Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Kahl, Lyle B.J. (Esquimalt)

Address in reply 201-3

Address in reply, amendment 141-4

Ambulance service for Port Renfrew 2003

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1682-4

Anti-inflation policy of NDP, criticism of 1682-3

Auditor General Act 2149-51

Blanshard extension 3295-6

Budget debate 671-5

Canadianism in school system 672-3, 1739

Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2215-6

Dunhill Development plan, criticism of NDP policy 202-3

Dunsky Advertising, NDP government overexpenditure 673-4

Education department estimates 1736-40

Education Today magazine, criticism of 1740

English, developmental programmes 1740

Esquimalt constituency 671-2

Family-life education programme 1737

Financial mismanagement of NDP government 1682-3, 2149-51

Forest industries, government policy 671

Health department estimates 2003-4

Highway construction, criticism of NDP policy 203

Highways and Public Works department estimates 3295-6

Homeownership, government policy 672

Hospital, acute-care, location of 202

Hospital, children 2003

Hospital, new, location in greater Victoria area 2003

ICBC, policy of NDP government, criticism of 141-4

Indians, employment of 675

Kindergarten programme 1737

Labour department estimates 2928

MLAs, salary reduction of 2215-6

Medicine, preventive 2003-4

Pacific Centre for Human Development, budget cut 202

Petition for a diagnostic clinic in Port Renfrew 202

Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1683-4

Provincial Secretary department estimates 3124

School superintendents and board secretary-treasurers, closer communication 1740

Teachers, layoff 1738

Teachers, upgrading 1738, 1740

Telegram, Social Credit, embarrassment to Speaker 2721

Thetis Lake interchange, increased traffic at 3296

Universities Act, changes in, criticism of 1738

Wage mismanagement of NDP government 1682-3

Women's organizations, funding for 3124

Women's rights, protection of 674-5

Workers Compensation Board, claims situation of 2928

Work-experience programme 1740

Kaiser, Edgar F.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 1667

Kaiser, Edgar J.

Mines minister, meeting with (Waterland) 3043, 3056 (Barrett) 3043, 3047-8, 3050 (King) 3051 (Nicolson) 3053

Mentioned: (Brown) 2221-2

Kaiser Coal Ltd.

Royalty payment, increase of (Barrett) 3036-51 (Waterland) 3043, 3047, 3049, 3056-7 (King) 3051 (Nicolson) 3053-4, 3057 (Lauk) 3061

Mentioned: (Haddad) 622, 624 (Lauk) 1511

Kaiser Resources Ltd.

Coal, export increase (King) 762, 774

Profit increase (Macdonald) 713-4 (Lauk) 1512 (King) 2367

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 241, 713 (King) 1162-3, 1171 (Gibson) 1489 (Nicolson) 2068 (Lockstead) 3028

Kamloops, B.C.

Agriculture minister's visit to (Wallace, G.S.) 1445 (Mair) 1447

Farmland, destruction of (Chabot) 1392

Judicial facilities (Mair) 637

Regional industrial development, problems of (Mair) 635-7

ThompsonRiver task force report (Lea) Q. 275, 472, 561, 1052, 1830-4, 1837-40 (Nielsen) A. 275, 472, 561, 842, 1052, 1081, 1835-6, 1838-9, 1847-8 (Mair) 1834-7, 1842-3, 1847 (Skelly) 1845-7

Ward system (Barber) 3229 (Curtis) 3231

Kaul, M.N. and Shakdher, S.L.S.

Practice and Procedure of Parliament, 2nd ed. quoted (Speaker) 505

Kay, Colin

Mentioned: (Williams) 1245

Kaymor property, Kamloops, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1445 (Main) 1447

Keate, Stuart

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1962

Keeble, N.B.

Mentioned: (Phillips) 7.723 (Nielsen) 2778

Keen Industries Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1098

Keenleyside, Hugh Llewellyn

Report on fire-fighting services (Gardom) 1003, 1371 (Skelly) 1370-1

Keenleyside Dam, B.C.

Mentioned: (King) 1883

Kellogg-Salada Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 1681

Kelly, A.G.L.

