Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Environment and Land Use Committee

East Kootenay, B.C.

Coal development (Chabot) 1168-70

Eberlee, Tom

Mentioned: (Brown) 1704

Eberts, Tony

Mentioned: (Gardom) 2074

Echo Bay Mines Ltd.

Human rights dispute with R. Mackenzie, board of inquiry to be appointed (King) Q. 1220 (Williams) A. 1220

Economic Council of Canada

Looking Outward report (Gibson) 2311

Mentioned: (Gibson) 1045, 1491 (Phillips) 1492

Economic Development, Department of

Estimates: 1479-1524

Speakers: Brown 1518-20; D'Arcy 1515-7; Gibson 1487-92, 1509-10; King 1506; Lauk 1479-84, 1497-1500, 1510-3, 1522-4; Levi 1520-1; Lockstead 1524; Nicolson 1494-6; Phillips 1484-7, 1492-3, 1496-7, 1505-6, 1509, 1513-5, 1517-8, 1520-24; Skelly 1506-9; Stupich 1523-4; Wallace, G.S. 1501-5, 1523

Appropriation, Budget address 257

Associate deputy ministers (Lauk) 1523 (Phillips) 1523

Estimates, opening remarks, lack of (Lauk) 1479

Hydro-electric power, demand for, survey of (Nicolson) 1034 (Lauk) 1038

Minister, dual portfolio of (King) 1384 (Phillips) 1384

Policy of government (Lauk) 1497-1500

Policy planning, co-operation with other departments (Phillips) 1493, 1506

Programme development, blueprint for (Bennett) 1057-8

Resource development, co-ordination of, Budget address 257

Staffing of (Stupich) 1523-4 (Phillips) 1524

Statistical branch (Gibson) 1509

Student employment programme (King) 1506 (Phillips) 1506

Technical assistance programme, increased funding for (Wallace, G.S.) 1523 (Phillips) 1523

Unemployment statistics, monitoring of (Bennett) 2420

Women's economic rights branch (Brown) 1518-20 (Phillips) 1520, 1523 (Lauk) 1523

Economic Outlook Conference, 1973

Mentioned: (Skelly) 2235

Economic policy

Establishing priorities (Throne speech) 11

See also: Full-employment policies

Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia

Abolition of, no consultation with director (Lea) 1064 (Levi) 1065 (Phillips) 1071 (Nicolson) 1074

Closing down, date of (Gibson) 1075 (Phillips) 1075

Conferences, sponsored by (Nicolson) 1042 (Gibson) 1045

Contracts, long and short term (Gibson) 1059, 1073 (Phillips) 1073

Director, board in charge of an orderly closure (Phillips) 1073

Directors, attack on, defence of (Nicolson) 1042-3 (Gibson) 1043-4

Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act; see name of act

Economic research beneficial to long-range economic planning (Nicolson) 1042 (Gibson) 1044-8, 1059 (Wallace, G.S.) 1060-1 (Lea) 1063 (Levi) 1055 (Wallace, B.B.) 1067 (D’Arcy) 1067-70

Employees, future of (Lea) 1073 (Phillips) 1073

Employees, severance payments for (Wallace, G.S.) 1073-4 (Phillips) 1073-4

Energy need forecast, study on (Nicolson) 1034

Expenditure of (Gibson) 1044 (Wallace, G.S.) 1059-60, 1063

Experts; advice asked concerning economic planning (Phillips) 1071-2

Funds, remaining and permanent investments of (Wallace, G.S.) 1072 (Phillips) 1072 (Wolfe) 1072

Gaffney, Mason, status of (Gibson) 3320-1

Government lack of knowledge of work of institute (Stupich) 1070

Importance of (Gibson) 166-7

Independence of institute (Nicolson) 1043 (Gibson) 1045-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 1061 (Wallace, B.B.) 1067 (Skelly) 1067 (D’Arcy) 1067-8

Philosophy of institute quoted (Gibson) 1044

Recovery of revenue (D’Arcy) 1067-70 (Gibson) 1043-9, 1058-9, 1073, 1075 (Lea) 1063-5 (Levi) 1065-6 (Nicolson) 859, 1041-3, 1074-5 (Phillips) 1041, 1070, 1072-6 (Skelly) 1067 (Stupich) 1070 (Wallace, B.B.) 1066-7 (Wallace, G.S.) 1059-63, 1072-3 (Wolfe) 264, 854, 1072

