Fourth Session, 42nd Parliament – 2023
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
topics, places, people
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; cl. - clause; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Oak Bay, B.C.
O'Brien, Frederick
Occupational health and safety
- Exposure of workers to asbestos See Asbestos
- Toilet facilities on job sites (Greene) 362B:1055
- Workers injured on the job, return to work (Greene) 362B:1055
- Workers killed or injured on the job (Kyllo) 315B:1020
- Workplace health and safety
Oceans and marine environment
Ochs, Phil
- Song lyrics in "There but for Fortune" (Singh, A.) 371B:1020
OECD See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Officers of the Legislature See Legislature
Oil and gas
- Fracking See Hydraulic fracturing below
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Hydrogen gas projects and facilities (Mercier) 262B:1555 (Shypitka) 262B:1545
- Industry
- Natural gas
- Projects See also particular projects
- environmental regulation and enforcement See Energy; particular projects
- (Walker) 367B:1055
- Royalties
- revenue to government (Shypitka) 262B:1540
- system review and subsidies (Osborne) 267B:1415
Okanagan Anglican (Owaissi) Camp See Camp OAC, Kelowna, B.C.
Okanagan area
Okanagan College Coyotes basketball team
Okanagan College Foundation
- Thrive Here fundraising campaign (Merrifield) 351B:1345
Okanagan College, Kelowna, B.C.
- Bursaries (Letnick) 272B:1435
- Recreation and wellness centre proposal (Merrifield) 351B:1345
Okanagan Dream Rally
Old-growth forests See Forests and forest industry
Oliver, George
- Death and work with Teamsters (Mercier) 262B:1600
Olson, Alice
- Military service and contributions to Valemount community (Bond) 307B:1345
Olympic Games
- 2030 Winter Games and Paralympic Games
Olympic Villas, Merritt, B.C.
- Report recommendations on mental health legislation and involuntary treatment (Whiteside) 315B:1050
- Reports tabled
- 2022-23 annual report (Speaker) 344B:1425
- Fairness in a Changing Climate: Ensuring Disaster Supports are Accessible, Equitable and Adaptable, October 2023 (Speaker) 331B:1130
- Misinformed: How the Ministry of Children and Family Development Failed in Its Permanency Planning Obligations to Youth in Care, September 2023 (Speaker) 331B:1130
- No Notice, No Benefit: How Retroactive Changes to the B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workers Resulted in Unfairness, November 2023 (Speaker) 364B:1105
- Time to Right the Wrong: Monitoring Government's Implementation of Recommendations Related to the Confinement of Doukhobor Children, July 2023 (Speaker) 331B:1130
Oral questions by member
- Banman, Bruce (Abbotsford South)
- Budget priorities and electric vehicle infrastructure 354B:1415-1420
- Comments regarding police services 340B:1430
- Content in school library materials 333B:1435
- Cost increases for farmers and affordability of locally grown food 347B:1420
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 301B:1055
- Decision-making process on future of police services in Surrey 341B:1130
- Disaster recovery funding for farmers and ranchers 277B:1030
- Drug decriminalization program and role of businesses in drug supply 363B:1415
- Fraser Valley transportation infrastructure projects 370B:1415-1420
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply 364B:1050-1055
- Government action on issues in health care system 371B:1040-1045
- Government response to federal carbon tax changes for home heating 351B:1410-1415, 352B:1040-1045
- Health worker vaccination policy and provincial health officer 359B:1410-1415
- Police services in Surrey 338B:1040, 344B:1410
- Rodenticides in agriculture industry 347B:1420-1425
- Systemic racism in health care system 363B:1410
- Bernier, Mike (Peace River South)
- Affordable rental housing and B.C. Housing units 273B:1050
- Conditions in forest industry and government action on issues 287B:1035-1040
- Government action on issues in health care system 338B:1050
- Government action on Representative for Children and Youth recommendations 314B:1415-1420
- Bond, Shirley (Prince George–Valemount)
- Davies, Dan (Peace River North)
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis 308B:1050-1055
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1445
- Government action on issues in health care system 280B:1050
- Government action on Representative for Children and Youth recommendations 314B:1425
- Health worker vaccination and rehiring of staff 277B:1045
- de Jong, Michael (Abbotsford West)
- Doerkson, Lorne (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system 312B:1050
- CleanBC plan and economy 363B:1425
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 359B:1420
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 319B:1045-1050
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1100
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1050
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1445
- Government action on housing affordability 267B:1425
- Government spending and public sector employment growth 341B:1140-1145
- Government support for rural economy and natural resource sector 268B:1045
- Lytton fire recovery process and archaeological assessments 347B:1425, 348B:1040
- Falcon, Kevin (Vancouver-Quilchena)
