42nd Parliament
Committee Proceedings
Legislative Assembly Management Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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Website See Legislative Assembly
Whistleblower policy See Legislative Assembly
Woodward, Hilary
- Armouries building
- Auditor General
- audit of Legislative Assembly 1:1525
- Bicycle repair stations
- Bicycle storage
- B.C. Legislative Library
- Ceremonial driveway
- Confederation fountain
- Constituency assistants
- Constituency offices
- Electric vehicle charging stations
- Green Party of B.C.
- Legislative Assembly
- administrative support services 10:1600, 11:1505
- Birch Room, audio-visual system upgrades 5B:1335
- capital planning and development branch
- capital projects
- contingency fund 17:1300, 17:1315
- contingency fund for building improvements 14:1610-1615
- planning and unspent funds 1:1520-1525, 2:1355, 10:1600-1605, 11:1505-1510, 14:1610, 21:1455
- projects 3:1535, 5A:1040, 5B:1255-1300, 5B:1320-1350, 10:1605-1610, 14:1615-1620, 17:1110, 17:1255-1315, 25:1620
- carpet replacement 2:1345
- caucus budget 5B:1350
- caucus funding formula 5B:1040, 5B:1100, 17:1125
- chamber
- digital information office
- dining room
- earthquake preparedness
- electrical upgrades 5B:1345
- electrical upgrading project 3:1535
- emergency preparedness and disaster recovery response
- business continuity planning 5B:1255
- estimates
- B.C. Legislative Library 5B:1305-1310, 17:1215
- building occupancy charges 2:1345
- capital expenses 5A:1040, 5B:1320-1350, 17:1255-1315
- capital planning and development 5B:1255-1300
- capital planning and development branch 17:1155
- caucus support services 5B:1015, 5B:1040-1120, 5B:1135, 17:1125-1130
- constituency expenses 5B:1025, 17:1115-1120
- dining room 5B:1240, 17:1145
- executive financial officer 5B:1235, 17:1140
- facilities services 5B:1250-1255, 17:1150
- general centralized expenses 5B:1255, 17:1150-1155
- Hansard services 5B:1305
- human resource operations 5B:1245, 17:1145
- information systems 5B:1020
- information technology and professional services 2:1350
- information technology branch 5B:1245-1250
- interparliamentary relations 5B:1030
- legislative documents 5B:1225
- legislative support services 5B:1015-1040, 5B:1135-1140, 5B:1150, 5B:1220-1225, 5B:1235-1310
- materials and supplies 2:1345
- members' salaries and compensation 2:1350, 5B:1020, 17:1110-1120
- members' services 5B:1015, 17:1110-1120
- new systems, specialized equipment and life-cycle replacement 17:1315
- Office of the Clerk 5B:1220
- Office of the Speaker 5B:1135-1140, 5B:1150
- operating expenses 5B:1010-1015, 10:1600
- overview of categories 2:1345-1350, 5B:1010-1015
- parliamentary education office 5B:1250
- unspent funds 2:1355, 16:1705, 21:1455
- Vote 1 review process, budget 2018-2019 2:1345-1355
- Vote 1 review process, budget 2019-2020 5A:1035-1040, 5B:1010-1030, 5B:1040-1100, 5B:1135-1140, 5B:1150, 5B:1220-1225, 5B:1235-1350
- Vote 1 review process, budget 2020-2021 17:1105-1155, 17:1215-1320
- executive financial officer
- executives
- facilities services
- financial reporting
- financial statements for 2017-18 21:1445
- financial statements for 2018-19 21:1445
- internal audit program 5B:1235, 17:1140
- quarterly financial reports, 2016-17, third and fourth quarters, and 2017-18, first and second quarters 1:1520-1525
- quarterly financial reports, 2018, first and second quarters 5B:0950-0955
- quarterly financial reports, 2018, first, second and third quarters 10:1600-1605
- quarterly financial reports, 2018, fourth quarter 11:1505-1510
- quarterly financial reports, 2019, first quarter 14:1610-1615
- quarterly financial reports, 2019, second quarter 16:1705
- quarterly financial reports, 2019, third quarter 21:1455-1500
- financial services
- gift shop
- Hansard services
- human resource operations
- HVAC replacement project 3:1535, 5B:1350
- information technology branch
- interparliamentary relations
- activities and funding 5B:1030
- twinning initiatives with other jurisdictions 12:1155
- legal services 17:1155
- legislative documents
- member services 11:1505
- office furniture and equipment 14:1615
- Office of the Clerk
- Office of the Sergeant-at-Arms
- furniture and equipment replacement 5B:1340
- Office of the Speaker
- parliamentary committees office
- equipment and furniture replacements 5B:1340
- parliamentary education office
- budget and operations 5B:1250
- equipment replacement and tour-booking reservation system 5B:1340
- precinct
- respectful workplace office 17:1125-1130
- security
- shared centralized expenses 5B:1255, 17:1150-1155
- staff
- sustainability projects 3:1535
- Legislative Assembly Management Committee
- finance and audit committee
- Legislative internship program
- MLAs
- Members of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
- Members Remuneration and Pensions Act
- Parliament Buildings
- copper roofs, upgrades 5B:1350
- foundation drainage upgrades 5B:1350, 17:1310
- maintenance and rehabilitation
- Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia
- Queen's Printer
- work for Legislative Assembly 5B:1225
- Speaker, role re budgets 5B:1220
- Steam plant
Workplace review See Legislative Assembly
Work-related clothing policy See Clothing policy under Legislative Assembly
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