Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1146, 1214-5 (Dailly) 1655
See: Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
See: Industrial Development Education Resource Association
IOK Poultry Ltd.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451, 2331
See: International Woodworkers of America
Ibbot, William
Mentioned: (Cocke) 839
Identification of Criminals Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1219
Ilyich, Ivan
Mentioned: (Brown) 1989
Imperial Oil Ltd.
Campaign fund contributions (Wallace, B.B.) 2338-9 (King) 2344
Gas price increase, request by (Lauk) Q. 1567, 1630 (Bennett) A. 1567, 1630 (Wallace, B.B.) 1680-1 (Macdonald) 1823
Mentioned: (Brown) 152 (Wallace, G.S.) 1502 (Lauk) 2252, 2362 (Macdonald) 3247
Income Assistance Programme
Mentioned: (Budget address) 260
Income Tax
Income Tax Amendment Act, 1976; see name of act.
Increase, effect on low-income people (Stupich) 866 (Wallace, G.S.) 868
Increase, expected revenue from (Wolfe) 865 (Gibson) 867 (Wallace, G.S.) 867 (D’Arcy) 868
Increase, greater for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025
Indexing plan, extension in the federal income tax system (Gibson) 1189 (Stupich) 1203 (Wolfe) 1204
Levels, different for two taxation years (Gibson) 1026 (Wolfe) 1026
Manitoba, policy for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025
Personal, exemption level (Skelly) 869 (Brown) 1026 (Wolfe) 1026 (Wallace, B.B.) 1026
Personal, increase (Wolfe) 264, 267, 865, 871 (Stupich) 285 (Wallace, G.S.) 303, 309, 867 (Lauk) 332 (Barnes) 501 (Lea) 614 (Hewitt) 619 (Skelly) 868 (Sanford) 931 (Strongman) 1012
Progressive nature of (King) 775 (Stupich) 866 (Wallace, G.S.) 867
Rebates and discounts, legislation on (Mair) 2955, 2959 (Sanford) 2956 (Wallace, G.S.) 2957-8
Saskatchewan, policy for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025
Income Tax Act
Mentioned: (Stupich) 2866 (Wallace, G.S.) 1142
Income Tax Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 9) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 276; 2R, 865-71; C, sec. 1, . 1025-6; sec. 2-3, 1026; sec. 4, 1026-7; sec. 5, 1027; Report, 1027; 3R, 1027
Speakers: (2R) D'Arcy 868; Gibson 867; Lockstead 870; Nicolson 870-1; Skelly 868-70; Stupich 865-7; Wallace, G.S. 867-8; Wolfe 865, 871
Speakers: (C) Brown 1026; Gibson 1025-6; Nicolson 1026; Stupich 1025, 1027; Wallace, B.B. 1026; Wolfe 1026-7
Corporation income tax increase (Gibson) 867 (Wallace, G.S.) 868 (Skelly) 868-9, 894 (Lockstead) 870 (Nicolson) 870-1 (Strongman)
Claims, negotiation in progress (Williams) 827 (Bennett) 1057 (Shelford) 2313 (Wallace, B.B.) 1012
Corporation income tax increase for small business, yield resulting (Nicolson) 1026-7 (Wolfe) 1026-7
Corporation income tax increase, regressive nature of (Skelly) 868-9, 894
Corporation income taxation, two-rate system, in support of (Stupich) 1027
Increase, effect on low-income people (Stupich) 866 (Wallace, G.S.) 868
Increase, expected revenue from (Wolfe) 865 (Gibson) 867 (Wallace, G.S.) 867 (D’Arcy) 868
Increase, greater for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025
Levels, different for two taxation years (Gibson) 1026 (Wolfe) 1026
Manitoba, policy for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025
Personal, exemption, level of (Skelly) 869 (Brown) 1026 (Wolfe) 1026 (Wallace, B.B.) 1026
Personal, increase (Skelly) 868 (Strongman) 1012 (Wallace, G.S.) 867 (Wolfe) 865, 871
Progressive nature of (Stupich) 866 (Wallace, G.S.) 867
Saskatchewan, policy for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025
Independent Labour Party
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 2068
Indian land claims
See: Indians — Land Tenure
Court workers, employment of Indians to advise other Indians (Wallace, G.S.) 1284 (Wallace, B.B.) 1290
