Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
See: Pulp and Paper Workers Union
P.S. Ross and Partners
Workers' Compensation Board Report (Williams) 632
Pacific Association of Canadian Indian Friendship Centres
Funding of (Levi) 2444-5 (Vander Zalm) 2445
Pacific Centre for Human Development
Budget cut (Kahl) 202
Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, B.C.
Charge increases (Macdonald) 714
Dog show, discontinuance of (Barrett) Q. 3349-50 (McCarthy) A. 3350
Funding for (Lauk) 1524 (Phillips) 1524
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 269 (Rogers) 1327
Pacific North Coast Native Co-operative
Loan to (Budget address) 262
Mentioned: (Veitch) 629
Pacific Northwestern Co-op Ltd.
Mentioned: (Veitch) 1930
Pacific Rim National Park, B.C.
Tourist influx creating pressure on services in small communities (Skelly) 1507-9
Undersea mining, development of (Gibson) 1491
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2154, 3254
Pacific Tariffs Ltd.
Mentioned: (Shelford) 572
Pacific Trollers Association
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 561
Pacific Western Airlines
Headquarters, move to Calgary (Gibson) Q. 15, 1278-9, 1566-7, 1665, 2309, 2482, 2549, 3245 (Bennett) A. 15, 2545-6 (Davis) A. 16, 115-6, 1566-7, 1665 (Macdonald) 1368 Q. 2039 (Gardom) 1368, A. 2309, 2482, 2619, 3244-5 (King) 2546-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 2549
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1625
Paish, Howard
Report on Arrow Lakes fishery (King) 1882
Palmer, Brian
Appointment of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2483 (McCarthy) A. 2483, 2518
Pan-Ready Poultry
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451, 2331
Panama Canal
Mentioned: (Davis) 325
Panco Poultry Products Ltd.
Offer to (Lauk) 1444, 1455 (Phillips) 1445
Shares, purchase of (Stupich) 1913
Mentioned: (Shelford) 524 (Veitch) 629, 1930 (Wallace, G.S.) 1436 (Nicolson) 1451, 2331 (Lauk) 1461
Parent, Single
Assistance for (Strongman) 227 (Bawtree) 731
GAIN, benefits extended to (Bennett) 1055
GAIN, provision for (Vander Zalm) 2447 (Wallace, G.S.) 2453 (Brown) 2478-9 (Strongman) 2924
Sales tax increase, effect on 991
Land, set aside for development (Chabot) 2681 (Lauk) 2681 (Bawtree) 2685 (Skelly) 2686-7
Mining and forest developments (Skelly) 3335 (McCarthy) 3336
Mining in provincial parks (Skelly) Q. 276 (McCarthy) A. 276, 336, 956 (King) 2363 (Bennett) 2364
See also: names of parks e.g. Kootenay National Park, B.C.
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.
Fountain in front of building (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1276 (Fraser) A. 1276
Parking facilities in front of building (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1275 (Fraser) A. 1275
Restoration of (Barber) 837
Wheelchair access to building (Wallace, B.B.) 3293 (Fraser) 3295
Parliamentary interns
See: Legislative interns
Patent Medicine Act
Repeal of (McClelland) 2970
Pattison, Jim
Mentioned (Cocke) 43
Payne and Co
Mentioned: (McGeer) 2483
Peace River, B.C.
Power project, contracts for (Stupich) Q. 1377 (Davis) A. 1377
Peace River Dam, B.C.
Environmental effect of damming (Nicolson) 1034
Pearl Insurance Co.
Mentioned: (Brown) 155
Pearse, Peter H.
Report on forest industry (Lockstead) 773 (Wallace, G.S.) 1504 (Phillips) 1506 (Waterland) 1631 (Shelford) 2558 (Gibson) 2691-2
Mentioned: (Shelford) 572-3 (Waterland) 3102
Pearson, Lester
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 1069
Peart, Frederick
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 11
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co.
BCR audit (Cocke) 384 (Lauk) 1089 (Nicolson) 1097, 1099
Peckham, Agnew
Report on location for new hospital (Wallace, G.S.) 1964-6
Pecora, Jim
Mentioned: (Chabot) 1169
Pecora, Orlando
Mentioned: (Chabot) 1169
Pederson, Don
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Pederson, Patricia
Mentioned: (Brown) 73
Pederson, Sig
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Peel, Alexander L.
Attacks on, in defence of (Nicolson) 1042 (Gibson) 1043
Pemco Holdings Ltd.
Mortgages and debentures, number of (Nicolson) 3220 (Curtis) 3223
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 600
Peninsula Times magazine
Quoted (Gibson) 3265
Canada Pension Plan benefits for working spouses (Gibson) 2396-7 (Vander Zalm) 2397
Deficit in pension plans (Wallace, G.S.) 1144-5 (Wolfe) 1145
Financing of pension plans (Wallace, G.S.) 1814 (McGeer) 1814-5
Funds, management of (McGeer) 517-8 (Shelford) 526
Pension plans, deficit in (Wallace, G.S.) 1144-5 (Wolfe) 1145
See also: Civil service pensions; also subdivision
Salaries, pensions, etc. under names
of professions, e.g. Teachers — Salaries, pensions etc.
Pensions, old age
See also: Old age pensions
Penticton, B.C.
