Province of British Columbia
31st Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 17 to June 30, 1976
M.E.L. Paving
B.C. Railway, fraud charges against (Barrett) Q. 2617, 2676-7 (Gardom) A. 2617 (Phillips) A. 2676-7
M.V. Uchuck
Financial problem of (Lockstead) 771
Maartman, Karl
Mentioned: (Haddad) 317
McBride Commission on Indian Affairs
See: Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia
McCaffey, E.H.
Resignation from B.C. Steamship Co. (Gibson) Q. 2201 (Davis) A. 2201, 3275 (Barber) 3271-2
McCarthy, Hon. Grace Mary, Provincial Secretary, Deputy Premier and Minister of Recreation and Travel Industry (Vancouver-Little Mountain)
Administrative assistants to ministers, appointment of, A. 2613
Advertising programme for tourism 3336
Arnett, John, appointment as cabinet press secretary, A. 841, 1859
Autistic child programme 954
Boards and corporations, government appointments to, A. 2613-4
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 662-3, 740-1
B.C. Ferries rate increases, effect on tourism, A. 1306-7
B.C. Railway, safety operations, A, . 2037
Bribes, bulbs, in Vancouver East, A. 2293
Brown, David, appointment of, A. 595, 704, 839, 925, 997, 1857, 1859, 1894, 1978
Budget address, distribution of, A. 277
Budget debate 953-8
Camping fees for senior citizens 3332
Cancer research, Keep Women Alive programme, A. 76, 178, 662, 841, 1053, 1117, 2233
Capital Improvement District Commission, beautification projects 955
Civil servants, protection from government policy 3280
Civil servants, transfer of 3311
Civil service employees, contracts with insurers to provide benefits 2959-60
Civil service secrecy oaths, A. 1977
Coaches, amateur, development and upgrading 955
Colby, Dick, honoured by Travel Industry Association of Canada 957
Collective bargaining, merit principle 3308
Community recreational facilities fund grants, applications, A. 1789
Constitution Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 15) 1R, 1952; 2R, 2124, 2223-5
Construction industry dispute, A. 3348
Convention industry and hospitality centres 957-8
Creston Valley waterfowl management area 3332
Culture, development, aiming at decentralization of funds 3336
Davidson, M H., qualifications of, A. 1116
Davidson, M.H., secrecy oath, administering to, A. 1115-6
Departmental changes, authorization of 2787, 2985
Easter recess for House 1027
Election, provincial, general (1975) , A. 2614
Electoral reform, commission on 3335
Emily Carr Art Centre, future of, A. 1787, 1858-9
Employee, probationary, termination of grievance procedure 3310-1
Employees in government employ, number of, A. 1078
Equal employment opportunities programme 3125-6, 3129
Executive council programme manager, duties of, A. 925, 1441
Ferries advertising campaign, A. 3241
Firearms control, press release on, A. 1407
Fish and Wildlife branch programmes 956-7
Fisheries, development, cost-sharing basis with federal agencies 957
Fraser Valley Regional Library, cutbacks for 3331
Gaffney, Mason, payment for services 3332-3
Government consultants, hiring of, A. 3401
Government Reorganization Act (Bill 59) 1R, 2454; 2R, 2787-8, 2984-5, 3002-7; C, 3383-4, 3389
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2984-5
Government Reorganization Act, sec. 12B, words to be deleted 2985
Government reorganization Acts in Manitoba and Saskatchewan 3005-6
Government reorganization policy, notwithstanding any Act of the Legislature, amendment to 3384-5
Government reorganization policy of NDP, criticism of 3003-5
Government reorganization programme, ongoing 2787
Gun-handling courses 956-7
Handicapped, recreation centre for, funding for 3334
Higgins commission on employer-employee relations in public service 3277
Highway directional signs 3332
ISIS film and media group, funding for 3336
Information leak, Provincial Secretary department memo on 3334
Inner Harbour beautification programme 955
Inner Harbour, Victoria public lands, development of 3334
Jerome, Harry, adviser on provincial recreational activities 956
Jerome, Harry, wages of, A. 1117
Jessen, Mike, employment in Fish and Wildlife branch 3334
Land magazine, printing and mailing cost 740-1, 790, A. 926
Leg-hold traps 957, A. 2038-9, 3334
Leg-hold traps, federal-provincial committee dealing with, A. 1700-1, 3334
Legislative interns 1951
Leisure services branch 955
Library, co-ordination of services on Vancouver Island 3331
Library Development Commission, recorded-book service 956
Lighthouse Communications Ltd., work for government, A. 1440
Logo, bill for 662
MLAs, benefits for, age-limit provision 2961-2
MLAs, length of service 2960
MLAs, payment of allowance 2960
MLAs, pension plan for 2960-1
MLAs, salary reduction of 2124, 2223-5
MLAs, sessional and expense allowance, reduction of 2124
Marine resources branch adviser at Law of the Sea Conference 957
Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 72) 1R, 2513; 2R, 2960-2; C, 3390
Mining in provincial parks, A. 276, 956, 3336
Money votes, transfer for departments 2787-8, 2985
Motion to proceed to orders of the day, approved 509-10
NDP convention, adjournment of House for 2513
Oil spills, clean up, jurisdiction over 3335
Olympic Lottery, continuation of, A. 1568, 2383, 2424, 3335
Olympic torch-carrying ceremonies, funding of, A. 3020
Orders of day, proceed to, M. approved 799
PNE dog show, discontinuance of, A. 3350
Palmer, Brian, appointment of, A. 2483, 2518
Paper use by government departments, A. 3401
Penticton Public Library, library grants programme affecting 3331
Peregrine falcons, hunting of, A. 1664
Petroglyph on Saltspring Island, defacing of, A. 2381, 2424-5
Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund provincial sports associations, grants to 955
Provincial Museum, Indian gallery, opening of 956
Provincial Secretary department, duties of 955
Provincial Secretary department estimates 3108-10, 3124-30, 3331-7
Provincial Secretary department estimates, order of votes under 3109
Public Service Act (Bill 81) I R, 2510; 2R, 3277-80; C, 3308-11, 3R, 3311
Public Service adjudication board 3278-9
Public Service Benefit Plans Act (Bill 64) 1R, 2510; 2R, 2959-60; C, 3389
Public service, collective bargaining for 3277-9
Public Service Commission, bargaining function transferred to Treasury Board, employee relations bureau 3277-8, 3281
Public Service Commission, power of inquiry 3308
Public Service Commission, responsibilities of 955
Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 82) 1R, 2510; 2R, 3281; C, 3312; 3R, 3312
Question period, ministerial presence during 1442
Reception at Empress Hotel, A. 1078
Reception at Empress Hotel, invitations to, A. 17
Recreation and Travel Industry department estimates 3338
Salmon enhancement programme 957
Secrecy oaths, administering of, A. 998, 1440, 1977
Sittings, hours of 975
Smith, D.E. as Speaker, seconded motion 1
Strachan, R.M., appointment of 3004-5
Student summer employment programme, dispute over rate of pay, A. 1441, 1856
Student summer employment programme, funding for, A. 1856-7, 2071-2
Tent Island, lease withdrawal, A. 3019
Trapping, humane, discussion on, A. 2579, 3334
Trapping regulations, education 957
Treasury Board as bargaining agent for public service 3281
Treasury Board, employee relations bureau 3277-8
Vancouver East by-election, A. 842, 1117, 1181-2, 1184, 1217
Vancouver East, member for, seating of in House, A. 2383
Vancouver East, member for, welcome to 2575-6
Vancouver Status of Women, grant to 3110, 3125
Votes and Proceedings to be printed 14
White Crown Ski development 3331-2
White Lake observatory, future of, A. 3350
White Raven Canoe Club, travel assistance, A. 3243
Winter and summer sports festivals programme, funding to be cancelled 955
Wolves, trapping and snaring of 3334, 3336
Women, decisions of intracabinet committee affecting 3126
Women, financial independence of 3125
Women, recruiting by Public Service Commission 3126, 3129
Women, rural, employment of 3127
Women's Bureau, tribute to 3127
Women's organizations, grants to, screening of 3129-30
Worley, Ronald, employment of, A. 926, 1184
McClarey, Don
Mentioned: (Gibson) 2201
McClelland, Hon Robert Howard, Minister of Health (Langley)
Abortions in greater Vancouver, investigation of, A. 1631, 1754
Abortions, two studies on 2003
Action B.C. 1999
Address in reply 216-20
Alcohol and Drug Commission to be transferred to Health department 2001-2
Alcoholism, health-care cost of related problems 900-1
Ambulance services and personnel training 1981-2, 2047
Auditor General Act 2122, 2133-5
B.C. Ferries, food dispensers, health standards, A. 2384
B.C. Medical Centre 1958-9, 1969
B.C. Safe-Driver Incentive Plan 217, 900
Bruhn-Mou, right to practise dentistry 717, 2049
Budget debate 899-901
Cancer research, Keep Women Alive programme, A. 75
Canyon Ambulance Services dispute, A. 3017
Change of Name Amendment Act (1976) 2R, 479
Children's hospital 1957-8, 1969, 1993-4
Coast Foundation Society, funding for 2043
College of Dental Surgeons, qualifications required for writing examination 2916
Community health clinics, evaluation of 2002
Community health clinics, funding for 1993
Dental clinics, financing and establishment, assistance to in underserviced areas 2916, 2918
Dental mobile-unit service 2918
Dentistry Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 70) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2916-8; C, 3208
Dentists, continuing education of 2916
Dentists from other countries, right to be licensed, discussion on 2916-7
Dentists, suspension for offence against Dentistry Amendment Act 2916
Detoxification centres 2002
Doctors, in remote areas, A. 2231
Drug abuse, advisory council on 2002
Edgewood outpost hospital 2046
Emergency-care system, cutbacks 1981-2
Emergency-care training programme 1981
Escort service, funding for 2048
Extended hospital care, rate increase, A. 1755, 1788
Extended hospital care, rate increase exceptions, A. 321
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2134-5
Gorge Road Hospital, nursing staff, reduction of, A. 2422
Grace Hospital, rebuilding of 1959, 1969, 1993-4
Health-care cost containment, discussion with B.C. Medical Association 901
Health care, government commitments 220-1, 899-900
Health-care policy 899-900
Health-care policy of NDP, criticism of 899-900
Health department estimates 1946-7, 1957-9, 1968-70, 1973, 1981-2, 1986-7, 1993-5, 1999-2003, 2006-7, 2027-9, 2031
Health minister's alleged slander by, A. 2071
