Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Canada — Regional Economic Expansion, Department of

D.P. Squarey and Associates

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3220

D.W. Poppy Secondary School, Langley, B.C.

Mentioned: (McClelland) 2071

Dafoe, Christopher

Quoted (Lea) 459 (Wallace, B.B.) 3388

Dailly, Eileen Elizabeth (Burnaby North)

Address in reply, amendment 100-1

Ambulance service cutbacks 729

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1654-7

Anti-inflation programme of government, criticism of 1654-7

Apprenticeship programme in schools 1599

Attorney-General department, estimates 1351-3

Auditor General Act 2135-6

Boards of governors of educational institutions, criteria for appointment 1622

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 484-6, 648, 654-5, 665, 678-9, 686-7

British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act 2944-5, 3210

Budget address, distribution of, Q. 277

Budget debate 724-30

Burnaby School Board, funding for 1719

Canadian educational system, external examination of 1589

Chalcott House Society, grant to be discontinued 728

Child abuse, problem of 2441

Citizenship training in school curricula 1590

Coal, royalties to be increased 2366

College boards, autonomy of 1798

Colleges, new Act proposed 1798

Community college system offering recurring education 1590

Community colleges, funding for 1812-3

Corporal punishment 1589

Deficit repayment loan 1202-3

Education, budget provision, effect on services and local taxpayers 726-8

Education department estimates 1588-93, 1605, 1622, 1718-9, 1728-9, 1797-8, 1803, 1806, 1808, 1810, 1812-3

Education, finance of 1591-3

Education, mill rate increase for local taxpayers 1592, 1718-9

Education, post-secondary, training, special warrant for, Q. 319, 592

Education, recurring 1590-1

Educational leave for workers 1591

Educational research and development, increased funds for 1803

Enriched programmes in school districts, finance of 1592

Environment, Department of, estimates 1888

Executive council, estimates 2366

Family-life education 1797-8

Finance department, estimates 1202-3

Finance minister's power to buy shares, removal of 1939

Forests department, estimates 3083-4

Fraser Valley Regional Library, cutbacks of 3324

Government Reorganization Act 2845-7

Government Reorganization Act, defer second reading for six months, amendment to 2845-7

Government reorganization policy, democratic processes of Legislature, erosion of 2846-7

Grants to societies, re-examination of government policy 728-9

Halfway houses for alcoholics in Burnaby, funding for 2041

Health department, estimates 2041

Housing co-op, government policy on 3227

Housing co-op, value of 729

Human Resources department, estimates 2394, 2441

ICBC rate increase, effects of 100

Indian education, funding for 1808

Indian groups, educational grants for 1804

Insurance, fire, for schools, no consultation with BCSTA 728

Jericho Hill School, placing of children in community setting, Q. 2423-4

Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting of 2772

Learning assessment programme 1588

MacInnes rental housing, Q. 74, 117

Marine college 1728-9

Marine training advisory council, necessity of 1728

Mines and Petroleum Resources, department, estimates 2772-3

Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2772-3

Municipal Affairs department, estimates 3227

Norman Bethune housing project 3227

Oil refineries, pollution impact, study on 1888

Order-in-council 1221, treasury bills, sale to cover bank position 1202

Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1654-7

Principals or administrative staff, reassignment of, appeal procedure for 2949-50

Provincial Secretary department, estimates 3118-9, 3324

Public Health programme cutbacks 729

Public Schools Amendment Act, 1976 2949-50, 3212, 3214

Pulp logs or chips, use of 3083

Pulp mills, development of 3083

Pupil, dismissal of, in Victoria, Q. 2940

Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1939

Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 815-7

Sales tax increase, effect on economic conditions of province 814-5

Sales tax increase, effect on low-income groups 940-1

School district, unorganized, rural component, sum collectable in budget, Q. 1077