- Furstenau, Sonia (Cowichan Valley)
- Budget priorities and action on climate change 279B:1415
- Budget priorities and performance measurements 279B:1410-1415
- Budget priorities and transit services 283B:1415
- Child protection system and Children and Family Development Ministry accountability 366B:1415
- Cost of living and basic income panel report implementation 374B:1045
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 260B:1430-1435
- Disability assistance rates 272B:1510
- Education funding 340B:1425
- Elk Valley pollution issue and role of government officials 308B:1035-1040
- Energy regulator and environmental compliance of gas pipeline projects 356B:1405-1410
- Environmental regulation of industry and lobbying on Elk Valley pollution issue 307B:1415-1420
- Environmental regulation of shipbreaking industry 370B:1410-1415
- Federal funding and administrative costs in health care system 348B:1030-1035
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry and action on climate change 267B:1410-1415
- Government support for small business 321B:1410-1415
- Government transparency and conflict-of-interest rules and whistleblower protection 325B:1425-1430
- Heatwave response and provision of air conditioners 287B:1045-1050, 329B:1100
- Heatwave response and support for vulnerable persons 329B:1055
- International students at post-secondary institutions 338B:1035
- Living wage policy and labour dispute in transit system 328B:1430-1435
- Management of Vancouver Island Health Authority and conditions for health workers 258B:1050-1055
- Old-growth forest and biodiversity protection and species-at-risk legislation 276B:1410-1415
- Oversight and regulation of Children and Family Development Ministry social workers 363B:1410
- Paid practicums for student nurses and educators 337B:1430-1435
- Post-secondary education funding review 338B:1035-1040
- Protection of old-growth forests and conservation targets 351B:1405
- Recruitment and retention of nurses and use of private agencies 345B:1035
- Safety of children in government care 319B:1040-1045
- Spotted owl habitat protection and species-at-risk legislation 352B:1035-1040
- Subsidies to LNG industry 354B:1410-1415
- Transitional housing and action on homelessness 301B:1045-1050, 311B:1435-1440
- Water licensing process and regional water tables 370B:1410
- Wildfire management and support for firefighters 331B:1110-1115
- Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock)
- Kirkpatrick, Karin (West Vancouver–Capilano)
- Access to cancer care services 279B:1425
- Access to harm reduction services and opioid replacement drugs 283B:1420
- Affordable housing for families and protections for renters 273B:1035
- Affordable housing for seniors 321B:1410
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling by justice system 293B:1410
- Child protection system and Children and Family Development Ministry accountability 340B:1435
- Drug decriminalization program and data collection 258B:1100-1105
- Drug decriminalization program and federal requirements 261B:1030-1035
- Government action on affordable housing 297B:1405, 331B:1105-1110
- Government action on homelessness 334B:1045-1050
- Government action on housing affordability and supply 321B:1405
- Government action on tent cities 287B:1100-1105
- Government funding for Atira property services 325B:1415
- Housing affordability and single-family zoning 297B:1410, 300B:1410-1415
- Housing legislation and strata property age limits 267B:1415
- Management of B.C. Housing and government funding for Atira property services 326B:1100
- Mental health and addiction services and redevelopment of Riverview lands 294B:1100
- Release of B.C. Housing audit report 290B:1410
- Safety of nurses in health care system 286B:1430
- Service models for children with support needs 328B:1435
- Short-term rentals and government action on affordable housing 345B:1025-1030
- Supportive housing project in Vancouver 347B:1410-1415
- Supportive housing services and safety at North Vancouver site 337B:1425-1430
- Surrey school district portable use 319B:1035
- Kyllo, Greg (Shuswap)
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 264B:1420
- Primary health care in Vernon 360B:1100
- Lee, Michael (Vancouver-Langara)
- Action on anti-Semitism and adoption of IHRA definition 308B:1025-1035
- Affordable housing targets and construction of new units 298B:1025-1030
- Community safety in Vancouver's Chinatown 265B:1025-1030
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 264B:1425
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 374B:1055
- Government handling of archaeological assessments 348B:1045
- Government lawyers labour dispute 287B:1055
- LNG projects and First Nations economic development 270B:1045-1050
- Lytton fire recovery process and archaeological assessments 348B:1040
- Merrifield, Renee (Kelowna-Mission)
- Affordable rental housing and B.C. Housing units 273B:1050
- Cost of living and affordability issues and government priorities 356B:1420-1425
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 322B:1045
- Economic conditions and government spending priorities 333B:1445-1450
- Government action on affordability issues 357B:1025-1030
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1450
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 265B:1040
