2015 Legislative Session: Fourth Session, 40th Parliament
Thursday, May 28, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Douglas Fir Committee Room
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.
Present: Don McRae, MLA (Chair); David Eby, MLA; Eric Foster, MLA; Jackie Tegart, MLA; John Yap, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Kathy Corrigan, MLA; Doug Routley, MLA; Sam Sullivan, MLA
1. There not yet being a Chair elected to serve the Committee, the meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by the Committee Clerk.
2. Resolved, that Don McRae, MLA, be elected Chair of the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (Jackie Tegart, MLA)
3. Resolved, that Doug Routley, MLA, be elected Deputy Chair of the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (David Eby, MLA)
4. The Committee reviewed its Terms of Reference.
5. The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 9:04 a.m.
Don McRae, MLA Chair | Susan Sourial |
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015
Issue No. 1
ISSN 1708-315X (Print)
ISSN 1708-3168 (Online)
Page | |
Election of Chair and Deputy Chair | 1 |
Committee Terms of Reference | 1 |
Chair: | Don McRae (Comox Valley BC Liberal) |
Deputy Chair: | Doug Routley (Nanaimo–North Cowichan NDP) |
Members: | Kathy Corrigan (Burnaby–Deer Lake NDP) |
David Eby (Vancouver–Point Grey NDP) | |
Eric Foster (Vernon-Monashee BC Liberal) | |
Sam Sullivan (Vancouver–False Creek BC Liberal) | |
Jackie Tegart (Fraser-Nicola BC Liberal) | |
John Yap (Richmond-Steveston BC Liberal) | |
Clerk: | Susan Sourial |
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015
The committee met at 9:01 a.m.
Election of Chair and Deputy Chair
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): Good morning, committee members. Since this is our first meeting and we do not yet have a Chair, I am looking for nominations for the Chair of the committee.
J. Tegart: I move Don McRae.
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): Jackie has moved Don McRae.
Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations?
Seeing none, Don, do accept the nomination?
D. McRae: I do accept.
[D. McRae in the chair.]
D. McRae (Chair): Do I do a long acceptance speech now, or would you like to move on to the next item on the agenda?
A Voice: That’s it. That’s all you get.
D. McRae (Chair): That’s it? Okay. Darn it. I wasted it.
The second item on the agenda…. I assume you guys all have the agenda and memorized it before you got here. We have quickly moved to item 2, election of the Deputy Chair. I guess I’ll call for nominations for Deputy Chair.
D. Eby: I nominate Doug Routley.
D. McRae (Chair): Well, Doug isn’t here to accept or decline, but I have a feeling he would accept.
Are there any further nominations? Are there any further nominations? For a third time, are there any further nominations? Well, it is unanimous.
D. Eby: That’s why you’ve got to show up.
D. McRae (Chair): And Doug is not allowed to have a speech to finish it off.
Committee Terms of Reference
D. McRae (Chair): Now we’re diving right into item 3. We’re now three minutes into the agenda. Review of Terms of Reference.
If you don’t have it, I could either read it to you, or you can just fake it with us.
Are we all good?
A Voice: Do we need a motion?
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): No, not at all. These are terms of reference that have been referred by the House, so it’s more for committee members’ information. If you have any questions on the terms of reference, I’d be pleased to answer them.
As committee members probably know, a committee of the House is statutorily required to review the act every six years. The act has been reviewed three times previously. In ’97, 2003 and 2009 were the past reviews. At a future meeting we’ll give you a more fulsome briefing in terms of amendments and where we’re at with the last set of amendments from the last report.
I’ve left you with copies of the last committee’s report. In the report it deals with the previous recommendations and which ones were accepted. Then we will have a chart prepared showing you the last recommendations and which ones have been implemented.
D. McRae (Chair): Any other questions? No.
The one last thing I was going to say, as we wrap it up, is you’ll notice that in the past they have been to…. Most of the submissions have been taken in Vancouver or Victoria. In the 1990s they did an extensive tour when they brought in the act and did a long sort of road show. My intent would be to consider, with a conversation with the vice-Chair, staying with Vancouver-Victoria and, as well, if we want to, do on-line or teleconference or video-conference submissions.
As well, we would figure out where the time frame will be once we get a bit of clarity on the legislative schedule — if we have a summer schedule or when we come back in the fall — so we don’t have to double-dip and have extra meetings, bringing everybody together, if we can avoid it.
If you have any thoughts, concerns or questions any time, let myself or the very capable vice-Chair know, and we’ll see what we can do.
That being said, I adjourn this meeting.
The committee adjourned at 9:04 a.m.
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