Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Anti-Inflation Board


See: Assisted Home-Ownership Programme

A.V. Gray Management Science Ltd.

Study report on Pacific Rim National Park (Skelly) 1507-8

Aberdeen Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 2018, 2430


Investigation of in greater Vancouver (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1631, 1753-4 (McClelland) A. 1631, 1754, 2003 (Gibson) 1999, 2022-3

Studies, two (McClelland) 2003

Abramson, Leslie

Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421

Accidents, Traffic

See: Traffic accidents

Adam, Ian

Mentioned: (Barber) 544

Adam, Robert W.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 382, 384

Adams, Neale

Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 184

Mentioned: (Gibson) 160, 1645 (Wallace, G.S.) 1145, 1650 (Sanford) 1548 (Skelly) 1659 (Lauk) 3352

Adams Plateau Ltd.

Mentioned: (Bawtree) 2911

Adams River, B.C.

Environmental protection cost-sharing programme (Nielsen) 1865

Addington, Henry Urwin

Mentioned: (Gibson) 5

Address in Reply to Speech from the Throne

Moved (Veitch) 18-22; seconded (Kempf) 22-5; approved 246.

Speakers: Barber 221-4; Barnes 194-201; Bawtree 242-4; Curtis 188-94; Gibson 159-69; Hewitt 207-9; Kahl 201-3; Kerster 244-6; King 27-41; Levi 288-33; Loewen 233-6; McClelland 216-21; Macdonald 236-42; Sanford 203-7; Strongman 224-8; Wallace, G.S. 169-73, 178-88.

Amdt. King 41, negatived 159. Speakers: Barnes 101-5; Bawlf 123-6; Bawtree 134-6; Brown 151-5; Calder 136-40; Cocke 42-8; Dailly 100-1; D'Arcy 111-3; Davidson 91-2; Gibson 48-52; Haddad 140-1; Hewitt 99-100; Jordan 155-9; Kahl 141-4; Kerster 105-6; Lauk 108-11; Lea 62-5; Levi 57-9; Lloyd 144-7; Lockstead 98-9; Loewen 149-51; Macdonald 92-6; McGeer 65-7; Mair 120-2; Nicolson 106-7; Phillips 77-84; Sanford 59-62; Skelly 131-4; Strongman 96-8; Stupich 85-91; Wallace, B.B. 127-30; Wallace, G.S. 52-7

Administration Act

Mentioned: (Gardom) 1327

Administrative agencies

Transition houses for women, funding of (Brown) Q. 74, (Bennett) A. 74


False advertising of farm produce (Wallace, B.B.) 1580

Misleading advertising, control of (Sanford) 1548-9, 1577 (Wallace, G.S.) 1553 (Brown) 1558 (Main) 1580

Advocate, The

Quoted: (Wallace, G.S.) 1281

Afton Mines Ltd.

Site proposed in Kamloops constituency (Mair) 636

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1445 (Cocke) 2781 (Main) 2909 (Waterland) 3055

Agassiz, B.C.

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 1030

Agassiz Senior Secondary School, Agassiz, B.C.

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 1341


Sales tax increase, effect on people 60 to 64 (Levi) 758-9

See also: Old-age assistance

See also: Old-age pensions

Agricultural Aid to Developing Countries and World Disaster Areas Fund

Funding, future, method of (Wallace, G.S.) 971-2 (Wolfe) 972, 1021 (Wallace, B.B.) 1021, 1023 (Sanford) 1022 (D’Arcy) 1024 (Phillips) 1084

IDERA project, funding, future of (Brown) 972-3, 1022 (Wolfe) 972-3, 1023-4 (Phillips) 1024, 1084

Recovery of revenue (Wolfe) 264, 854 (Brown) 641 (Stupich) 855 (Gibson) 856 (Wallace, G.S.) 303, 856-7 (Wallace, B.B.) 859 (Shelford) 862-3

Agricultural and Rural Development Act

Mentioned: (Budget address) 257 (Haddad) 621

Agricultural Credit Act

Mentioned: (Stupich) 1913

Agricultural Credit Programme

Interest reimbursement rate (Stupich) 1543 (Phillips) 1543

Agricultural Farmer Institute

Newsletter mentioned (Hewitt) 1230

Agricultural Land Development Act

Mentioned: (Stupich) 1470

Agricultural pests

Biological control banks, funding of (Wallace, B.B.) 1402, 1541-2 (D’Arcy) 1469 (Phillips) 1542

Agricultural produce see Farm produce

Agriculture Stabilization Act, 1975

Mentioned: (Phillips) 841

Agricultural Services, Department of

Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 1386


Agricultural aid to developing countries (Wolfe) 164, 854, 972, 1021 (Brown) 641 (Stupich) 855 (Gibson) 856 (Wallace, G.S.) 303, 856-7, 971-2 (Wallace, B.B.) 859, 1021, 1023, 1401-2 (Shelford) 862-3 (Sanford) 1022 (D’Arcy) 1024 (Phillips) 1084

