41st Parliament – 2020
Parliamentary Committee Proceedings
Finance and Government Services Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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Cable, Lisa
Calogheros, Tracy
- Presentation to committee on behalf of The Exploration Place Museum and Science Centre 119:1140-1145
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, impact and government response, science centres 119:1140-1145
- The Exploration Place Museum and Science Centre, operations and COVID-19 impact 119:1140-1145
- Science and technology, public education and outreach 119:1140
CALP program See Programs and funding under Literacy
Calvert, Brent
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Capilano University Faculty Association 122:1620, 122:1630
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- post-secondary education impact and supports
- Post-secondary education, government investment and support 122:1620
- Post-secondary institutions
- budgets and operations, operating and capital budgets 122:1620
- contract faculty wages and working conditions 122:1620, 122:1630
- revenue sources, tuition fees 122:1620
Camosun College Faculty Association See also Ayles, Chris
Camosun College, Victoria, B.C.
- COVID-19 impact and response (Ayles, C.) 122:1545
Campbell, Richard
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Act Urgently 114:1450-1455, 114:1505
- Budgets, 2021-22 budget, equity- and gender-based analysis plus 114:1450
- Cycling, infrastructure and funding 114:1450-1455, 114:1505
- Finance and Government Services Committee, prebudget consultation, virtual meetings 114:1450
- Government, policy development, equity- and gender-based analysis plus 114:1450-1455
- Traffic safety, enforcement, impact on vulnerable populations 114:1455
- Transportation, project priorities and equity- and gender-based analysis plus 114:1450-1455, 114:1505
Canada business emergency account See Business impact and supports under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS) See Employee impact and supports, wages under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
Canada Pension Plan
Canadian Association for Safe Supply See also Westfall, Jordan
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists See also Fawkes-Kirby, Tanya
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers See also Morrison, Geoffrey
Canadian Association of Physician Assistants See also Demers, Eric
Canadian Bar Association
Canadian Beverage Association See also Goetz, Jim
Canadian Cancer Society See also Krueckl, Sandra
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives See also Ivanova, Iglika
Canadian Credit Union Association See also Han, Henry
Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
- Mill operations and road upgrade request (Kjos, J.) 114:1615-1620
Canadian Freshwater Alliance See also Paydli, Danielle
Canadian Home Builders Association of British Columbia See also Moody, Neil
Canadian Media Producers Association
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science See also Nielsen, Christine
Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Prostate cancer
- research and funding (Goldenberg, L.) 113:0855-0900
- services and access by Indigenous and rural communities (Goldenberg, L.) 113:0910-0915
- Travel for treatment, assistance program and funding (Krueckl, S.) 111:0910, 111:0930
Canfor See Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
- Appellation program (McCann, C.) 116:1635
- Label of origin program See Appellation program above
- Medical use
- Production issues (McCann, C.) 116:1635
- Smoking and health impacts (Barnett) 111:0930 (Lam, C.) 111:0930
- Taxation
Canuck Place Children's Hospice, Vancouver, B.C. See also Praill, Denise
Canucks Autism Network See also Andersen, Britt
CAP programs See Restorative justice programs under Corrections system
Capilano University Faculty Association See also Calvert, Brent
Capital regional district
Capitol Theatre Restoration Society See also Fischer, Stephanie
- Carbon offset policies and carbon leakage concept (Morrison, G.) 108:1150
- Transition to low-carbon economy See Sustainable development under Economy
Carbon tax
- Exemption for alternative waste-based fuels (McSweeney, M.) 116:1455
- Impact
- cement industry (McSweeney, M.) 116:1455
- emissions-intensive trade-exposed industries (Goehring, M.) 108:0925 (Morrison, G.) 108:1150
- Tax credits and rebates (Goehring, M.) 108:0925
- Tax credits and rebates, industry program See Industry fund under CleanBC plan
Cardew, Robin
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce 107:0915-0930
- Child care, funding and spaces 107:0915-0920
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- impact and government response, tourism industry 107:0920
- paid sick leave, costs 107:0930
- Mental health and addiction, services for repeat offenders 107:0920
- Municipal and regional district tax program, allocation of revenues 107:0920-0925
- Tourism, destination marketing organizations, funding 107:0920
- Vernon, child care, funding and spaces 107:0915-0920
Cardiovascular health
CARES for Equitable Health See also Wakil, Zarghoona
Cariboo-Chilcotin area
- Programs and services, accessibility (Mannella, A.) 107:0910
Cars See Automobiles
Casinos See Gambling
Cassels, Jamie
- Presentation to committee on behalf of University of Victoria 121:1005-1010
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, post-secondary education impact and supports 121:1005
- Information and communications technology, high-speed Internet service for remote and rural communities 121:1005
- Post-secondary education
- Research and development, government investment 121:1005
- University of Victoria, COVID-19 impact and response 121:1005
Caught in the Middle report See Reports, death of youth in contact with B.C. and Alberta services under Representative for Children and Youth
CEBA See Business impact and supports, Canada business emergency account under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
Cement Association of Canada
Cement Association of Canada See also McSweeney, Michael
Cement industry
Centre for Restorative Justice See Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.
