Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 40th Parliament – 2015
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
Index contains information on legislative procedure and parliamentary business items
arising during House debate, including individual bills and estimates.
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Fairness in Financing Local Government Elections Act, 2015
- (Bill M212) (Farnworth) 1R, 6943
- Debate, speakers (Farnworth) 6943
Family Maintenance Enforcement Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill 32) (Minister of Justice) 1R, 9217; 2R, 9370-4; C, 9447-60; 3R, 9460; RA, 10221
- Debate, speakers (Anton) 9217, 9370-1, 9374, 9447-60 (Farnworth) 9449-51 (Huntington) 9456, 9459-60 (Krog) 9371-3, 9447-9, 9451-60 (Plecas) 9373-4
Federal Port Development Act
- (Bill 12) (Minister of Natural Gas Development) 1R, 5785; 2R, 6314-23; C, 6454-69; 3R, 6469; RA, 6978
- Amdts: 2R (Weaver) 6317-8, negatived 6320; 2R (Huntington) 6322, negatived 6323; 5 amdts. to sec. 1 (Weaver) 6460-3, negatived 6460-3; sec. 2 (Weaver) 6465, negatived 6466
- Divisions: amdt. to 2R negatived 6320-1; amdts. to sec. 1 negatived 6462, 6463; amdt. to sec. 2 negatived 6466
- Debate, speakers (Coleman) 5785, 6314, 6319-20, 6323, 6455-69 (Donaldson) 6463 (Farnworth) 6323 (Huntington) 6319, 6321-3, 6457, 6459, 6461, 6464 (Ralston) 6314-5, 6319, 6455-7, 6465-8 (Weaver) 6315-9, 6455-6, 6458-65, 6468
Finance, Ministry of
Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill 13) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 6139; 2R, 6791-812; C, 6951-61, 6970-5; 3R, 6975; RA, 6978
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 6801-4 (Corrigan) 6796-7, 6974-5 (de Jong) 6139, 6791-2, 6810-2, 6951-61, 6970-5 (Elmore) 6804-6, 6973-4 (James) 6792-6, 6951-5, 6970-3 (Krog) 6806-10 (Ralston) 6797-8 (Routley, D.) 6798-801, 6956-61
Fish and Seafood Act
- (Bill 21) (Minister of Agriculture) 1R, 6942; 2R, 7306-10; C, 7382-95; 3R, 7395; RA, 8573
- Amdts: sec. 46 (Letnick) 7393-4
- Debate, speakers (Holman) 7307-9, 7383-5, 7387-8, 7390-5 (Huntington) 7309-10, 7384-91, 7394 (Letnick) 6942, 7306-7, 7310, 7383-95 (Weaver) 7385-6, 7392-3
Fixed Fall Election Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill M204) (Holman) 1R, 5910
- Debate, speakers (Holman) 5910
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Ministry of
- Estimates
- debate 6406-24, 6440-4, 6469-85, 6545-65
- speakers (Austin) 6552-5, 6557 (Bains) 6407-21, 6423-4, 6441-3, 6470-2, 6481-5, 6546, 6548-50, 6552, 6564-5 (Chandra Herbert) 6562-3 (Conroy) 6555-7 (Donaldson) 6562 (Fraser) 6560-1 (Holman) 6559 (Huntington) 6557-8 (James) 6560 (Karagianis) 6559 (Routley, B.) 6412-3, 6421-3, 6442-4, 6469-70, 6546-8, 6563 (Routley, D.) 6472-80, 6550-2 (Thomson) 6406-7, 6409-24, 6441-4, 6469-85, 6546-65 (Trevena) 6480-1, 6562
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statutes Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill 25) (Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) 1R, 6941-2; 2R, 8164-7, 8173-87; C, 8762; 3R, 8747-62; RA, 8868
- Amdts: sec. 8 (Bains) 8758, negatived 8760
- Divisions: amdt. to sec. 8 negatived 8760
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 8174-7, 8747-61 (Barnett) 8173-4 (Macdonald) 8165-7 (Morris) 8177-9 (Routley, B.) 8179-83, 8753, 8759-60 (Routley, D.) 8183-6 (Thomson) 6941-2, 8164-5, 8186-7, 8747-57, 8759, 8761-2
Franchise Act
- (Bill M219) (James) 1R, 8440
- Debate, speakers (James) 8440
Franchises Act
- (Bill 38) (Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction) 1R, 9394; 2R, 9496-524; C, 9562-71, 9581-6, 9587-93; 3R, 9593; RA, 10221
- Divisions: 2R approved 9524
- Debate, speakers (Anton) 9523 (Bains) 9519-20 (Barnett) 9523 (Bing) 9520-1 (Dix) 9512-5, 9563-70, 9581-6, 9587-93 (James) 9508-11 (Martin) 9506-8 (Oakes) 9394, 9496-7, 9523-4, 9563-71, 9581-6, 9587-93 (Ralston) 9516-8, 9565-8 (Reimer) 9515-6 (Robinson) 9521-2 (Shin) 9497-506, 9562-8, 9570-1 (Simpson) 9522-3 (Tegart) 9511-2 (Thornthwaite) 9519
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