Agricultural programme accomplishment in past two and a half years (Wallace, B.B.) 1386-7

Boundary-Similkameen area, measures to protect the industry proposed (Hewitt) 208

Diversification and competition in the industry (Nicolson) 601

Farm enterprise, small, governmental assistance to essential (Wallace, B.B.) 1431-2

Farmers, independence of (Phillips) 1474

Food production, high cost of (Phillips) 708

Government policy, criticism: of (Wallace, B.B.) 848-9, 1385-6 (Cocke) 986, 1390-2 (Levi) 1393-5

Industry, incentive to (Phillips) 1389, 1423 (Levi) 1394

Omineca (Kempf) 23

Policies to be mapped by committee of federal and provincial experts (Shelford) 1397

Primary producers' share of total consumer price (Shelford) 1397 (Wallace, B.B.) 1429

Problems in B.C. (Phillips) 707-9

Programme taken as whole concept of government policies (Phillips) 1428-9

Programmes, new, delayed because of lack of funds (Phillips) 1428, 1476

Programmes, to be developed in co-operation with other governmental departments (Bawtree) 1438 , Technological onstream programmes, funding of (Wallace, B.B.) 1402

Agriculture, Department of

Estimates 1383-1402, 1408-38, 1457-77, 1479, 1524-6, 1537-44

Speaker: Barber 1425-6; Bawtree 1437-8; Chabot 1392-3; Cocke 1389-92, 1398, 1424; D'Arcy 1467-8; Davidson 1418-22, 1442-3; Gibson 1408-11, 1436, 1452, 1474; Hewitt 1411-2; Kempf 1399; Kerster 1398-9; King 1384, 1434, 1450; Lauk 1415-8, 1443-4, 1455-7, 1461, 1463; Lea 1476-7; Levi 1393-5, 1424-5, 1541-2; Lloyd 1412-3; Macdonald 1384, 1468-9; Mair 1447, 1461-3; Nicolson 1426-9, 1436-7; 1451-2, 1455, 1459-60, 1542; Nielsen 1460-1; Phillips 1383-5, 1388-9, 1413-5, 1422-4, 1428-9, 1433, 1437, 14445, 1448-50, 1452-5, 1457-9, 1466-7, 1473-6, 1525-6, 1537-44; Sanford 1539-40; Shelford 1395-8; Skelly 1526; Stupich 1469-73, 1523, 1526, 1537-8, 1540, 1543-4; Vander Zalm 1463-4; Wallace, B.B. 1385-8, 1399-1402, 1429-33, 1523, 1525, 1538, 1540-4; Wallace, G.S. 1433-6, 1445-7, 1449-50, 1453-4, 1464-6, 1474-5, 1524-5

Agricultural aid to developing countries, funding underestimates (Phillips) 1084

Appropriation, Budget address (Wolfe) 257

Automobiles, use of and insurance for (Stupich) 1538-9 (Phillips) 1538

Budget appropriation (Wallace, B.B.) 1385 (Phillips) 1388-9 , Companies under Agriculture , department, list of directors (Phillips) 1452, 1455, 1458-9 (Nicolson) 1451-2, 1455, 1458-9, 2330-2

Credit branch loan, rebate on interest paid, problem with (Barber) 1426 (Phillips) 1428, 1475

DATE programme, new projects in (Stupich) 1537-8 (Phillips) 1538

Deputy minister, presence of during estimates (Stupich) 1523

Estimates, opening overview, lack of (Gibson) 1408-9 (Nicolson) 1426-7

Field crops, activity, personnel (Wallace, B.B.) 1540 (Phillips) 1540

Food council (Stupich) 1537-8 (Phillips) 1538

Foods of province, promotion programme for (Gibson) 1436, 1452 (Phillips) 1452

Minister, criticism of (Cocke) 1390-2 (Levi) 1393-5, 1425 (Lauk) 1415 (Barber) 1425-6 (Stupich) 1470-3

Minister, dual portfolio of (King) 1384 (Phillips) 1384, 1448 (Wallace, B.B.) 1388, 2337 (Wallace, G.S.) 1445

Minister, meeting with farm industry groups (Wallace, B.B.) 1386 (Phillips) 1389, 1428, 1448, 1473 (Levi) 1394 (Nicolson) 1427 (Wallace, G.S.) 1445

Minister, other positions and duties of (Nicolson) 1428-9

Renaming of (Gibson) 1452 (Phillips) 1452

Report, annual, release of (Nicolson) 1436, 1455 (Phillips) 1455

Staff, reduction of (Wallace, B.B.) 1401, 1544 (Stupich) 1526, 1537-40 (Phillips) 1526, 1537-8, 1540-1

Temporary help, increase of (Wallace, B.B.) 1401, 1543

University. and high school students, special programme for (King) 1434, 1450 (Phillips) 1437, 1450-1

