Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
See: Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada
Habitat conference, Vancouver, B.C.
Canada's submission on unearned profits of land (Gibson) Q. 2422-3, 2616, 3017 (Bennett) A. 2423 (Curtis) A. 2616, 3017
Concept of (Wallace, G.S.) 856-7
Co-operation of all government departments (Rogers) 723
Cost-sharing arrangement (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2517 (Curtis) A. 2517
Delegations, bringing own police protection (Wallace, G.S.) 1347
Positive approach to (Macdonald) 238-9
Scotch, low-priced, for delegates (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2231-2 (Gardom) A. 2232, 2384-5
Security for (Wallace, G.S.) 1347-8 (Gardom) 1348
Mentioned: (Budget address) 258 (Barnes) 1007
Haddad, George (Kootenay)
Address in reply, amendment 140-1
Auditor General Act 2144-6
Auditor-General, government spending, review of 2145-6
Budget debate 621-5
ICBC, policy of NDP government, criticism of 140-1
Kootenay region, agriculture, mining and forest industries 621-5
Mineral Resource Tax Act 2915
Ore, low-grade, mining of 2915
Haines Road
Alaska requiring co-operation of B.C. (Bennett) 1819
Hairdresser Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 2628
Hale, Anita
Letter quoted (Nicolson) 1200
Halfmoon Bay Estates, Sechelt, B.C.
Lease to, conflict of interest regarding (Lockstead) Q. 1079 (Nielsen) A. 1079, 1219
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1463
Hall, Emmett
Royal commission on railways in Western Canada (Phillips) 1487
Hall, Ernest
Mentioned: (King) 40 (Lloyd) 526
Hall, Tom
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1963
Halliwell, John
Copper task force (Skelly) 1209
Mining property, effect of royalties on cut-off grades, commission on (Waterland) 2241, 2509 (Lauk) 2242
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2237
Halloran, Michael
Quoted (Lockstead) 1035-6
Mentioned: (Skelly) 3067
Hamilton, Jack
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 107
Hammond, Hon. Jay
Mentioned: (Bennett) 1755
Assistance for permanent disabilities only (Barnes) 200, 1005-6
B.C. ferry rates, half-price for totally handicapped (Davis) 1303
Definition of and social assistance regulations on (Macdonald) 2426-7 (Vander Zalm) 2427, 2432 (Wallace, G.S.) 2427-9 (Levi) 2433-6 (Barnes) 2440
GAIN, provision for (Levi) 2450-1 (Cocke) 2462-3 (Vander Zalm) 2924-5
Gas purchase, deduction for totally handicapped (Wallace, G. S.) 1146-7, 1229 (Wolfe) 1146-7
ICBC, premium rates for (Wallace, G.S.) 1768 (McGeer) 1770
Johnson, Lawrence, failure to get handicapped pension (Wallace, B.B.) 853
Labour force, entry into (Nicolson) 1494
Mincome policy of government (Levi) Q. 322 (Vander Zalm) A. 322
New Opportunities Handicap Rehabilitation Programme, investigation into (Barnes) 2440-1, 2473-4 (Vander Zalm) 2518-9
Pensions, criticism of government policy (Levi) 230-1
Recreational centre in Victoria, funding withdrawal (Wallace, G.S.) 2401 (Vander Zalm) 2402 (McCarthy) 3334
Sales tax exemption for essential equipment (D’Arcy) 896
Sales tax increase, effect of (Levi) 758-9
Swimming programme (Gibson) Q. 839 (Vander Zalm) A. 839
Welfare recipients, attitude of Human Resources minister (Sanford) 2404-5
Handicapped Persons Income Assistance Act
Repeal of (Levi) 2447 (Kerster) 2476 (Brown) 2477
Haney Correctional Centre, Haney, B.C.
Juvenile detention centre, facilities for (Gardom) 1756 (Macdonald) 1756 (Gibson) 1756 (Wallace, G.S.) 1756
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1367, 1371
Hanrahan, George T.