Atco plant (Hewitt) 1209 (Lauk) 1210-1
Penticton Public Library
Library grants programme affecting (Hewitt) 3330-1 (McCarthy) 3331
People's Republic of China
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1483
Pepin, Hon. Jean-Luc
ICBC rate increases (Macdonald) 95
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 714 (Stupich) 2091, 2095
Pepper, Bruce
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3054 (Waterland) 3056
Perrault, Ray
Mentioned: (King) 3269
Personal Information Reporting Act
Mentioned: (Mair) 1545
Personal property — Taxation
See: Taxation of personal property
Forest-pest control programme, funding for (Skelly) 3105-6 (Waterland) 3106
Peter Kiewit and Sons
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1105-6
Peterson, Leslie
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1419 (Davidson) 1419-20
An Act to Amend the Vancouver Stock Exchange Act (1907) (Chabot) 504
An Act to Incorporate the Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster and His Successors in Office A Corporation Sole (Strongman) 670
Breach of confidence re budget release, ruled irregular (Clerk) 402
B.C. Association of Colleges (Jordan) 307
Budget, premature release, investigation called for (Macdonald)
Diagnostic clinic in Port Renfrew area (Kahl) 202
Insurance Corp. of B.C., rates (King) 41 (Cocke) 48 (Gibson) 51 (Levi) 59 (Sanford) 59-60 (Lockstead) 98 (Brown) 151
Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendnent Act, 1976
(Bill 25) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 2381; 2R, 2630-2; C, 2962; 3R, 2962; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barrett 2631; Waterland 2630-2
Lands, access over that not covered by permits (Waterland) 2630-1 (Barrett) 2631
Mediation, access to board (Waterland) 2630
Oil, exploration and production, disposition for (Waterland) 2631
Oil shale, access in Queen Charlotte Islands (Barrett) 2631 (Waterland) 2631
Payments, lump sums for lease terms (Waterland) 2631
Petroleum Corporation Act
Mentioned: (Cocke) 427
Petroleum industry and trade
Barrel-price increase (Wallace, G.S.) 1, 501-5 (Phillips) 1505-6 (Sanford) 1547-8, 1577-8, 1587
Companies, uses of profits (Phillips) 1505-6 (Skelly) 1506-7
Davis, William, statement on expropriating oil industry in Western Canada (Bennett) 1823 (Gibson) 1823 (Wallace, G.S.) 1824-5
Exploration for new sources, funds for (Gibson) Q. 1528, 1824 (Bennett) A. 1528 (Wallace, G.S.) 1824 (Macdonald) 3246-7
Export to United States, cut off, effect on B.C. (Davis) 326
Lands, access over that not covered by permits 2630-1 (Barrett) 2631
Legislation to protect independent bulk agents and service station dealers, proposed (Macdonald) 239 (Shelford) 570-1
Mackenzie pipeline proposal (Gibson) 3247
Natural gas and oil, exploration expenditures for (Gibson) 3033 (Waterland) 3034
Oil companies, lump-sum payments for lease terms (Waterland) 2631
Oil pipeline proposed (Bennett) 1819
Oil shale, access in Queen Charlotte Islands (Barrett) 2631 (Waterland) 2631
Peace River, oil companies, royalty payments (Macdonald) 2361, 2364
Petroleum and Natural Gas (1965) Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act.
Pricing policy of government (Gibson) Q. 1528, 1535-6, 1823-4 (Bennett) A. 1528, 1531-4, 1823, 2363-4 (Brown) Q. 1528 (Stupich) 1534-5 (Wallace, G.S.) 1501-4, 1536-7 (Macdonald) 1823, 2361-2, 2364, 3245-6 (Davis) 3246
Royalties, higher for oil companies (Macdonald) 1823, 2364 (Lauk) 2362
Sources, exploration and importance (Phillips) 1505-6
Tariff transfer payments to federal treasury (Lauk) 328
TransMountain pipeline between Prince Rupert and Edmonton, proposed (Lea) Q. 707, 2383, 3270-1 (Davis) A. 707, 2383, 3237-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 1877 (Nielsen) 1878 (Macdonald) Q. 3156-7, 3236-7 (Bennett) A. 3157 (Gibson) 3238
Petroleum refineries
Pollution impact, study on (Dailly) 1888 (Nielsen) 1888
Pettit, Alan
Tribute to (Wolfe) 2158
Pettit, Wilmer J.
Health minister, alleged slander by (Lauk) Q. 2071 (McClelland) A. 2071
Prescription drugs, pharmacist responsible for (McClelland) 2970
Prescription fee paid (Levi) Q. 1700 (Vander Zalm) A. 1700
Pharmacy Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 71) (Minister of Health) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2970; C, 3208-9, 3R, 3209; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Cocke 2970; McClelland 2970
Amdts: C, sec. 4 (McClelland) 3208, approved 3208; sec. 8 (McClelland) 3208, approve 3208
Housekeeping amendments (McClelland) 2970 (Cocke) 2970
Patent Medicine Act, repeal of (McClelland) 2970
Prescription drugs, destruction of (McClelland) 2970
Prescription drugs, pharmacist responsible for (McClelland) 2970
Phillips, Art
Mentioned: (Curtis) 3221
Phillips, Hon. Donald McGray, Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Economic Development (South Peace River)
Address in reply, amendment 77-85
Agricultural aid to developing countries 1084, 1525
Agricultural budget appropriation, cutback 1388-9
Agricultural Credit Programme, interest reimbursement, rate of 1543
Agricultural industry, incentive for 1389, 1423
Agricultural products, tariffs on 1467
Agricultural programmes, new, delayed due to lack of funds 1428, 1476
Agriculture and Economic Development, Minister of, dual portfolios 1384, 1448
Agriculture department estimates 1383-5, 1388-9, 1413-5, 1422-4, 1428-9, 1433, 1437, 1444-5, 1448-50, 1452-5, 1457-9, 1466-7, 1473-6, 1479
Agriculture department, release of annual report 1455
Agriculture department, minister's automobile and insurance for 1538
Agriculture department, credit branch loan, rebate on interest paid 1428, 1475
Agriculture department, re-naming of 1452
Agriculture department, staff reduction 1526, 1537, 1540-1
Agriculture department, temporary help for 1543
Agriculture department, university and high school students, special programmes for 1437, 1450-1
Agriculture department, youth-development programme 1542
Agriculture, problems in B.C. 707-9
BCDC, Economic Development minister as chairman of board of directors 1486
BCDC, independence of 1486
Biological control banks, funding for 1542
Blue-tongue virus affecting cattle industry 1413, 1540
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 442-9, 582, 749-50
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, administrative problem, A. 2202, 2232
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, agreement to be signed 1415
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, quota-sale policy, A. 2203
B.C. Federation of Agriculture, meeting and negotiations with 1389, 1433, 1448, 1473, 1544
B.C. Ferries, rate increases 1458
B.C. Ferries, rate increases, effect on Vancouver Island agriculture, A. 1308
B.C. Milk Board, staffing of 1544
B.C. Railway, Ashcroft-Clinton line 1487
B.C. Railway audited financial statements to be made available to House, A. 997
B.C. Railway, government non-interference 1521-2
B.C. Railway, fraud charges against, A. 2676-7
