Fourth Session, 41st Parliament (2020)

Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Issue No. 34

ISSN 1911-1940

The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
The PDF transcript remains the official digital version.



Nicholas Simons (Powell River–Sunshine Coast, NDP)

Deputy Chair:

Michelle Stilwell (Parksville-Qualicum, BC Liberal)


Sonia Furstenau (Cowichan Valley, BC Green Party)

Rick Glumac (Port Moody–Coquitlam, NDP)

Ronna-Rae Leonard (Courtenay-Comox, NDP)

Ellis Ross (Skeena, BC Liberal)

Rachna Singh (Surrey–Green Timbers, NDP)

Laurie Throness (Chilliwack-Kent, BC Liberal)

Teresa Wat (Richmond North Centre, BC Liberal)


Jennifer Arril


Thursday, January 23, 2020

10:30 a.m.

Douglas Fir Committee Room (Room 226)
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

Present: Nicholas Simons, MLA (Chair); Michelle Stilwell, MLA (Deputy Chair); Sonia Furstenau, MLA; Rick Glumac, MLA; Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA; Ellis Ross, MLA; Rachna Singh, MLA; Laurie Throness, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Teresa Wat, MLA
The Chair called the Committee to order at 10:33 a.m.
The Chair made a statement on behalf of the Committee on the passing of the Hon. Ted Hughes.
Resolved, that the Committee meet in camera to review the Committee’s processes. (Sonia Furstenau, MLA)
The Committee met in camera from 10:37 a.m. to 11:49 a.m.
The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 11:49 a.m.
Nicholas Simons, MLA
Jennifer Arril
Committee Clerk


The committee met at 10:33 a.m.

[N. Simons in the chair.]

N. Simons (Chair): Good morning, committee members. I’d like to acknowledge the territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋin̓əŋ-​speaking people and call the Committee on Children and Youth to order.

Welcome back. Happy January and happy new year to everybody.



N. Simons (Chair): Since we last met, a lot has happened.

The first thing I just want to do is acknowledge the passing of the Hon. Ted Hughes. In so doing, I’ll make a statement on behalf of the committee.

The all-party Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth acknowledges and pays tribute to the Hon. Edward “Ted” Norman Hughes, who passed away on January 17, 2020. Mr. Hughes was highly regarded for his long and distinguished career in public service, characterized by his commitment to ethics, integrity and a determination to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. We particularly recognize his enduring contributions to improving child welfare in this province.

[10:35 a.m.]

In 2005, Mr. Hughes was appointed by the Minister of Children and Family Development to perform an independent review of the child protection system in British Columbia. His report, B.C. Children and Youth Review: An Independent Review of B.C.’s Child Protection System, led to important reforms, including the establishment of the independent Representative for Children and Youth and the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth.

Mr. Hughes highlighted the significant challenges faced by Indigenous children and families involved in the child welfare system and encouraged meaningful consultation with Indigenous communities in the development of improvements to the child welfare system.

It was his hope and vision that our committee would foster a greater awareness and understanding among legislators and the public of the child welfare system in B.C. and encourage all members to work together to improve the child welfare system in its protection of children and youth across our province.

Over the past 13 years, the committee has had the honour to meet and work with Mr. Hughes on several occasions. Members always appreciated his wise counsel, candor and guidance. He was an exceptional individual, and his vision will continue to guide our work.

The committee extends condolences and deepest sympathies to his wife, Helen, and all of his family, friends and colleagues.

Thank you, Members. Indeed, we last saw Mr. Hughes when he came and visited us and provided guidance. He was always willing and able and interested in being part of our work.

Review of Committee Processes

N. Simons (Chair): With that said, I would like to again welcome members. We have a few topics of discussion to get through in advance of our upcoming session. I was going to send out a little summary of what I thought we needed to talk about.

Among other things, we have to figure out whether or not we invite the ministry to respond to our report that we issued on the neurodiverse special needs children, the issue around the public’s request to meet with our committee, and the meeting times and timeline for future meetings, as well as a possible discussion on special projects.

Some of this is likely to…. I think, at least to start, we should go in camera to discuss some of the issues, so I need a motion to do so.

S. Furstenau: So moved.

N. Simons (Chair): Thank you, Sonia. Seconded.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 10:37 a.m. to 11:49 a.m.

[N. Simons in the chair.]

N. Simons (Chair): Thank you very much for our intense discussion. I do appreciate the opinions expressed here, and I thank everyone for their contributions. I look forward to our next meeting in February.

With that, I look for a motion to adjourn.

We are adjourned.

The committee adjourned at 11:49 a.m.