Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1954

G Triangle Ranch

Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 2693

Gable, Clark

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 949

Gabriola Island, B.C.

Docking facilities, permanent (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 214 (Davis) A. 214-5

Gaffney, Mason

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, contract with (Phillips) 1073

Payment for services (Gibson) 3320-1 (McCarthy) 3332-3

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1043 (Wallace, G.S.) 1062 (Lea) 1064-5 (Levi) 106, 5 (Wallace, B.B.) 1067

Gaglardi, P.A.

Provincial ombudsman, appointment as, Q. 2719

Social assistance legislation (Levi) 2447-8 (Brown) 2478

Mentioned: (Sanford) 205, 2307, 3026 (D’Arcy) 542 (Brown) 639 (Levi) 818, 2375 (Skelly) 2679 (King) 3163 (Nicolson) 3288 (Wallace, G.S.) 3288

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Quoted (Lockstead) 911

Gallon, Gary

Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 1877

Galloway Lumber Co.

Mentioned: (Haddad) 624

Gandhi, Indira

Mentioned: (Barber) 2815-6 (Lauk) 2886

Gardom, Hon. Garde Basil, Attorney-General (Vancouver-Point Grey)

Alcoholism and impaired driving in Nelson-Creaton region, study on 1255, 1355

Alimony collection, enforcement of 1243

Anti-Inflation Act, federal, supreme court decision on legality of 2274-5

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2274-5

Anti-inflation programme, federal, constitutional validity of 766

Arbitration Act, review of 2626

Assessment centres for juvenile delinquents 1001

Attorney-General department estimates 1233-4, 1238-9, 1242-4, 1248, 1255, 1260-1, 1268, 1274, 1280, 1285-7, 1296-8, 1301, 1326-7, 1333-4, 1336-7, 1355-9, 1363-4, 1366-74, 1379-80

Attorney-General Statutes Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 74) 1R, 2519; 2R, 2624; C, 2963; 3R, 2963

Automobile Insurance Amendment Act, 1976 3390

Bain, Wyler and Black report on ombudsman 1348

Bar, member of, competence of, inquiry into 2628, 2630

Bazowski, Peter, RCMP assistant commissioner, appointment as 1357

Beer, sale of, in corner stores 1297

Boards and tribunals, statutorily established, legislation on 2624

B.C. Law Reform Commission, report from 2624

B.C. Law Reform Commission, tribute to 1369

B.C. Parole Board, parole for provincial crimes 1368

B.C. Railway, fraud charges against A. 2617

Budget debate 999-1002

Calgary hostage-taking incident, A. 17-18

Canadian Transport Commission, PWA takeover, jurisdiction in 1368

Child, civil kidnapping of 2226

Coat of arms, abusive use of 1333

Cocaine, trafficking in 1366

Companies Act, review of 2621

Companies Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 76) I R, 2481;2R, 2620-2;C, 3209-10

Companies, new, establishment of under Social Credit government 1000

Compensation for citizens inconvenienced doing legal duty 1280

Constitution, patriation of 1327

Contempt proceedings when subpoena disobeyed 2226

Contractors, registration and licensing of 1333

Co-operative Association Act, review of proposed 1374

Co-operative units circumventing strata conversion regulations, A. 1079

Cost-sharing in justice administration, problem of 1002

County Court Act, few existing rules to be placed in 2622

Court of appeal in Victoria 1351

Court rules, obsolete provisions in, repeal of 2622

Court Rules of Practice Act, amendments to 2623

Court services, staffing of 1356

Credit Union Reserve Board, discussions with 2627

Credit Unions Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 60) 1R, 2419; 2R, 2627; C, 2964; 3R, 2964

Credit unions, interpretation and practical problems of, legislation on 2626

Crime commission hearings 1239, 1364

Crown counsel, municipal bylaw infractions left to municipalities 1356

Custody, order of, enforcement of 2226

Deputy ministers, power of 2244-5

Director of company, registration, loss of under Securities Act 2621

Director of small company as liquidator of company 2621

Directors of societies, responsibilities of 2620

Discrimination, affirmative action dealing with disparities between people, report 1355

Drinking-driving, educational programme on 1255

Driver, drinking, problem of, legal aid for 1238

Drivers, impaired, roadblock checks for 1255

Driver's licence, suspension of for impaired driver 1238

Driving, dangerous, on highways 1359

Enactments, how they come into effect 2244

Eviction by landlord under pretence of demolition 1379

Evidence Act, amendments to 2622

Extra-Provincial Custody Orders Enforcement Act (Bill 18) 1R, 2133; 2R, 2226-7

Fairground rides, safety regulations for, A. 2577

Family courts, staffing of 1301

Fingerprinting of juveniles, A. 1219

Foreign ownership of land in B.C., statistics on 1355

Habitat delegations bringing own police protection 1348

Habitat, police protection for 1348

Haney Correctional Centre as juvenile detention centre 1756

Haymore, Eddie, possible legal action against, A. 706

Hockey, violence in 1002-3

Individual free enterprise, belief in 999-1000

In-Laws Act (Bill 1) 1R, 13

Insurers, private, licensing of 1374

Interpretation Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 20) 1R, 2037; 2R, 2228-9, 2296

Interprovincial Subpoena Act (Bill 19) 1R, 2037; 2R, 2225-6

“Investigation and Inquiry into Violence in Amateur Hockey” by W.R. McMurtry 1002

Judge, local, of county court sitting as local judge of supreme court, power of 2243

Judicial Review Procedure Act (Bill 44) 1R, 2419; 2R, 2624-7; C, 2962, 3R, 2962

Justice building in Victoria 1003

Justice function, not encroachment but interdepartmental co-operation 1238

Justice in Canada, administration of, task force on 1002

Juvenile alcoholism, programme for 1355

Juvenile delinquency, situation of and penalties for 1244

Juvenile detention centre in Victoria, medical facilities for 1348

Juveniles, hard core, facility for 1244

Keenleyside report on fire services recommendations 1371

Kitimat, law enforcement situation at, investigation of 2495, 2519-20

Landlord and tenant legislation, problems in 1301, 1379

Law programme for native Indians at UBC, A. 2617-8

Law Reform Commission, minors' contract report 1348

Laws Declaratory Act, amendments to 2623

Legal aid, community groups offering, funding of 1368

Legal aid, existing priorities for 1238-9, 1243, 1285, 1333

Legal aid, expenditures on 1285

Legal aid, federal contribution to 1285, 1333-4

Legal aid[, funding of 1243, 1333-4

Legal Professions Amendment Act, 1976 1R, 2481;2R, 2628, 2630

Legal Services Commission, cutback in staff and services, A. 473-4

Legislature, legality of preceding sittings of 2935-7

Liquor Act, review of 1003

Loan-sharking, legislation controlling 1373

Master, appointment of in court 2622-3

Matrimonial property rights 1243-4, 1301, 1327

Mentally disturbed offenders, problem of 1348, 1350-1

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 78) 1R, 2675; 2R, 2981-2; C, 3313; 3R, 3313

Miscellaneous Statutes (Court Rules) Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 69) 1R, 2455; 2R, 2622-4; C, 2962-3; 3R, 2963

