Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2016
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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GAAP See Accounting practices, generally accepted accounting principles under Government
Galbraith, David
- Government
- capital asset management framework 30:1135, 30:1315
- information technology projects
- Metro Vancouver
- Lions Gate wastewater treatment facility project 30:1330
- Post-secondary institutions
- capital procurement
- property ownership 30:1330
- Treasury Board
Gartner Consulting
- Role re information technology project (Eby) 30:1525 (Twyford, P.) 30:1525
Gaston, Malcolm
Gibson, Simon (Abbotsford-Mission)
- Government
- information technology projects
- mobile device management and security
- Mines and mining industry
- compliance and enforcement
Giles, Jessie
- Health authorities, services for mental illness and addiction 29:1110-1115
- Mental illness and addiction, adult tertiary services
- Riverview Hospital, services and closing 29:1110
Gilhooly, Bill
- Retirement (Bellringer, C.) 30:1300
The Globe and Mail
- Article on Line Creek mine operations (Sultan) 28:1015
Glynn, Keva
- Education, mental health services in schools 29:1320
- Health authorities, services for mental illness and addiction 29:1400
- Health care system, primary and secondary care, services 29:1315-1320
- Housing, supportive housing for mentally ill and addicted 29:1135
- Mental health
- mental health services for children and youth, collaborative program 29:1320
- mental illness, psychosis 29:1350
- Mental illness and addiction
- adult tertiary services
- assertive community treatment teams 29:1330
- centre for addictions and research in mental health 29:1130-1135
- incidence and complex cases 29:1350
- Riverview Hospital, services and closing 29:1330, 29:1400
- Substance abuse and addiction, community-based services, AIMS database 29:1145-1150
Government See also Local government
- Accounting practices
- deferral of government transfers revenue for capital projects (Bellringer, C.) 26:1035 (Corrigan) 26:1150 (Moore, L.) 26:1010 (Newton, S.) 26:1015, 26:1030, 26:1110
- generally accepted accounting principles (Sultan) 26:1110
- rate-regulated accounting and deferral accounts, use by B.C. Hydro See Financial reporting under British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
- standards (Bellringer, C.) 26:1035, 26:1115, 26:1150-1155 (Corrigan) 26:1150 (Newton, S.) 26:1015-1020, 26:1030, 26:1105-1110, 26:1110-1115 (Sullivan) 26:1105 (Throness) 26:1040
- Assets, sale See Lands and properties, sale below
- Cabinet, role re permits See Provisions on permits under Environmental Management Act
- Capital asset management framework (Brewster, K.) 30:1320 (Galbraith, D.) 30:1135, 30:1315 (Heyman) 30:1315-1320 (Thomas, C.) 30:1135
- Financial reporting
- Auditor General review for 2014-15 (Bellringer, C.) 26:1005, 26:1025-1100, 26:1115, 26:1145-1155 (Jones, R.) 26:1005, 26:1030-1035, 26:1045-1055, 26:1105, 26:1115-1120, 26:1155 (Moore, L.) 26:1005-1015, 26:1100, 26:1125
- Auditor General review for 2014-15 and government response (Fischer, C.) 26:1025, 26:1120-1145 (Newton, S.) 26:1015-1030, 26:1045, 26:1100-1120, 26:1130-1150
- Auditor General review for 2014-15 and qualifications (Huntington) 26:1115-1120 (Jones, R.) 26:1115-1120
- contingent liabilities (Jones, R.) 26:1155 (Ralston) 26:1155