Mentioned: (Lauk) 44 (Cocke) 45

Kelly, Allan

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1954, 1960 (Gibson) 1997

Kelly, M.A.

Letter quoted (Lea) 2012-3

Kelly Douglas and Co. .Ltd.

Mentioned: (Lauk) 909 (Sanford) 1586

Kelly Lake, B.C.

Frontier College, funding of (Levi) 1521-2, Q. 1664, 2444 (Phillips) 1522 (Vander Zalm) A. 1664, 2444

Kelowna Daily Courier, Kelowna, B.C.

Quoted (Lauk) 1416

Kempf, Jack Joseph (Omineca)

Address in reply 22-5

Agriculture department estimates 1399

Anti-inflation Measures Act 1667-9

Attorney-General department estimates 1353-4

Auditor General Act 2143-4

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 499-500

B.C. Railway, chaotic conditions and labour disputes 2595

Budget cut, teachers and quality of education not affected 719

Budget debate 717-9

Bulkley Valley, Houston 1937-8

Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2208-9

Deficit of province 499

Deficit repayment loan, interest rate of 499-500

Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 718

Egg producers in northern part of province, problem of 1399

Financial mismanagement of NDP 2143-4

Forensic Psychiatric Services Act, abolition of, proposed 1353-4

Highways department, expenditure comparison 717-8

Home acquisition grant fund 718

Housing, municipal incentive grant programme 718

Judges, lay, removal of 1353

Juvenile detention centres in the north, installation 1353

Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3187

Labour-management relations, lack of harmony 3187

MLAs, salary reduction 2208-9

Mineral Resource Tax Act 2912

Omineca, industries and problems 22-3

Omineca, mining industry 2912

Plateau Mills, purchase of 1936-7

Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1667-9

Probation, problems of 1353

Strikes, effect on the economy 3187

Railroads, poor conditions 720

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act 2595

Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1936-7

Sales tax increase 719

Kennedy, Diane

Mentioned: (Brown) 73

Kennedy, John F.

Quoted (Macdonald) 2057

Kenyon, Graham

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3319

Kerster, George Herman (Coquitlam)

Address in reply 244-6

Address in reply, amendment 105-6

Agriculture department estimates 1398-9

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1676-7

Attorney-General department estimates 1268

Auditor General Act 2142-3

Auditor-General, government spending and management, review of 2143

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 434-5

B.C. Ferries, reduced rate for student group travel 2921

British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 2921

Budget debate 829-31

Constitution Amendment Act 2129-30

Deficit of province 435

Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 829-30

Education programmes of government, in support of 245

Farmland, preservation, NDP policy, criticism of 1399

Ferry workers, wage increase under NDP, criticism of 1676-7

Finance minister's power to buy company shares, removal of 1938

Financial mismanagement of NDP 2143

Government Reorganization Act 2892-5

Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2892-5

Government reorganization policy, democratic processes, erosion of 2893

Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2475-7

ICBC, body shop charges 988-9

ICBC, deficit of 434

Lau, Jurgen, legislative drafting consultant, NDP hiring as 2764

MLAs, salary reduction of 2129-30

Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2763-4

Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2763-4

Money votes, transfer for departments 2893

Price increases, provincial restraint, regulations for 1677

Rape relief centres, funding for 1268

Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1937-8

Wage mismanagement of NDP government 1676-7

Key, Dr. Chapin

VGH strike, medical services (Wallace, G.S.) 1406

Kidd, Thomas

Mentioned (Nielsen) 562

Kierans, Eric W.

Mentioned: (Gibson) 1187 (Sanford) 2053

Kiernan, Ken

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3332

Kilmer Consumers Co-operative, Coquitlam, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 1373

Kimberley, B.C.

Industries (Haddad) 622-3

Kimmett, Isabel

Mentioned (Vander Zalm) 2442


Age, lowering to four-year-olds (Gibson) 1807 (Sanford) 1810

King, Ian G.

Letter quoted (King) 1644

King, Maurice

Mentioned: (Stupich) 1871

King, W.F.

