Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
Factory and trade waste
Industrial liquid waste disposal plant, proposed (Strongman) 227
Fair Sales Practices Act
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2783
Class C fairs, funding assistance for (Skelly) 1526 (Phillips) 1526
Fairground rides, safety regulations for (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2577 (Gardom) A. 2577 (Williams) A. 2577-8
Trade fairs, continuation of (Lauk) 1483 (Phillips) 1485
Peregrine falcons, hunting of (Lea) Q. 1664 (Macdonald) Q. 1664 (McCarthy) A. 1664
Single-parent B.C., Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act, Budget address (Wolfe) 260
Family Relations Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1243 (Levi) 2388 (Vander Zalm) 3375
Family Times
Quoted (Barnes) 1893
Farm and Domestic Workers Recognition Act
(Bill 84) (Brown) 1R, 3016
Farm Credit Act
Mentioned: (Phillips) 1467
Farm equipment
Sales tax exemption proposed (Nicolson) 884-5
Farm Income Assurance Programme
Assistance required due to increased freight rate (Nicolson) 601
Beef-growing industry, advanced payment to (Wallace, B.B.) 651, 690 (Stupich) 654, 1173, 1204 (Skelly) 665 (Cocke) 684 (Barber) 693 (Sanford) 879
Cattle ranchers, government influence on (Mair) 636
Commodity groups, contracts (Stupich) 1543 (Phillips) 1543
Funding for (Wallace, G.S.) 1466, 1475 (Phillips) 1466 (Wallace, B.B.) 1543
Government policy on (Wallace, B.B.) 1386, 1400-1 (Phillips) 1389, 1433 (Levi) 1395, 1425 (Stupich) 1471-2
Lamb producers' contract (Stupich) 1543 (Phillips) 1543
Land cost, removal from cost-of-production formula, proposed (Wallace, B.B.) 1430
Potato growers, scheme for (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 634 (Phillips) A. 534, 841
Protection not of groups, but of individuals (Gibson) 1410
Raspberry scheme (Wallace; B. B.) Q. 634 (Phillips) A. 634, 841
Schemes for blueberry and sheep growers (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 177 (Phillips) A. 177
Staffing for (Wallace, B.B.) 1544 (Phillips) 1544
WEOC, discussion on federal level (Phillips) 1389, 1458, 1476
Farm mechanization
Farm machinery, cost of (Wallace, B.B.) 1387 (Phillips) 1389
Farm News
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1427
Farm produce
Import corporation branch in each province, proposed (Shelford) 1398
Import of (Wallace, B.B.) 1388 (Davidson) 1422 (Wallace, G.S.) 1474
Interprovincial production and marketing of (Wallace, B.B.) 488
Marketing of (Wolfe) 257 (Wallace, B.B.) 488 (Davidson) 929
Self-sufficiency in production, proposed (Shelford) 1397 (Cocke) 1398
Tariffs op. (Wallace, G.S.) 1465 (Phillips) 1467
Farm Products Industry Improvement Act
Funding not included in budget (Wallace, B.B.) 1402
Interest reimbursement fund (Stupich) 1544 (Phillips) 1544
Swan Valley Foods Ltd., investment in, Budget address 262
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 860
Family-farm corporation, grant for, proposed 1904
See: Horseshoeing
Fasteau, Mark
Male Machine (Brown) 2540
Faulkner, James Hugh
Quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 1801
Mentioned: (Brown) 1261
Federal employment programmes
Effectiveness (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 73 (Vander Zalm) A. 73 (Williams) 212-3
Federal Power Commission, U.S.A.
