Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2016
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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Hamilton, Wm. Scott (Delta North)
- Public Accounts Committee
Harm reduction See Public health
Hatt, Laura
- Mental health, demographic information and screening for poverty 29:1305
- Mental illness and addiction, adult tertiary services
Hazeltine Creek
Health See also Health authorities; Health care system; Public health
- Social determinants (van der Leer, G.) 29:1350
Health authorities
- Financial reporting, Auditor General review (Jones, R.) 29:0920 (Moore, L.) 29:0905
- Information technology projects (Bellringer, C.) 30:1500 (Dodds, S.) 30:1500 (Hughes, B.) 30:1500, 30:1515-1520 (Huntington) 30:1520 (Sultan) 30:1500 (Throness) 30:1515 (Wenezenki-Yolland, C.) 30:1500, 30:1515
- Services for mental illness and addiction (Giles, J.) 29:1110-1115 (Glynn, K.) 29:1400 (Hughes, D.) 29:1120-1125, 29:1355-1405 (Robinson) 29:1355-1405 (van der Leer, G.) 29:1400
Health care system
- Adult tertiary services for mental illness and addiction See Mental illness and addiction
- Hospital societies, financial reporting and Auditor General review (Moore, L.) 29:0910
- IHealth electronic medical records system, implementation and review (Eby) 30:1435-1440
- Information, HealthLink B.C. services (Hughes, D.) 29:1120
- Information management and technology projects
- Primary and secondary care, services (Glynn, K.) 29:1315-1320 (Reimer) 29:1315
Health, Ministry of
- Memorandum of understanding with health services authority See Provincial Health Services Authority
- Panorama public health system project See Public health
- Role re information technology project oversight (Wenezenki-Yolland, C.) 30:1515
- Strategy map and local services for mental illness and addiction (Hughes, D.) 29:1125, 29:1320
- Strategy paper on mental illness and addiction services (Hughes, D.) 29:1120-1125
HealthLink B.C. See Information under Health care system
Healthy Minds, Healthy People initiative See Mental illness and addiction
Heyman, George (Vancouver-Fairview)
- Accountants
- B.C. Hydro
- financial reporting
- use of rate-regulated accounting and deferral accounts 26:1055
- Community corrections
- Conflict of interest
- Corrections system
- repeat offenders, prevention
- effectiveness of programs and contracted services 30:0945-0950
- Environmental Management Act
- Government
- Imperial Metals Corp.
- Mount Polley mine, discharge of wastewater 28:1120-1130
- Mount Polley mine tailings pond breach
- Maximus B.C. Health Inc.
- Mines and mining industry
- compliance and enforcement
- Post-secondary institutions
- Waste management
Highland Valley mine See Teck Resources Ltd.
Hoffman, Al
- Banks Island Gold Ltd.
- Boliden-Westmin Resources Ltd.
- Myra Falls mine, operations 28:1035
- Chief inspector of mines
- Elk Valley
- mining operations in area, impact of selenium in water 28:1020
- Imperial Metals Corp.
- Mount Polley mine tailings pond breach
- Mines and mining industry
- code review 27:1440
- compliance and enforcement
- Auditor General review and government response 27:1440, 27:1515, 27:1605, 28:0920-0925, 28:0935, 28:0950, 28:1005, 28:1020, 28:1035-1055, 28:1135-1140, 28:1155, 28:1230-1235
- government approach 28:1035, 28:1135-1140
- inspections and monitoring 27:1515, 28:1155, 28:1230-1235
- permitting 27:1440, 27:1515, 28:1005
- staff and resources 28:1040, 28:1155
- Sable Resources
- Shawnigan Lake
- contaminated soil disposal sites
- Shawnigan Residents Association
- Teck Resources Ltd.
- Line Creek mine operations
- Waste management
Hospital societies See Health care system
- Supportive housing for mentally ill and addicted (Glynn, K.) 29:1135
Hughes, Bette-Jo See also Chief information officer
- Chief information officer
- Finance Ministry
- role re information technology project oversight 30:1400-1405
- Government
- information technology projects
- mobile device management and security
- Health authorities
- IBM Canada Ltd.
- government contract for e-health system development 30:1440
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- report on mobile device management and security 30:1545
- Maximus B.C. Health Inc.
Hughes, Doug
- Fraser Valley, mental illness and addiction services for violent patients, assertive community treatment teams 29:1315
- Health authorities, services for mental illness and addiction 29:1120-1125, 29:1355-1405
- Health care system, information, HealthLink B.C. services 29:1120
- Health Ministry
- strategy map and local services for mental illness and addiction 29:1125, 29:1320
- strategy paper on mental illness and addiction services 29:1120-1125
- Mental health, mental health services for children and youth
- integrated services 29:1320
- tracking of patients and supports for families 29:1320
- Mental illness and addiction
- adult tertiary services
- assertive community treatment teams 29:1310-1315
- Healthy Minds, Healthy People initiative 29:1115-1120
- incidence and complex cases 29:1115
- Riverview Hospital, services and closing 29:1330, 29:1400-1405
- Vancouver
- mental illness and addiction services 29:1400-1405
- mental illness and addiction services for violent patients, assertive community treatment teams 29:1310-1315
- Vancouver General Hospital, Joseph and Rosalie Segal family health centre project 29:1400
Hume, Mark
- Article on Line Creek mine operations (Sultan) 28:1015
Hunt, Marvin (Surrey-Panorama)
- Clinton, Hillary, use of personal email 30:1550
- Community corrections
- Corrections system
- probation officers, training 30:1010-1015
- repeat offenders, prevention
- rate of reoffending, information and measurement 30:1010
- Credit unions
- Elk Valley
- mining operations in area, impact of selenium in water 28:0900, 28:0915
- Fish
- westslope cutthroat trout, protection 28:0915
- Government
- records management
- email and use of personal email 30:1550
- Mental illness and addiction
- adult tertiary services
- evaluation, performance measurement and standards 29:1155
- Mines and mining industry
- compliance and enforcement
- Teck Resources Ltd.
- Line Creek mine operations
- mine reclamation liability 27:1520
- Waste management
Huntington, Vicki (Delta South)
- B.C. Transportation Finance Authority
- financial reporting, Auditor General review 26:1120
- Community corrections
- Corrections system
- repeat offenders, prevention
- rate of reoffending, information and measurement 30:1035
- Environment
- environmental assessment process 27:1435
- First Nations
- treaty settlements and tax obligations 26:1140
- Government
- financial reporting
- Auditor General review for 2014-15 and qualifications 26:1115-1120
- contractual obligations and guaranteed debt 26:1120
- information technology projects
- Health authorities
- information technology projects 30:1520
- Mines and mining industry
- compliance and enforcement
- placer mining 27:1435
- Post-secondary institutions
- Property tax
- Treasury Board
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