Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
Jaffary, Karl
Rent-control report (Macdonald) 1237-8
Forest products, increased market for (Lauk) 908
Jeffrey, David
Quoted (Kahl) 1739
Jennings, William Ivor
Quoted (Macdonald) 1956
Jericho Hill School
Deaf children, placing in community setting (Gibson) 1784-5, 2516 (McGeer) 1785, A. 2423-4, 2516 (Wallace, G.S.) 1785-6 (Dailly) Q. 2423-4
Lay control (Gibson) 1598 (McGeer) 1610
Site, designation (Gibson) Q. 2677, 2720-1 (McGeer) A. 2677, 2720-1
Jerome, Harry
Appointment as adviser on all provincial recreational activities (McCarthy) 956
Wages of (Lea) Q. 1117 (McCarthy) A. 1117
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 269
Jesson, Mike
Employment in Fish and Wildlife Branch (Skelly) 3323 (McCarthy) 3334
Letter quoted (Nielsen) 1848
Johnson, Elva
Letter quoted (Lauk) 333
Johnson, Richard
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Johnson, Robert
Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 1649
Johnson, Ron
Mentioned: (Mair) 2740 (King) 2742
Johnson, Samuel
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2128
Johnston, Syd
Mentioned: (Lea) 2012
Johnstone, Robert
Quoted (Stupich) 2094
Jones, Aaron
Case history (Wallace, B.B.) 853
Jones, Janet
Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 853
Jones, L.W.
Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 2643
Jones, Ray
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2686 (Waterland) 2696, 3085 (Barrett) 3087
Jordan, Patricia Jane (North Okanagan)
Address in reply, amendment 155-9
Alcan experiment on equal employment opportunities for women 3120, 3123
An Act to Incorporate the British Columbia Association of Colleges (Bill 51) 1R, 2037; 2R, 3052, C, 3306; 3R, 3306
Anti-inflation, federal policy, supreme court decision on 1696
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1692-7, 2097
Anti-inflation policy of NDP, criticism of 1693-6, 2097
Attorney-General department estimates 1317-8, 1323-4, 1380-3
Auditor-General Act 2136-40
Auditor-General, appointment by unanimous decision of special committee 2139
Auditor-General, authority and responsibilities of 2140
British Columbia Association of Colleges petition 307
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2180-4
B.C. Buildings Corp., appropriate charging for space rented 2183
B.C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, power fo 2181
B.C. Buildings Corp., deficit financing 2182
B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation power 2183
B.C. Buildings Corp., staffing for, security and benefit 2182
B.C. Ferries, rates, reduced for amateur horses, review of 2922
British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 2922
Budget debate 1013-5
Budget, emphasis on responsibility and responsiveness 1013
Dental clinics, financial assistance to in underserviced areas 2917
Dental mobile-unit service 2917
Dentistry Amendment Act (1976) 2917-8
Dentists, continuing education of 2917
Dentists, from other countries, right to be licensed, 2917
Dentists, qualifications required for writing college examinations 2917
Dentists, suspension for offence against Dentistry Amendment Act 2917
Family Law in British Columbia, publication proposed 1323
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2136-9
Grape-growing and wine-processing industries 1380-3
Health policy of government, in support of 1013
Highways and Public Works department estimates 3302
Home-care programme 1013
Housewife, place of in society as a volunteer 1015
ICBC, policy of NDP government, criticism of, 156-8
Legal rights of women, knowledge of 1323
Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1692-3, 2696-7
Property, community of 1317-8
Property tax, payment by government 2183-4
Provincial Secretary department estimates 3119-21
Public Works department, tribute to 2181
Restraint called for 1014-5
Sales tax increase, effect on low-income people 1014
Volunteers, contribution of 1015
Welcome to board members of the Social Credit Party 15
Women, financial independence of 3119-20
Women older, employment and training of 3120-1
Women's Bureau, tribute to 3123
Jorgenson, Larry
Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421
Jory, Dr. William
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1787 (McClelland) 1788
Referred to (Speaker) 385-6, 505 (King) 394
Juan de Fuca Society Hospital
Patients, age and marital status, survey on (Wallace, G.S.) 1195
Jubilee Home Society, Vernon, B.C.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 2432
County court judge sitting as local judge of supreme court, power of (Gardom) 2243
Supreme Court Amendment Act, see name of act
Supreme Court judges, number, increase of (Gardom) 2242 (Macdonald) 2243 (Lauk) 2243
Judicial Review Procedure Act
(Bill 44) (Attorney-General) 1R, 2419; 2R, 2624-7; C, 2962; 3R, 2962; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Gardom 2624-7; Macdonald 2625; Wallace, G.S. 2625-6
Arbitration Act, review of (Macdonald) 2625 (Gardom) 2626
Boards and tribunals, statutorily established, legislation on (Gardom) 2624
B.C. Law Reform Commission, report from (Gardom) 2624
Court procedures, Latin terminology, abolition of (Macdonald) 2625 (Wallace, G.S.) 2626
Judicial review, private clause in (Macdonald) 2625 (Gardom) 2626
Prohibition, writ of, elimination (Gardom) 2624
Workers Compensation Board, review of decisions (Wallace, G.S.) 2625 (Gardom) 2626
Administration in Canada, task force on (Gardom) 1002
Building, new, in Victoria (Gardom) 1003
Cost-sharing in administration, problem of (Gardom) 1002
Justice Development Council
Rape, evaluative research project on, funding for (Brown) 1256
Jutras, Marcel
Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 851
Juvenile centres
See: Juvenile detention homes
Juvenile detention homes
Detention centre in Victoria, medical facilities for (Wallace, G.S.) 1335-6, 1346 (Gardom) 1348
Detention, medical facilities inadequate (Wallace, G.S.) 1335-6
Haney Correctional Centre (Gardom) 1756 (Macdonald) 1756 (Gibson) 1756 (Wallace, G.S.) 1756
Northern part of province, installation (Kempf) 1353
Willingdon remand. and assessment programme (Dailly) 1351-3 (Gardom) 1351-3
Juvenile delinquency
Assessment centres for young people (Gardom) 1001
Fingerprinting of juvenile (Lauk) Q. 1219 (Gardom) A. 1219
Juveniles, hard-core, facility for (Gardom) 1244
Mentally disturbed offenders, problem of (Wallace, G.S.) 1337-8, 1346-7, 1350-1 (Gardom) 1348, 1350-1
Post-dispositional situation balance between public safety and rehabilitation (Gardom) 1001
Property damage, problem of and community service orders for (Gibson) 1241-2 (Gardom) 1244
Secret Harbour, Washington, programme (Gardom) 1001-2, 1244
Security treatment centre, programme at Centre Creek, Chilliwack (Gardom) 1001
Willingdon School, remand and assessment centre (Gardom) 1001