Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
Nabob Foods Ltd.
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1586
Nanaimo, B.C.
School situation affected by CUPS strike (Stupich) Q. 2073, 2378 (Williams) A. 2073, 2323, 2377-9, 2418 (McGeer) 2323 (Wallace, G.S.) 2378 (King) 2418 (Gibson) 2418
Nanaimo Daily Free Press, Nanaimo, B.C.
Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 851
Nanaimo Senior Secondary School, Nanaimo, B.C.
Mentioned: (Stupich) 2231
National Council of Welfare
See: Canada — National Council of Welfare
National Energy Board of Canada
Mentioned: (Bennett) 1823, 2107, 2514 (Davis) 3235
National Equalization Programme
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 254
National Housing Act of Canada
Interest rate, current (Nicolson) 3150 (Curtis) 3150
Mentioned: (Curtis) 265 (Nicolson) 3215
National Parks Branch
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1508
Native Indian Brotherhood of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 561
Natural gas
See: Gas, Natural
Natural Gas Revenue Sharing Act
Disparity fund (Sanford) 203
Funding, basis of (Curtis) 844
Mentioned: (Budget address) 261 (Barber) 3201
Natural Products Marketing Act
Provincial marketing board, review of (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 2202-3 (Phillips) A. 2202-3
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1435, 1446
Natural resources
Co-ordinating large-scale development, Budget address 257
Development affected by BCR higher freight rates (D’Arcy) I110
Development of (Veitch) 19
Railway line access (Lauk) 1089 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105, 1107
Resource industries, revenue from (Stupich) 1120, 1174 (Wallace, G.S.) 1145 (Skelly) 1208-10
Tax revenue from (Stupich) 1174
Neiber, Reinhold
Mentioned: (Lea) 2464
Neilson, William
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1545 (Gibson) 1555 (Main) 1690
Nelson, B.C.
Consumer Action League office proposed (Nicolson) 1550, 1552, 1563 (Mair) 1552-3, 1563
Drinking pattern, study on (Nicolson) 1249-55
Government agent office offering ICBC insurance (Nicolson) 1223
Handicapped, entry into labour force (Nicolson) 1494
Hydro-electric plant, building of (Nicolson) 3197
Nelson, Henry
Mentioned: (Haddad) 624
Nelson Daily News, Nelson, B.C.
Headline quoted (Nicolson) 439
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 887
Nelson-Creston region, B.C.
Industrial needs of (Nicolson) 1496
Nemetz, Nathan T.
Mentioned (Wallace, G.S.) 1282
Netzer, Dick
Economics of Public Finance quoted (King) 762-3
New Deal Magazine
Quoted (Kahl) 142
New-Home Warranty Organization
Programme in Burnaby (Mair) 2958
New Westminster, B.C.
Courthouse facility, construction, study on (Loewen) 734
Transportation services for senior citizens (Cocke) 2411-2 (Vander Zalm) 2412
New Westminster Secondary School, New Westminster, B.C.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1181
New York, N.Y.
Financial situation (Bawtree) 2055
Mentioned: (Budget address) 250
Ney, Frank James
Mentioned: (Levi) 418 (Sanford) 695
Nichols, Marj orie
Quoted (Stupich) 280 (Bawlf) 359
Nicolson, Lorne (Nelson-Creston)
Address in reply, amendment 106-8
Agricultural industry diversification and competition necessary 601
Agriculture department estimates 1426-9, 1436-7, 1451-2, 1455, 1459-60, 1542
Agriculture department estimates, opening overview, lack of 1426-7
Agriculture department, release of annual report 1436, 1455
Agriculture minister, criticism of 1426-7
Agriculture minister, meetings with farm-industry groups 1427
Agriculture minister, other positions and duties 1428-9
Anti-inflation, freeze on taxes 883
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2066-70
Anti-inflation policy of government, criticism of 2066-70
Attorney-General department estimates 1249-55, 1354, 1356, 1358-60, 1363, 1366
Alcohol advertising 1253
Alcoholism, impaired driving in Nelson-Creston region, study on 1249-55, 1354
Audain report on mobile homes, implementation of 3220
Bennett Dam 1034
Bonner, Robert, statements on energy need forecast 1034
B.C. Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 594, 688-90
B.C. Energy Commission, energy needs of province, study on 1034
B.C. Ferries, lease arrangements 2876
B.C. Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 1034-5, 1038-9
B.C. Railway, accounting regulations not those prescribed by Canadian Transport Commission 1099-1100
B.C. Railway, board approval, lacking for many revisions and additions 1098
