Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2015
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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Tamminga, Monique
- Article on Langley school district (Beaudry, R.) 78:1710
Tatlock, Jan
- Work in public health (Cooper, D.) 73:1725
Tavender, Robin
- Presentation to committee 81:1210-1220
- As subject
- Budgets, 2016-17 budget surplus 81:1215
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 81:1210-1215
- Government, role and responsibilities 1:1215-1220
- Human rights
- Income assistance
- Justice system, judiciary, compensation 81:1215
- MLAs, compensation 81:1210-1215
- Public debt, paydown of debt 81:1220
- Woolf, Virginia, comments on income in A Room of One's Own 81:1210-1215
- Business taxes See Taxation under Business
- Carbon tax See Carbon tax
- Competitive tax system (Burden, K.) 73:1730-1745 (Hasanen, B.) 72:0910-0920
- Competitive tax system and consultation by government (Baxter, D.) 74:1245 (Garson, J.) 74:1235-1245
- Corporate taxes See Corporations
- Education and information for students (Rees, R.) 74:1010
- Government policies (Garson, J.) 74:1230-1245 (Holden, P.) 81:1455-1500 (Peacock, K.) 81:1345
- Harmonized sales tax See Harmonized sales tax
- Income tax See Income tax
- Marginal effective tax rates (Holden, P.) 81:1455
- Property tax See Property tax
- Property transfer tax See Property transfer tax
- Revenues to government (Burden, K.) 73:1735 (de Jong) 69:1155-1200
- Sales tax See Sales tax
- Tax credits (Garson, J.) 74:1230, 74:1240 (Heyman) 74:1240
- Taxpayer fairness and service code (Truscott, R.) 74:1620
- Value-added taxes See Value-added taxes
Taylor, Amy
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Nelson CARES Society, Advocacy Centre 70:0900-0915
- Income assistance
- Nelson CARES Society, Advocacy Centre, work and clients 70:0905
Taylor, Larry
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Altentech Power Inc. 77:0905
- Altentech Power Inc., operations 77:0905
- Energy, bioenergy, technology 77:0905
Technology See Information and communications technology; Science and technology
Tegart, Jackie (Fraser-Nicola)
- Elections
- by-elections, upcoming by-elections 91:1430
- general election in 2017, preparations 91:1430
- Elections B.C.
- budget and operations
- supplementary funding request for by-elections 91:1430
Tenants See Rental housing under Housing
Terrace, B.C.
- Mental health services and coordinator position (Hall, D.) 77:0825-0830
Textbooks See Post-secondary education
Thomas-Wightman, Dawn
- Adoption
- Children and youth
- children in government care
- First Nations
- children
- children and youth
- Foster care
- Representative for Children and Youth
Thompson Okanagan region See Okanagan area
Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association See also Friedman, Thomas
Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, B.C. See also Ross, Brian; Shaver, Alan
- Presentation to committee 72:0940-0950
- Adult basic education (Friedman, T.) 72:0850-0855, 72:0905
- Capital funding for facilities (Ross, B.) 72:0945-0950
- Distance education and online learning (Ross, B.) 72:0950 (Shaver, A.) 72:0950
- English language learning programs (Friedman, T.) 72:0855
- Enrolment (Ross, B.) 72:0950
- Funding and mandate (Friedman, T.) 72:0850-0855 (Lane, N.) 72:0845 (Shaver, A.) 72:0940-0950
- Funding for graduate studies (Ross, B.) 72:0945-0950
- Health care assistant program (Ross, B.) 72:0940
- History and programs (Shaver, A.) 72:0940
