42nd Parliament
Committee Proceedings
Legislative Assembly Management Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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McLachlin, Beverley
- Review re senior officials See Investigation of senior officials, independent review under Legislative Assembly
MacMinn, E. George
McNamara, Jessica
- ADR Education
- Legislative Assembly
- staff
- strategic planning 24:1440
- workplace review
Members of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
- Administrative policies (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 10:1620
- Capital city living allowance (Woodward, H.) 5B:1020
- Career retraining allowance (Begg) 16:1745 (Farnworth) 16:1740 (Polak) 16:1740-1745 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 16:1725-1740 (Tegart) 16:1745
- Compensation
- Constituency assistants See Constituency assistants
- Constituency offices See Constituency offices
- Disclosure of expenses
- Disclosure statements
- Guide to policy and resources See Website under Legislative Assembly
- Human resources consultant services (Polak) 17:1120 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 25:1605 (Woodward, H.) 17:1115
- Income tax changes (James, C.) 1:1510-1515 (Woodward, H.) 3:1505, 5B:0950
- In-constituency travel guidelines See Travel below
- Independent MLAs, funding (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 10:1615 (Speaker) 5B:1040 (Woodward, H.) 5B:1045
- Information
- Legal assistance indemnification policy (Routledge) 23:1415-1420 (Seo, S.) 23:1415 (Speaker) 23:1415 (Tegart) 23:1415
- Legal services (Furstenau) 5B:1200 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 5B:1200
- Pension benefits (Farnworth) 2:1340 (Speaker) 2:1340
- Pension plan (Farnworth) 3:1505-1510, 5B:1000 (James, C.) 1:1510-1515, 3:1505-1510 (Krog) 2:1340 (Speaker) 5B:0955-1000 (Woodward, H.) 3:1505-1510, 5B:0955-1000, 5B:1020
- Policies (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 14:1700
- Taxation of allowances See Income tax changes above
- Travel
- Website See Website under Legislative Assembly
Members Remuneration and Pensions Act
Menzies Street
Minutes See Legislative Assembly Management Committee
MLAs See Members of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Motions and resolutions
- Motion for committee to develop scope and terms for audit, approved 6:1445
- Motion for committee to seek legal advice on potential examination or audit, approved 5B:0930
- Motion on accompanying-person travel provisions, approved 16:1750
- Motion on adoption of accountability report, 2017-18 and 2018-19, approved 21:1455
- Motion on adoption of finance and audit committee meeting minutes, approved 2:1335, 5B:0940
- Motion on adoption of finance and audit committee report, approved 5B:1000
- Motion on adoption of meeting minutes, approved 1:1505, 2:1335, 4:1450, 5B:0905, 6:1205, 9:1635, 10:1600, 11:1500, 12:1135, 13:1205, 14:1600, 15:1700, 16:1630, 17:1045, 18:1405, 22:1015, 23:1400, 24:1430, 25:1600
- Motion on adoption of policy framework, approved 14:1705
- Motion on adoption of report and for Chair to present report to House at earliest opportunity, approved 9:1735
- Motion on adoption of Vote 1 budget estimates 2018-19 as presented, approved 2:1400
- Motion on adoption of Vote 1 budget estimates 2020-21 as presented, approved 17:1315
- Motion on audit of Legislative Assembly by Auditor General, approved 7:1635
- Motion on budget of Office of the Speaker, approved 10:1615
- Motion on career retraining allowance, approved 16:1745
- Motion on caucus resources and funding formula review, approved 2:1340
- Motion on ceremonial driveway upgrade project, approved 17:1320
- Motion on chamber lighting project, approved 25:1620
- Motion on Clerk of the Legislative Assembly position, approved 18:1425
- Motion on committee workplan, meeting schedule and referral of business, approved 9:1705
- Motion on constituency office expenditure monitoring protocol, approved 18:1430
- Motion on current policy, policy review, and policy framework development, approved 14:1705
- Motion on disbanding finance and audit committee, approved 18:1420
- Motion on disclosure of information re Wally Oppal, negatived 5B:1205
- Motion on disclosure of Legislative Assembly executive compensation and travel expenses, approved 4:1505
- Motion on disclosure of MLA travel receipts and redactions, approved 10:1615
- Motion on disclosure statements re MLAs, approved 16:1755
- Motion on examination by Auditor General, negatived 5B:0925
- Motion on executive compensation framework, approved 25:1705
- Motion on finance and audit committee forwarding Vote 1 budget estimates 2019-20 to LAMC, approved 5A:1045
- Motion on finance and audit committee meeting agenda, approved 5A:1015
- Motion on finance and audit committee meeting draft report, approved 5A:1030
- Motion on finance and audit committee meeting minutes, approved 5A:1030
- Motion on finance and audit committee membership, approved 9:1710
- Motion on financial statements for Legislative Assembly for year ended March 31, 2017, approved 1:1525
- Motion on financial statements for Legislative Assembly for year ended March 31, 2018, approved 21:1445