Mentioned: (King) 1644

King, William Stewart (Revelstoke-Slocan)

AIB, labour agreements, review of 3168-9

Address in reply 27-41

Address in reply, amendment, M. 41, negatived 159

Adjournment of House, motion out of order 799

Adjournment of House to discuss urgent public matter, M. 269, 1082

Adjournment, time of 389, 393-6

Agriculture department estimates 1384, 1434, 1450

Agriculture department, university and high school students, special programmes 1434, 1450

Alaska pipeline connection proposal 1924-5

Alcan experimental programme on equal employment opportunities 3122

Ambulance service for Revelstoke 2045

Answer, lengthy, in question period 561-2

Anti-Inflation Act, federal, supreme court decision on 2275-9

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1634-45, 2275-9, 2282-4, 2286-7, 2297

Anti-Inflation Measures Act, adjournment of bill proposed 2282-4

Anti-inflation policy of NDP 1637-8

Anti-inflation programme of government, criticism of 1634-7, 1639-45

Anti-inflation programme, negotiation with Ottawa 766-7

Attorney-General department estimates 1279-81, 1357-8

Bell Copper-CAIMAW dispute, Q. 2941, 3155

Blair report, hospital industry, acceptance of Q. 1341-2

Blasting ticket courses and permits, issue of 3021-3

B. C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, opposition member to be included 2250

B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation powers of 2254-6

B.C. Buildings Corp., political interference in 2250-1

British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2250-1, 2254

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 549-50, 646-7, 652-3, 656-7, 667-8, 676, 682, 687-8, 743, 745-6, 749

B.C. Ferries, employees, layoff 1232-3, 1306, Q. 2163, 2585-6

B.C Ferries, federal assistance to finance 1278

B.C. Ferries, labour dispute, industrial inquiry commissioner, appointment of 2292

B.C. Ferries, rates increase 1304

B.C. Ferries, rates increase, effect on cost of living 1304

B.C. Ferries, rates increase, effect on freight costs 1304

B.C. Ferries, rates increase, effect on job losses of employees, Q. 1306

B.C. Ferries, rates increase, effect on tourism 1304

B.C. Ferries union, NDP advice to, A. 1307

B.C. Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 966-9

B.C. Hydro, court award of $36 million, against, Q. 15

B. C. Railway, agreement, new, retroactive provision 2606

B.C. Railway, board of arbitration 2608-9

B.C. Railway, borrowing increase information, lacking in opening remarks 1108-9

B.C. Railway, construction cost and standard of 1160-1

B.C. Railway, court award against 1108

B.C. Railway, expenditure, details requested 1109

B.C. Railway, job-evaluation scheme 2602

B.C. Railway, layoffs 2604

B.C. Railway, lease agreements with American lines for rolling stock rental 1157

B.C. Railway, loan, purpose of 1110

B.C. Railway, physical plant deficiency, effect on poor labour relations 1108-9

B.C. Railway priorities in spending 1109, 1161

B.C. Railway, safety operations, Q. 2038

B.C. Railway, special commission, appointment of 2585-7, 2600, 2602

B.C. Railway, strikes affecting economy and loss of revenue 1109

B.C. Railway, upgrading, cost of 1108

B.C. Railway, working conditions, improvement essential 1109

British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act (1976) 1108-1110, 1157, 1160-4, 1170-2

Brown, David, appointment of, Q. 595, 704, 839, 925, 997, 1857, 1894, 1977-8

Budget, abridged, Q. 558-60

Budget address, statements in, adjournment of House to discuss 269

Budget address, unparliamentary language 682

Budget, alleged leak of data 266

Budget debate 533-9

Budget debate, time allotted for 361

Business, small, sales tax increase effect on 775-6

CUPE-Mid-Island dispute, industrial inquiry commission to intervene in 2418

Campaign funds and contributions 2344-5

Can-Cel operation, impact on independent logging operators 1922-4

Can-Cel, purchase of 1923

Cape Horn Bluffs, completion of 3291

Cheque of $600 returned to employment programmes branch, Q. 175

Civil service secrecy oaths, Q. 1977

Clarkson Gordon report, draft copy 743, 745-6, 749

Collective bargaining, merit principle 3308

Collective bargaining, NDP policy concerning 2584, 2586-8

Collective bargaining, safeguards for employees 2603

Columbia River development, impact on fishery 1882

Columbia River Treaty, criticism of 3268-9

Columbia River Treaty, environmental and ecological damage 967-9

Commonwealth, sister nations in, criticism in Budget address 269-74

Compensation for citizens who are inconvenienced while doing legal duties 1279-80

Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2194-5

Construction industry, consultation with Labour minister on drafting of legislation 3382

Corporation executives, high salaries of 3165

Cost of living index for B.C., increase, adjournment of House to discuss 1082

Council of unions, certification of 3378

Crown corporations, borrowing authority of 646-7

Crown corporations, government non-interference essential 1109-10

Cummings, Roy, death of 1975

Driving, dangerous, on highways 1358-9

Duncan Reservoir, plans for clearing 3108

Economic conditions and government policy, predictions 1153

Economic Development department estimates 1506

Ellsay, Don, treatment of 184-4

Employee, probationary, termination of grievance procedure 3310-1

Employees and bargaining agent obtaining information from Public Service Commission 3309

Employees in public service, right of access to records 3311

Employment, emergency programmes, possibility of, Q. 1565-6, 1631-2

Employment programmes 2304-5

Environment department estimates 1842-4, 1880-3

Environment minister, criticism of 1843-4

Essential services, labour disputes 3161. 3165

Executive council estimates 2302-6, 2314-5, 2325-8, 2343-5, 2362-4, 2366

Executive council, money vote attributed to 2327-8

Finance department estimates 1132-3, 1152-3, 1206-8

Finance department, staff reduction and salary savings 1233

Financial position of province 352, 354

Financial report, year-end revenue forecast 1152.-3

Forest-fire suppression programme 3104-5

Forest industry, data base, awareness by workers 2571

Forest industry, government's approach to 2570-1

Forest industry, independent third-party in bargaining proposed 2571-3

Forest industry, transportation, importance of 2567

Forest industry, workers, decent wages for 2568-72

Forests, alienation by use as parks 3071-2

Forests department estimates 2567-73, 3080-2, 3095-6, 3103-5, 3108

Funding, future of 974

Funds, federal, for special employment programmes, request for 2304

Funds, special, no financial problems 863-4

Gaglardi, Phil, provincial ombudsman, appointment as, Q. 2719

Gas, natural, export prices 776, 2514

Goldstream River, pollution by Noranda Mines, Q. 2039

Government policies, impact on average household and working poor 2302-5, 2315, 2325-7, 2362-3, 2366-7

Government Reorganization Act 2821-2, 2842-5, 2867

Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, M. 2845

Government reorganization policy, erosion of democratic and legislative processes and freedom 2842-5

Grant for summer student employment programme, application for, Q. 275-6

Green Belt Protection Fund 864, 973

Health department estimates 1971-3, 1987-8, 2007, 2045-7

Highways and Public Works department estimates 3290-1

Hiring, fair practices 3137-8

Home-care nursing programme 2046

Hospital industry, wage-bargaining problem 1971-3, 1987-8

Hospitals strike 1245, 1895-6, 1971-3, 1987-8, 2007-8

Hospitals strike, Telex message from Leader of Opposition 1895-6

“Hot” declarations, reviewed by Labour Relations Board 3161

Human Resources department estimates 2436

Human rights inquiries re Dr. Bruhn-Mou and Dr. McLure, Q. 1080-1, 1115

ICBC, cheque to 534, 549, 653

ICBC, loan to government, term and interest rate 1132-3

Income tax increase instead of sales tax increase 762, 775

Industrial relations, normal operations 2602-3

Kaiser Coal, royalty payment 3051

Kaiser, Edgar, meeting with Mines minister 3051

Kitimat, law enforcement situation, investigation of 25 20

Kootenay and Elk Railway, construction reactivation 1170

Kootenay and Elk Railway, extension for coal, movement of 1171

Kootenay and Elk Railway running rights grant to Americans 1162-4

Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3133, 3161-9, 3378-80

Labour disputes, cooling-off period 2588, 2611-2

Labour disputes, government intervention only when emergency occurs 2484-7

Labour disputes in essential services, extension of cooling-off period 3161, 3168, 3379