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2107
Federal-provincial fiscal relations
Corporation tax system, operation controlled by B.C. (Gibson) 1187-8 (Wolfe) 1190
Cost-sharing arrangements, changes in (Wolfe) 1142-3, 1190, 1202 (Levi) 1201-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 1142-3
Cost-sharing arrangements, opting out of (Levi) 1201
Cost-sharing arrangements, re-examination of (Gibson) 2309 (Bennett) 2323, 2343
Freedom for B.C. to set own spending priorities (Gibson) 290-1, 2717
Growth grants for B.C., possible. (Gibson) 3219
Health care, cost-sharing arrangements (Barrett) 2716 (Wallace, G.S.) 2718
Inflation problem, co-operation with (Budget address) 11
National Equalization Programme and federal contributions on education (Budget address) 254
Ottawa conference of finance ministers (Wolfe) 557-8
Revenue owed to province, retroactive reduction of (Bennett) 2715 (Gibson) 2717
Revenue transfers, equalization formula (Bennett) 2714-5 (Gibson) 271
Tax points, transfer by federal government (Bennett) 2715 (Gibson) 2717
Western Premiers' Conference aiming at better financial arrangements (Bennett) 1277-8 (Gibson) 1278
Federal-provincial relations
Federal Bill C-61, implications of (Davis) 325
Importance of (Wallace, G.S.) 170-1
Manpower, co-ordination of programmes (Williams) 2926
PWA takeover (Wallace, G.S.) 116-7
Railway agreement with Ottawa (Lea) 354, 583-5, 615 (Bennett) 585 (Lauk) 586 (Stupich) 698
Re-examination of arrangements, proposed 2309
Ships, cargo, federal Bill C-61 (Wallace, G.S.) 184
Tariffs and freight rates (Wallace, G.S.) 183, 1279 (Bennett) 1278
Federation of Medical Women of Canada
Symposiums on health education for women (Brown) 1211
See: Grain as feed
Ferguson, James
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Cortes Island ferry, operation, cost of (Fraser) 3283
Ferries under Transport and Communications be transferred (Wallace, G.S.) 3340 (Davis) 3340
Free interior ferries situation (Fraser) 3283-4, 3299
Gabriola Island ferry, operation, cost of (Fraser) 3283
Gulf Islands, south, free ferries for (Sanford) 3283, 3298
New ferries in operation (Davis) 3273
Northern ferry service, expansion (Lockstead) Q. 177 (Davis) A. 177
Salt-water ferries, jurisdiction (Lea) Q. 1751 (Fraser) A. 1751
Senior executives, minimizing number of (Wallace, G.S.) 3225
Thetis Island ferry, cost of operations (Fraser) 3283
Thetis Island ferry to be renamed Thetis-Kuper Island ferry (Wallace, B.B.) 3293 (Fraser) 3295
Transportation of citizens by boat, integration (Wallace, G.S.) 3225
Usage, reduction (Lockstead) Q. 2384 (Davis) A. 2384
See also entries under British Columbia Ferry Authority
Ferry Capital Expenditures Fund
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 860
Fields, W.C.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2090
Finance, Department of
Estimates: 1118-1153, 1172-9, 1185-1215, 1221-33
