenger jet, airports capable of accommodating plane (Michael) 6272
Challenger jet, cost of (Lovick) 6060 (Michael) 6060, 6269 (Williams) 6269
Challenger jet, flight logs (Lovick) 6060
Challenger jet, flight logs, tabling of (Williams) 6269
Challenger jet, offset agreement (Michael) 5967, 5977, 6060
Challenger jet, offset agreement, purchases under agreement (Lovick) 6270, 6271 (Michael) 6269, 6270, 6271 (Williams) 6269
Challenger jet, purchase of (Michael) 5976, 6060 (Rogers) 5975-6
Challenger jet, sale of (Rogers) 5689, 5975-6
Challenger jet, scheduled flights (Michael) 5977
Challenger jet, use of (Lovick) 6059 (Michael) 6060
Challenger jet, use of as air ambulance (Clark) 6272 (Michael) 6272
Challenger jet, value of (Michael) 6269
Citation jets, purchase of (Michael) 5967
Committees, transport of (Michael) 5968
Flight schedule (Michael) 5973
Flight simulator (Michael) 5968 (Rose) 5972
Flights, unoccupied seats (Rose) 5972
Logs of flights, access of public to (Rose) 8790
Number of, reduction in (Michael) 5967, 6272-3
Patients transported (Michael) 5967
Pilots, training for (Michael) 6014
Use of, government employees (Michael) 5973
Use of, opposition MLAs (Rose) 5974
Government buildings
See: Public buildings
Government business enterprises
Acquisitions during NDP administration (Rabbitt) 5901
Government cars
See: Automobiles, Government
Government finances
See: Finance, Public
Government House, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Reid) 7381
Government information
Access to (Cashore) 8153 (Jones) 8499
Office of information technology and security (Michael) 5970-1, 6013-4, 6052
Public information officers, instructing of (D’Arcy) 7426 (Reid) 7426
Standards for (Reid) 7381
Government investments
See: Investment of public funds
Government lending
Accountability process in (Williams) 7583
Bad loans, number of (Williams) 7583
Loan portfolios, sale of (Clark) 7103-4
Loan programs (Marzari) 7932
Loan programs, goals of (Clark) 7349 (Marzari) 7348, 7349
Loan programs, role of ministers of state (Marzari) 7932
Loans, accountability for (Marzari) 7351
Loans, authority for (Couvelier) 7350
Loans included under British Columbia Enterprise Corporation Loan Privatization Act (Couvelier) 8411 (Williams) 8411
Loans, information re (Clark) 8413, 8414, 8415, 8416 (Couvelier) 8413, 8414, 8415, 8416 (Williams) 8411, 8412-3, 8412
Loans, information re, confidentiality of (Couvelier) 7306, 7351 (Marzari) 7351
Loans, interest rate on and privatization (Clark) 8411
Loans managed by Finance and Corporate Affairs ministry, information re (Clark) 7307, 7308 (Couvelier) 7307, 8414
Loans, management of by Finance and Corporate Relations ministry (Couvelier) 7307
Loans, non-saleable loans, management of (Clark) 7306 (Couvelier) 7275, 7306
Loans, number of (Clark) 8411 (Couvelier) 8411
Loans reviewed by Public Accounts Committee (Couvelier) 8412 (Williams) 8411
Loans, sale of to Canadian Western Bank (Clark) 8414, 8415-6, 8415 (Couvelier) 8412, 8413, 8414
Share purchases, authority for (Marzari) 7350
Treasury Board, role of in approving loans (Couvelier) 7350-1 (Marzari) 7351
Government Management Services, Ministry of
Estimates 5966-91, 5993-6006, 6011-34, 6040-61, 6063-70, 6227-45, 6262-74, 6285-95, 6301-2