- Government action on women's transition housing 298B:1035-1040
- Government policy on carbon tax and home heating costs 363B:1420
- Government response to federal carbon tax changes for home heating 351B:1415-1420
- Short-term rentals and government action on affordable housing 345B:1030
- Women's access to health care 286B:1410-1415
- Milobar, Peter (Kamloops–North Thompson)
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system 312B:1040-1045
- CleanBC plan and economy 357B:1045, 363B:1405, 366B:1420-1425
- Community benefits agreements and infrastructure projects 264B:1410
- Conditions for health workers and accountability of health care administrators 261B:1055
- Conditions in forest industry and government action on issues 287B:1040-1045
- Cost of living and affordability issues and government priorities 333B:1420-1425
- Crime in communities and action on community safety 293B:1435
- Crime in communities and handling by justice system 305B:1030
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 300B:1425
- Drug decriminalization program and federal requirements 260B:1440
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 307B:1425, 311B:1445, 319B:1055
- Drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply 344B:1415
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1105
- Ferry services and management 345B:1050
- Fire at Winters Hotel and management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services 328B:1425-1430
- Government action on affordable housing 331B:1120
- Government action on housing affordability and student housing 273B:1055-1100
- Government action on issues in health care system 272B:1515
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 265B:1045-1050, 359B:1420
- Government advertising for CleanBC plan 364B:1035
- Government funding for Atira property services 325B:1430
- Government handling of archaeological assessments 347B:1430
- Government policies on clean energy development and energy costs and supply 370B:1420-1425
- Government policy on carbon tax and spending priorities 356B:1400-1405
- Government response to federal carbon tax changes for home heating 351B:1420-1425
- Government spending and public sector employment growth 341B:1115-1120
- Heritage Conservation Act transformation project 348B:1045
- HousingHub initiative and rental housing projects 267B:1420
- Impact of government spending on interest rates and inflation 373B:1415-1420
- Inflation and cost of living 338B:1025-1030
- Management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services 328B:1420-1425
- Management of B.C. Housing and safety issues at Atira properties 329B:1050-1055
- Management of B.C. Housing and termination of board 325B:1435
- Release of B.C. Housing audit report 290B:1405, 294B:1105, 297B:1420, 321B:1425-1430, 322B:1050-1055
- Severance pay to former chiefs of staff at Premier's office 276B:1430
- Morris, Mike (Prince George–Mackenzie)
- Oakes, Coralee (Cariboo North)
- Action on sexualized violence at post-secondary campuses 340B:1440-1445
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 301B:1050
- Emergency services at hospitals 338B:1045-1050
- Gender-based and sexualized violence supports at post-secondary institutions 286B:1435
- Government action on Representative for Children and Youth recommendations 314B:1420-1425
- Maintenance and repair of Quesnel River Bridge and rail overpass 277B:1045-1050
- Olsen, Adam (Saanich North and the Islands)
- Accessibility issues for disabled persons and implementation of accessibility legislation 373B:1425
- Action on climate change and role of net-zero concept and carbon offsets 291B:1040-1045
- Child protection system and Children and Family Development Ministry accountability 341B:1125-1130, 344B:1405-1410, 360B:1045-1050, 364B:1045-1050, 367B:1040-1045
- Coastal GasLink pipeline project environmental compliance and enforcement 261B:1040
- Disability assistance rates 373B:1425
- Drug toxicity crisis and access to safe supply 312B:1035
- Economic development funding for Island and coastal communities 273B:1040-1045
- Education funding 322B:1030-1035
- Employment plan for infrastructure workers and role of LNG development 268B:1035-1040
- Environmental regulation of energy projects 261B:1035
- Funding for Island Coastal Economic Trust 270B:1035-1040
- Gender-based violence and support for Indigenous women and LGBTQ2S persons 286B:1425
- Government action on climate change and LNG development policies 290B:1415-1420
- Government action on homelessness and community safety in Downtown Eastside 300B:1415-1420
- Government action on issues in health care system 347B:1415
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry and action on climate change 265B:1035, 359B:1405
- Independent oversight of conservation officer service 326B:1055
- LNG development and fracking impacts 294B:1050-1055
- LNG industry advertising 359B:1410
- Mental health services 280B:1035-1040
- Mental health supports and counsellors at schools 297B:1400-1405
- Old-growth logging deferrals and role of First Nations 277B:1030-1035
- Oversight of policing and implementation of Police Act committee recommendations 314B:1415
- Police actions and press freedom for journalists 314B:1410-1415