Speakers: Brown 1149-50, 1211-2, 1215, 1225; Cocke 1123-4, 1129, 1134-5, 1138, 1191-5, 1225-6, 1228-9; Dailly 1202; D'Arcy 1231-2; Gibson 1122-3, 1125, 1128, 1135-6, 1150-2, 1174, 1176, 1179-80, 1185-9, 1207; Hewitt 1209, 1229-30; King 1132-3, 1152-3, 1206-8; Lauk 1124-5, 1127, 1210-1, 1224-7, 1232; Lea 1120-2, 1126-8, 1130-1, 1141-2, 1149, 1151, 1205; Levi 1201-2; Lloyd 1176-7; Lockstead 1223-4; Macdonald 1128, 1140-1; Nicolson 1136, 1177-8, 1199-1200, 1214, 1223, 1225, 1227-8; Rogers 1177; Sanford 1137-8, 1147-8, 1190-1, 1205, 1222-4; Skelly 1208-9, 1212-3; Stupich 1118-20, 1125-9, 1131-4, 1139-40, 1148, 1214-5, 1221-2, 1229, 1232; Wallace, B.B. 1136-7, 1195-8; Wallace, G.S. 1142-7, 1195-9, 1214, 1230; Wolfe 1119-22, 1124-6, 1128-9, 1132-3, 1136-8, 1143-9, 1151-3, 1174-6, 1178, 1189-91, 1193, 1198-1210, 1212-5, 1221-4, 1229-33
Amdts: Lauk 1224, out of order, 1225; Lauk 1227 negatived 1228
Divisions: vote 69, amdt. negatived 1228-9; vote 69, approved 1229
Appropriation, Budget address 257-8
Assistants, executive, salary reduction of (Wolfe) 1146, 1199 (Wallace, G.S.) 1199
Economists in Finance department (Skelly) 1213 (Wolfe) 1213
Figures in estimate books, discrepancies in (Wallace, G.S.) 1230-1 (Wolfe) 1230-1
Government agencies, establishment of new offices (Lockstead) 1224 (Wolfe) 1224
Government agencies, quarters, workload and staffing of (Stupich) 1222 (Sanford) 1222-4 (Wolfe) 1223 (Nicolson) 1223 (Lockstead) 1223-4
Government agents' offices offering ICBC insurance (Nicolson) 1223 (Wolfe) 1223
Interest payment, annual, on money borrowed, Budget address 258
Minister's office, staff increase (Wallace, B.B.) 1136-7 (Wolfe) 1137
Minister's power to purchase company shares, removal of (Wolfe) 1911-2, 1945 (Stupich) 1912-3 (Gibson) 1913-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 1914-5 (Lauk) 1915-7 (Sanford) 1917 (Barber) 1919-20 (Waterland) 1920-1 (Cocke) 1921-2 (King) 1922-4 (Skelly) 1927-30 (Veitch) 1930-1 (Levi) 1931-2 (Chabot) 1933-4 (Kerster) 1938 (Loewen) 1938-9 (Dailly) 1939 (Brown) 1939-42 (Lloyd) 1942-3 (Calder) 1943-4 (Lockstead) 1944-5
Nanaimo agency, staffing of (Stupich) 1222 (Wolfe) 1222 (Sanford) 1222
Office expenses, no change in estimates (Brown) 1215 (Wolfe) 1215
Salary contingencies (Stupich) 1232 (Wolfe) 1232-3 (Lauk) 1232 (King) 1232-3
Staff reduction and salary savings (Stupich) 1203-5, 1214-6, 1221-2 (Wolfe) 1204-5, 1214, 1216, 1221-4, 1233 (Lockstead) 1223-4 (Sanford) 1224 (King) 1233
Travel expenses, increase in (Wallace, G.S.) 1199 (Wolfe) 1199
Treasury Board, audit performance (Gibson) 1189
Treasury Board, cost-accounting assessment of programmes (Gibson) 1189 (Wolfe) 1190
Treasury Board, performance audit (Gibson) 1189
Treasury Board, quorum for meetings (Wallace, G.S.) 1199 (Wolfe) 1199
Finance, Public
Asset holdings of B.C. (Gibson) 1187
Budget increase higher than figure given by government (Gibson) 1186
Budget, possible surplus, allocation of surplus funds (Sanford) 1137, 1147-8, 1205 (Wolfe) 1148 (Lea) 1205
Capital expenditure, refusal of government to borrow (Gibson) 1175-6 (Wolfe) 1175
Cash balance, provincial and ICBC (Stupich) Q. 405 (Wolfe) A. 405
Cash management of government of B.C., report (Gibson) 1135-6 (Wolfe) 1136, 1175, 1178-9 (Stupich) 1174, 1178
Cash management systems, upgrading of (Wolfe) 1136
Cash position of B.C. (Gibson) Q. 320, 351-2, 587, 660, 1187 (Wolfe) A. 320 (Lea) 460 (Wallace, G.S.) 453 (D’Arcy) 541 (Levi) 551 (Brown) 353-4 (Kahl) 672 (Stupich) 699-700 (Sanford) 931-2