School districts, grants, basis of distribution, Q. 1218

School instructional unit to be increased in value 3214

Secondary education, structure, re-evaluation of 1589

Sex discrimination in education, advisory committee on, termination of 1806

Social services administration, removal from Burnaby municipal council 2394

Social services administration, removal from municipal councils 2394

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 1939, 940-2

Status of Women co-ordinator office, termination of 3118-9

Student grants, formula for 1813

Students, suspension or dismissal 2950

Teachers' salaries and policy concerning AIB, Q. 3157

Thom, Byng, dismissal from UBC board of governors 1622

Timber, allocation to the north 3084

Transit system for Burnaby area, improvement of 729

Tuition fees, raising of 2955

UBC, special warrant for, Q. 17

Universities capital financing, deficit financing, move into 2944-5

Universities Council, term of reference for 2945

Universities Council, warrant to, Q. 177, 215, 592, 648, 654-5, 665, 678-9, Q. 687

Universities, grant to, nature of 1810

University education, Winegard commission on 1729

Vancouver School Board, funding for 1719

Vocational training, warrant for, recoverable, Q. 596

Willingdon School programme 1351-3

Women's rights in B.C. 3118

Work-study programme 1590

Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C.

Editorial quoted (King) 1636

Headlines quoted (Kerster) 1677 (Wallace, B.B.) 1681 (Wallace, G.S.) 1966 (Barnes) 2472 (King) 3162

Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 180, 3290 (Barber) 548 (Brown) 140 (Kahl) 671 (Levi) 705 (King) 1635, 3162 (Wallace, B.B.) 1681 (Lauk) 2354 (Gibson) 2491 (Davidson) 2746

Mentioned: (Phillips) 445 (Levi) 551 (Wallace, B.B.) 859 (Cocke) 1192 (Sanford) 1326, 1547, 1577 (Mair) 1579 (Wallace, G.S.) 2018

Daily News, Nelson, B.C.

Quoted (Nicolson) 1935

Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C.

Quoted (Lea) 2012

Daily Sentinel, Kamloops, B.C.

Headlines quoted (Lea) 1830, 1832

Quoted (Lea) 1830

Dalton, Hugh

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 403

Danabassis, James

Mentioned: (Haddad) 624

Daniels, C. Paul

Mentioned: (Williams) 410

Danson, Hon. B.J.

Mentioned: (Brown) 2665

Daon Development Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3143

D'Arcy, Christopher (Rossland-Trail)

Address in reply, amendment 111-3

Adjournment of debate till next sitting, M. negatived 810, 904

Agricultural Aid to Developing Countries and World Disaster Areas Fund 1024

Agriculture department, estimates 1467-8

Ambulance services in Rossland-Trail 567

Arrow Lake fishery restoration to be funded by B.C. Hydro 1035-6

Arrow Lakes Valley, selling of properties purchased by B.C. Hydro 1037

Attorney-General department, estimates 1362

Biological control banks 1468

Borrowing power exists in province without Bill 3 540-1

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 530-2, 539-43, 583

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 1035-7

B.C. Hydro projects in Rossland-Trail constituency 565

B.C. Railway, borrowing increase, adding to provincial debt load 1111

B.C. Railway, borrowing increase, effect on taxpayers 1110

B.C. Railway, borrowing increase, information, lack of 1110

B.C. Railway, borrowing increase, not the first time 1111

British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act (1976) 1110-1

B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension 1110

B.C. Railway, deficit of 1110

B.C. Railway, development creating problems for existing communities 1110-1

B.C. Railway, expenditure detail asked for 1110

B.C. Railway, freight rate, increase, effect on economy and regional disparities 1110

B.C. Railway, freight rates, increase for industries depending on railway 1110

B.C. Railway, problems of existing routes to be solved before considering extensions 1111

Budget debate 564-8

Budget, percentage increases in 903

Castlegar, restructuring grant to 566

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 944

Cigarette users, higher demand on health-care services 944

Coal, tonnage, royalty collected, Q. 440

Columbia River Treaty 1069

Copper concentrates, tonnage and value, Q. 440

Crown corporations, government non-interference 1068

Crown corporations, revenue transfer 541-2

Crown land available for housing 566

Crown land for housing in West Kootenays 1852, 1889

Deficit of province 540

Economic Development department, estimates 1515-7

Economic growth in B.C. under NDP government 531, 539-40

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, abolition of, effect on university facilities 1075

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, independent analysis of economic planning 1067-70

Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act 1067-70

Egg Marketing Board 1467

Environment department, estimates 1852, 1883-5, 1889

Finance department, estimates 1231

Fisheries mitigation, fund for, B.C. Hydro commitment 1035

Fishery, sport, mitigation on Columbia Reservoir 1035

Forest industry, northern and interior development 1070

Forest Service burning restrictions 568

Forests department, estimates 3093-4

Funds, special, re-establishment of 1024

Grape-growing and wine-processing industries 1468

Highways and Public Works department, estimates 3294-5

Highways department, subdivision applications policy 3294-5

Highways, maintenance of, present 567

Home nursing, expansion of programme 567

Hugh Keenleyside Dam, flooding 1037

ICBC rate increase, criticisms of 111-3

Income Tax Amendment Act (1976) 868

Income tax increase, expected revenue from 868

Infrastructure agreements resulting from IPA studies 1515-6

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd. tax rebate to customers 1231

Little-cherry disease in Okanagan 1468

Livestock industry, encouragement to 1467

Logging in parks 3093-4

Lumber industry affected by BCR freight rates 1110

Marketing boards 1467

Mineral resources, expansion of 568

Optometric Act, criticism of section 12 567

Petroleum industry, B.C. Energy Commission report on, Q. 1858

Police investigation of $80 million fraud 1362 f Police, secret force, existence of 1362

Pollution control by Canadian Cellulose and Cominco Ltd. 565 l Property tax, minimum payable for those under 65, increase 2247

Provincial Home-Owner Grant Amendment Act, 1976 2247

Provincial Major Disaster Fund 860

Pulp industry, increased facilities 564-5

Resettlement of people vacating flooded areas 1037

Restructuring grant to municipalities 566

Revelstoke Dam, proposed, impact on fishery 1884

Revelstoke Dam, proposed, water-licence hearing 1883-4

Rossland-Trail region, social elements of infrastructure 1516

Sales tax exemption on equipment for chronically ill and handicapped 896

Sales tax increase 568

Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 808-10

Sales tax increase, effect on B.C. cost of living 808-10

Sales tax increase, effect on B.C. industries 809-10

Sales tax increase, effect on low-income groups 903-4

Sales tax increase exceeding AIB guidelines 902-3

Smoking causing fire damage 944

Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1976 808-10, 896-7, 902-3

Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 860-1 , 1024

Tax, property, burden on farmers 1468

Trail, benchland sale for economic development 1.518

Trail, provincial government building for 568

Transit system for Trail, importance of 566-7

Water supply system in West Kootenays, proposed 1517-8, 1885

Water systems, capital assistance for 566

David Thompson School

Mentioned: (Strongman) 557

Davidson, M.H.

Qualifications of (Brown) Q. 1116 (McCarthy) A. 1116

Secrecy oath, administration of (Brown) Q. 1 1 15-6 (McCarthy) A. 1115-6

Davidson, Walter (Delta)

Address in reply, amendment 91-2

Agricultural land, preservation of 928-9

Agricultural land reserve 1420

Agricultural products, marketing of 929

Agriculture department, estimates 1418-22, 1442-3

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2079-81

Budget debate 901-2, 926-30

Delta, electoral boundaries, realignment, of 926-7

Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 927

Farm produce, import of 1422

Food, shopping in United States 1422

Fraser River, new crossing proposed 928

George Massey Tunnel, garbage trucks obstructing rush hour traffic 3305

George Massey Tunnel, new crossing proposed 3304

George Massey Tunnel, speed limit in 3305

Government spending, restraint on 2079

Highways and Public Works Department, estimates 3304-5

Home Purchase Assistance Act 2674

Home-purchase assistance, eligible residences for 2674

ICBC rate increases 927-8

Ladner harbour, small craft, development of 929

Ladner Trunk Road, Highway 17, 3305

Land Commission Act 1421-2

Mineral Royalties Act, repeal of 2746

Mines and Petroleum Resources department, estimates 2746-7

Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2746-7

NDP government ICBC policy 91-2

Olympic Lottery, continuation of, Q. 1567-8

Park-and-ride systems, study on 928, 3304

Potato factory in Delta 1418-21, 1422-3

Price-wage increases, provincial restraint on, regulation for 2080-1

Provincial Home-Owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 2247

Scott Road, Delta, widening project 929, 3304-5

Spetifore contribution to Social Credit campaign fund 1418

Tilbury Island, development of 929, 1420

White Rock Railway 929

Davies, Wynn

Tribute to (Sanford) 1723

Davis, Betty Ann

Mentioned: (Lea) 2011

Davis, Donald

Mentioned: (Brown) 642

Davis, Ethel M.