B.C. Railway report on Fort Nelson and Dease Lake extensions (Nicolson) 1101
Blues, quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 172 (Barber) 548, 694 (Shelford) 527 (Lauk) 654, 2723 (Chairman) 670 (Mair) 742 (Nielsen) 1461 (King) 3379-80
Blues mentioned (King) 664 (Skelly) 690 (Stupich) 699 (Cocke) 984, 2233 (Chairman) 2251 (Davidson) 2746 (Kerster) 2892
Deputy Chief message quoted (Speaker) 391
Excerpts from (Cocke) 47
Members speaking from their seats, not recorded (Chairman) 1185, 1244, 1607, 2445-6
Microphone activated only when member has been recognized (Chairman) 1384, 1721
Quoted (Cocke) 47 (Kahl) 143, 674 (Wallace, G.S.) 172, 960, 1435, 1464-5, 1793 (Speaker) 337, 559 (Bawlf) 411-2 (Mair) 484 (Hewitt) 497, 618 (King) 535, 2344, 3307, 3309 (Wolfe) 558 (Chairman) 578 (Lea) 616 (Haddad) 625 (Brown) 640 (Lockstead) 772 (Lauk) 1094 (Sanford) 2051 (Wallace, B.B.) 2338 (Kerster) 2476 (Waterland) 3094 (Barnes) 3302
Staff, tribute to (Wallace, G.S.) 3338
Statement omitted (Phillips) 84
Transcribing, difficult when microphone improperly used (Speaker) 1344
Transcripts (Brown) 102
Mentioned: (King) 36, 38, 536 (Cocke) 47, 985, 2781 (Lea) 63, 65, 1830 (Phillips) 84, 1453, 1506, 1541 (Mair) 121, 2141 (Levi) 230-1, 414-5, 818, 1394 (Stupich) 381, 668-9, 697, 1541 (Lauk) 447, 2681, 2884 (Speaker) 458, 2049 (Williams) 807-8 (Barber) 831, 1260 (Nicolson) 1042, 1314, 1338, 2730 (Lauk) 1088, 1090 (Wallace, G.S.) 1105, 2016 (McGeer) 1607 (Gibson) 1766-7 (Kerster) 2763 (Waterland) 3055-6 (Barrett) 3087-8
Hansard (House of Commons Debates — Official Report)
Quoted (Macdonald) 404 (McGeer) 410
Hanson, Candice
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3125
Hanson, Ken
Milk, raw, sale of, on Cortes Island (Sanford) 1539-40 (Phillips) 1539-40
Hanson, Mike
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1546
B.C. Harbours Board Amendment Act. See name of act.
Pollution of (Wallace, B.B.) 1879
See also: subdivision Harbour under names of cities, e.g. Victoria, B.C. — Harbour
Harbours — Port changes
Federal government co-operation with (Davis) 325
Hardie, J. Keir
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 206
Harding, Randolph
Mentioned: (Williams) 970
Hardwick, Walter
Notre Dame University, ultimatum to (Nicolson) 602-3
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1593 (McGeer) 1605
Harris, Jim
Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421
Harris, L.G.
Mentioned: (King) 1642
Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.
Conference of lawyers (Wallace, G.S.) 1281
Hartford Insurance Corp.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 134 (Brown) 155
Hartley, William Leonard
Order-in-council 3832 for Village of Lillooet (Fraser) 798
Mentioned: (Calder) 137 (Waterland) 508
Hartmann, Grace
Quoted (Brown) 1704-5
Harvey, Bob
Mentioned: (Fraser) 3281
Hastings Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 1369
Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C.
Urban renewal plan, proposed (Veitch) 21
Hat Creek, B.C.
Coal project (Wallace, G.S.) 961-2 (Davis) 964, 1036, 1041 (Mussallem) 1030 (Nicolson) 1034-5, 1039
Coal studies (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 560 (Davis) A. 560 (Lloyd) 1868
Hathaway, Ted
Mentioned: (Williams) 471
Hatsell, John
Mentioned: (Gibson) 5
Hatter, James
Firearms control, press release on (Gibson) Q. 1407 (McCarthy) A. 1407
Hawthorne, Harry
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1621
Hawthornthwaite, James
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 128
Hayes, Bernard
Mentioned: (Levi) 1541
Hayes Trucks Ltd.
Government's failure to act (Brown) 1940
Haymore, Eddie
Legal action, possible, against (Macdonald) Q. 706 (Gardom) A. 706
Health, Public
See: Public health
Health, Department of
Estimates: 1946-9, 1952-73, 1978-2008, 2011-31, 2041-50
Speakers: Bawlf 2022; Brown 1988-93, 2041-3; Chabot 2030-1; Cocke 1947-9, 1952-5, 1959-64; 1978-81, 1995-6, 2024-7; Dailly 2041; Gibson 1996-9; Kahl 2003-4; King 1971-3, 1987-8, 2007, 2045-7; Lea 2011-6; Levi 2004-6, 2020-2; McClelland 1946-7, 1957-9, 1968-70, 1973, 1981-2, 1986-7, 1993-5, 1999-2003, 2006-7, 2027-9, 2031, 2041, 2043-5, 2047, 2049; Macdonald 1955-7, 2048-9; Sanford 2022-4; Shelford 2029; Wallace, B.B. 2029-30; Wallace, G.S. 1964-8, 1970-1, 1982-6, 2016-20
Appropriation, Budget address 258
Health minister's absence (Brown) Q. 1665 (Speaker) A. 1665
Health minister's alleged slander (Lauk) Q. 2071 (McClelland) A. 2071
Health minister's treatment of a public servant (Cocke) 1953-4 (Macdonald) 1955-7 (McClelland) 1957
Medical facilities and equipment, duplication of (Cocke) 1955
Mental health division, boarding-home programme (McClelland) 2043-4 (Brown) 2044
Public Health department, occupational health division (McClelland) 2000
Health and Hospital Planing Commission
Hospital, new, location for greater Victoria area, study on possible sites (Wallace, G.S.) 1965
Health Centre for Children
Mentioned: (Brown) 1991
Health Education and Human Resources Committee
See: Legislature — Select Standing Committee on Health, Education and Human Resources
Health Labour Relations Association
Hospitals strike (Williams) 1245-6, 1894-5, 2480, 2486-9 (King) 1245, 1895-6, 1971-3, 1987-8, 2007-8 (Gibson) 1245, Q. 1787, 1856, 1997-8, 2490-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 1245, Q. 1752, 1787-8, 1897, 2492-6, 2594 (McClelland) A. 1787-8, 1973, 2001, 2496-7 (Lea) 2489-90 (Brown) 2497-9
Jubilee Hospital strike negotiations, status of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1566 (Williams) A. 1566
Heathrow Airport, England
Mentioned: (Rogers) 723
Hedley, B.C.