Research results not in line with government policy (Gibson) 1044, 1047, 1059 (Wallace, G.S.) 1061-2 (D’Arcy) 1068

Reports, non-confidential nature of (Nicolson) 1042-3 (Gibson) 1044

Study on automobile fares on B.C. ferries (Davis) 3274

UBC Press, publication schedule for (Gibson) 1059

University facilities and administration, effect of abolition (D’Arcy) 1075 (Phillips) 1075

Williams, R.A., reason for abolition (Wallace, G.S.) 1062-3 (Lea) 1063-5 (Levi) 1065 (Phillips) 1071

Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act

(Bill 14) (Minister of Economic Development) 1R, 839; 2R, 1041-9, 1058-72; C, sec. 1, 1072; sec. 2 1072-5; sec. 3, 1075-6; Report, 1076; 3R, 1076; RA, 1076

Speakers: (2R) D'Arcy 1067-70; Gibson 1043-9, 1058-9; Lea 1063-5; Levi 1065-6; Nicolson 1041-3; Phillips 1041, 1070; Skelly 1067; Stupich 1070; Wallace, B.B. 1066-7; Wallace, G. S. 1059-63

Speakers: (C) D'Arcy 1075; Gibson 1073, 1075; Lea 1072-3; Nicolson 1074-5; Phillips 107.) .-6; Wallace, G.S. 1072-3; Wolfe 1072

Divisions: 2R, 1071; 3R, 1076

Abolition of institute, no consultation with director (Lea) 1064 (Levi) 1065 (Phillips) 1071 (Nicolson) 1074

Anti-academic attitude of government (Wallace, G.S.) 1 (161 (Lea) 1064

Conferences held by institute (Nicolson) 1042 (Gibson) 1045

Contracts, long and short term (Gibson) 1059, 1073 (Phillips) 1073

Crown corporations, government non-interference (D’Arcy) 1068

Date of closing down of institute (Gibson) 1075 (Phillips) 1075

Directors, board in charge of orderly closure (Phillips) 1073

Directors of institute, attacks on (Nicolson) 1042-3 (Gibson) 1043-4

Economic research beneficial to long-range economic planning (Nicolson) 1042 (Gibson) 1044-8, 1059 (Wallace, G.S.) 1060-1 (Lea) 1063 (Levi) 1065 (Wallace, B.B.) 1067 (D’Arcy) 1067-70

Employees, future of (Lea) 1073 (Phillips) 1073

Employees, severance pay for (Wallace, G.S.) 1073-4 (Phillips) 1073-4

Expenditure of institute (Gibson) 1044 (Wallace, G.S.) 1059-60, 1063

Experts in province will be asked concerning economic analysis and planning (Phillips) 1071-2

Funds, remaining and permanent investments of institute (Wallace, G.S.) 1072 (Phillips) 1072 (Wolfe) 1072

Government lack of knowledge of work of institute (Stupich) 1070

Independence of institute (Nicolson) 1043 (Gibson) 1045-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 1061 (Wallace, B.B.) 1067 (Skelly) 1067 (D’Arcy) 1067-8

Northern development, criteria for (Wallace, B.B.) 1066-7

Reports of institute non-confidential nature of (Nicolson) 1042-3 (Gibson) 1044

Research results of institute, not in line with government's policy (Gibson) 1044, 1047, 1059 (Wallace, G. S.) 1061-2 (D’Arcy) 1068

UBC Press, publication schedule for institute (Gibson) 1059

University facilities and administration, effect of abolition of institute (D’Arcy) 1075 (Phillips) 1075

Williams, R.A., abolition of institute, reason for (Wallace, G.S.) 1062-3 (Lea) 1063-5 (Levi) 1065 (Phillips) 1071

Eddy Paper Co.

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1586 (Waterland) 1920 (Chabot) 1933 (Barrett) 3087

Edinburgh University

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 658

Edgewood, B.C.