Speakers: Barlee 6266; Barnes 6302; Blencoe 5980-1, 5982, 5983, 5984; Cashore 5986, 5987-8, 5989-90, 6000-1, 6041, 6042, 6043, 6044; Clark 6230-2, 6243, 6243-4, 6272, 6273, 6274, 6286-7, 6287, 6288, 6288-9, 6289, 6290, 6290-2, 6295; Gabelmann 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004, 6005; Hagen, A. 6241, 6288; Harcourt 5998, 5998-9, 5999; Lovick 5985, 5986, 6051, 6053, 6054, 6055-6, 6057, 6057-8, 6059, 6060, 6061, 6063, 6063-4, 6064, 6065, 6066, 6067, 6068-9, 6070, 6227, 6227-8, 6228, 6228-9, 6229, 6230, 6235, 6242, 6270, 6271, 6293; Marzari 6017-8, 6018, 6018-9, 6302, 6303; McCarthy 6028-9; Michael 5966-71, 5973-4, 5975, 5976-7, 5979-80, 5981-2, 5982-3, 5983-4, 5984-5, 5985-6, 5986-7, 5988-9, 5990-1, 5994-5, 5996, 5997-8, 5998, 5999, 6000, 6001-2, 6002, 6003, 6003-4, 6004-5, 6005, 6005-6, 6012, 6013-4, 6015-6, 6016-7, 6018, 6019, 6019-20, 6020, 6021, 6021-2, 6022-3, 6024-5, 6029-30, 6033-4, 6041, 6042, 6042-3, 6044, 6044-5, 6045, 6047-8, 6048, 6049, 6050, 6052-3, 6053, 6054, 6054-5, 6056-7, 6057, 6058-9, 6059-60, 6060-1, 6063, 6064, 6064-5, 6065-6, 6066, 6066-7, 6068, 6069-70, 6070, 6227, 6228, 6229, 6229-30, 6232, 6233, 6233-4, 6237-8, 6239, 6240-1, 6241, 6242, 6242-3, 6243, 6244, 6245, 6263, 6264-5, 6265, 6265-6, 6266-7, 6267, 6268, 6269, 6269-70, 6270, 6270-1, 6271-2, 6272, 6272-3, 6273, 6273-4, 6274, 6285-6, 6287, 6288, 6289, 6290, 6292-3, 6302; Perry 6022, 6023-4, 6025-8, 6030-1, 6033, 6040-1; Rogers 5975-6, 6302-3; Rose 5971-3, 5974-5, 5978-9, 6014-5, 6016, 6017, 6033, 6045, 6045-7, 6048, 6048-9, 6049, 6049-50, 6050-1, 6244-5, 6245; Smith, S.D. 5977-8, 6031-3, 6033, 6067, 6293-5; Strachan 5987, 5999, 6001, 6054; Williams 5993-4, 5995-6, 5996-7, 6000, 6019, 6020, 6020-1, 6021, 6233, 6234, 6234-5, 6235-7, 6238-9, 6239-40, 6262-3, 6263-4, 6265, 6267, 6268, 6268-9
B.C. OnLine mentioned (Michael) 6002
Parksville meeting (Michael) 6052-3
Programs (Michael) 6053
Responsibilities (Gabelmann) 6004 (Lovick) 6052 (Michael) 6003, 6052-3, 6268 (Rose) 5623
Staff, employee benefits (Lovick) 6053 (Michael) 6053
Staff, personal service contracts (Michael) 6013 (Rose) 6014
Telephone directory (Lovick) 6055 (Michael) 6058-9
Government purchasing
“Buy B.C.” policy (Lovick) 6065 (Michael) 6065, 6066 (Rose) 5974-5
Federal purchasing in B.C. (Jansen, J.) 7702 (Michael) 5975 (Rose) 5978-9 (Smith, S.D.) 5978
Goods and services, purchase of at local level (Janssen, G.) 5614 (Smith, S.D.) 6067-8
Manufacturers, plants in western provinces (Michael) 5975
Offset agreements (Michael) 6271
Preference to B.C. suppliers, policy on (Michael) 6065, 6066, 6069
Public spending advisory group, proposal for (Harcourt) 5915
Saskatchewan trade show (Michael) 6065-6
Tiles, purchase of, case cited (Michael) 5980
Western provinces, Crown corporations, procurement policy (Lovick) 6066, 6067 (Michael) 6066, 6067
Western provinces, procurement agreement (Lovick) 6065 (Michael) 5970, 5975, 6066-7, 6066
Western provinces, procurement agreement and free trade agreement (Michael) 5974 (Rose) 5973, 5974
Western provinces, tender calls, on-line access to (Michael) 6065
See also: Purchasing Commission
Government records
See: Public records
Government spending policy
Policy (Clark) 5778 (Smith, B.R.) 5707
Government telephone system
See entries under Government Management Services, Ministry of
Government vehicles
See: Automobiles, Government
Gow, John
Mentioned: (Reid) 7402
Grace Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Admittance denied to Vancouver woman, case cited (Perry) 6155
Deliveries at hospital (Dueck) 6156, 6157 (Fraser, R.) 6156 (Perry) 6155, 6158
Patients, placement of in Shaughnessy Hospital, proposal re (Perry) 6155, 6158
Size of (Perry) 6155
Mentioned: (Dueck) 6119, 6320 (Perry) 6154
Gracey, Charles A.