Vandalism in (Gardom) 2074, 2619 (Macdonald) 2074, 2619
Helmcken Road, Victoria, B.C.
Site, proposed for new hospital (Wallace, G.S.) 1965-7, 1970-1, 1982-3 (McClelland) 1968-9, 1987
Helmer, Richard
Mentioned: (Lea) 2013
Hemmingsen, J.O.
Mentioned: (King) 1642 (Skelly) 1667
Henderson, Maxwell
Mentioned: (Chabot) 2109 (Rogers) 2144 (Nielsen) 2147
Hepworth, Philip
Pamphlet mentioned (Gibson) 2398
Coats-of-arms, abusive use of (Sanford) 1325-6 (Lauk) 1329-30 (Chabot) 1332-3 (Gardom) 1333
Heritage buildings
Municipal council rights regarding preservation (Barber) 3228 (Curtis) 3231
Heroin addiction
Treatment, compulsory (Levi) 2004-6
Hewitt, James J. (Boundary-Similkameen)
AIB, labour agreements, review of 3180
Address in reply 207-9
Address in reply, amendment 99-100
Agriculture department, estimates 1411-2
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1657-8
Atco plant in Penticton 1209
Attorney-General department, estimates 1291-3, 1373-4
Auditor General Act 2116-9
Auditor-General, annual report of 2116
Auditor-General, appointment by unanimous decision of special committee 2116
Auditor-General, Crown agencies audits 2116
Blue-tongue virus affecting cattle industry 1411-2
Boundary-Similkameen area, measures to protect the agriculture industry, proposed 208
B.C. Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 495-7
B.C. Ferries, federal subsidy for 2921
B.C. Ferry Corp., employees benefits and seniority 2921
B.C. Ferry Corp., financial results, reporting of 2920-1
B.C. Ferry Corp., highway equivalent subsidy for 2921
British Columbia Ferry Corporation Act 2920-1
Budget debate 617-21
Clarkson Gordon report, a review, not an audit 496
Consumer credit, education in 1571-2
Consumer Services department estimates 1571-3
Co-operative Association Act, review proposed 1373-4
Co-operatives, legislation governing 1373-4
Corporation executives, high salaries of 3179
Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 496
Environment, ministry of, support for establishment 208
Essential services, labour disputes in 3179
Expenditure increases in Consumer Services, Education and Health 619-20
Finance department estimates 1209, 1229-30
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2117-9
GAIN, asset-tested programme of 2471
Government Reorganization Act 2891-2
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2891-2
Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act 2471
Highways and Public Works department estimates 3299-3300
Home, ownership of home and land 208
Homeowner grant for senior citizens, increase 1900
Homeowner grant legislation to fight inflation 1900
Homeowner grant merging with school tax 1901
ICBC policy of NDP government, criticism of 99-100
Indian land claims 208
Labour Code, amendment to, balanced nature of legislation 3178
Labour Code of British Columbia Amendment Act (1976) 3178-80
Labour disputes in essential services, extension of cooling-off period 3179
Labour-management relations problems, government policy to combat 3178
Lau, Jurgen, NDP hiring of as legislative consultant 2747
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2747-8
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2747-8
Mining legislation, possible conflict of interest of Socred MLAs 2747
Mobile homes 620
Money votes, transfer for departments 2891-2
Mortgage financing 1572-3
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2978
Ocean Falls Corp. 2117
Penticton bypass, route of 3299-3300
Penticton Public Library, library grants programme affecting 3330-1
Price increases, provincial restraint on, regulations for 1657-9
Property tax, minimum payable for over 65s 1900
Property tax, minimum payable for under 65s, increase 1901
Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1900-2
Provincial Secretary department estimates 3330-1
Real Property Tax Deferment Act 1901-2
Revenue sharing between local and provincial governments 208
Road construction, alternate route for Pentiction, proposed 208
Rural electrification assistance programme, West Kootenay Power participation, proposed 1229-30
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 2978
Sewage disposal problem in Penticton 620-1
Strike vote and secret ballot, government supervision of 3178-9
Tax increases 618-9
Wine-processing and grape-growing industries 1291-3, 1412
Higgins, R.D.