Nursing relief for (King) 2046

Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta

Mentioned: (Bennett) 2-133


Achievement testing, optional in school districts (McGeer) 874-5

Alternate education school in Cowichan Valley, funding of (Wallace, B.B.) 1290 (Gardom) 3157

Autonomy, local (Wallace, B.B.) 851 (McGeer) 874

BCTF, survey of parental attitude toward educational system (McGeer) 874, 1605

Canadian educational system, external examination (Dailly) 1589

Community college system offering recurring education (Dailly) 1590-1

Computers and other equipment, access for instructional use in schools (Wallace, G.S.) 1792-3 (McGeer) 1796

Cowichan school district, labour situation (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 1344 (Williams) A. 1344

Educational goals of public school system (Gibson) 1807-8 (McGeer) 1809

Educational research and development, increased funds for (Dailly) 1803

Government examinations for grade 12 (Nicolson) 1626

Grade 10 school-leaving (Strongman) Q. 1343 (McGeer) A. 1343, 1605-6

Jobs not available for people on graduation (Barnes) 1009-10

Kindergarten age, lowering to four-year-olds (Gibson) 1807 (Sanford) 1809

Kindergarten programme (Kahl) 1737

Learning assessment programme (Dailly) 1588 (Gibson) 1598 (McGeer) 1605

Learning disabilities, students with, special programme for (Dailly) 728 (Lockstead) 770 (Barber) 834

Programme development to match demands (McGeer) 876, 1606

Programme of government (Strongman) 227 (Kerster) 245

Recurring education (Dailly) 1590-1

Scholarship examination for grade 12 (Nicolson) 1626

School in Cowichan Valley for training dropouts, financial support for (Wallace, B.B.) 1290-1

School trustees, consultation with (Gibson) 1596

Secondary education, structure, re-evaluation of (Dailly) 1589 (McGeer) 1605-6

Semester system in schools (Nicolson) 1627 (Wallace, G.S.) 1792 (McGeer) 1766

Sex discrimination in public schools, committee on, termination of (Gibson) 1597-8 (Brown) 1804-5 (McGeer) 1805-6 (Dailly) 1806

Teacher groups, school boards and parent groups, interaction of (Gibson) 1598

Women, involvement of, in programme planning (Wallace, G.S.) 1786

Workers' educational leave (Dailly) 1591

See also: Examinations; Private schools; Schools; Students; Teachers; Universities and colleges; Vocational education

Education — Curricula

Basic education programme, enrichment of (McGeer) 1719-20

Canadianism in school system (Kahl) 672-3, 1739

Citizenship training (Dailly) 1590

Core curriculum (Gibson) 1807 (McGeer) 874-5, 1809

English, developmental programmes in (Kahl) 1740

Family-life education (Gibson) 1593-4 (McGeer) 1608, 1798 (Kahl) 1737 (Wallace, G.S.) 1793 (Dailly) 1797-8

French language courses (Brown) 1799 (Wallace, G.S.) 1801 (McGeer) 1808-9

Work-experience programme (Kahl) 1740 (Gibson) 1808

Education — Finance

Administrative costs in public school system (Wallace, G.S.) 1794 (McGeer) 1796-7

Aid to school districts and community colleges, no mention in Throne speech (Gibson) 161

British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act; see name of act

Budget address, criticism of (Gibson) 295

Budget increase (Bennett) 1057

Budget, increase limited (McGeer) 873 (Schroeder) 979, 981

Education department, special warrants from (Dailly) Q. 18, 177, 215, 319, 592 (McGeer) A. 18 (Wolfe) 177. 595

Finance formula (Gibson) 1595 (McGeer) 1608, 1719-20 (Nicolson) 1720-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 1795

French language courses in schools, federal subsidy for (Wallace, G.S.) 1801 (Gibson) 1807

Grants, special, to school districts (Gibson) 1595 (Wallace, G.S.) 1795 (McGeer) 1797, 1804

Grants, special to school districts, basis of distribution (Gibson) Q. 1218 (Dailly) Q. 1218 (McGeer) A. 1218, 1441-2

Indian education, funding for (Dailly) 1808 (McGeer) 1809

Indian groups, assistance grants for (Dailly) 1804

Mill rate increases for taxpayers (Dailly) 1594, 1718-9 (Gibson) 1595 (McGeer) 1606, 1719-20 (Nicolson) 1720-1 (Sanford) 1722-3

Post-secondary education, funding of (McGeer) 1743, 1803-4

Private schools, funding (Throne speech) 12 (King) 30-31 (Loewen) 734 (McGeer) 875, 1609 (Gibson) 1597 (Levi) 1730