B.C. Railway, borrowing power increase, not the first time 1100
B.C. Railway, construction cost 1098
B.C. Railway, contract overruns 1097-8
B.C. Railway Dease Lake extension 1097-8, 1100-1
B C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, contract overrun 1101
B.C. Railway, deficit 1097-8
B.C. Railway, depreciation allowances grossly inadequate 1098
B.C. Railway, extension projects, effect on Indian land claims and environment 1101
B.C. Railway, financial losses cover-up 1098-1100
B.C. Railway, financial prospectus, lack of 1157
B.C. Railway, financial reports 1098-9
B.C. Railway, Fort Nelson extension 1097-8, 1101
B.C. Railway, Hanrahan report 1101
B.C. Railway, Minty report recommendations 1097
B.C. Railway, operating materials, stock-taking 1097
B.C. Railway, operational deficiencies 1097
B C. Railway, political interference in 1098
B C. Railway, pre-engineering, lack of 1100-1
B.C. Railway, road maintenance, operating deficit 1097
B.C. Railway, Swan-Wooster report 1098, 1100-1
B.C. Railway, Touche-Ross report 1101
British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act (1976) 1096-1102, 1157
British Columbia Teachers Federation, achievements as a professional organization 1625
Budget debate 599-604
Camping fees for senior citizens 3319
Central Mortgage and Housing 2661-2
Chemical dependency counselling service 1254
Cheques, non-sufficient-funds, issue of 442
Chilliwack agricultural land reserve, A. 2942
Chlorination plants, expenditure for 2968
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 948-9
Cigarette tax increase, regressive nature of 948-9
Clarkson Gordon report, a review, not an audit 437
Clarkson Gordon report, deficit situation of B.C. 437-8
Columbia River Treaty 1034
Community recreational facilities fund grants, applications to, Q. 1789
Companies under Agriculture department, list of directors 1451-2, 1455, 1458-9, 2330-2
Condominium owners, payment default, termination of utilities service, repeal of section 2645
Condominium owners, tax payment through strata corporations, repeal of section 2645
Consumer Action League, office in Nelson, funding for 1550, 1552, 1563
Consumer Services department estimates 1550-2, 1563
Corporation income increase, effect on small business 870
Corporation income tax increase for small business, yield resulting from 1026-7
Cragg report, sales tax increase, impact on cost of living 1199
Creston Co-operative Packers, loan to 1542
Creston Valley Waterfowl management area 3319-20
Crown corporations, government interference in 1100
Crown land available for housing 1851-2
Debate, adjournment of, motion for 2822-3
Deficit of province 437-9
Deficit repayment loan, interest, amendment to vote 69 1225
Deficit repayment loan, reduction of interest on 1227-8
Drinking-driving, educational programme on 1254
Drinking-driving, penalties for, enforcement of 1253-4
Driver's licence, impairment suspension, hardship on rural residents 1253
Drivers, impaired, roadblock checks for 1254, 1354
Duncan Dam, cost of area cleanup 3107
Dunhill Development 1214
Economic Development department estimates 1494-6
‘Economic Development department, hydro-electric power demand survey 1034
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, attacks on directors 1042-3
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, conferences 1042
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, consultation with directors on abolition 1074
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, functions and research 1042
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, independence of 1043
Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act, 1041-3, 1074-5
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, study on energy needs of province 1034
Education department estimates 1625-7, 1720-2, 1734-6, 1810-1
Education material, sales tax exemption for 1200-1
Education finance formula 1720-2
Education, mill rate increases 1720-1
Elderly Citizens Housing Aid Act, federal commitments under 3215
Environment department, creation and legality of 2808-9
Environment department estimates 1851-2
Executive council estimates 2330-2
Farm Income Assurance Fund, assistance to 601
Farrier programme in Dawson Creek vocational school 604
Ferry travel, free for students, Q. 1665
Finance department estimates 1136, 1177-8, 1199-1200, 1214, 1223, 1225, 1227-8
Forests department estimates 3107
Funds, special, revenue in 438
Government agent offices offering ICBC insurance 1223