- Police funding priorities and action on missing and murdered Indigenous women and children 371B:1040
- Protection of old-growth forests and logging in Kwakiutl territory 304B:1405-1410
- Protection of Saanich Inlet and environmental assessment for Bamberton quarry expansion proposal 264B:1415-1420
- RCMP community-industry response group funding 371B:1035
- Regulation and oversight of addiction treatment facilities 298B:1030-1035
- Report recommendations on contracted long-term-care facilities 333B:1430
- Review of Mental Health Act 315B:1045-1050
- Role of family members in mental health crisis services 334B:1050
- Rural policing funding and RCMP community-industry response group 293B:1420-1425
- Safety of children in government care 318B:1410-1415
- Salt Spring Island public safety services and resources for first responders 284B:1045-1050
- Shipbreaking activities in Baynes Sound and environmental compliance and enforcement 305B:1040-1045
- Site C power project 357B:1030-1035
- Standards of care for addiction treatment and recovery services 280B:1035
- Paton, Ian (Delta South)
- Disaster recovery funding for farmers and ranchers 277B:1025
- Trespass protections for agriculture industry 345B:1040-1045
- Ross, Ellis (Skeena)
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system 312B:1045-1050
- Cowichan Hospital replacement project and Cowichan Tribes contractors 264B:1425
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1100
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1040
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1450
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities 265B:1045
- Government policy on carbon tax and home heating costs 352B:1045-1050
- Government policy on carbon tax and spending priorities 354B:1355-1400
- LNG projects and First Nations economic development 270B:1040-1045, 371B:1050
- Opposition to Coastal GasLink pipeline project and government response to incidents 277B:1035-1040
- Status of Royal B.C. Museum and collections facility project 268B:1030-1035
- Rustad, John (Nechako Lakes)
- Shypitka, Tom (Kootenay East)
- CleanBC plan and mining industry 371B:1045
- Emergency services at hospitals 334B:1100
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1045
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1440
- Government policies on clean energy development and energy costs and supply 367B:1035-1040, 370B:1425
- Government support for rural economy and natural resource sector 268B:1050
- Provision of Ukrainian-language written driver's test 280B:1045-1050
- Stewart, Ben (Kelowna West)
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 301B:1050-1055
- Disaster financial assistance and wildfire recovery funding 277B:1050
- Stone, Todd (Kamloops–South Thompson)
- Access to cancer care services and medications 279B:1425-1430
- Access to obstetrics and prenatal care in Kamloops 329B:1105
- Action on community safety and police officer vacancies 304B:1420
- Call for Auditor General review of Lytton fire response and recovery process 338B:1045
- Children and Family Development Ministry update to Public Accounts Committee 374B:1100
- CleanBC plan and economy 363B:1425-1430, 366B:1405-1410
- Comments by MLA for Burnaby North 267B:1400
- Community benefits agreements and infrastructure projects 264B:1400-1405
- Conditions for health workers and accountability of health care administrators 261B:1050
- Cost of living and affordability issues and government priorities 333B:1425-1430, 356B:1425, 373B:1440
- Crime in communities and action on community safety 291B:1025-1030, 297B:1350-1355, 315B:1100
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses 293B:1425-1435, 300B:1425
- Crime in communitites and impact on businesses 359B:1400-1405
- Drug decriminalization program and federal requirements 260B:1435
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces 307B:1400-1410, 311B:1425-1430
- Drug decriminalization program and role of businesses in drug supply 283B:1430
- Drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply 344B:1400-1405
- Government action on affordable housing 298B:1045-1050
- Government action on housing affordability and housing targets 337B:1425
- Government advertising for CleanBC plan 364B:1035-1040
- Government decisions on policing issues and role of Police Complaint Commissioner 340B:1415-1420
- Government funding for Atira property services 325B:1415-1420
- Government handling of archaeological assessments 348B:1045-1050
- Government policies on LNG development and status of project proposals 270B:1050-1055
- Government policy on carbon tax and home heating costs 352B:1030-1035
- Health care services in Kamloops and status of obstetrics clinic 272B:1515
- Implementation of permanent daylight saving time 287B:1055
- Job creation in private sector 357B:1040-1045
- Lytton fire recovery process and archaeological assessments 347B:1425
- Management of B.C. Housing and government funding for Atira property services 326B:1105
- Police officer staffing and funding for police services 318B:1415-1420
- Status of Royal B.C. Museum and collections facility project 276B:1420
- Support for displaced RidgeView Place tenants in Langford 321B:1415-1420
- Sturdy, Jordan (West Vancouver–Sea to Sky)
- Sturko, Elenore (Surrey South)
- Walker, Adam (Parksville-Qualicum)
- Wat, Teresa (Richmond North Centre)