Mentioned: (Rose) 7989
Grade schools
See: Elementary schools
Control over (Blencoe) 8772, 8787 (Johnston) 8787
Graham, Jim B.
Mentioned: (Ree) 7093
Graham, W.
Mentioned: (Long) 7851
World grain supply (Barlee) 7224 (Savage) 7224
Grain as feed
Feed grain development program, funding for (Savage) 7167
Grainger Electric
Mentioned: (Veitch) 7408
Gran, Carol (1st Langley)
Address in Reply 5636-7
Agricultural Land Commission, decisions, right of appeal 7173
Agricultural land reserve and land values 5918
Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7172-3
Alcoholism, treatment program 7013
Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6478
Bonson, Ryan, visit to Legislature 6107
B.C. Hydro directorship, allegations re use of Influence 5637
Budget review committee 5918
Budget debate 5918-20
Children, sexual abuse of 7013
Chinese medicinal wine, access to, Q. 6761
Crime victims assistance program, funding for 6478
Drug abuse, prevention and treatment program 7013
Family, support programs for 5636
Family violence, men and family violence 8747
Gloucester Properties Ltd., industrial park 7172-3
Go B.C., grants 5636
Handicapped, home care of severely disabled children 7013
Health ministry, estimates 6106-7
Home Owner Grant Increase Act (1989) 7138
Horse breeders, losses 6751
Horse industry in Langley 5637, 6751, 6752
Horse-racing industry, future of 6751
Horse-racing industry, value of to economy 6751
Housing programs, funding for 5918
Land, ownership of 5919
Langley, 200th Street, widening of 5636, 6801
Langley Family Services, funding for 6111
Langley Family Services, history of 6111
Langley Family Services, programs 6111
Langley Family Services, tribute to 6111
Langley Family Services, volunteers 6111
Langley, housing, land for 5918
Langley, sites for Vancouver garbage 5919
Learning, teaching children to learn 5636
Legal aid, funding for 6478
Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd., oil recycling 5919
Post-secondary education, access to 5636
Racetrack, need for 5637, 6751
Religious beliefs 5919
Rent control 5918-9
Sentences in child molesting cases 6478
Sentences in sexual assault cases 6478
Sexual Assault Recovery Anonymous, support for 7013
Single mothers, educational opportunities for 7012
Single parents, assistance to 7012
Single parents, two-parent families as support groups for 7012
Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 8718-9, 8746-7
Social Services and Housing ministry, staff, Jan Pullinger's allegation of child abuse by 8719
Social welfare programs and individual responsibility 8718-9
Social welfare services, dependency on 8718-9
Transition house, Langley 8746
Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6801
Van Egdom, Heather, visit to Legislature 6107
Vancouver sewage, pollution of water 5919
Walnut Grove secondary school, new school 5636
Wife abuse, housing for battered wives, secondstage homes 8746-7
Women and children In poverty 7012
Women, minister of state responsible for women's issues 5636-7
Young Offenders Act, changes to, Q. 7451
Grand Forks, B.C.
Bridges, construction of (Messmer) 5681
Grand Forks Watershed Coalition
Mentioned: (Cashore) 7480
Grandy family
Mentioned: (Janssen, G.) 5612
Granholm, Ronald
Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 8337
Granite City, B.C.
Mentioned: (Rabbitt) 8293
Grant, Danny R.