Cash position of B.C. at end of April, 1976 (Gibson) 1128, 1150, 1175, 1185
Cheques, non-sufficient-funds, issue of (Gibson) 430-2, 1123, 1125, 1185 (Nicolson) 442 (Lea) 454 (Wallace, B.B.) 463 (Wolfe) 1125
Credit rating of province (Stupich) 368-71 (Lea) 458
Expenditures included in the year, determination by Comptroller-General (Wolfe) 1151 (Stupich) 1173
Financial institution, possible co-operation with government, report by credit unions (Barrett) 2627
Financial position of B.C. (Bennett) 1055
Funds, derived from consolidated revenue, investments of (Stupich) Q. 1602 (Wolfe) A. 1602
Government borrowings, details of (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 2423 (Wolfe) A. 2423, 2518
Government funds, flow of (Gibson) 2310-1
Liabilities, contingent, of province (Stupich) 366-7
Order-in-council 1221, treasury bills, sale of to cover bank position (Stupich) 1127-9, 1174, 1203-4 (Wolfe) 1128, 1148-9 (Dailly) 1202-3
Powers, monetary, exercised only through Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council (Wolfe) 1911-2 (Stupich) 1913
Revenue increase, estimated percentage improvement (Wolfe) 1120, 1152
Scaling fund, vote 146 (Stupich) Q. 320, 581 (Wolfe) A. 320, 595
Special warrant 708 to supplement votes 193, 202, 203, 219 and 227 (Brown) Q. 321-2 (Wolfe) A. 322, 596
Special warrant 709 issued to supplement votes 236 and 237 (Lea) Q. 320-1 (Wolfe) A. 321, 595
See also: Auditor-General; Debts, Public; Deficit financing; Finance, Public — Accounting; Intergovernmental fiscal relations
Finance, Public — Accounting
Auditors, appointment, by Treasury Board (Barnes) 2271 (Wolfe) 2272 (Lauk) 2272
Clarkson Gordon not requested to perform audit (King) 34 (Cocke) 381, 383 (Nicolson) 437 (Wallace, B.B.) 465 (Hewitt) 496 (Sanford) 498 (Barnes) 502 (Skelly) 585 (Bennett) 552, 583 (Stupich) 668 (Wolfe 669
Comptroller-General, future role of (Stupich) 2103-4 (Wolfe) 2158
Financial report at end of fiscal year giving a revenue forecast (Gibson) 1151-2, 1185 (Wolfe) 1152 (King) 1152-3 (Lloyd) 1177
Financial reports, frequency of (Stupich) 282-3 (Gibson) 292 (Wallace, G.S.) 305
Financial reports, monthly, proposed (Gibson) 1186 (Wolfe) 2290
Financial reports, quarterly, proposed (Throne speech) 12 (Veitch) 20 (Stupich) 28203 (Gibson) 292, 1186 (Wallace, G.S.) 305 (Lloyd) 605 (Wolfe) 1190
Public accounts committee working with Auditor-General (Gibson) 2269-71 (Skelly) 2270
See also: Auditor-General
Financial Administration Act
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 2100
Financial Post
Statement quoted: (Rogers) 130 (King) 1649 (Wallace, G.S.) 1653 (Dailly) 1656
Survey of Mines, 1976 (Lauk) 2705 (Bawlf) 2785
Mentioned: (Skelly) 589 (Gibson) 1176 (Cocke) 2076 (Stupich) 2094
Financial Times
Mentioned: (Levi) 2671
Finlayson, Robert
Mentioned: (Kahl) 671
Finning Tractor and Equipment Co.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1459
Control, federal, to protect cattle industry (Bawtree) 1438
Firearms — Laws and regulations
Control, press release on (Gibson) Q. 1407 (McCarthy) A. 1407 (Macdonald) Q. 1407 (Chabot) 3337
Fire marshal
Keenleyside report, recommendations (Skelly) 1370-1 (Gardom) 1371
First Boston Corp.