Motor-Vehicle Amendment Act (1976) 480-1

Multiple-listing service 1327

Ombudsman Act (Bill 48) 1R, 2234

PWA takeover, jurisdiction of 1368, A. 2039, 2482, 2619, 3244-5

Police college, instructors, reduction in numbers of 1366

Police college, physical criteria for entrance 1366

Police forces in B.C. 1358, 1363

Policeman, permanent, for Quadra Island 1333

Post-dispositional situation for juvenile delinquents 1001

Prisons, conditions at and funding for 1242-3

Prisons, large, phasing out 1367

Prohibition, writ of elimination 2624

Property, conveyancing process of 1355

Property damage problem and community service orders for 1244

Provincial autonomy curtailed only in national emergency 766

RCMP contract, federal contribution 1239, 1243

RCMP high-speed pursuit, guidelines on, A. 3241-2

RCMP lock-up in Prince Rupert 1348-9

Racing days, setting of by federal government 1370

Rape, law amendments on 1261

Rape relief centres, funding of 1260-1, 1274

Rape victims, police training in dealing with 1261, 1274

Remand assessment and classification facility, construction of 1248

Rent-control policy 1239

Rent controls, adjustment of, A. 3018

Rent increase, illegal 1380

Rental units, strata conversions of 1242

Rentalsman's office, problems in operation of 1301, 1379

Reports on different aspects of law, recommendation on, taken into consideration 1003

Repression, relief from, application for 2621

Restaurants, 10 o'clock closing on Sunday 1372

School, alternate education in Cowichan Valley, funding of 3157

Scotch, low-priced for delegates at Habitat, A. 2232, 2384-5

Seat belts, advantages of 480-1

Secret Harbour, Washington, for juveniles programme 1001-2, 1244

Security treatment centre for juveniles at Centre Creek in Chilliwack 1001

Sentencing alternatives to 1367

Sheriff, an officer to all courts in province 3134

Sheriffs Act (Bill 56) 1R, 2419; 2R, 3133-4; C, 3207

Sheriffs, deputy, staffing and training of 1356-7

Sheriffs, fees for services 3134

Sheriffs, legislation involving, background to 3133-4

Sheriffs, Public Service Act, subject to 3134

Shrum report, courthouse portion 1355-6

Societies Act (Bill 47) 1R, 2381; 2R, 2620

Societies, in-depth study on 2620

Societies, large, legislation on 2620

Societies, reporting 2620

Societies, small, legislation on 2620

Sports, violence in 1002-3

Statutes, elimination of repetitions 2228

Statutes, language and terminology of, simplification of 2622

Statutes, simplification of 2228

Subpoena, interprovincial, reciprocity provisions for 2226

Supreme Court Act, amendments to 2623

Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 13) 1R, 2201; 2R, 2242-3; C, 2296

Supreme court judges, number, increase of 2242

Tenants with children, discrimination against 1379

Trial tracking and scheduling 1239, 1244

Unified family court 1001

Vandalism in Hedley 2074, 2619

Vickers, David, Deputy Attorney-General, appointment of 1234

Victim, hit and run, insurance payment to 3390

Wall and Redekop Corp. 1326

Wilkinson Road Jail, conditions at 1248

Willingdon remand and assessment programme 1351-3

Willingdon School, remand and assessment centre for juvenile delinquents 1001, 1756

Wine-processing and grape-growing industries 1296-7

Wiretapping legislation, validity and application of 1285-6

Witnesses subpoenaed, compensation for 2244

Women and the law in British Columbia 1327

Wootton, Judge, replacement for 1351

Workers' Compensation Board, review of decisions 2626

Zoom photography of legislative protestors, A. 178, 842-3

Garfunkel, Art

Mentioned: (Gibson) 159, 162

Garrish, Arthur

Report on egg industry (Shelford) 1396 (Wallace, G.S.) 1453

Gas, natural

Alaska Highway pipeline connection (Bennett) 1924, 2107, 2420, A. 3157 (King) 1924-5 (Gibson) 1925, 2107-8, 3238-9, 3247-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1925 (Stupich) 2107 (Davis) 3250

Exploration of, for B.C. (Davis) 3235, 3239 (Macdonald) 3235

Export price increase, negotiation with federal energy commission (King) 776

Export prices, government policy on (Bennett) 2513-4 (King) 2514 (Gibson) 2514 (Wallace, G.S.) 2514

Field price of (Macdonald) Q. 3243-4 (Waterland) A. 3 244

NDP policy on (Bennett) 1534 (Stupich) 1534-5

Oil and natural gas, exploration expenditures (Gibson) 3033 (Waterland) 3034

Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1976, see name of act

Producers' federal income tax, payment of, regulation for (Stupich) 1229 (Wolfe) 1229

Revenue to be increased (Stupich) 287, 880 (Sanford) 877 (Lauk) 907 (Brown) 937 (Cocke) 983


Gallons sold, number of (McGeer) 1759 (Cocke) 1763 (Gibson) 1767

Marketing of, service stations, report on (Macdonald) Q. 1665 (Davis) A. 1665

Price control at the pump (Macdonald) 240

Price increase (Macdonald) Q. 926 (Davis) A. 926

Price increase in the north (Shelford) 571

Price increases at self-service stations (Macdonald) Q. 2677-8 (Bennett) A. 2677-8

Two-price policy for (Lauk) 2362 (Macdonald) 3246

Gasoline — Taxation

Federal tax on gasoline, removal of (Davis) 3246

ICBC, subsidizing, policy of NDP (Phillips) 80

New tax, merits of (Gibson) 49 (Lauk) 110-1 (Stupich) 89-90, 286 (Cocke) 1747, 1763

New tax, reasons against (Bawlf) 124, 135 (Gibson) 1766

Gauthier, J.R.

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1801

General Foods Corp.

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1548

General Motors Corp.

Mentioned: (Shelford) 1396 (Skelly) 1507 (Macdonald) 2057

General Telephone and Electronics

Mentioned: (Skelly) 215

George, Val

Notre Dame University, ultimatum to (Nicolson) 602

George Bonner Secondary School, Duncan, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 919

Georges P. Vanier Senior Secondary School, Courtenay, B.C.

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1217, 1405

Germain, Lorna

Mentioned: (Brown) 73

Gerow, Jack

Mentioned: (Williams) 1341 (Wallace, G.S.) 2494

Gettysburg Address

Mentioned: (Veitch) 19

Getz, Leon

Mentioned: (Williams) 410

Giant Mascot Mines Ltd.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 2776

Gibson, Gordon Fulerton (North Vancouver-Capilano)

Abortions, investigation on 1999, 2002-3

Address in reply 159-69

Address in reply, amendment 48-52

Adjournment of House to discuss matter of urgent public importance, Speaker's decision on 3160

Adjournment, time of 145

Adjournment, time of, debate 387-93

Adoption, waiting list for, size of 2397

Agricultural income stability with efficiency, methods to achieve 1410-1

Agricultural production be supported by taxpayers 1409-10

Agriculture department estimates 1408-11, 1436, 1452, 1474

Agriculture department estimates, opening overview, lack of 1408-9

Agriculture department, renaming of 1452

Alaska gas pipeline connection proposal 1925, 2107-8, 3238-9, 3247-8

Alcohol abuse 1998-9

Alcohol education, legislative committee on, proposed 1240-1

An Act to Provide for the Payment of Local Taxes by the British Columbia Railway (Bill 86) 1R, 3155

Anti-Inflation Act, federal, supreme court decision on 2276-7

Anti-inflation agreement with other province or state, inclusion of phrase “or state” 2282

Anti-inflation freeze on government spending 161

Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1645-8, 2276-7, 2282, 2285-6, 2297-9

