Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
See: British Columbia Government Employees Union
See: British Columbia Teachers Federation
Mentioned: (Jordan) 1695
See: British North America Act
Babine Forest Products Ltd.
Mentioned: (Budget address) 262 (Nicolson) 1935 (Skelly) 2557 (Barber) 2689
Bain, Wyler and Black
Report on ombudsman (Macdonald) 1348 (Wallace, G.S.) 1347 (Gardom) 1348
Ballot, preferential
See: Preferential ballot
Bamfield, B.C.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1507
Bangor, Washington
Trident submarine base (Skelly) Q. 1753, 2231 (Bennett) A. 1753, 1755, 1819, 2231 (King) 1755, 1819
Bank Credit Analyst magazine
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1510
Bank of British Columbia
Profit increase (Brown) 1706
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1929, 2152 (Hewitt) 2118
Bank of Nova Scotia
Profit increase (Brown) 1706
Mentioned: (Bennett) 554 (Levi) 1574
Bankers and Trader, Insurance Company of Australia
Mentioned: (Brown) 155
Banks and banking, co-operative
Credit unions, government's relations with (Gibson) 1179, 1185-6 (Wolfe) 1190
Credit Unions Amendment Act, 1976, interpretation and practical problems of (Gardom) 2627
Banque Canadienne Nationale
Mentioned: (Bennett) 554
Barber, Charles (Victoria)
Address in reply 221-5
Agriculture department, estimates 1425-6
Agriculture minister, criticism of 1425-6
Ambulance services, cutback 836
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2081-5, 2287-8
Anti-inflation policy of government, inconsistencies 2081-5
Attorney-General department, estimates 1259-60, 1263-4, 1295-6, 1360-1, 1364-6
Auditor General Act 2119-20
Bicycle paths, construction of 704, 833, 1875, 2523-4
Bikeways Development Act (Bill 36) 1R, 704; 2R 2523-4
Blanshard Street extension problem 837
B.C. Buildings Corp., bids and tenders, no provision for 2179, 3395
B. C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, opposition member to be included 2250, 2253
B.C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, power of 2178-9
B.C. Buildings Corp., deficit financing, nature of 2177-8
B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation, power of 2178, 2257-9
B.C. Buildings Corp., political interference in 2178
B.C. Buildings Corp., staff for security and benefits of 2179, 2258
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2177-80, 2250, 2253, 2257-9, 3395, 3397
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act, title, amendment to 3397
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 543-9, 655-6, 692-5
B. C. Steamship Co., board of directors, indifference of 3271-2
British subject, right to vote 3200
Budget debate 831-8
Budget, different editions 831
Burns Lake Native Development Corp. 2688-90
Canadian League of Rights, status of 1742
Canyon Ambulance Services dispute, Q. 3017
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 946-7
Clarkson Gordon report, deficit situation of B.C. 545-7
Cocaine, trafficking in 1365-6
Community law offices 833
Community services operation in Victoria 223
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2207-8
Corporation, to cast more than one vote in municipal election 2635, 2637
Corporations, reporting, no right to vote 2635-6
Crown corporations, revenue transfer 546
Deficit position of province 693-5
Demolition permit, municipal councils' right to refuse 3228
Department of Highways and Public Works Act, non-existence 2258
Discrepancies in government actions 544-5, 547
Economic policy, general, criticism of 544-6
Economic slump, government policy to deal with, Q. 2292-3
Education department, estimates 1742, 1744-5
Education programme on danger of smoking, proposed 946
Emily Carr Art Centre, future of, Q. 1787
Environment department, creation, legality 2814-5, 2827, 2857
Environment department, estimates 1875-7
Executive Council estimates 2364-5
Farm Business loan, rebates on interest paid, problem of 1426
Finance Minister's power to buy company shares, removal of 1919-20
Gibsons Landing, recreation referendum, plan for 2635
Gorge Road Hospital, nursing staff, reduction Q. 2422
Government Reorganization Act 2814-7, 2827-9, 2856-8
Government Reorganization Act, defer second reading for six months 2856
Government reorganization policy, democratic processes, erosion of 2857-8
GAIN, mincome, concept, doing away with 2470
GAIN, senior citizens, impact 2470-1
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2469-7
Heritage building preservation, municipal council's right regarding 3228
Human Resources department, estimates 2438-9
ICBC, cheque to 548-9, 693, 833
Indian land claims 831
Inner Harbour docks, lease transfer of, Q. 996
Inner Harbour, Victoria, public lands, development of 3327-8
Islands Trust, fund available 3232
Islands Trust, senior planner, status of, Q. 706
Kamloops ward system 3229
Land speculation situation 3228-9
Land-use contracts, abuses of 3227
Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting 2778-81
Learning disabilities, students, special programme for 834
Legislation, retroactive undermines democratic processes 2827-9
Legislature, observations on 221-2
McCaffey, resignation of 3271-2
MLAs, salary reduction of 2207-8
MLAs from northern and interior regions, extra allowances for 2207
Mines and Petroleum Resources department, estimates 2688-90, 2778-81
Mining legislation, drafting of, Socred MLAs, possible conflict of interest 2778-9
Mobile home, purchase of, to be exempted from sales tax 757-8, 835-6, 990
Mount Stephen property in Victoria, Q. 2517, 2615-6, 2655-6, 3215-6
Municipal Affairs department, estimates 3215-6, 3227, 3232
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 2634-7, 3196-8, 3200-1
Municipal Amendment Act, 1976, expansion of definition of owner 3196
Municipalities, appeal, right of 2634
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act (1976) 2641
Municipalities, inspector of, powers of 2634-5, 3196-8
Municipalities to engage in public works business enterprises 2634
Nursing services, after-birth, criticism of existing rules 836-7
Ombudsman, office of, legislation for creation of 831, 1296
Parliament buildings, restoration 837
Police, secret force, existence of 1360-1, 1364
Price-freeze policy, absolute power of government 2287-8
Princess Marguerite, sale of, Q. 923, 996
Propane, sales tax on 3272-3
Property tax exemption for senior citizens, policy and terms of reference 223
Property tax, payment by government 2179-80
Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1909-10
Provincial Secretary department, estimates 3327-8
Rape problem, recommendations to deal with 1263-4
Rape relief centre, work and finding of 1259-60, 1263-4, 2438-9
Real Property Tax Deferment Act 1909-10
Recycling facilities throughout B.C. 1875-6
Recycling programme in Victoria, Q. 176, 838, 1081, 1263, 1875
Regional districts, operations and procedures, term of reference 3229
Regional districts, power to contract debts, no limit set 2636, 3197, 3201
Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1919-20
Revenue-sharing between municipalities and government 838, 3230
Sales tax increase, regressive nature of 757
Sales tax increase, removed when financial situation permits 757, 836
School boards, funding for 833-4
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 757-8, 990
Sooke, incorporation of, referendum on 3229
Student housing and accommodation on and off campus 1744-5, 3216-7
Tax notices 2636
Taxes, government payment to Victoria 2364-5
Taxes in arrears, interest, increase of 2634
Transport and Communications department, estimates 3271-3
Triangle Mountain development 3229
Universities Council, warrant to, Q. 655, 693, 835
Voters, unified list of in municipalities 2636
Waste composting, municipal 1877
Wine industry 1295-6
Barclay, Ian A.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 907
Barichello, Ralph J.
Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 1385-6 (Cocke) 1391 (Stupich) 1472
Barker, Alan
Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421
Barnes, Emery Oakland (Vancouver Centre)
AIB, inconsistency in performance 1675
AIB, review of various rate increases possible, Q. 2072-3
Address in reply 194-201
Address in reply, amendment 101-5
Adviser to Department of Education, position terminated 198
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1669-76, 2280-4
Anti-inflation policy of government, criticism of 1669-76
Anti-inflation policy of goverment, disparities in 1670-2
Attorney-General department, estimates 1268-73, 1371, 1374-5
Auditor-General, trivial matters, no need to report on 2269
Auditors, appointment by Treasury Board 2271
Automobile body shop rates, increase of, Q. 1408
B. C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, opposition member to be included 2252-3
B.C. Buildings Corp., board of directors, power of 2167
B.C. Buildings Corp., Crown corporation, creation of 2165
B.C. Buildings Corp., deficit financing, nature of 2166
B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation power of 2166-8, 2256-7
B.C. Buildings Corp., political interference in 2166
B.C. Buildings Corp., staff for, security and benefit of 2166-7
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2165-8, 2252-3, 2256-7
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 500-3, 513-5
B.C. ferry price increases, effect on tourism 1007
B.C. Teachers Federation, grievances 196
Budget address 1003-10
Budget, balanced at expense of services to people 500-2
Budget, practice of restraint in, criticism of 1008
Buildings, public, availability for MLAs to have offices in their ridings 3302
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 950-1, 1027
Cigarette tax increase, political expediency of Bill 950
Cigarettes, price of, freeze on 951
Clarkson Gordon report, a review, not an audit 502
Community resource boards, government policy on 2406-7, 2996
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2211-5
Co-ordinator for status of women, terminated position 198
Departmental changes, authorization of and delegation of responsibilities 2991-2
Discrimination against women in society 1270
Economic policy, general criticism of 500-2, 1003-8
Employable moving into low-employment areas not eligible for welfare, criticism of 199-201, 1004, 1007
Expenditure increase for average family 501-2
Funds, special, revenue in 502
George Massey Tunnel, shuttle system for cyclists 3303
Government Reorganization Act 2859-62, 2990-3002
Government Reorganization Act, defer second reading for six months, amendment to 2859-62
Government reorganization policy, democratic processes, erosion 2859-61, 2990-3002
GAIN, employment-oriented programme in 2475
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2471-5, 3373
Handicapped, assistance for those with permanent disabilities only, criticism of 200, 1005-6
Handicapped, definition of, and social assistance regulations on 2440
Highways and Public Works department, estimates 3302-4
Hotels as permanent residences, protection for residents 1375
Human Resources department, estimates 2406-11, 2440-1
ICBC, loan to government 1004
ICBC, transfer of money to 1004
ICBC policy of government, criticisms of 102-5
Increases, percentage, proposed by government 1007
Indians, paternalistic policy criticized 201
Insurance coverage of B.C. car owners, Q. 598
Jobs not available for people on graduation 1009-10
Leg-hold trap, federal-provincial committee dealing with, Q. 1700
Low-employment potential, designated areas, criticism of 1004, 1007, 2472-3, 3373
MLAs, salary reduction of 2211-5
Mineral resources, exploration of 2510
Mineral Resources Tax Act 2509-10
Mineral Royalties Act 1006
Mineral Royalties Act, impact on mining in B.C. 1006, 2510
Mineral Royalties Act, repeal of, criticism of 2510
Motor-Vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2971-2, 3202-4
New Opportunities Handicap Rehabilitation Programme, investigation into 2440-1, 2473-4
Olympic torch-carrying ceremonies, funding of, Q. 2841, 3020
Rape and rapist syndrome, understanding of 1269-71
Rape relief centres, funding for 1271-2
Rate increases of government, AI.B, submission to, Q. 3097-8
Rent control, adjustment of, Q. 3018
Rent control, criticism of government policy 1007
Rent freeze and rent review boards 1374-5
Restaurants, 10 o'clock closing on Sunday 1372
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 2971-2, 3202-3
Safe driving dividend for under 25s, discriminating nature of 2971-2
Sales tax increase, be deferred for six months 810-5
Sales tax increase, effect on low-income people 811-4
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 810-5
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 862
Sports, violence in 1003
Taxes and other increases imposed by government, AIB review of 2280-1, 2283
Transportation, alternate means other than cars 3303-4
Volunteer opportunities programme, elimination of 1009
Volunteer organizations, funding for, Q. 1893
Welfare applicants, access to own files 2408-9
Welfare frauds, alleged 2410-1
Welfare policy, criticism of 1004-6, 1008
Welfare provision while waiting for unemployment insurance 200
Welfare recipients, physical appearances of 2408
West End Services to seniors 196
Barrett, David (Vancouver East)
Appeal mechanism under Labour Relations Board, principle of, ministers' inconsistency 3307
B.C. Cellulose, ownership of, Q. 3349
B.C. Railway, layoffs 2605-6
B.C. Railway, fraud charges against, Q. 2617
British North America Act, provisions in 2887-9
Civil servants, protection from government policy 3279-80
Clark, Joseph, welcome to House 2684
Coal, royalty on, increase of 3036-51
Condominiums, market for 2669-70
Constitution, patriation of 2716
Credit Unions Amendment Act (1976) 2627
Cypress Bowl Park 3085-7, 3090-1
Debate, adjournment, motion for 2818-20, 2823-5
First Ministers Conference, Ottawa, June 1415th 2716-7
Forests department, estimates 3085-93
Government Reorganization Act 2793-4, 2818-20, 2823-5, 2867-71, 2886-91
Government Reorganization Act, contravening standing order 67 2867
Government Reorganization Act, defer second reading for six months, amendment to 2886-91
Government Reorganization Act, legality of 2888-91
Government reorganization programme, danger of powers to cabinet and Premier 2793, 2887-9
Health care, cost-sharing arrangements 2716
Home Purchase Assistance Act 2668-71
Home purchase assistance, eligible residence for 2668-9
“Hot” declarations, Labour Relations Board to review 3190
ICBC, refund of excess premiums, adjournment of House to discuss, M. 3158
Institution, financial, possible co-operation with government, report by credit unions 2627
Kaiser, Edgar, meeting with Mines minister 3043, 3047-8, 3050
Kaiser Coal, royalty payment, increase 3036-51
Labour Code amendment legislation, general criticism of 3188-9
Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3187-91
Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting 2705-8, 2712-3, 2752-3
Legislature, legality of preceding sittings 2937
Mineral Resource Tax Act 3354-7
Mines and Petroleum Resources department, estimates 2705-8, 2712-3, 3036-51
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction, M. 2712-3
Mining, policy of government, sellout to big corporations 3355-7
Ministerial role in range war, Q. 3017-8
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2976-8
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 3200-1
Ocean Falls Corp., timber allocation for 3091-2
Oil shales, access to in Queen Charlotte Islands 2631
PNE dog show, discontinuance of, Q. 3349-50
Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act (1976) 2631
Police force, secret, existence of 2794
Public Service Act 3279-80, 3307-8
Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act 2605-6
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 2976-8
Strike vote and secret ballot, government supervision 3191-2
Telegram of Social Credit, embarrassment to Speaker 2721-2
Trade union movement in B.C. 3187-8
Williston, R.G., appointment of as chief executive officer of B.C. Cellulose 3085-93
Barrier Reef Resources Ltd.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2698, 2703, 2710, 3059 (Barber) 2781 (Waterland) 3059
Barriere Secondary School, Kamloops, B.C.
Mentioned: (Mair) 919
Basford, Hon. Stanley Ronald
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 716, 1235, 2227 (Gardom) 766, 1239 (Brown) 1990, 1994 (McClelland) 1994
Bates, David V.
Batten, Mary J.