- Open learning programs (Davis, A.) 80:1150
- Public-private partnerships (Ross, B.) 72:0945
- Recommendations on post-secondary funding (Ross, B.) 72:0950 (Shaver, A.) 72:0950
- Research activities (Friedman, T.) 72:0855 (Ross, B.) 72:0940-0950 (Shaver, A.) 72:0940
- Role in local communities and economy (Friedman, T.) 72:0850-0900
- Students
- demographics and transition to employment (Ross, B.) 72:0940
- engagement and transition to employment (Shaver, A.) 72:0945
- literacy levels (Clare, F.) 72:1040
- Williams Lake campus (Gibson) 77:0955 (Sommer, A.) 77:0945, 77:0955
Thompson Rivers University Students Union See also Lane, Nathan; Storvold, Amber
Thompson, Suzanne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Motion Picture Production Industry Association of B.C. 78:1650-1655
- Film industry
Thomson, Taryn
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Vancouver Community College Faculty Association 72:1130-1140
- Education, adult basic education 72:1130-1140
- Post-secondary education funding
- funding for adult basic education programs 72:1130-1140
- funding for English language learning programs 72:1135
- Vancouver Community College, adult basic education programs 72:1130-1140
Tidal power See Energy
Tierney, Mike
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Enterprise Rent-A-Car 72:1120-1125
- Automobile rental industry, insurance costs and regulation 72:1120-1125
Timber supply See Forests and forest industry
Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation
- Aquaculture activities (Dunn, J.) 74:1225
- Cross-border shopping (Kaminsky, B.) 80:1650 (Trevena) 80:1650
- E-cigarettes and vapour products See E-cigarettes and vapour products
- Illegal tobacco trade (Charbonneau, S.) 69:1305-1320 (Gibson) 69:1315 (Klukas, A.) 74:1555-1600 (Trevena) 69:1315, 74:1600
- Illegal tobacco trade, studies (Gibson) 80:1645 (Kaminsky, B.) 80:1640, 80:1650 (Morris) 80:1645 (Yap) 69:1310-1315
- Regulation, harm reduction concept See Harm reduction under Social welfare
- Roll-your-own tobacco (Kaminsky, B.) 80:1640
- Smoking among children and youth (Kaminsky, B.) 80:1640
- Smoking prevention and reduction (Heyman) 80:1650 (Jivani, K.) 80:1635-1640 (Kaminsky, B.) 80:1640-1650 (McDonald, S.) 75:1015-1025
- Taxation and retailer licensing fees, revenues to government (Kaminsky, B.) 80:1640-1650
- Taxation of tobacco products (Charbonneau, S.) 69:1305-1320 (Gibson) 69:1315, 80:1645-1650 (Heyman) 80:1650 (Morris) 80:1645 (Trevena) 80:1650
Tolko Industries Ltd. See also Hoffman, Tom
Toronto, Ontario
- Local government land transfer tax (Bohus, S.) 74:1700
Torrefusion Technologies Inc. See also Adams, Paul
- Cultural tourism (Heyman) 69:1345 (Lindsay, H.) 69:1350
- Cycling and wilderness tourism (Woodrow, L.) 81:1240-1245
- Cycling tourism (Campbell, R.) 81:1100, 81:1110 (Hamilton) 81:1110 (Heyman) 81:1105
- Development and funding (Tower, S.) 76:1645-1650
- Discovery Coast circle route, impact of ferry service reductions (Sommer, A.) 77:0950-0955 (Trevena) 77:0950-0955
- Operators in rural areas and cost of energy (Vandersteen, B.) 79:0955
- Relationship to forest land constraints See Constraints on timber harvesting under Forests and forest industry
- Role of golf industry (Smith, T.) 72:0955-1005 (Trevena) 72:1005
- Visitor information centres (Sommer, A.) 77:0950
Tower, Sharon
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Omineca Beetle Action Coalition 76:1645-1650
- Agriculture, research funding 76:1650
- B.C. by region, northern B.C.