Letter quoted (Lockstead) 910-1

Davis, lion. Jack, Minister of Transport and Communications (North Vancouver-Seymour)

Airline charges, examination of 325

Alaska gas pipeline connection proposal 3239, 3250

Arrow Lakes, sport fishing, restoration, funding to be included in enhancement programmes 1036

Bennett Dam 1036

Brentwood-Mill Bay ferry 3274

B.C.-Alberta pipeline proposed, A. 2383

B.C. Deficit Repayment Act, (1975-1976) 746-7

B.C. Energy Commission, energy need forecasts for B.C. 965

B.C. Ferries, additional sailings, A. 275

B.C. Ferries, additional seating on, A. 3019

B.C. Ferries, cars, supervision of, A. 2840

B.C. Ferries, Colonel Sanders, possible liaison, A. 2072

B.C. Ferries, crew, reduction of, A. 2840, 2941

B.C. Ferries, development routes subsidized 324

B.C. Ferries, dining room service, A. 1080, 1530

B.C. Ferries, employees, fringe benefits for, A. 1306

B.C. Ferries, employees, layoffs, A. 1858, 2163

B.C. Ferries, federal subsidy to 1304, 2923

B.C. Ferries, .food prices on, A. 2423

B.C. Ferries, further fare increase, anticipation of 3345

B.C. Ferries, handicapped, travel at half price 1303

B.C. Ferries, lease arrangements of 2875-6

B. C. Ferries, overcharging customers, A. 2074

B.C. Ferries, passes, issue to individuals 1339

B.C. Ferries, possible strike on, A. 1978

B.C. Ferries, Price Waterhouse study 2919

B.C. Ferries, rate consideration for special groups 2923

B.C. Ferries, rate increase 1303-4

B.C. Ferries, rate increase, consideration for frequent travellers 3273

B.C. Ferries, rate increase, cost of food and other supplies 3275

B. C. Ferries, rate increase over-height vehicles 3274

B.C. Ferries, rate increase, public resistance to, A. 2675-6

B.C. Ferries, routes, $15 fare, A. 2578

B C. Ferries, safety on 3273

B.C. Ferries, senior citizens as foot passengers, free weekday travel 1303, A. 1977, 2577, A. 2942

B.C. Ferries, staff at management level, A. 1527

B.C. Ferries, students travelling as group, reduced rate for 2923

B.C. Ferries, Swartz Bay terminal parking lots, A. 2422

B.C. Ferries, usage for June, 1975, and June, 1976, A. 3401

B.C. Ferries, use figures, comparison of', A. 3019-20

British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 1R, 2291; 2R, 2919-23; C, 3340; 3R, 3346

B.C. Ferry Corp., board of directors, worker representation on 3340

B.C. Ferry Corp., financial results, reporting of 2919

B.C. Ferry Corp., highway equivalent subsidy for 2919, 2923

B.C. Ferry Corp., operation extended across international boundary 2923

B.C. Ferry Corp., operation within own budget 2920

B.C. Ferry Corp., taxes, payment of 3346

British Columbia Harbours Board Amendment Act (Bill 4) 1R, 249

B.C. Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 964-6, 1036-7, 1040

B.C. Hydro, energy need forecasts for B.C. 965

B.C. Hydro, expansion projects, reasons for 965

B.C. Hydro expansion, small projects in support of 1041

B.C. Hydro, projects and expenditures, outline 1036

B.C. Hydro, proposal to Seattle City Light re Skagit Valley, A. 1306

B.C. Hydro senior executives pay cut, A. 597-8

B.C. Steamship Co., board of directors 3275

B.C. Telephone under federal regulations, removal from 3274

Budget debate 323-7

CTC jurisdiction over Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, A. 119

Cable TV, federal-provincial negotiations, A. 277

Columbia River Treaty 965-6, 3275

Commuter cards for Sunshine Coast residents, removal of, A. 1665, 1753

Dean River diversion, effect on fisheries 1037

Denison Mines, ore shipments from, A. 1081

Docking facilities, permanent, for Gabriola Island, A. 214-5

Driver's licence, suspension of 2982

Driver's licence suspension, regaining of, if accused depends on vehicle for livelihood 2983