Youth development programme (Wallace, B.B.) 1542 (Phillips) 1542

Agriculture Canada

See: Canada — Agriculture, Department of

Agriculture Committee

See: Legislature — Select Standing Committee on Agriculture

Agustsson, Einar

Mentioned: (Throne Speech) 11

Airlines — Finance

Rates, examination of (Davis) 325-6

Air travel

Pacific Western Airlines takeover (Gibson) Q. 15

Alaska Railway

Pipeline connection proposal (Lauk) Q. 1855 (Bennett) A. 1855, 1924, 2107, 2420 (King) 1924-5 (Gibson) 1925, 2107-8, 3238-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 1925 (Stupich) 2107 (Davis) 3239


B.C. Railway Monkman Pass survey, co-operation with (Lauk) 1511

Calgary hostage-taking incident (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 17-18 (Gardom) A. 17-18

Deficit position of (Sanford) 498

Pacific Western Airlines takeover (Gibson) 163

Sentencing, alternatives to, study on (Skelly) 1366

Working relationship with B.C. (Throne speech) 12

Alberta Energy Co.

Mentioned: (Levi) 229

Alberta Gas Trunk Line Co.

Mentioned: (Gibson) 1279

Alberta Press Act

Mentioned: (Barrett) 2887


Mentioned: (Barrett) 3037

Alcan Aluminum Ltd.

Wage settlement (Davidson) 2080 (Lauk) 2089

Mentioned: (Lauk) 1511 (Shelford) 572, 1678


Advertising on (Nicolson) 1253

Alcohol and Drug Commission

Grant withdrawal from Duncan-Cowichan area (Wallace, B.B.) 852-3, 2395 (Vander Zalm) 2396

Health department, transferred to (McClelland) 2001-2

Transition houses, funding of (McClelland) 2041

Mentioned: (McClelland) 2006, 2041 (Dailly) 2041


Alcohol education, legislative committee on, proposed (Gibson) 1240-1

Alcoholics, employable, life-enrichment programme in Victoria (Levi) 2004

Detoxification centres (McClelland) 2002 (Levi) 2004

Drivers, impaired, training courses (Macdonald) 1234-5 (Gibson) 1241

Health care, cost of treatment of problems related to (McClelland) 900-1

Programmes (Gibson) 1998-9

Teenage drinking, programme to deal with (Brown) 1354-5 (Gardom) 1355

Traffic accidents related to (McClelland) 900

Transition houses in Burnaby, funding for (Dailly) 2041 (McClelland) 2041

Alcoholism and crime

Alcoholism and impaired driving in Nelson-Creston region, study on, (Nicolson) 1249-55, 1354, 2975-6 (Gardom) 1255, 1355

Drinking-driving, educational programme on (Macdonald) 1235 (Gibson) 1241 (Nicolson) 1254 (Gardom) 1255

Drinking-driving, penalties for, enforcement of (Gibson) 1241 (Nicolson) 1253-4

Driver, drinking, problem of and legal aid for (Macdonald) 1238 (Gardom) 1238

Drivers, impaired, roadblock checks for (Nicolson) 1254, 1354 (Gardom) 1255

Driver's licence, suspension of for impairment (Gardom) 1238 (Nicolson) 1253

Alert, Helmut

Mentioned: (Mair) 15

Alert Bay, B.C.

Budget cutbacks, impact on (Sanford) 2306-7

Fund-raising to provide services (Sanford) 203

Slides, problem of (Sanford) 1867 (Nielsen) 1867

Alexander Park School, Golden, B.C.

Mentioned: (Chabot) 1405

Alfred, Pearl

Letter quoted (Sanford) 1621

Allan Matthews Elementary School, Kamloops, B.C.

Mentioned: (Mair) 1855

Allen, Nadine

Mentioned: (Brown) 1805

Allmand, Hon. Warren

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1324 (Levi) 2005

Allstate Insurance Corporation

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 107 (Skelly) 134 (Brown) 155 (Lauk) 519 (Mair) 638

Alpha Secondary School, Burnaby, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dailly) 1565

Alsbury, J.S.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 995

Alvarez, Jesse

Rentalsman's office, dealings with (Brown) 1299

Ambulance Service Act

Mentioned: (Lea) 616


Needs of and training of ambulance employees (Cocke) 1980 (McClelland) 1981-2, 2047 (Lea) 2011

Port Renfrew, service for (Kahl) 2003

Prince Rupert, service for (Lea) 2011-2, 2014-5

Revelstoke, service for (King) 2045 (McClelland) 2047

Service, budget provision (Bawtree) 730

Service, cutbacks, criticism of (Lea) 616 (Dailly) 729 (Lockstead) 770 (Barber) 836

Services in Rossland-Trail constituency (D’Arcy) 567

American Celanese

Mentioned: (Lea) 1917

American Waterworks Association

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 557

An Act to Incorporate The Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster and His Successors in Office a Corporation Sole

(Bill 50) (Strongman) 1R, 2011; 2R, 3052; C, 3306, 3R, 3306; RA, 3398

Speaker: 2R, Strongman 3052

Speaker: (C) Lauk, 3306

An Act to Incorporate the British Columbia Association of Colleges

(Bill 51) (Jordan) 1R, 2307; 2R, 3052; C, 3306; 3R, 3306; RA, 3398

Speaker: (2R) Jordan 3052

An Act to Provide for the Payment of Local Taxes by the British Columbia Railway

(Bill 86) (Gibson) 1R, 3155

Anderson, Bill

Mentioned: (Waterland) 2695

Anderson, David A.