Anti-inflation programme of government, criticism of 1645-8

Anti-inflation programme, negotiations with Ottawa 767

Asset holdings of B.C. 1187

Attorney-General department estimates 1239-42, 1368

Auditor-General Act 2104, 2267-72

Auditor-General, acting appointment of 2267

Auditor-General, appointment of, by special committee 2.272, 2940

Auditor-General, authority and responsibilities of 2104

Auditor-General, funds for 2272

Auditor-General, government accounting policies, review of 2268-9

Auditor-General, public accounts committee, working with 2269-71

Auditor-General, staff of, oaths, taking of 2271

Automobile insurance, private insurers, re-entry of, Q. 1343

Automobile purchases, complaints related to 1.556

Automobiles insured, number of 1767

Bar, member of, competence of, inquiry into 2629

Blasting ticket courses and blasting permits, issue of 3020-1, 3032

Bribes, bulbs in Vancouver East, Q. 2293

British Columbia “Beauchesne” 3338

B.C. Buildings Corp., bids and tenders, no provision for 2168

B.C. Buildings Corp., deficit financing nature of 2168-9

B.C. Buildings Corp., employees of, Public Service Act not applicable to 3395

B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation power of 2170, 3392-3

B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation section, deletion of, proposed 2261

B.C. Buildings Corp., staff for, security and benefit of 2169-70

B.C. Buildings Corp., taxes, payment of 3395

British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2168-70, 2248, 2261-2, 3392, 3395-6

B.C. Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 430-4, 587, 593, 648-9, 6.55-6, 659-60, 663, 750-1, 754
Amendment on amount, reduction of 656, 659-60, 663

British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act 2945-6

B.C. Ferries, additional seating on, Q. 3019

B.C. Ferries, Colonel Sanders, possible liaison between, Q. 2071-2

B.C. Ferries, commuter card system extension for some routes, proposed 1305

B.C. Ferries, expenditure in the Budget address 296

B.C. Ferries, federal subsidy to 1305, 2309

B.C. Ferries, high rates in summer, proposed 3264

B.C. Ferries, increased sailings, no mention in Throne speech 163

B.C. Ferries labour dispute, industrial inquiry commissioner, appointment of 2292

B.C. Ferries lease arrangements of 2897-8, 2988-9

B.C. Ferries rates, higher for out-of-province licence plates, proposed 1305

B.C. Ferries rates increase 1304-5

B.C. Ferries routes, $15 fare on, Q. 2578

B.C. Ferries, weekday travel free for senior citizens on foot, Q. 1977, 3264-5

B.C. Ferry Corp., board of directors, no MLAs, amendment proposed 3340-1

B.C. Ferry Corp., financial record of, open to inspection by Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs 3345-6

B.C. Ferry Corp., moving to deficit financing 3345

B.C. Ferry Corp., taxes, payment of 3346

British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 3340-1, 3345-6

B.C. Housing Management Commission, conflict of interest, Q. 175-6

B.C. Hydro, remove transit from, no mention in Throne speech, 163

B.C. Institute for Economic Policy Analysis, importance of 166-7

B.C. Law Reform Commission, tribute to 1368

B.C. Marketing Board, reduction of power, no mention in Throne speech 162

B. C. Railway, agreement, new retroactive provision for 2590

B.C. Railway, Ashcroft-Clinton cut-off 1103

B.C. Railway, bargaining council for unions encouraged 1103, 2590-1

B.C. Railway, chaotic conditions and labour disputes 2588-9

B.C. Railway, construction subsidy for 2309

B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension 1103

B.C. Railway, deficit of 1102-3

B.C. Railway, development in the north and south of province 1104

B.C. Railway, essential to economy 1104

B.C. Railway, executive officer for 1103-4

B.C. Railway, extension construction justifiable if mineral traffic evident 1104

B.C. Railway, job-evaluation scheme for 2602

B.C. Railway, labour situation of 1103

B.C. Railway, larger percentage of terminal revenues 1104

B.C. Railway, management or ownership, transfer of, Q. 2484-5, 2577

B.C. Railway, monthly report of, proposed 1104

B.C. Railway, political meddling in 1103-4

B.C. Railway, prospectus, lack of 1102, B.C. Railway, special commission, appointment of 2589, 2601-2

B.C. Railway strike, binding arbitration to end 2589

B.C. Railway, strike negotiations, Q. 18, 214

B.C. Railway, taxation situation, 169

B.C. Railway, traffic originated on, Q. 3400

British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act (1976) 1102-5

B.C. Savings and Trust Co., legal status of 1186-7

B.C. School Trustees Association fire insurance, legal liability, Q. 596-7

B.C. Steamship Co., general manager, resignation of, Q. 2201

B.C. Tel., power to set up provincial regulatory agency, no mention in Throne speech 163

Budget address, positive points in government policy 291

Budget, alleged leak of 289

Budget debate 289-301

Budget, increase percentage higher than government figure 1186

Budget speech, unparliamentary language, point of order 405

Budgetary increase in Budget address misleading 294

Building materials, removal of sales tax, no mention in Throne speech 161

Burrard ferry system 3 218

CUPE — Mid-Island dispute, industrial inquiry commission to intervene 2418

Canada Pension Plan benefits for working spouses 2396-7

Cancer research programme, grant to 655-6, 660, Q. 1053

Capital expenditure, reluctance of government to borrow for 1175-6

Cash management of government of B.C., report 1135-6

Cash position of B.C, , Q. 320, 351-2

Cash position of B.C. as of end of April, 1976, 1128, 1135, 1150, 1175, 1185

Cheques, issued by government, cashing of, Q. 407

Cheques, non-sufficient funds, issue of, 430-2, 1123, 1125, 1185

Chicken, farm-to-retail price gap, Q. 3242

Children, communicatively impaired, educational services for, Q. 2516

Claims, value of work performed, reduction of 2506

Clark, Joseph, welcome to [louse 2684

Clarkson Gordon report, cost of, Q. 649

Clarkson Gordon report, draft copy of 593, 750

Clarkson Gordon report, instructions to 750

Coal, development policy, report, release of 3036

Coal, northeast resources, cost-benefit study on, Q. 2163-4

Coal, northeast resources project, studies on the economics of 3033, 3036

Coal research and coal gasification, work on 3064

Commonwealth, sister nations, criticism of in Budget address 271-2

Community resource boards 165, 2405-6

Companies Amendment Act (1976) 2218-9

Condominium owners, right to limit rental units, removal of 2647-8

Constitution Amendment Act ( 1976) 2218-9

Constitution, patriation of 789, 2310

Constitutional developments, joint consultation, Q.474

Consumer Action League, termination of funding for, Q. 3156

Consumer Services department estimates 1555-8

Co-operative units circumventing strata conversion regulations, Q. 1079, 1240

Copper cartel situation 3033, 3036

Core curriculum in education 1807

Corporal punishment, decision on, no mention in Throne speech 163

Corporation tax increase 867

Corporation tax system, operation of, controlled by B.C., proposed 1187-8

Cost of living, size of, impact on consumers 1556

Cragg report, sales tax increase, impact on cost of living 1179, 1186

Credit cards and consumer credit 1555

Credit Union Reserve Board, discussions with 2627

Credit Unions Amendment Act (1976) 2627

Credit unions, government relations with 1179, 1185-6

Crown agencies, pricing decisions of 767

Crown corporations, return of some to private sector, no mention in Throne speech 161

Crown lands, lease to ranches for longer tenure, no mention in Throne speech 162

Cummings, Roy, death of 1975

Davis, William, statement on expropriating oil industry in western Canada 1823

Day care, financial aid, importance of 167

Day care, integration with public school system 1807

Deficit of province, amount, Q. 650

Deficit position, not, permissible for government at end of fiscal year, Q. 407

Deficit specified in Budget address 292

Denison Mines, ore shipments from, Q. 1081

Department of Highways and Public Works Act, non-existence of 2262

Departmental changes, authorization of 2897, 2987

Deputy ministers, power of 2244

Doctors, provision of in remote areas, Q. 2231

Douglas College to take over teaching unit at Riverview Hospital 1998

Drinking-driving, educational programme 1241

Drinking-driving, penalties for, enforcement of 1241

Drivers, impaired training courses 1241

Drug abuse problem 1999

Dunhill Development, municipal approval not required for building construction 2648