Electricity, peak-load pricing 3251

Energy Amendment Act (1976) 1R, 2201

Energy need forecasts for province 1036, 1040-1, 3250

Energy, price increase 1041

Federal tax on gasoline, removal of 3246

Ferries, new, operation of 3273

Ferries, two, purchased by a Toronto financial house, A. 2382

Ferries under Transport and Communications, transfer of 3340

Ferry from Beaver Cove to Kelsey Bay, resumption of free passage 3274-5

Ferry rates for Gulf Islands, A. 1527

Ferry travel, free for students, A. 1665

Ferry usage, reduction of, A. 2384

Gas, exploration for B.C. 3235, 3239

Gasoline marketing and service stations, report on, A. 1665

Gasoline price increase, A. 926

Government Reorganization Act 2875-6

Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2875-6

Hat Creek coal project 964, 1036, 1041

Hat Creek coal studies, A. 560

Heavy water plant, installation of 3250-1

Highway 1, Fraser Canyon section, financial support for 324

Inner Harbour docks, lease transfers, A. 996

Kootenay canal project 1036

Licence plates, single for certain vehicles 2982

Licensing, cyclical concept 2982, 2984

Licensing, cyclical, methods of identification and policing 3206

McCaffey, resignation from B.C. Steamship Co, A. 229, 3275

McGregor diversion, environmental effects of 3273

Mica Dam project, continuing expenses 1036

Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 1) (Bill 68) 1R, 2511

Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) (Bill 66) 1R, 2511; 2R. 2970-1, 2981, 3204-5; 3R, 3205

Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 3) (Bill 80) 1R, 2511; 2R, 2892-4; C, 3206; 3R, 3207

Northern development in transportation, co-operation 325

Northern ferry service, expansion of, A. 177

Oil export to United States terminated, effect on B.C. 326

Oil pricing policy of government 3246

Pacific Western Airlines takeover, A. 16, 115-6, 1566-7, 1665

Peace officers cruising without siren 2983

Peace River Power project, contracts for, A. 1377

Pend-d'Oreille project 1036

Petroleum industry, B.C. Energy Commission report on, A. 1858

Police officers responsible for filling out accident reports 2982-3

Port development, co-operation with federal government 325

“Prince George”, owners to rent Inner Harbour dock facilities, A. 997

“Prince George”, payment for, A. 997

“Prince George”, transfer of remaining fuel, A. 924

“Princess Marguerite”, maintenance work on, A. 1602-3

“Princess Marguerite", negotiations between B.C. Steamship Co. and unions, A. 704, 1663-4

“Princess Marguerite", sale of 923

“Princess Marguerite", service, resumption of, A. 1664

Prince Rupert-Edmonton pipeline, A. 707

Propane, sales tax on 3275

Rail agreement with Ottawa 746-7

Revelstoke Dam 965-6, 1036

Revelstoke Dam, Downie slide, effect of 3275

Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 2970-1, 2981, 3204

Seatbelt regulations, A. 2616-7

Tow-aways at owner's expense for parking in prohibited areas 2893

TransMountain pipeline proposal from Prince Rupert to Edmonton 3237-8

Transport and Communications department estimates 3235-9, 3245-7, 3250-1, 3273-5

Transportation, policy of co-operation 323-6

Vancouver International Airport, A. 560

Washington State nuclear generating station, safety of, A. 3349

Westcoast Transmission, expansion programme 3235

Westcoast Transmission, rate of return 3235, 3237, 3246

Dawson, Robert McGregor

Democratic Government in Canada, quoted (Speaker) 1376 (Levi) 2799

Dawson Creek, B.C.

Farrier programme in vocational school (Nicolson) 604

Dawson Creek News, Dawson Creek, B.C.