Mentioned: (Barber) 1878

Anderson, Gerald Hamilton

Mentioned: (Mair) 635

Anderson, Hugh

B.C. Ferry, federal subsidy for proposed (Gibson) 2309

Highway construction on northern Vancouver Island, DREE fund for, possibility of (Sanford) 2308

Anderson, John

Mentioned: (Gibson) 2677

Anderson, Rune

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451

Andras, Hon. Robert

Federal employment programmes, copy of statement forwarded to (Williams) 213

Unemployment situation, telegram on (King) 2419-20

Mentioned: (King) 2304

Andrews, Ron

Mentioned: (Curtis) 27

Angers, Mary

Mentioned: (Barber) 3017 (McClelland) 3017


Mentioned: (Kempf) 24

Angus, Jamie

Mentioned: (Gibson) 2691

Angus, Monica

Mentioned: (Williams) 410

Anti-Inflation Act

ICBC rate increase (Macdonald) 94-5

Supreme court decision on legality (Wallace, G.S.) 1650-1, 2273-4 (Mair) 1690 (Jordan) 1696 (Gardom) 22745 (King) 2275-9 (Gibson) 2276-7 (Wolfe) 2278

Mentioned: (Williams) 2608

Anti-Inflation Board

Achievements of (Williams) 1710-1 (Bawlf) 2032 (Davidson) 2080

Agreement with federal government (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 276-7 (Bennett) A. 276-7

B.C. Steamship Co. and unions, negotiations between (Wallace, G.S.) 704

Crown agencies, review pricing of (Wallace, G.S.) 309

Guidelines (D’Arcy) 902 (Gibson) 1647 (Hewitt) 1658

Hospital services collective agreement, to be reviewed by (Williams) 2488-9, 2502 (Lea) 2489-90 (Gibson) 2490-1 (McClelland) 2497 (Brown) 2498 (Wallace, G.S.) 2501-2

Income tax, evasion of some provisions (Stupich) 1025

Inconsistency in performance (Wallace, G.S.) 1649 (Barnes) 1675 (Shelford) 1678 (Wallace, B.B.) 1680-2 (Lockstead) 1697 (Cocke) 2075

Labour agreements, review of (King) 3168-9 (Hewitt) 3180

Public sector compensation agreements referred to (Bennett) 765

Rate increases of government, submission to (Barnes) Q. 3097-8 (Bennett) A. 3098

Review, possible, of various rate increases (Barnes) Q. 2072-3 (Wolfe) A. 2073

Teachers' salaries and policy concerning AIB (Dailly) Q. 3157 (McGeer) A. 3157-8, 3348 (Gibson) Q. 3348

Wage control, across-the-board percentage, criticism of (Brown) 1704-5

Mentioned: (Kerster) 105 (Barnes) 195, 811, 1669 (Levi) 229 (Stupich) 866, 2094 (Nicolson) 884 (Sanford) 1344, 1585 (King) 1635, 1973, 1998, 2007 (Gibson) 1645, 1647 (Lockstead) 1699 (Veitch) 2059 (Levi) 2065 (Barber) 2085 (Lauk) 2089 (Williams) 2608 (Wallace, G.S.) 3176 (Brown) 3182 (Vander Zalm) 3371

Anti-Inflation Measures Act

(Bill 16) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 768; 2R, 1633-61, 1666-1700, 2031-5, 2050-70, 20742100; C, 2272-87, 2297-2301; 3R, 2455; RA, 2511

Speakers: (2R) Barber 2081-5; Barnes 1669-76, Bawlf 2031-4; Bawtree 2054-6; Brown 1699, 1703-9, 1715-8; Cocke 2074-9; Dailly 16547; Davidson 2079-81; Gibson 1645-8; Hewitt 1657-9; Jordan 1692-7, 2097; Kahl 1682-4; Kempf 1667-9; Kerster 1766-7; King 1634-45; Lauk 2087-90; Lea 1684-90; Levi 2060-6; Lloyd 2085-7; Lockstead 1697-9; Macdonald 2056-8; Mair 1690-2; Nicolson 2066-70; Rogers 1699; Sanford 2034-5, 2050-4; Shelford 1677-9; Skelly 1659-61, 1666-7; Stupich 2090-7; Veitch 2058-60; Wallace, G.S. 1648-54; Williams 1709-15; Wolfe 1633-4; 2097-9