Economic Development department estimates 1487-92, 1509

Economic growth of B.C., study on 2311-2

Economic growth of B.C. under 'Social Credit government, slowest in Canada 1176

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, contracts, outstanding 1059, 1073

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, contribution to economic blueprint 1059

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, date of closing 1075

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, directors of 1043-4

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, economic research beneficial to long-range planning 1044-8, 1059

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, expenditure of 1044

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, independence of 1045-6

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, long-term contracts 1059

Economic Policy Analysis Institute, research fundings not in line with government policy 1044, 1047, 1059

Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act, 1043-9, 1058-9, 1073, 1075

Economic situation of B.C. 1487-92

Education department estimates 1593-8, 1618, 1764-7, 1783-5, 1806-11, 1814

Education, financing of 1593

Education, financing of, criticism of 295

Education finance formula 1595

Educational goals of public school system 1807-8

Election promises not specified in Throne speech 160-9

Election public opinion poll, Q. 2941

Electricity, peak-load pricing 3249, 3251

ELUC, studies, publication of 1889

Enactments, how they came into effect 2244

Energy needs forecast for B.C. 3248-9

Energy resource evaluation programme 3065

Environment, Department of, creation legality of 2792, 2987

Environment, Department of, estimates 1859, 1886, 1888-90

Executive council estimates 2308-12

Exercise facilities programme 1996

Expropriation law, new, no mention in Throne speech 162

Extended-care rate increase exceptions, Q. 321

Family law, legislation for legal equality of entitlement 164

Family-life education 1593-4

Farm Income Assurance Programme 1410

Federal-provincial cost-sharing arrangements, re-examination of 2309

Federal-provincial relations, freedom in setting spending priorities 290-1, 2717

Federal-provincial revenue transfers, equalization formula for 2717

Finance department estimates 1122-3, 1125, 1128, 1135-6, 1150-2, 1174, 1176, 1179-80, 1185-9, 1207

Financial arrangement of western provinces with federal government 1278

Financial report at end of fiscal year giving a revenue forecast 1151-2, 1185

Financial reports, monthly, proposed 1186

Financial reports, quarterly 1186

Fire insurance, deductible for B.C. schools, Q. 472, 3187A

Fire insurance for schools 1806, 1809

Fire insurance for schools, premiums to be paid by Education dept., Q. 3187A

Firearms control, press release on, Q. 1407

First Ministers Conference, Ottawa, June 14-15 2717-8

Food prices as related to disposable income 1410

Food prices increase, highest in North America 1555-6

Food waste, problem of 1409

Foods of province, promotion programme 1436, 1452

Foreign investment review agency, ruling of, Q. 998

Foreign students, higher fees at universities 1811-2

Forest industry, deterioration of 1488-9, 2690-1

Forest industry, wages of workers 2692

Freedom of Information Act 482

French language education 1807

Funds, recapture of 297

Funds, special, purposes of 856

Fur, royalty increase on 3322

GAIN, appeal section in 2453

GAIN, asset-tested programme of 2452

GAIN, maintenance order, enforcement provisions in 2452

GAIN, Mincome, concept of, doing away with 2452

GAIN, powers given to Human Resources minister 2452-3

GAIN, regulations in, not specified 2452

Gaffney, Mason, payment for services 3320-1

Gas, natural, export prices 2514

Gasoline, number of gallons sold 1767

Gasoline tax, introduction, merits of 49

Gasoline tax, revenue from 1766

Gift tax and succession duties, removal of, no mention in Throne speech 161

Glen Hospital dispute 1998

Government funds, flow of, across the country 2310-1

Government Reorganization Act 2791-93, 2872, 2896-9, 2987-9

Government Reorganization Act, defer second reading for six months, amendment to 2896-9, 2987-9

Government Reorganization Act, sec. 12B, words to be deleted 2987

Government Reorganization Act, urgency of Bill 2988-9

Government reorganization programme, danger of giving sweeping powers to cabinet and Premier 2791, 2793

Granduc mines cutback, Q. 117-8

Growth grants for B.C. from federal government 3219

Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2448-52

Guaranteed income supplement programme 2396

Habitat, Canada's submission on unearned profits of land, Q. 2422-3, 2616, 3017

Haney Correctional Centre as juvenile detention centre 1756

Hat Creek coal studies, non-thermal coal uses 3064

Health department estimates 1996-9

Heavy-water plant, installation of 3249

Highways and Public Works department estimates 3284-6

Home and School Association, brief presented 1593

Home-owner grant increase for senior citizens 1905

Home-owner grant legislation, tenants not included 1905

Home Purchase Assistance Act 3152

Home-purchase assistance, expenditure estimated 3152

Horseshoe Bay to Upper Levels Highway, upgrading of 3285

Hospital authority, local autonomy of 2491

Hospital budget appropriation and HLRA position 2491

Hospital financing 1996-7

Hospital industry, job-evaluation study 2490, 2503

Hospital, new, for greater Victoria area 1997

Hospital services collective agreement, AIB to review 2491

Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act 2490-2, 2502-3

Hospital services collective agreement, in line with Labour Code 2502

Hospital services collective agreement, term of contract 2491

Hospital, teaching, on UBC campus, proposed 1783, 1997

Hospitals, private, wage parity, government policy to achieve 1998

Hospitals, strike 1245, Q. 1787, 1856, 1997-8, 2490-2

Hospitals, strike, adjournment of House to discuss, M. 1790, 1792

Hospitals, teaching, downtown, task force on, Q. 1663

“Hot” declarations, Labour Relations Board to review 3173

Housing, new unit, grant to municipalities 3219

Human Resources department estimates 2394, 2396-7, 2405-6, 2452-3

ICBC, cheque to, 430, Q. 648, 1125, 1150

ICBC, cheque to, authorization of 1123, 1125, 1135, 1175, 1185

ICBC, commission payments for 1766-7

ICBC, loan to government, Q. 923, 1125

ICBC, premium rate, criteria for determining 1765-6

ICBC, rates, basic options (Gibson) 48-49

ICBC, refunds, possibility of, Q. 3099-3100

Income Tax Amendment Act (1976) 867, 1026-7

Income tax, different levels of taxation for two years 1026

Income tax increase, expected revenue from 867

Independent schools, operating costs paid through local school boards, action required 161

Indexing plan, extension of in the federal income tax system 1189

Indian grievances to be dealt with 169

Inflation, government policy, impact on, Q. 1117

Intergovernmental affairs, department of, studies to be done 2309-12

Intermediate-care programme 1997

Interpretation Amendment Act (1976) 2 244

Jericho Hill School 1598, Q. 2516

Jericho Hill School, children, placing of in community setting 1784-5

Jericho Hill School site, designation of, Q. 2677, 2720-1

Juvenile delinquency 1241-2

Kindergarten age, lowering of, to four-year-olds 1807

Kitimat, law enforcement situation, investigation of 2495, 2520

Labour Code amendment, balance, lack of 3169, 3173

Labour Code amendment, timing of 3169, 3174

Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3169-74

Labour college, setting up of 3171

Labour dispute, cooling-off period during 2589-90

Labour disputes in essential services, cooling-off period, extension of 3172

Labour-management relations, reduction of conflict 3170-1

Labour wanting a share in decision-making 3170-1

Land Amendment Act (1976) 3207-8

Lau, Jurgen, Mineral Resource Tax Act, involvement in drafting 2710-1, 2748-50, 2768