CERB See Employee impact and supports, Canada emergency response benefit under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
CGL See Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
Chalke, Jay See also Ombudsperson
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- impact and government response
- orders
- enforcement of emergency orders 104:0920
- Emergencies
- emergency powers, oversight 104:0920
- ministerial orders during public health emergency 104:0920
- Government
- Henry, Bonnie
- Income assistance
- system and call wait times, investigation by Ombudsperson 104:0905
- National inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
- referral letters to police and other agencies on allegations of misconduct 104:0905
- Ombudsperson
- Police Complaint Commissioner
- Public Interest Disclosure Act
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Public service
- Whistleblowing
- protection for whistleblowers
Chapelas, Braydon
- Presentation to committee 121:0845-0900
- As subject
- Child protection system, children in government care
- Children and youth
- youth at risk, youth agreements and program reform 121:0850
- Post-secondary education
- financial assistance and tuition waivers for youth transitioning out of government care 121:0900
- transportation costs 121:0900
Charities See also Non-profit sector; Community social services sector under Social welfare
Charlesworth, Jennifer See also Representative for Children and Youth
- Child protection system
- children in government care
- care planning review 103:0910
- support for youth and transition out of care, review 103:0910
- residential services, contracted services 103:0910
- Children and youth
- advocacy 103:0900-0905
- deaths and critical injuries
- Early childhood development
- programs and services for children and families
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- front-line workers response and services 103:0915
- impact and government response
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children
- reconciliation
- government action and implementation of recommendations 103:0915
- Health authorities
- reporting of critical injuries and deaths of children and youth involving mental health and addiction services 103:0910
- Homelessness
- Legislature
- Officers of the Legislature shared services
- McParland, Katherine
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- National inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
- Representative for Children and Youth
- Representative for Children and Youth Act
- Substance use and addiction
- services and supports for youth 103:0910
- Teachers
- role in reporting potential child abuse 103:0930
- WSÁNEĆ Nation
- traditional story of great flood 103:0900
Charlwood, Nicole
- Presentation to committee on behalf of West Kootenay EcoSociety 115:1045-1050, 115:1105
- Kootenay area, watershed management and protection 115:1045-1050
- Regional district of Central Kootenay, watershed sustainability initiative 115:1045
- Water
- Watershed protection and security fund proposal 115:1045-1050
Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia See also Mathison, Lori
Chemainus River watershed
Chhina, Navdeep
- Presentation to committee on behalf of HUB Cycling 114:1440-1445, 114:1455-1505
- Cycling, infrastructure and funding 114:1440-1445, 114:1455-1505
- Education, cycling education in schools 114:1440-1445
- Lower Mainland, cycling infrastructure and ridership 114:1440, 114:1500-1505
- Motor Vehicle Act, reform 114:1445
- Transportation, active transportation and infrastructure, funding 114:1440-1445, 114:1455
Chief Electoral Officer See Elections B.C.; Boegman, Anton
Child care
- Affordability and availability (Smith, S.) 107:1015
- COVID-19 impact See Child care impact and supports under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- Facilities, public facilities (Gregson, S.) 121:0925-0930
- Funding and spaces (Cardew, R.) 107:0915-0920 (Gregson, S.) 121:0925-0930 (Ivanova, I.) 107:1055 (Morris-Reade, J.) 107:1120
- Funding, emergency funding during COVID-19 See Child care impact and supports under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- Government action (Ellis, V.) 121:0915
- Government plan (James) 106:1515
- Government plan and implementation (Montani, A.) 121:0920
- Role in economy and labour force participation (Gregson, S.) 121:0925
- System and government plan (Mooring, T.) 117:1610
- Workers See Early childhood educators under Children and youth
Child protection system
Children and Family Development Ministry
Children and youth
- Advocacy (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0900-0905
- AYA program See Youth at risk, youth agreements below
- Child opportunity benefit (James) 106:1510
- Child poverty See Poverty
- Child protection system See Child protection system
- Children in government care See Child protection system
- Deaths and critical injuries
- information and reporting (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0905-0910
- information and reporting on coronavirus-related cases (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0920
- Early childhood development
- early intervention services and funding (Montani, A.) 121:0925
- early years programs (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0910
- Early childhood educators
- supply and training (Huberman, A.) 106:1615
- supply and wages (Gregson, S.) 121:0925
- Employment See Employment and unemployment
- Mental health See Mental health
- Programs and services for children and families
- administration during COVID-19 pandemic (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0920-0925
- Representative See Representative for Children and Youth
- Special needs children See also Special education and special needs under Education
- access to services (Fawkes-Kirby, T.) 112:0910
- At Home program medical and respite benefits (Lenahan, B.) 120:1415, 120:1430-1435
- COVID-19 impact See Children and youth impact and supports under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- early intervention services access and wait-lists (Dean) 120:1425 (Gordon, J.) 120:1405-1410, 120:1425-1430
- funding for services (Verschoor, K.) 118:0940
- hearing impairment and early intervention See Ear health and hearing impairment
- respite services (D'Eith) 120:1430