Commission on employer-employee relations in public service (McCarthy) 3277
Mentioned: (King) 3279 (Barrett) 3279
High Arrow Dam, B.C.
Mentioned: (King) 967
High Ross Dam, B.C.
Discussion on (Bennett) 1819 (King) 1820
Highway 1
Blanshard extension (Barber) 857 (Wallace, G.S.) 3288-9 (Kahl) 3295-6
Blanshard extension, problem affecting Helmeken Road site for new hospital (Wallace, G.S.) 1965-7, 1970-1 (McClelland) 1987 (Kahl) 2003
Cape Horn Bluffs section, completion of (King) 3291 (Fraser) 3291
Fraser Canyon, maintenance of (Lloyd) 3301-2
Fraser Canyon section, financial support (Davis) 324
Horseshoe Bay to Upper Levels Highway, upgrading (Gibson) 3285
Lower Levels road, additional facility for (Gibson) 3285 (Fraser) 3286
Traffic signs, replacement of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1275 (Fraser) A. 1275
Upper Levels Highway, Westview and Lonsdale intersections (Gibson) 3284-5 (Fraser) 3286
Mentioned: (Davis) 2919 (Hewitt) 2921
Highway 1A
Stormont interchange, completion of (Loewen) 234
Thetis Lake interchange, increased traffic (Kahl) 3296
Highway 3
Champion Creek to Meadow Siding section (Nicolson) 3287-8 (Fraser) 3287-8
Improvement and shortening (Nicolson) 3287
Highway 16
Prince George to Prince Rupert, upgrading (Fraser) 3284
Highway 17
Ladner Trunk Road (Davidson) 3305
Highway 19
Speed limit, enforcement of (Wallace, B.B.) 3293
Highway 22
Ootischenia Meadows section (D’Arcy) 568
Highway 27
Bridge replacement (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 1408 (Fraser) A. 1408
Highway 93
Mentioned: (Haddad) 623-4
Highway 95
Mentioned: (Haddad) 623-4
Highway 97
Condition, poor (Lloyd) 606
Hart Highway, upgrading of (Lloyd) 3201
Mara Lake area, upgrading for safety reasons (Bawtree) 3292
Pentiction bypass, route of (Hewitt) 3299-3300 (Fraser) 3300
Mentioned: (Bawtree) 243 (Shelford) 3299
Highway 99
George Massey Tunnel, fire hazard in (Fraser) 2247
George Massey Tunnel, garbage trucks obstructing traffic during rush hours (Davidson) 3305
George Massey Tunnel, new crossing proposed (Davidson) 3304
George Massey Tunnel, shuttle system for cycles (Barnes) 3303 (Fraser) 3304
George Massey Tunnel, speed limit in (Davidson) 3305
Marine Drive extension to be completed (Veitch) 21
Highway 101
Reconstruction, postponed (Lockstead) 774
Highway News Review
Quoted (Kahl) 671
Highway safety
See: Traffic safety
See: Roads; see also highways by number, e.g. Highway 1
Highways Act
Amendment proposed (D’Arcy) 566
Mentioned: (Fraser) 3347
Highways and Public Works, Department of
Estimates: 3281-3306
Speakers: (Barnes) 3302-4 (Bawlf) 3291-3 (Brown) 3305 (D’Arcy) 3294-5 (Davidson) 33045 (Fraser) 3281-4, 3286-7, 3291, 3295, 3296, 3299-3300, 3304 (Gibson) 3284-6 (Hewitt) 3299-3300 (Jordan) 3302 (Kahl) 3295-6 (King) 3290-1 (Lea) 3282, 3296-7, 3300 (Lloyd) 3300-2 (Nicolson) 3287-8 (Rogers) 3286 (Sanford) 3283, 3298-9 (Shelford) 3299 (Wallace, B.B.) 3293-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 3288-90
B.C. Buildings Corp., money for Highways department for road construction (Lea) 3282, 3296 (Fraser) 3283, 3297
Highways, administration of (Fraser) 3281
Highways budget, progress payments estimated (Fraser) 3284
Highways department, employment of students (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1079-80 (Williams) A. 1080
Highways department, expenditure comparison (Kempf) 717-8 (Lea) 720-1
Land subdivision applications, policy of Highways department (D’Arcy) 3294-5 (Fraser) 3205
Public Works department, responsibilities of (Fraser) 3282
Highways Act
Expropriation powers under (Lea) 3391-2 (Fraser) 3392-3
Hills, Nick
Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 466 (Brown) 494 (Sanford) 1547
Hitler, Adolf
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2885
Hitschmanova, Lotta
Agricultural Aid to Developing Countries and World Disaster Areas Fund, in praise of (Brown) 1022
Letter quoted (Brown) 641
Mentioned: (Shelford) 863
Hobbs, Lisa
Mentioned: (Barrett) 3085
Rules, changes in, proposed 1335
Violence, problem of (Gardom) 1002-3, 1286 (Wallace, G.S.) 1284-5 (Wallace, B.B.) 1290 (Loewen) 1334-5
Hodgson, Alan James
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2329
Hogarth, John
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1242 (Brown) 1256, 1273
Holberg Road, Port Hardy, B.C.