Rural component, unorganized, of school district, sum collectable for budget (Dailly) Q. 1077 (Wolfe) A. 1077

School board, financial commitment from government to (Wallace, G.S.) 1599

School boards, funding, effect on class size (Dailly) 727 (Lockstead) 770 (Wallace, B.B.) 852

School boards, funding, effect on services (Wallace, G.S.) 311 (Dailly) 726-8 (Lockstead) 770 (Barber) 833-4

School boards, funding for (Wallace, G.S.) 311 (Dailly) 726-8 (Lockstead) 770 (Barber) 833-4 (Wallace, B.B.) 851-2

School tax on property, removal of (Gibson) 168 (Wallace, G.S.) 1795-6

School taxes, increases in (Wallace, G.S.) 1793-4, 3223-4 (Curtis) 3230

Schools fiscal year, restructuring of (Rogers) 722

Special warrants approved for post-secondary education and training (Dailly) Q. 319 (Wolfe A. 320

Warrants for vocational training recoverable (Dailly) Q. 596 (Wolfe) A. 596

Education, Department of

Estimates 1588-1601, 1605-28, 1718-25, 1728-50, 1756-86, 1792-1815

Speakers: Barber 1742, 1744-5; Brown 1613-6, 1623-4, 1799-1800, 1804-5, 1810; Cocke 1624-5, 1745-9, 1760-4, 1779-81; Dailly 1588-93, 1605, 1622, 1718-9, 1728-9, 1797-8, 1803, 1806, 1808, 1810, 1812-3; Gibson 1593-8, 1618, 1764-7, 1783-5, 1806-11, 1814; Kahl 1736-40; Lauk 1610-2; Lea 1628-9, 1724-5, 1740-1, 1771-3; Levi 1729-30; Macdonald 1741-2, 1767-8, 1770-1, 1804; McGeer 1605-10, 1612-3, 1616-20, 1622-3, 1627-8, 1719-22, 724-5, 1732-4, 1742-5, 1749-50, 1756-60, 1768-71, 1776-9, 1780-3, 1785, 1796-9, 1803-6, 1808-I5; Nicolson 1625-7, 1720-2, 1734-6, 1810-1; Rogers 1742, 1744-5; Sanford 1620-1, 1722-4, 1810, 1813; Wallace, G.S. 1598-1601, 1730-2, 1768, 1773-6, 1781-2, 1785, 1792-6, 1800-3, 1814-5

Apprenticeship programme (Dailly) 1589

Appropriation, Budget address (Wolfe) 257

Enriched programmes (Dailly) 1592 (McGeer) 1608-9, 1719-20

Family-life education programme (Gibson) 1593-4 (McGeer) 1608 (Kahl) 1737

Finance formula (Gibson) 1595 (McGeer) 1608, 1719-20 (Nicolson) 1720-2

Home and School Association brief presented (Gibson) 1593 (McGeer) 1610

Kindergarten programme (Kahl) 1737 (Gibson) 1807 (Sanford) 1810

Learning-assessment programme (Dailly) 1588 (Gibson) 1598 (McGeer) 1605

Mill rate increase for taxpayers (Dailly) 1594, 1718-9 (Gibson) 1595 (McGeer) 1606, 1719-20 (Nicolson) 1720-1 (Sanford) 1722-3

Minister's trip to England (Lea) Q. 2483, 2515 (McGeer) A. 2483-4, 2515-6

School trustees, consultation with (Gibson) 1596

Secondary education, structure of, re-examination of (Dailly) 1589 (McGeer) 1605-6

Sex discrimination in education, advisory committee on, termination of (Gibson) 1597-8 (Brown) 1804-6 (McGeer) 1805-6 (Dailly) 1806

Women, involvement in programme planning (Wallace, G.S.) 1786

Work-study programme (Dailly) 1590

Education Today magazine

Value of (Kahl) 1740 (McGeer) 1743, 1797 (Wallace, G.S.) 1794-5

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1723

Efrat, Barbara

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3125


B.C. Egg Marketing Board, merits of (Wallace, B.B.) 1431

Industry, economic survey proposed (Shelford) 1396 (Lloyd) 1413 (D’Arcy) 1467

Northern producers, problems of (Shelford) 1396 (Kempf) 1399 (Wallace, B.B.) 1399-1400 (Lloyd) 1412-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 1433-4