Culture, preservation of (Williams) 828
Economic assistance for (Lockstead) 773, 1524 (Williams) 828 (Phillips) 1524
Educational grants for (Dailly) 1804
Employment opportunities (Kahl) 675
Government policy on (Wallace, G.S.) 182 (Williams) 827-9
Grant to students for tutoring (Brown) 1810 (McGeer) 1810
Kamloops band, negotiations with (Mair) 637
Law programme at UBC for native Indians (Brown) Q. 2617-8 (Gardom) A. 2617-8
Policy of paternalism, criticized (Barnes) 201
Social assistance services for (Levi) 3372 (Vander Zalm) 3372
Vancouver Indian Centre, programme director, request for (Brown) 2437 (Vander Zalm) 2438
Indians — Governmental relations
Discussions with federal government (Throne speech) 13
Indians — Land tenure
Claims (Kempf) 22 (Hewitt) 208 (Shelford) 570, 2313 (Barber) 831 (Wallace, B.B.) 850 (Bennett) 1057 2336
Cut-off land, negotiations (Williams) 827-8 (Barber) 831
Rail agreement with Ottawa, policy involving (Davis) 746 (Lauk) 748
Indians — Legal status, laws
Grievances to be dealt with (Gibson) 169
Industrial Development Education Resource Association
Funding of (Brown) 972-3, 1022-4 (Wolfe) 972-3, 1023-4 (Phillips) 1024, 1084
Industrial disputes
See: Labour disputes
Industries — British Columbia
See: British Columbia — Industries
Information services, Government
See: Government publicity
Inheritance and transfer tax
Gift tax and succession duties, removal of (Gibson) 161 (Wallace, G.S.) 180, 1145 (Barnes) 811 (Skelly) 1209 (Lauk) 1211
Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd.
Tax dollars rebate to customers, proposed (D’Arcy) 1231
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 860, 1516 (Lauk) 2359-60
In-Laws Act
(Bill 1) (Attorney-General) 1R, 13
Inner Harbour, Victoria, B.C.
See entries under Victoria, B.C.
Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia
Buttar and Chiene, complaint against (Lauk) 1088, 1093 (Nicolson) 1099
Buttar and Chiene, complaint hearing against findings, quoted (Nicolson) 1099
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1146 (Wolfe) 1147
Insurance — Rates and tables
Legislation, proposed (Throne speech) 13
Insurance, Automobile
Automobiles insured, number of (Cocke) 1746-7 (McGeer) 1749, 1759 (Gibson) 1767
Coverage of B.C. car owners (Barnes) Q. 598 (McGeer) A. 598
Government policy (Macdonald) 93-6 (Strongman) 97-8 (Nicolson) 107-8 (Bawlf) 123 (Wallace, B.B.) 129-30 (Skelly) 133 (Lloyd) 146-7 (Brown) 152-5 (Barnes) 196, 200-1 (Macdonald) 236-7
ICBC financial situation (McGeer) 65-9 (Phillips) 78-85 (Stupich) 86-91
NDP government policy (McGeer) 65-9 (Hewitt) 99 (Kerster) 105-6 (Mair) 120-2 (Rogers) 130-1 (Bawtree) 134-6 (Calder) 137-40 (Haddad) 140-1 (Kahl) 141-4 (Loewen) 149-51 (Jordan) 156-8
Northern and interior region (Loewen) 235
Northern and interior regions drivers, consideration for (Wallace, G.S.) 53, 56 (Sanford) 60 (Lea) 62, 65 (McGeer) 69 (Phillips) 83 (Strongman) 97-8 (Lockstead) 98 (Hewitt) 99 (Nicolson) 107 (Lauk) 110 (Loewen) 151 (Brown) 153-4
Private insurance companies licensed to sell car insurance in B.C. (Cocke) Q. 3401 (McGeer) A. 3401-2
Private insurers, re-entry of (Gibson) Q. 1343 (McGeer) A. 1343, 2954 (Cocke) 1372, 1748-9, 2952-3 (Gardom) 1374 (Wallace, B.C.) 2953
Rate increases (King) 29, 38-41 (Cocke) 46-8 (Gibson) 48-51 (Wallace, G.S.) 52-3, 55-6 (Sanford) 60-2 (Lea) 62-5 (Strongman) 97-8 (Lockstead) 98 (Dailly) 100-1 (Barnes) 102-5, 196 (Nicolson) 106-8 (Lauk) 109-10, 328, 332 (D’Arcy) 111-3 (Skelly) 131-2 (Haddad) 140-1 (Brown) 152-4 (Loewen) 235 (Davis) 326 (McGeer) 873 (Davidson) 927-8
Uninsured drivers from out of province, legislation involving (McGeer) 2952, 2954
Victim, hit and run, insurance payment to (Gardom) 3390
See also: Insurance Corp. of B.C.