Maintenance of (Sanford) 3107 (Waterland) 3107
Hollenberg, Charles H.
Ambulatory care, emphasis on medical facilities (Wallace, G.S.) 1775
Holtby, Mark
Death of (Speaker) 765
Holy Bible
Quoted (Gibson) 1646
Home and School Association
Brief presented (Gibson) 1593 (McGeer) 1610
Home nursing
Home-care programme for elderly (Wallace, G.S.) 312-3, 2441-2 (Levi) 2021-2, 2443 (Cocke) 2025 (McClelland) 2027-8, 2047 (King) 2047 (Vander Zalm) 2442
Nursing service, after birth, for Mary McFadden (Barber) 836-7
Programme expansion , for Rossland-Trail constituency (D’Arcy) 567
Programme, funding of (Bawtree) 730 (Jordan) 1013
Homeowner assistance
Applicants previously receiving NHA, ineligible (Curtis) 2658, 2908, 3149-50 (Brown) 2665 (Nicolson) 3148-9
Creates opportunity for people to own home and land (Throne speech) 12 (Veitch) 20 (Hewitt) 208 (Kahl) 672 (Kempf) 718
Grant increase, maximum (Curtis) 1898 (Wallace, G.S.) 1899-1900 (Hewitt) 1901
Home-purchase assistance, amount for new home (Curtis) 2657 (Nicolson) 2660
Home-purchase assistance, eligible residence for (Curtis) 2657, 2907-8, 3151 (Nicolson) 2660-1, 3150-2 (Lauk) 2662-3 (Brown) 2665-6 (Bawlf) 2667-8 (Barrett) 2668-9 (Levi) 2671-4 (Davidson) 2674
Home-purchase assistance, estimated expenditure (Curtis) 3152
Home-purchase assistance grant, repayment of (Curtis) 2659, 3150 (Nicolson) 3150
Home-purchase assistance programme, implementation of (Nicolson) 3220
Home-purchase assistance, residential requirement, simplification of (Curtis) 2657
Home-purchase assistance, single-parent family, provision for (Brown) 2666
Homes, self-built, provision for (Nicolson) 2659-60, 3152 (Curtis) 2907, 3152
Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act.
Senior citizens, additional grant increase (Curtis) 1898, 1910 (Nicolson) 1898 (Hewitt) 1900 (Gibson) 1905 (Stupich) 1910
Home Purchase Assistance Act
(Bill 49) (Minister of Housing) 1R, 2133; 2R, 2657-74, 2907-8; C, 3148-52; 3R, 3152; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barrett 2668-71; Bawlf 2667-8; Brown 2664-7; Curtis 2657-9, 2907-8; Davidson 2674; Lauk 2662-3; Levi 2671-4; Nicolson 2659-62; Shelford 2663-4; Wallace, G.S. 2674
Speakers: (C) Curtis 3148-52; Gibson 3148, 3152; Nicolson 3148-52
Applicants previously receiving NHA assistance, ineligible (Curtis) 2658, 2908, 3149-50 (Brown) 2665 (Nicolson) 3148-9
Assistance, amount for new home (Curtis) 2657 (Nicolson) 2660
Assistance, second mortgage for new or older homes (Curtis) 2657 (Nicolson) 2660
Central Mortgage and Housing programme (Nicolson) 2661-2
Condominium purchase, provincial assistance for (Brown) 2664 (Curtis) 2908
Condominiums, market for (Barrett) 2669-70
Expenditure estimated (Gibson) 3152 (Curtis) 3152
Grants, repayment of (Curtis) 2659, 3150 (Nicolson) 3150
Interest charges on second mortgages (Curtis) 2658-9, 3150 (Nicolson) 3150
Properties, expropriation of (Nicolson) 3149 (Curtis) 3149
Residences eligible for assistance (Curtis) 2657, 2907-8, 3151 (Nicolson) 2660-1, 3150-2 (Lauk) 2662-3 (Brown) 2665-6 (Bawlf) 2667-8 (Barrett) 2668-9 (Levi) 2671-4 (Davidson) 2674
Residential requirement, simplification of (Curtis) 2657
Self-built homes, provision for (Nicolson) 2659-60, 3152 (Curtis) 2907, 3152
Single-parent family, provision for (Brown) 2666
Homestead Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1327
Honeywell Inc.