Health minister's treatment of a public servant 1957
Home-care programme 2027-8, 2047
Hospital budget appropriation and HLRA position in hospital strike 2496-7
Hospital budget, restraints on 1986
Hospital co-insurance charge for extended and acute care, increase rollback 1947, 2027
Hospital co-insurance charge for extended care for children under 19 1947
Hospital co-insurance charge for the destitute 1947
Hospital deficit, financial adjustment 1986
Hospital deficits, government policy on 220
Hospital female employees, equal pay for equal work, deficits covered 220
Hospital, new, location in greater Victoria area 1968-9, 1986-7
Hospital services collective agreement, AIB to review 2497
Hospital Services Collective Agreement Act 2496-7
Hospital, teaching, proposed for UBC campus 1969-70, 2001
Hospital wage discrepancy, funds for correcting, A. 216
Hospitals, payment for, A. 1052, 1220-1
Hospitals, private, wage parity, government policy to achieve 2001
Hospitals, teaching, downtown, task force on 1970
Intermediate-care programme, federal-provincial cost-sharing arrangement 2000, 2028-9
LOMA, funding for 2043
Letter quoted (Wallace, G.S.) 185
McKenzie-Douglas, site for new greater Victoria hospital 1969, 1987
Maternal and child health care, funding of, A. 1788-9
Maternal and child health facility unit 1993-4
Medical decisions, making of, by non-medical people, A. 1406
Medical premium increase 2027
Medicine, preventive, programmes 1993
Member of selection committee for select standing committees 14
Mental health division, boarding-home programme 2043-4
Mental Patients Association, funding of 2043-4
Nursing, public health, staff vacancies in 2031
Occupational health division of Public Health Department 2000
Ocean Falls Corp. 2135
Open-heart surgery programme at VGH and RJH 218-9
Patent Medicine Act, repeal of 2970
Patients, rural, transportation costs, A. 1218
Pharmacy Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 71) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2970; C 3208-9
Physical education in schools 1999
Physical fitness programmes 1999-2000
Pine Street Clinic, funding of 1993-4
Prescription drugs, destruction of 2970
Prescription drugs, pharmacist responsible for 2970
Riverview Hospital, teaching unit transferred to Douglas College 2001
Royal Jubilee Hospital, cheque to, A. 1052
Screening and mass screening programme 2000
Seat belts, use of 900
Transition houses for alcoholics in Burnaby, funding for 2041
Transition houses, funding for 2043-4
Vancouver General Hospital strike, medical service, provisions during, A. 1406, 1567
Vancouver General Hospital strike, meeting between government and administration, A. 1407
Vietnam, financial aid to children, A. 2943
Vietnamese Aid Committee, status of, A. 706
Women's names, change of 479
McClintock, Barbara
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1498
McClure, W.G.
Human rights board of inquiry request (King) Q. 1080 (Williams) A. 1080
McDiarmid, Howard
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2153
Macdonald, Alexander Barrett (Vancouver East)
Address in reply 236-41
Address in reply, amendment 92-96
Agriculture department, estimates 1384, 1468-9
Alimony Collection Agency, to be administered by Attorney-General department 1234
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 2056-8
Anti-inflation policy of government, disparities in 2057-8
Arbitration Act, review of 2625
Attorney-General department, estimates 1234-8, 1248-9, 1295, 1297, 1315-6, 1345, 1349, 1355-7, 1363, 1368-70
Auditor General, appointment committee for 2940
Bain, Wyler and Black report on ombudsman 1345
Bar, inquiry into competence of member 2628
Bazowski, Peter, RCMP assistant commissioner, appointment 1357
Beer, sale of in small grocery stores 1297
British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act 2262
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 551-2, 579, 590-1, 648-9, 679
B.C. Egg Marketing Board, quota sale, policy of, Q. 2203-4
B.C. Energy Commission, advised on resources and needs of province 963-4
B.C. Ferries, senior citizens travel free on, Q. 2571
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1976) 963-6
B.C. Parole Board, paroling of provincial crimes, right to 1368
B.C. Petroleum Corp., profits of, reinvestment in B.C. 2762
B.C. Petroleum Corp , revenue transfer 1128
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, cost of 1158-9
B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, Indian bands, agreement with 1158
B.C. Railway, safety operations, Q. 2037-8
British Columbia Railway Company Construction Loan Amendment Act (1976) 1158-9
Bruhn-Mou, denial of right to practise dentistry 715-6, 2048-50
Budget debate 712-7
Canadian Transport Commission, PWA takeover, jurisdiction in 1368
Children, abduction from their mothers 1315-6, 2226-7
Coal, royalty increase proposed 241, 714
Collision coverage, not compulsory, effect of 1767-8, 1770-1
Columbia River Treaty, criticism of 963
Community correctional centres 1249
Community law offices 1236
Companies Amendment Act (1976) 2621
Companies, extra-provincial, incorporation of, removal of 2621
Companies, new, establishment of 713
Conservation practices of forest industry 3075-6
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2210-1
Constitution, patriation of 789, 1316, 2366
Consumer price index increase in Vancouver, Q. 1891-2
Corporation, to cast more than one vote in municipal election 2632-3
Cost-of-living increase, impact, discussions with federal government 1140-1
Court procedures, Latin terminology in, abolition of 2625
Crime commission hearings 1236-7
Crown counsel, municipal bylaw infractions left to municipalities 1356
Custody orders, reciprocal enforcement of 1315
Department of Highways and Public Works Act, non-existent 2262
Drinking-driving, educational programme on 1235
Driver, drinking, problem of and legal aid for 1238-9
Drivers, impaired, training courses for 1234-5
Education department estimates 1741-2, 1767-8, 1770-1, 1804
Environment department estimates 1886
Executive council estimates 2361-2, 2364, 2366
Extra-Provincial Custody Orders Enforcement Act 2226-7
Finance department estimates 1128, 1140-1
Firearms control, press release on, Q. 1407
Forest wealth, close utilization of 3076-8
Forests department, estimates 3075-8
Fuel cost increase, effect on farmers 1468-9
Gas, exploration for B.C. 3235
Gas, natural, field price of, Q. 3243-4
Gasoline marketing and service stations, report on, Q. 1665
Gasoline price at pump, control of 240
Gasoline price increase, Q. 926
Gasoline price increases at self-service stations, Q. 2677-8
Gasoline, two-price policy for 2362
Government Reorganization Act 2798-9, 2985, 3383-4
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2985
Government reorganization policy, erosion of democratic processes of Legislature 2798-9
Government reorganization policy, notwithstanding any Act of the Legislature, amendment proposed 3383-4
Green Belt Protection Fund 858
Habitat conference 238-9
Handicapped, definition of and regulation of social assistance for 2426-7
Haney Correctional Centre as juvenile detention centre 1756
Haymore, Eddie, possible legal action against, Q. 706
Health department estimates 1955-7
Health minister's treatment of a public servant 1955-7
Horse-racing interests, lobbying of ministers, Q. 995
Human Resources department estimates 2426-7
ICBC, claimants, lie-detector tests for, Q. 2482
ICBC, point system of 2973, 3204
ICBC, rate increase and government policy to borrow money to cover deficit 92-96
Income, inequalities in province 2211
Inflation and unemployment, causes of economic disorder 2056
Information services of government, criticism of 238
Interpretation Amendment Act (1976) 2229
James Bay community law office 1236
Judicial review, private clause in 2625
Judicial Review Procedure Act 2625
Justice function, non-encroachment by other ministers of Crown 1234
Lau, Jurgen, involvement in the drafting of Mineral Resource Tax Act 2161-2
Law offices, community, giving legal aid 717
Laws of evidence, changes proposed 1236
Legal aid, existing priorities for 1238-9
Legal aid, funding of, insufficient 1235-6
Legal aid to women in custody cases 1315-6
Legal Professions Amendment Act (1976) 2628
Legislature, legality of preceding sittings 2931-2, 3016
Letter quoted (Lea) 1349-50
Loan-sharking, legislation controlling 1357
MLAs, rights and privileges 2
MLAs, salary reduction of 2210-1
McTaggart report on hospital industry 2503
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2761-3
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2761-3
Mining policy of government, sell-out to foreign corporations 2239-40
Miscellaneous Statutes (Court Rules) Amendment Act 2623
Morrison, Newell, status of, Q. 473, 597
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2) 2973-4, 3204-5
Municipal Amendment Act (1976) 2632-3, 3198-9
Non-union firms, admission to construction sites, leading to jungle warfare 3143-4
Oil, bulk agents and service station dealers, legislation to protect, proposed 239
Oil companies, increased royalties on 1823, 2364
Oil, exploration of new sources, incentives for 3246
Oil pricing policy of government 1823, 2361-2, 2364, 3245-6
Oil, two-price system 3246
PWA takeover, jurisdiction in 1368, Q. 2039
Pacific National Exhibition, charge increases 714
Peace River, oil companies, royalty payments Tor 2361, 2364
Peregrine falcons, hunting of, Q. 1664
Petition as a matter of privilege, two authorities quoted 402-3
Petition calling for investigation of breach of confidentiality, premature budget release 317-9
Photographing of legislative protestors, Q. 177-8
Points system against drivers 1768
Police, secret force, existence of 1363
Privilege, legality of preceding sittings of Legislature 2931-2, 3016
Prospectors Assistance Amendment Act (1976) 2239-40
Public Construction Fair Wages Act 3143-4
Public Officials and Employees Disclosure Act, an Act to Amend (Bill 38) 1R, 1277
Pulp logs, use of 3076-8
RCMP contract, federal contribution to 1237, 1239
RCMP lock-up in Prince Rupert 1349
RCMP manpower additions, request for 1237
Racing days, setting of, by federal government 1369
Remand assessment and classification facility 1248-9
Rent control, government policy, criticism of 238
Rent-control policy 1237-9
Resolution 6, calling of, Q. 998
Sabbatical leave 1741-2
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims 1768, 2973-4