- services and funding (Barnett) 120:1425 (Gordon, J.) 120:1405-1410, 120:1425 (Lenahan, B.) 120:1415-1420, 120:1430-1435 (Leonard) 120:1430-1435 (Lockrey, C.) 118:0945-0950
- supports for families of children requiring complex care (Lenahan, B.) 120:1415-1420
- Youth
- access to menstrual products (Shaw, M.) 112:1145
- Youth at risk
Children and Youth Committee
- Special project on children with neurodiverse special needs (Leonard) 120:1435
Chisholm, Shawn
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Federation of Independent School Associations 118:0905-0910, 118:0920
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, education system impact and reopening
- Education
- Education funding
Chronic disease management See Health care system
Chrumka, Margaret
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Kamloops Art Gallery 119:1005-1020
- Arts and culture
- Indigenous artists and culture 119:1015
- role in communities and society 119:1010
- virtual and live-streamed performances and exhibits 119:1020
- B.C. Arts Council, budget and funding 119:1005-1010
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, impact and government response, arts organizations 119:1010
- Kamloops
- Kamloops Art Gallery
Citadel Speech and Language Services See also Yu, Becca
Citizens' Services Ministry
- Consultation with Information and Privacy Commissioner (McEvoy, M.) 102:0950
- Information sharing (Boegman, A.) 101:1020
- Temporary order on data residency requirements (McEvoy, M.) 102:0950
Civil forfeiture See Forfeiture of proceeds of crime under Crime and criminals
Civil service See Public service
Clarkson, David
- Presentation to committee 116:1705-1710
- PharmaCare program coverage, plan G psychiatric medications 116:1705-1710
- Substance use and addiction, naloxone treatment, internasal naloxone kits 116:1705
Clayoquot Biosphere Trust See also Goldt, Erika
Clean energy See Energy
Clean Energy Canada See also Woynillowicz, Dan
Clean technology See Science and technology
CleanBC plan
- Building component
- energy-efficiency retrofits (Ogmundson, B.) 118:1020
- energy-efficiency retrofits and rebates (Heerema, D.) 116:1430 (Leonard) 116:1430
- Energy-efficient building component See Building component above
- Funding (Hackney, T.) 116:1450-1455 (Woynillowicz, D.) 116:1415
- Industry fund (Goehring, M.) 108:0925
- Plan (Balabanowicz, J.) 116:1415 (D'Eith) 108:1100 (Dunn, J.) 108:1100
- Role in economic recovery from COVID-19 (Woynillowicz, D.) 116:1415
Clearview AI
- Use of facial recognition technology, review (McEvoy, M.) 102:0955
Clement, David
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Consumer Choice Center 116:1635-1640, 116:1650
- Cannabis, taxation, exemption for medical use 116:1635-1640
- Electronic cigarettes and vapour products
- potential health risks, vaping products for cannabis 116:1650
- taxation, repeal proposal 116:1635-1640
- taxation, vaping products for medical cannabis 116:1640
- Sales tax, application and exemptions, medical cannabis 116:1635-1640
Climate change
Clovechok, Doug (Columbia River–Revelstoke)
- As subject
- election as Deputy Chair of Finance and Government Services Committee (Barnett) 100:0820 (D'Eith) 100:0820
- Agriculture
- Alberta
- Cannabis
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- impact and government response
- impact and response
- Elections
- administration, implementation of legislative changes 101:1025
- Internet voting 103:1050
- Elections B.C.
- budget and operations
- supplementary funding request for election management during COVID-19 132:0920
- supplementary funding request for implementation of legislative changes 101:1025
- update 103:1050
- staff, temporary staff 101:1025
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- Health care system
- Information and communications technology
- high-speed Internet service
- connectivity issues for remote and rural communities 106:1645
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Invasive species
- Mines and mining industry
- Post-secondary education
- distance education and online learning, access to Internet and connectivity issues 106:1645
- Resorts
- resort municipality initiative program 109:1605
- Shuswap Nation
- involvement in coal mining project 108:0915
- Wildlife
Coal mine project in Elk Valley area See North Coal Ltd.
Coalition for Healthy School Food
Coalition of Child Care Advocates of British Columbia See also Gregson, Sharon
Coalition to End Youth Homelessness See British Columbia Coalition to End Youth Homelessness
Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd.
Cody, Jen
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Nanaimo Foodshare Society 108:1120-1125
- Agriculture Ministry, budget 108:1125
- Communities, agriculture and food supports 108:1125
- Dietitians, community dietitians 108:1120-1125
- Emergencies, food security as part of emergency management 108:1125
- Food and food industry
Coleman, Rich (Langley East)
- Automobiles
- B.C. by region
- B.C. Institute of Technology
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- personal protective equipment and supplies 132:0845
- Dental health
- services for low-income persons 112:1005
- Diabetes
- Education funding
- Elections
- Elections B.C.
- budget and operations
- procurement, new voting technology 101:1030
- procurement, personal protective equipment and supplies 132:0845
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- reports
- statutory officers interim report 106:1455
- Financial services industry
- Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
- Information and communications technology
- Long-term and residential care
- Lower Mainland
- police services, impact of Surrey transition to municipal force 110:1620-1625
- Physicians
- Police and policing
- Post-secondary institutions
- faculty wages and working conditions, contract faculty 122:1630
- Richmond Chamber of Commerce
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- impact of Surrey transition to municipal force 110:1620
- Royal Roads University
- programs, microcredits and distance education 121:1100
- Skills training
- online learning and trades training delivery, workers in camps 107:1130-1135
- Surrey
- Surrey Board of Trade
- West Coast Olefins Ltd.
College of New Caledonia, Prince George, B.C.