Business Interests, reporting of to B.C. Transit (Johnston) 6677 (Williams) 6677
Employment of by B.C. Transit (Williams) 6659
New Westminster properties, acquisition of (Williams) 6661-2
Mentioned: (Williams) 6663
Grant, Hugh
Sentence for child abuse, case cited (McCarthy) 6452
Grant, John
Mentioned: (Guno) 8706
Grant, Wendy, v British Columbia
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6198
Acreage torn out (D’Arcy) 6282 (Messmer) 5683, 6281
Acreage torn out, use of land (D’Arcy) 6282 (Messmer) 6281
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and grapegrowing industry (Savage) 7176, 7187
Growers adjustment assistance program (Barlee) 5935, 7175 (Couvelier) 5769 (De Jong) 5817 (Messmer) 5683 (Savage) 7167, 7175
Growers and free trade agreement (Messmer) 6281 (Savage) 5851, 7167
Growers, assistance to, federal agreement on (Throne speech) 5590
Growers, compensation to (Barlee) 7175, 7187 (Messmer) 6282 (Savage) 7187 (Serwa) 7192
Growers, investment in industry (Barlee) 7187
Growers, replanting, cost of (Barlee) 7187
Growers, replanting program (Savage) 7175
Growing Industry (Barlee) 7174, 7187 (D’Arcy) 6282
Growing industry, employees (Barlee) 7187
Type of grapes to be grown, research into (Barlee)Q. 8501 (Savage) A. 8501-2
Vinifera type, cultivation of (Savage) 7175, 7187
Grapes of Wrath (Rock group)
Mentioned: (Williams) 7470
Grave Lake, B.C.
Park for area (Edwards) 7791
Removal of, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry's jurisdiction over (Edwards) 7761 (Johnston) 7761
Removal of, fee for, requirement for approval of (Blencoe) 7763
Removal of, government's powers re (Blencoe) 7196, 7762 (Edwards) 7761 (Gabelmann) 7759 (Johnston) 7758, 7759, 7760, 7761, 7762 (Miller) 7762 (Rose) 7758, 7759, 7760
Removal of, source of request for change in powers re (Blencoe) 7760 (Gabelmann) 7759 (Johnston) 7759
Westwood land, gravel removal, government's powers re (Blencoe) 7760 (Rose) 7759
Gray Creek, B.C.
Road to Kimberley (Crandall) 5699
Grays Harbor, Wash.
Oil spill. See entries under Oil spills
Great Britain
Lord Chancellor, proposals re legal practice (Smith, B.R.) 6469
Great Britain. House of Commons
Mentioned: (Perry) 5882
Great Canadian Casino Supply Co. Ltd.
Windermere Building, lease of (Blencoe) 5980-1, 5982, 5983, 5984 (Michael) 5981-2, 5983, 5984-5
Greater Vancouver Mental Health Service
Funding for (Perry) 6407
Services for out-patients (Loenen) 6405
Mentioned: (Cashore) 6402
Greater Vancouver Regional District
Garbage, transport of to Cache Creek (Cashore) 6617 (Long) 6616
Liquid waste disposal, cost of (Strachan) 8097
Liquid waste disposal, funding for (Loenen) 8096, 8097 (Strachan) 8097
Liquid waste management plan (Loenen) 8096
Lower mainland, growth trends (Blencoe) 7018
Lower mainland regional planning board (Williams) 6172
Lower mainland, regional planning for (Clark) 6606
Meeting, March 26, 1980, minutes quoted (Davidson) 7778
Planning powers (Harcourt) 8660
Population growth, lower mainland area (Harcourt) 6163, 8662
Sewage disposal (Long) 6616, 6618
Spetifore property, decision on (Davidson) 7778
“The Liveable Region” plan mentioned (Johnston) 6588
Transit. See entries under Vancouver, B.C. -Transit system
Waste Management Act provisions, application of to GVRD (Strachan) 7985
Water bodies in region, quality of water (Loenen) 8096
Water supply (Edwards) 5926
Greater Vancouver Water District
Natural gas pipeline in Coquitlam area. See entries under Gas, Natural
Mentioned: (Davis) 6250, 8741 (Edwards) 5925, 8736
Greater Victoria Hospital Society
Greater Victoria Real Estate Board
Mentioned: (Sihota) 6888
Green, Howard
Death of (D’Arcy) 7999 (Davis) 7999 (Perry) 7999 (Rose) 7999
Green, Jim
Quoted (Barnes) 6926
Mentioned: (Barnes) 8157
Green, Rowland
Mentioned: (Rose) 7999
Green Gold grants program
Mentioned: (Parker) 8505
Green Lake recreation area
Mentioned: (Fraser, R.) 7798
Green Timbers Nursery
Arboretum, preservation of (Smallwood) 6652
Heritage society, goals of (Smallwood) 6652
Site, preservation of as heritage site (Smallwood) 6652
Greenaway, Lorne
Mentioned: (Barlee) 7167
Greenbelt Act
Mentioned: (Jones) 7227
Surrey greenbelt area, use of for golf course (Jones) 7227
Langley operation (Vander Zalm) 7256
Pests, control of (Vander Zalm) 7256
Products, export of (Savage) 7166
Vegetable production (Vander Zalm) 7256
Greenpeace Foundation
“Dire Straits: Pollution in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada” (Cashore) 7075-6, 7077 (Ree) 7076
Mentioned: (Cashore) 5855, 7971, 8107
Greenville, B.C.
