Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
See: Western Economic Opportunities Conference
W.A.C. Bennett Dam, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 608 (Nicolson) 1034 (Davis) 1036 (Skelly) 3254
Wadsworth, J.P.R.
Wage-price controls
See: Wage-price policy
Wage-price policy
AIB, across-the-board percentage, criticism of (Brown) 1704-5
AIB, inconsistency in performance (Wallace, G.S.) 1649 (Barnes) 1675 (Shelford) 1678 (Wallace, B.B.) 1680-2 (Shelford) 1697 (Cocke) 2075
Accountability, principle of (Bennett) 765 (Wallace, G.S.) 767
Anti-inflation Act, federal intrusion on provincial autonomy (Gardom) 766 (King) 767 (Gibson) 767
Anti-Inflation Measures Act. See name of act
Anti-inflation measures recommended (Lockstead) 1698 (Sanford) 2053-4
Anti-inflation policy of government, inequities in (Brown) 1704-8 (Sanford) 2035, 2050-4 (Nicolson) 2067-70
Anti-inflation programme, agreement with Ottawa (Wallace, G.S.) 183, 1648-51 (Wolfe) 1633-4 (Wallace, B.B.) 1679 (Main) 1690-2 (Lockstead) 1699 (Levi) 2064-6 (Stupich) 2095-6
Anti-inflation programme, co-operation agreement with Ottawa, temporary nature of (Wolfe) 1633 (Wallace, G.S.) 1648 (Hewitt) 1658 (Stupich) 2091-2
Anti-inflation programme, economic effects on province (Wolfe) 254 (Gibson) 1646
Civil service employees, wages of (Brown) 1703
Federal government, co-operation with (Throne speech) 11
Federal policy, provincial government inconsistency (Wallace, G.S.) 1650-1
Federal policy, supreme court decision on (Wallace, G.S.) 1650-1 (Mair) 1690 (Jordan) 1696 (Gardom) 2274-5 (King) 2275-9 (Gibson) 2276-7 (Wolfe) 2278
Federal programme, criticism of (Loewen) 732 (Sanford) 2053 (Cocke) 2075
Federal programme, effect on B.C. economy (Skelly) 819 (Wallace, B.B.) 822
Federal programme, negotiations with (Bennett) 765, 1055 (Gardom) 766 (King) 766-7 (Gibson) 767 (Wallace, G.S.) 767 (Loewen) 768
Freeze on gas, rent control, food, drugs and beverages, cancelled (King) 35 (Lauk) 332
Government programme, criticism of (King) 1634-7, 1639-45 (Gibson) 1645-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1652-4 (Dailly) 16547 (Skelly) 1659-60, 1666-7 (Barnes) 1669-76 (Kerster) 1677 (Wallace, B.B.) 1679-82 (Lea) 1684-90 (Brown) 1704-8 (Sanford) 2034-5 (Macdonald) 2057-8 (Levi) 2060-4 (Nicolson) 2066-70 (Cocke) 2074-9 (Lauk) 2087-90 (Stupich) 2090-7
Government programme, private free enterprise, harmful to (Levi) 2060-4
Government spending, freeze on (Gibson) 161 (Lauk) 331
MLAs, salary reduction (Brown) 1707-8
NDP programme (King) 1637-8 (Skelly) 1660-1, 1666 (Jordan) 1693-6 (Williams) 1709, 1711-3 (Bawlf) 2032-3 (Lloyd) 2085-6 (Jordan) 2097
Price-freeze policy, absolute power of government (Gibson) 1647-8, 2285-6, 2297-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 1653-4, 2285, 2299-2300 (Wolfe) 2099, 2298 (King) 2286-7, 2297 (Barber) 2287-8
Price-wage increases, provincial restraint, regulations for (Wolfe) 1633-4, 2097-99 (King) 1634-7, 1639-45 (Gibson) 1645-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1652-4 (Dailly) 1654-7 (Hewitt) 1657-9 (Skelly) 1659-60, 1666-7 (Kempf) 1667-9 (Barnes) 1669-76 (Shelford) 1678-9 (Kahl) 1683-4 (Jordan) 1692-3, 1696-7 (Rogers) 1699 (Brown) 1704-8 (Williams) 1710-5 (Bawlf) 2031-4 (Bawtree) 2054-6 (Veitch) 2059-60 (Levi) 2063-5 (Davidson) 2080-1 (Lloyd) 2086-7 (Stupich) 2093-6 (Bennett) 2322
Restraint practised (Throne speech) 11 (Veitch) 21 (King) 777
Wage increase percentage, bottom-loading system proposed (Brown) 1705-6
Wage mismanagement of NDP government (Kerster) 1676-7 (Shelford) 1678 (Kahl) 1682-3 (Williams) 1713
Wage rates, disparity in (King) 1641-3 (Skelly) 1667
Withdrawal option from anti-inflation programme, federal (Bennett) 765 (Wallace, G.S.) 767
Working people, impact of government policy (Lea) 1685-9
Fair wages and fringe benefits (King) 3138 (Wallace, G.S.) 3141 (Nicolson) 3143
Fair wages, government enforcement of contractors' and subcontractors' obligation (Williams) 3135-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 3141-2
Fair wages offered by employers, arbitrary government assessment (King) 3136-7 (Gibson) 3139-40 (Nicolson) 3143 (Macdonald) 3144 (Williams) 3145
Income, inequalities in province (Macdonald) 2211 (Brown) 2221-2
Walker, Douglas McKenzie
B.C. Railway, auditing of, complaint against (Nicolson) 1099
Mentioned: (Cocke) 384
Walker, Jim
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1861
Walker and Gage
Household work, dollar value of, study on (Brown) 1519
Wall, Barry
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 2364
Wall and Redekop Corp.
Proceeding against (Gardom) 1326
Wall Street Journal
Headline quoted (Gibson) 1409
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1996
Wallace, Barbara B. (Cowichan-Malahat)
AIB, performance, criticism of 1680-2
Address in reply, amendment 127-30
Advertising, false, of farm produce 1580
Agricultural Aid to Developing Countries and World Disaster Areas Fund 859, 1021, 1023
Agricultural aid to developing countries, committee to administer 1525
Agricultural aid to developing countries, estimate 1401
Agricultural budget appropriation, cutback 1385
Agricultural land, preservation of 849
Agricultural land, taxation policy on 3217
Agricultural policy of government, criticism of 848-9, 1385-6
Agricultural programme, recent accomplishments 1386-7
Agricultural technological programmes, funding for 1402
Agriculture department estimates 1385-8, 1399-1402, 1429-33, 1523, 1525, 1538, 1540-4
Agriculture department, staff reduction 1401
Agriculture department, temporary help, increase 1401, 1543
Agriculture department, youth development programme 1542
Agriculture minister, separate portfolio proposed 1388, 2337
Alcohol and Drug Commission, Duncan-Cowichan, grant withdrawn 852-3, 2395
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1679-82
Anti-inflation policy of government, criticism of 1679-82
Anti-inflation programme, co-operation agreement with Ottawa 1679
Attorney-General department estimates 1289-91, 1316-7, 1356, 1367-8
Auditor-General Act 2157
Automobile Insurance Amendment Act (1976) 2953-4
Beef-growing industry, advance FIAS payment 651, 690
Biological control banks, funding of 1402, 1541-2
Brentwood-Mill Bay ferry, commuter rates for 3260
B.C. Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 462-9, 483, 651, 690
B. C. Egg Marketing Board, administration problem, Q. 2202-3, 2232
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, merits of 1431
B.C. Federation of Agriculture, meeting with minister 1386
B.C. Ferries, rate increases, effect on Vancouver Island agriculture, Q. 1308
B.C. Ferries rate increases, morale of staff, effect on 3259
B.C. Ferries rate increases, residents of Vancouver Island, effect on 3259
B.C. Hydro rate increase, residential users, effect on 3261
B.C. Railway, financial losses cover-up 468-9
Budget debate 847-54
Campaign funds and contributions 2338-9
Change of name legislation 1289
Cheques, non-sufficient funds 463
Chicken-pricing at retail level 1430
Child psychologist, loss of in Cowichan-Malahat region 853
Children, illegitimate, status of 1289
Church, building of, proposed in P-3 land zone in Surrey 2460-1
Clarkson Gordon report, a review, not an audit 465
Clarkson Gordon report, deficit situation of B.C. 464-5
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2209-10
Consumer Services department estimates 1580-1, 1587-8
Consumer Services department, staffing of 1580, 1587
Court services, staffing of 1356
Cowichan Indian band, social services on reserves 850-1
Cowichan school district, labour situation in, Q. 1344
Crown corporations, revenue transfer 467
Debate, adjournment of, motion for 2825
Democratic processes of legislation, erosion of freedom 2813-4
Domestic Animal Protection Act, funding for 1540
Economic growth in B.C. under NDP government 464-5
Economic Policy Analysis Institute as independent review of overall economic development 1067
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, independent research of 1066-7
Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act 1066-7
Education, funding, criticism of 851-2
Education, local autonomy 851
Egg production and northern producers 1399-1400
Employment, equal opportunity 3123
Environment department estimates 1879-80
Executive Council estimates 2336-40
FIAS, blueberry growers and sheep growers, schemes for, Q. 177
FIAS, funding for 1543
FIAS, land costs removed from production costs, formula proposed 1430-1
FIAS, potato growers and raspberry growers, scheme for, Q. 634
FIAS, staffing for 1544
Farm enterprise, small, governmental assistance, essential 1431-2
Farm income assurance scheme 1386, 1400-1
Farm machinery, cost of 1387
Farm produce, importing of 1388
Farm Products Industry Improvement Act, funding for 1402
Feed grains and rapeseed, pricing of 1432
Field crops, activity, personnel 1540
Finance department estimates 1136-7
Finance minister's office, staff increase 1136-7
Food, cost, as related to disposable income 1387-8
Food prices, spread in 1588 4-11 youth programme, funding reduction 1402
GAIN, asset-tested programme 3367, 3375-6
GAIN, regulations not specified 3367
GAIN, senior citizens, impact on 2459-60
Government borrowings, details of, Q. 2423
Government Reorganization Act 2811-4, 2825, 3388-9
Government Reorganization Act, withdrawal of sec. 1 3388-9
Grape-growing industry 1289, 1385
Grazing Act, funds collected under 3313
Grazing permits, review of, Q. 2579
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2459-61, 3367, 3371-7
Guatemala earthquake relief donation 859
Handicapped, pension for, criticism of government policy 853
Health department estimates 2029-30
Health, public, scheme cutback, effect of 852
Highway 27, bridge replacement, Q. 1408
Highways and Public Works department estimates 3293-4
Hockey, violence in 1290
Hospital extended-care rate increase, Q. 1754, 1788
Human Resources department estimates 2394-5
ICBC, refunds, delays in, Q. 2482-3
ICBC, term deposits and investment position, Q. 472
Imperial Oil, price increases 1680-1
Income Tax Amendment Act (1976) 1026
Income tax exemption level 1026
Indian court workers, employment of 1290
Indian land claims, negotiation on 2336
