Fifth Session, 41st Parliament (2020)

Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Issue No. 100

ISSN 1499-4178

The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
The PDF transcript remains the official digital version.



Bob D’Eith (Maple Ridge–Mission, NDP)

Deputy Chair:

Doug Clovechok (Columbia River–Revelstoke, BC Liberal)


Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin, BC Liberal)

Rich Coleman (Langley East, BC Liberal)

Mitzi Dean (Esquimalt-Metchosin, NDP)

Ronna-Rae Leonard (Courtenay-Comox, NDP)

Nicholas Simons (Powell River–Sunshine Coast, NDP)


Kate Ryan-Lloyd

Susan Sourial


Thursday, February 27, 2020

8:15 a.m.

Douglas Fir Committee Room (Room 226)
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.

Present: Bob D’Eith, MLA (Chair); Doug Clovechok, MLA (Deputy Chair); Donna Barnett, MLA; Mitzi Dean, MLA; Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA; Nicholas Simons, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Rich Coleman, MLA
There not yet being a Chair elected to serve the Committee, the meeting was called to order at 8:20 a.m. by the Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interparliamentary Relations.
Resolved, that Bob D’Eith, MLA, be elected Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. (Nicholas Simons, MLA)
Resolved, that Doug Clovechok, MLA, be elected Deputy Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. (Donna Barnett, MLA)
Resolved, that the Committee meet in camera to discuss the Committee’s Budget 2021 Consultation process as well as the Review of Statutory Offices process. (Nicholas Simons, MLA)
The Committee met in camera from 8:22 a.m. to 9:28 a.m.
The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 9:29 a.m.
Bob D’Eith, MLA
Kate Ryan-Lloyd
Acting Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Susan Sourial
Clerk Assistant — Committees and Interparliamentary Relations


The committee met at 8:20 a.m.

Election of Chair and Deputy Chair

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant, Committees and Interparliamentary Relations): Good morning, committee members. As this is our first meeting of the fifth session for the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services — and welcome, everybody, to the committee — the first order of business is to elect a Chair.

Do I have any nominations?

N. Simons: I nominate Bob.

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): Do you accept, Bob?

B. D’Eith: Yes, I accept. Thank you very much.

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Third time?

Motion approved.

[B. D’Eith in the chair.]

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): Mr. Chair, congratulations.

B. D’Eith (Chair): All right. Thank you very much.

Next up we have the election of the….


B. D’Eith (Chair): Oh yes. Thank you, Nicholas, for your nomination, and thank you, Donna, for listening to him when nobody else does. Okay….


B. D’Eith (Chair): I know, and that’s on the record.

So election of the Deputy Chair. Do I have a nomination?

D. Barnett: I nominate Doug Clovechok.

B. D’Eith (Chair): We have a nomination. Seconded.

Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations?

Motion approved.

B. D’Eith (Chair): Thank you. Well done.

Budget Consultation Planning and
Review of Statutory Officers Planning

B. D’Eith (Chair): Okay. Next up we have 2020 planning. Wow — 2020, the fourth one we’ve done.

For the Budget 2021 consultation, did you want to talk about it?

S. Sourial (Clerk Assistant): I just wanted to check in with Kate, if she’d like to go first and do the statutory officers, just in case.

B. D’Eith (Chair): Yeah. Then you don’t have to stay around.

K. Ryan-Lloyd (Acting Clerk of the Legislative Assembly): That would be great. Thank you, Members.

We have prepared, with Karan’s assistance, a number of preliminary working documents. Much of these details are somewhat administrative in nature. If you’d like, we can continue on the public record, or we can have an in-camera review of these draft materials, with respect to planning for the spring.

B. D’Eith (Chair): Motion to go in camera?

N. Simons: So moved.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 8:22 a.m. to 9:28 a.m.

[B. D’Eith in the chair.]

B. D’Eith (Chair): Okay, we’re out of in camera. Before we break for today, I didn’t have an opportunity to welcome our new member, Donna Barnett, to the committee.

Thank you for joining.

I also wanted to thank Dan Ashton for his service over the last few years. I really enjoyed working with him, and I’m really looking forward to working with Doug as the new Deputy Chair. I’m sure we’ll get a lot done.

Motion to adjourn.

Motion approved.

The committee adjourned at 9:29 a.m.