Law enforcement, interprovincial, provision for 1240

Learning assessment programme in schools 1598

Legal aid, existing priorities for and allocation of 1241

Legal Professions Amendment Act (1976) 2629

Leg-hold traps, Q. 2038, 3322

Leg-hold traps, federal-provincial committee on 3322

Legislation, retroactive, affecting existing court case 3312

Legislative interns 1951

Legislature, legality of preceding sittings 2932-4, 3016

Lighthouse Communications Ltd., Q. 115, 1183, 1440

Lions Gate Bridge, flag on 3285-6

Lions Gate Bridge, upgrading of 3285

Liveable-region plan for GVRD

Logging, new rules for, revenue loss 2691

Lower levels road, additional facility for 3285

MLA, salary reduction of 2218-9

Macdonald as Speaker, seconded, M. 1

McKee, Clive, employment of, Q. 3402

Mackenzie pipeline proposal 3247

Maintenance funds payments, enforcement of 2394

Marketing boards 1410-1

Matrimonial property 1241

May and Beauchesne quoted, matter relating to statement in Budget address 270

Medicine, preventive, programme 1996

Member of a special committee to select members for standing committees 14

Merit system to be returned to public service 161

Milk production, problems in 1410

Mincome, government policy, criticism of 161

Miner, right to mine own claim 2506

Mineral Amendment Act (1976) 2505-6

Mineral and stumpage royalties, comparison of 3032-3

Mineral Land Tax Act, regulations under 3033

Mineral research programme 3064

Mineral Resource Tax Act 3357-61

Mineral Royalties Act, legislation changes urgent 160

Mineral Royalties Repeal Act (Bill 40) I R, 1405

Mineral royalty tax, adverse effects of 3358-60

Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2690-2, 2710, 2748-50, 2768, 3011-3, 3020-1, 2032-4, 3063-5

Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2748-50

Mines, tax on net income of 3357-60

Mining industry, decline of 1489, 3011-2

Mining industry in B.C., future plans for 3011-2

Mining policies, ministerial discretion in 2507

Mining policy of NDP, criticism of 2236, 2505-6

Minister of Finance, power to purchase company shares, removal of 1913-4

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1976) 3310

Money votes, transfer of for departments 2898-9, 2987-9

Mount Stephen property 2656

Municipal Act, replotting section, amendments, absence of 2632

Municipal Affairs department estimates 3218-20

Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 2266, 2632, 3199

Municipal Amendment Act, No. 2, 1976 (Bill 87) 1R, 3277

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act (1976) 2641-2

Municipalities guaranteed fixed percentage of resource taxes, no mention in Throne speech 161

Non-union firms, admission onto construction sites 3140

Non-union firms eligible to bid for government contracts 3140

Northern tour by Premier, comments on 1925

Northwest rail agreement with federal government 1103

Oil and natural gas, exploration expenditures 3033

Oil explorations, funds for, Q. 1528, 1535, 1824

Oil-pricing policy of government, Q. 1528, 1535-6, 1823-4

Overestimation in Budget address 291-2

PREP pamphlet, publication of, Q. 2382-3

Pacific Western Airlines takeover, Q. 15, 163, 1278-9, 1665, 2309, 2482, 2549, 3245

Paper use by government departments, Q. 3401

Pharmacare for chronically ill children, no mention in Throne speech 161

Planning powers to municipalities in regional districts, no mention in Throne speech 161

Premier's meeting with governors of Alaska, Washington and Oregon 1820

Price-freeze policy, absolute power of government 1647-8, 2285-6, 2297-9

Price increases, provincial restraint on regulations for 1645-8

Princess Marguerite in B.C. ferry fleet, no mention in Throne speech, 162

Principals and administrative staff, reassignment of, appeal procedure for 3211-2

Private insurance companies, government policy 161

Productivity, solution to economic problems 3170

Property damage problem and community service orders for 1241-2

Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act (1976) 2235-7, 2296-7

Prospectors' assistance programme, fund reduction 3063-4

Prospectors, grants to 2236-7

Prospectors, properties discovered by, government right of first refusal, removal of 2236-7

Prospectors, small, encouragement and incentives for 2506

Provincial autonomy in anti-inflation programme 767

Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1905

Provincial Secretary department estimates 3109, 3115-6, 3127, 3320-2

Provincial Secretary department estimates, order of votes under 3109

Provincial Secretary, role of 3 116

Provincial universities, establishment in interior, no mention in Throne speech 163

Public Construction Fair Wages Act 3139-40

Public Officials and Employees Conflict of Interest Act (Bill 67) 1R, 2381

Public Schools Act, changes in 1596, 1598

Public Schools Amendment Act (1976) 3211-2

Public Service Act 3279

Public Service Commission, negotiation and personnel management functions, separation of 3279

Public service, termination of appointments, reasons for 165

Public Works department estimates, removal to B.C. Buildings Corp. 2169

Questions on order paper, answers by Premier, Q. 3243

RCMP contract, federal contribution to 1240

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act 2588-91, 2601

Railway and Ferries Bargaining Assistance Act compared to Railway Operation Continuation Act 2588

Rental units, vacancy rate 3219-20

Rent-control policy 1242

Rent review on local level, no mention in Throne speech 161

Restriction of the Use of Spring Traps Act, 1976 (Bill 43) 1R, 1751

Restructured grants, urgency of, Q. 275

Retirement industry on Vancouver Island 1489-90

Revelstoke Dam, water-licence hearing 2426

Revenue Amendment Act (1976) 1913-4

Revenue forecast in budget more than economic growth of province 1150-1

Revenue owed to province, retroactive reduction by federal government 2717

Revenue-sharing, certainty in funding 168

Revenue, underestimation in Budget address 299

Role and financial authority of Speaker 3-5

Royalties, mineral and stumpage, comparison of 3032-3

Royal commission on economic prospects of B.C., proposed 1491-2

Rule of anticipation, suspension of, proposed 2561

SAM project, progress of 1888

Sales tax exemption for building materials 1020

Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 783

Sales tax increase, effect.on cost of living in B.C. 782

Sales tax increase, impact on cost of living 1179, 1186

Sales tax increase, political reason for 781

Sales tax increase, yield resulting from 782

Sales tax, non-regressiveness of, proof of 1175

Sales tax, regressive nature of 781-2

Savings and investments, encouragement of deferred-tax treatment 1188

School District 44, retraining programme 1595

School District 44, special grant to 1595-6

School District 44, superintendents and administrators, own appointments proposed 1596

School districts and community colleges, financial aid, .no mention in Throne speech 161

School districts, grants to, basis of distribution, Q. 1218, 1595

School taxes to be removed from local property 168

School trustees, consultation with 1596

Schools, independent, funding of 1597

Screening programme 1996

Senate, composition of 2310

Sex discrimination in public schools, committee on, termination of 1597-8

Skagit Valley, B.C. Hydro and Seattle City Light project, Q. 1306, 1859

Smith, Hon. D.E. as Speaker, objections to 3-5

Social services information centres, funding withdrawal 2397-8, 2405

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 780-3, 1020

Amendment to 783, negatived 883

Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act, (1970855-6

Standard of living and growth rate of industry 1491

Standing orders, overhaul and modernization 3338

Statistical branch, Economic Development department 1509

Status of Women co-ordinator, office terminated, criticism of 164

Strata Titles Amendment Act (1976) 2647-8

Strike by police and firemen, banning of right, omission from Throne speech 161

Strike vote, government supervision 3172

Strikes, prevention co-operation between management and labour 2421

Student summer employees, fringe benefits for, Q. 1051

Students, grants to 1814

Stumpage revenue 2691

Stumpage revenue and volume of wood, change in, Q. 1630

Summer employment programme for students, phase 2, Q. 74, 632

Supermarkets, delivery service offered by 1557-8

Supermarkets, telephones in 1556-7

Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 342, 351-2, 575, 577

Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, amendment on amount and duration 575

Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, amendment to C, sec. 1, 575, out of order 575