Intermediate-care situation in Duncan 2395
Island Highway, speed limit, enforcement of 3293
Jones, Aaron, case history 853
Ladysmith foreshore leases, Q. 705
Ladysmith Harbour authority, appointment of, Q. 705
Ladysmith Harbour, bark situation 1879-80
Land Commission operation under Agriculture department, proposed 1388, 1429
Legal aid for women in matrimonial and family disputes related to property 1289
Library, coordination of services on Vancouver Island 3329
Licensing, cyclical, methods of identification and policing 3205-6
Logging industry, pollution of Victoria-Esquimalt Harbour 1879
MLAs, salaries, determination by independent tribunal 2210
MLAs, salary reduction 2209-10
Marketing boards, terms of reference 1400, 1430
Marketing, orderly 1388
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2692-3
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 3311
Mortgage interest rate 1581, 1588
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act 1976 (No. 3) 3205-6
Motor-vehicle inspection notices, Q. 2518
Multiple-listing service in Duncan area 1316-7
Municipal Affairs department estimates 3217
Natural Products Marketing Act, review of, Q. 2202-3
Northern development, criteria for 1066-7
Nurses, public health, letter quoted 852
Parliament buildings, access to by people in wheelchairs 3293
Pea disease programme, funding for 1525
Private insurers, re-entry of 2953-4
Privilege, private members' bills, calling of 3130
Probation and special correctional programmes in Duncan 1367-8, 2394-6
Provincial Major Disaster Fund 1021
Provincial Secretary department estimates 3123-4, 3329-30
Public health nursing, proposed reduction 2029-30
Public Service Act 3311
Queen of Prince Rupert, senior citizens not travelling free 3260-1
Rangeland, management of 2692-3
Real estate business, multiple listing service 1316-7
Revelstoke Dam, proposed environmental impact 1879
Sales tax exemptions for daily essential items 889
Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 821-2
Sales tax increase, effect on low-income earners 889
School in Cowichan Valley, training school dropouts, financial aid 1290
Shawnigan Lake Road, repairing of 3293-4
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 821-2, 888-9
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 859, 1021, 1023
Status of Women, provincial co-ordinator, re-establishment of 850
Stumpage revenue 2692
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 348-9
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, amount and purpose 348-9
Taxes and other increases imposed by government, impact 2337-40
Tent Island, lease withdrawal, Q. 3019
Thetis Island ferry, renaming of 3293
Transport and Communications department estimates 3259-61
Vegetable growers in Fraser Valley, negotiations with, Q. 1053
Vegetable growers, negotiations with government 1430
White Crown ski development 3330
White Raven Canoe Club, travel assistance for, Q. 3243
Women, employment in government 2336
Women, employment opportunities and training 849
Women in prisons, position of 1289-90
Women, older, employment and training 3123
Women Rally for Action, brief 850
Women, rural, employment 3124
Women, training and job opportunities, Attorney-General department report 1290
Women's Institute Conference, Agriculture minister, presence of, Q. 2295
Women's Institute, grant to 1538
Workers' Compensation claims before boards of review in 1975 and 1976, Q. 3402
World Food Relief Fund, proposed expenditures 1402
Wallace, Dan
Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421
Wallace, George
Mentioned: (Stupich) 363
Wallace, G. Scott (Oak Bay)
AIB agreement with federal government, Q. 276-7
AIB, inconsistency in performance 1649
Abortions, greater Vancouver, investigation of, Q. 1631, 1753-4
Accountability for spending for Crown corporations 2946
Accounting practices of government re-examined 450
Address in reply 169-73, 178-88
Address in reply, amendment 53-7
Adjournment, time of 397-8
Administrative costs in public school system 1794
Advertisements, misleading 1553
Adviser to Minister of Education on sex discrimination, reappointment 180
Agricultural aid to developing countries 1524-5
Agricultural Aid to Developing Countries and World Disaster Areas Fund, 303, 856-7, 971-2
Agricultural products, imported, tariffs on 1465, 1474
Agriculture department estimates 1433-6, 1445-7, 1449-50, 1453-4, 1464-6, 1474-5, 1524-5
Agriculture department estimates committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again, negatived 1434
Agriculture minister, dual portfolio of 1445
Agriculture minister, meeting with farm industry groups 1445
Agriculture minister's visit to Kamloops 1445
Alaska pipeline connection, proposal 1925
Ambulatory-confused person, care of 2430
Anti-academic attitude of government 1061
Anti-Inflation Act, federal, supreme court decision on legality 1650-1, 2273-4, 2276, 2278
Anti-inflation agreement with other province or state, inclusion of phrase “or state” 2281-2
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1648-54, 2273-4, 2276, 2278, 2281-2, 2285, 2299-2300
Anti-inflation measures, co-operation with federal government 182-3
Anti-inflation policy of Ottawa, government inconsistency 1650-1
Anti-inflation programme, agreement with Ottawa 1648-51
Anti-inflation programme, federal, negotiations with 767-8
Anti-inflation programme of government, criticism of 1652-4
Attorney-General department estimates 1246-8, 1281-6, 1335-7, 1346-8, 1350
Auditor General Act 2104-5
Auditor-General, appointment by unanimous decision of special committee 2105
Auditor-General, authority of 2105
Auditor-General, salary and status 2105
Automobiles, purchase of, consumer protection 2958
BCTF, membership compulsory, to be employable in public school system 1599-1601, 1801-2
Balloting, preferential, return to 3325-6
Bar, inquiry into competence of member 2629-30
Beanery, future of, Q. 925
Binding arbitration 2595
Blair report on hospital strike 2493
Blanshard Street extension 3288-9
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2190-3, 2249-50, 2259-61, 3390-1, 3393, 3396-7
B. C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, opposition member to be included 2249
B.C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, power of . 2191
B.C. Buildings Corp., Crown corporation, creation of 2190
B.C. Buildings Corp., deficit financing aspect 2191
B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation powers 2259-60, 3390-1, 3393
B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation section, deletion proposed 2261
B.C. Buildings Corp., method of financing, criticism of 2192-3
B.C. Buildings Corp., surplus accommodation, deletion of section, proposed 2261, 3393-4
B.C. Buildings Corp., taxes, payment of 3396
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 449-53
British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act 2946
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, administrative problem, Q. 2201-2
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, representatives on 1435, 1446-7, 1450, 1454, 1464
B.C. Ferries, additional employees, hiring of 188, 1305
B.C. Ferries, additional sailings, Q. 275
B.C. Ferries, cars, supervision of, Q. 2840
B.C. Ferries, dining room service, Q. 1080, 1530
B.C. Ferries employees, fringe benefits for, Q. 1306
B.C. Ferries employees layoffs, Q. 1858, 2163, Q. 2840, 2940-1
B.C. Ferries, federal subsidy to 1305
B.C. Ferries, food prices on, Q. 2423
B.C. Ferries, food services on, Q. 2232-3
B.C. Ferries labour dispute, industrial inquiry commissioner, appointment of 2292
B.C. Ferries, possible strike of, Q. 1978, 2164-5
B.C. Ferries rate increases 187-8, 1305
B.C. Ferries rate increases, effect on tourism 1305
B.C. Ferries rate increases, residents of Vancouver Island, effect on 3255-6
B.C. Ferries, safety on 3256-7
B.C. Ferries, staff at management level, Q. 1527
B.C. Ferries, Swartz Bay terminal parking lots, Q. 2422
B.C. Ferries, usage of, for June, 1975 and June, 1976, Q.3401
British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 3340-1
B.C. Ferry Corp., no power of expropriation 3341
B.C. Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 959-63, 1039-41
B.C. Hydro, borrowing authority increase, annual consideration, Q. 1041
B.C. Hydro, debt ratio to paid-up capital 3258
B.C. Hydro, deficit amount 960-1
B.C. Hydro, pension plan, deficit in 1144
B.C. Hydro project expenditures, outline of 959-61, 963
B.C. Hydro projects, environmental damage 961-2
B.C. Hydro senior executives pay cut, Q. 597
B.C. Police College, special weapons and assault team 1347
B.C. Railway, access to natural resources 1105, 1107
BCR audited up-to-date financial statements available to House, Q. 997, 1107, 1453
B.C. Railway, borrowing increase information, lacking in opening remarks 1105
B.C. Railway, chaotic conditions and labour disputes 2591-2
British Columbia Railway Construction Loan Amendment Act (1976) 1105-8, 1166-7
B.C. Railway, contract overruns 1105-6
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension 1105
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, Indian bands, agreement with 1166
B.C. Railway, debt, interest rate 1108
B.C. Railway, deficit of 1105
B.C. Railway, employee layoffs, Q. 1632
B.C. Railway, expenditure details, lack of 1105-8, 1166-7
B.C. Railway, fiscal responsibility of government 1106-8
B.C. Railway, Fort Nelson extension 1105
B.C. Railway, Hanrahan report 1105
B.C. Railway, job-evaluation scheme 2593, 2601-2
B.C. Railway, labour situation 1106
B.C. Railway, litigation, allowance for, in expenditure estimate 1166
BCR meetings, ministerial attendance, A. 997
B.C. Railway, political interference, free of 2591
B.C. Railway, seeking professional construction advice 1106
B.C. Railway, special commission, appointment of 2592-3, 2601
B.C. Railway, special mediator for 2594, 2612
B.C. Railway, strikes creating hardship and loss of revenue 1106
B.C. Steamship Corp., seeking tax relief, Q. 1664
B.C. Tel. and Westcoast Transmission common stock, Q. 118
B.C. Tel and Westcoast Transmission shares, Q. 118, 1602
B.C. Tel and Westcoast Transmission shares, sale of, Q. 278
B.C. Telephone, removal from federal regulation 3258
