Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2015
Special Committee to Review the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
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Patriot Act See United States
Personal Information Protection Act, Special Committee to Review the
- Report recommendations (Denham, E.) 4:0855
Plater, Sharon
- Briefings to committee on behalf of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services Ministry 2:0835-0930, 7:1110-1120, 7:1130
- B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- coverage by freedom-of-information legislation 2:0915-0920
- Chief information officer
- Freedom of information
- legislation
- proactive and routine disclosure 2:0910-0915
- requests for information
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Review Special Committee
- Health care system
- information, health information banks 2:0900
- personal health information
- disclosure for research purposes 2:0920
- management and information-sharing 2:0915
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Privacy
- breaches, management and notification 7:1120
- disclosure of personal information for research purposes, ethics reviews 2:0920
- disclosure of personal information inside and outside Canada 2:0855-0900
- information-sharing by government, data-linking and integrated programs 2:0905-0920
- protection of personal information
- cross-border data management and domestic data storage requirements 7:1130
- information handled by government contractors 2:0855, 2:0900
- personal information directory 2:0900
- rules for collection and disclosure of information 2:0850-0900
- Public sector, corporate subsidiaries, coverage by freedom-of-information legislation 7:1110-1115
Police and policing
- Data collection on licence plates See Automatic licence plate recognition program under Automobiles
- Police associations, accountability (Wipond, R.) 7:0950-0955
- Police boards and access to information (Wipond, R.) 7:0945
- PRIME information management system (Corrigan) 7:1220
Post-secondary institutions
- Access to information, handling of requests for information (Crasta, J.) 5:1350 (Eby) 5:1350
- Corporate subsidiaries, exemption from freedom-of-information legislation See also Requests for information handled by subsidiary corporations under Freedom of information
- (Champagne, R.) 6:1310 (Corrigan) 5:1345, 6:0915-0920 (Crasta, J.) 5:1335-1345 (De Pieri, R.) 6:1245-1255 (Eby) 5:1350, 6:0910, 6:1510 (McDonald, W.) 6:0905-0915 (Routley, D.) 6:0920, 6:1305 (Tromp, S.) 6:0945
- Information technology and operations, impact of freedom-of-information legislation (Hancock, P.) 6:1455-1515
- Student societies, accountability and coverage by freedom-of-information legislation (Corrigan) 7:0850-0900 (Eby) 7:0855 (Munro, O.) 7:0835-0840, 7:0850-0900 (Smith, J.) 7:0840-0900
- Student societies, information access and disclosure (Tromp, S.) 6:0955
- Breaches of personal information
- Chief privacy and access officer, proposal (Levine, S.) 6:1040-1050
- Conference See Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Data localization See Protection of personal information, domestic data storage requirements below
- Data management practices in private sector (Lau, O.) 6:1540
- Data security
- data security (Hancock, P.) 6:1500 (Hughes, B.) 7:1035, 7:1125 (Lau, O.) 6:1535-1600
- data security and tokenization (Gogolek, V.) 5:1245 (Hughes, B.) 2:0930 (Routley, D.) 2:0925
- encryption and tokenization (Carson, L.) 6:1515-1520 (Corrigan) 6:1515 (Hancock, P.) 6:1515-1520 (McRae) 6:1520 (Routley, D.) 6:1515-1520
- standards (Eby) 6:1600 (Johansen, C.) 6:1555-1600 (Lau, O.) 6:1600
- Data sovereignty See Protection of personal information, cross-border data management below
- Disclosure of personal information
- disclosure for purpose of public scrutiny of government or public body (Fraser, L.) 6:1625-1630
- disclosure for research purposes (Denham, E.) 4:0920-0925 (McEvoy, M.) 4:0920-0925 (Sullivan) 4:0920
- disclosure for research purposes, ethics reviews (Plater, S.) 2:0920
- disclosure inside and outside Canada (Lau, O.) 6:1545-1550 (Plater, S.) 2:0855-0900
- Information-sharing by government (Denham, E.) 4:0845
- Information-sharing by government, data-linking (Corrigan) 7:1120 (Denham, E.) 4:0915 (Hughes, B.) 7:1045-1050, 7:1120 (Routley, D.) 4:0910
