Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 40th Parliament – 2015
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
Index contains information on legislative procedure and parliamentary business items
arising during House debate, including individual bills and estimates.
A |
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C |
D |
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I |
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Health, Ministry of
- Estimates
- debate 8304-27, 8349-55, 8410-36, 8501-22, 8545-8, 8597-617, 8690-709, 8731-5, 8772-95
- speakers (Austin) 8611-2 (Chandra Herbert) 8422-3 (Conroy) 8613-5 (Corrigan) 8420-2, 8794 (Darcy) 8304-27, 8349-55, 8410-20, 8502-16, 8545, 8597-607, 8617, 8690-8, 8772, 8775-9, 8781-93, 8795 (Dix) 8697-9, 8772-5 (Donaldson) 8703 (Fraser) 8615-6 (Hammell) 8516-22, 8545-8, 8732-5 (Heyman) 8794-5 (Huntington) 8793-4 (Karagianis) 8424-36 (Lake) 8304-27, 8350-5, 8410-36, 8501-22, 8545-8, 8597-617, 8690-709, 8732-5, 8772-95 (Ralston) 8699-700 (Rice) 8701-9, 8779-80 (Robinson) 8608-9 (Routley, D.) 8610-1 (Trevena) 8612-3
Honouring Our Military Act, 2015
- (Bill M217) (Karagianis) 1R, 8245
- Debate, speakers (Karagianis) 8245
Human Rights Code (Recognition of Gender Identity and Gender Expression) Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill M228) (Chandra Herbert) 1R, 9093
- Debate, speakers (Chandra Herbert) 9093
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