Food prices in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, report on (Sanford) 1586
Baumgart, Alice
Letter quoted (Cocke) 1960
Bawlf, Sam (Victoria)
Address in reply, amendment 123-6
Attorney-General department, estimates 1380-1, 1383
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2031-4
Auditor General Act 2120-2
B.C. Buildings Corp., accountability of goverment departments required 2170-1
B.C. Buildings Corp., competitive enterprise in producing economical accommodation for government 2170-1, 2173
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2170-3
B.C. Ferry Corp., highway equivalent subsidy for 2919-20
B.C. Ferry Corp., operation extended across international boundary 2920
British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 2919-20
B.C. Ferry union, NDP advice to, Q. 1307
Budget debate 357-61
Condominium owners, right to limit rental units, removal of 2646
Constitution Amendment Act 2126-7
Corporation, to cast more than one vote in municipal election 2634
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2120-2
Government spending policy of NDP 2032
Government spending, restraint on 2032-3
Grape-growing and wine-processing industries 1380-1, 1383
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2468-9
Health department, estimates 2022
Home Purchase Assistance Act 2667-8
Home purchase assistance, eligible residence for 2667-8
Hospital, new for greater Victoria area 2022
Inner Harbour, Victoria, criticism of NDP policy 359-60
MLAs, salary reduction of, act of leadership 2126-7
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 2633-4
Price-wage increases, provincial restraint on, regulation for 2031-4
Property and school tax policies of NDP, criticism of 1905-6
Property tax, payment by government 2172
Provincial Homeowner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1905-6
Queen of Surrey, operation of 2920
Revenue-sharing with municipalities, criticism of NDP policy 358
School and property tax policy of NDP, criticism of 1905-6
Strata Titles Amendment Act (1976) 2646
Vancouver courthouse project 2121-2, 2171
Victoria, NDP policy regarding, criticism of 358-361, 411-2
Bawtree, Leonard (Shuswap)
Address in reply 242-4
Address in reply, amendment 134-6
Agricultural programmes developed in co-operation with other governmental departments 1437-8
Agriculture department, estimates 1437-8
Ambulance service, budget provision 730
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2054-6
Budget address, services to people 730
Budget debate 730-2
Drivers, slow in riding of Shuswap 3292
Enderby, bridge at 3292
Family-farm corporation, grant for proposed 1904
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2055
Firearm control to protect cattle industry 1438
Forest industry, wages of workers as compared to U.S. 2684-5
Highway 97, Mara Lake area 3292
Highways and Public Works department, estimates 3291-3
Homeowner grant legislation to fight inflation 1904
ICBC, NDP government policy, criticisms of 134-6
Land Commission Act 1438
Land, single-use concept 2685
Logging and lumbering industries in Shuswap 2683-4
Mineral Resource Tax Act 2911-2
Mineral royalties legislation, adverse effects of 2911-2
Mines and Petroleum Resources department, estimates 2683-5
Municipalities, grants to 730-1
Parks, development of, land set aside for 2685
Price-wage increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 2054-6
Property tax, minimum payable for under-65s, increase 1904
Provincial Homeowner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1904-5
Rangeland, cattle, damage done, McLean report on 2685
Roads for Shuswap region 3291-2
Shuswap constituency needs and problems 242-4, 730
Stumpage revenue 2684
Bazowski, Peter
RCMP assistant commissioner, appointment as (Macdonald) 1357 (Gardom) 1357
Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Barber) 837
Beanery, Victoria, B.C.
Future of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 925 (Fraser) A. 925, 996
Bear Lake, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 1869
Beauchesne, Arthur
Parliamentary rules and forms quoted (Gibson) 270 (Macdonald) 403 (Speaker) 559, 795, 872, 1217, 1531, 1827, 2009, 2548, 2904 (Lauk) 1225 (Chairman) 1225, 1471, 3060, 3096 (Brown) 1225
Parliamentary rules and forms mentioned (Nicolson) 1225 (Brown) 1225 (Speaker) 1343, 1754-5, 1790-1, 2869, 2040, 2578, 2873 (Chairman) 2561 (Lauk) 2816
Sale in grocery stores as foodstuffs, recommended (Rogers) 722 (Macdonald) 1297 (Gardom) 1297
Begg, Gary M.
Mentioned: (Curtis) 3215
Biernes, Helen
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1335
Bell Copper Ltd.
CAIMAW union, dispute with (King) Q. 2941, 3155 (Williams) A. 2941, 3155
Mentioned: (Kempf) 3187
Bell, Gordon
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2698 (Waterland) 2703, 2751, 2764, 3059
Bell, Larry
Mentioned: (Curtis) 3215
Bell, Sharon
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3126
Bell Telephone
Telephone receivers for people wearing hearing aids, introduction of (Sanford) 1578
Bella Coola, B.C.
Flooding, prevention of (Lockstead) 863, 1884-5
Mentioned: (Lockstead) 771-2, 1036, 3252
Belmer, Donald
Mentioned: (Wallace) 115
Belmont-Fisher High School, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Kahl) 1501
Bennett, Hon. William Andrew Cecil
B.C. Railway (Lauk) 1087, 1094 (Nicolson) 1099, 1102
Capital gains tax on property (Skelly) 869
Columbia River Treaty (D’Arcy) 1069
Economic downturn predicted (Lea) 613
Funds, special, establishment of (Cocke) 858
Medicare premiums (Cocke) 2027
Order of Canada award presented (McCarthy) 703 (King) 703 (Wallace, G.S.) 703
Quoted (Lloyd) 608 (Lauk) 785 (Cocke) 891-2, 2027
Sales tax increase (Lauk) 785, 905-9 (Barnes) 813 (Dailly) 815 (Nicolson) 888 (Cocke) 891 (Skelly) 893 (Calder) 939
Mentioned: (Gibson) 297, 351, 1150 (Wallace, G.S.) 302, 311 (Levi) 413, 419 (Lea) 461, 612-3, 780, 1063 (Lauk) 518, 2252 (Skelly) 530, 1929 (Lloyd) 608 (Lockstead) 773 (Barnes) 1006, 1008, 1676 (King) 1170, 1181 (Nicolson) 1427 (Shelford) 1678
Bennett, Hon. William Richards, Premier (South Okanagan)
Alaska pipeline connection 1819, A. 1855, 1924, 2107, 2420, 3157
Anti-inflation agreement with Ottawa, A. 276-7
Anti-inflation agreement with Ottawa, withdrawal option proposed 765
Anti-inflation programme, accountability, principle 765
Anti-inflation programme, federal, negotiations with 765, 1055
Black, Wesley, B.C. Buildings Corp., appointment as head of, A. 2719
British Columbia-Alberta pipeline, proposed, A. 3157
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 552-6, 583, 585, 670, 682-3
B.C. Ferries, federal subsidy for 2348
B.C. Hydro, minister responsible for 2340
B.C. Railway, construction subsidy for 2348
B.C. Railway, employee layoff, A. 1632
B.C. Railway, loan repayment 555
B.C. Railway, strike negotiations, A. 214
Brown, David, appointment of, A. 1857
Budget, abridged version 2349
Budget, alleged leak of data untrue 266, 839
Budget debate 1054-8
Budget debate, time allotted for 361-2
Budget, restraint stressed 1057-8
Building materials, removal of federal tax 1018
CPR rate increase, notice of, A. 1308
Campaign funds and contributions 2345-6, 2363
Can-Cel shares, sale of, A. 1081
Cheques issued by government, cashing of, A. 407
Children's hospital planned 1057
Clark, Joseph, welcome to House 2683-4
Clarkson Gordon, instructions to 2348, 2350
Clarkson Gordon, report, cost of 670
Clarkson Gordon report, mailing of, A. 670
Clarkson Gordon report, a review not an audit 552, 583
Coal, northeast project, environmental concerns 2321
Commercial carrier rate increase, discussion with, A. 1308
Constitution, patriation of 788-9, 930, 2342, 2366, 2716
Constitution, patriation, draft proclamation, negotiation on 789, 930
Constitution, patriation of, letter from Prime Minister 788-9, 930
Constitutional developments, joint consultation, A. 474
Consumer price index, increase in Vancouver, A. 1891-2
Crown agencies, pricing decisions 765, A. 3098
Cummings, Roy, death of 1975
Davis, William, statement on expropriating oil industry in Western Canada 1823
Deficit of province 554-5
Deficit position of province after funds transfered to ICBC, A. 406
Economic development, blueprint for 1057-8
Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 554-5
Economic slump, government policy to deal with, A. 2293
Education, budget increase 1057
Educational and research facilities, co-operation of western provinces 1278
Election public opinion poll, A. 2941
Electoral reform, royal commission on, proposed 2346
Employment, emergency programmes, possibility of, A. 1565, 1631-2
Employment opportunity programmes 2319, 2321-2, 2420
Executive council, money vote attributed to 2301, 2330, 2346
Executive council and Premier's new offices, expenditure for 2329-30
Executive council estimates 2301-2, 2321-3, 2328-30, 2342-3, 2345-50, 2363-6
Export levy, fight against 1055
Federal-provincial cost-sharing arrangements, re-examination 2323, 2343
Federal-provincial revenue transfers, equalization formula for 27145
Finance minister, separate portfolio 2301, 2348
Financial position of B.C. 1054
First Ministers' Conference, Ottawa, June 14-15th, 2713-6
GAIN, extended to single-parent families and those 55 to 59 1055-6
GAIN, information on, release to Unity News, A. 1892
Gas, natural, export prices 2513-4
Gasoline price increases at self-serve stations, A. 2677-8
Government Reorganization Act 2867-8
Government spending, reduction of 1055
Gunderson, appointment as president of BCR, A. 215
Habitat, Canada's submission on unearned profits of land, A. 2423
Haines Road 1819
Health, budget increase to 1055
Health, preventive, programme of 1057
Highway construction for northern Vancouver Island, fund for 2320, 2347
Horse-racing interests, lobbying by ministers, A. 995
Hospital facilities planning, meeting to discuss 1057
Housing, Crown land available to citizens 1057
Housing, decentralization 1057
ICBC, cash balance after receiving $181.5 million, A.406
ICBC, deficit 554
ICBC, criticism of NDP policy 553-4
Imperial Oil, gas price increase request, A. 1567, 1630
Indian land claims, negotiations in progress 1057
Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of 2301
Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of, appropriation for 2346
MLAs, salary reduction 1055
Meeting with governors of Alaska, Washington and; Oregon 1755, 1819
Mine closings, A. 2678
Mincome cheques, insert with, A. 2161-2
Mincome programme, extension of 1056
Mineral royalties, changes in 2366, 2420
Mining in provincial parks, government policy on Money votes, transfer of, for departments 2867-8
Morrison, Newell, status of, A. 473 2364
Motions on order paper, calling of 2365
Natural gas and petroleum policy of NDP, criticism of 1534
Natural resources, revenue from, provincial rights to 1823
Nishga tribe, land claims, negotiation with 1057
Northern tour, report on 1924
Northwest communities, development of, services to 2320-1
Oil explorations, funds for, A. 1528
Oil pipeline proposed 1819
Oil pricing policy, A. 1528, 1531-4, 1823, 2363-4
Olympic torch-carrying ceremonies, funding of, A. 2841
Opposition members invited as observers at important conferences 1925
Pacific Western Airlines takeover, A. 15, 2545-6
Premier's mode of transport, A. 2943, 3019
Premier's private railway coach, A. 2384
Press secretary to Premier, salary of 2330, 2343
Price-freeze policy 2322
Price increases, monitoring of A. 3156
Prince George, Crown land available for housing 1057
Property tax exemption for those over 65 1056
Public-sector compensation agreements to be referred to anti-inflation guidelines 765
Rail agreement with federal government 585, 1058
Rate increases of government, AIB, submission to, A. 3098
Rent and food prices, monitoring of 765
Resource industries in B.C., government interest, sale of, A. 1893-4
Revenue owed to province, retroactive reduction by federal government 2715
Sales tax exemption for building materials 1018
Sales tax exemptions, review of 1018-9
Sharpe, Norman, employment of, A. 1529
Smith, D. Ed, nomination as Speaker 1
Social priorities of government 1055
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 1018-9
South Africa, trade with government, policy on, A. 2840-1
Strikes, problems of 2420
Student employment programme 2321
Sukunka coal development 2319
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 575-6
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, amount asked for 575-6
Tariffs, common position of western provinces 1278
Tax increases, reasons for 1055-6
Tax points, transfer by federal government 2715
Tax reduction in future if financial position permits 1056
Taxes, government payment of 2365
Taxes and other increases imposed by government, impact of 2320
Teachers, no layoff for 1057
Transition houses for women, funding of, A. 74
Transportation affecting coastal port trade, common position of western provinces 1278
Trident submarine base, discussion on, A. 1753, 1755, 1819, 2231
Unemployment situation in B.C. 2420
Universities Council, warrant to 683
Vancouver East by-election, A. 16, 1080, 2329
Vancouver East by-election results 2329
Western Premiers' Conference 1277-8
Whip system, breakdown of 504
Whips, responsibility of 396-7
Williston, Ray, B.C. Cellulose, appointment as president, A. 2719
Women, employment in government 2343
Women's Rally for Action brief, decision on, A. 74
Yukon, discussion with 1924
Bennett, Russell
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1929
Benson, Hon. E.J.
Mentioned: (Davis) 116
Berg, Mike
Quoted (Dailly) 727
Berg, Richard
Mentioned: (Gardom) 2620
Berger Commission
See: Royal Commission on Family and Children's Law
Bermuda Resources Ltd.
Sukunka coal development, pulling out of (Lauk) 2164
Bernhardt, Charles
Quoted (Levi) 1424
Berry, Leanne
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1952
Bethlehem Copper Corp. Ltd.
Report on copper concentrate revenue (Sanford) 878
Mentioned: (Main) 635 (Waterland) 2241, 2508, 3059, 3362 (Lauk) 2698, 2705, 3059 (Lea) 2743 (Levi) 2755 (Barber) 2781
Better Housing Act
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 2878, 2880
Bewley, A.L.