- Courses and programs, wait-lists (Kaur, S.) 122:1455
College of New Caledonia Students Union See also Kaur, Sharanjit
Columbia Basin
Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy See also Palmer, Rhonda
Columbia Basin Trust
- Purchase of dam expansion See Expansion project and acquisition under Waneta Dam
Columbia Power Corp.
- Purchase of dam expansion See Expansion project and acquisition under Waneta Dam
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society See also Hooper, Robyn
Colwood, B.C.
- Cycling infrastructure, Galloping Goose intersection at Colwood Corners (Burger, C.) 114:1500 (Dean) 114:1455
Communitas Supportive Care See also Santiago, Karyn
- Agriculture and food supports (Cody, J.) 108:1125
- Gaming grants for community organizations (Mills, D.) 119:0950-0955
- Gaming grants for community organizations and COVID-19 impact (Stuart, S.) 109:1620
- Regional planning (Edge, C.) 118:1035-1040
Community accountability programs See Restorative justice programs under Corrections system
Community adult literacy program See Programs and funding under Literacy
Community Alliance of Racialized Ethnocultural Services for Equitable Health See CARES for Equitable Health
Community benefits agreement See Labour
Community health centres See Health care facilities and hospitals
Community land trusts for housing See Social and subsidized housing under Housing
Community Living British Columbia See also Community living services under Disabled persons
Community social services sector See Social welfare
Community social services workers See Social workers
Comox Valley
Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness See also Cupelli, Andrea
Comox Valley regional district
- Housing needs assessment of area (Kishi, R.) 114:1410
Comox Valley Transition Society See also Ney, Heather
Compliance and enforcement officers
- Powers during COVID-19 pandemic (Pecknold, C.) 103:1120
Comptroller general
Computer technology See Information and communications technology
Computers See Information and communications technology
Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia See also Holler, Jacqueline
Conflict of interest
Conflict of Interest Commissioner See also Conflict of interest; Gray, Victoria
- Annual meetings with MLAs (Gray, V.) 102:1035-1040
- Budget and operations
- Commissioner appointment and office transition (D'Eith) 102:1040 (Gray, V.) 102:1035
- Commissioner position
- Complaint investigation re Ravi Kahlon and ride-share regulations (Gray, V.) 102:1040
- Complaint investigations and issuance of opinions (Gray, V.) 102:1035
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic (Gray, V.) 102:1035-1045
- Legal officer position (Gray, V.) 102:1045
- Office space (Gray, V.) 102:1035
- Role and responsibilities (Gray, V.) 102:1030-1035
- Staff and staffing (Gray, V.) 102:1030-1035
- Work of office, update and priorities (Gray, V.) 102:1035-1045
- Work with other offices (Gray, V.) 102:1040
Conservation of wildlife See Wildlife
Construction industry
- Building and development in areas at risk for natural disasters See Land use
- COVID-19 impact See Impact and government response under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- Employment of women and workplace culture (Atchison, C.) 109:1500 (Dean) 109:1500, 116:1535 (Leonard) 109:1505 (Mercier, A.) 109:1505
- Energy efficiency
- retrofit programs and improvements (Heerema, D.) 116:1405
- retrofits and incentives (Ogmundson, B.) 118:1020
- Excavation work, protection of underground infrastructure See Infrastructure
- Housing development approval process See Local government
- Prompt payment issues and legislation proposal (Atchison, C.) 109:1435-1440, 109:1505 (D'Eith) 109:1505 (Moody, N.) 118:1025
- Residential construction industry
- Role in economy and COVID-19 response (Atchison, C.) 109:1435
- Workers
Consumer Choice Center See also Clement, David
Container terminal operators See Ports
Convenience Industry Council of Canada See also Kothawala, Anne
Convenience store industry
Cook, Richard
- Presentation to committee 114:1650-1655
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, economic recovery, job recovery 114:1650
- Dikes, dike construction program proposal 114:1650-1655
Coonfer, Lee
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Seniors Living Association 118:1140-1150
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, front-line workers, pandemic pay eligibility 118:1140-1150
- Long-term and residential care, private facilities
Cooper, Staci
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Speech and Hearing B.C. 117:1640-1645
- Ear health and hearing impairment
- hearing aids and assistive devices, coverage of costs 117:1645
- Speech disorders
- Speech-language pathologists
Coronavirus disease See COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