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1215 (Wallace, G.S.) 1215
Hong Kong
Airport runway (Rogers) 723
Hoodoo Lake, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 3301
Hook, Rick
Mentioned: (Main) 15
Hooper, Chester M.
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1567
Hope, B.C.
Canyon Ambulance Services dispute (Barber) Q. 3017 (McClelland) A. 3017
Hope Cottage Industry
Handicapped women on social assistance programme (Brown) 1211, 3115
Hope Secondary School, Hope, B.C.
Mentioned: (Waterland) 1951
Hopkins, V ern
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1416
Horne, Ian M.
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3110
Homer, Hugh
Mentioned: (Gibson) 163
Horseshoe Bay, B.C.
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 214 (Davis) 214
Programme in vocational school, Dawson Creek (Nicolson) 604
Horse-racing interests, lobbying of ministers by (Macdonald) Q. 995 (Bennett) A. 995
Racing days, setting of by federal government (Macdonald) 1369 (Gardom) 1370
Horton Maritime Explorations
Mentioned: (Gibson) 3013
Hospital Act
Mentioned: (McClelland) 2001
Hospital Employees Union
Hospital strike (Williams) 1245-6, 1894-5, 2480, 2486-9 (King) 1245, 1895-6, 1971-3, 1987-8, 2007-8 (Gibson) 1245, Q. 1787, 1856, 1997-8, 2490-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 1245, Q. 1752, 1787-8, 1897, 2492-6, 2594 (McClelland) A. 1787-8, 1973, 2001, 2496-7 (Lea) 2489-90 (Brown) 2497-9
Mentioned: (Williams) 1341
Hospital insurance
See: British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service
Hospital Insurance Act
Revenue shortfall (Budget address) 252
Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act
(Bill 75) (Minister of Labour) I R, 2480; 2R, 2486-2501; C, 2501-3; 3R, 2503; RA, 2511
Speakers: (2R) Brown 2497-9; Gibson 2490-2; Lea 2489-90; McClelland 2496-7; Wallace, G.S. 2492-6; Williams 2486-9, 2499-2501
Speakers: (C) Gibson 2502-3; Wallace, G.S. 2501-2; Williams 2502-3
Division: 2R, 2501
AIB to review legislation (Williams) 2488-9, 2502 (Lea) 2489-90 (Gibson) 2490-1 (McClelland) 2497 (Brown) 2498 (Wallace, G.S.) 2501-2
Blair report and recommendations (Williams) 2486-7, 2500 (Lea) 2489 (Gibson) 2491 (Wallace, G.S.) 2493
Collective bargaining (Williams) 2486-9, 2499
Collective bargaining, inclusion of safeguards for employees (Wallace, G.S.) 2492
HLRA position (Williams) 2487, 2499 (Lea) 2489 (Gibson) 2491 (Wallace, G.S.) 2493-4 (McClelland) 2496-7 (Brown) 2498-9
Hospital authority, local autonomy (Gibson) 2491 (Williams) 2500
Hospital workers, part-time (Brown) 2498
Industrial inquiry commissioner, findings, binding arbitration proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 2493 (Williams) 2500-1
Job-evaluation study and funding for (Williams) 2487-8, 2501-3 (Gibson) 2490, 2503 (Wallace, G.S.) 2493-5, 2501-3 (McClelland) 2496 (Brown) 2498
Labour code, agreement in line with (Gibson) 2502 (Williams) 2502
McTaggart report and recommendations on hospital strike (Williams) 2486-8, 2500 (Wallace, G.S.) 2492, 2496 (Macdonald) 2503
Term of contract (Williams) 2487 (Gibson) 2491
Autonomy of hospital authority (Gibson) 2491 (Williams) 2500
Blair report, hospital industry, acceptance of (King) Q. 1341-2, 1972 (Williams) A. 1341-2, 2500
Children's hospital (Cocke) 1955, 1959-61 (McClelland) 1957-8, 1969, 1993-4 (Brown) 1991 (Kahl) 2003
Facilities deplorable in Victoria (Wallace, G. S.) 185-7
Facilities for Omineca (Kempf) 23-4
Facilities, meeting to discuss (Bennett) 1057
Greater Victoria area, location of new hospital (Kahl) 202, 2003 (Wallace, G.S.) 1964-8, 1970-1, 1982-3 (McClelland) 1968-9, 1986-7 (Gibson) 1997 (Bawlf) 2023 (Chabot) 2031
Helmcken Road site for new hospital, problems of (Wallace, G.S.) 1965, 1967, 1970-1 (McClelland) 1968-9 (Kahl) 2003
Hospital insurance, cost-sharing decrease (Wallace, G.S.) 1142-3, 1196-7 (Wolfe) 1143, 1198 (Cocke) 1192, 1195
Intermediate care, private hospitals (Wallace, G.S.) 2429-30 (Vander Zalm) 2432
Intermediate-care programme (Wallace, G.S.) 1197, 2016-8, 2385-6, 2399-2401, 2429-30 (Levi) 2020 (Cocke) 2025 (McClelland) 2028-9 (Shelford) 2029 (Vander Zalm) 2402, 2432
Intermediate-care programme, federal-provincial cost-sharing arrangement (Gibson) 1997 (McClelland) 2000