Budget, abridged, contact with MacEachen regarding, Q. 596
Budget address, inflexibility 304-5
Budget address, lack of balance and moderation 314
Budget, balanced at all cost, criticism of 303, 452
Budget debate 301-14
CUPE-Mid-Island dispute 2378
Calgary hostage-taking incident, Q. 17-8
Canada Pension Plan, loans from, amount of 1145
Canada Pension Plan, loans to provincial governments 1144
Can-Cel, shares, sale of, Q. 1081
Capilano College principal, severance pay inquiry, report, Q. 705, 1220, 1442, 1567, 1731, 1800-1
Cash discounts, allowance for 2957
Child abuse, instances of, Q. 1276
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 944-6
Civil servants, transfer of 3310
Amendment Act
Clark, Joe, welcome to House 2684
Clarkson, Gordon report, deficit situation of B.C. 450
Collective bargaining for essential services, inclusion of safeguards for employees 2493
College Act, new, proposed 1800-1
College boards, autonomy of 1801
College council, contracts with 1800-1
Community resource facilities, determination of rates 1457. 2454
Computers and other' equipment, access for instructional use in schools 1792-3
Computers, expenditure and tenders on 1145, 1214-5
Condominium owners, right to limit rental units, removal of 2642-4
Condominiums, administration of 2644
Condominiums, poor market for 2643
Conservative Party, role of in coming session 171
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2216-8
Constitution, patriation of 789
Construction industry dispute, Q. 3348
Consumer Protection Act 2957-8
Consumer Services department estimates 1553-4
Contracts, prepayment 2957
Contradictions in Throne speech 179, 181, 183
Corporation tax increase 868
Corporations, municipal voting right 2633
Council of unions, certification of 3378-9
Court of appeal in Victoria 1351
Court procedures, Latin terminology, abolition of 2626
Court system, vacancies, administrative 1282
Creation of new jobs, direction of government policy 183
Crown corporation, pricing decisions to be made by independent authority, Q. 3098-9
Crown corporations, revenue transfer 452
Crown corporations, senior executive pay cut, Q. 597, 1145
Dance studio, pre-payment practice 1553
Davis, William, statement on expropriation of oil industry in western Canada 1824-5
Day-care centres, licensing of 2399
Docking facilities, permanent, for Gabriola Island, Q. 214
Drug traffickers 1281-3
Easter recess for House 1027
Economic areas not mentioned in Budget address 306-7
Economic Development department, technical assistance programme, increased funding 1523
Economic Development department estimates 1501-5, 1523
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, employees, severance pay for 1073-4
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, expenditure of 1059-60, 1063
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, funds remaining in 1072
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, research, independent 1060-1
Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act 1059-63, 1072-3
Education department estimates 1598-1601', 1730-2, 1768, 1773-6, 1781-2, 1785, 1792-6, 1800-3, 1814-5
Education finance formula 1795
Education Today magazine 1794-9
Egg Marketing Board irregularities, Q. 175
Egg producers in Prince George area, problem of 1433-4, 1446-7, 1449
Egg producer's property, spying on, by Egg Marketing Board 1435-6
Electoral reform, commission on 3325
Electricity generation project, expansion, ceiling on 1040
Employment of students by Highways department, Q. 1079-80
Energy need forecast for B.C. 3258-9
Energy needs of province 1039-40
Environment department estimates 1852-3, 1859-62, 1877-8, 1886-7, 1889
Equal pay for equal work 181
Essential services, labour disputes in 3176-7
Essential services, right to strike 184-5
Executive council estimates 2315-21
Fairground rides, safety regulations for, Q. 2577
Family-life education programme 1793
Farm income assurance programme, funding for 1466, 1475
Federal employment programmes, effectiveness, Q. 73
Federal-provincial cost-sharing programmes 1142-3
Federal-provincial relations, importance of 170-1
Ferries, two, purchased by Toronto financial house, Q. 2382
Ferries under Transport and Communications department, transferral of 3340
Ferry rates for Gulf Islands 1527
Ferry senior executives, minimizing number of 3225
Ferry services, integration of 3225
Finance department estimates 1142-7, 1195-9, 1214
Finance department, estimates, discrepancies in 1230-1
Finance department, travel expenses, increase of 1199
Finance minister's assistant, salary reduction 1199
Financial statements, interim and year-end, available to public 1146
Fire insurance for school boards, optional, Q. 472
Fire insurance for schools, cost-sharing arrangement 1732
Fireproof construction for new schools 1731, 1796
Fires and vandalism in schools 1730-2
Fires in schools, number of and damage done, Q. 3187A
First Ministers' Conference, Ottawa, June 14-15 2718
Forest industry capital investments, tax law revision to assist 1506
Fountain, construction of, parliament buildings, Q.1276
Freedom of Information Act (Bill 33) 1R, 319; 2R, 481
French language courses in schools 1801
GAIN, applicant ineligible when employment is terminated for reasons other than medical 3376
GAIN, asset-tested programme 2457-8
GAIN, powers given to Human Resources minister 2453, 2458
GAIN, regulations in, not specified 2456, 3366
GAIN, retroactive legislation provision 2454, 2457
GAIN, single parent, provision for 2453
Gas, natural, export prices 2514
Gasoline tax 55
Glendale Hospital, budget cut, Q. 1439, 2019
Government attitude and policy 172, 178-9
Government Reorganization Act 2797-8, 2858-9, 3386-8
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months 2858-9
Government reorganization policy, centralized power, danger of 2797-8
Government reorganization policy, not-withstanding any Act of the Legislature, amendment on 3386-8
Government reorganization policy, sweeping powers, danger of 2797-8, 2858-9
Greater Victoria Strata Corporations Association, brief from 2643, 2650
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2453-9, 3366-7
Habitat, cost-sharing arrangement of, Q. 2517
Habitat, police protection for 1347-8
Handicapped, definition of and social assistance regulations 2427-9
Handicapped recreational centre in Victoria, funding withdrawal 2401
Handicapped, totally, gas tax reduction 1146-7
Haney Correctional centre as a juvenile detention centre 1756
Hansard staff, tribute to 3338
Hat Creek coal project 961-2
Hat Creek coal studies, Q. 560
Health and welfare, task force on 2442
Health care, cost-sharing arrangements 2718
Health-care expenditure increase, Budget address, in support of 309-10
Health department estimates 1964-8, 1970-1, 1982-6, 2016-20
Helmcken Road site for new hospital, problem of 1965, 1967, 1970-1, 1982-3
Highways and Public Works department estimates 3288-90
Hiring local help, practice of 3142
Hockey, violence in 1284-5
Home care, funding 312-3, 2441-2
Home-owner grant increase maximum 1899-1900
Home-owner grant and school tax, merging of 1898-1900
Home Purchase Assistance Act 2674
Hospital budget, inadequate to provide existing level of service 1983-5
Hospital budget appropriation and HLRA position in strike 2493-4
Hospital deficits, financial adjustment of 1983, 1985
Hospital extended-care rate increase, consideration for special groups 1195-6
Hospital extended-care charge increase, criticism of 853
Hospital facilities in Victoria, deplorable 185-7
Hospital finance, criticism of government policy 185-6
Hospital financing 1983-6
Hospital increases, per diem 1195
Hospital industry, job-evaluation study 2493-5, 2501-3
Hospital insurance cost-sharing, decrease 1142-3, 1196-7
Hospital, new, location of, for greater Victoria area 1964-8, 1970-1, 1982-3
Hospital Services Collective Agreement, AIB to review 2501-2
Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act 2492-6, 2501-2
Hospital, teaching, on UBC campus, proposed 1773-6, 1781-2
Hospital, unskilled jobs, possible reduction of 1985
Hospitalization costs increase, merit exemption proposed 311-2
Hospitals, payments for, Q. 1051-2, 1220
Hospitals strike 1245, Q. 1752, 1787-8, 2492-6
Hospitals strike, McTaggart report 2492, 2496
Hospitals, teaching, upgrading existing facilities 1773-5, 1781-2
“Hot” declarations, Labour Relations Board to review 3177-8
Housing development, cutting municipal red tape 3226
Human Resources department estimates 2385-6, 2399-2402, 2427-31, 2441-5, 2453-4
Human Resources personnel, hiring of, Q. 1665-6
Human Rights Branch, hearings in cases of alleged discrimination, Q. 3403
ICBC, premium rates for handicapped 1768
ICBC, refund delays, Q. 2482
Income Tax Amendment Act (1967) 867-8
Income tax and sales tax increase 309
Income tax increase, expected revenue from 867
Indians, government policy 182
Industrial inquiry commissioner, findings, binding arbitration proposed 2493
Intermediate care, facilities for 312, 1197, 2016-8, 2429-30
Intermediate care, private hospitals 2429-30
Jericho Hill School, children, placing in community setting 1785-6
Judicial Review Procedure Act 2625
Juvenile detention centre in Victoria, medical facilities for 1335-6, 1346
Kitimat, law-enforcement situation, investigation of 2495, 2520-1
Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3174-8, 3378-9
Labour disputes, cooling-off period 2607, 2610-1
Labour disputes, government intervention in 2593
Labour disputes in essential services, extension of cooling-off period 3177
Labour-management relations problem 3178
Labour problems in B.C. 3174-5
Land Commission Act compared to Government Reorganization Act 2797
Land, leased, with option to purchase 3226
Land made available for housing 3226-7
Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting of 2753-5
Legal aid for women in matrimonial and family disputes 1281-2, 1286
Legal Professions Amendment Act (1976) 2629-30
Legal Services Commission, cutback in staff and service, Q. 473-4
Leg-hold traps 3327
Legislative interns 1951-2
Legislative interns in the House, seating arrangements 15
Letter quoted (Lea) 1831
Little-cherry disease in Okanagan 1466
Logging, costs, effect on forest industry 1504
McKenzie-Douglas site for new Greater Victoria hospital 1965-6