B.C. Railway, independence of board of directors 1486-7
B.C. Railway, management or ownership, transfer of, A. 2485, 2577
B.C. Railway meetings, minister's attendance at, A.997
B.C. Railway, Monkman Pass survey to link up coal deposits 1513
B.C. Railway schedule, disruption due to bridge fire 269, 712
B.C. Railway, special warrant to, not a loan 750
B.C. Railway, traffic originating on, A. 3400-1
B C. Research Council, policy of 1524
Budget debate 707-12
Chicken, farm-to-retail price gap, A. 3242-3
Clarkson Gordon report 709
Coal, northeast, resources, cost-benefit study, A. 2164
Coal resources of northeast, development of 1485-6, 1515, 1520
Columbia River Treaty 444
Commodity groups, contracts in FIAS 1543
Companies under Agriculture department, list of directors 1452, 1455, 1458-9
Creston Co-operative Packers, loan to 1542
Crown corporations, revenue transfer 446
DATE programme, new projects in 1538
DREE dollars to assist industrial development 1493
Deficit of province 444-8
Development education programmes, advisory committee to evaluate benefits and applications 1084
Domestic Animal Protection Act 1540
Economic Development department estimates 1484-7, 1492-4, 1496-7
Economic Development department, staffing of 1524
Economic Development department, technical assistance programme, increased funding for 1523
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, abolition of, consultation with director 1071
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, abolition of, effect on university facilities 1075
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, date of closure 1075
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, employees' future 1073
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, employees, severance pay for 1073-4
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, existing contracts 1073
Economic Policy Analysis Institute, funds remaining in 1072
Economic Policy Analysis Institute of British Columbia Repeal Act (Bill 14) 1R, 839; 2R, 1041, 1070; C sec. 2, 1072-5, sec. 3, 1075-6; report, 1076; 3R, 1076
Economic policy of NDP, criticism of 442-9
Economic policy planning, interdepartmental co-operation 1493, 1506
Egg Marketing Board irregularities, A. 175
Egg producers, problems of 1448-9, 1450
Expert advice will be sought for economic analysis and planning 1071-2
FIAS for blueberry growers and sheep growers, A. 177
FIAS for potato growers and raspberry growers, A. 634, 841
FIAS, funding for 1466
FIAS, staffing for 1544
Fairs, class C, funding assistance 1526
Farm Income Assurance Programme 1388, 1433
Farm industry groups, meeting with 1428, 1448, 1475
Farm machinery, cost of 1389
Farm Products Improvement Act, interest reimbursement fund for 1544
Farmers, independence of 1474
Farmland, preservation of 1422-3, 1457
Farmland, pricing, study on 1433
Field crops, activity personnel 1540
Files, removal from Economic Development department 709-11, 747
Food cost as related to disposable income 1389
Food council 1538
Food production, high cost of 708
Foods of province, promotion programme 1452
Foreign investment review agency, ruling of, A. 998
Forest industry capital investment, tax law revision to assist 1506
Funds, special, recovery and future funding 1021-3
Funds, special, re-establishment of 1024
Grape-growing and wine-processing industries 1384-5, 1413-4
Hall royal commission on railways in western Canada 1487
Hat Creek coal study 1514
Housing, land for, in Fraser Valley 1424
ICBC, chronology of statements made by NDP government 78-84
Indian land claim agreement with BCR 1522
Indians, economic assistance to 1524
Industries, decentralization from urban areas 1493
Infrastructure development, DREE funds for 1509
Kootenay Dehydration Ltd., loan to 1542
Lamb producers contract in farm income assurance programme 1543
Land Commission Act 1422
Little-cherry disease in Okanagan 1466
MLAs salary reduction of 707
Marketing boards 708
Marketing boards, re-examination of 1414-5, 1433, 1450, 1454-5
Marketing, orderly 1389
Meat inspection facilities 1541
Milk, raw, sale of, on Cortes Island 1539-40
Mineral Resource Tax Act 2914-5
Mineral royalties 1513
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2731-5
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction of 2731-5
Mining legislation, possible conflict of interest by Socred MLAs 2734-5
Mining policy of NDP, criticism of 2914-5
Natural Products Marketing Act, review of, A. 2202-3
Nunweiler, A.A., fee as BCR director 1522-3
Oil, barrel-price increase 1505-6
Oil companies, use of profits 1505-6
Oil sources, exploration and importance 1505-6
PNE, funding for 1524
Panco Poultry, offer to 1445
Pea-disease programme, funding for 1525
Potato factory in Delta, proposed 1422, 1444, 1457
Premier's private railway coach, A. 2384, 2417
Rae, Dr. J.D., appointment as associate deputy minister 1523
Rail agreement with Ottawa 750, 1487
Railcar plant at Squamish 1496-7
South Peace Dehy Products Ltd., grant to 1466-7
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 1021-4
Student employment programme in Economic Development department 1506
Sukunka coal development, A. 2164
Tax structure in Canada 1492
Technology, development of 1492-3
Technology, development of world co-operation 1514
Tilbury Island, purchase of 1424
Trade fair, continuation of 1485
Trade mission programme 1485
Trade missions, increased funding for 1523
Vegetable growers in Delta, negotiations with government 1423
Vegetable growers in Fraser Valley, negotiations with, A. 1053
Vegetable growers, problems of, A. 706
Vegetable-processing industry, federal action to protect 1467
Unemployment, policy to combat, A. 2619
WEOC conference, agriculture, topic of discussion 1458
WEOC conference, income assurance programmes on federal level, discussion during 1389, 1458, 1476
West Kootenays, needs of, study on 1517
Williams, R.A., Economic Policy Analysis Institute, abolition of, reason for 1071
Women's economic rights branch 1520, 1523
Women's Institute Conference, attendance by Agriculture minister, A. 2295
Women's Institute, grant to 1538
World Food Relief assistance 1452, 1474
Phillips Barratt
Lower levels road, Highway 1, study on (Gibson) 3285
Mentioned (Gibson) 3285
Phillipson, Joe
Mentioned: (McGeer) 3221
Phoenix Food Co-operative
Mentioned (Hewitt) 1373
Photographing of legislative protestors (Macdonald) Q. 177-8 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 178 (Gardom) A. 178, 842-3
Physical fitness
Exercise facilities programme (Gibson) 1996 (McClelland) 1999-2000
Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund
Provincial sports associations, grants to (McCarthy) 955
Mentioned: (Shelford) 526
Doctors, provision in remote areas (Gibson) Q. 2231 (McClelland) A. 2231
Pine Street Clinic
Funding for (Brown) 1989-90, 1994 (McClelland) 1993-4
Piper, William C.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Pitt, William
Mentioned (Gibson) 5
Pitt Meadows, B.C.