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, discriminating nature of 3204-5
Sales tax increase, deferral for six months 805-6
Sheriffs Act 3134
Sheriffs' service, importance of 3134
Shrum report, courthouse portion 1355-6
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 761-2, 805-6
Speaker, role of 2
Special Funds Revenue Recovery Act (1976) 858
Special warrants for universities 579, 591
Statutes, simplification of 2229
Strait of Georgia, tanker traffic in 3236-7
Supreme court judges, increased number of 2243
Tax and other increases in budget, adding to inflation 714
Taxation, retroactive, criticism of 761-2, 805
Teacher evaluation 1804
TransMountain pipeline proposal between Prince Rupert and Edmonton, Q. 3156-7, 3236-7
Transport and Communications department estimates 3234-5, 3238, 3245-7
Trial tracking and scheduling 1236
UBC Endowment Lands, parkland on 1886
Unionization of employees 3144
Universities Council, warrant, to 648-9, 664, 679, 716
Universities, staffing of, Canadian preferential hiring 1741
Vancouver East by-election, Q. 16, 842, 1080
Vandalism in Hedley 2074, 2619
Vickers, David, Deputy Attorney-General, appointment of 1234
Voting, plural, for Vancouver 3198-9
Wages, fair, arbitrary authority of government in assessing 3144
Welfare applicants, access to own files, Q. 1219-20, 1345
Westcoast Transmission, rate of return 3234-6, 3238
Wilkinson Road Jail 1248
Wine-processing and grape-growing industries 1295, 1384
Macdonald High School, Quebec City, Quebec
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 995
Macdonald, Hon. Donald S.
Mentioned: (Shelford) 570
Macdonald, Sir John A.
Quoted (Rogers) 131
MacEachen, Hon. Allan
Budget, abridged, contact regarding (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 596 (Wolfe) A. 596
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 2227 (Phillips) 2676
McFadden, Mary
Nursing services, after-birth, application for (Barber) 836-7
McGeer, Hon. Patrick Lucey, Minister of Education (Vancouver-Point Grey)
Accountability for spending for Crown corporations 2948
Address in reply, amendment 65-71
Administrative costs in public school system 1796-7
Apprenticeship programme, consultation with Labour department 1606
Automobile body shop rates, increase of, A. 1408
Automobile Insurance Act Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 61) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2952, 2954-5
Automobile insurance, private insurers, re-entry A. 1343
Automobiles insured, number of 1749, 1759
Barrett, David, Budget address by 68
Boards of governors of educational institutions, criteria for appointment 1613, 1617-8, 1620, 1623
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 515-8, 581, 676-8, 684-5
British Colunbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority Act (Bill 46) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2944, 2947-8; C, 3210
B.C. School Trustees Association, fire insurance, legal liability, A. 597
B.C. Teachers Federation, survey on parental attitude toward educational system 874, 1605
Budget debate 873-6
“Burning schoolhouse” fireworks, sale of 1743
CUPE dispute, affecting Nanaimo school District 2323
Canadian League of Rights 1742
Capilano College principal, severance pay inquiry report, A. 705, 1220, 1442, 1567
Children, communicatively impaired, educational services for, A. 2516
College boards, autonomy of 1798
College council, contracts with 1803
College, new Act proposed 1798-9
Collision coverage, not compulsory, effect of 1770-1
Community schools 1799
Computers, access to in teaching courses 1796
Core curriculum in education 874-5, 1809
Education, basic programme, enrichment of 1608-9, 1719-20
Education department estimates 1605-10, 1612-3, 1616-20, 1622-3, 1627-8, 1719-22, 1724-5, 1732-4, 1742-5, 1749-50, 1756-60, 1768-71, 1776-9, 1780-3, 1785
Education finance formula 1608, 1719-20
Education goals of public school system 1809
Education, mill rate increase 1606, 1719-20
Education minister's trip to England, A. 2483-4, 2515-6
Education, spending, restraint required 873
Education Today magazine 1743, 1797
Educational finance 1606-7, 1719-20, 1803-4
Educational programme development to match demand 876, 1606
Family-life education 1608, 1798
Fire insurance, deductible increase for B.C. schools, A. 472, 1734, 1808, 1809, A. 3187B
Fire insurance for school boards, optional, A. 472
Fire insurance for schools, cost-sharing arrangements 1733-4
Fire insurance for schools, premium to be paid by, Education department 3187B
Fire insurance, school boards, consultation with 1734, 1808
Fireproof construction for new schools 1733
Fires and vandalism in schools 1733
Fires in schools, number of and damage done, A. 3187A
Fiscal responsibility of government 800-1
Foreign students, higher university fees 1811-2
French language courses 1808-9
Funds, public service, misuse of by former government 517-8
Gasoline, number of gallons sold 1759
Government Reorganization Act 2866
Government Reorganization Act, contravening standing order 67 2866
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment to 2866
Grade 10 school leaving, A. 1343, 1605-6
Home and School Association, brief presented 1610
Hospital, teaching, proposed for UBC 1778-80, 1782-3
Hospitals, teaching downtown, task force on, A. 1663, 1778-81, 1783
ICBC, adjusters, layoff, A. 2941-2
ICBC, borrowings, since Dec. 11, 1975, A. 506
ICBC, building in New Westminster, A. 118-9, 1768-9
ICBC, cash on hand, A. 3099
ICBC, claimants, lie detector tests for, A. 2482, 2518
ICBC, claims centre at Port Alberni, closure of, A. 3019, 3099
ICBC commission payments 1769
ICBC, defences in court, legislation for 2952
ICBC, deposits and investment position, A. 472
ICBC, deposits, source of information, A. 474
ICBC, financial situation 65-9, 516-7, 684, 873, 1749
ICBC, handicapped, premium rates for 1770
ICBC, instalment accounts available, A. 597
ICBC, NDP policy, criticism of 65-9, 1757-9
ICBC, payments, in arrears 2954
ICBC, political interference in 1758-9
ICBC, rate increases 873, 3 100
ICBC, refunds, delays in, A. 2482-3, 2518
ICBC, refunds, possibility of, A. 3099-3100
ICBC, reinsurance programme, A. 2483-4
ICBC, safe-driving dividend for under 25s 1769-70
ICBC, territorial equalization 1769
IWA, letter quoted 1617-8
Independent schools, busing students 2949
Indian education funding for 1809
Indian students, tutorial grant 1810
Insurance coverage of B.C. car owners, A. 598
Jericho Hill School 1610
Jericho Hill School, children, placing in community setting 1785, A. 2423-4, 2516
Jericho Hill School site designation, A. 2677, 2720-1
Learning-assessment programme 1605
Legislation, drafting, NDP hiring of Jergen Lau as consultant 2726-7, 2774
Legislature, legality of preceding sittings 2932
Liberal arts colleges, problem of 876
Marine college 1732
Marine training advisory council, necessity of 1732
Metric conversion, funding for 1815
Mineral Resource Tax Act 2913-4
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2724-7, 2774
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2724-7, 2774
Mining legislation, possible conflict of interest of 2724
Mining policy of NDP, criticism of 2913-4
Motor-vehicle inspection notices, A. 2483, 2518
Motor-vehicle registrations, nurrber of, A. 2941
Northwest Community College, new appointments 1619-20, 1724-5
Notre Dame University, government policy on 875, 1627-8, 1811
Pension funds, management of 517-8, 1814-5
Post-secondary education, funding for 1743, 1799, 1803-4, 1812
Principals and administrative staff, reassignment of 2949
Principals or administrative staff, reassignment, appeal procedure 3212-3
Private insurance companies licensed to sell car insurance in B.C., A. 3401-2
Private insurers, re-entry of, A. 1343, 2954
Public Schools Amendment Act, 1976 (Bill 55) 1R, 2481; 2R, 2948-9, 2951; C, 3211-4
Pupil, dismissal of in Victoria, A. 2941
Pupil, suspension of, meeting of board to consider 3211
Pupil, suspension or expulsion of 2949
R.C. Palmer School, fire insurance, cost of, A. 840
Resident caretaker for schools 1734
Sabbatical leave 1743
Safe-driving dividend 1760
Sales tax increase, against deferral for six months 800-2
Sales tax increase to cover ICBC losses 1017
School arson, measures to combat, A. 3156
School districts, special grants 1797, 1804
School districts, special grants, basis of distribution, A. 1218, 1441-2
School instructional unit, value increase 2949, 3214
School premises, leaving, directed by authorized person 2949
School superintendents, appointment of 1609
School textbooks, inventory for 1803
Schools, independent, funding of 875, 1609
Secondary education re-evaluation of structure 1605-6
Semester system in schools 1796
Sex discrimination in education, advisory committee on, termination of 1805-6
Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1976) 800-2, 1017
Special warrant to UBC, A. 18
Standard achievement testing, optional for school districts 874-5
Student grants, formula for 1813-4
Student housing on campus 1745
Supply Act, No. 1 (1976) 352-3
Taylor, Rene, dismissal from North Island College 1616-7
Teacher evaluation and professional development 1804
Teachers, B.C.-trained, employment of 874, A. 924
Teachers, incompetent, termination of contracts 3213-4
Teachers, job security assured 873-4
‘Teachers' pension fund 1814-5
Teachers' salaries and policy concerning AIB, A. 3157-8, 3348
Teachers' salaries, national guidelines to be abided by 1609
Teachers, substitute 1803
Teachers, transfer of, appeal procedure for 3214
Teachers, undersupply in B.C. interior and north 874
Thom, Byng, dismissal from UBC board of governors 1612-3, 1616
Traffic accidents, decrease 1760
UBC, plans for, A. 1663
Uninsured drivers from out of province, legislation covering 2952, 2954
Universities and colleges, study proposed 875
Universities capital financing, creation of Crown corporation 2944, 2947
Universities Council, letter quoted 677-8
Universities Council letter to Notre Dame University board of governors, A. 322, 357
Universities Council, terms of reference 2948
Universities Council, warrant to, A. 215, 676-7, 684-5
University education Winegard commission on 1732-3, 1798, 1803
University staff, non-Canadian, problem of 1743
Vandalism in schools 1733, A. 3186
Value schools, aims and status 1733
Webster, G, C., North Island College, appointment recommended 1620-2
MacGillis and Gibbs Pole Co.