Prince George egg producers, problem of (Wallace, G.S.) 1433-4, 1446-7, 1449 (Phillips) 1448-9, 1450

Ehrig Corp.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3241

El Paso Natural Gas

Shares, purchase of (Chabot) 2112 (Cocke) 2114-5 (Skelly) 2155

Elderly Citizens Housing Aid Act

Federal commitments under (Nicolson) 3215 (Curtis) 3216

Elderly Citizens Renter Grant

Mentioned: (Budget address) 259

Eldjarn, Kristian

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 11

Election spending

See: Elections — campaign funds


Electoral reform, commission on (Wallace, G.S.) 3325 (McCarthy) 3335

Electoral reform, proposed (Throne speech) 13 (Wallace, G.S.) 181 (Bennett) 2346

Provincial general election, 1975 (Brown) Q. 2614 (McCarthy) A. 2614

Public opinion poll (Gibson) Q. 2941 (Bennett) A. 2941

Vancouver East by-election (Macdonald) Q. 16, 842, 1080 (King) 27, 1181, 2327, 2343 (Bennett) A. 16, 1080, 1753, 2329 (McCarthy) A. 842, 1116-7, 1181-2, 1184, 1217 (Lea) Q. 1080 (Stupich) Q. 1116, 1184 (Lauk) Q. 1182 (Gibson) Q. 1752-3

Vancouver East by-election result (King) 2327 (Bennett) 2329

Elections — campaign funds

Campaign funds and contributions (Wallace, B.B.) 2338-9 (King) 2344-5 (Bennett) 2345-6, 2363 (l auk) 2359 (Macdonald) 2362

Rules for (Throne speech) 13


Pricing, peak load (Gibson) 3249, 3251 (Davis) 3251


Inspection of (Brown) Q. 1978 (Williams) A. 1978, 2039-40

Eliesen, Marcus

Document quoted (Gibson) 3320-1

Mentioned: (Lea) 615 (McCarthy) 3125

Elk Lake, B.C.

Hospital, new, location of considered (Wallace, G.S.) 1965

Elliot, George Robert Ford

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 1053

Elliott, Thomas

Telegram quoted (Skelly) 2784-5

Ellsay, Don

Letter quoted (Lea) 1830-3

Treatment of (Lea) 1830-4, 1837-9 (Mair) 1834-5, 1837, 1843, 1845 (King) 1842-4 (Skelly) 1846-7 (Nielsen) 1847-8

Emergencies, assistance in

See: Assistance in emergencies

Emergency Health Services Commission

Prince Rupert ambulance personnel, increase requested (Lea) 616

Mentioned: (McClelland) 1981 (Lea) 2011

Emergency Measures Act

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 2798 (Macdonald) 2798 (Nicolson) 2808

Emergency relief

See: Disaster relief

Emily Carr Art Centre

Future of (Barber) Q. 1787 (McCarthy) A. 1787, 1858-9

Eminent domain

B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation powers of (Barnes) 2166-8, 2256-7 (Gibson) 2170, 3392-3 (Lauk) 2174 (Barber) 2178, 2257-9 (Jordan) 2183 (Cocke) 2185 (Stupich) 2186-7 (Lea) 2189, 3391-2 (Fraser) 2193-4, 3391-3 (King) 2254-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 2259-60, 3390-1, 3393

New expropriation law, no mention in Throne speech (Gibson) 162

Properties, expropriation of (Nicolson) 3149 (Curtis) 3 149

Employee Council of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Brown) 490

Employees, training of

Apprenticeship and industrial training programmes (Williams) 2925-6 (Lloyd) 2926-7

Employers Council of British Columbia

Economic Outlook, 1976 quoted (Cocke) 1129

Report quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 464 (Brown) 490

Mentioned: (Gibson) 3170

Employment of students

See: Student employment

Employment policies

See: Full-employment policies

Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C.

Reception, cost of (Skelly) 666

Mentioned: (Stupich) 17

Endako Mines

Mentioned: (Kempf) 22, 2912 (Waterland) 2508

Enderby, B.C.