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 1030
Planning, Regional
See: Regional planning
Plateau Sawmills Ltd.
Purchase of (Wallace, G.S.) 1915 (Waterland) 1920-1 (Chabot) 1933-4 (Kempf) 1936-7 (Lloyd) 1942
Timber allocation, NDP policy on (Fraser) 3080
Mentioned: (Fraser) 798 (Waterland) 1754, 3085 (Levi) 1931 (Kempf) 1936, 2144 (Skelly) 3085
Plul, John
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 2364
Plumptre, Beryl
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 94, 714
Pole wood
Stumpage payment by pole companies (Shelford) 573
Cost appropriation, Budget address 257
Federal-provincial cost-sharing plan (Sanford) 1324
Investigation of $80 million fraud (D’Arcy) 1362
Level of policing per population (Sanford) 1325
Officer responsible for filling out accident report (Davis) 2982-3
Officers cruising without siren (Davis) 2983
Police college, physical criteria for entrance (Brown) 1366 (Gardom) 1366
Secret force, existence of (Brown) 1357 (King) 1357 (Barber) 1357, 1361 (Skelly) 1358 (Gardom) 1358, 1363 (Nicolson) 1358 (D’Arcy) 1362 (Lea) 1362-3 2806 (Macdonald) 1363 (Barrett) 2794
Police photography
See: Photography
Politics in Paradise
Mentioned: (Lauk) 329 (King) 967
Control work done by Canadian Cellulose and Cominco Ltd. (D’Arcy) 565
Fines for polluters (Nielsen) 2967-8 (Lockstead) 2967 (Stupich) 2968
Pollution Control Act, 1967
Polluters, penalties and prosecutions, criticism of (Skelly) 1848-50 (Nielsen) 1849
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 651, 1836 (Skelly) 1848-9 (Waterland) 2039
Pollution Control (1967) Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 26) (Minister of Environment) 1R, 2381; 2R, 2967-8; C, 3207; 3R, 3207; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Lockstead 2967-8; Nielsen 2967-8; Stupich 2968
Fines for polluters (Nielsen) 2967-8 (Lockstead) 2967 (Stupich) 2968
Pollution-control branch director, power of (Nielsen) 2967
Sewage system, permit to install, for property subdivision (Lockstead) 2967-8 (Nielsen) 2968
Pollution Control Board
Annacis Island treatment plant (Nielsen) 1865
Permits, pollution-control, issue of (King) Q. 2039 (Waterland) A. 2039
Pollution Control Branch
Administration and operation (Skelly) 1848
Director, power of (Nielsen) 2967
Official notification policy (Skelly) 1850 (Nielsen) 1850-1
Thompson River task force report (Lea) Q. 275, 472, 561, 705, 1052, 1830-4, 1837-40 (Nielsen) A. 275, 472, 560-1, 705, 842, 1052-3, 1081, 1835-6, 1838-9, 1847-8 (Main) 1834-7, 1842-3, 1847 (Skelly) 1845-7
Poohachoff, Kusma
Amputees, organization and work of (Nicolson) 1494
Pooley, Charles
Mentioned: (Kahl) 672
Port Alberni, B.C.
Flooding (Skelly) 861
ICBC claims centre, closure of (Skelly) Q. 3019 (McGeer) A. 3019, 3099
Port Alice, B.C.
Escort programme for patients, funding for (Sanford) 2024
Relocation of site (Sanford) 204
Slides, problem of (Sanford) 1866-7 (Nielsen) 1867
Port Hardy, B.C.
Government agency quarters (Sanford) 1223
Port Hardy Gazette, Port Hardy, B.C.
Advertisement mentioned (Sanford) 2308
Port McNeill, B.C.
Tree farm licence, improvements tax-exempt within municipal boundaries (Sanford) 1190-1
Port Moody, B.C.
Grape-growing industry (Rogers) 1288 (Hewitt) 1291
Port Renfrew, B.C.
Ambulance service instituted (Kahl) 2003
Port Simpson, B.C.
Fishing industry development of (Wolfe) 262
Porter, John
Vertical Mosaic mentioned (Skelly) 1927
See: Harbours
Potato products
FIAS for potato growers (Wallace, B.B.) Q. 634 (Phillips) A. 634, 841
Factory in Delta, proposed (Lauk) 1417-8, 1444, 1456, 1463 (Davidson) 1418-21, 1442-3 (Phillips) 1422, 1457 (Nielsen) 1461 (Vander Zalm) 1463-4
Processing plant in Creston, proposed (Nicolson) 1459-60
Poulson, Thomas N.
Mentioned: (Barnes) 195
Chicken, farm-to-retail price gap (Gibson) Q. 3242 (Phillips) A. 3242-3
Chicken, pricing at retail level (Wallace, B.B.) 1430
Powell River, B.C.
B.C. Ferries, rate increase, effect on (Lockstead) 3251-2
Powell River Alberni Sales Corp.
Mentioned: (King) 1642
Powell River Company
Mentioned: (Barrett) 3087
Powell River News, Powell River, B.C.
Headline quoted (Lockstead) 3251
Powell River Queen
Overload, heavy (Lockstead) 771
Power and Telephone Line Beautification Fund
Funding, future, method of (Stupich) 971 (Wolfe) 1021
Item included in annual provincial budget, Budget address 264
Recovery of revenue (Wolfe) 264, 854 (Stupich) 855
Power Resources
Forecast, of energy needs of province (Davis) 965 (Lea) 1033 (Nicolson) 1034 (Davis) 1036, 1040-1
Forecast of energy needs of province, independent studies on (Nicolson) 1034 (Wolfe) 1035 (Lauk) 1037 (Wallace, G.S.) 1039-40
Price increase of energy (Davis) 1041
Powril, William
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Preferential ballot
Return to (Wallace, G.S.) 3325-6
Premier's conference
Income assurance programmes at federal level, discussion on (Phillips) 1389
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1198
Preston, George
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 942
Preventive medicine
See: Medicine, Preventive
Price indexes
Consumer price index increase in Vancouver (Macdonald) Q. 1891-2 (Bennett) A. 1891-2 (Lauk) Q. 1892 (Sanford) A. 1892
Price regulation
Monitoring all government agencies and corporations (Throne speech) 12
Price, Waterhouse and Co.