Diking project (Weisgerber) 8040
Kincolith, road to, funding for (Guno) 6729 (Vant) 6729
Land reclamation and diking, funds for (Weisgerber) 5675
Greenwood, B.C.
Development of as tourist attraction (Barlee) 5934
Schools, funding for (Messmer) 5682
Greenwood Forest Products (1983) Ltd.
Wood supply for (Messmer) 5681
Greer, Bill
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 6950
Gregory, Jessica
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 6452
Gregory, Michael John
Sentence for child abuse, case cited (McCarthy) 6452
Gregory Forest Products Ltd.
Assistance to (Veitch) 7648
Gretchen Steeves Manor, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Marzari) 5818
Greystone Lodge, Whistler, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams) 7873
Greyvest Financial Services Inc.
Mentioned: (Clark) 8415, 8416 (Couvelier) 8415
Grimmett, Frederick
Mentioned: (De Jong) 6442
Gross provincial product
Gross provincial product (Clark) 5778
Group homes
Location of, problems re (Dueck) 8532 (Marzari) 8531-2
Residential facilities (Dueck) 8532 (Marzari) 8532
Zoning requirements, exemption from (Dueck) 8461
Grover, Michael
Payment to (Sihota) 6353
Mentioned: (Smith, S.D.) 6355
Guadagni, Franco, v Workers' Compensation Board
Mentioned: (Hanson, L.) 7163
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act
Handicapped children, funding for home care of, provision for under act (Richmond) 8813
Women, discrimination against in act (Marzari) 6509, 6510 (Smith, S.D.) 6510
Mentioned: (Richmond) 5791 (Sihota) 6464
Guaranteed Available Income for Need program
Employment Plus program. See entries under Employment
Financial assistance workers, recruitment of (Richmond) 5790
Funding for (Richmond) 5793, 5896, 8718 (Smallwood) 5793
Funding for, additional funds (Richmond) 5790, 5791, 5792, 5896 (Smallwood) 5790 (Williams) 5790
Funding for, overrun, use of term (Richmond) 5792 (Williams) 5792
Funding for, use of funds (Richmond) 8748
Handicapped allowance, increase in (Couvelier) 5769 (Janssen, G.) 5910 (Mowat) 7357 (Richmond) 5897, 8709
Handicapped, disincentive to go off GAIN (Mowat) 7357
Hearing aids, coverage for (Richmond) 8709
Payments not garnisheeable (Richmond) 8817
Program (Throne speech) 5589
Rates (Marzari) 5654 (Pullinger) 5888, 7855
Rates, and rates elsewhere in Canada (Richmond) 8715
Rates, cases cited (Smallwood) 8716-7
Rates, Increase in (Clark) 5783 (Richmond) 8709
Rates, level of (Clark) 5783
Rates, level of and poverty line (Clark) 5783 (Richmond) 8715 (Vander Zalm) 7856
Rates, single parents (Marzari) 5646 (Richmond) 5791, 5792 (Smallwood) 5791, 5792