Supply Act, No. 1, 1976, amount requested 342, 575

Swimming programme for disabled, Q. 839

Taxation, intergovernmental, study proposed 2310

Tax points, transfer by federal government 2712

Teacher demand, five-year forecast proposed 1598

Teacher groups, school boards and parent groups, interaction of 1598

Teacher salaries settlements, Q. 3347

Teachers' pension fund 1814

Teachers' salaries, formula 1598

Teachers, training of 1598

Technology, use of skilled people 1491

Telegram, Social Credit, embarrassment to Speaker 2722

Thom, Byng, dismissal from UBC Board of Governors 1618

Transit connections for North Vancouver 3218

Transit system, financial formula for cost-sharing arrangement 3219

TransMountain pipeline proposal from Prince Rupert to Edmonton 3238

Transport and Communications, Department of, estimates 3238-9, 3247-50, 3263-5

Trapping humane, methods of 3322

Treasury Board, cost-accounting assessment of programmes 1189

Treasury Board, performance audit of 1189

Trial tracking and scheduling 1242

UBC Endowment Lands, parkland on 1886

UBC, plans for, Q. 1663

Undersea mining, development of 1491, 3012-3, 3020, 3032

Unemployment, matter of urgent public importance, M. 1308-9

Unemployment, programmes to solve problems of 2421

Universities capital financing, move to deficit financing 2945-6

Universities Council, warrant to 649

Upper Levels Highway, Westview and Lonsdale intersections 3284-5

Uranium occurrences in Okanagan 3065

Uranium surveys 3064

Urban areas, growth in B.C. 3218

Urban transit authority for GVRD 3219

VGH strike, contingency plans for 1313

Vancouver airport runway extension, study report 1889-90

Vancouver East by-election, Q. 1752-3

Vancouver East, member for, welcome to 2576

Vancouver International Airport, Q. 560

Vancouver Status of Women Council, grant to 3115

Violence on television 1242

Voting, residential qualifications for, amendment to 3199

Wages, fair, arbitrary authority of government, offered by employers 3139-40

Water Act, administration under Environment Minister 1883

Water Amendment Act (1976) 3207

Water improvement districts, interest rate on overdue taxes 3207

Welfare administration, funding 169

Welfare administration, takeover from municipalities 161, Q. 2039, 2397

Whistler council, discussion with 2642

Wilkinson Road jail, conditions at 1240

Women's office, creation of 3116

Women's organizations, funding for 3115-6

Work-experience programmes in high schools 1808

World Food Relief Fund, proposed expenditures 1409, 1452, 1474

Gibson, William

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1887

Giles, George L.

Mentioned: (Fraser) 3281

Glacier National Park

Mentioned: (Chabot) 2681

Glasgow, Scotland

Airport (Rogers) 732

Glen Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Labour dispute in (Gibson) 1999

Glendale Lodge Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Budget cut, Q. (Cocke) 1408 (Vander Zalm) A. 1408, 1439, 2404 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1439, 2019 (Levi) 2020, 2402-3 (Sanford) 2404

Glendale School for Retarded Children

See: Glendale Lodge Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Glengarry Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 2018, 2430

Glenlyon School for Boys, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1303

Glenwright, J.G.

Letter quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 2493

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1983-4

Gibraltar Mines Ltd.

Mentioned: (Waterland) 2508, 3028

Gillespie, Hon. Alastair

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 240 (Wallace, G.S.) 1503 (Lauk) 1510

Gilmour, Clark G.

Mentioned: (Stupich) 1344 (Williams) 2073

Globe and Mail, Toronto, Ontario

Quoted (King) 3268

Mentioned: (Levi) 2374

Glover, Truman

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3241

Goat River, B.C.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1887

Golden, B.C.

Ski resort, establishment proposed (Chabot) 422

Goldenberg, Hyman Carl

Quoted (Stupich) 2094

Goldstream River, B.C.

Pollution of, by Noranda Mines (King) Q. 2039 (Waterland) A. 2039

Goode, Charles

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 954

Gorge Road Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Age and marital status of patients, survey on (Wallace, G. S.) 1195

Nursing staff, reduction of (Barber) Q. 2422 (McClelland) A. 2422

Mentioned: (Williams) 1895

Gorst, James Henry

Mentioned: (Schroeder) 978 (Lauk) 2796

Goss, Richard

Mentioned: (Brown) 2527

Gottesman and Co.

Mentioned: (McClelland) 2135

Goulden, Julia

Status in Education department (Brown) 1805-6 (McGeer) 1805-6

Tribute to (McGeer) 1805' (Brown) 1806 (Dailly) 1806

Government administration

Departmental changes, authorization of (McCarthy) 2787, 2985 (Gibson) 2897 (Stupich) 2989 (Barnes) 2991-2

Government reorganization policy, democratic processes, freedom, erosion of (Macdonald) 2798-9 (Levi) 2800-1 (Lea) 2802-7, 2850-2 (Barber) 2827-9, 2857-8 (Brown) 2831-6, 2863-5 (King) 2842-5 (Cocke) 2853-4 (Sanford) 2854-5 (Barnes) 2859-61 (Nicolson) 2879-82 (Lauk) 2884-6 (Kerster) 2893 (Stupich) 2989-90

Government reorganization, policy of NDP, criticism of (McCarthv) 3003-5

Government reorganization policy, powers of cabinet and Premier (Cocke) 2788-91 (Gibson) 2791, 2793 (Barrett) 2793, 2887-9 (Lauk) 2795, 3384 (Wallace, G.S.) 2797-8, 2858-9, 3384 (Stupich) 2989-90 (Macdonald) 3383

Government reorganization policy, standing order 67, contrary to (Lea) 2866 (McGeer) 2866 (Barrett) 2867 (Bennett) 2867-8 (Speaker) 2868

Government reorganization policy, violates basic provision in Magna Carta (Sanford) 2854-5 (Barrett) 2889

Money votes, transfer of, for departments (McCarthy) 2787-8, 2985 (Lea) 2866 (Barrett) 2867 (Bennett) 2868-9 (Hewitt) 2891-2 (Kerster) 2893 (Gibson) 2898-9

Ongoing reorganization programme (McCarthy) 2787 (Cocke) 2788

Paper, use by departments (Gibson) Q. 3401 (McCarthy) A. 3401

Reorganization policy, amendment to (Macdonald) 3383-4 (Lauk) 3384-6 (McCarthy) 3384-5 (Wallace, G.S.) 3386-8

Size of government, increase, criticism of (Wallace, G.S.) 2192-3, 2249

Government agencies

See: Administrative agencies

Government consultants

Hiring of (Brown) Q. 3401 (McCarthy) A. 3401

Legislation, NDP hiring of drafting consultants (Mair) 2771-2 (Skelly) 2774-5

Government ownership of land

See: Land — Government ownership

Government publicity

Government policy, criticism of (Macdonald) 238

Government Reorganization Act

(Bill 59) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 2454; 2R, 2787-2837, 2842-73, 2875-99, 2984-3009; C, 3383-89; 3R, 3389; RA, 3398

Speakers: (2R) Barber 2814-7, 2827-9, 2856-8; Barnes 2859-62, 2990-3002; Barrett 2793-4, 2818-20, 2823-5, 2867-71, 2886-91; Bennett 2867-8; Brown 2824, 2830-7, 2862-6, 3008; Cocke 2788-91, 2818-9, 2852-4; Dailly 2845-7; Davis 2875-6; Gibson 2791-3, 2872, 2896-9, 2987-9; Hewitt 2891-2; King 2821-2, 2842-5, 2867; Kerster 2892-5; Lauk 2795-7, 2817-8, 2872, 2883-6; Lea 2801-7, 2820-1, 2823-6, 2847-52, 2866, 2871-2, 3007-8; Levi 2799-2801, 2895-6; Lockstead 2858; McCarthy 2787-8, 2984-5, 3002-7; Macdonald 2798-9, 2985; McGeer 2866; Mair 2826-7, 2986-9; Nicolson 2807-11, 2822-3, 2876-82; Sanford 2854-6, 2869-71; Stupich 2989-90; Veitch 2882-3; Wallace, B.B. 2811-4, 2825; Wallace, G.S. 2797-8, 2858-9