B.C. Railway financial report (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1098
Contractual commitments of Universities Council (McGeer) A. 215 (Bennett) 683
Report (D’Arcy) 540 (Skelly) 821 (Lockstead) 870 (Waterland) 3028
Mentioned: (Lockstead) 2240
B.C. Ferries rate increase, monitoring of affected prices (Sanford) Q. 2201 (Mair) A. 2201, 2234
Monitoring of (Mair) 1545 (Sanford) 1545, 1549, 1586-7, Q. 3156 (Nicolson) 1550 (Bennett) A. 3156
Price-freeze policy, absolute power of government (Gibson) 1647-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 1653-4
Prices and Incomes Commission
Wage policy (Shelford) 2559
Prince Edward Island
Foreign ownership of land prohibited (Sanford) 1326
"Prince George"
Fuel transfer (Lauk) Q. 924 (Davis) A. 924
Inner Harbour docks to be rented by ship owners (Lockstead) Q. 997 (Davis) A. 997
Sale of (Lockstead) 770-1 (Sanford) 934, 1917
Prince George, B.C.
Drinking pattern in, study on (Nicolson) 1249-55
Housing, Crown land made available for (Bennett) 1057
Payment from government (Lloyd) 1176-7
Problems arising from industrial expansion (Lloyd) 607-8
Roads, upgrading of (Lloyd) 3301
Take-the-Car-Out-of-Carnage committee (Nicolson) 1249, 1254, 2975-6 (Lloyd) 2974, 3302
Prince George Medical Society
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 610
Prince Rupert, B.C.
Courthouse building, construction of (Lea) 2187
Pipeline to Edmonton, proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 1877 (Nielsen) 1878
RCMP lock-up (Lea) 1345-6, 1348-50 (Gardom) 1348-9 (Macdonald) 1349
Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lea) 1618
Prince Rupert School Board
Mentioned: (Lea) 1618
Princess Marguerite
B.C. Ferries system, position in, no mention in Throne speech (Gibson) 162
B.C. Steamship Co. and unions, negotiations (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 704, 768, 1663-4 (Davis) A. 704, 1663-4
Inner Harbour dock, lease transfer to possible owners (Barber) Q. 996 (Davis) A. 996
Labour dispute (Lockstead) 771 (D’Arcy) 902
Maintenance work on (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1602 (Davis) A. 1602-3
Sale of (Barber) Q. 923, 996, A. 1919-20 (Davis) 923 (Brown) 936
Service, resumption of (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1664 (Davis) A. 1664
Mentioned: (Sanford) 934 (Cocke) 985 (Wallace, G.S.) 1146 (Skelly) 1927 (Chabot) 1933 (Nicolson) 1935 (Barnes) 2167 (Bawlf) 2920 (Davis) 2923
Principals, School
See: School superintendents and principals
Priorities magazine
Conditions at and funding for (Gibson) 1240 (Gardom) 1242-3
Facility for remand assessment and classification, funding of (Gardom) 1248 (Macdonald) 1248-9
Large institutions, phasing out (Skelly) 1367 (Gardom) 1367
Minimum-security prisons, establishment of (Chabot) 422
Women in prisons (Wallace, B.B.) 1289-90 (Brown) 3114-5
Prittie, Robert W.
Dismissal, reasons for (Gibson) 165
Privacy Act
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 1236
Private schools
Busing of students attending independent schools (McGeer) 2949
Funding of (Throne speech) 12 (King) 30-1 (Loewen) 734 (McGeer) 875, 1609 (Gibson) 161, 1597 (Levi) 1730
Chabot — Sobriety of member, statement libellous 246
Gibson — Premier's press statement regarding unusual sittings of House 919
King — Land magazine, no special warrant for 789-90
Lauk — Breach of privilege, alleged 790
Macdonald — Budget details, possible leak of 317-9, 402-4
Macdonald — Legality of preceding sittings of Legislature 2931-2
Mussallem — New list for speaking order prepared 221
Wallace, B.B. — Private members' bills, calling of 3130
Wallace, G.S. — Pre-release of government policy on GAIN in Unity News 1891
Correctional programme in Duncan, funding of (Wallace, B.B.) 1367-8, 2394-6 (Vander Zalm) 2396
Protection for innocent citizens, problem of (Kempf) 1353
Proctor and Gamble
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1549
Pro-Life Society
Abortions, allegations of (McClelland) A. 1631, 1754
Propane Gas Association of Canada, submission by (Nicolson) 1177-8 (Wolfe) 1178
Sales tax on (Nicolson) 1177-8 (Sanford) Q. 3 243 (Wolfe) A. 3243 (Barber) 3272-3 (Davis) 3275
Propane Gas Association of Canada
Submission to government (Nicolson) 1177
Property Tax
See: Real property tax
Prospect, Prince George, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 610
Assistance programme, criticism of (Nicolson) 3063-4
Assistance programme, fund reduction (Gibson) 3063-4 (Waterland) 3063-4
Grants to small prospectors (Gibson) 2236-7
Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act
Small prospectors, encouragement and incentives for (Waterland) 2504 (Gibson) 2506
Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 21) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum
Resources) 1R, 1277; 2R, 2234-42; C, 2296-7; 3R, 2297; RA, 2511
Speakers: (2R) Gibson 2235-7; Lauk 2237-8; Lloyd 2240; Lockstead 2240; Macdonald 2239-40; Skelly 2234-5; Wallace, G.S. 2238-9; Waterland 2234, 2240-2
Speakers: (C) Gibson 2296-7; Waterland 2297
Division: 2R, 2242
Government right of first refusal on discoveries, removal of (Waterland) 2234 (Skelly) 2234-5 (Gibson) 2236-7 (Lauk) 2238
Mining industry, government non-interference in (Waterland) 2234 (Wallace, G.S.) 2238-9
Mining policy of government, sellout to corporations (Skelly) 2235 (Lauk) 2238 (Macdonald) 2239-40
Mining policy of NDP (Gibson) 2236 (Lockstead) 2240 (Waterland) 2241
Prospectors, grants to (Gibson) 2236-7
Regressive nature of bill (Skelly) 2235
Study and legislation on (Brown) 1322-3
Province, Vancouver, B.C.