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1281
Bicey, Keith
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1621
Bicycles and tricycles
Bicycle paths, construction of (Barber) 704, 838, 1875 (Nielsen) 1877 (Chabot) 2524
Bikeways Development Act, see name of act
Bikeways Development Act
(Bill 36) (Barber) I R, 704; 2R, 2523-4; out of order 2524
Speakers: (2R) Barber 2523-4; Chabot 2523
Bicycle paths, construction of (Barber) 2523-4 (Chabot) 2524
Bills, Legislative
1. In-Laws Act
* 3. British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act, 1975-1976
4. British Columbia Harbours Board Amendment Act
* 5. British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act, 1976
* 6. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1976
* 7. Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act, 1976
* 8. Revenue Amendment Act, 1976
* 9. Income Tax Amendment Act, 1976
*10. Supply Act, No. 1, 1976
* 11. Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1976
* 12. Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1976
* 13. Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1976
* 14. Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act
* 15. Construction Amendment Act, 1976
* 16. Anti-Inflation Measures Act
*17. Provincial Homeowner Grant Amendment Act, 1976
*18. Extra-Provincial Custody Orders Enforcement Act
* 19. Interprovincial Subpoena Act
*20. Interpretation Amendment Act, 1976
*21. Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act, 1976
*22. Railway Operation Continuation Act
*23. British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act
*24. British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act
*25. Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1976
*26. Pollution Control (1967) Amendment Act, 1976
*27. Water Amendment Act, 1976
*28. Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act
*29. Land Amendment Act, 1976
*30. Mineral Amendment Act, 1976
*31. Legislative Indemnities and Expenses Tribunal Act
32. Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976
33. Freedom of Information Act
34. Change of Name Amendment Act, 1976
35. Public Works Fair Employment Act Repeal Act
36. Bikeways Development Act
37. An Act to Amend the Land Registry Act
38. An Act to Amend the Public Officials and Employees Disclosure Act
39. Community of Property Act
40. Mineral Royalties Repeal Act
41. Water Improvement District Assistance Act
42. Corporate Disclosure Act
43. Restriction of the Use of Spring Traps Act, 1976
*44. Judicial Revenue Procedure Act
*45. Auditor General Act
*46. British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act
47. Societies Act
48. Ombudsman Act
*49. Home Purchase Assistance Act
*50. An Act to Incorporate the Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster and His Successors in Office a Corporation Sole
*51. An Act to Incorporate the British Columbia
Association of Colleges
52. Vancouver Stock Exchange Act Amendment Act, 1976
*53. Municipal Amendment Act, 1976
54. Energy Amendment Act, 1976
*55. Public Schools Amendment Act, 1976
*56. Sheriffs Act
*57. Mineral Resource Tax Act
*58. Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act
*59. Government Reorganization Act
*60. Credit Unions Amendment Act, 1976
*61. Automobile Insurance Act Amendment Act, 1976
*62. Legal Professions Amendment Act, 1976
*63. Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act, 1976
*64. Public Service Benefits Plans Act
65. Consumer Protection Act
*66. Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2)
67. Public Officials and Employees Conflict of Interest Act
68. Motor-Vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 1)
*69. Miscellaneous Statutes (Court Rules) Amendment Act, 1976
*70. Dentistry Amendment Act, 1976
*71. Pharmacy Amendment Act, 1976
*72. Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Amendment Act, 1976
73. Strata Titles Amendment Act, 1976
*74. Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
*75. Hospital Services Collective Amendment Act
*76. Companies Amendment Act, 1976
*77. Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1976
*78. Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
*80. Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 3)
*81. Public Service Act
*82. Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1976
*83. Public Construction Fair Wages Act
84. Farm and Domestic Workers Recognition Act
*85. Supply Act, No. 2, 1976
86. An Act to Provide for the Payment of Local Taxes by the British Columbia Railway
87. Municipal Amendment Act, No. 2, 1976
Legislation, drafting of, NDP hiring of consultants to assist (Main) 2771-2 (Skelly) 2774-5
Legislation, drafting of, NDP hiring of Jurgen Lau as consultant (McGeer) 2726-7, 2774 (Lauk) 2727-8 (Main) 2740-1 (Hewitt) 2747 (Kerster) 2764
Private members' bills, calling of (Wallace, B.B.) 3130
Bill of Rights
Bingham, Lloyd
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1494
Black, Wesley Drewett
B.C. Buildings Corp., appointment as head (Lea) Q. 2719 (Bennett) A. 2719
Mentioned: (King) 27 (McGeer) 1606 (Nicolson) 3288
Blair, Bert
Mentioned: (King) 3163
Blair, Gilbert Joseph
Report, acceptance of (King) Q. 1341-2 (Williams) A. 1341-2, 1895, 2486-7 (Lea) 2489 (Gibson) 2490-1 (Wallace, G.S.) 2493
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 562
Blake, Edward
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2885
Blakeney, Hon. William
Oil-pricing policy (Bennett) 1533
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1537 (Bennett) 2363
Blasting-ticket courses and blasting permits, issue of (Gibson) 3020-1, 3032 (King) 3021-3 (Waterland) 3021-2, 3034
Blinder, Alan S. and Solo, Robert M.
Economics of Public Finance (Stupich) 879-80
Block Bros. Realty Ltd.
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 1317 (Nicolson) 2661
Mentioned: (Chabot) 2109
Bond Bros.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 3085
Bonham, Gerald
Mentioned: (Brown) 1989-90, 1992 (McClelland) 1993
Bonner, Robert William
B.C. Hydro, spending, future of, statements on (Lea) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034 (Lauk) 1038 (Gibson) 3248
Mentioned: (Cocke) 43, 983 (Gibson) 163 (Stupich) 282 (Lauk) 328, 2246 (Chabot) 337 (Lea) 454, 741 (Mair) 484 (King) 1641 (Skelly) 1826, 2152, 2233
Borthwick, Dave
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1816
Bortnick, Norman
Mentioned: (Skelly) 133, 529, 2775 (Lauk) 475
Bourassa, Robert
Mentioned: (Gibson) 474 (Bennett) 474 (Nicolson) 2809
Bourinot, Sir John George
Parliamentary Procedure and Practice quoted (Speaker) 3016
Bourne, Charles B.
Mentioned: (King) 2279
Bouey, Gerald K.
Mentioned: (Budget address) 250
Boundary-Similkameen area, B.C.
Blue-tongue virus affecting cattle industry (Hewitt) 1411-2
Bowen Island, B.C.
Students travel free to mainland (Nicolson) Q. 1665 (Davis) A. 1665
Bower, Ann
Mentioned: (Cocke) 2077
Bowring and Co.
Mentioned: (McGeer) 2483
Boyce, William H.
Memorandum quoted (Curtis) 193
Braddock, John
Quoted (King) 1971
Bradfield, Michael F.
Quoted (Skelly) 895
Mentioned: (Brown) 936 (Skelly) 1660 (Barnes) 1673
Brameda Resources Ltd.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2776
Brascan Ltd.
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 2316 (Bennett) 2319 (Lauk) 2356 (Sanford) 3027
Breathalyser Act
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1253
Bredl, Pat
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1552
Bremer, John
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 953
Bribes, bulbs in Vancouver East (Gibson) Q. 2293 (McCarthy) A. 2293
Bridge construction
Bridge over Fraser, north Delta to Annacis Isl., proposed (Strongman) 227
Bridges — Construction
See: Bridge construction
Brill, Debbie
Mentioned: (Barnes) 1270
Brisco, Bob
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3319
Bristoe, E.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 2442
British Columbia — Economic conditions
Background of (Gibson) 1487-92
B.C. Railway, freight rates, higher, effect on (D’Arcy) 1110
Cost-of-living increase, measures to deal with, discussion with federal government (Stupich) 1140-1 (Wolfe) 1141
Credit rating of province (Stupich) 368-71 (Lea) 458
Economic conditions and government policy, predictions of (King) 1153
Economic cycle, duration of (Wolfe) 1119
Economic development, blueprint for (Bennett) 1057-8
Economic growth of B.C., study on (Gibson) 2311-2 (Shelford) 2314
Economic growth of B.C. under NDP government (Wallace, B.B.) 464-5 (D’Arcy) 531, 539-40
Economic growth of B.C. under Social Credit government, slowest in Canada (Gibson) 1176
Economic slump, government policy to deal with (Barber) Q. 2292-3 (Bennett) A. 2293
Economy of province, direction, movement (Stupich) 1118-9 (Wolfe) 1119-20
Government general policy, criticism of (Brown) 489-91, 495 (Barnes) 500-2 (Lauk) 520 (Barber) 544-6 (Macdonald) 714
Government policies, impact on average household and working poor (King) 2302-5, 2315, 2325-7, 2362-3, 2366-7
Government policies, impact on remote northern areas (Sanford) 2306-7
Improvement predicted (Sanford) 877-8 (King) 882
Inflation and unemployment, causes for economic disorders (Macdonald) 2056-8
NDP, economic policy, criticism of (Phillips) 442-8 (Hewitt) 496 (Shelford) 524-5 (Bennett) 554-5
Productivity, solution to economic problems (Gibson) 3170 (Hewitt) 3179
Royal commission on economic prospects of B.C., proposed (Gibson) 1491-2
Sales tax increase, effect on (Lea) 778-80 (Gibson) 782, 1186 (Lauk) 784-5 (Wallace, G.S.) 786-7 (Nicolson) 787-8 (Cocke) 804 (D’Arcy) 808-10 (Dailly) 814-5 (Wallace, B.B.) 821-2 (Lauk) 908-9
Urban areas, growth in B.C. (Gibson) 3218 (Curtis) 3222
British Columbia — Industries
B.C. Railway freight rate increases, effect on (D’Arcy) 1110
Companies, new, establishment under Social Credit government (Phillips) 711-2 (Macdonald) 713 (Fraser) 798 (Gardom) 1000
Decentralization of, away from urban areas (Lauk) 1482 (Phillips) 1493
Industrial relations in B.C., special committee to assist Labour minister (Williams) 3192
Infrastructure development, fund for (Skelly) 1508-9 (Phillips) 1509, 1517 (D’Arcy) 1516-7
Initiatives, lack of in Budget address (Wallace, G.S.) 309
Sales tax increase, effect on (D’Arcy) 809-10 (Lockstead) 912
Secondary industries, expansion of (Strongman) 226 (Lockstead) 769
Secondary industries, financial assistance and diversification (Chabot) 421-2
South Africa, trade with, government policy on (Brown) Q. 2840-1 (Bennett) A. 2840-1
Technical assistance to secondary industry, Budget address (Wolfe) 257
Technology, development of, use of skilled people (Gibson) 1491 (Phillips) 1492-3
Technology, development of, world co-operation (Phillips) 1514
British Columbia — Royal Commission on Forest Resources of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1191 (Sanford) 1191
British Columbia — Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure in British Columbia
Quoted (Shelford) 571
British Columbia and Yukon Building Trades Council
Mentioned: (Williams) 3382
British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines
Mentioned: (Gibson) 160 (Sanford) 3026
British Columbia Assessment Authority
Farmland taxation questionnaire (Levi) 1393
British Columbia Association of Colleges
An Act to Incorporate the British Columbia Association of Colleges, see name of act
Petition for the passing of An Act to Incorporate the B.C. Association of Colleges (Jordan) 307
British Columbia Bar Association
Mentioned: (Curtis) 847
British Columbia Broiler Marketing Board
Mentioned: (Levi) 1393
British Columbia Buildings Corp.
Acquisition of excess accommodation, deletion of section proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 2261, 3393-4 (Cocke) 3394
Bids and tenders, no provision for (Gibson) 2168 (Barber) 2179, 3395
Black, Wesley, appointment as head of (Lea) Q. 2719 (Bennett) A. 2719
Board of directors, opposition member to be included, amendment proposed (Cocke) 2249 (Wallace, G.S.) 2249 (Barber) 2250, 2253 (King) 2250-1 (Lauk) 2251-2 (Barnes) 2252-3
Board of directors, power of (Barnes) 2167 (Lauk) 2176 (Barber) 2178-9 (Jordan) 2181 (Wallace, G.S.) 2191
Budget accountability for government departments (Bawlf) 2170-1 (Fraser) 2193
Charging, appropriate, for space rented (Jordan) 2183
Deficit financing, move to (Barnes) 2166 (Gibson) 2168-9 (Lauk) 2174-5 (Barber) 2177-8 (Jordan) 2182 (Cocke) 2184-5, 2248 (Lea) 2187-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 2191 (Fraser) 2193
Expropriation powers (Barnes) 2166-8, 2256-7 (Gibson) 2170, 3392-3 (Lauk) 2174 (Barber) 2178, 2257-9 (Jordan) 2183 (Cocke) 2185 (Stupich) 2186-7 (Lea) 2189, 3391-2 (Fraser) 2193-4, 3391-3 (King) 2254-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 2259-60, 3390-1, 3393
Expropriation section on, deletion of, amendment proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 2260-1 (Gibson) 2261
Loan to be taken, only if required (Fraser) 2123
Political influence and control of corporation (Barnes) 2166 (Lauk) 2176 (Barber) 2178 (Lea) 2188 (King) 2250-1
Property tax, payment of (Bawlf) 2172 (Barber) 2179-80 (Jordan) 2183-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 2194 (Fraser) 2194
Self-supporting, rent payments to achieve (Fraser) 2123, 2193
Staffing, security and benefits of (Barnes) 2166-7 (Gibson) 2169-70 (Lauk) 2176 (Barber) 2179, 2258 (Jordan) 2182 (Fraser) 2194
Taxes, payment of (Gibson) 3396 (Wallace, G.S.) 3396 (Fraser) 3396
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act
(Bill 23) (Minister of Highways and Public Works) 1R, 1629; 2R, 2123-4, 2165-94; C, 2248-62, 3390-7; 3R, 3397; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barber 2177-80; Barnes 2165-8; Bawlf 2170-3; Cocke 2184-5; Fraser 2123-4, 2193-4; Gibson 2168-70; Jordan 2180-4; Lauk 2173-7; Lea 2187-90; Stupich 2185-7; Wallace, G. S. 2190-3
Speakers: (C) Barber 2250, 2253, 2257-9; Barnes 2252-3, 2256-7; Cocke 2248-9, 2262, 3394; Fraser 3391-3, 3396; Gibson 2248, 2261-2, 3392, 3395-6; King 2250-1, 3354; Lauk 2251-2, 3395; Lea 3391-2; Macdonald 2262; Wallace, G.S. 2249-50, 2259-61, 3390-1, 3393, 3396-7
Amdts: (C) , sec. 2 (Cocke) 2248, negatived 2253; sec. 4, line 8 (Wallace, G.S.) 2261, negatived 2261; sec. 4 (2e) (Wallace, G.S.) 2261, negatived 2261; sec. 4 (2a) (Wallace, G.S.) 3391, negatived 3393; sec. 4 (2e) (Wallace, G.S.) 3394, negatived 3394; sec. 4 (Gibson) 3395, out of order 3395; sec. 7 (Barber) 3395, out of order 3395; title (Barber) 3397, out of order 3397
Divisions: (2R) 2194; amdts. to sec. 2 negatived 2253; sec. 4, line 8 negatived 2261; sec. 4 (2e) , negatived 2261; sec. 4 (2a) negatived 3393; sec. 4 (2e) , negatived 3394; 3R, 3397
Accommodation, economic, for government, provision of (Bawlf) 2170-1, 2173
Acquisition of excess accommodation, deletion of section proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 2261, 3393-4 (Cocke) 3394
Bids and tenders, no provision for (Gibson) 2168 (Barber) 2179, 3395
Blanshard-Courtney building (Fraser) 2123
Board of directors, opposition member to be included, amendment proposed (Cocke) 2249 (Wallace, G.S.) 2249 (Barber) 2250, 2253 (King) 2250-1 (Lauk) 2251-2 (Barnes) 2252-3
Board of directors, power of (Barnes) 2167 (Lauk 2176 (Barber) 2178-9 (Jordan) 2181 (Wallace, G.S.) 2191
Budget accountability for government departments (Bawlf) 2170-1 (Fraser) 2193
Charging, appropriate, for space rented (Jordan) 2183
Crown corporation, creation of (Barnes) 2165 (Wallace, G.S.) 2190
Deficit financing, nature of the corporation (Barnes) 2166 (Gibson) 2168-9 (Lauk) 2174-5 (Barber) 2177-8 (Jordan) 2182 (Cocke) 2184-5, 2248 (Lea) 2187-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 2191 (Fraser) 2193
Expropriation, section on (Barnes) 2166-8, 2256-7 (Gibson) 2170, 3392-3 (Lauk) 2174 (Barber) 2178, 2257-9 (Jordan) 2183 (Cocke) 2185 (Stupich) 2186-7 (Lea) 2189, 3391-2 (Fraser) 2193-4, 3391-3 (King) 2254-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 2259-60, 3390-1, 3393
Expropriation, section on, deletion of, amendment proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 2260-1 (Gibson) 2261
Government, size increase, criticism of (Wallace, G.S.) 2192-3, 2249
Jobs created as a result of funds available (Fraser) 2123-4
Loan, to be taken, only if required (Fraser) 2123
Political influence and control of corporation (Barnes) 2166 (Lauk) 2176 (Barber) 2178 (Lea) 2188 (King) 2250-1
Property tax, payment of (Bawlf) 2172 (Barber) 2179-80 (Jordan) 2183-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 2194 (Fraser) 2194
Public buildings, construction of, funds for (Fraser) 2123
Public Service Act, employees of corporation not under (Gibson) 3395
Public Works department estimates under, removal of (Gibson) 2169
Self-supporting, rent payments to achieve (Fraser) 2123, 2193
Staffing, security and benefits of (Barnes) 2166-7 (Gibson) 2169-70 (Lauk) 2176 (Barber) 2179, 2258 (Jordan) 2182 (Fraser) 2194
Taxes, payment of (Gibson) 3396 (Wallace, G.S.) 3396 (Fraser) 3396
Title, amendment to (Barber) 3397
Vancouver downtown building (Fraser) 2123, 2193 (Lauk) 2173-4
British Columbia Building Fund
Use, abusive, by NDP government (Fraser) 798
British Columbia Cattlemen's Association
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 561 (Mair) 636, 1447
British Columbia Cellulose Co.
