Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2015
Special Committee to Review the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
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Gogolek, Vincent
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association 5:1230-1300
- Freedom of information
- access to information, legal privilege exemption 5:1245, 5:1300
- access to information, penalties for document tampering or obstruction 5:1235-1240
- legislation review 5:1230-1245
- requests for information, government handling and "no records" responses 5:1235
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Review Special Committee
- witnesses, trade lawyers 5:1250
- Government records management
- Information Management Act
- Privacy
- data security and tokenization 5:1245
- protection of personal information, domestic data storage requirements 5:1245-1250
- Trade
- trade agreements and partnerships, impact on government legislation 5:1250
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- potential impact on domestic data storage requirements 5:1245
Government See also Public sector
Government Information Act See Information Management Act
Government records management
- Archiving (Hughes, B.) 7:1110 (Routley, D.) 7:1110
- Chief records officer (Levine, S.) 6:1050
- Culture and "oral government" concept (Tromp, S.) 6:0955
- Culture and role (Eby) 7:1055 (Millar, L.) 6:1010, 6:1020-1025
- Definitions and scope (Millar, L.) 6:1010
- Deletion of emails See Destruction of documents below; Email and transitory records below
- Destruction of documents (Eby) 7:1055
- Destruction of documents, oversight and penalties (Denham, E.) 7:1135, 7:1145, 7:1155, 7:1215 (Eby) 7:1215
- Duty to document (Corrigan) 5:1255 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1235, 5:1255 (Routley, D.) 5:1250
- Duty to document and record-making requirements (Corrigan) 6:1025 (Millar, L.) 6:1010-1025
- Duty to document and records management practices (Bird, B.) 7:1015 (Denham, E.) 7:1135-1145 (Wipond, R.) 7:0945-0950
- Duty to document and training (Denham, E.) 7:1210 (Sullivan) 7:1210
- Email and transitory records (Botterell, R.) 6:1120-1125 (Corrigan) 6:1030 (Denham, E.) 7:1225 (Eby) 6:1035 (Gogolek, V.) 5:1235-1240 (Millar, L.) 6:1005, 6:1035-1040 (Routley, D.) 6:1130, 7:1225 (Tromp, S.) 6:0955
- Management (Botterell, R.) 6:1115, 6:1135 (Corrigan) 7:1155 (Denham, E.) 4:0900, 4:0915 (Routley, D.) 6:1135 (Watson, G.) 5:1440
- Management and training (Eby) 7:1100 (Hughes, B.) 7:1100, 7:1125 (Millar, L.) 6:1030 (Routley, D.) 6:1030
- Record of government activities (Gogolek, V.) 5:1255-1300 (McRae) 5:1255-1300
- Record-keeping practices and systems (Denham, E.) 7:1200 (Millar, L.) 6:1015, 6:1035-1040 (Routley, D.) 7:1200
- Record-keeping requirements See Duty to document above
- Report by Information and Privacy Commissioner and review See Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Risk-based approach See Record-keeping practices and systems above
- Transitory records See Email and transitory records above
- Use of metadata and tracking of government employees (Hughes, B.) 7:1040
Grant v. Torstar Corp. See Ruling on access to information in the public interest under Supreme Court of Canada
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