41st Parliament – 2020
Parliamentary Committee Proceedings
Finance and Government Services Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health
- Partnerships and role (Barrable, B.) 113:0910
Wachiay Friendship Centre Society See also Kishi, Roger
Waechtler, Heidi
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Association of Book Publishers of B.C. 119:1145-1150
- Arts and culture
- cultural purchases tax credit proposal 119:1150
- government funding and support 119:1150
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, impact and government response, publishing industry 119:1145
- Education, school libraries, purchase of B.C. books 119:1150
- Publishing industry
Wages and salaries
Wainwright, Kevin
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C.'s Prior Learning Action Network 107:1125-1135
- B.C. Institute of Technology
- COVID-19 impact, trades training delivery 107:1130
- recognition of prior and experiential learning 107:1125
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, employee impact and supports, displaced workers, transition 107:1125
- Information and communications technology, high-speed Internet service, connectivity issues for remote and rural communities 107:1135
- Post-secondary education
- distance education and online learning 107:1130
- recognition of prior and experiential learning, prior learning assessment and recognition process 107:1125
- Skills training, online learning and trades training delivery, workers in camps 107:1130-1135
Wakil, Zarghoona
- Presentation to committee on behalf of CARES for Equitable Health 111:0950-0955, 111:1015
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic information, communications and outreach to minority language communities 111:1015
- Health care facilities and hospitals
- Health care funding
- funding model for primary care clinics 111:0955
- Health care system
Wallin, Gail
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Invasive Species Council of B.C. 115:0850-0900
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- impact and government response, economy and jobs 115:0850
- impact and response, invasive species organizations 115:0850
- Invasive species
- Invasive Species Council of B.C., partnerships and role 115:0850
Waneta Dam
- Expansion project and acquisition, Auditor General review (Jones, R.) 102:1135-1140
- Zero-waste initiatives (O'Hara, H.) 108:1050
Waste management
- Contaminated minesites, reclamation and rehabilitation fund proposal (Skuce, N.) 116:1530-1535
- Waste with energy value, diversion from landfills (McSweeney, M.) 116:1455-1500
- Infrastructure and storm drainage systems (Kozakevich, K.) 110:1605
- Protection of resources (Charlwood, N.) 115:1045-1050 (Paydli, D.) 115:1040-1045
- Protection of resources, holistic approach (D'Eith) 115:1100 (Paydli, D.) 115:1100
- Stewardship, minister responsible concept (Charlwood, N.) 115:1105 (Simons) 115:1105
- Supply and storage infrastructure (Boon, K.) 108:1020 (Dunn, J.) 108:1055
- Supply and storage infrastructure, funding (Seymour, W.) 115:1050-1055
- Systems and infrastructure (Dobrovolny, J.) 107:0945-0950
Watershed Watch Salmon Society See also Azeez, Lina
- Severe weather events, impact and preparedness (Sutherland, A.) 110:1600
Weber, Gail
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North Peace Seniors Housing Society 112:1035-1045
- B.C. by region, northern B.C., seniors housing and care facilities 112:1035-1040
- Fort St. John
- Home care and home support services 112:1040-1045
- North Peace Seniors Housing Society, housing facilities 112:1035
- Seniors
Weed Control Act
Well-being See Health
Wells See Oil and gas
West Coast Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) See also Bendo, Elba
West Coast Olefins Ltd.
West Kootenay EcoSociety See also Charlwood, Nicole
Western Canada Theatre See also Klassen, Evan
Westfall, Jordan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Association for Safe Supply 111:1120-1125
- Substance use and addiction
Westphal, Matt
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Surrey Teachers Association 117:1615-1620
- Adult basic education
- course offerings and support services 117:1615
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- education system impact and reopening
- Education funding
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- Schools
- Protection for whistleblowers
Whitemarsh, M.J.
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Common Ground Alliance 110:1610, 110:1620-1625
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, impact
- Underground infrastructure, protection during digging and information call system 110:1610, 110:1620-1625
Whiteside, Jennifer
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Hospital Employees Union 111:1000-1005, 111:1015-1020
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, economic recovery, equitable recovery 111:1005
- Health care funding
- long-term and residential care, capital plan 111:1005
- Health care system
- health professionals and workers, hospital support workers and contracts 111:1005
- Long-term and residential care
Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce See also Mannella, Aaron
Williams Lake, B.C.
Wilson, Greg
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Retail Council of Canada 107:1045-1100
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- business impact and supports
- impact and government response, retail industry 107:1045-1100
- Recycling, eco-fees 107:1050, 107:1100
Winter, Alan
Wood, Denise
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Nanaimo District Teachers Association 117:1615, 117:1630
- Education
- special education and special needs 117:1615
- Education funding
Workers compensation
- Presumptive conditions category, addition of COVID-19 (Edge, C.) 118:1035-1040
Worley, Megan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of VisionQuest Recovery Society 111:1115-1120
- Corrections system
- Substance use and addiction
Woynillowicz, Dan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Clean Energy Canada 116:1415-1425
- Automobiles, zero-emission and clean vehicles
- CleanBC plan
- Climate change, government action 116:1415
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic, economic recovery, resilient recovery 116:1415
- Energy
- Fuel, hydrogen fuel cell technology, development and road map 116:1420
- Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, transportation sector 116:1415
- Tolls, road pricing 116:1425
- Transit services, buses and bus service, transition to zero-emission vehicles 116:1420-1425
Wright, Don
- Traditional story of great flood (Charlesworth, J.) 103:0900
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