Manpower, discussion with federal ministers 213
Marketing boards, re-examination of 1446, 1450, 1453
Massage parlours 1553
Medical decisions, making of, by non-medical people, Q. 1406
Medicare, funding, method of 1197-9
Medicare premium rates, based on health and hospital record 946
MLAs, salaries, determined by independent committee 2217
MLAs from northern and interior regions, financial disadvantage 2218
MLAs, salary reduction 1145, 2216-8
Mental Patients Association, funding of 2399-2402
Mentally disturbed offenders, problem of 1337-8, 1346-7, 1350-1
Metric conversion, funding for 1815
Michell Farm, purchase of, Q. 16
Mincome benefits 2445
Mincome for citizens between 60 and 65 2385-6
Mincome payments to extended-care patients, Q. 320, 1976, 2385
Mineral Royalties Act, changes in 2421
Mineral royalty policy of government 2316
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2753-5
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2753-5
Mining industry, government non-interference 2238-9
Mining industry, government policy on 184
Minister of Finance's power to purchase company shares, removal of 1914-5
Ministers, deputy, salaries of 1145
Ministers, dual portfolios of some 2315
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 3310
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 32) 1R, 275; 2R, 480
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2978-9
Mount Stephen property 2576-7, 2656-7, 3225
Mount Stephen property, Q. 2577
Municipal Affairs department estimates 3223-7, 3233
Municipal Affairs department, programme managers for 3233
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 2633
Non-union firms, admission to construction sites leading to jungle warfare 3141
Non-union firms, bidding for government contracts 3140-1
Northern tour of Premier 1925
Nursing homes, construction of 2020
Oakalla, conditions at 1247
Office space rented or leased by government, Q. 1275
Oil, domestic, two-price system proposed 1502, 1536
Oil-pricing policy and price increase 1501-4, 1536-7, 1824-5
Oil spill, clean-up action, legislation on 1877-8, 3326-7
Olympic lottery, continuation of, tabling of report on, Q. 2383, 3326
Optional health benefits plan for government employees, criticism of 310
PREP programme 2431
PWA, headquarters, move to Alberta 2549
Palmer, Brian, appointment of, Q. 2483
Parliament Buildings, parking facilities in front of, Q. 1275
Patients, age and marital status, survey of two Victoria hospitals 1195
Patients, one minister responsible, proposed 2430
Pension plans, deficits in 1144-5
Pension plans, financing of 1814
Person losing employment by reason of misconduct 2456-7
Photography of legislative protestors, Q. 178
Pipeline between Prince Rupert and Edmonton, proposed, environmental impact 1877
Plateau Mills, purchase of 1915
Premier's meeting with governors of Alaska, Washington and Oregon 1820
Price-freeze policy; absolute power of government 1653-4, 2285, 2299-2300
Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1652-4
Princess Marguerite, maintenance work on, Q. 1602
Princess Marguerite, negotiations between B.C. Steamship Co. and unions, Q. 704, 768, 1663-4
Princess Marguerite, service, resumption of, Q. 1664
Principals and administrative staff, reassignment, appeal procedure for 3212
Privilege, pre-release of government policy on GAIN in Unity News 1891
Property tax exemption for over 65s, means test, criticism of 179-81
Property tax increases 3223-4
Property tax, minimum payable for over 65s 1899-1900
Property tax, minimum taxable for under 65s increase 1899, 2247
Property, tax, payment by government 2192
Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act (1976) 2238-9
Provincial Home-Owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1898-1900
Provincial Secretary department estimates 3116-8, 3324-7
Public Construction Fair Wages Act 3140-2
Public school financing increases, effect on local school districts 311
Public Schools Amendment Act (1976) 2950-1, 3210-4
Public Service Act 3310
Public Works Fair Employment Act, Repeal Act (Bill 35) 1R, 557
Pupil, suspension of, board to convene seven days after 3210-1
Pupil, suspension of, meeting with board with lawyer or counsellor present 3211
RCMP high-speed pursuit, guidelines on, Q. 1052
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act 2591-5, 2600, 2607, 2610, 2612
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act compared to Railway Operation Continuation Act 2592-3
Rape trials legislation on 1283
Rape victims, treatment of 1284
R.C. Palmer Junior Secondary School, cost of fire insurance, Q. 840
Reception at Empress Hotel, March 16, 1976, Q. 1078
Reply statements, permissible outside question period 843
Resident caretaker for schools 1732
Resource industries in B.C., government interest, sale of, Q. 1893-4
Resource industries, revenue from 1145
Revelstoke dam, proposed 961, 963, 1061
Revelstoke dam, proposed, environmental impact 1852-3, 1859-61
Revelstoke dam, proposed, water licence hearing 1861, 1887, 2426
Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1914-5
Revenue shortfalls 450-1
Richmond Private Hospital, closure of, Q. 2720, 3243
Richmond school board, reconstruction of school 1731
Royal Jubilee Hospital, cheque to, Q. 1052
Royal Jubilee Hospital, strike negotiations, Q. 1566
Royalties, mineral, changes in 1145
SAM project, expenditure on 1889
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 2978-9
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, discriminatory nature of 1979
Sales tax exemption for people on Mincome and social assistance 992
Sales tax exemption for telephone and electricity bills 992
Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 785-7
School arson, measures to combat, Q. 3156
School boards, government financial commitment 1599
School District 61, administrative costs highest in B.C. 1794
School District 66, budget decision, concern over 1598-9
School districts, special grants to 1795
School tax on property, removal of 1795-6
School taxes, increase in 1793-4, 3223-4
Scotch, low priced, for delegates at Habitat, Q. 2231-2
Seatbelt regulations, Q. 2616-7
Seat belts, use of, advantages 480
Semester system in schools 1792
Ships, cargo, federal Bill C 61 184
Smoking, social and economic cost of 944-5
Social assistance, cost-sharing arrangements with Ottawa 3366
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 785-7, 903-4, 992
Social services, cost-sharing arrangements with Ottawa 2443-4
South Peace Dehy Products Ltd., grant to 1465
Speaker, role of 6
Stock market, share-buying by government 182
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 856-7, 971-2
Strata Titles Amendment Act (1976) 2642-4, 2650
Streetcar, purchase of 3224
Strike vote, government supervision on 3175-7
Student grants and loans, provision for 2319
Student summer employment programme, pay dispute, Q. 1440-1, 1856
Students, post-secondary, financial assistance to, Q. 1477
Students, suspension or dismissal of 2950-1
Succession duties and gift tax, removal of, no mention in Throne speech 181, 1145
Sukunka coal development 2316
Tanker traffic at Prince Rupert, oil spill problem 1877
Tariffs and freight rates, relations with federal government 183
Tax discounter, legislation on 2957-8
Tax revenue-sharing with municipalities, continuing discussions on 3226
Taxes and other increases imposed by government, impact of 2317-8, 2421
Teachers, B.C.-trained, employment of, Q. 924
Teachers, incompetent, termination of contracts 3213
Teachers, substitute 1802-3
Teachers, transfer, appeal procedure for 3214
Telegram, Social Credit, embarrassment to Speaker 2722
Tire standards 1553-4
Trade missions, increased funding for 1523
Traffic signs on Trans-Canada Highway, Q.; 1275
Transit department, reorganization of 3224-5
Transport and Communications, department estimates 3255-9
Trapping, humane, federal-provincial committee on 3327
Travel agents, advertising practices 1553
Treasury Board, quorum for meetings 1199
Truckers, strike negotiations, Q. 321
UBC Endowment Lands, housing development on 1886
UBC Medical School expansion, no mention in Budget address 311
Unemployment, emergency employment programme, Q. 1892
Unemployment, programmes to solve 2316
Universities capital financing, creation of Crown corporation 2946
Vancouver East, member for, welcome to 2576
Vancouver General Hospital strike, Q. 1218
Vancouver General Hospital strike, contingency plans for 1313
Vancouver General Hospital strike, medical service provisions during, Q. 1406
Vancouver Status of Women, grant to 3116-7
Vandalism in schools 1730-2, Q. 3186
Vegetable-processing industry, federal action to protect 1465
Vegetables, import of, effect on B.C. products 1464-5
Vegetables, imported, screening of chemical use 1465-6
Vietnam, financial aid to children, Q. 2943
Vietnamese aid committee, status of, Q. 706
Visitors from U.S., treatment of, Q. 1789-90
Wages, fair, fringe benefits 3141
Wages, fair, government enforcement of contractors' and subcontractors' obligation to pay 3141-2
Water, sale of to U.S.A. 1861-2
Welfare funds, research on, Q. 1666
Welfare officials, embezzlement by, Q. 3158
Welfare recipients, hair-length regulation, Q. 633
Welfare recipients refusing employment, tighter control over 2457
Western provinces, co-operation between 1279
White Lake observatory, future of, Q. 3350
Wilkinson Road jail, conditions at 1246-8
Williams, R.A., reason for abolition of Economic Policy Analysis Institute 1062-3
Wiretapping, validity and application of 1283
Women, equal pay for equal work 3117-8
Women's Rally for Action, brief 180
Wooton, Judge R.A., replacement for 1351
Workers' Compensation Board claimants, psychological testing, Q. 1184
Workers' Compensation Board, review of decisions 2625
Wallace, Kathy
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2684 (Barrett) 2864 (Gibson) 2864
Wallace, Laurie
Tribute to (Wallace, G.S.) 3325
Walsh, John
Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 1786
War Measures Act
Powers acceptable only in exceptional emergency (Levi) 2799-2800
Mentioned: (Lea) 2805 (Nicolson) 2810
Ward, Barbara
Presented to House (McCarthy) 953 (King) 953
Washington State, U.S.A.