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1187
First Citizens Fund
Mentioned: (Shelford) 526
First Ministers' Conference
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2323, 2342 (Vander Zalm) 2397
First National Insurance Co. of America
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1343 (Cocke) 1748
Fiscal Arrangements Act
Changes, discussions on (Wolfe) 557, 1190
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1142-3 (Bennett) 2714
Fish and Wildlife Branch
Firearms control, press release on (Gibson) Q. 1407 (McCarthy) A. 1407
Fisheries, mitigation proposal on Inonoaklin River (D’Arcy) 1035
Jesson, Mike, employment of (Skelly) 3323 (McCarthy) 3334
Programmes (McCarthy) 956-7
Revelstoke Dam, proposed, impact on habitat (Wallace, G.S.) 1860
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3142-3
Arrow Lake fishery, restoration funded by B.C. Hydro (D’Arcy) 1035-6 (Davis) 1036
Columbia River Treaty, damage to (King) 968
Development and improved technology on federal cost-sharing basis (McCarthy) 957
Fishing industry under Agriculture department, proposed (Lea) 1476
Mitigation, fund from B.C. Hydro (D’Arcy) 1035
Omineca (Kempf) 22
Sport fishery in West Kootenays (D’Arcy) 1035
Fisherman magazine
Vessel inspection, jurisdiction of (Lockstead) Q. 632-3 (Williams) A. 63203
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Quoted (Lea) 617
Flauden Inc. of Washington
Mentioned: (Davidson) 1419
Fleming, Frances
Mentioned: (Gibson) 2720
Fleming, Jack
Mentioned: (McGeer) 1796-7
Fletcher, Jim
Quoted (Cocke) 1763
Flex-Lox Industries Ltd.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2359
Freezer and food plan contracts (Sanford) 2957
Shopping for cheaper goods in United States (Levi) 1393 (Davidson) 1422
Food Prices
Income, disposable, as related to (Wallace, B.B.) 1387-8 (Phillips) 1389 (Levi) 1393-4 (Gibson) 1410
Increase, government policy regarding (Sanford) Q. 2576 (Mair) A. 2576
Increase, highest in North America (Gibson) 1555-6 (Mair) 1562
Increase in supermarkets, legislation to control (Sanford) 1585-6
Increases, monitoring of (Sanford) Q. 1344, 1406, 1441 (Mair) A. 1344, 1406, 1441
Retail, drop in March (Sanford) Q. 634, 704 (Mair) A. 634, 704, 706
Retail, monitoring of (Bennett) 765
Spread between wholesale and retail levels (Wallace, B.B.) 1588 (Mair) 1588
Food Prices Review Board
Index (Mair) 704
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1585 (King) 1636
Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta
Psychological assessment for School District 4 (Chabot) 2030-1
Ford, Bobbie
Mentioned: (Brown) 73
Ford Foundation
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1735
Ford Motor Co.
Mentioned: (Shelford) 1396
Fording Coal Ltd.
Coal, contracts signed for export (King) 762, 1171
Royalty payment, increase of (Barrett) 3037
Mentioned: (Haddad) 622 (King) 1162-3 (Waterland) 3059
Foremost Foods Ltd.
