Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2016
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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C55 See Information technology projects, application condition and investment tool under Government
Cabinet See Government
Capital asset management framework See Government
CARMHA See Centre for addictions and research in mental health under Mental illness and addiction
Centre for addictions and research in mental health See Mental illness and addiction
Centre for Mental Health and Addiction, Burnaby, B.C.
- Services for patients with violent behaviour (van der Leer, G.) 29:1315
Cerner Corp.
Chief information officer
Chief inspector of mines See also Hoffman, Al
Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative program See Mental health services for children and youth, collaborative program under Mental health
Chong, Frank
- As subject
- role as CEO of CUDIC (Richards, T.) 29:0945
- Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of B.C.
- Credit unions
- del Val, Helen, attendance at committee meeting 29:1100
- Financial Institutions Commission, oversight role re credit unions
- staffing and review activities 29:0955
- staffing and review activities, contractors 29:1015-1025
- staffing and supervisory practices 29:0950
CIO See Chief information officer
Citizens' Services Ministry See Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services, Ministry of
Clark, Elenore
- Community corrections
- Auditor General review and progress audit, government response 30:0945-0950
- Corrections system
- repeat offenders, prevention
- effectiveness of programs and contracted services 30:0945-0950
Clinton, Hillary
- Industry and cleanup costs (Sultan) 28:1130
Cochrane, Douglas
- Review of IHealth system See IHealth electronic medical records system, implementation and review under Health care system
Collins, Gary
- Actions re government accounting (Sultan) 26:1110
Commission of Inquiry into the Westray Mine Tragedy
Community corrections See also Corrections system
- Auditor General review and progress audit (Bellringer, C.) 30:0900, 30:0940, 30:1030-1040, 30:1130 (Corrigan) 30:1030 (Eby) 30:0940-0945 (Gaston, M.) 30:0935, 30:0950-0955, 30:1030, 30:1050-1055 (Pierce, L.) 30:0900-0905, 30:0950, 30:1115 (Ralston) 30:0900, 30:0935, 30:1030 (Sultan) 30:1115
- Auditor General review and progress audit, government response (Clark, E.) 30:0945-0950 (Greiner, L.) 30:0950, 30:1015, 30:1110-1115 (Merchant, B.) 30:0910-0930, 30:1000-1020, 30:1040-1105 (Small, B.) 30:0930, 30:0940-0945, 30:0955-1000, 30:1010-1030, 30:1050-1110
- Case management system (Merchant, B.) 30:0920
- Case management system, file reviews (Corrigan) 30:1030 (Small, B.) 30:1030
- Caseloads and staffing (Corrigan) 30:1105 (Gaston, M.) 30:0950-0955 (Heyman) 30:0950-0955 (Merchant, B.) 30:0915 (Pierce, L.) 30:0905 (Small, B.) 30:0955, 30:1105-1110
- Effectiveness and performance measurement See also Repeat offenders, prevention under Corrections system
- Enforcement and breaches (Eby) 30:1050 (Merchant, B.) 30:0920
- Prevention of repeat offences See Repeat offenders, prevention under Corrections system
- System and goals (Merchant, B.) 30:0910, 30:1005 (Pierce, L.) 30:0900-0905 (Robinson) 30:1000-1005
Conflict of interest
Conservation officers See Environment
Contaminated sites See Waste management
Corrections branch
Corrections system
- Community corrections See Community corrections
- Correctional facilities See also particular facilities
- Mental illness and addiction services for inmates See Adult tertiary services, gap population services under Mental illness and addiction
- Probation officers See also Community corrections