Speakers: (C) Barber 2287-8; Barnes 2280-4; Gardom 2274-5; Gibson 2276-7, 2282, 2285-6, 2297-9; King 2275-9, 2282-4, 2286-9, 2297; Lauk 2282-4; Mair 2276, 2279-80, 2282; Wallace, G.S. 2273-4, 2276, 2278, 2281-2, 2285, 2299-2300; Wolfe 2272-3, 2278, 2281, 2283, 2298, 2300

Amdts: (C) sec. 1 (Wolfe) 2272, approved 2280; sec. 5 (Lauk) 2284, negatived 2284; sec. 6 (Wallace, G.S.) 2300, approved 2300

Divisions: 2R, 2099; (C) sec. 1 approved 2280; sec. 5 negatived 2284; amdt. to sec. 6 approved 2300-1; 3R, 2455

Withdrawal of sec. 5 proposed (King) 2282-4

Anti-inflation, federal programme, criticism of (Sanford) 2053 (Cocke) 2075

Anti-Inflation Act, federal Supreme Court decision on (Wallace, G.S.) 1650-1, 2273-4, 2276, 2278 (Mair) 1690, 2276, 2279-80 (Jordan) 1696 (Gardom) 2274-5 (King) 2275-9 (Gibson) 2276-7 (Wolfe) 2278

Anti-inflation agreement, inclusion of phrase “or state” (Wallace, G.S.) 2281-2 (Mair) 2282 (Gibson) 2282 (Wolfe) 2283 (Lauk) 2283-4

Anti-Inflation Board, across-the-board percentage, criticism of (Brown) 1704-5

Anti-inflation measures recommended (Lockstead) 1698 (Sanford) 2053-4

Anti-inflation policy of government, criticism of (King) 1634-7, 1639-45 (Gibson) 1645-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1652-4 (Dailly) 1654-7 (Skelly) 1659-60, 1666-7 (Barnes) 1669-76 (Kerster) 1677 (Wallace, B.B.) 1679-82 (Lea) 1684-90 (Brown) 1704-8 (Sanford) 2034-5 (Macdonald) 2057-8 (Levi) 2060-4 (Nicolson) 2066-70 (Cocke) 2074-9 (Lauk) 2087-90 (Stupich) 2090-7

Anti-inflation policy of government, disparities in (Barnes) 1670-2 (Macdonald) 2057-8 (Barber) 2081-5

Anti-inflation policy of government, inequities in (Brown) 1704-8 (Sanford) 2035, 2050-4 (Nicolson) 2067-70

Anti-inflation policy of government, private free enterprise, harmful to (Levi) 2060-4

Anti-inflation policy of NDP (King) 1637-8 (Skelly) 1660-1, 1666 (Jordan) 1693-6 (Williams) 1709, 1711-3 (Bawlf) 2032-3 (Jordan) 2097

Anti-inflation policy of Ottawa, government attitude inconsistent (Wallace, G.S.) 1650-1

Anti-inflation programme co-operation agreement with Ottawa (Wolfe) 1633-4, 2098 (Wallace, G.S.) 1648-51 (Wallace, B.B.) 1679 (Mair) 1690-2 (Lockstead) 1699 (Levi) 2064-6 (Stupich) 2095-6

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1082 (Bawtree) 1904 (King) 1972-3

Anti-inflation policy

See: Wage-price policy

Anti-inflation programme

Banks, profit increase of (Brown) 1796-7

B.C. Marketing Board, pricing decisions of individual boards, review of (Wolfe) 1633

Civil service employees, wages of (Brown) 1703

Co-operation agreement with Ottawa, temporary nature of (Wolfe) 1633 (Wallace, G.S.) 1648 (Hewitt) 1658 (Stupich) 2091-2

Ferry workers, wage increase under NDP, criticism of (Kerster) 1676-7

Financial mismanagement of NDP government (Kahl) 1682-3 (Bawtree) 2055 (Veitch) 2059

Government spending, restraint on (Bawlf) 2032-3 (Davidson) 2079

Members of Legislature, salary reduction of (Brown) 1707-8

Objectives, primary (Wolfe) 1633-4

Price-freeze policy, absolute power of government (Gibson) 1647-8, 2285-6, 2297-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 1653-4, 2285, 2299-2300 (Wolfe) 2099, 2298 (King) 2286-7, 2297 (Barber) 2287-8

Price-wage increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for (Wolfe) 1633-4, 2097-9 (King) 1634-7, 1639-45 (Gibson) 1645-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1652-4 (Dailly) 1654-7 (Hewitt) 1657-9 (Skelly) 1659-60, 1666-7 (Kempf) 1667-9 (Barnes) 1669-76 (Kerster) 1677 (Shelford) 1678-9 (Wallace, B.B.) 1679-82 (Kahl) 1683-4 (Jordan) 1692-3, 1696-7 (Rogers) 1699 (Brown) 1704-8 (Williams) 1710-5 (Bawlf) 2031 (Bawtree) 2054-6 (Veitch) 2059-60 (Levi) 2063-5 (Davidson) 2080-1 (Lloyd) 2086-7 (Stupich) 2093-6