Intermediate-care programme, no mention in Budget address (Wallace, G.S.) 312 (Cocke) 987
Patients, age and marital status, survey of two Victoria hospitals (Wallace, G.S.) 1195 (Wolfe) 1198
Private hospitals, wage parity, government policy to achieve (Gibson) 1998 (McClelland) 2001
Strike (Williams) 1245-6, A. 1752, 1894-5, 2480, 2486-9 (King) 1245, 1895-6, 1971-3, 1987-8, 2007-8 (Gibson) 1245, Q. 1787, 1856, 1997-8, 2490-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 1245, Q. 1752, 1787-8, 1897, 2492-6 (McClelland) A. 1787, 1973, 2001, 2496-7 (Lea) 2489-90 (Brown) 2497-9
Strike, adjournment of House to discuss (Gibson) 1790, 1792 (Speaker) 1790-1
Strike, Telex message from Leader of Opposition (Williams) 1895 (King) 1895-6
Teaching hospital on UBC campus, proposed (Cocke) 46, 1779-81, 1961-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 1773-6, 1781-2 (McGeer) 1778-80, 1782-3 (Gibson) 1783, 1997 (McClelland) 1969, 2001 (Brown) 1991-2
Teaching hospital on UBC campus, proposed, family-practice unit to be included (Cocke) 1961 (McClelland) 1970
Teaching hospitals; downtown, task force on (Gibson) Q. 1663, 1783 (McGeer) A. 1663
Unskilled jobs, possible reduction of (Wallace, G.S.) 1985
See also specific names of hospitals, e.g. Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Hospitals — Employees
See: Hospitals — Staff
Hospitals — Finance
Budget inadequate to provide existing level of service (Wallace, G.S.) 1983-5 (McClelland) 1986 (Gibson) 1996
Deficits, financial adjustments (McClelland) 220, 1986 (Wallace, G.S.) 1983, 1985
Government policy, criticism of (Wallace, G.S.) 185-6, 1983 (Cocke) 987
Payments by government (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1051-2, 1220 (McClelland) A. 1052, 1220-1 (Cocke) 1192-3, 1952 (Wolfe) 1194 (Stupich) 1204 (Macdonald) 1955-7
System, re-examination of (Wallace, G.S.) 1983-6
Wage bargaining, problem of (King) 1971-3, 1987-8
Wage discrepancy, fund for correcting (Brown) Q. 216 (McClelland) A. 216
Hospitals — Staff
Female employees, equal pay for equal work (McClelland) 220 (Brown) 2498
Part-time workers (Brown) 2498
Hospitals, Children
See: Children — Hospitals
Host Rent-A-Car
Mentioned: (Phillips) 709
Calgary hostage-taking incident (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 17
Hot Spring Cove, B.C.
Recreational value of (Skelly) 861
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 52
House of All Sorts
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 1858
Assisted rental programme (Curtis) 3218
Committee, joint, formation with UBCM (Curtis) 847
Co-operative housing, budget commitment for 3221
Co-operative units circumventing strata conversion regulations (Gibson) Q. 1079 (Gardom) A. 1079
Co-operatives (Brown) Q. 642-3 (Dailly) 729
Co-operatives, government policy on (Dailly) 3227
Decentralization policy to move people to available land (Bennett) 1057
Dunhill Development plan (Kahl) 202-3
Existing stock, rejuvenation of (Curtis) 2653
Grant to municipalities for new units (Curtis) 845 (Gibson) 3219
Hastings Street urban renewal project (Nicolson) 3220
Home warranty, compulsory programme (Brown) 1560 (Mair) 1562
Land, Crown, made available for housing (Bennett) 1057 (Nicolson) 1851-2 (Nielsen) 1852, 1889 (D’Arcy) 1852, 1889 (Wallace, G.S.) 3226-7
Land for affordable housing, programme of (Curtis) 2654
Land for, in Fraser Valley (Phillips) 1424
Liveable region plan for GVRD (Gibson) 3218-9 (Curtis) 3222
Maclnnes Place, rental housing (Dailly) Q. 74, 117 (Nicolson) 75 (Curtis) A. 74-5, 117
Mount Stephen property (Barber) Q 2517, 2615-6, 2655-6, 3215-6 (Curtis) A. 2517, 2577, 2615-6, 2653-5, 3216, 3231 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2576-7, 2656-7, 3225 (Gibson) 2656
Natal urban renewal project (Nicolson) 3220 (Curtis) 3223
New homes, building of, consumer protection (Sanford) 2956 (Mair) 2958-9
Projects, existing in greater Victoria (Curtis) 2655
Rental housing (Nicolson) 600-1
Rental units, strata conversions (Gibson) Q. 1079, 1240 (Gardom) 1242
Rental units, vacancy rate (Gibson) 3219-20
Student housing on and off campus (Barber) 1744-5, 3216-7 (McGeer) 1745 (Curtis) 3218
Housing, Department of
Estimates: see Municipal Affairs, Department of, estimates.