Editorials quoted (Brown) 938 (Barnes) 1004 (Haddad) 2145-6 (Lauk) 2682
Headlines quoted (Jordan) 1405 (Hewitt) 1411 (Gardom) 2074
Quoted (King) 38, 40, 1635, 1971. (Jordan) 158 (Wallace, G.S.) 184, 1436, 1558, 1860-1, 2797, 3326 (Williams) 212 (Stupich) 280, 1470 (Kerster) 434 (Wallace, B.B.) 465-6, 1681 (Barber) 548 (Nicolson) 602 (Brown) 640, 645, 1361 (Lauk) 909, 2723 (Cocke) 1391, 1748 (Kempf) 2143-4 (Levi) 2671, 2755 (Davidson) 2746 (Gibson) 3011
Mentioned: (Stupich) 285 (Chabot) 337, 1160, 3069 (Dailly) 485 (King) 534 (Barber) 544 (Strongman) 96 (Gardom) 1002 (Lauk) 1331, 2795 (McGeer) 1343 (Wallace, B.B.) 1385 (Nicolson) 1427, 1494 (Wallace, G.S.) 1465, 2316, 3325 (Brown) 1558 (Mair) 1579 (Cocke) 1979 (Skelly) 2686
Provincial Alliance of Businessmen
Programme (Levi) 2371 (Vander Zalm) 2374-5
Provincial Archives
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 956
Provincial Coat of Arms Act
Quoted (Sanford) 1325
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1333
Provincial Elections Act
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 9, 10 (King) 1182
Provincial Home Acquisition Act
Programme revision (Curtis) 2657, 2659
Mentioned: (Curtis) 2659, 2908 (Nicolson) 2659
Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 17) (Minister of Housing) 1R, 953; 2R, 1897-1911; C, 2247-8; 3R, 2455; RA, 2511
Speakers: (2R) Barber 1909-10; Bawlf 1905-6; Bawtree 1904-5; Chabot 1902-4; Cocke 1905; Curtis 1897-8, 1910-1; Gibson 1905; Hewitt 1900-2; Lauk 1906-8; Lloyd 1908; Mussallem 1908-9; Nicolson 1898; Shelford 1908; Stupich 1910; Wallace, G.S. 1898-1900
Speakers: (C) D'Arcy 2247; Fraser 2247; Skelly 2247; Wallace, G.S. 2247
Division: 2R 1911
Amdts: (C) sec. 3 (Fraser) approved 2247; sec. 6 (Fraser) approved 2247
Grant increase maximum (Curtis) 1898 (Wallace, G.S.) 1899-1900 (Hewitt) 1901
Legislation to fight inflation (Hewitt) 1900 (Bawtree) 1904
Minimum tax payable for over 65s (Curtis) 1898 (Wallace, G.S.) 1899-1900 (Hewitt) 1900 (Chabot) 1904
Minimum tax payable for under 65s, increase (Curtis) 1898, 1910 (Wallace, G.S.) 1899, 2247 (Hewitt) 1901 (Chabot) 1903 (Bawtree) 1904 (Shelford) 1908 (Lloyd) 1908 (D’Arcy) 2247 (Skelly) 2247
Progressive nature of legislation (Shelford) 1908 (Lloyd) 1908 (Mussallem) 1909
Property and school tax policies of NDP, criticism of (Chabot) 1902-3 (Bawlf) 1905-6
School Tax Removal and Resource Grant Act, merging with (Curtis) 1898 (Nicolson) 1898 (Wallace, G.S.) 1898-1900 (Hewitt) 1901 (Macdonald) 1910
Senior citizens, additional grant increase (Curtis) 1898, 1910 (Nicolson) 1898 (Hewitt) 1900 (Gibson) 1905 (Stupich) 1910
Tenants, excluded from legislation (Gibson) 1905 (Lauk) 1907
Provincial Land Commission
Agricultural land reserve (Davidson) 1420 (Cocke) 1424 (Nielsen) 1461 (Lauk) 1461 (Stupich) 1869-70 (Nielsen) 1871
Land release appeals (Stupich) 1870-2 (Nielsen) 1871
Land release, public hearings on (Nicolson) 1890 (Nielsen) 1890
Membership on (Stupich) 1869-70, 1872 (Nielsen) 1870-1
Operation under Agriculture department proposed (Wallace, B.B.) 1388, 1429
Potato factory in Delta, proposed (Lauk) 1417-8, 1456, 1463 (Davidson) 1419-21 (Phillips) 1422, 1444, 1456, 1457 (Nielsen) 1461
Pros and cons of (Levi) 395 (Lauk) 1415-6 (Davidson) 1420-1 (Phillips) 1422
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 16 (Wallace, B.B.) 849, 1388, 1682 (Shelford) 1395 (Lauk) 1418, 1463 (Davidson) 1421 (Levi) 1425 (Nielsen) 1816, 1871 (Lea) 1817 (Stupich) 2096 (D’Arcy) 3294-5
Provincial Library
Mentioned: (Lea) 612 (McCarthy) 956
Provincial Major Disaster Fund
Estimates under Dept. of Environment (Budget address) 264 (Wallace, G.S.) 303 (Gibson) 856 (Lockstead) 863
Funding, future method of (Wallace, B.B.) 1021
Recovery of revenue (Wolfe) 264, 854 (Stupich) 855 (Wallace, G.S.) 857 (D’Arcy) 860 (Skelly) 860 (King) 864
Provincial Museum
Indian gallery, opening of (McCarthy) 956
Provincial Rapid Transit Subsidy Act
Mentioned: (Curtis) 190
Provincial Rehabilitation and Employment Programme
Details of (Levi) 2371-3 (Vander Zalm) 2374-5, 2431-2 (Barnes) 2409-10 (Wallace, G.S.) 2431
Pamphlet, publication of (Gibson) Q. 2382-3 (Vander Zalm) A. 2382-3
Provincial Secretary, Department of
Speakers: Barber 3327-8; Brown 3109-15, 3127-8, 3330; Dailly 3118-9, 3324; Gibson 3109, 3115-6, 3127, 3320-2; Hewitt 3330-1; Kahl 3124; King 3110, 3121-3; Jordan 3119-21; Lloyd 3328-9; McCarthy 3108-10, 3124-30, 3331-7; Nicolson 3124, 3319-20; Skelly 3110, 3322-4; Wallace, B.B. 3123-4, 3329-30; Wallace, G.S. 3116-8, 3324-7
Appropriation (Budget address) 261
Duties of (McCarthy) 955
Information leak by employees, memo on (Skelly) 3322-3 (McCarthy) 3334
Provincial Secretary, role of (Gibson) 3116
Superannuation Branch, Budget address 261
Votes, order of, in estimates (McCarthy) 3109 (Brown) 3109 (Gibson) 3109
Prowse, Keith
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2712
Prudential Insurance Co.