Speakers: (C) Lauk 3384-6; McCarthy 3383-4, 3389; Macdonald 3383-4; Wallace, B.B. 3388-9; Wallace, G.S. 3386-8

Amdts: C, sec. 1 (McCarthy 3383, approved 3383, 3385; sec. 1 (Macdonald) 3383, negatived 3388; sec. 9 (McCarthy) 3389, approved 3389

Divisions: 2R amdt. negatived 2990; 2R, 3009; 3R, 3389

Section 1, withdrawal (Wallace, B.B.) 3388-9

British North America Act, contrary to provisions in (Barrett) 2887-9

Democratic processes of Legislature, freedom, erosion of (Macdonald) 2798-9 (Levi) 2800-1 (Lea) 2802-7, 2850-2 (Barber) 2827-9, 2857-8 (Brown) 2831-6, 2863-5 (King) 2842-5 (Cocke) 2853-4 (Sanford) 2854-5 (Barnes) 2859-61 (Nicolson) 2879-82 (Lauk) 2884-6 (Kerster) 2893 (Stupich) 2989-90

Departmental changes, authorization of (McCarthy) 2787, 2985 (Gibson) 2897 (Stupich) 2989 (Barnes) 2991-2

Environment, Department of, creation, legality (Gibson) 2792 (Nicolson) 2808-9 (Barber) 2814-5, 2827, 2857

Government reorganization policy, amendment to (Macdonald) 3383 (Lauk) 3384-6 (McCarthy) 3384-5 (Wallace, G.S.) 3386-8

Government reorganization, policy of NDP, criticism of (McCarthy) 3003-5

Land Commission Act, compared to (Wallace, G.S.) 2797 (King) 2845 (Barber) 2856, 2858

Legality of bill to be tested (Barrett) 2888-91 (Levi) 2896

Magna Carta, violates basic provision in (Sanford) 2854-5 (Barrett) 2889

Money votes, transfer of, for departments (McCarthy) 2787-8, 2985 (Lea) 2866 (Barrett) 2867 (Bennett) 2868-9 (Hewitt) 2891-2 (Kerster) 2893 (Gibson) 2898-9

Ongoing reorganization programme (McCarthy) 2787 (Cocke) 2788

Powers of cabinet and Premier (Cocke) 2788-91 (Gibson) 2791, 2793 (Barrett) 2793, 2887-9 (Lauk) 2795, 3384 (Wallace, G.S.) 2797-8, 2858-9, 3384 (Stupich) 2989-90 (Macdonald) 3383

Second reading of bill, deferral for six months, amendment to (Barber) 2856 (Barnes) 2859-62 (Barrett) 2886-91 (Brown) 2862-6 (Cocke) 2852-4 (Davis) 2875-6 (Gibson) 2896-9, 2987-9 (Hewitt) 2891-2 (King) 2845 (Kerster) 2892-5 (Lauk) 2883-6 (Lea) 2847-52, 2866 (Levi) 2895-6 (Lockstead) 2858 (McCarthy) 2984-5 (Macdonald) 2985 (McGeer) 2866 (Mair) 2986-7 (Nicolson) 2876-82 (Sanford) 2854-6, 2869-71 (Stupich) 2989-90 (Veitch) 2882-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 2858-9

Section 12B, words to be deleted (McCarthy) 2985 (Gibson) 2987

Similar Acts in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba (Veitch) 2882-3 (McCarthy) 3005-6

Standing order 67, bill contravening (Lea) 2866 (McGeer) 2866 (Barrett) 2867 (Bennett) 2867-8 (Speaker) 2868

Strachan, R.M., appointment of (Lea) 2848-9, 3007 (McCarthy) 3004-5

Travel Industry and Recreation and Conservation departments, merging of (Cocke) 2791 (Lea) 2849

Urgency in passage of bill (Davis) 2875-6 (Nicolson) 2877 (Gibson) 2988-9

War Measures Act, sweeping power only in exceptional emergency (Levi) 2799-2800

Government spending policy

Financial mismanagement of NDP (Kahl) 1682-3 (Bawtree) 2055 (Veitch) 2059 (Chabot) 2108-13 (Hewitt) 2117-9 (Bawlf) 2120-2 (McClelland) 2134-5 (Jordan) 2136-9 (Mair) 2140-1 (Kerster) 2143 (Kempf) 2143-4 (Haddad) 2145-6 (Nielsen) 2146-7 (Mussallem) 2148-9

NDP policy, criticism of (Kahl) 1682-3 (Bawtree) 2055 (Veitch) 2059

Reduction of (Throne speech) 11 (Bennett) 1056 (Bawlf) 2032

Restraint on (Bawlf) 2032-3 (Davidson) 2079

Secretarial help to members, reduction of (King) 2 (Wallace, G.S.) 6 (Barber) 222 (Veitch) 627 (Lockstead) 773-4

Grace Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Rebuilding of (McClelland) 220, 1959, 1969, 1993-4 (Brown) 1990, 1994 (Cocke) 1995

Mentioned: (Brown) 1990, 1992

Grain as feed

Feed grains and rapeseed, pricing of (Wallace, B.B.) 1432

Granduc Mines Ltd.

Cutbacks (Gibson) Q. 117 (Curtis) A. 117-8 (King) 118

Mentioned: (Waterland) 3028

Granduc Operating Co.

Cutback in staff and operation (Gibson) Q. 117 (King) 118 (Waterland) A. 117-8

Mentioned: (Gibson) 160

Granisle Copper Ltd.

Mentioned: (Kempf) 22


Agricultural aid to developing countries (Wolfe) 264, 854, 972, 1021 (Brown) 641 (Stupich) 855 (Gibson) 856 (Wallace, G.S.) 303, 856-7, 971-2, 1524-5 (Wallace, B.B.) 859, 1021, 1023, 1401-2, 1525 (Shelford) 862-3 (Sanford) 1022 (D’Arcy) 1024 (Phillips) 1084, 1525

Development education programmes, advisory committee to evaluate (Phillips) 1084

Funds, special, recapture of (Barnes) 862 (Brown) 863, 972-3, 1022-4 (Cocke) 857-8, 972 (D’Arcy) 860-1, 1024 (Gibson) 855-6 (King) 863-4 973-4 (Levi) 974 (Lockstead) 863 (Macdonald) 858 (Nicolson) 859-60 (Phillips) 1021-4 (Sanford) 1022, 1024 (Shelford) 862-3 (Skelly) 971, 973-4, 1021 (Wallace, B.B.) 859, 1021, 1023 (Wallace, G.S.) 856-7, 971 (Wolfe) 264, 854, 864-5, 972-4, 1021, 1023-5

Funds, special, recovery of revenue, see also specific name of fund, e.g. Provincial Major Disaster Fund

Policy re-examination (Dailly) 728-9

Restructured grants, urgency of (Gibson) Q. 275 (Curtis) A. 275 (Cocke) Q. 321 (Wolfe) A. 321

Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act, 1976; see name of act

World Food Relief Fund, proposed expenditure (Wallace, B.B.) 1402 (Gibson) 1409, 1452, 1474 (Phillips) 1452, 1474


Growing industry, assistance to and improvement of (Rogers) 1287-8, 1295 (Hewitt) 1291-3, 1412 (Cocke) 1293-5, 1380-1 (Macdonald) 1295, 1384 (Gardom) 1296-7 (Jordan) 1380-3 (Bawlf) 1380-1 (Wallace, B.B.) 1385 (Phillips) 1384-5, 1413-4 (Shelford) 1395-6 (D’Arcy) 1468

Grauer, Dal

Hat Creek coal project (Nicolson) 1034-5


See: Sand and gravel industry

Gray, Herbert

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1146 (Wolfe) 1147

Grazing Act

Funds collected under (Wallace, B.B.) 3313 (Waterland) 3313

Great American Insurance Co.