Recipients (Mercier) 5597
Recipients, dependency on GAIN program (Gran) 8718-9
Recipients, earnings exemption (Marzari) 8731 (Richmond) 8722, 8732 (Smallwood) 8815
Recipients, employment programs for (Marzari) 8720-1 (Richmond) 8709, 8716, 8717, 8721-2 (Smallwood) 8713
Recipients, expenditures on rent (Hagen, A.) 7142
Recipients, maintenance enforcement for (Marzari) 8735 (Richmond) 8734, 8735
Recipients, number of (Couvelier) 5769 (Richmond) 5790 (Smallwood) 5790
Recipients, re-entry into workforce (Richmond) 5896
Recipients, upgrading and training programs for women (Marzari) 8720-1 (Richmond) 8721
Recipients, work experience opportunities for (Richmond) 8721
Shelter allowance (Couvelier) 5769, 6860, 6871 (De Jong) 5601 (Mowat) 5870 (Richmond) 5898, 8709, 8728 (Smallwood) 6615, 8728 (Smith, B.R.) 5953 (Throne speech) 5589
Surrey, children on welfare (Smallwood) 5938
Unemployment insurance overpayments to GAIN recipients (Barnes) 8816, 8817 (Richmond) 8817
Mentioned: (Couvelier) 5784 (Dueck) 6075 (Hagen, A.) 7850 (Pullinger) 6866 (Rose) 6133
Guardrails (Roads)
See: Roads — Guard fences
Guerin, Delbert
Quoted (Guno) 6217
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6186, 6260 (Harcourt) 6194
Guerin, George
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 6186
Guglick, Elsie
Mentioned: (Perry) 6187
Guide-Outfitters' Association of British Columbia
Meeting of (Strachan) 5822
Mentioned: (Boone) 5894 (Strachan) 8683
Guides for hunters, fishermen, etc.
Angling guide industry, regulation of (Edwards) 8627 (Strachan) 8626
Angling guide plans (Edwards) 8682 (Strachan) 8682
Guiding areas, designation of unassigned areas to local guide-outfitters (Edwards) 8683, 8684 (Strachan) 8683, 8684
Guiding licence, term of (Edwards) 8682 (Strachan) 8682
Guildford Garden Apartments Ltd., Surrey, B.C.
Tenants, eviction of (Smallwood) 6614
Guisachan Ranch
Land, removal of from ALR, case cited (Barlee) 7168
Gulf Islands, B.C.
Building regulations, variance for, appeal process (Johnston) 6640 (Rogers) 6634
Ferry system (Smith, B.R) 6742
Fixed links to mainland, opposition to (Smith, B.R) 6742
Islands Trust Act. See name of act
Land use conflicts (Blencoe) 8609 (Johnston) 8609-10
Local community commissions, establishment of (Blencoe) 8529, 8610 (Johnston) 8610
Logging of private lands (Blencoe) 6604, 6605
Municipalities, community plans, approval of (Johnston) 8610
Municipalities, Incorporation of (Blencoe) 8529
Protection of (Pullinger) 5889
Regional district for, recommendation re (Blencoe) 6628
See also names of islands, e.g. Galiano Island, B.C.
Gulf-Islands Ferry Co.
