Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2015
Special Committee to Review the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
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- Privacy issues See Social media and use of personal information under Privacy
Felske, Dana
- Presentation to committee on behalf of FutureBook Printing Inc. 6:1400-1415
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- sections 30.1 and 33.1, ministerial order provision 6:1405-1410
- FutureBook Printing Inc.
- production of school yearbooks and application of freedom-of-information legislation 6:1400-1415
- Privacy
- protection of personal information, domestic data storage requirements and disclosure of information outside Canada 6:1405-1415
- Schools
- yearbooks, information management and privacy issues 6:1400-1415
Flaherty, David
- Comments on staff training (Routley, D.) 2:0925
- Work as Information and Privacy Commissioner (Watson, G.) 5:1440
Foster, Eric (Vernon-Monashee)
- College of Registered Nurses of B.C.
- Freedom of information
- access to information
- information in the public interest 6:0925
- requests for information
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Review Special Committee
- Vancouver
- city government, information access and disclosure 6:1325
- Vancouver–West End constituency and area
- community plan and zoning, freedom-of-information request 6:1325
Fraser, Carly
- Death of youth in care after aging out of system, access to information on case (Corrigan) 6:1630-1635 (Eby) 6:1635 (Fraser, L.) 6:1625-1635
Fraser, Lisa
- Presentation to committee 6:1625-1635
- As subject
- presentation to committee (Eby) 6:1630
- B.C. Coroners Service
- role in youth death case and disclosure of information 6:1635
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- children in government care, privacy rights and access to case information 6:1625-1630
- Fraser, Carly
- death of youth in care after aging out of system, access to information on case 6:1625-1635
- Privacy
- disclosure of personal information for purpose of public scrutiny of government or public body 6:1625-1630
Freedom of information
- Access to information
- access (Champagne, R.) 6:1305 (Corrigan) 6:1305 (Denham, E.) 4:0840 (Eby) 7:1055 (Hughes, B.) 7:1030-1035 (Rush, J.) 6:1145
- accountability framework and transparency (Denham, E.) 4:0900-0905
- chief privacy and access officer proposal See Privacy
- competitive harm exemption (Tromp, S.) 6:0945-0950
- definition (Millar, L.) 6:1010
- enforcement and penalties (Bird, B.) 7:1010 (Bohus, S.) 5:1415 (Corrigan) 5:1425 (Eby) 5:1425 (Watson, G.) 5:1430-1450
- exclusions and exemptions (Botterell, R.) 6:1130-1135 (Corrigan) 6:0915 (Eby) 5:1315 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1310-1320 (McDonald, W.) 6:0905 (Schwartz, P.) 6:1420-1450
- independent oversight (Denham, E.) 4:0900
- information in the public interest (Bohus, S.) 5:1410 (Corrigan) 5:1345 (Crasta, J.) 5:1345-1350 (Denham, E.) 4:0920 (Eby) 4:0915-0920 (Foster) 6:0925 (McDonald, W.) 6:0925 (Routley, D.) 5:1350, 6:0925 (Rush, J.) 6:1200
- legal privilege exemption (Berger, R.) 6:1055-1105 (Botterell, R.) 6:1135-1140 (Corrigan) 5:1300, 6:1105, 6:1135 (Eby) 6:1445 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1245, 5:1300 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1310 (Routley, D.) 6:1105 (Schwartz, P.) 6:1425, 6:1445
- metadata (Hughes, B.) 7:1040
- penalties for document tampering or obstruction (Eby) 7:1055 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1235-1240 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1315 (Tromp, S.) 6:0955
- performance by governments and public bodies (Bird, B.) 7:1020
- policy advice exemption (Corrigan) 6:1445 (Denham, E.) 7:1140 (Schwartz, P.) 6:1445-1450 (Tromp, S.) 6:0935-0940
- role of technology (Denham, E.) 4:0845-0850
- Conference See Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Disclosure
- disclosure (Lau, O.) 6:1545-1550, 6:1600 (Routley, D.) 6:1550-1555