Mentioned: (Brown) 155

Great Britain

Economic situation (Williams) 825-6 (Bennett) 1054

Great Northern Railway

Mentioned: (Davidson) 929

Greater Vancouver Mental Health Association

Mentioned: (Brown) 2042

Greater Vancouver Multiple Listing Service

Mentioned: (Curtis) 2908

Greater Vancouver Regional District

Liveable-region plan for (Gibson) 3218-9 (Curtis) 3222

Urban transit authority for (Gibson) 3219 (Curtis) 3221-2

Mentioned: (Curtis) 27 (Cocke) 45, 1960 (Nielsen) 1889 (McClelland) 1959, 1970

Greater Victoria Strata Corporations Association

Brief concerning Strata Titles Act (Wallace, G.S.) 2643, 2650 (Curtis) 2649

Green Belt Protection Fund

Funding, future, method of (King) 973 (Cocke) 972 (Wolfe) 972-3, 1021 (Sanford) 1022, 1024-5 (Brown) 1023

Recovery of revenue (Wolfe) 264, 854 (Stupich) 855 (Macdonald) 858 (Nicolson) 859-60 (Skelly) 861-2 (Lockstead) 863 (King) 864

Mentioned: (Shelford) 526

Greenpeace Foundation

Mentioned: (Lloyd) 1868

Grenby, Mike

Mentioned: (Levi) 1576 (Mair) 1576

Grey, Harvey

Mentioned: (Phillips) 2676-7

Gross, Ronald

Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1081

Groundhog Coal Ltd.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1101

Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act

(Bill 28) (Minister of Human Resources) 1R, 1751; 2R, 2446-80, 2923-5; C, 3364-78; 3R, 3378; RA, 3398

Speakers: (2R) Barber 2469-70; Barnes 2471-5; Bawlf 2468-9; Brown 2477-80; Cocke 2461-3; Gibson 2452-3; Hewitt 2471; Kerster 2475-7; Lea 2463-8; Levi 2448-52; Strongman 2923-4; Vander Zalm 2446, 2924-5; Wallace, B.B. 2459-61; Wallace, G.S. 2453-9

Speakers: (C) Barnes 3373; Brown 3367, 3371-7; Levi 3364-5, 3369-75, 3377; Vander Zalm 3365-6 3368-78; Wallace, B.B. 3367, 3375; Wallace, G.S. 3366-7

Amdts: C, sec. 7 (Barnes) 3373, negatived 3373; sec. 16 (Vander Zalm) 3374, approved 3375; sec. 22 (Vander Zalm) 3377, approved 3377

Division: 3R, 3378

Appeal section (Gibson) 2453

Applicant ineligible when employment terminated for reasons other than medical (Brown) 3376 (Vander Zalm) 3376

Asset-tested programme of (Levi) 2447-9, 3365, 3377 (Gibson) 2452 (Wallace, G.S.) 2457-8 (Cocke) 2461 (Hewitt) 2471 (Vander Zalm) 3366, 3369 (Wallace, B.B.) 3367, 3375-6 (Brown) 3367-8

British Columbia Guaranteed Available Income for Need Art proposed (Throne speech) 13 (Budget address) 260 (Wallace, G.S.) 311, 452 (Levi) 416 (Bawtree) 730 (Bennett) 1055

Citizens between 55-59, additional income (Vander Zalm) 1447, 2924 (Strongman) 2924

Community resource facilities, determination of rates by Human Resources minister (Wallace, G.S.) 2454, 2457

Cost-sharing arrangements with Ottawa (Levi) 3365, 3370-1 (Vander Zalm) 3366, 3370-1 (Wallace, G.S.) 3366

Discrimination against applicants in lowemployment areas (Barnes) 3373

Discrimination, non-existence of (Brown) 3371-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 3366

Employment-oriented legislation (Vander Zalm) 2447, 2924 (Levi) 2449 (Barnes) 2475 (Strongman) 2924

Frauds, penalty increase (Vander Zalm) 2447, 2925

Guaranteed income supplement programme (Levi) 3370 (Vander Zalm) 3370-1

Handicapped, provision for (Levi) 2450-1 (Cocke) 2462-3 (Vander Zalm) 2924-5

Indians, social assistance services for (Levi) 3372 (Vander Zalm) 3372

Industrial composite to be used in indexing of Canada Pension Plan (Levi) 3373 (Vander Zalm) 3373

Levels of payment, changes in (Levi) 3364-5, 3370 (Brown) 3373 (Vander Zalm) 3374

Maintenance order enforcement provisions (Gibson) 2452 (Vander Zalm) 3374-5 (Levi) 3377

Maintenance payments, subrogation of rights of individual (Levi) 3374-5 (Brown) 3375

Mincome, concept of, doing away with (Gibson) 2452 (Barber) 2470 (Levi) 3365

Mincome policy of NDP (Levi) 3365, 3369 (Vander Zalm) 3365-6

Person losing employment by reason of misconduct (Wallace, G.S.) 2456-7

Powers of Human Resources minister (Gibson) 2452-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 2453, 2458 (Wallace, B.B.) 2461 (Brown) 2478

Principle of legislation, lack of (Lea) 2467-8

Recipients who refuse employment, tighter control over (Vander Zalm) 2447, 2925 (Wallace, G.S.) 2457

Regulations not specified (Gibson) 2452 (Wallace, G.S.) 2456, 3366 (Vander Zalm) 2924 (Wallace, B.B.) 3367 (Brown) 3367 (Levi) 3369

Retroactive legislation (Gibson) 2453 (Wallace, G.S.) 2454, 2457 (Barber) 2470

Senior citizens, impact on (Wallace, B.B.) 2459-60 (Cocke) 2462-3 (Barber) 2470-1 (Levi) 3369-70

Single parent, provision for (Vander Zalm) 2447 (Wallace, G.S.) 2453 (Brown) 2478-9 (Strongman) 2924

Guaranteed Minimum Income Plan

Mentioned: (Levi) 58


Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 1680

Guardian Union Group of Insurance Companies

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1625


Earthquake, donation in aid of victims (Wallace, B.B.) 859

Guichon, Mike

Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421

Guinness Book of World Records

Mentioned: (Levi) 1065

Gulf Islands, B.C.

Ferries, free, for south Gulf Islands (Sanford) 3283, 3298 (Fraser) 3299

Ferry rates for (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1527 (Davis) A. 1527, 1663 (Cocke) Q. 1663 (Lauk) Q. 1663 (Sanford) Q. 1751 (Fraser) A. 1751

Gulf Islands Secondary School

Mentioned: (Curtis) 1663

Gulf Oil of Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 240

Gunderson, Einar Maynard

BCC, appointment as president (Lauk) Q. 215 (Bennett) A. 215

B.C. Railway, audit for interference in (Lauk) 1089, 1092, 1094 (Nicolson) 1099, 1102

Mentioned: (Cocke) 384

Gunning, Edith

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1459

Guthrie, Samuel

Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 128

Guy, Len

ICBC rates and gasoline tax (Rogers) 130

Mentioned: (Williams) 3147