- Information-sharing by government, data-linking and integrated programs (Plater, S.) 2:0905-0920
- International privacy rights (Israel, T.) 7:0935
- Privacy management and accountability policy (Hughes, B.) 7:1030
- Protection of personal information
- accountability framework and transparency (Denham, E.) 4:0855-0905
- breaches of information See Breaches above
- consent-based collection of information (McEvoy, M.) 4:0925 (Routley, D.) 4:0925
- correction of information in databases (Corrigan) 7:1220 (Denham, E.) 7:1220 (McEvoy, M.) 7:1220
- cross-border data management See also Disclosure of personal information inside and outside Canada above; domestic data storage requirements below
- cross-border data management and domestic data storage requirements (Plater, S.) 7:1130 (Routley, D.) 7:1205-1210
- cross-border data management and foreign intelligence agencies (Israel, T.) 7:0915, 7:0930-0935 (Routley, D.) 7:0930-0935
- cross-border data management in other jurisdictions (Hancock, P.) 6:1505
- data residency and domestic data storage requirements (Hughes, B.) 7:1035
- domestic data storage requirements (Carson, L.) 6:1500, 6:1520 (Corrigan) 5:1250, 7:0935 (Denham, E.) 7:1225 (Eby) 6:1510 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1245-1250 (Hancock, P.) 6:1455-1515 (Israel, T.) 7:0910-0915, 7:0925-0940 (Lau, O.) 6:1540, 6:1555 (McEvoy, M.) 7:1225 (Routley, D.) 6:1350-1355 (Sullivan) 7:1225 (Tam, S.) 6:1330-1400 (Tegart) 6:1400
- domestic data storage requirements and disclosure of information outside Canada (Corrigan) 6:1415, 6:1510-1515 (Felske, D.) 6:1405-1415 (Hancock, P.) 6:1515
- domestic data storage requirements and technology access issue (Denham, E.) 7:1205-1210 (Eby) 7:1125 (Hughes, B.) 7:1125-1130
- exemption for contact information (Eby) 6:1600 (Lau, O.) 6:1600
- independent oversight (Denham, E.) 4:0900
- information handled by government contractors (Plater, S.) 2:0855, 2:0900
- legislation See also Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- legislation, global trends (Denham, E.) 4:0850-0900
- legislation, harmonization of private and public sector legislation (Denham, E.) 4:0855
- monitoring, enforcement and penalties (Corrigan) 7:1000 (Wipond, R.) 7:0940-0950, 7:1000
- penalties for unauthorized access (Denham, E.) 7:1155
- personal information directory (Plater, S.) 2:0900
- protection (Denham, E.) 7:1145-1155 (Hughes, B.) 7:1045, 7:1125
- role of technology (Denham, E.) 4:0845-0850
- rules for collection and disclosure of information (Denham, E.) 4:0840-0850, 4:0925 (McEvoy, M.) 4:0925 (Plater, S.) 2:0850-0900 (Routley, D.) 6:1550-1555
- Social media and use of personal information (Denham, E.) 4:0925 (Sullivan) 4:0925
- Surveillance systems and privacy issues (Wipond, R.) 7:0940-0945
Privacy Commissioner See Information and Privacy Commissioner
Provincial Health Services Authority
- Information access and disclosure, handling of freedom-of-information requests (Tromp, S.) 6:0935-0940
Public sector
- Access to information from public institutions (Rush, J.) 6:1145-1155
- Accountability and access to information (Bohus, S.) 5:1420 (Corrigan) 5:1350-1555 (Crasta, J.) 5:1335-1355 (McRae) 5:1355
- Accountability and access to information, "corporate veil" issue See Corporate subsidiaries below
- Accountability and use of litigation (DeCosse, D.) 6:1620
- Corporate subsidiaries, coverage by freedom-of-information legislation (Denham, E.) 7:1215 (Eby) 7:1115, 7:1215 (Hughes, B.) 7:1115 (McRae) 7:1115 (Plater, S.) 7:1110-1115 (Routley, D.) 7:1105-1110
- Corporate subsidiaries, information access and disclosure and coverage by freedom-of-information legislation (Champagne, R.) 6:1300-1305 (Corrigan) 6:1300, 6:1620 (De Pieri, R.) 6:1245-1300, 6:1310 (DeCosse, D.) 6:1620 (Eby) 6:1620 (Routley, D.) 6:1305 (Tromp, S.) 6:0940-0955 (Wipond, R.) 7:0945
- Employees, privacy rights (Hughes, B.) 7:1040
- Policy-making, role of information (Schwartz, P.) 6:1430
- Records management, use of private e-mails (Corrigan) 6:0920 (McDonald, W.) 6:0920
- Use of public funds in freedom-of-information litigation (Tromp, S.) 6:0945
Public service
- Standards of practice and training for record-keeping and management (Millar, L.) 6:1020
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