- agriculture and funding for post-secondary institutions 76:1650
- tourism development 76:1645-1650
- Northern Development Initiative Trust, programs and funding 76:1650
- Omineca Beetle Action Coalition, activities and funding 76:1645-1650
- Post-secondary education funding, research funding 76:1650
- Tourism development and funding 76:1645-1650
Trails See particular trail systems
Trans Canada Trail
Trans-Canada Highway See Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway)
Transit plebiscite See Plebiscite on funding model under South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
Transit services See also British Columbia Transit; South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- Funding (Bateman, J.) 80:1205 (Gartshore, I.) 73:1755-1800 (Heyman) 80:1205 (Macklem, P.) 71:2000-2005
- Funding and regulation (Chandra Herbert) 69:1505 (Crasta, J.) 69:1505 (Heyman) 69:1515
- Government investment (McDonald, S.) 75:1025 (Trevena) 75:1020
- Government investment and support (Rogers, K.) 81:1040-1050
- Student passes, U-pass program (MacDonald, L.) 74:1605 (Rogers, K.) 81:1040, 81:1050 (Trevena) 81:1045-1050
- Transit plan and government investment (Bruce, I.) 74:1335, 74:1345 (Trevena) 74:1345
TransLink See South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
- Active transportation by walking and cycling (Bruce, I.) 74:1345 (Campbell, R.) 81:1055
- Active transportation infrastructure, government investment (Collins, M.) 79:1105-1115 (Heyman) 79:1110
- Active transportation infrastructure in other jurisdictions (Collins, M.) 79:1115
- Emissions See Greenhouse gas emissions
- Fuel See Fuel
- Government plan (Ray, C.) 76:1610 (Trevena) 76:1605
- Infrastructure
- Plebiscites and referenda on issues (Heyman) 61:0950
- Sustainable transportation system (Gartshore, I.) 73:1755-1800
Transportation and Infrastructure, Ministry of
Tremblay, Brent
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Kootenay Savings Credit Union 70:0915-0930
- Business, small business, access to loans and investment 70:0920-0925
- Financial services industry
- Golden Life Management Corp., operations 70:0925
- Kootenay area
- Kootenay Savings Credit Union, operations and role in local communities 70:0920-0925
Trevena, Claire (North Island)
- Abbotsford
- Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council
- Northwest region, activities 77:0925
- Agriculture
- farmers, young farmers 80:1600
- government investment and support 80:1600
- Air
- Aquaculture
- land-based salmon aquaculture 73:1615
- role in economy and study 74:1225
- Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
- Arts and culture
- art galleries and museums, admission fees and funding 69:1400
- government funding
- process and capital program 74:1200
- role in economy 74:1125
- Association of Administrative and Professional Staff at UBC 71:1905
- Atlantic provinces
- Autism
- Automobile rental industry
- insurance costs and regulation 72:1125
- Beverages and beverage industry
- fruit juices and low-calorie drinks with artificial sweeteners 71:1950
- sugar-sweetened drinks, consumption reduction initiatives in other jurisdictions 71:1950
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- capacity and funding 79:0915-0920
- programs and services, collaboration with school districts and community organizations 79:0915-0920
- B.C. by region
- northern B.C.
- northwest B.C.
- rural B.C.
- B.C. by region, northeast B.C.
- B.C. Integrated Youth Services Initiative
- B.C. Salmon Farmers Association
- work with airport authorities 74:1225
- B.C. Schizophrenia Society
- Business
- Buy B.C. program
- Buy Local program
- Canadian Bar Association, B.C. branch
- Canadian Taxpayers Federation
- recommendations on government budget 80:1200
- Capilano University
- Castlegar Hospice Society
- services and hospice facility project 70:1050
- Child Care Advocacy Forum
- recommendations on government budget and child care policies 75:0925
- Children and youth
- child care
- accessibility and affordability, ten-dollar-a-day plan proposal 75:0925
- commercial child care providers, funding 75:0925
- Coast Capital Savings Credit Union
- potential expansion to federal status 81:1205
- College of the Rockies
- adult basic education programs and fees 79:1055
- Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
- Community Living B.C.
- Crime and criminals
- victim services, community-based victim services and funding 80:1615-1620
- Cycling
- electric bicycles, taxation and rebate 81:1110
- government support, priorities 81:1110
- Dawson Creek Literacy Society
- Decoda Literacy Solutions Society
- recommendations on government budget 75:1035
- Disabled persons
- community living services, access and wait-lists 78:1730-1735, 81:1510
- programs and services, day programs 78:1735
- programs and services, respite services 78:1730
- services and planning for adult children of aging parents 78:1730
- Economy
- Education
- Education funding
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design
- enrolment and completion rate 74:1610
- Energy
- Enterprise Holdings, Enterprise Rent-A-Car division
- liability and insurance costs 72:1125
- Europe
- post-secondary education funding 69:1510
- Families Against Cuts to Education
- Ferries and ferry services
- funding 69:1300
- routes and services
- service reductions and changes
- service reductions and changes, impact on coastal communities 69:1300
- Film industry
- conditions, impact of exchange rate 78:1700
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- public hearings, presentations from credit unions 73:1700
- Financial services industry, credit unions
- FIOSA-MIOSA Safety Alliance of B.C.
