Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 40th Parliament – 2015
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
Index contains information on legislative procedure and parliamentary business items
arising during House debate, including individual bills and estimates.
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Land Title Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill M227) (Weaver) 1R, 9037
- Debate, speakers (Weaver) 9037
Land Title Statutes (Racist Covenants Removal) Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill M225) (Kwan) 1R, 8855
- Debate, speakers (Kwan) 8855
Legislative Standing Committee Reform Act, 2015
- Officers of the Legislature
- Prorogation 10223
- Speaker and Chair
- appointment of Assistant Deputy Speaker (Farnworth) 5655
- appointment of Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole (de Jong) 5655, 5868
- appointment of Deputy Speaker (de Jong) 5655, 9185-6
Liquefied Natural Gas Income Tax Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill 26) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 6940-1; 2R, 7234-45; C, 7895-918; 3R, 7918; RA, 8573
- Amdts: sec. 56 (Weaver) 7915-6, negatived 7917
- Divisions: 2R approved 7245; amdt. to sec. 56 negatived 7917-8
- Debate, speakers (de Jong) 6940-1, 7234-6, 7244, 7895-917 (James) 7239-41 (Ralston) 7236-9, 7895-915, 7917 (Weaver) 7241-4, 7909, 7914-6
Liquefied Natural Gas Project Agreements Act
- (Bill 30) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 8869; 2R, 8896-929, 8938-48, 8949-89, 9000-34; C, 9045-50, 9051-71, 9102-18, 9130-3, 9135-54; 3R, 9154; RA, 9155
- Amdts: 2R (Weaver) 9020, negatived 9021
- Divisions: amdt to 2R negatived 9021; 2R approved 9033-4; 3R approved 9154
- Debate, speakers (Anton) 9006-8 (Austin) 8945-8 (Bennett) 8927-9 (Chandra Herbert) 8920-2, 9052-5 (Clark) 8896-7 (Coleman) 9030-3 (Corrigan) 8951-4 (Dalton) 9008-10 (de Jong) 8869, 8901-6, 9045-50, 9051-71, 9103-18, 9130-3, 9135-54 (Donaldson) 8938-41, 9150 (Eby) 8957-9 (Elmore) 8961-5 (Fassbender) 8965-7 (Fleming) 8972-6 (Heyman) 9004-6 (Horgan) 8897-901 (Hunt) 8982-5 (Huntington) 8967-70 (James) 8906-11 (Kyllo) 8911-3 (Lee) 9010-1 (Macdonald) 8985-9 (Martin) 8917-20 (Morris) 8922-4 (Mungall) 8979-82 (Plecas) 9014-6 (Polak) 9000-4, 9021 (Ralston) 9023-30, 9045-7, 9049-50, 9051, 9053, 9056-9, 9061-71, 9102-18, 9130-3, 9145-53 (Rice) 8924-7 (Rustad) 9021-3 (Shin) 9011-4 (Simpson) 8913-7, 9135-45 (Stilwell, Moira) 8976-9 (Stone) 8941-5 (Sultan) 8959-61 (Thornthwaite) 8970-2 (Throness) 8954-7 (Weaver) 9016-21, 9047-8, 9059-61, 9150 (Wilkinson) 8949-51
Liquor Control and Licensing Act
- (Bill 27) (Minister of Justice) 1R, 7006; 2R, 7462-3; C, 7578-9, 7585-90; 3R, 7591; RA, 8573
- Debate, speakers (Anton) 7006, 7462-3, 7578-9, 7585-90 (Eby) 7463, 7578-9, 7585-90 (Weaver) 7587
Lobbyist Registry Reform Act, 2015
- (Bill M209) (Krog) 1R, 6445
- Debate, speakers (Krog) 6445
Local Elections Campaign Financing (Expense Limits) Amendment Act, 2015
- (Bill 43) (Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development) 1R, 9664-5
- Debate, speakers (Fassbender) 9664-5
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