41st Parliament – 2019
Parliamentary Committee Proceedings
Children and Youth Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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McCann, Naomi
- Presentation to committee 27:1300-1310
- As subject
- BCEdAccess Society, organization and services 27:1310
- Education, special education and special needs, service levels and children removed from system by parents 27:1300-1310
- Special needs children and youth, supports for families, peer support 27:1310
McCrea, Jennifer
- Autism spectrum disorder
- diagnosis and assessment 18:0925
- diagnosis and incidence 18:0930-0940
- services, eligibility for services 18:0925
- services, transition to school system supports 18:0945
- B.C. Autism Assessment Network, autism assessment services 18:0940
- Education
- Education Ministry, briefing to committee on services for special needs children and youth 18:0915-1000
- Special needs children and youth
McElroy, Michelle
- Presentation to committee 22:1655-1710
- As subject
- Education, special education and special needs 22:1655-1700
- Special needs children and youth
McGarry, Shelley
- Presentation to committee 23:1120-1140
- As subject
- Special needs children and youth
McGee, Dean
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Surrey District Parent Advisory Council 27:0900-0915
- As subject
- Education
- parent advisory councils, involvement of parents with special needs children 27:0910
- special education and special needs 27:0910-0915
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, diagnosis and assessment 27:0910
- Special needs children and youth
McKay, Joel
- Presentation to committee 22:1610-1625
- As subject
- Autism spectrum disorder
- diagnosis and assessment 22:1610
- services, funding model 22:1620
- services, transition to school system supports 22:1615
- Children and youth
- Education, special education and special needs, services and distance-learning 22:1615-1620
- Special needs children and youth
- diagnosis and assessment, access and wait-lists 22:1610
- services
- Speech-language pathologists, services 22:1625
McLay, Shannon
- Presentation to committee 27:0920-0930
- As subject
- Education, special education and special needs 27:0920-0930
- Special needs children and youth
MacLean, Claire
- Presentation to committee on behalf of SHARE Family and Community Services Society 27:1140-1155
- As subject
- experience as service provider for special needs children and youth 27:1140
- Children and youth, early childhood development
- SHARE Family and Community Services Society, work of organization 27:1140, 27:1155
- Special needs children and youth
- diagnosis and assessment process and system 27:1140-1155
- services
Macrae, Seonag
- As subject
- work with CLBC commended (Simons) 18:1040
- Autism spectrum disorder, diagnosis, assessment and eligibility for services 18:1010, 18:1025-1030
- Community Living B.C.
- briefing to committee on services for special needs children and youth 18:1005-1040
- budget and funding model 18:1030
- eligibility criteria for services
- employment supports and funding 18:1035-1040
- facilitators, role 18:1040
- mandate and role 18:1005
- service delivery 18:1040
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) classification system 18:1015
- Disabled persons
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Income assistance, disability benefits, eligibility 18:1020
- Special needs children and youth
Mailloux, Brittney
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Kitimat Community Development Centre 20:1345-1410
- As subject
- education and work in social services 20:1405
- Education funding for special education and special needs 20:1350-1355
- Haisla Nation, services for special needs children and youth 20:1400
- Kitimat Community Development Centre
- Social workers
- children-and-youth-with-special-needs social workers 20:1405-1410
- community social services workers, supply and training 20:1405-1410
- Special needs children and youth
- Speech-language pathologists, services 20:1355
Malenfant, Monique
- Presentation to committee 20:1500-1525
- As subject
- Education, special education and special needs, service levels 20:1520
- Health care system, services for special needs persons in hospital 20:1505-1510
- Special needs children and youth
Markwart, Alan
- Adoption
- adoption agencies and agency placement model 33:1025
- adoption of children in government care 33:1045
- international adoptions 33:1025
- Child protection system
- children in government care
- residential services
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- child protection system and children in government care
- permanency options and adoption practices 33:1055
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- Representative for Children and Youth
- budget and funding request 33:0935-0940
- budget and staffing 33:0950
- caseload, complex cases 33:1005
- investigation of child injuries and deaths 33:0940, 33:1005