- Probation officers, training (Hunt) 30:1010-1015 (Merchant, B.) 30:0915 (Small, B.) 30:0930, 30:1010-1015
- Repeat offenders, prevention
- effectiveness of programs (Corrigan) 30:1020-1025 (Eby) 30:1055-1100 (Merchant, B.) 30:1040-1045, 30:1055-1105 (Small, B.) 30:1020-1025, 30:1055-1100
- effectiveness of programs and contracted services (Clark, E.) 30:0945-0950 (Corrigan) 30:1110-1115 (Eby) 30:0940 (Greiner, L.) 30:0950, 30:1110-1115 (Heyman) 30:0945-0950 (Merchant, B.) 30:0910-0915, 30:1000, 30:1045 (Pierce, L.) 30:0905, 30:0950, 30:1115 (Robinson) 30:0955-1000 (Small, B.) 30:0940-0945, 30:0955-1000
- needs and risks assessment (Merchant, B.) 30:0915-0920
- rate of reoffending, information and measurement (Bellringer, C.) 30:1130 (Corrigan) 30:1015-1025 (Eby) 30:0940, 30:1115 (Greiner, L.) 30:1015 (Hunt) 30:1010 (Huntington) 30:1035 (Merchant, B.) 30:0910, 30:1010-1020 (Pierce, L.) 30:0905 (Ralston) 30:1015, 30:1115, 30:1130 (Small, B.) 30:0940
- Sex offenders, release into community and notification process (Merchant, B.) 30:1045-1050 (Popham) 30:1045-1050 (Small, B.) 30:1050
- Supervision of persons on bail and probation See Community corrections
Corrigan, Kathy (Burnaby–Deer Lake)
- Advanced Education Ministry
- Community corrections
- Auditor General review and progress audit 30:1030
- case management system, file reviews 30:1030
- caseloads and staffing 30:1105
- Corrections system
- repeat offenders, prevention
- Government
- accounting practices
- deferral of government transfers revenue for capital projects 26:1150
- standards 26:1150
- information technology projects
- lands and properties, sale 26:1130
- mobile device management and security
- records management
- email and use of personal email 30:1550
- Labour
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary institutions
- capital procurement
- facility conditions 30:1330-1340
- financial reporting, inclusion in government reporting entity and ability to borrow funds 26:1145-1150
- Public health
- Panorama public health system project 30:1510
- Skills training
- UBC Properties Trust
- financial reporting and debt 26:1145
- Vanderweil Facility Advisors
- Waste management
Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Credit Union Incorporation Act
Credit unions
- Deposit insurance fund, policies (Bellringer, C.) 29:1030 (Chong, F.) 29:0955, 29:1005-1010, 29:1045-1050 (Hunt) 29:1045-1050 (Moore, L.) 29:1030 (Ralston) 29:1030 (Sultan) 29:1005-1010 (Wood, H.) 29:1030
- Deposit insurance systems (Wood, H.) 29:0945
- Federal credit unions (Chong, F.) 29:1050 (Hunt) 29:1050
- Legislation See Credit Union Incorporation Act
- Loans and commercial cap (Ralston) 29:1045 (Wood, H.) 29:1045
- Oversight
- Auditor General review and progress audit (Bellringer, C.) 29:0935, 29:1000, 29:1030-1035, 29:1045-1050 (Jones, R.) 29:1040 (Moore, L.) 29:0940, 29:1030 (Ralston) 29:0935, 29:1045
- Auditor General review and progress audit, government response (Chong, F.) 29:0950-0955, 29:1005-1025, 29:1040-1050 (Richards, T.) 29:0940-0950, 29:1000-1025, 29:1050-1055 (Wood, H.) 29:0945, 29:1030-1045, 29:1055
- consultation with stakeholders (Wood, H.) 29:1035
- international standards (Chong, F.) 29:1040 (Ralston) 29:1040 (Wood, H.) 29:1040
- risk and small credit unions (Chong, F.) 29:1040 (Ralston) 29:1035-1040
- risk assessments (Chong, F.) 29:0950
- Role in communities (Kyllo) 29:1100
Crime and criminals
Crown corporations
- Financial reporting, Auditor General review (Moore, L.) 29:0910
Crown land
- Transfers and government reporting See Financial reporting under Government
CUDIC See Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
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