Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 40th Parliament – 2015
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
Index contains information on legislative procedure and parliamentary business items
arising during House debate, including individual bills and estimates.
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Tabled documents See Documents tabled
Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services, Ministry of
Throne speech See Speech from the Throne
Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2015 (Bill 14)
- (Bill 14) (Minister of Health) 1R, 6425-6; 2R, 6520-45; C, 7165-75; 3R, 7175; RA, 8573
- Amdts: sec. 2 (Darcy) 7165, negatived 7169-70; sec. 7 (Darcy) 7170, negatived 7173; sec. 9 (Darcy) 7173, negatived 7174; sec. 15 (Darcy) 7174, negatived 7175
- Divisions: amdt. to sec. 2 negatived 7169-70; amdt. to sec. 7 negatived 7173
- Debate, speakers (Darcy) 6521-6, 7165-7, 7170-1, 7173-5 (Donaldson) 6533-5, 7167-8 (Farnworth) 6542-4 (Heyman) 6539-42 (James) 7168-9 (Lake) 6425-6, 6520-1, 6544-5, 7167, 7171, 7173-5 (Ralston) 6527-9 (Robinson) 6535-7 (Simons) 6530-1, 7168, 7172-5 (Simpson) 6537-9 (Stone) 6526-7 (Throness) 6529-30 (Trevena) 6531-3, 7171 (Weaver) 7169
Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2015 (Bill M201)
- (Bill M201) (Darcy) 1R, 5785-6
- Debate, speakers (Darcy) 5785
Transportation and Infrastructure, Ministry of
- Estimates
- debate 7310-28, 7482-93, 7536-63, 7580-3, 7612-27, 7800-8
- speakers (Chandra Herbert) 7617-8 (Donaldson) 7618-9 (Eby) 7800-8 (Elmore) 7580-3, 7612-4 (Fleming) 7620-1 (Fraser) 7615 (Heyman) 7551-7, 7560-2, 7580 (Huntington) 7323-5 (Karagianis) 7557-9 (Robinson) 7492-3 (Routley, B.) 7615-7 (Stone) 7310-28, 7482-93, 7536-63, 7580-3, 7612-27, 7800-8 (Trevena) 7311-5, 7317-23, 7325-7, 7482-91, 7536-50, 7622-7
- Art Thistle (Simons) 10193
- Bernard "Bernie" Agg (Kwan) 8523
- Brad and Florian Chapman (Kyllo) 9839
- Clarence Jules (Lake) 9622
- Darrel Wong (Bains) 8152
- Dylan Armstrong (Lake) 5725
- Frank Mitchell Walsh (Stone) 8711
- Franklin White (Simons) 9780-1
- Gary Turner (Austin) 9393
- Gayle Ballard (Horgan) 9573
- Gur Singh (Lake) 6940
- Hal Carlson (Fleming) 8524
- Henry Block (Hogg) 9663-4
- Ivan Messmer (Ashton) 6567-8
- Jane Burritt (Clark) 8097
- Jann Bailey (Stone) 9622
- Jean Scott (Hammell) 6781
- Jenny Craigan (Simons) 6568
- Jenny Wai Ching Kwan (de Jong) 8851-2 (Horgan) 8851
- John Phare and firefighters (Simons) 8887 (Thomson) 8887
- John Slater (Clark) 8437 (Horgan) 8437
- Joyce Secker (Hogg) 9217
- Ken Millard (Holman) 9525
- KidSport community award recipient Gordon Hogg (Fassbender) 10083
- Leslie Karagianis (Karagianis) 9091-2
- Leslie Peterson (de Jong) 7215
- Lyle Kristiansen (Simons) 9120
- Mary Forstbauer (Popham) 10083
- Maywell Wickheim (Horgan) 9119
- Mervin Krywa (Bennett) 8638
- Millie Mitchell (Chandra Herbert) 6782
- Paul and Terry Nichols (Oakes) 10083
- Peter Culley (Dix) 7086
- Peter Dueck (de Jong) 6089 (Farnworth) 6089
- Rich Coleman (Clark) 8862 (Farnworth) 8862-3
- Rod Deacon (Dalton) 9036
- Selkirk College Saints hockey team (Conroy) 6845
- Steve Nash (Stilwell, Michelle) 6781-2
- Ted McWhinney (Chandra Herbert) 8799
- Victoria Shamrocks — Mann Cup Champions (Fassbender) 9663 (Horgan) 9663
- Wes Thomas (Dalton) 7004
- Yulanda Faris (Chandra Herbert) 8524
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