- Government action on homelessness 337B:1440
- Government hotline for racist incident reporting 286B:1440
Oral questions by subject
- Agriculture and farmland
- Budget and economy
- Carbon tax
- Children and youth
- Child protection system and Children and Family Development Ministry accountability (Bond) 340B:1435-1440 (Dean) 340B:1435-1440, 341B:1125-1130, 344B:1405-1410, 360B:1045-1050, 366B:1415-1420, 367B:1045 (Dix) 364B:1045-1050 (Furstenau) 366B:1415 (Kirkpatrick) 340B:1435 (Olsen) 341B:1125-1130, 344B:1405-1410, 360B:1045-1050, 364B:1045-1050, 367B:1040-1045
- Children and Family Development Ministry update to Public Accounts Committee (Milobar) 374B:1100-1105 (Stone) 374B:1100
- Foster care case (de Jong) 357B:1050-1055 (Dean) 357B:1055
- Oversight and regulation of Children and Family Development Ministry social workers (Furstenau) 363B:1410 (Kahlon) 363B:1410
- Safety of children in government care (Dean) 318B:1410-1415, 319B:1040-1045 (Furstenau) 319B:1040-1045 (Olsen) 318B:1410-1415
- Service models for children with support needs (Dean) 328B:1440 (Eby) 322B:1025-1030 (Falcon) 322B:1025 (Kirkpatrick) 328B:1435
- Cost of living and affordability
- COVID-19
- Crime and community safety
- Action on community safety and police officer vacancies (Farnworth) 304B:1420-1425 (Stone) 304B:1420
- Attacks by repeat offenders and action on justice system reforms (Eby) 334B:1040-1045
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling by justice system (Farnworth) 293B:1410-1420 (Kirkpatrick) 293B:1410 (Sturko) 293B:1415-1420
- Attacks by repeat offenders and handling of cases by justice system (de Jong) 312B:1025-1030 (Doerkson) 312B:1050 (Farnworth) 265B:1020-1025 (Milobar) 312B:1040-1045 (Ross) 312B:1045-1050 (Sharma) 297B:1400, 312B:1025-1035, 312B:1040-1050 (Sturko) 265B:1020-1025, 297B:1355-1400, 312B:1030
- Community safety in Vancouver's Chinatown (Lee) 265B:1025-1030 (Sharma) 265B:1030
- Crime in communities and action on community safety (Bond) 304B:1425, 305B:1055 (de Jong) 305B:1055-1100 (Eby) 304B:1355-1400, 305B:1100 (Falcon) 304B:1355-1400 (Farnworth) 265B:1040, 291B:1025-1035, 293B:1440, 297B:1350-1355, 304B:1425, 305B:1055, 315B:1055-1105 (Halford) 265B:1035-1040 (Milobar) 293B:1435 (Sharma) 291B:1050 (Stone) 291B:1025-1030, 297B:1350-1355, 315B:1100 (Sturko) 291B:1045-1050, 315B:1050-1055
- Crime in communities and handling by justice system (Falcon) 359B:1355-1400 (Farnworth) 308B:1040-1045 (Milobar) 305B:1030 (Rustad) 308B:1040-1045 (Sharma) 305B:1030-1035, 359B:1355-1400
- Crime in communities and impact on businesses (Bailey) 293B:1430, 322B:1045-1050, 359B:1405 (Banman) 301B:1055 (Bond) 294B:1035-1040, 301B:1100 (Doerkson) 359B:1420 (Farnworth) 293B:1435, 294B:1040-1045, 301B:1050-1105, 305B:1045-1050 (Kahlon) 300B:1425-1430 (Lee) 294B:1045-1050 (Merrifield) 322B:1045 (Milobar) 300B:1425 (Oakes) 301B:1050 (Sharma) 294B:1045-1050, 359B:1405, 359B:1420 (Stewart) 301B:1050-1055 (Stone) 293B:1425-1435, 300B:1425, 359B:1400-1405 (Sturko) 305B:1045-1050
- Drug decriminalization program and community safety (de Jong) 315B:1040-1045 (Falcon) 315B:1030-1035 (Farnworth) 315B:1035-1045
- Government action on repeat offenders and crime in communities (Bond) 359B:1425 (de Jong) 284B:1035-1045 (Falcon) 284B:1030-1035 (Farnworth) 265B:1040-1055, 284B:1030-1045 (Lee) 374B:1055 (Merrifield) 265B:1040 (Milobar) 265B:1045-1050, 359B:1420 (Ross) 265B:1045 (Sharma) 359B:1420-1430, 374B:1055 (Sturko) 359B:1420
- Government action on repeat offenders and directive to Crown counsel (Bond) 312B:1050-1055 (Sharma) 312B:1055
- Government support for small business (Bailey) 321B:1410-1415 (Furstenau) 321B:1410-1415
- Public safety on transit systems (Farnworth) 304B:1405, 305B:1035-1040 (Halford) 304B:1400-1405, 305B:1035-1040
- Release of data on crime in communities and handling by justice system (de Jong) 291B:1035-1040 (Sharma) 291B:1035-1040
- Tent cities and government action on homelessness and community safety (Bond) 291B:1055 (Halford) 291B:1050 (Kahlon) 291B:1050-1055
- Daylight saving time
- Disabled persons
- Accessibility issues for disabled persons and implementation of accessibility legislation (Malcolmson) 373B:1425 (Olsen) 373B:1425
- Discrimination and racism
- Education and schools
- Emergencies
- Employment and jobs
- Energy
- Environment and climate change
- Action on climate change and role of net-zero concept and carbon offsets (Heyman) 291B:1045 (Olsen) 291B:1040-1045
- Budget priorities and action on climate change (Conroy) 279B:1415 (Furstenau) 279B:1415
- Carbon emissions for energy projects (Heyman) 367B:1055-1100 (Walker) 367B:1055
- CleanBC plan and economy (Bailey) 366B:1410-1415 (Bond) 363B:1355-1400 (Conroy) 366B:1425 (de Jong) 364B:1055-1100, 366B:1425-1430 (Doerkson) 363B:1425 (Eby) 363B:1405, 363B:1430, 366B:1400-1405, 366B:1430 (Falcon) 366B:1355-1405 (Halford) 363B:1420 (Heyman) 357B:1045-1050, 363B:1400-1410, 363B:1420, 363B:1425, 364B:1055-1100, 366B:1410 (Kahlon) 363B:1420 (Milobar) 357B:1045, 363B:1405, 366B:1420-1425 (Stone) 363B:1425-1430, 366B:1405-1410
- CleanBC plan and mining industry (Heyman) 371B:1050 (Shypitka) 371B:1045
- Elk Valley pollution issue and role of government officials (Furstenau) 308B:1035-1040 (Heyman) 308B:1035-1040