Corrections system
- Brain injury support services (Hagreen, A.) 113:1045
- Costs (Worley, M.) 111:1115
- COVID-19 impact and response, use of solitary confinement (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1545
- Funding for services to prisoners (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1530-1535
- Health services (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1540-1545 (Simons) 110:1540
- Investigation and standards office (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1535
- Mental health and social support services (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1530-1535 (Simons) 110:1545
- Prisoners
- culturally appropriate services for Indigenous prisoners (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1535
- substance use and addiction (Worley, M.) 111:1115
- Repeat offenders, mental health and addiction services See Mental health and addiction services under Mental health
- Restorative justice programs
- Use of force, oversight (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1535
Corrigall, Todd
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Prince George Chamber of Commerce 106:1635-1650
- Employer health tax, deferral 106:1635
- Information and communications technology, high-speed Internet service, connectivity issues for remote and rural communities 106:1635, 106:1645-1650
- Post-secondary education, distance education and online learning, access to Internet and connectivity issues 106:1645
- West Coast Olefins Ltd., petrochemical plant project 106:1640
Cosco, Frank
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of B.C. 122:1530-1535, 122:1555
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- impact and government response, mental health 122:1555-1600
- post-secondary education impact and supports
- Post-secondary institutions
- budgets and operations, COVID-19 impact and deficit budgets 122:1535
- revenue sources, international students and tuition fees 122:1535
Coté, Jonathan
- Work on Mayors Council (Buda, M.) 114:1520
Council of Senior Citizens Organizations of British Columbia See also Pither, Sheila
Courts See Justice system
COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- Adult basic education impact and supports (Ivits, S.) 122:1550
- Business impact and supports See also Employee impact and supports below
- business impact and supports (Anderson, B.) 106:1605-1610 (Huberman, A.) 106:1615 (Impey, P.) 107:0940-0945 (Ivanova, I.) 107:1055 (Mannella, A.) 107:0910 (Pitcairn, M.) 106:1610-1615 (Treleaven, J.) 122:1715
- Canada emergency business account loans and provincial loan program proposal (Delaney, B.) 109:1520-1525 (Han, H.) 109:1515-1520
- costs for health and safety measures (Pitcairn, M.) 106:1615 (Wilson, G.) 107:1050
- e-commerce issues See online commerce issues below
- federal initiatives, wage subsidies See Employee impact and supports, wages below
- impact (Delaney, B.) 109:1535 (Kothawala, A.) 109:1450
- information and communications technology (Mathison, L.) 107:1040-1045 (Tipping, J.) 116:1600-1605
- microbusinesses and sole proprietorships (MacGregor, C.) 107:0910-0915, 107:0925-0930
- online commerce issues and U.S. entities (Wilson, G.) 107:1045-1100
- small businesses (Leonard) 108:1055
- supports (Barnett) 109:1530
- tax payment deferrals for businesses (James) 106:1505
- Child care impact and supports (Dean) 121:0930 (Gregson, S.) 121:0930
- Child care impact and supports, temporary emergency care and funding (Gent, D.) 120:1635
- Children and youth impact and supports
- Compliance and enforcement of orders See Orders below
- Economic recovery
- balanced budgets (Dean) 107:1100 (Ivanova, I.) 107:1100 (Mathison, L.) 107:1105
- economic recovery (Barnett) 106:1530 (Cox, B.) 108:1150-1155 (Dominguez, O.) 120:1625 (Goehring, M.) 108:0920-0925 (Holmes, B.) 113:0850-0855 (James) 106:1505, 106:1520, 106:1530 (McCort, K.) 120:1630 (Morrison, G.) 108:1150 (Santiago, R.) 120:1600 (Vadnais, P.) 108:0905-0910
- economic recovery plan and infrastructure (Higginson, S.) 117:1530
- equitable recovery (Balabanowicz, J.) 116:1435 (Cronk, L.) 107:1025, 107:1035 (Dean) 107:1035, 111:1045 (D'Eith) 116:1435 (Ellis, V.) 121:0915 (Ivanova, I.) 107:1050-1055 (Morris, J.) 111:1050 (Whiteside, J.) 111:1005
- funding (D'Eith) 109:1530 (Han, H.) 109:1530
- green recovery (Burkhaart, T.) 116:1525-1530 (Cronk, L.) 107:1025 (Doherty, E.) 114:1530, 114:1640
- job recovery (Cook, R.) 114:1650
- resilient recovery (Balabanowicz, J.) 116:1410 (Woynillowicz, D.) 116:1415
- role of child care (Dean) 121:0930 (Gregson, S.) 121:0925-0930
- role of post-secondary education (Ayles, C.) 122:1540 (Blouw, M.) 122:1650 (Dean) 121:1055, 122:1505-1510 (Dupasquier, G.) 122:1405 (Fairbairn, B.) 121:1030 (Holler, J.) 122:1535-1540 (Ivits, S.) 122:1545-1550 (Kaur, S.) 122:1500 (Klassen, T.) 122:1445-1450, 122:1510 (Lawrence, K.) 122:1415-1420 (Ono, S.) 121:1000-1005 (Petter, A.) 121:0955 (Steenkamp, P.) 121:1055-1100 (Treleaven, J.) 122:1715-1720