Mentioned (Brown) 155
Psychological tests
Psychological assessment for School District 4 (Chabot) 2030-1
Psychology Today
Mentioned: (Brown) 1989
Public accounts
See: Finance, Public — Accounting
Public Accounts and Economic Affairs Committee
See: Legislature — Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs
Public buildings
Accommodation, accountability for expenditure (Bawlf) 2170-1, 2173
Art, works of, purchase for (Brown) 3305
Availability of MLA office space in ridings (Barnes) 3302
Construction funds for (Fraser) 2123
Public Construction Fair Wages Act
(Bill 83) (Minister of Labour) 1R, 2940; 2R, 3134-47; C, 3382-3; 3R, 3383; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Gibson 3139-40; King 3136-9; Macdonald 3143-4; Nicolson 3142-3; Wallace, G.S. 3140-2; Williams 3134-6, 3144-7
Speakers: (C) King 3382; Williams 3382-3
Consultation with industry by Labour minister on legislative drafting (King) 3382 (Williams) 3382-3
Hiring, ensuring fair practices (King) 3137-8 (Wallace, G.S.) 3142 (Williams) 3147
Mica Dam project, using reasonable percentage of local work force (King) 3138
Non-union firms, admission to construction sites leading to jungle warfare (King) 3138 (Gibson) 3140 (Wallace, G.S.) 3141 (Macdonald) 3143-4 (Williams) 3146
Non-union firms bidding for government contracts (Williams) 3135-6, 3146 (King) 3136-9 (Gibson) 3140 (Wallace, G.S.) 3140-1 (Macdonald) 3143
Public Works Fair Employment Act, repeal of (Williams) 3134-6 (Nicolson) 3142-3
Subcontractors' obligation to pay fair wages (Williams) 3135-6
Unionization of employees (Williams) 3134-5 (Macdonald) 3144
Wages, fair, arbitrary assessment authority of government (King) 3136-7 (Gibson) 3139-40 (Nicolson) 3143 (Macdonald) 3144 (Williams) 3145
Wages, fair, employer's obligation to pay (Williams) 3135
Wages, fair, fringe benefits (King) 3138 (Wallace, G.S.) 3141 (Nicolson) 3143
Wages, fair, government enforcement of obligation to pay (Williams) 3135-6 (Wallace, G.S.) 3141-2
Workers, protection of rights (Nicolson) 3143
Public Health
See also: Hospitals; Medical care
Public Inquiries Act
Mentioned: (Budget address) 261 (King) 3308
Public Officials and Employees Conflict of Interest Act
(Bill 67) (Gibson) 1R, 2381
Public Officials and Employees Disclosure Act, an Act to Amend
(Bill 38) (Macdonald) 1R, 1277; 2R, 2525
Public Schools Act
Changes in, proposed (Gibson) 1596, 1598
Mentioned: (McGeer) 1812, 1815 (Wallace, G.S.) 1899, 3310 (Gibson) 2590, 3348
Public Schools Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 55) (Minister of Education) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2948-52; C 3210-4; 3R, 3214; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Dailly 2949-50; McGeer 2948-9, 2951; Wallace, G.S. 2950-1
Speakers: (C) Dailly 3212, 3214; Gibson 3211-2; McGeer 3211-4; Nicolson 3213; Wallace, G.S. 3210-4
Amdts: C, sec. 5 (Wallace, G.S.) 3210, negatived 3211; sec. 8 (Wallace, G.S.) 3213, negatived 3214
Independent schools, busing of students (McGeer) 2949
Principals and administrative staff, reassignment, appeal procedure for (Gibson) 3211-2 (McGeer) 3212-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 3212 (Dailly) 3212 (Nicolson) 3213
Principals and administrative staff, reassignment of (McGeer) 2949, 2951 (Dailly) 2949-50
Pupil, suspension or expulsion of (McGeer) 2949 (Dailly) 2950 (Wallace, G.S.) 2950-1
Pupil, suspension or expulsion of, board to convene seven days after (Wallace, G.S.) 3210-1 (McGeer) 3 211
Pupil, suspension or expulsion of, meeting with board with lawyer or counsellor present (McGeer) 3211 (Wallace, G.S.) 3211
School instructional unit to be increased in value (McGeer) 2949, 3214 (Dailly) 3214
School premises, leaving of, directed by authorized person (McGeer) 2949
Teachers, appeal procedure against transfer (Wallace, G.S.) 3214 (McGeer) 3214
Teachers, incompetent, termination of contracts (Wallace, G.S.) 3213 (McGeer) 3213-4
Public Service Act
(Bill 81) (Provincial Secretary) I R, 2510; 2R, 3277-80; C, 3306-11; 3R, 3311; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barrett 3279-80; Gibson 3279; King 3279; McCarthy 3277-80
Speakers: (C) Barrett 3307-8; King 3306-11; McCarthy 3308-11; Wallace, B.B. 3311; Wallace, G.S. 3310
Amdts: C, sec. 8 (McCarthy) 3309, approved 3309; sec. 20 (McCarthy) 3310, approved 3310; sec. 28 (McCarthy) 3310, approved 3310
Collective bargaining for (McCarthy) 3277-9 (King) 3279
Collective bargaining, merit principle (McCarthy) 3308 (King) 3308
Employee, probationary, termination of grievance procedure (King) 3310-1 (McCarthy) 3310-1
Employee relations bureau (McCarthy) 3277-8
Employees and bargaining agent obtaining information from Public Service Commission (King) 3309
Employees, protection from government policy (Barrett) 3279-80 (McCarthy) 3280
Employees, right of access to records (King) 3311
Employees, transfer of (Wallace, G.S.) 3310 (Wallace, B.B.) 3311 (McCarthy) 3311
Labour bargaining function of Public Service Commission transferred to Treasury Board (McCarthy) 3277-8