Appropriation (Budget address) 259
Joint programme with federal government (Budget address) 259
Loan, interest-free to builders of rental housing units (Budget address) 260 (Vander Zalm) 599 (Nicolson) 599 (Kempf) 718 (Cocke) 985
Special-care homes, construction of (Budget address) 258
Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada
Home-warranty, compulsory programme (Mair) 1562
Mentioned: (Curtis) 847 (Cocke) 985 (Mair) 1573
Howe, C.D.
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1968
Howe, C.D., Research Institute
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1046
Howe Sound Senior Secondary School, West Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Williams) 471
Huberman, David
Mentioned: (Gardom) 2621
Hudson's Bay Trading Company
Mentioned: (Haddad) 623 (Kahl) 671
Hugh Keenleyside Dam, B.C.
Flooding causing evacuation of homes (D’Arcy) 1037
Hughes, Linda
Tribute to (Bennett) 2133 (Cocke) 2133 (King) 2133 (Wallace, G.S.) 2133
Hughes, William
B.C. Ferries, rate increase, public resistance to (Lea) Q. 2675-6 (Davis) A. 2675-6
Hull, Bobby
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1286
Human Resources, Department of
Estimates: 2367-74, 2385-2417, 2426-46
Speakers: Barber 2438-9; Barnes 2406-11, 2440-1; Brown 2436-8; Cocke 2411-2; Dailly 2394, 2441; Gibson 2394, 2396-7, 2405-6, King 2436; Lea 2439-40; Levi 2368-74, 2387-93, 2402-3, 2412-7, 2443-6 ; Macdonald 2426-7; Sanford 2403-5; Vander Zalm2367-8, 2374-7, 2385-7, 2391-9, 2401-3, 2412, 2427, 2431-6, 2438-40, 2441-6; Wallace, B.B. 2394-5; Wallace, G.S. 2385-6, 2399-2402, 2427-31, 2441-5
Appropriation (Budget address) 260 2367 (Levi) 2369
Federal cost-sharing arrangements (Vander Zalm) 2367 (Levi) 2369
Information centres, funding withdrawal (Gibson) 2397-8, 2405 (Vander Zalm) 2398-9 (Barnes) 2996
Minister, criticism of (King) 2436
Overruns of NDP government (Hewitt) 2117 (McClelland) 2134 (Mair) 2141 (Kahl) 2151
Personnel, hiring of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1665-6 (Vander Zalm) A. 1666
Pharmacare rates, review of (Vander Zalm) 2367 (Levi) 2371
Provincial rehabilitation and employment programme (Levi) 2371-3 (Vander Zalm) 2374-5, 2431-2 (Barnes) 2409-10, 2475 (Wallace, G.S.) 2431
Welfare rates, review of (Vander Zalm) 2367
Human Rights Act
Mentioned: (Brown) 2533
Human Rights Branch
Hearings in cases of discrimination (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 3403 (Williams) A. 3403
Human Rights Code of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 715 (King) 1080
Human Rights Commission
Board of inquiry, appointment re dispute with B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons (Williams) 409-10 (King) 410
Bruhn-Mou, Johanna, human rights inquiry (King) Q. 1080, 1115 (Williams) A. 1080, 1115, 1118 (Macdonald) 2048-50 (McClelland) 2049
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1184
Doctors, provision in remote areas (Gibson) Q. 2231 (McClelland) A. 2231
Humane Trap Development Committee, Toronto, Ontario
Mentioned (Skelly) 3335
Quoted (Brown) 642
Hume, Jim
Quoted (Stupich) 280 (Lauk) 2354
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2133
Hume, Mark
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2557
Hume, Steve
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2133
Hungerford, Roderick M.
B.C. Hydro, appointment as director (Lauk) 2359-60
Hunter, Irenee
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 953 (King) 953
Gun-handling courses (McCarthy) 956-7
Omineca (Kempf) 22
Huntting-Merritt Shingle Mill
Labour dispute (Rogers) 722, 2930
Hurtig, Mel
Real Poverty Report (Skelly) 894
Huscroft, Don
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Huscroft, Len
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Hustis, Spud
Mentioned: (Waterland) 2241, 2508
Hutcheon, Henry J.
Mentioned: (King) 3163
Hutchison, W.R.
Mentioned: (McGeer) 1623
Hyndman, Peter
Clarkson Gordon report mailing costs (Skelly) 666
Mentioned: (Skelly) 528 (Davidson) 1421 (Nicolson) 2882