Editorial quoted (Brown) 645

Quoted (Levi) 1393

Day, Sheila

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 715

Day care

See: Day nurseries

Day nurseries

Day-care centres, licensing of (Wallace, G.S.) 2399

Day-care rates, review of (Vander Zalm) 2367

Financial aid, importance of (Gibson) 167, 2398 (Sanford) 207 (Vander Zalm) 2399

Integration with public school system (Gibson) 1807, 2398

De Smith, S.A.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, quoted (Gardom) 2937

Debtor Assistance Act

Mentioned: (Mair) 1545

Debts, Public

Clarkson Gordon report, deficit situation of B.C. (Stupich) 378-80 (Nicolson) 437-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 450 (Wallace, B.B.) 464-5 (Lockstead) 487-8 (Skelly) 527-8 (Barber) 545-7

Deficit of province (Wolfe) 314, A. 650, 653, 655, 666, 751, 1202-3 (Stupich) 376-80, 1129, 1172-3 (Kerster) 435 (Nicolson) 437-9 (Phillips) 444-8 (Lea) 461 (Nielsen) 462 (Kempf) 499 (Lloyd) 526 (Skelly) 527-9 (D’Arcy) 540 (Bennett) 554-5 (Hewitt) 618 (Veitch) 625-6 (Gibson) 650 (Barber) 694-5 (Dailly) 1202-3

See also: Deficit financing

Decentralization in government

Responsibility and finance (Kempf) 23

Deer Lake Mines Ltd.

Mentioned: (Waterland) 3059, 3061

Deficit financing

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act, 1975-1976, see name of act

Deficit repayment loan (Lea) 1122, 1127, 1130 (Stupich) 1127, 1131, 1148, 1203-4 (Cocke) 1129 (Dailly) 1202-3 (Wolfe) 1128, 1202-3

Deficit repayment loan, interest rate of (Wolfe) 258 (Stupich) 367-8 (Cocke) 385, 1129 (Sanford) 499 (Kempf) 499-500 (Shelford) 526 (Lauk) 1224-5 (Nicolson) 1225 (Brown) 1225

Deficit repayment loan, interest rate, reduction of amount (Lauk) 1227 (Nicolson) 1227-8 (Cocke) 1228

Government move into (Dailly) 2944-5 (Gibson) 2945-6 (Stupich) 2946-7

Dellview Junior Secondary School, Delta, B.C.

Mentioned: (Davidson) 2513

Deloitte, Haskins and Sells

Report on operation of ICBC (Stupich) 86-8

Delta, B.C.

Electoral boundaries, realignment (Davidson) 925-6

Farmland, use for industrial and residential purposes (Lauk) 1416-7 (Davidson) 1421

Potato factory proposed (Lauk) 1417-8, 1444, 1456, 1463 (Davidson) 1418-21, 1442-3 (Phillips) 1422, 1444, 1457 (Nielsen) 1461 (Vander Zalm) 1463-4

Vegetable growers, negotiations with government (Phillips) 1423

Delta Chamber of Commerce

Mentioned: (Davidson) 929

Delta Junior Secondary School, Delta, B.C.

Mentioned: (Davidson) 1217

Demarinis, Margaret

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1 198

Demonstrations — British Columbia

ICBC protesters, photographing of (Macdonald) Q. 177-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 178 (Gardom) A. 178

ICBC rally in Prince George, reason for non-attendance (Lloyd) 146

Rally against ICBC rates (King) 40 (Wallace, G.S.) 53 (Nicolson) 106 (Mair) 121

Denison Mines Ltd.

Coal project, provision for highway access (Lloyd) 2913

Ore shipments from (Gibson) Q. 1081 (Davis) A. 1081

Mentioned: (Lauk) 1500 (Bennett) 2319 (Lea) 2743 (McGeer) 2759

Dennison, Jim

Mentioned: (Fraser) 3281

Dent, Hartley Douglas

Mentioned: (Schroeder) 978

Dental care

Clinics, assistance in financing and establishment in underserviced areas (McClelland) 2916, 2918 (Jordan) 2917 (Lloyd) 2918

Mobile-unit service (Jordan) 2917 (McClelland) 2918

Programme (Veitch) 20


Dentistry Amendment Act, see name of act

Dentistry Act

Examination, eligibility for (Macdonald) 715, 2048 (McClelland) 2049

Dentistry Amendment Act, 1976

(Bill 70) (Minister of Health) I R, 2481; 2R, 2916-8; C, 3208; 3R, 3208; RA, 3398