Loan, repayment of (Lea) 615, 646
Operation of (Veitch) 1930
Ownership of (Lea) Q. 3348-9 (Waterland) 3348-9
Williston, possibility of appointment as chief executive officer (Lauk) 2682-3, 2697-8 (Skelly) 2686 (Barrett) 3085-93 (Waterland) 3085, 3088
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2557, 2577, 2686 (Lea) 2679-80 (Lauk) 2683
British Columbia Central Credit Union
Advancement of money to (Budget address) 262
Cash management by government of B.C., report (Gibson) 1135-6 (Wolfe) 1136, 1175, 1178-9 (Stupich) 1174, 1178
Co-operatives, relation with (Hewitt) 1374
SIB International, loan to, for purchase of Arctic Harvester (Wolfe) 262, 686 (Lauk) 687 (Lockstead) 773
Mentioned: (Loewen) 149 (Wolfe) 666 (Bennett) 683 (Lockstead) 773 (Gardom) 2627
British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons
Board of inquiry, appointment of, re dispute with Human Rights Commission (Williams) 409-10 (King) 410
British Columbia Cultural Fund
Funds to community arts councils 955
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act, 1975-1976
(Bill 3) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 115; 2R, 354-5, ' 362-85, 424-39, 441-62, 483-503, 513-32, 539-56; (C) sec. 1, 578-94, 645-70, 676-700, 737-54; sec. 2, 754; 3R, 754; RA, 763
Speakers: (2R) Barber 543-9; Barnes 500-3, 513-5; Bennett 552-6; Brown 489-95; Cocke 381-5; 424-30; Dailly 484-6; D'Arcy 530-2, 539-43; Gibson 430-4; Hewitt 495-7; Kempf 499-50; Kerster 434-5; King 549-50; Lauk 518-23; Lea 453-61; Levi 550-1; Lloyd 526-7; Lockstead 486-9; Macdonald 551-2; McGeer 515-8; Mair 483-4; Nicolson 435-9, 441-2; Nielsen 461-2; Phillips 442-9; Sanford 497-9; Shelford 523-6; Skelly 527-30; Stupich 354-5, 362-81; Wallace, B.B. 462-9, 483; Wallace, G.S. 449-53
Speakers: (C) Barber 655-6, 692-5; Bennett 583, 585, 670, 682-3; Chabot 658; Cocke 593, 650-1, 656, 659, 683-4, 731-8; Dailly 648, 654-5, 665, 678-9, 686-7; D'Arcy 583; Davis 746-7; Gibson 587, 593, 648-9, 655-6, 659-60, 663, 750-1, 754; King 646-7, 652-3, 656-7, 667-8, 676, 682, 687-8, 743, 745-6, 749; Lauk 582-4, 586, 591-2, 594, 651-2, 657, 667, 679-82, 685-7, 743-4, 747-9, 752; Lea 578-9, 582-5, 645-7, 667, 741-3, 752-3; Levi 584, 649-50, 658-9; McCarthy 662-3, 740-1; Macdonald 579, 590-1, 648-9, 679; McGeer 581, 676-8, 684-5; Mussallem 660-1; Nicolson 594, 688-90; Phillips 582, 749-50; Sanford 695-6; Skelly 579-80, 585, 588-9, 592-3, 665-6, 690-2, 743-4, 751-2; Stupich 580-1, 586-8, 654, 665, 668-9, 696-700, 738-40, 753-4; Wallace, B.B. 651, 690; Wolfe 578-80, 585-8, 591-2, 594, 646-50, 653, 655, 657, 666-7, 669, 686, 688, 744-5, 751, 754
Amdt: (C) sec. 1 (Gibson) 656, 659-60 negatived 663
Divisions: (2R) 556, title approved 754, (3R) 754
Amendment to bill (Gibson) 656
Amount to be borrowed (Gibson) 656-7 (Wallace, G.S.) 658 (Chabot) 658 (Levi) 658-9 (Cocke) 659, 662-3 (Mussallem) 660-1 (Wolfe) 751 (Lauk) 752
Balanced budget at expense of services to people (Brown) 489-91, 495 (Barnes) 500-2
B.C. Harbours Board, loan repayment (Lea) 614-5, Q. 646 (Veitch) 629 (Wolfe) A. 646 (Stupich) 698
B.C. Hydro loan, repayment (Bennett) 555 (Lea) 645-6 (Stupich) 669
B.C. Petroleum Corp., revenue transfer (Bennett) 555 (Lauk) 584 (Lea) 646, 652, 742 (Stupich) 698
B.C. Railway, financial losses cover-up (Cocke) 384-5 (Wallace, B.B.) 468-9
BCR, loan repayment (Bennett) 555 (Lauk) 582, 586 (Lea) Q. 615, 646 (Wolfe) A. 646 (Stupich) 697 (Phillips) 750
Cancer research programme, grant to (Gibson) 655-6, 660 (King) 657 (Lauk) 657, 685 (Wallace, G.S.) 658 (Cocke) 659 (Mussallem) 660-1 (McCarthy) 662
Cattle industry, FIRS advance payment (Wallace, B.B.) 651, 690 (Stupich) 654 (Skelly) 665 (Cocke) 684 (Barber) 693
Clarkson Gordon report, abusive use of (Stupich) 365, 375 (Cocke) 383-4
Clarkson Gordon report, cost of (Gibson) 649 (Skelly) 666 (Bennett) 670
Clarkson Gordon report, deficit situation of province (Stupich) 378-80 (Nicolson) 437-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 450 (Wallace, B.B.) 464-5 (Lockstead) 487-8 (Skelly) 527 -8 (Barber) 545-7
Clarkson Gordon report, draft copy (Macdonald) 591 (Gibson) 593, 750 (Cocke) 594 (Skelly) 743-4, 751 (King) 743, 745-6, 749 (Lauk) 743 (Wolfe) 743
Clarkson Gordon report, instructions to (Stupich) 587, 668 (Wolfe) 588, 591-3 (Lauk) 591 (Skelly) 592-3, 692, 752 (Cocke) 738 (Gibson) 750
Clarkson Gordon report, interim version (Lauk) 654
Clarkson Gordon report, oath of secrecy taken by reviewers (Lea) 647
Clarkson Gordon report, quoted (Stupich) 380, 697 (Cocke) 383 (Lockstead) 488 (Gibson) 649-50 (Skelly) 690
Clarkson Gordon report, a review, not an audit (Cocke) 381, 383 (Nicolson) 437 (Wallace, B.B.) 465 (Hewitt) 496 (Sanford) 498 (Barnes) 502 (Bennett) 552, 583 (Skelly) 585 (Stupich) 668 (Wolfe 669
Columbia River Treaty (Cocke) 385, 425 (Phillips) 444
Credit rating of province (Stupich) 368-71 (Lea) 458
Crown corporation, revenue transfer (Stupich) 377 (Phillips) 446 (Wallace, G.S.) 452 (Lea) 454-5 (Wallace, B.B.) 467 (Dailly) 486 (Lockstead) 488 (Barnes) 502 (Lauk) 522 (D’Arcy) 541-2 (Barber) 546
Deadline for passing of legislation (Stupich) 370 (Cocke) 429 (Wallace, B.B.) 463 (Barber) 547-8
Deficit of province (Stupich) 376-80 (Kerster) 435 (Nicolson) 437-9 (Phillips) 444-8 (Lea) 461 (Nielsen) 462 (Kempf) 499 (Lloyd) 526 (Skelly) 527-9 (D’Arcy) 540 (Bennett) 554-5
Economic growth of province under NDP government (Wallace, B.B.) 464-5 (D’Arcy) 531, 539-40
Expenditures, capital taken as operating revenue (Wallace, G.S.) 450-1 (Dailly) 486
Funds, public service, misuse of (McGeer) 517-8
Government's economic policy, criticism of (Brown) 489-91, 495 (Barnes) 500-2 (Lauk) 520 (Barber) 544-6
ICBC, cheque to (Cocke) 425-6 (Gibson) 430-2, 648 (Wolfe) A. 648 (Nicolson) 439, 441 (Wallace, G.S.) 452 (Wallace, B.B.) 467 (Skelly) 527, 530, 585, 665 (Lauk) 522-3, 584 (King) 534, 549, 653 (Barber) 548-9, 693 (Levi) 551 (Macdonald) 552, 590, 716 (Bennett ) 553 (Lea) 614, 646 (McGeer) 676 (Sanford) 696 (Stupich) 740
ICBC, deficit of (Kerster) 434 (Phillips) 445 (McGeer) 516-7 (Bennett) 554
Information, detailed, required (Stupich) 372 (Wallace, G.S.) 451 (Lea) 459 (Wallace, B.B.) 463
Legislation discrediting NDP government, purpose of (Stupich) 366-7, 376-7 (Dailly) 485 (Lockstead) 487 (Barnes) 500, 514 (Skelly) 529
Legislation limiting borrowing to one time only (Stupich) 364 (Cocke) 427
Liabilities, contingent, of province (Stupich) 366-7
Loan, interest rates (Stupich) 367-8 (Cocke) 385 (Sanford) 499 (Kempf) 499-50 (Shelford) 526
Municipalities, payments to (Nicolson) 439 (Sanford) 498
NDP economic policy, criticism of (Phillips) 442-8 (Hewitt) 496 (Shelford) 524-5 (Bennett) 554-5
Non-sufficient-fund cheques, issue of (Gibson) 430-2 (Nicolson) 442 (Lea) 454 (Wallace, B.B.) 463
Political reason for bill (Cocke) 427-8, 650-1 (Nicolson) 439, 441 (Wallace, G.S.) 451 (Wallace, B.B.) 468 (Dailly) 484, 486 (Lockstead) 486-7 (Brown) 491 (Skelly) 528 (Lea) 647 (Macdonald) 552, 648 (Lauk) 651, 681 (Stupich) 354, 366-9
Rail agreement with Ottawa (Lea) 583-5, 615, 742 (Bennett) 585 (Lauk) 586, 747-9 (Davis) 746-7 (Stupich) 698 (King) 749 (Phillips) 750
Special funds, revenue in (Stupich) 377 (Nicolson) 438 (Barnes) 502
Unemployment, combatting (Stupich) 363-5 (Brown) 491
Universities Council, grant to (Dailly) 592, 654-5, 678-9, 687 (Wolfe) 648-9, 657, 664, 688 (Macdonald) 648-9, 664, 679, 716 (Gibson) 649 (Lauk) 651-2, 667, 679-82, 685, 687 (Barber) 655, 693 (King) 657, 664, 667-8, 676, 682, 687 (Skelly) 665, 690-2 (Lea) 667 (Stupich) 668 (McGeer) 676-8, 684-5 (Bennett) 683 (Cocke) 684 (Nicolson) 689-90
Mentioned: (King) 33 (Barnes) 200 (D’Arcy) 1111 (Lea) 1122, 1127, 1130 (Stupich) 1127 (Dailly) 1202
British Columbia Development Corporation
Economic Development, Department of, co-operation in achieving economic stability (Phillips) 1071
Economic Development, minister as chairman of board (Lauk) 1481-2 (Phillips) 1486
Independence of (Lauk) 1480-2 (Phillips) 1486
Loan to stimulate job creation, Budget address (Wolfe) 262
Mentioned: (Sanford) 205 (Veitch) 629 (Lea) 1064 (D’Arcy) 1068 (Lauk) 1210-1, 1417-8, 2176 (Phillips) 1424 (Nicolson) 1428-9, 1458-9 (Gibson) 1913 (Chabot) 1934
British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act
(Bill 46) (Minister of Education) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2944-8; C, 3210; 3R, 3210; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Dailly 2944-5; Gibson 2945-6; McGeer 2944, 2947-8, Stupich 2946-7; Wallace, G.S. 2946
Speakers: (C) Dailly 3210; McGeer 3 210
Accountability for spending (Wallace, G.S.) 2948 (McGeer) 2948
Capital financing for universities (McGeer) 2944, 2947 (Dailly) 2945 (Stupich) 2947
Community colleges and private institutions included in Act (Dailly) 3210 (McGeer) 3210
Crown corporation, , creation of (McGeer) 2944 (Wallace, G.S.) 2946
Deficit financing, move to (Dailly) 2944-5 (Gibson) 2945-6 (Stupich) 2946-7
Tuition fees, raising of (Dailly) 2955
Universities Council, term of reference (Dailly) 2945 (McGeer) 2948
Mentioned: (Barber) 3217
British Columbia Egg Marketing Board
Administrative problem (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2201-2 (Phillips) A. 2202, 2232 (Stupich) Q. 2204 (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 2202-3, 2232
Egg producer's property, spying on (Wallace, G.S.) 1435-6
Irregularities (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 175 (Phillips) A. 175
Northern producers, expansion of, help in (Shelford) 1396 (Lloyd) 1412
Prince George egg producers, problem of (Wallace, G.S.) 1433-4, 1446-7, 1449 (Phillips) 1448-9, 1450
Quota sale, policy of (Macdonald) Q. 2203-4 (Phillips) A. 2203
Representatives on the board (Wallace, G.S.) 1435, 1446-7, 1465
Value of (Wallace, B.B.) 1431
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 1399
British Columbia Employees Union
Student summer employees, fringe benefits, negotiations for (Gibson) Q. 1051 (Williams) A. 1051
British Columbia Energy Commission
Energy forecasts for B.C. (Davis) 965, 3250 (Williams) 970 (Nicolson) 1034 (Cocke) 2340-1 (Lauk) 2360-1 (Gibson) 3248-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 3258-9
Energy resources and needs of province surveyed (Macdonald) 963-4 (Davis) 965
Oil explorations, funds for (Gibson) Q. 1528, 1535 (Bennett) A. 1528
Petroleum industry, report on (D’Arcy) Q. 1858 (Davis) A. 1858
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 239 (Chabot) 336 (Nicolson) 1117-8 (Lauk) 1630, 3062 (Wallace, G.S.) 1877 (Wallace, B.B.) 1879 (Bennett) 2107, 3157 (Waterland) 3062 (Barber) 3272
British Columbia Federation of Agriculture
Brief presented (Shelford) 1396-7 (Levi) 1424-5
Farm Income Assurance Programme, funding for (Wallace, G.S.) 1466, 1475 (Phillips) 1446, 1475
Marketing boards, need and function of (Shelford) 1398
Meeting and negotiations with minister (Wallace, B.B.) 1386 (Phillips) 1389, 1433, 1448, 1473, 1544 (Levi) 1394 (Stupich) 1471-2, 1544
Potato income assurance, proposal for (Phillips) A. 841
Raspberry income assurance, proposal for (Phillips) A. 841
Mentioned: (Cocke) 986, 1391 (Wallace, B.B.) 1385-6, 1430, 3217 (Levi) 1394 (Gibson) 1409 (Wallace, G.S.) 1464, 1466 (Stupich) 1469-70 (Curtis) 3217