- Motion on financial statements for Legislative Assembly for year ended March 31, 2019, approved 21:1445
- Motion on funding for Third Party leased space as amended, approved 5B:1135
- Motion on hiring of staff by Office of the Speaker, negatived 5B:0935
- Motion on holiday card mailings, approved 17:1100
- Motion on hosting of parliamentary conference in Nova Scotia and funding, approved 11:1505
- Motion on inclusion of "serious medical emergency" definition in members' guide to policy and resources, approved 23:1425
- Motion on in-constituency travel guidelines, approved 11:1500, 12:1140
- Motion on interim funding for Third Party, approved 2:1340
- Motion on internal audit policy, approved 23:1425
- Motion on legal assistance indemnification policy for members, approved 23:1415
- Motion on letter of thanks to staff during coronavirus outbreak, approved 21:1440
- Motion on letter to Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Appointment Committee, approved 15:1730
- Motion on letter to Hansard and IT department on hybrid proceedings, approved 24:1610
- Motion on meeting agenda, approved 1:1505, 2:1335, 4:1400, 5B:0900, 6:1205, 7:1410, 9:1635, 10:1600, 11:1500, 12:1135, 13:1205, 14:1600, 15:1700, 16:1630, 17:1045, 18:1405, 19:1700, 20:1405, 21:1430, 22:1015, 23:1400, 24:1430, 25:1600, 26:1205
- Motion on MLA pension plan, approved 5B:1000
- Motion on MNP LLP contract for audit services, approved 25:1610-1615
- Motion on Office of the Speaker budget, deferral, approved 5B:1100
- Motion on proactive disclosure for purchase card transactions and contracts above $10,000, approved 23:1430
- Motion on public release of response from Legislative Assembly senior officials and response by Speaker, approved 7:1635
- Motion on public release of response from Legislative Assembly senior officials, approved 7:1635
- Motion on public release of Speaker's report, approved 6:1445
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2016-17, third and fourth quarters, and 2017-18, first and second quarters, approved 1:1520
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2018, first and second quarters, deferral, approved 5B:0955
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2018, first, second and third quarters, approved 10:1610
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2018, fourth quarter, approved 11:1510
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2019, first quarter, approved 14:1620
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2019, fourth quarter, approved 23:1435
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2019, second quarter, approved 16:1720
- Motion on quarterly financial reports, 2020, first quarter, approved 25:1620
- Motion on referral of correspondence to finance and audit committee, approved 9:1645
- Motion on relocation of Cowichan Valley constituency office due to COVID-19 concerns, approved 25:1610
- Motion on relocation of Langley constituency office, approved 18:1425
- Motion on Remembrance Day wreaths, approved 16:1720
- Motion on response from Legislative Assembly senior officials, approved 6:1445
- Motion on response to Speaker's report, approved 7:1635
- Motion on retirement age for permanent officers, approved 15:1725
- Motion on risk management policy, approved 23:1425
- Motion on salaries for executives at Legislative Assembly, approved 18:1425
- Motion on security equipment, approved on division 4:1515
- Motion on subcommittee on administration and operations, approved 18:1420
- Motion on taxation of MLA allowances, approved 5B:0950
- Motion on transitional assistance, approved 2:1340, 16:1725
- Motion on transmission of Vote 1 budget estimates 2018-19 to Minister of Finance, approved 2:1400
- Motion on transmission of Vote 1 budget estimates 2019-20, as amended, to Minister of Finance, approved on division 5B:1350
- Motion on use of parliamentary venues by external groups policy, approved 23:1420
- Motion on withholding of compensation increase for MLAs, approved 20:1405
- Motion on workplace review for Legislative Assembly, approved 6:1445, 9:1715, 10:1620
- Motion re request for information re political staff in constituency offices, approved 1:1610
- Motion to communicate new subcommittee structure to Auditor General, approved 18:1420
- Motion to establish subcommittee on agenda and procedure, approved 9:1710
- Motion to go in camera, approved 4:1515, 6:1210, 7:1410, 8:1600, 9:1715, 11:1510, 13:1205, 14:1705, 15:1700, 17:1320, 18:1430, 19:1700, 21:1500, 22:1015, 23:1435, 24:1510, 25:1645, 26:1205
- Motions in finance and audit committee, negatived 5A:1020, 5A:1030
- Motions on adoption of meeting minutes, approved 21:1430-1435
- Motions on Clerk of the Legislative Assembly position, approved 15:1725-1730
- Motions on Constitution Act, approved 18:1420-1425
- Motions on disclosure of reviews by Speaker, negatived 5B:0940
- Motions on Legislative Assembly governance, approved 18:1420-1425
- Motions on Legislative Assembly Management Committee Act, approved 18:1425
- Motions on permanent officers, approved 18:1425
- Motions on respectful workplace policy, approved 12:1150
- Motions on salaries, approved 15:1725-1730
- Motions on subcommittee on finance and audit, approved 18:1420
Mullen, Alan
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