- recommendations and implementation 33:1135
- reports
- role and responsibilities, expansion to cover young adults 33:0940
- staff, Indigenous staff 33:0950
Massey, Christine
- Autism spectrum disorder
- diagnosis and assessment, private assessments 17:0835
- diagnosis and incidence 17:0845
- Children and Family Development Ministry, briefing to committee on services for special needs children and youth 17:0805, 17:0830-0855
- Education, special education and special needs, service gaps outside school calendar 17:0830
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Special needs children and youth
Mathiesen, Lynn
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Quesnel and District Child Development Centre, Bulkley Valley Child Development Centre, and Child Development Centre of Prince George and District 22:1550-1610
- Bulkley Valley Child Development Centre Society, caseload 22:1550
- Child Development Centre of Prince George and District, caseload 22:1550
- Children and youth, early childhood development, child development centres 22:1550-1610
- Quesnel and District Child Development Centre, caseload 22:1550
- Special needs children and youth
- Speech-language pathologists, services 22:1555
Mental health
- Mental health of children and youth
- counselling services for autistic children and youth (Sonntag, T.) 26:1445-1450
- counselling services for special needs children and youth (Gravells, H.) 23:1105
- issues and services (Ambler, L.) 27:1555-1600 (Brown, D.) 27:1415 (Burns, K.) 27:1555-1615 (Callis, H.) 20:1425
- mental health (Schroeder, J.) 25:1125-1130
- mental health detentions, review See Investigations under Representative for Children and Youth
- psychological services (Price, K.) 26:0925, 26:0935-0940
- secure care for mental health and addiction issues (Charlesworth, J.) 33:1135-1140 (Simons) 33:1135-1140
- services (Verschoor, K.) 27:1550
- services and accountability (Pidgeon, W.) 27:1625-1635
- services and stigma (Russell, M.) 27:1535
- services and system (Charlesworth, J.) 33:1145 (Markwart, A.) 33:1145 (Simons) 33:1140
- services for autistic youth (Zimmel, N.) 26:1435-1440
- services for special needs children and youth (Rockall, D.) 25:0950
Millner, Tana
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Child Development Centre Society of Fort St. John and District 21:0900-0925
- Autism spectrum disorder, services and autism funding program 21:0905-0910
- Child Development Centre Society of Fort St. John and District
- Children and youth, early childhood development, early intervention 21:0910-0915
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, incidence and access to services 21:0920-0925
- Health care funding, early intervention and infant development programs 21:0915
- Special needs children and youth
- diagnosis and assessment 21:0925
- service providers, request-for-proposal (RFP) process 21:0920
- service providers, staff recruitment and retention 21:0905
- services 21:0900-0920
Mitchell, Blair
- Representative for Children and Youth
- caseload, complex cases 33:1000
- reports, annual report and service plan 33:1000
- Special needs children and youth, caregivers and capacity issues 17:0935-0940
Montani, Adrienne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of First Call: Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition 27:1055-1110
- Child care system and role in early intervention 27:1105
- Children and youth
- early childhood development, early intervention 27:1055-1105
- programs and services for children and families, public system 27:1055-1105
- First Call: Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
- organization and activities 27:1055
- recommendations to committee 27:1105
- Public health services for families 27:1100
- Special needs children and youth
- diagnosis and assessment, functional assessments 27:1100
- supports for families and outreach 27:1110
- Special needs children and youth, services
Morris, Mary
- Presentation to committee 26:1315-1325
- As subject
- experience as parent of children with special needs 26:1315-1325
- Justice system, family justice system, handling of cases involving special needs children 26:1315-1320
- Special needs children and youth
Motions and resolutions
- Motion for Chair to present annual report to House at earliest opportunity, approved 22:1540
- Motion to adopt annual report, approved 22:1540
- Motion to approve and adopt report entitled Children and Youth with Neurodiverse Special Needs, as amended, and to authorize Chair and Deputy Chair to work with committee staff to finalize editorial changes, approved 32:1535
- Motion to elect Chair, approved 16:0825
- Motion to elect Deputy Chair, approved 16:0825
- Motion to go in camera, approved 16:0825, 19:0845, 28:1000, 29:0935, 30:1005, 31:1005, 32:1500, 34:1035
- Motion to present Children and Youth with Neurodiverse Special Needs report to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity, approved 32:1535
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