Nuclear generating station, safety of (Skelly) Q. 3349 (Davis) A. 3349
Waste, Disposal of
See: Factory and trade waste
Wasserman, Jack
Quoted (Macdonald) 318
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1286 (Lauk) 2090
Sale of to U.S.A. (Wallace, G.S.) 1861-2 (Nielsen) 1862
Water Act
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1371 (Nielsen) 1862
Water Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 27) (Minister of Environment) 1R 2381; 2R, 2968-9; C, 3207; 3R, 3207; RA, 3398
Speakers (2R) Lockstead 2969; Nicolson 2968-9; Nielsen 2968-9
Speakers: (C) Gibson 3207; Nielsen 3207
Chlorination plants, installation expenditure (Nicolson) 2968
Natural Gas Revenue Sharing Act, extension to water improvement districts (Nicolson) 2969
Penalties levelled under Act (Nielsen) 2968
Water districts, upgrading of (Lockstead) 2969
Water improvement districts, penalty for unpaid taxes (Nielsen) 2968 (Gibson) 3207
Water licences, applications for (Nielsen) 2969
Water rights branch, importance of (Nicolson) 2968
Water Improvement District Assistance Act
(Bill 41) (Nicolson) 1R, 1406
Water Investigation Branch
West Kootenay water supply study, report (D’Arcy) 1885 (Nielsen) 1885
Water Resources Department
Mentioned (Nielsen) 1816 (Lea) 1817
Water Rights Act
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 2880
Water supply
Systems, capital assistance for (D’Arcy) 566
Waterfield, Donald
Continental Waterboy quoted (King) 3268
Watergate scandal
Mentioned: (King) 36 (Lea) 2847 (Lauk) 2883
Waterland, Hon. Thomas Manville, Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources and Minister of Forests (Yale-Lillooet)
Blasting ticket courses and blasting permits, issue of 3021-2, 3034
BCPC, dismantling of 3062
Burns Lake Native Development Corp. 2695-6
B.C. Cellulose, ownership of, A. 3348-9
Byron Creek Colliery, agreement with Ontario Hydro 3057
Cabins, wilderness, burning of by Forest Service 3102-3
Can-Cel, government and unions, meeting of, A. 634, 1754
Can-Cel operation, impact on independent logging operators 1921
Can-Cel, purchase of 1921
Claims, reduction of value of work done on 2504
Coal, development policy, report on 3036
Coal, northeast resources project, economic studies 3034-5
Coal research and coal gasification 3064
Coal, royalty, increase 3040, 3042-3. 3 047
Coal, tonnage, royalty collected, A. 440
Coal, user charge on 3056
Copper cartel situation 3036
Copper concentrates, tonnage and values, A. 440
Debris, clean-up of Fraser River 3103
Duncan Dam, cost of clearing area behind 3107
Duncan Reservoir, plans for clearing 3108
ELUC, guidelines for coal mining, A. 276
Energy resource evaluation programme 3065
Forest development roads programme 2679
Forest-fire suppression programme 3105
Forest industry, data base, awareness by workers 2697
Forest industry, economics and problems 2694-5
Forest industry, fair wages 2694
Forest minister, qualifications of 2694
Forest pest-control programme, funding for 3106
Forest research programme, cutback 3104
Forest roads development in Nimpkish Valley 3107
Forest roads, maintenance of 2697
Forest scaling programme, position of temporary scaler 3106
Forest-based Crown corporations, free of political connection 2696
Forests department, budgetary restraint 2550
Forests department estimates 2553, 3065-8, 3070, 3072, 3078, 3084-5, 3088, 3094-5, 3101-8
Gas, natural, field price of, A. 3244
Goldstream River, pollution by Noranda Mines, A. 2039
Government forest product companies, disposal of, A. 2577
Gravel operations, reclamation permits for 3024
Grazing Act, funds collected 3313
Grazing permits, review of, A. 2579
Hat Creek coal studies, non-thermal coal uses 3064
Holberg Road, maintenance of 3107
Kaiser Coal, royalty payment increase 3043, 3047, 3049, 3056-7
Kaiser, Edgar, meeting with Mines minister 3043, 3056
Kluskus timber sale 3084
Kootenay Forest Products, purchase of 1920
Land, single-use concept 2697
Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting 2703-4, 2712-3, 2750-2, 2768-9, 3059, 3061
Lease suspension, removal of M_ ines minister's right of 2504
Lighthouse Communications Ltd., A. 1115, 1183, 1528
Loggers, independent, continuation of operations 3101-2
Logging in parks 3094-5
Logging roads in north Island communities 2679, 3107
Logs, booming, in interior lakes 3095
McGregor dam project, work to be done by Forest Service 2693
McGregor diversion area, logging plans 3066
McGregor diversion, environmental effects 3067-8
McGregor diversion, flood control problem 3066
McGregor diversion, timber values 3068
McGregor diversion, work done by Forest Service 2695, 3065, 3070
Metal price, effect on mining industry taxation 2509
Mine safety 3058-9
Miner, right to mine own claim 2504
Mineral Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 30) 1R 2379; 2R, 2503-5, 2507; C, 3364
Mineral and stumpage royalties, comparison of 3028-9
Mineral Land Tax Act, regulations under 3035
Mineral Land Tax Act, sections in, repeal of 2509
Mineral Processing Act 3022
Mineral research programme 3064
Mineral Resource Tax Act (Bill 57) 1R, 2379; 2R, 2507-9, 2915-6; C, 3350-1, 3362-3
Mineral resources, exploration of 2508-9, 2915
Mineral Royalties Act, impact on mining in B.C. 2507-8
Mines department, inspection branch, work of 3035-6, 3058-9
Mines department, production permit, granting of 3055
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2679-80, 2693-7, 2703-5, 2707, 2709, 2712-3, 2750-2, 2764-9, 3028-9, 3034-6, 3055-7, 3058-9, 3063-5
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2750-2, 2764-9
Mines, royalties, adverse effects of 2508, 3362
Mines, tax on net income 2509, 2915
Mining and forest industries, development of 508-9
Mining, high cost of 3021
Mining industry, foreign ownership in B.C. 3028
Mining industry, government non-interference 2234
Mining industry in B.C., value of shares 3028
Mining industry, overall employment opportunities 3035, 3056
Mining policy aiming at regional development and employment 2915
Mining policy of NDP, criticism of 2241
Mining profits, return of benefits 3056-7
Mining properties, government interests in, removal of 2504
Mining, taxation policy, committee on 2764
Mining technology, development of 3021-2
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 3311
Northwood Pulp, meeting with Forest Service and B.C. Hydro 3066, 3070
Ocean Falls Corp., future of 3072, 3 101
Ocean Falls Corp., timber allocation for 3091-2
Ocean Falls, offer of purchase 2680
Oil and natural gas, exploration expenditures 3034
Oil, exploration and production, disposition of 2631
Oil companies, lands, access over 2630-1
Oil shale, access to in Queen Charlotte Islands 2631
Ore, high-grade, mining of 3029
Petroleum and natural gas, payments, lump sums for lease terms 2631
Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 25) I R, 2381; 2R, 2630-2; C, 2963; 3R, 2963
Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1976, board of mediation, access to 2630
Plateau Mills, purchase of 1920-1
Pollution-control permits, issue of, A. 2039
Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 21) 1R, 1277; 2R, 2234, 2240-2;C, 2297
Prospectors' assistance programme fund, reduction of 3063-4
Prospectors, discoveries, removal of government right of first refusal 2234
Prospectors, small, encouragement and incentives for 2504
Pulp mills, development of 3084
Rangeland, management of 2693-4
Reeves Macdonald, reclamation work of 3024
Reforestation division, budget increase for 2550
Reforestation programme 3103-4
Reservoir waterway improvement programme, budget for 3108
Revelstoke Dam, salvage from reservoir areas, result of construction of 3108-9
Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1920-1
Sawmill operations, decline of 2696
Sayward-Woss Camp highway project 2679
Stumpage revenue and wood volume, change in, A. 1630-1, 2694-5
Texada Mines, closure of 3029
Timber, allocation of 3085
Timber, quota, bid proposal by Kitwanga band 2695
Trees, planting site preparation, budget for 2550
Undersea mining, development of 3021
Uranium occurrences in Okanagan 3065
Uranium surveys 3064
Williston, R.G., appointment of as chief executive officer of B.C. Cellulose 3085, 3088
Wood supply for small operators in Lardeau Valley 3108
Watson Island, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lea) 1917
Webster, Arnold
Mentioned: (Cocke) 42
Webster, Gloria Cranmer
North Island College, appointment recommended (Sanford) 1620-1 (McGeer) 1620-2
Webster, Jack
Mentioned: (Barber) 838
Webster, John
Study on Inner Harbour development (Barber) 3328
Weekend magazine
Mentioned: (Kahl) 672 (Cocke) 2077
Weeks, Arthur E.
Mentioned: (King) 29, 37 (Lauk) 331 (Lea) 453 (Brown) 492 (Lauk) 1514
Weir, Walter
Quoted (McCarthy) 3006
Welfare payments
See: Social assistance
Welfare work
See: Public welfare
Wells-Barkerville School, Wells, B.C.
Mentioned: (Fraser) 1527
Wenner-Gren, Axel Leonard
Mentioned: (Mair) 2141 (Skelly) 2156
Werts, F. Rex
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
West End Services to Seniors
Mentioned: (Barnes) 196-7
West Kootenay Power and Light Co.
Rural electrification assistance programme, participation proposed (Hewitt) 620, 1229-30 (Wolfe) 1230
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 601, 1039, 3024 (D’Arcy) 860, 1516
West Kootenay region, B.C.
Crown land for housing (D’Arcy) 1852
Water supply system, proposed (D’Arcy) 1517-8, 1885 (Phillips) 1517 (Nielsen) 1885
West Side Society for Adult Rehabilitation Residences
Mentioned: (Brown) 2042
Westcoast Savings Credit Union
Mentioned: (Barber) 1427
Westcoast Transmission Co. Ltd.
Expansion programme (Davis) 3235
Rate of return (Macdonald) 3234-6, 3238 (Davis) 3235, 3237, 3246
Shares, purchase of (Wolfe) 1945 (Chabot) 2110-3 (Mussallem) 2148
Shares, sale of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 278 (Wolfe) A. 278
Shares, sale of, reason against (Veitch) 630
Shares in common stock (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 118, 1602 (Wolfe) A. 118, 278, 1602
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 183
Western Canada Lottery Foundation
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 2424
Western Canadian News Service
Mentioned: (Brown) 1211
Western Canadian Women's News Service
Western Economic Opportunities Conference
Agriculture, topic of discussion (Lauk) 1456-7 (Phillips) 1458
Income assurance programmes on federal level, discussion on (Phillips) 1389, 1458, 1476
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1187
Western Gypsum Ltd.
Mentioned: (Chabot) 422
Western Mines Ltd.
Mentioned: (Sanford) 3026-7
Western Premiers' Conference, 1976
Education and research facilities, co-operation in development (Bennett) 1278
Financial arrangements with federal government (Bennett) 1277-8 (Gibson) 1278
Mentioned: (Bennett) 474, 2343 (Wolfe) 558
Westmills Carpet Ltd.
Weston Corp.
Mentioned: (Sanford) 2052
Weyerhaeuser, George H.
Quoted (Stupich) 283
Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.
Thompson River task force report (Lea) Q. 275, 472, 561, 1052, 1830-4, 1837-40 (Nielsen) A. 275, 472, 561, 842, 1052, 1081, 1835-6, 1838-9, 1847-8 (Mair) 1834-7, 1842-3, 1847 (Skelly) 1845-7
Mentioned: (Stupich) 283 (Lea) 561, 1917
Whelan, Hon. Eugene
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 1369
Wilkinson Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Rogers) 721
Scotch, low-priced, for delegates at Habitat (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2231-2 (Gardom) A. 2232
Whistler Mountain, B.C.
Council, discussion with (Gibson) 2642
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act
Whitaker's Almanac, 1976
Mentioned: (Stupich) 371 (Lea) 458
White Lake, B.C.
