1995 Legislative Session: 4th Session, 35th Parliament
(Listing for convenience only)
Updated July 13, 1995


Bill 1: An Act to Ensure the Supremacy of Parliament
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... March 22
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill 2: Budget Measures Implementation Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... March 28
Second Reading.... May 1
Committed......... May 2
Report............ May 2
Third Reading..... May 2
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 3

Bill 3: Grains and Oilseeds Revenue Protection Plan Trust Fund Act
-- Hon. D. Zirnhelt

First Reading..... March 28
Second Reading.... May 9
Committed......... May 15
Report............ May 15
Third Reading..... May 15
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 7

Bill 4: Grazing Enhancement Special Account Act
-- Hon. D. Zirnhelt

First Reading..... March 28
Second Reading.... May 9
Committed......... May 15
Report............ May 15
Third Reading..... May 15
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 8

Bill 5: Securities Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... March 28
Second Reading.... May 2
Committed......... May 11
Report............ May 11
Third Reading..... May 11
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 15

Bill 6: Supply Act (No. 1), 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... March 30
Second Reading.... March 30
Committed......... March 30
Report............ March 30
Third Reading..... March 30
Royal Assent...... March 31
S.B.C. Chap. No... 1

Bill 7: Columbia Basin Trust Act
-- Hon. G. Clark

First Reading..... April 4
Second Reading.... April 18
Committed......... April 20
Report............ April 20
Third Reading..... May 8
Royal Assent...... July 6
S.B.C. Chap. No... 49

Bill 8: Job Protection Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. G. Clark

First Reading..... April 3
Second Reading.... April 5
Committed......... April 11
Report............ April 11
Third Reading..... April 11
Royal Assent...... April 12
S.B.C. Chap. No... 2

Bill 9: Water Protection Act
-- Hon. M. Sihota

First Reading..... April 27
Second Reading.... June 1
Committed......... June 8
Report............ June 8
amended........... June 8
Third Reading..... June 8
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 34

Bill 10: Mountain Resort Associations Act
-- Hon. G. Clark

First Reading..... April 3
Second Reading.... April 18
Committed......... May 2
Report............ May 2
Third Reading..... May 2
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 13

Bill 11: Growth Strategies Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. D. Marzari

First Reading..... April 19
Second Reading.... April 27
Committed......... May 10
Report............ May 10
Third Reading..... May 10
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 9

Bill 12: Arts Council Act
-- Hon. B. Barlee

First Reading..... April 12
Second Reading.... May 1
Committed......... May 2
Report............ May 2
amended........... May 2
Third Reading..... May 8
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 18

Bill 13: Mineral Tenure Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. A. Edwards

First Reading..... May 2
Second Reading.... May 9
Committed......... July 4
Report............ July 4
amended........... July 4
Third Reading..... July 5
Royal Assent...... July 6
S.B.C. Chap. No... 50

Bill 14: Tourism Act
-- Hon. B. Barlee

First Reading..... April 11
Second Reading.... May 1
Committed......... May 2
Report............ May 2
Third Reading..... May 2
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 33

Bill 15: Real Estate Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... April 26
Second Reading.... May 2
Committed......... May 11
Report............ May 11
Third Reading..... May 11
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 14

Bill 16: Class Proceedings Act
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... May 10
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 13
Report............ June 13
Third Reading..... June 13
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 21

Bill 17: Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... May 2
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 7
Report............ June 7
amended........... June 7
Third Reading..... June 7
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 11

Bill 18: Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. A. Petter

First Reading..... May 3
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 7
Report............ June 7
amended........... June 7
Third Reading..... June 7
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 6

Bill 19: Home Owner Grant Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. D. Marzari

First Reading..... May 10
Second Reading.... May 15
Committed......... June 6
Report............ June 6
amended........... June 6
Third Reading..... June 6
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 10

Bill 20: Guaranteed Available Income for Need Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. J. MacPhail

First Reading..... May 11
Second Reading.... June 8
Committed......... June 19
Report............ June 19
Third Reading..... June 19
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 25

Bill 21: Tobacco Sales Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. P. Ramsey

First Reading..... May 11
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 6
Report............ June 6
Third Reading..... June 6
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 16

Bill 22: Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act
-- Hon. D. Zirnhelt

First Reading..... May 16
Second Reading.... May 30
Committed......... June 19
Report............ June 19
amended........... June 19
Third Reading..... June 20
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 23

Bill 23: Education Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. A. Charbonneau

First Reading..... May 12
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 7
Report............ June 7
amended........... June 7
Third Reading..... June 7
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 22

Bill 24: Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1995
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... May 17
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 8
Report............ June 8
amended........... June 8
Third Reading..... June 8
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 12