- postings on government websites (Tromp, S.) 6:1000
- proactive and routine disclosure See Proactive and routine disclosure below
- redacted information (Bohus, S.) 5:1410
- Duty to assist (Bird, B.) 7:1005 (Denham, E.) 7:1200 (Hughes, B.) 7:1125 (Routley, D.) 7:1120
- Duty to assist and public information on exercise of access rights (Levine, S.) 6:1050-1055 (Richards, V.) 6:1320 (Routley, D.) 6:1320
- Information access office See Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services, Ministry of
- Information and Privacy Commissioner See Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Legislation See also Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- court cases (Schwartz, P.) 6:1420-1450
- court rulings See Supreme Court of British Columbia; Supreme Court of Canada
- coverage of public bodies See also particular sectors; Public sector
- development (Botterell, R.) 6:1115
- global trends (Denham, E.) 4:0850-0900
- history in Canada (Denham, E.) 4:0840-0845
- legislation (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1305 (McRae) 5:1255
- legislation in other jurisdictions (Corrigan) 5:1320, 6:1025 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1320-1330 (McRae) 5:1325-1330 (Millar, L.) 6:1025-1030 (Tromp, S.) 6:0950
- monitoring, enforcement and penalties (Wipond, R.) 7:0940-0950
- reform (Tromp, S.) 6:1000
- review See also Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act, Special Committee to Review the
- review and recommendations (Bird, B.) 7:1020 (Tromp, S.) 6:0935
- review priorities (Corrigan) 5:1315-1320 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1315-1320
- review process (Hughes, B.) 7:1030
- review timeline (Denham, E.) 7:1155
- role of government (Hughes, B.) 7:1035
- Privacy issues See Privacy
- Proactive and routine disclosure (Bird, B.) 7:1015-1025 (Denham, E.) 4:0845, 4:0900 (Eby) 7:1020-1025 (Hughes, B.) 7:1040-1045, 7:1115 (McRae) 7:1115 (Millar, L.) 6:1015-1020 (Plater, S.) 2:0910-0915
- Requests for information
- anonymity of applicants (Plater, S.) 2:0915
- appeal process (McDonald, W.) 6:0910
- carve-out practice (Botterell, R.) 6:1140 (Routley, D.) 6:1140
- complaint process See also Investigations under Information and Privacy Commissioner
- discretionary exemptions (Plater, S.) 2:0850
- exemptions See also Access to information above
- fees (Bohus, S.) 5:1410 (Eby) 5:1330, 6:0915 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1310, 5:1330 (McDonald, W.) 6:0910-0915 (Plater, S.) 2:0845, 2:0915
- fees and fee waivers (Corrigan) 5:1345, 5:1355 (Crasta, J.) 5:1340-1345, 5:1355 (Foster) 6:0925
- government handling (Bird, B.) 7:1005-1010 (Botterell, R.) 6:1115-1120 (Boyd, W.) 7:1105 (Corrigan) 7:1100-1105 (Hughes, B.) 7:1105 (Watson, G.) 5:1435-1450
- government handling and best practices (Hughes, B.) 2:0930 (Plater, S.) 2:0930 (Yap) 2:0930
- government handling and litigation (Eby) 6:1205 (Rush, J.) 6:1205 (Tromp, S.) 6:0940
- government handling and "no records" responses (Gogolek, V.) 5:1235
- government handling and staff training (Routley, D.) 2:0925
- guide for public making requests (Corrigan) 6:1320 (Tegart) 6:1320
- information handled by subsidiary corporations of public bodies See also Corporate subsidiaries under Public sector
- "no records" responses (Champagne, R.) 6:1310 (Denham, E.) 7:1140 (Routley, D.) 6:1310
- number (Denham, E.) 4:0845 (Hughes, B.) 2:0925 (Plater, S.) 2:0840, 2:0925 (Routley, D.) 2:0925
- number and government handling (Hughes, B.) 7:1040
- policy (Plater, S.) 2:0915
- privacy impact assessments and information-sharing agreements (Plater, S.) 2:0900, 2:0910-0920
- relevance of information (Berger, R.) 6:1100, 6:1110 (Eby) 6:1105-1110
- requests (Hughes, B.) 2:0835 (Plater, S.) 2:0835-0845
- requests by journalists (Tromp, S.) 6:0935, 6:1000
- response times (Bird, B.) 7:1010-1015 (Bohus, S.) 5:1405-1410 (Champagne, R.) 6:1310 (Corrigan) 5:1355, 6:1310 (Crasta, J.) 5:1340, 5:1355 (De Pieri, R.) 6:1310 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1310, 5:1325 (McDonald, W.) 6:0905 (Routley, D.) 5:1325