Government examination for grade 12 1626
Government Reorganization Act 2807-11, 2822-3, 2876-82
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2876-82
Government reorganization policy, erosion of legislative democratic processes 2879-82
Government reorganization policy, powers of 2808-11
Gravel operations, reclamation, permits required 3023-4
Green Belt Protection Fund 859-60
Gymnasiums and basketball courts, Saturday use of schools 1735
Handicapped, entry into labour force 1494
Hastings Street urban renewal project 3220
Hat Creek coal project 1034-5, 1039
Highway 3, Champion Creek to Meadow Siding section 3287-8
Highway 3, improvement and shortening 3287
Highways and Public Works department estimates 3287-8
Homeowner grant and school tax, merging of 1898
Homeowner grant for senior citizens, increase 1898
Home Purchase Assistance Act 2659-62, 3148-52
Home-purchase assistance, applicants receiving previous NHA assistance ineligible 3148-9
Home-purchase assistance, eligible residences for 2660-1, 3150-2
Home-purchase assistance for new homes 2662, 3152
Home-purchase assistance programme, implementation of 3220
Home-purchase assistance, second mortgage for new or older homes 2660, 3150
Home-purchase assistance, self-built homes, provision for 2659-60, 3152
Hospital extended-care rate increase, consideration for special groups 1199-1200
Hospital increases, per diem 1199-1201
Housing, cooperative, budget commitment for 3221
Housing, rental 600-1
Hydro-electric plant, building of 3197
ICBC, cheque, authorization of 1136
ICBC, non-sufficient funds, cheque to 439, 441
ICBC rate increase, criticisms of 106-8
Income Tax Amendment Act (1976) 870-1, 1026
Interior university, importance of 604
Kaiser Coal, royalty payment increase 3053-4, 3057
Kaiser, Edgar, meetings with Mines minister 3053
Kootenay Dehydration Ltd., loan to 1542
Kootenay Forest Products, purchase of 1935
Kootenay Lake study, B.C. participation in, Q. 1053
Kootenay Library System Society, funding of 3124
Land Amendment Act (1976) 2969
Land Commission, public hearings on land release 1890
Leasehold Crown strata titles 2645
MacInnes Place, rental housing, new interest in, Q. 75, 117
MacNeil Place, plans for disposal, Q. 277-8, 600
Medicare premiums for non-smokers 948
Metric conversion 2969
Mine safety 3057-8
Mineral Royalties Act 884, 887
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 3023-4, 3053-5, 3057-8, 3063-4
Mobile home, purchase exempted from sales tax 886
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2975-6
Municipal Affairs department estimates 3215, 3220-1
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 3197-8
Municipalities, payments to 439
Municipalities to engage in public works business enterprises 3197-8
Natal urban renewal project 3220
Natural Gas Revenue-Sharing Act, extension to water improvement districts 2969
Nelson-Creston, industrial needs 1496
Notre Dame University, criticism of government non-interference policy 601-3, 1627
Notre Dame University, funding for 1810-1
Notre Dame University, funding, ultimatum regarding 602-3
Notre Dame University, programme, discussion with Selkirk College 1267
Notre Dame University, programme expansion recommended by Universities Council 603-4
Peace River Dam, environmental impact of damming 1034
Pemco Holdings, mortgages and debentures held under 3220
Police College, instructors, reduction in number 1366
Police, secret force, existence of 1358-60, 1363
Potato-processing plant in Creston, proposed 1459-60
Power lines, construction in Creston Valley 1039
Price increase, monitoring of 1550
Principals and administrators, reassignment, appeal procedure for 3213
Propane Gas Association of Canada, submission by 1177-8
Propane gas, sales tax on 1177-8
Properties, expropriation of 3149
Property tax, eventual removal for senior citizens 1898
Prospectors assistance programme, criticism of 3063-4
Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1898
Provincial Secretary department estimates 3124, 3319-20
Public Construction Fair Wages Act 3142-3
Public Schools Amendment Act (1976) 3213
Public Works Fair Employment Act, repeal of 3142-3
Rail agreement with federal government 1101
Railcar plant in Squamish 1494-5
Reeves Macdonald, reclamation work of 3024
Resident caretakers for schools 1734
Revelstoke Dam project 1034, 1039
Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1934-6
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s 2976