Insurance, Automobile — Policies
B.C. Safe-Driver Incentive Plan, proposed (Throne speech) 13 (McGeer) 70
Insurance, Fire
Deductible increase in B.C. schools (Gibson) Q. 472, 3187A (McGeer) A. 472, 3187A
Operational for school boards (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 472 (McGeer) A. 472
R.C. Palmer School, cost of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 840 (McGeer) A. 840
School boards, consultation with (Dailly) 728 (Gibson) 1596
Schools, cost-sharing arrangement for (Wallace, G.S.) 1732 (McGeer) 1733-4
Schools, premiums to be paid by Education department (Gibson) Q. 3187A (McGeer) A 3187B
Insurance, unemployment
Waiting period, welfare provision (Barnes) 200
Insurance Agents of British Columbia
Mentioned (Nicolson) 107
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Mentioned: (Skelly) 589
Insurance companies
Private companies (Stupich) 90-1 (Macdonald) 95 (Dailly) 101 (Nicolson) 107-8 (Wallace, B.B.) 130 (Skelly) 132-4 (Bawtree) 135 (Haddad) 140 (Brown) 154-5 (Gibson) 161
Re-entry of (Cocke) 2952 (Wallace, B.B.) 2953-4 (McGeer) 2954
Report, annual, to avoid possible discrimination (Brown) 2960
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Adjusters, lay-off (Lauk) Q. 2941 (McGeer) A. 2941-2
Adjusters working for (Lauk) 2354
Assets (Stupich) 87-8
Board of directors, appointment to (Cocke) 1624-5
Body shop work charges (Cocke) 982-3, 1138 (Kerster) 988-9 (Barnes) Q. 1408 (McGeer) A. 1408
Borrowings made since December 11, 1975 (Stupich) Q. 506 (McGeer) A. 506
Building, new location (Cocke) Q. 118, 1764 (McGeer) A. 118-9, 1768-9 (Loewen) 734
Cash balance (Stupich) Q. 406, 581 (Bennett) A. 406 (Levi) 419-20 (Wallace, G.S.) 450 (Barnes) 516 (McGeer) 517, A. 3099 (Skelly) 528, 589 (King) 653 (Stupich) 696
Changes in legislation, proposed (Throne speech) 13
Cheque issued to (Lauk) Q. 406, 1016, 1124-5, 1127 (Wolfe) A. 406-7, A. 648, 995, 1121-2, 1124-5, 1131, 1136 (Cocke) 425, 1764 (Gibson) 430, 648, Q. 995, 1125, 1150 (Nicolson) 439 (Wallace, G.S.) 452 (McGeer) 676, 1017 (Skelly) 527, 530, 585, 665, 819, 821 (King) 534, 549, 653, 1132 (Barber) 548-9, 693, 833 (Levi) 551 (Macdonald) 552, 590, 716 (Bennett) 553 (Lea) 614, 646, 1120-2, 1126-7, 1130-1 (Sanford) 696, 877 (Stupich) 740, 1126, 1203-4 (Lockstead) 767 (Brown) 938 (Barnes) 1004
Cheque to, authorization of (Gibson) 1123, 1125, 1135, 1175, 1185 (Nicolson) 1136
Claimants, lie-detector tests for (Macdonald) Q. 2482 (McGeer) A. 2482, 2518
Claims, drop in (Cocke) 1746
Claims centre at Port Alberni, closure of (Skelly) Q. 3019 (McGeer) A. 3019, 3099
Collision coverage, not compulsory, effect of (Macdonald) 1767-8, 1770-1 (McGeer) 1770-1
Commission payments (Cocke) 1764 (Gibson) 1766-7, 1783-4 (McGeer) 1769
Defence in court, legislation (McGeer) 2952
Deficit situation (McGeer) 65-9, 516-7, 684, 873, 1749 (Phillips) 78-85, 445 (Wolfe) 252-3 (Kerster) 434 (Bennett) 554 (Mair) 638-9 (Davidson) 927 (Hewitt) 2118
Deposits, source of information (Lauk) Q. 474 (McGeer) A. 474
Education Minister's trip to England (Lea) Q. 2483 (McGeer) A. 2483-4 (Lauk) Q. 2483-4