- response times and extensions (Corrigan) 6:0920 (McDonald, W.) 6:0920 (Plater, S.) 2:0840-0845, 2:0900, 2:0920, 2:0930 (Routley, D.) 2:0925, 6:0920
- review of requests (Plater, S.) 2:0920
- rules for applicants and public bodies (Plater, S.) 2:0845-0850, 2:0905-0910
- scope (Eby) 6:0915 (McDonald, W.) 6:0915
- Rights and role of government culture (Botterell, R.) 6:1115, 6:1135 (Routley, D.) 6:1135
- Routine disclosure See Proactive and routine disclosure above
- Whistleblower protection (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1315
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Amendments See also particular sections below
- amendments (Corrigan) 7:1120 (Eby) 6:1440, 7:1055 (Hughes, B.) 7:1035, 7:1045-1055, 7:1120 (Schwartz, P.) 6:1440-1445
- amendments and impact of statute (Routley, D.) 6:1130
- guiding principles (Denham, E.) 4:0900-0905
- history (Plater, S.) 2:0855-0905
- Information and Privacy Commissioner recommendations (Denham, E.) 4:0850-0930, 7:1150-1155 (Eby) 7:0955 (Wipond, R.) 7:0950
- schedule 2 addition of police chief associations (Eby) 7:0955 (Wipond, R.) 7:0950-0955
- Definition of transitory document (Routley, D.) 7:1225
- Definitions (De Pieri, R.) 6:1250
- Definitions, "local government body" (Bohus, S.) 6:1635-1640
- Definitions, "public body" (De Pieri, R.) 6:1255-1300 (Eby) 4:0905
- Interpretation (Lau, O.) 6:1545-1550
- Provisions on data residency See Protection of personal information, data residency under Privacy
- Purpose (De Pieri, R.) 6:1245 (Levine, S.) 6:1050 (Plater, S.) 2:0835 (Schwartz, P.) 6:1420
- Purpose and review (Denham, E.) 4:0840-0845 (McRae) 5:1230, 6:0900 (Wipond, R.) 7:0940
- Scope, coverage of governmental bodies (Corrigan) 7:0850, 7:0900 (Munro, O.) 7:0900
- Section 3, proposed amendments (Tromp, S.) 6:0950-0955
- Section 6, proposed amendments (Levine, S.) 6:1055
- Section 13, use and proposed amendments (Schwartz, P.) 6:1425-1430, 6:1445-1450 (Tromp, S.) 6:0935-0940
- Section 30, use of term "reasonable" (Lau, O.) 6:1535
- Section 30.1
- Section 74 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1235
- Section 79 override clauses and other statutes (Eby) 5:1315 (Karanicolas, M.) 5:1315
- Sections 30.1 and 33.1, ministerial order provision (Felske, D.) 6:1405-1410
- Sections 33.1 and 33.2 (Lau, O.) 6:1545-1550
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Special Committee to Review the
- Business plan and hearing schedule (Corrigan) 3:1215-1225 (Eby) 3:1220 (Foster) 3:1215-1220 (McRae) 3:1210-1225 (Sourial, S.) 3:1215-1225 (Sullivan) 3:1220 (Yap) 3:1220-1225
- Election of Chair and Deputy Chair (Eby) 1:0900 (McRae) 1:0900 (Sourial, S.) 1:0900 (Tegart) 1:0900
- Motions See Motions and resolutions
- Presentation to committee in 2004 by Vancouver police department employee (Wipond, R.) 7:0950
- Presentations to committee from government and Information and Privacy Commissioner (Corrigan) 7:1105
- Public hearings (McRae) 5:1230, 6:0900
- Public hearings, use of video conferencing (McRae) 1:0900
- Reports
- Research and background materials (Sourial, S.) 3:1230
- Submissions to committee (Denham, E.) 4:0905 (McRae) 5:1230, 6:0900-0905, 6:1320
- Submissions to committee from government (Corrigan) 7:1100 (Hughes, B.) 7:1030, 7:1100
- Submissions to committee, letter from Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services Minister (McRae) 7:1030
- Terms of reference (McRae) 3:1210 (Sourial, S.) 3:1210
- Witnesses (Eby) 3:1230 (Foster) 3:1230 (McRae) 3:1225-1230 (Sourial, S.) 3:1230
- Witnesses, trade lawyers (Corrigan) 5:1250 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1250
- Work of committee (McRae) 1:0900 (Sourial, S.) 1:0900
FutureBook Printing Inc.
- Presentation to committee 6:1400-1415
- Production of school yearbooks and application of freedom-of-information legislation (Felske, D.) 6:1400-1415
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