Mentioned: (Shelford) 573
MacInnes Place
Applications for (Dailly) Q. 74, 117 (Nicolson) 117 (Curtis) A. 74, 117
Mentioned: (Dailly) 729
McKee, Clive
Employment of (Gibson) Q. 3402 (Williams) A. 3402-3
Mentioned: (Williams) 2581 (King) 3163
McKelvey, Jeff
Mentioned: (Curtis) 175
McKenna-McBride Commission on Indian Affairs
See: Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia
MacKenzie, B.C.
Forest industry jeopardized by BCR strike (Lloyd) 605-6
MacKenzie, Joan
Quoted (Kahl) 674
MacKenzie, Roy
Human rights dispute with Echo Bay Mines, board! of inquiry to be appointed (King) Q. 1220, (Williams) A. 1220
McKeough, Darcy
Mentioned: (Stupich) 374
McKeown, John
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1523
McKitka, Edward
Mentioned (Levi) 231
McLaren Building, Burnaby B.C.
Mentioned: (Kempf) 2143
McLean, Alistair
Rangeland, cattle, damage, report on (Bawtree) 2685 (Wallace, B.B.) 2693
MacLean, Harvey
Mentioned: (Phillips) 2676-7
Maclean's Magazine
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1144 (Nicolson) 1626
McLeod, Bill
Mentioned: (Kempf) 1937
McMaster University
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1775
MacMillan, Harold Reginald
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 11 (Skelly) 1929
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.
Mentioned (Lauk) 43, 521 (D’Arcy) 531 (Brown) 640, 2221 (Rogers) 721 (Sanford) 878 (Macdonald) 1249, 2211 (Cocke) 1624 (King) 1641-2, 3165 (Skelly) 1667, 2152, 2557, 2688 (Stupich) 2095 (Gibson) 2298 (Lea) 2679-80 (Barrett) 3087
MacMinn, George
Mentioned: (McCarthy) 3110
McMorris, Robin
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1165
MacMurray, Bob
Quoted (Stupich) 280 (Lauk) 1498-9
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1480, 1483, 1511
McMurtry, William R.
Investigation and inquiry into violence in amateur hockey (Gardom) 1002, 1286
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1334
McNaughton, A.G.L.
Mentioned: (King) 967
MacNeil, Charles Grant
Mentioned: (Bennett) 401 (Gibson) 401 (King) 401 (Speaker) 401
MacNeil Place, North Vancouver, B.C.
Plans for disposal of (Nicolson) Q. 277-8 (Curtis) A. 277-8
McPherson Park Junior Secondary School, Burnaby, B.C.
Mentioned: (Loewen) 175
McQueen, Ronald
Study on possible sites for new hospital in greater Victoria (Wallace, G.S.) 1966
McRoberts, Hugh
Mentioned (Nielsen) 562
MacSorely, Charles W.
Mentioned: (Throne speech) I 1 (Veitch) 19
McTaggart, D.E.
Hospital strike report (Williams) 2430, 2486-8, 2500 (Wallace, G.S.) 2492, 2496 (Macdonald) 2503
Mentioned: (King) 3163
McTeer, Maureen
Mentioned: (Bennett) 2684 (Wallace, G.S.) 2684 (Barrett) 2684 (Gibson) 2684
Maczko, Frank
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1331
Magna Carta
Quoted (Barrett) 2889-90
Mair, Hon. K. Rafe, Minister of Consumer Services (Kamloops)
Address in reply, amendment 120-2
Agriculture department estimates 1447, 1461-3
Agriculture minister's visit to Kamloops 1447
Anti-inflation agreement with other province or state, inclusion of phrase “or state” 2282
Anti-inflation, federal policy, supreme court decision 1690, 2276, 2279-80
Anti-Inflation Measures Act 1690-2, 2276, 2279-80, 2282
Anti-inflation programme, co-operation agreement with Ottawa 1690-2
Auditor General Act 2140-2
Auditor-General, authority and responsibilities of 2148
Auditor-General, government spending and management, review of 2141-2
Automobile purchases, related complaints 1562
‘Bed squad' project 1545
British Columbia Deficit Repayment Act (1975-1976) 2R, 483-4
B.C. Ferries rate increases, effect on cost of living, A. 1308
B.C. Ferries rate increases, prices affected by monitoring, A. 2201, 2234
Brocklehurst Junior Secondary School, Kamloops, B.C. 15
Budget debate 635-9
Budget Freezer Food Processors Ltd., inquiry into 1561
CPR rate increase, Q. 1529
Canning lids, quality of 1580
Community groups providing consumer services, funding of 1545, 1549
Constitution Amendment Act (1976) 2210
Consumer Action League, office in Nelson, proposed 1552-3, 1563
Consumer Action League, office in Vancouver-Burrard, termination of 1587-8
Consumer Action League, termination of funding, A. 3156
Consumer affairs, federal-provincial co-operation 1545
Consumer credit 1573
Consumer education kit 1545, 1550
Consumer protection 1545, 1550
Consumer Protection Act (Bill 65) 1R, 2419; 2R, 2955-6, 2958-9
Consumer Services department estimates 1544-5, 1549-50, 1552-5, 1561-3, 1573, 1576-7, 1579-80, 1585, 1587-8
Consumer Services department, staffing of 1587
Consumer Services minister, criticism of 1550, 1585
Contracts, pre-payment 2955
Credit cards, legislation governing 2955
Credit, impact of discrimination against women 1562
Debtor assistance programme 1545
Ellsay, Don, treatment of 1834-7, 1843, 1847
Environment department estimates 1834-7, 1842-3
FIAS for cattle ranchers, government influence on 636
Ferry rate increases 1550
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2140-1
Food price increases, government policy regarding, A. 2576
Food price increases, monitoring of, A. 1344, 1406, 1441
Food price, retail, decrease in March, A. 634, 704, 706
Food prices, increase highest in North America 1562
Food prices, spread in 1588
Government Reorganization Act 2826-7, 2986-7
Government Reorganization Act, deferral of second reading for six months, amendment 2986-7
Home-warranty, compulsory programme 1562
Homes, new, building of, consumer protection 2958-9
ICBC financial situation 638-9
ICBC, policy of NDP government 121-2, 124-6
Indian band in Kamloops, negotiations with 637
Kamloops, judicial facilities 637
Kamloops region, industries, developnent and problems 635-7
Legislation, drafting of, NDP hiring Jurgen Lau as consultant 2740-1
Legislation, drafting of, NDP hiring of consultants 2771-2
Letter quoted (Lea) 1831, 1834, 1838
MLAs, salary reduction 2210
Market-basket survey of food prices 704
Marketplace, monitoring of 2956
Massage parlours 1554
Metric conversion programme 1555
Mineral Resource Tax Act 2908-9
Mines and Petroleum Resources department estimates 2746-7, 2771-2
Mines and Petroleum Resources minister, salary reduction 2740-2, 2771-2
Mining, NDP policy, criticism of 2908-9
Mortgage financing 1573
Mortgage interest rate 1588
Offices, storefront, Consumer Services department 1544-5
Pension plans and controlling legislation 1576-7
Pre-payment practices 1554
Price freeze, monitoring of 1545
Registered retirement savings plans 1576
Spetifore contribution to Social Credit campaign 1461-2
Supermarkets, code system used by 1580
Supermarkets, delivery service 1563
Supermarkets, telephones in 1562-3
Tax discount, legislation on 2955, 2959
Tax-refund buyers 1579-80
Thompson River task force report 1834-7, 1842-3, 1847
Tire standards 1554-5
Trade liaison division, Consumer Services department 1545
Transit system in Kamloops 637
Travel agents' advertising practices 1554
Trip to Ottawa 120
Maitland, Hubert
Mentioned: (Shelford) 569, 2314
Malaspina College, Nanaimo, B.C.