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1586
Forensic Psychiatric Services Act
Abolition of, proposed (Kempf) 1353-4
Forest Act
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1191 (Waterland) 3084, 3091
Forest fires
Fire-suppression programme (King) 3104-5 (Waterland) 3105
Forest industries
BCR strike, impact on (Lloyd) 2560, 2563-4, 2566-7
Bargaining procedure, independent third party, proposed (King) 2571-3
Cedar mill and plywood plant proposed (Shelford) 572
Data base, awareness by workers (King) 2571, (Waterland) 2697
Decline, some reasons and solutions (Shelford) 571-4 (Gibson) 1488-9, 2690-1
Development of (Waterland) 508
Economics and problems of (Gibson) 2690-2 (Waterland) 2694-5
Forest companies, negotiations to take over government forest product companies (Skelly) 2557 Q. 2577 (Waterland) A. 2577, 2680 (Lea) 2679-80
Forest companies political connection, free of (Lauk) 2683 (Waterland) 2696
Government policy (Lauk) 2682-3 (Skelly) 2685-6
Market, expansion of (Lauk) 908
Northern and interior development of industry (D’Arcy) 1070
Production, high cost, problem of (Shelford) 2558-9
Transportation, importance of (Lloyd) 2567 (King) 2567
Workers, decent wages for (King) 2568-72 (Gibson) 2692 (Waterland) 2694
Workers, wages, compared to U.S. (Bawtree) 2684-5 (Skelly) 2687-8
Forest roads
Development-roads programme (Skelly) 2678-9, 2687 (Waterland) 2679
Maintenance of (Waterland) 2697
Nimpkish Valley, development for (Sanford) 3106-7 (Waterland) 3107
Roads, construction of for north Island communities (Skelly) 2678-9 (Waterland) 2679, 3107
Forest Service
Burning restrictions (D’Arcy) 568
Cabins, wilderness, burning of (Skelly) 3102-3 (Waterland) 3102-3
Debris-control project (Rogers) 2690
McGregor diversion, work done (Skelly) 2693, 3065 (Waterland) 2693, 3065
Report, June 14, 1976 quoted (Skelly) 3066
Research programme cutback (Skelly) 3104 (Waterland) 3104
Scalers, temporary position of (Skelly) 3 106 (Waterland) 3106
Waste-wood policy, re-examination of (Shelford) 572
Forests, Department of
Estimates: 2553, 2555-74, 3065-73, 3075-96, 3100-8
Speakers: Barrett 3085-93; Brown 2573-4; Chabot 3008-9; Dailly 3083-4; D'Arcy 3093-4; Fraser 3080; King 2567-73, 3071-3, 3080-2, 3095-6, 3103-5, 3108; Lea 2555-6; Lloyd 2559-67, 3071; Lockstead 3072, 3100-1, 3103;.
Macdonald 3075-6; Nicolson 3107; Shelford 2558-9, 3078-80; Skelly 2556-8, 3065-71, 3084-5, 3102, 3104-8; Sanford 3106-7; Waterland 2553, 3065-8, 3070, 3072, 3078, 3084-5, 3088, 3094-5, 3101-8
Appropriation, Budget address 258
Budgetary restraint (Waterland) 2550
Fire-suppression budget (Skelly) 2687
Forest development roads programme (Lauk) 2678-9 (Waterland) 2679 (Skelly) 2687
Furniture and equipment, expenditure for (Lea) 2555 (Brown) 2574
Minister, qualifications of (Skelly) 2556-7, 2688 (Waterland) 2694
Reforestation division, budget increase for (Waterland) 2550
Salaries, student employment (Lauk) Q. 634 (Williams) A. 634
Trees, site preparation for planning, budget for (Waterland) 2550
Votes, order of calling (Lea) 2555-6
Forests and forestry
Conservation practices (Macdonald) 3075-6
Debris, floating, control of 2690
Development of (Veitch) 19
Forestry, improvement in, effect on community (Stupich) 1118-9
Government, one-sided approach in (King) 2570-1
Policy of government to preserve economic viability (Skelly) 2558
Trees, total annual allowable cut (Skelly) 2557
Utilization, close, of forest wealth (Macdonald) 3076-8
Forests and forestry — Taxation
Stumpage rates, increase in (Sanford) 878 (Lauk) 907 (Bawtree) 2684 (Gibson) 2691 (Wallace, B.B.) 2692
Stumpage revenue and volume of wood, change in (Gibson) Q. 1630 (Lauk) Q. 1630-1 (Waterland) A. 1630-1, 2694-5
Stumpage revenue, estimated (Stupich) 1118 (Wolfe) 1119
Tax laws, revision to assist in capital investments (Wallace, G.S.) 1504-5 (Phillips) 1506
Forrest, Al
Mentioned: (Sanford) 499
Fort Nelson, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 906
Fort Nelson Secondary School, Nelson, B.C.