- stimulus spending (Dominguez, O.) 120:1650
- sustainable recovery (Peart, B.) 115:1120-1125 (Roberts, C.) 116:1605
- Education system impact and reopening
- impact and reopening (James) 106:1510
- impact on students and teachers (Dean) 117:1630 (Mooring, T.) 117:1630-1635
- independent distributed learning (Barnett) 118:0920 (Kraushar, S.) 118:0920-0925 (Papou, A.) 118:0925
- independent schools (Chisholm, S.) 118:0920 (Dean) 118:0920
- international education and students (Chisholm, S.) 118:0920
- international students (Barnett) 117:1545 (Dean) 122:1425 (Higginson, S.) 117:1545-1550
- remote learning (Mezei, J.) 117:1505
- school district costs and funding (D'Eith) 117:1510 (Hamaguchi, K.) 117:1500, 117:1510 (Higginson, S.) 117:1530 (Mezei, J.) 117:1510 (Mooring, T.) 117:1610 (Palmer Isaak, K.) 117:1510
- school district revenues (Hamaguchi, K.) 117:1500 (Higginson, S.) 117:1530, 117:1545 (Mezei, J.) 117:1500
- school facilities and design (Westphal, M.) 117:1620
- student well-being and role of arts (Milne Martens, M.) 117:1410-1415
- Emergency orders See Orders below
- Employee impact and supports
- B.C. emergency benefit (James) 106:1505
- Canada emergency response benefit (Ivanova, I.) 107:1055
- displaced workers, training (Dean) 116:1610 (Mathison, L.) 107:1045 (Tipping, J.) 116:1610
- displaced workers, transition (Dean) 118:1040 (Wainwright, K.) 107:1125
- immigrant workers, training and supports (Stachova, O.) 107:1145-1150
- wages and wage subsidy program (Santiago, R.) 120:1600-1605 (Schindler, P.) 113:0820
- women (Dean) 109:1655 (Harrison, S.) 109:1655 (Mercier, A.) 109:1435
- Front-line workers
- Government supports for industries and sectors See Impact and government response below
- Housing impact and government response
- Impact
- active transportation (Stein, C.) 114:1445
- children and youth isolation (D'Eith) 103:0925
- diverse and marginalized groups (Babineau, A.) 113:0910 (Dean) 113:0905 (Holmes, B.) 113:0905-0910 (Rans, M.) 120:1640
- elections (Boegman, A.) 132:0830-0840 (Dean) 132:0840
- home improvement projects (Whitemarsh, M.) 110:1610
- immigrant workers (Stachova, O.) 107:1145-1150
- impact (James) 106:1500
- impact on and role of digital media industry (Bailey, B.) 119:0920
- people with chronic diseases (Koutsodimos, R.) 111:0905 (Lam, C.) 111:0920
- people with chronic diseases and caregivers (Marchese, D.) 111:0915
- residential construction industry (Moody, N.) 118:1025
- transportation services and ridership (Buda, M.) 114:1520-1525
- youth homelessness (McParland, K.) 118:1105
- Impact and government response
- action plan and initiatives (Barnett) 106:1530 (James) 106:1505-1530
- action plan and initiatives, auditing of spending (Dean) 106:1525 (James) 106:1525
- administrative fairness oversight of government services (Chalke, J.) 104:0910-0920
- agriculture industry (O'Hara, H.) 108:1045
- animal welfare organizations, funding (Daniell, C.) 122:1655-1700
- arts organizations and creative sector (Chrumka, M.) 119:1010 (D'Eith) 119:1010 (Fischer, S.) 119:1035 (Klassen, E.) 119:0955-1000 (Leadlay, B.) 119:1000-1010 (Mills, D.) 119:0950-0955 (Olstead, G.) 119:1040 (Rans, M.) 120:1640-1645
- caregivers (Verschoor, K.) 118:0940
- child care See Child care impact and supports above
- child protection system (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0930 (Dean) 103:0925-0930
- children and youth (Montani, A.) 121:0920
- community social services sector (Dean) 120:1535, 120:1605, 120:1645 (FitzZaland, R.) 120:1530-1535 (Gent, D.) 120:1635-1650 (Kirkpatrick, K.) 120:1605 (Santiago, K.) 120:1525 (Santiago, R.) 120:1600-1605 (Scott, C.) 120:1605
- construction industry (Edge, C.) 118:1035
- court services (Chalke, J.) 104:0915
- courts See also justice system below
- disability and income assistance recipients, recovery supplement (Pritchard, E.) 120:1445
- disability assistance recipients (Verschoor, K.) 118:0935
- economy and jobs (Anderson, B.) 106:1605-1610 (Morrison, G.) 108:1145 (Wallin, G.) 115:0850
- elections (Boegman, A.) 101:1000, 101:1010-1015, 101:1025, 101:1035, 103:1030, 103:1045-1050 (D'Eith) 101:1035, 103:1045-1050 (Porter, C.) 101:1025
- film industry (Clovechok) 119:0940 (Klapwyk, P.) 119:0915, 119:0940
- food security (D'Eith) 108:1135 (Goldt, E.) 108:1110-1115, 108:1135 (King, E.) 121:1130 (Leonard) 108:1135 (Stafford, J.) 108:1115-1120
- food security and supply systems (Boon, K.) 108:1020 (D'Eith) 108:1130-1135 (Ens, R.) 108:1010-1015 (Lucas, G.) 108:1015-1020 (Prato, M.) 108:1125-1130
- forest industry (Hanacek, M.) 108:0950-0955
- forest industry and pulp and paper sector (Leonard) 108:1000 (Skene, B.) 108:0940-0945, 108:1000