British Columbia Federation of Labour
Mentioned: (Rogers) 130 (McGeer) 518 (Williams) 1709, 3147 (Mair) 2740 (Gibson) 3170 (Barrett) 3189
British Columbia Federation of Teachers
Survey on parental attitude toward educational system (McGeer) 874, 1605
Mentioned: (McGeer) 874 (Nicolson) 1735 (Kahl) 1738 (Levi) 2064
British Columbia Ferry Authority
Advertising campaign to get customers (Lea) Q. 3241 (McCarthy) A. 3241
Brentwood-Mill Bay ferry (Wallace, B.B.) 3260 (Davis) 3274
Cars, supervision of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2840 (Davis) A. 2840
Commuter card system, extension for some routes, proposed (Gibson) 1305
Commuter card system for Mackenzie riding (Lockstead) 770
Commuter cards for Sunshine Coast residents, removal of (Lockstead) Q. 1665, 1753 (Davis) A. 1665, 1753
Crew, reduction of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2840, 2940-1 (Davis) A. 2941
Development routes, subsidization of (Davis) 324
Diningroom , takeover by free enterprise (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1080, 1530 (Davis) A. 1080, 1530
Employees, additional, hiring of (Wallace, G.S.) 188, 1305
Employees, fringe benefits for (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1306 (Davis) A. 1306
Employees layoff (King) 1232-3, Q. 1306, 2163, 2585-6 (Williams) A. 1306, 2597 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1858, 2163 (Davis) A. 1858, 2163, 2233 (Lockstead) Q. 2233 (Lauk) 2609-10
Employees' union, NDP advice to (Bawlf) Q. 1307 (King) A. 1307
Expenditure, Budget address (Wolfe) 261
Fare of $15 on ferry routes (Gibson) Q. 2578 (Davis) A. 2578
Federal subsidy to (King) 1278 (Davis) 1304, 2923 (Gibson) 1305, 2309 (Wallace, G.S.) 1305 (Bennett) 2348 (Hewitt) 2921 (Lloyd) 2921-2 (Jordan) 2922
Ferries, two, purchased by Toronto financial house (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2382 (Davis) A. 2382
Ferry from Beaver Cove to Kelsey Bay, free ride, resumption of (Sanford) 3263 (Davis) 3274-5
Finance (Lea) 63 (Stupich) 286 (Gibson) 296 (D’Arcy) 541
Food dispensers, health standard of (Sanford) Q. 2383-4, 2579 (McClelland) A. 2384 (Fraser) A. 2579
Food prices (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2423 (Davis) A. 2423
Food services (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2232-3 (Davis) A. 2232-3
Gulf Island, rates for (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1527 (Davis) A. 1527, 1663 (Cocke) Q. 1663 (Lauk) Q. 1663 (Sanford) Q. 1751 (Fraser) A. 1751
Handicapped, travel at half price (Davis) 1303
Labour dispute, industrial inquiry commissioner, appointment of (Williams) 2291-2 (King) 2292 (Gibson) 2292 (Wallace, G.S.) 2292
Lease arrangements (Davis) 2875-6 (Nicolson) 2876 (Gibson) 2897-8, 2988-9
Link connecting Bella Coola to Ocean Falls, proposed (Lockstead) 771
Overcharging customers (Lockstead) Q. 2073-4 (Davis) A. 2074
Parking lots, at Swartz Bay terminal (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2422 (Davis) A. 2422
Passes to individuals, issue of (Lockstead) Q. 1339 (Davis) A. 1339
Price Waterhouse study (Davis) 2919
Princess Marguerite, no mention in throne speech (Gibson) 162
Rate increase (Wallace, G.S.) 187-8, 1306 (Davis) 1303-4, 2919 (King) 1304 (Gibson) 1304-5 (Lauk) 1457 (Phillips) 1458 (Mair) 1550 (Sanford) 1547, 1577 (Kerster) 2921 (Lockstead) 3251
Rate increase, cost of living, effect on (King) 1304 (Lockstead) Q. 1307-8 (Mair) A. 1308
Rate increase, freight costs, effect on (King) 1304
Rate increase, future, possible (Lockstead) 3345 (Davis) 3345
Rate increase, impact of job losses (King) Q. 1306 (Williams) A. 1306
Rate increase, morale of staff, effect on (Wallace, B.B.) 3259
Rate increase, over-height vehicles affected by (Sanford) 3262 (Davis) 3274
Rate increase, prices, monitoring of (Sanford) Q. 2201 (Mair) A. 2201 (Davis) 3274
Rate increase, public resistance to (Lea) Q. 2675-6 (Davis) A. 2675-6
Rate increase, residents of Vancouver Island, effect on (Wallace, G.S.) 3255-6 (Wallace, B.B.) 3259 (Sanford) 3261-2 (Gibson) 3264
Rate increase, Sunshine Coast and Powell River regions, effect on (Lockstead) 3251-2
Rate increase, tourism, effect on (Barnes) 1007 (King) 1304 (Wallace, G.S.) 1305 (Cocke) Q. 1306-7 (McCarthy) A. 1306-7, 3336 (Skelly) 3252-4, 3322, 3335, 3338
Rate increase, Vancouver Island agriculture, effect on (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 1308 (Phillips) A. 1308
Rate structure for amateur horses on ferries (Jordan) 2922
Rates, higher for out-of-province licence plates (Gibson) 1305
Rates, higher in summer, proposed (Gibson) 3264
Rates, special, consideration of (Davis) 2923
Safety on (Wallace, G.S.) 3256 (Davis) 3273-4
Sailing frequency increase, no mention in throne speech (Gibson) 163
Sailings, additional (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 275 (Davis) 275
Seating, additional (Gibson) Q. 3019 (Davis) A. 3019
Senior citizens, travel free as foot passengers (Davis) 1303, A. 1977, 2577, 2942 (King) 1304 (Wallace, G.S.) 1305 (Gibson) Q. 1977, 3264-5 (Macdonald) Q. 2577, 2942
Staff at management level (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1527 (Davis) A. 1527
Strike, possibility of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1978, 2164-5 (Davis) A. 1978
Students, free travel for (Nicolson) Q. 1665 (Davis) A. 1665 (Sanford) 3262-3
Students travelling as group, reduced rate for (Kerster) 2921 (Rogers) 2922 (Davis) 2923 (Sanford) 3262-3
Usage of, for June 1975 and June 1976 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 3401 (Davis) A. 3401
Use figures, comparison of (Lockstead) Q. 3019 (Davis) A. 3019-20
Wage increase for workers, criticism of NDP policy (Kerster) 1676-7
British Columbia Ferry Corp.
Board of directors, no MLAs on, amendment proposed (Gibson) 3340-1
Board of directors, worker representation on (Lockstead) 3340 (Davis) 3340
Budget, operation within (Davis) 2919
Cabinet discretion required on certain matters (Davis) 2919
Deficit financing, move to (Stupich) 3342-3 (Gibson) 3345
Employees, benefits and seniority accruing to (Hewitt) 2921
Expropriation, no power of (Wallace, G.S.) 3341
Financial record, open to inspection by Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs (Gibson) 3345-6
Financial results, reporting of (Davis) 2919 (Hewitt) 2920-1
Leasing agreement with eastern financial interest (Stupich) 3341-5
Operation be extended across international boundary (Bawlf) 2920 (Davis) 2923
Taxes, payment of (Gibson) 3346 (Davis) 3346
British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act
(Bill 24) (Minister of Transport and Communications) I R, 2291; 2R, 2919-23, C, 3340-6; 3R, 3346; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Bawlf 2919-20; Davis 2919, 2923, Hewitt 2920-1; Jordan 2922-3; Kerster 2921; Lloyd 2921-2; Rogers 2922
Speakers: (C) Davis 3340, 3345-6; Gibson 3340-1, 3345-6; Lockstead 3340-1, 3345; Stupich 3341-5; Wallace, G.S. 3340-1
Amdts: C, sec. 3 (Gibson) 3340, negatived 3341; sec. 8 (Gibson) 3345, negatived 3345
Board of directors; no MLAs on, amendment proposed (Gibson) 3340-1
Board of directors, worker representation on (Lockstead) 3340 (Davis) 3340
Budget, operation within (Davis) 2919
Cabinet discretion required on certain matters (Davis) 2919
Deficit financing, move to (Stupich) 3342-3 (Gibson) 3345
Employees, benefits and seniority accruing to (Hewitt) 2921
Expropriation, no power of (Wallace, G.S.) 3341
Ferries under Transport and Communications Department to be transferred (Wallace, G.S.) 3340 (Davis) 3340
Financial results, reporting of (Davis) 2919 (Hewitt) 2920-1
Financial record, open to inspection by Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs (Gibson) 3345-6
Highways equivalent subsidy (Davis) 2919, 2923 (Bawlf) 2919-20 (Hewitt) 2921 (Lloyd) 2921-2 (Jordan) 2922
Leasing agreement with eastern financial interest (Stupich) 3341-5
Operation be extended across international boundary (Bawlf) 2920 (Davis) 2923
Price Waterhouse study (Davis) 2919
Queen of Surrey, operation of (Bawlf) 2920
Rate increases (Davis) 2919 (Kerster) 2921
Rate structure for amateur horses on ferries (Jordan) 2922
Rates, special, consideration of (Davis) 2923
Students travelling as group, reduced rate for (Kerster) 2921 (Rogers) 2922 (Davis) 2923
Taxes, payment of (Gibson) 3346 (Davis) 3346
Mentioned: (Gibson) 2988
British Columbia Financial and Economic Review
Quoted (Phillips) 446
Mentioned: (Stupich) 959
British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.
Mentioned: (Lea) 455 (Lauk) 521, 907 (Skelly) 1928, 2688
British Columbia Government Employees Union
Student summer employment programme, dispute over rate of pay (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1342, 1440-1 1856 (McCarthy) A. 1441, 1856
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 595 (Wallace, G.S.) 1310
British Columbia Harbours Board
Interest repayment guaranteed, Budget address (Wolfe) 262 (Stupich) 284
Loan, repayment of (Lea) 614-5, 646 (Veitch) 629 (Wolfe) A. 646 (Stupich) 698, 1148, 1173
Mentioned: (Stupich) 381 (Veitch) 1930 (Gibson) 3285
British Columbia Harbours Board Amendment Act
(Bill 4) (Minister of Transport and Communications) 1R, 249
British Columbia Health Association
Convention at Harrison Hot Springs (Wallace, G.S.) 2443-4
British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service
Children under 19, hospital extended-care charge (McClelland) 1947
Co-insurance charge for destitute (McClelland) 1947
Co-insurance charge increase, Budget address (Wolfe) 258-9, 1193-4 (Gibson) 296 (Lauk) 332 (Levi) 416 (Gibson) Q. 321 (McClelland) A. 321, 1754 (Barnes) 502 (Brown) 641 (Lockstead) 769 (Wallace, B.B.) 853 (Cocke) 1191-2
Extended-care rate increase (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 1754, 1788 (McClelland) A. 1754, 1788
Extended-care rate increase, exceptions (Gibson) Q. 321 (McClelland) A. 321 (Wallace, G.S.) 311-2 (Cocke) 1192
Extended-care rate increase, roll-back of (McClelland) 1947, 2027 (Cocke) 2025-6
Extended-care rate increase, safeguards and consideration for special groups (Cocke) 1192, 1195 (Wallace, G.S.) 1195-6 (Nicolson) 1200
Hospital increases, per diem (Cocke) 1191-5 (Wolfe) 1193-4, 1198, 1201 (Wallace, G.S.) 1195 (Nicolson) 1199-1201
Mentioned: Sanford) 760 (Skelly) 1659
British Columbia Housing Corp.
Policy changes (Lea) 615
Mentioned: (Curtis) 3223
British Columbia Housing Management Commission
Conflict of interest (Gibson) Q. 175-6 (Curtis) A. 176, 214, 924-5
Mentioned: (Curtis) 75 (Nicolson) 2660
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Annual report, 1975, quoted (Hewitt) 1229-30
Appropriation, Budget address (Wolfe) 261
Arrow Lake fishery, restoration funded by (D’Arcy) 1035-6 (Davis) 1036
Arrow Lakes Valley, selling of properties purchased (D’Arcy) 1037
Authority for dam, generating and transmission expenses (Wolfe) 925, 958
Bennett Dam (Nicolson) 1034 (Davis) 1036
Bonner, Robert, as chief executive (Lauk) 328-9 (Chabot) 337
Bonner, Robert, statement on future spending (Lea) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034 (Lauk) 1038
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act.