Sales tax exemption for agricultural equipment and materials 884-5, 990
Sales tax, growth index of 888
Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 787
Sales tax increase, expected revenue from 886
Sales tax, removal on building materials 883-4
Salmo River flood and erosion control study report 1887
Scholarship examination for grade 12 1626
School District 86, funding for 1720, 1722
Semester system in schools 1626
Sheriffs, deputy, future of training programme 1356, 1359
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 787-8, 883-8, 990
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 859-60, 1026
Strata corporations, policing powers, removal of 2645-6
Strata lots, designated group, regulated by separate organization, repeal of 2645
Strata Titles Amendment Act (1976) 2644-6
Student summer employment, funding 574-5
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 344-7, 574-8
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) political reason for Bill 346
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) summer student employment, effect of bill on 346, 574-5
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) timing, necessity and duration of Bill 344-7
Surrey water and sewer system programme, criticism of 599
Swan Valley Foods, dumping of potatoes 1459-60
Swan Valley Foods, grant to 1542
Swan Valley Foods, Labour minister on board of directors, Q. 2578
Swan Valley Foods, vacancy on board of directors 1451-2, 1459-60
Taghum Bridge, location of 3287
Take the Car out of Carnage programme in Prince George 1249, 1254, 2975-6
Transit, rural, sussidy for Kootenay transit authority 3220
United Mine Workers of America, District 18, Michel Local No 7292, labour situation 3053-5
Universities Council letter to Notre Dame University board of governors, Q. 322
Value schools 1735-6
Wages, fair and fringe benefits 3143
Wages, fair, arbitrary assessing authority of government 3143
Water Amendment Act (1976) 2968-9
Water Improvement District Assistance Act (Bill 41) I R, 1406
Water rights branch, importance of 2968
West Kootenay Consumer Action League, funding discontinued 1550-1
Workers, rights, protection of 3143
Nielsen, Hon. James Arthur, Minister of Environment (Richmond)
Adams River, federal-provincial cost-sharing programme 1865
Agriculture department estimates 1460-1
Alert Bay, slide problem 1867
Annacis Island treatment plant 1865
Application backlog for land leases 1816
Auditor General Act 2146-7
Auditor-General, authority and independence of 2147
Auditor-General, government spending, review of 2146
Bicycle paths, construction of 1877
B.C. Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 461-2
B.C. Hydro power development, statement on, A. 2233-4
Budget debate 562-4
Coal, northeast project, environmental studies on 1874
Crown land for housing 1852, 1889
Deficit of province 462
ELUC, studies, publication of 1890
Ellsay Don, treatment of 1847-8
Environment, damage to, assessment of 1816
Environment department, components 1816
Environment department, estimates 1816-7, 1827-9, 1835-6, 1838-9, 1844-5, 1847-52, 1862, 1865-7, 1870-4, 1877-81, 1885-90
Environment department, staffing for 1816
Environment minister, defence of criticism 1827-9
Farmland, preservation 1871
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2146-7
Fraser River, pollution problem 1865-6, 1873-4
Halfmoon Bay Estates, Sechelt, lease, conflict of interest, A. 1079, 1219
Industrial waste, disposal of 1872-3
Kootenay Lake study, B.C., participation in, A. 1054, 1116
Kootenays, East, payment to 2146-7
Ladysmith foreshore leases, grant of, A. 705, 842
Ladysmith Harbour Authority, appointment of, A. 705, 842
Ladysmith Harbour, bark situation 1879
Land, agricultural, acquisition of 1816
Land Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 29) 1R, 2381; 2R, 2969-70
Land Commission, membership of 1870-1
Land Commission, public hearings on land release 1890
Land release appeals to Land Commission 1871
Letter quoted (Lea) 1831-2
Liquid chlorine tank cars, search in Strait of Georgia 1886
Metric conversion 1969-70
Michell farm, purchase of, A. 16
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 1774-8
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2774-8
Oil refineries, pollution impact, study on 1888
Oil spill, clean-up action, legislation on 1878
Parks branch, under Recreation and Tourism department 1828
Pipeline between Prince Rupert and Edmonton, proposed 1878
Polluters, official notification to, policy of 1850-1