- contractual obligations (Bellringer, C.) 26:1045 (Moore, L.) 26:1010 (Newton, S.) 26:1020, 26:1045 (Ralston) 26:1045 (Throness) 26:1040-1045
- contractual obligations and contractual rights (Jones, R.) 26:1045, 26:1105 (Sullivan) 26:1105
- contractual obligations and guaranteed debt (Fischer, C.) 26:1120 (Huntington) 26:1120 (Ralston) 26:1120
- Crown land transfers (Fischer, C.) 26:1135 (Kyllo) 26:1135
- debt (Moore, L.) 26:1010
- dividends from Crown agencies (Bellringer, C.) 26:1035-1040 (Eby) 26:1030-1035
- financial and economic review (Newton, S.) 26:1130-1135 (Reimer) 26:1130
- government transfers See Accounting practices, deferral of government transfers revenue for capital projects above
- local government See Local government
- public accounts and Auditor General review See Auditor General review for 2014-15 below
- Information technology projects
- application condition and investment tool (Heyman) 30:1410 (Hughes, B.) 30:1400, 30:1410
- Auditor General review (Bellringer, C.) 30:1345-1350, 30:1450, 30:1500 (Dodds, S.) 30:1450, 30:1500 (Keates, K.) 30:1350 (Ralston) 30:1345
- Auditor General review, government response (Galbraith, D.) 30:1405-1410, 30:1435, 30:1510 (Hughes, B.) 30:1355-1430, 30:1440-1525 (Twyford, P.) 30:1425, 30:1525-1530 (Wenezenki-Yolland, C.) 30:1410, 30:1435, 30:1500-1515
- capacity and staffing (Gibson) 30:1445 (Hughes, B.) 30:1400, 30:1425-1430, 30:1445-1450 (Robinson) 30:1420-1430 (Twyford, P.) 30:1425
- governance framework (Hughes, B.) 30:1355
- oversight and costs (Bellringer, C.) 30:1345-1350 (Corrigan) 30:1430-1435, 30:1505-1510 (Dodds, S.) 30:1450, 30:1500 (Eby) 30:1435-1440, 30:1525-1530 (Galbraith, D.) 30:1405-1410, 30:1435, 30:1510 (Gibson) 30:1445-1450 (Heyman) 30:1405-1415 (Hughes, B.) 30:1355-1430, 30:1440-1525 (Huntington) 30:1520-1525 (Keates, K.) 30:1350 (Ralston) 30:1420, 30:1505 (Reimer) 30:1455 (Sultan) 30:1455-1500 (Throness) 30:1450, 30:1515 (Twyford, P.) 30:1525-1530 (Wenezenki-Yolland, C.) 30:1410, 30:1435, 30:1500-1515
- oversight questions list (Bellringer, C.) 30:1450 (Dodds, S.) 30:1450 (Keates, K.) 30:1350
- PRINCE2 methodology for project management (Eby) 30:1525 (Twyford, P.) 30:1525
- reporting (Corrigan) 30:1505 (Wenezenki-Yolland, C.) 30:1505-1515
- review (Hughes, B.) 30:1400
- Information, use of personal email See Records management below
- Lands and properties, sale (Corrigan) 26:1130 (Fischer, C.) 26:1130 (Heyman) 26:1055-1100 (Moore, L.) 26:1010 (Newton, S.) 26:1100
- Mobile device management and security
- Auditor General review (Bellringer, C.) 30:1535, 30:1550 (Bullock, J.) 30:1535-1540, 30:1600 (Ralston) 30:1535, 30:1550
- Auditor General review, government response (Bailey, I.) 30:1540-1600 (Hughes, B.) 30:1540-1600
- lost and stolen devices (Hughes, B.) 30:1545-1550
- management and security (Bailey, I.) 30:1550-1600 (Bellringer, C.) 30:1535, 30:1550 (Bullock, J.) 30:1535-1540, 30:1600 (Corrigan) 30:1550-1555 (Gibson) 30:1555-1600 (Hughes, B.) 30:1540-1600
- security and privacy tips (Bullock, J.) 30:1540, 30:1600
- Records management, email and use of personal email (Bailey, I.) 30:1550 (Corrigan) 30:1550 (Hunt) 30:1550 (Wenezenki-Yolland, C.) 30:1550
- Spending priorities (Moore, L.) 26:1010 (Throness) 26:1040
- Summary financial statements, Auditor General review See Financial reporting, Auditor General review above
Greiner, Leigh
- Community corrections
- Corrections system
- repeat offenders, prevention
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