Mentioned: (Wallace, B.B.) 851, 853
Malkins, W.H. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1586
Income tax, greater for higher-income earners (Stupich) 1025 (Skelly) 1213
Manitoba Act
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2268
Manitoba Executive Act
Quoted (McCarthy) 3005
Mann, Iva
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1886
Federal ministers, discussion with (Williams) 213 (Wallace, G.S.) 213
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 1030
Maple Ridge Senior Secondary School, Maple Ridge, B.C.
Mentioned: (Mussallem) 1181
Marathon Realty Co. Ltd.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 1249 (Barber) 3328
Marchand, Hon. Jean
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1865
Marine Resources Branch
Law of the Sea Conference, New York City, adviser from B.C. (McCarthy) 957
Marketing boards
Farm products, marketing of (Phillips) 708
Orderly marketing programmes (Wallace, B.B.) 1388 (Phillips) 1389
Price monitoring (Bennett) 765
Re-examination of (Phillips) 1414-5, 1433, 1450, 1454, 1541 (Wallace, G.S.) 1446, 1450, 1453 (Stupich) 1540-1
Terms of reference and method of (Wallace, B.B.) 1400, 1430 (Gibson) 1411 (Phillips) 1414-5, 1433 (D’Arcy) 1467
Markus, Tony
Mentioned: (Wallace, G.S.) 1337
Marr, Ben Emslie
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 1816
Married Women's Property Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 1327
Marshall, Leo
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1595
Martin, Sharon
Mentioned: (Brown) 2042
Martins, William
Mentioned: (Fraser) 3080
Marx, Groucho
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1938 (Kerster) 2892
Marx, Karl
Mentioned: (Kerster) 2892
Marzari, Darlene
Mentioned: (Brown) 3111
Maternal and infant welfare
Facilities for (Cocke) 1955, 1959-61., 1995 (McClelland) 1969, 1993 (Brown) 1990-2
Maternal and child health care, funding of (Brown) Q. 1788-9 (McClelland) A. 1788-9 (Cocke) Q. 1789
Matkin, James G.
Mentioned: (Gibson) 1044 (Mair) 1690
Matsqui Sumas-Abbotsford Community Services Association
Funding for (Nicolson) 1551
May, Sir Thomas Erskine
Parliamentary Practice quoted (Gibson) 3, 5, 270, 2722, 2792-3, 2898, 2933, 2988 (Macdonald) 319, 2931 (Chairman) 577, 1210, 1296, 1433, 2565 (Speaker) 794, 872, 1375-6, 2826, 2903-4, 3015, 3159 (Gardom) 2937
Parliamentary Practice mentioned (Gibson) 271, 388 (Lauk) 424, 526, 914, 943, 2816 (Speaker) 505, 1082, 1309, 1376, 1790, 2194, 2873, 2937, 3016 (Chairman) 277, 576, 2552 (Barrett) 2937
Meadow Creek, B.C.
Drinking-driving problem (Nicolson) 1354
Mearns, W.C.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1929
Meat inspection
Facilities for (Levi) 1541-2
Medical Act
Mentioned: (Gardom) 2628, 2630
Medical Advisory Grants Committee
Keep Women Alive programme, grant to (Levi) Q. 1053 (Cocke) Q. 2233 (McCarthy) A. 2233
Medical care
Ambulatory-confused person, care of (Wallace, G.S.) 2430
B.C. Medical Centre, closing of (Cocke) 1948-9, 1954-5, 1960, 1962-4 (McClelland) 1958-9
Budget allotment (McClelland) 899-900
Facilities (Cocke) 44
Facilities and equipment, duplication of (Cocke) 1955
Funding, method of (Wallace, G.S.) 1197-9
Government policy, in support of (Jordan) 1013
Health and welfare, task force on (Wallace, G.S.) 2442 (Vander Zalm) 2442
Hospital escorts from outlying areas (Lea) 2012-3 (Sanford) 2024 (McClelland) 2048
Medical and nursing staff for interior, need for (King) 2048
NDP policy (Sanford) 2022-3
Paid escort service, saving on discontinuance, Q. 1221
Patients, one minister responsible, proposed (Wallace, G.S.) 2430
Patients, rural, transportation costs (Cocke) Q. 1218 (McClelland) A. 1218
Pharmacare cards (Levi) Q. 1477, 2369-70 (Vander Zalm) A. 1477
Pharmacare programme, Budget address (Chabot) 339
Preventive health programme (Bennett) 1057
Programme cutbacks (Dailly) 729 (Wallace, B.B.) 851-2
Medical colleges
University of British Columbia, expansion (Throne speech) 12
See also medicine — study and teaching
Medical education
See: Medical colleges
Medical personnel
Training of (Cocke) 44
Medical Services Association
Mentioned: (Barnes) 103
Medical Women of Canada Branch
Funding of (Brown) 3115
Medicine — study and teaching
Medical education, task force on expansion (Gibson) Q. 1663, 1783 (McGeer) A. 1663, 1780-1 (McClelland) 1970
Medical student graduates, number to be increased (McClelland) 220, 1970 (McGeer) 1778-9
Teaching hospital, downtown. task force on (Gibson) Q. 1663, 1783 (McGeer) A. 1663 (McClelland) 1970
Teaching hospitals, facilities to be upgraded (McClelland) 220 (Wallace, G.S.) 1773-5, 1781-2 (Cocke) 1961-3
Medicine, preventive
Community health facilities, funding for (Brown) 1989-90, 1992 (McClelland) 1993, 2002
Programmes (Brown) 1989-90 (McClelland) 1993, 1999 (Gibson) 1996 (Kahl) 2003-4
Screening programme (Gibson) 1996 (McClelland) 2000
Megin River, B.C.
Fishing industry (Skelly) 862
Meissner, Martin
Housewife, economic value of (Wallace, B.B.) 849
Melia, Wayne
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1451
Mellon, Andrew
Mentioned: (Lea) 1685
Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 72) (Provincial Secretary) 1R, 2513; 2R, 2960-2; C, 3390; 3R, 3390; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Brown 2961; McCarthy 2960-2
MLAs, benefits extended to surviving spouse (Brown) 2961
MLAs, length of service (McCarthy) 2960
MLAs, payment of allowance (McCarthy) 2960
MLAs, pension plan for (McCarthy) 2960-1
Mental health
McBride centre, funding of (Levi) 2446
Transition houses in Vancouver, ad hoc committee (Brown) 2041-2
Mental Patients Association
Funding of (Brown) 2042-4 (McClelland) 2043-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 2399-2402 (Vander Zalm) 2402
Mentioned: (Brown) 1992
Mentally ill children
Autistic-child Programme (McCarthy) 954
Mercantile Bank
Mentioned: (Bennett) 554
Meredith, John R.
Letter quoted (Skelly) 1508
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1523 (Brown) 1805-6 (McGeer) 1806 (Dailly) 1806
Metric system
Metric conversion programme (Strongman) 1555 (Mair) 1555 (Wallace, G.S.) 1815 (McGeer) 1815 (Nielsen) 2969-70 (Nicolson) 2969
Mica Dam, B.C.
Expenditure continuous on generators and transmission (Davis) 1036
Project, local work force, utilizing of reasonable percentage (King) 3138
Mica Reservoir, B.C.
Mentioned: (Davis) 966 (D’Arcy) 3294
Michell, Gordon
Sale of farm (Gibson) Q. 16 (Wallace, G.S.) 16 (Nielsen) A. 16, 176
Michell Farm, Saanich, B.C.