- Environmental regulation of energy projects (Heyman) 261B:1040 (Olsen) 261B:1035
- Environmental regulation of industry and lobbying on Elk Valley pollution issue (Furstenau) 307B:1415-1420 (Heyman) 307B:1415-1420
- Environmental regulation of shipbreaking industry (Furstenau) 370B:1410-1415 (Heyman) 370B:1415
- Government action on climate change and LNG development policies (Heyman) 290B:1415 (Olsen) 290B:1415-1420 (Osborne) 290B:1420
- Government advertising for CleanBC plan (Bond) 364B:1100-1105 (Heyman) 364B:1035-1045 (Kahlon) 364B:1105 (Milobar) 364B:1035 (Stone) 364B:1035-1040
- Government policies on fossil fuel industry and action on climate change (Furstenau) 267B:1410-1415 (Heyman) 265B:1035, 267B:1410, 359B:1405-1410 (Olsen) 265B:1035, 359B:1405 (Osborne) 265B:1035, 267B:1415
- Independent oversight of conservation officer service (Farnworth) 326B:1055-1100 (Olsen) 326B:1055
- Protection of Saanich Inlet and environmental assessment for Bamberton quarry expansion proposal (Heyman) 264B:1415-1420 (Olsen) 264B:1415-1420
- Shipbreaking activities in Baynes Sound and environmental compliance and enforcement (Heyman) 305B:1040-1045 (Olsen) 305B:1040-1045
- Spotted owl habitat protection and species-at-risk legislation (Cullen) 352B:1035-1040 (Furstenau) 352B:1035-1040
- Ferry services
- Fires and firefighting
- First Nations and Indigenous issues
- Forest industry
- Government and Legislature
- Gulf Islands
- Health care facilities
- Health care services
- Access to cancer care services (Bond) 279B:1415-1420 (Dix) 279B:1420-1425, 371B:1025-1035 (Falcon) 371B:1020-1025 (Kirkpatrick) 279B:1425
- Access to cancer care services and medications (Dix) 279B:1430 (Stone) 279B:1425-1430
- Access to obstetrics and prenatal care in Kamloops (Dix) 329B:1105-1110 (Stone) 329B:1105
- Administrative costs and issues in health care system (Bond) 341B:1135-1140 (Dix) 341B:1140
- Automated external defibrillator access legislation (Bond) 308B:1050 (Dix) 308B:1050
- Budget provisions for health care in Surrey (Dix) 284B:1100-1105 (Sturko) 284B:1100
- Conditions for health workers and accountability of health care administrators (Dix) 261B:1050-1100 (Milobar) 261B:1055 (Stone) 261B:1050
- Emergency room wait times and government action on health care issues (Bond) 328B:1440 (Dix) 328B:1440-1445
- Emergency services at hospitals (Bond) 334B:1105-1110 (Dix) 334B:1100-1110, 338B:1045-1050 (Doerkson) 334B:1100 (Halford) 334B:1105 (Milobar) 334B:1105 (Oakes) 338B:1045-1050 (Ross) 334B:1100 (Shypitka) 334B:1100
- Federal funding and administrative costs in health care system (Dix) 348B:1030-1035 (Furstenau) 348B:1030-1035
- Funding for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital projects (Dix) 341B:1135 (Walker) 341B:1135
- Government action on issues in health care system (Banman) 371B:1040-1045 (Bernier) 338B:1050 (Bond) 260B:1420-1425, 272B:1520 (Davies) 280B:1050 (Dix) 260B:1415-1430, 261B:1045, 272B:1515-1520, 280B:1040-1045, 280B:1050, 338B:1050-1055, 347B:1415-1420, 371B:1045 (Eby) 272B:1520-1525 (Falcon) 260B:1410-1420 (Halford) 261B:1045 (Milobar) 272B:1515 (Olsen) 347B:1415 (Rustad) 280B:1040-1045 (Sturko) 338B:1050
- Health care services in Kamloops and status of obstetrics clinic (Dix) 272B:1515 (Stone) 272B:1515
- Health care staffing and role of physician assistants (Bond) 261B:1045-1050 (Dix) 261B:1050
- Health needs of supportive housing residents and provision of services (Bond) 321B:1420-1425 (Kahlon) 321B:1420-1425
- Health worker vaccination and rehiring of staff (Davies) 277B:1045 (Dix) 268B:1040-1045, 277B:1045, 294B:1100 (Rustad) 268B:1040-1045, 294B:1100
- Health worker vaccination policy and provincial health officer (Banman) 359B:1410-1415 (Dix) 359B:1415
- Implementation of health professions legislation and consultation by government (Dix) 322B:1040-1045, 360B:1050-1055 (Rustad) 322B:1035-1045, 360B:1050-1055
- Management of Vancouver Island Health Authority and conditions for health workers (Dix) 258B:1050-1055 (Furstenau) 258B:1050-1055
- Payments to Interior Health Authority official charged with crime (Bond) 338B:1055 (Dix) 338B:1055
- Primary health care in Vernon (Bond) 360B:1055-1100 (Dix) 360B:1055-1105 (Kyllo) 360B:1100
- Recruitment and retention of nurses (Dix) 373B:1430-1435 (Rustad) 373B:1430-1435
- Recruitment and retention of nurses and use of private agencies (Dix) 345B:1035-1040 (Furstenau) 345B:1035
- Safety of nurses in health care system (Dix) 286B:1430-1435 (Kirkpatrick) 286B:1430
- Standards of care for addiction treatment and recovery services (Dix) 280B:1035 (Olsen) 280B:1035
- Systemic racism in health care system (Banman) 363B:1410 (Dix) 363B:1410-1415
- Women's access to health care (Bond) 286B:1415-1420 (Dix) 286B:1410-1425 (Merrifield) 286B:1410-1415
- Housing, homelessness and real estate
- Affordable housing for families and protections for renters (Kahlon) 273B:1035-1040, 273B:1045 (Kirkpatrick) 273B:1035 (Sturko) 273B:1045
- Affordable housing for seniors (Kahlon) 321B:1410 (Kirkpatrick) 321B:1410
- Affordable housing targets and construction of new units (Eby) 298B:1020-1030 (Halford) 298B:1020-1025 (Lee) 298B:1025-1030
- Affordable rental housing and B.C. Housing units (Bernier) 273B:1050 (Kahlon) 273B:1050-1055 (Merrifield) 273B:1050