- First Call B.C. Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
- recommendations on government budget and policies 74:1640
- First Nations
- healthy lifestyle and physical fitness 77:0925
- First West Credit Union, Valley First division
- taxation and role in community 71:1820
- Food and food industry
- Forests and forest industry
- private lands, management and regulation 73:1835
- Fraser Health region hospice advisory committee
- relationship with other hospice societies 81:1435
- Fuel
- Gambling
- Golf and golf courses
- participation levels and investment in courses 72:1005
- Granville Youth Health Centre
- Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness
- recommendations on government budget and policies 77:1145
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- projections and reduction targets 80:1415
- Gulf Islands
- golf tourism and ferry services 72:1005
- Haida Gwaii
- First Nations participation in sports 77:0925
- Health authorities
- funding of hospice services 70:1050
- Health care funding
- funding for mental health services in B.C. and other jurisdictions 74:1455
- Health Ministry, health information breach investigation
- Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway)
- south Island section, dedicated bus and HOV lanes 81:1050
- Highway 97
- conditions and improvements 79:0955
- Homelessness
- Horticulture industry
- role in invasive species control 77:1125
- Hospice and palliative care
- Housing
- Immigration
- Income assistance
- accessibility and service delivery 80:1525
- accessibility and telephone service 70:0910
- caseworkers, role and responsibilities 70:0910
- Interior Health Authority
- funding of hospice services 70:1050
- Justice system
- Kelowna
- Kootenay-Boundary area
- Kuterra LP
- land-based salmon aquaculture operations 73:1615
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Kwantlen Student Association
- Lawyers and legal services
- supply and training, student loan forgiveness program 80:1535
- Literacy
- Lower Mainland
- housing, rental housing and student housing 81:1555
- Medical Services Plan
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth 74:1455
- mental health of children and youth, outreach to rural and aboriginal communities 78:1630
- programs and services
- programs and services, funding 74:1455
- North Island College
- Northern Development Initiative Trust
- Northern Lights College
- Northwest Community College
- Nurses
- Occupational health and safety
- workplace safety issues and training 78:1640
- Omineca Beetle Action Coalition
- Parent Advocacy Network for Public Education
- Patt, Amanda, presentation to committee 70:1110
- Physicians
- payment models and alternative payment model 75:1200
- payment models and cap on services 75:1200
- Physiotherapists
- Plants
- Post-secondary education
- accessibility and affordability 77:1040-1045, 78:1820
- graduate studies and graduate student scholarships 74:1530
- role in economy and society 69:1510
- role of arts education 72:0905
- student financial assistance 80:1425
- student financial assistance, adult upgrading grant 77:1045
- student financial assistance, graduate student scholarships 69:1430, 80:1110
- textbooks, "open" textbooks 80:1130
- tuition fees 69:1510
- tuition fees, professional programs 69:1430
- Post-secondary education funding
- Post-secondary institutions
- Prospera Credit Union
- Resources and resource industries
- resource-dependent communities, government support and services 81:1405
- Sales
- Sales tax
- exemptions and rebates, children's clothing and footwear 74:1045
- School district 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
- School district 35 (Langley)
- School district 36 (Surrey)
- capital funding and portable use 80:1350
- School district 38 (Richmond)
- costs for families and fundraising activities 75:1125
- recommendations on government budget and education policies 75:1125
- School district 43 (Coquitlam)
- enrolment and capital needs 81:1540
- School district 60 (Peace River North)
- School districts
- Schools
- Seniors
- housing, homeowner expense deferral account proposal 81:1450
- Seniors Advocate
- recommendations on government budget 81:1450
- Skills training
- health and safety training, government investment 78:1640
- trades training 77:1015
- SpeakBOX
- proposal for youth mental health website and peer support program 78:1630
- Sports and recreation
- First Nations participation 77:0925
- Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association
- recommendations on post-secondary funding 72:0905
- Tobacco
- Tourism
- Discovery Coast circle route, impact of ferry service reductions 77:0950-0955
- role of golf industry 72:1005
- Transit services
- Transportation
- administrative and professional staff, role and concerns 71:1905
- funding and operations 71:1905
- University of Northern B.C.