Government policy (Macdonald) 93-6 (Strongman) 97-8 (Nicolson) 107-8 (Bawlf) 123 (Wallace, B.B.) 129-30 (Skelly) 133 (Lloyd) 146-7 (Brown) 152-5 (Barnes) 196, 200-1 (McGeer) 873
Handicapped, premium rates for (Wallace, G.S.) 1768 (McGeer) 1770
Instalment plans, amount (Lauk) 584, 586 (Stupich) Q. 597 (McGeer) A. 597
Loan to government (Gibson) Q. 923, 995-6, 1125 (Wolfe) A. 923, 995-6, 1121-2, 1125 (Sanford) 931 (Barnes) 1004 (Lea) 1120-2, 1126-7, 1130-1 (Lauk) 1125 (Stupich) 1126, 1204 (King) 1132-3
Loan to government, term and interest rate (King) 1132-3 (Wolfe) 1133
Motor-vehicle inspection notices (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 2482-3 (McGeer) A. 2483, 2518
Motor-vehicle registrations, number of (Cocke) Q. 2941 (McGeer) A. 2941
NDP government policy (McGeer) 66-9, 1757-9 (Phillips) 78-85 (Stupich) 89 (Kerster) 105-6 (Mair) 120-2 (Rogers) 130-1 (Bawtree) 134-6 (Calder) 137-40 (Haddad) 140-1 (Kahl) 141-4 (Loewen) 149-51 (Jordan) 156-8
Northern and interior regions, drivers, consideration for (Wallace, G.S.) 53, 56 (Sanford) 60 (Lea) 62, 65 (McGeer) 69 (Phillips) 83 (Strongman) 97-8 (Lockstead) 98 (Hewitt) 99 (Nicolson) 107 (Lauk) 110 (Loewen) 151 (Brown) 153-4
Payment in arrears (McGeer) 2954
Payments from consolidated revenue (Wolfe) 995
Performance (Cocke) Q. 3347
Point system for rebate (Macdonald) 2973, 3204
Political interference (Cocke) 1745-6, 1760 (McGeer) 1758-9
Premium rates, criteria for determining (Gibson) 1765-6
Premiums, overcharging creating huge surplus (Barrett) 3158 (Barnes) 3204
Programme (Davidson) 92
R.C. Palmer School, cost of insurance (Gibson) Q. 840 (McGeer) A. 840
Rate increase (King) 39-41 (Cocke) 46-8, 1746-9, 1761-2, A. 3099 (Gibson) 48-51 (Wallace, G.S.) 52-3, 55-6 (Levi) 57 (Sanford) 60-2 (Strongman) 97-8 (Lockstead) 98 (Dailly) 100-1 (Barnes) 102-5, 196 (Nicolson) 106-8 (Lauk) 109-10 (D’Arcy) 111-3 (Skelly) 131-2 (Haddad) 140-1 (Brown) 152-4 (Davis) 326 (Lauk) 328, 332 (McGeer) 873, 3100 (Davidson) 927-8
Refund of surplus premiums, adjournment of House to discuss, M. (Barrett) 3158
Refunds, delays in (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2482 (McGeer) A. 2482-3, 2518 (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 2482-3
Refunds, possibility of (Gibson) Q. 3099 (McGeer) A. 3099
Reinsurance programme (McGeer) A. 2483-4 (Lauk) Q. 2483-4
Safe-driving dividend (McGeer) 1760 (Cocke) 1764 (Nicolson) 2976
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims (Macdonald) 1768, 2973-4 (McGeer) 1769-70 (Davis) 2970-1, 2981 (Cocke) 2971 (Barnes) 2971-2 (Sanford) 2973 (Lloyd) 2974-5 (Barrett) 2976-8 (Hewitt) 2978 (Wallace, G.S.) 2979 (King) 2980-1
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, discriminating nature of (Barnes) 2971-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 2979 (King) 2979-81 (Macdonald) 3204-5
Straight report (Gibson) 48-50 (Wallace, G.S.) 55 (Lauk) 109
Term deposits and investment position (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 472 (McGeer) A. 472
Territorial equalization policy (Cocke) 1764 (Gibson) 1764-5, 1784 (McGeer) 1769 (Lea) 1771-2
Mentioned: (King) 33, 37 (Chabot) 42 (Lea) 63 (Stupich) 284 (Gibson) 294, 2946 (Cocke) 1372 (McGeer) 68, 2948