Labour Relations Board, agency for appeal, provision under (King) 3306-7
Ministerial inconsistency on principle of appeal mechanism under Labour Relations Board (King) 3306-7 (Barrett) 3307
Negotiation and personnel management functions, separation of (McCarthy) 3278 (Gibson) 3279
Public service adjudication board (McCarthy) 3278-9
Public Service Commission, power of inquiry, grant to (King) 3308 (McCarthy) 3308
Mentioned: (Stupich) 753 (McCarthy) 1857 (Barnes) 2167 (Gibson) 2169 (Barber) 2179 (Mair) 2740, 2771
Public Service Benefit Plans Act
(Bill 64) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 2510 2R, 2959-60; C, 3389; 3R, 3390; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Brown 2960; McCarthy 2959-60
Amdt: C, sec. 1 (McCarthy) 3389, approved 3389
Civil service employees, contracts with insurers to provide benefits (McCarthy) 2959-60
Insurance companies, annual reporting to avoid possible discrimination (Brown) 2960
Public Service Commission
Collective bargaining for (McCarthy) 3277-9 (King) 3279
Employee, probationary, termination of grievance procedure (King) 3310-1 (McCarthy) 3310-1
Employee relations bureau (McCarthy) 3277-8
Employees and bargaining agent, obtaining information from (King) 3309
Employees, contracts with insurers to provide benefits (McCarthy) 2959-60
Employees in government, number of (Brown) Q. 1078 (McCarthy) A. 1078
Employees, protection from government policy (Barrett) 3279-80 (McCarthy) 3280
Employees, right of access to records (King) 3311
Employees, transfer of (Wallace, G.S.) 3310 (Wallace, B.B.) 3311 (McCarthy) 3311
Expenditures increase, Budget address (Wolfe) 261
Labour bargaining function transferred to Treasury Board (McCarthy) 3277-8, 3281
Members, termination of employment (Gibson) 165
Merit system, return of (Gibson) 161
Municipal civil servants, superannuation fund, management of (McGeer) 518
Negotiation and personnel management functions, separation of (McCarthy) 3278 (Gibson) 3279
Operations, pricing decisions to be reviewed (Bennett) 765
Power of inquiry, grant to (King) 3308 (McCarthy) 3308
Public service adjudication board (McCarthy) 3278-9
Responsibilities of (McCarthy) 955
Secrecy oaths for public servants (King) Q. 997, 1440, 1977 (McCarthy) A. 998, 1977
Senior government officials, definitions of (Nielsen) 2969
Staff reduction, salary-saving programme (Wolfe) 256 (Wallace, G.S.) 310
Wages of employees (Mussallem) 2929 (Williams) 2930
Women, recruiting of (McCarthy) 3126, 3129 (Brown) 3128
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 841 (Nicolson) 1494 (Brown) 1705 (Lauk) 2176
Public Service Group Insurance Act
Mentioned: (Barnes) 2167 (McCarthy) 2959
Public Service Labour Relations Act
Mentioned: (King) 1233, 2587, 3309 (Mair) 2740 (McCarthy) 2959, 3277
Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 82) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 2510; 2R, 3280-1; C, 3312; 3R, 3312; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) King 3281; McCarthy 3281
Speaker: (C) McCarthy 3312
Amdt: C, sec. 3 (McCarthy) 3312, approved 3312
Treasury Board as bargaining agent for public service (McCarthy) 3281
Public Service Medical Plan
Special warrant to supplement vote 227 (Wolfe) 596
Public Service Medical Plan Act
Mentioned: (Barnes) 2167
Public Service Superannuation Act
Mentioned: (Barnes) 2167
Public utilities — Rates
Increase (King) 35
Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act, 1966-19671
Mentioned: (Hewitt) 1230
Public Welfare
Administration of welfare, takeover from municipalities (Gibson) Q. 161, 2039, 2397 (Vander Zalm) A. 2039, 2394, 2398 (Dailly) 2398
Employables moving into low-employment areas, not eligible (Barnes) 199-200, 1004, 1007, 2473-4
Fraud cases, research on (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 1666 (Vander Zalm) A. 1666 (Barnes) 2410-1
Funding in local municipalities (Gibson) 169
Government policy, criticism of (Barnes) 1004-6, 1008
Health and welfare, task force on (Wallace, G.S.) 2442 (Vander Zalm) 2442
Policies, effect of (Levi) Q. 2839-40 (Vander Zalm) A. 2839-40
Welfare officials, embezzlement by (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 3158 (Vander Zalm) A. 3158
See also: Social assistance
Public Works Act
Mentioned: (Fraser) 2193
Public Works Fair Employment Act
Repeal of (Williams) 3134 (Nicolson) 3142-3
Public Works Fair Employment Act Repeal Act
(Bill 35) (Wallace, G. S.) I R, 557; 2R, 737
Puerto Rico
Workers, wage rates for (King) 3 166
Pulp and Paper Workers Union
Mentioned: (Brown) 3180
Pulp industry
See: Wood-pulp industry
Purcell Wilderness Conservancy
Establishment of (Chabot) 2680-1
Mentioned: (Skelly) 3067 (Chabot) 3068
Purchasing Commission
Computers, expenditure and tender on (Wallace, G.S.) 1146 (Wolfe) 1147
Staff increase (Wolfe) 1137
Mentioned: (Cocke) 2249
Purchasing Commission Act
Mentioned: (Lea) 2189 (King) 2255
Purdy, Stan
Mentioned: (Barber) 2293
Pyramid Distributors Act
Mentioned: (Main) 1545