Capital investment funds (Wolfe) 261
Court award of $36 million against (King) Q. 15, 1108 (Wolfe) A. 15, 646 (Lea) Q. 646 (Wallace, G.S.) 960
Credit rating (Stupich) 368
Dean River diversion, effect on fishery in the area (Lockstead) 1036-7 (Davis) 1037
Debt ratio to paid-up capital (Wallace, G.S.) 3258
Deficit amount (Stupich) 959 (Wallace, G.S.) 960-1
Deficit, operating, Budget address (Wolfe) 252 (Bennett) 555 (Lea) 614
Electricity generation project expansion, ceiling on (Wallace, G.S.) 1040
Electrification assistance programme for rural areas (Hewitt) 620, 1229-30 (Wolfe) 1230
Energy forecasts for B.C. (Davis) 965, 1036, 3250 (Lea) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034 (Wallace, G.S.) 1039-40, 3258-9 (Gibson) 3248-9
Environment and Land Use Committee to examine future projects (Lea) 1033-4
Environmental matters affected by projects (Wallace, G.S.) 961-2 (Lea) 1033 (Wolfe) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034-5
Expansion projects, reasons for (Davis) 964-5
Fisheries mitigation, funds for (D’Arcy) 1035
Hat Creek coal project (Wallace, G.S.) 961-2 (Davis) 964, 1036, 1041 (Nicolson) 1034-5, 1039
Hydro transit, criticism of NDP government administration (Curtis) 191-4
Kootenay Canal project (Davis) 1036
Loan, repayment of (Bennett) 555 (Lea) 646 (Stupich) 669, 1148 (Wolfe) 1149
McGregor Dam project work to be done by Forest Service (Skelly) 2693, 3065, 3070 (Waterland) 2693, 3065, 3070
McGregor diversion area, logging plans in (Skelly) 3066, 3069-70 (Waterland) 3066
McGregor diversion, construction of (Mussallem) 1029-30 (Lockstead) 1036 (Davis) 1036
McGregor diversion, environmental effects of project (Skelly) 3066-8, 3255 (Waterland) 3067-8 (Davis) 3273
McGregor diversion, flood-control problem (Lloyd) 1868, 3071 (Skelly) 3066 (Waterland) 3066
McGregor diversion, Fraser River salmon industry, effect on (Skelly) 2067, 3255
McGregor diversion, Fraser Valley, flooding prevention of (Mussallem) 1030
McGregor diversion, timber values, effect on (Skelly) 3067-70 (Waterland) 3068
Mica Dam, continuing expenses (Davis) 1036
Minister responsible for (Stupich) 1119 (Wolfe) 1119, 1124 (Cocke) 1123-4, 2340 (Lauk) 1124 (Bennett) 2340
Order-in-council for borrowing (Stupich) 753
Peace River Dam, environmental effect (Nicolson) 1034
Pend-d'Oreille project (Wallace, G.S.) 961 (Davis) 1036
Pension plan, deficit in (Wallace, G. S.) 1144
Pension plan, management of (Skelly) 2152-3
Power development, statement on (Skelly) Q. 2233 (Nielsen) A. 2233-4
Power lines, building of (Nicolson) 1039
Project expenditures, outline of (Wallace, G.S.) 959-61, 963 (Lea) 1033 (Wolfe) 1033 (Davis) 1036
Projects, cabinet approval of (Lea) 1033-4 (Wolfe) 1033-4
Projects in Rossland-Trail constituency (D’Arcy) 565
Projects, small scale, in support of (Davis) 1041
Rate increase, residential users, effect on (Wallace, B.B.) 3261
Resettlement of people vacating flooded area (D’Arcy) 1037
Revelstoke Dam, construction of (Wallace, G.S.) 961, 963, 1061 (Davis) 965-6, 1036 (King) 968-9 (Nicolson) 1034, 1039
Revelstoke Dam, Downie Creek slide affecting (King) 3265-6 (Davis) 3275
Revelstoke Dam, environmental impact (Wallace, G.S.) 1852-3 1859-61 (Nielsen) 1862 (Wallace, B.B.) 1879 (King) 3270
Revelstoke Dam, fishery, effect on (King) 1881-3, 3267 (D’Arcy) 1884
Revelstoke Dam, overall planning (King) 3265-8, 3270
Revelstoke Dam, residents of Revelstoke, effect on (King) 3267-8
Revelstoke Dam, safety of (King) 3270, 3625-6
Revelstoke Dam, salvage from reservoir areas, result of construction (King) 3108 (Waterland) 3108
Revelstoke Dam, water-licence hearing (Wallace, G.S.) 1861, 1887, 2436 (Nielsen) 1862, 1887, 2425 (King) 1880-3, 2426, 3265 (D’Arcy) 1883-4 (Gibson) 2426
Seattle City Light, proposal on matter of Skagit Valley (Gibson) Q. 1306 (Davis) A. 1306
Senior executives pay cut (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 597 (Davis) A. 597-8
Streetcar, purchase of (Wallace, G.S.) 3224 (Curtis) 3230
Transit, removal from, no mention in Throne speech (Gibson) 163
Mentioned: (Barnes) 200 (Stupich) 282, 367, 381, 2947 (Lauk) 328 (Wallace, G.S.) 1465, 2946 (Nicolson) 1720, 1722 (Gibson) 1913
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 6) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 267; 2R, 952, 958-75; C, sec. 1, 1033-41; Report, 1041; 3R, 1041
Speakers: (2R) Davis 964-6; King 966-9; Macdonald 963-6; Stupich 959; Wallace, G.S. 959-63; Williams 969-71; Wolfe 952, 958-9, 971
Speakers: (C) D'Arcy 1035-7; Davis 1036-7, 1040; Lauk 1037-8; Lea 1033-4; Lockstead 1035-7; Nicolson 1034-5, 1038-9; Wallace, G.S. 1039-41; Wolfe 1033-5
Divisions: 2R, 971
Arrow Lake fishery, restoration to be funded by B.C. Hydro (D’Arcy) 1035-6 (Davis) 1036
Arrow Lakes Valley, selling of properties purchased by B.C. Hydro (D’Arcy) 1037
Bennett Dam (Nicolson) 1034 (Davis) 1036
Borrowing amount (Wolfe) 952, 958 (Williams) 970-1
B.C. Energy Commission, energy need forecasts of B.C. (Davis) 965, 1036 (Williams) 970 (Nicolson) 1034
B.C. Hydro, energy need forecasts of province (Davis) 965, 1036 (Lea) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034 (Lauk) 1038 (Wallace, G.S.) 1039-40
B.C. Hydro expansion projects, reasons for (Davis) 964-5
B.C. Hydro expansion, small projects, in support of (Davis) 1041
B.C. Hydro future projects examined by Environment and Land Use Committee (Lea) 1033
B.C. Hydro project expenditures, outline of (Wallace, G.S.) 959-61, 963 (Lea) 1033 (Wolfe) 1033 (Davis) 1036
B.C. Hydro projects, cabinet approval of (Lea) 1033-4 (Wolfe) 1033-4
B.C. Hydro to provide fund for fishery restoration in Arrow Lake (D’Arcy) 1035-6 (Davis) 1036
Columbia River Treaty (Macdonald) 963 (Davis) 965-6, 1037 (King) 967-8 (Nicolson) 1034 (D’Arcy) 1035, 1037
Dam generating and transmission expenses (Wolfe) 952, 958
Damming of rivers, effect on environment (Wallace, G.S.) 962 (Nicolson) 1034
Dean River diversion, effect on fishery in the area (Lockstead) 1036-7 (Davis) 1037
Deficit amount (Stupich) 959 (Wallace, G.S.) 960-1
Economic Development, Department of, hydro-electric power demand, survey of (Nicolson) 1034 (Davis) 1036
Economic . Policy Analysis Institute, study on provincial energy needs (Nicolson) 1034
Electricity generation project expansion, ceiling on (Wallace, G.S.) 1040
Energy need forecast, independent studies on (Nicolson) 1034 (Wolfe) 1035 (Lauk) 1037 (Wallace, G.S.) 1039-40 (Davis) 1036, 1040-1
Energy, price increase in use of (Davis) 1041
Environmental matters affected by B.C. Hydro projects (Wallace, G.S.) 961-2 (Lea) 1033 (Wolfe) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034-5
Hat Creek coal project (Wallace, G.S.) 961-2 (Davis) 964, 1036, 1041 (Nicolson) 1034-5, 1039
Kootenay Canal project (Davis) 1036
McGregor diversion (Lockstead) 1036 (Davis) 1036
Mica Dam, continuing expenses (Davis) 1036
Peace River Dam, environmental effect of damming (Nicolson) 1034
Pend-d'Oreille project (Wallace, G.S.) 961 (Davis) 1036
Power lines, building of (Nicolson) 1039
Recurrence of bill annually (Wallace, G.S.) 1041
Resettlement of people vacating flooded areas (D’Arcy) 1037
Revelstoke dam, proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 961, 963 (Davis) 965-6, 1036 (King) 968-9 (Nicolson) 1034, 1039
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 1111
British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, B.C.
Willingdon remand and assessment programme (Dailly) 1351-2 (Gardom) 1352
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1146 (Nicolson) 1357 (McGeer) 1623, 1780
British Columbia Law Reform Commission
Abortion, study on (McClelland) 2003
Minors' contracts report (Gardom) 1348
Report from (Gardom) 2624
Tribute to (Gibson) 1368 (Gardom) 1369
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1003, 1351 (Brown) 1256 (Wallace, G.S.) 1337, 2259
British Columbia Liberal Women's Commission
Mentioned: (Gibson) 115
British Columbia Livestock Producers Association
Mentioned: (Mair) 636
British Columbia Lumberman
Quoted (Lockstead) 772
British Columbia Marketing Board
Estimate for (Wallace, B.B.) 1400
Power to be reduced, no mention in Throne speech (Gibson) 162
Pricing decisions of individual boards, review of (Wolfe) 1633
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1418
British Columbia Medical Association
Health-care cost containment, meeting with government (McClelland) 901
Mentioned: (Cocke) 839, 1979, 1995 (Wallace, G.S.) 1600, 1783, 1787, 1802 (Gibson) 1663 (McGeer) 1778-80 (McClelland) 1788, 2002, 2231 (Brown) 1990, 1992
B.C. Medical Association News
Quoted (Gibson) 1996
British Columbia Medical Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
Child-care unit proposed (Cocke) 44-46
Closing down of (Cocke) 1948-9, 1954-5, 1960, 1962-4, 2341 (McClelland) 1958-9
Mentioned: (Cocke) 46, 1779 (Bawlf) 126 (McClelland) 218 (Gibson) 1997
British Columbia Medical Centre Act
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1963
British Columbia Medical Services Commission
Mentioned: (Budget address) 258
British Columbia Medical Services Plan
Cash reserve used up, Budget address (Wolfe) 252
Optional health benefits for government employees, criticism of (Wallace, G.S.) 310
Premium increases, three categories, Budget address (Wolfe) 259, 1193-4 (Stupich) 285-6 (Gibson) 296 (Lockstead) 769 (Cocke) 1191, 1193-4, 2026-7 (McClelland) 2027
Premium rates, based on income tax point system, proposed (Cocke) 1191, 1194
Premium rates, based on person's health and hospital record (Wallace, G.S.) 946 (Nicolson) 948
Reserve reinstated (Wolfe) 666
Mentioned: (Lea) 63 (Budget address) 258
British Columbia Milk Board
Staffing of (Stupich) 1544 (Phillips) 1544
British Columbia Motor Dealers Association
Mentioned: (Haddad) 622
British Columbia Oyster Marketing Board
Alberta oysters (Wallace, B.B.) 1388
British Columbia Parole Board
Parolling provincial crimes, right to (Macdonald) 1368 (Gardom) 1368
British Columbia Penitentiary
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1367
British Columbia Petroleum Corp.
Dismantling of (Lauk) 3062 (Waterland) 3062
Gas, natural, field price of (Macdonald) Q. 3243-4 (Waterland) A. 3244
Gas, natural, revenue transfer to government (Bennett) 555 (Lauk) 584 (Lea) 646, 652, 742, 1128 (Stupich) 698, 1139-40 (Macdonald) 1128
Profits for, reinvestment in B.C. (Macdonald) 2761
Mentioned: (Stupich) 284 (Bawlf) 411 (Barber) 546 (Bennett) 555, 1924, 2107, 2340, 3157 (Lauk) 2359
British Columbia Police College
Special weapons and assault team (Wallace, G.S.) 1347
British Columbia Police Commission
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1242 (Levi) 2005 (Macdonald) 2074
British Columbia Public Service Commission
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1494
British Columbia Railway
Accounting regulations, not same as those prescribed by Canadian Transport Commission (Nicolson) 1099-1100
Agreement, new, retroactive provision for (Gibson) 2590 (King) 2606 (Williams) 2606 (Lauk) 2607
Alaska railroad connection (Lauk) Q. 1855 (Bennett) A. 1855, 1924, 2107 (King) 1924-5 (Gibson) 1925, 2107-8, 3248 (Wallace, G.S.) 1925 (Stupich) 2107
Appropriation, Budget address (Wolfe) 262
Ashcroft-Clinton cut-off (Gibson) 1103 (Phillips) 1487 (Lauk) 1511
Audit, extension for (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1097-8
Bargaining council for unions be encouraged (Gibson) 1103, 2590-1 (Williams) 2597
Board approval, lacking for many revisions and additions (Nicolson) 1098
Borrowing power increase, not the first time (Nicolson) 1100 (D’Arcy) 1111
Bridge fire (Phillips) 269, 712
B.C. Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act.
Buttar and Chiene suspension of, regarding auditing BCR accounts (Lauk) 1088, 1095 (Nicolson) 1098-9
CNR or CPR, amalgamation with, reason against (Lloyd) 608-9
Capital investment funds (Wolfe) 262
Chaotic conditions and labour disputes (Williams) 2580, 2596 (Gibson) 2588-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 2591-2 (Kempf) 2595
Clarkson Gordon report, BCR financial position (Wallace, G.S.) 1166 (Stupich) 1167
Colonel Sanders, possible liaison between (Gibson) Q. 2071-2 (Davis) A. 2072
Columbia River Treaty overrun compared to BCR overrun (Chabot) 1159 (King) 1160
Construction, cost and standard (Nicolson) 1098 (Lloyd) 1158 (King) 1160-1
Construction, professional advice asked for (Wallace, G. S.) 1106
Contracts overrun (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1097-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105-6
Cooling-off period, no strike permitted during (Williams) 2581, 2583, 2607, 2610-2 (King) 2588 2611-2 (Gibson) 2589-90 (Wallace, G.S.) 2607, 2610-11
Court award against B.C. Railway (King) 1108
Dease Lake extension (Lauk) 1087, 1089, 1096 (Nicolson) 1097 (Gibson) 1103 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105, 1116 (D’Arcy) 1110 (Wolfe) 1112, 1167 (Macdonald) 1158-9 (Stupich) 1168
Dease Lake extension, contract overruns (Nicolson) 1101
D ease Lake extension, federal construction contribution on signing northwest rail agreement (Lauk) 1156
Dease Lake extension, Indian bands, agreement with (Macdonald) 1158 (Lauk) 1165 (Wolfe) 1166 (Wallace, G.S.) 1166
Dease Lake extension, winter-works programme, feasibility of (Nicolson) 1101
Debt, interest, costs of (Wallace, G.S.) 1108 (D’Arcy) 1111
Deficit (Wolfe) 252 (Nicolson) 1097-8 (Gibson) 1102-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105 (D’Arcy) 1110
Depreciation allowances, grossly inadequate (Nicolson) 1098
Derailments (Lauk) 1087, 1089, 1155
Development in the north (Gibson) 1104
Development in the south (Gibson) 1104
Development lines (Lauk) 1087, 1089
Development of, creating problems for existing communities (D’Arcy) 1110-1
Employee layoff (Cocke) Q. 1632 (Bennett) A. 1632 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1632 (King) 2604 (Lauk) 2605 (Williams) 2605 (Barrett) 2605-6
Environmental concerns, BCR extensions, effect on (Nicolson) 1101
Estimates under Economic Development department (Wolfe) 1119
Expenditure, litigation, allowance for in estimate (Wallace, G.S.) 1166
Expenditure, outline requested (Lauk) 1086, 1155 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105-8, 1166-7 (King) 1109 (D’Arcy) 1110 (Wolfe) 1112 (Lloyd) 1157-8
Extension, construction of justifiable only when mineral traffic is evident (Gibson) 1104
Financial losses cover-up (Cocke) 384-5 (Wallace, B.B.) 468-9 (Lauk) 1087-90, 1092-3 (Nicolson) 1098-1100