Speakers: (2R) Jordan 2917-8; Lloyd 2918; McClelland 2916-8

Continuing education (McClelland) 2916 (Jordan) 2917

Dental clinics, assistance in financing and establishment in underserviced areas (McClelland) 2916, 2918 (Jordan) 2917 (Lloyd) 2918

Licensing, discussion on (McClelland) 2916-8 (Jordan) 2917

Mobile dental-unit service (Jordan) 2917 (McClelland) 2918

Offence against Act, suspension of dentist (McClelland) 2916 (Jordan) 2917

Qualifications required for writing college examinations (McClelland) 2916 (Jordan) 2917


Education, continuing (McClelland) 2916 (Jordan) 2917

Licensing, discussion on (McClelland) 2916-8 (Jordan) 2917

Qualifications required for writing college examinations (McClelland) 2916 (Jordan) 2917

Shortage, especially in northern areas (Macdonald) 716

Suspension of (McClelland) 2916 (Jordan) 2917

Department of Highways and Public Works Act

Mentioned: (Gibson) 2170

De Salvo, Albert

Mentioned: (Brown) 492

Detroit Free Press

Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 1681

Dewey, John

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1735

Diamond drilling

Drilling for ore in B.C. (Stupich) 1120

Dicey, Albert Venn

Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, referred to (Lauk) 387

DiCimbriani, Alex

Mentioned: (Barnes) 1727

Dickens, Charles

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1955

Diefenbaker, John

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 1069 (Nicolson) 2878

Disability Rights Association

Workers' Compensation Board, claims situation, review of (Kahl) 2928


See: Handicapped

Disaster relief

Emergency co-ordinator and guidelines for providing assistance (Schroeder) 980-1

Fund for provincial major disaster expenditure, Budget address (Wolfe) 257

See also: Provincial Major Disaster Fund

Disclosure Act

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 2218


Cash discounts, allowance for (Mair) 2955 (Wallace, G.S.) 2957


Affirmation action dealing with disparities between people (Brown) 1321, 1355 (Gardom) 1355

ICBC rates against group under 25 (Stupich) 89

Discrimination in education

Adviser to the Minister of Education on sex discrimination, reappointment (Wallace, G.S.) 180

Discrimination in employment

Bruhn-Mou, Johanna, denial to practise dentistry (Macdonald) 715-6 (McClelland) 717

Disraeli, Benjamin

Mentioned: (Kerster) 246


Address in reply, approved 246; amdt. (King) negatived 159

Adjournment of debate, M. (Davidson) approved 902 (McCarthy) approved 935 (Schroeder) approved 958

Adjournment of debate till next sitting, negatived 805, 810, 904, 909, 913, 2794, 2814, 2817, 2830, 2985, 3011

Adjournment of House, M, (McCarthy) approved 54, 788

Agriculture department estimates, committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again, negatived 1434

Agriculture department estimates, vote 3 approved 1479

Anti-Inflation Measures Act, 2R, 2099 approved; C, sec. 1 approved 2280, sec. 5 negatived 2284, amdt. to sec. 6 approved 2300-1 ; 3R, approved 2455

Automobile Insurance Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 2955

British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2R approved 2194; amdts. to sec. 2 negatived 2253; sec. 4, line 8 negatived 2261; sec. 4, subsection 2 ( e) negatived 2261; sec. 4 (2) (a) negatived 3393; sec. 4 (2) (e) negatived 3394; 3R approved 3397

British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 2.R, approved 556; M. negatived 665; title approved 754; 3R, 754

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 971

British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act, 2R, approved I 112

Chairman do now leave chair, M. negatived 2355, 3083, 3087, 3096

Chairman's ruling sustained 2554, 3082

Change of Name Act Amendment Act (1976) 2R, adjournment of debate approved 2523

Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 2R, 952

Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 2225; 3R approved 2265

Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act 2R approved 1070, 3R approved 1076

Finance department estimates, amendment on vote 69, negatived 1228-9

Finance department estimates, vote 69, approved 1229

Forests department estimates, committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again, M., negatived 3076, 3093

Freedom of Information Act, 2R, adjournment of debate approved 2522

Government Reorganization Act, 2R amdt. negatived 2990; 2R approved 3009; 3R approved 3389

Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 3R approved 3378

Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act, 2R approved 2501

Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 3196;3R approved 3382

Mineral Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 2507

Mineral Resource Tax Act, C., sec. 2 approved 3362; 3R, approved 3363

Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates, vote 130, amdt. to, negatived 2782, vote 130 approved 3062

Motion to rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again negatived 665; approved 2521

Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 3R approved 3205

Municipal Amendment Act (1976) C. sec, 4 approved 3200

Orders of the day, proceed to, M. (McCarthy) approved 509-10, 799

Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 2242

Provincial Home-Owners Grant Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 1911

Public Construction Fair Wages Act 2R approved 3147; 3R approved 3383

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act, 2R approved 2598

Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 1946; C approved 2246

Smith, Hon. D.E. as Speaker of House, M, approved 9

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 2.R, amdt. negatived 883; 2R, 942; C., sec. 1 negatived 1020; 3R, 1020

Speaker to leave chair to go into Committee of Supply, approved 1058

Speaker's ruling sustained 794, 799, 1792., 2525, 2821

Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1967) 2R approved 865; 3R approved 1025

Strata Titles Amendment Act (1976) 2R approved 2649

Dixon's Food Service Ltd.

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1586

Dobbs, Jack

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451


Facilities, permanent, for Gabriola Island (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 214 (Davis) A. 214-5

Doctor Endicott Home

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 885


See: Physicians

Doman Industries Ltd.

Closing of (Lauk) Q. 2678 (Bennett) A. 2678

Mentioned: (Lauk) 2681

Domestic Animal Protection Act

Funding for (Wallace, B.B.) 1540 (Phillips) 1540

Domestic animals

Livestock industry, encouragement to (D’Arcy) 1467

Dominion Bureau of Statistics

Mentioned: (Brown) 1519

Donahue Corp.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 1928

Donaldson, George B.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1949, 1954

Donegani, R.

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1886

Douglas, C.H.

Mentioned: (Barber) 548

Douglas, Thomas

Quoted (Rogers) 131 (Lauk) 1511

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1625

Douglas College

Teaching unit at Riverview Hospital to be transferred (Cocke) 1981 (Gibson) 1998 (McClelland) 2001

Douglas Lake Cattle Co.

Mentioned: (Mair) 636

Dowding, Gordon H.

Quoted (Speaker) 505, 2009 (McGeer) 2932 (Gibson) 2933 (Gardom) 2936

Mentioned: (Loewen) 149 (Phillips) 443

Downtown Eastside Residents Associations

Mentioned: (Barnes) 1375

Draeseke, Gordon L.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1949, 1954

Dragon Lake, B.C.

Buller, Wes, access permit for a pub (Lea) 3297 (Fraser) 3297

Drapeau, Jean

Mentioned: (Waterland) 507

Drapeau Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

Mentioned: (Davidson) 1568

Driver education

See: Automobile drivers

Drug addiction

Advisory council on drug abuse (McClelland) 2002

Drug traffickers (Wallace, G.S.) 1282-3

Programmes to combat (Gibson) 1999


Prescription drugs, destruction of (McClelland) 2970

Duffy, John

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1337

DuGuay, Murray

Letter quoted (King) 2305-6

Duncan, B.C.

Intermediate-care situation (Wallace, B.B.) 2395 (Vander Zalm) 2395-6

Multiple-listing service in the area (Wallace, B.B.) 1316-7

Probation and special correctional programme, funding for (Wallace, B.B.) 1367-8, 2394-6 (Vander Zalm) 2396

Duncan Dam, B.C.

Clearing of area behind, money spent on (Nicolson) 3107 (Waterland) 3107

Mentioned: (King) 1883

Duncan Reservoir

Clearing, plans for (King) 3108 (Waterland) 3108

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 1035

Dunhill Development Corp.

Investment in (Nicolson) 1214 (Wolfe) 1214

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 566 (Nicolson) 600, 1459, 3142 (Veitch) 629 (Barrett) 2670 (Wallace, G.S.) 3225

Dunsky Advertising Ltd.

Logo, bill for (McCarthy) 662 (Cocke) 662 (Kahl) 673-4

Duplessis, Maurice

Mentioned: (Barber) 2815

Durant, Pat

Quoted (Cocke) 1748