Polluters, penalties for and prosecution of 1849
Pollution Control Act, an offence against, fines for 1967-8
Pollution Control (1967) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 26) 1R, 2381; 2R, 2967-8; C, 3207
Pollution control branch director, power of 1967
Port Alice, slide problem 1867
Potato factory in Delta, proposed 1461
Properties, subdivision, permit to install sewage system 2968
Recycling programme in Victoria, A. 176, 1081, 1218-9
Revelstoke Dam, proposed, environmental impact on 1862, 1865-6, 1882
Revelstoke Dam, proposed, water-licence hearing 1862, 1882, 1887, 2425
Richmond, history and present problems 562-3
Rural subdivisions, establishment of 1816
SAM project, progress of 1888-9
Salmo River, flood and erosion control study report 1887-8
Senior government officials, definition of 2969
Skagit Valley, B.C. Hydro and Seattle City Light project 1859
Stein River Valley logging, ELUC consultation, A. 1666
Sturgeon Bank, federal-provincial discussion on 1851, 1865-6
Tanker traffic at Prince Rupert 1878
Thompson River task force report, A. 275, 472, 560-1, 705, 842, 1052-3, 1081, 1835-6, 1838-9, 1847-8
Tsitika-Schoen area, development of 1885
UBC Endowment Lands, advisory committee to Environment minister 1886
UBC Endowment Lands golf course, management travel expenses 1887
UBC Endowment Lands, housing development on 1886
Vancouver airport runway extension, report 1890
Waste composting, municipal 1877
Water Act, administration of, under Environment minister 1888
Water Act, penalties levelled under, amendment to 2968
Water Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 27) 1R, 2381; 2R, 2968-9; C, 3207
Water improvement districts, penalty for unpaid taxes 2968, 3207
Water licences, applications for 2969
Water, sale to U.S.A. 1862
West Kootenay water supply study report 1885
Nimpkish tribe
Webster, G.C., North Island College, appointment recommended (Sanford) 1620-1 (McGeer) 1620-2
Nimpkish Valley, B.C.
Development of (Sanford) 205
Nimsick, Leo
Mentioned: (Calder) 139 (Phillips) 710 (King) 1079 (Gardom) 2542
Nishga tribe
Land claims, negotiations in progress (Williams) 827 (Bennett) 1057
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 13
Nixon, Richard
Mentioned: (King) 36
Nobbs, Vic
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Nootka Sound Services Ltd.
Financial problem of (Lockstead) 771
Noranda Mines Ltd.
Goldstream River, pollution of (King) Q. 2039 (Waterland) A. 2039, 3028
Mentioned: (Kempf) 22 (Gibson) 2236 (Skelly) 2686, 3066 (Barrett) 3089
Norris, Len
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1044
North Fraser Harbour Commission
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 995
North Island Community College
Funding for (Sanford) 1723-4, 1813
Taylor, Rene, dismissal from (Brown) 1614, 1616 (McGeer) 1616-7 (Sanford) 1620
North Island Gazette, Port Hardy, B.C.
Letter to editor quoted (Sanford) 1621
North Island Senior Secondary School, Port McNeill, B.C.
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1663
Northern Lights College
Mentioned (Dailly) 1622
Northern Winter Games
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 955
Northwest College, Terrace, B.C.
Mentioned: (Shelford) 569
Northwest Community College
Appointments, new (Lea) 1618-9, 1724-5 (McGeer) 1619-20, 17245
NDP appointees, dismissal of (Lea) 1618-9
Mentioned (McGeer) 1617
Northwest Loggers Association
Mentioned: (Shelford) 573
Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.
Forest Service and B.C. Hydro, meeting with (Skelly) 3066, 3070 (Waterland) 3066, 3070
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 605 (Skelly) 2686, 3066, 3069
Notre Dame University
Decisions left to Universities Council, criticism of (Nicolson) 601-3, 1627
Funding for (Nicolson) 1810-1 (McGeer) 1811
Funding, ultimatum regarding (Nicolson) 602-3
Government policy regarding (McGeer) 875, 1627-8
ICBC rate increase, effect on the students (Nicolson) 107
Selkirk College, discussion on educational programme (Nicolson) 1627
Universities Council of B.C. recommendations on programme expansion (Nicolson) 603-4
Nunweiler, A.A.
B.C. Railway director, fee as (Phillips) 1522-3 (Lauk) 1522 (Kahl) 1682 (Lea) 1684
Nurses and nursing
Nursing relief for Edgewood (King) 2046
Public health nursing, proposed reduction (Wallace, B.B.) 2029-30 (McClelland) 2031
Salaries of (Brown) 1989
Nursing homes
Construction of (Wallace, G.S.) 2020
Nyberg, Brian,
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1835