Mentioned: (Mowat) 5944
Guno, Larry (Atlin)
Address in Reply 5665-7
Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 7251-2, 7252, 7253, 7257-8, 7265, 7265-6, 7266
Alcoholism, problem in north 5956-7
Atlin constituency, beauty of 8707
Atlin constituency, history of 8706
Attorney-General ministry, estimates 6356, 6357, 6358-9, 6361
Australia, aboriginals in prison, number of 7055
Automobile safety inspections, establishment of 6990
Bob Quinn camp, closing of, Q. 5692
B.C. Parole Board, appointments to 8555, 8622, 8624
B.C. Parole Board, appointments to, criteria for 8625
B.C. Parole Board, appointments to, term of 8555
B.C. Parole Board, chairman, tenure 8555
B.C. Parole Board, decisions, review of 8626
B.C. Parole Board, independence of 8554-5
B.C. Parole Board, Indians on board 8625
B.C. Parole Board, ombudsman's recommendations 8554-5, 8622, 8624
B.C. Parole Board, women on board 8625
Budget debate 5955-7
Calder decision mentioned 8038
Calder, Frank, election of 8707
Cassiar School, tax burden for 7490-1
Conservation officer, Atlin 5956
Coolican, Murray, report on Indian land claims referred to, quoted 8038-9
Disasters, government response to 6992
Disasters, preparedness for 7020, 7024, 7025
Disasters, provincewide emergency plan for 6993
Disasters, response to, trained personnel for 7024
Drug abuse, problem in north 5956-7
Earthquakes, education of public re 7038
Earthquakes, preparedness for 6992, 7020
Earthquakes, preparedness for, funding for 7037
Earthquakes, preparedness for, report on 7037
Earthquakes, preparedness for, research on 7037
Earthquakes, response plan 7037
Earthquakes, response to, training of personnel for 7038
Economy of northern B.C. 5957
Education funding, northern B.C. 5667
Education in north 5667
Education ministry, estimates 7490-1
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 8706-7
Environment, sustainable development and environment 5665
Environmental protection 5665, 5956
Fish-processing, floating processors 7266
Fisheries, aboriginal rights, John Savage's remarks re 7251
Fisheries industry in B.C. 7251
Fisheries resource, management of, Indians' involvement in 7251-2, 7253
Fisheries resource, protection of 7251
Fishing, drift-net fishing 7257
Fishing, nets at mouth of rivers 7257
Fraser, Alexander Vaughan, CBC interview referred to 6728
Government, decentralization 5666
Government, parliamentary government 5667
Greenville-Kincolith road, funding for 6729
Highway 17, signs 5720
Highway 37, economic diversity and Highway 6729
Highway 37, paving of 5956
Highway 37, upgrading of 5956
Highway 99, signs 6728
Highway needs, northern B.C. 6728
Highway signs, policy on 5721
Highways camp, Meziadin Lake, trailer court development, Q. 6343
Highways, northern B.C. 5666
Horse-racing industry, assistance to 7017
Horse Racing Industry Task Force, report 6990, 6991
Hunting, aboriginal and treaty rights 8628
Indian Land Tax Cooperation Act 8540, 8541
Indians, aboriginal rights 5666
Indians, aboriginal title, government's position on 6260
Indians, aboriginal title trials, expenditures on 5786, 6359, 7967
Indians, alienation and dispossession of 7056
Indians, arrest of and prison sentences 7056
Indians, Canadian Bar Association recommendation re negotiations with 6358
Indians, Chilcotin area problems 6356, 7056, 8039
Indians, constituency for, proposal for separate constituency 8706
Indians, correctional institutions, employment in 7061, 7063
Indians, correctional processes, proposal for control over 7057
Indians, corrections branch programs for, funding for 7058
Indians, courtworkers 6357
Indians, cultural diversity 7060
Indians, curriculum, development of Indian content, funding for 7491
Indians, cut-off land claims 6358, 7967-8
Indians, Grassy Narrows Indians 7266
Indians, Justice Reform Committee inquiry 7058
Indians, justice system and Indians 6356, 6357
Indians, land claims 6358, 7967-8, 8031-2
Indians, “native”, use of term 8037
Indians, negotiations with 6358-9, 6361
Indians, prisoners, alcohol factor in jailings 7056
Indians, prisoners, economic factor in jailings 7056
Indians, prisoners, jailing of for non-payment of fines 7060-1
Indians, prisoners, number of 6990, 7055, 8039
Indians, prisoners, number of in Saskatchewan 7055
Indians, prisoners, participation In educational programs 7056-7
Indians, reserve land, assessment of 8541
Indians, reserve land, property tax collection 8541