Rent-control policy, criticism of (Cocke) 2075

Taxes and other government increases, AIB review (Barnes) 2280-1, 2283 (Wolfe) 2281

Wage increase “bottom-loading” system proposed (Brown) 1705-6

Wage mismanagement of NDP government (Kerster) 1676-7 (Shelford) 1678 (Kahl) 1682-3 (Williams) 1713

Wage rates, disparity in (King) 1641-3 (Skelly) 1667

Working people, anti-inflation policy impact (Lea) 1685-9

Antiquities — Collection and preservation

Petroglyph on Saltspring Island, defacing of (Skelly) Q. 2381 (McCarthy) A. 2381, 2424-5


See: Employees, Training of

Arabian Horse Association

Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 3259

Arbitration Act

Review of (Macdonald) 2625 (Gardom) 2626

Arbitration, Industrial

Industrial relations, normal operations in (King) 2602-3 (Williams) 2603 (Lloyd) 2604 (Lauk) 2609

Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act

Mentioned: (Skelly) 2381 (McCarthy) 2424

Archaeological Sites Advisory Board

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 2424

Archer, Rev. Norman

Quoted (Lauk) 784

Arctic Harvester

Fishboat, purchase of (Wolfe) 262, 686 (Lauk) 687 (Lockstead) 773

Armstrong, Garner Ted

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1736

Armstrong, William M.

Letter to McGeer quoted (Lauk) 679-80

Notre Dame University, funding ultimatum (Nicolson) 602-3

Notre Dame University, recommendations on programme expansion (Nicolson) 602

Universities Council, warrant to, letter to McGeer (Lauk) 679-80 (Nicolson) 689 (Skelly) 690-1

Arnett, John

Appointment as cabinet press secretary (Lockstead) Q. 841 (McCarthy) A. 841, 1859

Salary of (King) 2327

Arrow Lakes, B.C.

Fishery, restoration of, to be funded by B.C. Hydro (D’Arcy) 1035-6 (Davis) 1036

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 3294

Arrow Reservoir, B.C.

Sport fishing resources, loss of (D’Arcy) 565

Mentioned: (King) 967

Aspol Motors Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1428, 1436

Assistance in emergencies

Emergency-care system (Cocke) 1979-81 (McClelland) 1981-2

Training programme (Cocke) 1979-80, 1995 (McClelland) 1981

Assisted Home Ownership Programme

Mentioned: (Budget address) 260 (Curtis) 845, 3223 (Nicolson) 2069, 3220

Association for the Protection of Fur-bearing Animals

Humane trapping, discussion on (Skelly) Q. 2579 (McCarthy) A. 2579

Mentioned: (Gibson) 2039

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

Commission on Canadian studies (Kahl) 672, 1738-9

Atlantic Monthly: “Texas"

Mentioned: (Brown) 492

Atomic Energy of Canada

Heavy-water plant, installation of in B.C. (Gibson) 3249 (Davis) 3250-1


Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976 see name of Act

Attorney-General, Department of

Estimates 1233-1244, 1246-74, 1279-1301, 1315-38, 1345-75, 1379-83

Speakers: Barber 1259-60, 1263-4, 1295-6, 1360-1, 1364-6; Barnes 1268-73, 1371, 1374-5; Brown 1255-9, 1261-3, 1273-4, 1298-1301, 1318-23, 1354-5, 1357, 1361-2, 1366, 1368, 1379-80; Chabot 1332-3; Cocke 12645, 1293-5, 1372, 1380-1; Dailly 1351-3; D'Arcy 1362; Gardom 1233-4, 1238-9, 1242-4, 1248, 1255, 1260-1, 1268, 1274, 1280, 1285-7, 1296-8, 1301, 1326-7, 1333-4, 1336-7, 1355-9, 1363-4, 1366-74, 1379-80; Gibson 1239-42, 1368; Hewitt 1291-3, 1373-4; Jordan 1317-8, 1323-4, 1380-3; Kempf 1353-4; Kerster 1268; King 1279-81, 1357-8; Lauk 1328-32; Lea 1265-7, 1345-6, 1348-50, 1358, 1362-3; Levi 1363-4; Macdonald 12348, 1248-9, 1295, 1297, 1315-6, 1345, 1349, 1355-7, 1363, 1368-70; Mussallem 1267-8; Nicolson 1249-55, 1354, 1358-60, 1363, 1366; Rogers 1287-9, 1295, 1327-8; Sanford 1274, 1324-6, 1355; Skelly 1358, 1366-7, 1370-3; Strongman 1355-6; Veitch 1259; Wallace, B.B. 1289-91, 1316-7, 1356, 1367-8, Wallace, G.S. 1246-8, 1281-6, 1335-8, 1346-8, 1350

Alimony collection, enforcement of (Macdonald) 1234 (Gardom) 1243

Appropriation, budget address (Wolfe) 257

Bill of rights, introduction of (Chabot) 1333

Community law offices (Macdonald) 1236

Compensation for citizens on legal duty (King) 1279-80 (Gardom) 1280

Facilities, expansion and upgrading of (Brown) 1258

Family court, staff hiring, freeze on (Brown) 1259, 1298

Family Law in British Columbia, publication proposed (Jordan) 1323

Justice function, encroachment by other ministers of Crown (Macdonald) 1234 (Gardom) 1238