Purchase of (Gibson) Q. 16 (Nielsen) A. 16 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 16 (Nielsen) A. 16, 176
Mid-Island Public Employers Association
CUPE dispute, mediation (Stupich) Q. 1343-4, 1568, 2073, 2378 (Williams) A. 1344, 1568, 2073, 2323, 2377-9, 2418 (McGeer) 2323 (Wallace, G.S.) 2378 (King) 2418 (Gibson) 2418
Mika, John
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1761 (McClelland) 1957, 2134
Milk — marketing
See: milk trade
Milk Industry Act
Mentioned: (Sanford) 1539
Milk trade
Quota system, problem of (Gibson) 1410
Raw milk, sale on Cortes Island (Sanford) 1539-40 (Phillips) 1539-40
Miller, Bob
Quoted (Lea) 1830
Mineral Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 30) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R 2379; 2R, 2503-7; C, 3364; 3R, 3364; RA 3398
Speakers: Gibson 2505-6; Lauk 2504-5; Waterland 2503-5, 2507
Division: 2R, 2507
Government interests in mining properties, removal of (Waterland) 2504
Lease suspension by Mines minister, removal of (Waterland) 2504
Miner, right to mine own claim (Waterland) 2504 (Gibson) 2506
Ministerial discretion in mining policies (Lauk) 2504-5 (Gibson) 2507
Prospectors, small, encouragement and incentives for (Waterland) 2504 (Gibson) 2506
Taxation policies in mining (Lauk) 2504
Work performed on claims, value reduction (Waterland) 2504 (Gibson) 2506
Mentioned: (Hewitt) 2748
Mineral claims
See: Mining claims
Mineral Land Tax Act
Repeal of sections (Waterland) 2509 (Bawtree) 2912
Revenue shortfall, Budget address 252
Mineral Processing Act
Provisions under (Skelly) 2783 (Waterland) 3022
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2783
Mineral Resource Tax Act
(Bill 57) (Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 2379; 2R, 2507-10, 2908-16; C, 3350-63; 3R 3363; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barnes 2509-10; Bawtree 2911-2; Haddad 2915; Kempf 2912; Lloyd 2912-3; McGeer 2913-4; Mair 2908-9; Phillips 2914-5; Veitch 2909-11; Waterland 2507-9, 2915-6
Speakers: (C) Barrett 3354-7; Gibson 3357-61; King 3361-2; Lauk 3351-4; Waterland 3350-1, 3362-3
Amendments C, Sec. 1 (Waterland) 3350, approved 3350; sec. 2 (Waterland) 3350, approved 3351; sec. 3 (Waterland) 3363, approved 3363; sec. 5 (Waterland) 3363, approved 3363; sec. 6 (Waterland) 3363, approved 3363; sec. 21 (Waterland) 3363, approved 3363
Divisions: C, sec. 2 approved 3362; 3R, 3363
Denison coal project, provision for highway access (Lloyd) 2913
Government policy, sellout to mining corporations (Lauk) 3351-2 (Barrett) 3355-7
Impact on mining industry (Waterland) 2507-8 (Barnes) 2510 (Veitch) 2910-11
Lau, Jurgen, involvement in the drafting (Lauk) 2698-9, 2703-7, 2709-12, 2723-4, 3059-60 (Waterland) 2703-5, 2712-3, 2750-2, 2768-9, 3059, 3061 (Barrett) 2705-8, 2712-3, 2752-3 (Gibson) 2710-1, 2748-50 (King) 2736-9, 2769-71 (Lea) 2743, 2773-4 (Wallace, G.S.) 2753-5 (Levi) 2755-9 (Macdonald) 2761-2 (Dailly) 2772 (Skelly) 2776 (Barber) 2778-81
Metal, price of, effect on mining taxation (Waterland) 2509
Mineral Land Tax Act, repeal of sections (Waterland) 2509 (Bawtree) 2912
Mineral resources, exploration (Waterland) 2508-9, 2 915 (Barnes) 2510
Mineral Royalties Act, repeal of (Barnes) 2510
Ore, low-grade, mining of (Veitch) 2911 (Haddad) 2915
Policy aiming at regional development and employment (Waterland) 2915
Royalty on mines, adverse effect (Waterland) 2508, 3363 (Mair) 2908-9 (Veitch) 2910-11 (Bawtree) 2911-2 (Gibson) 3358-60
Tax on net income of mines (Waterland) 2509, 2915 (Lauk) 3353-4 (Gibson) 3357-60 (King) 3361-2
Mentioned: (Hewitt) 2748 (Levi) 3377
Mineral Royalties Act
Amendment on six-month delay of legislation (Williams) 806-8
Changes in, proposed (Bennett) 2420 (Wallace, G.S.) 2421
Effect on econonic conditions of B.C. (Williams) 807 (Skelly) 820
Mining industry, effect on (Lockstead) 870 (Sanford) 878-9 (Nicolson) 884, 887 (Barnes) 1006, 2510 (Stupich) 1120 (Waterland) 2507-8 (Veitch) 2910-11
Repeal of (Waterland) 2509 (Barnes) 2510
Mentioned: (Veitch) 20 (Gibson) 160 (Wallace, G.S.) 184, 2456 (Hewitt) 496 (Barnes) 500, 515 (Skelly) 1209, 2776 (Wallace, G.S.) 2316 (McGeer) 2727 (Mair) 2740, 2771 (Davidson) 2746 (Lauk) 3351, 3353
Mineral Royalties Repeal Act
(Bill 40) (Gibson) 1R, 1405
Mines and mineral resources
Closing of mines (Lauk) Q. 2678 (Bennett) A. 2678
Development of (Veitch) 19
Exploration of (Shelford) 571 (Waterland) 2508-9, 2915 (Barnes) 2510
Legislation, urgently required (Gibson) 160 (Wallace) 184
Ore, high-grade mining (Lockstead) 3028 (Waterland) 3029
Rossland-Trail, expansion (D’Arcy) 568
Mines and Petroleum Resources, Department of
Estimates 2678-83, 2684-2713, 2723-7, 2730-59, 3009-13, 3020-51, 3053-65
Speakers: Barber 2688-90, 2778-81; Barrett 2705-8, 2712-3, 2752-3, 3036-51; Bawtree 2683-5; Chabot 2680-1, 2706; Cocke 2730-1, 2781-3, 3009-11; Dailly 2772-3; Davidson 2746-7; Gibson 2690-2, 2710-1, 2748-50, 2768, 3011-3, 3020-1, 3032-4, 3063-5; Hewitt 2747-8; Kerster 2763-4; King 2711, 2735-9, 2769-71, 3021 3029-32, 3051; Lauk 2681-3, 2697-2707, 2709-12, 2723-4, 2727-8, 3059-62; Lea 2679-80, 2742-6, 2773-4; Levi 2755-9; Lockstead 3027-9; Macdonald 2761-3; McGeer 2724-7, 2774; Mair 2740-2, 2771-2; Nicolson 3023-4, 3053-5, 3057-8, 3063-4; Nielsen 2774-8; Phillips 2731-5; Rogers 2690; Sanford 3024-7; Skelly 2678-9, 2685-8, 2693, 2774-7, 2783-5, 3021-4; Wallace, B.B. 2692-3; Wallace, G.S. 2753-5; Waterland 2679-80, 2693-7, 2703-5, 2707, 2709, 2712-3, 2750-2, 2764-9, 3028-9, 3034-6, 3055-7, 3058-9, 3063-5
Divisions: Vote 130, amdt. to, negatived 2782; Vote 130, approved 3062
Appropriation, Budget address 260
Energy resource evaluation programme (Gibson) 3065 (Waterland) 3065
Inspection branch, Department of Mines, work of (Waterland) 3035-6
Minister, criticism of (Cocke) 2730, 3010-1 (King) 2735-9 (Wallace, G.S.) 2753-5
Minister, discretionary powers of (Skelly) 2783-5
Minister, salary reduction, M. (Lauk) 2712, 2723-4, 2727-8 (Barrett) 2712-3, 2752-3 (McGeer) 2724-7, 2774 (Cocke) 2730-1 (Phillips) 2731-5 (King) 2735-9, 2769-71 (Mair) 2740-2, 2771-2 (Lea) 2742-6, 2773-4 (Davidson) 2746-7 (Hewitt) 2747-8 (Gibson) 2748-50, 2768 (Waterland) 2750-2, 2764-5, 2768 (Wallace, G.S.) 2753-5 (Levi) 2755-9 (Macdonald) 2761-3 (Kerster) 2763-4 (Dailly) 2772-3 (Skelly) 2774-7 (Nielsen) 2777-8 (Barber) 2778-81
Production permits, granting by Mines department (King) 3055 (Waterland) 3055
Minimum Income Assistance Act
Repeal of (Levi) 2447 (Kerster) 2476 (Brown) 2477
Minimum Wage Act
Changes in (Lloyd) 2927-8
Mentioned: (King) 35
Mining Association of British Columbia
Corporation tax increase, effect on mining industry (Lockstead) 870
Letter quoted (King) 2735
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2237
Mining claims
Miner, right to mine own claim (Waterland) 2504 (Gibson) 2506
Work, value of, performed on claims, reduction of (Waterland) 2504 (Gibson) 2506
Mining industry and finance
Decline of the industry (Gibson) 1489, 3011-2 (Veitch) 2909-10 (Sanford) 3025
Development of (Waterland) 508-9
Employment, overall opportunity (King) 3030-1, 3055 (Waterland) 3035
Federal tax policies (Sanford) 3025-7
Financial assistance as an incentive (Chabot) 421-2
Foreign ownership in B.C. (Waterland) 3028
Government interests in mining properties, removal of (Waterland) 2504
Government non-interference (Waterland) 2234 (Wallace, G.S.) 2238-9
Government policy, sellout to big corporations (Skelly) 2235 (Lauk) 2238, 3331-2 (Macdonald) 2239-40 (Lea) 2773-4 (Cocke) 2782 (Barrett) 3355-7
Government right of first refusal on discoveries, removal of (Waterland) 2234 (Skelly) 2234-5 (Gibson) 2236-7 (Lauk) 2238
Jobs, decrease in number (King) 774-5
Lease suspension by Mines minister, removal of (Waterland) 2504
Metal, price, effect on taxation for mining industry (Waterland) 2509
Mineral and stumpage royalties, comparison of (Sanford) 3024 (Waterland) 3028-9 (Gibson) 3032-3
Mining, high cost of (Waterland) 3021
Mining industry in B.C., future plans for (Gibson) 3011-2
Mining industry in B.C., value of shares (Waterland) 3028
Mining legislation, drafting, possible conflict of interest of Socred MLAs (Lauk) 2699-2703, 2727-8 (McGeer) 2724 (Phillips) 2734-5 (Lea) 2743-5 (Barber) 2778-9
Mining profits, return in form of social benefits (King) 3030, 3055 (Waterland) 3056-7
Mining technology, development of (Waterland) 3021-2
Ministerial discretion in mining policies (Lauk) 2504-5 (Gibson) 2507
Omineca, mining operations in (Kempf) 22
Ore, low-grade, mining of (Veitch) 2911 (Haddad) 2915
Parks, mining in (Skelly) Q. 276 (McCarthy) A. 276, 956, 3336 (King) 2363 (Bennett) 2364
Policy aimed at regional development and employment (Waterland) 2915
Policy of NDP (Gibson) 2236, 2506-7 (Lockstead) 2240 (Mair) 2908-9 (Veitch) 2909-11 (McGeer) 2913-4 (Phillips) 2914-5 (Waterland) 3362
Regulation and control by government desirable (King) 533 (Lauk) 2504-5
Royalty on minerals, changes in (Stupich) 1139, 1174 (Wallace, G.S.) 1145 (Skelly) 1208-9 (Bennett) 2366 (Davidson) 2746
Royalty tax (King) 3361-2
Royalty tax, adverse effects (Rogers) 723 (Phillips) 1513 (Waterland) 2508, 3362 (Mair) 2908-9 (Veitch) 2910-11 (Bawtree) 2911-2 (Gibson) 3358-60
Tax increase for corporations (Cocke) 984
Tax on net income for mines (Waterland) 2509, 2915 (King) 3031, 3361-2 (Lauk) 3353-4 (Gibson) 3357-60
Taxation policies in mining (Lauk) 2504
Taxation policy, committee on (Waterland) 2764
Undersea mining, development of (Gibson) 1491, 3012-3, 3020, 3032 (Waterland) 3021
User fee to be paid for infrastructure development (Lauk) 1511-2
Mining Support Group
Mentioned: (Waterland) 1183, 2507
Minty, M.J.