Bill 25: Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. J. Pement

First Reading..... May 17
Second Reading.... June 8
Committed......... June 13
Report............ June 13
Third Reading..... June 13
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 28

Bill 26: Criminal Records Review Act
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... May 25
Second Reading.... June 21
Committed......... June 22
Report............ June 22
amended........... June 22
Third Reading..... June 27
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 37

Bill 27: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. P. Ramsey

First Reading..... May 23
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 13
Report............ June 13
Third Reading..... June 13
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 31

Bill 28: Election Act
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... June 1
Second Reading.... July 4
Committed......... July 11
Report............ July 11
amended........... July 11
Third Reading..... July 12
Royal Assent...... July 13
S.B.C. Chap. No... 51

Bill 29: Employment Standards Act
-- Hon. D. Miller

First Reading..... May 24
Second Reading.... June 1
Committed......... June 20
Report............ June 20
amended........... June 20
Third Reading..... June 22
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 38

Bill 30: Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. P. Ramsey

First Reading..... May 30
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 13
Report............ June 13
Third Reading..... June 13
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No...26

Bill 31: Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. D. Marzari

First Reading..... May 24
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 20
Report............ June 20
Third Reading..... June 20
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 29

Bill 32: Human Rights Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. U. Dosanjh

First Reading..... June 13
Second Reading.... June 22
Committed......... June 27
Report............ June 27
amended........... June 27
Third Reading..... June 27
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 42

Bill 33: Finance and Corporate Relations Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... June 5
Second Reading.... June 21
Committed......... June 28
Report............ June 28
Third Reading..... June 28
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 39

Bill 34: Offence Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. J. Pement

First Reading..... May 30
Second Reading.... June 8
Committed......... June 14
Report............ June 14
Third Reading..... June 14
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No...30

Bill 35: Fire and Police Services Collective Bargaining Act
-- Hon. D. Miller

First Reading..... May 25
Second Reading.... June 15
Committed......... June 20
Report............ June 20
amended........... June 20
Third Reading..... June 22
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 40

Bill 36: Consumer Protection Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. J. Smallwood

First Reading..... May 30
Second Reading.... June 1
Committed......... June 6
Report............ June 6
Third Reading..... June 6
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 4

Bill 37: Victims of Crime Act
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... June 12
Second Reading.... June 20
Committed......... June 21
Report............ June 21
amended........... June 21
Third Reading..... June 21
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 47

Bill 38: Criminal Injury Compensation Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... June 12
Second Reading.... June 20
Committed......... June 21
Report............ June 21
Third Reading..... June 21
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 36

Bill 39: International Registration Plan Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... June 13
Second Reading.... June 20
Committed......... June 20
Report............ June 20
Third Reading..... June 20
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 27

Bill 40: Health Authorities Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. P. Ramsey

First Reading..... June 8
Second Reading.... June 13
Committed......... June 21
Report............ June 21
Third Reading..... June 21
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 41

Bill 41: Child, Family and Community Service Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. J. MacPhail

First Reading..... June 7
Second Reading.... June 15
Committed......... June 19
Report............ June 19
amended........... June 19
Third Reading..... June 20
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No...19

Bill 42: Forest Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. A. Petter

First Reading..... May 31
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 13
Report............ June 13
amended........... June 13
Third Reading..... June 13
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 24

Bill 43: School Sites Acquisition Statutes Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. A. Charbonneau

First Reading..... May 31
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 7
Report............ June 7
Third Reading..... June 7
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No... 32

Bill 44: Securities Amendment Act (No. 2), 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... May 31
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 28
Report............ June 28
amended........... June 28
Third Reading..... June 28
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 45

Bill 45: Vancouver Stock Exchange Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... May 31
Second Reading.... June 5
Committed......... June 6
Report............ June 6
Third Reading..... June 6
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 17

Bill 46: Cooperative Association Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... June 5
Second Reading.... June 6
Committed......... June 7
Report............ June 7
amended........... June 7
Third Reading..... June 7
Royal Assent...... June 8
S.B.C. Chap. No... 5

Bill 47: Child, Youth and Family Advocacy Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. J. MacPhail

First Reading..... June 7
Second Reading.... June 15
Committed......... June 19
Report............ June 19
amended........... June 19
Third Reading..... June 19
Royal Assent...... June 21
S.B.C. Chap. No...20

Bill 48: Access to Abortion Services Act
-- Hon. P. Ramsey

First Reading..... June 19
Second Reading.... June 22
Committed......... June 26
Report............ June 26
Third Reading..... June 27
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 35

Bill 49: Royal Roads University Act
-- Hon. D. Miller

First Reading..... June 8
Second Reading.... June 15
Committed......... June 21
Report............ June 21
amended........... June 21
Third Reading..... June 21
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 44