Law enforcement, interprovincial provision for (Gibson) 1240

Laws of evidence, changes proposed (Macdonald) 1236

Legal aid, funding of insufficient (Macdonald) 1235-6 (Gardom) 1243

Report, 1975, quoted (Lauk) 1331-2

Trial tracking and scheduling (Macdonald) 1236 (Gardom) 1239, 1244 (Gibson) 1242

Vickers, David, Deputy Attorney-General, appointment of (Gardom) 1234 (Macdonald) 1234 (Gibson) 1239

Women, training and job opportunities, report on (Wallace, B.B.) 1290 (Brown) 1321

Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976

(Bill 74) (Attorney-General) 1R, 2519; 2R, 2624; C, 2963; 3R, 2963; RA, 3398

Speakers: (2R) Gardom 2624; (C) Gardom 2963

Amdts: C sec. 2 (Gardom) 2963, approved 2963; sec. 3 (Gardom) 2963, approved 2963; sec. 13 (Gardom) 2963, approved 2963

Attorneys-General conference, Calgary, Alberta

Justice in Canada, administration of, task force on (Gardom) 1002

Attorneys-General of Canada

Justice in Canada, administration of, task force on (Gardom) 1002

Atwood, Freeman

Quoted: (Wallace, G.S.) 2316

Audain, Michael

Report on mobile homes (Hewitt) 620 (Nicolson) 1551

Audit Act

Quoted (Wolfe) 407-8 (Lauk) 685

Mentioned: (Dailly) 177 (Lauk) 177, 687 (King) 682 (Wolfe) 664, 686 (King) 687 (Nicolson) 689


Creation of (Throne speech) 12 (Veitch) 20 (Wallace, G.S.) 182 (Curtis) 189 (McClelland) 217 (Barber) 223 (Loewen) 233 (Kerster) 245 (Budget address) 253 (Lloyd) 605 (Stupich) 1203-5

Special committee, appointment of to recommend a person as (Motion 11) 2940 (Wolfe) 3378

Auditor General Act

(Bill 45) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 1973; 2R, 2100-5, 2108-23, 2133-59; C, 2266-72; 3R, 2455; RA, 2511

Speakers: (2R) Barber 2119-20; Bawlf 2120-2; Chabot 2108-13; Cocke 2113-6; Dailly 2135-6; Gibson 2104; Haddad 2144-6; Hewitt 2116-9; Jordan 2136-40; Kahl 2149-51; Kempf 2143-4; Lea 2105; McClelland 2122, 2133-5; Mair 2140-2; Mussallem 2147-9; Nielsen 2146-7; Rogers 2144; Skelly 2151-7; Stupich 2103-4; Wallace, B.B. 2157; Wallace, G.S. 2104-5; Wolfe 2100-3, 2157-9

Speakers: (C) Barnes 2269, 2271; Gibson 2267-72; Lauk 2270-1; Skelly 2267-8, 2270; Wolfe 2266-72

Amdts: C sec. 3 (Wolfe) 2267, approved 2267; sec. 2 (Skelly) 2268, negatived 2268; sec. 7 (Gibson) 2269, approved 2269; sec. 10 (Wolfe) 2269, approved 2269; sec. 13 (Gibson) 2269, negatived 2271

Acting Auditor-General, appointment of (Wolfe) 2266, 2288 (Gibson) 2267

Auditor-General, annual report of (Wolfe) 2100-1 (Hewitt) 2116

Auditor-General, appointment by unanimous decision of special committee (Wolfe) 2100, 2158, 2268, 2272 (Wallace, G.S.) 2105 (Hewitt) 2116 (Jordan) 2139 (Nielsen) 2147 (Skelly) 2268 (Gibson) 2272

Auditor-General, retroactive examination of government accounts (Skelly) 2152-6

Auditor-General, staffing for the office of (Stupich) 2103 (Wolfe) 2158

Auditors, appointment of by Treasury Board, (Barnes) 2271 (Wolfe) 2271-2 (Lauk) 2272

Audits, external, of public bodies, power to do (Stupich) 2103-4

Authority and responsibilities of (Wolfe) 2100-2 (Stupich) 2102-3 (Gibson) 2104 (Wallace, G.S.) 2105 (Jordan) 2140 (Nielsen) 2147 (Mussallem) 2148-9

B.C. Hydro, pension plans, management of (Skelly) 2152-3

Can-Cel, shares, purchase of (Skelly) 2152

Commonwealth Trust, shares, purchase of (Skelly) 2154

Comptroller-general, future role of (Stupich) 2103-4 (Wolfe) 2158

Crown agencies, auditing of (Wolfe) 2101 (Hewitt) 2116

East Kootenays, payment to (Nielsen) 2146

El Paso Natural Gas, shares, purchase of (Chabot) 2112 (Cocke) 2114-5 (Skelly) 2155