Labour disputes, scapegoat for provincial economic stress 3162-4

Labour Relations Board, agency for appeal, provision under 3306-7

Land magazine, no special warrant for 789-90

Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting 2711, 2736-9, 2769-71

Legislative interns 1951

Logs, booming in interior lakes 3095

MLAs, salary reduction of 29, 2195

Macdonald, A.B., nomination as Speaker 1

MacKenzie, Roy, human rights dispute, board of inquiry to be appointed, Q. 1220

Means test to determine those in genuine need, criticized 30, 32

Mediator, special, for BCR and B.C. Ferries, terms of reference of 2585

Medical and nursing staff for interior of province, need for 2048

Member of selection committee on select standing committees 14

Mica Dam project, local work force, reasonable percentage in 3138

Mineral Resource Tax Act 3361-2

Mineral royalty tax 3361-2

Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2711, 2735-9, 2769-71, 3021, 3029-32, 3051, 3055

Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, criticism of 2735-40

Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2735-9, 2769-71

Mines department, production permit, granting of 3055

Mines, tax on net income 3031, 3361-2

Mining in provincial parks, government policy on 2363

Mining industry, overall employment opportunity 3030-1, 3055

Mining industry, regulations and control 533

Mining jobs, decrease in 774-5

Mining profits, return to people in form of social benefits 3030, 3055

Ministers, inconsistency on principles of appeal mechanism under Labour Relations Board 3306-7

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 2982, 3311

Motor vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2979-81

NDP convention, adjournment of House for 2513

NDP government actions 1975, review of 35

Non-union firms, admission to construction sites, further labour problems 3138

Non-union firms, bidding for government contracts 3136-9

Northern tour of Premier, comments on 1924-5

Nurses accompanying critically ill patients in transit, payment terminated for Cranbrook Hospital 2045-6

Nursing relief for Edgewood 2046

Opposition members invited as observers at important conferences 1925

PWA, headquarters, move to Alberta 2546-8

Police, secret force, existence of 1357

Pollution-control permits, issue of, Q. 2039

Premier's meeting with governors of Alaska, Washington and Oregon 1755, 1819-20

Premier's new offices, expenditure for 2328

Press secretary to Premier, salary of 2327-8, 2343-4

Price-freeze policy, absolute power of government 2286-7, 2297

Provincial Major Disaster Fund 864

Provincial Secretary department estimates 3110, 3121-3

Public Construction Fair Wages Act 3136-9, 3382

Public Service Act 3279, 3306-11

Public service, collective bargaining for 3279

Public Service Commission, power of inquiry 3308

Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act (1976) 3281

Public Works Fair Employment Act 3136

Puerto Rican workers, wage rates for 3166

Question period, ministerial presence during 1442

RCMP, staffing in rural areas 1358-9

Rail agreement with Ottawa 749

Railcar plant at Squamish 1157, 1161

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act 2584-8, 2598-2600, 2602-4, 2606-8, 2611-2

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, compared to Collective Bargaining Continuation Act 2584

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, inclusion of ferries in Act 2586, 2598

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, permissive language 2599, 2607

Reforestation programme 3103-4

Revelstoke Dam 968-9

Revelstoke Dam, Downie Creek slide, effect on 3265-6

Revelstoke Dam, fishery, effect on 1881-3, 3267

Revelstoke Dam, overall planning of 3265-8, 3270

Revelstoke Dam, residents of Revelstoke, effect on 3267-8

Revelstoke Dam, safety of 3265-6, 3270

Revelstoke Dam, salvage from reservoir areas as result of construction 3108

Revelstoke Dam, water-licence hearing 1880-3, 2426, 3265

Revelstoke, environmental damage 967

Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1922-4

Road, replacement to Mica Creek 3290-1

Royalty on coal, increase of 762, 774, 776, 883

Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 2980-1

Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, discriminating nature of 2979-81

Sales tax collection programme, place of vendor's commission 775

Sales tax increase, effect on low-income people 762-3, 776-7

Sales tax, regressive nature of 762

Secrecy oaths, administering of, Q. 997, 1440, 1977

Sittings, abnormal hours of 974-5

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 762-3, 774-7, 881-3

Speaker, role and responsibility of 1-2

Speaker's ruling sustained 799

Speaking assignments, complaints 211

Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 863-4, 973-4

Staff for functioning of parliament 2

Strike votes, government supervision of 3161-3, 3167, 3379-81

Student employment programme in Economic Development department 1506

Student employment programme, phase 2, Q. 213, 577, 632, 1206-8

Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 342, 352, 354, 575, 700-1

Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) amount asked for 342, 575

Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) financial position of B.C. 352, 354

Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) on preamble 700-1

Thompson River, task force report 1843-4

Timber, allocation of 3081

Timber, provision of, for individual use in log cabin construction 3072-3

Trade union movement in B.C., free of corruption 3162-3, 3167

Transport and Communications department estimates 3265-70

Trout Lake, road planned on east side 3291

Unanimous leave of House to discuss urgent matter 77, 271-4

Unemployment, programmes to solve problems 2304-5, 2419-20

Unemployment, urgent problem, adjournment of House to discuss, M. 1568-70

Universities Council, warrant to 657, Q. 664, 667-8, 676, 682, 687

VGH strike, contingency plans for 1312

Vancouver East by-election 27, Q. 1181, 2327, 2343

Vancouver East by-election results 2327

Vancouver East, member for, welcome to 2576

Vancouver East member, seating of, in House, Q. 2383

Wages, disparity in 1641-3

Wages, fair and fringe benefits 3138

Wages, fair, arbitrary authority of government in assessing 3136-7

Whip for NDP, withdrawal from consultation 505

Whip system, breakdown 504

Women, equal opportunity for employment 3121-3

Women, senior, recruiting for employment section of Labour department 3123

Wood supply for small operators in Lardeau Valley 3108

King Resources Co.

Mentioned (King) 3030

Kipling, Rudyard

Mentioned: (Bawlf) 357 (Lauk) 1457

Kirby, John S.

Mentioned (Stupich) 90

Kitimat, B C.

Cablecar subdivision, Crown land for housing (Nicolson) 1851

Chiropractic service, need of (Shelford) 2029

Ferry service (Shelford) 569-70

Law enforcement situation, investigation of (Gardom) 2495, 2519-20 (Gibson) 2495, 2520 (King) 2520 (Wallace, G.S.) 2520-1

Kitsilano Information Centre

Funding, termination of (Brown) 644-5

Kitsilano Senior Secondary School, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brown) 1855

Kitwanga tribe

Timber quota, bid proposal for (Waterland) 2695

Kniewasser, Andrew G.

Report on savings, categories of (Gibson) 1188

Knight, Stanley B.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 954

Kokanee Glacier Park, B.C.

Silverstar Mines Ltd., explorations (Chabot) 2706

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 3094

Kootenay and Elk Railway

Coal, movement of (Chabot) 1168-70 (King) 1171

Construction, reactivation of (King) 1170

Revelstoke citizens' reaction to extension (King) 1162 (Chabot) 1169

Running rights granted to Americans (King) 1162-4 (Chabot) 1168

Kootenay-Boundary Regional District

Payment to (Nielsen) 2146-7

Kootenay Canal, B.C.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1720, 1722

Kootenay Dehydration Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451, 1459, 2331

Kootenay Forest Products

Chemical dependency, counselling service (Nicolson) 1254

Purchase of (Waterland) 1920 (Chabot) 1932-3 (Nicolson) 1935

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1496 (Waterland) 1754, 2697 (Williams) 2930

Kootenay Health and Dental Care Co-operative

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 1373

Kootenay Lake, B.C.

Study, federal, B.C. participation (Nicolson) Q. 1053 (Nielsen) A. 1054, 1116

Kootenay Library System Society

Funding of (Nicolson) 3124

Kootenay National Park, B.C.

Mentioned: (Chabot) 2681

Kootenay region, B.C.

Agriculture, mining and forest industries (Haddad) 621-5

Transit, rural subsidy for Kootenay transit authority (Nicolson) 3220

Kootenay River, B.C.

Kootenay Canal project (Davis) 1036

Kootenay School of Fine Arts

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 604


Foodstuffs, donation of (Shelford) 863

Korsby, Joe

Mentioned (Cocke) 1949, 1954

Kripps, Agnes

Mentioned (King) 39 (Lauk) 96-7

Kussat, R H.

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 560