Observatory, future of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 3350 (McCarthy) A. 3350
White Raven Canoe Club
Travel assistance for (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 3243 (McCarthy) A. 3243
White Rock Railway
Problem requiring a decision (Davidson) 929
Whonock Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2682
Increase in crime rate (Brown) Q. 74 (Bennett) A. 74
Wiggin, Jack
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Wildlife conservation
Creston Valley waterfowl management area, funding and operation of (Nicolson) 3319-20 (McCarthy) 3332
Wildlife Federation
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1828
Wilkinson Road Jail
See: Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, Victoria, B.C.
Willes, Edwin
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 1357
Williams, Allan
Mentioned: (Brown) 1942
Williams, R.A.
Mentioned: (Calder) 138
Williams, Non. Louis Allan, Minister of Labour (West Vancouver-Howe Sound)
AIB, achievements of 1710-1
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1709-15
Anti-inflation policy of NDP, criticism of 1709, 1711-3
Apprenticeship and industrial training programmes 2925-6
Bell Copper-CAIMAW dispute, A. 2941, 3155
Blair report, hospital industry, acceptance of, A. 1341-2, 2486-7, 2500
B.C. Energy Commission, energy needs forecast of B.C. 970
B.C. Ferries, labour dispute, appointment of industrial inquiry commissioner 2291-2
B.C. Ferries, layoffs 1306, 2597
B.C. Ferries rate increases, job losses, effect on employees, A. 1306
B.C. Hydro, borrowing, amount asked for 970-1
B.C. Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 969-71
B.C. Railway, agreement, new, retroactive provision for 2606
B.C. Railway, bargaining council, proposed 2597
B.C. Railway, binding arbitration to end strike 2579, 2582, 2597
B.C. Railway, board of arbitration 2608-9
B.C. Railway, chaotic conditions, labour disputes, impact of 2580, 2582, 2596
B.C. Railway, job evaluation, scheme for 2580, 2602
B.C. Railway, layoffs 2605
B.C. Railway, political interference, free of 2580
B.C. Railway, safety operations, A. 2038
B.C. Railway, special commission, appointment of 2580, 2582, 2596-7, 2600-2
B.C. Railway strike negotiations, A. 18
British North America Act, changes in 1709-10
Budget debate 825-9
Budget, emphasis on restraint and balance 826-7
CUPS dispute, mediation of, A. 1344, 1568, 2073, 2323, 2377-9, 2418
Cheque to employment programmes branch, A. 175, 216
Civil service, wages of employees 2930
Collective bargaining, choice-of-procedure approach to 2580, 2583
Collective bargaining measures for BCR and B.C. Ferries 2579
Collective bargaining negotiations 2925
Construction industry, legislative drafting consultation by Labour minister 3382-3
Council of unions, certification of 3378-9
Cowichan school district, labour situation in, A. 1344
Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 825-6
Elevators, inspection of, A. 1978, 2039-40
Employment, student, by Highways department, A.1080
Essential industry, collective bargaining, right of 2486-9, 2499
Essential services, labour disputes in 3131-2, 3192
Export tax levies, removal of 1712
Fairground rides, safety regulations for, A. 2577-8
Federal employment programmes, effectiveness 212-3
Fishing vessel inspection, jurisdiction over, A. 632-3
Hiring local help, practices of 3147
Hospital authority, local autonomy 2500
Hospital budget appropriation and HLRA position in strike 2499
Hospital industry, job-evaluation study 2487-8, 2501-3
Hospital services collective agreement, in line with Labour Code 2502
Hospital services collective agreement, terms of contract 2487
Hospital services collective agreement, to be reviewed by AIB 2488-9
Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act (Bill 75) 1R, 2480; 2R, 2486-9, 2499-2501; C, 2502-3
Hospitals strike 1245-6, 1894-5, 2486-9
Hospitals strike, Telex message from Leader of Opposition 1895
“Hot” declarations reviewed by Labour Relations Board 3133
Human Rights Branch, hearings in cases of alleged discrimination, A. 3403
Human rights inquiries of Dr. Bruhn-Mou and Dr. McLure, A. 1080-1, 1115, 1118
Indian culture, preservation of 828
Indian cut-off lands, negotiations 827-8
Indian land claims, negotiations in progress 827
Indians, economic assistance to 828-9
Industrial inquiry commissioner, findings, binding arbitration proposed 2500-1
Industrial relations in B.C., special committee to assist Labour minister 3192
Industrial relations, normal operations in 2603
Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1976, 1R, 2937; 2R, 3131-3, 3191-6; C, 3378-82
Labour department estimates 2925-6, 2929-30
Labour dispute, cooling-off period 2581, 2583, 2607, 2610-2
Labour disputes affecting activities of trade and commerce 3132-3
Labour disputes in essential services, cooling-off period, extension of 3131-2, 3193
Labour management relations, reduction of conflict 3191-2, 3195-6
Labour-management stability 2929
McKee, Clive, employment of, A. 3402-3
MacKenzie, Roy, human rights dispute, board of inquiry to be appointed, A. 1220
McTaggart report and recommendations 2480, 2486-8, 2500
Manpower division, work of 2925-6
Mediator, special for BCR and B.C. Ferries, terms of reference 2581, 2583, 2597-8, 2599, 2612
Nishga land claims, negotiations in progress 827
Non-union firms, admission to construction sites leading to jungle warfare 3146
Non-union firms, bidding for government contracts 3135-6, 3146
Price-wage increase, provincial restraint in public sector, regulations for 1710-5
Public Construction Fair Wages Act (Bill 83) 1R, 2940; 2R, 3134-6, 3144-7; C, 3382-3
Public Works Fair Employment Act, criticism of 3145-6
Public Works Fair Employment Act, repeal of 3134-6
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act (Bill 58) I R, 2507; 2R, 2579-84, 2595-8; C, 2599-2612
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, compared to Collective Bargaining Continuation Act 2581-2, 2596
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, compared to Railway Operation Continuation Act 2597
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, inclusion of ferry service 2596-7, 2600
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, permissive language in 2599, 2607
Railway Operation Continuation Act (Bill 22) 1R, 1375
Royal Jubilee Hospital, strike negotiations, A. 1566
Sales tax increase, against deferral for six months 806-8
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 806-8
Strike votes, government supervision of 3132, 3193-4, 3380-1
Student employment programme, salaries, A. 632
Student summer employees, fringe benefits for, A. 1051
Student summer employment programme, A. 74, 213-4, 632, 1342-3
Subcontractors' obligation to pay fair wages 3135-6
Swan Valley Foods, Labour minister on board of directors, A. 2578
Truckers strike negotiations, A. 321
Unionization of employees 3134-5
Vancouver General Hospital strike, A. 1218
Wages, fair, employer's obligation to pay 3135
Wages, fair, government enforcement of contractors' and subcontractors' obligation to pay 3135-6, 3145
Welfare recipients, hair-length regulation, A. 633
Workers' Compensation Board claimants, psychological testing, A. 1184
Workers' Compensation Board report, A. 632
Workers' Compensation claims before boards of review in 1975 and 1976, A. 3402
Williams, Parker
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 128
Williams, Robert Arthur
Land magazine, special warrant for (McCarthy) 790
Letter quoted (Fraser) 3080
Mentioned (Throne speech) 11 (King) 27, 745, 1922 (Bawlf) 359 (Phillips) 445, 710, 1073, 1484 (Lauk) 521 (Lockstead) 772 (Lloyd) 1868 (Chabot) 1933-4 (Kerster) 1938 (Calder) 1943 (Bawlf) 2121 (Jordan) 2138
Williams Lake, B.C.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1101
Willingdon School for Girls
Facilities inadequate (Wallace, G.S.) 1335-6
Remand and assessment programme for boys and girls, planned (Gardom) 1001, 1352, 1756 (Dailly) 1351-2
Williston, Raymond Gillis
B.C. Cellulose, possibility of appointment as chief executive officer (Lauk) 2682-3, 2697-8 (Skelly) 2686 (Lea) Q. 2719 (Bennett) A. 2719 (Barrett) 3085-93 (Waterland) 3085, 3088
B.C. Railway, former member of board of directors (Lauk) 1092, 1094 (Nicolson) 1099, 1102
Mentioned: (Lauk) 330, 2682-3 (Chabot) 336 (Lloyd) 609, 1943 (Lockstead) 773 (Cocke) 983, 1130 (Skelly) 2686 (Lea) 3348 (Barrett) 3349
Williston Lake, B.C.
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 3294
Wilson, Harold
Mentioned: (Jordan) 158 (Williams) 826
Wilson, James W.