Bridge at (Bawtree) 3292

Endicott Home, Creston, B.C.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1200 (Wolfe) 1201

Eneas, Adam

Mentioned: (Williams) 828

Energy Act

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1547, 1578, 2035 (King) 1637 (Brown) 1361 (Wolfe) 2099 (Gibson) 2298 (Macdonald) 2677 (Bennett) 2677 (Mair) 2771 (Skelly) 2775

Energy Amendment Act, 1976

(Bill 54) (Minister of Transport and Communications) 1R, 2201

Energy Commission

See: British Columbia Energy Commission

Energy resources

See: Power resources

Engineering and Contract Record magazine

Quoted (King) 3269

Englishman River, B.C.

Salmon producer, potential value (Skelly) 861-2

Environment, Department of

Estimates 1816-9, 1825-39, 1842-53, 1859-90

Speakers: Barber 1875-7; Dailly 1888; D'Arcy 1852, 1883-4, 1885, 1889; Gibson 1859, 1886, 1888-9

King 1839-40, 1842-4, 1880-3; Lauk 1840-2; Lea 1817-9, 1830-4, 1836-40; Lloyd 1867-9; Lockstead 1884-5; Macdonald 1886; Mair 1834-7, 1842-3; Mussallem 1864-5; Nicolson 1851-2, 1887, 1890; Nielsen 1816-7, 1827-9, 1835-6, 1838-9, 1844-5, 1847-52, 1862, 1865-7, 1870-4, 1877-81, 1885-90; Sanford 1866-7, 1886-7; Skelly 1825-7, 1829-30, 1845-51, 1862-4, 1866, 1873-4; Strongman 1872; Stupich 1869-70, 1871-2; Wallace, B.B. 2879-80; Wallace, G.S. 1852-3, 1859-62, 1877-8, 1886-7, 1889

Applications for leases of land, backlog (Nielsen) 1816

Appropriation, Budget address 257

Components of (Nielsen) 1816

Co-ordination and co-operation policy of, Budget address 257

Creation of, legality of (Gibson) 2792 (Nicolson) 2808-9 (Barber) 2814-5, 2827, 2857

Establishment of, not a new direction in government (Lea) 1817 (Lloyd) 1868

Establishment, proposed (Throne speech) 12 (Hewitt) 208

Fisheries service, northern operations branch, Dean River diversion, effect on fishery (Lockstead) 1036

Forest branch not included (Lea) 1817

Land, agricultural, acquisition of (Nielsen) 1816

Minister, criticism of (Lea) 1818-9 (Skelly) 1825-7 (Nielsen) 1827-9 (King) 1843-4

Parks branch, under Recreation and Tourism department (Lea) 1818 (Nielsen) 1828

Rural subdivisions, establishment of (Nielsen) 1816

Staffing of (Nielsen) 1816

Environment and Land Use Act

Mentioned: (Skelly) 1863

Environment and Land Use Committee

B. C. Hydro projects, examination of the environmental effect (Lea) 1033-4

Coal mining, guidelines for (Lauk) Q 276 (Waterland) A. 276

Farmland, preservation of (Nielsen) 1816 (Stupich) 1869

Revelstoke Dam proposed, environmental impact (Nielsen) 1862, 1865-6, 1882

Stein River Valley logging, consultation with (Skelly) Q. 1666 (Nielsen) A. 1666

Studies, publication of (Gibson) 1889 (Nielsen) 1890

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1816, 1866, 1885 (Lea) 1817 (Gibson) 1890 (Skelly) 3068 (Waterland) 3068

Environment and Resources Committee

See: Legislature — Select Standing Committee on Environment and Resources

Environmental engineering

Creation of Department of Environment, proposed (Throne speech) 12

Polluters, studies for, sneak preview of (Lea) Q. 1051

Epstein, Ralph C.

Mentioned: (Stupich) 373

Equal pay for equal work

Sex discrimination (Wallace, G.S.) 181, 3117-8 (Gibson) 3116

Women hospital employees (McClelland) 220


“Sun Diamond", collision with (Wallace, G.S.) 1878

Eric Hamber Secondary School

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 1341 (Wolfe) 1975

Eric Martin Institute, Victoria, B.C.