Financial reports (Lauk) 1088-9 (Nicolson) 1098-9
Financial statements, audited up-to-date, to be made available to House (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 997, 1453 (Phillips) A. 997
Fiscal responsibility (Wallace, G.S.) 1106-8
Fort Nelson extension (Lauk) 1087, 1089 (Nicolson) 1097 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105
Fort Nelson extension, upgrading (Lauk) 1089, 1155, 1164-5 (Wolfe) 1167
Fraud charges against (Barrett) Q. 2617, 2676-7 (Gardom) A. 2617 (Phillips) A. 2676-7
Freight rates, higher, effect on economy and regional disparities (D’Arcy) 1110
Freight rates, higher, effect on industries dependent on railway (D’Arcy) 1110
Government non-interference (Phillips) 1521-2
Gunderson, Einar, BCR audit interference (Lauk) 1089, 1092, 1094 (Nicolson) 1099, 1102
Hanrahan report (Nicolson) 1101 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105
Independence of board of directors (Lauk) 1483 (Phillips) 1486-7
Indian land claims, BCR extension, effect on (Nicolson) 1101
Job-evaluation scheme for (Williams) 2580, 2602 (Wallace, G.S.) 2593, 2601-2 (Gibson) 2602 (King) 2602
Labour relations, poor, affected by physical plant deficiency (King) 1108-9
Labour situation (Gibson) 1103 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106
Lease agreement for rental of rolling stock with American lines (King) 1157 (Wolfe) 1157
Loan, construction, increases debt load of province (D’Arcy) 1111
Loan, construction, purpose of (Wolfe) 1086, 1111-2 (King) 1110
Loan, repayment of (Bennett) 555 (Lauk) 582, 586 (Lea) Q. 615, 646 (Wolfe) A. 646, 1149 (Stupich) 697-8, 1148, 1167-8
Management and officers free of political influence (Lauk) 1087-9 (Gibson) 1103-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106
Management or ownership, transfer of (Gibson) Q. 2484-5, 2577 (Phillips) A. 2485, 2577
Meetings, minister's attendance at (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 997 (Phillips) A. 997
Minty, M.J., report on financial systems (Lauk) 1088-9, 1092-3 (Nicolson) 1097-8
Monkman Pass, survey of line to link up coal deposits (Lauk) 1510-1
NDP government, policy on (Lauk) 1087, 1089 (Lloyd) 1158
Northwest rail agreement (Lea) 334, 583-5, 615, 742 (Bennett) 585, 1058 (Lauk) 586, 747-9, 1095-6, 1164, 2358-9 (Stupich) 698 (Davis) 746-7 (King) 749 (Phillips) 750 (Nicolson) 1101 (Gibson) 1103 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106 (Wolfe) 1156 (Lloyd) 1157
Operating materials, stock-taking of all classes (Nicolson) 1097
Operations, deficiencies in (Nicolson) 1097
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., report (Cocke) 384 (Lauk) 1089 (Nicolson) 1097, 1099
Political influence, independence of (Lauk) 1087-9 (Nicolson) 1098 (Gibson) 1104 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106, 2591 (Williams) 2580
Political interference of Social Credit government (Lauk) 1086-9, 1092 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106 (Wolfe) 1112
Pre-engineering, lack of (Nicolson) 1100-1
Premier's private railway coach (Lauk) Q. 2384 (Bennett) A. 2384 (Phillips) A. 2384, 2417
Price Waterhouse and Co., report (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1098
Priorities in spending (King) 1109, 1161
Prospectus, lack of (Gibson) 1102 (Nicolson) 1157 (Wolfe) 1157
Railcar plant in Squamish (King) 1157, 1161 (Chabot) 1159-60 (Nicolson) 1494-5 (Phillips) 1496-7 (Lauk) 1497
Refinancing (Lauk) 1087, 1089, 1094, 1155 (Wolfe) 1112, 1155-6
Report, annual, to be expected (Lauk) 1165 (Wolfe) 1166
Report, monthly, proposed (Gibson) 1104
Safety operations (Lea) Q. 2037 (McCarthy) A. 2037 (Macdonald) Q. 2037-8 (Williams) A. 2038 (King) Q. 2038
Schedule disruption due to bridge fire (Phillips) 269
Special commission for function and responsibilities (Williams) 2580-1, 2596-7, 2600-2 (King) 2585-7, 2600, 2602 (Gibson) 2589, 2601-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 2592-3, 2601 (Lea) 2600
Special mediator, terms of reference (Williams) 2581, 2583, 2597-8, 2599, 2612 (King) 2585 (Wallace, G.S.) 2594, 2612
Special warrant, not a loan from NDP government (Bennett) 554-5 (Phillips) 750
Strike, binding arbitration to end (Williams) 2579, 2582, 2597 (Gibson) 2589 (Wallace, G.S.) 2595
Strike, impact on forest industry (Lloyd) 2560, 2563-4, 2566-7
Strike jeopardizing forest industry in Fort George constituency (Lloyd) 606-7
Strike negotiations (Gibson) Q. 18, 214 (Williams) A. 18 (Bennett) 214
Strikes (Mussallem) 1031-2
Strikes, resulting in loss of revenue and hardship on communities (Wallace, G.S.) 1106 (King) 1109
Stuart-Trembleur Indian band, right-of-way agreement (Levi) 1520-2
Subsidy, for construction (Gibson) 2309 (Bennett) 2348
Swan-Wooster Engineering Co. Ltd., report (Lauk) 1088, 1093 (Nicolson) 1098, 1100
Taxation situation (Gibson) 169
Touche, Ross and Associates report (Lauk) 1088, 1092 (Nicolson) 1097, 1101
Traffic originated on (Gibson) Q. 3400 (Phillips) A. 3400-1
Upgrading of railroad (Lauk) 1087, 1089 (King) 1108 (Wolfe) 1112
West Vancouver tunnel (Nicolson) 1098
West Vancouver tunnel, no formal board approval of (Nicolson) 1098
Williston as head of BCR (Lauk) 330 (Chabot) 336
Working conditions, improvement essential (King) 1109
Mentioned: (King) 37, 1644 (Stupich) 367, 369, 381 (Lauk) 1484
British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 5) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 267; 2R, 1086-1112; C, sec. 1, 1155-72; Report 1172; 3R, 1172; RA, 2511
Speakers: (2R) D'Arcy 1110-1; Gibson 1102-5; King 1108-10; Lauk 1086-96; Nicolson 1096-1102; Wallace, G.S. 1105-8; Wolfe 1086, 1111-12
Speakers: (C) Chabot 1159-60, 1163, 1168-70; King 1157, 1160-4, 1170-2; Lauk 1155, 1164-6; Lloyd 1157-8; Macdonald 1158-9; Nicolson 1157; Stupich 1167-8; Wallace, G.S. 1167-8; Wolfe 1155-7
Division: 2R, 1112
Accounting regulations, not same as prescribed by Canadian Transport Commission (Nicolson) 1099-1100
Ashcroft-Clinton cut-off (Gibson) 1103
Audit, external (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1097-8
Bargaining council for unions encouraged (Gibson) 1103
Bill, increasing debt load of province (D’Arcy) 1111
Board approval, lacking for many revisions and additions (Nicolson) 1098
Borrowing power increase, not the first time (Nicolson) 1100 (D’Arcy) 1111
Buttar and Chiene, suspension of, regarding auditing BCR accounts (Lauk) 1088, 1095 (Nicolson) 1098-9
Clarkson Gordon report, BCR financial position (Wallace, G.S.) 1166 (Stupich) 1167
Columbia River Treaty overrun compared to BCR overrun (Chabot) 1159 (King) 1160
Construction, cost and standard of (Nicolson) 1098 (Lloyd) 1158 (King) 1160-1
Contracts, overruns on (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1097-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105-6
Court award against B.C. Railway (King) 1108
Crown corporations, government interference (Lauk) 1086 (Nicolson) 1100 (King) 1109-10
Dease Lake extension (Lauk) 1087, 1089, 1096 (Nicolson) 1097 (Gibson) 1103 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105, 1166 (D’Arcy) 1110 (Wolfe) 1112, 1167 (Macdonald) 1158-9 (Stupich) 1168
Dease Lake extension, contract overruns (Nicolson) 1101
Dease Lake extension, federal contribution to construction on signing northwest rail agreement (Lauk) 1156
Dease Lake extension, Indian bands, agreement with (Macdonald) 1158 (Lauk) 1165 (Wolfe) 1166 (Wallace, G. S.) 1166
Dease Lake extension, winter-works programme, feasibility of (Nicolson) 1101
Debt, interest costs (Wallace, G.S.) 1108 (D’Arcy) 1111
Deficit (Nicolson) 1097-8 (Gibson) 1102-3 (Wallace, G. S.) 1105 (D’Arcy) 1110
Depreciation allowances grossly inadequate (Nicolson) 1098
Derailments (Lauk) 1087, 1089, 1155
Development in the north (Gibson) 1104
Development in the south (Gibson) 1104
Development lines of (Lauk) 1087, 1089
Development of, creating problems for existing communities (D’Arcy) 1110-1
Environmental concerns, BCR extensions, effect on (Nicolson) 1101
Expenditure, litigation, allowance for, in estimate (Wallace, G.S.) 1166
Expenditure, outline requested (Lauk) 1086, 1155 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105-8, 1166-7 (King) 1109 (D’Arcy) 1110 (Wolfe) 1112 (Lloyd) 1157-8
Extension, construction justifiable only when mineral traffic is evident (Gibson) 1104
Financial losses cover-up (Lauk) 1087-90, 1092-3 (Nicolson) 1098-1100
Financial reports (Lauk) 1088-9 (Nicolson) 1098-9
Financial statement late (Wallace, G.S.) 1107
Fiscal responsibility (Wallace, G.S.) 1106-8
Fort Nelson extension (Lauk) 1087, 1089 (Nicolson) 1097 (Wallace, G.S.) 1195
Fort Nelson extension, upgrading of (Lauk) 1087, 1155, 1164-5 (Wolfe) 1167
Freight rates, higher, effect on economy and regional disparities (D’Arcy) 1110
Freight rates, higher, for industries depending on the railway (D’Arcy) 1110
Gunderson, Einar, BCR audit, interference (Lauk) 1089, 1092, 1094 (Nicolson) 1099, 1102
Hanrahan report (Nicolson) 1101 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105
Indian land claims, BCR extension, effect on (Nicolson) 1101
Kootenay and Elk Railway, construction, reactivation of (King) 1170
Kootenay and Elk Railway, extension for coal, movement of (Chabot) 1168-70 (King) 1171
Kootenay and Elk Railway, running rights to Americans, grant to (King) 1162-4 (Chabot) 1168
Labour relations, poor, affected by physical plant deficiency (King) 1108-9
Labour situation (Gibson) 1103 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106
Lease agreement for rental of rolling stock with American lines (King) 1157 (Wolfe) 1157
Loan, purpose of (Wolfe) 1086, 1111-2 (King) 1110
Loan to BCR in early 1975, repayment of (Stupich) 1166
Lumber industry affected by higher freight rates (D’Arcy) 1110
Management and officers, free of political influence (Lauk) 1087-9 (Gibson) 1103-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106
Minister of Finance, information, lack of, in opening remarks (Lauk) 1087 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105 (King) 1108-9 (D’Arcy) 1110
Minty, M.J. report on financial systems (Lauk) 1088-9, 1092-3 (Nicolson) 1097-8
NDP government policy (Lauk) 1087, 1089 (Lloyd) 1158
Natural resources, access to by railway line (Lauk) 1089 (Wallace, G. S.) 1105, 1107
Northwest rail agreement with Ottawa (Lauk) 1095-6, 1156, 1164 (Nicolson) 1101 (Gibson) 1103 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106 (Wolfe) 1156 (Lloyd) 1157
Operating materials, stock-taking of all classes (Nicolson) 1097
Operations of railway, deficiencies in (Nicolson) 1097
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., report (Lauk) 1089 (Nicolson) 1097, 1099
Policy, lack of new directions (Lauk) 1087
Political influence, independent of (Lauk) 1087-9 (Nicolson) 1098 (Gibson) 1104 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106
Political interference by Social Credit government (Lauk) 1086-9, 1092 (Wallace, G.S.) 1106 (Wolfe) 1112
Pre-engineering, lack of (Nicolson) 1100-1
Price Waterhouse and Co. report (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1098
Priorities in spending (King) 1109, 1161
Problems of existing routes to be solved before considering extensions (D’Arcy) 1111
Professional advice, seeking of, in construction (Wallace, G.S.) 1106
Prospectus, lack of (Gibson) 1102 (Nicolson) 1157 (Wolfe) 1157
Railcar plant at Squamish (King) 1157, 1161 (Chabot) 1159-60
Refinancing of, essential (Lauk) 1087, 1089, 1094, 1155 (Wolfe) 1112, 1155-6
Report, annual, to be expected (Lauk) 1165 (Wolfe) 1166
Report, monthly, proposed (Gibson) 1104
Road maintenance, operating deficit of (Nicolson) 1097
Strikes, resulting in loss of revenue and hardship on communities (Wallace, G.S.) 1106 (King) 1109
Swan-Wooster Engineering Co. Ltd., report (Lauk) 1088, 1093 (Nicolson) 1098, 1100
Tax burden, increased to pay off loan (D’Arcy) 1110
Terminal railway and higher percentage of terminal revenues (Gibson) 1104
Touche, Ross and Associates report (Lauk) 1088, 1092 (Nicolson) 1097, 1101
Upgrading of railroad (Lauk) 1087, 1089 (King) 1108 (Wolfe) 1112
Value and importance of (Lauk) 1095 (Gibson) 1104
Walker, D.M., BCR audit, complaint against (Nicolson) 1099
West Vancouver tunnel, no formal board approval of (Nicolson) 1098
Williston, head of BCR, choice of (Lauk) 1092
Working conditions, improvement of, essential (King) 1109
Mentioned: (Stupich) 1148
British Columbia Recreation Association
Conference on Outlook on Leisure (Barnes) 1277
British Columbia Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority
Hospital construction, fund for, Budget address (Wolfe) 262
British Columbia Research Council
Policy of (Lauk) 1524 (Phillips) 1524
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1491
British Columbia Road Builders Association
Mentioned: (King) 3137
British Columbia Safe-Driver Incentive Plan
Proposed (Throne speech) 13 (McGeer) 70 (Jordan) 157 (McClelland) 217, 900
British Columbia Savings and Trust Corp.
Legal status of (Gibson) 1186-7
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 666 (Hewitt) 2117
British Columbia School Districts Capital Financing Authority
Construction of schools, fund for, Budget address (Wolfe) 262
British Columbia School Trustees Association
Fire insurance, school trustees' legal liability (Gibson) Q. 596-7 (McGeer) A. 597
Mentioned: (Gibson) 295, 1596 (Dailly) 1592 (McGeer) 1605, 1611, 2948, 3212-4, 3348
British Columbia Steamships Co.
Board of directors, indifference of (Barber) 3271-2 (Davis) 3275
General manager, resignation of (Gibson) Q. 2201 (Davis) A. 2201, 3275 (Barber) 3271-2
Tax relief, seeking of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1664 (Curtis) A. 1664-5
Wage dispute with unions, negotiations on (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 704, 768, 1663-4 (Davis) A. 704, 1663-4
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 2331
British Columbia Student Federation
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 211
British Columbia Teachers Federation
Achievements as a professional organization (Nicolson) 1625
Grievances (Barnes) 196 , Membership, compulsory for employment in public school system (Wallace, G.S.) 1599-1601, 1801-2
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 115 (Gibson) 167 (Loewen) 235 (Dailly) 727 (McGeer) 1610, 2948, 3212-4 (Macdonald) 1804
British Columbia Trappers Association
Mentioned: (Skelly) 3323
British Columbia Telephone Co. Ltd.