Letter quoted (Curtis) 192-3
Wilson, Mark
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1494
Wilson, Robert
Mentioned: (Sanford) 2291
Winding-up Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 2225
South African wines, sale of (Brown) 1298
Variety and choice in liquor stores (Rogers) 1287-9 (Hewitt) 1292 (Gardom) 1296-7
Wine and wine making
Grape-growing industry, relation to (Rogers) 1287-8 (Wallace, B.B.) 1289, 1385 (Hewitt) 1291-3, 1412 (Cocke) 1293-5, 1380-1 (Macdonald) 1295, 1384 (Gardom) 1296-7 (Bawlf) 1380-1 (Jordan) 1381-2 (Phillips) 13845, 1413-4 (Shelford) 1395-6 (D’Arcy) 1468
Sale of, in grocery stores, recommended (Rogers) 722
Winegard, William
Commission on post-secondary education (Dailly) 1729 (McGeer) 1732-3, 1798, 1803
Winnipeg Free Press
Protection of Our Birthright quoted (Barrett) 2888
Legislation, validity and application of (Wallace, G.S.) 1283 (Gardom) 1285-6
Wisener and Partners
Commission for (Chabot) 2112-3 (Skelly) 2155
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1945
Wolfe, Hon. Evan Maurice, Minister of Finance (Vancouver-Little Mountain)
Adult-care programme 260
Agricultural Aid to Developing Countries and World Disaster Areas Fund, money provided in estimates 264, 972, 1021
Agriculture, government policy on 257
Anti-Inflation Act, federal, supreme court decision on 2278
Anti-inflation agreement with other province or state, inclusion of phrase “or state” 2283
Anti-inflation agreement with Ottawa 1633-4, 2098
Anti-inflation agreement with Ottawa, temporary nature of 1633, 2098
Anti-Inflation Board review, of various rate increases, possible, A. 2073
Anti-Inflation Measures Act (Bill 16) 1R, 768; 2R, 1633-4, 2097-9; C, 2272-3, 2278, 2281, 2283, 2298, 2300
Anti-inflation programme, federal 254-5
Apprenticeship and Manpower training services to be increased 260
Arctic Harvester, purchase of 262, 686
Assisted Home Ownership Programme 259-60
Auditor General Act (Bill 45) 1R, 1973; 2R, 2100-3, 2157-9; C, 2266-72, 2288
Auditor-General, acting, appointment of 2266-7, 2288
Auditor-General, annual report 2100-1
Auditor-General, appointment by unanimous' decision of special committee 2100, 2158, 2268, 2272
Auditor-General, appointment, special committee on 3378
Auditor-General, authority of 2100-1, 2158
Auditor-General, Crown agencies, audits of 2101
Auditor-General, establishment of 253
Auditor-General, funds for 2272
Auditor-General, government accounting procedure, review of 2 101
Auditor-General, independence of 2 100
Auditor-General, public accounts committee, working with 2270
Auditor-General, special committee to appoint, M. 11, 2940
Auditor-General, staffing of office 2158
Auditor-General, term of office 2100
Auditor-General, trivial matters, no need to report on 2269
Auditors, appointment of, by Treasury Board 2271-2
Attorney-General department expenditures 257
Barrett, David, budget address, reference to 1137
B.C. Central Credit Union loan to SIB International for purchase of Arctic Harvester 263
B.C. Deficit Repayment Act, 1975-1976 (Bill 3) 1R, 115; 2R, 354; C, sec. 1 578-80, 585-8, 591-2, 594, 646-50, 655; amdt. 657, 666-7, 669, 686, 688, 744-5, 751; sec. 2, 754; Report, 754
B.C. Deficit Repayment Act, 1975-1976, amount to be borrowed 751
B.C Development Corp., loans to stimulate additional job creation 262
British Columbia Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 260
B.C. Ferries, expenditure reduction 261
B.C. Harbours Board, loan repayment, A. 646
B.C. Hydro, borrowing amount asked for 952, 958
B.C. Hydro, borrowing power, increase of 262, 952
B.C. Hydro, court award of $36 million, A. 15, 646
B.C. Hydro, loan repayment of 1149
B.C. Hydro, responsibility for 1119, 1124, 1130
B. C. Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 6) 1R, 267; 2R, 952, 958-9, 971; C, sec. 1, 1033-5; 3R, 1041
B.C. Hydro projects, cabinet approval 1033-4
B.C. Hydro projects, environmental matters affected by 1033
B.C. Hydro expenditures, outline of 1035
B.C. Marketing Board, pricing decisions of individual boards, review of 1633
B.C. Medical Services Plan, reserve funds 666
B.C. Railway, annual report anticipated 1166
B.C. Railway, borrowing power, increase of 262
B.C. Railway, capital investment funds 262
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension 1112, 1167
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, Indian band, agreement with 1166
B.C. Railway, estimates under Economic Development department 1119
B.C. Railway, expenditure details to be discussed under estimates 1112
B.C. Railway, financial prospectus 1157
B.C. Railway, Fort Nelson extension, upgrading of 1167
B.C. Railway loan, purpose of 1086, 1111-2
B.C. Railway, loan repayment, A. 646, 1149
B.C. Railway, political interference in 1112
B.C. Railway, refinancing of 1112, 1155-6
B.C. Railway, rental of rolling stock from American lines 1157
B.C. Railway, upgrading existing facilities 1112
B.C. Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act, 1976 1R, 267; 2R, 1086, 1111-2; C, sec. 1, 1155-7; Report 1172; 3R, 1172
B. C. Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority, funding for hospital construction 262
B.C. Savings and Trust Co., legal status 1190
B.C. School Districts Capital Financing Authority, funds for school construction 262
B.C. Tel. and Westcoast Transmission common stock, A. 118, 1602
B.C. Tel. and Westcoast Transmission, sale of, A. 278
Bonds, sinking fund, sale of 262
Budget, abridged, A. 558-60, 1137
Budget, abridged, contact with Dept. of External Affairs regarding, A. 596
Budget, allocation of possible surplus funds 1148
Budget, balanced, to be restored 253, 255, 263
Budget debate 1058
Budget, percentage increase 255
Budget, recovery, nature of 265, 1058
Budget, restraint stressed 1058
Builders, interest-free loans for rental housing 260
Burns Lake Native Development Corp., financial assistance to 262
Can-Cel, purchase of 1945
Capital expenditure, reluctance of government to borrow 1175
Cash management of government of B.C., report 1136, 1175, 1178-9
Cash-management systems, upgrading of 1136
Cash position of B.C., A. 320, 405, 653, 655
Cheques, non-sufficient funds 1125
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 12) 1R, 267; 2R, 943, 951-2; C, sec. 1, 1027;3R, 1027
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax increase 264
Cigarette tax increase, yield resulting from 943
Clarkson Gordon, instructions and information to 588, 591-3
Clarkson Gordon report 251-3
Clarkson Gordon report, a review, not an audit 669
Clarkson Gordon report, cost of, A. 1077, 1132
Clarkson Gordon report, draft copy of 743
Clarkson Gordon secrecy oath 647
Coal, royalties, decrease in revenue 1140
Commonwealth nations, policies, criticism of 265
Comptroller-General, duties of 2158
Computers, expenditure and tenders on 1147, 1214-5
Consumer Services department, budget allotment 257
Corporation income tax increase 865, 871
Corporation income tax increase for small business, yield resulting from 1026-7
Corporation tax system, operation controlled by B.C., proposed 1190
Corporation taxes, figures for 1120
Cost of living increase, anti-inflation measures against 1141
Cost-sharing programmes with federal government 254, 1190, 1202
Credit unions, government relations with 1190
Crown corporations, capital requirements, total 262
Crown corporations, loan advancements 261, 588
Crown corporations, operating deficits of 252
Crown corporations, pricing review by AIB 255
Crown corporations, repayment of loans 588
Crown corporations, senior executives pay cut, A. 597, 1146
Crown corporations, tax-free status, possible elimination by federal legislation 1213
Crown range resources, development of 257
Deficit, anticipated 580
Deficit of province 251-4, A. 650, 653, 655, 666, 751
Deficit position, not permissible for government at fiscal year end, A. 407
Deficit repayment loan 1128, 1202-3
Dunhill Development 1214
Economic Development department, budget allotment 257
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, investments of 1072
Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act 264, 1072
Economic policy of NDP government, criticism of 250-3, 263, 265
Economy of province, attitude of cautious optimism 1119-20
Education department, budget allotment 257
Education on problems of health related to smoking 951
Educational material, sales tax exemption for 1201
Elderly Citizen Renters Grant 259
Emergency health services programme, budget increase 258
Energy needs of province, independent studies on 1035
Environment department, budget allotment 257
Executive assistants, salary reduction 1146
Expenditures included in the year, determined by Comptroller-General 1151
Expenditures, total for fiscal year 1976-77, 255
Export levy proposed by federal government, objection to 254
Federal-provincial cost-sharing programmes 1143
Federal-provincial fiscal relations 254-5
Finance department budget allotment 257-8
Finance department, economists in 1213
Finance department, estimate books, discrepancies in 1230-1
Finance department estimates 1119-22, 1124-6, 1128-9, 1132-3, 1136-8, 1143-9, 1151-3, 1174-6, 1178, 1189-91, 1193, 1198-1210, 1212-5
Finance department, goyernment agencies, workload, quarters and staffing 1223
Finance department, Nanaimo agency, staffing of 1222
Finance department, office expenses 1215
Finance department, salary contingencies of 1232
Finance department, staff reduction and salary savings 1204-5, 1214, 1216, 1221-2
Finance department, travel expenses, increase of 1199
Finance minister's assistant, salary reduction of 1199
Finance minister's office, staff increase 1137
Financial reports, monthly, proposed 1190
Financial reports, quarterly 253, 1152, 1190
Forests department, budget allotment 258
Forests department, creation of 258
Funds, derived from consolidated revenue, investment of, A. 1602
Funds, perpetual, investments of 1021
Funds, special, continuation of purposes 854, 865, 972, 974
Funds, special, recapture of 264
Funds, special, re-establishment of 1024
Government agents, establishment of new offices 1224
Government agents, offices offering ICBC insurance 1223
Government borrowings, details of, A. 2423, 2518
Government spending, reduction of 257
Green Belt Protection Fund, future funding 264, 972-3, 1021, 1025
Handicapped, totally, gasoline tax refund 1146-7, 1229
Health department, budget allotment 258
Highways and Public Works department, budget allotment 259
Homeowner grant 256
Hospital co-insurance, charge increase 258-9, 1193-4, 1198, 1201
Hospital insurance, cost-sharing, decrease 1144
Hospitals, payments by government 1194
Houses, increased availability of second mortgages 260
Housing department, budget allotment of 159
Housing programme of federal government, co-operation with 259
Human Resources department, budget allotment 260
ICBC, cash balance, A. 405
ICBC, cheque issued to, A. 406-7, A. 648, A. 995, 1121-2, 1124-5, 1131, 1136
ICBC, deficit of 252-3
ICBC, loan to government, A. 923, 996, 1121-2, 1125-6
ICBC, loan to government, term, interest rate 113
IDERA, future funding of 972-3, 1023-4
Income Assistance Programme 260
Income Tax Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 9) 1R, 267; 2R, 865, 871; C, sec. 1, 1025-6; sec. 4, 1026-7; Report, 1027
Income tax, different levels of taxation for two years 1026
Income tax exemption, basic level to be raised, consideration of 1026