- B.C. Housing communications with Atira property services on status of Atira senior executives (de Jong) 326B:1050 (Kahlon) 326B:1050-1055
- Development cost charges and government action on housing (Falcon) 360B:1030-1035 (Kahlon) 360B:1035-1040
- Disclosure of housing legislation information (Bond) 374B:1040 (Kahlon) 374B:1045
- Fire at Winters Hotel and management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services (Bond) 325B:1435-1440 (Kahlon) 325B:1440, 328B:1430 (Milobar) 328B:1425-1430
- Government action on affordable housing (Bond) 331B:1125 (Doerkson) 298B:1050 (Eby) 298B:1040-1050, 331B:1100-1105, 347B:1405-1410 (Falcon) 273B:1030-1035, 331B:1100-1105, 347B:1400-1405 (Halford) 331B:1125 (Kahlon) 273B:1030-1035, 297B:1405-1410, 331B:1105-1110, 331B:1120-1130, 347B:1400 (Kirkpatrick) 297B:1405, 331B:1105-1110 (Milobar) 331B:1120 (Ross) 298B:1040 (Shypitka) 298B:1045 (Stone) 298B:1045-1050
- Government action on homelessness (Bond) 337B:1440-1445 (Davies) 337B:1445 (Doerkson) 337B:1445 (Halford) 337B:1435-1440 (Kahlon) 334B:1045-1050, 337B:1440-1450 (Kirkpatrick) 334B:1045-1050 (Merrifield) 337B:1450 (Ross) 337B:1450 (Shypitka) 337B:1440 (Wat) 337B:1440
- Government action on homelessness and community safety in Downtown Eastside (Kahlon) 300B:1415-1420 (Olsen) 300B:1415-1420
- Government action on homelessness and homeless navigation centres (Halford) 297B:1415 (Kahlon) 297B:1415-1420
- Government action on homelessness in Downtown Eastside (Falcon) 301B:1030-1035 (Kahlon) 301B:1030-1040
- Government action on housing affordability (Bond) 267B:1425-1430 (Doerkson) 267B:1425 (Eby) 267B:1405-1410, 267B:1425-1435 (Falcon) 267B:1400-1405
- Government action on housing affordability and current issues (Eby) 374B:1035-1040 (Falcon) 374B:1035
- Government action on housing affordability and housing targets (Kahlon) 337B:1425 (Stone) 337B:1425
- Government action on housing affordability and student housing (Kahlon) 273B:1055-1100 (Milobar) 273B:1055-1100
- Government action on housing affordability and supply (Falcon) 321B:1400-1405, 373B:1410-1415 (Kahlon) 321B:1400-1410, 373B:1410-1415 (Kirkpatrick) 321B:1405
- Government action on tent cities (Kahlon) 287B:1100-1105 (Kirkpatrick) 287B:1100
- Government action on women's transition housing (Eby) 298B:1040 (Merrifield) 298B:1035-1040
- Government funding for Atira property services (Eby) 325B:1415-1425 (Kahlon) 325B:1430 (Kirkpatrick) 325B:1415 (Milobar) 325B:1430 (Stone) 325B:1415-1420
- Government housing policies and role of private sector (Kahlon) 367B:1050-1055 (Rustad) 367B:1050
- Housing affordability and single-family zoning (Falcon) 300B:1400-1405 (Kahlon) 297B:1410-1415, 300B:1400-1415 (Kirkpatrick) 297B:1410, 300B:1410-1415
- Housing density and access to transportation (Kahlon) 356B:1415 (Rustad) 356B:1410-1415
- Housing legislation and strata property age limits (Kahlon) 267B:1415 (Kirkpatrick) 267B:1415
- HousingHub initiative and rental housing projects (Eby) 267B:1420-1425 (Milobar) 267B:1420
- Management of B.C. Housing and Atira property services (de Jong) 325B:1440-1445 (Kahlon) 325B:1445, 328B:1425 (Milobar) 328B:1420-1425
- Management of B.C. Housing and government funding for Atira property services (Bond) 326B:1100 (Falcon) 326B:1035-1045 (Kahlon) 326B:1035-1050, 326B:1100-1110 (Kirkpatrick) 326B:1100 (Stone) 326B:1105
- Management of B.C. Housing and safety issues at Atira properties (Kahlon) 329B:1050-1055 (Milobar) 329B:1050-1055
- Management of B.C. Housing and termination of board (Eby) 325B:1435 (Milobar) 325B:1435
- Release of B.C. Housing audit report (de Jong) 290B:1420-1425, 294B:1105 (Eby) 290B:1405-1410, 297B:1420, 322B:1050-1055 (Kahlon) 290B:1410-1415, 290B:1425, 294B:1105, 321B:1430 (Kirkpatrick) 290B:1410 (Milobar) 290B:1405, 294B:1105, 297B:1420, 321B:1425-1430, 322B:1050-1055
- Reports on management of B.C. Housing (Eby) 329B:1045-1050 (Falcon) 328B:1415-1420, 329B:1040-1045 (Kahlon) 328B:1415-1420
- Short-term rentals and government action on affordable housing (Kahlon) 345B:1025-1035 (Kirkpatrick) 345B:1025-1030 (Merrifield) 345B:1030
- Support for displaced RidgeView Place tenants in Langford (Kahlon) 321B:1415-1420 (Stone) 321B:1415-1420
- Supportive housing and action on homelessness (Kahlon) 301B:1040-1045 (Sturko) 301B:1040-1045
- Supportive housing project in Vancouver (Kahlon) 347B:1410-1415 (Kirkpatrick) 347B:1410-1415
- Supportive housing services and safety at North Vancouver site (Kahlon) 337B:1425-1430 (Kirkpatrick) 337B:1425-1430
- Tent cities and construction of new housing units (Bond) 290B:1425-1430 (Kahlon) 290B:1430-1435
- Tent cities and government action on homelessness and community safety (Kahlon) 290B:1435 (Sturko) 290B:1435
- Transitional housing and action on homelessness (Furstenau) 301B:1045-1050, 311B:1435-1440 (Kahlon) 301B:1045-1050, 311B:1435-1440
- Income assistance
- Labour
- Land use and heritage sites
- Mental health and substance use issues
- Access to harm reduction services and opioid replacement drugs (Kirkpatrick) 283B:1420 (Whiteside) 283B:1420
- Addiction treatment and recovery services (Sturko) 276B:1400-1405 (Whiteside) 276B:1400-1405
- Addiction treatment and recovery services and media coverage by Broadbent Institute (Bond) 276B:1405-1410 (Whiteside) 276B:1405-1410
- Budget provisions for mental health and addiction services (Conroy) 279B:1400-1405 (Falcon) 279B:1400 (Sturko) 279B:1405-1410 (Whiteside) 279B:1410