- funding for rapid innovation by organizations (Santiago, R.) 120:1600
- gambling operations (Barnett) 109:1635 (Stuart, S.) 109:1620, 109:1635
- gaps between federal and provincial funding (D'Eith) 113:0825 (Schindler, P.) 113:0820
- health care system (Bressler, B.) 113:0815 (D'Eith) 113:0915 (Goldenberg, L.) 113:0915 (Orfaly, R.) 111:1155 (Riddell, A.) 111:0945-0950
- health research (Goldenberg, L.) 113:0855-0900
- impact and government response (Holmes, B.) 113:0850 (Petter, A.) 121:0955
- information and privacy (McEvoy, M.) 102:0945-1010
- justice system See also courts above; lawyers; notaries; police below
- justice system and legal processes (Ferris, C.) 110:1520-1525
- kidney health services (Schindler, P.) 113:0820, 113:0835
- lawyers and legal services (Brun, J.) 110:1515 (Rans, M.) 120:1640-1645
- literacy programs (Alkenbrack, B.) 113:1000-1005 (Crowley, S.) 113:1025 (Mobley, M.) 113:1005 (Palmer, R.) 113:1010-1015, 113:1025
- LNG sector See oil and gas sector below
- lobbyists registration (McEvoy, M.) 102:1000
- local government (Dobrovolny, J.) 107:0945 (Frizzell, G.) 107:0935-0940, 107:0955 (Impey, P.) 107:0940-0945
- marginalized groups (Markwick, M.) 110:1645
- mental health (Aldridge, F.) 111:1045 (Ayles, C.) 122:1545, 122:1555-1600 (Cosco, F.) 122:1555-1600 (Dean) 122:1555 (D'Eith) 111:1045, 122:1555 (Dupasquier, G.) 122:1435 (Holler, J.) 122:1555 (Morris, J.) 111:1030-1035, 111:1045-1050 (Raza, S.) 122:1435
- music industry and musicians (D'Eith) 119:0935, 119:1050-1055 (Leonard) 119:1050 (MacPherson, M.) 119:0905, 119:0935 (Nayar, T.) 119:1030, 119:1050-1055
- natural gas sector See oil and gas sector below
- non-profit and charitable sector (Dean) 111:0925 (Koutsodimos, R.) 111:0905 (Krueckl, S.) 111:0925-0930 (Lam, C.) 111:0925 (Leonard) 111:0935 (McCort, K.) 120:1630 (Marchese, D.) 111:0915, 111:0935
- non-profit sector (Dominguez, O.) 120:1625-1630, 120:1650 (Rans, M.) 120:1640-1645 (Schindler, P.) 113:0820, 113:0835
- notary services (Boisvert, D.) 110:1640
- oil and gas sector (Cox, B.) 108:1150-1155 (D'Eith) 108:1155 (Morrison, G.) 108:1145, 108:1155
- opioid overdoses and services (Sanderson, S.) 111:1110-1115 (Thompson, C.) 111:1125-1130
- parks and trail systems (Ball, V.) 115:1000, 115:1030 (D'Eith) 115:1030 (Leonard) 115:1020 (Pedersen, L.) 115:1025 (Sander, C.) 115:1010 (Strawson, A.) 115:1025
- police services (Sauve, B.) 110:1615
- post-secondary education See Post-secondary education impact and supports below
- publishing industry (Waechtler, H.) 119:1145
- response addressing gender inequality (Anderson, B.) 106:1625 (Dean) 106:1625
- retail industry (Barnett) 107:1100 (Pitcairn, M.) 106:1615 (Wilson, G.) 107:1045-1100
- science centres (Calogheros, T.) 119:1140-1145
- seniors See also Long-term and residential care
- services for children and youth (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0915-0925
- supply chain and proposed Auditor General review (Jones, R.) 102:1125, 102:1140 (Simons) 102:1140
- supports for victims of domestic violence (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0920, 103:0930 (Dean) 103:0930
- tax revenues to government (Treleaven, J.) 122:1715-1720
- tourism and hospitality industry (D'Eith) 109:1610 (Delaney, B.) 109:1520-1525 (Ducs, D.) 109:1615 (Judas, W.) 109:1550-1555, 109:1615 (Mandziuk, G.) 109:1600, 109:1615 (Nursey, P.) 109:1625-1630
- tourism industry (Anderson, B.) 106:1625 (Cardew, R.) 107:0920 (Clovechok) 106:1525, 107:0925 (James) 106:1525-1530
- vulnerable persons (Chalke, J.) 104:0915 (Cronk, L.) 107:1025 (Ellis, V.) 121:0915 (Ivanova, I.) 107:1050-1055 (Montani, A.) 121:0920 (Smith, S.) 107:1010
- workers See Employee impact and supports above
- Impact and response
- bc211 seniors support services (Leonard) 112:1045 (Little, M.) 112:1045
- beverage industry (Goetz, J.) 109:1445-1450
- community health centres (Fuller, C.) 112:1105
- convenience store industry (Kothawala, A.) 109:1450
- dairy farming sector (Dunn, J.) 108:1050
- invasive species organizations (Benesh, K.) 115:0840 (Hooper, R.) 115:0835 (Wallin, G.) 115:0850
- pharmacies (Hanna, S.) 113:0930-0945
- public libraries (Leonard) 119:1125-1130 (Tracy, E.) 119:1130
- spinal injury services (Barrable, B.) 113:0900, 113:0915
- tourism and SMART travel (Clovechok) 109:1610 (Ducs, D.) 109:1605-1610 (Simons) 109:1610
- Information
- Orders
- enforcement of emergency orders (Chalke, J.) 104:0920
- public health orders, compliance and enforcement (Pecknold, C.) 103:1120
- Outbreaks
- correctional facilities (Metcalfe, J.) 110:1545
- Paid sick leave
- Personal protective equipment and supplies (Boegman, A.) 132:0845 (Coleman) 132:0845
- Personal protective equipment and supplies, purchase by government (Klassen, M.) 112:0955
- Post-secondary education impact and supports