- medical programs, physical therapy program spaces 76:1800
- Value-added taxes
- B.C. value-added tax proposal 73:1740
- Vancouver Art Gallery
- Vancouver Island
- aquaculture industry 74:1225
- health care services, youth mental health services 81:1415-1420
- South Island
- transportation infrastructure planning 69:1255
- Victoria
- Violence
- violence against women, prevention, interagency case assessment teams 80:1615-1620
- violence-free B.C. strategy 80:1620
- Williams Lake
- mental health services and coordinator position 77:0815
- World Wildlife Federation
Triple-bottom-line accounting See Accountants
Trotter, Lane
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Colleges 80:1225-1235
- B.C. Colleges, recommendations on post-secondary education 80:1225-1230
- Budgets, 2016-17 budget, consultation questionnaire 80:1225-1230
- Economy, competitiveness 80:1230
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary institutions
- Skills training
- role of post-secondary education 80:1225-1230
- training in high-demand occupations, pilot proposal 80:1230
TRU See Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, B.C.
Truscott, Richard
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Federation of Independent Business 74:1620-1630
- Budgets
- Business, small business
- business climate, issues and government support 74:1620-1625
- costs re local government and property tax 74:1625
- Business, taxation, panel recommendations 74:1620-1625
- Canada Pension Plan 74:1620
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business
- Government regulations, reduction 74:1620
- Pensions, mandatory provincial pension plans 74:1620
- Property tax, impact on business 74:1625
- Sales tax
- Skills training, supply of skilled workers 74:1625-1630
- Taxation, 4taxpayer fairness and service code 74:1620
Trustees See Trustees under School districts
Trusts See Economic development initiative trusts under Economy; particular trusts
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Recommendations on use of sports in reconciliation and social development (Elliott, G.) 73:1845 (McKay, C.) 77:0915
Try, David
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Northwest Community College 77:1055-1110
- B.C. by region, northern B.C., post-secondary education and skills training 77:1055-1105
- Education
- Northwest Community College
- Post-secondary education
- Skills training, trades training 77:1055-1110
Tsilhqot'in Nation
Tuck, John
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Health Ministry
- health information breach investigation
- Ombudsperson
Tuition fees See Post-secondary education
Tupper, Jon
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Art Gallery of Greater Victoria 69:1350-1400
- Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
- Arts and culture
- art galleries and museums, admission fees and funding 69:1400
- government funding process and capital program 69:1355
- role in economy 69:1350
Turpel-Lafond, Mary Ellen See also Representative for Children and Youth
- Adoption
- Alberta
- child protection system and residential services for complex needs 63:1040
- B.C. Children's Hospital
- child death and access to foster care case 89:0950
- B.C. Coroners Service
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- Children and youth
- child abuse, neglect 63:1040
- child abuse, reporting 63:1000
- child deaths and critical injuries, review 89:0935-0940, 89:0950
- child deaths and critical injuries, review and access to information 89:1000
- child protection system
- children in government care
- critical incidents and reporting 89:0910
- Children's Forum
- consideration of investigations of child deaths and injuries 89:0935
- Disabled and handicapped persons
- community living services
- persons 19 and older, transition from children's services 63:0955, 63:1055
- First Nations
- children
- adoption of children and family-finding 63:1055
- children and youth
- Foster care
- proposed expansion of program beyond age 19 63:1055
- Gauchier, Paige
- death and experience with child protection services 89:0910-0915
- Group homes
- Lang family
- attendance at Finance Committee meeting 89:0900
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- Post-secondary education
- tuition waivers for youth transitioning out of government care 63:1000-1005
- Representative for Children and Youth
- advocacy and outreach 89:0905-0910, 89:0925, 89:0940-0945
- auditing and monitoring activities 89:0905
- budget and operations
- budget and operations, update 63:0950-1100
- expansion of mandate, advocacy for adoptions proposal 63:1005-1010, 63:1020-1035, 63:1055-1100
- expansion of mandate, advocacy for persons 19 and older transitioning from children's services 63:0955
- investigation of child injuries and deaths 63:0950, 89:0905-0915, 89:0925-1000
- offices 63:0950, 63:1100
- performance measurement and reporting 89:0910
- relationship with Children and Family Development Ministry 89:0935-0940
- relationship with Children and Family Development Ministry, reporting of child injuries and deaths 89:0930
- relationship with Children and Youth Committee 63:0955
- reports
- reports and reviews
- reports on domestic violence issues 89:0955
- role and responsibilities 63:0950, 63:1035-1050, 89:0905-0910
- staffing 63:0945-0950, 63:1100, 89:0930-0935
- Robinson, Angie and Robert
- deaths and access to autism services, inquest recommendations 89:0925
- Vancouver
- Victoria
- youth custody centre, closing 63:1045
- Violence
- domestic violence
- prevention and government strategy 89:0955
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