Federal regulations, removal (Wallace, G.S.) 3258 (Davis) 3274
Power to set up a provincial agency to regulate, no mention in Throne speech 165
Profit increase (Brown) 1706
Prospectus of (Gibson) 1102
Shares in common stock (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 118, 1602 (Wolfe) A. 118, 278, 1602
Shares, sale of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 278 (Wolfe) A. 278 (Veitch) 630
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 182 (D’Arcy) 860 (McClelland) 2135 (Lauk) 2355
British Columbia Wildlife Federation
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1465, 1887 (D’Arcy) 1883 (Nicolson) 3319
British North America Act
Government Reorganization Act, contrary to provisions in (Barrett) 2887-9
Provinces, constitutional autonomy (Gardom) 766
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1503, 2276 (Lauk) 2090 (King) 2275-6 (Gibson) 2310 (Barrett) 2717 (Nicolson) 2879 (Williams) 2926
Broadbent, Edward
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 310 (Lauk) 1096
Broadley, Bill
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 115
Brocklehurst Jr. Sec. School
Mentioned: (Mair) 15
Brooks, Anson
Mentioned: (King) 1642 (Skelly) 1667
Brousson, David
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1372 (Gibson) 1859 (Nielsen) 1859
Brown, David
Appointment of (King) Q. 595, 704, 839, 925, 997, 1857, 1894, 1977-8 (McCarthy) A. 595, 704, 839, 925, 997, 1857, 1859, 1894, 1978 (Bennett) A. 1857
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 238, 318 (Stupich) 362 (Skelly) 1213 (Lea) 3241 (McCarthy) 3241
Brown, Jerry
Mentioned: (Cocke) 3347
Brown, Rosemary (Vancouver-Burrard)
AIB, across-the-board percentage, criticism of 1704-5
Address in reply, amendment 151-5
Adjournment of House to discuss urgent public matter 76
Administrative assistants to ministers, appointment of, Q. 2613
Advertising, misleading, by Social Credit Party 1558-9
Aid to developing countries fund disbanded, criticism of 641-2
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1699, 1703-9, 1715-8
Anti-inflation policy of government , criticism of 1699-1709
Anti-inflation policy of government, inequities in 1704-8
Art, works of, purchase for government buildings 3305, 3330
Attorney-General department, estimates 1255-9, 1261-3, 1273-4, 1298-1301, 1318-23, 1354-5, 1357, 1361-2, 1366, 1368, 1379-80
Attorney-General department, expansion and upgrading of facilities 1258
Banks, profit increase of 1706-7
Berger Commission recommendations on community of property 2525, 2530, 2532, 2534-5, 2537-9, 2541
Boards and corporations, government appointment to, Q. 2613-4
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1976) 489-95
Budget address, abridged, criticism of 639-40
Budget address, changes in authorization of 1149-50
Budget, balanced at expense of services to people in province 489-91, 495
Budget debate 639-45
Burrard Bayview Community School 1799
Change of Name Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 34) 1R, 319; 2R, 478-9
Children's hospital 1991
Cigarette advertising, tax on, money spent 949
Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1976) 949-50
Civil service employees, wages of 1703
Coal, northeast project, women's economic input 1519-20
Coast Foundation Society, funding for 2042
Community of Property Act (Bill 39) 1R, 1303; 2R, 2525-44
Community schools, funding for 1799-1800
Condominium owners, right to limit rental units, removal of 2646-7
Condominium purchase, provincial subsidy for 2647, 2665
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2221-3
Consumer Action League, office in Vancouver-Burrard, termination of 1559, 1587
Consumer Services department, estimates 1558-61, 1587
Consumer Services minister, criticism of 1558-9
Credit cards and consumer credit 1559
Credit, impact of, discrimination against women 1559-60, 2530-1
Culture, development of, aiming at decentralization of funds 3330
Davidson, M.H., qualifications of, Q. 1116
Davidson, M.H., secrecy oath, administration of Q. 1115-6
Debate, adjournment, motion for 2824
Deficit repayment loan, interest on 1225
Discrimination, affirmative action dealing with disparities between people 1321, 1355
Economic Development department, estimates 1518-20
Economic policy, general, criticism of 489-91
Education department, estimates 1613-6, 1623-4, 1799-1800, 1804-5, 1810
Education programme on dangers of smoking 949
Election, provincial general, 1975, Q. 2614
Elevators, inspection of, Q. 1978, 2040
Employees in government employment, number of, Q. 1078
Essential services, labour disputes of 3184
Equal employment opportunities programme 3114
Equal employment section in Public Service Commission 3128
Eviction by landlord under pretence of demolition 1298-9, 1379
Extended-care bed cost increase 641
Family court, staff hiring, freeze on 1259, 1298
Farm and Domestic Workers Recognition Act (Bill 84) 1R, 3016
Finance department, estimates 1149-50, 1211-2, 1215
Finance department, office expenses 1215
Finance minister's power to buy shares, removal of 1939-42
Forests department, estimates 2573-4
Forests department, office expenses 2574
French language courses in schools 1799
Funds, special, method of future funding 972
GAIN, applicant ineligible when employment is terminated for reasons other than medical 3376
GAIN, asset-tested programme of 3367-8
GAIN, discrimination, non-existence of 3371-2
GAIN, levels of payment, changes in 3373
GAIN, maintenance payment provision in subrogation of rights of individual 3375
GAIN, powers in legislation 2478
GAIN, regulations in, not specified 3367
GAIN, single-parent provisions for 2478-9
Government consultants, hiring of, Q. 3401
Government Reorganization Act 2824, 2830-7, 2862-6, 3008
Government Reorganization Act, defer second reading for six months, amendment to 2862-6
Government reorganization policy, democratic processes, erosion of 2831-6, 2863-5
Grace Hospital 1990
Greenbelt Protection Fund 1023
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2477-80, 3367, 3371-7
Hayes Trucks, government's failure to act 1940
Health, community facilities, funding for 1989-90, 1992
Health department, estimates 1988-93, 2041-3
Highways and Public Works department, estimates 3305
Home Purchase Assistance Act 2664-7
Home purchase assistance, applicants receiving NPA previously, not eligible 2665
Home purchase assistance, eligible residence for 2665-6
Home purchase assistance to single-parent family 2666
Home warranty, compulsory, programme 1560-1
Hope Cottage factory, funding of 1211, 3115
Hospital budget appropriation and HLRA position in hospital strike 2498-9
Hospital industry, job-evaluation study 2498
Hospital services collective agreement, AIB to review 2498
Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act 2497-8
Hospital, teaching, on UBC campus, proposed 1991-2
Hospital wage discrepancy, fund for correcting, Q. 216
Hospital workers, part-time 2498
“Hot” declarations, Labour Relations Board to review 3185-6
Housing, co-operatives 642-3
Human Resources department, estimates 2636-8
ICBC, criticism of government policy 152-5
ICBC rate increase, effects on women drivers 153-4
IDERA project, funding of 972-3, 1022-4
ISIS film and media group, funding for 3330
Income, inequalities in province 2221-2
Income Tax Amendment Act (1976) 1026
Income tax exemption, basic level to be raised 1026
Indian students, tutorial grant 1810
Information centres, essential service to community 644-5
Insurance companies, annual reporting to avoid possible discrimination 2960
Juvenile alcoholism, programme for 1354-5
LOMA, funding for 2042
Labour Code amendment legislation, general criticism of 3180-2
Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3180-6
Labour disputes in essential services, cooling-off period, extension of 3183-4
Labour-management relations, lack of harmony 3183
Landlord and tenant legislation, loopholes in 1298-9, 1379
Landlord, illegal entry of 1299
Law programme for native Indians at UBC, Q. 2617-8
Law, simplification of language 1320
Legal aid, funding for community groups 1320-1, 1368
Legal aid, funding for family disputes 1257-8
Legal education course in school system 1319
Lesotho, aid to set up egg circle 1022
MLAs, benefits be extended to surviving spouse 2961
MLAs, benefits for, age limit provision 2961
MLAs, salary reduction of 1707-8, 2221-3
Maternal and child health care, funding of, Q. 1788-9
Maternal and child health facility 1990-2
Medical women of Canada branch, funding of 3115
Medicine, preventative, programme 1989-1990, 1992
Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Amendment Act (1976) 2961
Mental Patients Association, funding of 2042-4
Minister of Health's absence, Q. 1665
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 2982
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1976, Change of Name Act not included 2982
Murdoch case on community of property 2525-6
NDP, philosophy of 494
Nursing staff, wages of 1989
Oil pricing policy of government, Q. 1528
Ombudservice for women 3112
Osborne Guest House in Terrace, funding of 2437-8
Pine Street Clinic, funding of 1989-1990, 1994
Police college, physical criteria for entrance 1366
Police, secret force, existence of 1357, 1361
Property accrued after marriage designated as communal property 2528, 2534-5, 2538-9
Property, community of, existing legislation, criticism of 2527-30, 2532-5, 2537-40, 2542-4
Property, matrimonial, community of 1300-1, 1318-9
Property, matrimonial, special committee to study, proposed 2541
Prostitution, study and legislation on 1322-3
Provincial Secretary department, estimates 3109, 3111-5, 3127-8
Provincial Secretary department, estimates, order of votes 3109
Public Service Benefit Plans Act 2960
RUSH, work and achievements of 1300
Rape cases, police training to deal with 1273
Rape relief centres, funding of projects 1211, 1255-7, 1261-2, 1273, 2436, 3114
Rent increase, illegal 1379-80
Rentalsman's office, problems in operation of 1298-9, 1379
Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1939-42
Rooming houses, rent control application 1299-1300
Sales tax, abolition of 991
Sales tax exemption for children's clothing, age limit unreasonable 915, 989
Sales tax exemption for osteopaths 936, 989
Sales tax exemption for vitamins 914-5
Sales tax increase, effect on low-income groups 914-7, 936-9, 991
Sex discrimination in education, advisory committee on, termination of 1804-6
Skyway Luggage, government failure to act 1940
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 914-7, 936-9, 989-91
Social Services Tax Amendment Act, 1976, regressive nature of 914-5, 917, 936-8
South Africa, trade with, government policy on, Q. 2840-1
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 863, 972-3, 1022-4
Special warrants to supplement votes 193, 202, 203, 219, 227, Q. 321-2
Strata Titles Amendment Act (1976) 2646-7
Strike vote, government supervision of 3184-5
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 349, 353-4
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, financial position of B.C. 353-4
Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, timing and amount of Bill 349
Tax structures, alternate 937-8
Taylor, Rene, dismissal from North Island College 1614, 1616
Tenants' organizations as bargaining units, recognition of 1300
Tenants with children, discrimination against 1299, 1379
Thom, Byng, dismissal from UBC board of governors 1613-6, 1623-4
Tobacco, abusive use of, study on 950
Transition houses for women, funding of, Q. 74, 119, 1081-2, 2436-7
Transition houses in Vancouver, ad hoc committee on 2041-2
Unemployment, combatting 491
Vancouver General Hospital, nursing and support staff cutback 643-4
Vancouver General Hospital, strike, meeting between government and administration, Q. 1406
Vancouver Indian Centre, programme director, request for 2437
Vancouver Status of Women, grant to 3111
Vancouver Status of Women Council work of 3112-3
Wage increase, “bottom-loading” system proposed 1705-6
Western Canadian News Service, funding of 3115
Wines, South African, sale of 1298
Women, decisions of cabinet committee affecting 3113-4
Women, equal opportunities programme for 1321
Women, equal pay for equal work 2498
Women in prisons 3114-5
Women, projects for, funding of 1211-2, 3113, 3127
Women's economic rights branch 1518-20
Women's economic rights branch director, status of 1520
Women's input into GNP, study proposed 1519, 2531
Women's names, changes of 478-9
V6 omen's Rally for Action brief, decision on, Q. 73
Women's role in economy of province 1519-20
Worley, Ronald, employment of, Q. 926, 1117
Bruch, Herbert J.
Quoted (King) 550
Mentioned: (King) 550 (Kahl) 672
Bruhn-Mou, Johanna
Dental practice in B.C., denial of (Macdonald) 715-6, 2048-50 (McClelland) 717, 2049 (King) Q. 1080-1, 1115 (Williams) A. 1080-1, 1115, 1118
Brunette Street, New Westminster, B.C.
Overpass, funding of (Cocke) Q. 2294 (Fraser) A. 2294
Mentioned: (Loewen) 735 (Cocke) 986
Bryce, Robert
Report on government expenditures and construction (Lauk) 473
Bryson, G.S.
Letter quoted (Lea) 615 (Gibson) 3320
Buchanan, Bruce
Buchanan, Hon. Judd
Indians, economic development of, meeting to discuss (Williams) 829
Indians, social assistance services formula to be worked out (Vander Zalm) 3372
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 13
Buck, Frank
Mentioned: (Stupich) 753
Abridged, contact with Hon. A.J. MacEachen regarding (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 596 (Wolfe) A. 596
Abridged version of (King) Q. 558-60 (Wolfe) A. 558-60, 1137 (Lea) 610, 617 (Brown) 639-40, 1149-50 (Wallace, B.B.) 848 (Sanford) 1137-8 (Cocke) 1138 (Lea) 1149 (Stupich) 2347-9 (Bennett) 2349
Balanced, aiming for (Brown) 489-91, 495 (Barnes) 500-2 (Fraser) 797 (Williams) 827 (Schroeder) 980
Expenditures, total 255
Increases, percentage proposed by government (D’Arcy) 903 (Lauk) 909 (Brown) 937 (Barnes) 1007
NDP government policy, criticism of (Wolfe) 250-3, 265 (McClelland) 899-900 (Davidson) 927
Recovery, aiming at (Davidson) 927 (Gardom) 1003 (Wolfe) 1058
Restraint, practice of (Williams) 826 (Davidson) 927-8, 930 (McCarthy) 958 (Schroeder) 978-9 981 (Cocke) 982, 1133-9 (Barnes) 1008 (Jordan) 1015 (Mussallem) 1029 (Bennett) 1057-8 (Wolfe) 1058
Revenue falls short of balancing budget, Budget address 263
Services to people, emphasis on (Wolfe) 249, 256 (Fraser) 797 (McClelland) 899 (McCarthy) 958 (Barnes) 1004 (Strongman) 1011 (Bennett) 1056-7
Budget address
278-307, 309-14, 323-40, 357-61, 411-24, 475-8, 507-9, 533-9, 562-74, 598-630, 635-45, 671-5, 707-35, 768-74, 796-9, 825-38, 843-54, 873-6, 899-902, 926-35, 953-8, 977-89, 999-1016, 1029-33, 1054-8
Speakers: Barber 831-8; Barnes 1003-10; Bawlf 357-61, 411-2; Bawtree 730-2; Bennett 1054-8; Brown 639-45; Chabot 336-40, 420-4; Cocke 981-9; Curtis 843-7; Dailly 724-30; D'Arcy 564-8; Davidson 901-2, 926-30; Davis 323-7; Fraser 796-9; Gardom 999-1003; Gibson 289-300; Haddad 621-5; Hewitt 617-21; Jordan 1013-6; Kahl 671-5; Kempf 717-20; Kerster 829-31; King 533-9; Lauk 327-35, 610-7, 720-1; Levi 413-20; Lloyd 604-10; Lockstead 769-74; Loewen 732-5, 768-9; McCarthy 953-8; Macdonald 712-7; McClelland 899-901; McGeer 873-6; Mair 635-9; Mussallem 1029-33; Nicolson 599-604; Nielsen 562-4; Phillips 707-12; Rogers 721-4; Sanford 930-5; Schroeder 977-81; Shelford 568-74; Strongman 1010-13; Stupich 278-89; Vander Zalm 598-9; Veitch 625-30; Wallace, B.B. 847-54; Wallace, G.S. 300-7, 309-14; Waterland 475-8, 507-9; Williams 825-9; Wolfe 1058
Budget Freezer Food Processors Ltd.
Inquiry into (Chabot) 1561 (Main) 1561
Budget Rent-A-Truck
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2353-4
Building materials
Sales tax exemption from (Gibson) 161, 1020 (Nicolson) 883-4 (Lauk) 993, 1016-7 (Stupich) 1017-8 (Bennett) 1018 (Lea) 1019 (Wolfe) 1020, 1119
Timber, provision of, for use in log cabin construction (King) 3072-3
Bulkley Valley Forest Products
Economic situation (Kempf) 1936-7
Buller, Wes
Access permit for a pub at Dragon Lake (Lea) 3297 (Fraser) 3297
Burke, Edmond
Mentioned: (Veitch) 21
Burke Mountain, B.C.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1359
Burkle, Eric
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1951
Burnaby, B.C.
Social services administration, removal from council (Dailly) 2394
Burnaby North Senior Secondary School, Burnaby, B.C.
Mentioned: (Dailly) 995
Burnaby School Board
Funding for (Dailly) 1719
Burnaby-Edmonds constituency, B.C.
Needs of people (Loewen) 233-4
Burnett Secondary School, Richmond, B.C.
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 2381
Burns, Arthur F.
Prosperity Without Inflation quoted (Stupich) 287, 373
Burns Lake Native Development Corp.
Financial assistance to (Wolfe) 262 (Barber) 2688-90 (Waterland) 2695-6
Programme report, tabling of (Levi) 2446 (Vander Zalm) 2446
Burrard Bayview Community School
Funding for (Brown) 1799
Burrard Inlet, B.C.
Ferry system (Gibson) 3218 (Curtis) 3221
Ferry system, expenditure and estimates, criticism of NDP policy (Curtis) 193-4
Butler, Philip D.
Meeting in Creston (Nicolson) 1735-6
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1735 (Lea) 1741
Buttar and Chiene
B.C. Railway audit, complaint (Lauk) 1088, 1095 (Nicolson) 1098-9
Mentioned: (Lauk) 610
Byron Creek Colliery
Ontario Hydro, agreement with (Waterland) 3057