- Drug decriminalization and oversight of safe supply pilot project (Eby) 261B:1030 (Sturko) 261B:1025-1030
- Drug decriminalization program and access to addiction services (Bond) 258B:1055-1100 (Eby) 261B:1025 (Halford) 311B:1440-1445 (Sturko) 261B:1025 (Whiteside) 258B:1055-1100, 311B:1440-1445
- Drug decriminalization program and data collection (Kahlon) 258B:1105 (Kirkpatrick) 258B:1100-1105
- Drug decriminalization program and federal requirements (Kirkpatrick) 261B:1030-1035 (Milobar) 260B:1440 (Stone) 260B:1435 (Whiteside) 260B:1435-1445, 261B:1030-1035
- Drug decriminalization program and prosecution of drug traffickers (Rustad) 337B:1435 (Whiteside) 337B:1435
- Drug decriminalization program and regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces (Bond) 307B:1420, 311B:1450 (Doerkson) 319B:1045-1050 (Eby) 311B:1450-1455 (Falcon) 307B:1355-1400 (Milobar) 307B:1425, 311B:1445, 319B:1055 (Stone) 307B:1400-1410, 311B:1425-1430 (Sturko) 307B:1425, 311B:1420-1425 (Whiteside) 307B:1400-1410, 307B:1420-1430, 311B:1420-1435, 311B:1450, 319B:1045-1055
- Drug decriminalization program and role of businesses in drug supply (Banman) 363B:1415 (Bond) 283B:1400-1405 (Eby) 283B:1430-1435 (Falcon) 280B:1020-1025 (Farnworth) 280B:1020-1035, 283B:1400-1415, 283B:1425-1430 (Halford) 283B:1425 (Stone) 283B:1430 (Sturko) 280B:1025-1030, 283B:1405-1410 (Whiteside) 283B:1425, 363B:1415
- Drug toxicity crisis and access to safe supply (Olsen) 312B:1035 (Whiteside) 312B:1035-1040
- Drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply (Bond) 344B:1355-1400 (Eby) 344B:1355-1400 (Milobar) 344B:1415 (Stone) 344B:1400-1405 (Sturko) 328B:1445, 329B:1110, 344B:1425 (Whiteside) 328B:1445, 329B:1110, 344B:1400-1405, 344B:1415-1425
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis (Davies) 308B:1050-1055 (Kahlon) 287B:1105 (Sturko) 287B:1105 (Whiteside) 308B:1055
- Government action on drug toxicity crisis and management of safe supply (Banman) 364B:1050-1055 (Whiteside) 364B:1050-1055
- Government action on mental health and addiction issues (Falcon) 258B:1030-1035 (Whiteside) 258B:1035
- Government action on mental health care (Dix) 334B:1055 (Sturko) 334B:1055
- Government funding to drug user organizations (de Jong) 344B:1420 (Falcon) 348B:1020-1025 (Farnworth) 348B:1020-1030, 354B:1425 (Sturko) 348B:1025-1030, 354B:1425 (Whiteside) 344B:1420
- Involuntary care for mental health and addiction issues (Falcon) 258B:1035-1040 (Sturko) 258B:1040-1045 (Whiteside) 258B:1035-1045
- Mental health and addiction services and redevelopment of Riverview lands (Kahlon) 294B:1100-1105 (Kirkpatrick) 294B:1100
- Mental health crisis response and community safety (Farnworth) 304B:1415-1420 (Sturko) 304B:1415
- Mental health crisis teams and public safety on transit systems (Sturko) 304B:1410-1415 (Whiteside) 304B:1415
- Mental health services (Dix) 280B:1040 (Olsen) 280B:1035-1040
- Police investigation of drug user organization (de Jong) 360B:1040-1045 (Sharma) 360B:1040-1045
- Regulation and oversight of addiction treatment facilities (Olsen) 298B:1030-1035 (Whiteside) 298B:1030-1035
- Regulation of illicit drug use in public spaces (Bond) 329B:1110-1115 (Eby) 329B:1115-1120
- Review of Mental Health Act (Olsen) 315B:1045-1050 (Whiteside) 315B:1045-1050
- Role of family members in mental health crisis services (Dix) 334B:1050 (Olsen) 334B:1050
- Oil and gas
- Police services
- Comments regarding police services (Banman) 340B:1430 (Eby) 340B:1430 (Farnworth) 340B:1430
- Decision-making process on future of police services in Surrey (Banman) 341B:1130 (Farnworth) 341B:1130-1135
- Government decisions on policing issues and role of Police Complaint Commissioner (Farnworth) 340B:1420-1425 (Stone) 340B:1415-1420
- Oversight of policing and implementation of Police Act committee recommendations (Farnworth) 314B:1415 (Olsen) 314B:1415
- Police actions and press freedom for journalists (Farnworth) 314B:1415 (Olsen) 314B:1410-1415
- Police officer staffing and funding for police services (Farnworth) 318B:1415-1425 (Stone) 318B:1415-1420 (Sturko) 318B:1420-1425
- Police services in Surrey (Banman) 338B:1040, 344B:1410 (Bond) 270B:1030-1035, 318B:1355-1400 (de Jong) 272B:1455-1505 (Falcon) 272B:1450-1455 (Farnworth) 270B:1020-1035, 272B:1455-1505, 318B:1355-1410, 338B:1030-1035, 338B:1040-1045, 344B:1410-1415 (Halford) 270B:1020-1025, 287B:1100, 318B:1400-1405 (Kahlon) 287B:1100, 367B:1050 (Morris) 338B:1030-1035 (Rustad) 367B:1050
- RCMP community-industry response group funding (Farnworth) 371B:1035 (Olsen) 371B:1035
- Rural policing funding and RCMP community-industry response group (Farnworth) 293B:1420-1425 (Olsen) 293B:1420-1425
- Post-secondary education
- Royal British Columbia Museum
- Social services
- Transportation and transit services
- Violence
- Water
- Water licensing process and regional water tables (Cullen) 370B:1410 (Furstenau) 370B:1410
Orange Shirt Day See also National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organs and tissues
- Donation and donor registration (Kyllo) 300B:1355
- Donation and transplantation, awareness (Leonard) 298B:1015
O'Rourke Family Estate winery
Outdoor recreation See Sports and recreation
Overdoses See Substance use and addiction