Intercoastal shipping
Federal Bill C-61, adverse effects on province (Davis) 325
Funding under, Agriculture department estimates (Phillips) 1084
Intergovernmental fiscal relations
General (Throne speech) 12
Municipalities, advance of funds (Sanford) 695 (Bawtree) 730-1
Revenue sharing (Gibson) 168
Revenue-sharing formula (Curtis) 844-5
Sharing of revenue between local and provincial government, proposed (Throne speech) 12 (Veitch) 20 (Kempf) 23 (Gibson) 168 (Hewitt) 208 (Vander Zalm) 599 A. 631 (Barber) 838 (Curtis) 844-7
See also: Municipal finance
Interior Vegetable Marketing Board
Mentioned: (Stupich) 1470
International Council of Women
Mentioned: (Jordan) 3097 (Wallace, G.S.) 3118
International Federation of Dentists
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 716
International Hydrodynamics
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1491, 3013
International Labour Organization
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 3174
International Women's Year
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 180, 3118
International Woodworkers of America
Publication quoted (Lockstead) 1698
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 1344 (McGeer) 1617 (Skelly) 1659 (Nicolson) 2070 (Gibson) 2298, 2691 (Shelford) 2559 (Waterland) 2694
Interpretation Act
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1888 (Wolfe) 2300
Interpretation Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 20) (Attorney-General) IR, 2037; 2R, 2228-9; C, 2244-5; 2296; 3R, 2455, RA, 2511
Speakers: (2R) Gardom 2228-9; Macdonald 2229
Speakers: (C) Gardom 2244, 2296; Gibson 2244-5; Lauk 2245, 2296
Amdts: C, sec. 10 (Gardom) 2296, approved 2296; sec. 12 (Gardom) 2296, approved 2296
Deputy Ministers, power of (Gibson) 2244 (Gardom) 2244-5 (Lauk) 2245
Enactments, how they come into effect (Gibson) 2244 (Gardom) 2244
Statutes, elimination of repetitions (Gardom 2228
Statutes, simplification of (Gardom) 2228
Interprovincial Subpoena Act
(Bill 19) (Attorney-General) 1R, 2037; 2R, 2225-6; C, 2243-4; 3R, 2244; RA, 2511
Speakers: (2R) Gardom 2225-6
Speakers: (C) Gardom 2244; Lauk 2243-4
Contempt proceedings when subpoena is disobeyed (Gardom) 2226
Reciprocity provisions (Gardom) 2226
Witnesses, compensation for (Lauk) 2243-4 (Gardom) 2244
Witnesses on commission (Gardom) 2225-6
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
Report on savings, categories of (Gibson) 1188
Investments, Capital
See: Capital investments
Investments, Foreign
Land, foreign ownership in B.C. (Sanford) 1326, 1355 (Rogers) 1327-8 (Lauk) 1329 (Gardom) 1355
Review agency, ruling of (Gibson) Q. 998 (Phillips) A. 998
Unemployment, cause of (Sanford) 935
Inonoaklin River, B.C.
Fisheries mitigation (D’Arcy) 1035
Irving, Ruth N.
Mentioned: (Mair) 2771
Island Copper Mines
Mentioned: (Waterland) 2508
Island Highway
See: Highway 19
Islands Trust Co.
Funds available to (Barber) 3232 (Curtis) 3232-3
Senior planner, status of (Barber) Q. 706 (Curtis) A. 706, 840
Israels, Sidney
Mentioned (McClelland) 1957 (Cocke) 2961
Italian Brain Research Organization
Mentioned (McGeer) 2515