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 1405
Fort St. John, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 906
Fort Victoria Holdings Ltd.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2175
Fortune magazine
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1507
Fothergill, Bill
Mentioned: (Waterland) 3029
Fothergill, Ian
Lighthouse Communications Ltd., work for government (Gibson) Q. 1440 (McCarthy) A. 1440 (Lea) Q. 1528 (Waterland) A. 1528
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2699
Fotheringham, Allan
Quoted (Stupich) 280 (Macdonald) 318 (King) 1635
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2356
Fox, Irvine
Quoted (Mussallem) 1864
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 1865 (Nielsen) 1865 (Skelly) 1866
France, Joan
Mentioned: (Jordan) 3120
France, Robert
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Frank Hunt School, Surrey, B.C.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 1181
Franklin, Benjamin
Mentioned: (Veitch) 2058
Fraser, Hon. Alexander Vaughan, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Cariboo)
Accounting and auditing provisions, changes in municipality 2266
Beanery, future of, A. 925
Blanshard-Courtenay building 2123
B.C. Buildings Corp., accountability of government departments required 2193
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act (Bill 23) 1R, 1629; 2R, 2123-4; C, 3391-3, 3396
B.C. Buildings Corp., deficit-financing aspect of 2193
B.C. Buildings Corp., expropriation power of 2193-4, 3191-3
B.C. Buildings Corp., money for Highways department for road construction 3283, 3297
B.C. Buildings Corp., self-supporting 2123
B.C. Buildings Corp., staffing for, security and benefit 2194
B.C. Buildings Corp., taxes, payment of 3396
Brunette Street overpass, funding of, A. 2295
Budget, balanced 797
Budget debate 796-9
Buildings, public, construction of, funds for 2123
Buller, Wes, access permit for a pub at Dragon Lake 3297
Bylaws, amendment to acquire plurality, change in 2266
Cape Horn bluffs 3291
Corporations, municipal, voting right 2265
Drivers, slow, on highways 3281-2
Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 797-8
Ferries, free, interior situation 3283-4, 3299
Ferries, salt water, jurisdiction of, A. 1751
Food dispensers, standard of on Sechelt Queen, A. 2579
Forests department estimates 3080
Fountain, construction, in front of parliament buildings, A. 1276
George Massey Tunnel, fire hazard in 3347
George Massey Tunnel, shuttle system for cycles 3304
Gulf Island, ferry rates, A. 1751
Highway 3, Champion Creek to Meadow Siding section 3287-8
Highway 16, upgrading of 3284
Highway 27, bridge, replacement, A. 1408
Highway administration 3281
Highway budget, progress payments estimated 3284
Highway construction, federal sharing programmes 3300
Highway construction on northern Vancouver Island, DREE fund for 3284, 3299
Highway maintenance, adequate funds for 3282-3, 3297
Highway safety 3281-2
Highways Act, expropriation powers under 3392-3
Highways and Public Works department estimates 3281-4, 3286-7, 3291, 3295, 3296, 3299-3300, 3304
Highways department, subdivision applications policy 3295
Lions Gate Bridge, flag on 3286
Lions Gate Bridge, upgrading of 3286
Lower levels road, upgrading of 3286
Ministerial role in range war, A. 3018
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 2266
Office space rented or leased by government 1275
Parliament buildings, access to by people in wheelchairs 3295