- faculty (Ayles, C.) 122:1545, 122:1555-1600 (Calvert, B.) 122:1620 (Cosco, F.) 122:1530-1535, 122:1555-1600 (Dean) 122:1555 (D'Eith) 122:1555 (Holler, J.) 122:1555 (Marinelli, L.) 122:1625-1630
- impact and supports (Ayles, C.) 122:1540-1545 (Cassels, J.) 121:1005 (Davis, A.) 121:0950 (Fairbairn, B.) 121:1055 (Holler, J.) 122:1535-1540 (Ivits, S.) 122:1550 (Klassen, T.) 122:1445-1450 (Ono, S.) 121:1000 (Steenkamp, P.) 121:1040
- international student enrolment (D'Eith) 121:1050 (Fairbairn, B.) 121:1050 (Hancott, D.) 121:1055 (Pile, T.) 121:1050
- international students (Cosco, F.) 122:1535 (D'Eith) 122:1430 (Desrochers, S.) 122:1450 (Dupasquier, G.) 122:1435 (Klassen, T.) 122:1445 (Raza, S.) 122:1425-1435
- remote learning (Blouw, M.) 122:1655 (D'Eith) 122:1430 (Dupasquier, G.) 122:1430-1435 (Raza, S.) 122:1435
- remote learning and educational resources (Klassen, T.) 122:1505 (Lo Patigdas, P.) 122:1500-1505
- remote learning and teaching (Ayles, C.) 122:1545 (Cosco, F.) 122:1600
- research programs (Holler, J.) 122:1540
- research programs response (D'Eith) 122:1655 (Kamyabi, A.) 122:1410
- students (Blouw, M.) 122:1650-1655 (Calvert, B.) 122:1620 (Dupasquier, G.) 122:1405 (Holler, J.) 122:1540 (Lawrence, K.) 122:1415-1420
- tuition fees and revenues (Desrochers, S.) 122:1450 (Klassen, T.) 122:1445 (Marinelli, L.) 122:1625 (Raza, S.) 122:1425-1430
- Public health measures to address transmission (Anderson, B.) 106:1605
- Public health orders See Orders above
- Quarantine
- quarantine of foreign farm workers (Lucas, G.) 108:1015
- Research projects
- Safety protocols in workplaces
- Statutory officers impact and response See particular officers
- Testing (Nielsen, C.) 112:0920
- Testing, serology testing (D'Eith) 113:0940 (Hanna, S.) 113:0935-0945
- Treatment
- Vaccination plan
Cowichan Green Community Society See also Stafford, Judy
Cowichan River
- Gravel deposits and fish habitat protection (Seymour, W.) 115:1050-1055
- Water levels, weir proposal and funding (Seymour, W.) 115:1050-1055
Cowichan River watershed
Cowichan Valley
- Food access during COVID-19 (Stafford, J.) 108:1115-1120
- Koksilah watershed
Cowichan Watershed Board See also Seymour, William
Cox, Bryan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. LNG Alliance 108:1150-1155
- Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. pipeline project 108:1150-1155
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- Energy, clean energy supply 108:1150
- Liquefied natural gas development
- LNG Canada facility project 108:1150-1155
CPP See Canada Pension Plan
Creative B.C.
Credit unions See Financial services industry
Crime and criminals See also Corrections system; Justice system
- Forfeiture of proceeds of crime, funding grants (Seiferling, H.) 110:1455
- Money-laundering prevention (Boisvert, D.) 110:1640
Criminal Code
Crohn's disease See Inflammatory bowel disease
Cronk, Laird
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Federation of Labour 107:1020-1035
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- Government programs and services, funding 107:1025
- Workers, rights and protections 107:1020
Crowley, Sharon
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Literacy Matters Abbotsford 113:1015-1025
- Abbotsford, literacy programs and funding 113:1015-1025
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- impact and government response, literacy programs 113:1025
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- language preservation and revitalization 113:1020
- reconciliation, public awareness and education 113:1015
- Information technology, digital literacy and access to technology and training 113:1025
- Literacy
- Literacy Matters Abbotsford
- Smith, Perry, learning session on truth and reconciliation 113:1015
Crown corporations
- Financial reporting, audit and oversight (Jones, R.) 102:1145-1150
Crown land
Crowsnest Highway See Highway 3 (Crowsnest Highway)
Cruise ship industry
CUPE See Canadian Union of Public Employees
Cupelli, Andrea
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness 118:1100-1105, 118:1120
- Comox Valley, housing and homelessness 118:1100-1105, 118:1120
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, housing impact and government response, social and subsidized housing 118:1100
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Seniors housing 118:1100
- Advocacy groups (Stein, C.) 114:1505
- Cycling and trail use (D'Eith) 115:1020 (Strawson, A.) 115:1015
- Cycling education in schools See Education
- Infrastructure and funding (Barnett) 114:1455 (Burger, C.) 114:1435-1440, 114:1500-1510 (Campbell, R.) 114:1450-1455, 114:1505 (Chhina, N.) 114:1440-1445, 114:1455-1505 (Dean) 114:1455, 114:1655 (D'Eith) 114:1505 (Doherty, E.) 114:1655 (Leonard) 114:1500 (Simons) 114:1500 (Stein, C.) 114:1445-1450, 114:1505
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