B.C. Railway report on financial systems (Lauk) 1088-9, 1092-3 (Nicolson) 1097-8
Letter quoted (Nicolson) 1097
Quoted (Lauk) 1088 (Nicolson) 1098
Mentioned: (Wolfe) 1147
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 78) (Attorney-General) I R, 2675; 2R, 2981-2; C, 3312-3; 3R, 3313; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Brown 2982; Gardom 2981-2; King 2982
Speakers: (C) Gardom 3312-3; Gibson 3312; Wallace, B.B. 3313; Waterland 3313; Wolfe 3312
Amdts: C, Sec. 6 (Gardom) 3312, approved 3313; sec. 12 (Gardom) 3313, approved 3313; sec. 13 (Gardom) 3313, approved 3313; sec. 16 (Gardom) 3313, approved 3313; sec. 23 (Gardom) 3313, approved 3313
Change of Name Act not included (Brown) 2982
Grazing Act, funds collected under (Wallace, B.B.) 3313 (Waterland) 3313
Legislation, retroactive, affecting existing court case (Gibson) 3312 (Wolfe) 3312
Miscellaneous Statutes (Court Rules) Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 69) (Attorney-General) 1R, 2455; 2R, 2622-4; C, 2962-3; 3R, 2963; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Gardom 2622-4; Lauk 2623; Macdonald 2623
Speaker: (C) Gardom 2962-3
Amdts: C, sec. 117 (Gardom) 2962, approved 2962; sec. 118 (Gardom) 2963, approved 2963
County Court Act, few existing rules to be placed in (Gardom) 2622
Court Rules of Practice Act, amendments to (Gardom) 2623
Evidence Act, amendments to (Gardom) 2622 (Lauk) 2623
Language and terminology, simplification of (Gardom) 2622
Laws Declaratory Act, amendments to (Gardom) 2623
Master, appointment of, in court (Gardom) 2622-3
Obsolete provision, repeal of (Gardom) 2622
Supreme Court Act, amendments to (Gardom) 2623
Mitchell, Marie
Mentioned: (Brown) 73
Mobil Oil Co.
Mentioned (Skelly) 1507
Mobile homes
Atco plant in Penticton (Hewitt) 1209 (Lauk) 1210-1
Audain commission recommendations (Hewitt) 620
Audain report, implementation of (Nicolson) 3220 (Curtis) 3223
Purchase to be exempted from sales tax (Barber) 757-8, 835-6, 990 (Sanford) 760 (Nicolson) 886 (Stupich) 1017-8
Study, interdepartmental, on problems of (Curtis) 847
Moffat, Harold Alexander
Grant advances to Prince George (Sanford) 695
Mentioned: (Lloyd) 607
Moir, Donald
Quoted (Brown) 3111
Monkman Pass, B.C.
B.C. Railway survey of (Lauk) 1510-1
Mentioned: (Lauk) 1484
Monroe, Craig
Mentioned: (Williams) 2582
Montana, U.S.A.
Farmers interested in Canadian agricultural production control and pricing (Wallace, B.B.) 1432
Montgomery Ward Corp.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1507
Montreal Gazette
Quoted (Wallace, B.B.) 466 (Lockstead) 487 (Sanford) 1547
Moody's Investment Service Inc.
Provincial credit rating (Wallace, G.S.) 313 (Stupich) 369-72 (Lea) 458
Moore, A.M.
Report mentioned (Shelford) 570
Moore, Graham
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 3319
More, Thomas
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2884
Morgan, Daniel
Quoted (Brown) 640-1
Morgan, J.P.
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1735
Morgan, Richard
Quoted (Skelly) 1851
Morris, Walter
Mentioned: (Nielsen) 557
Morrison, Herbert
Quoted (Macdonald) 1956
Morrison, Newell
Status of (Macdonald) Q. 473, 597 (Bennett) A. 473 (Wolfe) A. 597
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1212 (Wallace, G.S.) 3289
Morrow Commission
See: British Columbia — Royal Commission on Gasoline Price Structure
Mortgage Brokers Act
Mentioned: (Skelly) 1372-3
Assistance, second mortgage for new and older homes (Curtis) 2657 (Nicolson) 2660
Financing of mortgages (Hewitt) 1572-3 (Mair) 1573
Interest charges on second mortgages (Curtis) 2658-9, 3150 (Nicolson) 3150
Mortgage lending, high interest rates (Skelly) 1372-3 (Gardom) 1373 (Hewitt) 1572 (Wallace, B.B.) 1581, 1588 (Mair) 1588
Mortgage negotiation, discrimination against women (Brown) 1560, 2530-1
Mortimer, Jeff
Tribute to (Macdonald) 3134
Morton, Kenneth L.
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 236 (Bennett) 1080 (Lea) 1080 (Stupich) 116, 1184 (McCarthy) 3332
Moscrop Junior Secondary School, Burnaby, B.C.