Financial mismanagement of NDP (Chabot) 2108-13 (Hewitt) 2117-9 (Bawlf) 2120-2 (McClelland) 2134-5 (Jordan) 2136-9 (Mair) 2140-1 (Kerster) 2143 (Kempf) 2143-4 (Haddad) 2145-6 (Nielsen) 2146-7 (Mussallem) 2148-9

Funds, appropriation of, (Gibson) 2272 (Wolfe) 2272

Government spending and public administration, maintenance of high standard (Wolfe) 2101-2, 2158 (Main) 2141-2 (Kerster) 2143 (Haddad) 2145 (Nielsen) 2146 (Mussallem) 2147 (Skelly) 2156

Government accounting procedure, comment on (Wolfe) 2101 (Stupich) 2103-4 (Gibson) 2268

Human Resources, Department of, NDP overrun (Hewitt) 2117 (McClelland) 2134 (Main) 2141 (Kahl) 2151

Independence of (Wolfe) 2100 (Hewitt) 2116

Ocean Falls Corp. purchase of (Hewitt) 2117 (McClelland) 2135

Public accounts committee, working with Auditor-General (Gibson) 2269-71 (Skelly) 2270

Salary and status of (Stupich) 2102 (Wallace, G.S.) 2105

Staff, oaths, taking of (Gibson) 2271

Term of office (Wolfe) 2 100 (Jordan) 2140

Trivial matters, reporting of not necessary (Barnes) 2269 (Wolfe) 2269

Vancouver court house project (Bawlf) 2121-2

Westcoast Transmission, shares, purchase of (Chabot) 2110-3 (Mussallem) 2148

Mentioned: (McGeer) 2948

Auditor-General of Canada

Independent review, committee report on (Wolfe) 2100 (Stupich) 2103

Austin, Jack

Letter quoted (Skelly) 2775

Mentioned: (Gibson) 2778

Austin, Steve

Mentioned: (Strongman) 2924

Automobile accidents

See: Traffic accidents

Automobile drivers

Commercial drivers, effect of ICBC rate increase (Lauk) I10

Female drivers, effect of ICBC rate increase (Brown) 153-4

Group under 25, insurance (Throne speech) 13 (King) 39-41 (Gibson) 50-51 (Wallace, G.S.) 55-56 (Lea) 64 (McGeer) 70-71 (Stupich) 89 (Davidson) 92 (Strongman) 97-8 (Lockstead) 98 (Lauk) 109 (Bawlf) 124 (Rogers) 130 (Lloyd) 147 (Loewen) 151 (Brown) 152-3 (Jordan) 157 (Barnes) 197 (Loewen) 235

Point system, against drivers (Macdonald) 1768

Senior citizens, insurance rates (Levi) 57 (Davidson) 92 (Strongman) 98 (Lauk) 110

Automobile drivers' licences

Suspension, regaining of if accused dependent on vehicle for livelihood (Davis) 2983 (Cocke) 2983

Suspension of (Davis) 2982 (Cocke) 2983

Automobile insurance

See: Insurance, Automobile

Automobile Insurance Act

Mentioned: (McGeer) 1757 (Skelly) 2775

Automobile Insurance Amendment Act, 1976

(Bill 61) (Minister of Education) I R, 2481; 2R, 2952-5; C, 3390; 3R, 3390; RA, 3398

Speakers: (2R) Cocke 2952-3; McGeer 2952, 2954-5; Wallace, B.B. 2953-4

Speakers: (C) Gardom 3390

Amdt: C, sec. 1 (Gardom) 3390, approved 3390

Division: 2R, 2955

ICBC, defences in court, legislation for (McGeer) 2952

ICBC, payments, arrears in (McGeer) 2954

Private insurers, re-entry of (Cocke) 2952-3 (Wallace, B.B.) 2953-4 (McGeer) 2954

Uninsured drivers from out of province, legislation covering (McGeer) 2952, 2954

Victim, hit and run, insurance payment to (Gardom) 3390

Automobile licence plates

Licence plates, single, for certain vehicles (Davis) 2982 (Cocke) 2983

Automobile seat belts

Regulations (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2616-7 (Davis) A. 2616-7

Use, advantages of (Wallace, G.S.) 480 (Gardom) 480-1 (McClelland) 900

Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act


Purchase of, complaints related to (Gibson) 1556 (Mair) 1562

Purchase of, consumer protection (Wallace, G.S.) 2958

Tow-aways at owner's expense for parking in prohibited areas (Davis) 2893

Automobiles — Registration

Licensing, cyclical, concept of (Davis) 2982, 2984 (Cocke) 2983

Licensing, cyclical, methods of identification and policing (Wallace, B.B.) 3205-6 (Davis) 3206

Automotive Retailers Association

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1138

Aylesworth, Sir Alan

Quoted (Barrett) 2889

Azad, Rangit

Manpower division, Labour department (Williams) 2925