Programme for emotionally disturbed young people (Wallace, G.S.) 1 196

Erickson, Arthur Charles

Mentioned: (McClelland) 218 (Macdonald) 1355

Erickson, Diane

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3126

Errington, Gene

NDP convention, attendance at (McCarthy) 3125, 2129 (Brown) 3128

Mentioned: (Skelly) 3322 (McCarthy) 3334

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway

CTC jurisdiction (Skelly) Q. 119 (Davis) A. 119

Eurocan Pulp and Paper Co.

Mentioned: (Shelford) 572

Evans, Bonnie

Alcoholism in Nelson-Creston region, study on (Nicolson) 1249-5.5

Evans, Conrad

Alcoholism in Nelson-Creston region, study on (Nicolson) 1249-55

Evans, Dan

Meeting with Premier of B.C. (Skelly) 1753 Q. 2231 (Bennett) 1753, 1755, 1819 A. 2231, 3157 (Macdonald) 3156

Mentioned: (Barnes) 2211 (Lea) 3270

Evidence Act

Amendments to (Gardom) 2622 (Lauk) 2623

Ewart, Lord Chief Justice

The New Despotism mentioned (Macdonald) 2798


Government examination for grade 1 2 (Nicolson) 1626

Scholarship examination for grade 12 (Nicolson) 1626

Executive council

Estimates: 2301-23, 2325-51, 2353-67

Speakers: Barber 2364-5; Bennett 2301-2, 2321-3, 2328-30, 2342-3, 2345-50, 2363-6; Cocke 2340-2; Dailly 2366; Gibson 2308-12; King 2302-6, 2314-5, 2325-8, 2343-5, 2362-4, 2366; Lauk 2353-61; Lea 2365-6; Levi 2322-6, 2350-1; Macdonald 2361-2, 2364, 2366; Nicolson 2330-2; Sanford 2306-8, 2347; Shelford 2312-4; Stupich 2347-50; Wallace, B.B. 2336-40; Wallace, G.S. 2315-21

Executive council and Premier's new offices, expenditure on (King) 2328 (Bennett) 2329 (Lauk) 2361

Executive council, money vote for (Bennett) 2301-2 (King) 2327

Federal-provincial cost-sharing arrangement, re-examination of (Gibson) 2309 (Bennett) 2323, 2343

Finance minister, separate portfolio (Bennett) 2301, 2348 (Wallace, G.S.) 2315

Government policies, impact on average household and working poor (King) 2302-5, 2315, 2325-7, 2362-3, 2366-7

Government policies, impact on remote northern areas (Sanford) 2306-7

Intergovernmental affairs department (Bennett) 2301, 2323

Intergovernmental affairs department, appropriation for (Bennett) 2346

Intergovernmental affairs department, intergovernmental taxation, review proposed (Gibson) 2310

Intergovernmental affairs department, studies to be done (Gibson) 2309-12 (Bennett) 2323

Money vote for executive council (Bennett) 2301-2, 2330, 2346 (King) 2327-8

Press secretary to Premier, salary of (King) 2327-8, 2343-4 (Bennett) 2330, 2343

Northwest of province development (Shelford) 2313-4 (Bennett) 2320-1

Unemployment, programmes to solve problems of (King) 2304-5 (Wallace, G.S.) 2316 (Bennett) 2319, 2321-2

Executive Government Organization Act, Manitoba

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3005

Executive magazine

Quoted (Cocke) 987-8

Mentioned: (Stupich) 1120 (Brown) 2221-2

Exhibition Park

See: Hastings Park, Vancouver

Export duties

Export levy, fight against (Wolfe) 254 (Bennett) 1055

Export tax levies, removal of (Williams) 1712

Tariffs, western provinces' common position on (Bennett) 1278 (Wallace, G.S.) 1279


See: Eminent domain

Extra-Provincial Custody Orders Enforcement Act

(Bill 18) (Attorney-General) 1R, 2133; 2R, 2226-8; C, 2243; 3R, 2243; RA, 2511

Speakers: (2R) Gardom 2133, 2226; Macdonald 2226-7; Mussallem 2227

Child, civil kidnapping of (Gardom) 2226 (Macdonald) 2226-7

Child, civil kidnapping to other countries (Macdonald) 2227

Custody, order of, enforcement (Gardom) 2226

Kidnapping, civil, of the elderly (Mussallem) 2227 (Gardom) 2227

Exxon Corp.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 1507

Eye — Care and hygiene

Eye care, high cost of (Sanford) 1578-9