Indians, reserve land, property tax revenue, provisions for 8540
Indians, salmon consumption and toxins 7265
Indians, socioeconomic aspects of Indian population, statistics on 8037-8
Indians, suicide rate, young people 7056
Indians, timber agreements with 6358
Ingenika Indian band, living conditions 7967-8
Ingenika Indian band, problems 7968
Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee, meeting, February 9, 1989, attendance at of Angus Ree 7037
Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee, recommendations, implementation of 7020, 7037, 7038
Interministry Emergency Preparedness Committee, seismic safety subcommittee report 7037
Iskut, road to Wrangell 6730
Legal aid, duty counsel, New Aiyansh 6356
Log exports, ban on 5665
Marshall, Donald, inquiry referred to 6356, 6357
McLachlin, Beverley M., Supreme Court of Canada, appointment to 5777
Morris, Alwyn, tribute to 5955
Motor Vehicle Amendments Act (1989) 7863
Nass River, salmon resource, court case, intervention in 7252, 8031
Nass River, salmon resource, Nisga'as' rights re 7252, 8031
Nass Valley, dust, health hazard 6730
Nass Valley, economic problems 8037
Nass Valley, road, dust control 6729, 6730
Nass Valley, road, paving of 6729
Nass Valley, road system 5956
Nass-Greenville road, flooding of 6729
Native Affairs ministry, appropriation, 1989-90 fiscal year 8030
Native Affairs ministry, estimates 7967-8, 8030, 8031-2, 8037-9
Native Affairs ministry, mandate 7967
Native Affairs ministry, operating costs 8030
Native Affairs ministry, staff, salaries 8030
New Aiyansh, court hearings, duty counsel 6356
Nisga'a Indian band, negotiations with 6358
Nisga'a Tribal Council, Jack Weisgerber's visit to 8037
Northern B.C., representation for in Legislature 8706-7
Northern residents, concerns of 5666
Oil spills, Alaska spill 5956
Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, response to 6992
Oil spills, Vancouver Island, west coast spill, volunteers, work of 7030
Organ donor registry 6990
Parole Act 8554-6, 8622, 3624, 8625, 8626
Parole Act, regulations under act, use of 8555
Premier's Council on Native Affairs, establishment of 5666
Prince George Regional Correctional Centre, conditions 8039
Prisoners, condoms for, Q. 6581, Q. 6719, 7084-5
Provincial emergency program 7019, 7024
Provincial emergency program, employees, number of 7024
Provincial emergency program, funding for 6991-2, 7020, 7024
Provincial emergency program, regional coordinators 7024, 7038, 7039
Provincial emergency program, report on referred to, quoted 6991-2
Provincial emergency program, telephone response system 7030, 7036
Provincial emergency program, volunteers, work of 7030
Public health nurses, mental health work 5956
Public health nurses, Stewart-Cassiar area nurse 5956
Sales tax, federal goods and services tax 5957
Sales tax, manufacturers' tax, restructuring of 5957
School District 92 (Nisga'a) , establishment of 6358-9
School District 92 (Nisga'a) , name of District 7491
School District 92 (Nisga'a) , problems 7491
School District 92 (Nisga'a) , strike 7491
Solicitor-General ministry, estimates 6990, 6991-2, 6992, 6993, 7019-20, 7020, 7024, 7025, 7030, 7036-7, 7036, 7037, 7038, 7039, 7055-7, 7058, 7063, 7070-1, 7084-5, 7096
Special warrants, warrant 2, use of funds 5786
Stewart, health care, provision for 5956
Strathcona Park, protesters, imprisonment of 7096
Strathcona Park, protesters, transportation of 7096
Supply Act (No. 1) (1989) 5786
Tahltan Indian band, land-use agreement with 6358
Teachers for northern schools 7491
Teachers, training of in north, proposal re 7491
Telegraph Creek, school tax burden 7490
Traffic violations, fines for 7863
Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 6728-9, 6730
Transportation plan, development of 5666
Trapping, native trappers 8628
Trucks, safety standards for 6990
Unemployment, Nass Valley 5665, 5957
United States Air Force, low-level flights over B.C., Q. 7481
University Endowment Land Park Act 6217, 6258, 6259-60, 6261
University Endowment Lands, Musqueam Indian band claim to 6217, 6258, 6260
Vander Zalm, Hon. William N., visit to Knight Inlet 5720
Vant, Hon. Neil, remarks re Indian reserves 5720
Wildlife Amendment Act (1989) 8628
Wolves, control of, use of strychnine 8628
Young people in north, athletic resources for 5955
Young people in north, resources for 5955
Gypsy moth
Vancouver, gypsy moth control (Fraser, R.) 6798
Nests, protection of (Edwards) 8681 (Strachan) 8681