Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2016
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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New York Times
- Article on coal industry and cleanup costs (Sultan) 28:1130
New Zealand
- Pike River coal mine disaster (Eby) 28:1235
Newton, Stuart
- As subject
- position as comptroller general 30:1300
- Accountants
- B.C. Transportation Finance Authority
- financial reporting, Auditor General review 26:1120
- First Nations
- treaty settlements and tax obligations 26:1140
- Government
- accounting practices
- financial reporting
- lands and properties, sale 26:1100
- Pensions
- Post-secondary institutions
- capital procurement
- Auditor General review, government response 30:1330
- financial reporting, inclusion in government reporting entity and ability to borrow funds 26:1145-1150
- property ownership 30:1330
- Public Sector Accounting Board
- Waste management
- contaminated sites, cleanup cost estimation and liability 26:1020-1030
- contaminated sites, number 26:1030
North Shore
Nova Scotia
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