Income tax increase, corporate and personal 264
Income tax increase, effective date of 871
Income tax increase, expected revenue from 865
Income tax increase to proportionate amount instead of sales tax increase 755
Income taxes, corporate and personal, sharing with federal government 255
Indexing plan, extension, in federal income tax system 1204
Indians, services to 260
Industries, secondary, technical assistance, ' expansion to be encouraged 257
Labour department, budget allotment 260
Legislation, retroactive, affecting existing court case 3312
Liquor licence fee increase 264
Loan, deficit repayment, payment of interest 258
MLAs, salary reduction 257, 1146
Medicare premium increase 259, 1193-4
Mines and Petroleum Resources department, budget allotment 260
Minister of Finance's power to purchase company shares, removal of 1911-2, 1945
Ministers, deputy, salary reduction 1146
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 3310
Morrison, Newell, status of, A. 597
Municipal Affairs department, budget allotment 260
Municipal incentive grant programme, increase of 260
Municipalities, revenue-sharing programme with 261
Natural gas producers, federal income tax regulations for payment 1229
Order-in-council No. 1221, Treasury bills, sale of 1128, 1148-9
Ottawa conference of Finance ministers 557-8
Pacific North Coast Native Co-op, Port Simpson, fisheries development loans 262
Park development programme 261
Pension plans, deficits in 1145
Pharmacare programme 260
Police costs, increase of 257
Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund, recapture of 264, 1021
Powers to borrow money, give guarantees, make grants on loans, be exercised only through Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council 1911-2
Price-freeze policy, power of government 2099, 2298, 2300
Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1633-4, 2097-9
Propane Gas Association of Canada, submission by 1178
Propane gas sales tax, A. 3243
Provincial Major Disaster Fund, future funding of 257, 1021
Provincial Secretary department, budget allotment 261
Public Service Commission expenditures, increase of 261
Public service, extended health and dental plan, increase of 261
Quoted (Levi) 416
Rail agreement with federal government 1156
Recreation and Travel Industry department, budget allotment of 261
Resource developments, co-ordination of 257
Restructured grants to municipalities, urgency of, A. 321, 1204
Revenue Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 8) 1R, 267; 2R, 1911-2, 1945-6
Revenue Amendment Act, 1976, clarification of amendments 1911-2
Revenue forecasts, budgetary and in Clarkson Gordon report 1134
Revenue increase, estimated improvement percentage 1120, 1152
Safe-Driver Incentive Plan, rebate on car insurance for under-25s 261
Salary contingencies of individual departments, consolidation under Finance department 258
Sales tax exemption for agricultural equipment and materials 990
Sales tax exemption for building materials and mobile homes, amendment on 1020, 1119
Sales tax exemption for medical equipment and materials 990
Sales tax exemption for telephone bills 993
Sales tax exemptions 264, 755, 942
Sales tax increase 264
Sales tax increase, effect on low-income groups 991
Sales tax increase, impact on cost of living 1189-90, 1201
Sales tax increase, necessity of 942
Sales tax increase, yield resulting from 264, 742, 755
Sales tax, not regressive 1189
Sales tax, regressive nature of 755
Saskatchewan, anti-inflation policy 2098
Scaling fund, vote 146, A. 320, 595
School district, unorganized rural component, sum collectable in budget, A. 1077
School Tax Removal and Resource Grant Fund, return to general revenue 256, 264
Sewerage Facilities Assistance Act 261
Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 11) 1R, 267; 2R, 754-5, 942; C, sec. 1, 989-93, sec. 2, 1020; Report 1020; 3R, 1020
Special funds recovered, committee to decide on future funding 972
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act, 1976 (Bill 7) 1R, 267; 2R, 854, 864-5; C, sec. 1, 972-4, 1021, 1023-5; sec. 2, 1025; sec. 3, 1025; Report, 1025; 3R, 1025
Special warrant 703 for post-secondary education and training, A. 320, 595
Special warrant 708 to supplement votes 193, 202, 203, 219 and 227, A. 322, 596
Special warrant 709 issued to supplement votes 236 and 237, A. 321, 595
Stumpage revenue, estimates affected by U.S. housing development 1119
Summer student employment, funding 574, 577-8, 1206-8
Superannuation Branch, expenditure increase 261
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976 (Bill 10) 1R, 340; 2R, 340-1, 351; C, 352, 574, 577-8; Report, 701; 3R, 701; RA, 735
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, amount asked for 351
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, purpose of Bill 351
Supply Act, No. 2, 1976 (Bill 85) 1R, 3339; 2R, 3339;C, 3340
Swan Valley Foods Ltd., investment in 262
Taxation, alternative schemes to relieve hardship on low-income earners 1213
Taxes and other increases imposed by government, AIB review of 2281
Transit supply programme 260
Transport and Communications department budget allotment 261
Treasury Board, cost-accounting assessment 1190
Treasury Board, quorum for meetings 1199
Tree farm licence, improvements, tax exempt within municipal boundaries 1191
Unemployment Insurance Commission, payments increased 261
Universities Council, warrant to, A. 177, 648-9, 657, 688
Warrant for vocational training, recoverable, A. 596
Westcoast Transmission, shares, purchase of 1945
Women, projects for, funding of 1212
Wolfe, John
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1198
Wolfender, Richard
Mentioned: (Kahl) 672
Trapping and snaring (Skelly) 3324, 3335 (McCarthy) 3334, 3336
Cabinet committee decisions affecting women (Brown) 3113-4 (McCarthy) 3126
Coal, northeast project, women's economic input (Brown) 1519-20
Credit, discrimination against women (Brown) 1559-60, 2530-1 (Main) 1562
Discrimination against women in society (Barnes) 1270
Education programme planning, involvement in (Wallace, G.S.) 1786
Financial independence of (Jordan) 3119-20 (McCarthy) 3125
GAIN, maintenance order enforcement provisions (Gibson) 2452 (Vander Zalm) 3374-5 (Levi) 3377
GAIN, maintenance payments, subrogation of individual rights (Levi) 3374-5 (Brown) 3375
GNP, women's input, study proposed (Brown) 1519, 2531
Housewife, place in society as volunteer (Jordan) 1015
Prisons, women in (Brown) 3114-5
Role in economy of province (Brown) 1519-20
Sex discrimination in education, advisory committee on, termination of (Brown) 1804-6 (McGeer) 1805-6 (Dailly) 1806
Women, projects, funding of (Brown) 1211-2, 3113, 3127 (Wolfe) 1212 (Gibson) 3115-6 (Kahl) 3124 (McCarthy) 3129-30
Women's economic rights branch (Brown) 1518-20 (Phillips) 1520, 1523 (Lauk) 1523
Women's economic rights branch director, status of (Brown) 1520 (Phillips) 1520, 1523 (Lauk) 1523
Women's office, creation of (Gibson) 3116
Women — Employment
Alcan experiment programme on equal employment opportunities (Jordan) 3120, 3123 (King) 3122
Employment of women in government (Wallace, B.B.) 2336 (Bennett) 2343 (McCarthy) 3126
Equal employment opportunities programme (Brown) 3114 (McCarthy) 3125-6, 3129
Equal opportunity for employment (King) 3121-3 (Wallace, B.B.) 3123
Equalization of working conditions, criticism of government policy (Levi) 230
Older women, employment and training (Jordan) 3120-1 (Wallace, B.B.) 3123
Rural women, employment of (Wallace, B.B.) 3124 (McCarthy) 3127
Training facilities, lack of (Wallace, B.B.) 849
Training opportunities, Attorney-General department report on (Wallace, B.B.) 1290 (Brown) 1321
Volunteer opportunities programme (Barnes) 1009
Women, legal status, laws, etc.
Adjournment of House for discussion, leave not granted, 76-7
Adviser to Minister of Education on sex discrimination, reappointment (Wallace, G.S.) 180 (Barnes) 198
Change of Name Amendment Act. See name of act
Family law recommendations (Gibson) 164
Legal aid in family disputes (Brown) 1257-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1281-2, 1286
Legal rights, knowledge of (Jordan) 1323
Legislation to end discrimination (Wallace, G.S.) 180
Name, change of (Brown) 478-9 (McClelland) 479 (Wallace, B.B.) 1289
Property, matrimonial, community of (Gardom) 1243-4, 1301, 1327 (Brown) 1300-1, 1318-9 (Jordan) 1317-8
Rights, protection of (Kahl) 674-5
Status of Women's co-ordinator, office terminated (Gibson) 164 (Barnes) 198 (Brown) 495, 1258, 3112, 3127 (Wallace, B.B.) 850 (Sanford) 933 (Dailly) 3118-9
Women's Rally for Action brief (Brown) Q. 73 (Bennett) A. 74 (Gibson) 164 (Wallace, B.B.) 850
Women's rights in British Columbia (Dailly) 3118
Women's Health Association
Mentioned: (Brown) 1992
Women's Institute
Grant to (Wallace, B.B.) 1538 (Phillips) 1538
Women's Institute conference
Agriculture minister, presence of (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 2295 (Phillips) A. 2295
Women's Legal Aid Clinic
Work and funding of (Brown) 1319-20
Women's Rally for Action Committee
Brief quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 181
Meeting in front of parliament buildings 73
Mentioned: (Bennett) 73
Wong, Adrian
Mentioned (Macdonald) 2628 (Gibson) 2629
Wong, Randall
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1611
Wonnacott, R.J.
Mentioned: (Gibson) 2311
Wood, John
Mentioned: (Lea) 8 (Brown) 152
Wood, Josiah
Mentioned: (Williams) 410
Wood, W.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2712 (Waterland) 2712 (Gibson) 2750
Wood Gundy Ltd.
Mentioned: (King) 539
Woodlands Junior Secondary School, Nanaimo, B.C.
Mentioned: (Stupich) 2161
Woodlands School, New Westminster, B.C.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 598-9
Wood-pulp industry
Kootenays, increased facilities (D’Arcy) 564-5
Pulp logs, use of (Macdonald) 3076-8 (Waterland) 3078, 3084 (Shelford) 3078-9 (Dailly) 3083-4
Pulp mills, development of (Dailly) 3083 (Waterland) 3084
Wood supply for small operators in Lardeau Valley (King) 3108 (Waterland) 3108
Woodward's Ltd.
Mentioned: (Mair) 1577 (Barber) 2083
Wootton, R.A.
Replacement for (Wallace, G.S.) 1351 (Gardom) 1351
Report mentioned (Skelly) 589 (Macdonald) 1767
Workers' Compensation Act
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 596
Workers' Compensation Board
B.C. Railway, safety operations (King) Q. 2038 (Williams) A. 2038
Claimants, psychological testing of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1184 (Williams) A. 1184
Claims before board of review in 1975 and 1976 (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 3402 (Williams) A. 3402
Claims situation, review of (Kahl) 2928
Fishing vessel inspection, jurisdiction over (Lockstead) Q. 632-3 (Williams) A. 632-3
Fund, management of (McGeer) 518
Review of decisions (Wallace, G.S.) 2625 (Gardom) 2626
Special warrant to supplement vote 203 (Wolfe) 596
Mentioned: (Bawtree) 242 (Brown) 950 (Wallace, G.S.) 1146, 1435
Workmen's Compensation Board
See: Workers' Compensation Board
World Food Relief Fund
Expenditures (Wallace, B.B.) 1402 (Gibson) 1409, 1452, 1474 (Phillips) 1452, 1474
World Health Organization
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 716
Worley, Ronald
Employment of (Brown) Q. 926, 1117 (McCarthy) A. 926, 1184
Worthing Borough, U.K.
Salvage material, sale of (Barber) 1876