Parliament buildings, parking facilities in front of, A. 1275
Penticton bypass, route of 3300
Persons not on list of electors but otherwise qualified to vote 2265
Plateau Mills, timber allocation for NDP, policy 3080
Property owners in municipality, voting rights 2265
Property tax, payment by government 2194
Public Works department, responsibilities of 3282
Road, replacement to Mica Creek 3291
Sechelt Queen, fares on, A. 2578
Sharpe, Norman, Department of Public Works, appointment to 1439-40
Sharpe, Norman, employment and duties of 3297-8, 3300
Shawnigan Lake Road, repairing of 3295
Speed limit on highways 3281
Taghum Bridge, location of 3287
Taxes in arrears, interest charged on, increase of 2266
Thetis Island ferry, cost of operations 3283
Thetis Island ferry renamed Thetis-Kuper Island ferry 3295
Traffic signs on Trans-Canada Highway, A. 1275
Trout Lake, road planned on east side 3291
Upper Levels Highway, Lonsdale intersection 3286
Vancouver downtown building 2123
Vancouver downtown project, Shrum report, A. 705
Village of Lillooet, order-in-council 3832 concerning 798
Fraser, John
Mentioned: (Gibson) 2684
Fraser, Malcolm
Mentioned: (Kerster) 434
Fraser River, B.C.
Crossing, new, between Deas Tunnel and Pattullo Bridge (Davidson) 928
Debris, floating, cleanup (Rogers) 722
Debris, floating, cleanup, funding cutback (Lockstead) 3103 (Waterland) 3 103
Estuary, environmental protection of (Skelly) 1851, 1862-4
McGregor diversion, salmon industry, effect on (Skelly) 3067, 3255
Pollution, problem of (Skelly) 1850-1, 1862-4, 1866, 1873-4 (Mussallem) 1864-5 (Nielsen) 1865-6, 1873-4
Sturgeon Bank (Nielsen) 1851, 1865-6 (Skelly) 1862-3
Fraser River Ecology Committee
System E development in Fraser River basin, report: on (Skelly) 3067-8, 3255
Fraser Valley, B.C.
Agricultural land, preservation of (Wallace, B.B.) 849
Egg producers in (Wallace, B.B.) 1399 (Lloyd) 1412
Farmland, use for industrial and residential purpose (Lauk) 1415-6
Flooding, danger of (Mussallem) 1030
Housing, land for (Phillips) 1424
Library, regionall, area, cutback in funding (Dailly) 3324 (McCarthy) 3331
Vegetable growers, negotiations with government (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 1053 (Phillips) A. 1053
Fraser Valley College
Mentioned: (McGeer) 1617
Fraser Valley Organics Ltd.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1200
Freedom of Information Act
(Bill 33) (Wallace, G.S.) 1R, 319; 2R, 481-2, 737, 2522
Speakers: (2R) Gardom 482; Wallace, G.S. 481
Division: 2R, adjournment of debate approved 2522
Access to governmental information (Wallace, G.S.) 481
Freedom of individuals to protect own interests (Wallace, G.S.) 481
Ombudsman, office of (Wallace, G.S.) 481 (Gardom) 482
Frew, Keith
Quoted (Lea) 1830
Friesen, John
Mentioned: (Davidson) 1421
Froehlich, George
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1135
Fruit Growers Mutual Insurance Co.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1760
Full-employment policies
Community employment programme of NDP (Levi) 2372
Creation of new jobs, direction of policy (Wallace, G.S.) 183
Federal programmes, withdrawal of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 73 (Vander Zalm) A. 73
New job opportunities, creation of (Throne speech) 12 (Budget address) 257
Training, mobile programme proposed (Shelford) 2314
Fur — Taxation
Royalty increase on (Gibson) 3322 (Skelly) 3323-4
Fyles, Jim
Mentioned: (Waterland) 2703, 2723, 2750, 2764, 2768