Mentioned: (Veitch) 2419, 2481
Mossborough, Sandra
Mentioned: (Mair) 15
Auditor-General, special committee for appointment (No. 11) (Wolfe) 2940, approved 2940
Speakers: Gibson 2940; Macdonald 2940
Calling of motions on order paper (Lea) 2365-6 (Bennett) 2365
Motor Carrier Commission
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 1467 (Wolfe) 2099 (Kahl) 2150
Motor-vehicle Act
Mentioned: (Mair) 1562 (Macdonald) 2974
Motor-vehicle Act Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 32) (Wallace, G.S.) 1R, 275; 2R, 480-1, 737, 2522
Speakers: (2R) Wallace, G.S. 480; Gardom 480-1, 737, 2522
Seat belts, advantages of (Wallace, G.S.) 480 (Gardom) 480-1
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 2)
(Bill 66) (Minister of Transport and Communications) I R, 2511; 2R, 2970-81; C, 3202-5; 3R, 3205; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barnes 2971-2; Barrett 2976-8; Cocke 2971; Davis 2970-1, 2981; Hewitt 2978; King 2979-81; Lloyd 2974-5; Macdonald 2973-4; Nicolson 2975-6; Sanford 2972-3; Wallace, G.S. 2978-9
Speakers: (C) Barnes 3202-4; Davis 3204-5; Macdonald 3204-5
Division: 3R, 3205
ICBC, point system (Macdonald) 2973, 3204
Premiums, overcharging, creation of surplus (Barnes) 3204
Safe-driving dividend for under 25s, basis for claims (Davis) 2970-1, 2981, 3204 (Cocke) 2971 (Barnes) 2971-2, 3202-3 (Sanford) 2973 (Macdonald) 2973-4, 3204 (Lloyd) 2974-5 (Barrett) 2976-8 (Hewitt) 2978 (Wallace, G.S.) 2979 (King) 2980-1
Safe driving dividend for under 25s, discriminatory nature of (Barnes) 2971-2 (Wallace, G.S.) 2979 (King) 2979-81 (Macdonald) 3204-5
Take the Car Out of Carnage programme (Lloyd) 2974-5 (Nicolson) 2975-6
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976 (No. 3)
(Bill 80) (Minister of Transport and Communications) 1R, 2511; 2R, 2982-4; C, 3205-6; 3R, 3207; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Cocke 2893; Davis 2892-4
Speakers (C) Davis 3206; Wallace, B.B. 3205-6
Amdts: sec. 14 (Davis) 3206, approved 3206; sec. 20 (Davis) 3206, approved 3206
Driver's licence, suspension of (Davis) 2982 (Cocke) 2983
Driver's. licence suspension, regaining if accused is dependent on vehicle for livelihood (Davis) 2983 (Cocke) 2983
Licence plates, single, for certain vehicles (Davis) 2982 (Cocke) 2983
Licensing, cyclical concept (Davis) 2982, 2984 (Cocke) 2983
Licensing, cyclical, methods of identification and policing (Wallace, B.B.) 3205-6 (Davis) 3206
Peace officers cruising without siren (Davis) 2983
Police officers responsible for filling out accident reports (Davis) 2982-3
Tow-aways at owner's expense for parking in prohibited areas (Davis) 2893
Mentioned: (Cocke) 2952
Motor vehicles
Motor-vehicle Amendment Act, 1976. See name of act
Motor-vehicle Act
Motor-dealer licensing provisions (Mair) 1545
Mount Arrowsmith, B.C.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2153
Mount Assiniboine Park, B.C.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2686, 3067 (Chabot) 3068
Mount Stephen Co-operative Society
Property negotiation with Victoria (Barber) Q. 2517, 2615-6, 3215-6 (Curtis) A. 2517, 2577, 2615-6, 2653-5, 3216 (Wallace, G.S.) Q. 2576-7, 2656-7, 3225 (Gibson) 2656
Mt. Klitsa Secondary School, Port Alberni, B.C.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 2575
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Mentioned: (Throne speech) 11 (Kahl) 202
Muirhead, Don
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 106 (Lloyd) 146
Mowatt, Tex
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1935
Muldoon, Robert
Mentioned: (Kerstei) 434
Municipal Affairs, Department of
Estimates 3215-34
Speakers: Barber 3215-6, 3327, 3232; Curtis 3215-8, 3221-3, 3230-3; Dailly 3227; Gibson 3218-20; Nicolson 3215, 3220-1; Skelly 3231-2; Wallace, B.B. 3217; Wallace, G.S. 3223-7, 3233
Appropriation, Budget address 260
Programme managers in (Wallace, G.S.) 3233 (Curtis) 3233
Staff, allocation of (Wallace, G.S.) 3233 (Curtis) 3233
Municipal Affairs and Housing Committee
See: Legislature — Select Standing Committee on Municipal Affairs and Housing
Municipal Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 53) (Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing) IR, 2108; 2R, 2265-6, 2632-41; C, 3196-3202; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barber 2634-7; Bawlf 2633-4; Curtis 2639-41; Fraser 2265-6; Gibson 2632; Lea 2637-9; Lockstead 2639; Macdonald 2632-3; Wallace, G.S. 2633
Speakers: (C) Barber 3196•8, 3200-1; Barrett 3200-1; Curtis 3196-3202; Gibson 3199; Levi 3199; Macdonald 3198-9; Nicolson 3197-8
Amdts: C, sec. 4 (Gibson) 3199, approved 3199; sec. 5 (Curtis) 3200, approved 3201
Accounting and auditing provisions, changes in (Fraser) 2266
British subject, right to vote (Barber) 3200 (Curtis) 3200
Bylaws, amendment to acquire plurality, change in (Fraser) 2266
Corporations, municipal voting right (Fraser) 2265 (Macdonald) 2632-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 2633 (Bawlf) 2634 (Barber) 2635 (Lea) 2637-8 (Lockstead) 2639 (Curtis) 2640, 3200 (Levi) 3119-3200
Corporations, reporting, no right to vote (Barber) 2635-6
Gibsons Landing recreation referendum (Barber) 2635
Land titles, inter-departmental committee on matters relating to (Curtis) 2639
Municipalities, appeal, right of (Barber) 2634
Municipalities, inspector of, powers of (Barber) 2634-5, 3196-8 (Curtis) 2640, 3197
Municipalities to engage in public works business enterprises (Barber) 2634 (Curtis) 2640, 3198 (Nicolson) 3197-8
Persons not on list of electors but otherwise qualified to vote (Fraser) 2265
Plural voting for Vancouver (Macdonald) 3198-9 (Curtis) 3199
Property owners, municipal voting rights (Fraser) 2265
Regional districts, power to contract debts, no limit set for (Barber) 2636, 3197, 3201 (Curtis) 3197, 3201
Replotting section, amendments to, absence of (Gibson) 2632 (Curtis) 2639
Tax notices (Barber) 2636 (Curtis) 2640
Taxes in arrears, increase of interest charged (Fraser) 2266 (Barber) 2634
Voters, unified municipal list (Barber) 2636 (Curtis) 2640
Voting, residential qualifications for, amendment to (Gibson) 3199 (Curtis) 3199-3200
Municipal Amendment Act, No. 2, 1976
(Bill 87) (Gibson) 1R, 3277
Municipal finance
Autonomy, local to be increased (Curtis) 846
Capital expenditure, priorities to be set (Curtis) 846
Disparity fund, elimination of (Curtis) 844-5
Funds, allocation of (Curtis) 844-5
Payment to newly amalgamated municipalities (Cocke) Q. 321 (Wolfe) A. 321 (Nicolson) 439 (Sanford) 498, 695, 931 (Bawtree) 730-1 (Stupich) 1173, 1204 (Lloyd) 1176-7
Regional districts, removal of contract debt ceiling (Barber) 2036, 3197, 3201 (Curtis) 3197, 3201
Resource taxes, fixed percentage guaranteed to municipalities, no mention in Throne speech (Gibson) 162
Revenue-sharing formula (Curtis) 844-5
Revenue sharing with provincial government (Throne speech) 12 (Veitch) 20 (Kempf) 23 (Gibson) 168 (Hewitt) 208 (Wolfe) 261 (Vander Zalm) 599, A. 631 (Barber) 838, 3230 (Curtis) 844-7, 3231 (Wallace, G.S.) 3226
Tax notices (Barber) 2636 (Curtis) 2640
Taxes, government payment of (Barber) 2364-5 (Bennett) 2365
Taxes in arrears, increase of interest charged (Fraser) 2266 (Barber) 2634
Municipal Finance Authority
Mentioned: (Curtis) 27 (Stupich) 282
Accounting and auditing provisions, changes in (Fraser) 2266
Appeal, right of (Barber) 2634
Bylaws, amendment to acquire plurality, change in (Fraser) 2266
Corporations, municipal voting right (Fraser) 2265 (Macdonald) 2632-3 (Wallace, G.S.) 2633 (Bawlf) 2634 (Barber) 2635 (Lea) 2637-8 (Lockstead) 2639 (Curtis) 2640, 3200 (Levi) 3199-3200
Corporations, reporting, no right to vote (Barber) 2635-6
Demolition permit, right to refuse (Barber) 3228 (Curtis) 3231
Housing, joint committee, formation of (Curtis) 847
Housing unit, grant to (Curtis) 845 (Gibson) 3219
Inspector, powers of (Barber) 2634-5, 3196-8 (Curtis) 2640, 3197
Land titles, interdepartmental committee on related matters (Curtis) 2639
Persons not on list of electors but otherwise qualified to vote (Fraser) 2265
Property owners, voting by (Fraser) 2265
Public Works, engagement in business enterprises (Barber) 2634 (Curtis) 2640, 3198 (Nicolson) 3197-8
Replotting section, amendments to, absence of (Gibson) 2632 (Curtis) 2639
Residential qualifications for voting, amendment to (Gibson) 3199 (Curtis) 3199-3200
Voters, unified list of (Barber) 2636 (Curtis) 2640
Municipalities Aid Act
Mentioned: (Budget address) 260
Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act, 1976
(Bill 63) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 2482; 2R, 2641; C, 3148; 3R, 3148; RA, 3398
Speakers: (2R) Barber 2641; Curtis 2641-2; Gibson 2641-2
Resort Municipality of Whistler Act, corrective action with regard to (Curtis) 2641
Whistler council, discussion with (Gibson) 2642 (Curtis) 2642
Munro, Hector
Mentioned: (Lea) 455
Munro, Jack
Mentioned: (McGeer) 1617
Munro, Hon. John
Mentioned: (Macdonald) 94
Murphy, H.L.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 1962
Murray, William Harvey
Mentioned (Lea) 7
Mussallem, George (Dewdney)
Attorney-General department estimates 1267-8
Auditor General Act 2147-9
Auditor-General, government spending, review of 2147
BCR strike 1031-2
British Columbia Repayment Act (1975-1976) 660-1
Budget debate 1029-33
Cancer research programme, grant to 660-1
Drinking-driving problem 1267
Driver's licence, suspension for impaired drivers 1267-8
Drivers, impaired, special licence plate for 1267-8
Education, restraint in expenditure 1029
Environment department estimates 1864-5
Extra-Provincial Custody Orders Enforcement Act 2227
Financial mismanagement of NDP 2148-9
Fraser River, pollution of 1864-5
Fraser Valley, flooding, danger of 1030
Hat Creek coal project 1030
Home-owner grant legislation, progressive nature of 1909
Kidnapping, civil, of the elderly 2227
Labour department estimates 2928-9
Labour disputes, settlement of 1031-2
Labour-management stability 1031-2, 2928-9
McGregor Dam, construction of 1029-30
Provincial Home-owner Grant Amendment Act (1976) 1908-9
Rape relief centres, funding of 1267
Revelstoke Dam, construction of 1030
Sewage purification system using special coal 1864-5
Speaking assignment schedule to be worked out 212
Trade unions' independence and right to strike 1032-3
United Transport Union labour dispute 1031-2
Westcoast Transmission, shares, purchase of 2148
Work, dignity of 1031
Musters, Pat
Mentioned: (Brown) 1299
Myers, Peter D.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 2712 (Waterland) 2712 (Gibson) 2750