Bill 50: Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2), 1995
-- Hon. J. Pement

First Reading..... June 15
Second Reading.... June 22
Committed......... June 27
Report............ June 27
Third Reading..... June 27
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 43

Bill 51: Adoption Act
-- Hon. J. MacPhail

First Reading..... June 21
Second Reading.... June 26
Committed......... June 28
Report............ June 28
amended........... June 28
Third Reading..... July 4
Royal Assent...... July 6
S.B.C. Chap. No... 48

Bill 52: Supply Act, 1995-96
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... June 29
Second Reading.... June 29
Committed......... June 29
Report............ June 29
Third Reading..... June 29
Royal Assent...... June 30
S.B.C. Chap. No... 46

Bill 53: Park Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. E. Cull

First Reading..... July 4
Second Reading.... July 6
Committed......... July 11
Report............ July 11
amended........... July 11
Third Reading..... July 12
Royal Assent...... July 13
S.B.C. Chap. No... 54

Bill 54: An Act to Protect Medicare
-- Hon. P. Ramsey

First Reading..... June 29
Second Reading.... July 10
Committed......... July 12
Report............ July 12
amended........... July 12
Third Reading..... July 12
Royal Assent...... July 13
S.B.C. Chap. No... 52

Bill 55: Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 1995
-- Hon. C. Gabelmann

First Reading..... July 5
Second Reading.... July 6
Committed......... July 13
Report............ July 13
amended........... July 13
Third Reading..... July 13
Royal Assent...... July 13
S.B.C. Chap. No... 53

Bill 56: Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 1995
-- Hon. D. Miller

First Reading..... July 10
Second Reading.... July 11
Committed......... July 11
Report............ July 11
Third Reading..... July 11
Royal Assent...... July 13
S.B.C. Chap. No... 55

--------------- Listing of 1995 Bills ---------------


Bill M 201: Dual Elected Office Prohibition Act
-- Mr. Streifel

First Reading..... March 24
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 202: An Act to Promote the Reuse of Construction and Demolition Materials
-- Mr. Schreck

First Reading..... March 24
Second Reading.... July 7
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 203: An Act to Designate a Provincial Heritage Site
at the Inaugural Plantation at Green Timbers

-- Ms. Hammell

First Reading..... March 24
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 204: Libel and Slander Amendment Act, 1995
-- Mr. Krog

First Reading..... March 24
Second Reading.... July 7
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 205: Parliamentary Calendar Act, 1995
-- Mr. Mitchell

First Reading..... March 27
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 206: Budget Presentation Act, 1995
-- Mr. Mitchell

First Reading..... March 27
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 207: Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society Public Inquiry Act
-- Mr. de Jong

First Reading..... March 31
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 208: Community Land Trust Act
-- Ms. Lord

First Reading..... April 26
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 209: An Act to Introduce a Minimum Ethanol Component for Gasoline
-- Mr. Chisholm

First Reading..... June 21
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 210: Court Information Act
-- Mr. Chisholm

First Reading..... June 26
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 211: MLA Pension Elimination Act
-- Mr. Campbell

First Reading..... July 5
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 212: An Act to Amend the Document Disposal Act
-- Mr. Krog

First Reading..... July 6
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 213: Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Right-of-Way Protection Act 1995
-- Ms. Pullinger

First Reading..... July 6
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 214: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Act
-- Ms. Reid

First Reading..... July 6
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 215: Recall and Initiative Amendment Act
-- Mr. Campbell

First Reading..... July 10
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 216: Education As An Essential Services Act
-- Ms. Stephens

First Reading..... July 10
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 217: Donation of Food Act
-- Mr. Anderson

First Reading..... July 10
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 218: Domestic Violence Prevention Act
-- Ms. Stephens

First Reading..... July 11
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 219: Child Protection Act
-- Mr. Dalton

First Reading..... July 11
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 220: Municipalities' Protection Act
-- Mr. Campbell

First Reading..... July 12
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 221: Crown Corporation Accountability Act
-- Mr. Gingell

First Reading..... July 12
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 222: Community Charter
-- Mr. Campbell

First Reading..... July 12
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 223: Labour Relations Code Advisory Committee Act
-- Mr. Farrell-Collins

First Reading..... July 12
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 224: Employment Standards Exclusion Act
-- Mr. Farrell-Collins

First Reading..... July 12
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

Bill M 225: Agricultural Land Commission Amendment Act
-- Mr. de Jong

First Reading..... July 12
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

--------------- Listing of 1995 Bills ---------------


First Reading.....
First Reading.....
Second Reading....
Third Reading.....
Royal Assent......
S.B.C. Chap. No...

--------------- Listing of 1995 Bills ---------------

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